pulaka | m. a species of edible plant | ||||||
pulaka | m. a species of tree | ||||||
pulaka | m. (plural) erection or bristling of the hairs of the body (considered to be occasioned by delight or rapture rather than by fear) (also n.but mostly occurring in the beginning of a compound and in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' with f(ā-).) | ||||||
pulaka | m. a bunch (See tṛṇa-p-) | ||||||
pulaka | m. a kind of stone or gem | ||||||
pulaka | m. flaw or defect in a gem | ||||||
pulaka | m. a kind of insect or vermin | ||||||
pulaka | m. a cake of meal with which elephants are fed | ||||||
pulaka | m. orpiment | ||||||
pulaka | m. a gandharva- | ||||||
pulaka | m. equals asurājī- (?) | ||||||
pulaka | m. Name of a prince | ||||||
pulaka | m. of a nāga- | ||||||
pulaka | n. a species of earth | ||||||
pulaka | n. horripilation (see above) | ||||||
pulakaya | Nom. P. yati-, to have or feel the hair of the body erect (with rapture or delight) | ||||||
romapulaka | m. equals -harṣa- q.v | ||||||
sapulaka | mfn. having bristling hairs, thrilled with joy or desire ( sapulakam am- ind.) | ||||||
sapulakam | ind. sapulaka | ||||||
tṛṇapulaka | See -pūl-. | ||||||
utpulaka | mfn. having the hairs of the body raised (through joy or rapture) | ||||||
utpulaka | n. erection of the hairs of the body (through rapture) | ||||||
vipulaka | mfn. "very extensive"and"without bristling hair" (see pulaka-). |
pulakaḥ | पुलकः 1 Erection or bristling of the hairs of the body, a thrill (of joy or fear), horripilation; चारु चुचुम्ब नितम्बवती दयितं पुलकैरनुकूले Gīt.1; मृगमदतिलकं लिखति सपुलकं मृगमिव रजनीकरे 7; Amaru.59,82. -2 A kind of stone or gem; Kau. A.2.11.29. -3 A flaw or defect in a gem. -4 A kind of mineral. -5 A ball of food with which elephants are fed (गजान्नपिण्ड). -6 Yellow orpiment, a dot of the same; रक्तोज्ज्वलांशुकवृते द्विरदस्य कुम्भे जाम्बूनदेन रचितः पुलको यथैव Abhiṣeka.4.23. -7 A wine-glass. -8 A species of mustard. -9 See पुलाकः (1); अश्राद्धेयानि धान्यानि कोद्रवाः पुलकास्तथा Mb.13.91.38 (com. पुलकाः असंपूर्णतण्डुलयुक्तधान्यानि). -1 A bunch. -Comp. -अङ्गः the noose of Varuṇa. -आलयः an epithet of Kubera. -उद्गमः erection of the hairs of the body, horripilation. |
pulakayati | पुलकयति Den. P. To have the hairs of the body erect, thrill (with joy &c.). |
utpulaka | उत्पुलक a. 1 Thrilled, bristling. -2 Joyful, delighted -कम् Erection of the hairs of the body (through rapture). |
pulaka | m. an esculent plant: pl. erec tion of the hairs of the body (symptomatic of exquisite delight). |
pulakaya | den. P. feel an erection of the hairs of the body (caused by pleasure): pp. ita, having the hairs of the body erect (symptomatic of exquisite delight), feeling a thrill of joy. |
romapulaka | m. bristling of the hair, thrill; -baddha, pp. woven out of hair; -bandha, m. web of hair; -râg&ibrevcirc;, f. line or streak of hair (esp. above the navel in women, as a mark of puberty): (i)-patha, m. waist; -vat, a. hairy; -vikriyâ, f. horripilation, thrill. |
pulaka | feelings of happiness | SB 1.6.17 |
pulaka | horripilation | CC Madhya 8.24 |
pulaka | jubilant | CC Madhya 17.200 |
pulaka | jubilation | CC Madhya 11.222 |
CC Madhya 12.138 | ||
CC Madhya 12.63 | ||
CC Madhya 13.84 | ||
CC Madhya 15.279 | ||
CC Madhya 17.205 | ||
CC Madhya 21.108 | ||
CC Madhya 9.238 | ||
CC Madhya 9.287 | ||
CC Madhya 9.346 | ||
pulaka | standing of bodily hairs in ecstasy | CC Madhya 3.123 |
pulaka | standing of hair | CC Madhya 6.208 |
pulaka | standing of hairs | CC Madhya 3.115 |
SB 4.12.18 | ||
pulaka | standing of the hair | CC Antya 16.93 |
CC Madhya 3.162 | ||
pulaka | standing of the hairs of the body | CC Antya 10.72 |
CC Madhya 9.96 | ||
pulaka | with eruptions | SB 10.38.35 |
pulaka | with hairs standing on the body | SB 7.3.25 |
pulaka | with standing of the hairs of the body | SB 8.17.6 |
pulaka ańge | jubilation | CC Madhya 17.207 |
pulaka ańge | jubilation | CC Madhya 17.207 |
pulaka-ādi | throbbing of the heart | CC Adi 8.27 |
pulaka-ādi | throbbing of the heart | CC Adi 8.27 |
pulaka-ańga | eruptions on the body | CC Antya 17.16 |
pulaka-ańga | eruptions on the body | CC Antya 17.16 |
pulaka-ańga | the entire body quivering in joy | CC Madhya 16.104 |
pulaka-ańga | the entire body quivering in joy | CC Madhya 16.104 |
pulaka-ańgī | the hair on her limbs standing on end | SB 10.32.8 |
pulaka-ańgī | the hair on her limbs standing on end | SB 10.32.8 |
pulaka-aśru | jubilation and tears | CC Madhya 4.202 |
pulaka-aśru | jubilation and tears | CC Madhya 4.202 |
pulaka-aśru | standing up of bodily hair and crying | CC Madhya 7.79 |
pulaka-aśru | standing up of bodily hair and crying | CC Madhya 7.79 |
pulaka-aśru | tears and jubilation | CC Madhya 24.276 |
pulaka-aśru | tears and jubilation | CC Madhya 24.276 |
pulaka-aśru | tears in ecstasy | CC Adi 8.22 |
pulaka-aśru | tears in ecstasy | CC Adi 8.22 |
pulaka-aśru-nṛtya-gīta | trembling of the body, tears in the eyes, dancing and chanting | CC Madhya 25.139 |
pulaka-aśru-nṛtya-gīta | trembling of the body, tears in the eyes, dancing and chanting | CC Madhya 25.139 |
pulaka-aśru-nṛtya-gīta | trembling of the body, tears in the eyes, dancing and chanting | CC Madhya 25.139 |
pulaka-aśru-nṛtya-gīta | trembling of the body, tears in the eyes, dancing and chanting | CC Madhya 25.139 |
pulaka-aśru-viklavaḥ | agitated by tears of jubilation | SB 8.22.15 |
pulaka-aśru-viklavaḥ | agitated by tears of jubilation | SB 8.22.15 |
pulaka-aśru-viklavaḥ | agitated by tears of jubilation | SB 8.22.15 |
pulaka-bhṛtaḥ | being spiritually pleased | CC Madhya 24.120 |
pulaka-bhṛtaḥ | being spiritually pleased | CC Madhya 24.120 |
pulaka-kadamba | eruptions of ecstasy like kadamba flowers | CC Adi 5.166 |
pulaka-kadamba | eruptions of ecstasy like kadamba flowers | CC Adi 5.166 |
pulaka-kadamba | eruptions on the body like kadamba flowers | CC Madhya 25.68 |
pulaka-kadamba | eruptions on the body like kadamba flowers | CC Madhya 25.68 |
pulaka-udbhinna | bodily changes of transcendental ecstasy | SB 3.2.5 |
pulaka-udbhinna | bodily changes of transcendental ecstasy | SB 3.2.5 |
pulaka-udgama | bristling | MM 35 |
pulaka-udgama | bristling | MM 35 |
pulakaḥ | the ecstatic jubilation | CC Madhya 24.207 |
SB 10.21.19 | ||
pulakaiḥ | with erection of the hairs due to transcendental happiness | CC Antya 20.36 |
udbhidyamāna-roma-pulaka-kulakaḥ | standing of the hair on end | SB 5.7.12 |
roma-pulaka-kulakaḥ | whose symptoms of ecstasy on the body | SB 5.17.2 |
udbhidyamāna-roma-pulaka-kulakaḥ | standing of the hair on end | SB 5.7.12 |
roma-pulaka-kulakaḥ | whose symptoms of ecstasy on the body | SB 5.17.2 |
udbhidyamāna-roma-pulaka-kulakaḥ | standing of the hair on end | SB 5.7.12 |
roma-pulaka-kulakaḥ | whose symptoms of ecstasy on the body | SB 5.17.2 |
udbhidyamāna-roma-pulaka-kulakaḥ | standing of the hair on end | SB 5.7.12 |
utpulaka | horripilation | SB 7.7.34 |
utpulakaḥ | experiencing standing of the hairs of the body | SB 3.28.34 |
utpulakaḥ | with the hairs of his body standing on end | SB 7.4.41 |
utpulakaḥ | very pleased | CC Madhya 24.157 |
utpulakaḥ | becoming agitated in ecstatic love | CC Madhya 24.278 |
utpulakau | their hair stood up | SB 4.9.48 |
pulaka | noun (neuter) a species of earth (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) horripilation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 9409/72933 | |
pulaka | noun (masculine neuter) asurājī (?) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a bunch (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a cake of meal with which elephants are fed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a Gandharva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a kind of insect or vermin (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a kind of stone or gem (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a species of edible plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a species of tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) erection or bristling of the hairs of the body (considered to be occasioned by delight or rapture rather than by fear) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) flaw or defect in a gem (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Nāga (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a prince (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) orpiment (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) kaṅkuṣṭha Frequency rank 14290/72933 | |
pulakaparīkṣaṇa | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.77 Frequency rank 58247/72933 | |
pulakay | verb (denominative parasmaipada) to be thrilled with joy Frequency rank 37000/72933 | |
utpulaka | adjective having the hairs of the body raised (through joy or rapture) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 33406/72933 | |
pupulaka | noun (neuter) [medic.] kaṅkuṣṭha Frequency rank 58187/72933 | |
śuklapulaka | noun (masculine) a kind of mineral Frequency rank 67841/72933 | |
sapulaka | adjective having bristling hairs (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) thrilled with joy or desire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 68801/72933 |