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Amarakosha Search
Apte Search
1 result
pradhanam प्रधनम् 1 A battle, fight, war, contest; प्रहितः प्रधनाय माधवानहमाकारयितुं महीभृता Śi.16.52; क्षेत्रं क्षत्रप्रधनपिशुनं कौरवं तद्भजेथाः Me.5; R.11.77; Mv.6.33; U.5.1. -2 Spoil taken in battle. -3 Destruction. -4 Tearing, rending. Comp. -अङ्गणम् a battle field. -आघातक a.bringing about a contest. -उत्तमम् great battle or contest.
Macdonell Search
1 result
yathāpaṇyam ad. according to the commodity; -½aparâdha-danda, a. pun ishing in proportion to guilt; -parîttam, ad. as delivered up; -puram, ad. as before; -pûr va, a. being as before: (á)-m, ad. as before; in succession, one after the other; -pragñam, ad. to the best of one's knowledge; -pratya ksha-darsanam, ad. as if actually seen; -pra dishtam, ad. as prescribed, duly; -pradesam, ad. in its respective place; in the proper place; in all directions; according to precept; -pradhânam, ad. according to size; accord ing to precedence; -pravesam, ad. as one has entered; -prasnam, ad. in accordance with the questions; -prastutam, ad. as had al ready been begun, at length; -prânam, ad. according to one's strength, with all one's might; -prânena, in. ad. id.; -prâpta, pp. as fallen in with, the first that occurs; as resulting from circumstances, suitable; re sulting from a preceding grammatical rule: -m, ad. according to the rule, regularly; -prârthitam, ad. as requested; -phalam, ad. according to the produce; -balám, ad. according to one'spower, with all one's might; according to the condition of the army; -bîg am, ad. according to the seed; -buddhi, ad. to the best of one's knowledge; -bhâgám, ad. according to the share; in one's respective place; in the right place; -bhâganam, ad. respectively in the right place; -bhâva, m. condition of how it is, true state; fate; -½abhi preta, pp. wished for, desirable (--°ree;): -m, ad. according to desire, as any one (g.) likes; -½abhimata, pp. desired: -m, ad. according to desire, to one's heart's content, -desa, m. desired place, whatever place one likes; -½abhi rukita, pp. liked, favourite; -½abhilashita, wished for, desirable; -½abhîshta, pp.desired: -dis, f. place desired by each; -bhûtam, ad. according to what has happened, truly; -bhû mi, ad. into the respective country; -½abhy arthita, pp. previously requested; -ma&ndot;ga lam, ad. according to the respective custom; -mati, ad. as seems fit to any one (g.); to the best of one's understanding; -manas, ad. to one's heart's content; -mukhyam, ad. as re gards the chief persons; -mukhyena, in. ad. chiefly, above all; -½âmnâtam, ad. as handed down in the text.
Vedabase Search
1 result
Wordnet Search
"pradhanam" has 2 results.


yuddham, saṃgrāmaḥ, samaraḥ, samaram, āyodhanam, āhavam, raṇyam, anīkaḥ, anīkam, abhisampātaḥ, abhyāmardaḥ, araraḥ, ākrandaḥ, ājiḥ, yodhanam, jamyam, pradhanam, pravidāraṇam, mṛdham, āskandanam, saṃkhyam, samīkam, sāmyarāyikam, kalahaḥ, vigrahaḥ, saṃprahāraḥ, kaliḥ, saṃsphoṭaḥ, saṃyugaḥ, samāghātaḥ, saṃgrāmaḥ, abhyāgamaḥ, āhavaḥ, samudāyaḥ, saṃyat, samitiḥ, ājiḥ, samit, yut, saṃrāvaḥ, ānāhaḥ, samparāyakaḥ, vidāraḥ, dāraṇam, saṃvit, samparāyaḥ, balajam, ānarttaḥ, abhimaraḥ, samudayaḥ, raṇaḥ, vivāk, vikhādaḥ, nadanuḥ, bharaḥ, ākrandaḥ, ājiḥ, pṛtanājyam, abhīkam, samīkam, mamasatyam, nemadhitā, saṅkāḥ, samitiḥ, samanam, mīऴ् he, pṛtanāḥ, spṛt, spṛd, mṛt, mṛd, pṛt, pṛd, samatsu, samaryaḥ, samaraṇam, samohaḥ, samithaḥ, saṅkhe, saṅge, saṃyugam, saṅgathaḥ, saṅgame, vṛtratūryam, pṛkṣaḥ, āṇiḥ, śīrasātau, vājasātiḥ, samanīkam, khalaḥ, khajaḥ, pauṃsye, mahādhanaḥ, vājaḥ, ajam, sadma, saṃyat, saṃyad, saṃvataḥ   

śatrutāvaśād anyarājyaiḥ saha saśastrasenābalena dharmalābhārtham arthalābhārthaṃ yaśolābhārthaṃ vā yodhanam।

yatra ayuddhe dhruvaṃ nāśo yuddhe jīvitasaṃśayaḥ taṃ kālam ekaṃ yuddhasya pravadanti manīṣiṇaḥ।


kalahaḥ, vādaḥ, yuddham, āyodhanam, janyam, pradhanam, pravidāraṇam, mṛdham, āskandanam, saṅkhyam, samīkam, sāmparāyikam, samaraḥ, anīkaḥ, raṇaḥ, vigrahaḥ, samprahāraḥ, kaliḥ, sphoṭaḥ, saṃyugaḥ, āhavaḥ, samitiḥ, samit, ājiḥ, śamīkam, saṃspheṭaḥ   

kasyāpi viṣaye parasparaviṣaye vā prayuktaṃ dūṣitaṃ jalpanam।

saḥ kalahasya kāraṇaṃ jñātuṃ icchati।

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