pati | m. (see 1. pat-;when uncompounded and meaning"husband" instrumental case p/atyā-; dative case p/atye-; genitive case ablative p/atyur-; locative case p/atyau-;but when meaning"lord, master", and in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' regularly inflected with exceptions; see ) a master, owner, possessor, lord, ruler, sovereign etc. |
pati | m. a husband (in compound either with the stem or with the genitive case, exempli gratia, 'for example' duhitṛ-p-or tuḥ-p- ;when mfn. f.= m. exempli gratia, 'for example' -jīvat-patyā tvayā- patikā- exempli gratia, 'for example' pramīta-patikā- ) |
pati | m. one of the 2 entities (with pāśupat/as-) |
pati | m. a root |
pati | f. a female possessor, mistress |
pati | f. a wife (vṛddha-p- equals -patnī-,the wife of an old man ) ([ confer, compare Greek ,"husband" ; Latin potis, pos-sum-for potis-sum-; Lithuanian patis,"husband"; Gothic (bruth-)faths,"bridegroom"]) |
pati | f. = gati-, going, motion. |
patidarśanalālasa | mf(ā-)n. longing to see one's husband |
patidevā | () f. regarding a husband as a divinity, honouring a husband above all others. |
patidevatā | ( ) f. regarding a husband as a divinity, honouring a husband above all others. |
patidharma | m. duty towards a husband |
patidharmavatī | f. fulfilling the duties towards a husband, faithfully devoted to a husband |
patidviṣ | f. hating one's husband |
patigaṇitaṭīkā | f. Name of commentator or commentary on |
patighātinī | f. the murderess of her husband |
patighna | mf(ī-)n. killing a husband |
patighnīlakṣaṇa | n. the mark of a husband-killer |
patighnīpāṇilekhā | f. a line on the hand indicating that a woman will be faithless to her husband |
patijuṣṭā | (p/ati--) f. (a woman) liked by her husband |
patikāma | (p/ati--) mfn. wishing for a husband |
patikhecara | m. Name of śiva- (" garuḍa-") . |
patilālasa | mf(ā-)n. longing for a husband |
patilaṅghana | n. injuring a husband (by marrying another) (see ) . |
patiloka | m. "husband's world", the sphere of a husband in a future life |
patimatī | f. having a husband, married |
patimatī | f. having a lord or master in (instrumental case exempli gratia, 'for example' tvayā-) |
patiṃvarā | f. a woman who chooses her husband for herself (see svayaṃ-vara-) |
patiprāṇā | f. (a wife) whose husband is (as dear to her as) her life |
patirip | f. deceiving a husband |
patisahagamananiṣedhanirāsaprakāśa | m. Name of work |
patisevā | f. devotion to a husband |
patiśoka | m. idem or 'f. grief for a husband ' |
patiśokākula | mfn. agitated with grief for a husband |
patiṣṭha | mfn. (superl. of 3. pat-) flying most or best |
patiśuc | f. grief for a husband |
patita | mfn. fallen, dropped, descended, alighted etc. |
patita | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') fallen upon or from () |
patita | mfn. (with pādayos-or pāda--) having thrown one's self at a person's feet |
patita | mfn. fallen (morally), wicked, degraded, out-caste ( patitatva -tva- n.) etc. |
patita | mfn. fallen into, being in (locative case or compound) |
patita | mfn. happened, occurred |
patita | n. flying |
patitagarbhā | f. a woman who miscarries |
patitamūrdhaja | mfn. one whose hair has fallen out |
patitānna | n. an out-caste's food |
patitasāvitrīka | m. "one who is deprived of the sāvitrī-", a man of the first 3 classes whose investiture (upa-nayana- q.v) has been unduly performed or omitted (see sāvitrī-patita-). |
patitasthita | mfn. lying on the ground |
patitatva | n. patita |
patitatyāgavidhi | m. Name of work |
patitavṛtta | mfn. leading the life of an out-caste |
patitavya | n. the going down to hell |
patitekṣita | mfn. looked at by an out-caste |
patitotpanna | mfn. sprung from an out-caste |
patitotthita | mfn. "fallen and risen", sunk (in a shipwreck) and saved |
patitotthita | mfn. fallen out and grown again |
patitotthitadanta | mfn. |
patitva | ( etc.) () n. matrimony, marriage. |
patitvana | () n. matrimony, marriage. |
pativaṃsya | mfn. belonging to a husband's family |
pativatī | (p/a- ), |
pativatnī | ( ; see ), having a husband, a married woman. |
pativayas | f. (regarded as) having the husband's age |
pativedana | mfn. procuring a husband (aryaman-) |
pativedana | m. dual number a particular part of the body (attracting a husband?), |
pativedana | n. procuring a husband (by means of magical formulas), |
patividya | n. finding a husband |
pativrata | n. loyalty or fidelity to a husband |
pativratā | f. a devoted and virtuous wife etc. |
pativratādhyāya | m. Name of chapter of |
pativrataguṇa | m. the virtue of loyalty or fidelity |
pativratāmāhātmya | n. Name of work |
pativratāmaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting in a faithful wife |
pativratātva | n. devotion or loyalty to a husband |
pativratopākhyāna | n. Name of work |
patiyāna | mfn. (a way) leading to a husband |
abhirāmapaśupati | m. Name of a poetry or poetic |
abhirūpapati | m. "having an agreeable master", (a rite) to secure such a master in the next world |
abhramūpati | (), m. Name (also title or epithet) of indra-'s elephant. |
abjinīpati | m. the sun |
adhipati | m. equals adhi-pa- |
adhipati | m. (in med.) a particular part of the head (where a wound proves instantly fatal) . |
adhipativatī | (/adhipati--) f. containing the lord in herself |
adhisenāpati | f. the chief commander of an army, |
adhvapati | m. lord of the roads |
adripati | m. "lord of mountains", the himālaya-. |
agastyagṛhaspatika | mfn. having agastya- for a householder, |
ahaḥpati | etc. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /ahar-. |
ahaḥpati | m. equals aharp/ati- q.v commentator or commentary |
ahalyāpati | m. idem or 'm. "lover of ahalyā- (see )", indra- ' |
aharpati | m. ( commentator or commentary) lord of the day |
aharpati | m. the sun |
aharpati | m. a Name of śiva- |
ahipati | m. "sovereign of the snakes", Name of śeṣa-, vāsuki-, and others |
ājipati | m. lord of the battle (vocative case) |
alakādhipati | ([ ]) m. "lord of alakā-", a Name of kubera- |
amarapati | m. idem or 'm. "lord of the gods", Name of indra- ' |
ambhaḥpati | m. "the lord of the waters", varuṇa-. |
ambikāpati | m. Name of śiva- |
ambikāpati | m. Name of rudra- or śiva- |
ambupati | m. equals 2 -pa- , the ocean. |
aṃhasaspati | m. ([ ]) lord of perplexity id est an intercalary month |
aṃhasaspati | m. see āṃhaspatya-. |
aṃhaspati | or |
aṃśupati | m. "lord of rays", the sun |
annapati | (/anna--) m. the lord of food, Name of savitṛ-, agni-, śiva-. |
antarapatita | mfn. "fallen between", unimportant, indifferent, |
anupati | ind. after the husband |
anupatita | mfn. fallen, descended |
anupatita | mfn. followed. |
anyonyāpatitatyāgin | mfn. deserting each other without either losing caste, |
apāmpati | m. the ocean |
apāmpati | m. Name of varuṇa-. |
apaspati | m. Name of a son of uttānapāda- |
apaspati | See 2. ap/as-. |
apati | m. not a husband or master |
apati | f. "without a husband or master", either an unmarried person or a widow. |
āpati | m. incessantly moving (as the wind) |
āpati | m. a present lord (?), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
apatighnī | (/a-pati--) f. not killing a husband |
apatikā | equals a-pati- f. |
āpatika | mfn. accidental, unforeseen, coming from fate commentator or commentary on |
āpatika | m. a hawk, a falcon |
apatiputrā | f. without a husband and children. |
apatitā | f. state of being without a husband. |
apatita | (in compound) |
āpatita | mfn. happened, befallen |
āpatita | mfn. alighted, descended. |
apatitānyonyatyāgin | mfn. deserting one another (as the father deserting a son, the teacher a pupil etc.) without (the latter) being ejected from caste, . |
apativratā | f. an unfaithful or unchaste wife. |
appati | m. ([ ]) the ocean |
appati | m. Name of varuṇa-. |
appati | m. See 2. /ap-. |
apsaraḥpati | m. "lord of the āpsarasa-s", indra- |
apsarāpati | m. "lord of the āpsarasa-s", Name of the gandharva- śikhaṇḍin- |
apūrvapati | f. one who has had no husband before |
ārāmādhipati | m. a head gardener, . |
araṇyanṛpati | m. "king of the forest", the tiger |
arcinetrādhipati | m. Name of a yakṣa- |
arṇavapati | m. "lord of the seas", the ocean |
arthapati | m. "lord of wealth", a rich man etc. |
arthapati | m. a king etc. |
arthapati | m. Name of kubera- |
arthapati | m. of the grandfather of the poet bāṇa- (see ārtha-patya-.) |
aryamagṛhapati | (aryam/a--) mfn. having aryaman- as gṛhapati- (i.e. as keeper of the precedence in a grand sacrifice) |
aryapati | (ary/a--) mf(patnī-)n. (said of the dawns and of the waters) having kind or favourable lords (?) |
aśanapati | m. (vocative case) lord of food |
āśāpati | m. () guardian or lord of the regions or quarters |
aṣṭapati | (aṣṭ/a--) mf(-patnī-)n (-pat-), having eight husbands |
aśvapati | m. lord of horses (vocative case;said of indra-) |
aśvapati | m. Name of a kaikeya- |
aśvapati | m. of a brother-in-law of daśaratha- |
aśvapati | m. of an asura- |
aśvapati | m. of a king of Madras and father of sāvitri- |
atipatita | mfn. passed beyond, transgressed, missed. |
atithipati | (/atithi--) m. a host, entertainer of a guest |
aṭṭapatibhāgākhyagṛhakṛtya | n. business of the house called the market-master's department (an office in Kashmir) |
avanipati | m. idem or 'm. "lord of the earth", a king ' |
avanīpati | m. equals avani-p- above |
avapatita | mfn. fallen down from (in compound) |
avapatita | mfn. that upon which anything (in compound) has fallen down (See keśa-kīṭāvap-) |
avapatita | mfn. (said of the voice) unclear, (an--neg.) |
ayodhyādhipati | m. the sovereign of ayodhyā-. |
āyuḥpati | mf(inī-)n. presiding over longevity (see āyuṣpati-.) |
āyuṣpati | mf(tnī-)n. ruling over long life |
bālagaṇapatipūjā | f. Name of work. |
balapati | m. (b/ala--) lord of strength |
balapati | m. a general, commander |
bandhupati | m. lord of kindred or relations gaRa aśvapaty-ādi-. |
bhaginīpati | () m. a sister's husband. |
bhāṇḍapati | m. a possessor of wares, merchant |
bhapati | m. lord of asterism, the moon |
bhāryāpati | m. dual number man and wife gaRa rāja-dantādi- |
bhāryāpatitva | n. wedlock, matrimony |
bhāspati | |
bhavanapati | m. equals -svāmin- |
bhavanapati | m. plural (with jaina-s) a particular class of gods |
bhavānīpati | m. equals -kānta- |
bhekīpati | m. a male frog |
bhogapati | m. "revenue-lord", the governor of a town or province |
bhojanṛpati | m. equals -narendra- |
bhojapati | m. the king of the bhoja-s, king bhoja- |
bhojapati | m. Name of kaṃsa- |
bhojapati | m. equals -rāja- |
bhṛgūlāpati | wrong reading for bhṛgūṇām p-. |
bhṛgupati | m. "chief of the bhṛgu-s", Name of paraśu-rāma- |
bhūgandhapati | m. Name of śiva- |
bhujagapati | m. the king of serpents |
bhūmipati | m. "earth-lord", a king, prince etc. |
bhūmīpati | m. equals bhūmi-p- q.v |
bhūmipatitva | n. sovereignty, kingship |
bhūpati | m. (bh/ū--) "lord of the earth", Name of rudra- |
bhūpati | m. of indra- |
bhūpati | m. of baṭuka-bhairava- |
bhūpati | m. of one of the viśve-devāḥ- |
bhūpati | m. a king, monarch, prince etc. |
bhūpati | m. a particular bulbous plant existing on the himavat- |
bhūpati | m. a particular rāga- |
bhūpati | m. Name of a poet (perhaps bhoja-; see bhū-pāla-) |
bhūpati | m. of an author |
bhūpati | m. of a priest of the gods |
bhūpati | m. plural Name of a particular class of gods under manu- raivata- |
bhūpatistuti | f. Name of a hymn. |
bhūpatita | mfn. fallen to the earth |
bhūpativeśman | n. a king's palace |
bhūtādhipati | m. the lord of all beings |
bhūtapati | m. "lord of beings"(especially of evil beings, Name of rudra-- śiva-, bhava-, śarva- and agni-) etc. |
bhūtapati | m. Ocimum Sanctum |
bhuvanapati | (bh/uv-) m. the lord of beings or of the world (also wrong reading for bhavana-p-). |
bhuvapati | (bh/uva--) m. the lord of the atmosphere. |
brahmaṇaspati | m. (fr. brahmaṇas- genitive case of brahman-+ p-) equals b/ṛhas-p/ati- etc. ( brahmaṇaspatisūkta -sūkta- n.Name of work) |
brahmaṇaspatisūkta | n. brahmaṇaspati |
brahmapati | (br/ahma--) m. equals brahmaṇas-pati- |
brahmaprajāpati | m. dual number brahmā- and prajāpati- |
bṛhadbṛhaspati | m. Name of the larger recension of bṛhas-pati-'s law-book. |
bṛhaspati | m. (also written vṛh-p-;fr. 3. bṛk pati-; see brahmaṇas-pati-) "lord of prayer or devotion"Name of a deity (in whom Piety and Religion are personified;he is the chief offerer of prayers and sacrifices, and therefore represented as the type of the priestly order, and the purohita- of the gods with whom he intercedes for men;in later times he is the god of wisdom and eloquence, to whom various works are ascribed;he is also regarded as son of aṅgiras-, husband of tārā- and father of kaca-, and sometimes identified with vyāsa-;in astronomy he is the regent of Jupiter and often identified with that planet) etc., etc. (see ) |
bṛhaspati | m. Name of a prince (great-grandson of aśoka-) |
bṛhaspati | m. of a king of kaśmīra- |
bṛhaspati | m. of the author of a law-book |
bṛhaspati | m. of a philosopher |
bṛhaspati | m. of other authors (also with miśra-and ācārya- see above ) |
bṛhaspati | m. (with āṅgirasa- see above) Name of the author of |
bṛhaspaticakra | n. "cycle of bṛhas-pati-", the Hindu cycle of 60 years |
bṛhaspaticakra | n. a particular astrological diagram |
bṛhaspaticāra | m. Name of |
bṛhaspatidatta | m. Name of a man |
bṛhaspatigupta | m. Name of man |
bṛhaspatika | m. (fr. ti-datta-) familiar diminutives on |
bṛhaspatikaraṇa | n. Name of work |
bṛhaspatila | m. (fr. ti-datta-) familiar diminutives on |
bṛhaspatimat | mfn. accompanied by bṛhaspati-, |
bṛhaspatimata | n. Name of work |
bṛhaspatimiśra | m. Name of a Scholiast or Commentator on |
bṛhaspatipakṣata | f. Name of work |
bṛhaspatipraṇutta | (bṛhas-p/ati-.) mfn. expelled by bṛhaspati- |
bṛhaspatiprasūta | (bṝhas-p/ati--) mfn. enjoined by bṛhaspati- |
bṛhaspatipurohita | mfn. having bṛhas-pati- for a purohita- |
bṛhaspatipurohita | m. Name of indra- |
bṛhaspatisama | mfn. equal to bṛhaspati-, like bṛhaspati- |
bṛhaspatisaṃhitā | f. Name of two works. |
bṛhaspatiśānti | f. Name of work |
bṛhaspatiśāntikarman | n. Name of work |
bṛhaspatisava | m. Name of a festival lasting one day (said to confer the rank, of a purohita- on those observing it) |
bṛhaspatisavahautraprayoga | m. Name of work |
bṛhaspatisavakḷpti | f. Name of work |
bṛhaspatisavaprayoga | m. Name of work |
bṛhaspatisiddhānta | m. Name of work |
bṛhaspatiśiras | mfn. " bṛhaspati--headed", (prob.) having the head shaved like bṛhaspati- |
bṛhaspatismṛti | f. bṛhaspati-'s law-book. |
bṛhaspatistoma | m. Name of an ekāha- |
bṛhaspatistotra | n. Name of work |
bṛhaspatisuratā | f. a proper N. |
bṛhaspatisuta | (b/ṛhas-p/ati--) mfn. pressed out (as soma- juice) by bṛhas-pati- |
bṛhaspatisutra | n. Name of work |
bṛhaspatitantra | n. Name of work |
bṛhaspativāra | m. Jupiter's day, Thursday. |
bṛhaspativat | mfn. equals -mat- |
bṛhaspatiya | m. (fr. ti-datta-) familiar diminutives on |
bṛhatīpati | m. the planet Jupiter |
bṛhattantrapati | m. a particular functionary |
bṛhattantrapati | m. equals dharmādhikārin-, |
bṛhattantrapatitva | n. |
cakṣuṣpati | m. the lord of the eyes |
camupati | See mū-p-. |
camūpati | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') ' ' ' etc. |
camūpati | m. (camu-p- ) |
caṇḍīpati | m. " caṇḍī-'s lord", śiva- |
candrapati | m. Name of a man. |
caraṇapatita | mfn. equals -ga- |
caulaśrīpatitīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
cedipati | m. a prince of the cedi-s () , xiii. |
chattrapati | m. the officer watching over the royal parasol, |
cīnapati | m. Name of a kingdom |
citpati | ([ ]) ([ ]) m. the lord of thought. |
citpati | ([ ]) m. the lord of thought. |
daityapati | m.," daitya-s-prince", Name of bali- |
daivatapati | m. "lord of gods", Name of indra- |
dakṣajāpati | m. "lord of durgā-", śiva- |
dakṣapati | m. (d/akṣ-) lord of the faculties |
dakṣapati | m. see 56, 2. |
dakṣātmajāpati | m. "lord of dadhīca-'s daughters", the Moon |
dākṣāyaṇīpati | m. the protector, husband, lover of dakṣa- (id est durgā- or rohiṇī-) , śiva- or the Moon , |
dakṣiṇādhipati | m. the lord of the Deccan |
dakṣiṇāśāpati | m. "lord of dakṣiṇa-", yama- |
dalapati | m. Name of a prince |
dalapati | m. equals lādhīśvara-. |
dampati | m. (d/am--) (=) the lord of the house (agni-, indra-, the aśvin-s) (confer, compare ) |
dampati | m. (ī-) dual number (gaRa rājadantādi-,the compound taken as a dvaṃdva- and dam-in the sense of "wife"),"the two masters" , husband and wife etc. (said of birds ) |
dampati | according to to some ="lord, master", from daṃs- + p- [ confer, compare dan- above]; ī-, dual number,"master and mistress". |
dampati | See 2. d/am- |
dānapati | m. "liberality-lord", munificent man |
dānapati | m. Name of a-krūra- |
dānapati | m. of a daitya- |
dānavapati | m. king of the danu-, Name of rāhu- = |
daṇḍadharādhipati | m. a king who has full administrative powers |
daṇḍādhipati | a chief judge |
daśādhipati | m. a commander of 10 men |
daśagrāmapati | m. a chief of 10 villages |
dāśapati | m. the chief of fishermen (printed dās-). |
daśāpati | m. the planet governing a man's life |
dāśaspati | m. lord of oblations, one who offers much Scholiast or Commentator |
dāśaspatipatya | mf(ā-)n. offering much milk (cow) |
dāśaspatipatya | n. Name of a sāman- |
devādhipati | m. "id.", Name of śiva- |
devapati | m. "lord of gods", Name of indra- |
devapati | m. plural the most excellent of gods |
devapatimantrin | m. " indra-'s counsellor", Name of bṛhas-pati-, the planet Jupiter |
devasenāpati | m. devasenā |
devāsurapati | m. Name of śiva- |
dhanādhipati | m. idem or 'm. "lord of treasury", Name of kubera- ' |
dhanapati | m. (dh/ana--) lord of wealth (with or scilicet dhanānām-) |
dhanapati | m. a rich man |
dhanapati | m. a king |
dhanapati | m. Name of kubera- |
dhanapati | m. Name of several authors (also -misra-and -sūri-). |
dhanvapati | m. gaRa aśvapaty-ādi-. |
dhānyapati | m. gaRa aśva-paty-ādi- |
dharaṇipati | () m. a prince or king. |
dharāpati | m. idem or '(rādh-) m. idem or '(rādh-) f. the earth ' ' |
dharāpati | m. Name of viṣṇu- |
dharmapati | (dh/arma--) m. the lord or guardian of law and order |
dharmavācaspati | m. Name of Scholiast or Commentator on |
dhiṣṇyādhipati | m. equals -pa- |
dhiyāmpati | m. "lord of the thoughts", the soul |
dhiyāmpati | m. Name of mañju-ghoṣa- |
dhūmorṇāpati | m. dhūmorṇā |
dhvajinīpati | () m. leader of an army. |
didhiṣūpapati | m. her paramour (Cf. agre-didhiṣu-and edidhiṣuḥ- pati-.) |
didhiṣūpati | m. the husband of a woman so married |
dikpati | m. a regent or guardian of a quarter of the sky (often identified with loka-pāla- q.v) |
dīkṣāpati | (ksk/ā--) m. "consecration-lord", id est soma- |
dinapati | m. idem or 'm. the regent of a week-day ' |
dinapati | m. "day-lord", the sun |
divāpati | m. "day-lord", Name of the 13th month |
divaspati | m. "sky-lord", Name of indra-, nahuṣa- and viṣṇu- |
divaspati | m. of the indra- of the 13th manv-antara- , |
divaukaḥpati | m. Name of indra- |
draviṇādhipati | m. "lord of wealth", Name of kubera- |
draviṇapati | m. Name (also title or epithet) of kubera-, |
duhitṛpati | m. equals tuḥ-p- |
duhituḥpati | m. a daughter's husband |
durgapati | m. the commandant or governor of a fortress |
dūrvāgaṇapativrata | n. Name of a particular observance |
dūrvāgaṇapativratakathā | f. Name of work |
dvārapati | m. equals -pa- |
dvijapati | m. "chief of twice-born", the moon (as produced first from atri-'s eye and again from the ocean of milk) |
dvipadapati | m. "lord of men", a king, prince |
dvipapati | m. "prince of elephants", a large elephants |
dviradapati | m. a large elephant |
dyupati | m. "sky-lord", a god (plural) |
dyupati | m. the sun |
dyupati | m. Name of indra- |
edidhiṣuḥpati | m. the husband of a younger sister whose elder sister has not yet been married (see agre-didhiṣu-and didhiṣu-.) |
ekādhipati | m. a sole monarch. |
ekākṣaragaṇapatistotra | n. a hymn in honour of gaṇeśa- (a portion of the rudrayāmala-) |
ekapati | m. one and the same husband |
ekapati | f. having only one husband, |
ekapatika | mfn. having the same husband commentator or commentary on |
ekapatitva | (n.) |
gajādhipati | m. equals ja-rāja- |
gajapati | m. a lord or keeper of elephants |
gajapati | m. a title given to kings (exempli gratia, 'for example' to an old king in the south of jambu-dvīpa-) |
gajapati | m. a stately elephant |
gaṇādhipati | m. (equals pa-) Name of śiva- |
gaṇādhipati | m. of gaṇeśa- |
gaṇanāpati | m. an arithmetician |
gaṇanāpati | m. "master of prudent calculation", gaṇeśa- |
gaṇapati | m. (ṇ/a--) (gaRa aśvapaty-ādi-) the leader of a class or troop or assemblage |
gaṇapati | m. (bṛhaspati-) (see p.413) |
gaṇapati | m. (indra-) |
gaṇapati | m. śiva- (see pp. 77 and 211) |
gaṇapati | m. gaṇeśa- (see also mahā-g-) |
gaṇapati | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on |
gaṇapati | m. of a poet |
gaṇapati | m. plural Name of a family |
gaṇapatibhaṭṭa | m. Name of the father of govindānanda- |
gaṇapatihṛdayā | f. Name of a goddess |
gaṇapatikhaṇḍa | m. n. Name of |
gaṇapatināga | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king in āryāvarta-, |
gaṇapatinātha | m. Name of a man |
gaṇapatipūjana | n. the worship of gaṇeśa- |
gaṇapatipūrvatāpanīyopaniṣad | f. Name of an |
gaṇapatipūrvatāpinī | f. idem or 'f. Name of an ' |
gaṇapatistavarāja | m. Name of a hymn in praise of gaṇeśa- |
gaṇapatistotra | n. prayers addressed to gaṇeśa- |
gāthapati | (th/a--) m. lord of songs |
gaukakṣīpati | m. the husband of gaukakṣī- |
gaukakṣyāpati | m. equals kṣī-p- |
gaurīpati | m. equals -nātha- |
gaurīpati | m. Name of the father of the scholiast vaṭeśvara-, |
gavāmpati | m. (g/avām p/ati- )"cow-lord" , a bull |
gavāmpati | m. "lord of rays", Name of the sun, |
gavāmpati | m. of agni-, 14182 |
gavāmpati | m. of a snake demon |
gavāmpati | m. of a mendicant |
gehapati | m. the master of a house, householder, husband |
gīḥpati | m. equals gīṣ-p- gaRa ahar-ādi-. |
girijāpati | m. idem or 'm. "lord of girijā- or pārvatī-", Name of a śiva- ' , |
giripati | m. "mountain-chief", a great rock |
gīrpati | m. equals gīṣ-p- gaRa ahar-ādi-. |
gīrvāṇasenāpati | m. "army-chief of the gods", Name of skanda- |
gīṣpati | m. ( ) equals gir-īśa- |
gīṣpati | m. a learned man, Pandit |
gīṣpati | etc. See |
gnāspati | m. the husband of a divine wife |
gopati | m. (g/o--) the lord of cowherds, leader, chief (a Name often applied to indra-) |
gopati | m. a bull |
gopati | m. (hence) the medicinal plant ṛṣabha- |
gopati | m. "lord of rays", the sun |
gopati | m. "lord of stars", the moon |
gopati | m. "earth-lord", a king |
gopati | m. "the chief of herdsmen", kṛṣṇa- or viṣṇu- |
gopati | m. "lord of waters", varuṇa- |
gopati | m. śiva-, xiii, 1228 |
gopati | m. indra- |
gopati | m. Name of a deva-gandharva- (see go-p/a-) |
gopati | m. of a demon slain by kṛṣṇa- |
gopati | m. of a son of śibi- |
gopaticāpa | m. " indra-'s bow", the rainbow |
gopatidhvaja | m. Name of śiva- |
goṣṭhapati | m. a chief herdsman |
goṣṭhīpati | m. the chief person or president of an assembly |
grahādhipati | m. the chief of the demons causing diseases |
grahapati | m. equals -grāmaṇī- |
grahapati | m. the moon (gṛha-p-,B) |
grahapati | m. for gṛha-p-, |
grahapati | m. Calotropis gigantea |
grāmādhipati | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. superintendent or chief of a village ' ' |
grāmādhipati | m. (grāmasyādh- ) |
grāmapati | m. the chief of a village |
gṛdhrapati | m. "lord of vultures", jaṭāyu- |
gṛhapati | m. (h/a--) () the master of a house, householder etc. |
gṛhapati | m. Name of agni- (genitive case plural tinām-metrically for tīnām-) |
gṛhapati | m. for graha-p- (q.v) |
gṛhapati | m. a householder of peculiar merit (giving alms and performing all the prescribed ceremonies), especially one who has the precedence at a grand sacrifice (sattr/a-) etc. |
gṛhapati | m. the head or judge of a village |
gṛhapati | m. a Brahman of the 2nd order who after having finished his studies marries |
gṛhapati | m. equals dharma- (the maintenance of a sacred and perpetual fire, the duty of a householder, hospitality etc.) |
gṛhapati | m. equals -vitta- |
gṛhapatin | only genitive case plural tinām- See -pati-. |
gṛhapativadana | n. a particular religious recitation, , Scholiast or Commentator |
gṛtsapati | (g/ṛt-) m. the chief of a number of sharpers |
guhyakādhipati | m. "lord of the guhyaka-s", Name of kubera- |
guhyapati | m. "lord of the mysteries", Name of vajra-dhara- |
guhyapatividyā | f. Name of a prayer |
harapati | m. Name of an author |
haridāsanyāyavācaspatitarkālaṃkārabhaṭṭācārya | m. Name of author. () |
haridrāgaṇapati | m. a particular form of the god gaṇeśa- (in whose honour a mantra- is repeated with offerings of turmeric) |
haridrāgaṇapatiprakaraṇa | n. Name of work |
hariharadevahindūpati | m. Name of certain man () |
harirāmavācaspati | m. Name of a man. () |
haritpati | m. the regent of a quarter of the sky |
haviṣpati | (hav/iṣ-.) m. lord of the oblation |
hayapati | m. "id.", Name of a prince |
hiḍimbāpati | m. "husband or lover of hiḍimbā-", Name of bhīma- or of hanumat- |
himādritanayapati | m. himādritanayā |
himpativasman | or himmativarman- m. Name of a man |
hiraṇyapati | m. a lord of golden |
hṛdayanarapati | m. Name of a king |
hṛtpati | m. the lord of hearts |
iḍaspati | m. "Lord of refreshment", Name of pūṣan- |
iḍaspati | m. of bṛhaspati- |
iḍaspati | m. of viṣṇu- |
iḷaspati | etc. See iḍ/as-pati-, . |
indrābrahmaṇaspati | m. dual number indra- and brahmaṇaspati- |
indrābṛhaspati | m. dual number indra- and bṛhaspati- |
jagatīpati | m. "earth-lord", a king |
jagatīpatikanyakā | f. "king's daughter", a princess (varia lectio) |
jagatpati | m. the lord of the world (tas p/ati- ) |
jagatpati | m. brahmā- |
jagatpati | m. śiva- |
jagatpati | m. viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa- |
jagatpati | m. agni- |
jagatpati | m. the sun |
jagatpati | m. a king |
jalādhipati | m. "water-lord", varuṇa- |
jalapati | m. "water-lord", varuṇa- |
jāmbavatīpati | m. "husband of jāmbavatī-", kṛṣṇa- |
janapati | m. equals -nātha- |
jāspati | m. (jās- genitive case sg.) the head of a family, |
jāspati | m. (j/āsp/ati-) |
jāspati | ty/a- See jā-. |
jāyāmpatika | n. sg. idem or 'm. dual number (gaRa rājadantādi-) wife and husband ' , 585 and 592 |
jāyāmpatika | n. see yam-patī-. |
jinapati | m. Name of a Jain sūri- (A.D. 1154-1221;author of several works). |
jīvapati | m. a living husband, . = |
jīvatpati | f. equals tnī- |
jīvatpatikā | f. idem or 'f. equals tnī- ' |
jñānapati | m. the lord of knowledge |
jñānapati | m. Name of a man |
jvalanādhipati | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-, . |
kailāsapati | m. "lord of the kailāsa-", Name of śiva- |
kālakūṭapati | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara- |
kālindīpati | m. "the lord of kālindī-", Name of kṛṣṇa- |
kamalāpati | m. Name of a man. |
kāmapati | m. the lord of desire. |
kāmarūpapati | m. Name of an author |
kamaṭhapati | m. the king of tortoises. |
kampanādhipati | m. the leader of an army in motion, . |
kāṇḍapatita | m. Name of a serpent-king |
kanyakāpati | m. a daughter's husband, son-in-law |
kanyāpati | m. a daughter's husband, son-in-law |
kapilāpati | m. Name of drupada- |
kapipati | m. "lord of apes", Name of hanumat- commentator or commentary on |
kāśipati | m. idem or 'm. a sovereign of the kāśi-s ' |
kāśipati | m. Name of divodāsa- dhanvantari- (a king of Benares, author of certain medical works and teacher of the āyur-veda-;he is often confounded with the celestial namesake, the physician of the gods) |
kāśīpati | m. a sovereign of Benares ([ kāśi-p- edition Bomb i, 13, 23]) |
kāśīpati | m. Name of a dramatist. |
kaumudīpati | m. "husband of the moonlight", the moon |
keśakīṭaṭāvapatita | mfn. that on which a louse has fallen (see kīṭāvapanna-.) |
keśigṛhapati | (ś/i-.) m. "whose householder is keśin- (dārbhya-)", belonging to keśin-'s family |
khagapati | m. "chief of birds", garuḍa- (viṣṇu-'s vehicle) |
khagapatigamanā | f. Name of a goddess |
kiṃnarapati | m. "the lord of the kiṃnara-s", Name of kubera- |
kiraṇapati | m. "the lord of rays", the sun |
kośādhipati | m. a superintendent of the treasury, treasurer |
kośādhipati | m. Name of kubera- |
kratupati | m. "lord of a sacrifice", the performer of a sacrifice, iv, 19, 29. |
kṛcchrapatita | mfn. fallen into distress |
krītāpati | m. the husband of a wife acquired by purchase |
kṛpīpati | m. "husband of kṛpī-", Name of droṇa- |
kṣamāpati | m. "lord of the earth", a king |
kṣapāpati | m. equals -nātha- |
kṣapāpati | m. camphor |
kṣatrapati | (tr/a--) m. the possessor of dominion |
kṣetrapati | m. (gaRa aśva-patyādi-) the owner of a field, landowner, landlord, farmer |
kṣetrapati | m. equals kṣ/etrasya p/ati- (See s. v. kṣ/etra-) |
kṣipati | ī- dual number the arms |
kṣīravanaspati | m. equals -taru- |
kṣitipati | m. "lord of the earth" idem or 'm. "earth-protector", a king ' |
kṣitiśacīpati | m. equals -puru-hūta- |
kṣmāpati | m. "earth-lord" idem or 'm. "earth-protector", a king ' , |
kṣmāpati | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
kṣoṇipati | m. "earth-lord", a king. |
kṣoṇīpati | m. equals ṇi-p- |
kulapati | m. the head or chief of a family |
kulaṭāpati | m. the husband of an unchaste woman, cuckold |
kumudinīpati | m. idem or 'm. (equals kumuda-bandhu-) the moon ' |
kunṛpati | m. idem or 'm. a bad prince ' |
kupati | m. a bad husband |
kupati | m. a bad king |
kupati | m. "lord of the earth", a king |
kupati | See 1. ku- and 2. ku-. |
kūrmapati | m. the king of turtles (who upholds the earth) |
lakṣmaṇapati | m. Name of three men |
lakṣmīpati | m. "husband or lord of lakṣmī-", a king or prince |
lakṣmīpati | m. Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa- |
lakṣmīpati | m. the betel-nut tree |
lakṣmīpati | m. the clove tree |
lakṣmīpati | m. (also with śarman-) Name of various authors and other persons |
laṅkādhipati | (laṅkādh-) m. "lord of laṅkā-", Name of rāvaṇa- |
laṅkāpati | m. "lord of laṅkā-", Name of rāvaṇa- and of vibhīṣaṇa- |
lokādhipati | m. the ruler or lord of the world |
lokapati | m. "lord of the world", Name of brahmā- |
lokapati | m. of viṣṇu- |
lokapati | m. a lord or ruler of people, king, sovereign |
lopāmudrāpati | m. husband of lopā-mudrā-, Name of agastya- |
madapati | m. "lord of the soma-juice", Name of indra- and viṣṇu- |
madhupati | m. "chief of the race of madhu-", Name of kṛṣṇa- (see -mati-). |
madhuvṛṣāpati | m. "king of bees" id est the queen bee |
madhyapatita | mfn. fallen in the middle lying between or in the midst |
madrakapati | m. a ruler of the Madras |
mādrīpati | m. "husband of mādrī-", Name of pāṇḍu- |
mādrīprithāpati | m. "husband of pṛthā- and mādrī-", Name of paṇḍu- |
mahādānapati | m. a very liberal man |
mahadbhūtādhipati | m. a particular supernatural being |
mahādhanapati | m. a very rich man |
mahādhipati | (hādh-) f. Name of a tantra- deity |
mahāgaṇapati | m. "great leader of (śiva-'s) hosts", Name of gaṇeśa- or a form of gaṇeśa- () |
mahāgaṇapatikalpepañcatriṃśatpīṭhikā | f. Name of work |
mahāgaṇapatisahasranāmastotra | n. Name of work |
mahāgaṇapatistavarāja | m. Name of work |
mahāgaṇapatistotra | n. Name of work |
mahāgaṇapatividyā | f. Name of work |
mahāmārgapati | m. a superintendent of roads |
mahāpadmapati | m. "proprietor of millions", Name of nanda- |
mahāpīlupati | m. (?) |
mahāprajāpati | m. "great lord of creatures"Name of viṣṇu- |
mahatpati | m. "great lord", Name of viṣṇu- |
mahāyakṣasenāpati | m. a general of the great yakṣa- |
mahāyakṣasenāpati | m. Name of a tantra- deity |
mahipati | m. Name of an author |
mahīpati | m. "earth-lord", a king, sovereign ( mahīpatitva -tva- n.) etc. |
mahīpati | m. a kind of big lime |
mahīpatitva | n. mahīpati |
maithilavācaspati | m. Name of two men |
mālavamaṇḍalādhipati | m. a ruler of the district of Malwa |
mālavanṛpati | m. a king of Malwa |
malayadhvajanarapati | m. a king of Malaya |
manaḥpati | m. "lord of the heart", Name of viṣṇu- |
manasaspati | m. the lord or presiding genius of the mental powers and life of men |
mānavapati | m. "man-lord", a king, sovereign |
mandurāpati | () m. an ostler, groom. |
maṇipaticaritra | n. Name of work |
maṇipūrapati | m. Name of king babhru-vāhana- |
mantragaṇapatitattvaratna | n. Name of work |
mantrapati | (m/antra--) m. lord or owner of a sacred text |
mantripati | m. a prime minister |
manujapati | m. "lord of men", a prince, king ( etc.) |
manujāpati | m. "sovereign of men", a prince, king |
mārgapati | m. "road-inspector", Name of a particular official |
markaṭapati | m. a young monkey |
marutpati | m. "lord of the Maruts", Name of indra- |
māsādhipati | m. idem or 'm. the regent or planet presiding over a month ' ( māsādhipatya tya- n.) |
mātaṃgapati | m. a caṇḍāla- chief |
maṭhādhipati | m. the superintendent of a monastery, principal of a college etc. |
māyāpati | m. "lord of illusion", Name of viṣṇu- |
mayūravācaspati | m. Name of authors |
medhapati | (m/edha-- ; medh/a- ) m. lord of sacrifice. |
medinīpati | m. "earth-lord", a king, prince |
mithilādhipati | m. lord of mithilā- id est janaka- |
mitrapati | m. lord of friends or of friendship |
mokṣapati | m. (in music) a kind of measure |
mṛḍānīpati | m. " parvatī-'s lord", Name of śiva- |
mṛgapati | m. "lord of the beasts", a lion etc. |
mṛgapati | m. a tiger |
mṛgapati | m. "antelope's lord", a roebuck |
mṛgapatigamanā | f. (with Buddhists) Name of a goddess |
mṛgīpati | m. "husband of the woman called mṛgī-", Name of kṛṣṇa- |
muhūrtagaṇapati | m. Name of work |
muktipati | m. lord of bliss or beatitude |
mūlaśrīpatitīrtha | n. Name of a sacred bathing-place |
munipaticaritra | n. Name of work |
murāriśrīpati | m. (with sāvabhauma-) Name of an author |
nadanadīpati | m. "lord of male and female rivers", Name of the sindhu- |
nadanadīpati | m. of the ocean |
nadīpati | m. lord of flowing waters |
nadīpati | m. the ocean |
nadīpati | m. sea-water |
nāgādhipati | m. "id.", Name of virūḍhaka- |
nāgalokapati | m. a serpents-chief. |
nagapati | m. "mountain-chief", the himālaya- |
nāgapati | m. a serpent-chief. |
nagarādhipati | () m. town-chief, head police-officer. |
nāgaranṛpati | m. a prince engaged in war under particular circumstances (also applied to planets in opposition to each other) |
nagarapati | m. town-chief. |
nagnabhūpatigraha | m. Name of a drama. |
nākapati | m. "sky-lord", a god |
nakṣatrādhipati | m. "chief of nakṣatra-s", Name of puṣya- |
nakṣatrapati | m. equals -pa- |
nakṣatrapatinandana | m. the planet Mercury |
nanāndṛpati | m. the husband of a husband's sister |
nanānduḥpati | m. the husband of a husband's sister |
nandīpati | m. Name of a man |
narādhipati | m. "lord of men", king, prince |
naragaṇapativijaya | m. Name of work |
narapati | m. "man-lord", a king etc. |
narapati | m. Name of one of the 4 mythology kings of jambu-dvīpa- |
narapati | m. of an author |
narapatijayacaryā | f. Name of work |
narapatijayacaryāsāra | m. Name of work |
narapatijayasūra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king, |
narapatipatha | m. equals -nātha-mārga- |
narapativijaya | m. Name of work |
naravarmanṛpatikathā | f. Name of work |
navanītagaṇapati | m. Name of a form of gaṇeśa- |
navatirupatimāhātmya | (?) n. Name of work |
nāvikapati | m. "sailor-chief."the captain of a vessel, |
nidhanapati | m. lord of the end or of destruction |
nidhāpati | m. (dh/ā--) possessor or bearer of snares |
nidhipati | m. (dh/i--) lord of treasure |
nidhipati | m. Name of kubera- |
nidhipati | m. of a rich merchant |
nidhipatidatta | m. Name of a merchant |
nimnagāpati | m. "lord of rivers", the ocean |
nipatita | mfn. flown or fallen down, descended (nabho-n-,from heaven) , fallen upon or into (locative case) etc. |
nipatita | mfn. decayed, sunk, withered |
nirayapati | m. the king of hell |
niśācarapati | m. "lord of night-walkers", Name of śiva- |
niṣādasthapati | m. chief of the Ni-shad |
niṣadhādhipati | m. "lord of niṣadha-", Name of nala- |
niśāpati | m. equals -nātha- |
niśāpati | m. camphor |
niśīthinīpati | m. "husband of night", the moon. () |
niṣpatiṣṇu | mfn. rushing or running or hastening out |
niṣpatisutā | f. having no husband and no sons |
niṣpatita | mfn. flown or fallen out etc. |
nṛganṛpatipāṣāṇayajñayūpapraśasti | f. Name of work or chapter of work |
nṛpati | m. "lord of men", king, prince, sovereign (where also with nṛṇām-) etc. |
nṛpati | m. Name of kubera- |
nṛpatidvāra | n. "king's door", the entrance of a palace |
nṛpatikanyakā | f. a princess |
nṛpatinītigarbhitavṛtta | n. Name of a modern work |
nṛpatipatha | m. "king's road", chief street |
nyāyavācaspati | m. Name of an author on rhetoric |
ojopati | (with irregular Sandhi) m. Name of a deity of the bodhi- tree |
oṣadhipati | m. "lord of herbs", the moon etc. |
oṣadhipati | m. the soma- plant |
oṣadhipati | m. camphor |
oṣadhipati | m. "master of plants", a physician. |
oṣadhīpati | m. "lord of herbs", the moon |
oṣadhīpati | m. the soma- plant |
oṣadhivanaspati | n. herbs and trees |
oṣadhivanaspati | m. plural idem or 'n. herbs and trees ' |
pādapatita | mfn. fallen at another's foot |
pakṣipati | m. "prince of bird", Name of sampāti- |
pallīpati | m. the chief of a village or station |
pāñcālapati | () m. the king of the pañcāla-s. |
paṇyapati | m. a great merchant, large trader ( paṇyapatitva -tva- n.) |
paṇyapatitva | n. paṇyapati |
pāpapati | m. "sinful master", a paramour |
pāpati | mfn. (fr. pat-) falling or flying repeatedly Va1rtt.4. |
pāpatimira | mfn. sin-bedarkened, blinded by sin |
parapūrvāpati | m. her husband |
paripati | m. the lord of all around ("flying about") . |
parvatapati | m. "mountains-prince", lord of the mountains |
pārvatīpati | m. "husband of pārvatī-", Name of śiva-, |
paścimadikpati | m. "regent of the western region"Name of varuṇa- |
paścimāśāpati | m. equals ma-dik-p- |
paścimottaradikpati | m. "regent of the north-west", Name of the god of wind |
paśupati | m. "lord of animals"(or"lord of a servant named paśu-"or"lord of the soul"), Name of the later rudra-- śiva- or of a similar deity (often associated in the veda- with bhava-, śarva-, ugra-, rudra-, mahā-deva-, īśāna- and others who together with bhīma- are in later times regarded as manifestations of rudra-) etc. |
paśupati | m. of agni-.; |
paśupati | m. of śiva- etc. (according to one legend every deity acknowledged himself to be a mere paśu-or animal when entreating śiva- to destroy the asura- tri-pura-) |
paśupati | m. of a lexicographer |
paśupati | m. of a Scholiast etc. |
paśupatidhara | m. Name of a poet |
paśupatinagara | n. " śiva-'s town", Name of kāśī- or Benares |
paśupatinātha | m. Name of a particular form of śiva- |
paśupatipurāṇa | n. (prob.) = |
paśupatiśarman | m. Name of a man |
paśupatiśāsṭra | n. the sacred book of the pāśupata-s revealed by śiva- |
patagapati | m. "lord of birds", Name of garuḍa- |
pāthaspati | m. "lord of the water", Name of varuṇa- |
pattanādhipati | m. "town-governor", Name of a prince |
pattrapati | m. Name of garuḍa- |
paulomīpati | m. "lord or husband of paulomī-", Name of indra- |
pavitrapati | m. lord of purification or purity |
payaspati | m. Name of viṣṇu- |
phalotpati | (!) m. the mango tree |
phaṇipati | m. a huge species |
phaṇipati | m. Name of śeṣa- |
phaṇipati | m. of patañjali- |
phatihabhūpati | and phatihaśāha- m. Name of a king of kaśmīra- (= $) . |
pīlupati | m. a keeper of elephants |
pipatiṣā | f. wish to come down or fall |
pipatiṣat | equals pitsat- |
pipatiṣat | ṣā-, ṣu- See pitsat-. |
pipatiṣu | equals pitsat- |
piśācapati | m. "lord of piśāca-s", Name of śiva- |
pitṛpati | m. "lord of the pitṛ-s", Name of yama- |
pitṛpati | m. plural the pitṛ-s and the prajā-pati-s |
prācīpati | m.,"lord of the east", Name of indra- |
prajāpati | (jā--) m. "lord of creatures", Name of savitṛ-, soma-, agni-, indra- etc. |
prajāpati | (jā--) m. a divinity presiding over procreation, protector of life |
prajāpati | (jā--) m. lord of creatures, creator etc. etc. (Name of a supreme god above or among the Vedic deities[ ]but in later times also applied to viṣṇu-, śiva-, Time personified, the sun, fire, etc., and to various progenitors, especially to the 10 lords of created beings first created by brahmā-, viz. marīci-, atri-, aṅgiras-, pulastya-, pulaka-, kratu-, vasiṣṭha-, pracetas- or dakṣa-, bhṛgu-, nārada-[ ; see ], of whom some authorities count only the first 7, others the last 3) |
prajāpati | (jā--) m. a father |
prajāpati | (jā--) m. a king, prince |
prajāpati | (jā--) m. a son-in-law |
prajāpati | (jā--) m. the planet Mars, a particular star, Aurigae |
prajāpati | (jā--) m. (in astrology) = 2. kāla-nara- q.v |
prajāpati | (jā--) m. a species of insect |
prajāpati | (jā--) m. Name of several men and authors |
prajāpatibhakṣita | (j/ā-p-) mfn. eaten by prajā-pati- |
prajāpaticarita | n. Name of work |
prajāpaticita | (praj/āp-), mfn. heaped up by prajāpati-, |
prajāpaticiti | f. prajā-pati-'s slayer |
prajāpatidatta | m. Name of a man |
prajāpatigṛhīta | (j/ā-p-) mfn. seized by prajā-pati- |
prajāpatihṛdaya | n. " prajā-pati-'s heart", Name of a sāman- (also praj/āpater-h/ṛd- ) |
prajāpatika | m. endearing form of prajāpati-datta- |
prajāpatiloka | m. prajā-pati-'s world (situated between the sphere of brahmā- and that of the gandharva-s) |
prajāpatimātra | mfn. having the measure of prajāpati-, |
prajāpatimukha | (j/ā-p-) mfn. having prajā-pati- as head or chief |
prajāpatinivāsinī | f. Name of a gandharvī- |
prajāpatipati | m. "lord of the prajā-pati-s", Name of brahmā- |
prajāpatipati | m. Name of dakṣa- |
prajāpatiśarman | m. Name of a man |
prajāpatismṛti | f. Name of work |
prajāpatisṛṣṭa | (j/ā-p-) mfn. created by prajā-pati- |
prajāpatiyajña | m. "sacrifice to prajā-pati-", the procreation of children enjoined by law |
pramathapati | m. "lord of the pramatha-s"Name of śiva- () |
pramītapatikā | f. (a wife) whose husband is dead, a widow |
prāṇapati | m. "life-lord", the soul |
prāṇapati | m. a physician. |
prāṇapati | m. a husband |
praṇipatita | mfn. bowed down in reverence, saluting |
prapatiṣṇu | mfn. flying forth, |
prapatita | mfn. flown away or along, fallen, come down, fallen or got into (accusative) |
prathamotpatita | mfn. leapt off first |
pratīcīpati | m. "lord of the west", Name of varuṇa-, the ocean |
pratinṛpati | m. equals -kṣoṇibhṛt- |
pratyagāśāpati | m. "lord of the western quarter", Name of varuṇa- |
pravarabhūpati | m. equals -sena- |
pravaranṛpati | m. Name of a prince (equals -sena-) |
pravatsyatpatikā | f. the wife of a man who intends to make a journey |
pretādhipati | m. the lord of the dead or of departed spirits |
pretapati | m. equals -nātha- |
pretapatipaṭaha | m. " yama-'s drum", drum beaten at the burning of the dead |
priyapati | (priy/a--) m. lord of the beloved or desired |
pṛtanāpati | m. a leader in battle, commander, general |
pṛthāpati | m. "husband of pāṇḍu-", Name of pāṇḍu- |
pṛthivīpati | m. "earth-lord", a prince, king etc. |
pṛthivīpati | m. Name of yama- |
pṛthivīpati | m. (with sūri-) Name of an author |
pṛthivīpati | m. a species of bulbous plant growing on the himālaya- |
pṛthvīpati | m. "earth-lord", a prince, king, sovereign |
pṛthvīpatitva | n. princedom, kingdom |
pudgalapati | m. a prince, king |
pūrpati | (p/ūr--) m. the lord of a castle or city |
puruṣapati | m. "lord of men", Name of rāma- |
pūrvadikpati | m. "regent of the eastern quarter"Name of indra- |
puṣkarasthapati | m. Name of śiva- (= brahmāṇḍasya svāmī- ) |
puṣṭapati | m. the lord of prosperity or welfare |
puṣṭipati | m. the lord of prosperity or welfare |
rādhaspati | m. a lord of gifts or wealth |
raghupati | m. idem or 'm. "chief of raghu-s", Name of rāma- ' |
raghupati | m. Name of various authors and teachers (also with upādhyāya-and mahopādhyāya-) |
raghupatirahasyadīpikā | f. Name of work |
rajanīpati | m. "lord of night", the moon, |
rājapati | (r/āja--) m. a lord of kings |
rākāpati | m. "husband of rākṣasī-", full moon |
rakṣādhipati | (kṣādh-) m. a superintendent of police |
rakṣaḥpati | m. "lord of the rākṣasa-s", Name of rāvaṇa- |
rakṣāpati | m. equals -rakṣādhipati- |
rāmādhipati | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king, |
ramaṇapati | m. Name of a poet |
rāmanṛpati | m. Name of a king |
ramāpati | m. equals ramādhipa- |
ramāpati | m. Name of various authors (also with miśra-) |
rāmapati | m. Name of the father of viṣṇu-pati- |
rāmapati | m. of an author |
rasapati | m. equals -nātha- |
raśmipati | mfn. drunk by the rays of the sun (= āditya-raśmaya eva pātāro yāsām-, scilicet apām- Scholiast or Commentator; literally"ray-lord") |
raśmipati | m. Calotropis Gigantea |
rāṣṭrapati | (rāṣṭr/a--) m. "lord of a kingdom", a sovereign |
rathaspati | (r/athas--) m. (r/athas-prob. a form of the genitive case; see v/anas-p/ati-) the"lord of chariots", a deity presiding over chariots or over pleasure and enjoyment |
rathaspati | See column 1. |
ratipati | m. " rati-'s husband", kāma-deva-, the god of love |
ratnādhipati | m. "superintendent of treasures", Name of agastya- |
ratnādhipati | m. of a king |
ratnapati | m. Name of a man |
ravipatigurumūrti | f. Name of work |
rayipati | m. lord of wealth |
ṛkṣapati | m. lord of the bears |
ṛkṣapati | m. a planet presided over by a lunar mansion |
rohiṇīpati | m. "husband of rohiṇī-", the Moon |
ṛtaspati | (vocative case ṛtaspate-) m. lord of pious works (as sacrifice etc.;Name of vāyu-) |
ṛtupati | m. lord of the times fit for sacrifices, lord of the proper times, Name of agni- |
ṛtupati | m. of other deities |
ṛtupati | m. |
ṛtupati | m. the spring |
rucipati | m. Name of various men |
rudranyāyavācaspatibhaṭṭācārya | m. Name of an author |
rūpapati | (rūp/a--) m. lord of forms (Name of tvaṣṭṛ-) |
śabdapati | m. "word-lord", a mere nominal leader |
śabdārṇavavācaspati | m. Name of a poet |
sabhāpati | m. the president of an assembly or council etc. |
sabhāpati | m. Name of bhūta-karman- |
sabhāpati | m. of an author |
sabhāpativilāsa | m. Name of work |
śacīpati | m. (ś/acī--) lord of might or help (applied to indra- and the aśvin-s) |
śacīpati | m. Name of indra- (see kṣiti-ś-). |
sadasaspati | m. sadas |
sadasatpati | m. a lord of what is existent and non-existence |
sadaspati | (s/adas--) m. dual number "lords of the seat or of the sacrificial assembly", Name of indra- and agni- |
sagṛhapatika | mfn. with the householder |
sahāmpati | m. (rather fr. accusative of sahā-than fr. genitive case plural of 2. sah+p-; see saka-pati-) Name of brahmā- (with Buddhists) () |
sahāmpati | m. of a bodhi-sattva- |
sahāmpati | m. of a serpent-demon |
sahāmpati | f. Name of a kiṃ-narī- |
sahapati | m. "lord of the world of men", Name of brahmā- |
sāhasrādhipati | m. the leader of a thousand men |
sāhasrādhipati | m. the chief of a thousand villages |
sahasrapati | m. chief of a thousand (villages) |
sahasuralalanālalāmayūthapati | mfn. with the leaders of the troops who form the ornament of the gods' wives |
sahopapativeśman | mfn. living together with a wife's paramour |
śailapati | m. "mountain-lord", the himālaya- |
śailasutāpati | m. equals -sutākānta- |
sainyādhipati | m. "army-overseer", a general, commander |
sainyapati | () m. equals -nāyaka-. |
śakanṛpatisaṃvatsara | m. a year of the śaka- era |
śākhāmṛgānīkapati | m. "lord of troops of monkeys", Name of sugrīva- |
śālāpati | (ś/ālā-) m. the lord of a house, a house-holder |
salilapati | m. "water-lord", Name of varuṇa- |
śālvapati | m. a king of the śālva-s |
śālyapati | m. Name of a man |
samāpatita | mfn. come, arrived, taken place |
sambandhagaṇapati | m. Name of work |
saṃghapati | m. the chief of a brotherhood ( saṃghapatitva -tva- n.) |
saṃghapati | m. Name of the father of vāg-bhaṭa- (see saṃgha-gupta-). |
saṃghapatitva | n. saṃghapati |
śaṃkarapati | m. Name of a man |
saṃkaṣṭanāśanagaṇapatistotra | n. Name of work |
saṃkṣepatithinirṇayasāra | m. Name of work |
saṃnipatita | mfn. flown or fallen down, descended etc. |
saṃnipatita | mfn. met together, assembled |
saṃnipatita | mfn. appeared, arrived |
sampatita | mfn. flown or rushed together etc. etc. |
sampatita | mfn. run together, coagulated |
saṃskāragaṇapati | m. Name of an author |
saṃtānagaṇapati | m. a form of gaṇeśa- (worshipped to obtain progeny) |
samudranemīpati | m. "earth-lord", a king |
samutpatiṣṇu | mfn. desirous of standing or rising up |
samutpatita | mfn. flown up together, sprung up, risen, appeared |
samutpatita | mfn. flown away, departed, gone |
samutpatita | mfn. exerted, vigorous |
samutpipatiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative) about to start or spring up |
saṃveśapati | m. (ś/a--) the lord of rest or sleep or sexual union (agni-) |
saṃyaminīpati | m. Name of yama- |
śāntigaṇapati | m. Name of work |
saprajāpatika | mfn. together with prajāpati- |
saptadvīpadharāpati | m. the lord of the whole earth |
saptadvīpapati | m. "lord of the 7 dvīpa-s" idem or 'm. the lord of the whole earth ' |
saptadvīpavatīpati | m. saptadvīpavatī |
saridadhipati | m. lord of rivers, the ocean |
sarpapati | m. a snake-king |
sārthapati | m. the chief of a caravan |
sarvabhūtādhipati | m. the supreme lord of all beings (viṣṇu-) |
sarvakṣitipatitva | n. lordship of the world |
sarvalokaprajāpati | m. "father of the Universe", Name of śiva- |
sarvapati | m. a lord of everything. |
śarvarīpati | m. "lord of night", the Moon |
śarvarīpati | m. Name of śiva- |
sarvasenāpati | m. () a commander in chief. |
śatādhipati | m. a commander of a hundred |
śatapati | (śat/a--.) m. a lord of a hundred |
satpati | m. (s/at--) a mighty lord, leader, champion |
satpati | m. a good lord or ruler |
satpati | m. the lord of the good, lord of real men, lord of heroes |
satpati | m. a good husband |
satpati | m. Name of indra- |
sattvapati | m. the lord of creatures |
saubhādhipati | m. a sovereign of the saubha-s |
saubhapati | m. a lord or king of the saubha-s |
savapati | (sav/a--) m. the lord of the sava- ceremony |
sāvitrīpatita | mfn. "fallen from or deprived of the sāvitrī-", not invested with the sacred thread at the proper time |
senādhipati | () m. the commander of an army. |
senāṅgapati | m. the leader of a division |
senāpati | m. the general of an army etc. |
senāpati | m. Name of kārttikeya- |
senāpati | m. of śiva- |
senāpati | m. of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- |
senāpatipati | m. the chief commander of an army |
senāpatitva | n. generalship |
śeṣapati | m. a superintendent, manager |
setupati | m. "lord of the bridge or causeway", an hereditary title belonging to the chiefs of Ramnad as controlling the passage of the channel between rāmeśvara- and Ceylon See column 2. |
siddhāntavācaspati | m. Name of the author of the śuddhi-makaranda- |
siddhapati | m. Name of a man (also called mudgara-gomin-) |
śikhāpati | m. Name of a man |
śilpaprajāpati | m. Name of viśva-karman- |
siṃhamahīpati | m. Name of a king |
siṃhamahīpati | m. of an author |
sindhupati | m. lord of the flood |
sindhupati | m. "lord of Sindh", Name of jayad-ratha- |
śinīpati | m. (for śini-p-?) Name of a warrior (varia lectio sinī-pati-). |
sinīpati | m. Name of a warrior (varia lectio śin-) |
sīrapati | (s/īra--) m. lord of the plough |
śiśubhūpati | m. a young prince |
sītāpati | (or tāyāḥ-pati-) m. "husband of sitā-", Name of rāma- |
śmaśānapati | m. (prob.) Name of a magician |
ṣoḍaśaganapatidhyāna | n. Name of work |
ṣoḍaśagaṇapatilakṣaṇa | n. Name of work |
somabṛhaspati | m. dual number soma- and bṛhaspati- |
somadevaśrīkaralālabhairavapurapati | m. Name of author. |
somagṛhapati | (s/oma--) mfn. having the soma- for a gṛha-pati- (q.v) |
somapati | m. (s/oma--) "lord of soma-", Name of indra- |
somapati | m. a lord of the moon, |
śrāddhagaṇapati | m. Name of work |
śrāvayatpati | (y/at--) mfn. making the lord famous |
śrīdharapati | m. Name of author |
śrīpati | m. "lord of fortune", a king, prince |
śrīpati | m. "husband of śrī-", (śriyaḥ pati-) Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa- (especially as worshipped on the hill veṅkaṭa- q.v) |
śrīpati | m. Name of the father of kṛṣṇajī- |
śrīpati | m. (also with dvi-vedin-, bhaṭṭa-,and śarman-) of various authors etc. |
śrīpatibhāṣya | n. Name of work |
śrīpatidatta | m. Name of the author of the kātantra-pariśiṣṭa- |
śrīpatigovinda | m. Name of a poet |
śrīpatigrantha | m. Name of work |
śrīpatipaddhati | f. Name of work |
śrīpatisaṃhitā | f. Name of work |
śrīpatiśiṣya | m. Name of an author |
śrīpativyavahāranirṇaya | m. Name of work |
śrīpativyavahārasamuccaya | m. Name of work |
śrotrapati | m. the lord of hearing |
śrotrapati | m. a particular form of īśvara- |
sthānādhipati | m. equals sthāna-pati- |
sthānapati | m. lord of a place, (especially) head of a monastery |
sthānepatita | mfn. occupying the place of another (person or thing; sthānepatitatva -tva- n.) |
sthānepatitatva | n. sthānepatita |
sthapati | See . |
sthapati | m. (according to to some sthapati-,fr. caus. of1. sthā-) "place-lord", a king, chief, governor, head official (according to to ,"a vaiśya- or even a person of lower caste, who has celebrated the go-sava- sacrifice after being chosen king"; according to to others,"an āyogava- who is a town official"; see niṣāda-sth-) |
sthapati | m. an architect, master builder, carpenter, wheelwright etc. () |
sthapati | m. one who sacrifices to bṛhas-pati- |
sthapati | m. a guard or attendant on the women's apartments, chamberlain |
sthapati | m. a charioteer |
sthapati | m. Name of bṛhas-pati- |
sthapati | m. of kubera- |
sthapati | mfn. chief, best, principal |
sthapati | See stha-pati- above. |
śubhaspati | m. dual number (fr. genitive case of 2. śubh +p-) the two lords of splendour (or"of the rapid course", applied to the aśvin-s) |
śucipati | m. "lord of purity", fire |
śuddhagaṇapati | m. (opp. to ucchiṣṭa-g-, q.v) gaṇeśa- as worshipped by those who have cleansed their mouths (from remnants of food) |
sugṛhapati | m. a good householder (said of agni-) |
sunetrādhipati | m. Name of a serpent-demon |
supati | m. a good husband |
suprajāpati | m. a good prajā-pati- (viṣṇu-) |
surapati | m. "lord of the gods", Name of indra- etc. |
surapati | m. of śiva- |
surapaticāpa | n. "bow of indra-", the rainbow |
surapatidhanus | n. (equals -cāpa-) |
surapatiguru | m. " indra-'s teacher, bṛhas-pati-", the planet Jupiter |
surapatitanaya | m. " indra-'s son", Name of arjuna- |
surapatitva | n. lordship over the gods |
surāṣṭrādhipati | m. a king of Surat |
surasundarasenāgaṇapati | m. surasundarasenā |
sūryapati | m. the god sūrya- |
sutāpati | m. "daughter's husband", a son-in-law |
śvabhrapati | m. (prob.) the king of hell |
svadhāpati | m. lord of the sva-dhā- (indra-) |
svādhīnapatikā | f. a woman whose husband is under her own control. () |
śvagardabhapati | m. one who possesses dogs and asses |
svāhāpati | (), () m. "lord or lover of svāhā-", Name of agni-. |
svaḥpati | m. the lord of heaven |
śvapati | (śv/a--) m. a lord or possessor of dogs |
svapati | m. (sv/a--). one's own lord |
svapati | mfn. (-pat/i-) having an own consort |
svapatibhrāntimatī | f. (a woman) mistaking anything for her husband, |
svapatita | mfn. dropped off of its own accord |
svargapati | m. "lord of heaven", indra- |
svarṇagaṇapati | m. Name of a particular form of gaṇeśa- |
svarpati | mfn. (sv^ar--) lord of light |
svarpati | mfn. Name of indra- |
svayampatita | mfn. equals -avapanna- on |
svayaṃvarapati | m. a husband chosen at a Svayam |
taḍitpati | m. a cloud, |
ṭaṅkakapati | m. equals ṅka-p- |
ṭaṅkapati | m. the master of the mint |
tapaspati | (t/ap-) m. the lord of austerities |
tapatāmpati | m. "chief of burners", the sun |
tārādhipati | (rādh-) m. idem or '(rādh-) m. equals rakā-rāja- ' |
tārāpati | m. equals rādhipa- |
tārāpati | m. "husband of tārā-", bṛhas-pati- |
tārāpati | m. śiva- |
tārāpati | m. the monkey bālin- |
tārāpati | m. Name of a prince |
tardāpati | m. lord of the female tarda- bird, 3 (vocative case) |
taṭinīpati | m. "lord of rivers", the ocean, . |
tīrthapati | m. Name of the head of an ocean-worshipping sect |
tithipati | m. the regent of a lunar day |
trailokyādhipatitva | n. for kya-rājya-. |
trayastriṃśapati | m. "lord of the gods", indra- |
tribhuvanapati | m. viṣṇu- |
tridaśādhipati | m. śiva- |
tridaśapati | m. "lord of the gods", indra- |
trilokīpati | m. idem or 'm. "triloka--lord", viṣṇu-, ' |
tripurādhipati | m. " tripura--lord", maya- |
tryadhipati | m. the lord of the 3 guṇa-s or of the 3 worlds (kṛṣṇa-) (varia lectio) |
tuṅgīpati | m. "night-lord", the moon |
tviṣāmīśapati | m. equals tviṭ-p- |
tviṭpati | m. "light-lord", the sun |
ucchiṣṭagaṇapati | m. (opposed to śuddha-gaṇapati-), gaṇeśa- as worshipped by the ucchiṣṭa-s (or men who leave the remains of food in their mouth during prayer) |
uḍupati | m. the moon etc. |
uḍupati | m. the soma- |
umāpati | m. idem or 'm. "umā-'s husband", Name of śiva-.' |
umāpati | m. Name of a grammarian |
umāpatidatta | m. Name of a man |
umāpatidhara | m. Name of a poet |
umāpatisevin | mfn. worshipping śiva-. |
upapati | m. a paramour, gallant |
upatiṣṭhāsu | See upa-sthā-. |
upatiṣṭhāsu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative), wishing or being about to betake one's self to |
upatiṣya | m. Name of a son of tiṣya-. |
ūrjaspati | m. Name (also title or epithet) of viṣṇu-, |
urvarāpati | m. (only vocative case) lord of the fields under crop |
urvīpati | m. "lord of the earth", a king |
uṣāpati | m. " uṣā-'s husband", Name of a-niruddha- |
utpatin | mfn. flying up, |
utpatiṣṇu | mfn. jumping up or rising constantly |
utpatiṣṇu | mfn. being about to jump up or to rise |
utpatita | mfn. springing up, risen, ascended. |
utpatitavya | mfn. (impersonal or used impersonally) to be flown upwards |
utpatitṛ | mfn. jumping up, rising, going upwards |
uttarāśādhipati | m. "lord of the north", Name of kuvera-. |
vācasāmpati | m. Name of bṛhas-pati- or the planet Jupiter (wrong reading for vacasām-p-). |
vācaspati | m. (vāc/as--) "lord of voice or speech", Name of a divine being (presiding over human life which lasts as long as there is voice in the body;applied to soma-, viśva-karman-, prajā-pati-, brahmā- etc., but especially to bṛhas-pati-, who is lord of eloquence, preceptor of the gods, and regent of the planet Jupiter) etc. |
vācaspati | m. a master of speech, orator |
vācaspati | m. Name of a ṛṣi-, a lexicographer, a philosopher etc. etc. |
vācaspatibhaṭṭācārya | m. Name of author |
vācaspatigovinda | m. () Name of author |
vācaspatikalpataru | m. Name of work |
vācaspatimiśra | m. Name of various authors (especially of a philosopher and celebrated lawyer) |
vācaspativallabha | m. a topaz |
vaghāpati | m. the male of the vaghā- |
vāhinīpati | m. "chief of an army", a general |
vāhinīpati | m. "lord of rivers", Name of the ocean |
vāhinīpati | m. Name of a poet |
vāhinīpati | m. (with mahā-pātra bhaṭṭācārya-) Name of a Commentator |
vaidūrapati | m. plural Name of a dynasty |
vaidyanāthavācaspatibhaṭṭācārya | m. Name of author |
vaidyavācaspati | m. Name of a physician |
vājapati | (v/āja--) m. the lord of booty or reward (said of agni-) |
vākpati | m. a lord of speech etc. |
vākpati | m. Name of bṛhas-pati- or the planet Jupiter |
vākpati | m. a master of speech eloquent man |
vākpati | m. a śaiva- saint of a particular degree of perfection |
vākpati | m. Name of a poet |
vākpati | mf(i-or tnī-)n. eloquent |
vākpatirāja | m. Name of a poet etc. |
vākpatirājadeva | m. Name of a king of mālava- |
vākpatirājadeva | m. Name of a poet |
vākpativāra | m. Thursday, |
vaṃśapattrapatita | mfn. fallen on a bamboo-leaf |
vaṃśapattrapatita | n. a species of metre |
vanaspati | m. (vanas--) (vanas-prob. a form of the genitive case; see 2. van-and r/aithas-p/ati-) "king of the wood"a, forest-tree (especially a large tree bearing fruit apparently without blossoms, as several species of the fig, the jack tree etc., but also applied to any tree) etc. |
vanaspati | m. a stem, trunk, beam, timber, post (especially the sacrificial post) |
vanaspati | m. "lord of plants", the soma- plant |
vanaspati | m. the Indian fig-tree |
vanaspati | m. Bignonia Suaveolens |
vanaspati | m. an offering made to the sacrificial post |
vanaspati | m. anything made of wood (especially particular parts of a car or carriage, a wooden drum, a wooden amulet, a block on which criminals are executed, a coffin etc.) |
vanaspati | m. an ascetic |
vanaspati | m. Name of viṣṇu- |
vanaspati | m. of a son of ghṛta-pṛṣṭha- |
vanaspati | m. dual number pestle and mortar |
vanaspati | f. Name of a gandharvī- |
vanaspati | n. Name of the varṣa- ruled by vanas-pati- |
vanaspati | See column 1. |
vanaspatikāya | m. the whole body or world of plants |
vanaspatisava | m. Name of particular sacrificial rite |
vanaspatiyāga | m. Name of particular sacrificial rite |
varadagaṇapatistotra | n. Name of stotra- |
varṣapati | m. the ruler of a varṣa- |
vārttāpati | m. "lord or granter of a livelihood", an employer |
varuṇagṛhapati | (v/a-) mfn. having varuṇa- for a house-lord (id est giving varuṇa- precedence at a great sacrifice) |
varūthinīpati | m. the leader of an army |
vāsiṣṭhikavācaspati | (?) , Name of work |
vasoṣpati | See column 1 under 1. v/asu-. |
vasoṣpati | m. vasu |
vāstoṣpati | m. (fr. vāstos- genitive case of vāstu-+ p-) "house-protector", Name of a deity who presides over the foundation of a house or homestead (addressed in ) |
vāstoṣpati | m. Name of rudra- |
vāstoṣpati | m. of indra- |
vāstoṣpatisūkta | n. Name of a hymn (prob. ) |
vastupatita | mfn. become real or corporeal |
vasudhādhipati | m. ( ) lord of the earth, a king |
vasudhāpati | m. idem or 'm. "earth-leader", a king ' |
vasumatīpati | m. a prince, king |
vasupati | m. (v/asu--) lord of wealth or of good things (also with v/asūnām-;Name of agni-, indra-, savitṛ- and kubera-) |
vasupati | m. "lord of the vasu-s", Name of kṛṣṇa- |
vātapati | m. "lord of the vāta-s", Name of a son of sattra-jit- |
vatsapati | m. M. a king or lord of the vatsa-s, (or) Name of a king |
vatsapati | m. Name of udayana- |
vedādhipati | m. "one who presides over the veda-"Name of certain planets (viz. of Jupiter or bṛhaspati-, Venus, Mars, and Mercury, who are supposed to preside respectively over the ṛg--, yajur--, sāma--, and atharva-- veda-) |
veṅkaṭapati | m. king veṅkaṭa- |
veśyāpati | m. a harlot's husband, paramour |
vibudhādhipati | m. () sovereign of the gods ( vibudhādhipatya tya- n.sovereignty of the gods ) |
vibudhapati | m. "king of the gods", Name of indra- |
vidarbhādhipati | m. idem or 'm. the vidarbha- king ( vidarbhādhiparājadhānī -rāja-dhānī- f.his residence )' |
vidarbhapati | m. the king of vidarbha- |
videhādhipati | m. equals ha-rāja- |
videhapati | m. lord of mithilā- |
vidyādhipati | (yādh-) m. Name of two poets |
vidyāpati | m. the chief scholar at a court ( vidyāpatitva -tva- n.) |
vidyāpati | m. (also ti-svāmin-) Name of various authors or scholars |
vidyāpatitva | n. vidyāpati |
vighnapati | m. "lord of obstacles", Name of gaṇeśa- |
vihagapati | m. "king of birds", Name of garuḍa- |
vijñānapati | m. a lord of intelligence |
vijñānapati | m. Name of one who has attained to a particular degree of emancipation |
vikramapati | m. equals vikramāditya- |
vikṣepādhipati | m. the chief of a camp or cantonment (?) |
viṃśatyadhipati | m. equals viṃśati-pa- |
vinipatita | mfn. fallen or flown down etc. |
viniṣpatita | mfn. rushed forth, lept out |
vipatita | mfn. (v/i--) flown away, fallen off etc. |
vipatitaloman | mfn. one whose hair has fallen out |
vīrabhūpati | m. Name of a king of vijaya-nagara- (patron of cauṇḍappācārya-) |
vīradattagṛhapatiparipṛcchā | f. Name of work |
viṣayādhipati | m. idem or 'm. the governor of a province ' |
viṣayādhipati | m. "lord of a country", a king, sovereign |
viṣayapati | m. the governor of a province |
viṣṇupati | m. Name of an author |
viśpati | m. the chief of a settlement or tribe, lord of the house or of the people (also applied to agni- and indra-; dual number"master and mistress of the house") |
viśpati | m. plural "kings"or,"head-merchants" [ confer, compare Zend vis3-paiti; Lithuanian ve14sz-patis.] |
viśpati | viś-p/atnī- See under 2. viś-, . |
viśvapati | m. "lord of the universe", Name of mahāpuruṣa- and of kṛṣṇa- |
viśvapati | m. Name of a particular fire |
viśvapati | m. of various authors |
viṭpati | m. "chief of men", a king, prince |
viṭpati | m. a chief of vaiśya-s |
viṭpati | m. a daughter's husband, son-in-law |
viṭpati | m. a head-merchant |
vittapati | m. equals -nātha- |
vittāppati | n. dual number the lords of wealth and water (id est kubera- and varuṇa-) |
vrājapati | (or vrāj/a-p-) m. the lord of a troop or host |
vrajaspati | m. (formed ungrammatically according to the analogy of bṛhas-pati-) "lord of the cow-pen", Name of kṛṣṇa- |
vratapati | m. (vrat/a--) "lord of religious observances"etc. |
vratapati | m. Name of agni- |
vrātapati | (vr/āta--) m. lord of an assemblage or association |
vṛddhabṛhaspati | m. the older bṛhaspati- or an older recension of bṛhaspati-'s law-book |
vṛṣalīpati | m. the husband of a śūdra- woman or a Brahman who owns such a woman as his mistress |
vṛṣapati | m. "lord of the bull", Name of śiva- |
vṛṣapati | m. a bull set at liberty (see vṛṣotsarga-). |
vyāsagaṇapati | m. Name of authors |
yādaḥpati | m. equals yādaīśa- |
yādaḥpati | m. Name of varuṇa- |
yādaspati | m. equals yādasām pati- |
yadupati | m. "lord of the yadu-s", Name of kṛṣṇa-, |
yadupati | m. of various authors |
yajñapati | m. (yajñ/a--) lord of sacrifice (applied to any one who institutes and bears the expense of a sacrifice) |
yajñapati | m. Name of soma- and viṣṇu- (as gods in whose honour a sacrifice is performed) |
yajñapati | m. of an author (also with upādhyāya-) |
yajuṣpati | m. "lord of the yajuṣ-", Name of viṣṇu- |
yakṣādhipati | () m. "lord of the yakṣa-s", Name of kubera-. |
yakṣapati | m. a king of the yakṣa-s |
yakṣapati | m. Name of kubera- |
yāminīpati | () m. "the beloved or the husband of night", the moon. |
yamunāpati | m. "lord of yamunā-", Name of viṣṇu- |
yogapati | m. " yoga--lord", Name of viṣṇu- |
yūthapati | m. idem or 'm. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) idem or 'm. the lord or leader of a herd or band or troop (especially the chief elephant of a herd) ' ' |
yūthapatisakāśam | ind. into the presence of the chief of the herd |