pari | ind. round, around, about, round about  |
pari | ind. fully, abundantly, richly (especially in the beginning of a compound [where also parī-]to express fulness or high degree) etc.  |
pari | ind. as a preposition (with accusative) about (in space and time)  |
pari | ind. against, opposite to, in the direction of, towards, to (see ;also at the beginning of a compound mfn.; see Va1rtt. 4 and pary-adhyayana-)  |
pari | ind. beyond, more than  |
pari | ind. to the share of (with as-,or bhū-,to fall to a person's lot)  |
pari | ind. successively, severally (exempli gratia, 'for example' vṛkṣam pari siñcati-,he waters tree after tree)  |
pari | ind. (with ablative) from, away from, out of (see )  |
pari | ind. outside of, except (often repeated ;also at the beginning or the end of an ind. compound )  |
pari | ind. after the lapse of (some read parisaṃvatsarāt-)  |
pari | ind. in consequence or on account or for the sake of  |
pari | ind. according to (especially dh/armaṇas p/ari-,according to ordinance or in conformity with law or right) [ confer, compare Zend pairi; Greek .]  |
paribaddha | mfn. bound, stopped, obstructed  |
paribādh | A1. -bādhate-, to ward or keep off, exclude from, protect or defend against (ablative) etc. ; to vex, molest, annoy : Desiderative -bibādhiṣate-, to strive to keep or ward off |
paribādh | f. hindrance or a hinderer  |
paribādha | m. a noxious or troublesome demon  |
paribādhā | f. trouble, toil, hardship  |
paribandh | A1. -badhnīte- (imperfect tense 3. sg. pary-abandhata- ; Passive voice pary-abadhyata- ; perfect tense A1. pari-bedhir/e- ), to tie to, bind on, put on ; to surround, encircle: Causal -bandhayati-, to tie round, embrace, span  |
paribandhana | n. tying round  |
paribarha | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) "surroundings", retinue, train, furniture, attire, trim, property, wealth, the necessaries of life etc.  |
paribarha | m. royal insignia  |
paribarhaṇa | n. retinue, train, attire, trim  |
paribarhaṇa | n. worship, adoration  |
paribarhaṇā | f. growth, increase  |
paribarhavat | mfn. (a house) provided with suitable furniture  |
paribhagna | mfn. ( bhañj-) broken, interrupted, disturbed, stopped  |
paribhagnakrama | mfn. stopped in one's course, checked in one's progress  |
paribhaj | (only ind.p. -bhajya-), to divide  |
paribhakṣ | P. -bhakṣayati-, to drink or eat up (especially what belongs to another), devour, consume  |
paribhakṣā | f. passing over any one at a meal, Name of a particular observance  |
paribhakṣaṇa | n. eating up, consuming  |
paribhakṣaṇa | n. being eaten up by (instrumental case)  |
paribhakṣita | mfn. drunk or eaten up, devoured, consumed  |
paribhāṇḍa | n. furniture, utensils  |
paribhaṅga | m. breaking to pieces, shattering  |
paribharts | P. -bhartsati-, or -bhartsayati-, to threaten, menace, scold, chide  |
paribhartsana | n. threatening, menacing  |
paribhartsita | mfn. threatened, chided  |
paribhāṣ | A1. -bhāṣate-, to speak to (accusative), address, admonish ; to declare, teach, explain, define ; to persuade, exhort, encourage ; to abuse  |
paribhās | A1. -bhāsate-, to appear  |
paribhāṣā | f. speech, discourse, words  |
paribhāṣā | f. blame, censure, reproof (only plural)  |
paribhāṣā | f. any explanatory rule or general definition, (in gram.) a rule or maxim which teaches the proper interpretation or application of other rules  |
paribhāṣā | f. (in medicine) prognosis  |
paribhāṣā | f. a table or list of abbreviations or signs used in any work  |
paribhāṣā | f. (also plural) Name of several works.  |
paribhāṣābhāskara | m. Name of work |
paribhāṣābhāṣyasūtra | n. Name of work |
paribhāṣāchandomañjarī | f. Name of work |
paribhāṣaka | mfn. abusive  |
paribhāṣākroḍapattra | n. Name of work |
paribhāṣāmañjarī | f. Name of work |
paribhāṣaṇa | mfn. speaking much (a-paribh-)  |
paribhāṣaṇa | n. speaking, talking, discourse  |
paribhāṣaṇa | n. admonition, reprimand, reproof  |
paribhāṣaṇa | n. rule, precept  |
paribhāṣaṇa | n. agreement (?)  |
paribhāṣaṇīya | mfn. to be addressed or spoken to  |
paribhāṣaṇīya | mfn. reprehensible, deserving reproof  |
paribhāṣāṅkasūtra | n. Name of work |
paribhāṣāpradīpa | m. Name of work |
paribhāṣāpradīpārcis | n. Name of work |
paribhāṣāprakaraṇa | n. Name of work |
paribhāṣāprakāśa | m. Name of work |
paribhāṣāprakāśikā | f. Name of work |
paribhāṣārahasya | n. Name of work |
paribhāṣārthamañjarī | f. Name of work |
paribhāṣārthasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
paribhāṣāsaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
paribhāṣāsāra | m. Name of work |
paribhāṣāsārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
paribhāṣāśiromaṇi | m. Name of work |
paribhāṣāsūtra | n. Name of work |
paribhāṣāṭīkā | f. Name of work |
paribhāṣāviśeṣa | m. Name of work |
paribhāṣāviveka | m. Name of work |
paribhāṣāvṛtti | f. Name of work |
paribhāṣendubhāskara | m. Name of work |
paribhāṣenduśekhara | m. Name of work |
paribhāṣenduśekharasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
paribhāṣin | mfn. speaking, telling (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
paribhāṣita | mfn. explained, said, stated as (Nominal verb), taught, established as a rule, formed or used technically  |
paribhāsita | mfn. (fr. Causal) embellished, adorned  |
paribhāṣitatva | n.  |
paribhāṣopaskāra | m. Name of work |
paribhāṣya | mfn. to be stated or taught (a-paribh-)  |
paribhava | vana- etc. See pari-bhū-.  |
paribhāva | vana- etc. See pari-bhū-.  |
paribhava | m. insult, injury, humiliation, contempt, disgrace etc.  |
paribhāva | (also pari-bh-) m. contempt (Bombay edition bhava-).  |
paribhavana | n. humiliation, degradation  |
paribhāvana | n. cohesion, union  |
paribhāvanā | f. thought, contemplation  |
paribhāvana | n. (in dramatic language) words exciting curiosity  |
paribhavanīya | mfn. liable to be insulted or offended or humiliated  |
paribhavapada | n. an object or occasion of contempt  |
paribhavāśpada | n. equals va-pada-  |
paribhavavidhi | m. humiliation,  |
paribhavin | mfn. injuring, despising, ridiculing  |
paribhavin | mfn. suffering disrespect (see ) .  |
paribhāvin | mfn. injuring, despising, slighting, mocking, defying (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
paribhāvita | mfn. enclosed, contained  |
paribhāvita | mfn. penetrated, pervaded  |
paribhāvita | mfn. conceived, imagined  |
paribhāvitatva | n. ( wrong reading for bhāṣita-tva-)  |
paribhāvuka | mf(ī-)n. who or what shames or humbles or outstrips another (with accusative),  |
paribhaya | m. or n. ( bhī-) apprehension, fear  |
paribheda | m. hurt, injury  |
paribheda | dhaka- See pari-bhid-.  |
paribhedaka | mfn. breaking through  |
paribhid | Passive voice -bhidyate-, to be broken or destroyed  |
paribhinna | mfn. (p/ari--) broken, split or cleft open, crumbled  |
paribhinna | mfn. disfigured, deformed  |
paribhoga | m. enjoyment, (especially) sexual intercourse  |
paribhoga | m. illegal use of another's goods  |
paribhoga | m. means of subsistence or enjoyment  |
paribhogya | (!) n. use  |
paribhoktṛ | mfn. eating, enjoying  |
paribhoktṛ | mfn. living at another's cost  |
paribhṛ | P. A1. -bharati-, te- (perfect tense P. -babhrima-[!] ; A1. -jabhre- ), to bring ; (A1.) to extend or pass beyond (also trans. = extend, spread, ) ; to roam or travel about (see above) .  |
paribhrāj | (only perfect tense -babhrāja-), to shed brilliance all around  |
paribhrajj | only pr. p. -bhṛjjyat- (with pass. meaning, Calcutta edition -bhujyat-) and Causal -bharjayati- ( ), to fry, roast, parch.  |
paribhram | P. -bhramati-, -bhrāmyati- (Epic also te-; pr. p. -bhramat-, -bhrāmyat-and -bhramamāṇa-; perfect tense -babhrāma-,3. plural -babhramuḥ-,or -bhremuḥ-; ind.p. -bhramya-; infinitive mood -bhramitum-or -bhrāntum-), to rove, ramble, wander about or through etc. ; (also with maṇḍalam-) to turn or whirl round, move in a circle, describe a circle round, revolve, rotate : Causal -bhrāmayati-, to stir up, shake through  |
paribhrama | mfn. flying round or about (See khe-paribhr-)  |
paribhrama | m. wandering, going about  |
paribhrama | m. circumlocution, rambling discourse  |
paribhrama | m. error  |
paribhramaṇa | n. turning round, revolving (as of wheels)  |
paribhramaṇa | n. moving to and fro, going about  |
paribhramaṇa | n. circumference  |
paribhrāmaṇa | n. (fr. Causal) turning to and fro  |
paribhrāmin | mfn. moving hither and thither in (compound)  |
paribhraṃś | only pr. p. A1. in aparibhraśyamāna a-paribhraśyamāna- mfn. not escaping  |
paribhraṃśa | m. escape  |
paribhraṃśana | n. falling from, loss of (ablative)  |
paribhraṣṭa | mfn. fallen or dropped off  |
paribhraṣṭa | mfn. fallen from (often = omitting, neglecting)  |
paribhraṣṭa | mfn. deprived of (ablative or compound,rarely instrumental case) etc.  |
paribhraṣṭa | mfn. fallen, lost, ruined  |
paribhraṣṭa | mfn. sunk, degraded etc.  |
paribhraṣṭa | mfn. escaped, vanished  |
paribhraṣṭasatkarman | mfn. one whose virtuous acts are lost or in vain  |
paribhraṣṭasukha | mfn. fallen from happiness  |
paribhṛṣṭa | mfn. fried, roasted, parched  |
paribhū | P. A1. -bhavati-, te- (perfect tense -babhūva-, bhūtha-, bhūvuḥ- ; Aorist -abhūvan-, -bhuvat-; subjunctive -bhūtas-, -bhūthas- ; imperative -bhūtu- ;Ved. infinitive mood -bhv/e- ; ind.p. -bhūya- etc.: Passive voice -bhūyate- ; future -bhaviṣyate- ), to be round anything, surround, enclose, contain ; to go or fly round, accompany, attend to, take care of, guide, govern ; to be superior, excel, surpass, subdue, conquer etc. ; to pass round or over, not heed, slight, despise, insult etc. ; to disgrace ; to disappear, be lost (equals parā-bhū-) : Causal -bhāvayati-, te- (ind.p. -bhāvya-), to spread around, divulge, make known ; to surpass, exceed ; to soak, saturate, sprinkle ; to contain, include ; to conceive, think, consider, know, recognise as (accusative)  |
paribhū | mfn. surrounding, enclosing, containing, pervading, guiding, governing  |
paribhugna | mfn. bowed, bent ( )  |
paribhuj | P. -bhujati-, (-/abubhojīr- ), to span, encompass, embrace  |
paribhuj | P. A1. -bhunakti-, -bhuṅkte-, (infinitive mood -bhoktum-), to eat before another (with accusative) ; to neglect to feed ; to feed upon, eat, consume, enjoy  |
paribhukta | mfn. eaten before another, anticipated in eating  |
paribhukta | mfn. eaten, enjoyed, possessed  |
paribhukta | mfn. worn (as a garment)  |
paribhūṣ | P. -bh/ūṣati-, to run round, circumambulate ; to wait upon, serve, attend, honour, obey, follow ; to fit out, decorate ; to be superior, surpass in (instrumental case) |
paribhūṣaṇa | m. (sc. saṃdhi-) peace obtained by the cession of the whole revenue of a land (varia lectio para-bh-).  |
paribhūṣita | mfn. decorated, adorned  |
paribhūta | mfn. overpowered, conquered, slighted, disregarded, despised  |
paribhūta | m. (with bhaṭṭa-) Name of a poet  |
paribhūtagatitraya | mfn. surpassing three times the age of man  |
paribhūtatā | f. humiliation, degradation  |
paribhūti | f. (p/ari--) superiority  |
paribhūti | f. contempt, humiliation, disrespect, injury  |
paribodha | m. ( budh-) reason ( paribodhavat -vat- mfn.endowed with reason )  |
paribodhana | n. exhortation, admonition (alsof(ā-).)  |
paribodhanīya | mfn. to be admonished  |
paribodhavat | mfn. paribodha |
paribṛḍha | (p/ari--) mfn. firm, strong, solid  |
paribṛṃh | (2. bṛṃh-,also written vṛṃh-in verb. forms and deriv.) P. A1. -bṛṃhati- (or -bṛhati-), te- (parasmE-pada perfect tense A1. -babṛhāṇa-,prob. solid, strong ), to embrace, encircle, fasten, make big or strong : Causal -bṛṃhayati-, to make strong, strengthen  |
paribṛṃhaṇa | n. prosperity, welfare  |
paribṛṃhaṇa | n. an additional work, supplement  |
paribṛṃhita | mfn. (or vṛhita-; see ) increased, augmented, strengthened by, connected or furnished with (instrumental case or compound)  |
paribṛṃhita | n. the roar of an elephant  |
paribrū | P. -bravīti- (Potential -brūyāt-), to utter a spell or charm, lay under a spell, enchant  |
paribubhukṣita | mfn. (Desiderative of pari--3. bhuj-), very hungry  |
paricakra | m. Name of a chapter of the dvā-viṃśaty-avadānaka-  |
paricakrā | f. Name of a town (varia lectio vakra-)  |
paricakṣ | A1. -caṣṭe- (3. plural -cakṣate-; Potential -cakṣīta- Passive voice -cakṣyate-;Ved. infinitive mood -c/akṣi-), to overlook, pass over, despise, reject ; to declare guilty, condemn ; to forbid ; to mention, relate, own, acknowledge ; to call, name etc. ; to address (accusative), answer  |
paricakṣā | f. rejection, disapprobation  |
paricakṣya | mfn. to be despised or disapproved  |
paricakṣya | mfn. to be avoided Va1rtt. 9  |
parical | Caus. -cālayati-, to cause to move round, turn round  |
paricapala | mfn. always moving about, very volatile  |
paricar | P. -carati- (perfect tense -cacāra- ind.p. -carya-), to move or walk about, go round (accusative), circumambulate etc. ; to attend upon or to (accusative,rarely genitive case), serve, honour : Causal P. -cārayati- (ind.p. -cārya-), to surround ; to wait on, attend to ; to cohabit ; (A1. te-), to be served or waited upon  |
paricara | mf(/ā-)n. moving, flowing  |
paricara | m. an attendant, servant, follower  |
paricara | m. a patrol or body-guard  |
paricara | m. homage, service  |
paricarā | f. Name of particular verses which may be put at the beginning or middle or end of a hymn  |
paricāra | m. attendance, service, homage  |
paricāra | m. a place for walking  |
paricāra | m. an assistant or servant  |
paricāraka | m. an assistant or attendant etc.  |
paricāraka | m. executor (of an order etc.)  |
paricaraṇa | m. an assistant, servant  |
paricaraṇa | n. going about  |
paricaraṇa | n. serving, attending to, waiting upon  |
paricāraṇa | n. (mc. for caraṇa-) attendance  |
paricaraṇīya | mfn. to be served or attended to  |
paricaraṇīya | mfn. belonging to attendance  |
paricāraya | Nom. P. yati-, to take a walk, roam about ; to cohabit ; to attend to, wait on  |
paricārikā | f. a female attendant, a waiting maid  |
paricārika | m. a servant, assistant  |
paricārika | m. plural fried grain  |
paricārin | mfn. moving about, moveable  |
paricārin | mfn. attending on or to, serving, worshipping etc.  |
paricārin | m. man-servant ( paricāriṇī cāriṇī- f.maid)  |
paricāriṇī | f. paricārin |
paricārita | n. amusement, sport  |
paricāritā | f.  |
paricaritavya | mfn. to be attended on or served or worshipped  |
paricaritṛ | m. an attendant or servant  |
paricarmaṇya | n. (p-+ carman-) a strip of leather  |
paricartana | See pari-cṛt-.  |
paricartana | n. plural the part of a horse's harness from the girth to the breast and the tail  |
paricarya | mfn. equals caritavya-  |
paricaryā | f. circumambulation, wandering about or through (compound) (wrong reading carcā-)  |
paricaryā | f. attendance, service, devotion, worship etc.  |
paricārya | mfn. to be served or obeyed or worshipped  |
paricaryāvat | mfn. one who attends upon or worships  |
paricaturdaśa | and san- (Nominal verb accusative śa- instrumental case śais-), fully fourteen, more than fourteen |
paricaya | m. heaping up, accumulation  |
paricaya | m. acquaintance, intimacy, familiarity with, knowledge of (genitive case locative case instrumental case with or sc. samam-,or compound) etc.  |
paricaya | m. trial, practice, frequent repetition (see rati-p-)  |
paricaya | m. meeting with a friend  |
paricayanīya | mfn. to be collected or accumulated  |
paricayanīya | mfn. to be known  |
paricayāvasthā | f. (with yogin-s) a particular state of ecstasy  |
paricayavat | mfn. being at its height, complete, finished  |
paricāyya | m. (sc. agni-) a sacrificial fire arranged in a circle  |
paricāyya | m. raising the rent or revenue of a land  |
paricchad | ( chad-), Causal -cchādayati- (ind.p. -cchādya-) to envelop, cover, conceal  |
paricchad | mfn. furnished or provided or adorned with (compound)  |
paricchada | m. a cover, covering, garment, dress, etc.  |
paricchada | m. paraphernalia, external appendage, insignia of royalty  |
paricchada | m. goods and chattels, personal property, furniture etc.  |
paricchada | m. retinue, train, attendants, necessaries for travelling etc.  |
paricchada | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals -cchad-  |
paricchanda | m. train, retinue  |
paricchanna | mfn. covered, clad, veiled, concealed, disguised  |
pariccheda | m. cutting, severing, division, separation  |
pariccheda | m. accurate definition, exact discrimination (as between false and true, right and wrong etc.), decision, judgement  |
pariccheda | m. resolution, determination  |
pariccheda | m. a section or chapter of a book  |
pariccheda | m. limit, boundary.  |
pariccheda | m. obviating, remedying  |
paricchedaka | mfn. ascertaining, defining  |
paricchedaka | n. limitation, limit, measure  |
paricchedakara | m. Name of a samādhi-  |
paricchedākula | mfn. perplexed (through inability) to decide  |
paricchedana | n. ( ) discriminating, dividing  |
paricchedana | n. the division of a book  |
paricchedana | n. joyful laughter (?).  |
paricchedātīta | mfn. surpassing all definition  |
paricchedavyakti | f. distinctness of perception  |
paricchedya | mfn. to be defined or estimated or weighed or measured (a-paricch-)  |
paricchid | ( chid-; infinitive mood -cchettum- ind.p. -cchidya-), to cut on both sides, clip round, cut through or off or to pieces, mutilate etc. ; to mow or reap (corn), ; to limit on all sides, define or fix accurately, discriminate, decide, determine ; to separate, divide, part ; to avert, obviate  |
paricchinna | mfn. cut off, divided, detached, confined, limited, circumscribed ( paricchinnatva -tva- n.) etc.  |
paricchinna | mfn. determined, ascertained  |
paricchinna | mfn. obviated, remedied  |
paricchinnatva | n. paricchinna |
paricchitti | f. accurate definition  |
paricchitti | f. limitation, limit, measure  |
paricchitti | f. partition, separation  |
paricetas | mfn. faint-hearted, despondent  |
paricetavya | mfn. to be collected together  |
paricetavya | mfn. to be known  |
paricetavya | mfn. to be investigated or searched  |
pariceya | mfn. to be collected all round or from every side  |
pariceya | mfn. to be known  |
pariceya | mfn. to be investigated or searched  |
parici | P. A1. -cinoti-, nute-, to pile up ; to surround or enclose with (instrumental case), Sulb. ; to heap up, accumulate, augment, increase etc. etc.: Passive voice -cīyate-, to be increased or augmented, to grow  |
parici | (2. sg. imperative -cinu-; parasmE-pada -cinvat-; infinitive mood -cetum-), to examine, investigate, search ; to find out, know, learn, exercise, practise, become acquainted with (accusative) : Passive voice -cīyate- : Causal A1. -cāyayate-, to search, seek for  |
paricihnita | mfn. marked, signed, subscribed  |
paricint | P. -cintayati- (ind.p. -cintya-), to think about, meditate on, reflect, consider etc. ; to call to mind, remember ; to devise, invent  |
paricintaka | mfn. reflecting about, meditating on (genitive case or compound)  |
paricintanīya | mfn. to be well considered  |
paricintita | mfn. thought of, found out  |
paricīrṇa | mfn. attended to, taken care of  |
paricit | mfn. piling up or arranging all around  |
paricita | mfn. heaped up, accumulated, gathered  |
paricita | mfn. (with instrumental case) filled with, containing  |
paricita | mfn. known, familiar (taṃ-kṛ-,to make a person's acquaintance)  |
paricitabhū | mfn. having (its) place well known  |
paricitavivikta | mfn. familiarised to seclusion  |
pariciti | f. acquaintance, familiarity, intimacy, 2. |
paricodita | mfn. set in motion, brandished  |
paricodita | mfn. impelled, incited  |
paricṛt | P. -cṛtati- (ind.p. -cṛtya-), to wind round ; to tie or fasten together  |
paricud | Caus. -codayati-, to set in motion, urge, impel, exhort  |
paricumb | P. -cumbati- (ind.p. -cumbya-), to kiss heartily or passionately, cover with kisses ; to touch closely  |
paricumbana | n. the act of kissing heartily etc.  |
paricumbita | mfn. kissed passionately or touched closely  |
paricyavana | n. ( cyu-) descending from heaven (to be born as a man)  |
paricyavana | n. loss, deprivation of (ablative)  |
paricyuta | mfn. fallen or descended from (ablative)  |
paricyuta | mfn. fallen from heaven (to be born as a man)  |
paricyuta | mfn. swerved or deviated from (ablative)  |
paricyuta | mfn. deprived or rid of (ablative)  |
paricyuta | mfn. ruined, lost, miserable (opp. to sam-ṛddha-)  |
paricyuta | mfn. streaming with (instrumental case)  |
paricyuti | f. falling down  |
paridā | P. A1. -dadāti-, -datte-, (proper 1. plural -dadmasi- ; imperative -dehi-; perfect tense -dadau-, -dade-; ind.p. -dāya-; infinitive mood -dātum-), to give, grant, bestow, surrender, intrust to or deposit with (dative case locative case or genitive case) etc. etc.: Causal -dāpayati- (ind.p. -dāpya-). to cause to be delivered or given up  |
paridā | f. giving one's self up to the favour or protection of another, devotion  |
paridagdha | mfn. burnt, scorched  |
paridah | P. -dahati-, to burn round or through or entirely, consume by fire, dry up : Passive voice -dahyate- (ti- ), to be burnt through or wholly consumed, to burn (literally and figuratively)  |
paridāha | m. burning hot  |
paridāha | m. mental anguish, pain, sorrow  |
paridahana | n. burning (see parīd-)  |
paridāhin | mfn. burning hot  |
paridaṃśita | mfn. ( daṃś-) completely armed or covered with mail  |
paridāna | n. idem or 'f. giving one's self up to the favour or protection of another, devotion '  |
paridāna | n. restitution of a deposit (varia lectio prati-d-).  |
paridara | m. a disease of the gums in which the skin peels off and bleeds  |
paridaśa | mf(ā-)n. plural full ten  |
paridaṣṭa | mfn. bitten to pieces, bitten  |
paridaṣṭadacchada | mfn. biting the lips  |
paridāyin | m. a father (or another relation) who marries his daughter or ward to a man whose elder brother is not yet married  |
parideva | m. lamentation  |
paridevaka | mf(ikā-)n. who or what laments or complains ( ) .  |
paridevana | n. (wrong reading -vedana-) lamentation, bewailing, complaint etc.  |
paridevanā | f. idem or 'n. (wrong reading -vedana-) lamentation, bewailing, complaint etc.'  |
paridevin | mfn. lamenting, bewailing  |
paridevita | mfn. (wrong reading -vedita-) lamented, bewailed etc.  |
paridevita | mfn. plaintive, miserable ( paridevitam am- ind.)  |
paridevita | n. wailing, lamentation  |
paridevita | n. impersonal or used impersonally with instrumental case exempli gratia, 'for example' taṃ-rāmeṇa-,"wailing was made by R."  |
paridevitam | ind. paridevita |
paridhā | P. A1. -dadhāti-, -dhatte-, (perfect tense -dadhur-, -dadhire-; future -dhāsyati-; Aorist -dhāt-, -dhīmahi-; ind.p. -dh/āya-;Ved. infinitive mood p/ari-dhātav/ai-), to lay or put or place or set round etc. ; to cast round, turn upon (dṛṣṭim-,with locative case ) ; to put on, wear (with or sc. vāsas-), dress etc. ; surround, envelop, enclose etc. ; to conclude or close (the recitation of a hymn) : Causal -dhāpayati- (ind.p. yitvā- ), to cause a person to wrap round or put on (2 accusative) etc. ; to clothe with (instrumental case) : Desiderative -dhitsate-, to wish to put on  |
paridhāna | n. (and dhān/a-) putting or laying round (esp, wood), wrapping round, putting on, dressing, clothing  |
paridhāna | n. a garment, (especially) an under garment (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) etc. (also parī-dh-)  |
paridhānā | f. closing or concluding (a recitation)  |
paridhānavastra | n. an upper garment  |
paridhānīkṛ | to make into an upper garment  |
paridhānīya | n. an under garment  |
paridhānīyā | f. (sc. ṛc-) a concluding or final verse  |
paridhāpana | n. causing to put on (a garment)  |
paridhāpanīya | mfn. relating to it  |
paridhāraṇa | n. bearing, supporting, enduring (with genitive case)  |
paridhāraṇā | f. patience, perseverance  |
paridharṣaṇa | n. assault, attack, injury  |
paridhārya | mfn. to be preserved or maintained  |
paridhāv | P. -dh/āvati- (Epic also te-), to flow or stream round or through ; to run or drive about (with mṛgayām-,"to hunt") ; to run or move round anything (with accusative) etc. ; to run through or towards or after (with accusative) etc.: Causal -dhāvayati-, to surround, encircle  |
paridhāvana | n. the running away from, escaping  |
paridhāvin | m. "running round", Name of the 46th (or 20th) of the 60 years ' cycle of Jupiter  |
paridhāya | m. ( ) train, retinue  |
paridhāya | m. the hinder parts  |
paridhāya | m. a receptacle for water.  |
paridhāyaka | m. a fence, enclosure  |
paridheya | mfn. to be put round etc.  |
paridheya | mfn. equals paridhi-bhava- ( varia lectio barhi-ṣad-)  |
paridheya | n. an under garment (?)  |
paridhi | m. an enclosure, fence, wall, protection, (especially) the 3 fresh sticks (called madhyama-, dakṣiṇa-, uttara-) laid round a sacrificial fire to keep it together etc.  |
paridhi | m. a cover, garment  |
paridhi | m. (figuratively) the ocean surrounding the earth  |
paridhi | m. a halo round the sun or moon  |
paridhi | m. the horizon  |
paridhi | m. any circumference or circle  |
paridhi | m. epicycle  |
paridhi | m. the branch of the tree to which the sacrificial victim is tied (?)  |
paridhi | m. Name of a man gaRa śubhrādi-  |
paridhi | m. plural (ṣaḍ aindrāh-) Name of sāman-s  |
paridhīkṛ | to hang about  |
paridhin | m. Name of śiva- ( )  |
paridhīra | mfn. very deep (as a tone or sound)  |
paridhisaṃdhi | m. (prob.) the putting together of the 3 fire-sticks (see above)  |
paridhistha | mfn. being on the horizon (as the sun)  |
paridhistha | m. a guard posted in a circle  |
paridhṛ | P. -dhārayati-, to carry about, bear, support  |
paridhṛṣ | P. -dharṣayati-, to attack, rush upon  |
paridhṛta | mfn. borne (in the womb)  |
paridhū | (only 3. plural A1. -dhunvate-), to shake off  |
paridhūpana | pari-dhūmana- and pari-dhūmāyana- n. equals dhūmāyana-  |
paridhūsara | mfn. quite dust-coloured or grey ( paridhūsaratva -tva- n.) |
paridhūsaratva | n. paridhūsara |
paridhvaṃsa | m. ( dhvaṃs-) distress, trouble, ruin  |
paridhvaṃsa | m. obscuration, eclipse (See vidhu--)  |
paridhvaṃsa | f. loss of caste, mixture of castes (also varṇa-- )  |
paridhvaṃsa | f. an outcaste  |
paridhvaṃsin | mfn. falling off  |
paridhvaṃsin | mfn. destroying, ruining (varia lectio)  |
paridhvasta | mfn. covered with (compound)  |
paridhvasta | mfn. destroyed, ruined  |
paridhyupānta | mf(ā-)n. bordered by the ocean (as the earth)  |
paridigdha | n. meat covered with meal  |
paridih | (only subjunctive -dehat-), to cover or smear over  |
pariḍīna | n. ( ḍī-) the flight of a bird in circles, flying round  |
paridīna | mfn. much dejected or afflicted  |
pariḍīnaka | n. ( ḍī-) the flight of a bird in circles, flying round  |
paridīnamānasa | mfn. distressed in mind. ( )  |
paridīnasattva | mfn. distressed in mind. ( )  |
paridīp | A1. -dīpyate- (ti-), to flare up (literally and figuratively)  |
paridīrṇa | (p/ari--) mfn. rent on all sides, swollen, dropsical  |
paridiś | (perfect tense -dideśa-), to announce, make known, point out  |
paridiṣṭa | mfn. made known, pointed out  |
paridiv | P. -devati-, vayati-, (rarely A1.; pr. p. f. -devatīm- ; Aorist paryadeviṣṭa- perfect tense pari-didevire- ; infinitive mood -devitum- ), to wail, lament, cry, bemoan, weep for (accusative)  |
paridṝ | (only 3. sg. preceding A1. -darṣīṣṭa-), to break through (the foe) : Passive voice -dīryate-, to peel or drop off on all sides, to become dropsical  |
paridraḍhaya | Nom. P. yati- (fr. pari-dṛḍha-), to make firm or strong  |
paridraṣṭṛ | m. a spectator, perceiver  |
paridṛḍha | mfn. very firm or strong  |
paridṛḍha | m. Name of a man (see pāridṛḍha-)  |
paridṛṃhaṇa | n. ( dṛṃh-) making firm, strengthening  |
paridṛś | (plural A1. -dadṛśrām- ; infinitive mood -draṣṭum- ), to look at, see, behold, regard, consider, find out, know: Passive voice -dṛśyate- (perfect tense -dadṛśe-), to be observed or perceived, appear, become visible etc.: Causal -darśayati-, to show, explain |
paridṛṣṭa | mfn. seen, beheld, perceived, learnt, known  |
paridṛṣṭakarman | mfn. having much practical experience ( paridṛṣṭakarmatā ma-tā- f.)  |
paridṛṣṭakarmatā | f. paridṛṣṭakarman |
paridru | P. -dravati-, to run round  |
paridu | A1. -dūyate-, to burn (instrumental case), be consumed by pain or grief  |
paridurbala | mfn. extremely weak or decrepit  |
paridurbalatva | n.  |
paridveṣas | m. a hater  |
paridvīpa | m. Name of a son of garuḍa-. (varia lectio sarid-dvīpa-).  |
paridyūna | mfn. sorrowful, sad  |
paridyūna | mfn. made miserable by (instrumental case or compound)  |
paridyūna | See pari-div-.  |
pariga | mfn. going round, surrounding  |
parigā | P. -jigāti- (Aorist -agāt-, -gāt-, -agur-), to go round or through, circumambulate, permeate ; to enter (accusative) ; to come near, approach, reach, visit, afflict ; to go out of the way, avoid, shun ; to disregard, neglect ; to fail, miss, not to master or understand |
parigad | (only infinitive mood -gaditum-), to describe, relate, tell  |
parigadhitā | f. firmly embraced, .  |
parigaditin | mfn. equals parigaditaṃ yena saḥ- gaRa iṣṭādi-.  |
parigahana | n. gaRa kṣubhnādi-.  |
parigai | P. -gāyati-, to go about singing, sing or celebrate everywhere ; to proclaim aloud (especially Passive voice -gīyate-)  |
parigalita | mfn. ( gal-) fallen down  |
parigalita | mfn. sunk  |
parigalita | mfn. flowing, fluid, melted  |
parigam | P. -gacchati- (Aorist -agamat- ; -gman- ; perfect tense -jagmatuḥ- ; parasmE-pada -jaganvas- ; ind.p. -g/atyā- ; -gamya- ; infinitive mood -gantum- ) , to go round or about or through, circumambulate, surround, inclose etc. ; to come to any state or condition, get, attain (accusative) : Passive voice -gamyate- : Causal -gamayati-, to cause to go round, to pass or spend (time)  |
parigama | m. going round, surrounding  |
parigama | m. knowing, ascertaining, partaking of, occupation with (compound)  |
parigama | m. spreading, extending  |
parigama | m. obtaining  |
parigamana | n. idem or 'm. obtaining '  |
parigamita | mfn. (fr. Causal) brought, conducted, driven, passed, spent (time) .  |
parigamya | mfn. accessible, to be circumambulated (a-parig-)  |
parigaṇ | P. -gaṇayati- (ind.p. -gaṇya-), to count over, reckon up completely, ascertain by calculation ; to calculate, reckon, consider, reflect (see aparigaṇayat-).  |
parigaṇa | m. or n. (?) , a house  |
parigaṇana | n.  |
parigaṇanā | f. complete enumeration, accurate calculation or statement  |
parigaṇanīya | (Kull.) mfn. to be enumerated completely or stated accurately.  |
parigaṇita | mfn. enumerated, calculated, reckoned (see a-parig-).  |
parigaṇitin | mfn. one who has well considered everything ,  |
parigantavya | mfn. to be got or obtained  |
parigaṇya | (See a-parig-) mfn. to be enumerated completely or stated accurately.  |
parigarh | A1. -garhate-, to blame greatly, censure, despise, abuse : Causal -garhayati- idem or 'mfn. ( garv-) very proud or arrogant '  |
parigarhaṇa | n. excessive blame, censure  |
parigarj | P. -garjati-, to roar, cry, scold  |
parigarvita | mfn. ( garv-) very proud or arrogant  |
parigata | mfn. gone round or through, surrounded, encompassed etc.  |
parigata | mfn. filled, possessed of, visited by, afflicted with (instrumental case or compound)  |
parigata | mfn. diffused, spread  |
parigata | mfn. deceased, dead  |
parigata | mfn. experienced, known, learnt from (ablative)  |
parigata | mfn. forgotten  |
parigata | mfn. obtained  |
parigata | mfn. equals ceṣṭita-  |
parigatārṭha | mfn. acquainted or familiar with anything  |
parigha | m. ( han-) an iron bar or beam used for locking or shutting a gate (equals argala-) etc.  |
parigha | m. (figuratively) a bar, obstacle, hindrance  |
parigha | m. (oncen.) an iron bludgeon or club studded with iron etc.  |
parigha | m. a child which presents a peculiar cross position in birth  |
parigha | m. a line of clouds crossing the sun at sunrise or sunset etc.  |
parigha | m. (dual number) two birds flying on each side of a traveller (regarded as an omen)  |
parigha | m. the gate of a palace, any gate  |
parigha | m. a house  |
parigha | m. (in astrology) Name of the 19th yoga-  |
parigha | m. a pitcher, water-jar  |
parigha | m. a glass pitcher  |
parigha | m. killing, striking, a blow  |
parigha | m. Name of one of the attendants of skanda-  |
parigha | m. of a cāṇḍāla-  |
parigha | m. of a virtuous man  |
parighabāhu | m. one whose arm resembles an iron bar  |
parighaguru | mfn. as heavy as an iron bar  |
parighaprāṃśubāhu | in one whose arm is as long as an iron bar  |
parighargharam | ind. with loud murmuring or grunting (wrong reading ghurgharam-,or ghurghuram-).  |
parigharmya | m. a vessel for preparing any hot sacrificial beverage  |
parighasaṃkāśa | mfn. resembling an iron bar  |
parighastambha | m. a door-post  |
parighaṭ | Causal P. -ghāṭayati-, to strike, cause to vibrate (as the strings of a musical instrument)  |
parighāta | m. killing, destroying. removing  |
parighāta | m. a club, an iron bludgeon  |
parighātana | n. idem or 'm. a club, an iron bludgeon '  |
parighātin | mfn. destroying, setting at nought, transgressing (a command etc.)  |
parighaṭṭ | P. -ghaṭṭayati-, to press or rub on all sides, stir, excite, affect (as the ear with a tale)  |
parighaṭṭana | n. stirring round, stirring up  |
parighaṭṭana | n. rubbing  |
parighaṭṭanā | f. (in dramatic language) striking (or tuning?) the musical instruments,  |
parighaṭṭita | mfn. stirred about, touched or rubbed repeatedly  |
parighopama | mfn. resembling an iron beam  |
parighoṣa | m. ( ) sound, noise  |
parighoṣa | m. thunder  |
parighoṣa | m. improper speech.  |
parighrā | (only p. A1. -jighramāṇa-), to kiss passionately, cover with kisses  |
parighṛṣ | P. -gharṣati-, to rub or pound to pieces  |
parighṛṣṭika | wrong reading for pṛcchika-, or pṛṣṭika-.  |
parighūrṇ | P. -ghūrṇati-, to whirl about, flutter, tremble  |
parighuṣ | (only p. -ghuṣyat-), to proclaim aloud  |
parigīta | mfn. sung, celebrated, proclaimed, declared  |
parigīti | f. a kind of metre  |
pariglāna | mfn. ( glai-) wearied out, languid, exhausted etc.  |
pariglāna | mfn. averse from (dative case)  |
parigrah | P. A1. -gṛhṇāti-, ṇīte- (imperative 2. sg. -gṛhāṇa- ; imperfect tense -agṛhṇāḥ- ;3. sg. -agṛhṇat- ;3. plural -agṛhṇan- ; A1. -agṛhṇanta- ; perfect tense 1. sg. -jagr/abha- ;3. sg. -jagrāha- etc.; ind.p. -gṛhya- etc.) , to take hold of on both sides, embrace, surround, enfold, envelop etc. ; to fence round, hedge round ; to occupy on both sides (sarasvatīm-) ; to seize, clutch, grasp, catch ; to put on, wear (as a dress or ornament) ; to take or carry along with one etc. ; to take possession of, master, overpower ; to take (in war), take prisoner, conquer ; to take (food) ; to receive, (also as a guest) accept ; to take, adopt, conform to, follow etc. ; to take by the hand, assist ; to take (a wife), marry ; to surpass, excel ; (in Vedic or Veda gram.) to enclose (iti-) between a word twice repeated (see pari-graha-).  |
parigraha | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) laying hold of on all sides, surrounding, enclosing, fencing round (especially the vedi- or sacrificial altar by means of three lines or furrows) etc.  |
parigraha | m. wrapping round, putting on (a dress etc.), assuming (a form etc.)  |
parigraha | m. comprehending, summing up, sum, totality,  |
parigraha | m. taking, accepting, receiving or anything received, 2 gift or present etc.  |
parigraha | m. getting, attaining, acquisition, possession, property (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"being possessed of or furnished with")  |
parigraha | m. household, family, attendants, retinue, the seraglio of a prince  |
parigraha | m. a house, abode  |
parigraha | m. root, origin, foundation  |
parigraha | m. admittance (into one's house), hospitable reception  |
parigraha | m. taking (a wife), marrying, marriage etc.  |
parigraha | m. a wife (also collect.) etc.  |
parigraha | m. choice, selection  |
parigraha | m. understanding, conception  |
parigraha | m. undertaking, beginning, commission or performance of, occupation with  |
parigraha | m. homage, reverence, grace, favour, help, assistance etc.  |
parigraha | m. dominion, control (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"dependent on, subject to")  |
parigraha | m. force, constraint, punishment (opp. to anu-graha-)  |
parigraha | m. claim on, relation to, concern with (locative case) etc.  |
parigraha | m. (in Vedic or Veda gram.) the double mention of a word both before and after iti-  |
parigraha | m. the form which precedes iti-  |
parigraha | m. a curse, imprecation, oath  |
parigraha | m. an eclipse of the sun  |
parigraha | m. the rear or reserve of an army (varia lectio prati-gr-)  |
parigrāha | m. the surrounding or fencing round of the vedi- or sacrificial altar with three lines or furrows  |
parigrahabahutva | n. multitude of wives  |
parigrahadvitīya | mfn. accompanied by one's wife or family  |
parigrahaka | mfn. grasping, taking hold of, undertaking (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
parigrāhaka | mfn. favouring, befriending  |
parigrahamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of a family  |
parigrahaṇa | n. wrapping round, putting on  |
parigrahārthīya | mfn. having the sense of comprehension id est generalization  |
parigrahatva | n. state of a wife, marriage  |
parigrahavat | mfn. possessed of, wealth, having property |
parigrahin | mfn. possessed of, wealth, having property |
parigrahītavya | mfn. to be admitted or supposed,  |
parigrahītavya | mfn. to be ruled or controlled  |
parigrahītavya | mfn. to be taken hold of or got into possession  |
parigrahītṛ | mfn. taking hold of, seizing  |
parigrahītṛ | m. assister, helper  |
parigrahītṛ | m. ruler  |
parigrahītṛ | m. an adoptive father  |
parigrahītṛ | m. a husband  |
parigrāhya | mfn. to be treated or addressed kindly  |
parigras | P. A1. -grasati-, te-, to devour  |
parigṛddha | mfn. very greedy  |
parigredha | (!) m. excessive greediness  |
parigṛhīta | mfn. taken hold of on both sides  |
parigṛhīta | mfn. surrounded, embraced, enclosed, enveloped, fenced etc.  |
parigṛhīta | mfn. seized, grasped, taken, received, obtained, accepted, adopted, admitted, followed, obeyed etc.  |
parigṛhīta | mfn. opposed, checked  |
parigṛhīta | m. gaRa ācitādi-.  |
parigṛhīti | (p/ari--) f. grasping, comprehension  |
parigṛhītṛ | wrong reading for grah-. 1.  |
parigṛhya | ind. having taken or seized, in company or along with (accusative) etc.  |
parigṛhya | ind. considering, regarding  |
parigṛhya | mfn. to be taken or accepted or regarded  |
parigṛhyā | f. designation of a particular kind of vedi- or sacrificial mound  |
parigṛhyā | f. a married woman  |
parigṛhyavat | mfn. (g/ṛhya--) containing the word parigṛhya-  |
parigūḍhaka | mfn. gaRa ṛśyādi-.  |
pariguṇḍita | mfn. covered with dust,  |
pariguṇita | mfn. (fr. -guṇaya-) reiterated, repeated  |
pariguṇita | mfn. augmented by addition of (compound)  |
pariguṇṭhita | mfn. ( guṇṭh-) veiled in, hidden by (instrumental case)  |
parigup | only Desiderative -jugupsate-, to beware of, be on one's guard against (ablative)  |
parihā | P. -jahāti-, (ind.p. -hāya-; infinitive mood -hātum-), to leave, abandon, quit ; to omit, neglect, disregard : Passive voice -hīyate- (with future -hāsyati- ), to be avoided or omitted, be destitute or deprived of, desist or be excluded from (ablative), be wanting or deficient, be inferior to (ablative or instrumental case), wane, fail, decrease, pass away etc.: Causal -hāpayati-, to cause to relinquish or abandon ; to interrupt, leave unfinished  |
parihan | P. -hanti-, to wind round ; to extinguish (fire) ; Passive voice -hanyate-, to be changed or altered (varia lectio prati-h-) ; to cease, perish (varia lectio -hīyate-). |
parihāṇa | n. being deprived of anything, suffering a loss (only a-parih-)  |
parihaṇana | n.  |
parihāṇi | f. decrease, loss, deficiency (see )  |
parihāni | f. decrease, loss, deficiency (see )  |
parihāpaṇīya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be omitted  |
parihāpita | mfn. robbed or deprived of (instrumental case)  |
parihāpya | ind. excluding, excepting (accusative), except  |
parihara | raṇa- etc. See pari-hṛ-.  |
parihara | m. varia lectio for hāra-, reserve, concealment  |
parihāra | m. (p/ari--) leading round  |
parihāra | m. delivering or handing over  |
parihāra | m. shunning, avoiding, excluding, abandoning, giving up, resigning etc.  |
parihāra | m. seizing, surrounding  |
parihāra | m. concealment, reserve  |
parihāra | m. leaving out, omission  |
parihāra | m. taking away, removing, (especially) removing by arguments, confutation  |
parihāra | m. caution  |
parihāra | m. contempt disrespect  |
parihāra | m. objection  |
parihāra | m. any objectionable thing or person  |
parihāra | m. (in gram.) the repetition of a word (before and after iti- see pari-graha-)  |
parihāra | m. (in dramatic language) remedying or atoning for any improper action  |
parihāra | m. an extraordinary grant, exemption from taxes, immunity  |
parihāra | m. equals -sthāna- (below)  |
parihāra | m. bounty, largess (see parī-h-)  |
parihāra | a ring,  |
pariharaka | m. varia lectio for hāraka-  |
parihāraka | mf(ikā-)n. repelling, refuting  |
parihāraka | m. or n. an armlet (see haraka-and parihāṭaka-).  |
pariharaṇa | n. moving or taking round  |
pariharaṇa | n. avoiding, shunning  |
pariharaṇa | n. leaving  |
pariharaṇa | n. seizing  |
pariharaṇa | n. refuting  |
pariharaṇīya | mfn. to be shunned or avoided  |
pariharaṇīya | mfn. to be taken away  |
pariharaṇīya | mfn. to be confuted  |
pariharaṇīyatā | f. disdain, rejection  |
pariharaṇīyatā | f. disappearance, unattainableness  |
pariharaṇīyatā | f. refutation  |
parihārasthāna | n. a space of common land extending round a village or town on  |
parihārasū | f. (a cow) bearing a calf only after a long time (of barrenness)  |
parihāravat | mfn. avoidable (a-parih-)  |
parihāravat | ind. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') like the omission of  |
parihāraviśuddhi | f. (with jaina-s) purification by such mortification and penance as are enjoined by the example of ancient saints or sages  |
parihārikā | f. a kind of riddle,  |
parihārin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') avoiding, shunning  |
pariharṣaṇa | ṣin- See parihṛṣ-, p.605.  |
pariharṣaṇa | mf(ī-)n. greatly delighting  |
pariharṣin | mfn. delightful  |
pariharṣita | mfn. greatly delighted  |
parihartavya | mfn. to be handed over or forwarded, |
parihartavya | mfn. to be shunned or avoided or abstained from  |
parihartavya | mfn. to be kept secret or concealed  |
parihartavya | mfn. to be confuted  |
parihartavya | mfn. to be repeated (before and after iti- see next)  |
parihārya | mfn. to be shunned or avoided or omitted or escaped from etc.  |
parihārya | mfn. to be severed or separated  |
parihārya | mfn. to be taken off or away  |
parihārya | mfn. to be endowed with a privilege  |
parihārya | mfn. to be repeated (see hartavya-),  |
parihārya | m. a bracelet (see pārihārya-).  |
parihas | P. -hasati- (Passive voice Aorist pary-ahāsi-), to laugh, jest or joke with (accusative), laugh at, ridicule, deride  |
parihāsa | m. jesting, joking, laughing at, ridiculing, deriding  |
parihāsa | m. a jest, joke, mirth, merriment etc. (see parī-h-)  |
parihāsahari | m. Name of a temple of viṣṇu-  |
parihāsakathā | f. an amusing story  |
parihāsapura | n. Name of a town  |
parihāsapūrvam | ind. jokingly, in jest  |
parihāsaśīla | mfn. of a gay or joyous disposition, fond of jesting  |
parihāsaśīlatā | f.  |
parihāsavastu | n. an object of jest ( parihāsavastutā stu-tā- f.)  |
parihāsavastutā | f. parihāsavastu |
parihāsavedin | m. a jester, a witty person  |
parihāsavijalpita | mfn. uttered in jest  |
parihasita | mfn. laughed at, ridiculed  |
parihasta | m. (gaRa nir-udakādi-) an amulet put round the hand to secure the birth of a child  |
parihāsya | mfn. laughable, ridiculous  |
parihata | mfn. ( and ) wrong reading for pari-hṛta-.  |
parihāṭaka | mfn. consisting or made of pure gold  |
parihāṭaka | mfn. a ring worn round the arm or leg, an armlet, anklet  |
parihava | m. ( hve-) crying or calling upon, invoking (?)  |
parihi | P. -hin/oti-, to send or forward to (dative case)  |
parihiṃsā | f. ( hiṃs-) equals pari-barhaṇā-  |
parihīṇa | mfn. (also written hīna-) omitted, lost, disappeared, wanting  |
parihīṇa | mfn. abstaining from, deficient in, deprived or destitute of (ablative or -tas- instrumental case,or compound)  |
parihiṇḍ | A1. -hiṇḍate-, to fly about  |
parihita | mfn. put round or on, covered, invested, clothed  |
parihita | See pari-dhā-, p.596.  |
parihṇuta | mfn. ( hnu-) denied, refused  |
parihṛ | P. A1. -harati-, te- (future -hariṣyati- ; Aorist 3. plural -ahṛṣata- ; ind.p. -hṛtya- ; -h/āram- ), to move or carry or take round ; to put or wrap round (A1.round one's self) etc. ; to put aside, save for (dative case) ; to leave, quit, desert ; to defend or preserve from (ablative) ; to spare ; to shun, avoid, leave out, omit ; to save or spare anything (as trouble, care etc.) to (genitive case), ; to take away, remove, beware of or abstain from (accusative). ; (A1.) to keep away from id est neglect, not heed ; to answer, refute ; to put twice, repeat (in the krama-pāṭha-), ; to nourish, foster, cherish : Desiderative -jihīrṣati-, to wish to keep away or avoid or shun, remove or conceal (see -jihīrṣā-,p.594) .  |
parihṛṣ | Caus. -harṣayati-, to delight greatly, cause to rejoice  |
parihṛṣita | mfn. delighted, very glad  |
parihṛṣṭa | mfn. idem or 'mfn. delighted, very glad ' ( parihṛṣṭamānasa -mānasa- mfn. )  |
parihṛṣṭa | mfn. blunt, obtuse (teeth)  |
parihṛṣṭamānasa | mfn. parihṛṣṭa |
parihṛta | mfn. shunned, avoided  |
parihṛta | mfn. abandoned, quitted  |
parihṛta | mfn. taken, seized  |
parihṛta | n. what has been wrapped round or put on  |
parihṛti | f. shunning, avoiding  |
parihṛtya | ind. keeping away, excluding, with the exception of (accusative)  |
parihṛtya | ind. at a distance of (accusative)  |
parihṛtya | mfn. to be delivered or handed over  |
parihrut | mfn. ( hvṛ-) causing to fall  |
parihūta | mfn. called together  |
parihūta | mfn. called all round (?),  |
parihvālam | ind. ( hval-) stammering, faltering  |
parihvṛta | See /a-pari-hvṛta-.  |
parihvṛti | (p/ari--) f. deceiving, injuring, harming (locative case hṛt/ā-!) ; ix, 79, 2.  |
parijā | f. ( jan-) place of origin, source  |
parijagdha | m. ( jakṣ-) a proper name  |
parijalp | P. -jalpati-, to chatter, talk about, speak of (accusative)  |
parijalpita | n. the covert reproaches of a mistress neglected by her lover  |
parijana | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a surrounding company of people, entourage, attendants, servants, followers, suite, train, retinue (especially of females) etc.  |
parijana | m. a single servant  |
parijanatā | f. the condition of a servant, service |
parijanman | m. the moon  |
parijanman | m. fire (see pari-jman-).  |
parijapita | mfn. ( jap-) muttered, whispered, prayed over in a low voice  |
parijapta | mfn. idem or 'mfn. ( jap-) muttered, whispered, prayed over in a low voice '  |
parijapta | mfn. enchanted  |
parijarbhurāṇa | mfn. (from Intensive of bhur-) quivering, flickering, .  |
parijāta | mfn. (p/ari--) begotten by, descended from (ablative)  |
parijāta | mfn. fully developed (a-parij-)  |
parijātaka | n. Name of work on domestic rites.  |
parijayya | See pari-ji-.  |
parijayya | mfn. to be conquered or mastered  |
parijetṛ | m. a victor, conqueror  |
pariji | P. -jayati- (infinitive mood -jetum-), to conquer, overpower  |
parijihīrṣā | f. ( hṛ- Desiderative) desire of avoiding or removing  |
parijihīrṣita | mfn. kept away, avoided, shunned  |
parijihīrṣu | mfn. wishing to avoid  |
parijīrṇa | mfn. worn out, old, withered, faded, decayed  |
parijīryat | mfn. becoming old  |
parijman | mfn. ( gam-) running or walking or driving round, surrounding, being everywhere, omnipresent (said of the sun, of the clouds, of several gods etc.) (as locative case or ind.all around, everywhere )  |
parijman | m. the moon  |
parijman | m. fire (see pari-janman-).  |
parijñā | P. A1. -jānāti-, nīte- (infinitive mood -jñātum- ind.p. -jñāya-), to notice, observe, perceive, learn, understand, comprehend, ascertain, know or recognise as (2 accusative)  |
parijñā | f. knowledge  |
parijñāna | n. perception, thorough knowledge, ascertainment, experience, discrimination etc.  |
parijñānamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting in knowledge  |
parijñānin | mfn. having much knowledge, wise  |
parijñapti | f. (fr. Causal) recognition or conversation  |
parijñāta | mfn. thoroughly known, recognised, ascertained, learned  |
parijñātṛ | mfn. one who knows or perceives, an observer, knower  |
parijñātṛ | mfn. wise, intelligent  |
parijñeya | mfn. to be recognised or ascertained, comprehensible  |
parijṝ | P. A1. -jīryati-, te-, to become worn out or old or withered ; to be digested  |
parijri | mfn. ( jri-) running round, spreading everywhere  |
parijṛmbh | A1. -jṛmbhate-, to spread all around  |
parijval | P. -jvalati-, to burn brightly, blaze, glare  |
parijvan | m. ( ) the moon  |
parijvan | m. fire (see pari-jman-)  |
parijvan | m. a servant  |
parijvan | m. a sacrificer  |
parijvan | m. indra-  |
parijyāni | See a-p-.  |
parikal | P. -kālayati-, to drive about, chase, persecute  |
parikal | P. -kalayati-, to seize, take hold of ; to swallow, devour ; to observe, consider as  |
parikalayitṛ | mfn. surrounding, encircling (read yitā-).  |
parikālita | mfn. persecuted, dogged  |
parikalitin | mfn. equals kalitaṃ yena saḥ- gaRa iṣṭādi-.  |
parikalkana | n. deceit, cheating (see kalkana-).  |
parikalpa | pana- etc. See pari-kḷp-, .  |
parikalpa | m. illusion  |
parikalpa | m. wrong reading for kampa-.  |
parikalpana | n. fixing, settling, contriving, making, inventing, providing, dividing, distributing  |
parikalpanā | f. making, forming, assuming (See rūpa-parik-)  |
parikalpanā | f. reckoning, calculation  |
parikalpita | mfn. settled, decided  |
parikalpita | mfn. fixed upon, chosen, wished for, expected, made, created, imagined, invented, contrived, arranged, distributed, divided (with khaṇḍa-śaḥ-,cut or broken in pieces)  |
parikalpya | mfn. to be settled etc.  |
parikalpya | mfn. to be calculated  |
parikamp | Caus. -kampayati-, to cause to tremble, shake  |
parikampa | m. tremor, great fear or terror  |
parikampin | mfn. trembling violently  |
parikandala | mf(ā-)n. teeming with, full of (compound)  |
parikāṅkṣita | m. ( kāṅkṣ-) a devotee, religious ascetic (see pārikāṅkṣin-).  |
parikara | pari-karman- etc. See pari-kṛ-, column 3.  |
parikara | mf(ī-)n. who or what helps or assists  |
parikara | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) attendants, followers, entourage, retinue, train (sg. and plural) etc.  |
parikara | m. multitude, abundance  |
parikara | m. a girth, zone, waist-band, (especially) a girdle to keep up a garment (ram-bā4ndh-,or raṃ-kṛ-,"to gird up one's loins, make preparations", and so pari-kara- equals ārambha- ) etc.  |
parikara | m. (in dramatic language) covert or indirect intimation of coming events in a plot, the germ of the bīja-  |
parikara | m. (in rhetoric) a particular figure in which many significant epithets or adjectives are employed one after the other to give force to a statement etc.  |
parikarabandha | m. the binding on of a girdle in order to begin any work  |
parikarabhūta | mfn. being instrumental  |
parikaraśloka | m.  |
parikaraśloka | m. discrimination, judgement  |
parikaraśloka | m. versus auxiliaris  |
parikaravijaya | m. Name of work  |
parikarita | mfn. accompanied by (instrumental case)  |
parikarkaśa | mfn. very harsh  |
parikarmakathā | f. prayer (?)  |
parikarman | m. a servant, assistant  |
parikarman | n. attendance, worship, adoration  |
parikarman | n. dressing, painting or perfuming the body (especially after bathing)  |
parikarman | n. cleansing, purification  |
parikarman | n. preparation (see kara-)  |
parikarman | n. arithmetical computation or operation  |
parikarmāṣṭaka | n. the 8 fundamental rules of arithmetic (viz. addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, finding the square, extracting the square root, finding the cube, extracting the cube root)  |
parikarmaya | Nom. P. yati-, to anoint, decorate, adorn ; to make ready  |
parikarmin | mfn. adorning, decorating  |
parikarmin | m. an assistant, servant, slave  |
parikarmita | mfn. arranged, prepared, put in order  |
parikarṣa | See pari-kṛṣ-.  |
parikarṣa | m. dragging about (see gaRa nirudakādi-).  |
parikarṣaṇa | n. idem or 'm. dragging about (see gaRa nirudakādi-).'  |
parikarṣaṇa | n. a circle  |
parikarṣin | mfn. dragging away, carrying about (to different places)  |
parikarṣita | mfn. (fr. Causal) dragged about, harassed, tortured  |
parikarta | tana- etc. See pari-kṛt-.  |
parikartana | mfn. cutting up or to pieces  |
parikartana | n. cutting, cutting off or out, a circular incision  |
parikartana | n. equals next  |
parikartikā | f. sharp shooting pain (especially in the rectum)  |
parikartṛ | m. a priest who performs the marriage ceremony for a younger brother whose elder brother is not yet married  |
parikāsana | n. ( kās-) frequent coughing |
parikātara | mfn. very timid or cowardly  |
parikath | P. -kathayati-, to mention, call, name  |
parikathā | f. a religious tale or narrative  |
parikāyana | (?) m. plural Name of a school  |
parikeśa | m. gaRa nirudakādi-.  |
parikhā | f. (once in the beginning of a compound kha- ) a moat, ditch, trench or fosse round a town or fort (also applied to the sea surrounding the earth) etc.  |
parikhā | f. Name of a village in the North country gaRa palady-ādi- (iv, 2, 110)  |
parikhacita | mfn. ( khac-) strewn or inlaid with (compound)  |
parikhan | (only ind.p. -khāya-), to dig round, dig up  |
parikhaṇḍa | See pari-ṣaṇḍa-.  |
parikhaṇḍana | See māna-parikh-.  |
parikhaṇḍaya | Nom. P. yati-, to make small, break, conquer |
parikhāsthita | mfn. impregnable, secure  |
parikhāta | mfn. dug round  |
parikhāta | m. a furrow, rut  |
parikheda | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) lassitude, weariness, exhaustion  |
parikhedita | mfn. (fr. Causal) afflicted, exhausted, ruined, destroyed  |
parikhid | P. -khidyati-, to be depressed or afflicted, feel uneasy : Causal -khedayati-, to trouble, afflict, destroy  |
parikhīkṛta | mfn. made into a moat or ditch  |
parikhinna | mfn. depressed, afflicted, exhausted  |
parikhyā | P. -khyāti- (subjunctive -khyatam-, -khyan- ), to look round, look at, perceive etc. ; to observe, regard, consider ; to overlook, disregard : Passive voice -khyāyate-, to be perceived  |
parikhyāta | mfn. regarded as, passing for (Nominal verb)  |
parikhyāta | mfn. called, named  |
parikhyāta | mfn. celebrated, famous  |
parikhyāti | f. fame, reputation  |
parikiraṇa | -kīrṇa- etc. See pari-- 1. kṝ-, p.592.  |
parikiraṇa | n. scattering or strewing about  |
parikīrṇa | mfn. spread, diffused, scattered around, surrounded, crowded  |
parikīrt | P. -kīrtayati-, to proclaim on all sides, announce, relate, celebrate, praise, declare, call, name  |
parikīrtana | n. proclaiming, announcing, talking of, boasting, naming, calling  |
parikīrtita | mfn. proclaimed, announced, boasted of, said, called  |
pariklam | P. -klāmati-, myati-, to be tired out or exhausted  |
pariklānta | mfn. very tired, tired out, exhausted  |
parikleda | m. humidity, wetness  |
parikledin | mfn. wetting or wet  |
parikleśa | m. hardship, pain, trouble, fatigue  |
parikleṣṭṛ | m. a tormentor, torturer  |
pariklinna | mfn. ( klid-) very wet, excessively moist or humid  |
parikliś | P. A1. -kliśyati-, te- (parasmE-pada -kliśyamāna- ), to suffer, feel pain, be troubled or vexed ; (only ind.p. -kliśya-) to pain, torment, vex, harass  |
parikliśa | m. (?) vexation, trouble  |
parikliṣṭa | mfn. much vexed or troubled, pained, harassed, afflicted, exhausted etc.  |
parikliṣṭa | n. equals kleśa-  |
parikliṣṭam | ind. with uneasiness or reluctance, unwillingly.  |
parikḷp | Caus. -kalpayati- (Passive voice -kalpyate-), to fix, settle, determine, destine for (with accusative, artham- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound', locative case or an infinitive mood with pass. sense) etc. ; to choose ; to perform, execute, accomplish, contrive, arrange, make ; to distribute, divide (with an adverb in dhā-) ; to admit or invite to (locative case) ; to suppose, presuppose  |
parikḷpta | mfn. distributed, scattered, found here and there  |
parikopa | m. violent anger, wrath  |
parikopita | mfn. (fr. Causal) greatly excited, very angry  |
parikṛ | P. -karoti- etc. (see pari-ṣ-kṛ-), to surround ; to uphold  |
parikṝ | P. -kirati-, (ind.p. -kīrya-), to scatter or strew about ; to throw upon, impose, deliver over to (locative case),  |
parikram | P. -krāmati- (rarely A1. te-; parasmE-pada -krāmat-; perfect tense -cakrāma-, -cakramur-; Aorist -akramīt-; infinitive mood -krāntum-; ind.p. -kr/āmam-,or -kramya-), to step or walk round or about, circumambulate, roam over, walk through, visit (with accusative) etc. ; to go past, escape ; to outstrip, overtake : Intensive -caṅkramati-, to move or walk about perpetually  |
parikrama | m. roaming about, circumambulating, walking through, pervading  |
parikrama | m. transition (varia lectio parā-kr-)  |
parikrama | m. following the course of a river down from its source to its mouth and then on the other bank up to its source again  |
parikrama | m. succession, series, order (read āvṛt-parikramam-)  |
parikrama | m. a remedy, medicine  |
parikramaṇa | n. walking or roaming about  |
parikramasaha | m. "one who bears running about", a goat  |
parikrāmitaka | n. (fr. Causal) walking about (only parikrāmitakena kena- ind.,in stage-directions)  |
parikrāmitakena | ind. parikrāmitaka |
parikrand | (only Aorist Caus. -acikradat-), to cry or make a noise round about (accusative)  |
parikrānta | mfn. walked round, stepped upon, trod  |
parikrānta | n. the place stepped upon, foot-steps, traces  |
parikrānti | f. moving round, revolution  |
parikraya | m. giving up at the cost of (see prāṇaparikr-)  |
parikraya | m. hire, wages  |
parikraya | m. redemption, buying off  |
parikraya | m. a peace purchased with money  |
parikrayaṇa | n. hiring, engaging  |
parikrī | A1. -krīṇīte- ( ;really more frequent in P. exempli gratia, 'for example' imperfect tense -akrīṇam- ; Potential -krīṇīyāt- ; ind.p. -krīya- ), to purchase, buy, barter, gain, acquire (with instrumental case or dative case of the price exempli gratia, 'for example' śatena-,or śatāya-,to buy for a hundred ) ; to hire, engage for stipulated wages ; to recompense, reward (only p. A1. -krīṇāna-)  |
parikrī | m. Name of an ekāha-  |
parikrīḍ | A1. -krīḍate- ( ;but P. parasmE-pada -krīḍat- perfect tense -cikrīḍuḥ- ), to play about (imperative A1. -krīḍasva- )  |
parikrīta | mfn. purchased, bought, hired (applied to a son equals reto-mūlya-dānena tasyām eva-[i.e. bhāryāyām-] janitaḥ- )  |
parikriyā | f. surrounding, inclosing, intrenching  |
parikriyā | f. attending to, care of (compound; see agni-parikriyā-)  |
parikriyā | f. exercise, practice, enjoyment (see rājya-parik-)  |
parikriyā | f. (in dramatic language) illusion to future action (equals parikara-)  |
parikriyā | See pari-kṛ-.  |
parikrośa | m. "crier", prob. Name of a demon  |
parikṛś | only Causal -karśayati-, to harass, afflict  |
parikṛṣ | P. A1. -karṣati-, te-, to draw or drag about (A1.. also"each other") ; to lead (an army) ; to rule, govern, be master of (accusative) ; to harass, afflict ; to ponder, reflect constantly upon (accusative) ; (P. -kṛṣati-) to draw or make furrows, to plough ; to draw a circle : Causal -karṣayati-, to drag to and fro, torment, harass, vex, trouble ; to carry (as a nurse) |
parikṛśa | mfn. very thin, emaciate, wasted  |
parikṛśatva | n. a slender size  |
parikṛṣṭa | m. Name of a teacher  |
parikṛt | P. -kṛntati-, (ind.p. -kṛtya-), to cut round, clip, cut off ; to exclude from (ablative)  |
parikṛt | (only p. present tense A1. -kṛtyamāna-), to wind round  |
parikṛta | mfn. surrounded  |
parikṛtta | mfn. cut round, clipped, cut off  |
parikrudh | P. -krudhyati-, to fly into a rage, become enraged  |
parikruś | P. -krośati- (see -cukruśur- ind.p. -kruśya-), to go about crying, to wail, lament |
parikruṣṭa | mfn. lamented  |
parikruṣṭa | n. lamentation has been made by (instrumental case)  |
parikṣā | f. ( kṣai-) clay, mud, dirt  |
parikṣal | P. -kṣālayati-, (ind.p. -kṣālya-), to wash out, rinse, wash off  |
parikṣālana | n. water for washing  |
parikṣāma | mfn. excessively emaciated, dried up, fallen away  |
parikṣāṇa | mfn. charred or burnt to a cinder  |
parikṣar | P. -kṣarati- (Aorist -akṣār-), to cause to flow round (in a stream) ; to bestow by pouring forth in a stream  |
parikṣata | mfn. ( kṣan-) wounded, hurt, injured, killed  |
parikṣatavrata | mfn. one who has broken his vow,  |
parikṣati | f. wounding, injury, lesson  |
parikṣava | m. ( kṣu-) frequent or ill-omened sneezing  |
parikṣaya | See pari-- 4. kṣi-.  |
parikṣaya | m. disappearing, ceasing, dissolution, decay, destruction, loss, ruin, end  |
parikṣepa | m. throwing about, moving to and fro  |
parikṣepa | m. surrounding, encircling, being (or that by which anything is) surrounded etc.  |
parikṣepa | m. circumference, extent  |
parikṣepa | m. abandoning, leaving  |
parikṣepaka | mf(ikā-)n. hung with (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') (see ) .  |
parikṣepin | mfn. who or what scatters or distributes (see ) .  |
parikṣi | P. -kṣiṇoti-, to destroy : Passive voice -kṣīyate-, to waste away, decay, become exhausted  |
parikṣi | P. -kṣeti-, to dwell around (with accusative)  |
parikṣi | m. varia lectio for next  |
parikṣība | mfn. drunk, quite intoxicated  |
parikṣīṇa | mfn. vanished, disappeared, wasted, exhausted, diminished, ruined, lost, destroyed  |
parikṣīṇa | mfn. (in law) insolvent  |
parikṣip | P. -kṣipati- (perfect tense -cikṣepa-; ind.p. -kṣipya-), to throw over or beyond ; to put or lay or wind round ; to throw about, surround, encircle, embrace etc. ; to throw or put or fix in (locative case) ; to throw away, squander (as a treasure)  |
parikṣipta | mfn. thrown, thrown about, scattered, surrounded, overspread etc.  |
parikṣipta | mfn. left, abandoned  |
parikṣit | mfn. dwelling or spreading around, surrounding, extending (as agni-, heaven and earth etc.)  |
parikṣit | m. Name of an ancient king (son of abhimanyu- and father of janam-ejaya-)  |
parikṣit | m. of a son of kuru- and father of another Janam  |
parikṣit | m. of a son of a-vikṣit- and brother of janam-ejaya-  |
parikṣit | m. of a king of a-yodhyā- (see parī-kṣit-under 1. parī-,) .  |
parikṣita | wrong reading for pari-cita-, or -kṣit-.  |
parikṣīva | mfn. drunk, quite intoxicated  |
parikūla | n. (prob.) the land lying on a shore  |
parikup | P. -kupyati-, to become greatly moved or excited, to be in a rage, to be very angry : Causal -kopayati-, to excite violently, to make very angry  |
parikupita | mfn. much excited, very angry, wrathful  |
parikūṭa | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
parikūṭa | m. a barrier or trench before the gate of a town  |
parikvaṇana | mfn. ( kvaṇ-) loud-sounding, loud  |
parikvath | P. -kvathati-, to become boiling hot  |
parila | m. Name of a man gaRa śivādi- (see pārila-).  |
parilabh | A1. -labhatc-, to get obtain  |
parilaghu | mfn. very light or small  |
parilaghu | mfn. easy to digest  |
parilagna | mfn. ( lag-) stuck, held fast (in Prakrit)  |
parilamb | A1. -lambate-, to remain behind, be slow, stay out  |
parilamba | m.  |
parilambana | n. lagging, lingering  |
parilambya | wrong reading for rabhya-  |
parilaṅgh | P. -laṅghayati-, to overleap, transgress  |
parilaṅghana | n. leaping to and fro, jumping over  |
parilaṣ | P. -laṣati-, to desire, long for  |
parilas | (only pr. p. -lasat-), to shine all around  |
parilehin | m. a particular disease of the ear (see pari-rih-).  |
parilekha | m. outline, delineation, picture  |
parilekhādhikāra | m. Name of chapter of  |
parilekhana | m. a sacred text beginning with parilikhitam-  |
parilekhana | n. drawing lines round about  |
parileśa | m. equals pariṃśa- on  |
parilīḍha | mfn. licked all round, licked over  |
parilih | P. -leḍhi-, to lick all round, lick over, lick : Intensive (pr. p. -lelihat-, hāna-) to lick all round, lick repeatedly  |
parilikh | P. -likhati-, to draw a line or a circle or a furrow round (accusative) ; to scrape or smooth round about ; to write down, copy  |
parilikhana | n. smoothing, polishing  |
parilikhita | (p/ari--) mfn. enclosed in a circle  |
parilip | P. -limpati-, to smear or anoint all round  |
parilok | P. -lokayati-, to look around, view from all sides  |
parilolita | mfn. ( lul-, Causal) tossed about, shaken, trembling |
parilopa | m. injury, neglect, omission  |
parilubh | A1. -lobhate-, to entice, allure : Causal -lobhayati- idem or 'm. injury, neglect, omission '  |
pariluḍ | Caus. -loḍayati-, to stir up, disturb  |
parilūna | mfn. ( lū-) cut off, severed  |
parilup | P. -lumpati-, to take away, remove, destroy : Passive voice -lupyate-, to be taken away or omitted  |
parilupta | mfn. injured, lost  |
pariluptasaṃjña | mfn. unconscious, senseless  |
pariluṭh | P. -luṭhati-, to roll about or up and down  |
parimā | A1. -mimīte- (perfect tense -mame-; Passive voice -mīyate-; infinitive mood -mātum-), to measure round or about, mete out, fulfil, embrace etc. ; to measure, estimate, determine  |
parimā | f. measure, periphery  |
parimād | f. ( mad-) Name of 16 sāman-s which belong to the mahā-vratastotra-  |
parimāda | m. ( mad-) Name of 16 sāman-s which belong to the mahā-vratastotra-  |
parimala | m. (Prakritfr. mṛd-?) fragrance, or a fragrant substance, perfume (especially arising from the trituration of fragrant substances) etc.  |
parimala | m. copulation, connubial pleasure (See below) |
parimala | m. a meeting of learned men  |
parimala | m. soil, stain, dirt  |
parimala | m. Name of a poet (also called padmagupta-)  |
parimala | m. Name of several works. and Comms.  |
parimalabhṛt | mfn. laden with perfumes  |
parimalaja | mfn. (enjoyment) arising from copulation  |
parimalasamā | f. Name of commentator or commentary on  |
parimalaya | Nom. P. yati-, to make fragrant  |
parimalita | mfn. soiled, deprived of freshness or beauty  |
parimalita | mfn. perfumed  |
pariman | (only Potential -mamanyāt-; perfect tense -mamn/āthe-; Aorist subjunctive -m/aṃsate-), to overlook, neglect, disregard  |
parimāṇa | n. measuring, meting out  |
parimāṇa | n. (also parimāṇaka -ka-n. ) measure of any kind exempli gratia, 'for example' circumference, length, size, weight, number, value, duration (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"amounting to" etc. see parīm-)  |
parimāṇaka | n. parimāṇa |
parimāṇatas | ind. by measure, in weight  |
parimāṇavat | mfn. ( ; parimāṇavattva t-tva- n.)  |
parimāṇavattva | n. parimāṇavat |
parimanda | mfn. very dull or faint or weak  |
parimanda | mfn. (in the beginning of a compound) a little  |
parimaṇḍala | mf(ā-)n. round, circular, globular etc.  |
parimaṇḍala | mf(ā-)n. of the measure of an atom  |
parimaṇḍala | m. (sc., maśaka-) a species of venomous gnat  |
parimaṇḍala | n. a globe, sphere, orbit, circumference  |
parimaṇḍalakuṣṭha | n. a kind of leprosy  |
parimaṇḍalatā | f. whirling about  |
parimaṇḍalatā | f. roundness, rotundity, circularity (also parimaṇḍalatātva -tva- n. )  |
parimaṇḍalatātva | n. parimaṇḍalatā |
parimaṇḍalita | mfn. rounded, made round or circular  |
parimandatā | f. fatigue, ennui  |
parimaṇḍita | mfn. ( maṇḍ-) adorned or decorated all around  |
parimāṇin | mfn. ( ) having measure, measured, measurable.  |
parimanthara | mf(ā-)n. extremely slow or tardy  |
parimantharatā | f. slowness, dullness  |
parimantrita | mfn. ( mantr-) charmed, consecrated, enchanted  |
parimanyu | mfn. wrathful, angry  |
parimara | pari-marda-, pari-marśa- See pari-mṛ-, -mṛd-, -mṛś-, p.599.  |
parimara | mfn. one round whom people have died  |
parimara | m. the dying in numbers or round any one  |
parimara | m. (with daivaḥ-) the dying of the gods  |
parimara | m. (with brahmaṇaḥ-) Name of a magical rite for the destruction of adversaries  |
parimarda | m. crushing, wearing out, using up, destroying  |
parimardana | n. idem or 'm. crushing, wearing out, using up, destroying '  |
parimardana | n. rubbing in  |
parimardana | n. a remedy for rubbing in  |
parimārg | P. A1. -mārgati-, te- (infinitive mood -mārgitum-), to seek about, search through, strive after, beg for (accusative)  |
parimārga | m. (for 2.See pari-mṛj-) searching about  |
parimārga | m. (for 1.See pari-mārg-) wiping, cleaning  |
parimārga | m. friction, touch  |
parimārgaṇa | n. tracing, searching, looking for (genitive case)  |
parimārgin | mfn. tracking, going after, pursuing (compound)  |
parimārgitavya | mfn. to be sought after  |
parimārgya | mfn. to be cleaned or rubbed (see mṛjya-).  |
parimārja | See tundapari-mārja-, jaka-.  |
parimārjaka | See tundapari-mārja-, jaka-.  |
parimārjana | n. wiping off, cleaning, washing  |
parimārjana | n. wiping away, removing  |
parimārjana | n. a dish of honey and oil  |
parimārjita | mfn. cleaned, polished  |
parimārkṣṇu | mfn.  |
parimarśa | m. touching, contact  |
parimarśa | m. consideration, reflection  |
parimarṣa | m. envy, dislike, anger  |
parimarṣa | m. varia lectio for marśa-, touching  |
parimat | mfn.  |
parimath | (only imperfect tense -/amathnāt-), to pluck (the soma- plant)  |
parimāthin | mfn. torturing  |
parimathita | mfn. (agni-) produced by attrition  |
parimeha | m. a magical rite in which urine is sprinkled about  |
parimeya | mfn. measurable, limited, few (a-parim-) etc.  |
parimeyapuraḥsara | mfn. having only few attendants  |
parimeyatā | f. measurableness, calculableness  |
parimi | P. -minoti-, to set or place or lay round  |
parimīḍha | mfn. ( mih-) sprinkled with urine  |
parimilana | n. ( mil-) touch, contact  |
parimilita | mfn. mixed or filled with, pervaded by (instrumental case)  |
parimilita | mfn. met from all sides  |
parimit | f. the beam of a roof, joist, rafter etc.  |
parimita | mfn. (p/ari--) measured, meted, limited, regulated etc.  |
parimita | mfn. moderate, sparing etc.  |
parimitābharaṇa | mf(ā-)n. moderately adorned  |
parimitabhojana | n. moderation in eating, abstemiousness  |
parimitabhuj | mfn. eating sparingly, abstemious  |
parimitāhāra | mfn. equals ta-bhuj-  |
parimitakatha | mf(ā-)n. of measured discourse, speaking little  |
parimitatva | n. moderation, limited condition  |
parimitāyus | mfn. shortlived  |
parimitecchatā | f. moderation in desire  |
parimiti | f. measure, quantity, limitation  |
parimitimat | mfn. limited  |
parimlai | A1. -mlāyate-, to fade or wither away, wane, faint  |
parimlāna | mfn. faded, withered  |
parimlāna | mfn. exhausted, languid |
parimlāna | mfn. become thinner, emaciated  |
parimlāna | mfn. disappeared, gone  |
parimlāna | n. change of countenance by fear or grief  |
parimlāna | n. soil, stain  |
parimlāyin | mfn. stained, spotted  |
parimlāyin | m. a kind of disease of the lens or pupil of the eye (liṅga-nāśa-)  |
parimlāyitva | n. falling, sinking  |
parimocita | mfn. (fr. Causal) liberated, emancipated  |
parimohana | n. (fr. Causal) bewildering, fascination, beguiling  |
parimohin | mfn. perplexed  |
parimohin | mfn. fascinating, bewitching  |
parimohita | mfn. bewildered, deprived of consciousness or recollection  |
parimokṣ | P. -mokṣayati- (ind.p. -mokṣya-), to set free, liberate  |
parimokṣa | m. setting free, liberation, deliverance  |
parimokṣa | m. removing, relieving (varia lectio pari-moṣa-)  |
parimokṣa | m. emptying, evacuation  |
parimokṣa | m. escape from (ablative or genitive case)  |
parimokṣa | m. final beatitude (equals nir-vāṇa-)  |
parimokṣaṇa | n. unloosing, untying  |
parimokṣaṇa | n. liberation, deliverance from (genitive case)  |
parimoṣa | m. theft, robbery  |
parimoṣaka | mfn. stealing  |
parimoṣaṇa | n. taking away  |
parimoṣin | mfn. stealing  |
parimoṣin | mfn. a thief or robber  |
parimoṭana | n. ( muṭ-) snapping, cracking (equals caṭācaṭā-śabda- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
parimṛ | A1. -mriyate- (perfect tense 3. plural -mamruḥ- ), to die (in numbers) round (accusative)  |
parimṛd | P. -mṛdnāti-, -mardati- (Epic also A1. -mardate-), to tread or trample down, crush, grind, wear out ; to rub, stroke ; rub off, wipe away (as tears) ; to excel, surpass  |
parimṛdita | mfn. trodden or trampled down, crushed, rubbed, ground,  |
parimṛg | A1. -mṛgayate- (Passive voice parasmE-pada -mṛgyamāṇa-), to seek, search for  |
parimṛj | P. -mārṣṭi-, -mṛjati-, -mārjati-, mārjayati- (rarely A1. exempli gratia, 'for example' Potential -mṛjīta- ; ind.p. -mṛjya-; infinitive mood -mārṣṭum-,or -mārjitum-), to wipe all round, wash, cleanse, purify etc. ; (with cakṣuṣī-) to wipe tears from the eyes ; (also A1.) to cleanse or rinse the mouth, Gant. ; to touch lightly, stroke ; to wipe off or away, remove, efface, get rid of (accusative) : Passive voice -mṛjyate-, to be rubbed or worn out by use (as teeth) : Intensive -marmṛjyate-, to sweep over (accusative) ( "to cover with radiance") . 2.  |
parimṛj | mfn. washing, cleaning (in kaṃśa-pari-mṛj-)  |
parimṛja | See tunda-parimṛja-.  |
parimṛjita | mfn. wiped, rubbed, cleaned  |
parimṛjya | mfn. to be cleaned or rubbed (see mārgya-). 1.  |
parimṛś | P. A1. -mṛśati-, te- (perfect tense -mamarśa-;3. plural [ ] -māmṛśuḥ-; Aorist -amṛkṣat-; ind.p. -mṛśya-), to touch, grasp, seize etc. ; to examine, consider, inquire into ; to observe, discover : Passive voice -mṛśyate- (with pavanais-), to be touched id est fanned by the wind ; to be considered : Intensive -marmṛśat-, to encompass, clasp, embrace  |
parimṛṣ | P. -mṛṣyati- ( ) , to be angry with, envy (dative case)  |
parimṛṣṭa | mfn. (for 2.See pari-mṛś-) wiped off, rubbed, stroked, smoothed, polished  |
parimṛṣṭa | mfn. wiped or washed away, removed  |
parimṛṣṭa | mfn. (for 1.See pari-mṛj-) touched  |
parimṛṣṭa | mfn. seized, caught, found out  |
parimṛṣṭa | mfn. considered (See duḥ-parim-)  |
parimṛṣṭa | mfn. spread, pervaded, filled with (instrumental case)  |
parimṛṣṭaparicchada | mfn. trim, neat, spruce  |
pariṃśa | m. (pari-+ aṃśa-) the best part of (genitive case)  |
parimuc | P. -muñc/ati- (ind.p. -mucya-; infinitive mood -moktum-), to unloose, set free, liberate, deliver from (ablative) etc. ; to let go, give up, part with (accusative) ; to discharge, emit : Passive voice -mucyate- (ti- ), to loosen or free one's self, get rid of (ablative genitive case or instrumental case) etc. ; to be liberated or emancipated (from the ties of the world)  |
parimūḍha | mfn. disturbed, perplexed ( parimūḍhatā -tā- f.) |
parimūḍhatā | f. parimūḍha |
parimugdha | mfn. bewitchingly lovely ( parimugdhatā -tā- f.)  |
parimugdhatā | f. parimugdha |
parimuh | P. A1. -muhyati-, te-, to be bewildered or perplexed, go astray, fail : Causal -mohayati- (te- ), to bewilder, perplex, entice, allure, trouble, disturb  |
parimukham | ind. round or about the face, round, about (any person, etc.)  |
parimukta | mfn. released, liberated from (compound)  |
parimuktabandhana | mfn. released from bonds, unfettered  |
parimukti | f. liberation  |
parimūrṇa | mf(/ī-)n. worn out, decrepit, old (as a cow) (Scholiast or Commentator equals vṛddhā-).  |
parimuṣ | P. -muṣṇāti-, -muṣati- (Passive voice pr. p. -muṣyat- ), to steal, plunder, rob a persons of (2 accusative)  |
parinā | f. taking in, deception  |
parinābhi | ind. round the navel  |
pariṇad | ( nad-) P. -ṇadati- to utter loud cries (-nadya- prob. wrong reading)  |
pariṇaddha | mfn. bound or wrapped round  |
pariṇaddha | mfn. broad, large  |
pariṇah | ( nah-;only Potential -ṇahet-), to bind round, gird, embrace, surround  |
pariṇah | equals parīṇah- q.v  |
pariṇāha | m. compass, circumference, extent, width, breadth, circumference of a circle, periphery  |
pariṇāha | m. Name of śiva- (see parī-ṇāha-)  |
pariṇahana | n. binding or girding or wrapping round, veiling, covering  |
pariṇāhavat | mfn. = expensive, large  |
pariṇāhin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. = expensive, large '  |
pariṇāhin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') having the extent of, as large as  |
parinaiṣṭhika | mf(ī-)n. highest, utmost, most perfect  |
parinaiṣṭhika | See under pari-ni-ṣṭhā-.  |
pariṇam | ( nam-) P. A1. -ṇamati-, te- (Aorist pary-aṇaṃsīt- ind.p. pari-ṇamya-), to bend or turn aside ; to bend down, stoop ; to change or be transformed into (instrumental case) ; to develop, become ripe or mature ; to become old ; to be digested ; to be fulfilled (as a word) : Causal -ṇāmayati- (ind.p. -ṇāmya-; Passive voice -ṇāmyate-, parasmE-pada ṇāmyamāna-,or myat-), to make ripe, ripen, mature ; to bring to an end, pass (as a night) ; to bend aside or down, stoop  |
pariṇāma | m. change, alteration, transformation into (instrumental case), development, evolution  |
pariṇāma | m. ripeness, maturity  |
pariṇāma | m. alteration of food, digestion  |
pariṇāma | m. withering, fading  |
pariṇāma | m. lapse (of time)  |
pariṇāma | m. decline (of age), growing old  |
pariṇāma | m. result, consequence, issue, end (in the beginning of a compound and pariṇāme me- ind.finally, at last, in the end)  |
pariṇāma | m. (in rhetoric) a figure of speech by which the properties of any object are transferred to that with which it is compared  |
pariṇāma | m. Name of a holy man  |
pariṇāmadarśin | mfn. looking forward to the issue or consequences (of any event), prudent, fore-sighted  |
pariṇāmadṛṣṭi | f. foresight, providence  |
pariṇāmaka | mfn. effecting vicissitudes (as time)  |
pariṇāmamukha | mfn. tending or verging towards the end, about to terminate  |
pariṇamana | n. change, transformation, changing into (instrumental case)  |
pariṇamanā | f. (with ) a kind of worship  |
pariṇāmana | n. bringing to full development  |
pariṇāmana | n. the turning of things destined for the community to one's own use ( )  |
pariṇāmanirodha | m. obstruction (of felicity caused) by human vicissitude (as birth, growth, death etc.)  |
pariṇāmapathya | mfn. suited to a future state or condition  |
pariṇāmaramaṇīya | mfn. (a day) delightful at its close  |
pariṇāmaśūla | n. violent and painful indigestion  |
pariṇāmavāda | m. the"doctrine of evolution", the sāṃkhya- doctrine  |
pariṇāmavat | mfn. having a natural development ( pariṇāmavattva ttva- n.)  |
pariṇāmavattva | n. pariṇāmavat |
pariṇamayitṛ | mfn. causing to bend or to ripen  |
pariṇāme | ind. pariṇāma |
pariṇāmika | mfn. resulting from change  |
pariṇāmika | mfn. easily digestible (wrong reading for pāriṇ-?).  |
pariṇāmin | mfn. changing, altering, subject to transformation, developing ( pariṇāmitva mi-tva- n. )  |
pariṇāmin | mfn. ripening, bearing fruits or consequences  |
pariṇāminitya | mfn. eternal but continually changing  |
pariṇāmitva | n.  |
pariṇāmitva | n. pariṇāmin |
parinand | (only ind.p. -nandya-), to rejoice greatly, give great pleasure to (accusative)  |
parinartana | n. ( nṛt-) gaRa kṣubhnādi-.  |
pariṇaś | (2 naś-) P. -ṇasyati-  |
parinaṣṭa | (!) mfn.  |
pariṇata | mfn. bent down (is an elephant stooping to strike with its tusks)  |
pariṇata | mfn. bent down or inclined by (compound)  |
pariṇata | mfn. changed or transformed into (instrumental case or compound)  |
pariṇata | mfn. developed, ripened, mature, full-grown, perfect  |
pariṇata | mfn. full (as the moon) |
pariṇata | mfn. set (as the sun) etc.  |
pariṇata | mfn. advanced (vayasā-,in age ;also impersonal or used impersonally taṃ vayasā-,"life is advanced, old age has come" )  |
pariṇata | mfn. digested (as food)  |
pariṇata | mfn. elapsed (as time)  |
pariṇata | n. capital, wealth accumulated for the sake of profit(?)  |
pariṇatadikkarika | mfn. containing mythical elephants (See dik-karin-) stooping to strike with their tusks  |
pariṇatadvirada | m. an elephant stooping etc.  |
pariṇataprajña | mfn. of mature understanding  |
pariṇatapratyaya | mfn. (an action) whose results are matured  |
pariṇatāruṇa | m. the setting sun  |
pariṇataśarvad | f. the latter part of the autumn  |
pariṇatavayas | mfn. advanced in age  |
pariṇati | See pari-ṇam-.  |
pariṇati | f. bending, bowing  |
pariṇati | f. change, transformation, natural development  |
pariṇati | f. ripeness, maturity  |
pariṇati | f. mature or old age  |
pariṇati | f. result, consequence, issue, end, termination (in the beginning of a compound finally, at last; śravaṇa-pariṇatiṃ-gam-,to come at last to a person's ears; pariṇatiṃ-yā-,to attain one's final aim)  |
pariṇati | f. fulfilment (of a promise),  |
pariṇati | f. digestion  |
pariṇaya | yana- etc. See under pari-ṇī-.  |
pariṇāya | yaka- See pari-ṇī-.  |
pariṇaya | m. leading round, (especially) leading the bride round the fire, marriage (see nava-pariṇayā-)  |
pariṇāya | m. leading round  |
pariṇāya | m. moving or a move (at chess etc.)  |
pariṇāyaka | m. a leader, guide (in a-parīṇ-,being without a guide)  |
pariṇāyaka | m. a husband  |
pariṇāyaka | m. equals -ratna-  |
pariṇayana | n. the act of leading round (see prec.) , marrying, marriage  |
pariṇayavidhi | m. marriage-ceremony  |
pariṇayena | ind. round about  |
pariṇetavya | mfn. to be led round or married  |
pariṇetavya | mfn. to be exchanged or bartered against (instrumental case)  |
pariṇetṛ | m. "one who leads round", a husband  |
pariṇeya | mfn. to be led round  |
pariṇeyā | f. to be led round the fire or married (as a bride)  |
pariṇeyā | f. to be investigated or found out  |
pariṇeyā | f. to be exchanged for or bartered against (instrumental case)  |
pariṇi | for pari-ni-, according to before a number of roots, viz. gad-, ci-, dā-, dih-, drā-, dhā- (See below), nad-, pat-, pad-, psā-, mā-, me-, yam-, yā-, vap-, vah-, viś- (See below), śam-, so-, han- (See below) .  |
pariṇī | ( nī-) P. A1. -ṇayati-, te- (perfect tense A1. -ṇinye- ; -ṇayām āsa- ;3. plural Aorist -aneṣata- ; ind.p. -ṇīya- ), to lead or bear or carry about or round etc. etc., (especially) to lead a bride and bridegroom round the sacrificial fire (with 2 accusative) to marry (said of a bridegroom) etc. ; to lead forward to, put or place anywhere (agram-,at the head) , ; to carry away ; to trace out, discover, investigate ; (with anyathā-) to explain otherwise : Causal -ṇāyayati-, to pass or spend (time) ; (also ṇāpayati-), to cause a man to marry a woman (accusative)  |
pariṇidhā | ( ) P. -dadhāti-, to place or lay round ; ind.p. -ni-dhāya- (l)  |
pariṇihan | ( ) P. -hanti-, to encompass (with stakes etc. fixed in) around ; to strike, smite (Bombay edition and Calcutta edition -nighnantyaḥ-!).  |
pariniḥstan | P. -stanati-, to groan loud  |
parinimna | mfn. much depressed, deeply hollowed  |
pariṇiṃsā | f. eating, kissing |
pariṇiṃsaka | mfn. ( niṃs-) tasting, eating, an eater (with genitive case)  |
pariṇiṃsaka | mfn. kissing  |
pariṇinaṃsu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative) about to stoop or to make a side thrust (with the tusks, as an elephant)  |
parinind | P. -nindati- (or -ṇindati- ), to censure or blame severely  |
parinindā | f. strong censure  |
parinindā | f. censoriousness  |
parinindana | n. gaRa kṣubhnādi-.  |
parinirhan | (only imperative -jahi-), to drive away, expel  |
parinirjita | mfn. ( ji-) vanquished, conquered  |
parinirluṭh | P. -luṭhati-, to roll down  |
parinirmita | mfn. (3. mā-) formed, created (said of viṣṇu-)  |
parinirmita | mfn. marked off, limited  |
parinirmita | mfn. settled, determined  |
parinirṇij | ( nij-;only ind.p. -ṇijya-), to wash, cleanse  |
parinirvā | P. -vāti-, to be completely extinguished or emancipated (from individual existence), attain absolute rest : Causal -vāpayati-, to emancipate completely by causing extinction of all re-births  |
parinirvapaṇa | n. (2. vap-) distributing, dispensing, giving  |
parinirviṇṇa | mfn. (3. vid-) extremely disgusted with (locative case)  |
parinirvivapsā | f. (fr. Desiderative) desire of giving, liberality.  |
parinirvivapsu | mfn. desirous of giving  |
parinirvṛta | mfn. (1. vṛ-) completely extinguished, finally liberated  |
parinirvṛti | f. final liberation, complete emancipation  |
pariniṣad | ( sad-) P. -ṣīdati- (3. plural perfect tense A1. -ṣedire- ind.p. -ṣadya-) to sit around |
pariniścaya | m. fixed opinion or resolution  |
pariniṣev | ( sev-) A1. -ṣevate- ,prob. wrong reading for -ṣecyate- ( sic-).  |
pariniṣic | ( sic-) P. -ṣiñcati- to pour down upon, endow richly (see next) .  |
pariniśnath | (only Aorist -śiśnathaḥ-), to push or strike down  |
pariniṣpad | A1. -padyate-, to change or turn into (Nominal verb)  |
pariniṣpādita | mfn. (fr. Causal) developed, manifested  |
pariniṣpanna | mfn. developed, perfect, real, existing  |
pariniṣpannatva | n. real being, reality  |
pariniṣpatti | f. perfection  |
pariṇiṣṭhā | See pari-niṣṭhā-.  |
pariniṣṭhā | ( sthā-), Causal -ṣṭhāpayati- to teach thoroughly  |
pariniṣṭhā | f. extreme limit, highest point  |
pariniṣṭhā | f. complete knowledge, familiarity with (locative case or compound)  |
pariniṣṭhāna | n. (only a-n-). the being completely fixed  |
pariniṣṭhāna | mfn. having a final end or object  |
pariniṣṭhāpanīya | mfn. to be exactly fixed or defined  |
pariniṣṭhita | mfn. quite perfect, accomplished  |
pariniṣṭhita | mfn. being in (locative case)  |
pariniṣṭhita | mfn. completely skilled in or acquainted with (locative case or compound)  |
pariṇīta | mfn. led round, married  |
pariṇīta | mfn. completed, finished, executed  |
pariṇīta | n. marriage  |
pariṇītabhartṛ | m. (prob.) a husband who has married (but not yet led home) his wife  |
pariṇītapūrvā | f. a woman married before  |
pariṇītaratna | n. (with ) one of the 7 treasures of a cakra-vartin-  |
pariṇiviś | ( ), to sit down about  |
parinivṛt | A1. -vartate-, to pass away  |
parinṛt | P. -n/ṛtyati-, to dance about or round (accusative)  |
pariṇud | ( nud-) P. -ṇudati- to pierce, hurt, wound  |
pariṇuta | mfn. (4. nu-) praised, celebrated  |
parinyāsa | m. completing the sense of a passage  |
parinyāsa | m. alluding to the development of the seed (bīja-) or origin of a dramatic plot  |
parinyasta | mfn. (2. as-) stretched out, extended  |
paripā | P. -pibati-, to drink before or after (accusative) ; to drink or suck out, take away, rob  |
paripā | P. -pāti-, (Aorist subjunctive -pāsati- ), to protect or defend on every side, to guard, maintain etc.  |
paripac | P. -pacati-, to bring to maturity : Passive voice -pacyate-, to be cooked ; to be burnt (in hell) ; to become ripe, (figuratively) have results or consequences ; approach one's end or issue : Causal -pācayati-, to cook, roast ; to cause to ripen, bring to maturity or perfection  |
paripacana | n. equals tailapācanikā-  |
paripācana | mfn. cooking, ripening  |
paripācana | mfn. (figuratively) bringing to maturity  |
paripācana | n. the act of bringing to maturity  |
paripācanatā | f. the act of bringing to maturity  |
paripācayitṛ | mfn. cooking, ripening  |
paripācita | mfn. cooked, roasted  |