pur | f. ( pṝ-) only instrumental case plural pūrbh/is-, in abundance, abundantly  |
pur | cl.6 P. purati-, to precede, go before, lead (prob. invented to furnish an etymology for puras-and purā-below) .  |
pur | f. (in Nominal verb sg. and before consonants pūr-) a rampart, wall, stronghold, fortress, castle, city, town (also of demons) etc.  |
pur | f. the body (considered as the stronghold of the puruṣa- q.v)  |
pur | f. the intellect (equals mahat-)  |
pur | f. Name of a daśa-rātra- [Perhaps fr. pṝ-and originally identical with 1. pur-; confer, compare Greek , ]  |
pura | (for 2.See p.635) , in compound for puras-.  |
purā | ind. (see pra-, puras-, pūrva-) before, formerly, of old (with na-,"never") etc.  |
purā | ind. in a previous existence  |
purā | ind. (with present tense = perfect tense) from of old, hitherto, up to the present time (also with sma- see ;with na-,"never yet") etc.  |
purā | ind. at first, in the beginning (opp. to paścā-, paścāt- )  |
purā | ind. soon, shortly (with present tense = future)  |
purā | ind. (as preposition,mostly in earlier language, with ablative,rarely with dative case or genitive case) before  |
purā | ind. securely from  |
purā | ind. except, beside  |
purā | ind. (with present tense = future [ see ] , once with Potential) ere, before (sometimes with na-or na-and yāvat-[followed by tāvat-],with mā-or yadi- )  |
pura | n. (for 1.See) (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a fortress, castle, city, town (a place containing large buildings surrounded by a ditch and extending not less than one Kos in length; if it extends for half that distance it is called a kheṭa-,if less than that, a karvaṭa-or small market town; any smaller cluster of houses is called a grāma-or village ) etc. |
pura | n. the female apartments, gynaeceum (see antaḥ-p-, nārī-p-etc.)  |
pura | n. a house, abode, residence, receptacle  |
pura | n. an upper story  |
pura | n. a brothel  |
pura | n. "the city" Greek id est pāṭali-putra- or Patna  |
pura | n. equals tri-pura-, the 3 strong holds of the asura-s  |
pura | n. the body (see 3. pur-)  |
pura | n. the skin  |
pura | n. a species of Cyperus  |
pura | n. Name of a constellation  |
pura | n. a leaf rolled into the shape of a funnel (prob. wrong reading for puṭa-)  |
pura | n. Name of the subdivisions of the vedānta- work tripurī- or tripuṭī- (perhaps also wrong reading for puṭa-)  |
pura | mf(ā-)n. a kind of resin, bdellium,  |
pura | m. Name of an asura- equals tri-pura- (see pura-jit-), of another man, gaRa kurv-ādi-  |
purā | f. a stronghold, fortress (see agni-purā-and aśma-p-)  |
purā | f. a kind of perfume  |
purā | See .  |
purabhid | ( ) m. "destroyer of fortresses or of pura-", Name of śiva-.  |
puradāha | m. burning of the 3 fortresses (= tripura-d-)  |
puradevatā | f. the tutelary deity of a town  |
purādhas | m. Name of an āṅgirasa- (varia lectio pra-rādhas-).  |
purādhipa | ( ) m. the governor of a city or fortress, prefect of police.  |
purādhyakṣa | ( ) m. the governor of a city or fortress, prefect of police.  |
puradvāra | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).), a city gate  |
puradviṣ | m. "foe of pura-", Name of śiva-  |
puraetṛ | m. one who goes before, a guide, leader  |
puraga | mfn. (for puro-ga-) inclined or disposed towards (compound)  |
purāga | gaRa kṛśāśvādi- (see pura-ga-).  |
puragāvaṇa | n. Name of a forest  |
puraḥ | in compound for puras-.  |
purahan | m. "slayer of pura-", Name of viṣṇu-  |
purāhita | (rāh-) mfn. set before first  |
purahita | n. the welfare of a city  |
puraḥpāka | mf(ā-)n. whose fulfilment approaches near (as a hope or prayer)  |
puraḥphala | mfn. having fruit well advanced, promising fruit  |
puraḥprahartṛ | m. one who fights in the front (of the battle)  |
puraḥprasravaṇa | (pur/ah--) mfn. pouring or streaming forth  |
puraḥsad | mfn. sitting in front, presiding  |
puraḥsad | mfn. sitting to. wards the east  |
puraḥsara | mf(ī-)n. going before or in advance  |
puraḥsara | m. a forerunner, precursor, harbinger, attendant etc. etc.  |
puraḥsara | m. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (f(ā-).) attended or preceded by, connected with etc.  |
puraḥsaram | ind. along with, among, after, by means of (compound)  |
puraḥsphurat | mfn. opening or becoming manifest before any one  |
puraḥstha | mfn. standing before one's eyes, clearly visible,  |
puraḥsthātṛ | mfn. standing at the head, a leader  |
puraḥsthāyin | mfn. equals -stha-  |
puraḥsthita | mfn. impending, imminent (varia lectio)  |
puraḥśukram | ind. while śukra- (the planet Venus) is before one's eyes  |
purājā | mfn. former, existing from old, primeval  |
purajana | m. sg. town-folk, citizens,  |
purajānu | varia lectio for puru-j-  |
purajit | m. "conqueror of fortresses or of pura-", Name of śiva-  |
purajit | m. of a prince (son of aja- and father of ariṣṭanemi-)  |
purajyotis | n. Name of the region or the world of agni- (wrong reading for puro-j-?) .  |
purākalpa | m. a former creation, former age (locative case sg. or plural in the olden time) etc.  |
purākalpa | m. equals prec.  |
purākalpa | m. the performance of sacrificial acts in former times (pref.)  |
purākalpavid | mfn. knowing former times, familiar with the past  |
purākathā | f. a story of the past, an old legend  |
purakoṭṭa | n. "city-stronghold", a citadel  |
purakoṭṭapāla | m. the governor of a citadel  |
purākṛta | mfn. done formerly or long ago  |
purākṛta | mfn. begun, commenced  |
purākṛta | n. an action performed long ago  |
purākṛtaphala | n. the result of it  |
purākṛti | f. a former mode of action  |
puralā | (?) f. Name of durgā-  |
puraloka | m. sg. equals -jana-  |
puraṃ | accusative of 3. p/ur- or 2. pura-, in compound  |
puramālinī | f. "crowned with castles", Name of a river  |
puramārga | m. the street of a town  |
puramathana | ( ) m. "destroyer of fortresses or of pura-", Name of śiva-.  |
purāmathanavallabha | n. a kind of Agallochum used as a perfume  |
puramathitṛ | ( ) m. "destroyer of fortresses or of pura-", Name of śiva-.  |
puraṃda | m. equals -dara- Name of indra-  |
puraṃdara | m. "destroyer of strongholds", Name of indra- etc. etc. (also of the indra- of the 7th manv-antara- ) |
puraṃdara | m. of agni-  |
puraṃdara | m. of śiva-  |
puraṃdara | m. a thief, house-breaker  |
puraṃdara | m. of a man  |
puraṃdarā | f. Name of gaṅgā- or another river  |
puraṃdara | n. Piper Chaba  |
puraṃdaracāpa | m. indra-'s bow, the rainbow  |
puraṃdaraharit | f. indra-'s quarter of the sky, the east  |
puraṃdarapura | n. indra-'s city ( puraṃdarapurātithi rātithi- m."guest of indra-'s city" id est dead)  |
puraṃdarapura | n. Name of another city  |
puraṃdarapurātithi | m. puraṃdarapura |
puraṃdarapurī | f. Name of a town in mālava-  |
puraṃdhi | mfn. (etymology much contested;prob. fr. accusative of 1. or 3. pur-and dhā-,"bearing fulness"or"bearing a body") prolific, not barren (literally and figuratively), bountiful, munificent, liberal  |
puraṃdhi | f. a woman, wife  |
puraṃdhi | f. liberality, munificence, kindness (shown by gods to man exempli gratia, 'for example' ;or by man to gods in offering oblations exempli gratia, 'for example' ;also personified as goddess of abundance and liberality vii, 36, 8 etc.'> )  |
puraṃdhivat | (p/ur-). mfn. abundant, copious  |
puraṃdhri | f. (perhaps at first identical with prec. and later connected with dhṛ-) a wife, woman (especially a married woman having or able to bear children)  |
puraṃdhrī | f. (perhaps at first identical with prec. and later connected with dhṛ-) a wife, woman (especially a married woman having or able to bear children)  |
puraṃjana | m. the living principle, life, soul (personified as a king)  |
puraṃjana | m. Name of varuṇa-  |
puraṃjanacarita | n. Name of drama.  |
puraṃjananāṭaka | n. Name of drama.  |
puraṃjanī | f. understanding, intelligence (personified as the wife of a king)  |
puraṃjaya | m. "city-conqueror", Name of a hero on the side of the kuru-s  |
puraṃjaya | m. of a son of śṛñjaya- and father of janam-ejaya-  |
puraṃjaya | m. of a son of bhajamāna- and śṛñjarī- (or śṛñjayā-)  |
puraṃjaya | m. (equals kakut-stha-) Name of a son of śaśāda-  |
puraṃjaya | m. of a son of vindhya-śakti-  |
puraṃjaya | m. of medhāvin-  |
puraṃjaya | m. of an elephant (son of airāvaṇa-)  |
purāṇa | mf(ī-or ā-)n. belonging to ancient or olden times, ancient, old (also = withered, worn out, opp. to nūtana-, nava-) etc.  |
purāṇa | m. a karṣa- or measure of silver (= 16 paṇa-s of cowries) (also n. )  |
purāṇa | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
purāṇa | m. plural the ancients  |
purāṇa | n. a thing or event of the past, an ancient tale or legend, old traditional history. etc.  |
purāṇa | n. Name of a class of sacred works (supposed to have been compiled by the poet vyāsa- and to treat of 5 topics[ see pañca-lakṣaṇa-];the chief purāṇa-s are 18, grouped in 3 divisions: viz. 1. rājasa- exalting brahmā-[ exempli gratia, 'for example' the brahma-, brahmāṇḍa-, brahmavaivarta-, mārkaṇḍeya-, bhaviṣya-, vāmana-];2. sāttvika- exalting viṣṇu-[ exempli gratia, 'for example' the viṣṇu-, bhāgavata-, nāradīya-, garuḍa-, padma-, varāha-];3. tāmasa- exalting śiva-[ exempli gratia, 'for example' the śiva-, liṅga-, skanda-, agni- or in place of it the vāyu-, matsya-, kūrma-];by some the padma- are divided into 4, and by others into 6 groups; see )  |
purāṇa | n. Name of work (containing an index of the contents of a number of padma- and some other works.)  |
puraṇa | m. ( pṝ-) the sea, ocean  |
purāṇa | purātana- See p.635.  |
purāṇadānamāhātmya | n. Name of chapter of  |
purāṇadṛṣṭa | mfn. seen or approved by ancient sages  |
purāṇadṛṣṭāntaśataka | n. Name of a poem.  |
purāṇadvitīyā | f. the former wife  |
purāṇaga | m. "singing of the past", Name of brahmā-  |
purāṇaga | m. a reciter of the purāṇa-s  |
purāṇagir | m. "praising the past", Name of brahmā-  |
purāṇagīta | m. "sung by the ancients" idem or 'm. "praising the past", Name of brahmā- '  |
purāṇaka | in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (f(ikā-).) equals purāṇa-, a particular coin (see tri-p-).  |
purāṇakalpa | m. equals purā-k-  |
purāṇamāhātmya | n. Name of chapter of  |
purāṇamahimopavarṇana | n. Name of chapter of  |
purāṇānta | m. Name of yama-  |
purāṇapadārthasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
purāṇapañcalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
purāṇapañjī | f. Name of work  |
purāṇaprokta | mfn. proclaimed by ancient sages  |
purāṇapuruṣa | m. "primeval male", Name of viṣṇu-,  |
purāṇaratna | n. Name of work  |
puranārī | f. "town-woman", a courtezan  |
purāṇārkaprabhā | f. Name of work  |
purāṇārṇava | m. Name of work  |
purāṇārthaprakāśaka | m. Name of work  |
purāṇasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
purāṇasaṃhitā | f. a collection of the padma-  |
purāṇasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
purāṇasāra | m. Name of work  |
purāṇasārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
purāṇasarvasva | n. Name of work  |
purāṇasiṃha | m. Name of viṣṇu- as man-lion  |
purāṇaśravaṇa | n. hearing or studying the padma-  |
purāṇaśravaṇamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
purāṇaśravaṇamahiman | m. Name of work  |
purāṇaśravaṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
purāṇavat | ind. as of old  |
purāṇāvatāra | m. Name of chapter of  |
purāṇaveda | m. knowledge of the things or events of the past  |
purāṇavid | mfn. knowing the things or events of the past  |
purāṇavid | mfn. knowing the padma-  |
purāṇavidyā | f.  |
puraṇḍa | m. plural Name of a dynasty (see puruṇḍa-).  |
puraniveśa | m. the founding of a city  |
purāṇīya | mfn. See tri-p- and pañca-p-  |
purañjara | m. the armpit  |
purānokta | mfn. enjoined by or written in the padma-  |
purāṇya | Nom. P. ṇyati-, to talk of the past, relate past events gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-.  |
purapakṣin | m. "town-bird", a burning living in a city, tame burning (opp. to vanyap-)  |
purapāla | m. the governor of a city  |
purapālaka | m. the governor of a city  |
purarakṣa | ( ) m. a watchman of a town, constable.  |
purarakṣin | ( ) m. a watchman of a town, constable.  |
purarāṣṭra | n. plural cities and kingdoms  |
purārāti | m. equals pura-dviṣ-  |
purārdhavistara | mfn. being of the extent of half a town  |
purārdhavistara | m. part of a town, a suburb, ward, division  |
purāri | m. id  |
purāri | m. Name of viṣṇu- ( purāritva -tva- n.)  |
purāritva | n. purāri |
purarodha | m. the siege of a fortress or city  |
puraś | in compound for puras-.  |
puras | ind. in front, in advance, forward  |
puras | ind. (as preposition) before (of place and time), in the presence or before the eyes of (genitive case ablative accusative or compound) etc.  |
puras | ind. in comparison with (genitive case)  |
puras | ind. in or from or towards the east, eastward etc. (dakṣimataḥpuraḥ-,towards the south-east )  |
puras | ind. previously, first, first of all [ confer, compare pra purā-, pūrva-; Greek, "before."]  |
puras | purastāt- See p.634.  |
purāsaṇī | f. a species of creeper  |
puraśāsana | ( ) m. "foe or chastiser of pura-", Name of śiva-.  |
puraścakram | ind. before the wheel  |
puraścaraṇa | mfn. making preparations, preparatory to (compound; puraścaraṇatā -tā- f.)  |
puraścaraṇa | n. a preparatory or introductory rite, preparation  |
puraścaraṇacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
puraścaraṇadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
puraścaraṇakarman | n. idem or 'n. a preparatory or introductory rite, preparation '  |
puraścaraṇakaumudī | f. Name of work  |
puraścaraṇakaustubha | m. Name of work  |
puraścaraṇapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
puraścaraṇapaddhatimālā | f. Name of work  |
puraścaraṇaprapañca | m. Name of work  |
puraścaraṇarasollāsa | m. Name of work  |
puraścaraṇatā | f. puraścaraṇa |
puraścaraṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
puraścaraṇaviveka | m. Name of work  |
puraścaryā | f. equals -caraṇa- n.  |
puraścaryārasāmbudhi | m. Name of work  |
puraśchada | m. a nipple  |
puraśchada | m. Imperata Cylindrica  |
purāsinī | f. a species of creeper  |
puraskāra | m. placing in front, honouring, preference, distinction  |
puraskāra | m. accompanying, attending (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"preceded or accompanied by, joined or connected with, including")  |
puraskāra | m. arranging, putting in array, making complete  |
puraskāra | m. attacking, assailing etc.  |
puraskaraṇa | n. the act of placing in front etc.  |
puraskaraṇa | n. making perfect (?)  |
puraskaraṇīya | ( ) mfn. to be placed in front or honoured or prepared or fitted out or made complete.  |
puraskartavya | ( ) mfn. to be placed in front or honoured or prepared or fitted out or made complete.  |
puraskārya | mfn. equals -kartavya-  |
puraskārya | mfn. to be appointed to, be be charged or commissioned with (locative case or infinitive mood)  |
puraskṛ | (P. A1. -karoti-, -kurute-), to place before or in front, cause to precede etc. ; to make one's leader, place in office, appoint ; to respect, honour etc. ; to place above all, prefer, choose, attend to ; to show, display  |
puraskriyā | f. a preceding action, preparatory rite  |
puraskriyā | f. showing honour, demonstration of respect  |
puraskriyācaryā | f. Name of work  |
puraskṛta | mfn. placed in front etc.  |
puraskṛta | mfn. honoured, esteemed, attended, accompanied by, possessed of, occupied with (compound) etc. |
puraskṛta | mfn. attacked, assailed, accused etc.  |
puraskṛtam | ind. among, amidst, with (compound)  |
puraskṛtamadhyamakrama | mfn. taking or adopting a middle course  |
puraskṛtya | ind. having placed in front or honoured etc.  |
puraskṛtya | ind. often = regarding, concerning, on account of, about  |
purastād | in compound for tāt-.  |
purastādagniṣṭoma | mfn. beginning with an agni-ṣṭoma- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
purastādanūka | n. the longitudinal streaks on the back part of an altar (see prāg-an-).  |
purastādapakarṣa | m. anticipation on  |
purastādapavāda | m. an anticipatory exception  |
purastādbhāga | (r/ast-) mfn. one who receives his share before another  |
purastādbṛhatī | f. a species of the bṛhatī- metre  |
purastāddaṇḍa | mfn. having the handle towards the east  |
purastāddhoma | m. (for homa-) an introductory sacrifice  |
purastāddhomabhāj | mfn. ( ) having an introductory sacrifice.  |
purastāddhomavat | mfn. ( ) having an introductory sacrifice.  |
purastādgranthi | (r/ast-) mfn. having the knot turned towards the east  |
purastāducca | mfn. high in the east  |
purastādudarka | mfn. beginning with the refrain  |
purastādududhāra | (r/ast-) m. a part given in advance  |
purastādupacāra | mfn. accessible from the east  |
purastādupayāma | (r/ast-) mfn. preceded by the upayāma- verses (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
purastādvadana | n. preface, introduction  |
purastāj | in compound for tāt-.  |
purastājjapa | m. a prayer murmured before  |
purastājjyotis | (RPrst.) n. Name of a metre.  |
purastājjyotiṣmatī | ( ) f.  |
purastāl | in compound for tāt-.  |
purastāllakṣaṇa | (r/ast-) mf(ā-)n. having one's characteristic in front or at the beginning  |
purastāllakṣman | (r/ast-) mfn. marked in front or at the beginning  |
purastān | in compound for tāt-.  |
purastānmukha | mfn. standing before a person's face  |
purastāt | ind. before, forward, in or from the front, in the first place, in the beginning etc.  |
purastāt | ind. in or from the east, eastward  |
purastāt | ind. in the preceding part (of a book), above  |
purastāt | ind. (but also) further on id est below  |
purastāt | ind. (as preposition) before (of place or time), in front or in presence or before the eyes of (genitive case ablative accusative or compound) etc. etc.  |
purastāt | ind. in comparison with (genitive case)  |
purastātkratu | m. a sacrifice which begins immediately  |
purastātpravaṇa | (r/ast-) mfn. bent forward  |
purastātpṛṣṭhya | n. Name of a particular sattra-  |
purastātpuroḍāśa | (r/ast-) mfn. preceded or accompanied by a puroḍāśa- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
purastātstobha | m. a preceding stobha- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order)  |
purastātstobha | mfn. preceded by a stobha-  |
purastātsvāhākāra | m. ( ) preceded by the exclamation svāhā-.  |
purastātsvāhākṛti | f. (r/ast- ) preceded by the exclamation svāhā-.  |
purastāttiryakpramāṇa | n. the width in front  |
purastāttna | mfn. preceding, going before,  |
purāsuhṛd | m. equals pura-dviṣ-  |
puraṭa | n. gold  |
purataḥkṛ | to place in front, cause to precede, honour  |
purātala | n. the region below the seven worlds (see talātala-).  |
purātana | mf(ī-)n. belonging to the past, former, old, ancient ( purātane ne- ind.formerly, in olden times) etc.  |
purātana | mf(ī-)n. used-up, worn out  |
purātana | m. plural the ancients  |
purātana | n. an ancient story, old legend  |
purātana | n. a purāṇa-  |
purātanayogasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
purātane | ind. purātana |
purāṭaṅka | m. Name of a man (see pauraṇṭaka-).  |
puratas | ind. before (in place or time), in front or in presence of (genitive case or compound) etc.  |
puratas | See .  |
purataṭī | f. a small market-town  |
puratoraṇa | n. "city-arch", the outer gate of a city  |
purāṭṭa | m. a watch-tower on a city wall  |
puraukas | m. an inhabitant of a town or of tripura-  |
purauṣṇih | f. Name of a metre  |
puravadhū | f. equals -nār-ī-  |
puravairin | ( ) m. "foe or chastiser of pura-", Name of śiva-.  |
puravara | n. "chief town", a king's residence  |
puravāsin | mfn. dwelling in a town, a citizen  |
puravāstu | n. ground suitable for the foundation of a city  |
purāvasu | m. Name of bhīṣma-  |
purāvatī | f. "rich in castles", Name of a river (see pura-mālinī-).  |
puravī | f. (in music) Name of a rāgiṇī- (see puruvī-).  |
purāvid | m. knowing the events of former times  |
purāvṛtta | mf(ā-)n. that which has occurred or one who has lived in former times, long past, ancient  |
purāvṛtta | n. former mode of action, any event or account or history of the past  |
purāvṛttakathā | f. an old story or legend (also purāvṛtttākhyāna ttākhyāna- n. ; purāvṛtttākhyānakathana ttākhyāna-kathana- n.telling old stories ) |
purāvṛttasah | mfn.(Nominal verb -ṣāṭ-; see ) superior from ancient times ( "conqueror of cities") .  |
purāvṛttasāh | mfn. (Nominal verb -ṣāṭ-; see ) superior from ancient times ( "conqueror of cities") .  |
purāvṛtttākhyāna | n. purāvṛttakathā |
purāvṛtttākhyānakathana | n. purāvṛttakathā |
puraya | m. Name of a man  |
puraya | m. (n.?) a castle, town  |
purāyoni | mfn. of ancient origin or lineage (said of kings)  |
purī | f. a fortress, castle, town etc.  |
purī | f. Name of a town (the capital of kaliṅga-, noted for the worship of jagan-nātha- or kṛṣṇa- )  |
purī | f. the sanctuary or adytum of a temple  |
purī | n. the body  |
purī | n. Name of one of the 10 orders of mendicants (said to be founded by disciples of śaṃkara-, the members of which add the word purī-to their names)  |
puri | locative case of 3. pur-, in compound  |
puri | f. a town or a river  |
purī | f. See under 2. pura-.  |
puri | 1. and 2, puri-; purī-. See above. |
purīdāsa | m. Name of the author of caitanya-candrodaya- (also called kavikarṇa-pūra-)  |
purikā | f. Name of a town  |
purīkaṣeṇa | m. Name of a king  |
purikāya | m. Name of a prince  |
purikāyā | f. Name of a town  |
purīkāya | m. Name of a king (see puri-k-).  |
purīkaya | m. a species of aquatic animal  |
purīloka | m. plural town's-folk, citizens  |
purīmat | m. Name of a king  |
purīmoha | m. the thorn-apple, Datura  |
purīndrasena | (purānd-) m. Name of a prince  |
purīṣa | n. ( pṝ-) earth, land  |
purīṣa | n. (especially) crumbling or loose earth, rubbish (perhaps"that which fills up", as opp. to that which flows off,"the solid" opp. to the fluid) , rubble, anything used to fill up interstices in a wall  |
purīṣa | n. feces, excrement, ordure etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ī-). )  |
purīṣa | n. a disk, orb (exempli gratia, 'for example' sūryasya- id est"fulness of the sun"?)  |
purīṣa | n. (with ātharvaṇa-) Name of a sāman-  |
purīṣabheda | m. diarrhoea  |
purīṣabhedin | mfn. "loosening the feces", relaxing the bowels  |
purīṣabhīru | m. Name of a prince  |
purīṣādhāna | n. "receptacle of excrement", the rectum  |
purīṣama | m. Phaseolus Radiatus  |
purīṣamūtrapratighāta | m. obstruction of the solid and liquid excretions  |
purīṣaṇa | n. the voiding of excrement  |
purīṣaṇa | m. excrement, feces  |
purīṣaṇa | m. the rectum or anus  |
purīṣanigrahaṇa | mfn. stopping or obstructing the bowels  |
purīṣapada | n. Name of particular passages inserted (to fill up) in the recitation of the mahānāmnī- verses  |
purīṣasaṃgrahaṇīya | mfn. making the feces more solid  |
purīṣavāhaṇa | mf(ī-)n. removing rubbish or refuse (see ) .  |
purīṣavāhana | mf(ī-)n. removing rubbish or refuse (see ) .  |
purīṣavat | mfn. (p/ur-) furnished with rubbish or loose earth (used for filling interstices)  |
purīṣavatī | f. (ī-) Name of a kind of brick  |
purīṣavirañjanīya | mfn. changing the colour of the feces  |
puriśaya | mfn. (invented to explain puruṣa-) reposing in the fortress or fastness (id est the body)  |
purīṣaya | Nom. P. yati-, to void excrement  |
purīṣī | f. Name of a particular religious observance (equals cayana- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
purīṣin | mfn. possessing land or inhabiting it or extending over it  |
purīṣin | mfn. "bearing or carrying rubbish", Name of the sarayū- or of another river,  |
purīṣita | mfn. voided, evacuated (as excrement)  |
purīṣita | mfn. voided upon gaRa tārakādi-.  |
purīṣotsarga | m. the voiding of excrement  |
purīśreṣṭhā | f. "best of towns", Name of kāśī- or Benares  |
purīṣya | mfn. being in the, earth (said of fire)  |
purīṣya | mfn. rich in land  |
purīṣya | mfn. excremental  |
purīṣyāvāhana | mf(ī-)n. (prob.) equals purīṣa-v-  |
puritat | wrong reading for purītat-  |
purītat | m. n. (fr. 3. pur-,or purī-+ tan-?) the pericardium or some other organ near the heart  |
purītat | m. the intestines (see parī-tat-and pulītat-).  |
puro | in compound for puras-.  |
puroagni | (pur/o--) m. the foremost agni-, fire in front  |
purobalāka | mfn. "having (only) cranes in front of one's self", overtaking all others (said of parjanya-)  |
purobhāga | m. the front or forepart (mama purobhāge-,before me)  |
purobhāga | m. officiousness, obtrusiveness (gam- muc-,to quit the field, retire discomfited)  |
purobhāga | m. malevolence, envy  |
purobhāga | mf(ā-)n. standing before a person's eyes  |
purobhāga | mf(ā-)n. obtrusive, meddlesome  |
purobhāgin | mfn. taking the first share, obtrusive, forward  |
purobhāgin | mfn. grudging, censorious, malevolent  |
purobhaktakā | f. breakfast  |
purobhāvin | mfn. impending, imminent  |
purobhū | mfn. being in front or at the head of, excelling, superior to (accusative)  |
purocana | m. Name of a man  |
puroḍāś | (or -l/āś- Nominal verb -ḷ/ās-) m. a mass of ground rice rounded into a kind of cake (usually divided into pieces, placed on receptacles; see kapāla-) and offered as an oblation in fire |
puroḍās | sa- etc. See p.635.  |
puroḍāśa | m. idem or '(or -l/āś- Nominal verb -ḷ/ās-) m. a mass of ground rice rounded into a kind of cake (usually divided into pieces, placed on receptacles; see kapāla-) and offered as an oblation in fire ' etc. ( )  |
puroḍāśa | m. any oblation  |
puroḍāśa | m. the leavings of an offering  |
puroḍāśa | m. soma- juice  |
puroḍāśa | m. a prayer recited while offering oblations in fire  |
puroḍāśa | f. accusative with nī-, to offer in fire, burn  |
puroḍāśabhuj | m. eater of the sacrificial cake, a god  |
puroḍāśabṛgala | n. a piece of the sacrificial cake  |
puroḍāśāḍā | f. the iḍā- portion of the sacrificial cake  |
puroḍāśahara | m. "receiver of the sacrificial cake", Name of viṣṇu-  |
puroḍāśasviṣṭakṛt | m. the sviṣṭakṛt- connected with the sacrificial cake  |
puroḍāśatā | f. state or condition of an oblation  |
puroḍāśavatsā | f. (ḍāś/a--) having a sacrificial cake for a calf.  |
puroḍāśika | mf(ī-)n.  |
puroḍāśin | mfn. connected with the sacrificial cake  |
puroḍāśīya | mfn. relating to or destined for the sacrificial cake  |
puroḍāśya | mfn. equals śīya-  |
purodbhava | mfn. (for 2.See under 2. pura-) of prior origin  |
purodha | (m. Calcutta edition) "placed at the head", chief priest of a king, domestic chaplain etc.  |
purodha | m. Name of a man  |
purodhā | P. A1. -dadhāti-, -dhatte-, (A1.) to place before or at the head, to appoint (especially to priestly functions), charge, commission etc. ; to propose (as a prize) ; (P.) to place foremost, value highly, esteem, honour, be intent upon or zealous for, take to heart  |
purodhā | f. charge, commission, (especially) the rank and office of a purohita-  |
purodhākāma | mfn. (-dh/ā--) desirous of the rank of a purohita-  |
purodhāna | n. priestly ministration  |
purodhānīya | m. equals puro-hita-  |
purodhas | m. "placed at the head", chief priest of a king, domestic chaplain etc.  |
purodhas | m. Name of a man  |
purodhātṛ | m. the giver of a commission, the appointer of a purohita-  |
purodhikā | f. preferred to other women, a favourite wife  |
purodyāna | n. "city garden", a pleasure-garden belonging to a town, park  |
puroga | mf(ā-)n. going before, leading, a leader, chief principal (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' preceded or accompanied by)  |
purogā | m. a leader  |
purogama | mfn. equals -ga-  |
purogamana | n. going before, preceding  |
purogāmin | mfn. going before, preceding  |
purogāmin | m. a leader or a dog  |
purogantṛ | m. a messenger who goes before  |
purogata | mfn. standing or being in front or before a person's eyes  |
purogata | mfn. preceded, gone before  |
purogati | m. a dog  |
purogava | m. one who precedes, a leader (f. v/i-)  |
purogranthi | mfn. equals purastādg-  |
puroguru | mfn. heavy before or in front,  |
purohan | mfn. (accusative plural of 3. pur-+ h-) destroying strongholds  |
purohavis | (pur/o--) mfn. having the sacrifice in front or towards the east  |
purohita | mfn. (puro--.) placed foremost or in front, charged, commissioned, appointed  |
purohita | m. one holding a charge or commission, an agent  |
purohita | m. (especially) a family priest, a domestic chaplain etc. ( )  |
purohitakarman | n. Name of 3rd pariśiṣṭa- of  |
purohitatva | n. the rank of a purohita-  |
purohiti | f. priestly ministration (equals puro-dhāna-,Sly.)  |
purohitikā | f. a favourite wife (see puro-dhikā-) or Name of a woman gaRa śivādi-.  |
purojanman | mfn. born before  |
purojanmatā | f. priority of birth  |
purojava | mfn. excelling in speed, swifter than(compound)  |
purojava | m. one who goes before, a servant, attendant (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' accompanied by, furnished with) ,  |
purojava | m. Name of a son of medhātithi- and the varṣa- ruled by him  |
purojava | m. of praṇa-  |
purojiti | (pur/o--) f. previous possession or acquisition  |
purojyotis | mfn. preceded by light or radiance  |
puroka | m. "town-dweller (?)", Name of a poet  |
purokṣam | ind. before the axle-tree  |
puromāruta | m. a wind blowing from before or in front, east wind (opp. to paścān.m-)  |
puromukha | mfn. having its face or aperture directed towards the east,  |
puroniḥsaraṇa | n. going out first  |
puronuvākyā | f. (sc. ṛc-) an introductory or invitatory verse  |
puronuvākyāvat | mfn. having an introductory verse  |
puropanīta | mfn. formerly obtained or possessed  |
puroratha | mfn. "one whose chariot is foremost", leaving all behind, pre-eminent, superior  |
puroruc | mfn. shining in front or in the east  |
puroruc | f. Name of particular nivid- formularies recited at the morning oblation in the ājya- ceremony before the principal hymn or any part of it  |
purorucruṅmat | mfn. furnished with parjanya-  |
purorujrugadhyāya | m. Name of work  |
purorukka | See a-puror-.  |
puroṭi | m. equals pattra-jhaṃkāra-, or pura-saṃskārā- ("the current of a river" )  |
purotsava | m. "town-festival", a fortress solemnized in a city  |
purovāda | m. a former mention  |
purovartin | mfn. being before a person's eyes,  |
purovartin | mfn. forward, obtrusive on  |
purovasu | mfn. preceded or accompanied by wealth  |
purovat | ind. as before  |
purovāta | m. equals -mārnta- (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) etc.  |
purovāta | m. the wind preceding a thunderstorm  |
purovātasani | mfn. bringing east wind  |
purovatsa | m. Name of a man  |
purovṛṣendra | mfn. preceded or accompanied by an excellent bull  |
purovṛtta | mf(ā-)n. being or going before, preceding  |
puroyāvan | mfn. going in front, leading  |
puroyodha | mfn. fighting before or in front  |
puroyudh | mfn. fighting before or in front  |
puru | mf(pūrv/ī-)n. ( pṝ-) much, many, abundant (only purū-, r/ūṇi-, rūṇām-and several cases of f. pūrvī-;in later language only in the beginning of a compound) etc. (r/u-.much, often, very [also with a Comparative degree or superl.];with simā-,everywhere;with tir/as-,far off, from afar; purār/u-,far and wide; pur/u v/iśva-,one and all, every )  |
puru | m. the pollen of a flower  |
puru | m. heaven, paradise  |
puru | m. (see pūru-) Name of a prince (the son of yayāti- and śarmiṣṭhā- and sixth monarch of the lunar race)  |
puru | m. of a son of vasu-deva- and saha-devā-  |
puru | m. of a son of madhu-  |
puru | m. of a son of manu- cākṣuṣa- and naḍvalā- [ confer, compare Old Persian paru; Greek ; Gothic filu; Anglo-Saxon ftolu; German viel.]  |
purū | in compound for ru-.  |
purubhojas | mfn. containing many means of enjoyments, greatly nourishing  |
purubhojas | m. a cloud  |
purubhū | mfn. being or appearing in many places (superl. -tama-)  |
purubhuj | mfn. enjoying much  |
purubhūta | wrong reading for -hūta-  |
purucetana | mfn. visible to many, very conspicuous  |
purūcī | f. (of an unused purv-añc-) abounding, abundant, full, comprehensive  |
puruda | n. gold (see puraṭa-).  |
purudama | mfn. possessed of or belonging to many houses  |
purudaṃsa | mfn. abounding in mighty or wonderful deeds  |
purudaṃśaka | m. "many-teethed", a goose (so called from its serrated beak)  |
purudaṃsu | mfn. idem or 'mfn. abounding in mighty or wonderful deeds '  |
purudaṃsu | m. Name of indra-  |
purudasma | mfn. equals -daṃsa-  |
purudasyu | mfn. (people) , consisting chiefly in robbers  |
purudatra | mfn. rich in gifts  |
purudaya | mfn. abounding in compassion  |
purudevacampū | f. Name of a poem.  |
purudha | ind. (before 2 consonants) variously, frequently  |
purudhā | ind. variously, frequently  |
purudhapratīka | mfn. appearing variously  |
purudhāpratīka | mfn. (-dh/a--) appearing variously  |
purudina | n. plural many days  |
purudrapsa | mfn. abounding in drops of water (said of the marut-s)  |
purudruh | mfn. injuring greatly  |
purūdvaha | m. Name of a son of the 11th manu-  |
purudvat | m. Name of a prince  |
purugūrta | mfn. welcome to many  |
puruha | mfn. much, many  |
puruhāni | f. a great loss  |
puruhanman | m. Name of a man (author of ) with the patronymic āṅgirasa- ( ) or vaikhānasa- ( )  |
puruhotra | m. Name of a son of anu-  |
puruhu | mfn. much, many  |
puruhuta | m. Name of a prince  |
puruhūta | mfn. much invoked or invoked by many etc.  |
puruhūta | m. Name of indra- etc., ( puruhūtakāṣṭhā -kāṣṭhā- f. indra-'s quarter id est the east ; puruhūtadviṣ -dviṣ- m. indra-'s foe, Name of indra-jit- )  |
puruhūtā | f. Name of a form of dākṣāyaṇī-  |
puruhūtadviṣ | m. puruhūta |
puruhūtakāṣṭhā | f. puruhūta |
puruhūti | f. manifold invocation  |
puruja | mfn. much (see puruha-)  |
puruja | m. Name of a prince (the son of suśānti-)  |
purujāta | mfn. variously manifested or appearing  |
purujāti | m. equals -ja- m.  |
purujit | m. "conquering many", Name of a hero on the side of the pāṇḍu-s and brother of kunti-bhoja-  |
purujit | m. of a prince the son of rucaka-  |
purujit | m. of a son of ānaka-  |
purukārakavat | mfn. having many agents or factors  |
purukṛpā | f. abundant mercy or compassion  |
purukṛt | mfn. equals -kṛtvan-  |
purukṛt | mfn. increasing (with genitive case)  |
purukṛtvan | mfn. achieving great deeds, efficacious  |
purukṣu | mfn. rich in food  |
purukṣu | mfn. liberally granting (with genitive case)  |
purukutsa | m. Name of a man  |
purukutsa | m. of a descendant of ikṣvāku-  |
purukutsa | m. of a son of māndhātṛ-  |
purukutsa | m. of another man  |
purukutsānī | f. Name of a woman (prob. wife of puru-kutsa-)  |
purukutsava | m. Name of an enemy of indra-  |
purulampaṭa | mfn. very lascivious  |
purumadga | (?) m. Name of a man (wrong reading -mahna-).  |
purumanas | mfn. (formed for the explanation of 2. puṃs-)  |
purumandra | mfn. delighting many  |
purumantu | mfn. full of wisdom, intelligent  |
purumāya | ( ) mfn. possessing various arts or virtues, wonderful.  |
purumāyin | ( ) mfn. possessing various arts or virtues, wonderful.  |
purumāyya | m. Name of a man  |
purumedba | mfn. ( ) endowed with wisdom  |
purumedba | mfn. Name of a man with the patronymic āṅgirasa- (author of ).  |
purumedhas | mfn. ( ) endowed with wisdom  |
purumedhas | mfn. Name of a man with the patronymic āṅgirasa- (author of ).  |
purumīḍha | ( etc.) m. Name of a man (with the patronymic āṅgirasa- or sauhotra-;the supposed author of )  |
purumīḷha | m. ( ) Name of a man (with the patronymic āṅgirasa- or sauhotra-;the supposed author of )  |
purumīḷha | m. of a son of su-hotra-  |
purumīḷha | m. of a grandson of su-hotra- and son of hastin- (bṛhat-)  |
purumīḷha | m. of a man with the patronymic vaidadaśvi-  |
purumitra | m. Name of a man  |
purumitra | m. of a warrior on the side of the kuru-s  |
puruṇāman | (pur/u--.) mfn. having many names (said of indra-)  |
puruniḥṣidh | mfn. repelling many (foes)  |
puruniḥṣidhvan | mfn. repelling many (foes)  |
puruniṣṭhā | mfn. excelling among many  |
puruṇītha | n. a song for many voices, choral song  |
puruñja | or puruṇḍa- m. plural Name of a dynasty  |
purunṛmṇa | mfn. displaying great valour  |
purupanthā | m. (Nominal verb thās-) Name of a man  |
purupaśu | mfn. rich in cattle  |
purupeśa | mfn. multiform  |
purupeśas | mfn. multiform  |
purupraiṣa | mfn. inciting many  |
purupraiṣa | mfn. inciting many  |
puruprajāta | mfn. variously propagated  |
purupraśasta | mfn. praised by many  |
puruprauḍha | mfn. possessing much self-confidence  |
purupriya | mf(/ā-)n. dear to many  |
puruputra | mf(/ā-)n. having many sons or children  |
pururājavaṃśakrama | m. Name of a poem.  |
pururatha | mfn. having many chariots  |
pururāvan | m. "much-howling", Name of a demon  |
purūravas | mfn. crying much or loudly  |
purūravas | m. Name of an ancient king of the lunar race (the lover of urvaśī-[ see and kālidāsa-'s drama vikramorvaśī-] , son of budha- and iḷā-, father of āyus- and ancestor of puru- duṣyanta-, bharata-, kuru-, dhṛta-rāṣṭra- and pāṇḍu-, supposed to have instituted the 3 sacrificial fires[ ];according to he is one of the beings belonging to the middle region of the universe, and is possibly to be connected with the Sun as urvaśī- is with the Dawn; according to others a viśva-deva- or a pārvaṇa-śrāddha-deva-)  |
purūravas | See column 1.  |
pururavasa | wrong reading for purū-r- below  |
purūravasa | m. equals prec. m.  |
pururuc | mfn. shining brightly  |
purūruc | mfn. much shining (see puru-ruc-).  |
pururuj | mfn. subject to many diseases  |
purūruṇā | ind. far and wide |
pururūpa | mf(ā-)n. multiform, variegated  |
pururūpa | mf(ā-)n. forming various shapes  |
puruṣa | m. (mc. also p/ūr-;prob. fr. pṝ-and connected with puru-, pūru- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).,rarelyf(ī-).; see ) a man, male, human being (plural people, mankind) etc.  |
puruṣa | m. a person, (pumān puruṣaḥ-,a male person ; daṇḍaḥp-,punishment personified ; especially grammatical Persian;with prathama-, madhyama-, uttama-= the 3rd, 2nd, 1st Persian ), an officer, functionary, attendant, servant etc. (see tat-p-)  |
puruṣa | m. a friend  |
puruṣa | m. a follower of the sāṃkhya- Philosophy (?)  |
puruṣa | m. a member or representative of a race or generation etc.  |
puruṣa | m. the height or measure of a man (= 5 aratni-s = 120 aṅgula-s)  |
puruṣa | m. the pupil of the eye  |
puruṣa | m. (also with nārāyaṇa-) the primaeval man as the soul and original source of the universe (described in the puruṣa-sūkta- q.v) etc.  |
puruṣa | m. the personal and animating principle in men and other beings, the soul or spirit etc.  |
puruṣa | m. the Supreme Being or Soul of the universe (sometimes with para-, parama-,or uttama-;also identified with brahmā-, viṣṇu-, śiva- and durgā-) etc.  |
puruṣa | m. (in sāṃkhya-) the Spirit as passive and a spectator of the prakṛti- or creative force  |
puruṣa | m. the,"spirit"or fragrant exhalation of plants  |
puruṣa | m. (with sapta-) Name of the divine or active principles from the minute portions of which the universe was formed  |
puruṣa | m. Name of a pāda- in the mahā-nāmnī- verses  |
puruṣa | m. of the Ist, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th signs of the zodiac  |
puruṣa | m. of a son of manu- cākṣuṣa-  |
puruṣa | m. of one of the 18 attendants of the sun  |
puruṣa | m. plural men, people (see above)  |
puruṣa | m. Name of the Brahmans of krauñca-dvīpa-  |
puruṣa | m. (with pañca-) Name of 5 princely personages or miraculous persons born under particular constellations, Var  |
puruṣa | m. Rottleria Tinctoria  |
puruṣa | m. Clerodendrum Phlomoides  |
puruṣa | mn. equals puruṣaka- m. n.  |
puruṣa | n. (!) Name of mount meru-  |
puruṣabahumāna | m. the respect or esteem of mankind  |
puruṣacchandasa | n. "man's metre", the metre suited for men id est the dvi-padā-  |
puruṣād | mfn. eating or destroying men  |
puruṣāda | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mfn. eating or destroying men '  |
puruṣāda | m. a cannibal, a rakṣas- ( puruṣādatva -tva- n.)  |
puruṣāda | m. (plural) Name of a race of cannibals in the east of madhya-deśa- |
puruṣadaghna | mfn. of the height or measure of a man  |
puruṣādaka | mfn. men-devouring  |
puruṣādaka | mfn. (plural) Name of certain cannibals  |
puruṣadamyasārathi | m. a driver or guide of men (compared with young draught-oxen)  |
puruṣadantikā | f. Name of a medicinal root  |
puruṣadatta | m. Name of a man  |
puruṣādatva | n. puruṣāda |
puruṣādhama | m. "lowest or vilest of men", an outcast, the worst of servants  |
puruṣadharma | m. personal rule or precept  |
puruṣadhaureyaka | m. a man superior to other people  |
puruṣādhikāra | m. manly office or duty  |
puruṣadravyasampad | f. abundance of men and material  |
puruṣadvayasa | mf(ī-)n. equals -daghna-  |
puruṣadveṣin | mfn. man-hating, misanthropic  |
puruṣadveṣiṇī | f. an ill-tempered or fractious woman  |
puruṣadviṣ | m. an enemy of viṣṇu-  |
puruṣādya | m. "first of men", Name of viṣṇu-  |
puruṣādya | m. (with jaina-s) Name of ādi-nātha- or of ṛṣabha- (the first arhat- of present avasarpiṇī-) .  |
puruṣagandhi | (pu-) mfn. smelling of men  |
puruṣagati | f. Name of a sāman-  |
puruṣagātra | mfn. endowed with human or manly limbs  |
puruṣaghnī | f. (with strī-) a woman who kills her husband (cf. pūruṣa-han-).  |
puruṣahan | mfn. only f. -ghnī- q.v  |
puruṣāhuti | f. an invocation addressed to men  |
puruṣāhuti | the oblation of a man,  |
puruṣajana | m. sg. men, people  |
puruṣājāna | mfn. of human descent or origin  |
puruṣajātaka | Name of work  |
puruṣajīvana | mf(ī-)n. enlivening or animating men  |
puruṣajñāna | n. knowledge of men or mankind  |
puruśāka | m. helpful (superl. -tama-)  |
puruṣaka | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals puruṣa-, a man, male  |
puruṣaka | mn. standing on two feet like a man, the rearing of a horse, prancing  |
puruṣakāma | mfn. desirous of men  |
puruṣakāra | m. human effort (opp. to daiva-,fate)  |
puruṣakāra | m. manly act, virility, heroism etc.  |
puruṣakāra | m. haughtiness, pride  |
puruṣakāra | m. Name of a grammarian  |
puruṣākāra | mfn. of human form or shape ( puruṣākāratā -tā- f.)  |
puruṣakāramīmāṃsā | f. Name of work  |
puruṣakāraphala | n. the fruit or result of human effort  |
puruṣākāratā | f. puruṣākāra |
puruṣakesarin | m. "man-lion", Name of viṣṇu- in his 4th appearance on earth, (see nara-siṃha-).  |
puruṣākṛti | f. the figure of a man  |
puruṣakṣetra | n. a male or uneven zodiacal sign or astrological house, Var,  |
puruṣakṣīra | n. human milk  |
puruśakti | mfn. possessing various powers  |
puruṣakuṇapa | n. a human corpse  |
puruṣamānin | mfn. fancying one's self a man or hero ( puruṣamāninitva n/i-tva- n.)  |
puruṣamāninitva | n. puruṣamānin |
puruṣamātra | mf(ī-)n. of the height or measure of a man  |
puruṣamātra | n. the size of a man  |
purusambhṛta | mfn. accumulated by many  |
puruṣamedha | m. the sacrifice of a man etc.  |
puruṣamedha | m. Name of the supposed author of (perhaps wrong reading for puru-medha- q.v),  |
puruṣamṛga | m. a male antelope  |
puruṣāṃsaka | m. Name of a teacher gaRa śaunakādi- ( ṣāsaka-)  |
puruṣamukha | mf(ī-)n. having the face of a man  |
puruṣanāya | m. man superior to other people  |
puruṣanāya | m. "man-leader", a prince  |
puruṣāṅga | m. n. the male organ of generation (see narāṅga-).  |
puruṣaniṣkrayaṇa | mfn. one who redeems a person  |
puruṣaniyama | m. (in gram.) a restriction as to person.  |
puruṣānna | n. food for men,  |
puruṣānṛta | n. falsehood respecting men  |
puruṣāntara | n. another man or person, a mediator, interposer ( puruṣāntaram am- ind.by a mediator, indirectly )  |
puruṣāntara | n. another or a succeeding generation  |
puruṣāntara | n. ( puruṣāntaravedin -vedin- mfn.knowing the heart of mankind )  |
puruṣāntara | n. ( puruṣāntarātman rātman- m."man's inner self."the soul )  |
puruṣāntara | m. (sc. saṃdhi-) an alliance negotiated by warriors chosen by both parties  |
puruṣāntaram | ind. puruṣāntara |
puruṣāntarātman | m. puruṣāntara |
puruṣāntaravedin | mfn. puruṣāntara |
puruṣanti | ( -s/anti-) m. Name of a man  |
puruṣaparīkṣā | f. "trial of man", Name of a collection of moral tales.  |
puruṣapaśu | m. a beast of man, a brutal man  |
puruṣapaśu | m. a man as a sacrificial victim  |
puruṣapaśu | m. the soul compared with animal  |
puruṣapaśu | m. a human animal, man  |
puruṣapati | m. "lord of men", Name of rāma-  |
puruṣaprabhu | m. Name of a prince  |
puruṣapuṃgava | m. "man-bull", an eminent or excellent man  |
puruṣapuṇḍarīka | m. "man-lotus", equals prec. , (with jaina-s) Name of the 6th black vāsudeva-  |
puruṣapura | n. Name of the capital of gāndhāra-, the modern Peshawar ($)  |
puruṣarāja | m. a human king  |
puruṣarakṣas | n. a demon in the form of a man  |
puruṣareṣaṇa | ( ) mfn. hurting men.  |
puruṣareṣin | ( ) mfn. hurting men.  |
puruṣarṣabha | (r-for ṛ-) m. equals -puṃgava-  |
puruṣārtha | m. any object of human pursuit  |
puruṣārtha | m. any one of the four objects or aims of existence (viz. kāma-,the gratification of desire; artha-,acquirement of wealth; dharma-,discharge of duty; mokṣa-,final emancipation) ( puruṣārthatva -tva- n.) etc.  |
puruṣārtha | m. human effort or exertion etc.  |
puruṣārthacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
puruṣārthakāra | m. Name of work  |
puruṣārthakaumudī | f. Name of work  |
puruṣārtham | ind. for the sake of the soul  |
puruṣārtham | ind. for or on account of man  |
puruṣārthānuśāsana | n. Name of work  |
puruṣārthaprabodha | m. Name of work  |
puruṣārthaprabodhiṇī | f. Name of work  |
puruṣārtharatnākara | m. Name of work  |
puruṣārthasiddhyupāya | m. Name of work  |
puruṣārthasudhānidhi | m. Name of work  |
puruṣārthasūtravṛtti | f. Name of work  |
puruṣārthatrayīmaya | mf(ī-)n. intent only upon the 3 objects of man (kāma-, artha-and dharma-)  |
puruṣārthatva | n. puruṣārtha |
puruṣarūpa | n. the shape of a man  |
puruṣarūpa | mfn. equals next  |
puruṣarūpaka | mfn. shaped like a man  |
puruṣasāman | n. Name of a sāman-  |
puruṣasamaveya | m. a number of men  |
puruṣasammita | (p/u-) mfn. man-like  |
puruṣasaṃskāra | m. a ceremony performed on a (dead) person  |
puruṣasāmudrikalakṣaṇa | n. "divination, from bodily signs", Name of work  |
puruṣaśārdūla | m. "man-tiger", an eminent man  |
puruṣasiṃha | m. "man-lion", an eminent man or hero  |
puruṣasiṃha | m. (with jaina-s) Name of the 5th of the black vāsudeva-s  |
puruṣāśin | m. "man-eater", a rākṣasa-  |
puruṣaśiras | n. a human head  |
puruṣaśīrṣa | n. idem or 'n. a human head '  |
puruṣaśīrṣaka | m. or n. Name of an instrument used by thieves  |
puruṣāstha | n. a human bone  |
puruṣāsthimālin | m. "wearing a necklace of human skulls", Name of śiva-  |
puruṣasūkta | n. "the puruṣa- hymn", Name of (describing the Supreme Soul of the universe and supposed to be comparatively modern)  |
puruṣasūktabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
puruṣasūktaṣoḍaśopacāravidhi | m. Name of work  |
puruṣasūktavidhāna | n. Name of work  |
puruṣasūktavyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
puruṣasūktavyākhyāna | n. Name of work  |
puruṣasūktopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
puruṣatā | f. (ṣ/a--) manhood, manliness |
puruṣatā | ind. (as instrumental case) after the manner of men, among men |
puruṣatantra | mfn. dependent on the subject, subjective ( puruṣatantratva -tva- n.)  |
puruṣatantratva | n. puruṣatantra |
puruṣatejas | (p/u-) mfn. having a man's energy or manly vigour  |
puruṣatrā | ind. equals -tā- ind. (see ) .  |
puruṣatva | n. manhood, manliness  |
puruṣatvatvatā | ind. after the manner of men  |
puruṣavāc | mfn. having a human voice  |
puruṣavacas | mfn. called puruṣa-  |
puruṣavadba | m. manslaughter, murder  |
puruṣavadba | m. slaughter of a husband  |
puruṣavāha | m. " viṣṇu-'s vehicle", Name of garuḍa-  |
puruṣavāham | ind. (with vahati-,he moves in such a way as to be) borne or drawn along by men  |
puruṣavara | m. the best of men  |
puruṣavara | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
puruṣavara | m. of a prince  |
puruṣavarjita | mfn. destitute of human beings, desolate  |
puruṣavat | mfn. accompanied by men  |
puruṣāvatāra | m. human incarnation  |
puruṣavidha | (p/u-) mfn. man-like, having a human form ( puruṣavidhata -t/a- f.)  |
puruṣavidhata | f. puruṣavidha |
puruṣavrata | n. Name of 2 sāman-s  |
puruṣavyāghra | m. "man-tiger", Name of a demon  |
puruṣavyāghra | m. equals -śārdūla-  |
puruṣavyāghra | m. a vulture  |
puruṣāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to behave or act like a man, play the man  |
puruṣāyaṇa | mf(ā-)n. going to or uniting with the soul  |
puruṣāyata | mfn. of the length of a man  |
puruṣāyita | mfn. acting like a man, playing the man (especially in sexual intercourse) ( puruṣāyitatva -tva- n.)  |
puruṣāyita | n. a kind of coitus  |
puruṣāyitatva | n. puruṣāyita |
puruṣayogin | mfn. relating to a Person or subject  |
puruṣayoni | (p/u-) mfn. descended from or begotten by a man (male)  |
puruṣāyuṣa | n. the duration of a man's life, age of man (see )  |
puruṣāyuṣaka | n. idem or 'n. the duration of a man's life, age of man (see )'  |
puruścandra | mfn. much-shining, resplendent  |
purusena | m. Name of a poet  |
puruṣendra | m. "lord of men", a king  |
puruṣendratā | f. sovereignty  |
puruṣeṣita | (p/u-) mfn. caused or instigated by men  |
puruṣī | f. a woman, female etc.  |
puruṣībhū | to become a man  |
puruśiṣṭa | m. Name of a man (see pauruśiṣṭi-).  |
puruṣokti | f. the name or title of man  |
puruṣoktika | mfn. having only the name of man, destitute, friendless  |
puruṣopahāra | m. the sacrifice of a man  |
puruṣottama | See below.  |
puruṣottama | m. the best of men, an excellent or superior man  |
puruṣottama | m. the best of servants, a good attendant  |
puruṣottama | m. the highest being, Supreme Spirit, Name of viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa- etc. ( )  |
puruṣottama | m. equals -kṣetra-  |
puruṣottama | m. (with jaina-s) an arhat-  |
puruṣottama | m. Name of the fourth black vāsudeva-  |
puruṣottama | m. a jina- (one of the generic terms for a deified teacher of the jaina- sect)  |
puruṣottama | m. Name of several authors and various men (also -dāsa-, -dīkṣita-, -deva-, -deva-śarman-, -paṇḍita-, -prasāda-, -bhaṭṭa-, -bhaṭṭātmaja-, -bhāraty-ācārya-, -miśra-, -manu-sudhīndra-, -sarasvatī- mācāya-, mānanda-tīrtha-, mānanda-yati-, māśrama-).  |
puruṣottamacaritra | n. Name of work  |
puruṣottamakhaṇḍa | mn. Name of work  |
puruṣottamakṣetra | n. "district of the Supreme Being", Name of a district in Orissa sacred to viṣṇu-  |
puruṣottamakṣetramāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
puruṣottamakṣetratattva | n. Name of work  |
puruṣottamamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
puruṣottamamantra | m. Name of work  |
puruṣottamapattra | n. Name of work  |
puruṣottamaprakāśakṣetravidhi | m. Name of work  |
puruṣottamapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
puruṣottamapurīmāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
puruṣottamasahasranāman | n. Name of work  |
puruṣottamaśāstrīya | n. Name of work  |
puruṣottamatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
puruṣottamatīrthaprayogatattva | n. Name of work  |
puruṣottamavāda | m. Name of work  |
puruspārha | ( ) ( ) mfn. much desired.  |
puruspṛh | ( ) mfn. much desired.  |
puruṣṭuta | mfn. highly lauded, praised by many  |
puruṣṭuta | m. Name of śiva-  |
puruṣya | mfn. pertaining to man, human  |
purutama | (purū--) mfn. very much or many, abundant, frequent, ever-recurring  |
purūtama | mfn. See under puru-.  |
purutman | mfn. existing variously |
purutrā | ind. variously, in many ways or places or directions  |
purutrā | ind. many times, often  |
puruvāja | mf(ā-)n. powerful, very strong  |
puruvāra | mfn. having an ample tail or mane (as a horse or ox)  |
puruvāra | mfn. rich in gifts  |
puruvārapuṣṭi | mfn. granting treasured riches  |
puruvarpas | mfn. multiform, variegated  |
puruvartman | mfn. having many ways or paths  |
puruvaśa | m. Name of a prince  |
purūvasu | mfn. abounding in goods or riches  |
puruvepas | mfn. much excited or exciting  |
puruvī | f. (in music) Name of a rāgiṇī-.  |
puruvīra | mf(ā-)n. possessed of many men or male offspring  |
puruviśruta | m. "much renowned", Name of a son of vasu-deva-  |
puruvrata | mfn. having many ordinances (said of soma-)  |
purūvṛt | mfn. moving in various ways  |
purv | (see pṝ-) cl.1 P. pūrvati-, to fill ; cl.10. pūrvayati-, to dwell,  |
purvaṇīka | mfn. variously manifested or appearing  |
purvaṇīka | See .  |
purya | mfn. being in a stronghold or fastness  |
purya | pury-aṣṭa- See p.636. |
puryaṣṭa | n. the eight constituent parts of the body on  |
puryaṣṭaka | n. the eight constituent parts of the body on  |
abhimanyupura | n. Name of a town  |
acalapura | n. Name of a town  |
addhāpuruṣa | m. See an-addhāpuruṣ/a-.  |
adhikārapuruṣa | m. an official,  |
adhipurandhri | ind. towards a wife  |
adhipuruṣa | m. the Supreme Spirit.  |
ādipurāṇa | n. "the primitive purāṇa-", Name of the brahma-purāṇa-  |
ādipurāna | n. of a jaina- religious, book.  |
ādipuruṣa | m. "first man", Name of hiraṇyakaśipu-  |
ādipuruṣa | m. of viṣṇu-  |
ādipuruṣa | m. of brahman-  |
ādityapurāṇa | n. Name of an upapurāṇa-.  |
adṛṣṭapuruṣa | m. a treaty concluded by the parties personally (in which no third mediator is seen).  |
adṛṣṭapurva | mfn. never seen before.  |
āgneyapurāṇa | n. equals -agni-purāṇa- q.v  |
agnipurā | f. the castle of agni-  |
agnipurāṇa | n. Name of a purāṇa-.  |
agnipurogama | mfn. having agni- for a leader.  |
agnīṣomīyapuroḍāśa | m. cake sacred to agni- and soma- (baked in eleven bowls)  |
ahopuruṣikā | f. for āho-pur- q.v  |
ahopuruṣikā | etc. See 2. aho-.  |
āhopuruṣikā | f. (gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi- ) boasting of one's manliness or military prowess  |
āhopuruṣikā | f. vaunting of one's power  |
akṣayapuruhūta | m. śiva-.  |
alaṃpuruṣīṇa | mfn. sufficient for a man  |
alaṃpurva | mfn. being preceded by the word alam-  |
ālekhyapuruṣa | m. an image or drawing of a man  |
amarapura | n. "the residence of the immortals", paradise  |
amarapura | n. Name of various towns.  |
amarapurī | f. Name of a town  |
anaddhāpuruṣa | m. one who is not a true man, one who is of no use either to gods or men or the manes  |
ānandapura | n. Name of a town.  |
ānandatāṇḍavapura | n. Name of a town.  |
ānartapura | n. the capital of ānarta- id est dvāravatī-  |
āñjaneyapurāṇa | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
antaḥpura | n. the king's palace, the female apartments, gynaeceum  |
antaḥpura | n. those who live in the female apartments  |
antaḥpura | n. a queen.  |
antaḥpuracara | m. guardian of the women's apartments.  |
antaḥpuracārikā | f. a female attendant in the women's apartments,  |
antaḥpurādhipatya | n. supremacy over the women's apartments,  |
antaḥpurādhyakṣa | m. superintendent of the women's apartments, chamberlain.  |
antaḥpurajana | m. the women of the palace.  |
antaḥpurapracāra | m. the gossip of the women's apartments.  |
antaḥpurarakṣaka | m. superintendent of the women's apartments, chamberlain.  |
antaḥpurasahāya | m. belonging to the women's apartments (as a eunuch, etc.)  |
antaḥpurāvacara | m. an attendant in the women's apartments,  |
antaḥpuravartin | m. superintendent of the women's apartments, chamberlain.  |
antaḥpuravṛddhā | f. an old female attendant in the women's apartments,  |
antaḥpurevāsa | mfn. living in the women's apartments,  |
āntaḥpurika | mfn. (fr. antaḥpura-), belonging to the women's apartments  |
āntaḥpurika | n. anything done in the women's apartment.  |
antaḥpurika | m. superintendent of the gynaeceum or harem  |
antaḥpurikā | f. a woman in the harem.  |
antaḥpurīya | Nom. P. yati-, to behave as in the women's apartments,  |
antakapura | n. the city or dwelling of Death (accusative with Causal of gam-,"to kill"),  |
anupuruṣa | m. the before mentioned man , a follower  |
anurādhapura | n. the ancient capital of Ceylon founded by the above-named anurādha-.  |
apāpapurī | f. Name of a town  |
apāpapurī | f. also written pāpa-purī- q.v  |
aparapuruṣa | m. a descendant  |
apurāṇa | or a-purātana- mfn. not old, modern, new.  |
apurogava | mfn. without a leader  |
apurohita | m. not a purohita-  |
apurohita | mfn. without a purohita-  |
apuronuvākyaka | mfn. without a puronuvākyā-  |
apurorukka | mfn. without a puroruc-  |
apuruṣa | mfn. unmanly.  |
apuruṣa | a cruel man or servant (of yama-),  |
apuruṣābhivīta | (/a-- p-), mfn. not impelled by men,  |
apuruṣāparādha | m. not an offence of the person,  |
apuruṣārtha | m. a rite which is not for the benefit of the sacrificer  |
apuruṣārtha | m. not the chief object of the soul.  |
ardhapurṇa | mfn. half-full.  |
ardhapuruṣa | m. half the length of a man  |
ardhapuruṣīya | mfn. having half the length of a man  |
aripura | n. an enemy's town.  |
ariṣṭapura | n. Name of a town  |
ariṣṭāśritapura | n. Name of a town  |
arjunapura | n. Name of a town, |
arjunapuruṣa | n. the plants Arjuna (id est Terminalia Arjuna) and puruṣa- (id est Rottleria Tinctoria), (gaRa gavāśvādi- q.v)  |
āṣāḍhādripura | n. Name of a mythical mountain  |
āṣāḍhapura | n. Name of a mythical mountain  |
āśāpurā | f. Name (also title or epithet) of one of the 139 mothers of Gujarat (who satisfies the hopes of wives by giving children), . 2.  |
āśāpura | n. Name of a town  |
āśāpuraguggulu | m. a kind of bdellium  |
āśāpurasambhava | m. a kind of bdellium  |
aśmapurā | f. a castle built on a rock  |
aspṛṣṭapuruṣāntara | mfn. not belonging to another,  |
aṣṭapuruṣa | (aṣṭ/a--) mfn. consisting of eight persons  |
atipuruṣa | (/ati--) ([ ]) m. a first-rate man, hero.  |
avantipura | n. idem or 'f. the city of the avanti-s, Oujein '  |
avantipura | n. Name of a town in kāśmīra-, built by avantivarman-  |
avantipurī | f. Oujein  |
avarapuruṣa | m. a descendant  |
avīrapuruṣa | m. a weak man  |
ayathāpuram | ind. not as formerly  |
ayāthāpurya | n. (equals āyathāpurya-), the state of being a-yathāpuram- q.v  |
āyathāpurya | n. (equals a-yāthāpurya- q.v ), the state of being not as formerly.  |
āyuṣmatpuruṣaka | mfn. giving long life to men  |
baddhapurīṣa | mfn. having constipated bowels ( baddhapurīṣatva -tva- n.)  |
baddhapurīṣatva | n. baddhapurīṣa |
bahudāsapuruṣa | mfn. having many slaves and servants  |
balapura | n. bala-'s stronghold  |
balapurṇa | wrong reading for next.  |
bālātripurasundarīpūjanaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
bāṇapur | f. the capital of the asura- bāṇa-  |
bāṇapura | n. the capital of the asura- bāṇa-  |
bhadrakālīpurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhadrapura | n. Name of a city (see, bhadrā-nagara-).  |
bhagapura | n. Name of the city of Multan  |
bhāgavatapurāṇa | n. Name of the most celebrated and popular of the 18 purāṇa-s (especially dedicated to the glorification of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-, whose history is in the 10th book;and narrated by śuka-, son of vyāsa-, to king parī-kṣit-, grandson of arjuna-)  |
bhāgavatapurāṇabandhana | n. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇabhāvārthadīpikāprakaranakramasaṃgraha | m. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇabhāvārthadīpikāsaṃgraha | m. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇabhūṣaṇa | n. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇabṛhatsaṃgraha | m. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇādyaślokatrayīṭīkā | f. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇakroḍapattra | n. plural Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇamahāvivaraṇa | n. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇamañjarī | f. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇaprakāśa | m. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇaprāmāṇya | n. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇaprasaṅgadṛṣṭāntāvalī | f. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇaprathamaślokatrayīṭīkā | f. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇārkaprabhā | f. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇasārārthadarśinī | f. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇasūcikā | f. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇasvarūpaviṣayakaśaṅkānirāsa | m. Name of work connected with the  |
bhāgavatapurāṇatattvasaṃgraha | m. Name of work connected with the  |
bhagavatībhāgavatapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhagavatīpurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhairavapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhāṇḍāpura | n. Name of a city  |
bhāṇḍopapurāṇa | n. Name of an upa-purāṇa-.  |
bharatapura | n. Name of a town  |
bhārgavapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
bhārgavopapurāṇa | n. Name of an upapurāṇa-.  |
bhāvanāpuruṣottamanāṭaka | n. Name of a drama.  |
bhaviṣyapurāṇa | n. Name of one of the 18 purāṇa-s (the original of which is said to have been a revelation of future events by brahmā-;it is rather a manual of religious rites and observances )  |
bhaviṣyapurāṇīya | mfn. relating to the |
bhaviṣyatpurāṇa | n. equals ṣya-purāṇa-  |
bhaviṣyottarapurāṇa | n. Name of the 2nd part of the (which is of the same character as the first).  |
bhelūpurā | f. Name of a suburb of Benares (?)  |
bhempura | n. Name of a grāma-  |
bhīmapura | n. Name of a town situated on the Ganges  |
bhiṣāyakapura | n. Name of a town  |
bhogipura | n. the city of serpent-demons  |
bhojapura | n. ( ) ( ) Name of towns.  |
bhojapurī | f. ( ) Name of towns.  |
bhūmipuraṃdara | m. "earth- indra-", Name of dilīpa-  |
bhūpura | n. a particular part of a diagram (see -gṛha-).  |
bhūtapura | m. plural Name of a people  |
bhūtapuremāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
bhūtapurī | f. Name of a town  |
bhuṭṭapura | n. Name of a town built by bhuṭṭa-  |
bījapura | wrong reading for -pūra-.  |
bījapuruṣa | m. the progenitor of a tribe or family  |
brahmakaivartapurāṇa | n. Name of a purāṇa-.  |
brahmāṇḍapurāṇa | n. Name of one of the 18 purāṇa-s (so called as revealed by brahmā- and containing an account of the egg of brahmā- and the future kalpa-s.; see )  |
brahmapura | n. " brahmā-'s town", Name of a city in heaven ( brahmapuramāhātmya -māhātmya- n.Name of work)  |
brahmapura | n. of a city on earth  |
brahmapura | n. of a kingdom  |
brahmapura | n. the heart  |
brahmapura | n. the body (see )  |
brahmapurābhidheya | mfn. (with nāma-) to be called by the name brahma-pura-  |
brahmapuraka | m. plural Name of a people  |
brahmapurākhya | mfn. named brahma-pura-  |
brahmapuramāhātmya | n. brahmapura |
brahmapurāṇa | n. Name of one of the 18 purāṇa-s (also called ādi-p-;it is supposed to have been revealed by brahmā- to dakṣa-, and its main object appears to be the promotion of the worship of kṛṣṇa-)  |
brāhmapurāṇa | n. equals brahma-p-  |
brahmapurī | f. brahmā-'s citadel in heaven or his capital on the mountain kailāsa- ( brahmapurīmāhātmya -māhātmya- n.Name of work)  |
brahmapurī | f. Name of a city on earth  |
brahmapurī | f. of the city Benares  |
brahmapurī | f. of any city the inhabitants of which are mostly Brahmans  |
brahmapurī | f. of a peak in the himālaya- range  |
brahmapurīmāhātmya | n. brahmapurī |
brahmapurogava | (br/ahma--) mfn. preceded by brahma- or"the holy"  |
brahmapurohita | mfn. (br/ahma--) having the sacerdotal class for a purohita- |
brahmapurohita | m. plural "the high priests of brahmā-", (with Buddhists) Name of a class of divinities (see ) .  |
brahmapuruṣa | m. an assistant of the brahman- or chief priest  |
brahmapuruṣa | m. a minister of brahmā- (also said of the 5 vital airs)  |
brahmapuruṣa | m. equals -rākṣasa-  |
brahmapurustāt | ind. when or where the Brahmans have the first place  |
bṛhaddharmapurāṇa | n. "the large dharma-purāṇa-", Name of work  |
bṛhadiśvarapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
bṛhannāradapurāṇa | n. Name of a purāṇa-.  |
bṛhannāradīyapurāṇa | n. Name of a purāṇa-.  |
bṛhaspatipurohita | mfn. having bṛhas-pati- for a purohita-  |
bṛhaspatipurohita | m. Name of indra-  |
buddhapurāṇa | n. Buddha's purāṇa-, Name of parāśara-'s laghu-lalita-vistara-.  |
buddhavapurdhārin | mfn. bearing the body or form of Buddha  |
buddhipura | n. city of the intellect  |
buddhipuraḥsara | mfn. equals next  |
buddhipuramāhātmya | n. Name of chapter of  |
cakrapura | n. Name of a town (built by cakra-mardikā- )  |
campakapura | n. Name of a town,  |
campāpurī | f. the town campā-  |
cañcāpuruṣa | m. a strawman, doll (said contemptuously of a man) ( ) .  |
candanapura | n. Name of a town ,  |
caṇḍīpurāṇa | n. another Name of  |
caṇḍīśapurāṇa | n. another Name of  |
candrapura | n. "moon-town", Name of a town (see cāndr-.)  |
candrāpura | n. Name of a town  |
cāndrapura | m. plural the inhabitants of candrapura-  |
cārapuruṣa | m. a spy  |
caturviṃśatipurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
cedipurī | f. the city of the cedi-s  |
chandaḥpuruṣa | m. metre personified  |
chāyāpuruṣa | m. puruṣa- in the form of a shadow,  |
cidambarapura | n. idem or 'n. Name of a town '  |
cirapura | n. Name of a town  |
citipurīṣa | n. plural the layer (of wood etc.) and the rubble-stones  |
citipurīṣa | n. dual number idem or 'n. plural the layer (of wood etc.) and the rubble-stones '  |
citrapura | n. Name of a town  |
daityapurodhas | m. equals -guru-  |
daityapurohita | m. equals -guru-  |
daṇḍanāyakapuruṣa | m. a policeman  |
dantapura | n. "city of buddha-'s tooth", the capital of kaliṅga-  |
daratpura | n. the city of the darad-s  |
daratpurī | f. idem or 'n. the city of the darad-s ' , .  |
darpapurṇa | mfn. full of pride  |
darpitapura | n. Name of a town  |
dāśapura | mf(ī-)n. coming from daśa-pura-  |
dāśapura | n. (also pūra-) a kind of fragrant grass (see daśa--)  |
daśapura | n. a kind of Cyperus rotundus (also -pūra- Scholiast or Commentator) |
daśapura | n. "Decapolis", the modern Mandasor (in Malwa)  |
daśapuraṃdara | Name of a town or district  |
daśapurī | f. id.  |
daśapuruṣa | mfn. being the 10th in the succession of generations  |
daśapuruṣam | ind. through a series of 10 ancestors  |
daśapuruṣaṃrājya | n. a kingdom inherited through a series of 10 ancestors  |
daśapuruṣānūkam | ind. backwards through 10 generations Va1rtt. 5  |
dātṛpura | n. Name of a town  |
dauṣpuruṣya | n. the state of a bad man gaRa yuvādi-.  |
devakamalapura | n. Name of a town  |
devapur | f. (Nominal verb -pūr-) equals -purā-  |
devapur | f. equals -pura- n.  |
devapura | n. indra-'s residence  |
devapurā | f. divine fortress  |
devapurīmāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
devapurohita | m. domestic priest of the gods  |
devapurohita | m. Name of bṛhas-pati- id est the planet Jupiter  |
devībhāgavatapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
devīpurāṇa | n. Name of an upa-purāṇa-  |
devīpurāṇīya | mfn. belonging to it  |
dharmādhikāripuruṣa | m. dharmādhikārin |
dharmapura | n. "law-city", Name of ayodhyā-  |
dharmapura | n. of a town situated on the narmadā- river  |
dharmapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
dharmapuraskāra | mfn. placing duty above all  |
dharmarājapurogama | mfn. dharmarāja |
diddāpura | n. Name of a town built by diddā-  |
divyapuruṣa | m. "a divine man", ghost  |
dṛśyapura | n. Name of a town (See above) .  |
durgapura | n. a fortified city  |
durvāsapurāṇa | n. Name of a  |
durvāsasaupapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
duṣpuruṣa | m. a bad man (gaRa brāhmaṇādi-).  |
dvipuruṣa | mf(ā-or ī-)n. having the length of 2 men  |
dvipuruṣā | f. bought with 2 men  |
dvipuruṣam | ind. through 2 generations  |
dyupuraṃdhri | f. equals -yoṣit-  |
dyūtapurṇimī | f. the day of full moon in kārttika- (spent in games of chance in honour of lakṣmi-)  |
ekāmrapurāṇa | n. Name (also title or epithet) of work  |
ekapuroḍāśa | mfn. receiving the same sacrificial cake  |
ekapuruṣa | m. the one supreme Spirit : one man only  |
ekapuruṣa | m. a unique or excellent man  |
ekapuruṣa | mfn. having or consisting of only one man  |
elākapura | n. Name of a town.  |
elāpura | n. Name of a town.  |
gādhipura | n. equals -nagara-  |
gajapura | n. the town called after the elephant (id est hāstina-pura-)  |
gajarathapura | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a town,  |
gaṇapuraṇa | mf(ī-)n. forming a number or assembly,  |
gandharvapura | n. (equals -nagara-) the city of the gandharva-s  |
gandharvapura | n. Fata Morgana  |
gaṇeśapurāṇa | n. Name of an upa-purāṇa-  |
gaṇeśopapurāṇa | n. equals śa-pur-.  |
gāṇeśopapurāṇa | n. equals gaṇ-  |
gaṅgādharapura | n. Name of a town.  |
gaṅgāpurībhaṭṭāraka | m. Name of a man.  |
garbhapuroḍāśa | m. an embryo- puroḍāśa- (offered after a paśu-puroḍāśa-, if the sacrificial animal is pregnant)  |
garuḍapurāṇa | n. Name of the seventeenth purāṇa-  |
garuḍapurāṇa | n. see  |
gāruḍapurāṇa | n. equals gar-.  |
gauḍabhṛtyapura | n. Name of a town (see andhra-bhṛtya-.)  |
gauḍapura | n. Name of a town  |
gāyatrīpuraścaraṇa | n. Name of work on the gāyatrī-.  |
girapura | n. Name of a town manuscript (A.D.1511).  |
giripura | n. mountain-town (perhaps Name of a town)  |
gopālapura | n. Name of a town (called after -varman-)  |
gopura | n. a town-gate  |
gopura | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ā- )  |
gopura | n. a gate  |
gopura | n. the ornamented gateway of a temple  |
gopura | n. (equals -narda-) Cyperus rotundus  |
gopura | m. Name of a physician  |
gopurā | f. equals -puṭā-  |
gopuraka | m. the resin of Boswellia thurifera (raga- )  |
gopurīṣa | n. cow-dung  |
gopurogava | (g/o-- agra-) mfn. a cow which is chief of all  |
gorakṣapura | n. Name of a town (the modern Gorakhpur)  |
grāmapuruṣa | m. the chief of a village or town  |
gūḍhapuruṣa | m. a spy, disguised agent  |
hacipura | n. Name of a town  |
hamīpurya | mfn. coming or derived from hamīpura- (see hammīra-)  |
haṃsapura | n. Name of a town  |
haribuṅgapura | n. Name of a town  |
haricaraṇapurī | m. Name of a teacher  |
hariharapurī | m. Name of an author  |
haripura | n. Name of a town  |
hariścandrapura | n. the city of Harikandra (equals saubha-)  |
hariścandrapura | n. a mirage  |
hariścandrapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
harivaṃśapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
harṣapura | n. Name of a town  |
harṣapurī | f. (in music) a particular rāga-  |
hastināpura | n. (less correctly hastina-p-or hastinī-.) Name of a city founded by king hastin- q.v (it was situated about fifty-seven miles north-east of the modern Delhi on the banks of an old channel of the Ganges, and was the capital of the kings of the Lunar line, as ayodhyā- was of the Solar dynasty;hence it forms a central scene of action in the mahābhārata-;here yudhi-ṣṭhira- was crowned after a triumphal progress through the streets of the city;See : other names for this celebrated town are gajāhvaya-, nāga-sāhvaya-, nāgāhva-, hāctina-) |
hāstinapura | n. equals hastinā-pura- ( hāstinapuratva -tva- n.)  |
hāstinapuratva | n. hāstinapura |
himavatpura | n. the town on the himālaya-  |
hiraṇyapura | n. Name of an asura- town floating in the air or situated beyond the ocean etc.  |
hiraṇyapura | n. of a town in kāśmīra-  |
hiraṇyapuruṣa | m. the figure of a man made of golden  |
hṛdayapuruṣa | m. pulsation or beating of the heart  |
huṣkapura | n. the town founded by king huṣka-  |
hūṣkapura | incorrect for huṣkap- (q.v)  |
indrajālapuruṣa | m. a phantom of a man  |
indrapurogama | mfn. preceded or led on by indra-, having indra- as leader.  |
indrapurohitā | f. the asterism puṣya-  |
īṣatpuruṣa | m. a mean man,  |
iṣṭakāpurāṇa | n. Name (also title or epithet) of the 10th Paris3. of  |
itihāsapurāṇa | n. the itihāsa-s and the purāṇa-s,  |
jalaṃdharapura | n. Name of a town  |
jālapura | n. Name of a town  |
jarāsaṃdhapura | n. " jarāsaṃdha-'s town", gayā-  |
jayantīpura | n. Name of a town  |
jayapura | n. "victory-town", Name of a fortress in Kashmir  |
jayapura | n. of a town (and small state in Marwur)  |
jayasvāmipura | n. Name of a town founded by juṣka-  |
jīvapurā | f. the abode of living beings or men  |
juṣkapura | n. Name of a town founded by juṣka-  |
kadanapura | n. Name of a town  |
kālahastipura | n. Name of a town.  |
kālanemipurāṇa | n. Name of a legendary work  |
kālapuruṣa | m. equals -nara-, time personified  |
kālapuruṣa | m. a servant of the god of death  |
kalaśapura | n. Name of a town |
kālikāpurāṇa | n. "the purāṇa- of kālikā- (id est of durgā-)", Name of an upa-purāṇa-. |
kālikopapurāṇa | n. equals kālikā-pur-.  |
kālīpurāṇa | n. "the purāṇa- of kālī-", Name of an upa-purāṇa-.  |
kalkipurāṇa | n. Name of a purāṇa-.  |
kalyāṇapura | n. Name of a town  |
kanakapura | n. Name of several towns.  |
kanakapurī | f. idem or 'n. Name of several towns.'  |
kāñcanapura | n. Name of a town  |
kāñcanapurī | f. idem or 'n. Name of a town '  |
kāñcīpura | n. Name of a town (kāñcī-) on  |
kāñcīpuraka | mfn. of or belonging to kāñcī-pura-  |
kāñcipurī | f. Name of a town (equals kāñcī-pura-)  |
kāñcīpurī | f. idem or 'n. Name of a town (kāñcī-) on '  |
kaniṣkapura | n. Name of a town founded by him.  |
kaṅkaṇapura | n. Name of a town  |
kāntāpurī | varia lectio for kānti-purī-  |
kāntipura | n. Name of a town in Nepal  |
kāntipurī | f. Name of a town  |
kanyāpura | n. the women's apartments |
kapilapura | n. equals -vastu- below.  |
kāpilapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
kāpuruṣa | m. (fr. 2. kā- ), a contemptible man, coward, wretch  |
kāpuruṣa | mf(ā-)n. unmanly, cowardly, miserable  |
kāpuruṣatā | f. unmanliness, cowardliness.  |
kāpuruṣatva | n. unmanliness, cowardliness.  |
kāpuruṣya | n. unmanliness, meanness, cowardice gaRa brāhmaṇādi-.  |
karavīrapura | n. Name of a town founded by padma-varṇa- (see karavīra-)  |
karkaṭapura | n. Name of a town.  |
karṇapur | f. "the capital of karṇa-", campā- (the ancient N. for Bhagalpur)  |
karṇapurī | f. idem or 'f. "the capital of karṇa-", campā- (the ancient N. for Bhagalpur) '  |
kartṛpura | n. Name of a town.  |
kāśipurī | f. equals -nagara-  |
kāśmīrapura | n. the city of the kaśmīra-s.  |
kaurmopapurāṇa | n. Name of an upa-purāṇa-.  |
kautukapura | n. Name of a town  |
kaviratnapuruṣottamamiśra | m. Name of a man.  |
kedārapurāṇa | n. Name of a purāṇa-.  |
kesarapura | n. Name of a town  |
khapura | n. a city built in the sky (as that of the kālakeya-s ;or as that of hari-ścandra- )  |
khapura | n. the Fata Morgana  |
khapura | n. a water-jar  |
khapura | m. tympany, wind-dropsy  |
khapura | m. the betel-nut tree  |
khapura | m. Cyperus pertenuis  |
khapura | m. a kind of perfume (vyāla-nakha-)  |
khapura | etc. See  |
khapurapuṣpa | etc. See  |
kharjūrapura | n. the town Khajuraho in Bundelkhand  |
kheṭakapura | n. Name of a town  |
kimpuruṣa | m. ([ ]) "what sort of a man?"a mongrel being (according to the brāhmaṇa-s an evil being similar to man;perhaps originally a kind of monkey[ see ];in later times the word is usually identified with kiṃ-nara-,though sometimes applied to other beings in which the figure of a man and that of an animal are combined;these beings are supposed to live on hema-kūṭa- and are regarded as the attendants of kubera-;with Jains the kimpuruṣa-s, like the kiṃnara-s, belong to the vyantara-s)  |
kimpuruṣa | m. Name of one of the nine sons of āgnīdhra- (having the varṣa- kimpuruṣa- as his hereditary portion)  |
kimpuruṣa | m. a division of the earth (one of the nine khaṇḍa-s or portions into which the earth is divided, and described as the country between the himācala- and hema-kūṭa- mountains, also called kimpuruṣa-varṣa- ) etc.  |
kimpuruṣa | m. ([ ]) "what sort of a man?"a mongrel being (according to the brāhmaṇa-s an evil being similar to man;perhaps originally a kind of monkey[ see ];in later times the word is usually identified with kiṃ-nara-,though sometimes applied to other beings in which the figure of a man and that of an animal are combined;these beings are supposed to live on hema-kūṭa- and are regarded as the attendants of kubera-;with Jains the kimpuruṣa-s, like the kiṃnara-s, belong to the vyantara-s)  |
kimpuruṣa | m. Name of one of the nine sons of āgnīdhra- (having the varṣa- kimpuruṣa- as his hereditary portion)  |
kimpuruṣa | m. a division of the earth (one of the nine khaṇḍa-s or portions into which the earth is divided, and described as the country between the himācala- and hema-kūṭa- mountains, also called kimpuruṣa-varṣa- ) etc.  |
kimpuruṣeśa | m. "lord of the kimpuruṣa-s", Name of druma-  |
kimpuruṣeśa | m. "lord of the kimpuruṣa-s", Name of druma-  |
kimpuruṣeśvara | m. Name of kubera-  |
kimpuruṣeśvara | m. Name of kubera-  |
kimpuruṣī | f. a female kimpuruṣa-  |
kimpuruṣī | f. a female kimpuruṣa-  |
kimpuruṣīkṛ | kimpuruṣī-- 1. kṛ-, to change into a kimpuruṣa-  |
kimpuruṣīkṛ | kimpuruṣī-- 1. kṛ-, to change into a kimpuruṣa-  |
kimpuruṣīya | n. story about a kimpuruṣa-  |
kolāpura | n. Name of a town  |
kollapura | n. equals kolā-p-  |
koṭipura | n. Name of a town,  |
koṭṭapura | n. Name of a town in magadha- |
koṭṭavīpura | n. Name of the town koṭi-varṣa- (q.v)  |
kratupuruṣa | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
krauñcapura | n. Name of a town  |
kṛcchramūtrapurīṣatva | n. difficulty in evacuating the bladder and intestines  |
krīḍāpura | n. a town visited for amusement.  |
kṛmipurīṣakā | f. a kind of blue fly  |
kṛṣṇacaitanyapurī | m. Name of a philosopher.  |
kṛṣṇapuruṣottamasiddhāntopaniṣad | f. Name of an  |
kṣitipuruhūta | m. "the indra- of the earth", a king  |
kulapuruṣa | m. a man of good family, noble or respectable man  |
kulapuruṣa | m. an ancestor, family progenitor  |
kumārīpura | n. a part of the gynaeceum in which the girls are kept  |
kupuruṣa | m. a low or miserable man etc.  |
kupuruṣa | m. a poltroon (see kā-pur-)  |
kupuruṣajanitā | f. Name of a metre (consisting of four lines of eleven syllables each).  |
kūrmapurāṇa | n. " purāṇa- of the tortoise incarnation", the 15th of the eighteen purāṇa-s.  |
kusthalapura | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a town,  |
kusumapura | n. Name of the town pāṭali-putra-  |
kuvalayapura | n. Name of a town.  |
laghubuddhapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
laghuśāntipurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
laghuśivapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
laghuśivapurāṇa | n. brahmottara |
lakṣāntapurī | f. Name of a town  |
lakṣapura | n. Name of a town  |
lākṣāpura | n. Name of a town  |
lakṣmīpura | n. Name of various towns  |
lakṣmīpuramāhātmya | n. Name of chapter in the brahmāṇḍa-purāṇa-.  |
lakṣmīpuruṣakāra | m. Name of work  |
lalāṭapura | n. Name of a town  |
lalitādityapura | n. Name of a town founded by him  |
lalitapura | n. Name of a town  |
lalitapurāṇa | n. equals -vistara-purāṇa-.  |
lalitavistarapurāṇa | n. Name of a sūtra- work giving a detailed account of the artless and natural acts in the life of the buddha-.  |
laṅkāpurī | f. the city of laṅkā- |
lavaṇapura | n. Name of a town  |
līlāpura | n. Name of a town  |
liṅgabhāṣāpurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
liṅgapurāṇa | n. Name of one of the 18 purāṇa-s (in which śiva-, supposed to be present in the agniliṅga- or great fiery liṅga-, gives an account of the creation etc. as well as of his own incarnations in opposition to those of viṣṇu-).  |
lohapura | n. Name of a place  |
lohitapura | n. Name of a place  |
lokapuruṣa | m. "world-man", the World personified  |
lomapādapur | f. Name of campā-, the capital of loma-pāda-  |
lomapādapurī | f. Name of campā-, the capital of loma-pāda-  |
madanapura | n. Name of a town,  |
madarpatapura | n. Name of a town  |
madarpitapura | n. Name of a town  |
mādhavapura | n. Name of a city  |
mādhavapurī | m. Name of a poet  |
mādhavendrapurī | m. See mādhavārya-.  |
madhupura | n. the city of the asura- madhu-  |
madhupura | n. Name of a city in Northern India  |
madhupuraripu | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
madhupurī | f. the city of the madhus- i.e. mathurā-  |
madhyamapuruṣa | m. a particular personification  |
madhyamapuruṣa | m. (in gram.) the second person in verbal conjugation, a termination of the second person (see prathama-puruṣa-, uttama-puruṣa-).  |
madyapura | n. dual number (?)  |
māgadhapura | n. "city of the magadha-s", Name of a city  |
magadhapurī | f. the city of magadha-  |
māghapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
mahādevapura | n. Name of a city  |
mahādhavalapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
mahāgaṇeśapurāṇegaṇeśagītā | f. plural Name of work  |
mahākālapura | n. " mahā-kāla-'s city", ujjayinī-  |
mahāmalayapura | n. Name of the 7 pagodas hewn out of the rocks at Mamallapuram near Madras  |
mahāpura | n. a great fortress  |
mahāpura | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
mahāpurāṇa | n. a great purāṇa-  |
mahāpurāṇa | n. Name of the bhāgavata- and viṣṇu- purāṇa-s  |
mahāpuraścaraṇaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
mahāpurī | f. a great fortress or city  |
mahāpuruṣa | m. a great or eminent man ( mahāpuruṣatā -tā- f.the state of being one) etc.  |
mahāpuruṣa | m. a great saint or sage or ascetic  |
mahāpuruṣa | m. the great Soul, the Supreme Spirit (identified with the year ;also as Name of viṣṇu-) etc. |
mahāpuruṣa | m. Name of gautama- buddha-  |
mahāpuruṣadantā | f. Asparagus Racemosus ( )  |
mahāpuruṣadantikā | f. Asparagus Racemosus ( )  |
mahāpuruṣalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
mahāpuruṣapāvanakavacc | n. a particular magical formula  |
mahāpuruṣastava | m. Name of work  |
mahāpuruṣastotra | n. Name of work  |
mahāpuruṣatā | f. mahāpuruṣa |
mahāpuruṣavidyā | f. a particular magical formula  |
mahāpuruṣavidyāyāṃviṣṇurahasyekṣetrakāṇḍejagannāthamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
mahātripurasundarīkavaca | n. Name of a kind of magical spell  |
mahātripurasundarīmantranāmasahasra | n. Name of a chapter of the vāmakeśvara-tantra-.  |
mahātripurasundarītāpanīyopaniṣad | f. Name of two upaniṣad-s.  |
mahātripurasundarītāpanīyopaniṣadaryuttaratāpanī | f. Name of two upaniṣad-s.  |
māheśvarapura | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
māheśvaropapurāṇa | n. Name of an upapurāṇa-.  |
mahlāṇapura | n. Name of a town (prob. wrong reading for mahlaṇa--or malhaṇa-p-).  |
mājalapura | n. Name of a city.  |
malayapura | n. Name of a town  |
mallapura | n. Name of a city  |
mallāpura | n. equals malla-pura- (above)  |
mallāpuramāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
mānapuraḥsaram | ind. with (literally"preceded by") honour  |
mānavapurāṇa | n. Name of an upapurāṇa-.  |
māṇḍavyapura | n. Name of a city on the godā-  |
māndhātapura | n. Name of a city (also read māndhāttā tripura-)  |
maṅgalapura | n. "city of prosperity", Name of a town (see maṅgala-).  |
maṇimayīpurī | f. Name of a mythical town of the nirvāta-kavaca-s  |
maṇipura | n. Name of town (equals -pūra- n.)  |
maṇipūrapura | n. maṇipūra |
maṇipurapureśvara | m. equals -pūr- q.v ,  |
mantrapuraścaraṇaprakāra | m. plural Name of work  |
mārdeyapura | n. Name of a town  |
marīcopapurāṇa | n. Name of an upapurāṇa-.  |
mārīcopapurāṇa | n. Name of an upapurāṇa-.  |
mārkaṇḍeyapurāṇa | n. Name of one of the 18 purāṇa-s (so called from its supposed author mārkaṇḍeya-;it expounds the nature of kṛṣṇa- and explains some of the incidents of the mahā-bhārata-;it differs from the other purāṇa-s in the form of its narrative rather than its sectarial character)  |
mataṃgapura | n. Name of a city  |