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Amarakosha Search
1 result
puruṣaḥ2.6.1MasculineSingularpañcajanaḥ, pūruṣaḥ, naraḥ, pumān
Monier-Williams Search
19 results for pum
pumin compound for 2. puṃs-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pum pum-anujā- etc. See p.631. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pumācāram. the custom or usage of men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pumākhyamfn. designated as male or masculine View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pumākhyāf. a name or designation for male beings View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pumanujāf. "born after a male child", having an elder brother (see puṃsānuja-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pumapatyan. male offspring View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pumartham. the aim of man ( pumarthatā -- f.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pumarthamind. for the sake of the soul View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pumarthatāf. pumartha
pumbhāvam. the being a man, manhood, masculine gender View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pumbhūmanm. a word of the masculine gender in the plural number View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pummantram. a magical formula regarded as male View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pummṛgam. a male antelope, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pumpaśum. a man as sacrificial victim View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pumprakṛtif. the nature or character of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ripumallam. Name of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ripumardinmfn. harassing or destroying enemies View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
skandāpumārinmfn. attacked by the above disease View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
0 results1 result
pumāṃs Denotes in the Rigveda and later man as the male.’ It has no special reference to marriage like Pati, or to heroism like Nr or Nara. In grammar it denotes the masculine gender.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results1 result36 results
pumāṃ agniḥ payasā pṛṣṭhyena RV.4.3.10b.
pumāṃ iti brave paṇiḥ RV.5.61.8b.
pumāṃ enaṃ tanuta ut kṛṇatti RV.10.130.2a. See pumān enad vayaty.
pumāṃs te putro nāri ApMB.1.13.2a (ApG.3.8.13). See under pumāṃsaṃ garbhaṃ jāyasva.
pumāṃsaṃ vardhatāṃ mayi śG.1.17.9d. See pumān garbhas, and pumān saṃvartatāṃ.
pumāṃsaṃ garbhaṃ jāyasva VārG.16.6c. See pumāṃsaṃ putraṃ janaya, and pumāṃs te.
pumāṃsaṃ garbham ādhattaṃ gavīnyoḥ MS.1.3.12: 34.15; 4.6.3: 82.13.
pumāṃsaṃ garbham ā dhehi ApMB.1.12.6c. See pumāṃsaṃ putram.
pumāṃsaṃ jātam abhi saṃ rabhante (KSṭB.Apś. -tām) RV.3.29.13d; KS.38.13d; TB.; Apś.5.11.6d.
pumāṃsaṃ dhenuṃ sadanaṃ rayīṇām AVś.11.1.34b.
pumāṃsaṃ na bruvann enam ā.
pumāṃsam u (śG. ā) dadhad (śG. dadhād) iha AVś.6.11.3d; śG.1.19.9d.
pumāṃsaṃ putraṃ vindasva see next but one.
pumāṃsaṃ putraṃ janaya AVś.3.23.3a; AVP.3.14.3a; śG.1.19.7a. See under pumāṃsaṃ garbhaṃ jāyasva.
pumāṃsaṃ putram ā dhehi (SMB. putraṃ vindasva) RVKh.10.184.3c; AVś.5.25.10c--13c; AVP.12.3.10c; 12.4.1c--4c; SMB.1.4.9c; MG.2.18.4c. See pumāṃsaṃ garbham ā dhehi.
pumāṃsaṃ putram indrāṇī AVP.11.1.2c.
pumāṃsau mitrāvaruṇau śG.1.17.9a; SMB.1.4.8a; GG.2.6.3; PG.1.9.5a; VārG.16.6a. P: pumāṃsau KhG.2.2.19.
pumāṃsāv aśvināv ubhau śG.1.17.9b; SMB.1.4.8b; PG.1.9.5b; VārG.16.6b.
pumān agniḥ pumān indraḥ SMB.1.4.9a; GG.2.6.11; VārG.16.6a. P: pumān agniḥ KhG.2.2.23.
pumān agniś ca vāyuś ca SMB.1.4.8c; VārG.16.6c. See pumān indraś.
pumān antarvān sthaviraḥ payasvān AVś.9.4.3a.
pumān ayaṃ janiṣyate 'sau nāma SMB.1.5.7d; GG.2.7.15.
pumān indraś cāgniś (PG. indraś ca sūryaś) ca śG.1.17.9c; PG.1.9.5c. See pumān agniś.
pumān enad vayaty udgṛṇatti AVś.10.7.43c. See pumāṃ enaṃ.
pumān enad vi jabhārādhi nāke AVś.10.7.43d. See pumān vi.
pumān garbhas tavodare SMB.1.4.8d; VārG.16.6d. See under pumāṃsaṃ vardhatāṃ.
pumān devo bṛhaspatiḥ SMB.1.4.9b; VārG.16.6b.
pumān puṃsaḥ parijātaḥ AVś.3.6.1a; AVP.3.3.1a. P: pumān puṃsaḥ Kauś.48.3.
pumān puṃso 'dhi tiṣṭha carmehi AVś.12.3.1a. P: pumān puṃsaḥ Kauś.60.31.
pumān putro jāyatāṃ garbho antaḥ HG.1.25.1b. See next but one.
pumān putro jāyate vindate vasu VS.8.5c; TS.
pumān putro dhīyatāṃ garbhe (ApMB. -bho) antaḥ śG.1.19.12b; ApMB.1.12.8b. See prec. but one.
pumān pumāṃsaṃ pari pātu viśvataḥ (AVP. mṛtyoḥ) RV.6.75.14d; AVP.15.11.4d; VS.29.51d; TS.; MS.3.16.3d: 187.5; KSA.6.1d; N.9.15d.
pumān bāṇa (AVP. vāṇa) iveṣudhim AVś.3.23.2b; AVP.3.14.2b; AG.1.13.6b (crit. notes); śG.1.19.6b; HG.1.25.1b; ApMB.1.12.9b.
pumān vi tatne adhi nāke asmin RV.10.130.2b. See pumān enad vi.
pumān saṃvartatāṃ mayi PG.1.9.5d. See under pumāṃsaṃ vardhatāṃ.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"pum" has 1 results
pum.or पुंस् masculine. It appears that both पुभ्, and पुंस् were current terms meaning 'masculine ' in ancient days. confer, compare पुमः खय्यम्परे P.VIII. 3.12. and पुंसोसुङ् P. VII. 1.89. Although पुभ् is changed to पुंस् before a word beginning with a hard consonant, still पुंस् is given as an independent word derived from the root पा confer, compare पातेर्डुम्सुन् Unādi S IV. 177; confer, compare also the expressions पुंवचन, पुंलिङ्ग and पुंयोग.
Vedabase Search
198 results
pum-gava O most eminentSB 10.51.30
pum-gava O most eminentSB 10.51.30
pum-gavebhyaḥ most exceptionalSB 10.64.14-15
pum-gavebhyaḥ most exceptionalSB 10.64.14-15
pum-savanam which produces a male childSB 4.13.38
pum-savanam which produces a male childSB 4.13.38
pumāṃsam a maleSB 4.28.61
pumāṃsam the manSB 6.5.6-8
pumāṃsam the Personality of GodheadSB 8.18.11
pumāṃsam the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 3.33.8
pumāṃsam unto the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 3.31.14
pumān a human beingSB 11.8.21
SB 6.5.13
pumān a living entitySB 4.24.29
SB 4.29.58
pumān a manSB 10.54.38
SB 11.25.13
SB 3.14.19
SB 4.17.26
SB 5.4.6
SB 6.19.25
SB 7.12.9
pumān a personBG 2.71
CC Antya 2.163
CC Madhya 8.72
SB 1.7.37
SB 10.1.4
SB 10.3.18
SB 10.80.43
SB 10.85.46
SB 11.13.6
SB 11.20.17
SB 11.20.8
SB 11.23.23
SB 11.23.3
SB 11.24.1
SB 11.25.1
SB 11.25.8
SB 11.27.49
SB 11.28.3
SB 11.29.1
SB 11.7.43
SB 12.10.33
SB 12.3.44
SB 3.12.19
SB 3.25.26
SB 4.21.40
SB 4.24.74
SB 4.31.22
SB 4.7.53
SB 4.8.53
SB 6.10.8
SB 6.2.15
SB 6.5.41
SB 7.9.12
SB 8.19.12
SB 8.19.41
SB 8.21.20
SB 8.24.48
SB 9.18.43
SB 9.4.15-16
SB 9.5.16
pumān a person (yogī)SB 11.15.27
pumān any personSB 10.8.5
SB 5.5.27
SB 8.19.20
SB 8.19.3
pumān anyoneSB 1.9.16
pumān human beingSB 3.9.40
pumān living entitySB 3.3.23
pumān maleSB 3.31.37
SB 4.29.29
SB 9.1.38-39
SB 9.14.29
pumān male personSB 5.17.15
pumān manSB 4.28.58
SB 5.3.4-5
SB 7.6.9
SB 8.3.22-24
pumān one whoSB 4.8.5
pumān personBs 5.39
CC Adi 5.155
CC Madhya 8.58
SB 1.5.38
SB 10.1.43
SB 10.49.28
SB 10.51.1-6
SB 10.51.13
SB 10.86.33
SB 11.22.45
SB 11.22.51
SB 3.15.15
SB 3.2.18
SB 3.30.5
SB 3.33.9
SB 8.12.39
pumān personalitySB 11.22.46
SB 4.14.28
SB 4.7.42
pumān Personality of GodheadSB 10.2.41
SB 2.4.7
pumān SupersoulSB 3.32.26
pumān Supreme PersonalitySB 11.22.20
pumān that personSB 11.26.2
pumān the Absolute PersonSB 1.2.32
pumān the enjoyerSB 4.23.18
pumān the human beingSB 1.8.26
pumān the living beingSB 11.3.7
SB 11.9.20
SB 6.14.17
SB 6.4.25
pumān the living entitySB 10.87.25
SB 3.26.6
SB 3.31.43
SB 4.29.15
SB 4.29.5
SB 4.29.60
SB 4.29.62
SB 7.13.28
SB 7.2.24
SB 7.2.43
SB 7.7.22
SB 7.7.36
pumān the LordSB 2.5.40-41
pumān the maleSB 3.12.54
SB 4.15.4
pumān the male childSB 5.9.1-2
pumān the male oneSB 9.21.34
pumān the manSB 3.30.32
pumān the people in generalSB 7.11.2
pumān the personSB 3.30.2
SB 3.32.3
SB 4.21.32
SB 4.22.26
SB 4.22.28
pumān the Personality of GodheadSB 10.16.29
pumān the puruṣaBs 5.62
pumān the puruṣa-avatāra, Mahā-ViṣṇuSB 11.6.16
pumān the supreme enjoyerSB 1.14.35-36
SB 1.9.18
pumān the Supreme PersonSB 4.3.23
SB 4.9.14
SB 5.6.14
SB 7.2.11
SB 8.18.2
pumān the Supreme PersonalitySB 2.6.17
pumān the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Adi 4.66
pumān the yogīSB 11.15.26
pumbhiḥ by menSB 10.47.6
SB 10.62.22
SB 10.62.27
SB 6.18.33-34
pumbhiḥ by personsSB 1.18.10
SB 7.15.14
pumbhiḥ by the general publicSB 4.22.63
pumbhiḥ by the human beingSB 1.2.13
pumbhiḥ by the living entitiesSB 4.29.3
pumbhiḥ by the menSB 10.75.15
pumbhiḥ with menSB 10.69.9-12
SB 10.81.21-23
pumbhiḥ with personsSB 10.88.30
pumbhyām and the living entitySB 7.1.11
hiraṇyakaśipum HiraṇyakaśipuSB 3.17.18
ripum-jayam makes one victorious over his enemiesSB 6.13.22-23
mura-ripum the enemy of MuraMM 20
paraḥ pumān the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 3.26.19
paraḥ pumān the Supreme Brahman, the Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 20.274
strī-pum-prasańgaḥ attraction between husband and wife, or man and womanSB 9.11.17
strī-pum male and femaleSB 1.4.5
strī-pum-prasańgaḥ attraction between husband and wife, or man and womanSB 9.11.17
paraḥ pumān the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 3.26.19
śrī-pumān the Supreme PersonCC Adi 1.9
śrī-pumān the Supreme PersonCC Adi 5.50
paraḥ pumān the Supreme Brahman, the Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 20.274
yaḥ pumān a person whoCC Madhya 22.50
sva-pumbhiḥ by His own associatesSB 3.15.38
sva-pumbhiḥ by My own attendantsSB 3.16.4
strī-pumbhiḥ by men and womenSB 9.11.30
ripum the enemySB 1.7.34
ripum enemySB 1.7.36
ripum his enemySB 6.11.13
ripum his enemy, VṛtrāsuraSB 6.13.10
ripum-jayam makes one victorious over his enemiesSB 6.13.22-23
ripum the enemiesSB 8.11.27
ripum even though He is my enemySB 8.20.12
ripum His enemySB 10.18.28
ripum enemySB 10.72.29
ripum His enemy (Śālva)SB 10.77.29
mura-ripum the enemy of MuraMM 20
śrī-pumān the Supreme PersonCC Adi 1.9
śrī-pumān the Supreme PersonCC Adi 5.50
strī-pum male and femaleSB 1.4.5
strī-pum-prasańgaḥ attraction between husband and wife, or man and womanSB 9.11.17
strī-pumbhiḥ by men and womenSB 9.11.30
sva-pumbhiḥ by His own associatesSB 3.15.38
sva-pumbhiḥ by My own attendantsSB 3.16.4
yaḥ pumān a person whoCC Madhya 22.50
4 results
pum noun (masculine) [gramm.] augment p [gramm.] the noun puṃs
Frequency rank 24628/72933
pumartha noun (masculine) the aim of man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 29050/72933
pumbhāva noun (masculine) manhood (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
masculine gender (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the being a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 29051/72933
pumāñjātabalādika noun (masculine) name of chapter CS, Cik. 2.4
Frequency rank 21746/72933


Plant febrifuge plant, dried whole plant of Solanum xanthocarpum, S. surattense, S. khasianum.


eunuch, hermaphrodite, neuter gender.




one of the sixteen rites conducted in the prenatal life to help mother conceive male baby.

Wordnet Search
"pum" has 3 results.


puruṣaḥ, naraḥ, nā, manuṣyaḥ, mānuṣaḥ, mānavaḥ, manujaḥ, janaḥ, pumān, martyaḥ, pūruṣaḥ, manuḥ, pañca़janaḥ, manubhūḥ, puṃvyaktiḥ, vīraḥ, mālaḥ, vṛdhasānaḥ, vṛdhasānuḥ, carṣaṇiḥ, bhūspṛk   

pumān mānavajātīyaḥ।

dvidhā kṛtvātmano deham arddhena puruṣo'bhavat। arddhena nārī tasyāṃ sa virājam asṛjat prabhuḥ।



bhāratadeśasya aruṇācalapradeśe vartamānaṃ maṇḍalam।

papumapāremaṇḍalasya mukhyālayaḥ yupiānagare asti।


puṃliṅgam, pum   

vyākaraṇaśāstre svīkṛtāṃ liṅgavyavasthām anusṛtya kośādiṣu pum ityādibhiḥ śabdaiḥ yad vyākaraṇikaṃ liṅgam ucyate tat।

pulliṅgaṃ kavisūryayoḥ। / vṛndārakā daivatāni puṃsi vā devatā striyām।

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