nir | for nis- (q.v) before vowels and soft consonants.  |
nirābādha | mf(ā-)n. undisturbed unmolested, secure  |
nirābādha | mf(ā-)n. frivolously or unreally vexatious (as a cause of complaint)  |
nirābādhakara | mfn. not causing injury or pain  |
nirābādham | ind. (incontestably ) not disturbing, not molesting, harmless, guileless  |
nirābhāsa | mfn. without fallacious appearance,  |
nirabhibhava | mfn. not subject to humiliation or disgrace  |
nirabhibhava | mfn. not to be surpassed  |
nirabhilapya | mfn. unutterable, inexpressible  |
nirabhilāṣa | mfn. not desirous of. indifferent to (compound)  |
nirabhimāna | mfn. free from pride  |
nirabhīmāna | mfn. equals -abhim-  |
nirabhīmāna | mfn. unconscious  |
nirabhiprāya | mfn. purposeless  |
nirabhisaṃdhāna | n. absence of design, sāṃkhya-s. Scholiast or Commentator  |
nirabhisaṃdhin | mfn. free from egoistic designs  |
nirabhra | mfn. cloudless  |
nirabhre | ind. when the sky is cloudless  |
nirabhyaṅga | mfn. unanointed, not rubbed in  |
nirabhyavekṣ | ( īkṣ-) to search through, examine thoroughly  |
nirācakṣ | A1. -caṣṭe-, to refute, reject  |
nirācāra | mfn. without approved usages or customs, lawless, barbarian  |
nirācikīrṣu | (Desiderative of1. kṛ-), desirous of contradicting or refuting  |
nirāḍambara | mfn. without drums  |
nirāḍambarasundara | mfn. beautiful without drums id est without praise, beautiful in itself  |
nirādāna | mfn. taking or receiving nothing  |
nirādāna | m. Name of buddha-  |
nirādara | mfn. showing no respect, disrespectful  |
nirādeśa | m. complete payment or discharge of a debt  |
niradh | (only Causal imperfect tense -/arandhayas-), to deliver up, surrender  |
nirādhā | -dadhāti-, to take out of, take away  |
nirādhāna | (nir-.) mfn. unbridled (see antar-ādh-).  |
nirādhāra | mfn. without a receptacle or a support  |
nirādhāratva | n.  |
nirādhi | mfn. free from anxiety, secure  |
niradhiṣṭhāna | mfn. having no resting-place or basis, supportless, untenable  |
niradhiṣṭhāna | mfn. independent  |
niradhva | mfn. one who has lost his way  |
nirādiṣṭa | mfn. ( diś-) paid off (as a debt)  |
nirāga | mfn. passionless, dispassionate (see nī-r-).  |
nirāgama | mfn. not founded on revelation  |
nirāgama | nir-āgas-, etc. See .  |
nirāgāra | mfn. houseless, shelterless,  |
nirāgas | mfn. sinless, innocent  |
niragha | mf(ā-)n. sinless, free from faults  |
niragni | mfn. having no (consecrated) fire  |
niragnika | mfn. having no (consecrated) fire  |
niragra | mfn. divisible without remainder  |
nirāgraha | mfn. not insisting upon, not obstinate  |
niragraka | mfn. divisible without remainder  |
nirah | (only perfect tense -āha-, hur-), to utter, pronounce, express  |
nirāha | m. (prob. fr. next) call, exclamation  |
niraham | ind. devoid of self-conceit or selfishness  |
nirahaṃkāra | mfn. free from egotism, unselfish, humble  |
nirahaṃkāra | m. a particular heaven  |
nirahaṃkārin | mfn. free from the sentiment of egotism  |
nirahaṃkriya | mfn. having no personality or individuality  |
nirahaṃkriyā | f. absence of egotism or selfishness ,  |
nirahaṃkṛta | mfn. having no self-consciousness or personality  |
nirahaṃkṛta | mfn. equals next  |
nirahaṃkṛti | mfn. free from egotism or pride, humble,  |
nirahammāna | mfn. free from the sentiment of egotism  |
nirahammati | mfn. free from the sentiment of egotism  |
nirahaṃstambha | mfn. free from the fetters of egotism  |
nirāhāra | m. want of food, fasting  |
nirāhāra | mf(ā-)n. having no food or abstaining from it etc.  |
nirāhāratā | f. foodlessness, fasting  |
nirāhava | m. ( hve-) idem or 'm. (prob. fr. next) call, exclamation '  |
nirāhavavat | mfn. accompanied by an exclamation (varia lectio hā-vat-).  |
nirahna | m.  |
niraj | P. -ajati- (dative case infinitive mood -/aje-), to drive out or away  |
niraja | See su-nir/aja-.  |
nirāja | m. marching off  |
nirāja | See under nir-aj-.  |
nirajina | mfn. without a skin or hide  |
nirājīvya | mf(ā-)n. not yielding subsistence  |
nirāka | m. (only , prob. wrong reading for ni-pāka-) cooking  |
nirāka | m. sweat  |
nirāka | m. the recompence of a bad action.  |
nirākāṅkṣa | mfn. expecting or wishing nothing, desireless, hopeless (also kṣiṅ- )  |
nirākāṅkṣa | mfn. wanting nothing to fill up, complete (vākya-)  |
nirākāra | mfn. formless, shapeless, incorporeal (brahman-), making no appearance or show, insignificant, unimportant etc.  |
nirākāra | mfn. having no object (see below)  |
nirākāra | m. Name of śiva-  |
nirākāra | m. of viṣṇu-  |
nirākāra | m. heaven  |
nirākāra | m. the universal spirit, god  |
nirākāra | (for 1.See) m. rebuke, reproach, censure  |
nirākārajñānavāda | m. the doctrine that the perception of the outer world does not arise from images impressed on the mind  |
nirākāralocana | n. a vacant (literally objectless) look  |
nirākaraṇa | n. separating (in a-nirāk-)  |
nirākaraṇa | n. driving away, turning out, expelling, removing, repudiating (of a woman), opposing, contradicting, denying etc.  |
nirākaraṇa | n. forgetting (in a-nirāk-)  |
nirākaraṇa | n. neglecting the chief sacrificial or religious duties  |
nirākaraṇīya | mfn. to be opposed or refuted  |
nirākariṣṇu | mfn. rejecting, repudiating  |
nirākariṣṇu | mfn. obstructive, envious, hindering or preventing from (ablative)  |
nirākariṣṇu | mfn. forgetful  |
nirākariṣṇutā | f. envy, malevolence  |
nirākartavya | mfn. equals karaṇīya-  |
nirākartṛ | mfn. contradicting, refuting  |
nirākartṛ | mfn. repudiating, repudiator of (genitive case)  |
nirākartṛ | mfn. contemner, despiser (especially of the veda- and religion)  |
nirākāśa | mfn. having no free space, completely filled  |
nirākṛ | P. -karoti-, to separate or divide off ; to drive away, turn or keep off, repudiate, remove, reject, omit, refuse, spurn, oppose, contradict  |
nirākram | P. -krāmati-, to come forth, go out of (ablative)  |
nirākranda | mf(ā-)n. having no friend or protector  |
nirākranda | mf(ā-)n. finding no help from (locative case)  |
nirākranda | mf(ā-)n. affording no shelter or protection  |
nirākranda | m. or n. a place that affords no place  |
nirākriyā | f. expulsion, removal  |
nirākriyā | f. contradiction, refutation  |
nirākrośa | mfn. unaccused, unreviled  |
nirākṛta | mfn. pushed or driven away, repudiated, expelled, banished, rejected, removed  |
nirākṛta | mfn. frustrated, destroyed  |
nirākṛta | mfn. omitted, forgot  |
nirākṛta | mfn. refuted  |
nirākṛta | mfn. despised, made light of etc.  |
nirākṛta | mfn. deprived of (compound)  |
nirākṛtanimeṣa | mfn. (eye) forgetting to wink  |
nirākṛtānyottara | mfn. excluding every answer, irrefutable ( nirākṛtānyottaratva -tva- n.)  |
nirākṛtānyottaratva | n. nirākṛtānyottara |
nirākṛti | mfn. formless, shapeless (viṣṇu-)  |
nirākṛti | mfn. deformed, ugly  |
nirākṛti | m. a person who neglects his religious duties, (especially) a Brahman who has not duly read the veda-s, ,  |
nirākṛti | f. (for 1.See) , obstruction, impediment, interruption  |
nirākṛti | f. repudiation, rejection, contradiction, refutation  |
nirākṛti | f. forgetting (See sarva-n-)  |
nirākṛti | mfn. impeding, obstructing  |
nirākṛti | m. Name of a son of the first manu- sāvarṇi-  |
nirākṛtin | mfn. making no show etc. equals -ākāra- (above) (varia lectio kṛti-).  |
nirākṛtin | mfn. (for 1.See) one who has forgotten what he has learned (anirāk-)  |
nirākṛtin | mfn. see gaRa iṣṭādi-.  |
nirakṣ | (only imperative - akṣṇuhi-), to castrate, emasculate,  |
nirakṣa | mfn. having no dice  |
nirakṣa | mfn. having no latitude  |
nirakṣa | m. the place of no latitude id est the terrestrial equator  |
nirakṣadeśa | m. the equatorial region ,  |
nirakṣara | mfn. not knowing the letters  |
nirākula | mfn. not too much beset, little frequented  |
nirākula | mfn. not disarranged  |
nirākula | mfn. unconfused, clear, calm, steady ( nirākulam am- ind.)  |
nirākula | n. perspicuity, clearness, calmness  |
nirākuladvāra | mf(ā-)n. (city) whose gates are not too much crowded  |
nirākulam | ind. nirākula |
nirākulārtham | ind. for the sake of clearness  |
nirālaka | m. a species of fish  |
nirālamba | mfn. equals -aval-  |
nirālamba | mfn. self-supported, independent  |
nirālamba | mfn. friendless, alone etc. ( nirālambam am- ind. ; nirālambatva -tva- n. )  |
nirālamba | m. Name of a philosopher (worshipping the empty air as deity)  |
nirālambā | f. spikenard  |
nirālambam | ind. nirālamba |
nirālambana | mfn. supportless or self-supported, not resting on another, free  |
nirālambatva | n. nirālamba |
nirālambopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
niralaṃkāra | mfn. unornamented (Bombay edition), Sch,  |
niralaṃkṛti | f. (in rhetoric) want of ornaments, simplicity.  |
nirālāpa | mfn. not talking  |
nirālasya | mfn. not slothful  |
nirāloka | mfn. not looking about  |
nirāloka | mfn. deprived of light, dark or blind  |
nirāloka | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' looking at, investigating, scrutinizing (see ātma-n-)  |
niram | A1. -ramate- (Aorist 3. plural -araṃsata-), to rest, come to rest, cease : Causal -rāmayati- (Aorist -arīramat-), to cause to rest, stop, detain ; (-ramayati-) to gladden, give pleasure (by sexual union)  |
nirāmālu | m. (nis-+ āma-+ ālu-?) Feronia Elephantum  |
niramaṇa | (see 2. nir-am-,next) n. resting, ceasing  |
niramaṇa | mfn. (nis-+ am-?) worn out, exhausted  |
nirāmarda | m. "not oppressing", Name of a king  |
niramarṣa | mfn. not impatient, apathetic (varia lectio nir-ām-).  |
nirāmaya | m. freedom from illness, health, welfare  |
nirāmaya | mfn. free from illness, healthy, well etc.  |
nirāmaya | mfn. causing health, wholesome  |
nirāmaya | mfn. complete, entire  |
nirāmaya | mfn. infallible, secure  |
nirāmaya | mfn. untainted, pure  |
nirāmaya | m. 1 wild goat  |
nirāmaya | m. a hog, a boar  |
nirāmaya | m. Name of a king  |
nirāmayam | ind. (in mayaṃ devadattāya-,or ttasya-good health or hail to durga-! )  |
nirambara | mf(ā-)n. undressed, naked  |
nirambu | mfn. abstaining from water  |
nirambu | mfn. destitute of water  |
nirāmin | mfn. waiting, lurking  |
nirāmin | See under ni-ram-.  |
nirāmiṣa | mfn. fleshless  |
nirāmiṣa | mfn. receiving no booty or wages  |
nirāmiṣa | mfn. free from sensual desires or covetousness  |
nirāmiṣa | mfn. not striving after any reward  |
nirāmiṣāśin | mfn. eating no flesh  |
niramitra | mfn. free from enemies  |
niramitra | m. Name of a son of nakula-  |
niramitra | m. of a son of the king of tri-garta-  |
niramitra | m. of a son of khaṇḍa-pāṇi- (or daṇḍa--pa1n2i) (wrong reading nir-ām-)  |
niramitra | m. of a son of ayutāyu-s  |
niramitra | m. of a sage considered as śiva-'s son (varia lectio nir-ām-).  |
nirāmitra | See -am-.  |
nirāmitra | wrong reading for nir-am- (See nir-,) . |
niraṃśa | mfn. having no degrees (of latit. or longitude)  |
niraṃsaka | mfn. receiving no share  |
niraṃśatva | n.  |
niraṃśu | mfn. rayless  |
niraṇ | (only -raṇy/athas-), to rejoice or delight in (instrumental case)  |
nirāṇaddha | mfn. ( nah-)  |
nirānanda | mf(ā-)n. joyless, sorrowful, sad, melancholy etc.  |
nirānandakara | mf(ī-)n. causing no pleasure, afflicting  |
nirañchana | n. (rañch- equals lañch-) a mark or knot in a measuring line  |
nirandhas | mfn. foodless, hungry  |
niraṅga | mf(ā-or ī-)n. incomplete  |
niraṅga | mf(ā-or ī-)n. having no resources or expedients  |
niraṅguli | mfn.  |
niraṅguli | mfn. fingerless  |
niraṅguṣṭha | mfn. not touched with the thumb,  |
nirañjana | mf(ā-)n. unpainted, spotless, pure, simple etc.  |
nirañjana | mf(ā-)n. void of passion or emotion  |
nirañjana | m. Name of śiva-  |
nirañjana | m. of an attendant of śiva-  |
nirañjana | m. of several authors (also with yati-; nirañjanāṣṭaka nāṣṭaka- n.Name of work)  |
nirañjana | n. the Supreme Being  |
nirañjanā | f. the day of full moon  |
nirañjana | m. Name of durgā-  |
nirañjanāṣṭaka | n. nirañjana |
niraṅkuśa | mfn. unchecked (literally not held by a hook) , uncontrolled, independent, free, unruly, extravagant ( niraṅkuśam am- ind.; niraṅkuśatva -tva- n.) etc.  |
niraṅkuśam | ind. niraṅkuśa |
niraṅkuśatva | n. niraṅkuśa |
niraṅkuśaya | Nom. P. yati-, to unfetter  |
niranna | mfn. wanting food, starving  |
niranna | mfn. giving or yielding no food  |
niranne | ind. during a famine  |
nirantara | mf(ā-)n. having no interval (in space or time), close, compact, dense, uninterrupted, perpetual, constant ( nirantaratā -tā- f.) etc.  |
nirantara | mf(ā-)n. faithful true  |
nirantara | mf(ā-)n. abounding in, full of (compound)  |
nirantara | mf(ā-)n. not other or different, identical etc.  |
nirantara | mf(ā-)n. not hidden from view  |
nirantarābhyāsa | m. constant repetition or study, diligent exercise or practice  |
nirantaragrihavāsin | mfn. living in the next house  |
nirantarāla | mfn. without an intervening space, close, narrow  |
nirantarālatā | f.  |
nirantaram | ind. closely, tightly, firmly,  |
nirantaram | ind. constantly, continually etc.  |
nirantaram | ind. immediately, at once  |
nirantarapayodharā | f. having closely contiguous breasts (clouds)  |
nirantaraśarīra | mfn. one whose body is densely transfixed with (arrows)  |
nirantaratā | f. nirantara |
nirantarātkaṇṭhā | f. continual longing for  |
nirantaraviśeṣa | mfn. (plural) being without difference in regard to (locative case), being treated alike  |
nirantarodbhinna | mfn. densely sprouted  |
nirāntra | mfn. eviscerated, having the entrails hanging out  |
niranubandha | mfn. showing no secondary or symptomatic affection  |
niranubandhaka | mfn. having no indicatory letter  |
niranuga | mfn. having no followers, unattended  |
niranugraha | mfn. ungracious, unkind  |
niranukrośa | mf(ā-)n. pitiless, hard-hearted ( niranukrośatā -tā- f.)  |
niranukrośa | m. mercilessness, cruelty  |
niranukrośakārin | mfn. acting pitilessly  |
niranukrośatā | f. niranukrośa |
niranukrośatas | ind. in a cruel manner  |
niranukrośayukta | mfn. uncompassionate, hard-hearted  |
niranumāna | mfn. not bound to conclusions or consequences  |
niranunāsika | mfn. not marked with the anunāsika-, not nasal  |
niranurodha | mfn. unfavourable, unfriendly, unamiable ( niranurodhatva -tva- n.)  |
niranurodha | mfn. unkind towards, regardless of (locative case)  |
niranurodhatva | n. niranurodha |
niranuśaya | mfn. without the consequences or results of acts  |
niranuyojya | mfn. unblamable, faultless  |
niranuyojyānuyoga | m. the blaming of anything faultless  |
niranvaya | mfn. having no offspring, childless  |
niranvaya | mfn. unconnected, unrelated  |
niranvaya | mfn. illogical, unmethodical  |
niranvaya | mfn. not committed in the presence of others |
niranvaya | mfn. without retinue, unaccompanied  |
nirapa | mfn. waterless  |
nirāpad | f. no misfortune, security, prosperity  |
nirāpad | mfn. prosperous, fortunate, secure  |
nirapahnava | mfn. unconcealed  |
nirapakrama | mfn. not to be escaped from  |
niraparādha | mf(ā-)n. unoffending, guiltless, blameless ( niraparādhatā -tā- f.) etc.  |
niraparādha | m. faultlessness, innocence  |
niraparādhatā | f. niraparādha |
niraparādhavat | mfn. innocent  |
nirapatrapa | mf(ā-)n. shameless, impudent, confident  |
nirapatya | mfn. childless  |
nirapatyatva | n.  |
nirapavāda | mfn. blameless  |
nirapavāda | mfn. not admitting of any exception (also -ka-)  |
nirapavarta | mfn. not returning  |
nirapavarta | mfn. (in arithmetic) equals next.  |
nirapavartana | mfn. not to be divided by a common divisor  |
nirapāya | mfn. imperishable (also yin- )  |
nirapāya | mfn. infallible  |
nirapāya | mfn. free from harm or evil  |
nirapekṣa | mf(ā-)n. regardless of. indifferent to, independent of (locative case or compound)  |
nirapekṣa | mf(ā-)n. desireless, careless, indifferent, disinterested etc. (also -ka- )  |
nirapekṣā | f. ( ) disregard, indifference, independence  |
nirapekṣa | mfn. disregarded  |
nirapekṣam | ind. regardlessly, accidentally  |
nirapekṣatā | f. ( ) disregard, indifference, independence  |
nirapekṣatva | n. ( ) disregard, indifference, independence  |
nirapekṣin | mfn. indifferent, independent  |
nirapekṣita | mfn. regardless  |
nirapekṣya | mfn. not to be regarded  |
nirārambha | mfn. not undertaking enterprises, abstaining from all work  |
nirarbuda | m. or n. Name of a hell in which the wicked are punished by excessive cold  |
nirard | P. -ardati-, to stream forth  |
nirargala | mfn. unbarred, unimpeded, free, irresistible etc.  |
nirargalam | ind. freely  |
nirargalavāc | mfn. of unrestrained language  |
nirartha | mf(ā-)n. void of wealth, poor  |
nirartha | mf(ā-)n. useless, vain (-kalaha-,a useless quarrel )  |
nirartha | mf(ā-)n. meaningless (-tā- )  |
nirartha | mf(ā-)n. (a consonant) having no following vowel  |
nirartha | m. (th/a-) loss, detriment  |
nirartha | m. plural nonsense  |
nirarthaka | mf(ikā-)n. useless, vain, unsuccessful etc. ( nirarthakam am- ind. ; nirarthakatva -tva- n. )  |
nirarthaka | mf(ikā-)n. unmeaning, nonsensical  |
nirarthaka | mf(ikā-)n. (said of a consonant) equals -artha-  |
nirarthaka | n. (in philosophy) a nonsensical objection  |
nirarthaka | n. (in rhetoric) an expletive.  |
nirarthakam | ind. nirarthaka |
nirarthakatva | n. nirarthaka |
nirarti | mfn. painless  |
niras | P. A1. -asyati-, te-, (infinitive mood asitum- ; Aorist -āsthat- ) . to cast out, throw or drive away, expel, remove, banish from (ablative) etc. ; to ward off, keep away etc. ; to strip off (also A1.) Va1rtt. 3 ; to stretch out (hastau-,also A1.) ; to reject, refuse, decline (as a suitor, an offer, etc.) ; to destroy, annihilate  |
nirāśa | mf(ā-)n. without any hope or wish or desire, indifferent etc. (āśām nir-āśāṃ- kṛ-,to make hope hopeless id est giving up all hope )  |
nirāśa | mf(ā-)n. despairing or despondent of (with locative case dative case accusative and prati- ablative,or compound) etc.  |
nirāśā | f. hopelessness, despair  |
nirāsa | m. seatless, shelterless  |
nirāsa | m. (for 1.See) casting or throwing out, expulsion, exclusion, removal, refusal, rejection, contradiction, refutation etc.  |
nirāsa | m. spitting out, vomiting (see below)  |
nirāsa | m. dropping, leaving out (of a sound)  |
nirāsa | 1. 2. nir-āsa-. See under nir- and nir-as-.  |
nirāśaguṭikā | f. wrong reading for sa-g- (See under 2. nir-āsa-,p.553)  |
nirāsaguṭikā | f. a pill to produce vomiting  |
nirāśaka | mfn. despairing of (ablative)  |
nirāsaka | mfn. refusing, turning off  |
nirāśakara | mfn. taking away all hope, making impossible (in compound),  |
niraśana | mfn. abstaining from food  |
niraśana | n. going without food, fasting  |
nirasana | mf(ī-)n. casting out, driving away, expelling, removing, rejecting  |
nirasana | n. the act of casting out etc.  |
nirasana | n. vomiting, spitting out  |
nirasana | n. banishment from (ablative)  |
nirasana | n. denying, refusal, contradiction and  |
nirasana | n. scattering, dispersing  |
nirasana | n. destruction, extermination  |
nirāsana | n. equals nir-asana-  |
nirāsaṅga | mfn. unhindered (in the use of one's forces)  |
nirasanīya | mfn. to be driven out or expelled  |
nirasanīya | mfn. to be rejected or refused  |
nirāśaṅka | mf(ā-)n. fearless, being not afraid of (locative case for infin.)  |
nirāśaṅkam | ind. without fear or hesitation  |
nirāśaṅkya | mfn. not to be apprehended  |
nirāśāsanna | mfn. nearly driven to despair  |
nirāśatā | f. ( ) hopelessness, despair  |
nirāśatva | n. ( ) hopelessness, despair  |
nirāśaya | mfn. (wound) not deep (varia lectio for -āśraya-).  |
nirāśībhāva | m. despair  |
nirāśībhūta | mfn. become hopeless, despairing  |
nirāśin | mfn. hopeless, despairing ( nirāśitva śi-tva- n.hopelessness ; varia lectio for śa-tva- )  |
nirāśis | mfn. hopeless, despairing etc. ( nirāśīstva śīs-tva- n. )  |
nirāśis | mfn. free from desire, indifferent,  |
nirāśis | mfn. without a blessing  |
nirāśīstva | n. nirāśis |
nirāsitva | wrong reading for -āśitva-, or -āśatva- (above)  |
nirāśitva | n. nirāśin |
nirāspada | mfn. restless, homeless, portionless, objectless  |
nirāśrama | mfn. not being in one of the four periods or stages of a Brahman's life (min- idem or 'mfn. without a blessing ' )  |
nirāśramapada | mfn. (a wood) having no hermitages in it  |
nirāsrava | mfn. sinless (printed śrava-).  |
nirāśraya | mfn. shelterless  |
nirāśraya | mfn. supportless, having or offering no prop or stay, destitute, alone etc.  |
nirāśraya | mfn. not deep (varia lectio śaya-), lying open  |
niraṣṭa | ( akṣ-), emasculated, deprived of vigour (see mahā-n-).  |
nirasta | mfn. ( also asita-) cast out or off, expelled, banished, rejected, removed, refuted, destroyed etc.  |
nirasta | mfn. shot off (as an arrow)  |
nirasta | mfn. spit out, vomited  |
nirasta | mfn. pronounced hurriedly or dropped in pronouncing (a-n- ) |
nirasta | n. dropping or leaving out (considered a fault in pronunciation)  |
nirastabheda | mfn. having all difference removed, identical  |
nirastāpad | mfn. having misfortune removed, happy  |
nirastarāga | mfn. one who has abandoned worldly desires or has devoted himself to religious penance  |
nirastasaṃkhya | mfn. innumerable (literally refusing calculation)  |
nirastasukhodaya | mf(ā-)n. hopelessly unfortunate (literally whose fortune has given up rising)  |
nirāstha | mf(ā-)n. not interested in anything, not intent upon (compound)  |
nirasthi | mfn. boneless (as flesh)  |
nirasti | f. removal, destruction  |
nirastra | mfn.  |
nirāsu | (l) mfn. varia lectio for -ambu-  |
niraśva | mfn. without horses,  |
nirāsvāda | mfn. tasteless, insipid, unsavoury  |
nirāsvādarasa | mfn. (herbs) not tasting of anything  |
nirāsvādya | mfn. giving no enjoyment  |
nirāsvādyatama | mfn. most unsavoury  |
niraśvapuruṣa | mf(ā-)n. without horses and men  |
nirasya | mfn. to be expelled or driven out  |
nirasya | ind. having cast or thrown out, having rejected or expelled etc.  |
nirata | ti- See ni-ram-. |
nirata | mfn. pleased, satisfied, delighting in, attached or devoted to, quite intent upon, deeply engaged in or occupied with (locative case instrumental case or compound)  |
nirātaṅka | mf(ā-)n. free from fear or pain, not feeling or causing it etc.  |
nirātaṅka | m. Name of śiva-  |
nirātapa | mf(ā-)n. not penetrated by the sun's rays, shady  |
nirātapā | f. the night  |
nirātapatra | mfn. without umbrella  |
nirati | f. delighting in, attachment to (compound)  |
niratīcāra | mfn. inviolable  |
niratiśaya | mfn. unsurpassed ( niratisayatva -tva- n.)  |
niratisayatva | n. niratiśaya |
nirātithya | mfn. inhospitable, lonely  |
nirātmaka | mfn. having no separate soul or no individual existence  |
nirātman | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having no separate soul or no individual existence '  |
nirātmatva | n.  |
nirātmavat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. having no separate soul or no individual existence ' '  |
niratyaya | mf(ā-)n. free from danger, secure, infallible ( niratyayatva -tva- n.) etc.  |
niratyaya | mf(ā-)n. unblamable, faultless  |
niratyaya | mf(ā-)n. causing no pain  |
niratyayatva | n. niratyaya |
nirauṣadha | mfn. incurable,  |
nirava | mfn. unprotected (only genitive case -av/asya-,perhaps one who calls, fr. ru-?or ind.p. fr. so-?).  |
niravadāna | n. ( ) allotment or distribution of shares.  |
niravaday | A1. -dayate-, to satisfy any one (accusative) with (accusative or instrumental case) or with respect to (ablative)  |
niravadhe | P. -dhayati-, to suck out  |
niravadhi | mfn. unlimited,  |
niravadhi | mfn. endless, infinite (also dhika-).  |
niravado | P. -dāti-, or -dyati- (ind.p. -dāya-), to distribute or divide completely, give any one his share, appease or satisfy with (double accusative)  |
niravadoṣatva | n. (?)  |
niravadya | mf(ā-)n. unblamable, unobjectionable etc. ( niravadyatva -tva- n. )  |
niravadya | n. blamelessness, excellence ( niravadyavat -vat- mfn. )  |
niravadya | n. or m. a particular high number  |
niravadya | -avayava- etc. See nir-, .  |
niravadyatva | n. niravadya |
niravadyavat | mfn. niravadya |
niravagraha | mfn. unrestrained, independent, free etc. ( niravagrahe he- ind.where there is room to move freely )  |
niravagraha | mfn. self-willed, headstrong  |
niravagrahe | ind. niravagraha |
nirāvah | P. -vahati-, to carry off ; to fetch, bring  |
niravaha | m. (fr. nis-+ ava-+ han-?) a kind of sword  |
niravahālikā | f. a fence, hedge, outer wall  |
niravakāśa | mf(ā-)n. wanting room, crowded (said of a hell)  |
niravakāśa | mf(ā-)n. out of place or time, unseasonable, inconvenient  |
niravakāśatā | f.  |
niravakāśīkṛ | to remove from its place (Calcutta edition) Scholiast or Commentator  |
niravalamba | mfn. supportless (literally and figuratively)  |
niravalambana | mf(ā-)n. idem or 'mfn. supportless (literally and figuratively) ' (varia lectio)  |
niravalambana | mf(ā-)n. belonging to nobody  |
niravalambana | n. want of a prop or of reliance  |
nirāvaraṇa | mfn. unveiled, manifest, evident,  |
niravarodha | mfn. unrestrained, unopposed  |
nirāvarṣa | mfn. (a tree) sheltering from rain  |
niravasāda | mf(ā-)n. not cast down, cheerful  |
niravasāda | mf(ā-)n. anxious, eager  |
niravaśeṣa | mfn. without a residue, complete, whole etc.  |
niravaśeṣatas | ind. completely, totally, fully  |
niravaśeṣeṇa | ind. completely, totally, fully  |
niravaskṛta | mfn. (prob.) clean, pure (see an-avaskara-). =  |
niravaso | Caus. -sāyayati-, to establish, settle, furnish with (instrumental case)  |
niravastāra | mfn. not strewn or covered, bare  |
niravatta | tti- See nir-ava-do-.  |
niravatta | mfn. distributed, completely divided or allotted  |
niravattabali | mfn. whereof oblations have been distributed all round  |
niravatti | f. ( ; ) allotment or distribution of shares.  |
niravavasita | mfn. expelled, rejected  |
niravayaj | A1. -yajate-, to satisfy a god (accusative) by means of sacrifice in preference to another god (ablative)  |
niravayava | mfn. having no limbs or members  |
niravayava | mfn. not consisting of parts, indivisible ( niravayavatva -tva- n.)  |
niravayavatva | n. niravayava |
niravekṣ | ( īkṣ-) to observe, perceive.  |
niravekṣya | ind. having observed or perceived  |
niravinda | m. (for nir-arav-?) Name of a mountain  |
nirāviś | P. -viśati-, to retire, keep away from (ablative)  |
niravyaya | mf(ā-)n. undecaying, eternal |
nirāya | mfn. having or yielding no income, profitless  |
niraya | m. (either fr. nis-+ i-= egression, sc. from earthly life, or fr. nir-+ aya-"without happiness") niraya- or Hell (personified as a child of fear and death )  |
nirāyam | P. -yacchati- (ind.p. -yatya-), to bring or get out  |
nirayaṇa | n. ( i-) egression  |
nirayapati | m. the king of hell  |
nirāyāsa | mfn. not causing trouble or fatigue, easy  |
nirāyāsa | mfn. kind  |
nirāyata | mfn. unextended, contracted, compact  |
nirāyata | mfn. (for 1.See) stretched out, extended  |
nirāyatapūrvakāya | mfn. having the fore-part of the body stretched out  |
nirāyatatva | n. shortness, compactness  |
nirāyati | mfn. one who has no future, one whose end or destruction is at hand  |
nirayāvalisūtra | n. Name of work  |
nirāyavyayavat | m. having neither income nor expenditure, an idler who lives from hand to mouth  |
nirayin | m. an inhabitant of hell  |
nirāyudha | mfn. weaponless, unarmed  |
nirbaddha | mfn. fixed or fastened upon (locative case)  |
nirbaddha | mfn. clung to, pressed hard, urged  |
nirbādh | A1. -bādhate-, to keep off, ward off  |
nirbādha | mfn. free from vexation or annoyance  |
nirbādha | m. a knob, prominence (as that which keeps off or defends ?) (dha-kṛ-,[prob.] to set aside, remove ; nirbādhatva dhatv/a- n. )  |
nirbādhatva | n. nirbādha |
nirbādhin | mfn. removing all (impediments)  |
nirbādhya | mfn. able to remove all (impediments)  |
nirbala | mfn. powerless, weak  |
nirbāṇa | mfn. arrowless  |
nirbandh | P. -badhnāti-, to fix or fasten upon, attach one's self to, insist upon, persist in, urge  |
nirbandha | m. objection  |
nirbandha | m. insisting upon (locative case or compound), pertinacity, obstinacy, perseverance etc. (in the beginning of a compound, nirbandhāt dhāt- ind., nirbandhena dhena- ind., nirbandhatas dhatas- ind.perseveringly, with or by perseverance; dhaṃ-kṛ-,to urge [gen.] ;to show obstinacy against [instr.] )  |
nirbandha | m. the attributing anything to, accusing of (compound)  |
nirbandhanīya | wrong reading for ni-b-.  |
nirbandhapara | mf(ā-)n. intent upon, desirous of (compound)  |
nirbandhapṛṣṭa | mfn. urgently asked, importuned  |
nirbandhāt | ind. nirbandha |
nirbandhatas | ind. nirbandha |
nirbandhena | ind. nirbandha |
nirbandhin | mfn. insisting upon (locative case or compound)  |
nirbandhitā | f.  |
nirbandhu | mfn. without relations or friends  |
nirbarha | mfn. (a peacock) without tail-feathers  |
nirbarhaṇa | n. equals ni-b-  |
nirbhā | P. -bhāti- (perfect tense -babhau-), to shine forth, appear, arise ; to look like, seem to be (iva-)  |
nirbhāga | mfn. not consisting of parts  |
nirbhāgatva | n.  |
nirbhagna | mfn. broken asunder or down, bent  |
nirbhāgya | mfn. unfortunate  |
nirbhaj | P. A1. -bhajati-, te- (2. sg. Aorist subjunctive -bhāk-), to exclude from participation or coparceny with (ablative), to content or satisfy with (instrumental case) : Causal -bhājayati-, (in law) to exclude from sharing in, disinherit. 2.  |
nirbhājya | mfn. to be excluded from participation or sharing in  |
nirbhajyamāna | mfn. being broken in pieces  |
nirbhakta | mfn. (medicine) taken without eating  |
nirbhakta | mfn. excluded from participation  |
nirbhal | (only pr. p. f. -bhālayantī-in Prakrit varia lectio -dhyāyantī-), to see, perceive, notice = (and perhaps wrong reading for) ni-bh-.  |
nirbhañj | P. -bhanakti- (2. sg. imperfect tense -/abhanas-; imperative -bandhi- ), to break or split asunder, defeat (wrong reading -bhajanti-for bhañj-, ) .  |
nirbhara | mf(ā-)n. "without weight or measure", excessive, vehement, violent  |
nirbhara | mf(ā-)n. deep, sound (as sleep), ardent (as an embrace) etc.  |
nirbhara | mf(ā-)n. full of, abounding in etc. (also rita-with instrumental case )  |
nirbharam | ind. excessively, violently, very much, deeply. soundly.  |
nirbharanidrā | f. sound sleep  |
nirbharaparirambha | m. a passionate embrace  |
nirbharapraṇayitā | f. deep affection  |
nirbhararahaḥkrīḍa | f. excessive amorous sport  |
nirbharasambhoga | m. excessive enjoyment =  |
nirbharts | P. -bhartsayati- (ind.p. -bhartsya-), to threaten, menace, rebuke, blame etc. ; to mock, deride, (met. =) outstrip, surpass |
nirbhartsana | n. threatening, reproach, blame (alsof(ā-).)  |
nirbhartsana | n. red paint, lac  |
nirbhartsanadaṇḍamohita | mfn. bewildered by the threat of punishment  |
nirbhartsita | mfn. threatened, menaced, reviled, abused  |
nirbhartsitavat | mfn.  |
nirbhas | -bapsati-, to bite off, chew  |
nirbhās | Caus. -bhāsayati-, to illuminate  |
nirbhāsa | m. appearance (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). equals nibha-,similar, like , printed bhāṣa-).  |
nirbhāsana | n. illuminating, illustrating, making manifest  |
nirbhāsita | mfn. illuminated, illumined  |
nirbhāsita | mfn. equals dīpta-  |
nirbhastraka | mf(akā-or ikā-)n.  |
nirbhaṭa | mfn. hard, firm (v.r. nirvaha-,perhaps wrong reading for nibhaṭa- equals ni-bhṛta- q.v)  |
nirbhāta | mfn. shone or shining forth, appeared, arisen  |
nirbhaya | n. fearlessness, security  |
nirbhaya | mf(ā-)n. fearless, not afraid of (compound)  |
nirbhaya | mf(ā-)n. free from danger, secure, tranquil ( nirbhayam am- ind.fearlessly etc.) etc.  |
nirbhaya | m. Name of a son of the 13th manu-  |
nirbhayabhīma | m. Name of a play  |
nirbhayam | ind. nirbhaya |
nirbhayarāmabhaṭṭa | m. Name of an author  |
nirbheda | mf(ā-)n. uninterrupted  |
nirbheda | m. breaking asunder, splitting, bursting (trans. and intrans.)  |
nirbheda | m. split, rent, channel (of a river)  |
nirbheda | m. betraying, revealing  |
nirbhedin | mfn. splitting, piercing  |
nirbhedya | mfn. having no cleft or fissure  |
nirbhedya | mfn. missing the aim  |
nirbhedya | (for 1.See) mfn. to be split asunder.  |
nirbhī | mfn. fearless, not afraid.  |
nirbhid | P. A1. -bhinatti- (2. sg. subjunctive Aorist -bhed- ; perfect tense -bibheda- etc.; -bibhide- ; ind.p. -bhidya- etc.) , to cleave or split asunder, divide, open, pierce, hurt, wound, destroy etc. ; (with locane-) to put out ; (with kham-) to form an aperture, excavate ; (with granthim-) to loose, untie ; to penetrate id est find out, investigate, discover etc.: Passive voice -bhidyate-, to be broken asunder cleave or split open (intrans.)  |
nirbhīka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. fearless, not afraid.'  |
nirbhinna | mfn. undistinguished, equal, like |
nirbhinna | mfn. broken asunder, budded, blossomed  |
nirbhinna | mfn. divided, separated, disunited  |
nirbhinna | mfn. pierced, penetrated  |
nirbhinna | mfn. found out, betrayed etc.  |
nirbhinnatanu | mfn. having the body pierced through or transfixed  |
nirbhīta | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. fearless, not afraid.' '  |
nirbhoga | mfn. not devoted to pleasure or enjoyment  |
nirbhṛ | (only perfect tense -jabhāra-), to take or draw out  |
nirbhṛta | (prob.) wrong reading for ni-bh- (see nir-bhaṭa-).  |
nirbhṛti | mfn. without wages, hireless  |
nirbhū | (only Aorist -bhūt-,he disappeared, "was off")  |
nirbhugna | mfn. not bent, straight, flat  |
nirbhugna | mfn. bent awry, distorted  |
nirbhuj | P. bhujati-, to bend awry, distort (mouth, eyes etc.)  |
nirbhuja | mf(ā-)n. Name of a kind of saṃdhi- or saṃhitā-,  |
nirbhuja | n. equals saṃhitā-  |
nirbhūti | (n/ir--) f. disappearing, vanishing  |
nirbīja | mfn. seedless, impotent ( nirbījatva -tva- n. )  |
nirbījā | f. a sort of grape without seeds or stones  |
nirbījatva | n. nirbīja |
nirbodha | varia lectio for -buddhi- q.v  |
nirbrū | P. -bravīti-, to speak out, pronounce (loud or clearly) ; to interpret, explain  |
nirbuddhi | mfn. senseless, ignorant, stupid  |
nirbusa | mfn. free from chaff  |
nirbusīkṛta | mfn. freed from chaff, husked  |
nirdaḍa | mfn. (Prakritfor dṛta-fr. dṛ- see ā-dṛ-?) unkind, malicious, censorious, slanderous  |
nirdaḍa | mfn. useless, unnecessary  |
nirdaḍa | mfn. mad, intoxicated  |
nirdagdha | mfn. burnt, burnt up  |
nirdagdhikā | f. equals ni-digdhikā-, or nir-digdhikā-.  |
nirdah | P. A1. -dahati-, te- (infinitive mood -dahas- ), to burn out, burn up, consume by fire, destroy completely etc. etc.: Causal -dāhayati-, to cause to burn up or set on fire |
nirdāha | mfn. burning  |
nirdāha | m. Name of a particular agni-  |
nirdāha | m. the act of burning up (See /a-nirdāha-).  |
nirdahana | mfn. (for 2.See nir-dah-) not burning  |
nirdahana | mf(/ī-)n. burning up, consuming  |
nirdahana | m. Semecarpus Anacardium  |
nirdahanā | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana  |
nirdahana | n. burning  |
nirdāhuka | mfn. burning (See a-nirdāhuka-).  |
nirdainya | mfn. free from misery, comfortable, at ease  |
nirdākṣiṇya | mfn. uncourteous  |
nirdalana | n. ( dal-) splitting, cleaving asunder, breaking  |
nirdaṃś | P. -daśati- (present tense parasmE-pada -daśat-and śamāna- ind.p. -daśya-), to bite through, bite, gnash or grind the teeth  |
nirdaṃśin | mfn. (snake) not biting or stinging  |
nirdaṇḍa | mfn. not punishing  |
nirdaṇḍa | mfn. a śūdra- (as the staffless?) .  |
nirdanta | mfn. (elephant) having no teeth or tusks  |
nirdara | mfn. (fr. dṛ-[?]; see -daṭa-) pitiless, hard, shameless  |
nirdara | m. ( dṝ-) a cave, cavern (varia lectio ri-)  |
nirdaram | ind. excessively, strongly  |
nirdaraṇa | mf(ā-)n. free from clefts or holes, kam-.  |
nirdaravāsin | mfn. inhabiting a cave  |
nirdāridrya | mfn. free from poverty, wealthy  |
nirdārita | See nir-dṝ-.  |
nirdārita | mfn. torn asunder, split open  |
nirdaśa | mfn. more than ten days old, happened more than ten days ago ( nirdaśatā -tā- f. ) (see a -nir-d-). |
nirdaśana | mfn. toothless  |
nirdasanākṣijihva | mfn. deprived of teeth and eyes and tongue  |
nirdaśatā | f. nirdaśa |
nirdasyu | mfn. (a place) free from robbers  |
nirdaṭa | mfn. (Prakritfor dṛta-fr. dṛ- see ā-dṛ-?) unkind, malicious, censorious, slanderous  |
nirdaṭa | mfn. useless, unnecessary  |
nirdaṭa | mfn. mad, intoxicated  |
nirdātṛ | m. ( dai-) a weeder, reaper  |
nirdaya | mf(ā-)n. pitiless, unkind, cruel, hard, violent, excessive etc.  |
nirdaya | mf(ā-)n. unpitied by any  |
nirdayadantadaṃśa | m. unmerciful or passionate biting (with the teeth)  |
nirdayam | ind. unmercifully, passionately, violently, greatly (ya-taram- )  |
nirdayaratiśramātasa | mf(ā-)n. tired by passionate amorous sports  |
nirdayāsleṣa | m. a passionate embrace  |
nirdayatva | n. unmercifulness, cruelty,  |
nirdeśa | m. pointing out, indicating, directing, order, command, instruction (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
nirdeśa | m. description, specification, special mention, details or particulars etc.  |
nirdeśa | m. vicinity, proximity  |
nirdeśa | m. certainty, ascertainment  |
nirdeśa | m. a particular number  |
nirdeśaka | mfn. pointing out, showing, indicating  |
nirdeśaka | mfn. describing, defining  |
nirdeśaka | mfn. ordering  |
nirdeśakārin | mfn. executing orders, obedient  |
nirdeśanīya | ( ) mfn. to be pointed out or determined or described or proclaimed or foretold.  |
nirdeśapālana | n. obeying a command  |
nirdeṣṭṛ | mfn. who or what points out or shows or defines  |
nirdeṣṭṛ | m. an authority, a guide  |
nirdeśya | ( ) mfn. to be pointed out or determined or described or proclaimed or foretold.  |
nirdeva | mfn. (nir--) abandoned by the gods  |
nirdeva | mfn. without gods or idols  |
nirdhā | P. -dadhāti-, to take or find out  |
nirdham | (dhmā-) P. -dhamati-, to blow away, blow out of  |
nirdham | to drive away from (ablative),  |
nirdhamana | n. expulsion, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding i, 18, 18  |
nirdhana | mfn. without property, poor etc.  |
nirdhana | mfn. (an enterprise) undertaken without money  |
nirdhana | m. an old bull  |
nirdhanatā | f. ( ) poverty, indigence  |
nirdhanatva | n. ( ) poverty, indigence  |
nirdhanībhū | ( ) to become poor.  |
nirdhanīkṛ | ( ) to make poor  |
nirdhāra | m. ( ) taking out or specifying one out of many, particularizing, defining, settling, certainty, ascertainment.  |
nirdhāraṇa | n. ( ) taking out or specifying one out of many, particularizing, defining, settling, certainty, ascertainment.  |
nirdhāraṇīya | mfn. to be ascertained or determined  |
nirdhārayitṛ | m. one who settles or decides  |
nirdhārita | mfn. determined, ascertained, settled, accurately stated or told  |
nirdhāritavya | mfn. equals dhāraṇīya-.  |
nirdharma | mfn. unrighteous, lawless, impious,  |
nirdharma | mfn. "unproper. tied" ( nirdharmatva -tva- n.)  |
nirdharma | m. unrighteousness, in nirdharmamūrkhatā ma-mūrkhatā- f. unrighteousness and foolishness  |
nirdharmamūrkhatā | f. nirdharma |
nirdharmārtha | mfn. unjust and useless  |
nirdharmatva | n. nirdharma |
nirdhārtarāṣṭra | mfn. having no descendants of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-, free from them  |
nirdhārya | mfn. equals dhāraṇīya-.  |
nirdhāṭaya | Nom. P. yati-, to use ill,  |
nirdhauta | (2. dhāv-), washed off, cleansed, purified, polished, bright  |
nirdhāv | P. -dhāvati-, to stream forth or spring or run or escape from (ablative)  |
nirdhe | -dhayati-, to drink or suck up, absorb  |
nirdhmāpana | n. (nir-dham-) blowing away  |
nirdhṛ | (only Passive voice Aorist -adhāri- ), to settle, ascertain: Caus. -dhārayati-, to hold back (the breath) ; to take or pick out, particularize (determine Passive voice present tense p. -dhāryamāṇa-) : Desiderative of Causal -didhārayiṣati-, to wish to ascertain or define  |
nirdhṛti | varia lectio for vidhṛti-  |
nirdhū | P. A1. -dhūnoti-, nirdhūnute-, to shake, agitate, shake out or off, scatter, remove, destroy, expel, reject  |
nirdhūma | mfn. smokeless  |
nirdhumatva | n.  |
nirdhūnana | n. heaving, fluctuating (of the sea)  |
nirdhūta | mfn. shaken, agitated etc. etc. (also -dh/uta-)  |
nirdhūta | mfn. harassed, tormented  |
nirdhūta | mfn. deprived or bereft of (compound)  |
nirdhūta | mfn. suffered, undergone  |
nirdhūta | m. a man abandoned by his relatives or friends  |
nirdhūtapāpa | mfn. one whose sins are wholly shaken off or removed |
nirdhūtasaktu | mfn. (n/ir-dh-) (bag) having the barley-meal shaken out  |
nirdhyai | (present tense p. -dhyāyat- ; ind.p. -dhyāya- ), to think of, reflect upon,  |
nirdhyāta | mfn. thought of, meditated  |
nirdī | (only imperfect tense -adīyam-), to fly away (see nir-ḍīna-).  |
nirdidhārayiṣā | f. (fr. Desiderative of Causal of nir-dhṛ-) desire of investigating or ascertaining  |
nirdigdha | mfn. ( dih-) anointed, smeared  |
nirdigdha | mfn. well-fed, stout, lusty  |
nirdigdhā | f. Solanum Jacquini (also dhikā-)  |
nirḍīna | n. ( ḍī-) a particular mode of flying  |
nirdiś | P. -diśati- (Aorist -adikṣat- ind.p. -diśya- ; infinitive mood -deṣṭum- ), to point to (accusative), show etc. ; to assign anything to, destine for (dative case or genitive case) etc. ; to indicate, state, name, define, specify etc. ; to take for, regard as (with double accusative) ; to announce, proclaim, foretell, prophesy ; to recommend, advise, suggest (with double accusative) : Desiderative -didikṣati-, to wish to point out or define more closely  |
nirdiṣṭa | mfn. pointed out, shown, indicated, declared, announced, foretold, enjoined etc.  |
nirdiṣṭa | mfn. ordered, meant or determined for, appointed to (dative case)  |
nirdiṣṭa | mfn. learned, wise (equals paṇḍita-)  |
nirdoṣa | mf(ā-)n. faultless, defectless, guiltless, innocent etc.  |
nirdoṣa | mf(ā-)n. infallible  |
nirdoṣakulasārāvali | f. Name of work  |
nirdoṣatā | f. faultlessness Scholiast or Commentator  |
nirdoṣīkaraṇa | n. rendering innocuous, paralyzing  |
nirdoṣīkṛta | mfn. cleared from guilt  |
nirdṝ | (only perfect tense -dadāra-), to tear or rend asunder : Causal -dārayati- idem or 'mfn. milked or drawn out, extracted ' ; to cause to be dug up  |
nirdravya | mfn. immaterial  |
nirdravya | mfn. without property, poor.  |
nirdroha | mfn. not hostile or malicious, friendly,  |
nirdru | P. -dravati-, to run out or away  |
nirdruma | mfn. treeless  |
nirdrumīkṛ | to deprive of trees  |
nirdugdha | mfn. milked or drawn out, extracted  |
nirduh | P. -duhati- (Aorist -adhukṣat-,3. plural -dhukṣan- A1. -adhukṣata- ), to milk out, extract  |
nirduḥkha | mfn. painless, not feeling or causing pain  |
nirduḥkhatva | n. painlessness  |
nirdurdina | mfn. "free from bad weather", serene, bright  |
nirdvaṃdva | mfn. indifferent to the alternatives or opposite pairs (of feelings, as pleasure and pain), neither glad nor sorry etc.  |
nirdvaṃdva | mfn. not standing in mutual relation, independent (as brahman-)  |
nirdvaṃdva | mfn. free from envy or jealousy  |
nirdvaṃdva | mfn. not contested, indisputed  |
nirdvaṃdva | mfn. not double  |
nirdvaṃdva | mfn. not acknowledging two principles  |
nirdyut | Caus. -dyotayati-, to illustrate, explain  |
nire | (equals nir-ā-i-,only imperative nir/aitu-), to go off, depart  |
nirebha | mfn. soundless, noiseless  |
nireka | mfn. excluding"one"  |
nireka | m. ( ric-) prominence, superiority, pre-eminence over (genitive case)  |
nireke | ind. above all, in a high degree  |
nirenas | mfn. free from guilt  |
nirga | m. a country, region, district, province (see Va1rtt. 4 ) .  |
nirgā | (only subjunctive -gāt- ; imperfect tense -agāt- ), to go out, come forth.  |
nirgahana | mfn. "knowing no difficulties", intrepid  |
nirgalita | mfn. ( gal-) flowed out, dissolved, melted  |
nirgam | P. -gacchati- (subjunctive -gamāṇi- perfect tense parasmE-pada -jaganvān- ; ind.p. -gatya- etc., -gamya- ), to go out, come forth (often with bahis-), depart from (ablative), set out, start etc. ; to come out or appear (as a bud) ; to go away, disappear ; to enter into any state, undergo (accusative) ; (with nidrām-) to fall asleep : Causal -gamayati-, to cause or order to set out : Desiderative -jigamiṣate-, to wish to set out  |
nirgama | m. going forth, setting out, departure etc.  |
nirgama | m. escaping from (ablative)  |
nirgama | m. disappearing, vanishing, cessation, end etc.  |
nirgama | m. exit, issue, outlet  |
nirgama | m. a door  |
nirgama | m. export-place (of goods) (opp. ā-gama-).  |
nirgamana | n. going out, coming forth from (compound)  |
nirgamana | n. issue, outlet, a door  |
nirgandha | mfn. void of smell, inodorous etc.  |
nirgandhapuṣpī | f. Salmalia Malabarica  |
nirgandhatā | f. scentlessness  |
nirgarbha | mfn. having no germ or sprout in it, ap-.  |
nirgarha | mf(ā-)n. blameless |
nirgarva | mfn. free from pride, humble  |
nirgata | mfn. gone out, come forth (with ablative or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see ), appeared, become visible etc.  |
nirgata | mfn. disappeared, extinct  |
nirgata | mfn. freed from (ablative)  |
nirgatanikhilakalmaṣatā | f. the state of being entirely freed from sin  |
nirgataviśaṅka | mfn. freed from fear, fearless |
nirgaurava | mf(ā-)n. without dignity  |
nirgauravam | ind.  |
nirgavākṣa | mfn. windowless  |
nirghaṇṭa | ṇṭu-, ṇṭuka- = (and prob. wrong reading for) ni-ghaṇṭa- etc., collection of words, vocabulary.  |
nirgharṣaṇa | n. rubbing, friction  |
nirgharṣaṇaka | mfn. fit for rubbing or cleaning the teeth  |
nirghaṭa | n. a great fair, crowded market, free market  |
nirghaṭa | n. a place where there is no quay or steps  |
nirghāta | m. (fr. Causal of han-) removal, destruction  |
nirghāta | m. whirlwind, hurricane, thunderstorm, earthquake etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) etc.  |
nirghāta | m. Name of a dānava-  |
nirghāta | (fr. Causal) See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
nirghātaduḥsaha | mfn. difficult to be destroyed or overcome (sorrow)  |
nirghātakara | mfn. removing, destroying  |
nirghātalakṣaṇa | n. Name of 60 pariśiṣṭa-s of  |
nirghātana | n. forcing out, bringing out  |
nirghātaya | Nom. P. yati-, to draw or force out ; to cause to be destroyed or killed  |
nirghātya | mfn. to be forced or brought out (a-nirgh-)  |
nirghoṣa | mf(ā-)n. soundless, noiseless  |
nirghoṣa | m. (for 1.See) (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) sound, noise, rattling, tramping etc.  |
nirghoṣākṣaravimukta | m. Name of a samādhi-.  |
nirghoṣākṣaravimukta | m. Name of a samādhi-  |
nirghṛṇa | mf(ā-)n. unmerciful, cruel etc.  |
nirghṛṇa | mf(ā-)n. shameless, immodest  |
nirghṛṇā | f. (in sa-nir-ghṛṇa-) pitilessness, cruelty.  |
nirghṛṇam | ind. cruelly  |
nirghṛṇatā | f. ( ) pitilessness, cruelty.  |
nirghṛṇatva | n. ( ) pitilessness, cruelty.  |
nirghṛṣ | P. -gharṣati- (only ind.p. -ghṛṣya-), to rub against or on (locative case)  |
nirghūriṇī | f. a river (prob. wrong reading for nir-jhariṇī-).  |
nirghuṣṭa | mfn. ( ghuṣ-) sounded, resounded.  |
nirgīrṇa | mfn. ( gṝ-) vomited forth  |
nirgrāhya | mfn. ( grah-) to be traced or found out, perceivable on  |
nirgrantha | mfn. free from all ties or hindrances  |
nirgrantha | mfn. without possessions, poor  |
nirgrantha | mfn. a saint who has withdrawn from the world and lives either as a hermit or a religious mendicant wandering about naked  |
nirgrantha | mfn. a fool, idiot  |
nirgrantha | mfn. a gambler  |
nirgrantha | mfn. murder, manslaughter  |
nirgranthaka | mfn. unattended, deserted, alone  |
nirgranthaka | mfn. fruitless  |
nirgranthaka | mfn. clever, expert  |
nirgranthaka | m. a naked jaina- or Buddhist mendicant  |
nirgranthaka | n. (?) Jainism or Buddhism  |
nirgranthana | n. killing, slaughter  |
nirgranthaśāstra | n. Name of work  |
nirgranthi | mfn. free from knots, knotless  |
nirgranthi | mfn. without blemish, perfect (thi-ramaṇīyatā-, )  |
nirgranthika | mfn. clever, conversant  |
nirgranthika | mfn. equals hīna-  |
nirgranthika | m. equals thaka- m.  |
nirgranthisiratā | f. the having veins without knots (one of the 80 minor marks of a buddha-),  |
nirgṛha | mf(ī-)n. houseless, ,  |
nirgūḍha | m. ( guh-) the hollow of a tree  |
nirgulika | mfn. having no pill  |
nirgulma | mf(ā-)n. shrubless  |
nirguṇa | mf(ā-)n. having no cord or string,  |
nirguṇa | mf(ā-)n. having no good qualities or virtues, bad, worthless, vicious etc.  |
nirguṇa | mf(ā-)n. devoid of all qualities or properties etc.  |
nirguṇa | mf(ā-)n. having no epithet, Scholiast or Commentator  |
nirguṇa | mf(ā-)n. (said of the Supreme Being)  |
nirguṇaka | mfn. having no qualities  |
nirguṇāmasa | mfn. of bad or vicious mind  |
nirguṇatā | f. absence of qualities or properties  |
nirguṇatā | f. want of good qualities, wickedness, viciousness  |
nirguṇatattva | n. Name of work  |
nirguṇātmaka | mfn. having no qualities  |
nirguṇatva | n. absence of qualities or properties  |
nirguṇatva | n. want of good qualities, wickedness, viciousness  |
nirguṇḍī | nirguṇḍi f. ( ) Vitex Negundo  |
nirguṇḍi | nirguṇḍī f. ( ) Vitex Negundo  |
nirguṇḍī | f. the root of a lotus  |
nirguṇṭī | f. Vitex Negundo ( )  |
nirgup | (only perfect tense -jugopa-), to guard, protect  |
nirhā | (only pr. p. A1. nir-jihāna-), to rise out of (ablative), ascend  |
nirhāda | m. ( had-) evacuation, voiding excrement  |
nirhakakavivallabha | m. Name of the author of a glossary  |
nirhan | P. -hanti-, to strike off, expel, remove, strike or knock out (eye, tooth etc.), hew down, kill, destroy etc. etc.: Causal -ghātayati-, to take out, remove ; to kill, destroy  |
nirhāra | m. equals haraṇa-  |
nirhāra | m. setting aside or accumulation of a private store, a hoard  |
nirhāra | m. evacuation or voiding of excrement (opp. to ā-hāra-)  |
nirhāra | m. deduction  |
nirhāra | m. completion  |
nirhāra | m. diffusive fragrance (see hārin-).  |
nirhāraka | mfn. carrying out (as a dead body; see preta-nirh-)  |
nirhāraka | mfn. purifying  |
nirharaṇa | n. taking out, extracting, expelling, removing, destroying  |
nirharaṇa | n. carrying out (especially a dead body)  |
nirhāraṇa | n. (fr. Causal) causing (a dead body) to be carried out  |
nirharaṇīya | ( ) mfn. to be taken away or removed.  |
nirhārin | mfn. diffusively fragrant  |
nirhārin | mfn. taking forth or out  |
nirhārin | mfn. having wealth  |
nirhartavya | ( ) mfn. to be taken away or removed.  |
nirhasta | (n/ir--) mfn. handless (see nair-h-),  |
nirhata | mfn. struck down (see ulkā-nirh-).  |
nirheti | mfn. weaponless, unarmed  |
nirhetu | mfn. causeless, reasonless  |
nirhetutā | f. want of a cause or reason  |
nirhetutva | n. want of a cause or reason  |
nirhima | n. (or nirhimam am- ind.) cessation of winter  |
nirhimam | ind. nirhima |
nirhlāda | mfn. joyless, uncomfortable, uneasy  |
nirhṛ | P. A1. -harati-, te-, to take out or off, draw or pull out, extract from (ablative), expel, remove, destroy etc. ; to export (goods) ; to carry out (a dead body) ; to let (blood) ; to purge ; (A1.) to exclude or deliver from (ablative) ; to shake off, get rid of (accusative) etc. ; to change or interchange (clothes) ; to fix ; to get, receive : Causal -hārayati-, to cause (a dead body) to be carried out on : Desiderative -jihīrṣati-, to wish to take off or subtract (see nir-jihīrṣu-).  |
nirhrād | Caus. -hrādayati-, to cause to sound, beat (a drum)  |
nirhrāda | m. sound, noise, humming, murmuring, roaring etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
nirhrādana | n. sound, cry  |
nirhrādin | mfn. sounding, humming, roaring  |
nirhras | A1. -hrasate-, to be shortened, become short (as a vowel)  |
nirhrāsa | m. shortening, abbreviation  |
nirhrasita | mfn. shortened  |
nirhrasta | mfn. abridged, diminished  |
nirhrī | mfn. shameless, impudent, bold, daring  |
nirhrīka | mfn. shameless, impudent, bold, daring  |
nirhṛta | mfn. taken or carried forth or out, extracted, removed etc. |
nirhṛti | f. taking away, removal  |
nirhṛtya | mfn. to be taken or left out  |
nirhṛtya | ind. having taken out or extracted  |
nirhuta | mfn. completely sacrificed,  |
nirhve | P. -hvayati-, to call off  |
niri | P. -eti- (1. sg. subjunctive -ayā- ; dative case infinitive mood -/etave- ; A1. nir-ayate-,or nil-ayate- on P. ), to go out, come forth, go off, depart (said of persons and things)  |
nirī | P. A1. -riṇāti-, ṇīte-, to dissolve, scatter, tear, rend, destroy ; to unveil, discover (A1.) ; to rush forth, escape (A1.), ix, 14, 4.  |
niriccha | mfn. without wish or desire, indifferent  |
nirīha | mfn. motionless, inactive, desireless, indifferent, unanxious etc.  |
nirīhā | f. ( ) equals nirihatā nir--iha---tā- f. ( ), nirihatva nir--iha---tva- n. ( ), nirīhāvasthā hāvasthā- f. ( ) absence of effort or desire, indifference.  |
nirihatā | f. nirīhā |
nirihatva | n. nirīhā |
nirīhāvasthā | f. nirīhā |
nirīkṣ | A1. -īkṣate- (ti-), to look at or towards, behold, regard, observe (also the stars), perceive  |
nirīkṣā | f. looking at, regarding  |
nirīkṣā | f. hope, expectation  |
nirīkṣaka | mfn. looking at, seeing, viewing  |
nirīkṣaka | mfn. seeing = visiting (a-n-)  |
nirīkṣaṇa | mfn. looking at, regarding (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
nirīkṣaṇa | n. look, looking at, observing  |
nirīkṣaṇa | n. sight, view (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).; see dur-n-)  |
nirīkṣaṇa | n. the aspect of the planets  |
nirīkṣayā | ind. with regard to (compound)  |
nirīkṣin | mfn. looking, seeing (See nātidūra-n-). 1.  |
nirīkṣitavya | mfn. to be looked at  |
nirīkṣya | mfn. to be looked at or regarded or considered  |
nirīkṣya | ind. having looked at or viewed  |
nirīkṣyamāṇa | mfn. being looked at etc.  |
nirīkṣyamāṇa | mfn. looking  |
nirindhana | mfn. destitute of fuel  |
nirindriya | mf(ā-)n. (n/ir--) impotent, destitute of manly vigour or strength etc.  |
nirindriya | mf(ā-)n. barren (a cow)  |
nirindriya | mf(ā-)n. infirm, weak, frail (or equals pramāṇa-rahita- )  |
nirindriya | mf(ā-)n. having no organs of sense  |
niriṅga | mfn. immovable, not flickering  |
niriṅginī | f. a veil (see nī-raṅgī-).  |
nirīśa | See -īṣa-.  |
nirīṣa | n. the body of a plough  |
nirīṣa | mfn. without a pole or shaft (varia lectio -īśa-).  |
nirīśvara | mfn. godless, atheistic  |
nirīśvarasāṃkhyaśāstra | n. the sāṃkhya- doctrine in a restricted sense (excluding the yoga-sāṃkhya-)  |
nirīśvaravāda | m. atheistic doctrine  |
nirīśvaravādin | mfn. holding atheistic doctrine  |
nirīti | mfn. free from calamities or afflictions  |
nirītika | mf(ā-)n. auspicious  |
nirjāḍya | mfn. free from coldless  |
nirjala | mf(ā-)n. waterless, dry (m.or n.a dry country, desert, waste )  |
nirjala | mf(ā-)n. not mixed with water (as buttermilk)  |
nirjalada | mf(ā-)n. cloudless  |
nirjalaikādaśī | f. the 11th day in the light half of the month jyaiṣṭha- (on which even the drinking of water is forbidden)  |
nirjalamīnāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to be like a fish without water,  |
nirjalatoyadābha | mfn. of the colour of a waterless cloud id est white, fair  |
nirjālmaka | (n/ir-.) mfn. maneless (see jarjalpa-).  |
nirjana | mf(ā-)n. unpeopled, lonely, desolate  |
nirjana | m. or n. solitude, desert  |
nirjanatā | f. ( ) depopulation, voidness  |
nirjanatva | n. (sah-.) depopulation, voidness  |
nirjanavana | n. a lonely or unfrequented forest  |
nirjantu | mfn. free from living creatures (worms etc.)  |
nirjara | mfn. (in some cases ras- ) not becoming old, young, fresh  |
nirjara | mfn. imperishable, immortal  |
nirjara | m. a god  |
nirjarā | f. Cocculus Cordifolius or Anethum Graveolens  |
nirjara | n. ambrosia or nectar  |
nirjara | mfn. (for 1.See p.541) completely wearing down or destroying  |
nirjara | m. (with jaina-s) the gradual destruction of all actions (also f(ā-).and nirjaraṇa raṇa- n.) |
nirjaraṇa | n. nirjara |
nirjarapaṇyayoṣit | f. "immortal courtezan", an apsaras-  |
nirjaraprakaraṇādi | m. Name of work  |
nirjarasarṣapa | m. a species of mustard  |
nirjarāyu | (n/ir-.) mfn. (snake) that has cast its skin  |
nirjarjalpa | (n/ir--) mfn. tattered ( ; varia lectio -jalmaka-).  |
nirjāta | mfn. ( jan-) come forth, appeared, visible (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' in inverted order)  |
nirjaya | m. conquest, complete victory, subduing, mastering  |
nirjetṛ | m. a conqueror, vanquisher  |
nirjhara | m. (see jhara-, jharat-) a waterfall, cataract, mountain torrent, cascade etc. (also n. ;f(ī-). ;[ in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f ā-., ] , and nirjharaṇa raṇa- n. )  |
nirjhara | m. burning chaff  |
nirjhara | m. an elephant  |
nirjhara | m. Name of one of the horses of the Sun (see nirṇara-)  |
nirjharaṇa | n. nirjhara |
nirjharī | f. a river  |
nirjharin | m. a mountain  |
nirjhariṇī | f. a torrent, river  |
nirjhāṭita | mfn. (Causal of jhaṭ-) burst,  |
nirji | P. -jayati- (perfect tense -jigāya- ind.p. -jitya-), to conquer, win (in battle, play etc.), acquire ; subdue, vanquish, surpass  |
nirjigamiṣu | mfn. ( gam-) wishing to go out or come forth  |
nirjihīrṣu | mfn. ( hṛ-) wishing to take off or remove  |
nirjihva | mfn. tongueless  |
nirjihva | n. a frog  |
nirjijñāsa | mfn. not desirous of knowing or understanding,  |
nirjita | mfn. conquered, subdued, gained, won  |
nirjita | mfn. claimed id est due (as interest on money)  |
nirjitārigaṇa | mfn. one who has conquered hosts of enemies  |
nirjitavarman | m. Name of a man  |
nirjitendriya | mfn. one who has subdued (the whole assemblage of) his passions or feelings  |
nirjitendriyagrāma | mfn. one who has subdued (the whole assemblage of) his passions or feelings (also m."a muni-, a saint")  |
nirjiti | f. equals -jaya-,  |
nirjīva | mf(ā-)n. lifeless, dead etc.  |
nirjīvakaraṇa | n. killing, striking dead (with genitive case) (wrong reading -kār-)  |
nirjīvita | mfn. equals -jīva-  |
nirjīvitatva | n.  |
nirjñāna | mf(ā-)n. ignorant, stupid, silly  |
nirjñāti | mfn. having no kinsfolk  |
nirjṝ | Caus. -jarayati-, to wear down, rub to pieces, crush  |
nirjuṣṭa | mfn. ( juṣ-) frequented, inhabited  |
nirjvara | mfn. feverless, healthy  |
nirjyotis | mfn. lightless, dark  |
nirlajja | mf(ā-)n. shameless, impudent ( nirlajjatā -tā- f.)  |
nirlajjatā | f. nirlajja |
nirlakṣaṇa | mf(ā-)n. having no special marks, undistinguished, insignificant, plain, ill-featured  |
nirlakṣaṇa | mf(ā-)n. unworthy, fit for nothing  |
nirlakṣaṇa | mf(ā-)n. unspotted  |
nirlakṣya | mfn. inobservable, invisible  |
nirlāñchana | n. ( lāñch-) the marking of domestic animals by perforating the nose etc.  |
nirlavaṇa | mfn. graceless (figure)  |
nirlayanī | wrong reading for nir-vl-.  |
nirlekhana | n. an instrument for scraping off, a scraper (see jihvā-nirl-).  |
nirlepa | mfn. unsmeared, free from fatty substances  |
nirlepa | mfn. stainless, sinless  |
nirlepa | mfn. not attached to anything  |
nirlepa | m. Name of śiva-  |
nirlepa | m. a sage  |
nirlepam | ind. completely (so as to leave nothing that clings or sticks)  |
nirlih | P. -leḍhi-, to lick off, sip off or away  |
nirlikh | P. -likhati-, to scratch, scarify ; to scratch or scrape off  |
nirliṅga | mfn. having no characteristic marks, indefinable (as ātman-, brahman-)  |
nirlipta | m. "unsmeared, undefiled", Name of kṛṣṇa-,  |
nirlipta | m. a sage  |
nirlobha | mfn. free from desire, unavaricious  |
nirlobhatva | n.  |
nirloc | (only ind.p. -locya-), to meditate, ponder  |
nirloha | n. myrrh  |
nirloma | mfn. hairless, smooth  |
nirlopa | m. plundering, plunder, spoil  |
nirlopāpahāraka | mfn. one who carries off by robbery  |
nirlopāpahāraka | mfn. see ni-lup-.  |
nirluḍ | See a-nirloḍita-.  |
nirlūna | mfn. ( lū-) cut through or off  |
nirluñcana | n. ( luñc-) pulling out or off, tearing off, peeling  |
nirluṇṭh | -luṇṭhati- (only p. -luṇṭhyamāna-), to rob, plunder.  |
nirluṇṭhana | n. robbing, plundering  |
nirluṇṭhana | n. wrong reading for nir-luñcana-.  |
nirluṇṭhita | mfn. robbed, plundered  |
nirlup | P. -lumpati- (only ind.p. -lupya-), to draw out, extract  |
nirluṭh | Caus. -loṭhayati-, to roll down (trans.)  |
nirluṭh | -loṭhayati-, to rob, steal  |
nirluṭhita | mfn. rolled down  |
nirluṭhita | mfn. come forth, prolapsed (from the womb)  |
nirlvayanī | wrong reading for nir-vl-.  |
nirmā | A1. -mimīte- : ; -māti- (perfect tense -mame- ; ind.p. -māya- ; infinitive mood -mātum- ) ; to mete out, measure ; to build, make out of (ablative), form, fabricate, produce, create etc. ; (with citram-) to paint ; (with kośam-) to compose or write ; (with giram-) to utter ; (with nītim-) to show, betray : Passive voice -mīyate- (perfect tense -mame- ; Aorist -amāyi- ), to be measured out etc.: Causal -māpayati-, to cause to be made or built : Desiderative -mitsati-, to wish to make or build  |
nirmā | f. value, measure, equivalent  |
nirmad | Caus. -mādayati-, to wash  |
nirmada | mfn. unintoxicated, sober, quiet, humble, modest  |
nirmada | mfn. (elephant) not in rut  |
nirmadhya | mfn. having no middle  |
nirmadhyā | f. a particular fragrant substance (prob. wrong reading for nirmathyā-).  |
nirmādhyastha | n. absence of impartiality, interest, sympathy (Bombay edition)  |
nirmagna | mfn. to sink under (opp. to un-magna-)  |
nirmagna | mfn. sunk into id est firmly fixed upon (compound)  |
nirmaj | mfn. nirmajā |
nirmajā | (n/ir--) f. watering-place, pond (?) ( " nirmaj n/ir-maj- mfn. equals śuddha-") .  |
nirmajj | P. -majjati- (perfect tense -mamajja-), to sink under, sink into ; to inundate, deluge (Potential -majjyāt-)  |
nirmajja | mfn. marrowless, fatless, meagre  |
nirmākhya | (!) m. Name of a man (varia lectio tigmātman-and nirmād-).  |
nirmakṣika | mfn. free from flies gaRa nir-udakādi-  |
nirmakṣika | n. the being free from flies id est from troublesome people, complete solitude, kaṃ-vartate-  |
nirmakṣika | ind. kaṃ kṛtam-  |
nirmakṣikam | ind. the being free from flies id est from troublesome people, complete solitude, kaṃ-vartate-  |
nirmala | mf(ā-)n. spotless, unsullied, clean, pure, shining, resplendent, bright etc.  |
nirmala | mf(ā-)n. sinless, virtuous  |
nirmala | m. Name of skanda-  |
nirmala | m. plural Name of a sect  |
nirmala | n. talc  |
nirmala | n. equals nir-mālya- n.  |
nirmalabhaṭṭa | m. Name of an author  |
nirmalagada | mfn. having a bright mace  |
nirmalāñjana | n. Name of chapter of the prakaraṇa-pañcikā-  |
nirmalaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
nirmalatā | f. ( ) stainlessness, cleanness, purity  |
nirmalatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
nirmalātmavat | mfn. having a pure mind  |
nirmalatva | n. ( ) stainlessness, cleanness, purity  |
nirmālī | f. equals lyā- (next) .  |
nirmalīkaraṇa | n. cleansing, purification  |
nirmalīkṛta | mfn. freed from impurity, cleansed, cleared  |
nirmalīmasa | mfn. spotless, clean, pure  |
nirmalopala | m. crystal  |
nirmālya | mfn. cast out or left from a garland, useless, unfit ( nirmālyatā -tā- f.)  |
nirmālya | mfn. worn the day before  |
nirmālya | mfn. equals nir-mala-  |
nirmālyā | f. Trigonella Corniculata  |
nirmālya | n. the remains of an offering to a deity, flowers left at a sacrificial ceremony  |
nirmālya | n. the remains id est a feeble reflex of (genitive case), Balar. i, 40  |
nirmālya | n. stainlessness, purity  |
nirmālyadāman | n. a garland made of flowers left at a sacrifice  |
nirmālyatā | f. nirmālya |
nirmama | mf(ā-)n. unselfish, disinterested, (especially) free from all worldly connections etc.  |
nirmama | mf(ā-)n. regardless of, indifferent to (locative case)  |
nirmama | m. (with jaina-s) Name of 15th arhat- of the future ut-sarpiṇī-  |
nirmama | m. Name of śiva-  |
nirmamatā | f. complete unselfishness or indifference (See n/is-)  |
nirmamatva | n. ( ) complete unselfishness or indifference (See n/is-)  |
nirmamatva | mfn. free from selfishness, indifferent  |
nirmāṃsa | mfn. fleshless, emaciated  |
nirmāna | mfn. without self-confidence, free from pride  |
nirmāṇa | n. measuring, measure, reach, extent (often, mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
nirmāṇa | n. forming, making, creating, creation, building, composition, work (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'"made of" ) etc.  |
nirmāṇa | n. (with ) transformation  |
nirmāṇa | n. pith, the best of anything (equals sāra-)  |
nirmāṇa | n. equals asamañjasa-  |
nirmāṇakāraka | m. creator  |
nirmāṇakāya | m. the body of transformations  |
nirmāṇarata | m. plural "finding pleasure in creating", Name of a class of gods  |
nirmāṇaratideva | m. plural "id."or"enjoying pleasures provided by themselves", a class of beings inhabiting the fifth heaven  |
nirmanaska | mfn. mindless, having no manas-  |
nirmanaskatā | f.  |
nirmañc | (ind.p. -mañcya-), to perform the ceremony of lustration with anything (accusative)  |
nirmañcana | n. equals nī-rājana- (wrong reading mañchana- varia lectio uñchana-).  |
nirmaṇḍuka | mfn. frogless, destitute of frogs  |
nirmantha | m. rubbing  |
nirmanthadāru | n. the wood or stick used for kindling fire by friction  |
nirmanthadāru | n. a churning stick  |
nirmanthakāṣṭha | n. the wood or stick used for kindling fire by friction  |
nirmanthakāṣṭha | n. a churning stick  |
nirmanthana | n. rubbing together (especially for kindling fire), churning, friction  |
nirmanthya | mfn. to be (or being) stirred or churned or excited by friction (as fire)  |
nirmanthya | mfn. to be distinguished or discriminated  |
nirmanthyadāru | n. the wood for kindling fire by friction  |
nirmantra | mfn. (a ceremony) unaccompanied by holy texts  |
nirmantra | mfn. not familiar with holy texts (= ,where varia lectio an-ṛca-).  |
nirmantu | mfn. faultless, innocent  |
nirmanuja | mfn. unpeopled, uninhabited, desolate  |
nirmānuṣa | mf(ā-)n. unpeopled, desolate  |
nirmānuṣe | ind. in a solitary place  |
nirmānuṣīkṛ | to depopulate  |
nirmanuṣya | mf(ā-)n. idem or 'mfn. unpeopled, uninhabited, desolate ' (with mātaṅga- m.an elephant without riders )  |
nirmanuṣyamṛga | mfn. (a forest) without men or deer  |
nirmanyu | mfn. free from anger or resentment  |
nirmanyu | m. Name of a hunter  |
nirmāra | (said to = aṇiman-),  |
nirmārga | mfn. roadless, pathless  |
nirmārga | m. wiping off (see /a-nirm- additions)  |
nirmārga | m. that which is stripped or wiped off, refuse  |
nirmārguka | mfn. drawing off, withdrawing from (ablative)  |
nirmārjana | n. wiping off, sweeping, cleaning  |
nirmārjanīya | mfn. to be cleaned  |
nirmārṣṭi | f. Name of the wife of duḥ-saha- (wrong reading māṣṭi-).  |
nirmaryāda | mfn. boundless, immeasurable, innumerable  |
nirmaryāda | mfn. unlimited, unrestrained, unruly, wicked, criminal etc.  |
nirmaryāda | n. confusion, disturbance of boundaries or rules  |
nirmaryāda | n. a kind of fight  |
nirmaryādam | ind. confusedly, topsy-turvy  |
nirmaśaka | mfn. free from gnats or mosquitoes gaRa nir-udakādi-.  |
nirmāta | mfn. well instructed,  |
nirmath | or manth- P. A1. -manthati-, te- ; -mathati-, te- ; -mathnāti- (future -mathiṣyati- ind.p. -mathya- etc.) ; to grind (fire) out of (wood), to produce (fire) by rubbing (wood together), rub or churn anything out of anything (double accusative) etc. ; to stir or churn (the sea) ; to tear or draw or shake out of, extract ; to shake, agitate (the mind) ; to grind down, crush, destroy etc.: Passive voice -mathyate- (parasmE-pada yamāna-), to be rubbed or churned etc.  |
nirmatha | m. rubbing  |
nirmathadāru | mfn. equals nirmantha-d-  |
nirmathana | n. rubbing, churning, making butter, lighting a fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together or by churning  |
nirmāthin | mfn. grinding down, crushing or stamping to pieces, churning, rubbing  |
nirmathita | mfn. stirred about, churned, agitated, crushed, destroyed etc.  |
nirmathita | mfn. wiped off  |
nirmathita | m. a fire newly lighted by rubbing (wood)  |
nirmathya | mfn. to be (or being newly) excited by friction  |
nirmathyā | f. a particular fragrant bark |
nirmathya | ind. having ground or churned etc.  |
nirmathya | ind. having discriminated or particularized  |
nirmathya | ind. forcibly, by force  |
nirmātṛ | m. (f(trī-).) maker, builder, creator, author etc.  |
nirmātṛtā | f. creatorship etc.  |
nirmātṛtva | n. creatorship etc.  |
nirmatsara | mfn. without envy or jealousy, unselfish  |
nirmatsya | mfn. fishless  |
nirmatsyatā | f.  |
nirmāya | (n/ir--) mfn. powerless, weak  |
nirmedha | mfn. without understanding, stupid  |
nirmedhāśrama | m. Name of a man  |
nirmegha | mf(ā-)n. cloudless  |
nirmi | P. -miṇoti-, to make by miracle  |
nirmīmitsā | (!) f. desire of creating  |
nirmita | mfn. (n/ir--)constructed, built, fashioned, formed, created, made by (instrumental case or compound) out of (ablative instrumental case or compound) etc.  |
nirmita | mfn. (law) fixed, settled  |
nirmita | mfn. (ceremony) performed, celebrated  |
nirmita | mfn. (sacrificial animal) put apart, separated, isolated (equals nir-ūḍha-)  |
nirmita | m. plural (with Buddhists) a class of deities  |
nirmita | See 1. nir-mā-.  |
nirmitarāga | mfn. painted,  |
nirmithya | mfn. not false, true  |
nirmiti | f. formation, creation, making  |
nirmiti | f. adding, addition (of a word)  |
nirmitsu | mfn. wishing to create (with accusative)  |
nirmlukti | wrong reading for ni-m-.  |
nirmocaka | mfn. setting free, liberating  |
nirmocaka | n. the cast-off skin of a snake  |
nirmocana | n. deliverance  |
nirmogha | varia lectio for next.  |
nirmoha | mfn. "free from illusion", Name of śiva-  |
nirmoha | mfn. of a son of the fifth manu-  |
nirmoha | mfn. of one of the saptarṣi-s under the 13th manu- (see nir-moka-,below) . |
nirmoka | m. setting loose or free, liberating  |
nirmoka | m. a cast-off skin (especially of a snake) etc. ( nirmokapaṭṭa -paṭṭa- m.a piece of cast-off skin )  |
nirmoka | m. armour, mail  |
nirmoka | m. sky, atmosphere  |
nirmoka | m. Name of a son of the 8th manu-  |
nirmoka | m. of a ṛṣi- under the 13th manu- (see nir-moha-,) .  |
nirmokapaṭṭa | m. nirmoka |
nirmokṣa | m. liberation, deliverance from (genitive case or compound) |
nirmoktṛ | m. a looser, solver (as of doubts)  |
nirmretuka | mf(ā-)n. ( mrit-) fading away, withering (varia lectio metuka-, mṝtuka-).  |
nirmṛga | mfn. deerless  |
nirmṛj | P. -mārṣṭi-, etc. (Potential -mṛjyur- ; imperative -mṛḍḍhi- ; parasmE-pada A1. -mṛjāna- ; perfect tense -mamārja- ; subjunctive Aorist -mṛkṣatam- ; ind.p. -mṛjya- ), to rub or wipe off, sweep out, destroy.  |
nirmṛṣṭa | mfn. rubbed out, wiped off, destroyed  |
nirmuc | P. -muñcati-, to loosen, free from (ablative), liberate etc. etc.: Passive voice -mucyate- (Aorist -amoci- ), to be freed or free one's self from, get rid of (ablative) etc. ; to be deprived of (instrumental case) ; to be abandoned or given up (as life etc.) ; (sc. tvacas-) to cast off (said of a serpent casting its skin) : Causal -mocayati-, to loosen or liberate from (ablative) ; to redeem (a pawn) from (ablative)  |
nirmuda | mfn. (probably) joyless,  |
nirmuh | Caus. -mohayati- (ind.p. -mohya-), to confuse, bewilder  |
nirmukta | mfn. loosed, separated, sundered, liberated or saved or escaped or free from, deprived of (instrumental case ablative or compound) etc.  |
nirmukta | mfn. given up, lost, disappeared, vanished (especially in the beginning of a compound; see below)  |
nirmukta | mfn. flung, hurled  |
nirmukta | mfn. (a serpent) that has lately cast its skin  |
nirmukta | mfn. free from every attachment (equals niḥ-saṅga-)  |
nirmukta | mfn. deprived of all, possessing nothing (equals niṣ-parigraha-)  |
nirmuktadeha | mfn. one who is freed from his body (or bodily desires)  |
nirmuktakalmaṣa | mfn. freed from sin  |
nirmuktasaṅga | mfn. one who has given up all (worldly) attachments  |
nirmukti | (n/ir--) f. liberation, deliverance from (ablative or compound), Av. or dāna- Scholiast or Commentator on  |
nirmūla | mfn. rootless (as a tree)  |
nirmūla | mfn. baseless, unfounded  |
nirmūla | mfn. eradicated  |
nirmūlana | m. an uprooter,  |
nirmūlana | n. uprooting, extirpating  |
nirmūlatā | f. rootlessness, baselessness  |
nirmūlaya | Nom. P. yati-, to uproot, eradicate, annihilate  |
nirmumukṣu | mfn. longing for liberation, v, 39  |
nirmuṇḍa | m. "very bald"(?), a eunuch  |
nirmuṇḍa | See .  |
nirmuṣ | -muṣṇāti- to snatch away  |
nirmuṣaka | mfn. free from mice  |
nirmuṭa | m. (only ) a tree  |
nirmuṭa | m. a free market or fair  |
nirmuṭa | m. the sun  |
nirmuṭa | m. equals kharpara-  |
nirmuṭa | n. an arbour  |
nirnābhi | mfn. (with. out id est) not reaching to the navel  |
nirnābhikauścya | n. a silken garment not reaching to the not  |
nirṇam | ( nam-), only Causal -ṇamayati- to put out (tongue)  |
nirṇāma | m. idem or 'n. bending '  |
nirṇāma | m. turning and winding (vṛtrasya-)  |
nirṇāma | m. joint of a wing  |
nirṇamana | n. bending  |
nirnamaskāra | mf(ā-)n. offering no homage (exempli gratia, 'for example' to the gods) , not respecting any one, uncourteous etc.  |
nirnamaskāra | mf(ā-)n. unrespected, despised by all  |
nirnāṇaka | mfn. coinless, penniless  |
nirnara | mfn. abandoned by men, deserted  |
nirṇara | m. Name of one of the horses of the Sun (see nirjhara-).  |
nirnaś | only Causal -nāśayati-, (Aorist -anīnaśat-), to drive away, remove, destroy  |
nirnāśana | mfn. removing, expelling, destroying  |
nirnāśana | n. the act of removing etc.  |
nirnāśin | mfn. equals śana- mfn.  |
nirnaṣṭa | mfn. lost, disappeared  |
nirṇata | mfn. bent outwards, prominent (opp. to upa-nata- q.v)  |
nirṇatatama | mfn. bending or bowing very low, being far below another person  |
nirnātha | mfn. protectorless, without a lord or guardian  |
nirnāthatā | f.  |
nirṇatodara | mfn. having a prominent belly  |
nirṇaya | m. taking off, removing etc.  |
nirṇaya | m. complete ascertainment, decision, determination, settlement  |
nirṇaya | m. (in logic) deduction, inference, conclusion, demonstration  |
nirṇaya | m. application of a conclusive argument  |
nirṇaya | m. (in law) sentence, verdict (see -pāda-below)  |
nirṇaya | m. (in rhetoric) narration of events  |
nirṇaya | m. discussion, consideration (equals vicāra-)  |
nirṇayabhāskara | m. Name of work  |
nirṇayabindu | m. Name of work  |
nirṇayacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
nirṇayadarpaṇa | m. Name of work  |
nirṇayadīpa | m. Name of work  |
nirṇayadīpaka | m. Name of work  |
nirṇayadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
nirnāyaka | mfn. having no leader or ruler, anarchic (as a country)  |
nirṇāyaka | mfn. settling, conclusive commentator or commentary  |
nirṇayakamalākara | m. Name of work  |
nirnāyakatva | n.  |
nirṇayakaumudī | f. Name of work  |
nirṇayakaustubha | mn. Name of work  |
nirṇayamañjarī | f. Name of work  |
nirṇayāmṛta | n. Name of work  |
nirṇayana | n. equals -ṇaya-  |
nirṇāyana | n. rendering certain  |
nirṇāyana | n. the outer angle of the elephant's eye  |
nirṇayapāda | m. the fourth (and last) part of a lawsuit, sentence, decree, verdict  |
nirṇayaratna | n. Name of work  |
nirṇayaratnadīpikā | f. Name of work  |
nirṇayaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
nirṇayārṇava | m. Name of work  |
nirṇayārthapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
nirṇayasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
nirṇayasamudāya | m. Name of work  |
nirṇayasāra | m. Name of work  |
nirṇayasiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
nirṇayasindhu | m. Name of work  |
nirṇayataraṇi | mf. Name of work  |
nirṇayatattva | n. Name of work  |
nirṇayavivaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
nirṇayoddhāra | m. Name of work  |
nirṇayopamā | f. a comparison based upon an inference  |
nirṇega | See pātranirṇega-.  |
nirṇejaka | m. a washerman, washer  |
nirṇejana | n. washing, cleansing  |
nirṇejana | n. expiation, atonement for an offence  |
nirṇejana | n. water for washing or rinsing (See patrī-nirṇejana-).  |
nirṇeka | m. ( ) washing, ablution, expiation.  |
nirṇetṛ | mfn. settling, deciding  |
nirṇetṛ | m. a judge  |
nirṇetṛ | m. a voucher  |
nirṇetṛ | m. a guide  |
nirṇetṛtva | n. proof, verification  |
nirṇeya | mfn. to be ascertained or determined  |
nirṇeya | mfn. wrong reading for nir-ṇaya- (also in nir-ṇeya-sindhu-for nir-ṇaya-s-).  |
nirṇī | ( nī-) P. A1. -ṇayati-, te- to lead or take away, carry off ; to find out, investigate, ascertain, settle, decide, fix on  |
nirnīḍa | mfn. having no nest  |
nirnidra | mfn. sleepless  |
nirnidrata | f.  |
nirṇij | ( nij-) P. -ṇenekti- (subjunctive -ṇenijati-; A1. ṇenikte- ; dative case infinitive mood -ṇ/ije- ), (P.) to wash off, cleanse ; (A1.) idem or 'm. Name of one of the horses of the Sun (see nirjhara-).' ; to wash or dress or adorn one's self  |
nirṇij | f. a shining dress or ornament, any bright garment etc.  |
nirṇikta | mfn. washed, cleaned, polished, purified, pure  |
nirṇiktabāhuvalaya | mfn. with polished bracelets  |
nirṇiktamanas | mfn. pure-hearted  |
nirṇikti | f. ( ) washing, ablution, expiation.  |
nirnimeṣa | mfn. not twinkling (cakṣus-)  |
nirnimeṣa | mfn. not closing the eye  |
nirnimitta | mfn. without reason or motive, causeless , ( nirnimittatva -tva- n. )  |
nirnimitta | mfn. having no egoistic motive, disinterested  |
nirnimittakṛta | mfn. produced without a visible cause  |
nirnimittam | ind. without cause  |
nirnimittatva | n. nirnimitta |
nirnirodha | mf(ā-)n. unobstructed  |
nirṇīta | mfn. traced out, ascertained, settled, decided  |
nirṇoda | m. removal, banishment  |
nirṇud | ( nud-) P. -ṇudati- (wrong reading nud-) to push out, drive away, reject, repudiate  |
niroddhavya | mfn. to be shut in or confined  |
niroddhavya | mfn. to be enclosed with a fence or hedge  |
niroddhavya | ni-rodha-, etc. See ni-rudh-, .  |
nirodha | m. confinement, locking up, imprisonment (-tas- )  |
nirodha | m. investment, siege  |
nirodha | m. enclosing, covering up etc.  |
nirodha | m. restraint, check, control, suppression, destruction etc.  |
nirodha | m. (in dramatic language) disappointment, frustration of hope  |
nirodha | m. (with ) suppression or annihilation of pain (one of the 4 principles)  |
nirodha | m. a particular process to which minerals (especially quicksilver) are subjected  |
nirodha | m. hurting, injuring (equals ni-graha-)  |
nirodha | m. aversion, disfavour, dislike  |
nirodha | m. Name of a man  |
nirodhajñāna | n. (with ) one of the 10 kinds of knowledge  |
nirodhaka | mfn. obstructing, confining, hindering (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
nirodhalakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
nirodhalakṣaṇavivaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
nirodhana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. obstructing, confining, hindering (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') '  |
nirodhana | n. confining, imprisonment  |
nirodhana | n. keeping back, restraining, subduing, suppressing etc.  |
nirodhana | n. denying, refusing  |
nirodhana | n. (in dramatic language) equals rodha-  |
nirodhavarṇana | n. Name of work  |
nirodhavivṛti | f. Name of work  |
nirodhin | mfn. obstructing, hindering  |
niroṣṭhya | n. absence of all labials  |
nirṛ | (Aorist -ārata- subjunctive -arāma- ; ind.p. -ṛtya- ), to go out or off, fall away from, be deprived of (ablative or genitive case) ; to separate, disjoin : Caus. -arpayati-, to cause to go to pieces or decay, to dissolve, destroy, ruin  |
nirṛch | P. -ṛchati-, to go as under or pass away ; to be deprived of (ablative)  |
nirṛj | P. -arjati-, to let out, deliver  |
nirṛṇa | ( ) mfn. free from debts.  |
nirṛṇin | ( ) mfn. free from debts.  |
nirṛta | mfn. (n/ir--) dissolved, decayed, debilitated  |
nirṛta | m. Name of rudra-  |
nirṛtha | m. destruction  |
nirṛtha | m. personified as the destroyer  |
nirṛtha | m. Name of a particular agni-,  |
nirṛtha | m. of the sāma-veda-  |
nirṛti | f. (n/ir--) dissolution, destruction, calamity, evil, adversity etc. etc. (personified as the goddess of death and corruption and often associated with mṛtyu-, a-rāti- etc. ;variously regarded as the wife of a-dharma-, mother of bhaya-, mahā-bhaya- and mṛtyu-[ ]or as a daughter of a-dharma- and hiṃsā- and mother of naraka- and bhaya-[ ];binds mortals with her cords etc.;is regent of the south[ ]and of the asterism mūla-[ ])  |
nirṛti | f. the bottom or lower depths of the earth (as the seat of putrefaction)  |
nirṛti | m. death or the genius of death  |
nirṛti | m. Name of a rudra-  |
nirṛti | m. of one of the 8 vasu-s (varia lectio ni-kṛti-)  |
nirṛtigṛhīta | mfn. (n/ir-ṛ-) seized by nir-ṛti-  |
nirṛtipāśa | m. the fetters of nir-ṛti-  |
nirubj | P. -ubjati- (imperfect tense -aubjas-), to cause to flow down, let loose  |
nirucchvāsa | mf(ā-)n. not breathing, breathless etc. |
nirucchvāsa | mf(ā-)n. narrow, contracted, crowded  |
nirucchvāsa | m. breathlessness ( nirucchvāsanipīḍita -nipīḍita- mfn.afflicted by breathlessness)  |
nirucchvāsa | m. or n. Name of a particular hell where the wicked cannot breathe  |
nirucchvāsanipīḍita | mfn. nirucchvāsa |
nirudaka | mfn. waterless (wrong reading -ūd-).  |
nirūdaka | wrong reading for -ud-, -up- etc.  |
nirudara | mfn. having no belly or trunk  |
niruddeśam | ind. without any statement  |
niruddha | mfn. held back, withheld, held fast, stopped, shut, closed, confined, restrained, checked, kept off, removed, suppressed (n/i-ruddha-, ; ni-ruddh/a-,x, 28, 10) etc. etc.  |
niruddha | mfn. rejected (equals apa-ruddha-)  |
niruddha | mfn. covered, veiled etc.  |
niruddha | mfn. filled with, full of (instrumental case or compound)  |
niruddha | m. Name of a prince (varia lectio |