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Monier-Williams Search
1 result
ci cl.5. cin/oti-, nute- (1. plural cinumas-and nmas- ; perf. cikāya-and cicāya-, ;2. cicetha-, ;3. plural ciky/ur- ; parasmE-pada cikivas- ; A1. cikye-and cicye- ; parasmE-pada cikyān/a- v; 2nd future parasmE-pada ceṣyat- ; 1st future cetā- ; Aorist acaiṣīt- on ;Ved. cikayām akar-, ;1. sg. acaiṣam-,2. sg. acais- ;3. plural acaiṣur- ; A1. aceṣṭa- ; preceding ceṣīṣṭa- , or cīyāt-, ; ind.p. citv/ā- etc.; Passive voice cīyate- etc.; future cāyiṣyate-& ceṣy- Conditional acāyiṣyata-& aceṣy- ) to arrange in order, heap up, pile up, construct (a sacrificial altar; P.,if the priests construct the altar for another; A1.,if the sacrificer builds it for himself) ; to collect, gather together, accumulate, acquire for one's self ; to search through (for collecting; see 2. ci-) () ; to cover, inlay, set with ; Passive voice cīyate-, to become covered with ; to increase, thrive () : Causal cayayati- and capay-, to heap up, gather ; cāyayati- and cāpay- : Desiderative cikīṣate- (also ti-, ) to wish to pile up ; cicīṣati- ( [ed. vivīṣ-] ) to wish to accumulate or collect : Desiderative Causal (parasmE-pada cicīṣayat-) to cause any one to wish to arrange in order : Intensive cecīyate- on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results16 results
ava dhanvāni tanmasi # VS.16.54d--63d; TS.,2d; MS.2.9.9d (decies): 128.8--129.8; KS.17.16 (decies). Cf. next.
idaṃ kṛṇmasi te haviḥ # AVś.19.52.5b; AVP.1.30.5b; Kauś.92.31b.
unmā asi # see unmāsi.
kavir hotā yajati manmasādhanaḥ # RV.1.151.7b.
tat tama ivāpa hanmasi # AVś.8.2.12d.
tad ṛcā laghu kṛṇmasi # AVP.11.2.8d.
tāṃ tvā prati pra hiṇmasi # AVP.7.1.11c. Cf. prec. but one.
tāṃ pathetaḥ pra hiṇmasi # AVś.5.31.10b.
tena saṃhanu kṛṇmasi # AVś.5.28.13d; 19.37.4d; AVP.1.54.5d; 2.59.12d. See tena sann.
dyumantaṃ ghoṣaṃ vijayāya kṛṇmahe (AVś. kṛṇmasi) # RV.10.84.4d; AVś.4.31.4d; AVP.4.12.4d.
punaḥ kartre pra hiṇmasi # AVś.10.1.30d.
brahmāsmai varma kṛṇmasi # AVś.8.2.10d.
bhaṃsaso 'pa hanmasi # AVś.8.6.5d.
marudyutāya kṛṇmasi # AVP.1.85.4b.
yajñasya ketur manmasādhano veḥ # RV.1.96.6b.
yad indra manmaśas tvā # RV.8.15.12a.
Vedabase Search
3 results
janmāṣṭamī-ādi of performing Janmāṣṭamī and other ceremoniesCC Madhya 24.340
janmāṣṭamī-ādi of performing Janmāṣṭamī and other ceremoniesCC Madhya 24.340
parva in festivals such as JanmāṣṭamīSB 11.11.34-41
Wordnet Search
"nmas" has 3 results.


janmavelā, janmakālaḥ, janmasamayaḥ   

utpatteḥ velā।

ahaṃ mama putryāḥ janmavelāṃ sarvadā smarāmi।



janmanā prāptam।

svatantratā asmākaṃ janmasiddhaḥ adhikāraḥ asti।



yasmin sthāne nagare vā kasyacit janma bhavati।

rāmasya janmasthānam ayodhyā asti।

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