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Monier-Williams Search
24 results for nirukta
niruktamfn. ( vac-) uttered, pronounced, expressed, explained, defined etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niruktamfn. declared for (Nominal verb) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niruktamfn. explicitly mentioned or enjoined View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niruktamfn. containing the name of a god (as a verse) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niruktamfn. distinct, loud (opp. to upāṃśu-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niruktamfn. interpreted id est become manifest, fulfilled, accomplished (as a word) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niruktan. explanation or etymological interpretation of a word View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niruktan. Name of several works., especially of a commentator or commentary on the nighaṇṭu-s by yāska-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niruktabhāṣyan. Name of Comm. (prob. = -vṛtti-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niruktagam. "penetrater of mysteries", Name of brahmā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niruktajam. Name of a class of sons View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niruktakāram. Name of Scholiast or Commentator on (quoted by ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niruktakṛtm. " nirukta--composer", Name of yāska- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niruktakṛtm. of a pupil of śāka-pūṇi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niruktapariśiṣṭan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niruktavatmfn. "author of the nirukta-", Name of yāska- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niruktavṛttif. Name of a commentator or commentary on yāska-'s nirukta- by durgācārya-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aniruktamfn. unuttered, not articulated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aniruktamfn. not explained (because of being clear by itself)
aniruktamfn. unspeakable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aniruktagānan. indistinct singing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aniruktagānan. humming (of hymns), a particular mode of chanting the sāma-veda-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brahmaniruktan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yāskaniruktan. yāska-'s nirukta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
2 results
nirukta निरुक्त a. 1 Expressed, pronounced, explained, defined. -2 Loud, distinct. -3 Enjoined, decided; पात्रं त्वत्र निरुक्तं वै कविभिः पात्रवित्तमैः Bhāg.7.14.34. -4 Interpreted, accomplished (as a word); proved from शब्दप्रमाण (as शब्दैकगम्य); वेदांश्च वेद्यं तु विधिं च कृत्स्नमथो निरुक्तं परमार्थतां च Mb.12.245.3. -क्तम् 1 Explanation, derivation, etymological interpretation. स वा एष आत्मा हृदि तस्यैतदेव निरुक्तं हदयमिति Ch. Up.8.3.3; महत्त्वाद्भारवत्त्वाच्च महाभारत- मुच्यते । निरुक्तमस्य यो वेद सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते ॥ Mb.1.1.274. -2 N. of one of the six Vedāṅgas, that which contains glossarial explanation of obscure words, especially those occurring in the Vedas; नाम च धातुजमाह निरुक्ते Nir. -3 N. of a celebrated commentary on the Nighaṇṭus by Yāska. -Comp. -कारः N. of the sage Yāska. -जः one of the twelve kinds of sons allowed by the old Hindu law (= क्षेत्रजः q. v.); आत्मा पुत्रश्च विज्ञेयस्तस्यानन्त- रजश्च यः । निरुक्तजश्च विज्ञेयः सुतः प्रसृतजस्तथा ॥ Mb.13.49.3. -वृत्तिः N. of a com. on Yāska's निरुक्त by Durgāchārya.
anirukta अनिरुक्त a. 1 Not articulated or clearly spoken. -2 Not clearly stated or explained, vague, not plain or well-defined; ˚क्तप्रातःसवनः प्रथमः Kāty.; एतास्मिन्नदृश्ये$- नात्म्ये$निरुक्ते Ait. Br. -Comp. -गानम् indistinct singing or humming, a particular mode of chanting the सामवेद.
Macdonell Search
2 results
nirukta pp. √ vak; n. explanation; etymological interpretation; esp. T. of Yâs ka's commentary on the Nighantus; -ukti, f. etymological explanation; -uñkhana, n. = nî-râgana; -uttara, a.having no superior; unable to give an answer; -utsava, a. devoid of festivals; -utsâha, a. destitute of energy, unenterprising, spiritless: -tâ, f. cowardice; -utsuka, a. unconcerned; having no desire for (prati); -utseka, m.modesty; a. unpre tentious, modest; -udara, a. trunkless; -ud desam, ad. without making any statement; -udyama, a. avoiding exertion, indolent; -udyoga, a. id.; -udvigna, pp. untroubled, unagitated: -manas, a. havingone's mind undisturbed; -udvega, a. free from agitation, calm; -unmâda, a. free from arrogance; -upakârin, a. unable to render a service; -upakriya, a. rendering no service; -upa-drava, a. unassailed by mischances orcalami ties, prosperous, faring well; free from danger, safe: -tâ, f. security; -upadhi, a. free from guile, honest; blameless; -upapatti, a. un suitable; -upapada, a. unaccompanied by a secondary word; -upaplava, a.undisturbed, uninterrupted; -upabhoga, a. not enjoying; -upama, a. having no equal; -upayoga, a. useless; -upâkhya, a. indescribable: -tva, n. abst. n.; -upâya, a. futile; -ushna-tâ, f. coldness: -m nî, make cold, kill; -ushnîsha, a. turbanless, bareheaded.
anirukta pp. unexpressed; im plicit: said of verses in which the deity is not expressly named.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
2 results1 result
nirukta Explanation ’ of a word or passage, is found in the Chāndogya Upanisad, but does not appear as the name of a work before the later Upanisads. It is, however, probable that Yāska’s Nirukta is not later than the rise of Buddhism. Cf. Nirvacana.
Bloomfield Vedic
2 results1 result1 result
atikrāmanto duritā padāni (N. duritāni viśvā) # AVś.12.2.28c; N.6.12d (see Roth's Erl"auterungen zum Nirukta, p. 80). Cf. ati viśvāni, aty enaṃ, antar dadhānā, apaghnā no, apa bādhatāṃ, and taranto viśvā.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"nirukta" has 4 results
niruktaname of a class of works which were composed to explain the collections of Vedic words by means of proposing derivations of those words from roots as would suit the sense. The Nirukta works are looked upon as supplementary to grammar works and there must have been a good many works of this kind in ancient times as shown by references to the writers of these viz. Upamanyu, Sakatayana,Sakapuni,Sakapurti and others, but, out of them only one work composed by Yaska has survived; the word, hence has been applied by scholars to the Nirukta of Yaska which is believed to have been written in the seventh or the eighth century B. C. i. e. a century or two before Panini. The Nirukta works were looked upon as subsidiary to the study of the Vedas along with works on phonetics ( शिक्षा ), rituals ( कल्प ), grammar (व्याकरण) prosody (छन्दस्) and astronomy(ज्योतिष)and a mention of them is found made in the Chandogyopanisad. As many of the derivations in the Nirukta appear to be forced and fanciful, it is doubtful whether the Nirukta works could be called scientific treatises. The work of Yaska, however, has got its own importance and place among works subsidiary to the Veda, being a very old work of that kind and quoted by later commentators. There were some glosses and commentary works written upon Yaska's Nirukta out of which the one by Durgacarya is a scholarly one.It is doubtful whether Durgacarya is the same as Durgasimha, who wrote a Vrtti or gloss on the Katantra Vyakarana. The word निरुक्त is found in the Pratisakhya works in the sense of 'explained' and not in the sense of derived; confer, compare Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) XV 6; V.Pr. IV. 19, 195.
niruktabhāṣyaa gloss on Yaska's Nirukta written by a modern scholar of grammar named Ugracarya in the eighteenth century A. D.
upamanyu(1)the famous commentator on the grammatical verses attributed to Nandikeśvarakārikā. which are known by the name नन्दिकेश्वरकारिका and which form a kind of a commentary on the sūtras of Maheśvara; (2) a comparatively modern grammarian possibly belonging to the nineteenth century who is also named Nandikeśvarakārikā.kārikābhāṣya by Upamanyu.and who has written a commentory on the famous Kāśikāvṛtti by Jayāditya and Vāmana. Some believe that Upa-manyu was an ancient sage who wrote a nirukta or etymological work and whose pupil came to be known as औपमन्यव.
gālavaan ancient grammarian and niruktakara quoted by Panini; confer, compare P. VI 3.60, VII. I.74, VII. 3,99, VIII. 4.67, confer, compare also Nirukta of Yāska.IV. 3.
Vedabase Search
8 results
nirukta comprising the essential understanding presented in the NiruktaSB 11.6.11
nirukta describedSB 12.11.24
niruktam decidedSB 7.14.34
niruktam everything manifestedSB 7.9.48
niruktam expressedSB 6.4.29
niruktam falsely describedSB 5.12.9
anirukta inconceivableSB 6.4.27-28
aniruktam indescribableSB 8.5.26
3 results
nirukta noun (neuter) explanation or etymological interpretation of a word (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of several wks (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 6514/72933
niruktaga noun (masculine) name of Brahmā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 36291/72933
anirukta adjective not articulated (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not explained (because of being clear by itself) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unspeakable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unuttered (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 22969/72933
Wordnet Search
"nirukta" has 3 results.



yāskācāryasya niruktam ityasya granthasya durgācāryeṇa racitaḥ ṭīkāgranthaḥ ।

niruktavṛtteḥ ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaḥ ṭīkāgranthaḥ ।

niruktabhāṣyasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



putrāṇām ekaḥ vargaḥ ।

niruktajasya ullekhaḥ mahābhārate asti

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