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Monier-Williams Search
5 results for pathin"
pathinm. (strong stem p/anthan-,older p/anthā-;middle path/i-;weak path-; sg. p/anthās-(Nominal verb vocative case), p/anthānam-[ p/anthām- ]; path/ā-, th/e-, th/as-, th/i-; dual number p/anthānau-, path/ibhyām-, path/os-; plural p/anthānas-[ p/anthās-, thāsas- ; path/ayas- ]; path/as-[ pāth/as- , perhaps genitive case sg.?]; path/ibhis-, bhyas-; path/ām-[ thīn/ām- ]; path/iṣu-; see ) a way, path, road, course (literally and figuratively; panthānaṃ--,with genitive case to cede the way to; pathānena-,"in this way or manner", pathi ni-as-See under ny-as-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pathinm. range, reach (see karṇa--, darśana--etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pathinm. sect, doctrine View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pathinm. a division of hell View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pathinm. Name of a teacher with the patronymic saubhara- [ confer, compare patha-; Zend panthan; Greek ; Latin pont-em; Old Pruss.pintis; Slavonic or Slavonian pati8] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
pathin पथिन् m. [पथ्-आधारे इनि] (Nom. पन्थाः, पन्थानौ, पन्थानः; acc. pl. पथः; instr. pl. पथिभिः &c.; the word is changed to पथ at the end of comp.; तोयाधारपथः, दृष्टिपथः, नष्टपथः, सत्पथः, प्रतिपथम् &c.) 1 A road, way, path; श्रेयसामेष पन्थाः Bh.2.26; वक्रः पन्थाः Me.27. -2 Journey, way-faring, as in शिवास्ते सन्तु पन्थानः '(I wish) a happy journey to you ! God speed you on your journey !' -3 Range, reach; as in कर्णपथ, श्रुति˚, दर्शन˚. -4 Manner of action, line of conduct, course of behaviour; पथः शुचेर्दर्शयितार ईश्वरा मलीमसामाददते न पद्धतिम् R.3.46; न्याय्यात् पथः प्रविचलन्ति पदं न धीराः Bh.2.83. -5 A sect, doctrine. -6 A division of hell; Ms.4.9. -Comp. -अशनम्, -आदेनः Provender for a journey; viaticum. -कृत् m. Ved. 1 a guide. -2 N. of Agni. -देयम् a toll levied on public roads. -द्रुमः the Khadira tree. -प्रज्ञ a. acquainted with roads. -वाहक a. cruel. (-कः) 1 a hunter, fowler. -2 a burden bearer, porter.
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