Word | Reference | Gender | Number | Synonyms | Definition |
balam | 2.8.107 | Neuter | Singular | parākramaḥ, sthāma, taraḥ, śaktiḥ, śauryam, draviṇam, prāṇaḥ, śuṣmam, sahaḥ | |
śilājatuḥ | 2.9.105 | Neuter | Singular | prāṇaḥ, piṇḍaḥ, goparasaḥ, bolaḥ | |
śvasanaḥ | Masculine | Singular | vāyuḥ, pṛṣadaśvaḥ, anilaḥ, mārutaḥ, samīraṇaḥ, pavanaḥ, mātariśvā, gandhavahaḥ, āśugaḥ, marut, nabhasvān, pavamānaḥ, sparśanaḥ, sadāgatiḥ, gandhavāhaḥ, samīraḥ, jagatprāṇaḥ, vātaḥ, prabhañjanaḥ | air or wind |
prāṇa | mfn. (for 2.See .) filled, full | ||||||
prāṇa | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).;for 1.See under | ||||||
prāṇa | m. plural life etc. (prā | ||||||
prāṇa | m. a vital organ vital air (3 in number, viz. prā | ||||||
prāṇa | m. air inhaled, wind | ||||||
prāṇa | m. breath (as a sign of strength), vigour, energy, power etc. (sarvaprā | ||||||
prāṇa | m. a breath (as a measure of time, or the time requisite for the pronunciation of 10 long syllables = 1/6 vināḍikā-) | ||||||
prāṇa | m. Name of a kalpa- (the 6th day in the light half of brahmā-'s month) | ||||||
prāṇa | m. (in sāṃkhya-) the spirit (equals puruṣa-) | ||||||
prāṇa | m. (in vedānta-) the spirit identified with the totality of dreaming spirits (see prāṇā | ||||||
prāṇa | m. poetical inspiration | ||||||
prāṇa | m. myrrh | ||||||
prāṇa | m. a Name of the letter y- | ||||||
prāṇa | m. of a sāman- (vasiṣṭhasya prā | ||||||
prāṇa | m. of brahmā- | ||||||
prāṇa | m. of viṣṇu- | ||||||
prāṇa | m. of a vasu- | ||||||
prāṇa | m. of a son of the vasu- dhara- | ||||||
prāṇa | m. of a marut- | ||||||
prāṇa | m. of a son of dhātṛ- | ||||||
prāṇa | m. of a son of vidhātṛ- | ||||||
prāṇa | m. of a ṛṣi- in the 2nd manv-antara- | ||||||
prāṇabādha | m. danger to life, extreme peril (varia lectio) (alsof(ā-). ) | ||||||
prāṇabhāj | mfn. possessing life | ||||||
prāṇabhāj | m. a living being, creature, man | ||||||
prāṇabhakṣa | m. feeding only on breath or air (see -prā | ||||||
prāṇabhakṣam | ind. while feeding only on breath or air | ||||||
prāṇabhāsvat | m. "life-light"(?), the ocean | ||||||
prāṇabhaya | n. fear for l, peril of death | ||||||
prāṇabhṛt | mfn. supporting life | ||||||
prāṇabhṛt | mfn. equals -bhāj-. etc. | ||||||
prāṇabhṛt | mfn. Name of particular bricks used in erecting an altar | ||||||
prāṇabhṛt | mfn. Name of viṣṇu- | ||||||
prāṇabhūta | mfn. being the breath of life | ||||||
prāṇabuddhi | f. sg. life and intelligence (varia lectio) | ||||||
prāṇacaya | m. increase of vitality or strength | ||||||
prāṇaccheda | m. destruction of life, murder | ||||||
prāṇacchedakara | mfn. causing destruction of life, murderous | ||||||
prāṇacchid | mfn. cutting life short, deadly, fatal | ||||||
prāṇacit | mfn. forming a deposit of breath | ||||||
prāṇaciti | f. a mass or deposit of breath | ||||||
prāṇada | mf(ā-)n. life-giving, saving or preserving life etc. | ||||||
prāṇada | m. Terminalia Tomentosa or Coccinia Grandis | ||||||
prāṇada | m. Name of brahmā- | ||||||
prāṇada | m. of viṣṇu- | ||||||
prāṇadā | f. Terminalia Chebula | ||||||
prāṇada | m. a species of bulbous plant | ||||||
prāṇada | m. Commelina Salicifolia | ||||||
prāṇada | m. (with guḍikā-) a kind of pill used as a remedy for hemorrhoids | ||||||
prāṇada | n. water | ||||||
prāṇada | n. blood | ||||||
prāṇadā | mfn. giving breath | ||||||
prāṇadakṣiṇā | f. the gift of life | ||||||
prāṇadāna | n. gift of (i.e. saving a person's) life | ||||||
prāṇadāna | n. resigning life | ||||||
prāṇadāna | n. anointing the havis- with ghṛta- during the recitation of sacred texts supposed to restore life | ||||||
prāṇadaṇḍa | m. the punishment of death | ||||||
prāṇadātṛ | mfn. one who saves another's life | ||||||
prāṇadavat | See -dāvat-. | ||||||
prāṇadāvat | mfn. life -giving (-d/avat-prob. wrong reading) | ||||||
prāṇadayita | m. "dear as life", a husband | ||||||
prāṇadhara | m. Name of a man | ||||||
prāṇadhāra | mfn. possessing life, living, animate | ||||||
prāṇadhāra | m. a living being | ||||||
prāṇadharamiśra | m. Name of an author | ||||||
prāṇadhāraṇa | n. support or maintenance or prolongation of life (ṇaṃ- | ||||||
prāṇadhāraṇa | n. means of supporting life, livelihood | ||||||
prāṇadhārin | mfn. saving a person's (genitive case) life | ||||||
prāṇadhṛk | See -dṛh-. | ||||||
prāṇadṛh | mfn. (Nominal verb -dhṛk-) sustaining or prolonging the breath | ||||||
prāṇadroha | m. attempt on another's life | ||||||
prāṇadrohin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') seeking another's life | ||||||
prāṇadurodara | n. playing for life, staking life | ||||||
prāṇadyūta | n. play or contest for life | ||||||
prāṇadyūtābhidevana | mfn. (a battle) played or fought with life as a stake | ||||||
prāṇaghātaka | () mf(ī-)n. life-destroying, killing, mortal. | ||||||
prāṇaghna | () mf(ī-)n. life-destroying, killing, mortal. | ||||||
prāṇagraha | m. "breath-catcher", the nose, | ||||||
prāṇagraha | m. plural Name of particular soma- vessels | ||||||
prāṇahāni | f. loss of life, death | ||||||
prāṇahara | mf(ī-)n. taking away or threatening life, destructive, fatal, dangerous to (compound) | ||||||
prāṇahara | mf(ī-)n. capital punishment | ||||||
prāṇahāraka | mf(ikā-)n. taking away life, destructive, killing, | ||||||
prāṇahāraka | m. a kind of poison | ||||||
prāṇahārin | mfn. equals prec. mfn. | ||||||
prāṇahīna | mfn. bereft of life, dead | ||||||
prāṇahitā | f. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order | ||||||
prāṇahitā | f. a shoe (perhaps wrong reading for prāṇāhikā-; see prāṇāha-and prā | ||||||
prāṇaikaśatavidha | mfn. having 101 variations of the vital airs | ||||||
prāṇaka | m. a living being. animal, worm | ||||||
prāṇaka | m. Terminalia Tomentosa or Coccinia Grandis | ||||||
prāṇaka | m. myrrh (bola-) or a jacket (cola-) | ||||||
prāṇakara | mf(ī-)n. "life-causing", invigorating, refreshing | ||||||
prāṇakara | m. Name of a man | ||||||
prāṇakarman | n. vital function | ||||||
prāṇakṛcchra | n. peril of life | ||||||
prāṇakṛṣṇa | m. (also with viśvāsa-) Name of 2 authors | ||||||
prāṇalābha | m. saving of life (wrong reading ṇā | ||||||
prāṇalipsu | mfn. desirous of saving life | ||||||
prāṇamat | mfn. full of vital power, vigorous, strong, | ||||||
prāṇamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of vigorous air or breath | ||||||
prāṇamayakośa | m. the vital case (one of the cases or investitures of the soul) | ||||||
prāṇaṃdada | m. "life-giver", Name of avalokite | ||||||
prāṇamokṣaṇa | n. equals -tyāga- | ||||||
prāṇana | mfn. vivifying, animating | ||||||
prāṇana | m. the throat | ||||||
prāṇana | n. breathing, respiration | ||||||
prāṇana | n. the act of vivifying or animating | ||||||
prāṇanānta | m. end of life, death | ||||||
prāṇanārāyaṇa | m. Name of a king of kāma-rūpa- | ||||||
prāṇanāśa | m. "loss of life", death, | ||||||
prāṇanātha | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). ),"lord of life", a husband, lover | ||||||
prāṇanātha | m. Name of yama- | ||||||
prāṇanātha | m. Name of a heresiarch (who had a controversy with śaṃkara- at prayāga-) | ||||||
prāṇanātha | m. (with vaidya-) Name of an author of several medicine works. | ||||||
prāṇanigraha | m. restraint of breath | ||||||
prāṇanta | m. () air, wind | ||||||
prāṇanta | m. a kind of collyrium | ||||||
prāṇantī | f. sneezing, sobbing | ||||||
prāṇapā | mfn. protecting breath or life | ||||||
prāṇaparigraha | m. possession of breath or life, existence | ||||||
prāṇaparikraya | m. the price of life | ||||||
prāṇaparikṣīṇa | mfn. one whose life is drawing to a close | ||||||
prāṇaparīpsā | f. desire of saving life | ||||||
prāṇaparityāga | m. abandonment of life | ||||||
prāṇapata | mfn. (fr. next) gaRa aśvapaty-ādi-. | ||||||
prāṇapati | m. "life-lord", the soul | ||||||
prāṇapati | m. a physician. | ||||||
prāṇapati | m. a husband | ||||||
prāṇapatnī | f. "breath-wife", the voice | ||||||
prāṇaprada | mfn. restoring or saving another's life ( prāṇapradaphala -phala- n.Name of work) | ||||||
prāṇapradā | f. a species of medicine plant | ||||||
prāṇaprada | (in rhetoric)"vivifying", | ||||||
prāṇapradaphala | n. prāṇaprada | ||||||
prāṇapradāyaka | mf(ikā-)n. equals -prada- mfn. | ||||||
prāṇapradāyin | mfn. idem or 'mf(ikā-)n. equals -prada- mfn. ' | ||||||
prāṇaprahāṇa | n. loss of life | ||||||
prāṇaprāśanin | mfn. feeding only on breath (id est on the mere smell of food or drink) , | ||||||
prāṇapratiṣṭhā | f. the ceremony of putting life into an idol by the recitation of certain mantra-s, consecration of an image or idol, | ||||||
prāṇapratiṣṭhā | f. Name of work | ||||||
prāṇapratiṣṭhāmantra | m. Name of work | ||||||
prāṇapratiṣṭhāpaddhati | f. Name of work | ||||||
prāṇaprayāṇa | n. departure or end life | ||||||
prāṇaprepsu | mfn. wishing to preserve his life, being in mortal fright | ||||||
prāṇapriya | mfn. dear as life | ||||||
prāṇapriya | m. a husband, lover | ||||||
prāṇarājyada | mfn. one who has saved (another's) life and throne | ||||||
prāṇarakṣā | f. preservation of life | ||||||
prāṇarakṣaṇa | n. preservation of life | ||||||
prāṇarakṣaṇārtham | ind. for the preservation of life | ||||||
prāṇarakṣārtham | ind. for the preservation of life | ||||||
prāṇarandhra | n. "breath-aperture", the mouth or a nostril | ||||||
prāṇarodha | m. suppression of breath | ||||||
prāṇarodha | m. Name of a particular hell | ||||||
prāṇasadman | n. "abode of vital airs", the body | ||||||
prāṇaśakti | f. a particular śakti- of viṣṇu- | ||||||
prāṇasama | mf(ā-)n. equal to or as dear as life | ||||||
prāṇasama | m. a husband or lover | ||||||
prāṇasamā | f. a wife or mistress | ||||||
prāṇasambhṛta | m. wind, air (wrong reading for -sambhūta-?). | ||||||
prāṇasaṃdeha | m. danger to life | ||||||
prāṇasaṃdhāraṇa | n. support of life (ṇaṃ- | ||||||
prāṇasaṃhita | mfn. connected with breath, | ||||||
prāṇasaṃhitā | f. a manner of reciting the Vedic texts, pronouncing as many sounds as possible during one breath | ||||||
prāṇasaṃkaṭa | n. danger to 10 | ||||||
prāṇasammita | mfn. equals -sama- mfn. | ||||||
prāṇasammita | mfn. reaching to the nose | ||||||
prāṇasaṃnyāsa | m. giving up the spirit | ||||||
prāṇasaṃrodha | m. idem or 'm. suppression or suspension of breath (as a religious exercise) ' | ||||||
prāṇasaṃśaya | m. danger to life (also plural) | ||||||
prāṇasaṃśita | (ṇ/a--) mfn. animated by the vital airs | ||||||
prāṇasaṃtyāga | m. abandonment of life | ||||||
prāṇasaṃvāda | m. an (imaginary) dispute (for precedence) between the vital airs or the organs of sense | ||||||
prāṇasaṃyama | m. suppression or suspension of breath (as a religious exercise) | ||||||
prāṇasāra | n. vital energy, | ||||||
prāṇasāra | mfn. full of strength, vigorous | ||||||
prāṇaśarīra | mfn. whose (only) body is vital air | ||||||
prāṇasūtra | n. the thread of life, | ||||||
prāṇataja | m. pl. (with jaina-s) Name of a subdivision of the kalpa-bhava-s | ||||||
prāṇatejas | (ṇ/a--) mfn. whose splendour or glory is life or breath | ||||||
prāṇatha | m. breathing, respiration | ||||||
prāṇatha | m. air, wind | ||||||
prāṇatha | m. the lord of all living beings (equals prajāpati-) | ||||||
prāṇatha | m. a sacred bathing-place | ||||||
prāṇatha | mfn. strong | ||||||
prāṇatoṣiṇī | f. Name of work on Tantric rites (1821). | ||||||
prāṇatrāṇa | n. saving of life | ||||||
prāṇatrāṇarasa | m. Name of a particular mixture | ||||||
prāṇatva | n. the state of breath or life | ||||||
prāṇatyāga | m. abandonment of life, suicide, death | ||||||
prāṇavallabhā | f. a mistress or wife as dear as life | ||||||
prāṇavat | mfn. equals -yuta-, | ||||||
prāṇavat | mfn. vigorous, strong, powerful (Comparative degree vat-tara-). | ||||||
prāṇavidyā | f. the science of breath or vital airs | ||||||
prāṇavināśa | m. loss of life, death | ||||||
prāṇaviprayoga | m. separation from life, death | ||||||
prāṇavīrya | n. strength of breath, | ||||||
prāṇavṛtti | f. vital activity or function | ||||||
prāṇavṛtti | f. support of life | ||||||
prāṇavyaya | m. renunciation or sacrifice of life | ||||||
prāṇavyāyacchana | n. peril or risk of life | ||||||
prāṇayama | m. equals prā | ||||||
prāṇayātrā | f. support of life, subsistence etc. | ||||||
prāṇayātrika | mfn. requisite for subsistence ( prāṇayātrikamātra ka-mātra- mfn.possessing only the necessaries of life) | ||||||
prāṇayātrikamātra | mfn. prāṇayātrika | ||||||
prāṇayita | mfn. (fr. Causal) caused to breathe, kept alive | ||||||
prāṇayita | mfn. animated, longing to (infinitive mood) | ||||||
prāṇayoni | f. the source or spring of life | ||||||
prāṇayuta | mfn. endowed with life, living, alive | ||||||
abhiprāṇana | n. exhaling (opposed to apā | ||||||
alpabalaprāṇa | mfn. of little strength and little breath id est weak and without any power of endurance | ||||||
alpaprāṇa | m. (in grammar) slight breathing or weak aspiration (the effort in uttering the vowels, the semivowels y-, r-, l-, v-,the consonants k-, c-, ṭ-, t-, p-, g-, j-, ḍ-, i-, b-,and the nasals, is said to be accompanied with slight aspiration, but practically alpaprā | ||||||
alpaprāṇa | mfn. having short breath, not persevering, soon tired pronounced with slight breathing | ||||||
apetaprāṇa | mfn. lifeless, | ||||||
apiprāṇa | mf(ī-)n. uttered or produced with every breath | ||||||
aprāṇa | m. no breath | ||||||
aprāṇa | mfn. inanimate, lifeless | ||||||
aprāṇat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. inanimate, lifeless ' | ||||||
atiprāṇam | ind. exceeding life. | ||||||
atiprāṇapriya | mfn. dearer than life. | ||||||
bahiṣprāṇa | m. external breath or life, anything near the heart or as dear as life | ||||||
bahiṣprāṇa | m. money | ||||||
bahiṣprāṇa | mfn. one whose breath or life is outside | ||||||
balaprāṇa | n. strength and spirit. | ||||||
dattaprāṇa | mfn. sacrificing life., | ||||||
dīrghaprāṇa | mfn. having long breath | ||||||
ekaprāṇabhāva | m. the act of breathing once | ||||||
ekaprāṇayoga | m. union (of sounds) in one breath | ||||||
gataprāṇa | mfn. equals -jīva- | ||||||
jagatprāṇa | m. "world-breath", wind | ||||||
jagatprāṇa | m. rāma- | ||||||
kathāprāṇa | m. an actor, the speaker of a prologue or monologue, the introducer of a drama | ||||||
kathāprāṇa | m. a professed story-teller | ||||||
kharaprāṇa | a particular vessel | ||||||
kiṃcidprāṇa | mfn. having a little life left | ||||||
kṛcchraprāṇa | mfn. one whose life is in danger, hardly supporting life | ||||||
kṛcchraprāṇa | mfn. breathing with difficulty | ||||||
mahāprāṇa | m. the hard breathing or aspirate (heard in the utterance of certain letters) | ||||||
mahāprāṇa | m. the aspirated letters themselves | ||||||
mahāprāṇa | m. great spirit or power (See su-mahā-p-) | ||||||
mahāprāṇa | mfn. pronounced with the hard breathing or aspirate | ||||||
mahāprāṇa | mfn. of great bodily strength or endurance | ||||||
mahāprāṇa | mfn. "making a harsh breathing or cry", a raven (see alpa-p-, māhāp-). | ||||||
māhāprāṇa | mfn. (fr. mahā-pr-) gaRa utsā | ||||||
mandaprāṇa | mfn. having slow or weak breath | ||||||
mandaprāṇaviceṣṭita | mfn. breathless and motionless | ||||||
mañjuprāṇa | m. Name of Brahms | ||||||
nabhaḥprāṇa | m. "sky-breath", air, wind | ||||||
niṣprāṇa | mfn. breathless, lifeless, quite exhausted | ||||||
pañcaprāṇa | m. plural the 5 vital airs (supposed to be in the body) | ||||||
pareprāṇa | mfn. of higher value or more precious than life | ||||||
pārvatīprāṇanātha | m. "lord of the life of pārvatī-", Name of śiva- | ||||||
pratyāgataprāṇa | mfn. one who has recovered his breath or life | ||||||
priyaprāṇa | mfn. fond of life | ||||||
sadyaḥprāṇahara | mfn. quickly destroying vigour | ||||||
sadyaḥprāṇakara | mfn. quickly causing vitality or inspiriting | ||||||
sahasraprāṇa | (sah/asra--) mfn. having a thousand lives (not in manuscript) | ||||||
sampratiprāṇa | m. the chief breath | ||||||
saṃyataprāṇa | mfn. having the breath suppressed or having the organs restrained | ||||||
saprāṇa | (s/a--) mfn. having breath, living | ||||||
sarvaprāṇa | m. | ||||||
stokāvaśeṣprāṇa | mfn. idem or 'mfn. short-lived ' (literally"having little breath left") | ||||||
sumahāprāṇa | mfn. possessing excessive bodily strength or vigour | ||||||
svadhāprāṇa | (dh/ā--) mfn. breathing sva-dhā- | ||||||
svasvaprāṇa | m. plural the respective breath or life of each | ||||||
tyaktaprāṇa | mfn. idem or '(in rhetoric) resuming what has been suspended, ' | ||||||
ubhayataḥprāṇa | mfn. having vital air on both sides | ||||||
udayaprāṇa | m. plural a particular measure of time (reckoned by the number of respirations till the rising of a particular constellation) | ||||||
upaprāṇa | m. a secondary vital air belonging to the body | ||||||
vasuprāṇa | m. "breath of the vasu-s", fire | ||||||
viśalyaprāṇahara | mfn. (prob. said of those spots of the body, such as the temples and space between the eye-brows a blow on which is fatal even without any point entering the surface, but commonly applied to those spots a wound on which becomes fatal as soon as a pointed weapon is extracted) | ||||||
yathāprāṇam | () () ind. with the whole soul, with all one's might. |
prāṇaḥ | प्राणः 1 Breath, respiration. -2 The breath of life, vitality, life, vital air, principle of life (usually pl. in this sense, the Prāṇas being five; प्राण, अपान, समान, व्यान and उदान); प्राणैरुपक्रोशमलीमसैर्वा R.2.53;12.54; (हृदि प्राणो गुदे$पानः समानो नाभिसंस्थितः । उदानः कण्ठदेशस्थो व्यानः सर्वशरीरगः ॥). -3 The first of the five life-winds or vital airs (which has its seat in the lungs); अपाने जुह्वति प्राणं प्राणे$पानं तथापरे । प्राणापानगती रुद्ध्वा प्राणायाम- परायणाः ॥ Bg.4.29. -4 Wind, air inhaled. -5 Energy, vigour, strength, power; as in प्राणसार q. v.; युद्धातिथ्यं प्रदास्यामि यथाप्राणं निशाचर Rām.3.5.28; Bhāg.8.2.29; सर्वप्राणप्रवणमघवन्मुक्तमाहत्य वक्षः Mv.1.45. -6 The spirit or soul (opp. शरीर). -7 The Supreme Spirit; इमानि भूतानि प्राणमेवाभिसंविशन्ति Bṛi. Up.1.11.5. -8 An organ of sense; स्पृष्ट्वैतानशुचिर्नित्यमद्भिः प्राणानुपस्पृशेत् । गात्राणि चैव सर्वाणि नाभिं पाणितलेन तु ॥ Ms.4.143; मरीचिमिश्रा ऋषयः प्राणेभ्यो$हं च जज्ञिरे Bhāg.1.6.31. -9 Any person or thing as dear and necessary as life, a beloved person or object; कोशः कोशवतः प्राणाः प्राणाः प्राणा न भूपतेः H.2.9; अर्थपतेर्विमर्दको बहिश्चराः प्राणाः Dk. -1 The life or essence of poetry, poetical talent or genius; inspiration. -11 Aspiration; as in महाप्राण or अल्पप्राण q. v. -12 Digestion. -13 A breath as a measure of time. -14 Gum-myrrh. -15 Life, living (जीवन); दैवं च दैवसंयुक्तं प्राणश्च प्राणदश्च ह । अपेक्षापूर्वकरणादशुभानां शुभं फलम् ॥ Mb.12.36.14. -16 Food (अन्न); अनस्तिकानां भूतानां प्राणदाः पितरश्च ये Mb.12.12.4. -17 N. of Brahmā, Viṣṇu and other gods. -Comp. -अतिपातः killing a living being, taking away life. -अत्ययः loss of life. -अधिक a. 1 dearer than life. -2 superior in strength or vigour. -अधिनाथः a husband. -अधिपः the soul. -अन्तः death; capital punishment; अब्राह्मणः संग्रहणे प्राणान्तं दण्डमर्हति Ms.8.359. -अन्तिक a. 1 fatal, mortal. -2 lasting to the end of life, ending with life. -3 dangerous. -4 capital (as a sentence); अज्ञानात् वारुणीं पीत्वा संस्कारेणैव शुद्ध्यति । मतिपूर्वमनिर्देश्यं प्राणान्तिकमिति स्थितिः ॥ Ms. 11.146. (-कम्) murder. -अपहारिन् a. fatal, destructive to life. -अपानम्, -नौ air inhaled and exhaled; प्राणापाना- न्तरे देवी वाग्वै नित्यं प्रतिष्ठिता Mañjūṣā. -अयनम् an organ of sense; (सुप्तिमूर्च्छोपतापेषु प्राणायनविघाततः । नेहते$हमिति ज्ञानं मृत्युप्रज्वारयोरपि ॥ Bhāg.4.29.72. -आघातः destruction of life, killing a living being; प्राणाघातान्निवृत्तिः Bh.3.63. -आचार्यः a physician to a king. -आत्मन् m. the vital or animal soul. -आद a. fatal, mortal, causing death. -आबाधः injury to life; प्राणाबाधयुक्तास्वापत्सु Kau. A.1.8. -आयामः restraining or suspending the breath during the mental recitation of the names or attributes of a deity. -आहुतिः f. an oblation to the five Prāṇas. -ईशः, -ईश्वरः 1 a lover, husband; नीचैः शंस हृदि स्थितो हि ननु मे प्राणेश्वरः श्रोष्यति Amaru.67; बाला लोलविलोचना शिव शिव प्राणेशमालोकते Bv.2.57. -2 wind. -ईशा, -ईश्वरी a wife, beloved, mistress. -उत्क्रमणम्, -उत्सर्गः departure of the soul, death. -उपहारः food. -कर a. refreshing or reviving the spirits; सद्यो मांसं नवान्नं च बाला स्त्री क्षीरभोजनम् । क्षीर- मुष्णोदकं चैव सद्यः प्राणकराणि षट् ॥ Chāṇakya. -कर्मन् n. Vital function. -कृच्छ्रम्, -बाधा peril of life, a danger to life. -ग्रहः the nose. -घातक a. destructive to life. -घोषः the sound from the ears when the fingers are put therein; छिद्रप्रतीतिश्छायायां प्राणघोषानुपश्रुतिः Bhāg.1.42.29. -घ्नः a. fatal, life-destroying. -चयः increase of strength. -छिद् a. 1 murderous. -2 destructive. -छेदः murder. -त्यागः 1 suicide; वरं प्राणत्यागो न च पिशुनवाक्येष्वभिरुचिः H.1. -2 death. -द a. life-giving. (-दम्) 1 water. -2 blood. (-दः) 1 Viṣṇu. -2 Brahmā. -3 Terminalia Tomentosa (Mar. ऐन). -दा Terminalia Chebula (Mar. हिरडा). -दक्षिणा gift of life; प्राणदक्षिणां दा 'to grant one his life'. -दण्डः capital punishment. -दयितः a husband. -दातृ a. 'life-giver', saviour, deliverer. -दानम् 1 resigning life. -2 the gift of life, saving one's life. -दुरोदरम्, -द्यूतम् fighting for life. -दृह् a. Sustaining or prolonging the breath. -द्रोहः an attempt upon any body's life. -धार a. living, animate. (-रः) a living being. -धारणम् 1 maintenance or support of life. -2 vitality. -3 a means of supporting life. -नाथः 1 a lover, husband. -2 an epithet of Yama. -निग्रहः restraint of breath, checking the breath. -पतिः 1 a lover, husband. -2 the soul; बुद्धिं समाच्छाद्य च मे समान्युरुद्भूयते प्राणपतिः शरीरे Mb.3. 269.4. -3 a physician. -पत्नी the voice. -परिक्रयः staking one's life. -परिक्षीण a. one whose life is drawing to a close. -परिग्रहः possession of life, life, existence. -प्रद, -दायक, -दायिन् a. restoring or saving life. -प्रयाणम् departure of life, death. -प्रियः 'as dear as life', a lover, husband. -भक्ष a. feeding on air only. -भास्वत् m. the ocean. -भृत् a. possessed of life, living, animate, sentient. (-m.) a living being; अन्तर्गतं प्राणभृतां हि वेद R.2.43. -2 N. of Viṣṇu. -मोक्षणम् 1 departure of life, death. -2 suicide. -यमः = प्राणायाम q. v. -यात्रा 1 support of life; maintenance, livelihood; पिण्डपात- मात्रप्राणयात्रां भगवतीम् Māl.1. -2 the act of breathing. -यात्रिक requisite for subsistence; प्राणयात्रिकमात्रः स्यात् Ms.6.57. -योनिः 1 the Supreme Being. -2 wind. (-f.) the source of life. -रन्ध्रम् 1 the mouth. -2 a nostril. -रोधः 1 suppressing the breath. -2 danger to life. -वल्लभा a mistress, wife. -विद्या the science of breath or vital airs. -विनाशः, -विप्लवः loss of life, death. -वियोगः separation of the soul from the body, death. -वृत्तिः f. a vital function. -व्ययः cost or sacrifice of life. -शरीरः the Supreme Being; स क्रतुं कुर्वीत मनोमयः प्राणशरीरः Ch. Up. -संयमः suspension of breath. -संशयः, -संकटम्, -संदेहः risk or danger to life, peril of life, a very great peril. -संहिता a manner of reciting the Vedic text. -सद्मन् n. the body. -सम a. as dear as life. (-मः) a husband, lover. (-मा) a wife; नूनं प्राणसमावियोगविधुरः स्तम्बेरमस्ताम्यति Māl.9.33. -सार a. 'having life as the essence', full of strength and vigour, muscular; गिरिचर इव नागः प्राणसारं (गात्रं) विभर्ति Ś.2.4. -हर, -हारिन् a. causing death, taking away life, fatal; पुरो मम प्राणहरो भविष्यसि Gīt.7. -2 capital. -हारक a. fatal. (-कम्) a kind of deadly poison. |
prāṇakaḥ | प्राणकः 1 A living being, an animate or sentient being. -2 Myrrh. |
prāṇamaya | प्राणमय a. Living, breathing. -Comp. -कोशः the vesture of the vital airs; कर्मेन्द्रियैः पञ्चभिरञ्चितो$सौ प्राणी भवेत् प्राणमयस्तु कोशः Vivekachūdāmaṇi; see कोश. |
prāṇanaḥ | प्राणनः 1 The throat. -2 Water. -नम् 1 Respiration, breathing. -2 Life, living. -3 Producing. |
prāṇantaḥ | प्राणन्तः Air, wind. |
prāṇantī | प्राणन्ती 1 Hunger. -2 Sobbing. -3 Hic-cough (हिक्का). |
prāṇatha | प्राणथ a. Strong, powerful. -थः 1 Breathing. -2 Air, wind. -3 A sacred bathing place. -4 The lord of created beings. |
prāṇavat | प्राणवत् a. 1 Furnished with or having breath, living, animated; यथा प्राणिनः प्राणवन्तः Ś.1.1. -2 Strong, powerful; प्राणवान् विक्रमी चैव शौर्येण महतान्वितः Mb.1.128.28. |
anuprāṇanam | अनुप्राणनम् Breathing after, animation. |
apiprāṇa | अपिप्राण a. (-णी f.) Always animating or vivifying (सर्वदा चेष्टमान) अपिप्राणी च सदनी च भूयाः Rv.1.186.11. |
aprāṇa | अप्राण a. Lifeless; inanimate. -णः The Almighty Being. |
abhiprāṇanam | अभिप्राणनम् Exhaling (opp. अपाननम्) |
upaprāṇaḥ | उपप्राणः A secondary life-wind (belonging to the body). |
māhāprāṇa | माहाप्राण a. (-णी f.) Having the aspirate or hard breathing. |
prāṇa | prāṇá, m. breath, x. 90, 13 [prá + an breathe]. |
prāṇa | m. breath; vital spirit (pl. life); vital air (five are generally assumed; but three, six, seven, nine, and even ten are also spoken of); sp. inhaled air; breath of air, wind; breath as a measure of time (requisite for pronouncing ten long sylla bles); vigour, energy, power; soul (in the Sâmkhya phil.); intelligence associated with totality (Vedânta); sign of vitality (pl.); organ of sense (mouth, nose, eyes, and ears: pl.); N.; --°ree;, a. = loving -as dearly as life, or having one's life dependent on --: -kara, a. invigorating; -karman, n. vital function; -krikkhra, n. danger to life; -ghna, a. life destroying, deadly; -khid, a. cutting life short, fatal; -kkheda, m. destruction of life, murder; -tyâga, m. abandonment of life, suicide; death. |
prāṇana | a. [√ an] animating, quick ening; n. respiration; animating. |
prāṇanātha | m. lord of life, lover, husband; -nâsa, m. loss of life, death; -ni graha, m. restraint of breath; -pati, m. lord of life, soul; -parikraya, m. staking one's life; -parikshîna, pp. whose life is on the decline; -parigraha, m. possession of life, existence; -parityâga, m. abandonment of life; -prada, a. having restored or saved any one's life; -pradâyaka, -pradâyin, a. id.; -prayâna, n. departure of the vital spirit, death; -priya, a. as dear as life; m. lover, husband; -prepsu, des. a. wishing to preserve one's life, in mortal terror; -bâdha, m. danger to life, mortal peril; -bhaksha, m. feeding on breath only (i. e. on the mere smell of food or drink); -bhaya, n. mortal fear; -bhâg, a. possessing life; m. living being; -bhûta, pp. being the vital breath; -bhrít, a. life-preserving; possessing life, living; m. living being; man; -máya, a. consisting of vital air orbreath; -mokshana, n. abandonment of breath, suicide; -yâtrâ, f. support of life, subsistence; -yâtrika, a. requisite for subsistence: -mâtrah syât, he should possess only as much as will support life; -yuta, pp. endowed with life, living, alive; -yoni, f. source of life; -rakshâ½ar tham, ad. for the preservation of life; -râg ya-da, a. having saved any one's life and throne; -rodha, m. suppression of the breath; -lâbha, m. saving of life; -vat,a. endowed with life, living; vigorous, strong; -vallabhâ, f. mistress or wife who is as dear to one as life; -vinâsa, m. loss of life, death; -vipra yoga, m. id.; -vritti, f. vital activity or function; -vyaya, m. renunciation orsacri fice of life; -vi½âyakkhana, n. imperilment of life; -samyama, m. suspension of breath; -samsaya, m. risk or danger to life (sts. pl.); -samkata, n. id.; -samtyâga, m. renunciation of life; -samdeha, m. risk or peril to life; -samdhârana, n. preservation of life; -sam nyâsa, m. giving up the spirit; -sama, a. dear as one's own life: â, f. mistress, wife; -sam mita, pp. dear as one's own life; reaching to the nose; -sâra, n. vital energy; a. full of strength, vigorous, muscular; -hara, a. taking away life, fatal to (--°ree;); capital (pun ishment); -hâni, f. loss of life; -hâraka, a. life-depriving, fatal; -hârin, a. id.; -hîna, pp. bereft of life, lifeless. |
prāṇatha | m. respiration; -da, a. life-giving; saving the life of (g., --°ree;); -dak shinâ, f. gift of life; -dayita, (pp.) m. hus band loved as dearly as life; -dâna, n. gift or saving of life; abandonment of life; -dyû ta, n. play or contest for life; -droha, m. attempt on the life of any one; -drohin, a. seeking the life of (--°ree;); -dhara, m. N.; -dhârana, n. maintenance or preservation of life; means of supporting life: -m kri, P. sup port any one's life; Â. support one's life, take food; -dhârin, a. preserving the life of (g.). |
aprāṇa | a. lacking breath, inani mate; -prânat, pr. pt., -prânin, a. id. |
pareprāṇa | a. dearer than life. |
prāṇa | Properly denoting ‘breath,’ is a term of wide and vague significance in Vedic literature. It is frequently mentioned from the Rigveda onwards; in the Áranyakas and Upanisads it is one of the commonest symbols of the unity of the universe. In the narrow sense Prāṇa denotes one of the vital airs, of which five are usually enumerated—Prāna, Apāna, Vyāna, Udāna, and Samāna; but often only two, Prāna and Apāna, or Prāna and Vyāna, or Prāṇa and Udāna; or three, Prāṇa, Apāna, and Vyāna, or Prāṇa, Udāna, and Vyāna, or Prāṇa, Udāna, and Samāna; or four, Prāṇa, Apāna, Vyāna, and Samāna, or Prāṇa, Apāna, Udāna, Vyāna. The exact sense of each of these breaths when all are mentioned cannot be determined. Prāṇa is also used in a wider sense to denote the organs of sense, or as Sāyana puts it, the ‘orifices of the head,’ etc. These are given as six in one passage of the śatapatha Brāhmana, presumably the eyes, ears, and nostrils. More frequently there are stated to be seven in the head, the mouth being then included. Sometimes again they are mentioned as nine, or as seven in the head and two below. Ten are counted in the śatapatha Brāhmaria and the Jaiminiya Brāhmana, while even eleven are mentioned in the Kāthaka Upanisad, and twelve in the Kāthaka Samhitā, where the two breasts are added. Exactly what organs are taken to make up the numbers beyond seven is not certain. The tenth is the navel (nābhi) in the Maitrāyanī Samhitā j when eleven are named the Brahma-randhra (suture in the crown) may be included; in the Atharvaveda, as interpreted by the Brhad- āraṇyaka Upaniṣad, the seventh and eighth are the organs of taste and speech respectively. But usually these make one only, and the eighth and ninth are either in the breast or below (the organs of evacuation). The word Prāṇa has sometimes merely the general sense of breath, even when opposed to Apāna. But its proper sense is beyond question ‘ breathing forth,’ ‘ expiration,’ and not as the St. Petersburg Dictionary explains it, ‘ the breath inspired,’ a version due to the desire to interpret Apāna as ‘expiration,’ a meaning suggested by the preposition apa, ‘away.’ This being clearly shown both by the native scholiasts and by other evidence, Bǒhtlingk later accepted the new view. |
prāṇabhṛt | Denotes a ‘ living being’ or ‘ man ’ in the Bṛhad- āraṇyaka Upanisad and the śatapatha Brāhmana. Prāṇin has the same sense. |
prāṇa | prāṇaṃ trāyasva AVś.19.44.4a; AVP.15.3.4; Kauś.47.16a. |
prāṇa | prāṇaṃ me yacha AB.2.21.3; Aś.5.2.1. |
prāṇa | badhnāmi tvā mayi AVś.11.4.26d. |
prāṇa | mā mat paryāvṛtaḥ AVś.11.4.26a. |
prāṇa | somapīthe me jāgṛhi PB.1.6.16. P: prāṇa somaLś.2.11.22. |
prāṇa | sthaḥ see prāṇaḥ sthaḥ. |
prāṇa | PG.1.16.11. |
prāṇa | āyuṣi vatsyāvaḥ HG.1.5.13. |
prāṇa | āyuṣi vasāsau HG.1.5.13. |
prāṇa | udānam apyagāt śB.; Kś.25.10.17; Apś.9.10.2. |
prāṇa | uparaveṣu KS.34.15. |
prāṇad | datvā prāṇihi AVP.7.15.2d. |
prāṇad | aprāṇan nimiṣac ca yad bhuvat AVś.10.8.11b. |
prāṇadā | apānadā vyānadāḥ VS.17.15a; TS.; MS.2.10.1a: 132.13; śB. Ps: prāṇadā apānadāḥ TS.; MS.3.3.6: 39.12; KS.21.7; Apś.17.13.6; Mś.; prāṇadāḥ Kś.18.3.8. See next but one. |
prāṇadā | vyānadā apānadāḥ KS.17.17a. P: prāṇadā vyānadāḥ KS.21.7. See prec. but one. |
prāṇadāḥ | prāṇaṃ me dehy (āyuṣe naḥ punar dehi) KA.1.200; 3.200. |
prāṇadhṛg | asi TS.; KSA.5.15. |
prāṇaḥ | sindhūnāṃ kalaśāṃ acikradat AVś.18.4.58c. See under krāṇā si-. |
prāṇaḥ | (Apś. prāṇa) sthaḥ TB.; Apś.12.22.9. |
prāṇaḥ | prajā anu vaste AVś.11.4.10a. |
prāṇaḥ | prajānām amṛtasya nābhiḥ AVś.9.1.4b. |
prāṇaḥ | prajānām udayaty eṣa sūryaḥ MU.6.8d; PraśU.1.8d. |
prāṇair | amuṣya prāṇān vṛṅkṣva JB.1.129. |
prāṇais | te prāṇān saṃdadhāmy asthibhir asthīni māṃsair māṃsāni tvacā tvacam PG.1.11.5. |
prāṇaṃ | te prāṇena saṃdadhāmi SMB.1.5.16c. |
prāṇaṃ | te mayi juhomy asau svāhā KBU.2.4. |
prāṇaṃ | te mayi dadhe KBU.2.15. |
prāṇaṃ | te mā hiṃsiṣam KS.3.6. See prāṇam asya. |
prāṇaṃ | te śundhāmi VS.6.14; śB. |
prāṇaṃ | tvāmṛta ādadhāmy annādam annādyāya goptāraṃ guptyai TB.; Apś.5.12.2. Cf. apānaṃ etc. |
prāṇaṃ | dattāmuṣmai yeṣāṃ vaḥ prāṇaḥ svāhā MS.2.3.4 (bis): 30.19,20. |
prāṇaṃ | dīkṣām upaimi śś.5.4.6. |
prāṇaṃ | dṛṃha TS. See prāṇaṃ me dṛṃha. |
prāṇaṃ | devā anuprāṇanti TA.8.3.1a; TU.2.3.1a. |
prāṇaṃ | devā upāsate AVś.11.4.11b. |
prāṇaṃ | dehi KS.1.7; 31.6. See next but one. |
prāṇaṃ | dehy amuṣmai yasya te prāṇaḥ svāhā MS.2.3.4 (ter): 30.18,21,22. |
prāṇaṃ | dhehi TA.4.2.5; Apś.15.2.2. See prec. but one. |
prāṇaṃ | na vīryaṃ nasi VS.21.49c; TB. See prāṇān na. |
prāṇam | aṅgebhyaḥ (AVP. -bhyas) pary ācarantam (Mś. aṅgebhyo 'dhi niścarantam) AVś.2.34.5b; AVP.3.32.7b; TS.; Mś. |
prāṇam | anu preṅkhasva ā. |
prāṇam | anu vi krame 'ham AVś.10.5.35. |
prāṇam | annenāpyāyasva TA.10.36.1; MahānU.16.1; BDh. |
prāṇam | apānaṃ vyānam udānaṃ samānaṃ tān vāyave TB. |
prāṇam | amṛte (Mś. amṛte prāṇaṃ) juhomi svāhā Aś.2.4.14; Mś. |
prāṇam | asya mā hiṃsīḥ MS.1.2.16: 26.7; 3.10.1: 128.12; Mś. See prāṇaṃ te mā. |
prāṇam | asyāpi nahyata AVś.5.8.4e; AVP.5.9.8b; 7.18.5e. |
prāṇam | āhuḥ prajāpatim AVś.11.4.12d. |
prāṇam | āhur mātariśvānam AVś.11.4.15a. |
prāṇam | indre vayo dadhat VS.28.36d; TB. |
prāṇam | upāvadhīḥ Apś.10.2.11. |
prāṇaṃ | prajābhyo amṛtaṃ divas pari AVś.4.15.10d; AVP.5.7.8d. |
prāṇaṃ | prapadye Aś.1.4.9. |
prāṇaṃ | prāṇahanau hatām AVP.10.12.4d. |
prāṇaṃ | me jinva (śś. jinva svāhā) KB.12.4; śś.6.8.1. |
prāṇaṃ | me tarpayata (śś. tṛmpa) VS.6.31; TS.; MS.1.3.2: 30.6; KS.3.10; śB.; śś.7.10.15. |
prāṇaṃ | me tvayi dadhāni KBU.2.15. |
prāṇaṃ | me dṛṃha TS.; KSA.5.15. See prāṇaṃ dṛṃha. |
prāṇaṃ | me dhattam TB.; Apś.12.22.9. |
prāṇaṃ | me pāhi VS.14.8,17; TS.;; 6.2; 4.7.1; MS.2.8.2: 107.15; 2.8.3: 108.9; KS.17.1,3; KB.12.4; śB.; KA.3.180; śś.4.7.11; 9.2; 6.8.1; Apś.12.21.2; 17.1.4; 5.13; Mś. P: prāṇaṃ me Kś.17.8.20. |
prāṇaṃ | yacha svāhā AB.2.21.3; Aś.5.2.1. |
prāṇaṃ | yajñapataye dhattam TB.; Apś.12.22.9. |
prāṇaṃ | yajñāya dhattam TB.; Apś.12.22.9. |
prāṇaṃ | saṃdhattaṃ taṃ me jinvatam TB.; Apś.12.22.8. See next. |
prāṇaṃ | saṃdhattam KS.4.4; 27.7; Mś. See prec. |
prāṇaṃ | sarva upāsate AVś.11.4.12b. |
prāṇaṃ | jinva TS.;; KS.17.7; 37.17; PB.1.10.5; Vait.26.1. |
prāṇaṃ | jyotiś ca dadhmahe Kauś.97.8d. |
prāṇapā | asi śś.4.7.11. |
prāṇapā | me apānapāḥ VS.20.34a. P: prāṇapā me Kś.19.5.9. |
prāṇaś | ca tvāpānaś ca śrīṇītām TB.; Apś.13.3.3. |
prāṇaś | ca me 'pānaś (KS. vyānaś) ca me VS.18.2; TS.; MS.2.11.2: 140.12; KS.18.7. |
prāṇaś | ca me bhūyāt TA.3.7.2. |
prāṇaś | ca me 'śvamedhaś ca me VS.18.22; TS.; KS.18.11. See next but one. |
prāṇaś | cāpānaś ca KS.21.11. |
prāṇaś | cāśvamedhaś ca MS.2.11.6: 143.11. See prec. but one. |
prāṇas | ta āpyāyatām VS.6.15; TS.;; śB. |
prāṇas | tvāśnātu prāṇaḥ pibatu HG.1.13.17. Cf. brahmā tvāśnātu. |
prāṇas | tvā hāsyati Apś.10.2.11. |
prāṇasūtreṇa | pṛśninā SMB.1.3.8b. |
prāṇasya | ca me prāṇo bhūyāt TA.3.7.3. |
prāṇasya | tvā paraspāyai (MS. paraspāya; KA. paraspāṃ) cakṣuṣas tanuvaḥ (MS. tanvas; KA. tanvaṃ) pāhi MS.4.9.10: 131.2; TA.4.11.3; KA.3.183. Ps: prāṇasya tvā paraspāyai TA.5.9.2; Apś.15.14.1; prāṇasya tvā Mś.4.4.13. |
prāṇasya | panthā amṛto (MS. -taṃ) grahābhyām VS.19.90b; MS.3.11.9b: 154.6; KS.38.3b; TB. |
prāṇasya | prāṇam uta cakṣuṣaś cakṣuḥ śB.; BṛhU.4.4.21a. |
prāṇasya | brahmacāry asi (ApMB. asmi; HG. abhūr asau) AG.1.20.8; HG.1.6.3; ApMB.2.3.30 (ApG.4.11.2); MG.1.22.5. |
prāṇasya | vidvān samare na dhīraḥ TS.; MS.2.3.8b: 36.18. See yajñasya etc. |
prāṇate | svāhā TS.; KSA.5.3. |
annamayaprāṇamayamanomayavijñānamayānandamayā | me śudhyantām # TA.10.57.1; Tā.10.66; MahānU.20.21; BDh.3.8.12. |
aprāṇate | svāhā # TS.; KSA.5.3. |
aprāṇaiti | prāṇena prāṇatīnām # AVś.8.9.9a. |
prāṇa | noun (masculine) (in Sāṃkhya) the spirit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) (in Vedānts) the spirit identified with the totality of dreaming spirits (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a breath (as a measure of time) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a name of the letter y (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a vital organ vital air (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) air inhaled (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) breath (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) breath (as a sign of strength) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) energy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) life (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) myrrh (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Kalpa (the 6th day in the light half of Brahmā's month) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Marut (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Sāman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Dhātṛ (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of the Vasu Dhara (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Vidhātṛ (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Vasu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Ṛṣi in the 2nd Manvantara (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Brahmā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Viṣṇu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) poetical inspiration (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) power (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) respiration spirit vitality (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the breath of life (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the time requisite for the pronunciation of 10 long syllables 1/6 Vināḍikā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) vital points on the body wind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 217/72933 | |
prāṇabhṛt | adjective -bhāj (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of particular bricks used in erecting an altar (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Viṣṇu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) supporting life (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 6339/72933 | |
prāṇabhṛt | noun (masculine) living being Frequency rank 14321/72933 | |
prāṇada | noun (masculine) Coccinia Grandis (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Brahmā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Viṣṇu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Terminalia Tomentosa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 29278/72933 | |
prāṇadayita | noun (masculine) a husband (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 59608/72933 | |
prāṇadhāraṇa | noun (neuter) livelihood (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) means of supporting life (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) support or maintenance or prolongation of life (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 18216/72933 | |
prāṇadā | noun (feminine) a kind of pill used as a remedy for hemorrhoids (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a species of bulbous plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Commelina Salicifolia (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Terminalia Chebula (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15075/72933 | |
prāṇahara | adjective capital punishment (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) dangerous to (comp.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) destructive (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) fatal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) taking away or threatening life (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 59621/72933 | |
prāṇahāraka | noun (masculine neuter) a kind of poison (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 37451/72933 | |
prāṇakāmīya | noun (masculine) name of CS, Cik. 1.2 Frequency rank 21878/72933 | |
prāṇamantra | noun (neuter) das mantra haṃsa Frequency rank 24785/72933 | |
prāṇamokṣaṇa | noun (neuter) Frequency rank 59614/72933 | |
prāṇana | noun (neuter) breathing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) respiration (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the act of vivifying or animating (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 17027/72933 | |
prāṇanigraha | noun (masculine) restraint of breath (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 59611/72933 | |
prāṇanā | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 59609/72933 | |
prāṇanānta | noun (masculine) death (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) end of life (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 29280/72933 | |
prāṇanātha | noun (masculine) a husband (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) lover (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a heresiarch (who had a controversy with Śainkara at Prayāga) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of an author of several medic. wks (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Yama (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a kind of alchemical preparation Frequency rank 29279/72933 | |
prāṇanāśa | noun (masculine) death (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 59610/72933 | |
prāṇapati | noun (masculine) a husband (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a physician (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the soul (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 59612/72933 | |
prāṇapratiṣṭhā | noun (feminine) name of a work (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 59613/72933 | |
prāṇarandhra | noun (neuter) the mouth or a nostril (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 59615/72933 | |
prāṇarūpin | noun (masculine) [rel.] a form of Śiva Frequency rank 59616/72933 | |
prāṇasaṃyama | noun (masculine) suppression or suspension of breath (as a religious exercise) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 19707/72933 | |
prāṇasaṃyamana | noun (neuter) Frequency rank 59620/72933 | |
prāṇasaṃyāma | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 29282/72933 | |
prāṇatyāga | noun (masculine) abandonment of life (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) death (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) suicide (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 7591/72933 | |
prāṇavant | adjective powerful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) strong (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) vigorous (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15076/72933 | |
prāṇavidyā | noun (feminine) [rel.] name of Devī Frequency rank 59617/72933 | |
prāṇaviprayoga | noun (masculine) death (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) separation from life (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 59618/72933 | |
prāṇavṛtti | noun (feminine) support of life (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) vital activity or function (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 59619/72933 | |
prāṇayātrā | noun (feminine) subsistence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) support of life (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 18217/72933 | |
prāṇaśakti | noun (feminine) a particular śakti (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Devī Frequency rank 29281/72933 | |
anuprāṇa | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 43243/72933 | |
anuprāṇakatva | noun (neuter) Frequency rank 43244/72933 | |
anuprāṇana | noun (neuter) Frequency rank 20583/72933 | |
aprāṇant | adjective not breathing Frequency rank 20665/72933 | |
aprāṇa | noun (masculine) no breath (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 32238/72933 | |
aprāṇa | adjective inanimate (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) lifeless (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 43990/72933 | |
utprāṇa | noun (masculine) a kind of disease Frequency rank 47208/72933 | |
gataprāṇa | adjective Frequency rank 51026/72933 | |
jagatprāṇa | noun (masculine) wind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 21313/72933 | |
niṣprāṇa | adjective breathless (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) lifeless (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) quite exhausted (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 56499/72933 | |
mahāprāṇa | noun (masculine) a raven
great spirit or power (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a man the aspirated letters themselves (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the hard breathing or aspirate (heard in the utterance of certain letters) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 38133/72933 | |
yathāprāṇam | indeclinable with all one's might (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) with the whole soul (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 19885/72933 |