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Grammar Search
"pratyaya" has 1 results
pratyaya: masculine vocative singular stem: pratyaya
Amarakosha Search
2 results
pratyaya3.3.155MasculineSingularatikramaḥ, kṛcchraḥ, doṣaḥ, daṇḍaḥ
vidhā3.3.108FeminineSingularsampratyaya, spṛhā
Monier-Williams Search
87 results for pratyaya
pratyayam. belief firm conviction, trust, faith, assurance or certainty of (genitive case locative case or compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayam. proof, ascertainment etc. (pratyayaṃ-gam-,to acquire confidence, repose confidence in ; asty atra pratyayo mama-,that is my conviction ; kah pratyayo 'tra-,what assurance is there of that? ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayam. conception, assumption, notion, idea etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayam. (with Buddhists and jaina-s) fundamental notion or idea ( pratyayatva -tva- n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayam. consciousness, understanding, intelligence, intellect (in sāṃkhya- equals buddhi-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayam. analysis, solution, explanation, definition View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayam. ground, basis, motive or cause of anything etc. (in med.) equals nimitta-, hetu- etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayam. (with Buddhists) a co-operating cause View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayam. the concurrent occasion of an event as distinguished from its approximate cause View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayam. an ordeal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayam. want, need View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayam. fame, notoriety View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayam. a subsequent sound or letter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayam. an affix or suffix to roots (forming verbs, substantives, adjectives and all derivatives) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayam. an oath View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayam. usage, custom View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayam. religious meditation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayam. a dependant or subject View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayam. a householder who keeps a sacred fire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayadhātum. the stem of a nominal verb View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayakaramfn. one who awakens confidence, trustworthy () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayakārakamfn. one who awakens confidence, trustworthy () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayakāraṇamfn. one who awakens confidence, trustworthy () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayakārinmfn. idem or 'mfn. one who awakens confidence, trustworthy ()' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayakāriṇīf. a seal, signet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayalopam. (in gram.) elision of an affix View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayamauktikamālāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayanamind. every half year View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayanastvan. obtaining again, recovery View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayaprativacanan. a certain or distinct answer, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayasargam. (in sāṃkhya-) the creation which proceeds from buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayasvaram. (in gram.) an accent on an affix View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayatattvaprakāśikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayatvan. (see above) the being a cause, causality View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayatvan. pratyaya
pratyayayādhim. a pledge which causes confidence in regard to a debt View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayayātmamfn. causing confidence (varia lectio pratyag-ātma-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apatyapratyayam. a patronymical affix View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apavādapratyayam. an exceptional affix View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apratyayam. distrust, disbelief, doubt View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apratyayam. not an affix View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apratyayamfn. distrustful (with locative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apratyayamfn. causing distrust View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apratyayamfn. having no affix. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apratyayasthamfn. (in grammar) not pertaining to an affix. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhāṣyapratyayam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhāvapratyayaśaktivicāram. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhāvapratyayavādārtham. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhedapratyayam. belief in dualism (see -dṛṣṭi-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhātupratyayapañcakan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhātupratyayapañjikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dṛḍhapratyayam. firm confidence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dṛṣṭapratyayamfn. having confidence manifested View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekasampratyayam. having the same signification, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
evampratyayamfn. having such a belief, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
glānapratyayam. a requisite for sick persons View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itaretarapratyayamfn. dependent on each other View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itaretarapratyayatvan. mutual dependance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jātapratyayamfn. inspired with confidence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
labdhapratyayamfn. one who has won confidence, one who has firm belief in ( labdhapratyayatā -- f.) (in Prakrit) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
labdhapratyayaf. labdhapratyaya
lokapratyayam. world-currency, universal prevalence (of a custom etc.), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mithyāpratyayam. false conception, error, illusion, sāṃkhya-s. Scholiast or Commentator View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariṇatapratyayamfn. (an action) whose results are matured View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pravṛttipratyayam. a belief in or conception of the things relating to the external world View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pūraṇapratyayam. an affix forming an ordinal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sākṣipratyayam. the evidence or testimony of an eye-witnesses View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāmantapratyayam. the evidence or testimony of near neighbours View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sampratyayam. assent, agreement (See yathā-s-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sampratyayam. firm conviction, perfect trust or faith or belief. etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sampratyayam. right conception View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sampratyayam. notion, idea View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sampratyayaSee sam-prati-.
sapratyayamf(ā-)n. having trust or confidence, trusting in (locative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sapratyayamf(ā-)n. certain, secure, sure (with vṛtti- f."sure means of subsistence") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sapratyayamf(ā-)n. equals next View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sapratyayakamfn. together with a suffix View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvapratyayamālāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
strīpratyayam. a feminine suffix View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
strīpratyayaprakaraṇan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatpratyayamind. to make anything sure View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatpratyayatva(n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipratyayam. distrust View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛttapratyayam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛttapratyayakaumudīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāsampratyayamind. according to agreement View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yuvapratyayam. a suffix forming the so-called yuvan- patronymics Scholiast or Commentator View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
5 results
pratyaya प्रत्ययः 1 Conviction, settled belief; मूढः परप्रत्ययनेयबुद्धिः; M.1.2; संजातप्रत्ययः Pt.4. -2 Trust, reliance, faith, confidence; रक्षन् प्रत्ययमात्मनः Rām.3.9.19; बलवदपि शिक्षितानामात्मन्यप्रत्ययं चेतः Ś.1.2; Ku.6.2; Śi.18.63; Bh.3.6; प्रत्ययार्थं हि लोकानामेवमेव मया कृतम् Abhiṣeka. 6.29. -3 Conception, idea, notion, opinion. -4 Surety, certainty; प्रत्ययार्थं ततः सीता विवेश ज्वलनं तदा Rām.7.45. 7. -5 Knowledge, experience, cognition; स्थानप्रत्ययात् Ś.7 'judging by the place'; so आकृतिप्रत्ययात् M.1; Me.8. -6 A cause, ground, means of action; स्वकर्म- प्रत्ययाँल्लोकान् मत्वा$र्जुनमब्रवीत् Mb.13.1.77; अपेक्षते प्रत्ययमुत्तमं त्वाम् Ku.3.18. -7 Celebrity, fame, renown. -8 A termination, an affix or suffix; केवलं दधति कर्तृवाचिनः प्रत्ययानिह न जातु कर्मणि Śi.14.66. -9 An oath. -1 A dependant. -11 A usage, practice. -12 A hole. -13 Intellect, understanding (बुद्धि). -14 An assistant or associate. -15 An epithet of Viṣṇu; नामरूपे भगवती प्रत्यय- स्त्वमपाश्रयः Bhāg.6.19.14. -16 (With Buddhists) A co-operating cause. -17 An instrument, a means of agency. -18 Religious contemplation. -19 A householder who keeps a sacred fire. -2 Function of the organs (इन्द्रियवृत्ति); सर्वेन्द्रियगुणद्रष्ट्रे सर्वप्रत्ययहेतवे Bhāg.8.3. 14. -Comp. -कारकः, -कारिन् a. producing assurance, convincing. (-णी) a seal, signet-ring.
apratyaya अप्रत्यय a. 1 Diffident, distrustful (with loc.); बलवदपि शिक्षितानामात्मन्यप्रत्ययं चेतः Ś.1.2. -2 Having no knowledge. -3 (In gram.) Having no affix. -यः 1 Diffidence, distrust, disbelief, doubt; क्षेत्रमप्रत्ययानाम् Pt. 1.191. -2 Not being understood. -3 Not an affix; अर्थवदधातुरप्रत्ययः प्रातिपदिकम् ॥ P.I.2.45. -Comp. -स्थ a. (in gram.) not pertaining to an affix.
vipratyaya विप्रत्ययः Distruct; यदि विप्रत्ययो ह्येष तदिदं दर्शयाम ते Mb.12.111.55.
sapratyaya सप्रत्यय a. 1 Placing confidence in. -2 Certain, sure.
saṃpratyaya संप्रत्ययः 1 Firm conviction. -2 Agreement; त्रयाणा- मेकवाक्ये संप्रत्ययः Kau. A.1.12; एतस्मिन्नेव काले तु यथासंप्रत्ययं कविः Mb.1.149.1. -3 Notion, idea.
Macdonell Search
6 results
pratyaya m. [going or turning to, recourse], confidence, trust, belief, faith, in (g., lc., --°ree;); conviction, certainty; proof, as certainment; assumption; solution, explana tion; conception, notion, idea; cause; ordeal; following letter (gr.); suffix (gr.): -kâraka, a. causing confidence, trustworthy; -dhâtu, m. (suffix-root), denominative base (gr.).
pratyayanam ad. every year.
pratyayasarga m. intellectual creation.
apratyaya m. distrust; a. distrust ful of (lc.); inspiring distrust.
upratyaya m. suffix u.
yuvapratyaya m. suffix forming patronymics termed yuvan (gr.); -mârin, a. dying young; -râga, m. crown-prince, heir-apparent (associated to the throne): -tva, n. dignity of an heir-apparent: -râgya, n. id.
Bloomfield Vedic
6 results0 results4 results
taṃ ha jaritar na pratyāyan # JB.2.116c. See tāṃ etc.
tāṃ ha jaritaḥ pratyāyan # GB.2.6.14. Cf. tām u ha etc.
tāṃ ha jaritar na pratyāyan # AVś.20.135.6c; AB.6.35.6; śś.12.19.1c. See taṃ etc.
tām u ha jaritaḥ pratyāyan # AVś.20.135.6d; AB.6.35.7; GB.2.6.14; JB.2.116e; śś.12.19.1d. Cf. tāṃ ha etc.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"pratyaya" has 25 results
pratyayaaffix, suffix, a termination, as contrasted with प्रकृति the base; confer, compare प्रत्याय्यते अर्थः अनेन इति प्रत्ययः; confer, compare also अर्थे संप्रत्याययति स प्रत्ययः M.Bh. on III. 1.l Vart. 8; The word प्रत्यय is used in the Pratisakhya works in the sense of 'following' or 'that which follows', e. g. स्पर्शे चोषः प्रत्यये पूर्वपद्यः Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) I. 30 which is explained by Uvvata as उषः इत्ययं ( शब्दः ) पूर्वपदावयवः सन् स्पर्शे प्रत्यये परभूते इति यावत्; रेफिसंज्ञो भवति; Uvvata on Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) I.30; confer, compare प्रत्येति पश्चादागच्छति इति प्रत्ययः परः Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.V. 7; cf also V. Pr, III. 8. Pratyaya or the suffix is generally placed after the base; cf, प्रत्ययः, परश्च P. III. I. 1,2; but sometimes it is placed before the base; e. g. बहुपटुः confer, compare विभाषा सुपो बहुच् पुरस्तात्तु P. V. 3.68. The conjugational signs (शप् , श्यन् et cetera, and others), the signs of tenses and moods ( च्लि, सिच् , स्य, ताम् et cetera, and others) and the compound endings(समासान्त) are all called pratyayas according fo Panini's grammar, as they are all given in the jurisdiction(अधिकार) of the rule प्रत्ययः III.1.1, which extends upto the end of the fifth chapter ( अध्याय ). There are six main kinds of affixes given in grammar सुप्प्रत्यय, तिङ्प्रत्यय, कृत्प्रत्यय , तद्धितप्रत्यय, धातुप्रत्यय (exempli gratia, for example in the roots चिकीर्ष, कण्डूय et cetera, and others) and स्त्रीप्रत्यय. The word प्रत्यय is used in the sense of realization, in which case the root इ in the word त्यय means'knowing' according to the maxim सर्वे गत्यर्था ज्ञानार्थाः; confer, compare मन्त्रार्थप्रत्ययाय Nirukta of Yāska.I.15.
apratyaya(1)it. absence of any affix: an affix such as क्विप् or क्विन् which wholly vanishes; confer, compare पिपठिषतेः अप्रत्ययः पिपठीः M.Bh. on I.1.6. कण्डूयतेरप्रत्यय: कण्डूः M.Bh. on I.1.58; (2) that which is not an affix. confer, compare अप्रत्ययस्यैताः संज्ञा मा भूवन् Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on I.1.61, I.1.69; (3) that which is not pre' scribed, अविधीयमान,अप्रत्याय्यमानः M.Bh. on I.1.69.
asaṃpratyayafailure to understand the sense; confer, compare इतरथा ह्यसंप्रत्ययोऽकृत्रिमत्वाद्यथा लोके Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on I.1.23 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 3.
gotrapratyayaaffix in the sense of गोत्र; confer, compare यश्चासौ गोत्रप्रत्ययः प्राप्नोति स एकः स्यात् Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ).on IV. 1.93.
dhātupratyayapañjikāa work dealing with verbal forms written by Dharmakirti, a Jain grammarian of the eighth century.
pūraṇapratyayaa taddhita affix. affix showing the completion of the particular number ( संख्या ) shown by the word to which the affix is applied; confer, compare . अर्धपूर्वपदश्च पूरणप्रत्ययान्तः संख्याशब्दो भवतीति वक्तव्यम् । अर्धपञ्चमः । Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ).on P.I.1.23 Vart. 7. These affixes are mentioned by Panini in V.2. 48 to 58.
prakṛtipratyayavibhāgadivision of a word (in use in a language) into the base and the affix, which is looked upon as the main function of grammar.
pratyayagrahaṇaparibhāṣāthe guiding rule that when an affix ( प्रत्यय ) is given in a rule as a निमित्त (causing something), the affix denotes a word-form which begins with that to which that affix has been added and ends with the affix itself; confer, compare प्रत्ययग्रहणे यस्मात् स विहितस्तदादेस्तदन्तस्य च ग्रह्यणम् Par. Sek. Pari. 23. The rule यञियोश्च, which prescribes the affix फक् (आयन), has the word यञ् and इञ् which respectively mean यञन्त and इञन्त; in the word परमगार्ग्यायण from परमगार्ग्य the word गार्ग्य is looked upon as यञन्त to which फक् (अायन) is affixed and hence the word परमगार्ग्यायण is arrived at and not पारमगार्ग्य.
pratyayadhātua term applied to secondary roots which are formed by adding affixes like णिच् , सन् , यङ् et cetera, and others to primary roots or by the addition of affixes like क्विप्, क्यच् , कायच् et cetera, and others to nouns; e. g. कामय, ह्यारय, चिकीर्ष, जिहीर्ष, जेघ्रीय,चेकीय, गङ्गीय, राजाय, पुत्रकाम्य et cetera, and others; confer, compare सनाद्यन्ता धातवः P.1II.. 1.32; cf also प्रत्ययधातु । गोपायति, धूपायति, ऋतीयते Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on VI. 1.162 Vart.3.
pratyayapādaa conventional name given to the first pada of the third adhyaya of Panini's Astadhyayi which begins with the rule प्रत्ययः III. 1.1.
pratyayalakṣaṇaan operation caused by an affix which takes place even though the affix is elided: exempli gratia, for example the term षद is applied to अग्निचित्, सोमसुत् et cetera, and others on account of the words ending with a case affix although the affix of the nominative case. singular. has been elided; confer, compare प्रत्ययलोपे प्रत्ययलक्षणम्. P.I.1. 62 and Kas, thereon.
pratyayavidhia rule prescribing the addition of a suffix; confer, compare यस्मात्प्रत्ययाविधिस्तदादि प्रत्ययेङ्गम्, P.I.3.13.
pratyayasvaraan accent caused by virtue of the affix which is added; confer, compare यथैव हि निपातनस्वरः प्रकृतिस्वरं बाधेत एवं प्रत्ययस्वरमपि बाधेत । लतिशिष्टत्वाप्रत्ययस्वरो भविष्यति । Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. I.I 56 Vart. 23.
bhāvapratyayaan affix in the sense of quality such as त्व, ता et cetera, and others; confer, compare न ह्यन्तरेण भावप्रत्ययं गुणप्रधानो भवति निर्देश: .
yuvapratyayataddhita affix. affix फक् ( अायन ), फिञ् ( अायनि ) or any other in the sense of युवन् which is to be applied to a base ending with an affix in the sense of offspring ( अपत्यप्रत्ययान्त ) or with an affix in the sense of a grandson ( गोत्रप्रत्ययान्त ). The affix is not applied when a female offspring is meant.
liṅgavācakapratyayaan affix such as अा , ( टाप्, डाप्, चाप्) or ई (ङीप्, ङीष्, ङीन् ) which is added to a masculine base; confer, compare P.IV. 1.3 to IV.1.77.
saṃpratyayathe same as संप्रतिपत्ति which see a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.; confer, compare इंतंरंथा ह्यसंप्रत्यये यथा लोके Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. I. 1.1 Vart. 2; confer, comparealso येनोच्चारितेन सास्नालाङ्गूलककुदखुरविषाणिनां संप्रत्ययो भवति स शब्दः Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on Ahnika 1.
strīpratyaya(1)affixes added to the masculine base of a word to show the sense of the feminine, such as आ in टापृ, डापू and चापू and ई in ङीपू, ङीषू and ङीनन्. See P. IV. 1.3 to 8l. (2) name of a section of Bhattoj's Siddhantakaumudi which gives the affixes added for the formation of a feminine base.
aṅThe vikaraṇa before luṅ affixes, substituted for the affix cvi ( च्वि ) in the case of the roots mentioned by Pāṇini in sūtras III.1.52-59:(2) the Vikaraṇapratyaya in Vedic Literature before the benedictive affixes prescribed by Pāṇini in Sūtra III.1.86; (3) kṛt affix in the feminine gender showing verbal activity applied to roots marked with the mute letter ष् and the roots भिद्, छिद् and others. P.III.3 104-106.exempli gratia, for example जरा, त्रपा, भिदा, छिदा et cetera, and others
ārdhadhātukaa term used in contrast to the term सार्वधातुक for such verbal and kṛt affixes, as are not personal endings of verbs nor marked with the mute letter श् confer, compare तिङ्शित् सार्वधातुकम् । आर्धधातुकं शेषः। P.III.4.113 and 114. The personal endings of verbs in the perfect tense and the benedictive mood are termed ārdhadhātuka, confer, compare P. III. 4.115, 116; while both the terms are promiscuously found utilised in the Vedic Literature; confer, compare P. III. 4. 117. The main utility of the ārdhadhātuka term is the augment इ ( इट् ) to be prefixed to the ārdhadhātuka affixes. The term आर्धधातुका was in use in works of the old Vaiyākaraṇas; confer, compare अथवा आर्धधातुकासु इति वक्ष्यामि कासु आर्धधातुकासु । उक्तिषु युक्तिषु रूढिषु प्रतीतिषु श्रुतिषु संज्ञासु M.Bh. on II. 4.35. It cannot be said how the term ārdhadhātuka originatedition Probably such affixes or pratyayas, like the kṛt affixes generally, as could be placed after certain roots only were called ārdhadhātuka, as contrasted with the verbal and the present participle affixes which were termed sārvadhātuka on account of their being found in use after every root.
goṣṭhaca taddhita affix.affix applied to words like गो and others in the sense of 'a place'; confer, compare गेष्ठजादयः स्थानादिषु पशुनाम। पशुनामादिभ्य उपसंख्यानम् | गवां स्थानं गोगोष्ठम्, अश्वगोष्ठम्: महिषीगोष्ठम् Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana.on P.1. varia lectio, another reading,2.29 It is very likely that words like गोष्ठ, दघ्न and others were treated as pratyayas by Panini and katyayana who followed Panini, because they were found always associated with a noun preceding them and never independently.
pūraṇaan ordinal numeral; literally the word means completion of a particular number ( संख्या ); confer, compare येन संख्या संख्यानं पूर्यते संपद्यते स तस्याः पूरणः । एकादंशानां पूरणः एकादशः । Kas, on P.V. 2.48. The word is used also in the sense of an affix by the application of which the particular number ( संख्या ) referring to an object, is shown as complete; confer, compare यस्मिन्नुपसंजाते अन्या संख्या संपद्यते स प्रत्ययार्थः Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. V.2.48. These Purana pratyayas are given in P. V. 2. 48-58, confer, compare पूरणं नामार्थः । तमाह Xतीयशव्दः । अतः पूरणम् Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P.II.2.3. The word also means 'an ordinal number'; confer, compare पूरणगुणसुहितार्थसदव्ययतव्यसमानाधिकरणेन P.II.2.11.
vikaraṇaan affix placed between a root and the personal ending, for showing the specific tense or mood or voice to convey which, the personal ending is applied; e. g. the conjugational signs शप् , श्यन् , श्रु, श, श्नम्, उ, श्ना and यक्, आम् , as also स्य, तास् , सिप् , अाम् and च्लि with its substitutes. Although the term विकरण is used by ancient grammarians and freely used by the Mahabhsyakara in connection with the affixes, mentioned in the sutras of Panini, such as शप् , श्यन् and others, the term is not found in the Sutras of Panini. The vikaranas are different from the major kinds of the regular affixes तिङ्, कृत्य and other similar ones. The vikaranas can be called कृत्; so also, as they are mentioned in the topic (अधिकार) of affixes or Pratyayas,they hold the designation ' pratyaya '. For the use of the word विकरण see M.Bh. on P. I.3. 12, III, 1.31 and VI. 1.5. The term विकरण is found . in the Yājñavalkya Siksa in the sense of change, ( confer, compare उपधारञ्जनं कुर्यान्मनोर्विकरणे सति ) and possibly the ancient grammarians used it in that very sense as they found the root कृ modified as करु or कुरु, or चि as चिनु, or भू as भव before the regular personal endings तिप् , तस् et cetera, and others
vaidyanāthaVaidyanatha Payagunde, a famous grammarian of the eighteenth century, who was one of the chief pupils of Nagesa and who prepared a line of pupils at Varanasi. He has written learned commentaries on standard works on grammar, the principal ones being the Prabha on the Sabdakaustubha, the Bhavaprakasika on the Brhaccabdendusekhara, the Cidasthimala on the LaghuSabdendusekhara, the Kasika or Gada on the Paribhasendusekhara and an independent short treatise named Rapratyaya-khandana
hemacandraa Jain sage and scholar of remarkable erudition in the religious works of the Jainas as also in several Shastras. He was a resident of Dhandhuka in Gujarat, who, like Sankarācārya took संन्यासदीक्षा at a very early age and wrote a very large number of original books and commentaries, the total number of which may well nigh exceed fifty, during his long life of eighty-four years ( 1088 to ll 2 ). He stayed at AnhilavalaPattana in the North Gujarat and was patronised with extreme reverence by King Kumarapala who in fact, became his devoted pupil. Besides the well-known works on the various Shastras like Kavyanusasana, Abhidhanacintamani, Desinamamla, Yogasastra, Dvyasrayakavya, Trisastisalakapurusacarita and others which are well-known, he wrote a big work on grammar called सिद्धहेमचन्द्र by him,but popularly known by the name हेमव्याकरण or हैमशब्दानुशासन The , work consists of eight books or Adhyayas, out of which the eighth book is devoted to prakrit Grammar, and can be styled as a Grammar of all the Prakrit dialects. The Sanskrit Grammar of seven chapters is based practically upon Panini's Astadhyayi, the rules or sutras referring to Vedic words or Vedic affixes or accents being entirely omittedThe wording of the Sutras is much similar to that of Panini; at some places it is even identical. The order of the treatment of the subjects in the सिद्धहैम. शब्दानुशासनमृत्र is not, however, similar to that obtaining in the Astadhyayi of Panini. It is somewhat topicwise as in the Katantra Vyakarana. The first Adhyaya and a quarter of the second are devoted to Samjna, Paribhasa and declension; the second pada of the second Adhyaya is devoted to karaka, while the third pada of it is devoted to cerebralization and the fourth to the Stripratyayas.The first two Padas of the third Adhyaya are devoted to Samasas or compound words, while the last two Padas of the third Adhyaya and the fourth Adhyaya are devoted to conjugation The fifth Adhyaya is devoted to verbal derivatives or krdanta, while the sixth and the seventh Adhyayas are devoted to formations of nouns from nouns, or taddhita words. On this Sabda nusasana, which is just like Panini's Astadhyayi, the eighth adhyaya of Hemacandra being devoted to the grammar of the Arsa language similar to Vedic grammar of Panini, Hemacandra has himself written two glosses which are named लधुवृति and वृहृदवृत्ति and the famous commentary known as the Brhannyasa. Besides these works viz the हैमशब्दानुशासन, the two Vrttis on it and the Brhannyasa, he has given an appendix viz the Lingnusasana. The Grammar of Hemacandra, in short, introduced a new system of grammar different from, yet similar to, that of Panini, which by his followers was made completely similar to the Paniniya system by writing works similar to the Siddhantakaumudi, the Dhatuvrtti, the Manorama and the Paribhasendusekhara. हेमहंसगणि a grammarian belonging to the school of Hemacandra, who lived in the fifteenth century and wrote a work on Paribhasas named न्यायसंग्रह, on which he himself wrote a commentary called न्यायार्थमञ्जूषा and another one called by the name न्यास.
Vedabase Search
18 results
pratyaya forms of knowledgeSB 10.40.29
pratyaya janmila there was confidenceCC Antya 2.78
pratyaya janmila there was confidenceCC Antya 2.78
pratyaya-artham just to see the potency of the mystic powerSB 9.24.33
pratyaya-artham just to see the potency of the mystic powerSB 9.24.33
pratyayacchat returned and deliveredSB 9.6.19
pratyaya beliefSB 5.10.6
pratyaya the cause of manifestationSB 6.19.13
artha-pratyaya regarding as the ultimate goal of lifeSB 5.3.13
sarva-pratyaya-hetave who is the solution to all doubts (and without whose help one cannot solve all doubts and inabilities)SB 8.3.14
hṛta-pratyaya deprived of all sensationSB 10.3.47
sarva-pratyaya-sākṣiṇaḥ the witness of all different activitiesSB 6.9.42
sarva-pratyaya-hetave who is the solution to all doubts (and without whose help one cannot solve all doubts and inabilities)SB 8.3.14
hṛta-pratyaya deprived of all sensationSB 10.3.47
artha-pratyaya regarding as the ultimate goal of lifeSB 5.3.13
sarva-pratyaya-sākṣiṇaḥ the witness of all different activitiesSB 6.9.42
sarva-pratyaya-sākṣiṇaḥ the witness of all different activitiesSB 6.9.42
sarva-pratyaya-hetave who is the solution to all doubts (and without whose help one cannot solve all doubts and inabilities)SB 8.3.14
20 results
pratyaya noun (masculine) analysis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
ascertainment (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
assumption (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
assurance or certainty of (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
basis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
belief (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
conception (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
definition (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
explanation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
faith (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
ground (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
idea (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
motive or cause of anything (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
notion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
proof (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
solution (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
trust (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
[gramm.] a word that ends with a suffix [gramm.] suffix
Frequency rank 1021/72933
pratyayanam indeclinable every half year (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 29192/72933
pratyaya noun (feminine)
Frequency rank 37250/72933
pratyayavant adjective possessing a suffix suffixed trustworthy
Frequency rank 24725/72933
appratyaya adjective based on water
Frequency rank 43821/72933
apratyaya noun (masculine) disbelief (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
distrust (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
doubt (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not an affix (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14661/72933
apratyaya adjective causing distrust (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
distrustful (with loc.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
having no affix (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 20659/72933
apratyayavant adjective non-constituted
Frequency rank 43912/72933
ahaṃpratyaya adjective based on the conception of an Ego
Frequency rank 46097/72933
ikaṅpratyaya noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 46850/72933
kapratyaya noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 48580/72933
chapratyaya noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 35050/72933
tīyapratyaya adjective ?
Frequency rank 21390/72933
puṃspratyaya adjective based on puṃs
Frequency rank 24636/72933
pūraṇapratyaya noun (masculine) an affix forming an ordinal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 58691/72933
yathāsampratyayam indeclinable according to agreement (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 62900/72933
vipratyaya noun (masculine) distrust (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 20060/72933
sapratyaya adjective certain (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
having trust or confidence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
secure (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
trusting in (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 68842/72933
sampratyaya noun (masculine) agreement (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
assent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
firm conviction (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
idea (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
notion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
perfect trust or faith or belief (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
right conception (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Frequency rank 12713/72933
sākṣipratyaya noun (masculine) the evidence or testimony of a witness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 70227/72933
Wordnet Search
"pratyaya" has 7 results.


śabdaḥ, dhvaniḥ, svanaḥ, nisvanaḥ, svānaḥ, nisvānaḥ, nādaḥ, ninādaḥ, ninadaḥ, nāditaḥ, anunādaḥ, nirhrādaḥ, saṃhrādaḥ, nirghoṣaḥ, ghoṣaḥ, nighuṣṭam, ravaḥ, rāvaḥ, ārāvaḥ, virāvaḥ, saṃrāvaḥ, āravaḥ, svaraḥ, dhvānaḥ, dhvanaḥ, nidhvānaḥ, svaniḥ, svanitam, kvaṇaḥ, raṇaḥ, kuṇindaḥ, ghuḥ, pratyayaḥ, tumulaḥ   

yaḥ śrutimpannaḥ।

tīvreṇa śabdena tasya ekāgratā bhagnā।


śapathaḥ, divyam, satyam, samayaḥ, pratyayaḥ, abhīṣaṅgaḥ, abhiṣaṅgaḥ, parigrahaḥ, kriyā, śāpaḥ, śapaḥ, śapanam, abhiśāpaḥ, pariśāpaḥ   

dṛḍhaniścayātmakaṃ vacanam।

bhoḥ śapathaḥ asti na kimapi kathitaṃ mayā।


muktipatram, vigaṇanapatram, pratyayakāripatram, pratyayakāriṇī, svīkārapatram, svīkāralekhaḥ, ādānapatram, āgamapatram, āgamalekhyam   

kasya api vastunaḥ prāptisūcakaṃ likhitaṃ patram।

etat asmābhiḥ yad dhanaṃ vittakośe nihitaṃ tasya vigaṇanapatram asti।



vyākaraṇaśāstrānusāreṇa saḥ varṇaḥ yaḥ kasyāpi dhātunaḥ prātipadikasya vā ante saṃyujya tasmin arthaviśeṣatāṃ dyotayati।

sundara iti prātipadikena saha tā iti pratyayasya saṃyogena sundaratā iti śabdaḥ bhavati।


aśraddhā, anāsthā, aviśvāsaḥ, apratyayaḥ, aviśrambhaḥ   

āsthāyāḥ śraddhāyāḥ vā abhāvaḥ।

aśraddhayā kṛtā pūjā saphalā na bhavati।


viśvāsaḥ, śraddhā, āśābandhaḥ, pratyayaḥ, viśrambhaḥ, āśvāsaḥ, nyāsaḥ   

anyasya kṛte anyena saha vā kimapi kāryaṃ sahajatayā kartuṃ śaknomi iti manasi vartamānaḥ bhāvaḥ।

bādaśāhasya viśvāsasya saḥ durupayogam akarot।


śraddhā, viśvāsaḥ, pratyayaḥ, viśrambhaḥ, āśvāsaḥ   

kasminnapi kriyamāṇaṃ saṃpratyayanam।

rāmanāmni śraddhā eva manuṣyam asmāt jagataḥ mocayati।

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