ā | (as a conjunctive particle) moreover, further, and (it is placed either between the two words connected [rarely after the second ,or after both ]or,if there are more, after the last[ ];See also ātaś ca- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) In classical Sanskrit it may denote the limit "to","until","as far as","from", either not including the object named or including it (sometimes with accusative or ablative or forming an adverb) exempli gratia, 'for example' ā-maraṇam- or ā-maraṇāt-,"till death" (see ā-maraṇānta-etc.)  |
ā | (See also ā-pakva-, oṣṇa-,etc.) Some commentaries (exempli gratia, 'for example' commentator or commentary on ) occasionally give to ā- in this application the meaning samantāt-,"all through, completely", as ā-nīla-,"blue all round."  |
a | (pragṛhya- q.v), a vocative particle ([ a ananta-,O viṣṇu-])  |
a | (before a vowel an-,exc. a-ṛṇin-) , a prefix corresponding to Greek , Latin in, Gothic and German un, English in or un, and having a negative or privative or contrary sense (an-eka-not one; an-anta-endless; a-sat-not good; a-paśyat-not seeing)  |
abda | m. Name of a mountain  |
abhāna | n. non-appearance,  |
ābhāsa | m. splendour, light  |
ābhāsa | m. semblance, phantom, phantasm of the imagination  |
ābhāsa | m. mere appearance, fallacious appearance  |
ābhāsvara | m. Name of a particular set of twelve subjects (ātmā jñātā damo dāntaḥ śāntir jñānaṃ śamas tapaḥ kāmaḥ krodho mado moho dvādaśābhāsvarā ime- )  |
abhāva | m. proof from non-existence (one of the six pramāṇa-s in vedānta- philosophy ["since there are no mice, therefore there must be cats here"]See pramāṇa-)  |
abhayagirivāsin | m. plural "dwelling on the mountain of safety", Name of a division of kātyāyana-'s pupils  |
abhicakṣaṇa | n. conjuring, incantation  |
abhicāra | m. exorcising, incantation, employment of spells for a malevolent purpose  |
abhīcāra | m. exorcising, incantation  |
abhicārakalpa | m. Name of work on incantations (belonging to the atharva-- veda-).  |
abhicāramantra | m. a formula or prayer for working a charm, an incantation.  |
abhicaraṇa | n. spell, incantation (see sā- bhicaraṇika-)  |
ābhicaraṇika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. abhicaraṇa-), maledictory, imprecatory, serving for incantation or cursing or enchantment  |
abhicarita | n. exorcising, incantation,  |
abhicint | (imperfect tense -acintayat-) to reflect on |
abhidham | (parasmE-pada m. dual number -dh/amantā-) to blow towards or against |
ābhidhānika | mfn. (fr. abhi-dhana-), belonging to or contained in a dictionary, lexicographical  |
abhidhṛ | Caus. -dhārayati-, to uphold, maintain  |
abhiduṣ | -dūṣayati-, to contaminate ; to wound.  |
abhiduṣṭa | mfn. contaminated  |
abhihan | (2. sg. Imper. -jahi- imperfect tense -h/an-[ ] & perf. -jaghantha-) to thump at, strike, kill etc. ; to beat (as a drum, etc.) etc. ; to afflict, visit with (instrumental case) : Desiderative -j/ighāṃsati-, to intend to strike down  |
abhijñāna | n. equals abhijñāna-śakuntala- q.v  |
abhijñānaśakuntala | n. title of a play of kālidāsa- id est (the nāṭaka-or play) on the subject of"token-(recognized)- śakuntalā-"  |
abhikṛti | f. Name of a metre (containing one hundred syllables)  |
abhimāna | m. Name of a ṛṣi- in the sixth manvantara-  |
abhimantha | m. (ophthalmia) equals adhimantha- q.v  |
abhimarśa | m. (or less correctly abhi-marṣa- ) touching, contact etc.  |
abhimarśaka | (or less correctly abhi-marṣaka- ) mfn. touching, coming in contact with.  |
abhimarśana | n. (or less correctly abhi-marṣaṇa- ) touching, contact etc.  |
abhimṛś | P. (1. plural -mṛśāmasi-; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood -m/ṛśe- ) to touch, come in contact with etc.: A1. -mṛśate- idem or 'mfn. one who devastates.' : Causal to cause to touch, : Intensive (parasmE-pada -marmṛśat-) "to intend to bring in contact with one's self", to long for (accusative) ; ( )  |
abhināmin | m. Name of a ṛṣi- in the sixth manvantara-  |
abhinanda | m. Name of a commentator on the amara-koṣa-  |
abhinidhā | P. to place upon or into (locative case) ; A1. to place upon one's self (as a burden) ; to touch slightly with (instrumental case) etc.: Passive voice -dhīyate-,"to be touched by each other", be in close contact (as the letters e-, o-and a-in the saṃdhi- called abhin/ihita- q.v)  |
abhinidhāna | m. [ and ] or n. [ ] "touching"or close contact (of letters in pronunciation, especially in the cases where initial a-is suppressed after e-and o-).  |
abhinihita | m. "close contact", Name of a special saṃdhi- (by which final e-and o-are brought into close contact with the initial a-of the following word, which in the old language probably was not entirely suppressed)  |
abhipramath | Caus. -manthayati-, to churn thoroughly  |
ābhiprāyika | mfn. (fr. abhiprāya-), voluntary, optional.  |
abhisamāvṛt | Ved. (3. plural -/āvartante-and imperfect tense -āvartanta-; future p. -vartsyamāna-) to return home  |
abhisaṃdhāya | bringing in contact with (as an arrow with a bow), place upon (instrumental case)  |
abhisaṃyoga | m. (in mīmāṃsā- philosophy) close contact or relation to.  |
abhisaṃyuj | Caus. to bring in close contact with (instrumental case)  |
abhiṣañj | ( sañj-), -ṣajati- ( ) "to be in close contact with", have a claim to or lay claim to (varia lectio abhi--2. pat-) ; to put a slur upon (accusative), revile, curse.  |
abhisāriṇī | f. Name of a species of the triṣṭubh- metre (as that in ,in which two pāda-'s contain twelve instead of eleven syllables, and which therefore is said toapproachanother metre called jagatī-)  |
abhiṣava | m. ferment, yeast, any substance producing vinous fermentation  |
abhisru | (Imper. 3. plural -sravantu-) to cause to flow near ; (p. -sravanta-for -sravat-)  |
abhiśuna | mfn. successful, having an advantage over (as one wrestler over another)  |
abhiṣyat | m. (an-) or (abhiṣyantas- n.sg.) Name of a son of kuru-  |
abhivap | (imperfect tense 3. plural -vapanta-;Ved. ind.p. -/upyā-) to scatter over, cover with (instrumental case)  |
abhivāś | (Aorist 3. plural -avāvaśanta-; perf. 3. plural -vavāśire-,or -vāvaśre-, plural .2. -vāvaśān/a-[ ; see abhi-vaś-]) to low. (as a cow) or roar towards  |
abhivat | mfn. containing the word abh/i-  |
abhivicar | A1. (subjunctive 3. plural -caranta-) to go near to (accusative) : Causal -cārayati-, to consider, reflect upon  |
abhividhā | to bring near to or in contact with (accusative)  |
abhivisṛj | A1. (imperfect tense 3. plural -asṛjanta-) to throw or shout towards (accusative) ; to assume from (ablative),  |
abhragiri | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a mountain,  |
abhūtarajas | m. plural Name of a class of deities (supposed to have existed in the fifth manvantara-)  |
abhyāgam | (future p. negative /anabhyāgamiṣyat- ) to come near to, approach, visit etc. ; (with cintām-) to happen to think  |
abhyāhitāgni | mfn. (a house) containing a sacred fire,  |
abhyam | abhy-/amīti- ( [quoted in ; see also ];2. sg. -/amīṣi-;3. plural subjunctive -am/anti-and imperfect tense A1. -/amanta-) to advance violently against, pain, hurt  |
abhyantara | mf(ā-)n. interior, being inside of, included in (locative case; genitive case or in compound [ see gaṇābhyantara-])  |
ābhyantara | mfn. (fr. abhy-antara-), being inside, interior, inner  |
ābhyantarika | mfn. equals ābhyantara-.  |
abhyāsa | m. (in later vedānta- philosophy) inculcation of a truth conveyed in sacred writings by means of repeating the same word or the same passage  |
abhyupāyana | n. a complimentary gift, an inducement  |
abja | m. Name of dhanvantari- (physician of the gods, produced at the churning of the ocean)  |
acala | m. a mountain, rock  |
acalādhipa | m. "king of mountains", the himālaya-.  |
acalaśreṣṭha | m. chief of mountains.  |
ācaraṇa | n. conduct, behaviour , (see sv-āc-)  |
ācāryabhogīna | mfn. being advantageous or agreeable to a teacher, (gaRa kṣsubhnādi- q.v)  |
ācāryadeśīya | mfn. (see ) "somewhat inferior to an ācārya-"(a title applied by commentators to scholars or disputants whose statements contain only a part of the truth and are not entirely correct;the term is opposed to " ācārya-"and" siddhāntin-"), kaiyaṭa- and nāgojībhaṭṭa- on  |
ācāryānī | f. (with dental n- vArttika on ) the wife of an ācārya- (with cerebral ṇ-)  |
ācāryatarpaṇa | n. a rite supplementary to the ṛṣi-- t-,  |
ācāryavat | (ācāry/a--) mfn. one who has a teacher  |
ācchādakatva | n. hiding  |
acchāvākīya | mfn. containing the word acchāvāka-  |
acira | mfn. instantaneous, recent  |
acodas | mfn. free from compulsion or external stimulus, spontaneous  |
acyutajallakin | m. Name of a commentator of the amara-koṣa-.  |
ācyutanti | m. plural Name of a warrior-tribe (See acyuta-danta-), (gaRa dāmany-ādi- q.v)  |
ādā | A1. -datte-, ( ) , Epic also rarely P. (exempli gratia, 'for example' 1. sg. -dadmi-,or -dadāmi-), Ved. generally A1. ([Pot. 1. plural -dadīmahi-; imperfect tense 3. sg. ādatta-; perf. 1. and 3. sg. -dade-; perf. p. -dadān/a- -d/adāna- ]) , but also P. (imperfect tense sg. ādam-, ādas-, ādat-,and 1. plural ādāma- Aorist 3. dual number āttām- ) "to give to one's self", take, accept, receive from (locative case instrumental case or ablative) etc. ; to seize, take away, carry off, rob ; to take back, reclaim ; to take off or out from (ablative), separate from (ablative) ; to take or carry away with one's self, (Potential P.1. sg. -dadīyam -!) ; to seize, grasp, take or catch hold of etc. ; to put on (clothes) ; to take as food or drink (with genitive case) (perf. Passive voice 3. sg. -dade-) ; (with accusative) ; to undertake, begin etc. ; to choose (a path) ; (with vacanam-etc.) to begin to speak etc. ; to begin to speak or to recite (see punar-ādāyam-) ; to offer (as oblations) (irreg. pr. p. -dadāyat-) ; to perceive, notice, feel ; to keep in mind ; to accept, approve of : Causal (ind.p. -dāpya-) to cause one to take : Desiderative A1. (imperfect tense 3. plural /āditsanta-) to be on the point of taking or carrying away from (genitive case) ; to be on the point of taking (the hand of) ; to be about to take to one's self |
adamya | mfn. untamable.  |
adantya | mfn. not dental  |
ādarśa | m. "illustrating", a commentary (often equals -darpaṇa-)  |
ādarśa | m. of a mountain.  |
adbhuta | m. Name of the indra- of the ninth manvantara-  |
adbhutārtha | mfn. containing wonderful things,  |
āḍhakika | mf(ī-)n. holding or containing an āḍhaka-, sown with an āḍhaka- of seed (as a field), etc.  |
ādhāna | n. containing, being in possession of  |
ādhāra | m. the power of sustaining, or the support given, aid, patronage etc.  |
ādhāra | m. that which contains (a fluid etc.), a vessel, receptacle etc.  |
ādhārya | mf(ā-)n. contained, included  |
ādheya | mf(ā-)n. being contained, comprehended, included commentator or commentary on  |
ādhi | m. thought, care, anxious reflection, mental agony, anxiety, pain etc.  |
ādhibhautika | mf(ī-)n. elementary, derived or produced from the primitive elements, material.  |
adhikadanta | m. a redundant tooth which grows over another (see adhi-danta-.)  |
adhikaraṇamālā | f. a compendium of the topics of the vedānta- by bhāratī-tīrtha-.  |
adhikasāptatika | mfn. (containing or costing) more than seventy.  |
adhikaṣāṣṭika | mfn. (containing or costing) more than sixty.  |
adhikopama | mfn. containing a redundant simile,  |
adhimantha | or adhī-mantha- m. "great irritation of the eyes", severe ophthalmia.  |
adhīmantha | equals adhi-mantha- q.v  |
adhinirhan | (perf. 2. sg. -jaghantha-) to destroy, root out from  |
adhipativatī | (/adhipati--) f. containing the lord in herself  |
adhityakā | f. (fr. adhi-tya-,a derivation of adhi-; see ), land on the upper part of a mountain, table land  |
adhivāsana | n. the ceremony of touching a vessel containing fragrant objects (that have been presented to an idol)  |
adhobāṇa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a mountain,  |
adhomukhā | f. the plant Premna Esculenta.  |
ādhṛ | P. (-dharati-) to hold, keep, support : Causal P. (imperfect tense 2. sg. ādhārayas-) to bring, supply : Passive voice (-dhriyate-) to be contained, exist in anything (locative case)  |
ādhṛta | mf(ā-)n. contained (with locative case)  |
ādhunaya | Nom. (fr. dh/uni-) A1. (imperative 3. plural /ā-dhunayantām-) to rush towards with violence  |
adhvaravat | (adhvar/a--) mfn. containing the word adhvara-  |
ādhvarika | m. (scilicet grantha-) a book explaining the adhvara- sacrifice  |
adhyāropa | m. (in vedānta- philosophy) wrong attribution, erroneous transferring of a statement from one thing to another.  |
adhyāropita | mfn. (in vedānta- philosophy) erroneously transferred from one thing to another.  |
adhyātmacintāmaṇi | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a vedānta- work  |
ādhyātmika | mf(ā-and ī-)n. proceeding from bodily and mental causes within one's self  |
adhyavasāya | m. (in philosophy) mental effort, apprehension.  |
adhyuṣṭa | mfn. (invented as the Sanskrit representative of the Prakrit addhuththha-,which is derived from ardha-caturtha-), three and a half.  |
ādiparvata | m. a principal mountain  |
ādityamaṇḍala | n. the disc or orb of the sun  |
adomaya | mfn. made of that, containing that  |
adri | m. ( ad- ), a stone, a rock, a mountain  |
adri | m. a mountain-shaped mass of clouds  |
adri | m. a cloud (the mountains are the clouds personified, and regarded as the enemies of indra-)  |
adribhid | mfn. splitting mountains or clouds  |
adribhū | mfn. mountain-born, found or living among mountains  |
adribudhna | (/adri--) mfn. rooted in or produced on a rock or mountain  |
adridhṛt | m. "mountain-holder", Name (also title or epithet) of kṛṣṇa- (confer, compare govardhana-, parasmE-pada 366),  |
adridviṣ | m. the enemy of mountains or clouds id est indra-  |
adrija | mfn. produced from or found among rocks or mountains  |
adrimātṛ | (/adri--) mfn. having a rock or mountain for a mother  |
adrimūrdhan | m. the head or summit of a mountain.  |
adrīndra | m. "lord of mountains", the himālaya-.  |
adripati | m. "lord of mountains", the himālaya-.  |
adrirāj | m. "king of mountains", the himālaya-.  |
adrirāja | m. "king of mountains", the himālaya-.  |
adrīśa | m. "lord of mountains", the himālaya-.  |
adrisānu | mfn. lingering on the mountains  |
adriśayya | m. "having the mountain for a couch", śiva-  |
adriśṛṅga | n. a mountain-peak.  |
adritanayā | f. "mountain-daughter", Name of pārvatī-  |
adritanayā | f. Name of a metre (of four lines, each containing twenty-three syllables).  |
adrivahni | m. fire on or in a mountain or rock.  |
adṛṣṭārtha | mfn. having an object not evident to the senses (as a science), transcendental.  |
ādyanta | n. or au- dual number plural beginning and end, etc.  |
aga | m. a mountain  |
agaja | mfn. produced on a mountain, or from a tree  |
agama | m. a mountain  |
āgamaśāstra | n. "a supplementary manual", Name of a supplement to the māṇḍūkyopaniṣad- (composed by gauḍa-- pāda-).  |
āgāmin | mfn. (with auguries) accidental, changeable (opposed to sthira-,"fix")  |
āgantu | mfn. adventitious, incidental, accidental  |
āgantuja | mfn. arising accidentally  |
āgantuka | mfn. incidental, accidental, adventitious (as pleasure, pain, ornament, etc.)  |
agasti | m. (according to fr.2. a-ga-,a mountain, and asti-,thrower,2. as-). Name of a ṛṣi- (author of several Vedic hymns;said to have been the son of both mitra- and varuṇa- by urvaśī-;to have been born in a water-jar;to have been of short stature;to have swallowed the ocean, and compelled the vindhya- mountains to prostrate themselves before him;to have conquered and civilized the South;to have written on medicine, etc.)  |
agaukas | m. "mountain-dweller", a lion  |
āghaṭṭana | n. friction, rubbing, contact  |
āghrāta | mfn. equals krānta- or ākrānta-  |
agnidagdha | m. plural a class of pitṛ-s who, when on earth, maintained a sacred fire  |
āgnīdhraka | m. Name of one of the seven ṛṣi-s in the twelfth manvantara-  |
agnigarbha | m. a gem supposed to contain and give out solar heat (= sūrya-kānta-)  |
agnihotrin | mfn. practising the agnihotra-, maintaining the sacrificial fire  |
agnimaṇi | m. the sun-stone (equals surya-kānta-).  |
agnimat | mfn. having or maintaining a sacrificial fire etc.  |
agninyakta | (n/i-- ny-), mfn. mingled with agni- (id est having agni- incidentally mentioned),  |
agniparvata | m. "fire-mountain", a volcano  |
āgnipātnīvatī | f. (scilicet ṛc-) the verse containing the words /agne p/atnīr- (id est ),  |
āgnipāvamānī | f. (scilicet ṛc-) the verse containing the words /agne pavase- (id est ) (see āgneya-pāv-.) |
agniṣṭoma | m. "praise of agni-", Name of a protracted ceremony or sacrifice (forming one of the chief modifications,[ saṃsthās-]of the jyotiṣṭoma- offered by one who is desirous of obtaining heaven; the performer is a brahman- who maintains the sacred fire, the offering is the soma-, the deities to whom, the offering is made are indra- etc., the number of priests required is 16, the ceremonies continue for five, days)  |
agnitejas | m. one of the seven ṛṣi-s of the eleventh manvantara-  |
āgrahāyaṇika | mfn. containing a full moon of agrahāyaṇa- (as a month or half a month or a year)  |
agrevaṇa | n. the border of a forest (gaRa rājadantādi- q.v)  |
ahaṃkārya | mfn. equals -kartavya- q.v  |
āhanasyā | f. a chapter of the kuntāpa- hymns in the atharva-- veda- etc.  |
ahārya | m. a mountain  |
āhārya | mfn. what may be removed, adventitious, accessory, incidental  |
ahita | mfn. unadvantageous  |
ahita | n. damage, disadvantage, evil etc.  |
āhita | mfn. comprising, containing.  |
āhitāgni | m. sacrificer, a Brahman who maintains a perpetual sacred fire in a family etc. etc.  |
āhnikācāra | m. daily observance (the diurnal prayers and practices necessary for bodily and mental purification)  |
ahobala | m. Name of a commentator  |
āhulya | n. the leguminous shrub Tabernaemontana Coronaria  |
āhutiparimāṇa | mfn. (fuel) containing as many pieces of wood as there are oblations to be made,  |
aiḍa | mf(ī-)n. (fr. iḍā-), containing anything that refreshes or strengthens  |
aiḍa | mf(ī-)n. ending in or containing the word iḍā- (as a sāman-) etc.  |
aihika | mfn. (fr. iha-), of this place, of this world, worldly, local, temporal  |
aikāgrya | n. (fr. ekāgra-), intentness or concentration on one object  |
aikāntika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. ekānta-), absolute, necessary, complete, exclusive  |
ailika | m. a descendant of ilinī-, Name of jaṃsu- (father of duṣyanta-)  |
aindri | m. Name of jayanta-  |
airāvataka | m. Name of a mountain  |
aiṣṭikapaurtika | mfn. connected with sacrifices and with doing good works (not included under the head of sacrifices) , (antarvedikaṃ bahirveḍikaṃ ca- )  |
aitadātmya | n. (fr. etad-ātman-), the state of having the nature or property of this (= ) .  |
aitareyopaniṣadbhāṣya | n. Name of a treatise and commentary on the last.  |
aitaśapralāpa | m. Name of a section of the atharva-- veda- by the above muni- (coming after the kuntāpa- hymns )  |
ājijñāsenyā | f. plural (fr. Desiderative) scilicet ṛcas-,"liable to investigation", Name of some of the kuntāpa- hymns (of the )  |
ājiśiras | n. equals ājy-anta- below commentator or commentary on  |
ajita | m. one of the saptarṣi-s of the fourteenth manvantara-  |
ajita | m. plural a class of deified beings in the first manvantara-.  |
ājya | n. Name of the sūkta- contained in the aforesaid śastra-,  |
ājyavilāpanī | f. the vessel containing the clarified butter  |
ākālikā | f. (ā- commentator or commentary) (fr. ā-kāl/a-[ ]or perhaps = 2. ākālika-) momentary, instantaneous (as lightning)  |
ākālikī | f. (fr. ā-kāl/a-[ ]or perhaps = 2. ākālika-) momentary, instantaneous (as lightning)  |
akāraṇotpanna | mfn. produced spontaneously.  |
ākārita | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' having the shape of  |
ākāśa | n. (in philos.) the subtle and ethereal fluid (supposed to fill and pervade the universe and to be the peculiar vehicle of life and of sound) etc.  |
ākāśasphaṭika | m. a kind of crystal (supposed to be formed in the atmosphere and of two kinds, sūrya-kānta- and candra-kānta- q.v)  |
akasmāt | ind. without a why or a wherefore, accidentally, suddenly.  |
ākasmika | mf(ī-)n. accidental, casual  |
ākāśopanyāsa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a vedānta- work  |
akhaṇḍa | mfn. not fragmentary, entire, whole  |
akiñcanatā | f. voluntary poverty (as practised by jaina- ascetics).  |
akiñcanatva | n. voluntary poverty (as practised by jaina- ascetics).  |
ākrandana | n. lamentation  |
ākrandita | n. lamentation  |
ākrāntamati | mfn. mentally overcome, having the mind engrossed or deeply impressed.  |
akṛtavraṇa | m. Name of a commentator on the purāṇa-s  |
akṣāralavaṇa | mfn. or, according to and , better"(food) not containing acrid substances nor salt"; therefore also akṣārālavaṇa- in the same sense see kṣāra-lavaṇa-.  |
akṣarapaṅkti | mfn. containing five syllables  |
akṣarapaṅkti | f. Name of a metre of four lines, each containing one dactyl and one spondee  |
akṣarasaṃghāta | (in dramatic language) accidental putting together or arranging of letters or syllables,  |
akṣarasaṃhāta | (in dramatic language) accidental putting together or arranging of letters or syllables,  |
akṣasaṅgam | ind. so that the axle is caught or hooked by contact with some obstruction  |
akṣaya | m. Name of a mountain  |
alakanandā | f. Name of a river that runs from the himālaya- mountains and falls into the gaṅgā-  |
ālambana | n. the mental exercise practised by the yogin- in endeavouring to realize the gross form of the Eternal  |
ālambanavat | mfn. devoted to the mental exercise called ālambana-  |
ālambin | mfn. laying hold of, supporting, maintaining  |
alaṅghanīya | mfn. insurmountable, impassable, not to be crossed  |
alaṅghanīyatā | f. impassableness, insurmountableness inaccessibility  |
alātaśanti | f. Name of the fourth chapter of gauḍapāda-'s commentary on the  |
aliṅgin | mfn. "not wearing the usual"frontal marks, skin, staff, etc., a pretended ascetic or student (see sa-liṅgin-.)  |
ālocya | mfn. to be considered or reflected upon,  |
āloka | m. flattery, praise, complimentary language  |
ālokagadādharī | f. Name of a commentary on the above work called āloka-.  |
alolā | f. (also lolā- q.v), Name of a metre (containing four lines, each of fourteen syllables).  |
alpasvara | containing few vowels,  |
amalānanda | m. Name of a Vedantic writer, author of the vedānta-kalpataru-.  |
amara | m. of a mountain (See -parvata-)  |
amarakoṣakaumudī | f. title of a commentary on amara-siṃha-'s dictionary.  |
amaraparvata | m. Name of a mountain  |
amarapuṣpa | m. the plants Saccharum Spontaneum, Pandanus Odoratissimus and Magnifera Indica.  |
amarapuṣpaka | m. the plants Saccharum Spontaneum, Pandanus Odoratissimus and Magnifera Indica.  |
āmarśa | m. contact  |
āmath | or ā-manth- P. (perfect tense -mamantha-) to whirl round or stir with velocity, agitate, shake about  |
ambaraśaila | m. a high mountain (touching the sky).  |
ambeka | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a Commentator,  |
ambhogarbha | mfn. containing water (as a cloud),  |
āmbikeya | m. of a mountain  |
ambumat | mfn. watery, having or containing water  |
ambuprasāda | m. the clearing nut tree, Strychnos Potatorum (the nuts of this plant are generally used in India for purifying water[ see ];they are rubbed upon the inner surface of a vessel, and so precipitate the impurities of the fluid it contains).  |
ambuprasādana | n. the clearing nut tree, Strychnos Potatorum (the nuts of this plant are generally used in India for purifying water[ see ];they are rubbed upon the inner surface of a vessel, and so precipitate the impurities of the fluid it contains).  |
āmekhalam | ind. to the edge (of a mountain)  |
āmī | P. -mināti- ( ) to destroy, neutralize, curtail ; to put aside or away, cause to disappear or vanish, displace ; to exchange ; to put or push out of place : A1. (imperfect tense /āminanta-) to vanish, disappear : Intensive (parasmE-pada -m/emyāna-) to change, alter  |
amita | or ānta- mfn. perf. Passive voice p. am-  |
amitābha | m. plural "of unmeasured splendour", Name of certain deities in the eighth manvantara-  |
amitākṣara | mfn. not containing a fixed number of syllables  |
amlaśāka | n. rice water after fermentation.  |
āmnāyasārin | mfn. containing the essence of the veda- |
āmrakūṭa | m. Name of a mountain  |
āmrātaka | m. Name of a mountain  |
āmrin | mfn. containing mango trees. commentator or commentary on  |
amṛta | m. of dhanvantari-  |
amṛtakuṇḍa | n. the vessel containing the amṛta- or nectar.  |
āmyakṣ | P. (perfect tense -mimikṣ/us-) to be contained or possessed by (locative case)  |
anabhravṛṣṭi | f. "cloudless rain", any unexpected acquisition or advantage  |
anāgama | mfn. (in law) not constituting an accession to previous property, but possessed from time immemorial, and therefore without documentary proof.  |
anagni | mfn. not maintaining a sacred fire, irreligious  |
anagnitrā | (/an-agni--) mfn. not maintaining the sacred fire  |
anāhata | mfn. unbeaten, unwounded, intact  |
anaikānta | mfn. (fr. ekānta-), variable, unsteady  |
anākālabhṛta | m. a slave who became so voluntarily to avoid starvation in a time of scarcity (also spelt annākāla-bhṛta-).  |
anakasmāt | ind. not accidentally, not suddenly.  |
anālambhukā | ([ ]) f. "intangible", a woman during menstruation.  |
ānam | P. (3. plural /ā-namanti- etc.; infinitive mood -n/amam- ) A1. (imperative 3. plural /ānamantām- ) to bend down, bend, bow, incline etc. ; to do homage, salute reverently etc. ; to condescend ; to be propitious (as gods to men) ; to bring near ; to bend towards or near ; to subdue : Causal -nāmayati- and -namayati-, to inflect, bend (a bow), cause to bend, subdue  |
anaṃśumatphalā | f. the plantain (= aṃśumat-phalā-).  |
ānanda | mn. "pure happiness", one of the three attributes of ātman- or brahman- in the vedānta- philosophy etc.  |
ānandabhuj | mfn. enjoying happiness  |
ānandamaya | mf(ī-)n. blissful, made up or consisting of happiness  |
ānandanidhi | m. Name of a commentary.  |
anaṅgakrīḍā | f. Name of a metre (of two verses, the first containing sixteen long syllables, the second thirty-two short ones).  |
anaṅgaśekhara | m. Name of a metre (of four verses, each containing fifteen iambi).  |
anantacaturdaśī | f. the fourteenth lunar day (or full moon) of bhādra-, when ananta- is worshipped.  |
anantaraya | m. non-interruption and (see antaraya-.)  |
ānantarya | n. (fr. an-antara- ), immediate sequence or succession etc.  |
anantaśāyin | m. "reclining on (the serpent) Ananta", Name (also title or epithet) of viṣṇu-,  |
anantatīrthakṛt | m. = anantajit-.  |
anantavrata | n. ceremony or festival in honour of ananta- or viṣṇu- (on the day of the full moon in bhādra-)  |
ānantya | mfn. (fr. an-anta- ), infinite, eternal etc.  |
anārambhaṇa | mfn. intangible, giving no support  |
anārūḍha | mfn. not contained in, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
anāśīrka | mfn. not containing a prayer or blessing  |
anasūyā | f. of one of śakuntalā-'s friends.  |
anāsvādita | mfn. untasted.  |
anāviddha | not containing long compounds, .  |
andhadhī | mfn. mentally blind.  |
andhakavarta | m. Name of a mountain  |
aṅga | n. a mental organ, the mind  |
aṅgaja | mfn. produced from or on the body, ornamental  |
aṅgaja | mfn. produced by a supplementary ceremony  |
aṅgajāta | mfn. ornamental  |
aṅgajāta | mfn. produced by a supplementary ceremony.  |
aṅgakarman | n. a supplementary sacrificial act.  |
aṅgakriyā | f. a supplementary sacrificial act.  |
aṅgasaṅga | m. "bodily contact", coition  |
aṅgasparśa | m. bodily contact.  |
aṅgati | m. a Brahman who maintains a sacred fire  |
aṅgiras | m. Name of a ṛṣi-, author of the hymns of , of a code of laws, and of a treatise on astronomy (he is said by some to have been born from brahmā-'s mouth, and to have been the husband of smṛti-, of śraddhā-, of two daughters of maitreya-, of several daughters of dakṣa-, etc.;he is considered as one of the seven ṛṣi-s of the first manvantara-, as a prajāpati-, as a teacher of the brahmavidyā-, which he had learnt from satyavāha-, a descendant of bharadvāja-, etc. Among his sons, the chief is agni-, others are saṃvarta-, utathya-, and bṛhaspati-;among his daughters are mentioned sinīvālī-, kuhū-, rākā-, anumati-, and akūpārā-;but the ṛca-s or Vedic hymns, the manes of haviṣmat-, and mankind itself are styled his offspring. In astronomy he is the planet Jupiter, and a star in Ursa Major)  |
aṅguliṣaṅga | m. contact of the fingers  |
anibandhana | mfn. causeless, accidental,  |
anikāmatas | ([ ]) or a-nik/āmam- ([ ]) ind. involuntarily, unintentionally.  |
anikṣuus | m. (See 3. a-),"not (true) sugar-cane", a sort of long grass or reed, Saccharum Spontaneum.  |
ānīlaniṣadhāyāma | mfn. stretching from the nīla- to the niṣadha- mountains,  |
ānīlaniṣadhāyata | mfn. stretching from the nīla- to the niṣadha- mountains,  |
animittaliṅganāsa | m. "unaccountable loss of distinct vision", Name of an ophthalmic disease ending in total blindness (perhaps amaurosis).  |
anirmālyā | f. the plant Mendicago Esculenta.  |
aniṣṭa | mfn. (3. iṣ-), unwished, undesirable, disadvantageous, unfavourable  |
aniṣṭa | n. evil, disadvantage.  |
anitya | mfn. not everlasting, transient, occasional, incidental  |
añjana | m. of a mountain, of a king of mithilā-, of the elephant of the west or south-west quarter  |
āñjanagiri | m. Name of a mountain (see añjana-.)  |
añjanāgiri | m. Name of a mountain.  |
añjanaka | m. portion of a text containing the word añjana-, (gaRa goṣad-ādi- q.v)  |
aṅkapālī | f. the plant (Piring) Medicago Esculenta.  |
aṅkati | m. a Brahman who maintains the sacred fire  |
annahāra | mfn. containing food,  |
anṛc | mfn. ([ ]) or anṛca- ([ ]) not containing a verse from the ṛg-veda-, hymnless, not conversant with the ṛg-- veda-  |
anṛcka | mfn. containing no ṛc-  |
anṛkka | mfn. containing no ṛc-  |
ant | cl.1 P. antati-, to bind (see and-, īnt-.)  |
anta | mfn. near, handsome, agreeable ([ confer, compare Gothic andeis,Themeandja; German Ende; English end:with anta-are also compared the Greek , ; Latin ante; the Gothic andainanda-vaurd,etc.; and the German ent exempli gratia, 'for example' inentsagen]).  |
anta | antāya-- kṛ- to fight obstinately  |
anta | antād- antam- parikramya- walking to and fro ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
antādi | ī- dual number m. end and beginning, (gaRa rājadantādi- q.v)  |
antagati | (/anta--) ([ ]) mfn. going to the end, perishing.  |
antaḥpārśva | (/antaḥ--) = antaḥ-- pārśvy/a-,  |
āntaḥpurika | mfn. (fr. antaḥpura-), belonging to the women's apartments  |
antaḥpūya | mfn. containing pus,  |
antaḥśailaja | m. a native of antar-giri-,  |
antaḥsānu | ind. in the mountain ridge,  |
antaḥśava | mfn. containing a corpse,  |
antaḥstha | mfn. (generally written antasth/a-) being in the midst or between etc.  |
antaḥstobha | mfn. containing a stobha-,  |
antakarman | mfn. (= anta-- kara-), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding iii, 59  |
antakṛddaśā | f. plural Name of the eighth of the twelve sacred aṅga- texts of the jaina-s (containing ten chapters).  |
āntam | ind. (for ā-antam-), to the end, completely, from head to foot  |
antam | ind. as far as (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' udakāntam-,as far as the water)  |
antama | mfn. ([once antam/a- ]) next, nearest  |
antama | and antamā- See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /anta-.  |
antanāman | (/anta--), mfn. denoting"the end",  |
āntara | mfn. (fr. antara-), interior, internal, inward  |
antara | n. representation  |
antara | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'), different, other, another exempli gratia, 'for example' deśāntaram-, another country  |
antarā | antarā- ca- - antarā- ca-, (with two accusatives of places) between - and -  |
antarābhara | See antar/ā-.  |
antarādhā | A1. -dhatte-, to receive into one's self, contain  |
antarādiś | f. equals antardiś/ā- q.v  |
antaradiśā | ([ ]) f. an intermediate region or quarter of the compass (see antarā-diś-and antar-deś/a-.)  |
āntarāgārika | mfn. (fr. antarāgāra-), belonging to the inner or women's apartments  |
āntarāla | mfn. (fr. antar-āla-), (in philosophy)"those who know the condition of the soul within the body" , Name of a philosophical sect.  |
antarāla | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order antar-.  |
antaraṅgatva | n. the state or condition of an antaraṅga-.  |
antarantaḥstha | mfn. containing a semivowel,  |
āntaraprapañca | m. the fantasies of the soul produced by ignorance.  |
antarapraśna | m. a question which is contained in and arises from what has been previously stated.  |
āntaratamya | n. (fr. antara-tama-), nearest or closest relationship (as of two letters)  |
antarāya | See antar-i-.  |
antaraya | etc. See antar-i-.  |
antarāya | See antar-i-.  |
antaraya | m. impediment, hindrance (see /an-antaraya-.)  |
antaraya | Nom. P. -ayati- See antar-i-.  |
āntarāyika | mfn. (fr. antar-āya-), returning at intervals, repeated from time to time.  |
antarbāṣpa | mfn. containing tears.  |
antarbhū | to be (contained or inherent or implied) in  |
antarbhūta | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') being or contained in anything, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
antarbhūtatva | n. See antar-bhāva-.  |
antardadhana | n. the distillation of spirituous liquor (or a substance used to cause fermentation)  |
antardhā | etc. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order antar-dhā-, p.44.  |
antardhāna | n. antardhānam- i- or gam-, to disappear  |
antargaṇa | m. a gaṇa- contained in another gaṇa-, Sch.  |
āntargaṇika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. antargaṇa-), included or comprehended in a class or troop  |
antargata | etc. See antar-gam-.  |
āntargehika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. antargeha-), being inside a house |
antargiri | m. "situated among the mountains", Name of a country  |
antarhita | etc. See antar-dhā-, p.44.  |
āntarikṣa | or āntarīkṣa- mf(ī-)n. (fr. antarikṣa-), belonging to the intermediate space between heaven and earth, atmospherical, proceeding from or produced in the atmosphere  |
antarindriya | n. (in vedānta- philosophy) an internal organ (of which there are four, viz. manas-, buddhi-, ahaṃkāra-,and citta-).  |
āntarīpaka | mfn. (fr. antar-īpa- gaRa dhūmādi- ,where [in Boehtlingk's edition] antarīpa-is to be read instead of antarīya-), belonging to or being in an island.  |
antaruṣya | m. see daśāntaruṣy/a-.  |
antarvaṃśa | m. equals antaḥ-pura-.  |
antarvas | to dwell inside, abide in the interior ; to stop in the midst of (see antar-uṣya- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ant/ar-.)  |
āntarvedika | mfn. (fr. antarvedika-), being within the place of sacrifice commentator or commentary on  |
āntarveśmika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. antar-veśma-), produced or occurring within a house  |
antaspatha | (/antas--) mfn. being on the way  |
antastha | mfn. See also antaḥ-sth/a-.  |
antastoya | mfn. containing water inside  |
antavat | mfn. containing a word which has the meaning of anta-  |
antaya | Nom. P. antayati-, to make an end of  |
antika | mfn. (fr. anta-), only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' reaching to the end of, reaching to (exempli gratia, 'for example' nāsāntika-,reaching to the nose) , lasting till, until.  |
antra | n. (contr. of antara-; Greek ) , entrail, intestine (confer, compare āntr/a-)  |
antyaja | m. a man of one of seven inferior tribes (a washerman, currier, mimic, varuḍa-, fisherman, meda- or attendant on women, and mountaineer or forester).  |
anubandha | m. (in philosophy) an indispensable element of the vedānta-  |
anudarśa | m. representation, admonition,  |
ānugatya | n. acquaintance, familiarity  |
anugiram | ind. on the mountain  |
anugīti | f. Name of a metre (of two verses, the first containing twenty-seven, the second thirty-two mātrā-s)  |
anugraha | m. facilitating by incantations  |
anugrahasarga | m. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) creation of the feelings or mental conditions.  |
anukarṣa | m. invoking, summoning by incantation  |
anukrakaca | mfn. dentated like a saw, serrated.  |
anukṛt | (p. -kṛntat-) to go on destroying  |
anukṣaṇam | ind. momentarily, perpetually, every instant.  |
aṇumātrika | mfn. containing the atomic elements (mātrā-) of the body  |
anupadasūtra | n. a commentary explaining the text (of a brāhmaṇa-) word for word.  |
anupadiṣṭa | mfn. untaught, uninstructed.  |
anupaghnat | mfn. not detrimental  |
anupālayat | mfn. keeping, maintaining.  |
anupālya | mfn. to be guarded or kept or maintained (as truth),  |
anupapatti | f. inconclusive argumentation  |
anupāta | m. a degree of latitude opposite to one given, the Antaeci (?)  |
anuprasṛ | Causal (imperfect tense 3. plural -prāsārayanta-) to extend over : Intensive participle -s/arsrāṇa-, moving along (accusative)  |
anusambhid | to bring into contact, combine  |
anuśatikādi | a gaRa of , containing the compounds the derivatives of which have vṛddhi- in both parts, as ānuśātika-, etc.  |
anuśaya | m. repentance, regret  |
anuśayin | mfn. repentant, penitent, regretful, sorry for  |
anuśocaka | mfn. occasioning repentance.  |
anuśocana | n. sorrow, repentance.  |
anuśoka | m. sorrow, repentance, regret  |
anuśrath | cl.6 P. -śṛnthati-, to untie : Causal P. (Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. -śiśrathaḥ-) to frighten ([ ;"to abolish" ]) : A1. -śrathayate-, to annihilate or soften the effect of.  |
anuṣvadham | (fr. sva-dhā-) ind. according to one's will, voluntary  |
anutāpa | m. repentance, heat.  |
anutāpaka | mf(ikā-)n. causing repentance,  |
anutāpana | mfn. occasioning remorse, repentance or sorrow.  |
anutṛd | (Imper. 2. sg. -tṛndhi-; imperfect tense 2. dual number -atṛntam-; perf. -tatarda-) to split open  |
anuvaṃśaśloka | m. plural śloka-s containing genealogies (exempli gratia, 'for example' etc.), n. 1.  |
anvādhi | m. repentance, remorse  |
anvāhārya | n. the monthly śrāddha- (q.v) held on the day of new moon (according to it should be of meat eaten after the presentation of a piṇḍa- or ball of rice).  |
anvāhāryaka | n. the monthly śrāddha- (q.v) held on the day of new moon (according to it should be of meat eaten after the presentation of a piṇḍa- or ball of rice).  |
anvavamṛś | to touch or come in contact with or along  |
anvaya | m. the natural order or connection of words in a sentence, syntax, construing  |
ānvīkṣikī | (also, with buddhi-) an argumentative mind,  |
anyatodat | mfn. equals anyatar/ato-danta- q.v  |
apadāntara | mfn. "not separated by a foot", adjoining, contiguous (varia lectio a-paṭāntara- q.v)  |
apadhyai | to have a bad opinion of, curse mentally |
apakṛṣṭacetana | mfn. mentally debased.  |
apakṛt | cl.6 P. -kṛntati-, to cut off  |
apāmārga | m. ( mṛj-), the plant Achyranthes Aspera (employed very often in incantations, in medicine, in washing linen, and in sacrifices)  |
apamṛtyu | m. sudden or accidental death  |
āpan | A1. (/ā-pananta- ) P. (perfect tense ā-papana- ) to admire, praise.  |
apañcīkṛta | n. (in vedānta- philosophy)"not compounded of the five gross elements" , the five subtle elements. |
apanilī | A1. (Imper. 3. plural -layantām-) to hide one's self, disappear  |
apāṅktyopahata | mfn. defiled or contaminated by the presence of impure or improper person  |
aparā | f. (with vidyā-) the exoteric vedānta- doctrine (as opp. to parā- v-, `the esoteric`),  |
apāra | n. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy)"a bad shore","the reverse of pāra- " , a kind of mental indifference or acquiescence  |
apāra | n. the reverse of mental acquiescence  |
aparājita | m. a species of the śarkarī- metre (of four lines, each containing fourteen syllables).  |
aparāmṛṣṭa | mfn. not touched by or come into contact with (instrumental case),  |
aparārka | m. the oldest known commentator of yājñavalkya-'s law-book.  |
aparicayin | mfn. (2. ci-), having no acquaintances, misanthropic.  |
apastamba | m. a vessel inside or on one side of the chest containing vital air  |
āpat | P. -patati-, (parasmE-pada accusative -patantam- ; Aorist /ā-paptata- [ ]; Potential perf. /ā-papatyāt- ) to fly towards, come flying ; to hasten towards, rush in or on etc. ; to fall towards or on ; to approach ; to assail ; to fall out, happen ; to appear, appear suddenly ; to fall to one's share, to befall etc.: Causal P. (3. plural -pat/ayanti- ) to fly towards ; -pātayati-, to throw down, let fall, cut down ; to shed  |
āpātamātra | mfn. being only momentary.  |
apaṭāntara | mfn. "not separated by a curtain", adjoining (varia lectio a-padāntara- q.v)  |
apathadāyin | mfn. not going out of a person's (genitive case) way (confer, compare a-- pantha-- d-),  |
apathin | nthās- m. absence of road  |
āpatika | mfn. accidental, unforeseen, coming from fate commentator or commentary on  |
apaturīya | mfn. not containing the last quarter,  |
apavāda | m. (also) the withdrawal of the adhyāropa- or superimposed attribute (in the vedānta-).  |
apekṣābuddhi | f. (in vaiśeṣika- philosophy) a mental process, the faculty of arranging and methodizing, clearness of understanding.  |
āpi | m. an ally, a friend, an acquaintance (according to on ,from the Causal) causing to obtain [wealth etc.]  |
apikṛt | (1. sg. -kṛntāmi- future 1. sg. -kartsyāmi-) to cut off  |
āpīnavat | mfn. containing a form of ā-pyai- (as the verse ) (see āpyāna-vat-.)  |
apivatī | (scilicet vāc-) f. of a conjecturable adjective (cf. mfn.) /apivatya-, intelligible (["containing the word api-or what is meant by api-"commentator or commentary and ])  |
āpomātrā | f. the subtle elementary principle of water.  |
āpomūrti | m. Name of one of the seven ṛṣi-s of the tenth manvantara-.  |
aprahata | mfn. unhurt, intact  |
aprakṛta | mfn. occasional or incidental  |
aprakṛti | f. not an inherent or inseparable property, accidental property or nature.  |
aprapāṇa | mfn. not containing drinkable water  |
aprāpyakārin | mfn. acting on any object without direct contact with it, commentator or commentary on  |
aprastuta | mfn. indirect, accidental or extraneous  |
apratihāra | mfn. without the syllables contained in the pratihāra- (q.v)  |
āpṛk | ind. in a mixed manner, in contact with  |
āpruṣāya | Nom. P. /ā-pruṣāyati-, to besprinkle, bespeckle : A1. (imperfect tense 3. plural -pruṣāy/anta-) idem or '( pru-= plu-) A1. -pravate-, to spring up, jump up.'  |
apsumat | mfn. containing the word aps/u-  |
aptumat | mfn. containing the word apt/u-  |
ārabhaṭa | m. (in dramatic language) the representation of supernatural and horrible events on the stage.  |
ārakṣa | m. the junction of the frontal sinuses of an elephant  |
araṃgam | (Imper. 2. dual number gantam-;Opt. 2. sg. -gamyas-,1. plural -gam/eina-) to come near (in order to help), assist, attend (with dative case) and  |
āranāla | n. sour gruel made from the fermentation of boiled rice  |
araṇimat | mfn. being contained in the araṇi-s (as fire)  |
araṇyakadalī | f. the wood or wild plantain  |
araṇyetilaka | m. plural "wild, sesamum growing in a forest and containing no oil", anything which disappoints expectation  |
araṇyīya | mfn. "containing a forest"or"near to a forest", (gaRa utkarādi- q.v)  |
ārātrika | n. the light (or the vessel containing it) which is waved at night before an idol  |
ārāvalī | f. "row of awl-shaped hills", Name of a chain of mountains (commonly called Aravalli, running for 300 miles in a north-easterly direction through Rajputana etc., the highest point being Mount Abu 5650 feet high). |
arbuda | m. Name of a mountain in the west of India (commonly called Abu, a place of pilgrimage of the jaina-s, and celebrated for its jaina- temples)  |
arbudaparvata | m. the mountain arbuda-.  |
ārcīkaparvata | m. Name of a mountain  |
arcimat | mfn. (m. dual number -m/antā-) shining, blazing  |
ardhabhāj | mfn. containing the half of (genitive case)  |
ardhacandrikā | f. Name of a climbing plant (Gynandropsis Pentaphylla or Convolvulus Torpethum;See ardhacandrā-above ).  |
ardhāntaraikavācaka | m. (scilicet doṣa-) = ardhā- ntarai- kapadatā-,  |
ardhapaṇa | m. a measure containing half a paṇa-  |
ardhe | ind. in the middle, (ardha-in compound with a substantive means"the half part of anything"[ see ],with an adjective (cf. mfn.) or past Passive voice p.[ see ]"half";also with an adjective (cf. mfn.) indicating measure[ see ];a peculiar kind of compound is formed with ordinals[ see commentator or commentary ] exempli gratia, 'for example' ardha-tṛtīya-,containing a half for its third, id est two and a half; ardha-caturtha-,having a half for its fourth, three and a half.)  |
ārdraidhāgni | m. a fire maintained by wet wood  |
ārgayana | (fr. ṛgayana- ) or ārgayaṇa- (gaRa girinady-ādi- on ) contained in or explanatory of the book ṛgayana- |
arghadāna | n. presentation of a respectful offering.  |
aridānta | "enemy-subdued", Name of a prince (varia lectio ati-dānta- q.v)  |
arjunamiśra | n. Name of a commentator on  |
arkabhaktā | f. equals -kāntā- q.v  |
arkahitā | f. equals -kāntā- q.v ,  |
arkāhva | m. "named (after) arka-", the stone sūryakānta-  |
arkapuṣpikā | f. the plant Gynandropsis Pentaphylla  |
arkaretoja | m. "son of sūrya-", revanta-  |
arkāśvamedhavat | mfn. containing the two  |
arkavallabha | m. the plant Pentapetes Phoenicea  |
arkavat | mfn. containing the word ark/a-  |
arkopala | m. (equals arkāhva-above) sūryakānta-  |
ārkṣoda | mfn. (fr. ṛkṣoda-), coming from or inhabiting the mountain ṛkṣoda-  |
arṇasvat | mfn. containing many waves  |
āroha | m. a heap, mountain  |
āropita | mfn. accidental, adventitious  |
artha | mn. advantage, use, utility (generally named with kāma- and dharma-See tri-varga-;used in wishing well to another dative case or genitive case )  |
arthada | mfn. conferring advantage, profitable  |
arthaghna | mfn. destroying advantage, causing loss, or damage  |
arthagrāhin | mfn. choosing advantage  |
arthaguṇa | m. preference or advantage in regard to the sense  |
arthakara | mf(ī-)n. ( ) producing advantage, useful  |
arthāntara | n. another matter, a different or new circumstance, a similar case (often with ny--2. as-,to introduce some other matter as an illustrationSee arthāntara-nyāsa-below)  |
arthapadavī | f. the path of advantage (vīṃ- gam-,"to be intent on one's advantage"),  |
arthaśabdau | m. dual number equals śabdārthau-, word and sense, (gaRa rājadantādi-.)  |
arthasaṃnyāsin | mfn. renouncing an advantage.  |
arthaśāstra | n. a book treating of practical life (see -vidyā-above) and political government (see -cintana-above)  |
arthatas | ind. with respect to the sense (opposed to grantha-tas-and sūtra-tas- )  |
arthavināśana | mfn. causing a loss or disadvantage  |
ārthika | mfn. derivable from the sense of a word, being contained implicitly (not said explicitly)  |
āruc | A1. (subjunctive 3. plural /ā-rucayanta- ) to shine near or towards.  |
āruh | P. -rohati- (Aorist -rukṣat-and Vedic or Veda -ruhat-[ ]; infinitive mood -r/uham- ) A1. (2. sg. /ā-rohase- ) to ascend, mount, bestride, rise up etc. ; to arise, come off, result etc. ; to venture upon, undertake ; to attain, gain etc.: Causal -rohayati- & -ropayati-, to cause to mount or ascend ; to raise etc. ; to string (a bow) etc. ; to cause to grow ; to plant etc. ; to place, deposit, fasten ; to produce, cause, effect ; to attribute etc.: Desiderative P. -rurukṣati-, to wish to ascend or mount  |
āruka | n. the fruit of a medicinal plant growing on the himālaya- mountains  |
aruṇapuṣpī | f. the plant Pentapetes Phoenicea  |
āryā | f. a kind of metre of two lines (each line consisting of seven and a half feet;each foot containing four instants, except the sixth of the second line, which contains only one, and is therefore a single short syllable;hence there are thirty instants in the first line and twenty-seven in the second); ([ confer, compare Old German e7ra; modern German Ehre; IrishErin.])  |
āryāgīti | f. a variety of the āryā- metre (containing eight equal feet or thirty-two syllabic instants in each verse of the couplet).  |
aryaman | m. Name of an āditya- (who is commonly invoked together with varuṇa- and mitra-, also with bhaga-, bṛhaspati-, and others;he is supposed to be the chief of the Manes etc., the milky way is called his path[ aryamṇ/aḥ p/anthāḥ- ];he presides over the nakṣatra- uttaraphalgunī- ;his name is used to form different male names ) etc.  |
āryāpañcāśat | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a vedānta- work  |
āryāvarta | m. the sacred land of the Aryans (Name of Northern and Central India, extending from the eastern to the western sea and bounded on the north and south by the himālaya- and vindhya- mountains)  |
as | cl.2 P. /asti- (2. sg. /asi-,1. sg. /asmi-; plural sm/asi-or sm/as-, sth/a-, s/anti-;(rarely A1. exempli gratia, 'for example' 1.pl. smahe- ); subjunctive /asat-;Imper. astu-,2. sg. edhi-(fr. as-dhi- confer, compare ); Potential sy/āt-; imperfect tense /āsīt-,rarely ās-[only in ; confer, compare ]; perf. 1. and 3.sg, /āsa-,2. sg. /āsitha-,3. plural ās/uḥ-; parasmE-pada m. s/at- f. sat/ī-) to be, live, exist, be present ; to take place, happen ; to abide, dwell, stay ; to belong to (genitive case or dative case) ; to fall to the share of. happen to any one (genitive case) ; to be equal to (dative case) ; to turn out, tend towards any result, prove (with dative case) ; to become etc., (confer, compare ) ; to be (id est used as copula, but not only with adjective (cf. mfn.),but also with adverb [ exempli gratia, 'for example' tūṣṇīm āsīt- ],and often with participle,[ exempli gratia, 'for example' perf. Passive voice parasmE-pada prasthitāḥ sma- ; future past participle hantavyo 'smi- ; fut.p. especially with Potential,and only in y/adi dāsy/an-t-sy/āt-,"if he should intend to give"];the perfect tense āsa-helps to form the periphrastic perf. , and asmi-etc. the future); ([ confer, compare Greek Latin es-t; Gothic is-t; Lithuanian es-ti.]) |
asadbhāva | m. non-existence, absence etc.  |
āṣāḍha | m. the Malaya mountain  |
āṣāḍhādripura | n. Name of a mythical mountain  |
āṣāḍhapura | n. Name of a mythical mountain  |
āśāditya | (aśāditya-) m. Name of a commentator.  |
asāmañjasya | n. incorrectness commentator or commentary on  |
asamavāyin | mfn. not inherent, not inseparably connected with, accidental  |
asaṃbheda | m. non-contact, the being separate  |
asaṃbhedya | mfn. not to be brought into contact  |
asaṃbhindat | mfn. not bringing into contact, not mingling  |
asaṃbhinna | mfn. not being in contact, separated, separate  |
asaṃhata | mfn. having no acquaintances or relations, not living in common  |
asaṃparka | mfn. destitute of contact, without connection or relation.  |
asaṃpṛñcāna | mfn. (pr. p. A1.) not being in contact  |
asaṃśleṣa | m. non-contact commentator or commentary on  |
asaṃśliṣṭa | mfn. not in close contact  |
asaṃvatsarabhṛta | (/as-) mfn. not maintained a whole year (as a sacred fire)  |
asaṃvatsarabhṛtin | mfn. one who does not maintain (a fire) a whole year  |
āsana | n. maintaining a post against an enemy  |
aśanāyāvat | mfn. hungry  |
āsaṅga | one of the 7 islands of antara-dvīpa-,  |
āśaṅkanīya | mfn. to be feared  |
asat | m. plural (ntas-) bad or contemptible men  |
aśauca | n. (equals āśauca- q.v ) impurity, contamination, defilement (contracted by the death of a relation, or by the commission of prohibited acts, etc.) |
āśaya | m. (in yoga- philosophy)"stock"or"the balance of the fruits of previous works, which lie stored up in the mind in the form of mental deposits of merit or demerit, until they ripen in the individual soul's own experience into rank, years, and enjoyment"(Cowell's translation of )  |
āśekuṭin | m. Name of a mountain  |
aśikṣita | mfn. untaught (with accusative [ ]or locative case or infinitive mood )  |
āśīrvādābhidhānavat | mfn. containing a word which expresses benediction (as a name) |
asita | m. of a mountain  |
aśītyakṣara | mfn. containing eighty syllables,  |
āśīviṣaparvata | m. one of the 7 mythical mountains, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
aśleṣā | f. sg. plural (equals aśleṣ/ā- q.v) Name of the seventh (in later times the ninth) lunar mansion (containing five stars)  |
āśleṣa | m. intimate connection, contact  |
āśleṣa | m. slight contact  |
aśmantaka | m. (equals aśmāntaka- q.v) Name of a plant  |
aśmarīhara | m. the tree Pentaptera Arjuna or another plant (used as a lithontriptic)  |
asparśa | mfn. intangible  |
asparśa | m. non-contact with (instrumental case)  |
asparśana | n. non-contact, avoiding the contact of anything (especially of one who is impure).  |
aspṛṣṭa | mfn. untouched, not brought into contact  |
aspṛṣṭi | f. not touching, avoiding contact.  |
aspṛśya | n. intangibleness  |
aspṛśyatva | n. intangibleness, imperceptibleness  |
aśravaṇa | n. not hearing  |
āśrayāśa | m. "consuming everything with which it comes in contact", fire  |
aśruta | mfn. untaught, not learned  |
asta | m. the western mountain (behind which the sun is supposed to set) etc.  |
aṣṭādaśavakra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a mountain,  |
aṣṭakā | f. the eighth day after full moon (especially that in the months hemanta- and śiśira-, on which the progenitors or manes are worshipped etc.; aṣṭakā-is therefore also a Name of the worship itself or the oblations offered on those days etc.) etc.  |
aṣṭākṣara | mf(ā-)n. containing eight syllables  |
astakṣitibhṛt | m. "the mountain asta-", the western mountain (behind which the sun is supposed to set),  |
aṣṭamadeśa | m. intermediate region (= antarā-- diś-),  |
astamastaka | mn. (the head id est) the top of the mountain asta-,  |
aṣṭamūrti | m. "eight-formed", a Name of śiva- (as identified with the five elements, mind, egotism, and prakṛti- [matter];or, according to the opening of the śakuntalā-, with the five elements, the sun and moon and the sacrificing priest)  |
aṣṭāpada | m. the mountain kailāsa-  |
astāvalambin | mfn. reclining on the western mountain, about to set.  |
āsthā | P. A1. -tiṣṭhati-, -te-, to stand or remain on or by ; to ascend, mount ; to stay near, go towards, resort to etc. ; to act according to, follow ; to undertake, perform, do, carry out, practise, use etc. ; to side or take part with, be of the opinion of ; to maintain, affirm ; to acknowledge ; to take care for, have regard for etc.: Causal -sthāpayati-, to cause to ascend ; to cause to stay or stop ; to arrest, stop ; to fix into, put into ; to hurt ; to constipate ; to strengthen ; to introduce  |
aśūdrocchiṣṭin | mfn. not coming into contact with śūdra-s or with leavings  |
aśuklavat | (/a-śukla--) mfn. not containing the word śukla-  |
aśvagati | f. "the pace of a horse", Name of a metre (containing four verses of eighteen [or sixteen?] syllables each).  |
aśvakarṇa | m. Name of a mountain  |
aśvanta | varia lectio for aśmanta- q.v  |
asvanta | See aśvanta-.  |
asvanta | mfn. (sv-anta-), ending ill, having an unfavourable issue  |
āśvapadika | mfn. come into contact with a horse's foot, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
aśvavāla | m. the reed Saccharum Spontaneum  |
aśvavāra | m. (equals -vāl/a- q.v) Saccharum Spontaneum commentator or commentary (see āśvavāra-.)  |
aśvavat | mfn. containing the word aśva-  |
aśvimat | mfn. (any mantra-) containing the word aśvin-  |
āsyahātya | mfn. (fr. asy-a-hatya- gaRa vimuktādi- ), containing the word asy-a-hatya-,"non-killing with a sword"(as a chapter) or (gaRa anuśatikādi- ) belonging to a non-massacre ([ asi-hatya-and āsihātya- ]) |
ātan | P. (2. sg. -tanoṣi-; imperfect tense /ātanot-; perf. -tatāna-; parasmE-pada m. plural -tanv/antas-; perf. p. m. sg. -tatanv/ān-) to extend or stretch over, penetrate, spread, overspread (said of the light), illuminate ; (perf. 2. sg. -tat/antha-) to seek to reach ; to be ready for, wait on (accusative) ; (Aorist subjunctive -tanat-) to stop any one : P. A1. (3. plural -tanvate-; perf. 1. sg. -tatane-) to extend (a texture), spread, stretch (a bow for shooting) etc.: P. to diffuse ; to bestow upon etc. ; to effect, produce etc.: Causal (imperative 2. sg. -tānayā-) to stretch  |
ātharvaṇika | m. ( ; gaRa vasantādi- q.v) a Brahman versed in the atharva- veda-.  |
atibāhu | m. "having extraordinary arms", Name of a ṛṣi- of the fourteenth manvantara-  |
atidhṛti | f. Name of a class of metres (belonging to those called aticchandas-,and consisting of four lines, each containing nineteen syllables)  |
atijagatī | f. Name of a class of metres (belonging to those called aticchandas-,and consisting of four lines, each containing thirteen syllables).  |
atijāta | mfn. superior to parentage.  |
atilihā | or aṭhillā- f. Name of a Prakrit metre (of four lines each containing sixteen mātra-s).  |
atimarśa | m. close contact.  |
atimuktaka | m. mountain ebony  |
atimuktaka | m. the tree harimantha-.  |
atināman | m. Name of a saptarṣi- of the sixth manvantara-.  |
atinicṛt | (or wrongly written ati-nivṛt-) f. Name of a Vedic metre of three pāda-s (containing respectively seven, six and seven syllables)  |
atipādanicṛt | f. Name of a Vedic metre of three pāda-s (containing respectively six, eight and seven syllables). |
atipathin | (Nominal verb -panthās-) m. a better road than common  |
atiprasakti | f. unwarrantable stretch of a rule.  |
atiprasaṅga | m. unwarrantable stretch of a rule.  |
atipraśna | m. an extravagant question, a question regarding transcendental objects.  |
atiprasthā | to have an advantage over  |
atiśakkarī | or ati-śakvar- f. a class of metres of four lines, each containing fifteen syllables. It has eighteen varieties.  |
atiśaya | m. advantageous result  |
atisparśa | m. too marked contact (of the tongue and palate) in pronunciation.  |
ātivāhika | mfn. (fr. ati-vāha-),"fleeter than wind", (in vedānta- philosophy) Name of the subtle body (or liṅga-śarīra-),  |
ativyāpti | f. unwarrantable stretch (of a rule or principle)  |
ātmajña | mfn. knowing the supreme spirit  |
ātmajñāna | n. knowledge of the soul or supreme spirit  |
ātmaprakāśa | m. Name of a commentary on  |
ātmatattvajña | mfn. knowing or versed in the vedānta- doctrines  |
ātmavivṛddhi | f. self-advantage  |
ātmodaya | m. self-advantage or elevation  |
ātmollāsa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a vedānta- work  |
ātṝ | P. (imperfect tense /ātirat-,2. sg. ras-) to overcome ; (imperfect tense /ātirat-,2. sg. ras-,3. plural A1. ranta-) to increase, make prosperous, glorify : Intensive A1. (3. plural -t/aruṣante-) to pass through or over  |
aṭṭahāsa | m. of a mountain.  |
atūrtapathin | (/atūrta--), m (Nominal verb -panthās-)fn. having a path that cannot be obstructed  |
atyadbhuta | m. Name of the indra- in the ninth manvantara-  |
ātyantika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. aty-anta-), continual, uninterrupted, infinite, endless etc.  |
atyarāti | m. Name of a son of janaṃtapa-  |
atyaṣṭi | f. a metre (of four lines, each containing seventeen syllables)  |
atyaya | m. overcoming, mastering (mentally)  |
atyuktā | f. Name of a class of metres (of four lines, each containing two syllables).  |
atyukthā | f. Name of a class of metres (of four lines, each containing two syllables).  |
au | m. Name of ananta- or śeṣa-  |
audañcana | mfn. (fr. ud-añcana-), contained in a bucket  |
audapāna | mf(ī-)n. (fr. uda-pāna-), raised from wells or drinking fountains (as a tax etc.)  |
audhasa | mfn. (fr. ūdhas-), being or contained in the udder (as milk)  |
aulāna | m. Name of śāntanava- ([ ])  |
aupacārika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. upacāra-), honorific, complimentary (as a name or title) commentator or commentary on  |
aupaniṣada | mf(ī-)n. contained or taught in an upaniṣad-  |
aupānuvākya | mfn. (fr. upānuvākya-), contained in the portion of the called upānuvākya- |
aupasaṃkhyānika | mfn. supplementary commentator or commentary on  |
aupaśleṣika | mfn. (fr. upaśleṣa-), connected by close contact  |
aurvaśa | mfn. containing the word urvaśī- (as an adhyāya- or anuvāka-) gaRa vimuktādi-  |
autpāda | mfn. contained in such a book  |
autpāta | mfn. (fr. ut-pāta- gaRa ṛgayanādi- ), treating of or contained in a book which treats of portents  |
avabhāsa | m. (in vedānta- philosophy) manifestation  |
avabhāsaka | mfn. (in vedānta- philosophy) illuminating, making manifest. |
avabhṛtha | m. a supplementary sacrifice (See below) see jīvitāvabh-.  |
avabhṛtheṣṭi | f. a supplementary sacrifice to atone for defects in a principal and preceding one  |
avacūri | f. a gloss, short commentary.  |
avacūrikā | f. a gloss, short commentary.  |
avadyavat | (avady/a-.) mfn. disgraceful, lamentable  |
avāggamanavat | mfn. (said of the apāna-) taking its course downwards  |
avaghaṭṭana | n. coming into contact with each other  |
avaghra | mfn. "kissing", being in immediate contact with  |
avahan | (subjunctive 2. sg. -han- ;Imper. 2. plural -hantanā- Imper. 2. sg. -jahi-; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. -/ahan-,or ahan-; perf. 2. sg. -jaghantha-) to throw down, strike, hit ; Ved. to drive away, expel, keep off, fend off etc. ; chiefly Vedic or Veda to thresh (parasmE-pada fem. -ghnatī-) etc.: A1. -jighnate-, to throw down : Causal (Pot -ghātayet-) to cause to thresh : Intensive (Imper. 2. sg. -jaṅghanīhi-) to drive away, fend off  |
avahāra | m. (equals dharmāntara-) apostacy, abandoning a sect or cast (?)  |
avaklinnapakva | mfn. trickling because of being over-ripe, (gaRa rājadantādi- q.v)  |
avakṛt | (ind.p. -kṛtya-) to cut off ; (p. -kṛntat-) to destroy Caus. (Opt. -kartayet-) to cause to cut off  |
avalī | A1. (parasmE-pada -līyamāna-; imperfect tense 3. plural avāliyanta-) to stick to (locative case) ; to bow, stoop , to hide one's self in (locative case) (pr. p. P.4, liyat-).  |
avamānanīya | mfn. equals -mantavya-  |
avamānya | mfn. equals -mantavya-  |
avamarśa | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) touch, contact (varia lectio)  |
avanibhṛt | m. "earth-supporter", a mountain, a king  |
avanīdhara | m. "earth-upholder", a mountain.  |
āvanta | m. Name of a son of dhṛṣṭa- , (see avanta-)  |
avāntara | mfn. respectively different, respective (generally said with regard to two things only) etc., ( avāntaram am- ind. differently from (ablative))  |
avāntaradikṣā | f. avāntaradiṣādi-, a gaṇa-, comm. on commentator or commentary  |
avantisoma | m. sour gruel (prepared from the fermentation of, rice-water)  |
avantyaśmaka | n. sg. or m. plural the avanti-s and the aśmaka-s, (gaRa rajadantādi-and kārtakaujapādi- q.v)  |
avapad | -padyate- (subjunctive P. -padāti- ; preceding A1.3. sg. -padīṣṭa- ; Aorist subjunctive A1.3. sg. -pādi- ; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood (ablative) -p/adas- ) Vedic or Veda to fall down, glide down into (accusative) etc. ; (Imper. A1.3. plural -padyantām-; subjunctive P.2. sg. -patsi-; Potential P.1. sg. -padyeyam-) to drop from (ablative), be deprived of (ablative) ; (subjunctive A1.1. sg. -padyai-) to fall, meet with an accident ; (future 3. plural -patsyanti-) to throw down : Causal (Imper. 2. sg. -pādaya-; ind.p. -pādya-) to cause to glide or go down  |
āvāpika | mfn. additional, inserted, supplementary  |
āvaraṇa | n. (in philosophy) mental blindness  |
āvaraṇaśakti | f. the power of illusion (that which veils the real nature of things)  |
āvaraṇīya | mfn. belonging to āvaraṇa- or mental blindness  |
avaraśaila | ās-, m. pl."living or originated on the western mountain (in the monastery called avara śaila-saṅghārāma-) ", Name of a Buddhist school.  |
āvartaka | m. a depression above the frontal ridge or over the eyebrows  |
avarudh | P. (Aorist -rudhat-) to obstruct, enclose, contain , (infinitive mood -roddhum-) to check, keep back, restrain , to expel ; -ruṇaddhi-, to seclude, put aside, remove ; to shut in, (Aorist A1. avāruddha-and Passive voice avārodh-) ; to keep anything (accusative,as one's grief) locked up (in one's bosom accusative) ; (ind.p. -rudhya-) to keep one's self (ātmānam-) wrapped up in one's self (ātmani-) ; (imperfect tense avāruṇat-) to confine within, besiege : A1. -rundhe- (for nddhe- ; imperfect tense avārundha- ; ind.p. -r/udhya- ; Ved. infinitive mood -r/udham- and -rudham- ) chiefly Ved. to reach, obtain, gain: P. (parasmE-pada f. -rundhatī-; see anurudh-) to be attached to, like : Desid.A. -rurutsate-, Vedic or Veda to wish to obtain or gain etc.: Intens.P. (subjunctive 2. sg. -rorudhas-) to expel from (the dominion)  |
avasakta | mfn. being in contact with  |
avasañj | (ind.p. -sajya-, Imper. 3. plural Passive voice -sajyantām-) to suspend, attach to, append , (see ava-sṛj-at end) ; to charge with (a business; accusative) : A1. -sajjate-, to adhere or cleave to, not leave undisturbed  |
avasara | m. leisure, advantageous situation  |
avasāyin | mfn. "taking up one's abode, settling" See antāv- and and ante-'v-, yatra-kāmāv-.  |
avasmi | A1. (impf, 3. plural -smayanta-) to flash down (said of lightning)  |
avasṛj | (subjunctive -sṛjāt-[ ] or -sṛj/at-[ ] or -sṛjat-[ ];Imper. 2. sg. -sṛj/ā-,or -sṛjā-; imperfect tense -/asṛjat-; perf. Potential -sasṛjyā- ; parasmE-pada -sṛj/at- ) to fling, throw (as arrows or the thunderbolt) etc. ; to throw or put into (locative case) , to let off, let loose, let go, send, dismiss, abandon, surrender (as to misfortune, agh/āya- ) etc. ; to give up (as one's anger etc.) , (or one's life, prāṇān-) xii, 88 ; to pardon ; (any one's life, prāṇān-) ; to deliver (a woman) ; to be delivered, bring forth ; to produce, form, shape : A1. (imperfect tense 3. plural /avāsṛjanta-) to relax, lose energy and power. ; (imperfect tense avāsṛjat-for sajat-,fr.- sañj- ) to attach to (locative case) |
avasthāna | n. residing, abiding, dwelling  |
avasthita | mfn. contained in (locative case) : being incumbent upon (locative case) , ready for (dative case) , firm, fixed, determined, etc.  |
avastu | n. a worthless thing , insubstantiality, the unreality of matter  |
avatārakathā | f. "account of an avatāra-", Name of a chapter in anantānandagiri-'s śaṃkaravijaya-.  |
ave | ( i-), -eti- (imperfect tense -ayat-; Potential 1. sg. iyām-; pr. p. f. avā-yati- ) to go down, go down to (accusative), go to ; (Imper. 3. plural A1. āyantām-) to rush down (see āvai-) ; (Imper. /avaitu-) to go away ; to look upon, consider ; to perceive, conceive, understand, learn, know etc. ; (with infinitive mood) : Intensive (plural -īmahe-) to beg pardon for, conciliate  |
avi | m. a mountain  |
avidyā | f. (in vedānta- philosophy) illusion (personified as māyā-); ignorance together with non-existence  |
avikriyātmaka | mfn. whose nature is unchangeableness  |
avipriya | m. "liked by sheep", the grass Panicum Frumentaceum  |
aviṣayīkaraṇa | n. the not making anything (genitive case) an object  |
aviśeṣa | n. plural (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) Name of the (five) elementary substances (see tan-mātra-)  |
avivikta | mfn. unseparated  |
āvṛdh | A1. (subjunctive 3. plural /ā-vardhanta-; perfect tense -vāvṛdhe-) P. (perfect tense 3. plural -vāvṛdh/us-) to grow up, increase  |
avyākṛta | n. elementary substance from which all things were created, considered as one with the substance of brahma-  |
avyaya | n. (in vedānta-) a member or corporeal part of an organized body  |
āyāsa | m. effort, exertion (of bodily or mental power), trouble, labour etc.  |
ayaskānta | m. (gaRa kaskādi-),"iron-lover", the loadstone (see kāntāyasa-)  |
ayaskīla | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a mountain,  |
āyatanatva | n. the state of being the site of, etc.  |
ayatnaja | mfn. easily or readily produced,. spontaneous  |
ayatnakrita | mfn. easily or readily produced,. spontaneous  |
ayogava | m. the offspring of a śūdra- man and vaiśya- woman (whose business is carpentry) , (since the word occurs only the locative case ayogave-and is by both commentaries said to imply the female of this mixed tribe, the original reading is probably, as suggested by ayoguvi- locative case fr. ayogū- q.v)  |
ayomukha | m. of a mountain and  |
ayonika | mfn. without the verse containing the word yoni- (id est )  |
āyurveda | m. the science of health or medicine (it is classed among sacred sciences, and considered as a supplement of the atharva-- veda-;it contains eight departments: 1. śalya- or (removal of) any substance which has entered the body (as extraction of darts, of splinters, etc.);2. śālākya- or cure of diseases of the eye or ear etc. by śalākā-s or sharp instruments;3. kāya-cikitsā- or cure of diseases affecting the whole body;4. bhūtavidyā- or treatment of mental diseases supposed to be produced by demoniacal influence;5. kaumāra-bhṛtya- or treatment of children;6. agada-tantra- or doctrine of antidotes;7. rāsāyana-tantra- or doctrine of elixirs;8. vājīkaraṇa-tantra- or doctrine of aphrodisiacs etc.) |
bādarāyaṇa | m. (patronymic fr. badara-; see gaRa naḍādi-) Name of several teachers and authors (especially of a sage identified with vyāsa-, said to be the author of the vedānta-- sūtra-s;of an astronomer;of the author of a dharma-śāstra- etc. )  |
bādarāyaṇasūtra | n. Name of the vedānta-- sūtra-s.  |
bādhana | n. removing, suspending, annulment (of a rule etc.)  |
bādhitatva | n. the being suspended or refuted or contradicted  |
bahiraṅga | mfn. relating to the exterior, external, unessential (opp. to antaraṅga-). ( bahiraṅgatā -tā-, f.; bahiraṅgatva -tva- n.)  |
bahirbhava | mfn. being outside, external (opp. to antar-ja-)  |
bahirgiri | m. a country situated on the other side of a mountain  |
bahirlāpikā | f. a kind of enigma (not containing a solution; opp. to antar-l-)  |
bahirmudra | m. (?) Name of a form of devotion (opp. to antar-m-)  |
bahirmukha | mf(ī-)n. coming out of the mouth (opp. to antarm-)  |
bahiryoga | m. external meditation (see antar-y-)  |
bahiṣkaraṇa | n. an external organ (opp. to antaḥ-k-)  |
bahiṣṭājjyotis | n. Name of a triṣṭubh- the last pāda- of which contains 8 syllables  |
bāhubali | m. (fr. bahu-bala-?) Name of a mountain  |
bahudoṣa | m. great harm or disadvantage  |
bahuketu | m. Name of a mountain  |
bahulavaṇa | n. "containing much salt"  |
bahūpamā | f. a kind of comparison (in which many upamāna-s are contained),  |
bāhuphala | n. the sine of an arc of a circle of position contained between the sun and the prime vertical  |
bahuprāśnika | mfn. containing many questions  |
bahupratijña | mfn. containing more than one proposition, complicated  |
bahurajas | mfn. very dusty or containing much pollen  |
bahuramadhya | mfn. (bahura- equals bahula-+ m-) thick in the middle (said of the soma- juice during the process of fermentation) ( )  |
bahuratnāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to contain many jewels  |
bahusāra | mfn. containing much pith, pithy. substantial  |
bahusava | mfn. containing many sacrifices or years  |
bahusvara | mfn. many-syllabled, containing more than two syllables  |
bahuvi | mfn. containing many birds  |
bahvap | mfn. containing much water, watery  |
bahvapa | mfn. containing much water, watery  |
bahvāścarya | mfn. containing many wonderful objects  |
bahvṛc | mfn. "many-versed", containing many verses  |
bāhyārthavādavādin | mfn. maintaining the reality of the external world,ib.  |
bāhyasparśa | m. contact with external objects  |
bāhyendriya | n. an outer organ of sense  |
bājabahāduracandra | m. Name of a son of nīla-candra- and patron of anantadeva- (see bāhādura-).  |
balabhadra | mfn. Name of balarāma- or of an-anta- (the great serpent identified with him)  |
balabhadra | mfn. of a mountain in śāka-dvīpa-  |
balāhaka | m. a mountain  |
balāhaka | m. of a mountain,  |
bālakadalī | f. a young plantain tree, Musa Sapientum  |
balakrama | m. Name of a mountain  |
balarāma | m. Name of the elder brother of kṛṣṇa- and third of the rāma-s (regarded as the 8th avatāra- of viṣṇu-, sometimes as an incarnation of the great serpent śeṣa- or an-anta-;he is also called bala-, bala-deva-, bala-bhadra-, and halāyudha-, see )  |
bālarañjinī | f. "pleasing children", Name of an elementary grammar by bāla-śāstrin-.  |
bali | m. Name of indra- in the 8th manv-antara-  |
balidāna | n. the presentation of an offering to a deity (consisting of rice, milk, fruits etc. when presented to viṣṇu-, or of living victims when offered to śiva- or durgā-)  |
balidāna | n. presentation of grain etc. to all creatures |
baliharaṇa | mf(ī-)n. adapted for the presentation of oblations,  |
baliharaṇa | n. the presentation of oblations (see )  |
balikarman | n. presentation or payment of tribute  |
bāṇagaṅgā | f. "arrow Ganges", Name of a river flowing past someśa- (and said to have been produced by rāvaṇa- by cleaving a mountain with an arrow)  |
bāṇāvalī | f. a series of 5 śloka-s (containing only one sentence)  |
bāṇavat | mfn. (b/āṇa--) "made of or containing reed", an arrow  |
bandhāki | m. a mountain  |
bandhu | m. Pentapetes Phoenicea (equals bandhūka-)  |
bandhujīva | m. "living in groups", Pentapetes Phoenicea (a plant with a red flower which opens at midday and withers away the next morning)  |
bandhujīvābhitāmra | mfn. deep-red like the blossom of Pentapetes Phoenicea  |
bandhuka | m. Pentapetes Phoenicea  |
bandhūka | m. Pentapetes Phoenicea (n. its flower)  |
bandhūkapuṣpa | n. the flower of Pentapetes Phoenicea ( bandhūkapuṣparajas -rajas- n.its pollen)  |
bandhula | m. Pentapetes Phoenicea  |
bandhūli | m. Pentapetes Phoenicea  |
bandhura | m. Pentapetes Phoenicea  |
bandhura | m. a particular bulbous plant growing on the hima-vat- mountain  |
bāpubhaṭṭa | m. Name of an author (also called ananta-bhaṭṭa-)  |
barbara | m. Cleome Pentaphylla  |
barhaṇa | n. Tabernaemontana Coronaria |
barhaṇacakra | n. Name of a mountain village  |
bārhavata | mf(ī-)n. containing the word barha-vat- gaRa vimuktādi-.  |
barhiṇa | n. Tabernaemontana Coronaria  |
bauddha | mf(ī-)n. (fr. buddhi-) being in the mind, mental (= not uttered)  |
bauddha | mf(ī-)n. (fr. buddha-), relating or belonging to buddha-, Buddhist etc. (see ) .  |
bhadatta | m. Name of an astronomer (varia lectio badanta- q.v)  |
bhadra | m. of one of the 12 sons of viṣṇu- and one of the tuṣita- deities in the svāyambhava- manv-antara-  |
bhadra | m. Name of various plants (equals anantā-, aparijātā-, kṛṣṇā-, jīvantī-, nīlī-, rāsnā-etc.) |
bhadragaura | m. Name of a mountain  |
bhāgalakṣaṇā | f. insinuation or intimation of a part  |
bhagavadbhāskara | m. Name of work (= bhagavanta-bh-).  |
bhagavadgītā | f. plural (sometimes with upaniṣad-;once n(ta-). ) " kṛṣṇa-'s song", Name of a celebrated mystical poem (interpolated in the where it forms an episode of 18 chapters , containing a dialogue between kṛṣṇa- and arjuna-, in which the Pantheism of the vedānta- is combined with a tinge of the sāṃkhya- and the later principle of bhakti-or devotion to kṛṣṇa- as the Supreme Being; see )  |
bhagavat | mfn. holy (applied to gods, demigods, and saints as a term of address, either in vocative case bhagavan-, bhagavas-, bhagos-[ see Va1rtt. 2 ] f. bhagavatī- m. plural bhagavantaḥ-;or in Nominal verb with 3. sg. of the verb;with Buddhists often prefixed to the titles of their sacred writings)  |
bhagīratha | m. of a mountain  |
bhairava | m. a mountain  |
bhājana | n. the act of representing, representation ( bhājanena nena- ind.with genitive case in the place of; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' a representative, deputy, substitute, serving for, equivalent to)  |
bhājya | mfn. (in arithmetic) to be divided, as substantive = a dividend  |
bhaktada | ( ) mfn. giving food, supporter, maintainer.  |
bhaktadātṛ | ( ) mfn. giving food, supporter, maintainer.  |
bhaktadāyaka | ( ) mfn. giving food, supporter, maintainer.  |
bhaktadāyin | ( ) mfn. giving food, supporter, maintainer.  |
bhakti | f. that which belongs to or is contained in anything else, an attribute  |
bhākūṭa | m. Name of a mountain (prob. the part of the himālaya- called Bhakur)  |
bhallāṭa | m. of a mountain  |
bhāminīvilāsa | m. Name of a poem by jagannātha- paṇḍita-rāja- (the 1st chapter contains allegorical precepts, the 2nd amatory subjects, the 3rd an elegy on a wife's death, the 4th teaches that consolation is only attainable through worshipping kṛṣṇa-).  |
bhāna | n. appearance, evidence, perception etc.  |
bhaṇḍīra | m. Name of a lofty nyagrodha- tree upon the go-vardhana- mountain (varia lectio bāṇḍ-)  |
bhaṅgi | f. figure, shape  |
bhaṅgī | f. figure, shape  |
bhaṅgugiri | m. Name of a mountain  |
bhañjanāgiri | m. Name of a mountain gaRa kiṃśulakādi-.  |
bhānu | m. the gods of the 3rd manv-antara-  |
bhānucandragaṇi | m. Name of Scholiast or Commentator on vasantarāja-'s śakunārṇava-.  |
bhānumat | mfn. containing the word bhānu-  |
bhara | mf(ā-)n. maintaining, supporting (mostly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see ṛtam--, kulam--, deham--, vājam-bh-and Calcutta edition )  |
bharaṇa | mf(ī-)n. bearing, maintaining  |
bharaṇa | n. maintaining, supporting, nourishing etc.  |
bharaṇī | f. (also plural) Name of the 7th nakṣatra- (containing 3 stars and figured by the pudendum muliebre)  |
bharaṇīya | mfn. to be borne or supported or maintained  |
bharaṇya | mfn. (for bharaṇīya-) to be maintained or cherished or protected  |
bharaṇya | n. wages, hire (alsof(ā-).) : cherishing, maintaining  |
bharata | m. "to be or being maintained", Name of agni- (kept alive by the care of men)  |
bharata | m. a barbarian, mountaineer (equals śabara-)  |
bharata | m. of a celebrated hero and monarch of India (son of duṣyanta- and śakuntalā-, the first of 12 cakra-vartin-s or sārvabhauma-s id est universal emperors) etc. |
bhāratacampū | f. Name of a poem by ananta-kavi-.  |
bhāratārthadīpikā | f. Name of two Commentaries on  |
bhāratārthaprakāśa | m. Name of two Commentaries on  |
bhāratīnīrājana | n. Name of a poem (containing the praise of sarasvatī-) by lakṣmī-nārāyaṇa-.  |
bharbharā | ind. (with bhū-) to become entangled or confounded  |
bhartavya | mfn. to be supported or maintained or nourished etc.  |
bhartṛ | m. (once in bh/artṛ-) a bearer ([ confer, compare Latin fertor]), one who bears or carries or maintains (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
bhartṛ | m. a preserver, protector, maintainer, chief, lord, master etc. (f(tr/ī-).a female supporter or nourisher, a mother )  |
bhartrima | (?) mfn. maintained, nourished, supported  |
bhāruci | m. Name of an author on dharma- and vedānta-  |
bhārya | mfn. ( bhṛ-) to be borne or supported or cherished or nourished or maintained  |
bhāryāpati | m. dual number man and wife gaRa rāja-dantādi-  |
bhāryāru | m. Name of a mountain  |
bhās | cl.1 A1. ( ) bhāsate- (in older language also P. bh/āsati- etc.; parasmE-pada bh/āsat- ; perfect tense babhāse- ; Aorist abhāsiṣṭa- grammar; future bhāsiṣyate-, bhāsitā- ), to shine, be bright etc. ; to appear ("as"or"like" Nominal verb or instrumental case of an abstract noun), occur to the mind, be conceived or imagined, become clear or evident etc.: Causal bhāsayati-, te- (Aorist ababhāsat-and abībhasat- ), to make shine, illuminate etc. ; to show, make evident, cause to appear ("by way of." instrumental case of an abstract noun) Desiderative bibhāsiṣate- grammar : Intensive bābhāsyate-, bābhāsti- (see bhā-,of which bhās-is a secondary form) . |
bhāsa | m. a bird of prey, vulture ( equals śakunta-, kukkuṭa-, gṛdhra-etc.) etc. (wrong reading bhāṣa-)  |
bhāsa | m. of a mountain  |
bhāsaka | mfn. (fr. Causal) causing to appear, enlightening, making evident or intelligible (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') ( bhāsakatva -tva- n.)  |
bhāskarācārya | m. Name of various authors (especially of a celebrated astronomer who lived in the 12th century and wrote the siddhānta-śiromaṇi- )  |
bhasmācala | m. Name of a mountain in kāma-rūpa- (see bhasma-kūṭa-).  |
bhasmakūṭa | m. Name of a mountain in kāmarūpa- (see bhasmācala-).  |
bhāṣya | n. an explanatory work, exposition, explanation, commentary (especially on technical sūtra-s) etc.  |
bhāsya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be made visible, to be brought to light ( bhāsyatva -tva- n.)  |
bhāṣyabhūta | mfn. being an explanation, serving as a commentary  |
bhāṣyakāra | m. Name of various commentators (of patañjali-, śaṃkarācārya-, a poet etc.) vArttika  |
bhaṭ | cl.1 P. bhaṭati-, to hire, nourish, maintain ; cl.10 P. bhaṭayati-, to speak, converse, : Causal -bhāṭayati-, to hire (prob. Nom.fr. next) .  |
bhāṭṭa | m. a follower of bhaṭṭa- (id est kumārila-bhaṭṭa-)  |
bhaṭṭoji | m. Name of a grammarian (son of lakṣmī-dhara-, author of the siddhānta-kaumudī- and other works.)  |
bhautika | n. anything elemental or material  |
bhava | m. being, state of being, existence, life (equals sat-tā- ) (see bhavāntara-)  |
bhāva | m. purport, meaning, sense (iti bhāvaḥ-,"such is the sense"equals ity arthaḥ-or ity abhiprāyaḥ-,constantly used by commentators at the end of their explanations)  |
bhāva | m. (in gram.) the fundamental notion of the verb, the sense conveyed by the abstract noun (especially as a term for an impersonal passive or neuter verb having neither agent nor object expressed exempli gratia, 'for example' pacyate-,"there is cooking"or"cooking is going on")  |
bhavācala | m. Name of a mountain  |
bhavana | m. Name of a ṛṣi- in the 2nd manvantara-  |
bhāvana | f(ā-)n. forming in the mind, conception, apprehension, imagination, supposition, fancy, thought, meditation ( bhāvanayā nayā- ind.in thought, in imagination; nām-bandh-,with locative case,to occupy one's imagination with, direct one's thoughts to) etc.  |
bhavānanda | m. Name of various authors (also with śarman-and siddhānta-vāg-īśa-)  |
bhavānandī | f. Name of bhava-'s commentator or commentary on the tattva-cintāmaṇi-dīdhiti-  |
bhavānīpati | m. equals -kānta-  |
bhavānīvallabha | m. equals -kānta-  |
bhavāraṇya | n. equals vakāntāra-,  |
bhāvasiṃhaprakriyā | f. Name of an elementary grammar.  |
bhavat | mf., (Nominal verb bh/avān-, vatī-; vocative case bhavan-or bhos- q.v; f. vati-; see ) your honour, your worship, your lordship or ladyship, you (literally"the gentleman or lady present"; see atra--and tatra-bh-;used respectfully for the 2nd Persian pronoun,but properly with the 3rd and only exceptionally with the 2nd Persian of the verb exempli gratia, 'for example' bhavān dadātu-,"let your highness give";sometimes in plural to express greater courtesy exempli gratia, 'for example' bhavantaḥ pramāṇam-,"your honour is an authority") etc.  |
bhavitra | n. (prob.) the earth or the world (bhuvanam antarikṣam udakaṃ vā- ; see bhāvitra-).  |
bhavya | m. Name of a ṛṣi- in the 9th manv-antara-  |
bhedābhedavādin | m. a maintainer of the doctrine both of the difference and the identity of God and the Universe  |
bhedadhikkāra | m. "refutation of duality", Name of a vedānta- work by nṛsiṃhāśrama-  |
bheḍagiri | m. Name of a mountain  |
bhedakhaṇḍana | n. "refutation of duality", Name of a vedānta- work  |
bhedavādin | m. one who maintains the duality of God and the Universe  |
bhī | cl.3 P. ( ) bibh/eti- (dual number bibhītas-or bibhitas- Potential bibhīyāt-or bibhiyāt- ; Potential 3. plural bibhyeyuḥ- ; imperfect tense 3. plural abibhayuḥ- ; Epic also A1.1. sg. bibhye-and and P.3. sg. bibhyati- plural bibhyanti-;Ved. also cl.1 A1. bh/ayate-,and accord, to ,cl.10. P. bhāyayati-; perfect tense bibhāya-,3. plural bibhyuḥ- etc.; bībhāya- ; bibhay/āṃ cakara- confer, compare ; Aorist abhaiṣīt-, ṣma-, ṣuḥ- etc., 2. sg. bhaiṣīs- , bhais- etc., especially in mābhais-,"do not be afraid";once for plural equals mā bhaiṣṭa- ; bhes- ; bhema- , parasmE-pada A1. bhiyān/a- ,; future bhetā- grammar;cond, abheṣyat- ; infinitive mood bhiy/ase- ; bhetum- etc.) , to fear, be afraid of (ablative or genitive case,rarely instr, or accusative) etc. ; to fear for, be anxious about (ablative) : Passive voice bhīyate-, Aorist , abhāyi- grammar : Causal bhīṣ/ayate- ( etc.; confer, compare ), bhīṣayati- ( ;once mc. bhiṣ- ; parasmE-pada bhīṣayāṇa- ; Aorist bībhiṣaḥ- , ṣathāḥ- ), bhāyayati-, te- ( ; Potential bhāyayes- ; varia lectio bhīṣayes-; Aorist bībhayat-, /abībhayanta- ; ind.p. -bhāyya- ), bhāpayate- ( ), to terrify, put in a fright, intimidate etc. etc.: Desiderative bibhīṣati- grammar : Intensive bebhīyate-, bebhayīti-, bebheti- [ confer, compare bhyas-; Lithuanian bijo4tis; Slavonic or Slavonian bojati; German biben,beben.]  |
bhid | cl.7.P. A1. ( ) bhin/atti-, bhintte- (imperfect tense 2. 3. sg. /abhinat- ; subjunctive bhin/aadaḥ- ; imperative bindh/i- ; binddhi- [ confer, compare binddhi-lavaṇā-];cl.1. P. bh/edati- ; Potential bhideyam- ; perfect tense bibh/eda- ; Aorist , 2. 3. sg. bh/et- abhaitsīt- ; bhitthās- ; preceding bhitsīṣṭa- grammar; future bhetsy/ati-, te- etc.; Conditional abhetsyat- ; future bhettā- grammar; infinitive mood bh/ettav/ai- ; bhettum- etc.; ind.p. bhittv/ā-, -bhidya- etc.) , to split, cleave, break, cut or rend asunder, pierce, destroy etc.,; to pass through (as a planet or, comet) ; to disperse (darkness) ; to transgress, violate, (a compact or alliance) etc. ; to open, expand ; to loosen, disentangle, dissolve etc. ; to disturb, interrupt, stop ; to disclose, betray etc. ; to disunite, set at variance ; to distinguish, discriminate : Passive voice bhidy/ate- (Epic also ti- Aorist abhedi- etc.; perfect tense bibhide- ), to be split or broken, burst (intrans.) etc. ; to be opened (as a closed hand, eyes etc.) ; to overflow (as water) ; to be loosened, become loose ; to be stopped or interrupted ; to be disclosed or betrayed ; to be changed or altered (in mind), be won over ; to be disunited ; to keep aloof from (instrumental case) ; to be distinguished, differ from (ablative) etc.: Causal bhedayati-, te- (Aorist abībhidat-; confer, compare also bhidāpana-), to cause to split or break etc. ; to split, break, shatter, crush, destroy ; to separate, divide (See bhedita-) ; to disunite, set at variance, perplex, unsettle (in opinion), seduce, win over : Desiderative b/ibhitsati-, te-, to wish to break through or disperse or defeat (confer, compare, bibhitsā-): Desiderative of Causal See bibhedayiṣu-: Intensive bebhidīti- or bebhetti-, to cleave repeatedly [ confer, compare Latin findo; German beissen; English bite.] |
bhidvat | mfn. containing the bhid-  |
bhihu | (?) m. Name of a mountain  |
bhilla | m. Name of a wild mountain race, (prob.) the"Bheels"(who live in the vindhya- hills, in the forests of Malwa, Mewar, Kandesh, the Dakhin) etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
bhīmarathā | f. Name of a river in the himālaya- mountains  |
bhīmarathī | f. Name of a river in the himālaya- mountains  |
bhinnakarīndrakumbhamuktāmaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of pearls fallen from the crack in the frontal protuberances of a chief elephant  |
bhinnaliṅgaka | mf(ikā-)n. containing words of different gender  |
bhinnamastakapiṇḍaka | mfn. whose skull and forehead are cloven, (an elephant) whose frontal prominences have fissures  |
bhinnamastakapiṇḍika | mfn. whose skull and forehead are cloven, (an elephant) whose frontal prominences have fissures  |
bhinnavacana | mf(ā-)n. containing words of different number  |
bhinnavṛtta | mfn. containing a metrical fault  |
bhiṣagvatī | f. plural Name of particular verses containing the word bhiṣaj-  |
bhītināṭitaka | n. mimic representation of fear  |
bhoga | m. profit, utility, advantage, pleasure, delight etc.  |
bhogāyatana | n. a place of enjoyments,  |
bhogīndra | m. "serpent-king", Name of ananta-  |
bhogīśa | m. "serpent-king", Name of ananta- and śeṣa-  |
bhoja | m. (plural) Name of a country (near the vindhya- mountain) or of a people (the descendants of mahā-bhoja-) etc.  |
bhojana | m. Name of a mountain  |
bhojya | n. a feast a store of provisions, eatables , enjoyment, advantage, profit  |
bhṛ | cl.1 P. A1. ( ) bh/arati-, te- ; cl.3 P. A1. ( ) b/ibharti- (bibh/arti-only ), bibhṛte- ; cl.2 P. bh/arti- (parasmE-pada P. b/ibhrat-, q.v; A1. bibhrāṇa-with act. meaning , bibhramāṇa-with pass. meaning ; perfect tense jabh/āra-, jabh/arat-; jabhre-, ajabhartana- ; babhāra-, babhṛma- etc.; parasmE-pada babhrāṇ/a-with pass. meaning ; bibharāmbabhūva- , rām-āsa- ; Aorist abhār- ; bhart/am-, bhṛt/am- ; abhṛta- grammar; abhārṣam- subjunctive bharṣat- ; abhāriṣam- ; preceding bhriyāsam-, yāt- ; future bhariṣyati- Conditional /abhariṣyat- ; bhart/ā- ; infinitive mood bh/artum-, bh/artave-, bh/artav/ai-,Ved.; bh/aradhyai- ; ind.p. -bh/ṛtya- etc.) , to bear, carry, convey, hold ("on"or"in" locative case) etc. ; to wear id est let grow (hair, beard, nails) etc. ; to balance, hold in equipoise (as a pair of scales) ; to bear id est contain, possess, have, keep (also"keep in mind") etc. ; to support, maintain, cherish, foster ; to hire, pay ; to carry off or along (A1. bharate-,"for one's self" id est gain, obtain, or =ferri"to be borne along") ; to bring, offer, procure, grant, bestow etc. ; to endure, experience, suffer, undergo ; to lift up, raise (the voice or a sound; A1. bharate-,also "to rise, be heard") ; to fill (the stomach) ; (with garbham-) to conceive, become pregnant (confer, compare under dhṛ-) ; (with kṣitim-) to take care of, rule, govern ; (with, ājñām-) to submit to, obey ; (with ūrjām-) to exert, employ : Passive voice bhriy/ate- (Epic also ti-; Aorist abhāri-), to be borne etc. etc. etc.: Causal bhārayati- (Aorist abībharat-), to cause to bear etc. ; to engage for hire : Desiderative b/ubhūrṣati- ( ), bibhariṣati- ( ) , to wish to bear or support or maintain: Intensive b/aribharti- (3. plural bhrati- , where also 2. dual number jarbhṛt/aḥ-), barībharti- ( ), to bear repeatedly or continually, carry hither and thither. [ confer, compare Zend bar; Greek ; Latin fero; Slavonic or Slavonian brati; Gothic bai4ran; German beran,ge-ba0ren; English bear.]  |
bhrājasvat | mfn. containing the word bhrājas-  |
bhrama | m. a spring, fountain, watercourse  |
bhramaṇī | f. Name of one of the 5 dhāraṇā-s or mental conceptions of the elements  |
bhramarakaraṇḍaka | m. a small box containing bees (which are let out by thieves to extinguish lights in houses)  |
bhramarakuṇḍa | n. Name of a sacred bathing-place on the mountain nīla-  |
bhrāmin | mfn. confused, perplexed (varia lectio for bhrānta-).  |
bhrātṛsthāna | m. "taking the place of a brother", a brother's representative  |
bhṛgu | m. of the top of the mountain bhṛgu-tuṅga-  |
bhṛguprasravaṇa | m. " bhṛgu-'s spring", Name of a mountain (prob. equals -tuṅga-)  |
bhṛgutuṅga | m. " bhṛgu-'s peak", Name of a sacred mountain in the himālaya- (or in the vindhya-;also called bhṛgos t- ) |
bhṛt | mfn. bearing, carrying, bringing, procuring, possessing, wearing, having, nourishing, supporting, maintaining (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see iṣu--, kṣiti--, dharma--, vaṃśa-bhṛt-etc.)  |
bhṛtya | mfn. to be nourished or maintained  |
bhṛtya | m. one who is to be maintained, a dependent, servant (also the servant of a king, a minister) etc. |
bhṛtyabharaṇa | n. maintaining or cherishing servant  |
bhṛtyabhartṛ | m. one who maintains servant, the master of a family  |
bhrūsaṃgataka | n. the contact of the eyebrows  |
bhūbhṛt | m. "earth-supporter", a mountain etc.  |
bhūdhara | m. a mountain (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) etc.  |
bhūdhara | m. "mountain"and"king"  |
bhūdharaguhāntaratas | ind. from within the caves of the mountains  |
bhūdharaja | m. "mountain-born", a tree ( )  |
bhūdharāraṇya | n. a mountain-forest  |
bhūdharevara | m. "mountain-lord", Name of hima-vat-  |
bhūdhra | m. equals -dhara-, a mountain |
bhuj | f. enjoyment, profit, advantage, possession or use of (genitive case) (bhuj/e-,also as infin.)  |
bhuja | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) the arm etc. (bhujayor antaram-,the breast ; see bhujāntara-)  |
bhujāntara | n. a particular astron, correction  |
bhujāntarāla | n. equals bhujāntara-, the breast, chest  |
bhūka | mn. the head of a fountain  |
bhūmibhṛt | m. a mountain  |
bhūmībhṛt | m. a mountain  |
bhūmidhara | m. "earth-supporter", a mountain  |
bhuraj | (prob. connected with bhṛjj-and bhrajj-), only 3. plural imperfect tense A1. bhur/ajanta-, to boil, bubble  |
bhūrloka | m. the country south of the equator (see bhū-loka-). |
bhūsvarga | m. "heaven on earth", Name of the mountain sumeru-  |
bhūta | m. (plural) Name of an heretical sect (with jaina-s, a class of the vyantara-s)  |
bhūta | n. an element, one of the 5 elements (especially a gross element equals mahā-bh- q.v;but also a subtle element equals tan-mātra- q.v;with Buddhists there are only 4 element) etc.  |
bhūtagrāma | m. any aggregate or elementary matter, the body  |
bhūtamaya | mf(ī-)n. containing all beings  |
bhūtasampṛkta | mfn. combined with elementary matter  |
bhūtatantra | n. the doctrine of spirits (as contained in the 6th chapter of the aṣṭāṅga-hṛdaya-).  |
bhūtavat | mfn. containing the word bhūta-  |
bījagaṇita | n. Name of the 2nd part of bhās-kara-'s siddhāntaśiromaṇi-  |
bījasaṃhṛtimat | mfn. containing the germ and catastrophe (of a play)  |
biṭhaka | n. equals antarikṣa-, the sky  |
bodhaka | mf(ikā-)n. causing to know, explaining, teaching, instructing, a teacher, instructor  |
bodhaka | mf(ikā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') denoting, indicating, signifying ( bodhakatva -tva- n.)  |
bodhana | m. Name of a mountain  |
bodhya | mfn. to be known or understood, to be regarded or recognized as (Nominal verb) etc.  |
bodhya | mfn. to be made known  |
bokkāṇa | m. a horse's nose-bag (which contains his food)  |
brahmagiri | m. Name of a mountain  |
brahmagupta | m. of an astronomer (son of jiṣṇu- and author of the brahma-sphuṭa-siddhānta-, born A.D, 598)  |
brahmajñāna | n. divine or sacred knowledge (especially knowledge of the universal permeation of the one Spirit as taught by the vedānta-), spiritual wisdom  |
brahmakūṭa | m. Name of a mountain,  |
brahmalakṣaṇavākyārtha | m. Name of an abridgment of the vedānta-sudhā-rahasya-.  |
brahmamīmāṃsā | f. "investigation into brahma- or the spiritual doctrine of the veda-", Name of the vedānta- philosophy treating of the one self-existent Spirit (see -sūtra-).  |
brahmāmṛta | n. Name of a vedānta- work  |
brāhmaṇa | n. the brāhmaṇa- portion of the veda- (as distinct from its mantra- and upaniṣad- portion) and consisting of a class of works called brāhmaṇa-s (they contain rules for the employment of the mantra-s or hymns at various sacrifices, with detailed explanations of their origin and meaning and numerous old legends;they are said by sāyaṇa- to contain two parts: 1. vidhi-,rules or directions for rites;2. artha-vāda-,explanatory remarks;each veda- has its own brāhmaṇa-, that of the is preserved in 2 works, viz. the aitareya-, sometimes called āśvalāyana-, and the kauṣītaki- or śāṅkhāyana-- brāhmaṇa-;the white yajur-veda- has the śata-patha-brāhmaṇa-;the black yajur-veda- has the brāhmaṇa- which differs little from the text of its saṃhitā-;the has 8 brāhmaṇa-s, the best known of which are the prauḍha- or pañca-viṃśa- and the ṣaḍviṃśa-;the has one brāhmaṇa- called go-patha-) etc.  |
brāhmaṇābhāṣaṇa | n. Name of a kind of artifical composition (contained in the kavi-kalpa-latā- q.v)  |
brāhmaṇabhuyiṣṭha | mfn. principally consisting of (or containing) brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇātmaka | mfn. containing an account of the brāhmaṇa-  |
brāhmaṇavidhi | m. any injunction (contained) in a brāhmaṇa- work  |
brahmāṇḍapurāṇa | n. Name of one of the 18 purāṇa-s (so called as revealed by brahmā- and containing an account of the egg of brahmā- and the future kalpa-s.; see )  |
brahmaṇvat | mfn. containing the word brahman-  |
brahmaparvata | m. " brahmā-'s mountain", Name of a place  |
brahmapurī | f. brahmā-'s citadel in heaven or his capital on the mountain kailāsa- ( brahmapurīmāhātmya -māhātmya- n.Name of work)  |
brahmasāvarṇa | n. his manv-antara-  |
brahmasiddhi | m. of a vedānta- work  |
brahmasphuṭasiddhānta | m. Name of an astronomy work by brahma-gupta- (also called brahma-siddhānta-):  |
brahmāstra | n. of a particular kind of incantation (see )  |
brahmasūtra | n. a sūtra- work treating of the knowledge of brahma- (especially the aphorisms of the vedānta- philosophy ascribed to bādarāyaṇa- or vyāsa-, also called bādarāyaṇa--or vedānta--or vyāsa--or śārīraka-sūtra-,and uttara--or brahma-mīmāṃsā-)  |
brahmatarkastava | m. Name of a vedānta- work  |
brahmatuṅga | m. Name of a mountain  |
brahmavaivarta | n. "metamorphoses of brahmā-"(who is identified with kṛṣṇa-), Name of a purāṇa- (one of the most modern of the 18, containing prayers and invocations addressed to kṛṣṇa- with narratives about his loves for the gopī-s and rādhā- etc.) ( )  |
brahmavaivartaka | n. "metamorphoses of brahmā-"(who is identified with kṛṣṇa-), Name of a purāṇa- (one of the most modern of the 18, containing prayers and invocations addressed to kṛṣṇa- with narratives about his loves for the gopī-s and rādhā- etc.) ( )  |
brahmavittva | n. (fr. next) knowledge of brahma- (the one self-existent Spirit of the Universe)  |
brahmayoni | f. of a mountain (equals -giri-)  |
bṛhadabhidhānacintāmaṇi | m. the larger abhidhāna-cintāmaṇi- by hema-candra-.  |
bṛhadgṛha | m. plural "large-housed", Name of a people (dwelling in a country lying behind the vindhya- mountains near Malwa, and perhaps comprising Bandelkhand)  |
bṛhadguha | m. ("having large caves") Name of a people (dwelling in a country lying behind the vindhya- mountains near Malwa, and perhaps comprising Bandelkhand)  |
bṛhanmanu | m. "the larger manu-", Name of a law-book (prob. the precursor of the present version, mentioned by mādhava- and other commentators).  |
bṛhatī | f. fr. bṛk/at- Name of a particular metre of 36 (originally 8+ 8+12+8) syllables or (later) any metre containing 36 syllables (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (tīka-) mfn.) etc.  |
bṛhatī | f. a place containing water, reservoir  |
bṛhatpuṣpī | f. a kind of Crotolaria (equals ghantāravā-)  |
bṛhatsūryasādhānta | m. the larger sūrya-siddhānta-  |
bṛhattāla | m. Phoenix Paludosa (equals hintāla-)  |
bṛhaṭṭīkā | f. "large commentary", Name of work by kumārila-.  |
buddhavanagiri | m. Name of a mountain  |
buddhavat | (buddh/a--) mfn. containing a form of budh-  |
buddhi | f. (in sāṃkhya- philosophy) Intellect (equals adhy-avasāya-,the intellectual faculty or faculty of mental perception, the second of the 25 tattva-s; see buddhi-tattva-)  |
buddhiśuddhi | f. purification of the mind  |
buddhitattva | n. the intellectual faculty or principle (the 2nd of the 8 prakṛtayaḥ- or"producers"in the sāṃkhya-, coming next to and proceeding from mūla-prakṛti- or a-vyakta-), (see ) .  |
budh | cl.1 P. A1. ( ) bodhati-, te- ; cl.4 A1. b/udhyate- (Epic also P. ti-; perfect tense P. bubodha- ; subjunctive b/ubodhati- ; A1. bubudh/e-, parasmE-pada bubudhān/a- ; Aorist P. subjunctive bodhiṣat- ; imperative bodhi- ; A1.3 plural abudhram-, ran-; parasmE-pada budhān/a- subjunctive budh/anta- ; abhutsi- ; preceding A1. bhutsīṣṭa- ; future bhotsyati-, te- etc.; boddhā- grammar; ind.p. buddhvā- ; -budhya- etc.; infinitive mood b/udhe- ; budh/i- ; boddhum- etc.) , to wake, wake up, be awake etc. ; to recover consciousness (after a swoon) (Aorist Passive voice abodhi-) ; to observe, heed, attend to (with accusative or genitive case) ; to perceive, notice, learn, understand, become or be aware of or acquainted with etc. ; to think of id est present a person ("with" instrumental case) ; to know to be, recognize as (with two accusative) etc. ; to deem, consider or regard as (with two accusative) : Passive voice budhyate- (Aorist abodhi-), to be awakened or restored to consciousness ; See above: Causal bodh/ayati-, te- (Aorist abūbudhat-; Passive voice bodhyate-), to wake up, arouse, restore to life or consciousness etc. ; to revive the scent (of a perfume) ; to cause (a flower) to expand ; to cause to observe or attend, admonish, advise etc. ; to make a person acquainted with, remind or inform of. impart or communicate anything to (with two accusative) etc.: Desiderative bubhutsati-, te- (grammar also bubodhiṣati-, te-,and bubudhiṣati-, te-), to wish to observe, desire to become acquainted with : Desiderative of Causal See bibodhayiṣu- and bubodhayiṣu-: Intensive bobudhīti- (grammar also bobudhyate-, boboddhi-), to have an insight into, understand thoroughly (with accusative) [ confer, compare Zend bud; Greek for () in, Slavonic or Slavonian bu8de8ti,bu8dru8; Lithuanian bude4ti,budru4s; Gothic biudan; German biotan,bieten; Anglo-Saxon be4odan; English bid.] |
budhanvat | mfn. containing the root budh-  |
ca | ind. and, both, also, moreover, as well as (= , Latin que,placed like these particles as an enclitic after the word which it connects with what precedes;when used with a personal pronoun this must appear in its fuller accented form(exempli gratia, 'for example' t/ava ca m/ama ca-[not te ca me ca-],"both of thee and me") , when used after verbs the first of them is accented ;it connects whole sentences as well as parts of sentences;in the double ca-occurs more frequently than the single(exempli gratia, 'for example' ah/aṃ ca tv/aṃ ca-,"I and thou", );the double ca-may also be used somewhat redundantly in class. Sanskrit(exempli gratia, 'for example' kva hariṇakānāṃ jīvitaṃ cātilolaṃ kva ca vajra-sārāḥ śarās te-,"where is the frail existence, of fawns and where are thy adamantine arrows?" );in later literature, however, the first ca-is more usually omitted(exempli gratia, 'for example' ahaṃ tvaṃ ca-),and when more than two things are enumerated only one ca-is often found(exempli gratia, 'for example' tejasā yaśasā lakṣmyā sthityā ca parayā-,"in glory, in fame, in beauty, and in high position" );elsewhere, when more than two things are enumerated, ca-is placed after some and omitted after others(exempli gratia, 'for example' ṛṇa-dātā ca vaidyaś ca śrotriyo nadī-,"the payer of a debt and a physician [and] a Brahman [and] a river" );in Vedic or Veda and even in class. Sanskrit[ ] , when the double ca-would generally be used, the second may occasionally be omitted(exempli gratia, 'for example' indraś ca soma-,"both indra- [and thou] soma-" ; durbhedyaś cāśusaṃdheyaḥ-,"both difficult to be divided [and] quickly united" );with lexicographers ca-may imply a reference to certain other words which are not expressed(exempli gratia, 'for example' kamaṇḍalau ca karakaḥ-,"the word karaka-has the meaning "pitcher"and other meanings");sometimes ca-is equals eva-,even, indeed, certainly, just(exempli gratia, 'for example' su-cintitaṃ cauṣadhaṃ na nāma-mātreṇa karoty arogam-,"even a well-devised remedy does not cure a disease by its mere name" ; yāvanta eva te tāvāṃśca saḥ-,"as great as they [were] just so great was he" );occasionally ca-is disjunctive,"but","on the contrary","on the other hand","yet","nevertheless"(varam ādyau na cāntimaḥ-,"better the two first but not the last" ; śāntam idam āśrama-padaṃ sphurati ca bāhuḥ-,"this hermitage is tranquil yet my arm throbs" ); ca-ca-,though-yet ; ca-na ca-,though - yet not ; ca-- na tu-(varia lectio nanu-) idem or 'm. the letter or sound ca-.', ; na ca-- ca-,though not - yet ; ca-may be used for vā-,"either","or"(exempli gratia, 'for example' iha cāmutra vā-,"either here or hereafter" ; strī vā pumān vā yac cānyat sattvam-,"either a woman or a man or any other being" ) , and when a negative particle is joined with ca-the two may then be translated by"neither","nor";occasionally one ca-or one na-is omitted(exempli gratia, 'for example' na ca paribhoktuṃ naiva śaknomi hātum-,"I am able neither to enjoy nor to abandon" ; na pūrvāhṇe nā ca parāhṇe-,"neither in the forenoon nor in the afternoon"); ca-ca-may express immediate connection between two acts or their simultaneous occurrence(exempli gratia, 'for example' mama ca muktaṃ tamasā mano manasijena dhanuṣi śaraś ca niveśitaḥ-,"no sooner is my mind freed from darkness than a shaft is fixed on his bow by the heart-born god", ); ca-is sometimes equals ced-,"if"(confer, compare ;the verb is accented) ; ca-may be used as an expletive(exempli gratia, 'for example' anyaiś ca kratubhiś ca-,"and with other sacrifices"); ca-is often joined to an adverb like eva-, api-, tathā-, tathaiva-,etc., either with or without a negative particle(exempli gratia, 'for example' vairiṇaṃ nopaseveta sahāyaṃ caiva vairiṇaḥ-,"one ought not to serve either an enemy or the ally of an enemy" );(See eva-, api-,etc.) For the meaning of ca-after an interrogativeSee 2. k/a-,2. kath/ā-, k/im-, kv/a-); ([ confer, compare , Latin que,pe(innempeetc.); Gothic uh; Zend ca; Old Persian ca1.]) |
caitra | m. one of the seven ranges of mountains (dividing the continent into varṣa-s)  |
caitta | mfn. belonging to thought (citt/a-), imagined  |
caitta | mfn. mental, Scholiast or Commentator  |
caitya | m. n. a funeral monument or stūpa- (q.v) or pyramidal column containing the ashes of deceased persons, sacred tree (especially a religious fig-tree) growing on a mound, hall or temple or place of worship (especially with and and generally containing a monument), a sanctuary near a village etc.  |
caityaka | m. one of the 5 mountains surrounding the town giri-vraja-, .  |
cākacakya | n. equals ujjvala-tā-,  |
cakra | n. a circle or depression of the body (for mystical or chiromantic purposes; 6 in number, one above the other, viz. 1. mūlādhāra-,the parts about the pubis;2. svādhiṣṭhāna-,the umbilical region;3. maṇi-pūra-,the pit of the stomach or epigastrium;4. anāhata-,the root of the nose;5. viśuddha-,the hollow between the frontal sinuses;6. ājñākhya-,the fontanelle or union of the coronal and sagittal sutures;various faculties and divinities are supposed to be present in these hollows)  |
cakra | m. of a mountain  |
cakrabhramaṇa | m. Name of a mountain  |