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Grammar Search
"pulkasa" has 1 results
pulkasa: masculine vocative singular stem: pulkasa
Monier-Williams Search
1 result
pulkasam. (f(ī-).) Name of a despised mixed tribe (also kaka- ; see paulkas/a-and pukkaśa-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
pulkasa पुल्कसः N. of a despised mixed tribe (the progeny born of a Niṣāda male and Śūdra female, 'जातो निषादा- च्छूद्रायां जात्या भवति पुल्कसः'); Ms.4.79; Bhāg.9.21.1.
Macdonell Search
1 result
puṣkasa m. incorr. for pulkasa.
Vedabase Search
2 results
pulkasa a caṇḍālaSB 9.21.10
pulkasakaḥ a caṇḍāla, one who is less than a śūdraSB 6.13.8-9
1 result
pulkasa noun (masculine) name of a despised mixed tribe (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 16988/72933
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