pad | cl.1 P. padati- varia lectio for bad-, to stand fast or fixed |
pad | cl.4 A1. () padyate- (ti- ; Potential padyām- ; imperative patsva- ; perfect tense papāda- ; pede- ; Aorist apadmahi-, dran- [ subjunctive padāti- ]; apatsi-, patthās- ; preceding padīṣṭ/a- ; future patsyati- ; te- ; pattā- grammar; infinitive mood p/attave- ; tos-, tum- ; -p/adas- ; ind.p. -p/adya- ; -p/ādam- ), to fall, fall down or out, perish ; to go, resort or apply to, participate in (accusative), keep, observe : Causal pād/ayati-, te-, to cause to fall (Passive voice pādyate- ; Desiderative pipādayiṣati- etc.) ; padayate-, to go : Desiderative pitsate- : Intensive panīpadyate- ; panīpadīti- |
pad | m. (in strong cases p/ād-; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(pad-or padī-).) a foot (padā-, padbhyām-and bhis-,also"on foot" etc.; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' also"sticking to the feet of"; see śrī-viṣṇu-padī-) |
pad | m. a step |
pad | m. a fourth part, a quarter [ confer, compare pada-; Greek , ; Latin pes,ped-is; Gothic fo7tus; Anglo-Saxon fo7t; English foot; German Fuss.] |
pada | n. (rarely m.) a step, pace, stride |
pada | n. a footstep, trace, vestige, mark, the foot itself, etc. (padena-,on foot; pade pade-,at every step, everywhere, on every occasion; trīṇi padāni viṣṇoḥ-,the three steps or footprints of viṣṇu- [i.e. the earth, the air, and the sky; see ],also Name of a constellation or according to some"the space between the eyebrows"; sg. viṣṇoḥ padam-Name of a locality; padaṃ-dā-, padāt padaṃ-gam-or cal-,to make a step, move on; padaṃ-kṛ-,with locative case to set foot in or on, to enter;with mūrdhni-,to set the foot upon the head of [ genitive case ] id est overcome;with citte-or hṛdaye-,to take possession of any one's heart or mind;with locative case or prati-,to have dealings with padaṃ ni-dhā-with locative case,to set foot in = to make impression upon;with padavyām-,to set the foot on a person's [ genitive case or in the beginning of a compound ]track, to emulate or equal; padam ni-bandh-with locative case,to enter or engage in) |
pada | n. a sign, token, characteristic |
pada | n. a footing, standpoint |
pada | n. position, rank, station, site, abode, home etc. (padam ā-tan-,to spread or extend one's position; padāt padam bhrāmayitvā-,having caused to wander from place to place) |
pada | n. a business affair, matter, object or cause of (genitive case or compound) etc. |
pada | n. a pretext |
pada | n. a part, portion, division (see dvi--, tri--) |
pada | n. a square on a chess-board |
pada | n. a plot of ground |
pada | n. the foot as a measure of length (= 12 or 15 fingers' breadth, or 1/2 or 1/3 or 3/7 of a prakrama-) |
pada | n. a ray of light (m. ) |
pada | n. a portion of a verse, quarter or line of a stanza etc. |
pada | n. a word or an inflected word or the stem of a noun in the middle cases and before some taddhita-s |
pada | n. equals pada-pāṭha- |
pada | n. common Name of the parasmE-pada and Atmane-pada |
pada | n. any one in a set of numbers the sum of which is required |
pada | n. a period in an arithmetical progression |
pada | n. a square root |
pada | n. a quadrant |
pada | n. protection [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin peda;op-pidumforop-pedum.] |
padabandha | m. a footstep, pace |
padabhañjana | n. separation or analysis or explanation of words |
padabhañjikā | f. a commentary which separates or analyses or explains words |
padabhañjikā | f. a register, journal, calendar or almanac |
padabhāvārthacandrikā | f. Name of work |
padābhihoma | m. pouring out the oblation (homa-) upon a footprint |
padābhilāṣin | mfn. wishing for an office |
padabhraṃśa | m. loss of a place, dismissal from an office |
padābja | n. equals pada-kamala- |
padacandrikā | f. "elucidation of words", Name of several works. |
padacaturūrdhva | n. a kind of metre (in which every pada- is 4 syllables longer than the preceding) |
padaccheda | separation of words at a particular place, caesura, |
padacihna | n. a foot-words (in speaking), parsing |
padacyuta | mfn. fallen from a position, dismissed from office |
padadārḍhya | n. fixedness or security of text, |
padadevatā | f. a deity supposed to preside over a particular class of words (see -gotra-). |
padādhyāhāravāda | m. Name of work |
padādhyayana | n. the recitation of the veda- according to the pada-pāṭha- |
padādhyāyin | mfn. reciting the veda- in this way |
padādi | m. the beginning of a verse or of a word |
padadīpikā | f. Name of several works. |
padādyavid | m. (or dya-vid-) a bad student (literally who does not know or who knows only the beginning of verses or words) |
padadyotinī | f. Name of commentator or commentary on |
padaga | mfn. going on foot |
padaga | m. a footman, foot-soldier |
padagāḍha | m. or n. Name of work |
padagata | mfn. gone on foot |
padagata | mfn. described or recorded in a line or stanza |
padagati | f. going on foot, manner of going, gait |
padāghāta | m. a stroke with the foot, a kick |
padāghāta | m. "foot-blow", a kick |
padaghātam | ind. (with han-) to strike with the feet upon (accusative) |
padagotra | n. a family supposed to preside over a particular class of words (see -devatā-). |
padāhata | mfn. struck by the foot, kicked |
padahita | m. the substitute for a husband, |
padaikadeśa | m. a part of a word |
padajāta | n. a class of words |
padajāta | n. a group of (connected) words, a sentence or period |
padāji | m. (fr. pada-+ āji-? ) a footman, foot-soldier |
padajñā | mfn. knowing places or one's own place (id est home) |
padajyotis | n. Name of work |
padaka | mfn. versed in the pada-pāṭha- (gaRa kramādi-) |
padaka | m. a kind of ornament (equals niṣka-) |
padaka | m. Name of a man |
padaka | m. plural his descendants gaRa yaskādi- |
padaka | n. a step, pace |
padaka | n. an office, dignity |
padaka | n. a foot |
padakāla | m. equals -pāṭha- |
padakamala | n. a lotus-like foot |
padakāra | m. the author of the pada-pāṭha- |
padakārikāratnamālā | f. Name of work |
padakaumudī | f. Name of work |
padakrama | m. a series of steps, pace, walking (see citra-padakramam-) |
padakrama | m. a series of quarters of verses |
padakrama | m. a particular method of reciting or writing the veda- (See krama-) |
padakrama | m. plural (or in the beginning of a compound) the pada-pāṭha- and the different krama-pāṭha-s |
padakramaka | n. the pada-- and krama-pāṭha- |
padakramalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work |
padakramavid | mfn. familiar with the pada- and krama-pāṭha- |
padākrānta | mfn. following at one's heels |
padakṛt | m. equals -kāra- |
padakṛtya | n. Name of commentator or commentary on |
padālika | m. equals dhundhumāra- (varia lectio pād-). |
padamālā | f. "word-wreath", a magical formula, an incantation |
padamañjarī | f. Name of various works. |
padāmbhoja | n. equals pada-kamala- |
padāmnāyasiddhi | f. Name of work |
padana | mfn. who or what goes or moves (see ) . |
padāṅgī | f. Cissus Pedata |
padāṅguṣṭha | m. the great toe (varia lectio pād-). |
padanī | mfn. following the steps of another |
padanidhana | mfn. having the nidhana- (q.v) at the end of every quarter of a verse (as a sāman-), |
padanīya | mfn. to be investigated ( padanīyatva -tva- n. ) |
padanīyatva | n. padanīya |
padāṅka | m. footmark |
padāṅkadūta | m. "the messenger of the footmark (kṛṣṇa-)", Name of a poem. |
padānta | m. the end of a line in a stanza |
padānta | m. the end of a word |
padānta | mfn. ending with the word pada- |
padāntara | n. an interval of one step (re sthitvā-,stopping after taking one step) (see a-pad-) |
padāntara | n. another word |
padāntaśuddhāśuddhīya | n. Name of a sāman- |
padāntīya | mfn. being at the end of a word, final. () |
padāntya | mfn. being at the end of a word, final. () |
padānuga | mfn. following at one's (genitive case) heels, an attendant or companion (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
padānuga | mfn. suitable, agreeable to |
padānurāga | m. a servant |
padānurāga | m. an army |
padanuṣaṅga | m. anything appended to a pada- or quarter of a verse (see padānuṣ-). |
padānuṣaṅga | m. anything added or appended to a pada- (see pad-anuṣ-). |
padānusāra | m. following at one's heels |
padānusāra | m. reṇa upa-labh-, to overtake |
padānuśāsana | n. the science of words, grammar |
padānusvāra | n. Name of particular sāman-s |
padānveṣin | mfn. following a footmark |
padanyāsa | m. putting down the feet, step, footmark etc. |
padanyāsa | m. position of the feet in a particular attitude |
padanyāsa | m. conduct, procedure (?) idem or 'm. position of the feet in a particular attitude ' |
padanyāsa | m. writing down (quarters of) verses |
padanyāsa | m. Asteracantha Longifolia or Tribulus Lanuginosus |
padapaddhati | f. a series or row of footsteps |
padapadma | n. equals -kamala- |
padapañcaka | m. or n. Name of work |
padapaṅkaja | n. equals -kamala- |
padapaṅkti | f. a series of footsteps, track |
padapaṅkti | f. a series of words |
padapaṅkti | f. a kind of metre (of 5 pada-s of 5 syllables each) |
padapaṅkti | f. a sacred brick called after this metre |
padapāta | m. foot-fall, tread, step |
padapāṭha | m. the pada- method of recitation or writing (a method of arranging each word of a Vedic text separately in its original form[ see pada-]without regard to the rules of saṃdhi-; see krama-and saṃhitā-pāṭha-) |
padapūraṇa | mfn. filling out or completing a verse |
padapūraṇa | n. the action of completing a verse |
padāra | m. the dust of the feet |
padāra | m. a boat |
padaracanā | f. arrangement of words, literary composition |
padaratnāvalī | f. |
padāravinda | n. equals pada-kamala- |
padārtha | m. the meaning of a word etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' also -ka- ) |
padārtha | m. that which corresponds to the meaning of a word, a thing, material object, man, person |
padārtha | m. a head, subject (16 with naiyāyika-s) |
padārtha | m. a category, predicament (7 with vaiśeṣika-s, 25 with sāṃkhya-s, 7 with vedāntin-s) |
padārtha | m. a principle ( padārthatritaya -tritaya- n.a triad of principles ) |
padārthabhāskara | m. Name of work |
padārthabodha | m. Name of work |
padārthacandrikā | f. Name of work |
padārthādarśa | m. Name of work |
padārthadharmasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
padārthadīpikā | f. Name of work |
padārthadīpinī | f. Name of work |
padārthaguṇacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work |
padārthakaumudī | f. Name of work |
padārthakaumudīkośa | m. Name of work |
padārthakaumudīsārakośa | m. Name of work |
padārthakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work |
padārthakhaṇḍanaṭippaṇavyākhyā | f. Name of work |
padārthamālā | f. Name of work |
padārthamālāvṛtti | f. Name of work |
padārthamaṇimālā | f. Name of work |
padārthanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work |
padārthānusamaya | m. the performance of one ritual act for all objects in orderly succession before performing another act for all objects in the same order etc. (see kāṇḍānus-) |
padārthapārijāta | m. Name of work |
padārthapradeśa | m. Name of work |
padārthaprakāśa | m. Name of work |
padārthaprakāśikā | f. Name of work |
padārtharatnamālā | f. Name of work |
padārtharatnamañjūṣā | f. Name of work |
padārthasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
padārthasarasī | f. Name of work |
padārthatattva | n. Name of work |
padārthatattvanirṇaya | n. Name of work |
padārthatattvanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work |
padārthatattvavivecana | n. Name of work |
padārthatritaya | n. padārtha |
padārthavidyāsāra | m. Name of work |
padārthaviveka | m. Name of work |
padārthīyadivyacakṣus | n. Name of work |
padārthoddeśa | m. Name of work |
padāsa | See padāsa-, sana- under pada-. |
padāsa | (or d-āsa-?) n. Name of 2 sāman-s |
padaśabda | m. the noise of footsteps |
padasadhātu | n. a manner of singing |
padasamaya | m. equals -pāṭha- |
padasaṃdarbha | m. Name of work |
padasaṃdhāna | n. putting together words (writing them into one word), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
padasaṃdhi | m. the euphonic combination of words |
padasaṃghāṭa | m. connecting those words together which in the saṃhitā- are separated by a kind of refrain Va1rtt. 3 |
padasaṃghāta | m. idem or 'm. connecting those words together which in the saṃhitā- are separated by a kind of refrain Va1rtt. 3 ' |
padasaṃghāta | m. a writer, an annotator, one who collects or classifies words |
padasaṃhitā | f. equals -pāṭha- |
padasaṃtāna | m. combination of words, |
padasamūha | m. a series of words or parts of verses |
padasamūha | m. equals -pāṭha- |
padāsana | See padāsa-, sana- under pada-. |
padāsana | n. a footstool |
padaśas | ind. step by step, gradually |
padaśas | ind. word by word, |
padaśāstra | n. the science of separately written words, Scholiast or Commentator |
padaśreṇi | f. a series of steps |
padastha | mfn. standing on one's feet, going on foot |
padastha | mfn. equals -sthita- |
padasthāna | n. footprint, footmark |
padasthita | mfn. being in a station or office |
padaṣṭhīva | n. sg. the feet and knees |
padastobha | m. Name of several sāman-s |
padastobha | m. Name of work |
padatā | f. the original form of a word |
padatā | f. equals next |
padāta | wrong reading for next and pādāta-. |
padāti | mfn. (fr. pada-+ āti-? ) going or being on foot |
padāti | m. a pedestrian, footman, foot-soldier etc. |
padāti | m. a peon (in chess) |
padāti | m. Name of a son of janam-ejaya- |
padātijana | m. a footman, pedestrian |
padātijanasaṃkula | mfn. mingled with footmen or pedestrian |
padātika | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a footman, foot-soldier, peon |
padātilava | m. a most humble (literally atom) servant (see bhṛtyaparamāṇu-). |
padātimātra | m. only a foot-soldier |
padātin | mfn. having foot-soldiers |
padātin | mfn. going or being on foot |
padātin | m. a foot-soldier |
padātīya | m. equals prec. m. |
padatva | n. the state of (being) a word, |
padatvarā | f. "foot-speeder (?)", a shoe |
padātyadhyakṣa | m. a commander of infantry |
padavādya | n. (in music) a sort of drum. |
padāvagrāham | ind. making a pause after every quarter of a verse |
padavākyaratnākara | m. Name of work |
padavākyaratnākarakārikāsaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
padavākyārthapañjikā | f. Name of work |
padāvalī | f. a series of verses or words |
padāvalī | f. Name of a grammar. |
padavāmīka | m. elephantiasis, |
padavāya | m. ( vī-) a leader, guide, forerunner |
padavedin | m. "acquainted with words", a linguist or philologist |
padavi | f. equals -vī-, a way, path |
padavī | m. (Nominal verb s-) a leader, guide, forerunner (see -vāya-) |
padavī | f. (Nominal verb vī-) a road, path, way, track, reach, range |
padavī | f. accusative with gam-, yā- etc., to go the way of (see under artha-padavī-, ghana--, pavana--, mokṣa--, yauvana--, sādhu--, smaraṇa--, hāsya--; padam-dhā-or ni-dhā padavyām-[comp. or genitive case ],to tread in the footsteps of a person id est imitate or rival him) etc. |
padavī | f. station, situation, place, site |
padaviccheda | () m. separation of words. |
padavid | mfn. conversant or familiar with (genitive case) (see -jñā-). |
padavigraha | () m. separation of words. |
padāvihāra | m. paying honour by walking round |
padavikṣepa | m. a step, pace, walking |
padavikṣepa | m. a horse's paces |
padavirāma | m. the pause after a quarter of a verse |
padaviṣṭambha | m. tread, step, stamp with the foot |
padavīya | n. footsteps, track (if not accusative for vy/am-). |
padavṛtti | f. the hiatus between two words in a sentence |
padavṛtti | f. Name of commentator or commentary on |
padāvṛtti | f. the repetition of a word |
padāvṛtti | f. (in rhetoric) the repetition of the same word with another meaning |
padavyākhyāna | n. explanation of words gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-. |
padāyata | mfn. as long as a footprint |
padāyatā | f. a shoe |
padayojana | n. Name of work |
padayojanā | f. Name of work |
padayojanikā | f. Name of work |
padayopana | mf(ī-)n. destroying (n. the act of destroying) the footsteps |
paddhaḍī | f. (in music) a kind of composition (prob. Prakrit equals -dhatī-See next) |
paddhati | f. (for -hati-) "foot-stroke", a way, path, course, line etc. (also tī- gaRa bahv-ādi-) |
paddhati | f. sign, token |
paddhati | f. Name of a class of writings (described as guide-books or manuals for particular rites and ceremonies and the texts relating to them) and of several works. |
paddhati | f. a family N. or title (or rather the characteristic word denoting caste or occupation in comps. serving as proper names exempli gratia, 'for example' -gupta-, -dāsa-at the end of vaiśya- and śūdra- names). |
paddhatibhūṣaṇa | n. Name of work |
paddhaticandrikā | f. Name of work |
paddhaticintāmaṇi | m. Name of work |
paddhatiprakāśa | m. Name of work |
paddhatiprakāśikā | f. Name of work |
paddhatiratna | n. Name of work |
paddhatisāra | m. Name of work |
paddhima | (for -hima-) n. coldness of the feet |
padeka | m. a hawk, falcon |
padga | mfn. going on foot, pedestrian |
padga | m. a foot-soldier |
padghoṣa | m. the noise of feet or footsteps |
padi | m. (prob.) a kind of animal ; equals gantu- ). |
padibaddha | mf(ā-)n. (locative case of 3. pad-+ b-) tied or bound by the feet |
padikā | f. See tri-padikā- and dvi-p-. |
padika | mf(ī-)n. going on foot, pedestrian gaRa parpādi- |
padika | mf(ī-)n. one pada- long |
padika | mf(ī-)n. comprising (only) one partition or division |
padika | n. the point of the foot |
padīkṛ | to raise to the square root |
padīkṛtatva | n. the being raised etc. |
padira | m. a road, |
padma | mn. (2. or 3. pad-?) a lotus (especially the flower of the lotus-plant Nelumbium Speciosum which closes towards evening;often confounded with the water-lily or Nymphaea Alba) etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) |
padma | m. the form or figure of a lotus (a N. given by the tāntrika-s to the 6 divisions of the upper part of the body called cakra-s q.v) |
padma | m. a particular mark or mole on the human body |
padma | m. red or coloured marks on the face or trunk of an elephant |
padma | m. a particular part of a column or pillar |
padma | m. a kind of temple |
padma | m. an army arrayed in the form of a lotus |
padma | m. a particular posture of the body in religious meditation, (see padmāsana-) |
padma | m. a kind of coitus |
padma | m. one of the 9 treasures of kubera- (also personified) |
padma | m. one of the 8 treasures connected with the magical art called padminī- etc. |
padma | m. a particular high number (1000 millions or billions) etc. |
padma | m. a particular constellation |
padma | m. Name of a particular cold hell |
padma | m. a particular fragrant substance (varia lectio maka-) |
padma | m. the root of Nelumbium Speciosum |
padma | m. a species of bdellium |
padma | m. lead |
padma | m. a species of plant |
padma | m. an elephant |
padma | m. a species of serpent |
padma | m. Name of rāma- (son of daśa-ratha-) |
padma | m. of two serpent-demons etc. |
padma | m. of one of the attendants of skanda- |
padma | m. of a mythical buddha- |
padma | m. (with jaina-s) Name of the 9th cakra-vartin- in bhārata- and of one of the 9 white bala-s |
padma | m. Name of a king |
padma | m. of a prince of kaśmīra- (founder of padma-pura- and of a temple;See padma-svāmin-) |
padma | m. of another man |
padma | m. of a Brahman |
padma | m. of a mythical elephant (see mahā-padma-) |
padma | m. of a monkey |
padma | m. of a mountain |
padmā | f. "the lotus-hued one", Name of śrī- etc. (see padma-śrī-) |
padma | m. a species of plant (Clerodendrum Siphorantus or Hibiscus Mutabilis ) |
padma | m. cloves |
padma | m. the flower of Carthamus Tinctoria |
padma | m. Name of the mother of muni-suvrata- (the 20th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-) |
padma | m. of a female serpent-demon (= the goddess manasā-, wife of the sage jarat-kāru-; see padma-priyā-) |
padma | m. of a daughter of king bṛhadratha- and wife of kalki- |
padma | mfn. lotus-hued, being of the colour of a lotus |
padmabandha | m. an artificial arrangement of the words of a verse in a figure representing a lotus-flower |
padmabandhu | m. "friend of the lotus", Name of the sun |
padmabandhu | m. a bee |
padmabandhukula | n. Name of a family |
padmabhāśa | m. "brilliant with (or like) a lotus", Name of viṣṇu- (varia lectio -nābha-; see -hāsa-). |
padmabhava | m. equals -ja- |
padmabhū | m. equals -ja- |
padmabīja | n. lotus-seed |
padmabījābha | mfn. "resembling the lotus-seed", the seed of Euryala Ferox |
padmācala | m. Name of a mountain |
padmacaraṇa | m. "lotus-foot", Name of a disciple of śaṃkarācārya- |
padmacāriṇī | f. Hibiscus Mutabilis |
padmacāriṇī | f. a particular personification |
padmācārya | m. Name of a teacher |
padmadalekṣaṇa | mfn. lotus-(leaf-)eyed |
padmadarśana | m. "looking like a lotus", the resin of the Pinus Longifolia |
padmadarśana | m. Name of a man |
padmadhara | m. "lotus-bearer", Name of a prince |
padmādhīśa | m. Name of viṣṇu-, |
padmādi | m. a lotus-flower etc. |
padmāditva | n. |
padmagandha | mf(ā-)n. smelling like a lotus |
padmagandhi | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. smelling like a lotus ' |
padmagandhi | n. Cerasus Puddum |
padmagarbha | m. the interior or calyx of a lotus |
padmagarbha | m. "sprung from a lotus or containing lotuses", Name of brahmā- (Introd.) |
padmagarbha | m. of viṣṇu- |
padmagarbha | m. of śiva- |
padmagarbha | m. of the sun |
padmagarbha | m. of a lake |
padmagarbha | m. of a buddha- |
padmagarbha | m. of a bodhisattva- |
padmagarbha | m. of a Brahman who was changed into a swan |
padmagiripurāṇa | n. Name of a legend. |
padmagṛhā | f. "lotus-housed", Name of lakṣmi- |
padmagupta | m. Name of a poet (called also pari-mala-) |
padmahāsa | m. "smiling like or with a lotus", Name of viṣṇu- (see -bhāsa-). |
padmahasta | m. a particular measure of length |
padmahemamaṇi | m. Name of a teacher |
padmāhvā | f. Hibiscus Mutabilis |
padmāhvaya | m. Cerasus Puddum |
padmaja | m. "lotus-born", Name of brahmā- |
padmajātaka | n. Name of work |
padmajāti | f. equals -bandha- |
padmaka | mn. red spots on the skin of an elephant |
padmaka | mn. the wood of Cerasus Puddum etc. |
padmaka | m. an army arrayed in the form of a lotus-flower |
padmaka | m. a species of tree (Bombay edition) |
padmaka | m. Name of a particular constellation |
padmaka | m. of several men |
padmaka | n. a particular posture in sitting |
padmaka | n. Costus Speciosus or Arabicus |
padmakalikā | f. an unblown lotus |
padmakalyāṇakhaṇḍa | n. Name of chapter of a |
padmakandāda | m. a species of bird |
padmakara | m. a lotus-like hand |
padmakara | mf(ā-)n. lotus in hand |
padmakara | m. Name of the sun |
padmakarā | f. Name of śrī- |
padmākara | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a lotus-pool or an assemblage of lotuses |
padmākāra | mfn. lotus-shaped |
padmākarabhaṭṭa | m. Name of author |
padmākaradeva | m. Name of author |
padmakarkaṭī | f. lotus-seed |
padmakarṇika | m. or n. (?) the pericarp of a lotus or the central part of an army arrayed in that form |
padmakarṇikā | f. the pericarp of a lotus or the central part of an army arrayed in that form |
padmakarṇikā | f. Name of a surāṅganā- |
padmakāṣṭha | n. the wood of Cerasus Puddum |
padmakesara | n. the filament of a lotus |
padmaketana | m. Name of a son of garuḍa- |
padmaketu | m. a particular comet |
padmakhaṇḍa | n. a quantity of lotuses |
padmakhaṇḍa | n. Name of chapter of the brahmāṇḍa-purāṇa- |
padmakhaṇḍanagara | n. Name of a city |
padmakin | m. Betula Bhojpatra |
padmakīṭa | m. a species of venomous insect |
padmakośa | m. the calyx of a lotus (śāya- Nom. A1. yate-,to resemble the calyx of a lotus ; śi-kṛ-,to make into the calyx of a lotus ) |
padmakośa | m. a particular position of the fingers resembling the calyx of a lotus |
padmakośa | m. Name of work (also padmakośajātaka -jātaka- n.) |
padmakośajātaka | n. padmakośa |
padmākṣa | mf(ī-)n. lotus-eyed idem or 'mfn. lotus-shaped ' |
padmākṣa | n. lotus-seed |
padmakṣetra | n. Name of one of 4 districts in Orissa held especially sacred |
padmakuṇḍa | n. a particular mystical figure |
padmakūṭa | m. Name of a prince of the vidyā-dhara-s |
padmakūṭa | n. Name of the palace of su-bhīmā- |
padmālaṃkārā | f. Name of a gandharvī- |
padmalāñchana | m. (L.)"lotus-marked" , a king |
padmalāñchana | m. Name of brahmā- |
padmalāñchana | m. of kubera-, the sun |
padmalāñchanā | f. Name of śrī- |
padmalāñchanā | f. of sarasvatī- |
padmalāñchanā | f. of tārā-. |
padmālaya | m. "dwelling in a lotus", Name of brahmā- |
padmālayā | f. Name of śrī- |
padmālaya | n. Name of a city |
padmalekhā | f. Name of a woman |
padmalīlāvilāsinī | f. Name of an astronomy work |
padmalocana | mfn. lotus-eyed |
padmamālin | mfn. lotus-garlanded |
padmamālin | m. Name of a rakṣas- |
padmamālinī | f. Name of śrī- |
padmamaya | mf(ī-)n. made or consisting of lotus-flowers |
padmamihira | m. "lotus-sun", Name of a writer of the history of kaśmīra- |
padmamukhī | f. Alhagi Maurorum |
padmamūla | n. lotus-root |
padmanābha | m. "lotus-naveled", Name of viṣṇu- (from whose navel sprang the lotus which contained brahmā-, the future creator) |
padmanābha | m. Name of the 11th month (reckoned from mārgaśīrṣa-) |
padmanābha | m. a magical formula spoken over weapons |
padmanābha | m. Name of a serpent-demon |
padmanābha | m. of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- |
padmanābha | m. of the first arhat- of the future ut-sarpiṇī- |
padmanābha | m. of several authors (also -tīrtha-, -datta-, -dīkṣita-, -purī-, -bhaṭṭa-, -yājñika-) and other men |
padmanābhabīja | n. the algebra of padma-nābha- |
padmanābhadvadaśī | f. Name of the 12th day in the light half of the month āśvayuja- |
padmanābhi | m. Name of viṣṇu- (see -nābhu-). |
padmanāla | m. a lotus stalk |
padmānanda | m. Name of a poet |
padmānandaśataka | n. his work |
padmanandi | m. Name of an author |
padmanandin | m. Name of an author |
padmanetra | m. "lotus-eyed", a species of bird |
padmanetra | m. Name of a future buddha- |
padmāṅghri | m. equals dma-pāda- |
padmanibhekṣaṇa | mfn. having eyes like lotus-leaves |
padmanidhi | m. Name of one of the 9 treasures of kubera- (also personified) |
padmanimīlana | n. the closing of a lotus |
padmāṅkamudrā | f. a particular mudrā- |
padmāntara | m. a lotus-leaf |
padmapada | m. equals -pāda- |
padmapāda | m. equals -caraṇa- (see pāda-padma-) |
padmapādācārya | m. Name of a teacher |
padmapādarahasya | n. Name of work |
padmapaṇḍita | m. Name of an author |
padmapāṇi | m. "lotus-handed"or"holding a lotus in the hand", Name of brahmā- |
padmapāṇi | m. of viṣṇu- |
padmapāṇi | m. of the bodhi-sattva- avalokiteśvara- |
padmapāṇi | m. the sun |
padmaparṇa | n. Costus Speciosus or Arabicus |
padmapattra | n. a lotus-leaf ( padmapattranibhekṣaṇa -nibhekṣaṇa- mfn.lotus-lotus-eyed. ) |
padmapattra | n. equals -parṇa- |
padmapattranibhekṣaṇa | mfn. padmapattra |
padmaprabha | m. Name of a future buddha- |
padmaprabha | m. of a deva-putra- |
padmaprabha | m. of 6th arhat- of present avasarpiṇī- |
padmaprabha | m. (with sūri-) of an author |
padmaprabhā | f. Name of a daughter of mahā-daṃṣṭra- |
padmaprabhu | m. Name of an author |
padmapriyā | f. Name of the goddess manasā- (wife of jarat-kāru-) |
padmapura | n. Name of a city |
padmapurāṇa | n. Name of several purāṇa-s. |
padmapuṣpa | m. Pterospermum Acerifolium |
padmapuṣpa | m. a species of bird |
padmapuṣpāñjalistotra | n. Name of a stotra-. |
padmarāga | m. "lotus-hued", a ruby (also -ka- ; padmarāgamaya ga-maya- mf(ī-)n.made or consisting of rubies ) |
padmarāgamaya | mf(ī-)n. padmarāga |
padmarāgī | f. Name of one of the tongues of agni- |
padmarāja | m. "lotus-king", Name of several men |
padmarāja | m. of a poet |
padmaratha | m. Name of several princes |
padmarati | f. Name of 2 princesses |
padmaratna | m. Name of the 23rd patriarch |
padmarekhā | f. "lotus-line", a line in the palm of the hand indicating the acquisition of great wealth |
padmarūpa | mf(ā-)n. lotus-hued |
padmarūpā | f. Name of śrī- |
padmasadman | m. "lotus-dweller", Name of brahmā- |
padmasadman | (also, probably) the sun, |
padmasamāsana | m. idem or '(also, probably) the sun, ' |
padmasambhava | m. equals -ja- |
padmasambhava | m. Name of a Buddhist teacher who founded the Red sect in Tibet |
padmasaṃhitā | f. Name of work |
padmasaṃkāśa | mfn. resembling a lotus |
padmāsana | n. a lotus as seat (especially of an idol) |
padmāsana | n. a particular posture in religious meditation (see ) |
padmāsana | n. a kind of coitus |
padmāsana | mf(ā-)n. sitting in a lotus or in the position called padmāsana- ( padmāsanatā -tā- f. ) |
padmāsana | m. Name of brahmā- |
padmāsana | m. of śiva- |
padmāsana | m. the sun |
padmāsanā | f. Name of the goddess manasā- |
padmāsanatā | f. padmāsana |
padmaṣaṇḍa | n. a multitude of lotuses (see -khaṇḍa-). |
padmasaras | n. lotus-lake, Name of several lakes |
padmaśas | ind. by thousands of billions |
padmasaugandhika | n. plural the flowers Nelumbium Speciosum and Nymphaea Alba |
padmasaugandhika | mfn. (a pond) abounding in these flowers etc. |
padmasaugandhikavat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. (a pond) abounding in these flowers etc.' |
padmaśāyinī | f. a species of bird |
padmaśekhara | m. Name of a king of the gandharva-s |
padmasena | m. Name of several men |
padmasenā | f. Name of a woman |
padmasnuṣā | f. () Name of gaṅgā- |
padmasnuṣā | f. of śrī- |
padmasnuṣā | f. of durgā-. |
padmaśrī | f. "beautiful as a lotus flower", Name of avalokiteśvara- |
padmaśrī | f. of a bodhi-sattva- |
padmaśrī | f. Name of several women |
padmaśrī | f. of a lady who wrote on kāma-śāstra- |
padmaśrīgarbha | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva-. |
padmasundara | m. Name of an author |
padmasūtra | n. a lotus-garland |
padmasvāmin | m. Name of a sacred edifice built by padma- |
padmasvastika | n. a svastika- mark consisting of lotus-flowers |
padmatā | f. the state or condition of a lotus |
padmāṭa | m. Cassia Tora |
padmatantu | m. the fibre of a lotus-stalk |
padmāvabhāsa | m. Name of a kind of philosopher's stone |
padmavāhinī | f. Name of work |
padmāvali | f. Name of work |
padmavanabāndhava | m. the sun (see padma-bandhu-) |
padmavanabāndhavavaṃśa | m. the race of kings descended from the sun (see sūrya-v-) |
padmavarcas | mfn. lotus-hued |
padmavarṇa | mfn. idem or 'mfn. lotus-hued ' |
padmavarṇa | m. Name of a son of yadu- |
padmavarṇaka | n. Costus Speciosus or Arabicus |
padmavāsā | f. equals -gṛhā- |
padmavat | mfn. full of lotus-flowers |
padmāvata | m. Name of a kingdom founded by padma-varṇa- |
padmavatī | f. Name of a wife of aśoka- (see padmā-vatī-) |
padmavatī | f. of a town |
padmāvatī | f. (see dma-v-and ) Hibiscus Mutabilis |
padmāvatī | f. a kind of Prakrit metre |
padmāvatī | f. Name of lakṣmī- |
padmāvatī | f. of the goddess manasā- |
padmāvatī | f. of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda- |
padmāvatī | f. of a surāṅganā- |
padmāvatī | f. of a jaina- deity |
padmāvatī | f. of a wife of king śṛgāla- |
padmāvatī | f. of a wife of yudhi-ṣṭhira- (king of kaśmīra-) |
padmāvatī | f. of the wife of jaya-deva- |
padmāvatī | f. of a wife of king vīra-bāhu- |
padmāvatī | f. of a wife of king naya-pāla- |
padmāvatī | f. of a poetess |
padmāvatī | f. of the city of ujjayinī- in the kṛta-yuga- |
padmāvatī | f. of another city. |
padmāvatī | f. of a river |
padmāvatī | f. of |
padmāvatīkalpa | m. Name of work |
padmāvatīpañcāṅga | n. Name of work |
padmāvatīpriya | m. "husband of padmavatī- (= manasā-)", Name of jarat-kāru- |
padmāvatīstotra | n. Name of work |
padmaveṣa | m. Name of a king of the vidyādhara-s |
padmaviṣaya | m. Name of a country |
padmavṛkṣa | m. Cerasus Puddum |
padmavṛṣabhavikrāmin | m. Name of a future buddha- |
padmavyākośa | n. a crevice shaped like a lotus-bud (made by a thief in a wall) |
padmavyūha | m. Name of a samādhi- |
padmāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to resemble the flower of Nelumbium Speciosum |
padmayoni | m. "lotus-born", Name of brahmā- etc. (also nin- ) |
padmayoni | m. of a buddha- |
padmayoni | m. of several men, |
padmeśaya | m. "sleeping in a lotus", Name of viṣṇu- |
padmin | mfn. spotted (as an elephant) |
padmin | mfn. possessing lotuses |
padmin | m. an elephant |
padminī | f. See next. |
padminī | f. (of prec.) Nelumbium Speciosum, a lotus (the whole plant in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (nīka-) mfn.; see abjinī-, nalinī-etc.) |
padminī | f. a multitude of lotuses or a lotus-pond etc. (see gaRa puṣkarādi-) |
padminī | f. a lotus-stalk |
padminī | f. a female elephant |
padminī | f. a particular magical art |
padminī | f. an excellent woman, a woman belonging to the first of the 4 classes into which the sex is divided |
padminī | f. Name of several women |
padminīkānta | m. "beloved of lotuses", Name of the sun |
padminīkaṇṭaka | m. a kind of leprosy |
padminīkhaṇḍa | n. a multitude or lake of lotuses |
padminīkhaṇḍa | n. Name of a city |
padminīpattra | n. a lotus-leaf. |
padminīśa | (nīśa-) m. the sun (see -kānta-). |
padminīṣaṇḍa | (and -pura-) n. Name of a city |
padminīvallabha | m. the sun (see -kānta-). |
padmiṣṭhā | f. Name of a woman |
padmodbhava | mf(ā-)n. sprung from a lotus |
padmodbhava | m. Name of brahmā- |
padmodbhava | m. of a man |
padmodbhavā | f. Name of the goddess manasā- |
padmodbhavaprādurbhāva | m. Name of chapter of |
padmopaniṣad | f. Name of an |
padmopaniṣaddīpikā | f. Name of commentator or commentary on it. |
padmotpalakumudvat | mfn. furnished with the lotus flowers called padma-, utpala- and kumuda- |
padmottama | m. Name of a samādhi- |
padmottama | m. of a particular world |
padmottama | m. of a buddha- living in padmottama- and of a future Buddha |
padmottara | m. Carthamus Tinctorius |
padmottara | m. Name of a buddha- |
padmottara | m. of the father of padma- |
padmottarātmaja | m. patronymic of the 9th cakra-vartin- in bhārata- |
padmottarikāśāka | n. a species of pot-herb |
padoccaya | m. (in dramatic language) accumulation of words which belong to the subject matter (exempli gratia, 'for example' ) |
padopahata | mfn. (prob.) equals padāhata- |
padopasaṃgrahaṇa | n. clasping the foot (of a teacher) |
padra | See . |
padra | m. (2. pad-?) a village or equals saṃveśa- (-vaḍa-, -saṇḍa-and -saḍa-[ ]perhaps wrong reading for -baṭu-,or -baṇḍa-,"village lad or cripple") |
padra | m. a road in a village |
padra | m. the earth |
padra | m. Name of a district |
padratha | m. a footman, foot-soldier |
paduka | m. plural Name of a people |
paduma | m. plural Name of a people |
padva | See . |
padva | n. (2. pad-?) the earth |
padva | n. a road |
padva | n. a car |
padva | mfn. See nisarga-padva-. |
padvan | m. a road, path, way |
padvat | mfn. having feet, running |
padvat | n. an animal that uses its feet for locomotion |
padvat | See . |
padya | mf(ā-)n. (fr. 3. pad-and pada-) relating or belonging to a foot |
padya | mf(ā-)n. hurting or coming in contact with the feet |
padya | mf(ā-)n. marked with footsteps |
padya | mf(ā-)n. measuring a pada- in length or breadth (also in compound with numerals; see ardha--, daśa--) |
padya | mf(ā-)n. consisting of pada-s or parts of verses |
padya | mf(ā-)n. consisting of one pada- |
padya | mf(ā-)n. forming the end, final, |
padya | m. a śūdra- (see paj-ja-) |
padya | m. a part of a word, verbal element |
padyā | f. footsteps, paces (plural) |
padya | m. a way, path, road |
padya | m. a foot as a measure of length |
padya | n. a verse, metre, poetry (opp. to gadya-,prose) |
padya | n. Name of several hymns. |
padyakādambarī | f. Name of work of kṣemendra-. |
padyālaya | m. Name of work |
padyamālā | f. Name of work |
padyamātrikā | f. a poem consisting only of verses, |
padyamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of verses |
padyāmṛtā | f. (in the beginning of a compound) nectar of poetry |
padyāmṛtasamudraṭīkā | f. Name of work |
padyāmṛtasarovara | n. Name of work |
padyāmṛtasopāna | n. Name of work |
padyāmṛtataraṃgiṇī | f. Name of work |
padyamuktāvalī | f. Name of work |
padyapañjāśikā | f. Name of work |
padyaprasūnāñjali | m. Name of work |
padyaracanā | f. Name of work |
padyasaṃgraha | m. Name of work |
padyaśataka | n. Name of work |
padyatmikopaniṣad | f. Name of an |
padyatrayīvyākhyāna | n. Name of a commentator or commentary on the first 3 verses of (also bhāgavata-trayī-vy-). |
padyāvali | f. Name of work |
padyaveṇī | f. Name of work |
abhiniṣpad | to come to (accusative) ; to enter into, become (with accusative) ; to appear : Causal -pādayati-, to bring to (accusative) |
abhipad | to come near or towards, approach ; to approach (a deity) for imploring her help ; to come up (as an auxiliary), assist ; to seize, catch, overpower, master etc. ; to take possession of ; to accept ; to undertake, devote one's self to (accusative) |
abhīpada | (varia lectio -pāda-) m. "whose foot or step is without fear", Name of a ṛṣi- |
abhīpada | abhīpāda See 1. a-bhī-. |
abhipadma | mfn. (said of elephants) having red spots on the skin |
abhiprapad | to come towards, reach at, enter into (accusative) etc. ; to resort to (accusative) etc. ; to undertake |
abhipratipad | P. (future -patsyati-) to begin with or at (accusative) |
abhisamāpad | A1. (perf. -pede-) to enter upon (accusative) |
abhisampad | Ved. -padyate-, to become ; to become similar to, be changed to (accusative) etc. ; to come to, arrive at, obtain : Causal -pādayati-, to make equal to, change into (accusative) |
abhisampad | f. idem or 'f. becoming anything, becoming similar or equal to ' |
abhisamprapad | -padyate- (equals abhi-sam-pad-) to be changed to, assume or obtain the shape of (accusative) |
abhyāpad | (Potential -padyeta-) to enter into, come to (accusative) |
abhyupadhā | -/upa-dadhāti-, to place upon ; to cover with (instrumental case) : P. A1. (3. plural -/upa-dadhati-, subjunctive 1. plural -d/adhāmahai-) to place upon (the fire) in addition or together with |
abhyupapad | A1. -padyate-, to approach in order to help etc. ; to ask for help ; to furnish with |
adhaḥpadma | n. (in architecture) a part of a cupola. |
ādhānapaddhati | f. idem or 'f. Name of work ' |
adhaspada | mfn. Ved. placed under the feet, under foot |
adhaspada | (/am-) n. the place under the feet |
adhaspadam | ind. under foot. |
adhikṣipadabjanetra | mfn. having eyes which eclipse the lotus. |
āḍhyapadi | ind., (gaRa dvidaṇḍy-ādi- q.v) |
āgamakalpadruma | m. Name (also title or epithet) of work (confer, compare -208) |
agnipada | m. "whose foot has stepped on the sacrificial fire place", Name of a horse |
āgnipada | mfn. (gaRa vyuṣṭādi- q.v) |
ahampadārtha | m. the Ego, Sa1m2khyas., Scholiast or Commentator |
aikapadika | mfn. (fr. eka-pada-), belonging to a simple word |
aikapadika | mfn. consisting of single words |
aikapadya | n. (See the last) unity of words, the state of being one word on |
ajapada | mfn. goat-footed. |
akhaṇḍopadhi | m. a quality not to be defined by words, |
akṣapad | m. (probably)"having his eyes fixed in abstraction on his feet" , Name of the philosopher gautama- |
akṣapad | m. see ākṣapāda-. |
akṣarasampad | f. fitness or completeness of the number of syllables, |
alabdhapada | mfn. one who has found no place in or has made no impression upon (locative case), |
allāpadīna | m. = $, Name (also title or epithet) of a king, (varia lectio). |
alpadakṣiṇa | mfn. defective in presents (as a ceremony) |
alpadarśana | ([ ]) mfn. of confined views, narrow-minded. |
alpadeśavṛttitva | see vyā-- vṛtta-, parasmE-pada 1039 |
alpadhana | mfn. of little wealth, not affluent |
alpadhī | mfn. weak-minded, having little sense, foolish |
alpadṛṣṭi | mfn. of confined views, narrow-minded. |
alpapadma | n. the red lotus |
amatapadārtha | mfn. having an unacceptable second sense |
ambupaddhati | f. current, stream, flow of water |
anāpad | f. absence of misfortune or calamity |
anapadeśa | m. an invalid argument. |
anapadhṛṣya | ind.p. not having overpowered |
anapadoṣya | mfn. not to be wasted, |
anipadyamāna | ([ a-nip/adyamāna- ]) mfn. not falling down (to sleep), untiring |
antaḥpadam | ind. in the middle of an inflected word |
antaḥpade | ind. in the middle of an inflected word |
antyapada | n. (in arithmetic) the last or greatest root (in the square) . |
anunāsikopadha | mfn. having a nasal penultimate |
anunāsikopadha | mfn. succeeding a syllable with a nasal sound. |
anunipad | -padyate-, to lie down by the side of |
anupad | to follow, attend, be fond of ; to enter ; to enter upon ; to notice, understand ; to handle. |
anupad | mfn. coming to pass |
anupada | mfn. following closely |
anupada | m. Name of a man or tribe, (gaRa upakādi- q.v) |
anupada | n. a chorus, refrain, burden of a song or words sung again after regular intervals |
anupada | n. Name of an upāṅga- belonging to the sāma-veda- |
anupada | n. word for word |
anupada | n. on the heels of, close behind or after. |
anupadam | ind. step by step |
anūpadas | to fail (or become extinct) after (accusative) |
anupadasta | ([ ]) or an-upadasya- ([ ]) or /an-upadasyat- ([ ]) or /an-upadasvat- ([ ]) or /an upadāsuka- ([ ]) mfn. not drying up, not decaying. |
anupadasūtra | n. a commentary explaining the text (of a brāhmaṇa-) word for word. |
anupadavī | f. a road followed after another |
anūpadeśa | m. a marshy country. |
anupadeṣṭavya | mfn. not to be commended, |
anupadeṣṭṛ | m. one who does not teach. |
anupadha | m. "having no penultimate", a letter or syllable (as a sibilant or h-) not preceded by another. |
anūpadhā | (generally P.), to place upon, pile up after or in addition to |
anupadhiśeṣa | mfn. in whom there is no longer a condition of individuality |
anupadhmāta | mfn. not blown upon, |
anūpadhṛ | Caus. -dhārayati-, to hold towards in addition to |
ānupadika | mfn. (fr. anu-pada-), following, pursuing, tracking |
ānupadika | mfn. knowing or studying the anupada- (q.v) song |
anupadin | m. a searcher, an inquirer, one who follows or seeks for |
anupadīnā | f. a boot, buskin |
anupadiṣṭa | mfn. untaught, uninstructed. |
ānupadya | mfn. being behind any one's steps |
anuprapad | to enter or approach or arrive after ; to follow, act in conformance to. |
anuṣṭupsampad | f. completion of an anu-ṣṭubh-, |
anvāpadīna | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king (varia lectio allāp-), |
anyapadārthapradhāna | mfn. having as chief sense that of another word (as a Bahu-vri1hi), Sch. |
anyāpadeśa | m. (= anyo- kti-), |
apad | or /a-pad- ([only ]) mfn. Nominal verb (m.) a-p/ād- (f.) a-p/ād- ([ ]) or a-p/adī- ([ ]), footless |
āpad | A1. -padyate- (perfect tense -pede- Aorist āpādi-,etc.) to come, walk near, approach ; to enter, get in, arrive at, go into etc. ; to fall in or into ; to be changed into, be reduced to any state ; to get into trouble, fall into misfortune ; etc. ; to get, attain, take possession ; to happen, occur etc.: Causal -pādayati- (Aorist 1. plural /ā-pīpadāma- ) to cause to enter, bring on ; to bring to any state ; to bring into trouble or misfortune etc. ; to bring near or towards, fetch, procure, produce, cause, effect etc. ; to procure for one's self, obtain, take possession ; to change, transform. |
āpad | f. misfortune, calamity, distress |
āpad | f. (āpadā- instrumental case), through mistake or error, unintentionally. |
apada | n. no place, no abode |
apada | n. the wrong place or time etc. |
apada | mfn. footless |
āpadā | f. misfortune, calamity |
apadādi | m. not the beginning of a pāda- |
apadah | to burn up, to burn out so as to drive out |
apadakṣiṇam | ind. away from the right, to the left side |
apadālaka | m. the sheat fish, |
apadama | mfn. without self-restraint |
apadama | mfn. of wavering fortune. |
apadāna | n. ( dai-?), a great or noble work (varia lectio) |
apadāna | n. (in pāli- for ava-dāna- q.v) a legend treating of former and future births of men and exhibiting the consequences of their good and evil actions. |
apadānta | m. not the end of a word, |
apadāntara | mfn. "not separated by a foot", adjoining, contiguous (varia lectio a-paṭāntara- q.v) |
apadāntaram | ind. without delay, immediately |
apadāntastha | mfn. not standing at the end of a word, not final, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding, Scholiast or Commentator |
apadarohiṇi | f. the parasitical plant Epidendron Tesselloides. |
apadarpa | mf(ā-)n. free from pride or self-conceit, |
apadārtha | m. nonentity. |
apadaruhā | f. the parasitical plant Epidendron Tesselloides. |
apadas | (3. plural -dasyanti-) to fail id est become dry |
apadaśa | mfn. (fr. daśan-), (any number) off or beyond ten |
apadaśa | mfn. (fr. daśā-), without a fringe (as a garment) |
apadastha | mfn. not being in its place |
apadastha | mfn. out of office. |
apadava | mfn. free from forest-fire. |
apadavāpad | mfn. free from the calamity of fire. |
āpaddharma | m. a practice only allowable in time of distress |
āpaddharma | m. misfortune ([ ]) |
apadeśa | m. assigning, pointing out |
apadeśa | m. pretence, feint, pretext, disguise, contrivance |
apadeśa | m. the second step in a syllogism (id est statement of the reason) |
apadeśa | m. a butt or mark |
apadeśa | m. place, quarter |
apadeśin | mfn. assuming the appearance or semblance of |
apadeśin | mfn. pretending, feigning |
apadeśya | mfn. to be indicated, to be stated |
āpadeva | m. (fr. 2. ap-), Name of the god of water (varuṇa-) |
āpadeva | m. Name of an author |
apadevatā | f. an evil demon. |
āpadevī | f. Name of a book written by the above (the mīmāṃsānyāya-prakāśa-). |
āpadgata | mfn. fallen into misfortune, unhappy. |
āpadgrasta | mfn. seized by misfortune, unfortunate, in misfortune. |
apadhā | (Imper. -dadhātu-; Aorist Passive voice -dhāyi-) to take off, place aside |
apadhā | f. hiding, shutting up |
apadham | (3. pl. -dhamanti- imperfect tense /apādhamat-2. sg. -adhamas-) to blow away or off |
apadhāv | to run away , to depart (from a previous statement), prevaricate |
apadhṛṣ | -dhṛṣ ṇoti-, to overcome, subdue, (see an-apadhṛṣya-.) |
apadhū | (1. sg. -dhūnomi-) to shake off |
apadhūma | mfn. free from smoke |
apadhuram | away from the yoke |
apadhvaṃs | -dhvaṃsati-, to scold, revile, [Comm. on] ("to drive or turn away") ; to fall away, be degraded () |
apadhvaṃsa | m. concealment |
apadhvaṃsa | m. "falling away, degradation", in compound with |
apadhvaṃsaja | mfn. "born from it", a child of a mixed or impure caste (whose father belongs to a lower[ ] or higher[ ] caste than its mother's). |
apadhvaṃsin | mfn. causing to fall, destroying, abolishing. |
apadhvānta | mfn. ( dhvan-), sounding wrong |
apadhvasta | mfn. degraded |
apadhvasta | mfn. reviled |
apadhvasta | mfn. abandoned, destroyed |
apadhvasta | m. a vile wretch lost to all sense of right |
apadhyai | to have a bad opinion of, curse mentally |
apadhyāna | n. envy, jealousy etc. |
apadhyāna | n. meditation upon things which are not to be thought of. |
apadibaddha | mfn. not bound on the foot, |
āpadika | m. "a bolt"or"a sapphire"(indra-- kīla- or indra-- nīla-), |
apadiś | (ind.p. -diśya-) to assign ; to point out, indicate, to betray, pretend, hold out as a pretext or disguise |
apadiśam | ind. in an intermediate region (of the compass), half a point |
apadiṣṭa | mfn. assigned as a reason or pretext. |
apadma | mf(ā-)n. having no lotus-flower, |
apadoṣa | mfn. faultless. |
apadṝ | Intens.p. apa-d/ardrat- mfn. tearing open |
apadrā | (Imper. 3. plural -drāntu-,2. sg. -drāhi-) to run away |
apadravya | n. a bad thing. |
apadṛṣṭi | f. a look of displeasure, |
apadru | idem or '(Imper. 3. plural -drāntu-,2. sg. -drāhi-) to run away ' |
āpaduddharaṇa | n. bringing out of trouble |
apadūṣaṇa | mfn. faultless, blameless, |
apaduṣpad | "not a failing step", a firm or safe step |
apadvāra | n. a side-entrance (not the regular door) |
āpadvinīta | mfn. disciplined or humbled by misfortune |
apalāpadaṇḍa | m. a fine imposed on one who denies or evades (in law). |
apapad | to escape, run away. |
apāpad | mfn. = apa-- vipad-, |
apāpada | mfn. = apa-- vipad-, |
apavipad | mfn. free from misfortune or calamity, Nalac: |
apipad | to go in, enter |
appadīkṣita | or apyadīkṣita- m. Name of an author equals apyaya-dīkṣita- q.v |
āprapadam | ind. to the end or fore part of the foot |
aprapadana | n. a bad place of refuge |
āprapadīna | mfn. reaching to the fore part of the foot (as a dress) |
āprapadīnaka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. reaching to the fore part of the foot (as a dress) ' |
āprapadīnaka | n. a dress reaching to the end of the foot. |
aprasiddhapada | n. an obsolete word. |
apratipad | mfn. confused (vikala-) |
apratipadyamāna | mfn. not consenting to (accusative) |
āptopadeśa | m. a credible or trusty instruction |
apūrvapada | mfn. not preceded by another word (id est not standing at the end of a compound), |
ardhāntaraikapadatā | f. (in rhetoric) placing a single word (which belongs grammatically to one hemistich) into the other half or hemistich of the verse |
ardhapada | n. half a pāda- (or the fourth part of a verse) |
ardhapadyā | f. a brick measuring half a foot |
ārdrapada | mf(ī-)n. moist-footed |
ārdrapada | mfn. having wet feet, |
ārogyapratipadvrata | n. a ceremony for gaining health. |
arthapada | n. Name of the vārttika-s on |
arthapadavī | f. the path of advantage (vīṃ- gam-,"to be intent on one's advantage"), |
āruṇeyapada | n. Name of an āraṇyaka-. |
asaṃyogopadha | mfn. (a word) the penultimate letter of which is not a conjunct consonant, . |
aśipada | mf(/ā-)n. not causing id est averting the sickness called śipada- |
āśiraḥpadam | ind. from the foot up to the head |
āspada | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' mf(ā-)n.fr. pada-with ā-prefixed, s-being inserted) , place, seat, abode etc. |
āspada | n. the tenth lunar mansion |
āspada | n. business, affair |
āspada | n. dignity, authority |
āspada | n. power |
āspadatā | f. the state of being the place or abode of. |
āspadatva | n. the state of being the place or abode of. |
āśramapada | n. a hermitage |
āśramapada | n. a period in the life of a Brahman |
aṣṭapad | m. (Nominal verb -pād-),"having eight legs", a spider |
aṣṭapad | m. the fabulous animal generally called sarabha- |
aṣṭāpad | mf(-padī-)n. (aṣṭ/ā--) only f. -padī- (a verse) having eight lines, eightfold (as speech or verses) |
aṣṭāpad | mfn. (in ritual language) a pregnant animal (also negative /an-aṣṭāpadi-,"not a pregnant animal") |
aṣṭāpad | mfn. a wild sort of jasmin |
aṣṭapada | mf(ā-)n. having eight pada-s (as a metre) |
aṣṭapada | consisting of 8 words, , Scholiast or Commentator |
aṣṭāpada | m. "having eight legs", a spider |
aṣṭāpada | m. a worm |
aṣṭāpada | m. the fabulous animal sarabha- |
aṣṭāpada | m. a wild sort of jasmin |
aṣṭāpada | m. a pin or bolt |
aṣṭāpada | m. the mountain kailāsa- |
aṣṭāpada | a chess-board on which each line has 8 squares or 64 in all, |
aṣṭāpada | mn. (gaRa ardharcādi- q.v) a kind of chequered cloth or board for drafts, dice, etc. etc. |
aṣṭāpada | mn. (equals -pruṣ- q.v) gold |
aṣṭāpadā | f. (id est ric-) a verse consisting of eight pada-s. |
aṣṭapadikā | f. the plant Vallaris Dichotomus Wall. edition Bomb. |
aṣṭapadikā | f. varia lectio -pādikā- edition Calc. |
asthānasthapada | mfn. having a word in the wrong place |
asvāṅgapūrvapada | mfn. (a compound) the first part of which is not (a word denoting) part of the body |
aśvapad | m. a horse's foot, |
aśvāpad | f. an accident occurring to a sacrificial horse, |
aśvapada | n. the print of a horse's foot, |
āśvapadika | mfn. come into contact with a horse's foot, , Scholiast or Commentator |
atipad | to go beyond (accusative), jump over ; to neglect, transgress: Caus. -pādayati- to allow to pass by. |
atipada | mfn. (in prosody) too long by one pada- or foot, |
atiprapad | Caus. -pādayati-, to help to pass into the other world (Comm.) |
ātmanepada | n. "word to one's self", form for one's self id est that form of the verb which implies an action belonging or reverting to self, the terminations of the middle voice |
ātmanepadin | mfn. taking the terminations of the middle voice commentator or commentary |
atyupadha | mfn. superior to any test, tried, trustworthy |
aupadeśika | mf(ī-)n. living by teaching gaRa vetanādi- ) |
aupadeśika | mf(ī-)n. depending on or resulting from a special rule commentator or commentary on and |
aupadeśika | mf(ī-)n. (in grammar) denoting or relating to an originally enunciated grammatical form (See upadeśa-) |
aupadeśikatva | n. the state of resulting from a special rule commentator or commentary on |
aupadharmya | n. (fr. upadharma-), false doctrine, heresy |
aupadhenava | m. a descendant of upadhenu-, Name of a physician |
aupadheya | mfn. serving for the upadhi- (a particular part of the wheel of a carriage) |
aupadheya | n. the part of a wheel called upadhi- on |
aupadhika | mfn. (fr. upa-dhi-), deceitful, deceptive |
aupadhika | m. an impostor, cheat |
aupadhika | m. an extortioner of money , (copadhikā-misprint for caupadhikā-.) |
aupadraṣṭrya | n. (fr. upadraṣṭṛ-), the state of being an eye-witness, super-intendence |
aupadravika | mfn. (fr. upa-drava-), relating to or treating of symptoms |
aurdhvadehikapaddhati | f. Name of work |
auttarapadika | mfn. (fr. uttara-pada-), belonging to or occurring in the last member of a compound |
avapad | -padyate- (subjunctive P. -padāti- ; preceding A1.3. sg. -padīṣṭa- ; Aorist subjunctive A1.3. sg. -pādi- ; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood (ablative) -p/adas- ) Vedic or Veda to fall down, glide down into (accusative) etc. ; (Imper. A1.3. plural -padyantām-; subjunctive P.2. sg. -patsi-; Potential P.1. sg. -padyeyam-) to drop from (ablative), be deprived of (ablative) ; (subjunctive A1.1. sg. -padyai-) to fall, meet with an accident ; (future 3. plural -patsyanti-) to throw down : Causal (Imper. 2. sg. -pādaya-; ind.p. -pādya-) to cause to glide or go down |
avastātprapadana | mfn. (anything) attained from below (as heaven) |
avipad | f. no calamity, ease. |
aviṣamapadatā | f. having equal feet (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-), . |
avyaktapada | mfn. inarticulate. |
avyapadeśa | m. no designation or pointing to |
avyapadeśarūpin | mfn. whose shape admits of no name or appellation |
avyapadeśya | mfn. not to be defined |
ayaugapadya | n. non-contemporaneous existence, unsimultaneousness |
ayugapad | ind. not at once, not simultaneously |
ayugapadbhāva | m. non-simultaneousness, successiveness |
ayugapadgrahaṇa | n. apprehending gradually and not simultaneously |
ayuktapadārtha | m. the sense of a word not given but to be supplied. |
bahupad | (strong form -pād-) m. "many-rooted", the Indian fig-tree |
bahupada | mfn. many-footed |
bahvṛcapaddhati | f. Name of work |
bālabhairavīdīpadāna | n. Name of work |
bālāpaddhati | f. Name of work |
bālārcāpaddhati | f. Name of work |
bālarūpadhara | m. "bearing a boy's form", Name of śiva- |
bālarūpadhṛk | mfn. having a boy's form, assuming the form of a dwarf. |
bālāvabodhapaddhati | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on |
balavyāpad | f. decrease of strength |
balidānapaddhati | f. Name of work |
bāṣpadurdina | mfn. clouded by tears |
bāṣpadurdinākṣa | mf(ā-,or ī-)n. having eyes clouded by tears |
baṭukabhairavadīpadāna | n. Name of work |
baṭukabhairavāpaduddharaṇapaṭala | n. Name of work |
baṭukabhairavapūjāpaddhati | f. Name of work |
baṭukapañcāṅgaprayogapaddhati | f. Name of work |
baṭukapūjāpaddhati | f. Name of work |
bhadantagopadatta | m. Name of 2 Buddhist teachers. |
bhadrapada | n. Name of a metre |
bhadrapadā | f. Name of the 3rd and 4th lunar asterisms etc. (also n.; bhadrapadāyoga dā-yoga- m.Name of chapter of bhaṭṭotpala-'s commentator or commentary on ) |
bhādrapada | m. (fr. bhadra-padā-) the month bhādra- (a rainy month corresponding to the period from about the middle of August to the middle of September) |
bhādrapadā | f. dual number and plural equals bhadra-padā- N. common to the 3rd and 4th nakṣatra-s (q.v) |
bhadrapadāyoga | m. bhadrapadā |
bhādrapadī | f. the day of full moon in the month bhādra- |
bhagavadgītāpratipada | n. Name of work |
bhagavadgītāsamaṅgalācāraślokapaddhati | f. Name of work |
bhāgavatapadyatrayīvyākhyāna | n. Name of work |
bhāgavatīmatapaddhati | f. Name of work |
bhagavatīpadyapuṣpāñjali | m. Name of work |
bhagavatpadī | f. Name of the source of the gaṅgā- (said to have sprung from viṣṇu-'s foot or from an aperture made in the mundane egg by the toe-nail of viṣṇu-) |
bhagnāpad | mfn. one who has conquered adversity, |
bhāgyasampad | () f. good fortune, prosperity. |
bhairavadīpadāna | n. Name of work |
bhairavapaddhati | f. Name of work |
bhaktimārgopadeśadīkṣā | f. Name of work |
bhaktisaṃdarbhapadyāvalī | f. bhaktisaṃdarbha |
bhāratapadaprakāśa | m. Name of work |
bhaṭṭapaddhati | f. Name of work |
bhavānīpūjāpaddhati | f. Name of work |
bhāvapadārtha | m. a thing which has a real or positive existence |
bhāvyupadha | m. (scilicet visarjanīya-) the visarjanīya- following in the padapāṭha- after any vowel except a- or ā- |
bhramarapada | n. a kind of metre |
bhrātṛpadmavana | n. a group of lotus-like brethren |
bhūpada | m. "earth-fixed, earth-rooted", a tree |
bhūpadī | f. Arabian jasmine Jasminum Zambac |
bhūtopadeśa | m. referring to anything already occurring or existing |
bhuvaneśvarīdīpadāna | n. Name of work |
bhuvaneśvarīpaddhati | f. Name of work |
bhuvaneśvaryarcanapaddhati | f. Name of work |
biḍālapada | n. a particular measure of weight (= karṣa-) |
biḍālapadaka | n. a particular measure of weight (= karṣa-) |
bimbopadhāna | n. a cushion, pillow |
bopadeva | See vopadeva-. |
brahmajñānopadeśa | m. Name of work |
brāhmaṇapaddhati | f. Name of work |
brahmapada | n. the place of brahma- |
brahmapada | n. the station or rank of brahmā- or of a Brahman |
brahmasiddhāntapaddhati | f. brahmasiddhānta |
brahmāstrapaddhati | f. Name of work |
brahmāstravidhānapaddhati | f. Name of work |
brahmāstravidyāpūjāpaddhati | f. Name of work |
brahmasūtrapada | n. the word or statement of a brahma-sūtra- |
brahmasūtrapada | mf(ā-or ī-)n. consisting of such a word or statement |
brahmatvapaddhati | f. Name of work |
brahmavidāśīrvādapaddhati | f. Name of work |
brahmavidyāpaddhati | f. Name of work |
brahmopadeśa | m. instruction in sacred knowledge, |
brahmopadeśanetṛ | m. Butea Frondosa (see -mopanetṛ-). |
bṛhaddhomapaddhati | (d-ho-) f. Name of work |
cakrapadmāṭa | m. equals -gaja- |
calatpadam | ind. so as to move |
candrāspadā | f. oak-apples on Rhus |
cāpadāsī | f. Name of a river |
cāpadhara | mfn. bow-armed |
cāpadhara | m. Sagittarius |
caraṇapadma | mn. equals -kamala- |
caraṇopadhāna | n. a foot-rest |
carcāpada | n. plural the words repeated (in reciting the veda- while iti-is added) Introd. on Va1rtt. 11 and 14. |
cārupada | m. Name of a son of namasyu- |
caturiḍaspadastobha | m. (see iḍas-pad/e-) Name of a sāman-. |
caturūrdhvapad | m. (Nominal verb -pād-) "having 4 feet more (than other animals)", the fabulous animal śarabha- (with 8 legs) |
catuṣpad | mfn. (c/at-)(Nominal verb sg. -pād-; plural -pādas-,irreg. -padas- ; locative case -pātsu- ; ablative -pādbhyas- ) f. (-padī-) n. (Nominal verb -pad- 4 times,or -pād- twice) . () quadruped, m. a quadruped, n. quadrupeds (collectively) , animals etc. |
catuṣpad | mfn. having made 4 steps |
catuṣpad | mfn. divided into 4 parts |
catuṣpad | mfn. (in prosody) consisting of 4 pāda-s |
catuṣpad | mfn. having 4 staffs (a ladder) |
catuṣpad | mfn. (a judicial procedure) consisting of 4 processes (viz. plea, defence, rejoinder, and sentence) |
catuṣpada | (in compound) 4 pāda-s |
catuṣpada | n. sg. or plural , 4 partitions or divisions |
catuṣpada | mf(ā-)n. (c/at-), quadruped |
catuṣpada | mf(ā-)n. consisting of 4 pāda-s |
catuṣpada | mf(ā-)n. consisting of 4 words |
catuṣpada | mf(ā-)n. comprising 4 partitions or divisions |
catuṣpada | mf(ā-)n. (in algebra) tetranomial |
catuṣpada | m. a quadruped |
catuṣpada | m. (equals pāśava-?) a kind of coitus |
catuṣpada | m. (plural) certain zodiacal signs (viz. meṣa-, vṛṣa-, siṃha-, makara-pūr vārdha-, dhanuḥ-parārdha-) |
catuṣpada | m. Name of a shrub |
catuṣpada | n. Name of a particular karaṇa- ic, 5 and 8 |
catuṣpadā | f. a metre of 30 + 4 + 4 syllabic instants. |
catuṣpadī | f. "a female quadruped", in compound , catuṣpadīgamana dī-gamana- n. intercourse with a female quadruped |
catuṣpadī | f. of -pad- q.v |
catuṣpadīgamana | n. catuṣpadī |
catuṣpadīgamana | n. intercourse with a female quadruped |
catuṣpadikā | f. equals dā-. |
catvāriṃśatpada | (ś/at--) mf(ā-)n. having 40 feet |
cayanapaddhati | f. Name (also title or epithet) of work |
chandogāhnikapaddhati | f. Name of work by rāma-kṛṣṇa-. |
chandogapaddhati | f. Name of the work yajña-pārśva- (parīś-. xv'> ) |
citrapada | mfn. full of various (or graceful) words and expressions |
citrapada | n. a metre of 4x23 syllables |
citrapadā | f. Cissus pedata |
citrapada | n. a metre of 4 x 8 syllables |
citrapadakramam | ind. at a good or brisk pace |
cupadāsaka | See cupa-. |
cūrṇapada | n. a peculiar movement (walking backwards and forwards) |
cūrṇapada | n. a kind of easy prose |
dakṣiṇāpada | mf(ī-)n. having the feet towards the south, |
dāmodarapaddhati | f. Name of work |
dānapaddhati | f. Name of work on the 16 offerings |
daṇḍapadmāsana | n. a particular posture in yoga-, |
darpada | m. śiva-. |
darpadhmāta | mfn. puffed up with pride |
darśavipad | m. "having the misfortune to be hardly visible when new", the moon |
daśakarmapaddhati | f. Name of work on the 10 ceremonies prescribed to the 3 twice-born classes. |
daśanapada | n. "teeth-mark", a bite |
daśapada | mf(ā-)n. 10 feet long and broad |
daśapadma | (B) (G) mfn. having 10 lotus-like parts of the body |
daśapadmavat | (G) mfn. having 10 lotus-like parts of the body |
daśapadya | mf(ā-)n. equals da- |
deśopadeśa | m. Name of a poem (see śa-nirṇaya-). |
devabhāṣyasnānavidhipaddhati | f. Name of work |
devapada | n. a word containing a god's name |
devapada | n. equals -pāda- |
devārcanakramapaddhati | f. Name of work |
devatopadeśana | n. designation of the d worshipped in any rite |
devīpūjāpaddhati | f. Name of work |
dhanasampad | () f. accumulation or abundance of wealth. |
dharmadānapaddhati | f. Name of work |
dharmopadeśa | m. instruction in law or duty, religious or moral instruction |
dharmopadeśa | m. the laws collectively |
dharmopadeśa | m. the statement of modality (see ma-mātra-) |
dharmopadeśa | m. Name of a jaina- work |
dharmopadeśaka | m. teacher of the law, spiritual preceptor |
dharmopadeśanā | f. varia lectio for ma-deśanā- q.v |
dharmopadha | mfn. making a pretence of religion, hypocritical |
dhārtarāṣṭrapadī | f. Name of a plant |
dhraupada | n. (in music) a kind of dance (see dhrupadākhya-nṛtya-). |
dhrauvapadaṭīkā | f. Name of a commentator or commentary |
dhrupadākhyanṛtya | n. (in music) a kind of dance (for drup-?). |
dhruvapada | n. Name of work |
dhumāvatīdīpadānapūjā | f. Name of work |
dhumāvatīpūjāpaddhati | f. Name of work |
dhūpadāna | n. Name of chapter of |
dhūpadhūpita | mfn. made fragrant or fumigated with incense |
dhyānāspada | n. place of meditation, |
dīkṣāpaddhati | f. Name of work |
dīpada | mfn. one who gives a lamp |
dīpadāna | n. "giving light", Name of a chapter of the |
dīpadānapaddhati | f. Name of work |
dīpadānaratna | n. Name of work |
dīpadānavidhi | m. Name of work |
dīpadhvaja | m. "lamp-sign", soot |
dīrghapad | mfn. "long-legged" |
dīrghapad | m. a heron |
dolārohaṇapaddhati | (lār-) f. Name of work |
draupada | mf(ī-)n. belonging to or descendant from drupada- |
draupadāditya | varia lectio for drup- q.v |
draupadāyani | fr. drupada- gaRa karṇādi-. |
draupadeya | m. plural metron. of the 5 sons of draupadī- (viz. of prativindhya-, son of yudhi-ṣṭhira-;of suta-soma-, son of bhīma-;of śruta-kīrti- or śrutakarman-, son of arjuna-;of śatānīka-, son of nakula-;and of śruta-sena-, son of sahadeva-) |
draupadī | f. See below. |
draupadī | f. patronymic of kṛṣṇā- (wife of the dual number princes) (identified with umā-, ) |
draupadīharaṇa | n. "the forcible abduction of draupadī-", Name of chapter of |
draupadija | m. plural (for dī--) the sons of draupadī-, . |
draupadīpariṇayacampū | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a poem. |
draupadīpramātha | m. equals -haraṇa-. |
draupadīsvayaṃvara | m. Name of a drama. |
draupadīvastrāharaṇa | n. "the seizure of draupadī-'s garments", Name of a poem. |
dravyapadārtha | m. Name of work |
droṇapadī | f. "trough-footed" |
droṇaśarmapada | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
droṇīpadī | f. equals ṇa-p-. |
drupada | n. a wooden pillar, a post (to which captives are tied), any pillar or column |
drupada | m. Name of a king of the pañcāla-s (son of pṛṣata- and father of dhṛṣṭa-dyumna-, of śikhaṇḍinī- or śikhaṇḍinī-, and of kṛṣṇā-, the wife of the pāṇḍu- princes, hence called draupadī-) |
drupadā | f. (with or scilicet sāvitrī- or ṛc-) Name of a sacred formula |
drupadāditya | m. a form of the Sun |
drupadaputra | m. patronymic of dhṛṣṭa-dyumna- |
drupadātmajā | f. patronymic of kṛṣṇā- or draupadī- (see above) , who is sometimes identified with umā- |
drupadī | f. a splay-footed female |
drutapada | n. a quick pace or step |
drutapada | n. a form of metre |
drutapadam | ind. quickly |
dugdhapadī | (dh/a-.) f. whose footstep is milk |
durbodhapadabhañjikā | f. Name of a commentator or commentary on |
durbodhapadabhañjinī | f. of a commentator or commentary on |
durgapadaprabodha | m. Name of a commentator or commentary |
durgasampad | f. perfection or excellence of a fortress |
durjanamukhapadmapādukā | f. Name of work |
durpaddhita | (d/ur--) mfn. badly arranged, untidy |
durupadeśa | m. bad instruction |
durupadiṣṭa | mfn. badly instructed. |
duṣpada | mfn. unfathomable or inaccessible (river) |
duṣprapadana | mfn. difficult to be attained or entered on |
dvādaśāhaprayogapaddhati | f. Name of work |
dvādaśapada | mf(ā-)n. consisting of 12 words, |
dvaipada | m. a combination or compound of 2 words ( dvaipadaśas -śas- ind. ) ; 2 pāda-s |
dvaipada | mfn. relating to a stanza consisting of 2 pāda-s |
dvaipadaśas | ind. dvaipada |
dvaipadika | mf(ī-)n. familiar with the dvi-padā-, gaRa uktlsādi- |
dvātriṃśatkarmapaddhati | f. Name of work |
dvipad | mfn. (or dv/i-- ) (m. p/ād- ) (f. p/adī- , or pād- gaRa kumbha-pady-ādi-) (n. p/ād-or pād- ) , two footed, bipedal, biped (m.man; n. sg. men, mankind) etc. |
dvipad | mfn. consisting of pāda-s (m.a metre of that kind) |
dvipada | mf(ā-)n. (dv/i--) 2-footed |
dvipada | mf(ā-)n. consisting of 2 pāda-s etc. |
dvipada | mf(ā-)n. containing 2 words |
dvipada | mf(ā-)n. binomial |
dvipada | m. a biped, (contemptuously) a man |
dvipada | m. a brick 2 pāda-s long |
dvipada | m. Name of particular signs of the zodiac |
dvipadā | f. a stanza consisting of 2 pāda-s |
dvipada | n. a kind of metre |
dvipadā | n. a combination of 2 words |
dvipadābhyāsa | m. (with ratkaṃtara-), Name of a sāman- |
dvipadāna | n. the rut-fluid of an elephant |
dvipadāntara | m. (with ratkaṃtara-), Name of a sāman- |
dvipadapati | m. "lord of men", a king, prince |
dvipadarāśi | m. any one of the signs Gemini, Libra Aquarius, Virgo, and half of Sagittarius |
dvipadī | f. (padī-) a kind of Prakrit metre |
dvipadī | f. a song composed in this metre (dī-khaṇḍa- ) |
dvipadī | f. taking 2 steps |
dvipadikā | f. equals dvau pādau-, prob. double amount (see -pādya-) |
dvipadikā | f. a kind of metre (equals dī-) |
dvipadikā | f. a particular manner of singing (?) |
dyūtapratipad | f. the first day of the bright half of the month kārttika- (celebrated by gambling) |
ekapad | mfn. (pāt-, padī-, pat-and pāt-) having only one foot, limping, lame etc. |
ekapad | mfn. incomplete |
ekapad | mfn. (with 1. aja-Name of one of the marut-s ) |
ekapad | m. (pāt-) Name of viṣṇu- |
ekapad | m. of śiva- |
ekapad | m. of a dānava- |
ekapada | n. one and the same place or spot |
ekapada | n. the same panel |
ekapada | n. a single word |
ekapada | n. a simple word, a simple nominal formation |
ekapada | n. one and the same word |
ekapada | mf(ā-and ī-[ ])n. taking one step |
ekapada | mf(ā-and ī-[ ])n. having only one foot |
ekapada | mf(ā-and ī-[ ])n. occupying only one panel |
ekapada | mf(ā-and ī-[ ])n. consisting of a single word, named with a single word etc. |
ekapada | m. a kind of coitus |
ekapadā | f. (scilicet ṛc-) a verse consisting of only one pāda- or quarter stanza |
ekapadā | f. Name of the twenty-fifth lunar mansion (equals pūrva-bhādra-padā-) |
ekapada | m. plural Name of a fabulous race |
ekapadam | ind. (= - pade-), |
ekapadastha | mfn. being in the same word. |
ekapadavat | ind. like one word |
ekapade | ind. on the spot, in one moment, at once etc. |
ekapadī | f. (padī-) a foot-path |
ekapadi | ind. upon or with only one foot gaRa dvidaṇḍy-ādi- |
ekapadika | mfn. occupying only one panel |
ekaśitipad | (pāt-, padī-, pat-) mfn. having one white foot |
ekaśrutyupadeśa | m. Name of work |
ekaviṃśasaṃpad | f. accomplishing the number twenty-one |
ekoddiṣṭaśrāddhapaddhati | f. Name of work |
eṇīpada | m. a kind of snake |
eṇīpadī | f. a kind of poisonous insect |
gadgadapada | n. inarticulate speech |
gadyapadyamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of prose and verses, . |
gallopadhānīya | n. equals lla-cāturī- varia lectio () for gaṇḍop- q.v |
gandhapuṣpadhūpadīpa | m. plural perfumes (and) flowers (and) incense (and) lamps, |
gandharvapada | n. the abode of the gandharva-s |
gaṇḍopadhāna | n. a pillow |
gaṇḍopadhānīya | n. idem or 'n. a pillow ' , 22/23 (varia lectio gallop-). |
gaṇḍūpada | m. a kind of worm, earth-worm |
gaṇḍūpadabhava | n. lead |
gaṇḍūpadī | f. a small or female worm |
gaṇḍūpadodbhava | n. idem or 'n. lead ' |
garbhavyāpad | f. equals -vipatti-. |
geyapada | n. a song sung before any one with the lute |
ghanapada | n. the cube root |
ghanapada | water, |
ghanapadavī | f. "cloud-path", the sky |
ghṛtadānapaddhati | f. Name of work |
ghṛtapadī | (t/a--) f. (iḷā-) whose path (pada-) is ghee or whose foot (pād-) drops with ghee |
gīrvāṇapadamañjari | f. Name of work |
godhāpadī | f. (gaRa kumbhapady-ādi-) idem or 'f. Cissus pedata ' |
godhāpadikā | f. Cissus pedata |
gopada | n. the mark or impression of a cow's hoof in the soil (see g/oṣp-.) |
gopadala | m. the betel-nut tree |
gopadanta | m. Name of an author |
gopadatta | m. Name of a Buddhist author. |
goprapadanīya | n. Va1rtt. 1 |
goṣpada | mfn. (g/oṣ--) ()"showing marks of cow's hoofs" , frequented by kine |
goṣpada | n. "mark of a cow's foot in the soil", water filling up such a mark, any small puddle |
goṣpadamātra | mfn. as large as the impression of a cow's hoof (see go-pada-.) |
goṣpadapram | ind. so as to fill only the impression of a cow's hoof on |
goṣpadapūram | ind. so as to fill only the impression of a cow's hoof on |
goṣpadatrirātravrata | n. idem or 'n. a kind of religious observance ' |
goṣpadatṛtīyāvrata | n. a kind of religious observance |
gṛhaprapadana | n. (solemn) entrance into a house, |
gṛhyapaddhati | f. Name of work on domestic rites. |
gūḍhapad | Nominal verb -pād- m. "hidden-footed", a snake |
guṇapadī | f. (a woman) having feet thin as cords gaRa kumbha-padyādi-. |
guṇasampad | f. great merit, perfection |
haledvipadikā | f. (fr. locative case of hala-+ dv-) Name of a particular tax |
haṃsapada | n. goose-foot (as a mark), Nar. |
haṃsapada | n. a particular weight (equals karṣa-) |
haṃsapada | m. plural See prec. |
haṃsapadā | f. a kind of svara-bhakti- |
haṃsapada | m. a kind of metre |
haṃsapada | m. Name of an apsaras- |
haṃsapadī | f. Name of various plants (according to to "a species of Mimosa and Cissus Pedata") |
haṃsapadikā | f. Name of the first wife of duṣyanta- (varia lectio haṃsa-vatī-) |
hanumatpaddhati | f. Name of work in 5 chapters (four of which are taken from the sudarśana-saṃhitā- and the last from the rāmāyaṇa-) describing the rites to be observed in the worship of hanumat-. |
harāspada | n. idem or 'm. śiva-'s abode, kailāsa- ' |
haricandanāspada | n. a place where yellow sandal grows |
hariharapaddhati | f. Name of work |
haripada | n. (according to to some) the vernal equinox |
haripūjāpaddhati | f. Name of work |
hāsāspada | n. an object of jest or laughter. |
hastipada | n. the track of an elephants |
hastipada | m. "elephants-footed", Name of a serpent-demon |
hāstipada | m. (fr. hasti-p-) Name of a man |
hāstipada | mfn. relating or belonging to hasti-pada- |
hāsyapadavī | f. the roar of laughter (vīṃ-yā-,"to incur ridicule") ( hāsyapadavībhāva -bhāva- m. equals -tā- ) |
hāsyapadavī | f. a jest, joke (plural) |
hāsyapadavībhāva | m. hāsyapadavī |
hāsyāspada | n. a laughing-stock, butt ( hāsyāspadatva -tva- n.) |
hāsyāspadatva | n. hāsyāspada |
hatasampada | mfn. idem or 'mfn. whose prosperity is blighted, reduced to penury ' |
hautrakalpadruma | m. Name of work |
havanapaddhati | f. Name of a tantra- work |
hetvapadeśa | m. the adducing or mentioning of a reason |
hetvapadeśa | m. the second avayava- in a syllogism (see under hetu-) |
hiraṇyakeśyāgnyādhānapaddhati | f. N of work |
hitopadeśa | m. friendly advice, salutary instruction |
hitopadeśa | m. Name of a popular collection of fables intermixed with didactic sentences and moral precepts (compiled by nārāyaṇa-, and supposed to be narrated by a brahman- named viṣṇu-śarman- to some young princes; it is chiefly founded on the pañca-tantra- q.v) |
hitopadeśa | m. Name of two works on medicine. |
hitopadeṣṭṛ | mfn. instructing on what is salutary, a friendly instructor, kind adviser |
homapaddhati | f. Name of work |
hrasvopadha | mfn. having a short penultimate |
hrīpada | n. cause of shame |
hṛtpadma | n. equals -paṅkaja- |
icchāsampad | f. fulfilment or attainment of a wish |
iḍaspade | in the place, of sacred libation id est at the altar or place of offering |
iḍāyāspade | (iḷāy/ās-pad/e-) ind. at the place of iḷā- id est of worship and libation, earth |
ilāspada | n. Name of a tīrtha- |
indrapada | m. equals indra-tā-. |
indupada | m. a moon-ray, |
īṣadupadāna | mfn. easy to be ruined on |
iṣṭakāsaṃpad | f. completeness of the bricks |
iṣupad | (strong form - pād-), m. Name (also title or epithet) of an asura- (varia lectio - pa-), |
jālapad | (Nominal verb pād-) m. "web-footed", a goose |
jālapada | mfn. Name of a locality gaRa varaṇādi- (varia lectio dī-) |
jālapada | mfn. |
jalapadavi | f. equals -nirgama- |
jalapaddhati | f. idem or 'f. equals -nirgama- ' |
jālapadī | f. of -pāda- gaRa kumbhapady-adi-. |
janapada | m. sg. or plural a community, nation, people (as opposed to the sovereign) etc. |
janapada | m. sg. an empire, inhabited country etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). ) |
janapada | m. mankind |
jānapada | mfn. (gaRa utsādi-) living in the country (jana-pad/a-) |
jānapada | m. inhabitant of the country () |
jānapada | m. belonging to or suited for the inhabitants of the country |
jānapada | m. one who belongs to a country, subject |
jānapada | m. Name of an apsaras- |
janapadādhipa | m. "country-ruler", a king |
janapadaghātaka | m. a plunderer of a country |
janapadamahattara | m. the chief of a country |
janapadamaṇḍala | n. the district formed by a country |
janapadāyuta | mfn. crowded with people |
janapadeśvara | m. equals dādhipa- |
jānapadī | f. (equals vṛtti-,oxyt. ) a popular expression (scilicet ā-khyā-) |
jānapadika | mfn. relating to a country or to its subjects, . |
janapadin | m. "country-ruler", a king |
janapadoddhvaṃsanīya | mfn. treating on the epidemics of a country |
janipaddhati | f. Name of a, work. |
janmāspada | n. equals ma-kṣetra- |
januḥpaddhati | f. Name of work on nativities. |
jātakapaddhati | f. Name of works on nativities by ananta- and keśava-. |
jātijānapada | mfn. relating to the (4) castes and to the country |
jinapadma | m. Name of a Jain sūri- (died A.D. 1350). |
kacchapadeśa | m. Name of a country. |
kaivalyakalpadruma | m. Name of a commentator or commentary |
kākapada | n. the mark of a crow's foot or a similar mark or figure |
kākapada | n. marks or lines in the skin similar to a crow's foot |
kākapada | n. the foundation or base of anything so shaped |
kākapada | n. the sign V in manuscripts marking an omission |
kākapada | n. a particular flourish of the pen indicating an oft-recurring word |
kākapada | m. a modus coeundi |
kalāpadvīpa | m. varia lectio for kalāpa-grāma- above |
kālarūpadhṛṣ | mfn. wearing the form of yama- or death. |
kalaśīpadī | f. a woman with feet like a water-jar, gaRa kumbhapady-ādi-. |
kālātyayāpadiṣṭa | mfn. invalidated by lapse of time (term for a vain argument[ hetv-ābhāsa-],also called atīta-kāla-and bādhita-) commentator or commentary on (wrongly spelt tyayopad-). |
kalpadhenu | f. Name of the cow of plenty. |
kalpadru | m. equals -taru- above |
kalpadru | m. Name of various works |
kalpadrukalikā | f. Name of work by lakṣmī- vallabha- expounding the kalpa-sūtra- of the jaina-s. |
kalpadruma | m. equals -taru- above |
kalpadruma | m. Name of various works ([ see kavi-k-and śabdak-]) |
kalpadrumakalikā | f. equals -drukalikā- above |
kalpadrumatā | f. state of possessing the qualities of a kalpa-druma- |
kalpadrumatantra | n. Name of work |
kalpadrumāvadāna | n. Name of a Buddhist work. |
kalpadrumībhū | to become a kalpa-druma- |
kalpadūṣya | n. cloth produced by the kalpa-taru- |
kalpadvīpa | m. a particular samādhi- |
kalpānupada | n. Name of work belonging to the sāma-veda-. |
kāmarūpadhara | mfn. assuming any shape at will, protean |
kāmarūpadharatva | n. the state of assuming any form at will |
kāmarūpayātrāpaddhati | f. Name of work |
kāmāśramapada | n. idem or 'm. the hermitage of the god of love ' |
kāṃsyopadoha | mf(ā-)n. equals kāṃsya-doha- |
kāṃsyopadohana | mf(ā-)n. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. equals kāṃsya-doha- ' |
kāñcīpada | n. the hips, haunches (equals -guṇa-sthāna-) |
kandarpadahana | n. a section of the śiva-purāṇa-. |
kaniṣṭhapada | n. least root (that quantity of which the square multiplied by the given multiplicator and having the given addend added or subtrahend subtracted is capable of affording an exact square root) |
kapotapadadarśana | n. the sight of the foot-print of a dove, |
karaṇapaddhati | f. Name of work |
karapadma | mn. equals -kamala- above. |
kararuhapada | n. a scratch with the finger-nail |
karmapaddhati | f. Name of work |
kāryapadavī | f. the way to action, . |
kaśyapadvīpa | m. Name of a dvīpa- (varia lectio kāśyapa-dvīpa-). |
kāśyapadvīpa | m. Name of a dvīpa- |
kathitapada | n. repetition, tautology |
kaṭupadra | m. Name of a place (?). |
kātyāyanasūtrapaddhati | f. a commentary on the same by yājñika-deva- |
kauṇapadanta | m. Name of bhīṣma- (uncle of the pāṇḍu-s) |
kavikalpadruma | m. Name of a metrical collection of roots written by vopa-deva-. |
keśavajātakapaddhatyudāharaṇa | n. a commentator or commentary by viśva-nātha- on the work jātaka-paddhati-. |
khurapadavī | f. a horse's footmarks |
kopadīpta | mfn. incensed or inflamed with anger. |
kopapada | n. appearance of anger, pretended wrath |
krakacapad | (Nominal verb -pād-) m. "saw-footed", a lizard, chameleon |
kramapada | n. the conjunction of words in the krama- reading (more usually pada-krama< |