anvavaplu | -plavate-, to dive after  |
āplu | A1. -plavate- (Potential -pluvīta- [ varia lectio ],and -plavet-) to spring or jump towards or over, dance towards or over etc. ; to bathe, wash & etc. ; to immerse one's self etc. ; to bathe, wash another etc. ; to water, bedew, inundate ; to overrun etc.: Causal P. -plāvayati-, to wash or bathe any person or thing, cause to be bathed or washed etc. ; to bathe (one's self) ; to inundate, overwhelm, set in commotion etc. ; to dip, steep : A1. -plāvayate- idem or 'Nom. P. /ā-pruṣāyati-, to besprinkle, bespeckle : A1. (imperfect tense 3. plural -pruṣāy/anta-) idem or '( pru-= plu-) A1. -pravate-, to spring up, jump up.' ' |
pariplu | A1. -plavate- (ind.p. -plutya- ; -plūya- ), to swim or float or hover about or through etc. ; to revolve, move in a circle ; to move restlessly, go astray ; to hasten forward or near : Causal -plāvayati- (ind.p. -plāvya-), to bathe, water  |
praplu | A1. -plavate-, to go to sea (samudram-), float or sail away : Causal -plāvayati-, to cause to float or sail away ; to wash or flood with water  |
samabhiplu | A1. -plavate-, to inundate, wash (See next) ; to overwhelm, cover  |
samāplu | A1. -plavate-, to immerse together, immerse in water, bathe ; to overflow, inundate, overwhelm ; to spring or rush upon (accusative) ; to come into violent collision with  |
sampariplu | A1. -plavate-, to flow quite over, overflow (See past participle)  |
samplu | A1. -plavate-, to flow or stream together, meet (as waters) ; to be heaped or massed together (as clouds) ; to founder, go down (as a ship) ; to fluctuate, waver (as the mind) : Causal -plāvayati- to cause to flow or mass together (as clouds) ; to melt into, mingle or merge with (instrumental case) ; to float over, inundate, submerge  |
samutplu | A1. -plavate-, to jump or leap up together, move by jumps  |
upanyāplu | A1. -plavate-, to swim near  |
upaplu | P. -plavati-, to overflow, inundate ; to assault, invade, afflict ; to eclipse ; to rush upon, assail : A1. -plavate-, to swim on the surface (as a light object) commentator or commentary on ; to hang over, move aloft : Causal -plāvayati-, to irrigate, flood, water ; to float near (?)  |
utplu | (ud-plu-) A1. -plavate- (rarely P. -ti-), to swim upwards, emerge ; to draw near, approach (as clouds) ; to spring up, jump up or upwards, jump out, leap up etc. ; to jump over ; to bound commentator or commentary on ; to spring upon ; to rise, arise  |
viplu | A1. -plavate- (mc. also P.), to float asunder, drift about, be dispersed or scattered ; to fall into disorder or confusion, go astray, be lost or ruined, perish etc.: Causal -plāvayati-, to cause to swim or float about ; to spread abroad, make known, divulge ; to bring to ruin or calamity, waste, destroy ; (-plav-), to perplex, confuse, confound  |