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Grammar Search
"netram" has 3 results
netram: neuter nominative singular stem: netra
netram: masculine accusative singular stem: netra
netram: neuter accusative singular stem: netra
Amarakosha Search
4 results
dhīndriyam1.5.8NeuterSingularghrāṇaḥ, rasanā, tvak, manaḥ, netram, śrotraman intellectual organ
locanam2.6.94NeuterSingulardṛṣṭiḥ, netram, īkṣaṇam, cakṣuḥ, akṣiḥ, dṛk, nayanam
netram3.3.188NeuterSingularviṣayaḥ, kāyaḥ
sāraṅgaḥ3.3.28MasculineSingularvāk, svargaḥ, bhūḥ, dik, paśuḥ, ghṛṇiḥ, vajram, iṣuḥ, jalam, netram
Monier-Williams Search
5 results for netram
netramalan. excretion of the eye View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netramanaḥsvabhāvam. plural eyes, mind, and soul View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netramīlāf. Autographis Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netramuṣmfn. stealing or captivating the eye View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrotranetramayamf(ī-)n. consisting of eyes and ears View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
4 results
netram नेत्रम् [नयति नीयते वा अनेन नी-ष्ट्रन्] 1 Leading, conducting, directing; कर्मणा दैवनेत्रेण जन्तुदेहोपपत्तये Bhāg.3.31.1. -2 The eye; प्रायेण गृहिणीनेत्राः कन्यार्थेषु कृटुम्बिनः Ku.6.85; 2.29,3;7.13. -3 The string of a churning-stick; मन्थानं मन्दरं कृत्वा तथा नेत्रं च वासुकिम् Mb.1.18.13; Bhāg. 8.6.22. -4 Woven silk, a fine silken garment; नेत्र- क्रमेणोपरुरोध सूर्यम् R.7.39. (where some commentators take नेत्रम् in its ordinary sense of the 'eye'). -5 The root of a tree. -6 An enema pipe. -7 A carriage, conveyance in general. -8 The number 'two'. -9 A leader; सूर्योदये सञ्जय के नु पूर्वं युयुत्सवो हृष्यमाणा इवासन् । मामका वा भीष्मनेत्राः समीपे पाण्डवा वा भीमनेत्रास्तदानीम् ॥ Mb.6.2.1. -1 A constellation, star. (said to be m. only in these two senses). -11 A river; Nm. -12 A kind of vein; Nm. -13 A bug; Nm. -14 A bark of a tree; Nm. -Comp. -अञ्जनम् a collyrium for the eyes; Ś. Til.7. -अतिथि a. One who has become visible. -अन्तः the outer corner of the eye. -अम्बु, -अम्भस् n. tears. -अभिष्यन्दः running of the eyes, a kind of eye-disease -अरिः Euphorbia Antiquorum (Mar. निवडुंग, शेर). -आमयः ophthalmia. -उत्सवः any pleasing or beautiful object. -उपमम् the almond fruit. -औषधम् 1 collyrium -2 green sulphate of iron (Mar. हिराकस). -कार्मणम् a spell for the eyes; Vikr. -कनीनिका the pupil of the eye. -कूटः, -टम् a front apartment, a side-hall, a corner tower; प्रधानावासनेत्रस्थनेत्रकूटद्वयं न्यसेत् Kāmikāgama 35.75. -कोषः 1 the eye-ball. -2 the bud of a flower. -गोचर a. within the range of sight, perceptible, visible. -चपल a. restless with the eyes, winking; न नेत्रचपलो$नृजुः Ms.4.177. -छदः the eyelid. -जम्, -जलम्, -वारि n. tears. -र्निसिन् a. kissing or touching the eye (sleep). -पत्रम् the eye-brows. -पर्यन्त a. as far as the eye, up to the eye. (-तः) the outer corner of the eye. -पाकः inflammation of the eye; Suśr. -पिण़्डः 1 the eye-ball. -2 a cat. -बन्धः hood-winking, playing at hide-and-seek; Bhāg. -भवः, -मलम् the mucus of the eyes. -मुष् a. stealing or captivating the eye. -योनिः 1 an epithet of Indra (who had on his body a thousand marks resembling the female organ inflicted by the curse of Gautama). -2 the moon. -रञ्जनम् a collyrium. -रोमन् n. the eyelash. -वस्तिः m., f. a clyster-pipe with a bag. -वस्त्रम् a veil over the eye, the eyelid. -विष् f. excretion of the eyes. -विष a. having poison in the eyes (the Brāhmaṇa); Mb.2. -स्तम्भः rigidity of the eyes.
unnetram उन्नेत्रम् The office of the उन्नेतृ.
upanetram उपनेत्रम् Spectacles.
aunnetram औन्नेत्रम् The office of the Unnetṛi, q. v. -औन्मुख्यम् Expectancy; Rāj. T.
Vedabase Search
14 results
netram and eyeSB 10.53.27
netram and eyesBG 11.23
netram eyesBG 11.16
BG 11.19
BG 11.24
CC Madhya 14.181
netram having eyesSB 3.28.30
netram the churning ropeSB 8.6.22-23
SB 8.7.1
abja-netram lotus eyesSB 3.14.50
abja-netram lotus eyesSB 3.14.50
ṛta-satya-netram He is the origin of whatever truth is pleasing (sunetram)SB 10.2.26
ṛta-satya-netram He is the origin of whatever truth is pleasing (sunetram)SB 10.2.26
ṛta-satya-netram He is the origin of whatever truth is pleasing (sunetram)SB 10.2.26
2 results
netramantra noun (masculine neuter) the mantra oṃ juṃ saḥ
Frequency rank 56743/72933
netramīlā noun (feminine) Autographis Paniculata (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Frequency rank 36498/72933
Wordnet Search
"netram" has 5 results.



netrābhyāṃ nirmītā mudrā।

naṭāḥ nṛtyādiṣu netramudrayā bhāvān prakaṭayati।


cakṣuḥ, locanam, nayanam, netram, īkṣaṇam, akṣi, dṛk, dṛṣṭiḥ, ambakam, darśanam, tapanam, vilocanam, dṛśā, vīkṣaṇam, prekṣaṇaṃ, daivadīpaḥ, devadīpaḥ, dṛśiḥ, dśī   


tasyāḥ cakṣuṃṣī mṛgīvat staḥ।


nalikā, nāḍī, nālī, netram, suṣiḥ   

yā svasmin vastūni sthāpayitvā anyatra nayati।

dhamanirūpā nalikā hṛdayaṃ prati raktaṃ vahati tataḥ apanayati ca।



dṛṣṭidoṣadūrīkaraṇārthe upayuktaṃ upakaraṇam।

mama upanetrasya mānāṅkaḥ avardhata।


puṇḍarīkam, sitāmbhojam, śatapatram, mahāpadmam, sitāmbujam, śvetapadmam, śvetavārijam, sitābjam, harinetram, śaratpadmam, śāradam, śambhuvallabham   

śvetavarṇayuktaṃ padmam।

gītayā bhagavataḥ mūrtaye puṇḍarīkam arpitam।

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