pra | ind. before |
pra | ind. forward, in front, on, forth (mostly in connection with a verb, especially with a verb of motion which is often to be supplied;sometimes repeated before the verb see ;rarely as a separate word exempli gratia, 'for example' ) |
pra | ind. as a prefix to substantive = forth, away see pra-vṛtti-, pra-sthāna- |
pra | ind. as pref. to adjective (cf. mfn.) = excessively, very, much see pra-caṇḍa-, pra-matta- |
pra | ind. in nouns of relationship = great- see pra-pitāmaha-, pra-pautra- |
pra | ind. (according to native lexicographers it may be used in the senses of gati-, ā-rambha-, ut-karṣa-, sarvato-bhāva-, prāthamya-, khyāti-, ut-patti-, vy-avahāra-) [ confer, compare puras-, purā-, pūrva-; Zend fra; Greek ; Latin pro; Slavonic or Slavonian pra-,pro-; Lithuanian pra-; Gothic fau4r,fau4ra; German vor; English fore.] |
pra | mfn. ( pṝ-or prā-) filling, fulfilling |
pra | mfn. (n. fulfilment in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see ākūti--, kakṣya--, kāma--) |
pra | mfn. like, resembling (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see ikṣu--, kṣura--). |
prabābadhāna | mfn. (fr. Intensive) hastening on before, overtaking |
prababhra | m. Name of indra- (see pravabhr/a-). |
prabaddha | mfn. bound, tied, fettered etc. |
prabaddha | mfn. dependent on (compound) |
prabaddha | mfn. checked, stopped, suppressed |
prabaddhamūtra | mfn. suffering from retention of urine |
prabaddhavilūna | mf(ā-)n. f(ī-)). Va1rtt. 4, |
prabādh | A1. -bādhate- (Epic also P. ti-), to press forward, drive, urge, promote ; to repel, drive away, keep off etc. ; to torment, vex, hurt, injure, annoy ; to set aside, annul : Intensive See below. |
prabādhaka | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') pressing back, keeping away |
prabādhaka | mfn. refusing |
prabādhana | n. keeping off, keeping at a distance |
prabādhana | n. pressing hard upon, tormenting, paining (alsof(ā-). ) |
prabādhana | n. refusing, denying |
prabādhin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') harassing, paining, tormenting |
prabādhita | mfn. (pr/a--) driven, urged on |
prabādhita | mfn. oppressed |
prabahlikā | See pra-vahlikā-. |
prabāhu | m. the fore-arm |
prabāhu | m. "long-armed", Name of a man (also huka- ) |
prabāhuk | ind. in an even line, on a level (= bāhulyena- ) |
prabāhukam | ind. at the same time or on high (gaRa svar-ādi-). |
prabala | mf(ā-)n. strong, powerful, mighty, great, important (as a word), violent (as pain) etc. |
prabala | mf(ā-)n. dangerous, pernicious |
prabala | mf(ā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') abounding in |
prabala | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa- |
prabala | m. of an attendant of viṣṇu- |
prabala | m. of a daitya- |
prabala | m. wrong reading for pra-vāla- |
prabalā | f. Paederia Foetida |
prabala | Nom. P. lati-, to become strong or powerful |
prabāla | See pra-vāla-. |
prabālaka | m. Name of a yakṣa- |
prabalam | ind. greatly, much |
prabalanatā | f. strengthening |
prabalanirṇayavyākhyā | f. Name of work |
prabalarudita | n. strong crying, excessive weeping |
prabalatā | f. () strength, power, might, validity. |
prabalatara | mfn. stronger, very strong or mighty |
prabalatoya | mfn. abounding in water |
prabalatva | n. () strength, power, might, validity. |
prabalavat | mfn. strong, mighty |
prabalavirasā | f. decay |
prabalaya | Nom. P. yati-, to strengthen, increase |
prabalī | f. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order |
prabalī | in compound for bala-. |
prabalī | f. a class, division of a community (?) |
prabalībhū | P. -bhavati-, to become strong or mighty |
prabālikā | f. Name of a woman, introd. (printed vālikā-). |
prabālika | (or -vālika-?) m. a kind of purslain |
prabanddhṛ | m. "one who connects together", a composer, author |
prabanddhṛ | m. an interpreter ( prabanddhṛtā ddhṛ-tā- f.) |
prabanddhṛtā | f. prabanddhṛ |
prabandh | P. -badhnāti-, to bind on, fasten, fetter, check, hinder ; etc. |
prabandha | m. a connection, band, tie (garbha-nāḍī-prab-,the umbilical cord) |
prabandha | m. an uninterrupted connection, continuous series, uninterruptedness, continuance etc. |
prabandha | m. a composition, (especially) any literary production |
prabandha | m. a commentary |
prabandhacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work |
prabandhādhyāya | m. Name of the 4th chapter of the saṃgīta-darpaṇa- and of the saṃgītaratnākara- |
prabandhakalpanā | f. a feigned story, a work of fiction |
prabandhakośa | m. Name of work |
prabandhana | n. binding, fettering |
prabandhana | n. connection, bond, tie |
prabandhārtha | m. the subject-matter of a composition or treatise, |
prabandhavarṣa | m. incessant rain |
prabarha | m. (1 bṛh-) the best, most excellent (see pra-varha-). |
prabarham | See pravarham-. |
prabarhaṇa | n. (2. bṛh-, bṛṃh-) tearing off or out |
prabhā | P. -bhāti-, to shine forth, begin to become light, shine, gleam etc. ; to appear, seem, look like (Nominal verb with or without iva-) etc. ; to illuminate, enlighten |
prabhā | f. light, splendour, radiance, beautiful appearance (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' often mfn.with f(ā-).) etc. |
prabhā | f. the shadow of the gnomon on a sun-dial |
prabhā | f. light variously personified (as wife of the sun, or as wife of kalpa- and mother of prātar-, madhyaṃ-dina- and sāya- id est morning, midday and evening, or as a form of durgā- in the disc of the sun) |
prabhā | f. Name of a śakti- |
prabhā | f. of an apsaras- |
prabhā | f. of a daughter of svar-bhānu- and mother of nahuṣa- |
prabhā | f. of the city of kubera- |
prabhā | f. of a kind of metre |
prabhā | f. Name of several works. |
prabhācandra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a teacher, |
prabhadra | n. Azadirachta Indica |
prabhadrā | f. Paederia Foetida |
prabhadraka | mfn. exceedingly handsome or beautiful |
prabhadraka | n. a kind of metre |
prabhadraka | n. a combination of 4 śloka-s containing one sentence |
prabhāga | m. division |
prabhāga | m. (fr. pra-+ bhāga-) the fraction of a fraction, a sub-fraction |
prabhāga | See pra-bhaj-. |
prabhāgajāti | f. reduction of sub-fractioms to a common denominator |
prabhagna | mfn. crushed to pieces, defeated |
prabhaj | P. A1. -bhajati-, te-, to execute, accomplish ; to honour ; to divide |
prabhāj | mfn. |
prabhākara | m. "light-maker", the sun (dual number sun and moon) |
prabhākara | m. the moon |
prabhākara | m. fire |
prabhākara | m. a particular samādhi- |
prabhākara | m. Name of śiva- |
prabhākara | m. of a class of deities under the 8th manu- |
prabhākara | m. of a serpent-demon |
prabhākara | m. of a sage of the race of atri- |
prabhākara | m. of a son of jyotiṣ-mat- |
prabhākara | m. of a teacher of the mīmāṃsā- philosophy (associated with kumārilabhaṭṭa-) |
prabhākara | m. of several other teachers and authors (also prabhākara-guru-, -candra-, -datta-, -deva-, -nandana-, -mitra-) |
prabhākarāhnika | n. Name of work |
prabhākarāhnika | n. Name of a varṣa- |
prabhākarāhnikī | f. (with Buddhists) one of the 10 stages of perfection |
prabhākarapariccheda | m. Name of work |
prabhākarasiddhi | m. Name of a scholar |
prabhākarasvāmin | m. Name of the statue of the tutelary deity of prabhākara-varman- |
prabhākaravardhana | m. Name of a king |
prabhākaravarman | m. Name of a minister |
prabhākīṭa | m. "light-insect", a firefly |
prabhālepin | mfn. covered with splendour |
prabhālocana | (bhāl-) n. Name of work |
prabhāmaṇḍala | n. (also prabhāmaṇḍalaka la-ka- n. ) a circle or crown of rays |
prabhāmaṇḍalaka | n. prabhāmaṇḍala |
prabhāmaṇḍalaśobhin | mfn. shining with a circle of rays |
prabhāmaṇḍalaśobhin | mfn. Name of work |
prabhāmaṇḍalaśobhin | m. a particular samādhi- |
prabhāmaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of light, shining |
prabhāmaya | m. a particular gaṇa- of śiva- |
prabhāna | n. light, radiance, shining |
prabhānanā | (bhān-) f. Name of a surāṅganā- |
prabhaṅga | m. a breaker, crusher |
prabhaṅga | m. breaking, crushing, destruction |
prabhaṅgin | mfn. breaking, crushing, destroying |
prabhaṅgura | mfn. breaking (perishable ?) |
prabhānīya | mfn. to be irradiated or lighted |
prabhañj | P. -bhan/akti-, to break up, crush, destroy, rout, defeat etc. etc.: Passive voice pr. p. -bhajyamāna-, being broken to pieces or broken up |
prabhañjana | mfn. equals bhaṅgin- |
prabhañjana | m. wind or the god of wind, storm, tempest, hurricane etc. |
prabhañjana | m. a nervous disease |
prabhañjana | m. a particular samādhi- |
prabhañjana | m. Name of a prince |
prabhañjana | n. the act of breaking to pieces |
prabhāñjana | (bhāñj-) m. Hyperanthera Moringa |
prabhānu | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa- |
prabhāpadaśakti | f. Name of work |
prabhāpāla | m. Name of a bodhisattva- |
prabhāpallavita | mfn. overspread with lustre |
prabhāpana | n. (from Causal) causing to shine Va1rtt. 2. |
prabhāpanīya | mfn. to be caused to shine |
prabhāpraroha | m. a shoot id est flash or ray of light |
prabhāraka | wrong reading for prabhā-kara- |
prabharman | n. (pr/a--) placing before, presenting |
prabharman | n. reciting, recitation |
prabhartavya | mfn. to be supported or nourished |
prabhartṛ | (pr/a--) m. bringer, procurer (with accusative) |
prabhāṣ | A1. -bhāṣate- (Epic also P. ti-), to speak, tell, declare, disclose, manifest, explain, call, name etc. ; to talk to, converse with (accusative) |
prabhās | A1. -bhāsate- (Epic also P. ti-), to shine, glitter, be brilliant ; to appear like (iva-) : Causal -bhāsayati-, to irradiate, illuminate, enlighten |
prabhāṣa | m. declaration, doctrine () |
prabhāṣa | m. wrong reading for -bhāsa-. |
prabhāsa | m. "splendour","beauty", Name of a vasu- |
prabhāsa | m. of a being attendant on skanda- |
prabhāsa | m. of a deity under the 8th manu- |
prabhāsa | m. (with jaina-s) of one of the 11 gaṇādhipa-s |
prabhāsa | m. of a son of a minister of candraprabha- king of madra- |
prabhāsa | m. (plural) Name of a race of ṛṣi-s |
prabhāsa | mn. Name of a celebrated place of pilgrimage on the west coast of the Dekhan near dvārakā- (also prabhāsakṣetra -kṣetra- n. prabhāsakṣetratīrtha -kṣetra-tīrtha- n. prabhāsadeśa -deśa- m.) |
prabhāsadeśa | m. prabhāsa |
prabhāsakhaṇḍa | mn. Name of work |
prabhāsakṣetra | n. prabhāsa |
prabhāsakṣetramāhātmya | n. Name of work |
prabhāsakṣetratīrtha | n. prabhāsa |
prabhāsakṣetratīrthayātrānukrama | m. Name of work |
prabhāṣaṇa | n. explanation |
prabhāsana | n. irradiating, illumining |
prabhāṣaṇīya | mfn. relating to an explanation |
prabhāseśvaramāhātmya | n. Name of work |
prabhāṣin | mfn. saying, speaking |
prabhāṣita | mfn. spoken, uttered, declared etc. |
prabhāṣita | n. speech, talk |
prabhāsura | () mfn. shining forth, shining brightly, brilliant. |
prabhāsvara | mfn. idem or '() mfn. shining forth, shining brightly, brilliant.' |
prabhāsvara | mfn. clear, shrill (as a voice) |
prabhāsvarā | f. a particular mythical plant |
prabhāsvat | () mfn. shining forth, shining brightly, brilliant. |
prabhāta | mfn. shone forth, begun to become clear or light etc. |
prabhāta | m. Name of a son of the sun and prabhā- |
prabhātā | f. Name of the mother of the vasu-s pratyūṣa- and prabhāsa- |
prabhāta | n. daybreak, dawn, morning |
prabhātakāla | m. time of daybreak, early morning |
prabhātakalpa | mf(ā-)n. nearly become light, approaching dawn (as night) |
prabhātakaraṇīya | n. a morning rite or ceremony |
prabhātaprāya | mfn. equals -kalpa- |
prabhātarala | mfn. tremulously radiant, flashing |
prabhātasamaya | m. equals -kāla- |
prabhātīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
prabhava | mfn. prominent, excelling, distinguished |
prabhava | m. production, source, origin, cause of existence (as father or mother, also"the Creator"), birthplace (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',with f(ā-).,springing or rising or derived from, belonging to) etc. |
prabhava | m. might, power (equals pra-bhāva-) |
prabhava | m. Name of a sādhya- |
prabhava | m. of viṣṇu- |
prabhava | m. of several men |
prabhava | m. Name of the first or 35th year in a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter |
prabhāva | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). ) might, power, majesty, dignity, strength, efficacy etc. ( prabhāveṇa veṇa- ind., prabhāvāt vāt- ind.and prabhāvatas vatas- ind.by means or in consequence of, through, by) |
prabhāva | m. supernatural power |
prabhāva | m. splendour, beauty |
prabhāva | m. tranquillizing, conciliation (?) |
prabhāva | m. Name of the chapters of the rasikapriyā- |
prabhāva | m. Name of a son of manu- sva-rocis- |
prabhāvaja | mfn. proceeding from conscious majesty or power |
prabhāvaka | mfn. prominent, having power or influence |
prabhāvalī | (bhāv-) f. Name of work |
prabhavana | n. production, source, origin (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"springing from"; see meru-prabh-and ) |
prabhavana | n. ruling, presiding (?) |
prabhāvana | mf(ī-)n. (fr. Causal) creating, creative |
prabhāvana | mf(ī-)n. explaining, disclosing (equals prakāśaka-) (Bombay edition) |
prabhāvana | m. creator |
prabhāvanā | f. disclosing, revealing, promulgation (of a doctrine) |
prabhavanīya | mfn. |
prabhavaprabhu | m. (with jaina-s) Name of one of the 6 śruta-kevalin-s |
prabhavasvāmin | m. (with jaina-s) Name of one of the 6 śruta-kevalin-s |
prabhāvat | mfn. luminous, radiant, splendid etc. |
prabhavat | mf(antī-)n. coming forth, arising etc. |
prabhavat | mf(antī-)n. mighty, powerful, potent |
prabhāvāt | ind. prabhāva |
prabhāvatas | ind. prabhāva |
prabhāvatī | f. the lute of one of the gaṇa-s or demigods attendant on śiva- |
prabhāvatī | f. a kind of metre |
prabhāvatī | f. (in music) a particular śruti- |
prabhāvatī | f. Name of a deity |
prabhāvatī | f. of the wife of the sun |
prabhāvatī | f. of one of the mātṛ-s attendant on skanda- |
prabhāvatī | f. of an apsaras- |
prabhāvatī | f. of a surāṅganā- |
prabhāvatī | f. of a sister of the asura- indra-damana- |
prabhāvatī | f. of a daughter of king vajra-nābha- and wife of pradyumna- |
prabhāvatī | f. of the wife of citra-- ratha- king of aṅga- |
prabhāvatī | f. of the daughter of suvīra- and wife of marutta- |
prabhāvatī | f. of a tāpasī- |
prabhāvatī | f. of them other of malli- (the 19th arhat- of present avasarpiṇī-) |
prabhāvatī | f. of the daughter of the śreṣṭhin- soma-datta- and wife of madana- the son of vikrama-sena- |
prabhāvatī | f. of a river |
prabhāvatpariṇaya | m. "the marriage of prabhāvatī-", Name of a drama by viśva-nātha- |
prabhāvatva | n. power, strength |
prabhāvavat | mfn. powerful, strong, mighty |
prabhāvaya | Nom. yati- See under Causal above. |
prabhāvayitṛ | mfn. making powerful or mighty |
prabhāveṇa | ind. prabhāva |
prabhāvin | () mfn. powerful, mighty. |
prabhaviṣṇu | mfn. equals prec. (also m.;with genitive case or locative case"lord over") etc. |
prabhaviṣṇutā | f. lordship, supremacy, dominion, tyranny |
prabhaviṣṇutā | f. power to (infinitive mood) |
prabhāvita | () mfn. powerful, mighty. |
prabhavitṛ | mfn. powerful, potent |
prabhavitṛ | m. a great lord or ruler |
prabhavya | mfn. (fr. pra-bhū-) |
prabhavya | mfn. (fr. pra-bhava-) being at the source or origin, original |
prabhavya | mfn. fit for rule (?) |
prabhāvyūha | m. Name of a deity |
prabheda | m. splitting, piercing, cutting through |
prabheda | m. the flowing of juice from the temples of an elephant |
prabheda | m. division, subdivision, variety, species, kind, sort |
prabheda | See pra-bhid-. |
prabhedaka | mf(ikā-)n. tearing asunder, cleaving, piercing (see carma-prabhedikā-). |
prabhedana | mfn. idem or 'mf(ikā-)n. tearing asunder, cleaving, piercing (see carma-prabhedikā-).' |
prabheśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
prabhī | (only perfect tense -bibhayāṃ-cakāra-), to be terrified at (ablative) |
prabhid | P. -bhinatti-, to cleave, split asunder, break, pierce, open etc. etc.: Passive voice -bhidyate-, to be broken in pieces, crumble ; to be dissolved, open ; to split, divide (intr.) : Causal of Intensive -bebhidayya- |
prabhid | mfn. |
prabhinna | mfn. split asunder, cleft, broken, pierced, opened etc. |
prabhinna | mfn. blown (as a flower) |
prabhinna | mfn. exuding (as blood) |
prabhinna | mfn. flowing with juice (see -karaṭa-; m.an elephant in rut) |
prabhinna | mfn. broken through, interrupted |
prabhinna | mfn. disfigured, altered, depressed |
prabhinnakaraṭa | mfn. having the temples cleft and flowing with juice (as a rutting elephant) ( prabhinnakaraṭāmukha ṭā-mukha- mfn.having the fissure in the temples flowing with juice ) |
prabhinnakaraṭāmukha | mfn. prabhinnakaraṭa |
prabhinnāñjana | n. mixed collyrium, an eye-salve mixed with oil |
prabhinnaviṣ | mfn. secreting or relaxing the feces, aperient |
prabhīta | mfn. terrified, afraid |
prabhṛ | P. A1. -bharati-, te-, to bring forward, place before, offer, present ; to stretch forth, extend ; to hurl, cast ; (A1.) to quiver ; to be borne along, rush on ; to praise |
prabhrāj | A1. -bhrājate-, to shine forth, gleam |
prabhrāj | mfn. (Nominal verb ṭ-) shining forth |
prabhram | P. -bhramati-, or -bhrāmyati-, to roam about, wander through (accusative) |
prabhraṃś | A1. -bhraśyate-, to fall away, slip off, drop down, disappear, vanish ; to escape from (ablative) ; to be deprived of (ablative) : Causal -bhraṃśayati-, to cause to fall down, cast down ; to cause to fall from, deprive of (ablative) |
prabhraṃśa | See /a-prabhraṃśa-. |
prabhraṃśana | See nāva-prabh- under 2. nāva-. |
prabhraṃśathu | m. a disease of the nose accompanied with discharge of mucus |
prabhraṃśin | mfn. falling off, falling down |
prabhraṃśita | mfn. (fr. Causal) caused to fall down, deprived of, expelled from (ablative) |
prabhraṃśuka | mf(ā-)n. falling off, vanishing, disappearing |
prabhraṣṭa | mfn. fallen down |
prabhraṣṭa | mfn. strayed, runaway, escaped from (ablative) |
prabhraṣṭa | mfn. broken |
prabhraṣṭaka | n. a chaplet or wreath of flowers suspended from the lock on the crown of the head |
prabhraṣṭaśīla | mf(ā-)n. of fallen character, immoral |
prabhṛta | mfn. brought forward etc. |
prabhṛta | mfn. placed in (locative case), introduced |
prabhṛta | mfn. filled with (instrumental case) (Bombay edition) |
prabhṛtha | m. an offering, oblation |
prabhṛti | f. (pr/a--) bringing forward, offering (of sacrifice or praise) |
prabhṛti | f. a throw or stroke |
prabhṛti | f. beginning, commencement etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ="commencing with"or"et caetera" exempli gratia, 'for example' munayaḥ somaśravaḥ-prabhṛtayaḥ-,"the muni-s beginning with somaśravaḥ-" id est"the muni-s, somaśravaḥ- etc.";in this sense also tika-) |
prabhṛti | ind. (after an ablative adverb or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') beginning with, from--forward or upward, since (exempli gratia, 'for example' bālyāt prabhṛti-,"from boyhood upwards"; janma-pr-,"from birth"; adya pr-,"beginning from to-day, henceforth"; tataḥ-or tadā pr-,"thenceforth"etc.) |
prabhu | See under pra-bhū- below. |
prabhū | P. -bhavati- (rarely A1. te-;Ved. infinitive mood -bhūṣ/aṇi-), to come forth, spring up, arise or originate from (ablative), appear, become visible, happen, occur etc. ; to be before, surpass (with pṛṣṭham-,"to be greater or more than the back can carry", applied to wealth ) to become or be numerous, increase, prevail, be powerful etc. etc. (3. sg. prabhavati-tarām-,"has more power" ) ; to rule, control, have power over, be master of (genitive case locative case or dative case) etc. ; to be equal to or capable of (dative case or locative case) ; to be a match for (dative case) Va1rtt. 2 ; to be able to (infinitive mood) etc. ; to profit, avail, be of use to (dative case) ; to implore, beseech (?) : Causal -bhāvayati-, to increase, spread out, extend, augment, multiply (especially the soma- by placing it in a greater number of vessels) ; to provide more amply, endow more richly, cause to thrive or prosper, cherish, nurture etc. ; (as Nom.fr. -bhāva-below) to gain or possess power or strength, rule over (accusative) ; to recognise : Desiderative of Causal -bibhāvayiṣati-, to wish to increase or extend |
prabhu | mfn. (Ved. also /ū- f(vī-).) excelling, mighty, powerful, rich, abundant etc. |
prabhu | mfn. more powerful than (ablative) |
prabhu | mfn. having power over (genitive case) |
prabhu | mfn. able, capable, having power to (locative case infinitive mood or compound) |
prabhu | mfn. a match for (dative case) Va1rtt. 2 |
prabhu | mfn. constant, eternal |
prabhu | m. a master, lord, king (also applied to gods exempli gratia, 'for example' to sūrya- and agni- ;to prajā-pati- ;to brahmā- ;to indra- ;to śiva- ;to viṣṇu- ) |
prabhu | m. the chief or leader of a sect |
prabhu | m. a sound, word |
prabhu | m. quicksilver |
prabhu | m. Name of a deity under the 8th manu- |
prabhu | m. of a son of kardama- |
prabhu | m. of a son of śuka- and pīvarī- |
prabhu | m. of a son of bhaga- and siddhi- |
prabhu | m. of a poet |
prabhu | m. of several other men |
prabhu | m. ( prabhvī bhvī- f.Name of a śakti- ) |
prabhū | equals bhu- (see above) |
prabhubhakta | mfn. devoted to his master (as a dog) |
prabhubhakta | m. a good horse |
prabhubhakti | f. loyalty, faithfulness |
prabhudeva | m. Name of a yoga- teacher |
prabhudevī | f. (with lāṭī-) Name of a poetess |
prabhugna | mfn. |
prabhuj | (only ind.p. -bhujya-), to bend, incline |
prabhuj | (only pr. p. -bhuñjat/ī-), to befriend, protect (?) |
prabhukathā | f. Name of work |
prabhukta | mfn. begun to be eaten (as rice) |
prabhuliṅgacaritra | n. Name of work |
prabhuliṅgalīlā | f. Name of work |
prabhuliṅgavaṃśa | n. Name of work |
prabhūṣ | P. -bhūṣati-, to offer, present |
prabhuśabdaśeṣa | mfn. having only the title of lord remaining |
prabhūṣṇu | mfn. powerful, strong, able (see bhaviṣṇu-). |
prabhutā | f. lordship, dominion, supremacy (varia lectio) |
prabhutā | f. power over (locative case) |
prabhutā | f. possession of (compound) |
prabhutā | f. prevalence (instrumental case"for the most part") |
prabhūta | mfn. come forth, risen, appeared etc. |
prabhūta | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') become, transformed into |
prabhūta | mfn. abundant, much, numerous, considerable, high, great etc. etc. (Comparative degree -tara- ;superl. -tama- ) |
prabhūta | mfn. abounding in (compound) |
prabhūta | mfn. able to (infinitive mood) |
prabhūta | mfn. governed, presided over |
prabhūta | mfn. mature, perfect |
prabhūta | m. a class of deities in the 6th manvantara- (varia lectio pra-sūta-) |
prabhūta | n. (in philosophy) a great or primary element (equals mahā-bhūta-) |
prabhūtabhrānta | n. much roaming |
prabhūtadhanadhānyavat | mfn. rich in money and corn |
prabhūtajihvatā | f. having a long tongue (one of the 32 signs of perfection of a buddha-) (also -tanu-jihv-,"having a long and thin tongue" ) |
prabhūtaka | mfn. containing the word prabhūta- gaRa goṣad-ādi- |
prabhūtaka | m. plural a particular class of deceased relatives, |
prabhūtanāgāśvaratha | mfn. having many elephants and horses and chariots |
prabhūtaratna | m. Name of a buddha- |
prabhūtarūpa | n. great beauty |
prabhūtaśas | ind. many times, often |
prabhūtatā | f. quantity, plenty, multitude, large number |
prabhūtatva | n. idem or 'f. quantity, plenty, multitude, large number ' |
prabhūtatva | n. sufficiency (varia lectio for prabhū-tva-) |
prabhūtavarṣa | n. plural many years, |
prabhūtavayas | mfn. advanced in years, old |
prabhūtayavasendhana | mfn. abounding in fresh grass and fuel |
prabhūti | f. (pr/a--) source, origin |
prabhūti | f. imperious demeanour, violence |
prabhūti | f. sufficiency |
prabhūti | f. a ruler, lord (?) |
prabhūtotka | m. ardently desirous of or longing for |
prabhutva | n. lordship, sovereignty, high rank, might, power over (genitive case locative case or compound) etc. |
prabhutva | n. prevalence (instrumental case"for the most part") |
prabhūtva | n. sufficiency (see prabhu-tva-) |
prabhutvabodhi | f. knowledge joined with supreme power |
prabhutvākṣepa | m. (in rhetoric) an objection based on power (id est on a word of command) |
prabhūvarī | f. reaching or extending beyond (accusative) |
prabhūvasu | mfn. (bh/ū-- bh/u--) abundantly wealthy (said of indra- and soma-) |
prabhūvasu | m. Name of a descendant of aṅgiras-, author of |
prabhvī | f. prabhu |
prabodha | m. awaking (from sleep or ignorance), becoming conscious, consciousness |
prabodha | m. opening, blowing (of flowers) |
prabodha | m. manifestation, appearance (of intelligence) (varia lectio) |
prabodha | m. waking, wakefulness |
prabodha | m. knowledge, understanding, intelligence |
prabodha | m. awakening (trans.) |
prabodha | m. friendly admonition, good words (plural) |
prabodha | m. reviving of an evaporated scent |
prabodha | m. Name of work |
prabodhacandra | m. "the moon of knowledge", knowledge personified and compared with the moon |
prabodhacandrikā | f. "moonlight of knowledge", Name of several works. |
prabodhacandrodaya | m. "rise of the moon of knowledge", Name of a celebrated philosophical drama and of several other works. |
prabodhacandrodayāmalaka | mn. (?) Name of work |
prabodhacandrodayasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
prabodhacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work |
prabodhadīpikā | f. Name of work |
prabodhaka | mfn. awakening, causing to open or blossom |
prabodhaka | m. a minstrel whose duty is to wake the king |
prabodhaka | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals bodha-, understanding, intelligence (exempli gratia, 'for example' sukhaprabodhaka sukha-prabodhaka- f. ikā-,of easy intelligence id est easily intelligible ) |
prabodhamānasollāsa | m. Name of work |
prabodhamañjarī | f. Name of work |
prabodhana | mfn. awaking, arousing, |
prabodhana | m. Name of a buddha- |
prabodhana | m. Alhagi Maurorum |
prabodhana | n. waking, awaking etc. |
prabodhana | n. awakening, arousing, |
prabodhana | n. knowledge, understanding, comprehension |
prabodhana | n. enlightening, instructing |
prabodhana | n. reviving of an evaporated scent |
prabodhānanda | m. (with sarasvatī-), Name of an author |
prabodhanī | f. the 11th day in the light half of the month kārttika-, celebrated as a festival in commemoration of the waking of viṣṇu- |
prabodhaprakāśa | m. Name of work |
prabodharatnākara | m. Name of work |
prabodhasiddhi | f. Name of work |
prabodhasudhākara | m. Name of work |
prabodhasūktivyākhyā | f. Name of work |
prabodhavatī | f. Name of a surāṅganā- |
prabodhin | mfn. awaking |
prabodhin | mfn. coming forth from (ablative) |
prabodhinī | f. the 11th day in the light half of kārttika- (= bodhanī-) |
prabodhita | mfn. (fr. Causal) awakened, aroused etc. etc. (also -vat- ) |
prabodhitā | f. Name of a metre |
prabodhitā | f. awaking, wakefulness (a-prab-) |
prabodhodaya | m. rise of knowledge |
prabodhodaya | m. Name of work |
prabodhotsava | m. equals dhinī- (below) |
prabodhotsava | m. Name of work (see nārāyaṇaprabodh-) |
prabodhya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be awakened |
prabrū | P. A1. -bravīti-, -brūte-, to exclaim, proclaim, announce, declare, teach, indicate, betray ; to praise, celebrate ; to speak kindly to (dative case) ; to say, tell, relate etc. (with two accusative ;with satyam-,to speak the truth, speak sincerely ) ; to read before (genitive case or dative case) ; to call, name ; to describe as (two accusative) ; to announce id est recommend anything to (dative case), offer, present (see ni--1. vid-, Causal) |
prabuddha | mfn. awakened, awake, roused, expanded, developed, opened, blown etc. |
prabuddha | mfn. come forth, appeared |
prabuddha | mfn. (anything) that has begun to take effect (as a spell) |
prabuddha | mfn. known, understood, recognised |
prabuddha | mfn. enlightened, clear-sighted, clever, wise |
prabuddha | m. Name of a teacher |
prabuddhatā | f. intelligence, wisdom |
prabudh | A1. -budhyate- (Ved. infinitive mood -b/udhe-), to wake up, wake, awake (intrans.) etc. ; to expand, open, bloom, blossom etc. ; P. -bodhati-, to become conscious or aware of know, understand, recognise as (2. accusative) : Causal -bodhayati-, to wake up, awaken (trans.) etc. ; to cause to expand or bloom ; to stimulate (by gentle friction), ; to make sensible, cause to know, inform, admonish, persuade, convince etc. ; to instruct, teach (two accusative) |
prabudh | mfn. watchful, attentive |
prabudh | f. awaking |
prabudha | m. a great sage |
praca | See acyuta-pr- and nakha-pr-. |
pracakita | mfn. ( cak-) trembling, shuddering, terrified |
pracakra | n. an army in motion |
pracakṣ | A1. -caṣṭe-, to tell, relate, declare ; to suppose, regard or consider as (accusative) etc. ; to name, call : Causal -cakṣayati-, to irradiate, illumine |
pracakṣaṇam | ind. (after a fin. verb) gaRa gotrādi-. |
pracakṣas | m. Name of the regent of the planet Jupiter, bṛhas-pati- |
pracal | P. -calati- (rarely A1. te-), to be set in motion, tremble, quake etc. ; to stir, move on, advance, set out, depart ; to start, spring up from (a seat) ; to swerve, deviate from (ablative) ; to become troubled or confused, be perplexed or bewildered or excited : Causal -calayati-, to set in motion, move, jog, wag ; to remove from (ablative) ; -cālayati-, to cause to shake or tremble ; to stir up, stir round |
pracala | mfn. moving, tremulous, shaking |
pracala | mfn. what goes well or widely |
pracala | mfn. current, circulating, customary |
pracāla | m. the neck of the vīṇā- or Indian lute (wrong reading for pravāla-). |
pracaladāsa | m. Name of a poet |
pracalaka | m. a species of venomous reptile (see calāka-). |
pracalāka | m. shooting with arrows |
pracalāka | m. a peacock's tail or crest |
pracalāka | m. a chameleon |
pracalāka | m. a snake or other venomous animal (see calaka-) |
pracalākā | f. springing up |
pracālaka | mf(ikā-)n. causing to tremble, trembling with (compound) |
pracalakāñcanakuṇḍala | mfn. (an ear) adorned with golden rings |
pracalakin | wrong reading for calākin-. |
pracalākin | m. a peacock |
pracalākin | m. a snake |
pracalalatābhuja | mfn. having tremulous arm-creepers (= slender arms that tremble) |
pracalana | n. trembling, shaking, rocking, swaying |
pracalana | n. retiring, flight |
pracalana | n. going well or widely |
pracalana | n. circulating, being current or customary |
pracālana | n. stirring, stir, noise (?) |
pracalāṅga | mfn. having tremulous limbs |
pracalasiṃha | m. Name of a poet |
pracalat | mfn. moving, trembling, shaking etc. |
pracalat | mfn. going, proceeding far or much |
pracalat | mfn. circulating, being current or customary |
pracalat | mfn. prevailing, being recognized (as authority or law) |
pracalāya | Nom. P. yati-, to nod the head (while asleep) |
pracalāyana | n. nodding the head (on first becoming intoxicated) |
pracalāyita | mfn. nodding the head (while asleep and in a sitting posture) |
pracalāyita | mfn. rolling about, tumbling, tossed about (as a ship) |
pracalāyita | n. See under āsīna-. |
pracalita | mfn. set in motion, moved, shaken, tremulous, rolling (as the eye) etc. |
pracalita | mfn. one who has set out, proceeded, departed |
pracalita | mfn. confused, bewildered, perplexed |
pracalita | mfn. current, customary, circulating |
pracalita | mfn. prevailing, recognized, received (as authority or law) |
pracalita | n. going away, departure |
pracaṇḍa | mf(ā-)n. excessively violent, impetuous, furious, fierce, passionate, terrible, direful, formidable etc. |
pracaṇḍa | mf(ā-)n. great, large, hot, burning, sharp (See compound below) |
pracaṇḍa | m. a species of oleander with white flowers |
pracaṇḍa | m. Name of a dānava- |
pracaṇḍa | m. of a goblin |
pracaṇḍa | m. of a son of vatsa-prī- and su-nandā- |
pracaṇḍā | f. a species of dūrvā- with white flowers |
pracaṇḍā | f. a form or śakti- of durgā- |
pracaṇḍabhairava | (prob.) m. Name of a vyāyoga- (kind of drama). |
pracaṇḍabhairavarasa | m. Name of a particular medicinal preparation |
pracaṇḍacaṇḍikā | f. a form of durgā- |
pracaṇḍacaṇḍikāsahasranāmastotra | n. Name of a stotra-. |
pracaṇḍadeva | m. Name of a prince |
pracaṇḍaghoṇa | mfn. large-nosed, having a long or prominent nose |
pracaṇḍamādhava | m. (with kāśmīra-) Name of a poet |
pracaṇḍamūrti | m. Crataeva Roxburghii |
pracaṇḍapāṇḍava | n. "the wrathful sons of pāṇḍu-", Name of a drama by rāja-śekhara- (equals bāla-bhārata-). |
pracaṇḍaśakti | m. Name of a man |
pracaṇḍaśarakārmuka | mfn. having sharp arrows and a terrible bow (said of the god of love) |
pracaṇḍasena | m. Name of a prince, of tāmra-liptikā- |
pracaṇḍaśephas | m. Name of a man |
pracaṇḍasūrya | mfn. having a hot or burning sun |
pracaṇḍatā | f. great violence or passion |
pracaṇḍātapa | m. fierce or stifling heat, |
pracaṇḍatarībhū | to become fiercer or more passionate |
pracaṇḍavadana | mf(ā-)n. having a terrible face |
pracaṇḍavarman | m. Name of a prince |
pracaṇḍogrā | f. Name of a yoginī- |
pracaṅkaśa | See a-pr-. |
pracapala | mfn. very unsteady or restless |
pracar | P. -carati- (Epic also A1. te-), to proceed towards, go or come to, arrive at (accusative) etc. ; to come forth, appear etc. ; to roam, wander ; to circulate, be or become current (as a story) ; to set about, perform, discharge (especially sacred functions, with instrumental case of the object or of the means employed) ; to be active or busy, be occupied or engaged in (locative case) ; to proceed, behave, act in peculiar manner etc. ; to come off, take place : Causal -cārayati-, to allow to roam, turn out to graze ; to make public |
pracara | m. a road, way, path |
pracara | m. usage, custom, currency |
pracara | m. going well or widely |
pracara | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio praccara-and pra-stara-). |
pracāra | m. roaming, wandering (see bhikṣā--) |
pracāra | m. coming forth, showing one's self, manifestation, appearance, occurrence, existence etc. |
pracāra | m. application, employment, use |
pracāra | m. conduct, behaviour etc. |
pracāra | m. prevalence, currency, custom, usage |
pracāra | m. a playground, place of exercise |
pracāra | m. pasture-ground, pasturage (= , where Scholiast or Commentator"a way or road leading from or to a house") |
pracaraṇa | n. going to graze |
pracaraṇa | n. proceeding with, beginning, undertaking |
pracaraṇa | n. circulating, being current |
pracaraṇa | n. employing, using |
pracāraṇa | n. (prob.) scattering, strewing |
pracaraṇī | f. (sc. sruc-) a wooden ladle employed for want of a better at a sacrifice |
pracaraṇīya | mfn. being in actual use |
pracārin | mfn. coming forth, appearing |
pracārin | mfn. following, adhering or sticking to (locative case or compound) |
pracārin | mfn. proceeding with, acting, behaving |
pracārin | mfn. going about, wandering |
pracarita | mfn. followed, practised |
pracarita | mfn. arrived at, visited |
pracarita | mfn. current, publicly known |
pracārita | mfn. allowed to wander or roam about |
pracārita | mfn. made public or manifest (see gaRa tārakādi-). |
pracaritavya | mfn. to be proceeded with or undertaken, to be performed |
pracaritos | infinitive mood (with purā-) before he (the adhvaryu-) sets to work |
pracaryā | f. an action, process |
pracaṣāla | n. a particular ornament on a sacrificial post |
pracat | Causal A1. -cātayate-, to drive or scare away, remove, destroy |
pracatā | ind. secretly, in secret |
pracatā | according to to others,"away, off". |
pracaya | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) collecting, gathering (see puṣpa--) |
pracaya | m. accumulation, heap, mass, quantity, multitude |
pracaya | m. growth, increase |
pracaya | m. slight aggregation |
pracaya | m. equals -svara- |
pracaya | m. (in algebra) the common increase or difference of the terms in a progression |
pracāya | m. |
pracayakāṣṭhāgata | mfn. one who has attained the highest degree of intensity |
pracayana | n. gathering, collecting (See phala--). |
pracayasvara | m. "accumulated tone", the tone occurring in a series of unaccented syllables following a svarita- |
pracāyikā | f. gathering, plucking, collecting (with the hand or in turn, cf: puṣpa--;the latter also "a female who gathers", A.) |
pracchad | ( chad-) P. A1. -cchādayati-, te- to cover, envelop, wrap up (A1.with instrumental case"to cover one's self with, put on") etc. ; to be in the way, be an obstacle to (accusative) ; to hide, conceal, disguise, keep secret |
pracchad | f. a cover, covering |
pracchada | m. a cover, coverlet, wrapper, blanket |
pracchādaka | mf(ikā-)n. concealing, covering (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
pracchādaka | m. the song of a wife deserted by her husband (sung with the accompaniment of a lute and containing a covert description of her sorrows) |
pracchādana | mfn. concealing, hiding (see piplu--) |
pracchādana | n. covering, concealing, concealment |
pracchādana | n. an upper or outer garment |
pracchādanapaṭa | m. a cover, coverlet, wrapper |
pracchadapaṭa | m. (L.) idem or 'm. a cover, coverlet, wrapper, blanket ' |
pracchadavāsas | n. () idem or 'm. (L.) idem or 'm. a cover, coverlet, wrapper, blanket ' ' |
pracchādita | mfn. covered, wrapped up, clothed, hidden, concealed |
pracchādya | ind. having covered or hidden |
pracchādya | mfn. to be covered or hidden |
pracchana | See under prach-. |
pracchāna | pra-cchita- See under pra-ccho- below. |
pracchāna | n. scarifying, making sore |
pracchana | nf. asking, inquiring, a question, inquiry |
pracchanna | mfn. covered, enveloped, shut up etc. |
pracchanna | mfn. hidden, concealed, unobserved, private, secret, disguised (in the beginning of a compound and pracchannam am- ind."secretly, covertly") etc. |
pracchanna | n. a private door |
pracchanna | n. a lattice, loop-hole |
pracchannacāraka | mfn. acting secretly or fraudulently |
pracchannacārin | mfn. acting secretly or fraudulently |
pracchannagupta | mfn. secretly hidden |
pracchannam | ind. pracchanna |
pracchannapāpa | m. a secret sinner |
pracchannataskara | m. a secret thief |
pracchannavañcaka | m. a secret rogue or rascal |
pracchannavṛtti | f. a secret manner or way |
pracchannībhū | to hide or conceal one's self. |
pracchardana | n. emitting, exhaling |
pracchardana | n. vomiting, an emetic |
pracchardi | () f. vomiting, sickness. |
pracchardikā | () f. vomiting, sickness. |
pracchāya | (prob.) n. a shadowy place, dense shade |
praccheda | m. a cutting, slip, strip |
praccheda | m. a musical division, bar (?) |
pracchedaka | m. a song sung by a wife who thinks her husband false to her (see pra-cchādaka-). |
pracchedana | n. dividing into small pieces |
pracchedya | See a-pracchedya-. |
pracchid | ( chid-) P. A1. -cchinatti-, -cchintte- to cut off or through, pierce, split, cleave etc. ; to rend or take away, withdraw : Causal -cchedayati-, to cause to cut off etc. : Causal of Intensive -cecchidayya- |
pracchid | mfn. cutting off or to pieces (see ) . |
pracchindyākarṇa | mf(ī-)n. whose ear is to be cleft (see ) . |
pracchita | mfn. cut, lanced, scarified |
praccho | ( cho-;only ind.p. -cchayitvā-), to bleed by making incisions in the skin, cup, lance, scarify |
pracchṛd | ( chṛd-), Causal -cchardayati- to vomit |
pracchuḍ | ( chuḍ-), Causal -cchoḍayati- to stretch out |
pracela | n. ( cel-?) yellow sandalwood |
pracelaka | m. a horse |
praceluka | m. a cook (wrong reading for paceluka-). |
pracerita | (?), . |
pracetana | mfn. illumining, illustrating |
pracetas | (pr/a--) mfn. attentive, observant, mindful, clever, wise (said of the gods, especially of agni- and the āditya-s) |
pracetas | (pr/a--) mfn. happy, delighted |
pracetas | (pr/a--) m. Name of varuṇa- |
pracetas | (pr/a--) m. Name of a prajā-pati- (an ancient sage and law-giver) ( pracetassmṛti -smṛti- f.Name of work) |
pracetas | (pr/a--) m. Name of a prince (son of duduha-) |
pracetas | (pr/a--) m. Name of a son of duryāman- |
pracetas | (pr/a--) m. Name of a son of dur-mada- |
pracetas | (pr/a--) m. plural (wrong reading prāc-) Name of the 10 sons of prācīna-barhis- by a daughter of varuṇa- (they are the progenitors of dakṣa-) |
pracetasa | mfn. wrong reading for prāc- |
pracetasī | f. Myrica Sapida |
pracetassmṛti | f. pracetas |
pracetita | mfn. (See a-prac-) noticed, observed. |
pracetṛ | m. a charioteer (wrong reading for pra-vetṛ-). |
pracetuna | mfn. affording a wide view or prospect |
praceya | mfn. to be collected or gathered |
praceya | mfn. to be increased |
praceya | mfn. spreading everywhere |
prach | cl.6 P. (), pṛcchati- (Ved. and Epic also A1. pṛcchate-; perfect tense papraccha- etc., papṛkṣ/e-[?] ; Aorist /aprākṣīt- etc., /aprāṭ- , apraṣṭa- ; future prakṣyati- etc., praṣṭā- grammar; ind.p. pṛṣṭvā-, -pṛcchya- ; infinitive mood pr/aṣṭum- etc., -p/ṛccham-, cche- ), to ask, question, interrogate (accusative) ; to ask after inquire about (accusative) ; to ask or interrogate any one (accusative) about anything (accusative dative case locative case, prati-,or adhikṛtya-with accusative; arthe-or hetoḥ- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') (pr.p. A1. pṛcchamāna-,"asking one's self") etc. etc. ; (in astrology) to consult the future ; (with nāmato mātaram-) to inquire about one's (genitive case) mother's name ; (with na-) not to trouble one's self with ; to seek, wish, long for ; to ask, demand, beg, entreat (accusative) : Passive voice pṛcchy/ate-, to be asked or questioned about (act. dative case etc., as above ) etc. etc.: Causal pracchayati- (Aorist apapracchat-) grammar : Desiderative pipṛcchiṣati- : Intensive parīpṛcchyate- [Orig. pṛk-; confer, compare Latin preces,procus;poscereforporscere; Slavonic or Slavonian prositi; Lithuanian praszy4ti; German fra7he7n,fragen;forsko7n,forschen.] |
praci | P. A1. -cinoti-, -cinute-, to collect, gather, pluck etc. ; to mow or cut down (enemies) ; to increase, augment, enhance : Passive voice -cīyate-, to be gathered or collected, to grow, thrive, multiply |
pracībala | m. or n. a species of plant |
pracika | gaRa purohitādi- () |
pracikīrṣu | mfn. (1. kṛ- Desiderative) wishing or intending to requite |
pracikita | (pr/a--) mfn. knowing, familiar or conversant with () |
pracint | P. -cintayati-, to think upon, reflect, consider, find out, devise, contrive |
pracintya | ind. having reflected or considered |
pracintya | mfn. to be reflected or considered |
pracinvat | mfn. gathering, collecting, plucking |
pracinvat | m. Name of a son of janam-ejaya- |
pracīra | m. Name of a son of vatsaprī- and su-nandā- |
pracīrṇa | mfn. ( car-) come forth, appeared |
pracit | P. A1. -ciketti-, -cikitte-, to know or make known ; to become visible or manifest, appear : Causal -cetayati-, to make known, cause to appear ; (A1.) to appear : Desiderative -cikitsati-, to show, point out |
pracita | mfn. gathered, collected, heaped, accumulated |
pracita | mfn. covered or filled with (instrumental case or compound) |
pracita | mfn. pronounced with the pracaya- tone, accentless |
pracita | m. (also -ka-) Name of a metre |
pracitasvara | m. equals pracaya-svara-. |
praciti | f. (2. ci-) investigation, examination (= vi-citi-) |
pracoda | m. instigation |
pracodaka | mf(ikā-)n. instigating |
pracodana | n. instigating, exciting |
pracodana | n. direction, order, command |
pracodana | n. a rule or law |
pracodana | n. saying |
pracodana | n. sending |
pracodanī | f. Solanum Jacquini |
pracodikā | f. "inflamer", Name of the 4 daughters of niyojikā- (daughter of the demon duḥsaha-) |
pracodin | mfn. driving forward, urging |
pracodinī | f. Solanum Jacquini |
pracodita | mfn. (fr. Causal) driven on, urged, impelled |
pracodita | mfn. asked, requested, ordered, directed (see a-prac-) |
pracodita | mfn. decreed, determined |
pracodita | mfn. announced, proclaimed |
pracodita | mfn. sent, dispatched |
pracṛt | P. -cṛtati-, to loose, loosen, untie |
pracṛtta | mfn. loose, dishevelled |
pracṛttaśikha | mfn. with dishevelled hair |
pracud | P. -codati-, to set in motion, drive on, urge, impel : Causal -codayati- idem or 'mfn. ( car-) come forth, appeared ' (A1.to hasten, make haste, ) etc. ; to excite, inspire ; to command, summon, request, demand etc. ; to announce, make known, proclaim |
pracudita | mfn. (mc. for codita-) hurled, shot off |
pracupita | See upasthita-p-. |
pracura | mf(ā-)n. much, many, abundant (opp. to alpa-) |
pracura | mf(ā-)n. plenteous, plentiful, frequent |
pracura | mf(ā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') abounding in, filled with etc. |
pracura | m. a thief |
pracuracandana | n. much sandal |
pracuracchala | mfn. hidden in manifold disguises |
pracuraloma | mfn. having too much hair |
pracuranityadhanāgama | mfn. receiving many and constant supplies of money |
pracurapādapa | mfn. abounding with trees |
pracuraparibhava | m. frequent humiliation |
pracurapuruṣa | mfn. abounding with men, populous |
pracurapuruṣa | m. a thief. |
pracuraratnadhanāgama | mfn. having a large income of gems and money |
pracuratā | f. () abundance, multitude. |
pracuratva | n. ( etc.) abundance, multitude. |
pracurī | in compound for ra-. |
pracurībhū | to become abundant, increase |
pracurīkaraṇa | n. making abundant, augmenting, increasing |
pracurīkṛta | mfn. augmented, increased |
pracūrṇ | P. -cūrṇayati- (only Aorist prācucūrṇat-), to crush, grind to dust |
pracyava | m. fall, ruin |
pracyava | m. withdrawal |
pracyava | m. advancement, improvement |
pracyavana | mfn. removing, destroying (wrong reading for cyāvana-?) |
pracyavana | n. falling down (especially from heaven id est being born again) |
pracyavana | n. departure, withdrawal |
pracyavana | n. loss, deprivation (with ablative) |
pracyavana | n. oozing, dropping |
pracyāvana | n. means of removing or diminishing, a sedative |
pracyāvana | n. causing to give up, diverting from (ablative) |
pracyāvanī | f. (with kumbhī-) a large jar used for sprinkling a pyre, |
pracyāvuka | mfn. transitory, fragile, |
pracyu | A1. -cyavate- (Epic also P. ti-), to move, proceed, depart ; to swerve or deviate from (ablative) ; to be deprived of, lose (ablative) ; to come or stream forth ; to fall down, drop, stumble ; to fall (scilicet from heaven id est be born again) : Causal -cyāvayati-, to move, shake ; to eject, remove or dispel or divert from (ablative) etc. ; to cause to fall (literally and figuratively) |
pracyuta | (pr/a--) mfn. routed, put to flight expelled, banished, retreated |
pracyuta | (pr/a--) mfn. streamed forth or issued from (ablative) etc. |
pracyuta | (pr/a--) mfn. fallen from (literally and figuratively), swerved from, deprived of (ablative or compound) etc. |
pracyuta | (pr/a--) mfn. subtracted |
pracyutatva | (pr/a--) n. deviation, retreat |
pracyuti | f. going away, withdrawing, departing |
pracyuti | f. loss, deprivation (with ablative) |
pracyuti | f. falling from, giving up (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
pracyuti | f. decay, fall, ruin (a-pr-) |
pradā | P. -dadāti-, rarely A1. -datte-, (Ved. infinitive mood pr/a-dātos- ;irreg. Potential P. -dadet- ), to give away, give, offer, present, grant, bestow etc. etc. (with or scilicet bhāryām-,to give in marriage;with prativacas-,to grant an answer;with pravṛttim-,to information about an event;with yuddham-,to grant battle;with dvaṃdva-yuddham-,to engage in single combat;with vidyām-,to communicate or impart knowledge;with hutāśanam-,to set fire to) ; to give up, abolish ; to sell (with instrumental case of price) ; to restore (anything lost etc.) ; to pay, discharge (a debt) ; to put or place in (locative case) : Passive voice -dīyate-, to be given away, be given etc.: Causal -dāpayati-, to cause to give etc. ; to compel to give back or to repay ; to cause to put in or to ; to put or place in (locative case) ; (with vastim-), to apply a clyster : Desiderative -ditsate-, to wish to give in marriage |
prada | mf(ā-)n. giving, yielding, offering, granting, bestowing, causing, effecting, uttering, speaking (see anna--, jaya--, bahu--, sukha--, -śāpa-etc.) |
pradā | f. a gift |
pradadi | See /a-pradadi-. |
pradagdha | mfn. (pr/a--) burnt, destroyed |
pradagdhāhuti | mfn. (pr/a--) one who has burnt the sacrificial oblation |
pradagdhavya | mfn. to be burnt |
pradaghas | (Vedic or Veda infinitive mood of dagh-), to cause to fall, throw down (wrong reading -d/aghos-). |
pradah | P. -dahati- (Epic also A1. te-), to burn, consume, destroy etc. etc.: Passive voice -dahyate- (Epic also ti-), to take fire, be burnt, burn etc.: Causal -dāhayati-, to cause to be burnt |
pradāha | m. burning, heating, consuming by fire |
pradāha | m. destruction, annihilation |
pradakṣiṇa | mf(ā-)n. moving to the right |
pradakṣiṇa | mf(ā-)n. standing or placed on the right (with kṛ-,or pra-kṛ-,"to turn towards persons or things so as to place them on one's right","turn the right side towards"as a token of respect) etc. |
pradakṣiṇa | mf(ā-)n. auspicious, favourable |
pradakṣiṇa | mf(ā-)n. respectful, reverential |
pradakṣiṇa | mf(ā-)n. towards the south ( pradakṣiṇeṇa ṇeṇa- ind. equals /am-in both meanings ) |
pradakṣiṇa | mfn. turning the right side towards, circumambulation from left to right of a person or object (genitive case or compound;with kṛ-or1. dā- dative case genitive case or locative case) as a kind of worship |
pradakṣiṇagāmitā | f. the state of one who walks towards the right (one of the 80 minor marks of Buddhists) |
pradakṣiṇakriyā | f. going round from left to right (as a mark of respect) |
pradakṣiṇam | ind. from left to right, so that the reverential side is turned towards a person or object etc. etc. (also in the beginning of a compound; see compound below;with kṛ-and pra-kṛ-as above ) |
pradakṣiṇānuloma | mfn. respectful and obedient (said of a slave) |
pradakṣiṇapaṭṭikā | f. a yard, court-yard |
pradakṣiṇārcis | mfn. shooting out flames towards the right |
pradakṣiṇāvarta | mfn. turned towards the reverential |
pradakṣiṇāvartaikaromatā | f. having single hairs on the body and all turning to the reverential |
pradakṣiṇāvartanābhitā | f. having a navel which turns to the reverential (see ṇa-gāmitā-) |
pradakṣiṇāvartaśikha | mfn. equals ṇ/arcis- |
pradakṣiṇāvṛtka | mfn. turned towards the right, having (any one or anything) on the right |
pradakṣiṇaya | Nom. P. yati-, to go round from left to right, |
pradakṣiṇeṇa | ind. pradakṣiṇa |
pradakṣiṇīkṛ | P. A1. -karoti-, -kurute-, to turn the right side towards (accusative), go round from left to right |
pradakṣiṇit | ind. from left to right, so as to turn one's right side towards any one or anything |
pradala | m. an arrow (equals pra-dara-) |
pradam | Caus. -damayate-, to subdue, conquer |
pradām | m. (Nominal verb dān-) |
pradāna | n. (for 2.See below) giving, bestowal, presentation (especially of an offering in the fire;also Name of the sacred text recited on this occasion) etc. |
pradāna | n. a gift, donation etc. |
pradāna | n. giving away in marriage etc. |
pradāna | n. applying (of a clyster) |
pradāna | n. turning (the eyes) |
pradāna | n. making (an attack) |
pradāna | n. uttering (a curse) |
pradāna | n. granting (a boon) |
pradāna | n. teaching, imparting, announcing, declaring |
pradāna | n. ( do-) a goad (for 1.See under pra--1. dā-). |
pradānaka | n. an offering, donation |
pradānakṛpaṇa | mfn. mean or niggardly in making presents |
pradānapūrvam | ind. with a present |
pradānaruci | m. "delighting in giving", Name of a man |
pradānaśūra | m. "a hero in giving", an excessively liberal man |
pradānaśūra | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva- |
pradānavat | mfn. giving, liberal |
pradaṇḍavat | mfn. inflicting severe punishment |
pradānika | See go-pr-, jala-pr- and dattāpradānika-. |
pradānta | m. plural Name of a school |
pradānta | See pra-dam-. |
pradāpayitṛ | m. a giver |
pradāpya | mfn. to be caused to give or compelled to pay |
pradara | See pra-dṝ-. |
pradara | m. dispersion, rout (of an army) |
pradara | m. a crevice, cleft (in the earth) etc. |
pradara | m. menorrhagia (a disease of women) |
pradara | m. a kind of arrow |
pradara | m. rending, tearing |
pradara | m. plural Name of a people |
pradarpa | m. ( dṛp-) pride, arrogance |
pradarśa | m. look, appearance (See su-prad-) |
pradarśa | m. direction, injunction |
pradarśaka | mfn. showing, indicating |
pradarśaka | mfn. proclaiming, foretelling |
pradarśaka | mfn. teaching, expounding |
pradarśaka | m. a teacher |
pradarśaka | n. (?) a doctrine, principle (varia lectio pra-ghaṭṭaka-). |
pradarśana | n. look, appearance (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',with f(ā-).) |
pradarśana | n. pointing out, showing, propounding, teaching, explaining, |
pradarśana | n. an example |
pradarśana | n. prophesying |
pradarśanā | f. indication |
pradarśana | m. plural Name of a class of deities under manu- auttami- |
pradarśin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') seeing, viewing |
pradarśin | mfn. pointing out, showing, indicating |
pradarśita | mfn. shown, pointed out, indicated |
pradarśita | mfn. taught, mentioned, specified etc. |
pradarśita | mfn. prophesied |
pradarvidā | (?) on (see pra-pharvidā-). |
pradas | P. -dasyati-, to dry up, become dry |
pradāsa | m. (?) |
pradātavya | mfn. to be given (also in marriage) or offered or presented or restored or imparted etc. (teṣāṃ saṃskṛtam pradātavyam-,to these Sanskrit is to be imparted id est these are to be taught Sanskrit ) etc. |
pradātavya | mfn. to be placed or put into |
pradātṛ | m. a giver, bestower (mostly in compound with the object, rarely with the receiver) etc. |
pradātṛ | m. an offerer, presenter (viṣa--,of poison) |
pradātṛ | m. one who gives a daughter in marriage |
pradātṛ | m. an imparter (of knowledge) |
pradātṛ | m. a granter (of a wish) (f. trī-) |
pradātṛ | m. Name of indra- |
pradātṛ | m. of one of the viśve- devāḥ- |
pradātrikā | f. a female giver |
pradatta | mfn. equals pratta- ( pradattanayanotsava -nayanotsava- mfn.affording a feast to the eyes id est beautiful to behold ) |
pradatta | m. Name of a gandharva- |
pradattanayanotsava | mfn. pradatta |
pradava | vya- etc. See pra-- 2. du-. |
pradava | mfn. burning, inflaming |
pradāva | m. idem or 'm. (with agni-) a forest fire ' |
pradavya | m. (with agni-) a forest fire |
pradāvya | m. (with agni-) idem or 'm. idem or 'm. (with agni-) a forest fire ' ' |
pradāya | n. a present |
pradāyaka | mfn. giving, granting, presenting, bestowing (genitive case or compound) etc. |
pradāyakatva | n. |
pradāyin | mfn. idem or 'n. ' etc. |
pradāyitva | n. |
pradeha | m. a plaster, a thick or viscid ointment, poultice |
pradeha | m. applying a plaster, unction |
pradeha | m. solid food (perhaps inspissated juice etc.) |
pradehana | n. smearing, anointing |
pradeśa | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) pointing out, showing, indication, direction, decision, determination |
pradeśa | m. appeal to a precedent |
pradeśa | m. an example (in grammar, law etc.) |
pradeśa | m. a spot, region, place, country, district (often in compound with a part of the body exempli gratia, 'for example' kaṇṭha--, hṛdaya--) etc. (n. ) |
pradeśa | m. a short while (See compound below) |
pradeśa | m. a wall |
pradeśa | m. a short span (measured from the tip of the thumb to that of the forefinger) |
pradeśa | m. (with jaina-s) one of the obstacles to liberation ("atomic individuality") |
pradeśabhāj | mfn. of short duration |
pradeśakārin | m. Name of a kind of ascetic |
pradeśana | n. a gift, present, offering |
pradeśanī | f. equals śinī- |
pradeśaśāstra | n. a book containing examples |
pradeśastha | mfn. equals -bhāj- |
pradeśastha | mfn. being or situated in a district |
pradeśavartin | mfn. equals -bhāj- ( pradeśavartitvā ti-tvā- f.) |
pradeśavartitvā | f. pradeśavartin |
pradeśavat | mfn. possessing or occupying a place |
pradeśinī | f. the forefinger (or the corresponding toe) |
pradeśita | mfn. urged, directed |
pradeṣṭṛ | m. one who pronounces judgement, chief justice |
pradeya | mf(ā-)n. to be given or presented or granted or offered or communicated or imparted or taught (with dative case,sometimes in compound with the recipient) etc. |
pradeya | mf(ā-)n. to be instructed or initiated in (locative case) |
pradeyā | f. to be given in marriage, marriageable |
pradeya | m. a present, gift |
pradhā | A1. -dhatte-, to place or set before, offer ; to send out (spies) ; to give up, deliver ; to devote one's self to (accusative) |
pradha | m. |
pradhā | f. |
pradhā | f. Name of a daughter of dakṣa- (prob. wrong reading for prādhā-). |
pradhā | See pra-dhe-, column 2 |
pradhamana | See pra-dhmā-. |
pradhamana | n. blowing into (the nose, as powder) |
pradhamana | n. a sternutatory |
pradhana | n. (see dh/ana-) spoil taken in battle, a prize gained by a victor, the battle or contest itself etc. |
pradhana | n. the best of one's goods, valuables |
pradhana | n. tearing, bursting etc. (equals dāraṇa-) |
pradhana | m. Name of a man |
pradhana | m. plural his descendants |
pradhāna | n. a chief thing or person, the most important or essential part of anything etc. |
pradhāna | n. (in the beginning of a compound) the principal or first, chief, head of |
pradhāna | n. ([often also in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (f(ā-).) exempli gratia, 'for example' indra-pradhāna-,(a hymn) having indra- as the chief object or person addressed ; prayoga-p-,(the art of dancing) having practice as its essential part, chiefly practical ]) |
pradhāna | n. "the Originator", primary germ, original source of the visible or material universe (in sāṃkhya- equals prakṛti- q.v) |
pradhāna | n. primary or unevolved matter or nature |
pradhāna | n. supreme or universal soul |
pradhāna | n. intellect, understanding |
pradhāna | n. the first companion or attendant of a king, a courtier, a noble (also m.) |
pradhāna | n. an elephant-driver (also m.) |
pradhāna | n. (in gram.) the principal member of a compound (opp. to upasarjana- q.v) |
pradhāna | mf(ā-)n. chief, main, principal, most important |
pradhāna | mf(ā-)n. pre-eminent in (instrumental case) |
pradhāna | mf(ā-)n. better than or superior to (ablative) etc. |
pradhāna | m. Name of an ancient king |
pradhānā | f. Name of a śakti-, (see ) . |
pradhānabhāj | mfn. "receiving the chief share", most excellent or distinguished |
pradhānabhūta | mfn. one who is the chief person on |
pradhānadhātu | m. "chief element of the body", semen virile |
pradhānādhyakṣa | m. a chief superintendent |
pradhānādhyakṣatā | f. the office of chief superintendent |
pradhanāghātaka | mfn. bringing about a contest |
pradhānāhuti | f. a chief oblation, |
pradhānaka | n. (in sāṃkhya-) the original germ out of which the material universe is evolved (equals pradhāna-, a-vyakta-, q.v) |
pradhānakāraṇavāda | m. the doctrine that pradhāna- is the original cause (according to the sāṃkhya-) |
pradhānakarman | n. chief or principal action |
pradhānakarman | n. principal mode of treatment (in med.), |
pradhānakārya | n. chief or principal action |
pradhānakārya | n. principal mode of treatment (in med.), |
pradhānamantrin | m. a prime minister |
pradhānāmātya | m. a prime minister |
pradhānamitra | n. a chief friend |
pradhānāṅga | n. a chief member, the chief member of the body |
pradhānāṅga | n. most eminent person in a state |
pradhānāṅga | n. principal branch of a science etc. |
pradhanāṅgaṇa | n. a battle-field |
pradhānapuruṣa | m. a chief person, most distinguished personage, an authority |
pradhānapuruṣa | m. "the supreme soul", Name of śiva- |
pradhānapuruṣātīta | m. transcending pradhāna- and puruṣa- (matter and spirit) |
pradhānapuruṣātīta | m. Name of śiva- |
pradhānasabhika | m. the chief of a gambling-house |
pradhānasevā | f. chief or principal service |
pradhānaśiṣṭa | mfn. taught or laid down as of primary importance (see anvācaya-ś-). |
pradhānatā | f. pre-eminence, excellence, superiority, prevalence |
pradhānatā | f. the being pradhāna- q.v |
pradhānatā | f. (in equals jagat-kāraṇatā-; see śarīra-p-). |
pradhānatama | mfn. most excellent or distinguished, most important, chiefest |
pradhānatara | mfn. more excellent, better |
pradhānatas | ind. according to eminence or superiority |
pradhānātman | m. supreme or universal soul, Name of viṣṇu- |
pradhānātman | m. (identified with the original cause of the universe or viśva-bhāvana- ) |
pradhānatva | n. pre-eminence, superiority, excellence |
pradhānatva | n. (in sāṃkhya-) the being pradhāna- |
pradhānavādin | m. one who asserts the sāṃkhya- doctrine (of pradhāna-), |
pradhānavāsas | n. the best clothes, full-dress |
pradhānavṛṣṭi | f. copious rain, heaviest rain |
pradhanottama | n. "best of battles", a great battle or contest |
pradhānottama | mfn. best of the eminent, illustrious |
pradhānottama | mfn. warlike, brave |
pradhanya | mf(ā-)n. forming the spoil or booty (as cattle) |
pradhānya | wrong reading for prādh- q.v |
pradhāraṇa | mfn. keeping, preserving, protecting (See pāda-pr-) |
pradhāraṇā | f. constantly fixing one's mind on a certain object |
pradharṣa | m. attacking, assaulting, assailing (See duṣ-p-). |
pradharṣaka | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'), molesting, hurting, violating (the wife of another) |
pradharṣaṇa | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') attacking, molesting, harassing |
pradharṣaṇa | nf. attacking, assailing, an attack, assault, ill-treatment, molestation (keśa-p-,dragging by the hair) |
pradharṣaṇīya | mfn. to be assailed, assailable, open to attack, exposed to injury or ill-treatment |
pradharṣin | mfn. equals dharṣaṇa- mfn. |
pradharṣita | mfn. (fr. Causal) attacked, hurt, injured |
pradharṣita | mfn. haughty, arrogant |
pradharṣitavat | mfn. arrogant, proud |
pradhārya | mfn. to be regarded as (Nominal verb), |
pradhāv | P. A1. -dhāvati-, te-, to run forwards, run forth, run away, set out, start etc. ; to rush upon ; to run or go to (accusative) etc. ; to pervade, permeate ; to become diffused, spread : Causal P. -dhāvayati-, to put to flight ; to drive away, drive |
pradhāv | P. A1. -dhāvati-, te-, to wash or rub off : Causal P. A1. -dhāvayati-, te-, to wash or cause to wash off |
pradhāvana | m. a runner |
pradhāvana | m. air, wind (regarded as a"purifier"see pavana-;or perhaps fr.1. dhāv-,regarded as a "runner") |
pradhāvana | n. rubbing or washing off |
pradhāvita | mfn. run away, set out, started |
pradhe | Caus. -dhāpayati-, to cause to suck |
pradhi | m. the felly of a wheel (also plural) etc. |
pradhi | m. orb, disc (of the moon) |
pradhi | m. a segment |
pradhi | See above. |
pradhī | (or -dīdhī-,only p. proper -dīdhyat-and -d/īdhyāna-), to long for, strive after ; to look out, be on the watch |
pradhī | f. great intelligence |
pradhī | mfn. of superior intelligence, pre-eminently intelligent |
pradhimaṇḍala | n. the circumference of (the felly of) a wheel |
pradhmā | (or dham-) P. (A1. Potential -dhmāyīta- ) -dhamati-, to blow before or in front, blow away ; to scare ; to destroy ; to blow into (especially into a conch shell accusative) etc. ; (A1.) to cry out ; (others,"to be tossed about","wander about") : Causal P. A1. -dhmāpayati-, te-, to blow into, blow (a conch shell) |
pradhmā | mfn. blowing violently |
pradhmāpana | n. (fr. Causal) a remedy for difficult respiration (in med.) |
pradhmāpita | mfn. blown into, blown (as a conch shell) |
pradhṛ | (only perfect tense A1. -dadhre-,with manas-), to set the mind upon anything (dative case), resolve, determine : Causal P. -dhārayati-, to chastise, inflict a punishment on any one (locative case; see daṇḍaṃ-dhṛ-) ; to keep in remembrance ; to reflect, consider ; (pradhārayantu- wrong reading for pra dhārā yantu- ) . |
pradhraj | P. -dhrajati-, to run forward |
pradhṛṣ | P. -dharṣati-, -dhṛṣṇoti-, to be bold against, assail with courage or daring, lay hands on, hurt, injure, harass, overpower, overcome : Causal P. -dharṣayati- idem or 'mfn. to be regarded as (Nominal verb), ' etc. ; to violate (a woman) ; to destroy, devastate |
pradhṛṣṭa | mfn. treated with contumely |
pradhṛṣṭa | mfn. proud, arrogant |
pradhṛṣṭi | f. overpowering, subjugation |
pradhṛṣya | mfn. to be hurt or injured, violable (See a-p-, duṣ-p-, su-p-). |
pradhū | P. A1. -dhūnoti-, nute-, to move forward ; to blow away : to blow or shake out (the beard after drinking) : Intensive -dodhuvat-, -dūdhot-, to blow (the beard, accusative) ; to blow into (locative case) |
pradhūmita | mfn. smothered with smoke, giving out smoke, smouldering |
pradhūpita | mfn. fumigated, perfumed |
pradhūpita | mfn. heated, burnt |
pradhūpita | mfn. lighted, inflamed |
pradhūpita | mfn. afflicted |
pradhūpita | mfn. excited |
pradhūpitā | f. (with or scilicet diś-) the quarter to which the sun is proceeding |
pradhūpitā | f. a woman in trouble or affliction |
pradhura | n. the tip of a pole |
pradhvaṃs | A1. -dhvaṃsate-, to flow off (as water) ; to fall to pieces, perish : Causal -dhvaṃsayati-, to scatter, sprinkle ; to cause to fall, destroy, cause to perish |
pradhvaṃsa | m. utter destruction, annihilation, perishing, disappearance |
pradhvaṃsa | m. equals dhvaṃsābhāva- (below) |
pradhvaṃsābhāva | m. non-existence in consequence of annihilation, ceasing to exist |
pradhvaṃsana | mfn. destroying, annihilating |
pradhvaṃsana | m. one who destroys, a destroyer (as a particular personification) (see prādhvaṃsana-). |
pradhvaṃsatva | n. state of destruction, desolation, ruin |
pradhvaṃsin | mfn. passing away, transitory, perishable (utpanna-p-,arisen and passing away again id est having no further consequences commentator or commentary) |
pradhvaṃsin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') destroying, annihilating |
pradhvaṃsita | mfn. (fr. Causal) destroyed, annihilated, dispelled |
pradhvan | P. -dhvanati-, to sound, resound : Causal -dhvanayati-, to cause to sound |
pradhvāna | m. a loud sound |
pradhvasta | mfn. destroyed, perished, disappeared |
pradhyai | P. A1. -dhyāyati-, te-, to meditate upon, think of (accusative with or without prati-) ; to reflect, consider ; to excogitate, devise, hit upon |
pradhyāna | n. meditating upon, reflection, thinking, deep thought, subtle speculation |
pradhyanīka | n. the centre of a segment |
pradhyanīka | n. a well |
pradi | m. a gift, present |
pradī | (only proper subjunctive -d/īdayat-and perfect tense -dīdiyuḥ-), to shine forth |
pradigdha | See pra-- dih-. |
pradigdha | mfn. smeared over, anointed, stained or covered with (instrumental case or compound) etc. |
pradigdha | n. (scilicet māṃsa-) a kind of dish prepared with meat |
pradigdha | m. a kind of sauce or gravy |
pradih | P. -degdhi-, to smear over, besmear, anoint |
praḍīna | mfn. ( ḍī-) flown up or forward, taking flight |
praḍīna | n. the act of flying, flying forward |
pradīp | A1. -dīpyate-, to flame forth, blaze, burst into flames : Causal -dīpayati-, to set on fire, light, kindle, inflame |
pradīpa | m. a light, lamp, lantern etc. (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"the light id est the glory or ornament of " exempli gratia, 'for example' kula-pr- q.v;also in titles of explanatory works = elucidation, explanation, exempli gratia, 'for example' mahābhāṣya-pr-) |
pradīpa | m. Name of work |
pradīpaka | mf(ikā-)n. a small lamp, a lamp |
pradīpaka | mf(ikā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') explanation, commentary |
pradīpamañjarī | f. Name of commentator or commentary on the amara-koṣa- |
pradīpana | mfn. inflaming, exciting |
pradīpana | m. a sort of poison |
pradīpana | n. the act of kindling or inflaming |
pradīpasāha | m. Name of a prince (sāha-= $) |
pradīpaśaraṇadhvaja | m. Name of a mahoraga-rāja- |
pradīpasiṃha | m. Name of an author |
pradīpāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to act as a lamp |
pradīpīya | mfn. gaRa apūpādi-. |
pradīpta | mfn. kindled, inflamed, burning, shining etc. |
pradīpta | mfn. excited, stimulated etc. |
pradīpta | mfn. (in augury) clear, shrill (opp. to pūrṇa-) |
pradīptabhās | mfn. shining bright, |
pradīptākṣa | m. "having lustrous eyes", Name of a yakṣa- |
pradīptaśiras | mfn. one whose head is hot or burning |
pradīpti | f. light, lustre, brilliancy |
pradīptimat | mfn. bright, radiant, luminous |
pradīpya | mfn. gaRa apūpādi-. |
pradīrgha | mfn. exceedingly long |
pradiś | P. A1. -diśati-, te-, to point out, show, indicate, declare, appoint, fix, ordain etc. ; to direct, bid, urge ; to assign, apportion, grant (-diśyati-, ) etc.: Causal -deśayati-, to urge on, incite : Intensive (pr. p. -d/ediśat-), to animate |
pradiś | f. pointing to or out, indication, direction, order, command, dominion |
pradiś | f. a direction, quarter, region of the sky (accusative plural"in all directions, everywhere";with pitryā-,"the region of the pitṛ-s" id est the south ) |
pradiś | f. an intermediate point or half-quarter (as northeast) |
pradiṣṭa | (pr/a--) mfn. pointed out, indicated, fixed, ordained |
praditsā | f. (fr. Desiderative) desire to give |
praditsu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative) wishing to give (with accusative) |
pradiv | f. (fr. 3. div-,"heaven"; Nominal verb -dy/aus-) the third or highest heaven (in which the pitṛ-s are said to dwell) |
pradiv | f. the fifth of seven heavens |
pradiv | mfn. (fr. 3. div-,"day"[ confer, compare Latin diu]) existing from olden times, ancient |
pradivas | ind. from of old, long since, always, ever (/anuprad-,as of old, as formerly) |
pradivi | ind. at all times, always, ever |
pradoha | See su-pradoha-. |
pradohana | m. Name of a man (See prādohani-). |
pradoṣa | mfn. (for 2.See column 2) corrupt, bad, wicked |
pradoṣa | m. defect, fault, disordered condition (of the body or of a country), mutiny, rebellion |
pradoṣa | m. (for 1.See under pra-duṣ-) the first part of the night, evening (also personified as a son of doṣā- and associated with niśitha- and vyuṣṭa-) etc. |
pradoṣāgama | m. the coming on of evening, nightfall |
pradoṣaka | m. evening (varia lectio) |
pradoṣaka | m. born in the evening (?) |
pradoṣakāla | m. evening tide |
pradoṣam | ind. in the evening, in the dark |
pradoṣamāhātmya | n. Name of work |
pradoṣamahiman | m. Name of work |
pradoṣānila | m. the evening wind |
pradoṣanirṇaya | m. Name of work |
pradoṣapūjāvidhi | m. Name of work |
pradoṣaramaṇīya | mfn. pleasant or delightful in the evening |
pradoṣasamaya | m. equals -kāla- |
pradoṣaśānti | f. Name of work |
pradoṣaśivapūjā | f. Name of work |
pradoṣastotra | n. Name of chapter of |
pradoṣatimira | n. evening darkness, the dusk of early night |
pradoṣavelā | f. equals -kāla- |
pradoṣodyāpana | n. Name of work |
pradṝ | (of P.only Vedic or Veda imperative -d/arṣi-), to break or tear to pieces : Passive voice -dīryate-, to cleave asunder, split open (intr.) ; to be dispersed or scattered (as an army) : Causal -dārayati-, to split, cleave, tear asunder |
pradrāṇaka | mfn. (2. drā-) sorely distressed, very needy or poor, |
pradrava | mfn. fluid, liquid |
pradrāva | m. running away, flight |