ambukapi | m. Delphinus Gangeticus, | ||||||
ambukīśa | m. a porpoise (especially the Gangetic, Delphinus Gangeticus) | ||||||
ambukūrma | m. a porpoise (especially the Gangetic, Delphinus Gangeticus) | ||||||
antargudavalaya | m. (in anatomy) the sphincter muscle. | ||||||
asipucchaka | m. the Gangetic porpoise (Delphinus Gangeticus). | ||||||
capalāṅga | m. "swift-bodied", the gangetic Delphinus | ||||||
jalakapi | m. "water-monkey", Delphinus gangeticus, 726. | ||||||
mahāvasa | m. Delphinus Gangeticus | ||||||
makara | m. a kind of sea-monster (sometimes confounded with the crocodile, shark, dolphin etc.;regarded as the emblem of kāma-deva-[ see mokara-ketana-etc. below] or as a symbol of the 9th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-;represented as an ornament on gates or on head-dresses) etc. | ||||||
makarakaṭī | f. "dolphin-hipped", Name of a woman | ||||||
mudrā | f. type for printing or instrument for lithographing | ||||||
pātika | m. Delphinus Gangeticus | ||||||
pravāhaṇī | f. the sphincter muscle (which contracts the orifice of the rectum) | ||||||
śiṃśumāra | m. a porpoise, Delphinus Gangeticus (= śiśu-māra- q.v) (equals grāha- ) | ||||||
śiśuka | m. a kind of aquatic animal (according to to a porpoise or Delphinus Gangeticus) | ||||||
śiśumāra | m. "child-killer", the Gangetic porpoise or dolphin, Delphinus Gangeticus etc. | ||||||
śiśumāra | m. a collection of stars supposed to resemble a dolphin (and held to be a form of viṣṇu-;also personified as a son of doṣa- and śarvarī-, or as father of bhrami-, wife of dhruva-) | ||||||
śiśumārākṛti | mfn. dolphin-shaped | ||||||
śiśumāramukhī | f. "dolphin-faced", Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda- | ||||||
śiśumārarṣi | m. a ṛṣi- having the form of a dolphin | ||||||
śiśumāraśiras | n. "the dolphin's head", a part of the heavens having stars of that shape, the north-east point | ||||||
śiśumāravasā | f. the marrow or fat of the Delphinus Gangeticus | ||||||
uṣṇavīrya | mfn. Delphinus Gangeticus | ||||||
varāha | m. Delphinus Gangeticus | ||||||
vasāḍhya | (vasā | ||||||
vasāḍhyaka | (vasā |
kaphin | कफिन् a. (-नी f.) [कफ-इनि] Affected with excess of phlegm, phlegmatic. -m. An elephant (?). |
jalakapi | m. (river) dolphin; -kum bha, m. water-pot; -kumbhikâ, f. jar of wa ter; -keli, m. f. sporting in the water; -kriyâ, f. libation of water to the dead; -krîdâ, f. sporting in the water; -khaga,m. aquatic bird; -gandha½ibha, m. fabulous animal; -kara, m. aquatic animal; fish; -kârin, a. living in the water; m. aquatic animal; fish; -ga, a. water-born, existing or growing in water; m. aquatic animal, fish; shell;n. day-lotus; pro duct of the sea, pearl: -kusuma, n. lotus blossom, -½âsana, m. ep. of Brahman (seated on a lotus); -gantú, m. aquatic animal; -gîv- in, a. living in or on water; m. fisherman; -tumbikâ-nyâya, m. in. like water and the gourd; -trâsa, m. hydrophobia; -trâsin, a. suffering from hydrophobia. |
makarī | in drawing dolphins | CC Adi 4.117 |
makarī | in drawing dolphins | CC Madhya 8.190 |
śiśumāra-saṃsthānena | imagine this wheel to be a śiśumāra (dolphin) | SB 5.23.4 |
śiśumāra-saṃsthānena | imagine this wheel to be a śiśumāra (dolphin) | SB 5.23.4 |
śiśumārasya | of the dolphin | SB 5.23.5 |