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nud has 2 results
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nud has 1 results
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√नुद्nudpushing, impelling / preraṇa712/3Cl.6
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195 results for nud
nud cl.6 P. A1. () nud/ati-, te- (perfect tense nunoda- ; nunud/e-,3. plural dre- etc.; Aorist P. anautsīt- grammar; A1. anutthās- ; nudiṣṭhās- ; preceding -nudyāt- ; future -notsyati- ; te- etc.; nottā- grammar; ind.p. -nudya- ; infinitive mood -n/ude- ; -nudas- ; -nodam- ), to push, thrust, impel, move, remove etc. etc.: Causal nodayati- (Passive voice nodyate-), to push on, urge, incite etc.: Intensive nonudyate-, to push or drive away repeatedly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nud mfn. pushing, impelling, driving away, removing (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' or with accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nudamfn. pushing, impelling, driving away, removing (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' or with accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nuditamfn. equals nutta- or nunna- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhinudto push, press: Caus. -nodayati-, to excite, spur or urge on. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhivinudCaus. -nodayati-, to gladden, cause to rejoice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anānudamfn. (1. da-with ānu-for anu-), not giving way, obstinate View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ananudhyāyinmfn. not missing, not missing anything View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ananudhyāyinmfn. not insidious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anānudiṣṭamfn. ( diś-with ānu-or anu-), unsolicited View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudā(Passive voice -dāyi-) to permit, restore ; to give way, yield ; to remit ; to pay one out (?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudaSee anānud/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudagramfn. not lofty, low View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudagramfn. not projecting. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudahto burn up etc. ; to take fire (aor.Subj. 2. sg. -dakṣi-[for dhakṣi-]) ; to be consumed by fire subsequently after (accusative)
anudairghyamfn. longitudinal. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudakamf(-)n. waterless View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudakamf(-)n. without adding water View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudakamind. without touching water View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudaṇḍif. back bone View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudapānan. "non-water-drinking", thirst, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudaramf(ā-)n. (See 3. a-) thin, lank View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudāramfn. niggardly, mean. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudāramfn. adhered to or followed by a wife. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudarśam. representation, admonition, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudarśanan. consideration, regard. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudarśinmfn. considering, foreseeing. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudattamfn. granted, remitted, given back commentator or commentary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudāttamfn. not raised, not elevated, not pronounced with the udātta- accent, grave View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudāttamfn. accentless, having the neutral general tone neither high nor low (id est both the grave or non-elevated accent explained by pāṇini- as sannatara- q.v - which immediately precedes the udātta-, and also the general accentless, neutral tone, neither high nor low, explained as eka-śruti-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudāttamfn. having the one monotonous ordinary intonation which belongs to the generality of syllables in a sentence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudāttam. one of the three accents to be observed in reading the veda-s, the grave accent. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudāttadin. (in grammar) a nominal base of which the first syllable is anudātta-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudāttataram. "more than anudātta-, still lower in sound than anudātta-" id est the very anudātta- accent (or a syllable having this accent which immediately precedes a syllable having the udātta- or svarita- accent, and is therefore more depressed than the ordinary anudātta- Scholiast or Commentator) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudāttetm. a verbal root having for its anubandha- the anudātta- accent to indicate that it takes the ātmane-pada- terminations only View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudāttetm. also anudāttopadeśa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudāttodayan. a syllable immediately preceding the anudātta- accent. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudayam. non-rising, the not rising (of a luminary). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudbhaṭamfn. not exalted, unassuming. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuddhānan. non-abandonment, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuddhāram. non-partition, not taking a share View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuddhāram. non-removal.
anuddharaṇan. ( hṛ-), non-removal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuddharaṇan. not offering, not establishing or proving. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuddhatamfn. ( han-), not lifted up, humble View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuddhatamfn. unsurpassed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuddhatamfn. unopposed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuddhatam. not a high place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuddhṛtamfn. non-removed, not taken away View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuddhṛtamfn. uninjured, undestroyed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuddhṛtamfn. unoffered View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuddhṛtamfn. undivided, unpartitioned View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuddhṛtamfn. unestablished, unproved. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuddhṛtābhyastamayam. sunset (abhy-astamaya-) taking place whilst the āhavanīya- fire continues unremoved from the gārhapatya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudehamind. behind the body View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudeśam. a rule or injunction pointing back to a previous rule View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudeśam. reference to something prior. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ānudeśikamfn. belonging to an anu-- deśa- (q.v) rule View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudeśinmfn. pointing back, referring back View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudeśinmfn. being the object of an anudeśa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudeśinmfn. residing at the same place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudeyan. a present View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudeyīf. a bride's maid ( and ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudeyīf. (["gift" ]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudghātam. no blow or jolt or jerk, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudgīrṇamfn. not vomited forth, not disdained View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudgīrṇamfn. not spurned. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudgṛhṇatmfn. not ceasing, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudto add in placing upon ; to stimulate to ; to concede, allow, (Passive voice Aorist -dhāyi-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudham(3. plural dh/amanty /anu-) to sprinkle over View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudhanv(perf. A1.3. sg. -dadhanv/e-) to run near View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudhāvto run after, run up to ; to follow ; to pursue. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudhāvto cleanse. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudhāvanan. chasing, pursuing, running after View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudhāvanan. close pursuit of any object, going after a mistress. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudhāvanan. cleaning, purification. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudhāvitamfn. pursued, run after (literally or figuratively). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudheCaus. -dhāpayati-, to cause to suck, to put to the breast View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anud(parasmE-pada A1. -d/īdhyāna-; imperfect tense P.3. pl. -dīdhiyuḥ-) to think of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudhūpitamfn. ( dhūp-), puffed up, proud View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudhvaṃsA1. (perf. -dadhvas/e-) to fall or drop upon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudhyāf. sorrow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudhyaito consider attentively, think of, muse ; to miss, ; to bear a grudge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudhyānan. meditation, religious contemplation, solicitude. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudhyāyinmfn. contemplating, meditating View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudhyāyinmfn. missing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudigdhamfn. ( dih-), covered (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudinamind. every day. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudto point out for, assign. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudiśamind. in every quarter. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuditamfn. not risen, not appeared. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuditamfn. unsaid, unuttered View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuditamfn. unutterable, blamable (see a-vady/a-) (See 1. /an-udita- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order an-udaya-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudivasamind. idem or 'ind. every day.' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anud Passive voice -dīryate-, to break through after (another) ; to be scattered or confused in consequence of the confusion of others. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudramfn. waterless View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudraṣṭavyamfn. to be observed, visible. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudraṣṭavya() mfn. unextinguished View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudravaṇan. quick recitation, , Scholiast or Commentator View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudṛbhto make into bundles or chains, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudṛś(ind.p. -d/ṛśya- ) to survey, behold ; to keep in view or in mind, to foresee: Causal P. -darśayati-, to show, tell, teach: Passive voice -dṛśyate- (also perf. A1. -dadṛśe- ), to become or be visible. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ānudṛṣṭeyamfn. idem or 'mf. a descendant of anu-dṛṣṭi-, q.v ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudṛṣṭif. Name of the ancestress of ānudṛṣṭineya-, (gaRa śubhrādi-and kalyāṇy-ādi-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ānudṛṣṭineyamf. a descendant of anu-dṛṣṭi-, q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudruto run after, follow ; to accompany ; to pursue ; to run over in reciting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudrutamfn. followed, pursued View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudrutamfn. having followed or pursued View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudrutamfn. accompanied View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudrutan. a measure of time in music (half a druta-, or one-fourth of a mātrā- or of the time taken to articulate a short vowel). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuduṣto become demoralized as a result of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudvāham. non-marriage, celibacy. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudvāramfn. having a door or entrance behind, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudvātamfn. unextinguished, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudvegamfn. free from anxiety View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudvegam. freedom from uneasiness. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudvegakaramfn. not causing apprehension, not overawing. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudvejayatmfn. not stimulating, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudvignamfn. free from apprehension or perplexity, easy in mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudvīpam. Name (also title or epithet) of six islands (as aṅga-dvīpa- etc.), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudviṣto wreak one's anger upon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudyamfn. unutterable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudyamānamfn. not being spoken View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudyatamfn. ( yam-), inactive, idle, destitute of perseverance. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudyogam. absence of exertion or effort, inactivity, laziness. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudyoginmfn. inactive, lazy, indifferent. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anudyūtan. continuation of the play at dice, Name of the chapters 70-79 in the second book of the View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apanudto remove View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apānud(the ā-of apā-always in the antepenultimate of a śloka-, therefore apā-metrically for apa-See apa-nud-), to remove, repel, repudiate View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apanudamfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' śokāpanuda- q.v) removing driving away. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arātinudmfn. expelling enemies View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atinudto drive by View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhānudattam. Name of various authors (also with miśra-) (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhānudatttakam. endearing form fr. deva-datta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhānudevam. Name of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhānudinan. Sunday (see -vāra-), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nudamfn. trickling View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dāsānudāsam. a slave of a slave (sometimes applied by a humble speaker to himself) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhenudakṣiṇamfn. (sacrifice) whereat a cow is given as a fee View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhenudugdhan. cow's milk View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhenudugdhan. a kind of gourd View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
doṣānudarśinmfn. perceiving faults View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekānudiṣṭan. N. (scilicet śrāddha-) a funeral ceremony having reference to only one ancestor recently dead View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
garbhanudm. equals -ghātinī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hiraṇyakāmadhenudānan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hiraṇyakāmadhenudānaprayogam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nudaṅghamf(ī-)n. reaching up or down to the knees View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nudaṅgheind. as far up as the knee View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jaṭharanudm. "removing the jaṭhara- disease", Cathartocarpus fistula View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manudivi(?) , Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pādānudhyānamfn. "thought of by (the feet of) such a one", the rightful successor of any one (thought of by his predecessor) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pādānudhyāta mfn. "thought of by (the feet of) such a one", the rightful successor of any one (thought of by his predecessor) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paryavanudP. -nudati-, to push towards (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pranudmfn. wrong reading for -ṇud- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratinudP. A1. -nudati-, te-, to thrust back, repulse, ward off View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prativinudP. -nudati-, to get rid of. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanudhāvP. -dhāvati-, to run after together, follow, pursue View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanudhyaiP. -dhyāyati-, to reflect upon, think of (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanudP. -diśati-, to assign or apportion anything (accusative) to any one (dative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanudṛśSee sam-anupaś-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanudruP. -dravati- (Epic also A1. te-), to run after together, follow, pursue View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃkhyātānudeśam. a subsequent enumeration the members of which correspond successively to those of a previous one on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃnipātanudm. "removing the above fever", a species of Nimba tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃnudP. -nudati-, to impel or bring together : Causal -nodayati-, to bring together or near, procure, find ; to push or urge on, impel ; to drive or scare away (?) () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvānudāttamfn. entirely accentless ( sarvānudāttatva -tva- n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvānudāttatvan. sarvānudātta
sarvatamonudamfn. driving away all darkness (as the sun) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śokāpanudamfn. removing or alleviating sorrow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śramanudmfn. removing fatigue View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvarṇadhenudānavidhim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tamonudmfn. dispersing darkness, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tamonudm. light View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tamonudm. the sun (for accusative dam-See da-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tamonudm. the moon (for accusative dam-See da-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tamonudm. fire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tamonudm. a lamp View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tamonudamf(ā-)n. dispersing darkness (sarva--, ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tamonudam. the sun, 11892 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tamonudam. (accusative dam-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tamonudam. the moon (accusative dam-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tanudagdhamfn. (said of a kleśa- in yoga- philosophy) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tanudānan. offering the body (for sexual intercourse) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tanudānan. a scanty gift. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tanudmfn. little-minded View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tanudīrghaghoṇamfn. one who has a thin long nose, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tiladhenudānan. "presenting a tila-dhenu- ", Name of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
timiranudm. "darkness-dispeller", sun, moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uditānuditamfn. "risen and not risen", not quite risen View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upanud View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upasaṃnudP. (imperative 2. sg. -s/aṃ-nuda-) to impel near or towards, bring near, procure View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vinudP. A1. -nudati-, te-, to drive away or asunder, scare away, dispel, remove ; to strike (cords), play (on a musical instrument) (varia lectio vi-tud-), Causal -nodayati-, to drive asunder or away, dispel ; to spend (time) ; to divert, amuse, entertain ; to amuse one's self with, delight in (instrumental case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vinudf. a stroke, thrust, blow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣanudm. "poison-expeller", Bignonia Indica View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyanud(only 3. plural perfect tense A1. -dhire-), to unfold, display View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyapanudP. -nudati-, to drive away, remove View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyapānud(apā-m. Calcutta edition for apa-) P. -nudati-, to drive away, remove View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
48 results
nud नुद् 6 U. (नुदति-ते, नुत्त or नुन्न, प्रणुदति) 1 To push, push or drive on, impel, propel; मन्दं मन्दं नुदति पवनश्चानु- कूलो यथा त्वाम् Me.9; U.5.1. -2 To prompt, incite, urge on; रथचरणसमाह्वस्तावदौत्सुक्यनुन्ना Śi.11.26; Ku.6.65. -3 To remove, drive away, cast away, dispel; अदस्त्वया नुन्नमनुत्तमं तमः Śi.1.27; केयूरबन्धोच्छ्वसितैर्नुनोद R.6.68; 8.4;16.85; Ki.3.33;5.28. -4 To throw, cast, send. -5 Ved. To raise, lift up. -Caus. 1 To remove, drive away. -2 To prompt, incite, push on or urge forward. -With उप to drive away, remove; Śi.4.61. -प्र˚ to dispel, drive off, remove; नयनप्रसरप्रणुन्नमिव वारिरुहम् Śi.9.71.
nuda नुद a. (At the end of comp.) Pushing, impelling, driving away.
anānuda अनानुद a. Ved. [अनु ददाति; दा-क न. त., पृ. दीर्घः] Unsurpassed in giving (अनुल्यदातृ). अनानुदो वृषभो Rv.2.23.11.
anuda अनुद a. [न नुदति or अनुददाति तुल्यं ददाति, दा-क] Ved. Not urging or driving onward; or, emulating others in giving (तुल्यरूपदातृ); see अनानुद.
anudaka अनुदक a. 1 Waterless (as a desert). याः प्रवतो निवत उद्वत उदन्वतीरनुदकाश्च याः Rv.7.5.4. -2 Having very little water (as a puddle). -3 Devoid of the libations of water (a sort of श्राद्ध).
anudagra अनुदग्र a. 1 Not lofty, low. -2 Soft, tender; weak, not sharp.
anudara अनुदर a. 1 Having a slender waist; thin, lank; ˚राजकन्या Sk. (अल्पार्थे नञ्, see अ).
anudā अनुदा 3 U. To give back, restore; to yield, grant, remit.
anudeyī अनुदेयी 1 Restoration. -2 A female companion.
anudātta अनुदात्त a. Grave (accent); not elevated or raised (not pronounced with the Udātta accent); उच्चैरुदात्तः नीचैरनुदात्तः; accentless, having the neutral, general tone; उदात्तश्चानुदात्तश्च स्वरितश्च त्रयः स्वराः uttered with the grave accent (as a vowel); प्रयत्नप्रेरितो वायुर्यदोर्ध्वभागे प्रति- हतो$चं निष्पादयति स उदात्तः; एवमधोनिष्पन्नो$च् अनुदात्तः; ताल्वा- दिषु सभागेषु स्थानेषु नीचभागे निष्पन्नो$च् अनुदात्तः; ˚त्तं पदमेकवर्जम् Sk. (The term अनुदात्त is used by Pāṇini for the grave accent which immediately precedes the Udātta, and also for the general accentless tone neither high nor low, termed एकश्रुति, the one monotonous intonation belonging to the generality of syllables in a word). -त्तः The grave accent. -Comp. -आदिः a nominal base of which the first syllable is अनुदात्त. -इत् a verbal root having for its अनुबन्ध the grave accent (denoting that it takes the Ātm. terminations only). -उदयम् a syllable followed (immediately) by the grave accent. -तर a. more than अनुदात्त; still lower or graver accent, i. e. that which immediately precedes a syllable having the उदात्त or स्वरित accent and is thus more depressed than the ordinary अनुदात्त accent.
anudāra अनुदार a. 1 Not liberal, niggardly; not high or noble. -2 Having none more liberal, very liberal, or great.
anudāra अनुदार a. (अनुगतो दारान्) 1 Adhering to or followed by a wife; यस्मिन्प्रसीदसि पुनः स भवत्युदारो$नुदारश्च K. P.4. (used in sense 1 also). -2 Having a suitable or worthy wife (अनुरूपाः दाराः यस्य)
anudita अनुदित a. 1 Unsaid, not uttered. -2 Not risen or appeared forth.
anudinam अनुदिनम् दिवसम् ind. Daily, day after day; पारावतः खलु शिलाकणमात्रभोजी कामी भवेदनुदिनं वद को$त्र हेतुः Udb.; अनुदिवसं पिरहीयसे$ङ्गैः Ś.3.
anud अनुदिश् 6 P. To point out, assign. -अनुदिशम् ind. In every quarter.
anudeśaḥ अनुदेशः 1 Pointing back; rule or direction which refers or points back to a previous rule; यथासङ्ख्यम- नुदेशः समानाम् P.I.3.1; subsequent mention of things (words, suffixes &c.) in the order of things previously mentioned; respective enumeration or statement, first for first, second for second; as in समूलाकृतजीवेषु हन्कृञ्ग्रहः P.III.4.36. -2 Direction, order, injunction.
anudeśin अनुदेशिन् a. Pointing or referring back; being the object of an अनुदेश.
anudṛś अनुदृश् 1 P. To survey, behold; to keep in view or mind, see in prospect; पूर्वेषां पन्थामनुदृश्य धीराः Rv.1. 13.7. न च श्रेयो$नुपश्यामि हत्वा स्वजनमाहवे Bg.1.31; न संसारोत्पन्नं चरितमनुपश्यामि कुशलम् Bh.3.3. -Caus. To show, tell, inform as follows; सेनापतिः पुत्रमग्निमित्रं परिष्वज्य अनुदर्शयति M.5 writes or informs as follows.
anudarśanam अनुदर्शनम् Inspection, survey; उत्थितश्चाप्रमत्तश्च बलानाम- नुदर्शने Rām.; consideration, regard; जन्ममृत्युजराव्याधिदुःख- दोषानुदर्शनम् Bg.13.8 perception.
anudṛṣṭi अनुदृष्टि a. Having a favourable look. -ष्टिः f. A favourable look.
anudraṣṭṛ अनुद्रष्टृ a. Benefactor; अनसूयुरनुद्रष्टा सत्कृतस्ते पुरोहितः Rām.2.1.11.
anudairghya अनुदैर्घ्य a. [दैर्घ्यमनुगतः] Longitudinal, lengthwise.
anuddhata अनुद्धत a. Not raised or puffed up; ˚ताः सत्पुरुषाः समृद्धिभिः Ś.5.12; humble; modest; unsurpassed.
anuddharaṇam अनुद्धरणम् 1 Not removing or taking away. -2 Not offering, establishing or proving.
anuddhāta अनुद्धात a. Even, without ups and downs स्थेनानुद्धात- स्तिमितगतिना तीर्णजलधिः Ś.7.33.
anuddhāraḥ अनुद्धारः 1 Non-partition; not taking a share (विंशो- द्धारशून्यो विभागः). -2 Non-removal.
anuddhṛta अनुद्धृत a. Undivided, unremoved, uninjured, unharmed, undestroyed, unoffered or established &c. -Comp. -अभ्यस्तमयः taking place of sunset, while the आहवनीय fire continues to be unremoved from the गार्हपत्य.
anudbhaṭa अनुद्भट a. 1 Not bold; soft, mild. -2 Not exalted or lofty.
anudya अनुद्य a. unutterable; P.III.1.11.Sk. अनुद्यत anudyata अनुद्यम anudyama अनुद्यत अनुद्यम a. Not diligent, idle, inactive.
anudyūtam अनुद्यूतम् Repeated playing or gambling; N. of a part of the Sabhāparvan (Chap. 7-79).
anudyoga अनुद्योग a. Lazy, not industrious. -गः Idleness, inactivity.
anudru अनुद्रु 1 P. 1 To run after, follow, accompany. अश्वेति विद्रुतमनुद्रवताश्वमन्यम् Śi.5.59. -2 To chase, pursue.
anudruta अनुद्रुत p. p. 1 Followed, pursued; धनुर्धरं राजसुतैरनु- द्रुतम् R.3.38;12.67;16.25; Śi.1.52; (sometimes used actively). -2 Sent or brought back (as sound). -तम् A measure of time in music = half druta, or one-fourth of a Mātrā (or of the time taken to utter a short vowel); अर्धमात्रं द्रुतं ज्ञेयं द्रुतार्धं चाप्यनुद्रुतम्.
anudvāhaḥ अनुद्वाहः Non-marriage, celibacy.
anudvigna अनुद्विग्न a. Easy in mind, secure.
anudvega अनुद्वेग a. Free from anxiety or apprehension. -गः Security or freedom from fear. अदैन्यमनुदीर्णत्वमनुद्वेगो व्यवस्थितिः Mb.12.274.18.
anudhāv अनुधाव् 1 P. 1 To run after; follow; ऋषीणां पुनराद्यानां वाचमर्यो$नुधावति U.1.1 the sense follows the words (the words being not uttered with a view to a particular sense); स्वरुचिं निश्चयतो$नुधावति Śi.16.44 follows his own will. -2 To run up to, approach. -3 To cleanse, wash.
anudhāvanam अनुधावनम् 1 Going or running after, following, pursuing; तुरग ˚कण्डितसन्धेः Ś.2. -2 Close pursuit of an object (for the knowledge of truth); research, investigation. -3 Seeking a mistress, though unattainable. -4 Cleansing, purification.
anudhūpita अनुधूपित a. Puffed up, proud, ज्योगभूवन्ननुधूपितासो हत्वी तेषामा भरा नो वसूनि Rv.2.3.1.
anudhyai अनुध्यै 1 P. 1 To think of, muse, consider attentively. -2 To wish well of, to bless, favour; प्रजानिषेकं मयि वर्तमानं सूनोरनुध्यायत चेतसेति R.14.6 bless; अनुदध्युर- नुध्येयं सांनिध्यैः प्रतिमागतैः 17.36 favoured.
anudhyā अनुध्या [ध्यै-अङ्] 1 Thinking or wishing well of, favouring, attachment. यदनुध्यासिना युक्ताः कर्मग्रन्थिनिबन्धनम् Bhāg.1.2.15. -2 Sorrow; प्रेतो यन्तु व्याधः प्रानुध्याः Av. 7.114.2.
anudhyāna अनुध्यान p. p. Mused, thought of &c. -तम्, -नम् [ध्यै-ल्युट्] 1 Thought; अनुध्यानानन्तरमेव K.262; meditation, religious contemplation. -2 Thinking of, remembrance; या नः प्रीतिर्विरूपाक्ष त्वदनुध्यानसम्भवा Ku.6.21. -3 Wishing well of, affectionate solicitude for; अनुध्या- नैरुपेतव्यं वत्सयोर्भद्रमस्तु वः (v. l. अनुध्यातै) U.7.11; सा त्वमम्ब स्नुषायामरुन्धतीव सीतायां शिवानुध्यानपरां भव U.1.
anudhyāyaḥ अनुध्यायः [ध्यै कर्तरि घञ्] One who wishes well of.
anudhyeya अनुध्येय a. To be favoured or wished well of; अनु- दध्युरनुध्येयम् R.17.36.
apanud अपनुद् 6 P. To remove, take or drive away, destroy; नारीणामपनुनुदुर्न देहखेदान् Bk.1.13; न हि प्रपश्यामि ममापनुद्यात् यच्छोकम् Bg.2.8 expiate, atone for (as sin).
pratinud प्रतिनुद् 6 U. To ward off, repel, repulse.
vinud विनुद् 6 P. 1 To strike, pierce; चोदयामास तानश्वान् विनुन्नान् भीष्मसायकैः Mb.6.16.45. -2 To play on a musical instrument (वीणाम्, आतोद्यम् &c.). -3 To remove, drive away, dispel. -Caus. 1 To remove, drive away, dispel, cast off; तापं विनोदय दृष्टिभिः Gīt.1; Śi.4.66; Ś.3.21; Māl.9.41. -2 To pass, spend (as time). -3 To divert, amuse, entertain; क्व नु खल्वात्मानं विनोदयामि Ś.3; लतासु दृष्टिं विनोदयामि Ś.6; R.14.77. -4 To amuse oneself with; लक्ष्मीर्विनोदयति येन दिगन्तलम्बी सो$पि त्वदाननरुचिं विजहाति चन्द्रः R.5.67.
snudhnikā स्नुध्निका Natron, mineral alkali.
Macdonell Vedic Search
2 results
nud nud push, VI. nudá; pf. 3. pl. Ā. nu-nudre, i. 85, 10. 11. prá- push away: pf. vii. 86, 1.
anudeyī anu-déyī, f. equipment (?), x. 135, 5. 6 [f. gdv. of anu-dā to be handed over].
Macdonell Search
3 results
tamogā a. moving in darkness; -ghna, a. darkness dispelling; m. sun; -nuda, a. dispelling darkness; m. sun; moon; -&zip;paha, a. dispelling darkness or ignorance; m. moon; -bhûta, pp.involved in darkness or darkness incarnate; stupid, foolish; -mani, m. fire-fly; -maya, a. (î) consisting of or involved in darkness; m. one of the five forms of Avidyâ in the Sâ&ndot;khya; -&zip;ri, m. sun (enemy of darkness): -vivara, n.(?) window; -vâsas, n. garb or robe of darkness.
praṇud a. (--°ree;) driving away, re moving, dispelling; -nuda, a. id.
saṃkhyāta fp. [√ khyâ] enumer ated etc.: -½anudesa, m. subsequent enumera tion the members of which correspond in order to a series previously enumerated; -khyâtri, m. enumerator.
Bloomfield Vedic
3 results0 results20 results
nudāma enam apa rudhmo asmat AVś.12.3.43c.
nud chatrūn pradahan me sapatnān Vait.14.1c.
nudan sapatnān adharāṃś ca kṛṇvan AVś.19.33.2c; AVP.11.13.2c. See under ṛṇak etc.
nudann arātiṃ paripanthinaṃ mṛgam AVś.3.15.1c.
nudasva kāma pra ṇudasva kāma AVś.9.2.4a. P: nudasva kāma Vait.4.5; Kauś.48.5.
nudasva yāḥ parispṛdhaḥ RV.9.53.1c; SV.2.1064c.
nudasva rakṣaḥ prataraṃ dhehy enām AVś.11.1.21b.
nudasvādevayuṃ janam RV.9.63.24c; SV.1.492c.
nudethāṃ kaṇvā nir ito arātim AVP.1.86.2c.
anānudaḥ pariṣūtā ṛjiśvanā # RV.1.53.8d; AVś.20.21.8d.
anānudaṃ vṛṣabha radhracodanam # RV.10.38.5b; JB.1.228b.
anānudo vṛṣabho jagmir āhavam # RV.2.23.11a.
anānudo vṛṣabho dodhato vadhaḥ # RV.2.21.4a.
anudeyī yathābhavat # RV.10.135.5d.
anudraṣṭre namaḥ # KS.26.12; Apś.20.1.17.
anudre cid yo dhṛṣatā varaṃ sate # RV.10.115.6c.
apānudo janam amitrayantam (AVś. amitrāyantam) # RV.10.180.3c; AVś.7.84.2c; AVP.1.77.1c; TS.; KS.8.16c.
nudhyāyād bahūñ chabdān # śB.; BṛhU.4.4.23e.
prānudhyāḥ pro aśastayaḥ # AVś.7.114.2b.
manasaivānudraṣṭavyam # śB.; BṛhU.4.4.22c.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"nud" has 22 results
anudāttanon-udatta, absence of the acute accent;one of the Bāhyaprayatnas or external efforts to produce sound. This sense possibly refers to a stage or a time when only one accent, the acute or उदात्त was recognized just as in English and other languages at present, This udatta was given to only one vowel in a single word (simple or compound) and all the other vowels were uttered est, that is अनुदात्त. Possibly with this view, the standard rule 'अनुदात्तं पदमेकवर्जम्'* was laid down by Panini. P.VI.1.158. As, however, the syllable, just preceding the accented ( उदात्त ) syllable, was uttered with a very low tone, it was called अनुदात्ततर, while if the syllables succeeding the accented syllable showed a gradual fall in case they happened to be consecutive and more than two, the syllable succeeding the उदात्त was given a mid-way tone, called स्वरितः confer, compare उदात्तादनुदात्तस्य स्वरितः. Thus, in the utterance of Vedic hymns the practice of three tones उदात्त, अनुदात्त and स्वरित came in vogue and accordingly they are found defined in all the Prātiśākhya and grammar works;confer, compare उच्चैरुदात्तः,नीचैरनुदात्तः समाहारः स्वरितः P.I.2.29-31, T.Pr.I.38-40, V.Pr.I.108-110, Anudātta is defined by the author of the Kāśikāvṛtti as यस्मिन्नुच्चार्यमाणे गात्राणामन्ववसर्गो नाम शिथिलीभवनं भवति, स्वरस्य मृदुता, कण्ठविवरस्य उरुता च स: अनुदात्तः confer, compare अन्ववसर्गो मार्दवमुरुता स्वस्येति नीचैःकराणि शब्दस्य Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on I.2.29,30. Cfeminine. also उदात्तश्चानुदात्तश्च स्वरितश्च त्रयः स्वराः । अायामविश्रम्भोक्षपैस्त उच्यन्तेSक्षराश्रयाः ॥ Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) III.1. The term anudātta is translated by the word 'grave' as opposed to acute' (udātta,) and 'circumflex' (svarita); (2) a term applied to such roots as have their vowel अनुदात्त or grave, the chief characteristic of such roots being the non-admission of the augment इ before an ārdhadhātuka affix placed after them. ( See अनिट्, ).
anudāttataraquite a low tone, completely grave; generally applied to the tone of that grave or anudātta vowel which is immediately followed by an acute ( उदात्त ) vowel. When the three Vedic accents were sub-divided into seven tones viz. उदात्त, उदात्ततर्, अनुदात्त, अनुदात्ततर, स्वरित, स्वरितस्थोदात्त and एकश्रुति corresponding to the seven musical notes, the अनुदात्ततर was the name given to the lowest of them all. अनुदात्ततर was termed सन्नतर also; confer, compare उदात्तस्वरितपरस्य सन्नतरः P.I.2.40; confer, compare also M, Bh. on I.2.33.
anudāttāa term meaning 'having a grave accent,' used by ancient grammarians.Cfeminine. किमियमेकश्रुतिरुदात्ता उत अनुदात्ता Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ).on I. 2.33.
anudāttetliterally one whose mute significatory letter is uttered with a grave accent: a term applied to a root characterized by an indicatory mute vowel accented grave, the chief feature of such a root being that it takes only the Ātmanepada affixes c. g. आस्ते, वस्ते, et cetera, and others; confer, compare अनुदात्तङित आत्मनेपदम् P. I.3.12; such a root, in forming a derivative word in the sense of habit, takes the affix युच् e. g. वर्त्तनः, वर्धन: et cetera, and others provided the root begins with a consonant; confer, compare अनुदात्तेतश्र हलादेः P. III.2.149.
anudāttopadeśa(a root)pronounced originally i. c. pronounced in the Dhātupāṭha with a grave accent; see the word अनुदात्त a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.: confer, compare अनुदात्तोपदेशवनतितनोत्यादीनामनुनासिकलोपो झलि ङ्किति P. VI.4.37. See also the word अनिट् a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page..
anudeśa(1)reference, mention, statement referring to a preceding element. confer, compare यथासंख्यमनुदेशः समानाम् P.I. 3.10; confer, compare आसिद्धवचनात् सिद्धमिति चेद् उत्सर्गलक्षणानामनुदेशः Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). I.1.57, Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 3. (2) declaration, prescription : the same as अतिदेश. confer, compare स्थान्यादेशपृथक्त्वादेशे स्थानिवद् अनुदेशो गुरुवद् गुरुपुत्र इति यथा P. I.1.56 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 1; (3) a grammatical operation confer, compare यथासंख्यमनुदेशः समानाम् ! समसंबन्धी विधिर्यथासंख्यं स्यात् Sid. Kau. on P.I. 8.10. See the word अनुद्देश in this sense confer, compare संख्यातानामनूद्देशो यथासंख्यम् V, Pr.I.143.
mannudevaSee मन्तुदेव.
saṃkhyātānudeśaapplication respectively of terms stated in the उद्देश्य and विधेय portions in their numerical order when the stated terms; are equal in number: cf यथासंख्यमनुदेशः समानाम् P. 1.3.10: confer, compare also पञ्चागमास्त्रय अागमिनः वैषम्यात् संख्यातानुदेशो न प्राप्नोति Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). Ahnika 2.
sarvānudāttathe grave accent for the entire word. See सर्वनिधात. सर्वान्त्य final of all those that are denoted or enumerated; confer, compare यदेव सर्वान्त्यमर्थादेशनं तस्यैव विषये स्यात् । M.Bh. on P. IV.2.67.
aniṭ(1)not admitting the augment इट् to be prefixed to it; the term is strictly to be applied to ārdhadhātuka affixes placed after such roots as have their vowel characterized by a grave accent ( अनुदात्तस्वर ); the term अनिट् being explained as अनिडादि qualifying the अार्धधातुक affix; (2) in a secondary way, it has become customary to call such roots अनिट् as do not allow the augment इट् to be prefixed to an ārdhadhātuka affix placed after them. Such roots are termed अनुदात्त verily because they are possessed of an anudātta vowel. e. g. कृ, भृ, जि, गम् , हन् et cetera, and others as against भु, धू, तॄ, श्वि, वृ, वद्, फल्, चल्, et cetera, and others which have their vowel characterized by an acute (उदात्त ) accent. For a complete list of such roots see the well-known stanzas given in the Siddhāntakaumudī incidentally on अात्मनेपदेष्वनतः P. VII.1.5. ऊदॄदन्तैर्यौतिरुक्ष्णुशीङ्स्नु....निहताः स्मृताः ॥ १ ॥ शक्लृपच्मुचिरिचवच्विच् .........धातवो द्व्यधिकं शतम् ॥ as also some lists by ancient grammarians given in the Mahābhāṣya on एकाच उपदेशेनुदात्तात्. P. VII. 2.10 or in the Kāśikā on the same rule P. VII.2.10.
it(1)a letter or a group of letters attached to a word which is not seen in actual use in the spoken language: cf अप्रयोगी इत्, Śāk. I.1.5, Hemacandra's Śabdānuśāsana.1.1.37. The इत् letters are applied to a word before it, or after it, and they have got each of them a purpose in grammar viz. causing or preventing certain grammatical operations in the formation of the complete word. Pāṇini has not given any definition of the word इत् , but he has mentioned when and where the vowels and consonants attached to words are to be understood as इत्; (confer, compare उपदेशेजनुनासिक इत् , हलन्त्यम् । et cetera, and others P. I.3.2 to 8) and stated that these letters are to be dropped in actual use, confer, compareP.I.3.9. It appears that grammarians before Pāṇini had also employed such इत् letters, as is clear from some passages in the Mahābhāṣya as also from their use in other systems of grammar as also in the Uṇādi list of affixes, for purposes similar to those found served in Pāṇini 's grammar. Almost all vowels and consonants are used as इत् for different purposes and the इत् letters are applied to roots in the Dhātupāṭha, nouns in the Gaṇapāṭha, as also to affixes, augments and substitutes prescribed in grammar. Only at a few places they are attached to give facility of pronunciation. Sometimes the इत् letters, especially vowels, which are said to be इत्, when uttered as nasalized by Pāṇini, are recognised only by convention; confer, compare प्रतिज्ञानुनासिक्याः पाणिनीयाः(S.K.on P.I.3.2).The word इत्, which literally means going away or disappearing, can be explained as a mute indicatory letter. In Pāṇini's grammar, the mute vowel अ applied to roots indicates the placing of the Ātmanepada affixes after them, if it be uttered as anudātta and of affixes of both the padas if uttered svarita; confer, compare P.I.3. 12, 72. The mute vowel आ signifies the prevention of इडागम before the past part, affixes; confer, compare P. VII. 2. 16. Similarly, the mute vowel इ signfies the augment न् after the last vowel of the root; confer, compareP.VII.1.58; ई signifies the prevention of the augment इ before the past participle.affixes cfP.VII.2.14;उ signifies the inclusion of cognate letters; confer, compareP.I.1.69, and the optional addition of the augment इ before त्वा; confer, compare P.VII.2. 56; ऊ signifies the optional application of the augment इट्;confer, compareP.VII. 2.44; क signifies the prevention of ह्रस्व to the vowel of a root before the causal affix, confer, compareVII.4.2: लृ signifies the vikarana अङ् in the Aorist cf P.III.1.55; ए signifies the prevention of vrddhi in the Aorist,confer, compare P.VII.2.55; ओ signifies the substitution of न् for त् of the past participle. confer, compare P VIII.2.45; क् signifies the Prevention of गुण and वृद्धि, confer, compareP, I. 1.5; ख् signifies the addition of the augment मुम्(म्)and the shortening of the preceding vowel: confer, compareP.VI.3 65-66: ग् signifies the prevention of गुण and वृद्धि, confer, compare P.I.1.5 घ् signifies कुत्व, confer, compare P.VII.3.62; ङ्, applied to affixes, signifies the prevention of गुण and वृद्धि, confer, compare P.I.1.5; it causes संप्रसारणादेश in the case of certain roots, confer, compare P. VI.1.16 and signifies आत्मनेपद if applied to roots; confer, compare P.I. 3.12, and their substitution for the last letter if applied to substitutes. confer, compare P I.1.53. च् signifies the acute accent of the last vowel;confer, compareP.VI.1. 159; ञ् signifies उभयपद i.e the placing of the affixes of both the podas after the root to which it has been affixed;confer, compareP.I.3.72, ट् in the case of an augment signifies its application to the word at the beginning: confer, compareP I.1.64, while applied to a nominal base or an affix shows the addition of the feminine. affix ई (ङीप्) confer, compareP.IV.1. 15;ड् signifies the elision of the last syllable; confer, compare P.VI.4.142: ण् signifies वृद्धि, confer, compareP.VII.2.115;त् signifies स्वरित accent, confer, compare VI.1.181, as also that variety of the vowel ( ह्रस्व, दीर्ध or प्लुत) to which it has been applied confer, compare P.I.1.70; न् signifies आद्युदात्त, confer, compare P.VI.1.193:प् signifies अनुदात्त accent confer, compare अनुदात्तौ सुप्पितौ P. III.1.4. as also उदात्त for the vowel before the affix marked with प् confer, compare P.VI.1.192: म् signifies in the case of an augment its addition after the final vowel.confer, compareP.I.1.47,while in the case of a root, the shortening of its vowel before the causal affix णि,confer, compare P.VI.4.92: र् signifies the acute accent for the penultimate vowel confer, compare P.VI.1.217,ल् signifies the acute accent for the vowel preceding the affix marked with ल्; confer, compareP.VI. 193; श् implies in the case of an affix its सार्वधातुकत्व confer, compare P. II1.4.113, while in the case of substitutes, their substitution for the whole स्थानिन् cf P.I.1.55; प् signifies the addition of the feminine. affix ई ( ङीप् ) confer, compareP.IV-1.41 ;स् in the case of affixes signifies पदसंज्ञा to the base before them, cf P.I.4.16. Sometimes even without the actual addition of the mute letter, affixes are directed to be looked upon as possessed of that mute letter for the sake of a grammatical operation exempli gratia, for example सार्वधातुकमपित् P.I.2.4; असंयेागाल्लिट कित् P.I.2.5: गोतो णित् P.VII.1.90 et cetera, and others (2) thc short vowel इ as a substitute: confer, compare शास इदङ्हलोः P.VI.4.34.
kaṇṭakoddhāraname of a commentary on Nāgeśa's Paribhāṣenduśekhara by Mannudeva, known also as Mantudeva or Manyudeva, who was a pupil of Pāyaguṇḍe in the latter half of the 18th century.
gaṇasūtravicāraa commentary on the Gaṇapāṭha of Pāṇini written by Mannudeva who flourished in the nineteenth century.
ṅīpfeminine. affix ई which is anudatta (grave) added (a) to words ending in the vowel ऋ or the consonant न् (confer, compareP.IV.1.5), (b) to words ending with affixes marked with mute उ,ऋ or लृ; confer, compareP.IV.1.6 (c) to words ending with affixes marked with mute ट् as also ending with the affixes ढ, अण्, अञ्, द्वयसच् दघ्नच्,मात्रच्, तयप्, ठक्, ठञ्, कञ् and क्वरप् (confer, compareP.IV.1.15) and to certain other words under certain conditions; confer, compare P. IV. 1.16-24.
cātuḥsvāryathe view that there are four accents-the udatta, the anudatta, the svarita and the pracaya held by the Khandikya and the Aukhiya Schools.
tāthābhāvyaname given to the grave (अनुदात्त) vowel which is अवग्रह id est, that is which occurs at the end of the first member of a compound and which is placed between two acute vowels id est, that is is preceded by and followed by an acute vowel; exempli gratia, for example तनूSनप्त्रे, तनूSनपत्: confer, compare उदाद्यन्तो न्यवग्रहस्ताथाभाव्यः । V.Pr.I.120. The tathabhavya vowel is recited as a kampa ( कम्प ) ; confer, compare तथा चोक्तमौज्जिहायनकैर्माध्यन्दिनमतानुसारिभिः'अवग्रहो यदा नीच उच्चयॊर्मध्यतः क्वचित् । ताथाभाव्यो भवेत्कम्पस्तनूनप्त्रे निदर्शनम्'. Some Vedic scholars hold the view that the ताथाभाव्य vowel is not a grave ( अनुदात्त ) vowel, but it is a kind of स्वरित or circumflex vowel. Strictly according to Panini "an anudatta following upon an udatta becomes Svarita": confer, compare P.VIII.4.66, V.Pr. IV. 1.138: cf also R.Pr.III. 16.
darpaṇāname of a commentary on the Sabdakaustubha, written by Mannudeva or Mantudeva of the nineteenth century.
niyama(1)restriction; regulation; binding; the term is very frequently used by grammarians in connection with a restriction laid down with reference to the application of a grammatical rule generally on the strength of that rule, or a part of it, liable to become superfluous if the restriction has not been laid down; confer, compare M.Bh. on I. 1. 3, Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on I. 3.63, VI. 4.11; confer, compare also the frequently quoted dictum अनियमे नियमकारिणी परिभाषा; (2) limitation as contrasted with विकल्प or कामचार; confer, compare अनेकप्राप्तावेकस्य नियमो भवति शेषेष्वनियम; पटुमृदुशुक्लाः पटुशुक्लमृदव इति; Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on II. 2. 34 Vart. 2; (3) a regulating rule; a restrictive rule, corresponding to the Parisamkhya statement of the Mimamsakas, e. g. the rule अनुदात्तङित आत्मनेपदम् P. I.3.12; the grammarians generally take a rule as a positive injunction avoiding a restrictive sense as far as possible; confer, compare the dictum विधिनियमसंभवे विधिरेव ज्यायान्. Par. Sek. Pari. 100; the commentators have given various kinds of restrictions,. such as प्रयोगनियम,अभिधेयनियम,अर्थनियम, प्रत्ययनियम, प्रकृतिनियम, संज्ञानियम et cetera, and otherset cetera, and others; (4) grave accent or anudatta; confer, compare उदात्तपूर्वं नियतम् Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) III. 9; see नियत (2).
bṛhadṛrpaṇāname of a commentary on Kondabhatta's Vaiyakaranabhusanasara by Mannudeva, who was called also Mantudeva, who lived in the latter half of the eighteenth century.
yadyogaa connection with the word (pronoun) यत् by its use in the same sentence and context, which prevents the anudatta ( grave ) accent for the verb in the sentence; confer, compareनिपातैर्यद्यदिहृन्तकुविन्नेच्चेच्चण्कच्चिद्यत्रयुक्तम् P. VIII. 1.30; cf also the usual expression यद्योगादानघात: found in commentary wor
yadvṛttalit a word formed from यत्; a word which contains the pronoun यत् in it which prevents sarvaanudatta for a verb which follows; confer, compare यदस्मिन्वर्तते यद्वृत्तम् M.. Bh. on P. VIII.1.66; cf also. यद्वृत्तोपपदाच्च Vājasaneyi Prātiśākhya.VI. 14, where Uvvata explains यद्वत्तasयदो वृत्तं यद्वृत्तं सर्वविभक्त्यन्तं सर्वप्रत्ययान्तं च गृह्यन्ते । V.'Pr. VI. 14 commentary
laghubhūṣaṇadarpaṇa or laghudarpaṇāname of a commentary by Mannudeva on Koņdabhațța's Vaiyākaraņabhūşaņasāra.
Vedabase Search
103 results
nudam destructionSB 11.17.41
ānudapadyata was bornSB 5.15.14-15
anudapāna without waterSB 5.26.8
anudarśanam observingBG 13.8-12
anudarśanam informing about the waysSB 6.5.18
anudarśanam witnessingSB 11.15.6-7
anudarśanāt by successive experienceSB 2.2.27
artha-anudarśinā whose instructions were quite befittingSB 8.15.32
dāsa-anudāsa-sańga association with the servant of the servantCC Madhya 2.83
dāsera anudāsa most obedient servant of Your servantsCC Madhya 14.18
dāsa-anudāsaḥ the servant of Your servantSB 6.11.24
dāsa-anudāsaḥ the servant of the servantCC Madhya 13.80
anudāsyam the serviceSB 5.24.25
anudghāṭya without openingCC Antya 17.72
anudhāvanti follow behindSB 4.11.20
anudhāvantīm chasingSB 6.13.12-13
anudhāvataḥ who was followingSB 8.12.32
anudhāvataḥ followingSB 8.12.32
anudhāvataḥ who were rushing toward himSB 10.68.6
anudhāvatī running afterSB 9.9.11
anudhyā remembranceSB 1.2.15
anudhyāna by constant remembranceSB 1.15.29
anudhyāna always thinking ofSB 5.1.7
anudhyāna by meditatingSB 5.7.12
anudhyāna by fixed meditationSB 10.39.15
anudhyāna for your meditationSB 10.47.34
mat-anudhyānam always meditating on MeSB 11.11.34-41
anudhyānāt from always thinkingSB 8.16.12
anudhyānāya for remembering repeatedlySB 1.7.25
anudhyānena by such attachmentSB 5.8.8
anudhyānena by constant thoughtSB 11.28.40
anudhyātaḥ being always rememberedSB 4.11.12
anudhyātaḥ being meditated uponSB 8.24.44
anudhyātam conceivedSB 11.25.31
anudhyāyan constantly contemplatingSB 1.12.30
anudhyāyan or by meditating uponSB 9.5.27
anudhyāyan pondering overSB 10.56.40-42
anudhyāyan constantly thinking ofSB 11.17.58
anudhyāyatī meditatingSB 10.53.40-41
anudhyāyet one should even think ofSB 9.19.20
anudhyāyet should constantly observeSB 11.20.22
anudhyāyinaḥ constantly meditating uponSB 4.9.52
anudhyeya to be constantly meditated uponSB 6.17.13
anudhyeyam must be meditated uponSB 4.24.53
anudinam every daySB 3.32.17
anudinam dailySB 4.17.23
anudinam every daySB 4.30.9
anudinam dailySB 5.1.29
anudinam day after daySB 5.2.22
anudinam day after daySB 5.4.1
anudinam day after daySB 5.7.7
anudinam day after daySB 5.12.13
anudinam day to daySB 5.26.10
anudinam day after daySB 6.14.31
anudinam day after daySB 6.14.36
anudinam twenty-four hours, day after daySB 9.18.47
anudinam day after daySB 12.2.1
anudinam every day, or twenty-four hours dailyNoI 7
anudiśam in terms of directionSB 3.8.16
anudita-prāyam almost not praisedSB 1.5.8
anuditāḥ not mentionedSB 5.26.37
anudṛśyaḥ to be perceivedSB 10.64.26
anudṛśyate is seenSB 10.68.54
anudruta chasingSB 10.35.1
anudruta meltedSB 10.41.28
anudrutaḥ chasedSB 3.18.7
anudrutaḥ was followedSB 8.2.23-24
anudrutaḥ swiftly followedSB 10.33.22
anudrutaḥ followedCC Antya 18.25
anudvāsya without removing from the ovenSB 10.29.5
anudvega-karam not agitatingBG 17.15
anudveṣṭi enviousSB 1.18.7
anudvigna-manāḥ without being agitated in mindBG 2.56
anudyamaḥ lack of endeavorSB 11.25.2-5
apanudan driving awaySB 5.8.20
apānudat extirpatedSB 1.16.34
apānudat wiped awaySB 10.38.17
apanudyāt can drive awayBG 2.8
artha-anudarśinā whose instructions were quite befittingSB 8.15.32
dāsa-anudāsaḥ the servant of Your servantSB 6.11.24
dāsa-anudāsa-sańga association with the servant of the servantCC Madhya 2.83
dāsa-anudāsaḥ the servant of the servantCC Madhya 13.80
dāsera anudāsa most obedient servant of Your servantsCC Madhya 14.18
duḥkha-śoka-tamaḥ-nudam to minimize their unlimited unhappiness and lamentation, which are caused by ignoranceSB 9.24.61
anudvega-karam not agitatingBG 17.15
anudvigna-manāḥ without being agitated in mindBG 2.56
mat-anudhyānam always meditating on MeSB 11.11.34-41
tamaḥ-nudaḥ the supreme lightSB 3.5.27
duḥkha-śoka-tamaḥ-nudam to minimize their unlimited unhappiness and lamentation, which are caused by ignoranceSB 9.24.61
tamaḥ-nudau dissipating darknessCC Adi 1.2
tamaḥ-nudau dissipating darknessCC Adi 1.84
tamaḥ-nudau dissipating darknessCC Madhya 1.2
anudita-prāyam almost not praisedSB 1.5.8
samanudhyāyan meditatingSB 10.86.8
dāsa-anudāsa-sańga association with the servant of the servantCC Madhya 2.83
duḥkha-śoka-tamaḥ-nudam to minimize their unlimited unhappiness and lamentation, which are caused by ignoranceSB 9.24.61
tamaḥ-nudaḥ the supreme lightSB 3.5.27
duḥkha-śoka-tamaḥ-nudam to minimize their unlimited unhappiness and lamentation, which are caused by ignoranceSB 9.24.61
tamaḥ-nudau dissipating darknessCC Adi 1.2
tamaḥ-nudau dissipating darknessCC Adi 1.84
tamaḥ-nudau dissipating darknessCC Madhya 1.2
vinudan dispellingSB 10.47.54
vyanudat killedSB 3.2.30
95 results
nud adjective driving away (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
impelling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
removing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 982/72933
nud verb (class 2 parasmaipada) to impel (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to move (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to push (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to remove (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to thrust (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 4541/72933
nuda noun (masculine) [gramm.] root nud
Frequency rank 56693/72933
nuda adjective driving away (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
impelling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
removing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 18089/72933
ananudhyāyant adjective not thinking about
Frequency rank 42627/72933
anudaka adjective waterless (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14643/72933
anudaṇḍa noun (masculine) name of a man (or of a people?)
Frequency rank 43131/72933
anudaya noun (masculine) non-rising (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the not rising (of a luminary) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 20572/72933
anudara adjective lank (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
thin (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 31914/72933
anudarśin adjective considering (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
foreseeing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12331/72933
anudarśaka adjective explaining showing
Frequency rank 43132/72933
anudarśana noun (neuter) consideration (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
regard (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12774/72933
anudarśay verb (class 10 parasmaipada) to show (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to teach (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to tell (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 10013/72933
anudah verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to be consumed by fire subsequently after (acc.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to burn up (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to take fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 26334/72933
anudātta adjective accentless (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
grave (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
having the neutral general tone neither high nor low (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
having the one monotonous ordinary intonation which belongs to the generality of syllables in a sentence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not elevated (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not pronounced with the Udātta accent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not raised (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13926/72933
anudātta noun (masculine) one of the three accents to be observed in reading the Vedas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the grave accent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13297/72933
anudāpay verb (class 10 parasmaipada) [medic.] to give/administer afterwards
Frequency rank 43133/72933
anudāharant adjective
Frequency rank 43134/72933
anudāhṛti noun (feminine) non-mention
Frequency rank 31915/72933
anudāhṛta adjective
Frequency rank 43135/72933
anudita adjective blamable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unsaid (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unutterable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unuttered (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 43136/72933
anudita adjective not appeared (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not risen (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13298/72933
anudinam indeclinable every day (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 8385/72933
anudivasam indeclinable every day (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 31916/72933
anud verb (class 6 parasmaipada) to assign (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to point out for (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 31917/72933
anud noun (feminine)
Frequency rank 31918/72933
anudiśam indeclinable in every quarter (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 43137/72933
anudīrṇa adjective an-ud-īrṇa
Frequency rank 43138/72933
anuduṣ verb (class 4 parasmaipada) to become demoralized as a result of (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 43139/72933
anuduhī noun (feminine) name of a river flowing into the Narmadā
Frequency rank 43140/72933
anud verb (class 2 parasmaipada) to be scattered or confused in consequence of the confusion of others (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to break through after (another) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 18790/72933
anudṛś verb (class 4 parasmaipada) to behold (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to foresee (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to keep in view or in mind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to survey (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13299/72933
anudeśa noun (masculine) a rule or injunction pointing back to a previous rule (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
reference to something prior (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 31919/72933
anudeśaka adjective showing
Frequency rank 43141/72933
anudeham indeclinable behind the body (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 43142/72933
anudgata adjective
Frequency rank 43143/72933
anudgama noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 43144/72933
anudgārin adjective img/alchemy.bmp
Frequency rank 26335/72933
anudgīrṇa adjective not disdained (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not spurned (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not vomited forth (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 26336/72933
anudgrāhin adjective
Frequency rank 43145/72933
anuddiśya indeclinable not intending
Frequency rank 31920/72933
anuddeśa noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 43146/72933
anuddhata adjective humble (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not lifted up (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unopposed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unsurpassed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13927/72933
anuddhata noun (masculine) name of an Ātreya not a high place (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 26337/72933
anuddhāra noun (masculine) non-partition (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
non-removal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not taking a share (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 43147/72933
anuddhṛta adjective non-removed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not taken away (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
undestroyed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
undivided (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unestablished (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
uninjured (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unoffered (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unpartitioned (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unproved (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 20573/72933
anuddhṛtya indeclinable not having removed
Frequency rank 22989/72933
anudbhava noun (masculine) Nochnichtentstandensein (Richard Garbe (1891), 41)
Frequency rank 31921/72933
anudbhinna adjective
Frequency rank 31922/72933
anudbhūta adjective
Frequency rank 26338/72933
anudbhrānta adjective not confused
Frequency rank 31923/72933
anudyata adjective destitute of perseverance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
idle (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
inactive (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 43148/72933
anudyukta adjective
Frequency rank 43149/72933
anudyoga noun (masculine) absence of exertion or effort (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
inactivity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 43150/72933
anudyūta noun (neuter) continuation of the play at dice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 43151/72933
anudraṣṭṛ adjective
Frequency rank 31924/72933
anudrikta adjective
Frequency rank 26339/72933
anudru verb (class 1 ātmanepada) to accompany (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to follow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to pursue (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to run after (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to run over in reciting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13928/72933
anudvamant adjective
Frequency rank 31925/72933
anudvigna adjective easy in mind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
free from apprehension or perplexity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 16403/72933
anudvṛtta adjective (something about the lips)
Frequency rank 31926/72933
anudvega noun (masculine) freedom from uneasiness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 18791/72933
anudvejayant adjective not frightening
Frequency rank 26340/72933
anudvejika adjective
Frequency rank 43152/72933
anudharma noun (masculine) an additional dharma (?)
Frequency rank 43153/72933
anudhārin adjective wearing
Frequency rank 43154/72933
anudhāv verb (class 1 ātmanepada) to run after (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 6849/72933
anudhyā verb (class 4 ātmanepada) to bear a grudge (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to consider attentively (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to miss (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to muse (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to think of (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12775/72933
anudhyāna noun (neuter) meditation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
religious contemplation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
solicitude (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13300/72933
apanud verb (class 6 ātmanepada) to remove (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to send away
Frequency rank 9760/72933
apanud adjective
Frequency rank 17534/72933
apanuda adjective removing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 32108/72933
apānud verb (class 6 parasmaipada) to remove (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to repel (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to repudiate (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 20641/72933
abhinud verb (class 6 parasmaipada) to press (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to push (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 44196/72933
avanud verb (class 6 ātmanepada)
Frequency rank 45159/72933
upanud verb (class 6 parasmaipada) to drive near (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 47540/72933
ekānudiṣṭa noun (neuter) a funeral ceremony having reference to only one ancestor recently dead (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 48022/72933
kriminud noun (masculine) viḍaṅga
Frequency rank 50362/72933
tanudhṛt noun (masculine) a man (gen.)
Frequency rank 53267/72933
tamonuda noun (masculine) the moon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the sun (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12048/72933
tamonud noun (masculine) a lamp (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
light (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the moon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the sun (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 53328/72933
tiladhenudānavidhinirūpaṇa noun (neuter) name of Liṅgapurāṇa, 2.37
Frequency rank 53585/72933
dhanudruma noun (masculine) a bamboo
Frequency rank 55301/72933
dhenudugdha noun (neuter) a kind of gourd (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
cow's milk (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 55484/72933
pratinud verb (class 6 ātmanepada) to repulse (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to thrust back (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to ward off (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 29153/72933
bhūtanud noun (masculine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 60930/72933
manudeva noun (masculine) name of a man
Frequency rank 61429/72933
vinud verb (class 6 parasmaipada) to dispel (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to drive away or asunder (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to play (on a musical instrument) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to remove (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to scare away (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to strike (cords) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 25405/72933
vyapanud verb (class 6 parasmaipada) to drive away to remove
Frequency rank 39767/72933
vyapānud verb (class 6 parasmaipada) to drive away to remove
Frequency rank 39772/72933
samanudhyā verb (class 4 parasmaipada) to reflect upon
Frequency rank 68908/72933
samapanud verb (class 6 ātmanepada)
Frequency rank 68927/72933
nudāsa noun (masculine) name of a merchant
Frequency rank 6559/72933
nudāsīya adjective belonging to Sānudāsa
Frequency rank 70297/72933
hemadhenudānavidhinirūpaṇa noun (neuter) name of Liṅgapurāṇa, 2.35
Frequency rank 72700/72933


1. non-venomous; 2. a kind of snake sans poison; 3. Plant jadwar, Delphinium denudatum.


dispeller of darkness, sun or moon.

Wordnet Search
"nud" has 45 results.


aja, ajanma, ananyabhava, anāgata, ayoni, ajanmā, ajāta, anutpanna, anudbhūta, aprādurbhūta   

yaḥ na jāyate।

na hi jāto na jāye'haṃ na janiṣye kadācana। kṣetrajñaḥ sarvabhūtānāṃ tasmādaham ajaḥ smṛtaḥ।


nirudyogin, nirudyoga, anudyoga, alasa, ālasya, ālasyaśīla, manda, manthara, mandara, anudyogaśīla, udyogadveṣin, udyogavimukha, manākkara, kuṇṭha, jaḍa, śīta, tandrālu, mandagati   

yaḥ karmaśīlaḥ nāsti।

nirudyoginaḥ vyakteḥ jīvanaṃ kāṭhinyena paripūrṇam।


aṅkaḥ, kroḍam, kroḍā, utsaṅgaḥ, ūrūdeśaḥ, sakthideśaḥ, jānudeśaḥ   

sukhāsane urujaṅghayormadhyabhāgasya ūrdhvabhāgaḥ।

bālakaḥ mātāyāḥ aṅke khelati।


śarīrin, tanudhārin, dehadhārin, tanudhārin   

yaḥ śarīreṇa yuktaḥ।

aham ekaḥ śarīrī jīvaḥ।


agniḥ, pāvakaḥ, pāvanaḥ, tejaḥ, vahniḥ, jvalanaḥ, analaḥ, kṛśānuḥ, vāyusakhā, vāyusakhaḥ, dahanaḥ, śikhī, śikhāvān, kṛṣṇavartmā, araṇiḥ, ghāsiḥ, dāvaḥ, pacanaḥ, pācanaḥ, pācakaḥ, juhuvān, vāśiḥ, arciṣmān, prabhākaraḥ, chidiraḥ, śundhyuḥ, jaganuḥ, jāgṛviḥ, apāmpitaḥ, jalapittaḥ, apittam, himārātiḥ, phutkaraḥ, śukraḥ, āśaraḥ, samidhaḥ, citrabhānuḥ, jvālājihvā, kapilaḥ, vibhāvasuḥ, tamonud, śuciḥ, śukraḥ, damunaḥ, damīnaḥ, agiraḥ, hariḥ, kaviḥ   


parvate dṛśyamānaḥ dhūmaḥ agneḥ sūcakaḥ।


sūryaḥ, savitā, ādityaḥ, mitraḥ, aruṇaḥ, bhānuḥ, pūṣā, arkaḥ, hiraṇyagarbhaḥ, pataṅgaḥ, khagaḥ, sahasrāṃśuḥ, dinamaṇiḥ, marīci, mārtaṇḍa, divākaraḥ, bhāskaraḥ, prabhākaraḥ, vibhākaraḥ, vivasvān, saptāśvaḥ, haridaśvaḥ, citrarathaḥ, saptasaptiḥ, dinamaṇi, dyumaṇiḥ, divāmaṇiḥ, khamaṇiḥ, khadyotaḥ, pradyotanaḥ, ambarīśaḥ, aṃśahastaḥ, lokabāndhavaḥ, jagatcakṣuḥ, lokalocanaḥ, kālakṛtaḥ, karmasākṣī, gopatiḥ, gabhastiḥ, gabhastimān, gabhastihastaḥ, graharājaḥ, caṇḍāṃśu, aṃśumānī, uṣṇaraśmiḥ, tapanaḥ, tāpanaḥ, jyotiṣmān, mihiraḥ, avyayaḥ, arciḥ, padmapāṇiḥ, padminīvallabhaḥ, padmabandhuḥ, padminīkāntaḥ, padmapāṇiḥ, hiraṇyaretaḥ, kāśyapeyaḥ, virocanaḥ, vibhāvasuḥ, tamonudaḥ, tamopahaḥ, citrabhānuḥ, hariḥ, harivāhanaḥ, grahapatiḥ, tviṣāmpatiḥ, ahaḥpatiḥ, vṛdhnaḥ, bhagaḥ, agaḥ, adriḥ, heliḥ, tarūṇiḥ, śūraḥ, dinapraṇīḥ, kuñjāraḥ, plavagaḥ, sūnuḥ, rasādhāraḥ, pratidivā, jyotipīthaḥ, inaḥ, vedodayaḥ, papīḥ, pītaḥ, akūpāraḥ, usraḥ, kapilaḥ   

pṛthivyāḥ nikaṭatamaḥ atitejasvī khagolīyaḥ piṇḍaḥ yaṃ paritaḥ pṛthvyādigrahāḥ bhramanti। tathā ca yaḥ ākāśe suvati lokam karmāṇi prerayati ca।

sūryaḥ sauryāḥ ūrjāyāḥ mahīyaḥ srotaḥ।/ sūrye tapatyāvaraṇāya dṛṣṭaiḥ kalpeta lokasya kathaṃ tamitsrā।


anudyogaḥ, akarma, akriyā, akriyatā, naiṣkarmyam, aceṣṭā, avyavasāyaḥ, nirvyāpāraḥ   

karmasya abhāvaḥ।

nirudyamaḥ kiṃ karaṇīyaṃ kiṃ karaṇīyam iti cintāyām anudyogaḥ eva vṛṇote।


apanī, vinī, vyapanī, apasṛ, utasṛ, niḥsṛ, sṛ, apahṛ, hṛ, apakṛṣ, vyapakṛṣa, avakṛṣ, apanud, vyapanud, apoh   

kālasthānasambandhādibhiḥ parimāṇaiḥ dūrīkaraṇānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

pāpānāmanupattaye prāyaścittam।



dāsasya dāsaḥ।

vibhīṣaṇaḥ dīnabhāvena prabhurāmacandraṃ kathitavān ahaṃ bhavataḥ anudāsaḥ asmi।


upadeśaḥ, śikṣā, anudeśaḥ   

hitakārakaṃ kathanam।

bhagavadgītāyāṃ śrīkṛṣṇena dattaḥ upadeśaḥ mānavasamājasya kalyāṇārthe asti।


cint, sañcint, vicint, paricint, pravicint, dhyai, anudhyai, upadhyai, abhidhyai, parīdhyai, paryāloc, pravimṛś, nirloc, vigaṇ, vigāh   

kāryaviṣayakaḥ viṣayaviṣayakaḥ vā vicāraṇānukūlaḥ manovyāpāraḥ।

vṛthā cintayati bhavān sarvaṃ bhadram eva bhavet।


anusāraya, anugamaya, anudhāvaya, anuvrājaya, anuyāpaya, anuvartaya, anukramaya, anukrāmaya, anudrāvaya, samanugamaya, samanudrāvaya, samanudhāvaya, samanuvrājaya   

kasyacana paścāt gamanapreraṇānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

ārakṣakāḥ cauraṃ grahītuṃ śvānam anusārayati।



māsārthe paśupakṣiṇoḥ hananasya sā kriyā yasyām astrasya ekena eva āghātena taṃ ghnanti।

yavanāḥ anuddhāttena chinnaṃ māsaṃ na khādanti।


praluṭh, prahṛ, pranud   

kam api balapūrvakeṇa āghātena pātanānukūlavyāpāraḥ।

krīḍāyāṃ bālāḥ parasparaṃ prāluṭhan।


pratidinam, pratidivasam, prativāsarama, anudinam, nityam   

dine dine।

saḥ pratidinaṃ pūjayati।


niravarodha, avipakṣa, asaṃyatta, niṣpratibandha, anivārita, anuddhata   

virodhena vinā।

etad kāryaṃ niravarodhaṃ saṃpadyate।


anusaraṇam, anudhāvanam   

kasyacana paścāt gamanam।

anusaraṇāt anantaram ārakṣakaḥ cauram agṛhṇāt।


kāryahīna, akarman, anudyata   

yasya samīpe jīvanaṃ yāpayituṃ kimapi kāryaṃ na vartate।

adhunā bahavaḥ yuvakāḥ kāryahīnāḥ santi।


anujñā, abhyanujñā, samanujñā, anuman, anumud, abhigṝ, anud   

kasyacana kāryasya prastāvasya vā svīkṛtyanukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

ācāryaḥ asmadīyaṃ kāryam anvajānāt।



kasyacit viśeṣakāryasya kṛte sarvakāradvārā sahāyyārthaṃ prāpyamāṇaṃ dhanam।

jalaplāvanena pīḍite pradeśe kendrasarvakāraḥ ekakoṭīrūpyakāṇām anudānam ayacchat।


anusṛ, anugam, anudhāv, anuvraj, anuyā, anuvṛt, anukram, anudru, samanugam, samanudru, samanudhāv, samanuvraj   

paścāt dhāvanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

ārakṣakāḥ dīrghakālaṃ yāvat cauram anvasārṣuḥ।


avalokanam, ālokanam, avalokaḥ, ālokaḥ, nirīkṣā, nirīkṣaṇam, sarvekṣaṇam, anudarśanam   

samyakatayā parīkṣaṇam।

prayogasya samaye samyak avalokanaṃ kṛtvā eva upasaṃhāraḥ kriyeta।



anudānapreraṇānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

granthālayasya pustakāni samaye na pratyarpitāni ataḥ granthālayapramukhaḥ tena pañcāśat rūpyakāṇi daṇḍarūpeṇa anvadāpayat।


sarvekṣaṇam, anudarśanam   

kasyacit viṣayasya vastunaḥ vā samyak nirīkṣaṇena niṣkarṣaprāptiḥ।

sarvekṣaṇena jñāyate yat kebhyaścit varṣebhyaḥ anantaraṃ bhāratadeśasya janasaṅkhyā cīnadeśasya janasaṅkhyāyāḥ apekṣayā adhikā bhaviṣyati।


siṃhāvalokanam, anudarśanam, bhūtāvalokanam   

saṃkṣepeṇa gatakāle sañjātānāṃ ghaṭanānāṃ varṇanam।

sāhityikagoṣṭhyāḥ siṃhāvalokanaṃ kṛtam।


apahṛ, hṛ, parihṛ, apanī, nivāraya, nihan, apākṛṣ, apamṛj, apoh, dhū, apanud, parimṛj, nirākṛ, apakṛ, utsāraya, varjaya, apakarṣaya   

apanayanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

īśvaraḥ sarveṣāṃ duḥkham apaharati।



sahāyatārūpeṇa dattaṃ dhanam।

grāmīṇānām ārthikānudānāt etad rugṇālayaṃ nirmitam।


cint, vicint, paricint, anudhyai, abhiman, paritark, praman, dīdhī, anud   

kasmin api viṣayam uddiśya cintanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

na jñāyate kiṃ cintayati sā।


kārpaṇyam, dainyam, anudāratā   

vicāreṣu saṅkīrṇasya avasthā bhāvo vā।

mānasikaṃ kārpaṇyaṃ pracalitāḥ rītīḥ protsāhayati।


savinayam, namratayā, namram, nirabhimānam, anuddhataṃ, namracetasā, śirasā, prādhvaḥ   

vinayena saha।

śīlā vivāhasya prastāvaṃ savinayaṃ svīkṛtavatī।



yaḥ udāraḥ nāsti।

jātidharmādhāreṇa kṛtaḥ bhedaḥ anudārasya vicārasya dyotakaḥ asti।


nirjala, anudaka, anudra, apapayas, apodaka, kājala, gatodaka, jalahīna, niḥsalila, nirapa, nirudaka, nistoya, nyarṇa, vijala, vipayas, vitoya, vīpa, vyarṇa, vyuda, anambu   

yasmin jalasya aṃśaḥ nāsti।

nirjalā bhūmiḥ sthāne sthāne bhagnā।


kṛpaṇaḥ, anudāraḥ   

yaḥ kārpaṇyaṃ karoti।

rameśaḥ atīva kṛpaṇaḥ asti।


anudyogitā, vṛttihīnatā   

udyamasya pariśramasya vā abhāvaḥ।

yāntrike yuge anudyogitāyāḥ pramāṇam anudivasaṃ vardhate।


parīkṣ, anudṛś, ācakṣ   

sarvatobhāvena darśanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

ahaṃ asya yantrasya vyavasthāṃ paryaikṣe।


anudyata, apravṛtta, ayatnavat, ayatnakārin, śoṭha   

yat kārye na lagnam।

anudyataḥ kṛṣakaḥ sīmni upaviśya dhūmrapānaṃ karoti।



mahābhārate varṇitaḥ pāñcāladeśasya ekaḥ rājā।

karṇaḥ bhānudevaṃ jaghāna।


agniḥ, vaiśvānaraḥ, vītahotraḥ, agnihotraḥ, huraṇyaretāḥ, saptārci, vibhāvasuḥ, vṛṣākapiḥ, svāhāpatiḥ, svāhāprayaḥ, svāhābhuk, agnidevaḥ, agnidevatā, dhanañjayaḥ, jātavedaḥ, kṛpīṭayoniḥ, śociṣkeśaḥ, uṣarbudhaḥ, bṛhadbhānuḥ, hutabhuk, haviraśanaḥ, hutāśaḥ, hutāśanaḥ, havirbhuk, havyavāhanaḥ, havyāśanaḥ, kravyavāhanaḥ, tanunapāt, rohitāśvaḥ, āśuśukṣaṇiḥ, āśrayāśaḥ, āśayāśaḥ, āśrayabhuk, āśrayadhvaṃsī, pāvakaḥ, pāvanaḥ, tejaḥ, vahniḥ, jvalanaḥ, analaḥ, kṛśānuḥ, vāyusakhā, vāyusakhaḥ, dahanaḥ, śikhī, śikhāvān, kṛṣṇavartmā, araṇiḥ, ghāsiḥ, dāvaḥ, pacanaḥ, pācanaḥ, pācakaḥ, juhuvān, vāśiḥ, arciṣmān, prabhākaraḥ, chidiraḥ, śundhyuḥ, jaganuḥ, jāgṛviḥ, apāmpitaḥ, jalapittaḥ, apittam, himārātiḥ, phutkaraḥ, śukraḥ, āśaraḥ, samidhaḥ, citrabhānuḥ, jvālājihvā, kapilaḥ, vibhāvasuḥ, tamonud, śuciḥ, śukraḥ, damunaḥ, damīnaḥ, agiraḥ, hariḥ, bhuvaḥ   

devatāviśeṣaḥ-hindudharmānusāram agneḥ devatāsvarūpam।

agneḥ patnī svāhā।


sūryaḥ, sūraḥ, aryamā, ādityaḥ, dvādaśātmā, divākaraḥ, bhāskaraḥ, ahaskaraḥ, vradhraḥ, prabhākaraḥ, vibhākaraḥ, bhāsvān, vivasvān, saptāśvaḥ, haridaśvaḥ, uṣṇaraśmiḥ, vivarttanaḥ, arkaḥ, mārttaṇḍaḥ, mihiraḥ, aruṇaḥ, vṛṣā, dyumaṇiḥ, taraṇiḥ, mitraḥ, citrabhānuḥ, virocan, vibhāvasuḥ, grahapatiḥ, tviṣāmpatiḥ, ahaḥpatiḥ, bhānuḥ, haṃsaḥ, sahastrāṃśuḥ, tapanaḥ, savitā, raviḥ, śūraḥ, bhagaḥ, vṛdhnaḥ, padminīvallabhaḥ, hariḥ, dinamaṇiḥ, caṇḍāṃśuḥ, saptasaptiḥ, aṃśumālī, kāśyapeyaḥ, khagaḥ, bhānumān, lokalocanaḥ, padmabandhuḥ, jyotiṣmān, avyathaḥ, tāpanaḥ, citrarathaḥ, khamaṇiḥ, divāmaṇiḥ, gabhastihastaḥ, heliḥ, pataṃgaḥ, arcciḥ, dinapraṇīḥ, vedodayaḥ, kālakṛtaḥ, graharājaḥ, tamonudaḥ, rasādhāraḥ, pratidivā, jyotiḥpīthaḥ, inaḥ, karmmasākṣī, jagaccakṣuḥ, trayītapaḥ, pradyotanaḥ, khadyotaḥ, lokabāndhavaḥ, padminīkāntaḥ, aṃśuhastaḥ, padmapāṇiḥ, hiraṇyaretāḥ, pītaḥ, adriḥ, agaḥ, harivāhanaḥ, ambarīṣaḥ, dhāmanidhiḥ, himārātiḥ, gopatiḥ, kuñjāraḥ, plavagaḥ, sūnuḥ, tamopahaḥ, gabhastiḥ, savitraḥ, pūṣā, viśvapā, divasakaraḥ, dinakṛt, dinapatiḥ, dyupatiḥ, divāmaṇiḥ, nabhomaṇiḥ, khamaṇiḥ, viyanmaṇiḥ, timiraripuḥ, dhvāntārātiḥ, tamonudaḥ, tamopahaḥ, bhākoṣaḥ, tejaḥpuñjaḥ, bhānemiḥ, khakholkaḥ, khadyotanaḥ, virocanaḥ, nabhaścakṣūḥ, lokacakṣūḥ, jagatsākṣī, graharājaḥ, tapatāmpatiḥ, sahastrakiraṇaḥ, kiraṇamālī, marīcimālī, aṃśudharaḥ, kiraṇaḥ, aṃśubharttā, aṃśuvāṇaḥ, caṇḍakiraṇaḥ, dharmāṃśuḥ, tīkṣṇāṃśuḥ, kharāṃśuḥ, caṇḍaraśmiḥ, caṇḍamarīciḥ, caṇḍadīdhitiḥ, aśītamarīciḥ, aśītakaraḥ, śubharaśmiḥ, pratibhāvān, vibhāvān, vibhāvasuḥ, pacataḥ, pacelimaḥ, śuṣṇaḥ, gaganādhvagaḥ, gaṇadhvajaḥ, khacaraḥ, gaganavihārī, padmagarbhaḥ, padmāsanaḥ, sadāgatiḥ, haridaśvaḥ, maṇimān, jīviteśaḥ, murottamaḥ, kāśyapī, mṛtāṇḍaḥ, dvādaśātmakaḥ, kāmaḥ, kālacakraḥ, kauśikaḥ, citrarathaḥ, śīghragaḥ, saptasaptiḥ   

hindūnāṃ dharmagrantheṣu varṇitā ekā devatā।

vedeṣu sūryasya pūjāyāḥ vāraṃvāraṃ vidhānam asti।


anadhyavasāyin, aprayatnaśīla, alpaceṣṭita, anudyamin, anudyogin, alasa, gehemehin, jihma, nirūdyama, niryatna, niṣkriyātman   

yaḥ prayatitum anutsukaḥ asti।

anadhyavasāyī manuṣyaḥ kadāpi yaśaḥ na prāpnoti।


ayācita, anānudiṣṭa   

yasya yācanā na kṛtā।

tena ayācitasya dhanasya bhāṇḍāraḥ prāptaḥ।



saṅgītaśāstre mātrārdhasya uccāraṇakālaḥ।

saṅgītaśāstre anudrutasya viśiṣṭaṃ mahattvaṃ vartate।



kamapi anusṛtya dhāvanasya kriyā।

bhavataḥ anudhāvanena kaḥ api lābhaḥ na bhaviṣyati।




anudyoginā manuṣyeṇa vivāhaṃ kartuṃ sā avamanyate।



ekaḥ rājā ।

bhānudevasya ullekhaḥ sāhityadarpaṇe vartate

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