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Grammar Search
"netra" has 2 results
netra: masculine vocative singular stem: netra
netra: neuter vocative singular stem: netra
Amarakosha Search
6 results
dhīndriyam1.5.8NeuterSingularghrāṇaḥ, rasanā, tvak, manaḥ, netram, śrotraman intellectual organ
kīlālam3.3.208NeuterSingularchadiḥ, netraruk, samūhaḥ
locanam2.6.94NeuterSingulardṛṣṭiḥ, netram, īkṣaṇam, cakṣuḥ, akṣiḥ, dṛk, nayanam
netram3.3.188NeuterSingularviṣayaḥ, kāyaḥ
sādhanam3.3.126NeuterSingularnetracchedaḥ, adhvā
sāraṅgaḥ3.3.28MasculineSingularvāk, svargaḥ, bhūḥ, dik, paśuḥ, ghṛṇiḥ, vajram, iṣuḥ, jalam, netram
Monier-Williams Search
211 results for netra
netram. a leader, guide (with genitive case ;mostly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' tvaṃ-netra-,"having you for guide" [f. ā- ]; see Va1rtt. 2, 3 ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netram. Name of a son of dharma- and father of kuntī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netram. of a son of su-mati- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netran. (and m. ) leading, guiding, conducting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netran. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) the eye (as the guiding organ, also -ka-, ; see nayana-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netran. the numeral 2 (see netṛ-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netran. the string by which a churning-stick is whirled round View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netran. a pipe-tube View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netran. an injection pipe View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netran. the root of a tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netran. a kind of cloth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netran. a veil View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netran. a carriage View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netran. a river View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrabandham. "eye-binding", hood-winking View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrabandham. playing at hide-and-seek View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrabhavam. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netracapalamfn. restless with the eyes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netracchadam. the eyelid View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netragocaramfn. within the range of the eyes, visible View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrahārinmfn. equals -muṣ- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrahitamfn. good or wholesome for the eye View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrajamfn. "eye-born"(with or sc. vāri-)
netrajan. a tear
netrajalan. equals prec. n. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrajalasravam. a flood of tears View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrakanīnikāf. the pupil of the eye View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrakārmaṇan. a spell for the eyes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrakośam. the eyeball or the bud of a flower (also written -koṣa-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netramalan. excretion of the eye View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netramanaḥsvabhāvam. plural eyes, mind, and soul View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netramīlāf. Autographis Paniculata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netramuṣmfn. stealing or captivating the eye View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netraniṃsinmfn. (sleep) kissing or touching the eye View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrapākam. inflammation of the eye View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netraparyantam. the outer corner of the eye View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrapattran. the eye-brows View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrapeyamfn. to be drunk in or enjoyed by the eyes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrapiṇḍam. the eyeball View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrapiṇḍam. a cat View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netraprabandham. = (and varia lectio for) nayanapr- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrapraṇayinmfn. desirous of a person's eye, id est coming before the eye of. face to face with (genitive case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrapuṣkarāf. a species of creeper View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrarañjanan. "eye-colouring", collyrium View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrarogam. idem or 'f. eye-disease ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrarogamfn. afflicted with eye-disease, ( netrarogatā -- f.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrarogacikitsāf. healing eye-disease, Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrarogahanm. "destroying eye-disease", Tragia Involucrata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrarogatāf. netraroga
netraromann. the eyelash View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrarujf. eye-disease View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrasaṃkocanan. closing of the eyes, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrasaṃvejanan. fixing an injection-pipe View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrastambham. rigidity of the eyes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netraf. the state of being an eye View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netratāṃyā -tāṃ- to become an eye View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netratribhāgabrahmayaśasvinm. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrauṣadha(ī-) f. Odina Pinnata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netravār n. eye-water, tears View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netravārin. eye-water, tears View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netravastim. an injection-pipe with a receptacle attached to it View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netravastran. a veil over the eye View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netraviṣf. excretion of the eye View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netraviṣamfn. having poison in the eyes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrayonim. Name of indra- (whose body, after his adultery with ahalyā-, was covered with marks which resembled the female organ and then were made to resemble eyes; see sahasrākṣa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
netrayonim. the moon (as produced from the eye of atri-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhinīlanetraf. having dark-blue eyes (one of the 32 signs of perfection), . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abjanetramfn. equals -dṛś-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adhikṣipadabjanetramfn. having eyes which eclipse the lotus. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agninetra(agn/i--) mfn. having agni- for a guide View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antanetran. the hem of a garment, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apāṅganetramf(ā-)n. casting side glances View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apāṅgaviśālanetramfn. casting side glances with wideopened eyes, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apratihatanetram. "whose eyes are unimpeded", Name of a deity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arkanetramfn. twelve-eyed, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aruṇanetram. "red-eyed", a pigeon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aśrunetramfn. with tears in the eyes, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atrinetrabhūm. "produced by atri-'s look", the moon, (in arithmetic) the number one. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atrinetraja m. "produced by atri-'s look", the moon, (in arithmetic) the number one. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atrinetraprabhava m. "produced by atri-'s look", the moon, (in arithmetic) the number one. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atrinetraprasūta m. "produced by atri-'s look", the moon, (in arithmetic) the number one. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atrinetrasūta m. "produced by atri-'s look", the moon, (in arithmetic) the number one. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aunnetran. the office of the un-netṛ- priest gaRa udgātr-ādi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayugmanetram. having an odd number of eyes (id est three) , Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayugmanetra q.v , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayuṅnetram. equals ayuma-netra- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
baddhanetramf(ā-)n. having the eyes fixed on anything, gazing steadfastly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bālanetramf(ā-)n. guided or steered by a fool (as a ship) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
barhanetran. the eye in a peacock's tail View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaganetra(in the beginning of a compound) bhaga-'s eyes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaganetraghnam. "destroyer of bhagas- eyes", Name of śiva-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaganetrahanm. "destroyer of bhagas- eyes", Name of śiva-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaganetraharam. () "destroyer of bhagas- eyes", Name of śiva-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaganetrahṛtm. () "destroyer of bhagas- eyes", Name of śiva-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhaganetranipātanam. "destroyer of bhagas- eyes", Name of śiva-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhagnanetramfn. affecting the eyes (said of a kind of fever) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhugnanetramfn. accompanied by distortion of the eyes (as a fever) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bṛhannetramfn. "large-eyed", (perhaps) far-sighted (figuratively) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cakoranetramf(ā-)n. idem or 'mfn. having (eyes like those of the cakora- bird id est having) beautiful eyes '
cārunetramf(ā-)n. beautiful-eyed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cārunetram. a kind of antelope View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dharmanetram. "law-eyed", Name of a grandson of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dharmanetram. of a son of taṃsu- and father of duṣmanta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dharmanetram. of a son of haihaya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dharmanetram. of a son of su-vrata- (varia lectio -sūtra-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhūmanetran. equals dhūpa-n- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhūmanetram. Name of a mountain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhūpanetran. a pipe for smoking (see dhūma--).
dṛḍhanetram. "strong-eyed", Name of a son of viśvā-mitra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvinetramfn. "two-eyed" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvinetrabhedinmfn. knocking out a person's 2 eyes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekanetram. "one-eyed", Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekanetram. (with śaiva-s) one of the eight forms of vidyeśvara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekanetrakam. idem or 'm. (with śaiva-s) one of the eight forms of vidyeśvara- ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
eṇanetramf(ā-)n. deer-eyed. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghṛṣṭinetran. "hog's eye (see gavākṣa-) ", a hole in timber View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gopakṣanetraf. having eyes with lids like those of a cow (one of the 32 signs of perfection), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haranetran. śiva-'s eye View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haranetran. a symbolical expression for the number"three" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harinetran. the eye of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harinetran. a white lotus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harinetran. an eye of a greenish colour View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harinetramfn. having yellow eyes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harinetram. an owl View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hemanetram. "golden eyed", Name of a yakṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ikṣunetran. a kind of sugar-cane
jagannetran. "world-eye", the moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagannetran. dual number the sun and the moon, () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jagannetraNom. trati- to represent the world's eye (as the moon) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jvalitanetramfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. fiery-eyed, looking angrily or fiercely ' ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kālanetramf(ā-)n. black-eyed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kamalanetramfn. lotus-eyed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kekaranetramfn. idem or 'mfn. squint-eyed (varia lectio) (see kedara-, ṭeraka-.)' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khaninetram. Name of the prince karaṃdhama- (see khanī-n-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
khanīnetram. (equals ni-n-) Name of the prince karaṃdhama- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
klinnanetramfn. having running eyes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
klinnanetramfn. having moist eyes, pitiful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛṣṇanetram. "black-eyed", Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kunetrakam. Name of a muni- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuśanetram. Name of a daitya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lolanetra mfn. having rolling eyes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahānetramfn. large-eyed (śiva-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
maheśanetran. " śiva-'s eyes", Name of the number"three" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mañjunetramfn. fair-eyed. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manonetramfn. having the mind as a guide, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantranetran. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantratattvanetran. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛganetramf(ā-)n. having the nakṣatra- mṛga- for a leader View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
padmanetram. "lotus-eyed", a species of bird View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
padmanetram. Name of a future buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paṅkajanetramfn. "lotus-eyed"(said of viṣṇu-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paṅkajapattranetram. having eyes like lotus-leaves View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāriplavanetra() mfn. having tremulous or swimming eyes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pārvatīnetram. (in music) a kind of measure. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
phullanetramfn. having eyes dilated (with joy), smiling, happy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahasitanetram. "laughing-eyed", Name of a buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praphullanetra() mfn. having fully opened or sparkling eyes, having eyes expanded with joy. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
puṣkarapattranetramfn. having eyes like lotus. leaves View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
puṣpanetran. "flower-tube", a kind of catheter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
puṣyanetramfn. having the asterism puṣya- for a guide Va1rtt. 2 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rājīvanetramfn. lotus-eyed blue-eyed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raktanetramfn. red-eyed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raktanetraf. () the state of having red or blood-shot eyes. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raktanetratvan. () the state of having red or blood-shot eyes. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ravinetram. "sun-eyed", Name of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasrakarapannetramfn. having a thousand hands and feet and eyes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasranetramfn. thousand-eyed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasranetram. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) Name of indra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahasranetram. of viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samantanetram. Name of a bodhi-sattva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samāvarjitanetraśobhamfn. one who has the (lustre of) his eyes bent down View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃrabdhanetramfn. having swollen eyes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāstranetramfn. equals -cakṣus- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
satyanetram. "true-eyed", Name of a ṛṣi- (son of atri-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saunetramfn. (fr. su-netra-) gaRa saṃkalādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śīlaviśuddhanetram. Name of a deva-putra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
somanetra(s/oma--) mfn. having soma- as a guide View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrotranetramayamf(ī-)n. consisting of eyes and ears View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śucinetraratisambhavam. Name of a king of the gandharva-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sunetram. "fair-eyed"or"having a good leader"Name of a māra-putra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sunetram. of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sunetram. of a son of vainateya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sunetram. of a son of the 13th manu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sunetram. of a son of suvrata- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sunetram. of a cakra-vāka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūryanetram. Name of a son of garuḍa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tāmranetramfn. red-eyed. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trinetram. "three-eyed", śiva- etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trinetram. (with rasa-) Name of different mixtures View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trinetram. " śiva-'s asterism", ārdrā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trinetram. Name of a prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trinetracūḍāmaṇim. " śiva-'s crest", the moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trinetraphalam. the cocoa-nut tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
unnetran. the office of the unnetṛ-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vahninetram. "having 3 eyes", Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vajradṛḍhanetram. Name of a king of the yakṣa-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāmanetran. a mystical Name of the vowel ī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaṃśanetran. a kind of sugar-cane, the root of sugar-cane (equals ikṣu-mūla-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vasunetram. Name of a Brahman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimalāgranetram. Name of a future buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimalanetram. Name of a buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimalanetram. of a prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vinetramfn. (for 2.See under vi--) eyeless, blind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vinetramfn. red-eyed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vinetram. (for 1.See) a teacher, preceptor View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viplutanetramfn. having the eyes suffused or bathed (with tears, joy etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśālanetram. "large-eyed", Name of a bodhi-sattva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣamanetramfn. "having an odd number of eyes","three-eyed", Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśuddhanetraf. having the eyes bright (one of the minor marks of a buddha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvadevanetramfn. (viśv/a-deva--) led by the viśve- devāḥ- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yamanetra(yam/a--) mfn. having yama- as guide or leader View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
4 results
netram नेत्रम् [नयति नीयते वा अनेन नी-ष्ट्रन्] 1 Leading, conducting, directing; कर्मणा दैवनेत्रेण जन्तुदेहोपपत्तये Bhāg.3.31.1. -2 The eye; प्रायेण गृहिणीनेत्राः कन्यार्थेषु कृटुम्बिनः Ku.6.85; 2.29,3;7.13. -3 The string of a churning-stick; मन्थानं मन्दरं कृत्वा तथा नेत्रं च वासुकिम् Mb.1.18.13; Bhāg. 8.6.22. -4 Woven silk, a fine silken garment; नेत्र- क्रमेणोपरुरोध सूर्यम् R.7.39. (where some commentators take नेत्रम् in its ordinary sense of the 'eye'). -5 The root of a tree. -6 An enema pipe. -7 A carriage, conveyance in general. -8 The number 'two'. -9 A leader; सूर्योदये सञ्जय के नु पूर्वं युयुत्सवो हृष्यमाणा इवासन् । मामका वा भीष्मनेत्राः समीपे पाण्डवा वा भीमनेत्रास्तदानीम् ॥ Mb.6.2.1. -1 A constellation, star. (said to be m. only in these two senses). -11 A river; Nm. -12 A kind of vein; Nm. -13 A bug; Nm. -14 A bark of a tree; Nm. -Comp. -अञ्जनम् a collyrium for the eyes; Ś. Til.7. -अतिथि a. One who has become visible. -अन्तः the outer corner of the eye. -अम्बु, -अम्भस् n. tears. -अभिष्यन्दः running of the eyes, a kind of eye-disease -अरिः Euphorbia Antiquorum (Mar. निवडुंग, शेर). -आमयः ophthalmia. -उत्सवः any pleasing or beautiful object. -उपमम् the almond fruit. -औषधम् 1 collyrium -2 green sulphate of iron (Mar. हिराकस). -कार्मणम् a spell for the eyes; Vikr. -कनीनिका the pupil of the eye. -कूटः, -टम् a front apartment, a side-hall, a corner tower; प्रधानावासनेत्रस्थनेत्रकूटद्वयं न्यसेत् Kāmikāgama 35.75. -कोषः 1 the eye-ball. -2 the bud of a flower. -गोचर a. within the range of sight, perceptible, visible. -चपल a. restless with the eyes, winking; न नेत्रचपलो$नृजुः Ms.4.177. -छदः the eyelid. -जम्, -जलम्, -वारि n. tears. -र्निसिन् a. kissing or touching the eye (sleep). -पत्रम् the eye-brows. -पर्यन्त a. as far as the eye, up to the eye. (-तः) the outer corner of the eye. -पाकः inflammation of the eye; Suśr. -पिण़्डः 1 the eye-ball. -2 a cat. -बन्धः hood-winking, playing at hide-and-seek; Bhāg. -भवः, -मलम् the mucus of the eyes. -मुष् a. stealing or captivating the eye. -योनिः 1 an epithet of Indra (who had on his body a thousand marks resembling the female organ inflicted by the curse of Gautama). -2 the moon. -रञ्जनम् a collyrium. -रोमन् n. the eyelash. -वस्तिः m., f. a clyster-pipe with a bag. -वस्त्रम् a veil over the eye, the eyelid. -विष् f. excretion of the eyes. -विष a. having poison in the eyes (the Brāhmaṇa); Mb.2. -स्तम्भः rigidity of the eyes.
unnetram उन्नेत्रम् The office of the उन्नेतृ.
upanetram उपनेत्रम् Spectacles.
aunnetram औन्नेत्रम् The office of the Unnetṛi, q. v. -औन्मुख्यम् Expectancy; Rāj. T.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
Ṛ go, V. P. ṛṇóti, int. álarti arise, viii. 48, 8 [Gk. ὀρ-νῡ-μι ‘stir up’]. abhí- penetrate to (acc.), i. 35, 9. prá- send forth, III. íyarti, vii. 61, 2.
Macdonell Search
38 results
adhigantavya fp. to be procured; penetrable; to be studied; -gantri, m. finder.
anuprapattavya fp. to be fol lowed; -pra-vakanîya, fp. requisite for learning the Veda; -pravesa, a. entering, penetrating into (feelings, &c.); accommodation to (--°ree;); -prasna, m. enquiry after (g.); -pra sakti, f. connexion; -prâsa, m. alliteration.
apāṅga m. (--°ree;, f. â, î) outer corner of the eye; -drishti, f. side-glance; -netra, a. looking sideways.
eṇa m. kind of antelope: -ga&ndot;gha, m. N. of a runner; -netrâ, -½akshî, f. gazelle eyed woman.
kamala m. n. lotus (called utpala at an earlier stage); â, f. ep. of Lakshmî; sg. & pl. riches; n. water; -ka, n. N. of a town; -garbha, -ga, m. ep. of Brahman; -devî, f. N. of a queen; -nayana, a. lotus-eyed; -nâbha, m. ep. of Vishnu; -netra, n. lotus eyed; -bândhava, m. ep. of the sun; -bhav ana, m. ep. of Brahman; -mati, m. N.; -maya, a. consisting entirely of lotuses; -lok ana, a. lotus-eyed: â, f. N.; -vatî, f. N. of a princess; -vana, n. bed of lotuses: -maya, a. consisting of beds of lotuses; -vardhana, m. N. of a king; -varman, m. N. of a king; -sambhava, m. ep. of Brahman.
kaṣāya a. astringent (taste); fra grant; red, yellowish red; m. red colour; passion; m. n. astringent juice; decoction; medicinal potion; ointment; dirt; taint; de terioration, moral decline; n. yellow garment; -ya, den. P. dirty; molest; i-ta, pp. coloured red; dirtied, stained; penetrated w., full of (--°ree;).
kuraṅga m. antelope: -ka, m. id.; -nay anâ, -netrâ, -lokanâ, -½akshî, a. f. gazelle eyed.
kṛṣṇagati m. (black-pathed), fire; -katurdasî, f. 14th day of the dark half= new moon; -ganma½ashtamî, f. a certain eighth day which is Krishna's birthday; -tâ, f., -tva, n. blackness; -nayana, -netra, a. black-eyed; -paksha, m. dark fortnight (full moon to new moon); -bhûma, m. black soil; -bhogin, m. kind of black snake; -mukha, a. (î) black-mouthed; -mriga, m. black ante lope; -yagurveda, m. Black Yagur-veda.
gahana a. deep; dense; impenetra ble (also fig.); n. depth, abyss; thicket; lurking-place; impenetrable darkness; thick cluster: -tva, n. denseness; impenetrability.
cāru a. agreeable, welcome, pleasing; dear; fair, lovely: n. ad.: -gîti, f. a metre; -tâ, f. popularity; beauty; -datta, m. N. of a Brâhman; -danta, m. N. of a merchant's son; -darsanâ, f. fair woman; -netra, a. fair-eyed; -mati, m. N. of a parrot; -rûpa, a. of fair form; -lokana, a. fair-eyed; -venî, f. fair braid, N. of a river; -sabda-bha&ndot;ga-vat, a. rich in lovely faltering and in charming ex pressions (speech); -hâsin, a. laughing sweet ly: -î, f. a metre.
jagannātha m. protector of the world, ep. of Vishnu and his incarnations; N.; -nivâsa, m. abode=pervader, of the world, ep. of Vishnu or Krishna; -netra, n. eye of the world, ep. of the moon: du. ep. of the sun and moon; -mâtri, f. mother of the world, ep. of Durgâ and of Lakshmî.
tāra a. [√ trî] penetrating, piercing; shrill, high, loud; sparkling: -m, cpv. -ta ram, spv. -tamam, ad.; m. n. loud, high, or shrill sound; m. pearl of pure water; putting across (--°ree;); sacred syllable om or other mys tic monosyllable in a Tantra; â, f. N.
tiraya den. P. conceal; stop, restrain, conquer; penetrate.
tridhāman a. tripartite; -nayana, a. three-eyed; m. ep. of Siva; -netra, a. three-eyed; m. Siva; -paksha, n. three fortnights; -pañkâsá, a. consisting of 53; -patâka, a. (hand) with three (forefinger, middle, and little finger) outstretched fingers (sign on the stage to indicate a desire to say something secretly); -patha, n. the three paths, i. e. heaven, sky (or lower regions), and earth.
duranta a. whose end is hard to find, endless; ending badly: -deva, m. god of what is hard to end, Ganesa; -apavâda, m. slander; -abhiprâya, a. evil-intentioned; -abhibhava, a. hard to overcome orsurpass; -abhimânin, a. unpleasantly arrogant; -abhiraksha, a. difficult to guard; -abhisamdhi, m. evil in tent; -avagama, a. hard to understand; -ava gâha, a. hard to penetrate; -avagraha, a. hard to check, irresistible; -avabodha, a. hard to understand; -avaroha, a. hard to descend to; -avâpa, a. hard to obtain, acquire, fulfil, or realise.
durvaca a. ill-spoken, abusive (word); hard to answer; -vakana, n. pl. hard words, abuse (Pr.); -vakas, n. id.; stupid words; a. abusive; hard to answer; -vanig, m. rogue of a merchant; -varna, m. bad colour; im purity; (-várna), a. having a bad colour or complexion; of low caste; n. silver; -vala, a. having a skin disease; -vasa, a. (n. it is) hard to dwell; hard to pass (time); -vasati, f. painful residence; a. hard to bear; -execute or accomplish; -vâk, f. abuse; a. abu sive; -vâkya, a. difficult to utter, harsh (words); n. abuse; ill-tidings; -vâda, m. blame, reproach; -vânta, pp. that has not fully vomited the blood it has sucked (leech); -vâra,a. hard to restrain or check; irresist ible; -vârana, a. id.; -vârttâ, f. ill-tidings; -vârya, fp. hard to restrain or check, irre sistible: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -vâla, a. bald-headed or red-haired or afflicted with skin disease; -vâsanâ, f.false notion; -v&asharp;sas, a. ill-clad; m. N. of an irascible Brâhman; -vâhita, n. heavy burden; -vikatthana, a. disagreeably boastful; -vikalpa, m. unjustifiable irresolution; -vigâha, a. hard to fathom or penetrate; profound; serious, critical; -vigâhya, fp. id.; -vikâra, m. ill-timed hesitation; a. very irresolute; -vigñâna, n. difficult ascer tainment; a. (á) hard to comprehend; -vi- gñeya, fp. hard to distinguish; -vidagdha, pp. perverse;-vidya, a. uneducated; -vidha, a. mean, base; -vidhi, m. evil destiny; -vi naya, m. imprudent behaviour; -vinîta, pp. ill-bred, ill-behaved: -ka, a. id.; -vipâka, m. ill-ripening, evil issue; a. having evil conse quences; -vibhâva, a. hard to comprehend; -vibhâvana, a. hard to perceive; -vibhâvya, fp. id.; indistinctly visible; hard to compre hend; -vilasita, n. wicked trick; -vivâha, m. blamable marriage; -vivekana, a. hard to judge rightly; -vishaha, a. hard to en dure or overcome; irresistible; hard to per form or accomplish; -vritta, n. bad or base conduct, baseness; a. ill-conducted, wicked; poor; m. wicked man; -vritti, f. distress, misery; baseness; -vyavasita, n. evil intent; -vyavasthâpa-ka, a. pronouncing a bad or unfavourable decision; -vyavahâra, m. bad decision of a suit; -vyavahriti, f. evil rumour; -vyasana, n. evil passion, vice; -vyâhrita, pp. ill-spoken; n. unsuitable utterance.
nibiḍa a. [ni-vila, without interstices], dense, thick, impenetrable; uninterrupted; rigid, firm; fast, close (embrace, etc.); full of (in. or --°ree;); low.
niṣpaṅka a. free from mud or dirt, clean, pure; -patti, f. being brought about; maturity; derivation, from (--°ree;); -pat tra, a. featherless; leafless; -pattrâ-kri, wound with an arrow in such a manner that only the feathers do not penetrate; -pathya, a. ill.
paṅkaja n. flower of the day lotus (nelumbium speciosum, which closes in the evening): -nâbha, a. having a lotus in his navel (Vishnu), -netra, a. lotus-eyed, -mâlin, a. adorned with a wreath of lotuses, epithet of Vishnu; -½akshî, f. lotus-eyed woman; -½a&ndot;ghri, a. whose feet are adorned with lotuses (Vishnu).
parvata a. consisting of knots or ragged masses (with ádri or girí); m. moun tain, hill; rock, boulder; cloud; N. of a Rishi and of a minister of Purûravas: -ka, m. N.; -kandara, n. mountain-cave; -dur ga, n. impenetrable mountain; -râg: -a, m. king of mountains, ep. of the Himâlaya; -si khara, m. n. hill-top, mountain-peak; -sre shtha, spv. best of mountains; -½agra, n. id.; î-kri, turn into a mountain; &isharp;-ya, a.belong ing to mountains; -½îsvara, m. N.; -½upa-tyakâ, f. mountain-lowland, land at the foot of a mountain-range.
puṣkara n. blue lotus flower; bowl of a spoon; skin of a drum; tip of an ele phant's trunk; water; air, sky; N. of a celebrated place of pilgrimage (sts. pl., three places of this name being spoken of); N. of one of the Dvîpas or terrestrial islands; m. the Indian crane (Ardea sibirica); kind of cloud occasioning dearth (pl.); N., esp. of Nala's brother: -pattra, n. petal of the blue lotus: -netra, a. having eyes like a lotus petal; -bîga, n. lotus seed; -srag, f. garland of blue lotuses; a. wearing a garland of blue lotuses; -½aksha, a. lotus-eyed; m. N.; -½â vartaka, m. pl. kind of cloud producing dearth; -½âhva, m. Indian crane (Ardea sibi rica).
praveka a. choice, chief, exquisite, most excellent of (--°ree;); -vega, m. great swift ness; -vegita, den. pp. moving rapidly; -ve- nî, f. braid of hair; coloured woollen cloth; -vetri, m. charioteer; -vettri, m. connoisseur of (--°ree;); -vedana, n. making known, pro claiming; -vedin, a. thoroughly knowing (--°ree;); -vedya, fp. to be made known; -vedha, m. shot; -vepin, a. trembling; -verita, pp. cast, hurled; -vesa, m.entrance, entry, pene tration, intrusion, into (lc., g.±antar, or --°ree;); appearance on the stage; getting into the house, coming into one's possession (e. g. of a deposit); obtrusiveness, meddlesomeness; entering into=admissibleness, applicability in (lc.); employment or utilization of (--°ree;); entrance, door: -ka, a. --°ree;, id.; m. interlude (explaining what has happened between two acts and is essential for the understanding of what follows); -vesana, n. entering, en trance or penetration into (g., lc., or --°ree;); co pulation; introduction, into (lc.); driving home (of cattle); -vesa-bhâgika, m. collector of taxes; -vesayitavya, fp. to be introduced; -vesita, cs. pp. introduced, made or allowed to enter; n. causing to appear on the stage; -vesin, a. entering, into (--°ree;); accessible through or over (--°ree;); having sexual intercourse with (--°ree;); -vesya, fp. to be entered; -played (musical instrument); -introduced; -vesh- tavya, fp. to be entered; -allowed to enter; n. imps. one should enter or penetrate into (lc.); -veshtri, m. one who enters: -tva, n. condition of --.
baddha pp. (√ bandh) bound, etc.: -ka, m. prisoner (V.); -kadambaka, a. forming groups; -kalâpin, a. having his quiver tied on; -graha, a. insisting on something; -kitta, a. having one's thoughts fixed on (lc.); -trishna, a. longing for (--°ree;); -drishti, a. having one's gaze fixed on (lc.); -dvesha, a. entertaining hatred for any one; -niskaya, a. firmly resolved; -netra, a. having the eyes fixed on anything, gazing steadfastly; -pratigña, a. having made a promise; -pratisrut, a. echoing; -bhâva, m. having the affections fixed on, enamoured of (lc.); -bhîma½andhakâra, a. wrapped in terrible gloom; -mandala, a. having circles formed, ranged in circles; -mushti, a. having the fist elenched; close-fisted; -mûla, a. having taken root, firmly rooted; having gained a firm footing: -tâ, f. firm footing; -mauna, a. observing silence; -rabhasa, a.impetuous, passionate; -râga, a. having one's desire fixed on, enamoured of (lc.); -râgga, a. hav ing gained the sovereignty, having succeeded to the throne; -laksha, a. having the gaze fixed on, gazing steadfastly at (--°ree;); -vasati, a. having one's abode fixed in, dwelling in (lc.); -vâk, a. obstructing speech; -vepathu, a. trembling; -vaira, a. having contracted hostility with (in. or --°ree;); -sikha, a. having one's hair tied in a top-knot;-srotra-manas- kakshus, a. having ears, mind, and eyes fixed on (lc.); -sneha, a. entertaining affection for (lc.); -spriha, a. feeling a longing for (--°ree;); -½añgali, a. holding one's hands joined together (in supplication or as a mark of respect); -½âdara, a. attaching great value to (--°ree;); -½ânanda, a. having joy attaching to it, joyful (day); -½anurâga, a. conceiving an attachment, enamoured; -½anusaya, a. con ceiving an unconquerable hatred; -½andha kâra, a. wrapped in darkness; -½avasthiti, a. constant; -½âsa, a. entertaining hope of (--°ree;); -½âsa&ndot;ka, a. conceiving anxiety; -½ut sava, a. entering upon a festival; -½udyama,a. making efforts or prepared to (inf.).
bhagadatta m. N. of a prince; -devata, a. having the god Bhaga for a deity; -daivata, a. id.; ± nakshatra, n. the lunar asterism Uttarâ Phalgunî; -netra-ghna, -netra-nipâtana, -netra-han, -netra-hara, -netra-hrit, -netra½apahârin, m. Destroyer of Bhaga's eye, ep. of Siva.
marmaga a. penetrating the joints, poignant; cutting to the quick (fig.); m. wounding the vitals; -ghnî, a. f. of -han; -kkhid, a. penetrating the joints, cutting to the quick, very poignant; m. piercing the vitals, excessive pain; -kkhedin, a. cutting to the quick, very poignant; -gña, a. know ing the weak or vulnerable points (also fig.); knowing the inmost recesses of a thing, hav ing a deep insight, into (--°ree;); extremely clever.
marmātiga a. penetrating deep into the joints or vitals, excruciating; -½âvar ana, n. coat of mail.
mahātattva n. the great princi ple, intellect; -tapas, a. greatly distressed; practising great austerities; m. N. of a her mit; -tapasvin, a. greatly afflicted; -tamas, n. great darkness (one of the five stages of Avidyâ); -tala, n. (great-bottom), a cer tain hell; -tikta, a. very bitter; -tithi, f. (the great=) sixth lunar day; -tegas, a. hav ing great lustre, very glorious (of gods and men); m. ep. of Skanda; N.; -taila, n. pre cious oil or N. of a kind of oil; -½âtodya, n. great drum; -½âtman, 1. m. great spirit, uni versal soul; intellect; 2. a. great-souled, high-minded, noble; of great intellect, highly gifted, very wise; exalted, eminent, illus trious (family), mighty; -½âtma-vat, a. highly gifted, very clever; -½atyaya, m. great calamity; -tyâga, m. great liberal ity; a. very liberal: -maya, a. consist ing in great liberality; -tyâgin, a. very liberal (Siva); -damshtra,a. having great tusks; m. N.; -danda, m. great staff or long arm; severe punishment; -daridra, a. extremely poor; -dâna, n. valuable gift; a. attended with great gifts (sacrifice); -dâ ru, n. the Devadâru tree (Pinus Deodora); -dis, f. chief cardinal point (N., S., E., W.); -duhkha, n. great sorrow; -durga, n. great danger; place very difficult of access; -driti, m. great bag; -devá, m. the great god, a term sp. applied to Rudra or to one of the gods connected with him (V.); in C.=Siva; N.: -giri, m. N. of a mountain; -devî, f. the great goddess=Pârvatî; first wife of a king; N.; -½adbhuta, a. very wonderful; n. great marvel; -dyuti, a. of great lustre, brilliant, glorious; -druma, m. large tree; -dvâra, m. n. main gate; -dhana, a. costing much money, costly, expensive; having much money, wealthy; m. N. of a merchant; (á), n. great battle (RV.); great spoil (RV.1); great wealth (C.): -pati, m. (lord of great wealth), very rich man; -dhanur-dhara, -dhanushmat, m. great bowman; -dhanus, a. bearing a great bow (Siva); -dhî, a. of great understanding, very wise; -½ânaka, m. kind oflarge drum; -nakha, a. having great nails or claws; -nagná, m. (stark naked), paramour (V.): î, f. courtesan; -nada, m. great stream; -nadî, f. river; N. of various rivers; -½ânana, a. having a great mouth or face; -½ânanda, m. great joy or bliss; N.; -naraka, m. a certain hell; -narendra, m. great conjurer or magician; -½anasa, n. freight waggon; kitchen: î, f. cook, kitchen-maid; -½anasa½adhyaksha, m. superintendent of the kitchen; -nâgá, m. great serpent; great elephant; -nâtaka, n. great drama; a kind of play; -nâda, m. loud sound, shout, roar, etc.; a. making a loud noise, roaring etc.; m. ep. of Siva; -nâyaka, m. great leader or chief; large central gem in a pearl necklace; -nâsa, a. large-nosed (Siva); -nidra, a. sleep ing soundly or long; -niraya, m. kind of hell; -nis, f. dead of night, second and third watches of the night (9 p.m. to 3 a.m.); -nîla, a.dark blue or black; m. sapphire: -maya, a. consisting of sapphire; -½anubhâva, a. very powerful or glorious; magnanimous, high-minded, noble: -tâ, f., -tva, n. high-minded ness, nobility; -netra, a. large-eyed (Siva); -½andhakâra, m. dense darkness, complete obscuration of the intellect; -nyâya, m. main rule; -½anvaya, a. of high lineage.
rakta pp. (√ rañg) coloured; red; nasalized (gr.); charming, lovely, sweet (voice); enraged; impassioned; passionately devoted to (anything, lc., --°ree;; any one, g., --°ree;); attached, fond; enamoured; charmed with (in.); n. blood: -ka, a. red; -kantha, a. sweet-voiced; m. cuckoo; N. of a fairy; -kadamba, m. red Kadamba tree; -kamal inî, f. group of red lotuses; -krishna, a. dark red; -kandana, n. red sandal; -kkha da, a. red-leaved; -kkhardi, f. vomiting blood; -ga, a. derived from the blood; -tara, cpv. greatly attached; -tâ, f. redness; nature of blood; -tva, n. redness; -dant, a. having red (=dirty) teeth; -nayana,; -netra, a. id.; -pata, m. (wearing red rags), Buddhist monk: -vrata-vâhinî, f. Buddhist nun; -patî-kri, dress in red rags, turn into a Buddhist monk; -patta-maya, a. made of red cloth; -padma, n. red lotus; -pâda,m. red-footed bird; -pushpa, n. red flower; a. having red flowers; -phala, a. bearing red fruit; -bindu, m. drop of blood; -bhâva, a. enamoured; -mandala, a. having a red disc (moon); having loyal subjects: -tâ, f. abst.n.; -mukha, a. red-faced; m. N. of a monkey; -varna, m. red colour; colour of blood; a. red-coloured; -vâsas, a. wearing a red garment; -vâsin, a. id.; -syâma, a. dark red; -sâra, a. in whom blood predominates, of sanguine temperament.
rājīva a. striped; m. kind of fish; n. blue lotus: -netra, a. lotus-eyed; -mukha, a. lotus-faced: î, f. woman with a lotus-like face; -lokana, a. lotus-eyed; -vilokana,
vikukṣi a. having a prominent belly; m. N. of a son or grandson of Ikshvâku; -kuntha, a. sharp, penetrating, irresistible (rare); m. ep. of Vishnu; Vishnu's heaven (=vaikuntha); -kûgita, (pp.) n.humming, warbling; -kûnana, n. contraction.
vinīta pp. √ nî: -tâ, f. good breed ing, decorum, modesty, -tva, n. id., -mati, m. N.; -nîti, f. modesty; -netri, m. educa tor, instructor, teacher (w. ac., g.); trainer, tamer; -netra, 1. m. instructor, teacher; 2. a. eyeless, blind; -neya, fp. to be removed; educated or instructed; -chastised; m. pupil.
śrotra n. [√ 1. sru] ear; hearing: -gña, a. perceiving by the ear: -tâ, f. hearing; -tâ, f. condition of ears; -netra-maya, a. consist ing of ears and eyes; -pati, m. lord of hear ing (a form of Îsvara); -padavî, f. range of hearing: -m upa½â-yâ, come to the ears of (g.); -paramparâ, f. hearsay; -p&asharp;, a. pro tecting the ear (V.); -pâli, f. lobe of the ear; -puta, m. id.; -peya, fp. to be imbibed by the ear, -attentively heard; -mârga, m. range of hearing: -m gam, come to the ears of (g.); -mûla, n. root of the ear; -vartman, n. range of hearing; -sukti-puta, m. hollow of the external ear.
saṃcaya m. sg. & pl. accumulation, hoard, store, wealth, quantity, collection; gathering, collecting (rare): d. in order to have more; -kayana, n. gathering, collecting; -kaya-vat, a. possessed of wealth, rich; -kay ika, a. having provisions (only --°ree;); -kará, a. go ing about (mûrti-, with a body=incarnate); together, simultaneous (V.); m. place for walk ing, road, path, passage; evolution (in Sâ&ndot; khya phil.); -kárana, a. (î) suitable for going on, passable, converging (V.); n. navigation (of the sea: ac.; RV.); motion, from (ab.), in (lc., --°ree;), by means of (--°ree;); -karishnu, a. moving about, roaming; -karvana, n. chew ing; -kalana, n. trembling, quaking; -kâra, m. walking about, wandering, roaming, driv ing; motion; transit, passage; entrance, portal; transition or transference to (--°ree;); track (of wild animals), road (rare): -ka,; -kâranîya, fp. to be wandered through; -transferred to (lc.); -kârita, cs. pp. (√ kar) set in motion, worked; -kârin, a. (n-î) walk ing about, wandering, roaming, moving, mov able (in, lc., --°ree;); penetrating into (--°ree;); trans mitted, infectious, hereditary (disease); com ing in contact with, contiguous to (in.); carried with one (umbrella); being in, en gaged with (--°ree;); accessory (sentiment, etc.); taking with one (--°ree;);-kârya, fp. accessible (in a-); produced by (--°ree;); -kikîrshu, des. a. intending to perform; -kiti, f. piling; col lecting, saving; -kintya, fp. to be considered; -regarded as (-vat); -kinu½âna-ka, a. oc cupied with collecting(wealth); -keya, fp. to be accumulated; -kodayitavya, fp. to be urged on; -khettri, m. dispeller (of doubts).
saroja a. occurring in pools; n. lotus: -netra, a. lotus-eyed; -g-in-î, f. quan tity or group of lotuses; lotus plant; lotus lake; sts.=lotus.
sahasra m. (rare), n. thousand (also used to express a large number or great wealth); sp. a thousand cows, -Panas: con strued with an app. (sg. or pl.), g., sg. or pl., --°ree; (rarely °ree;--); in an a. cpd. it is always --°ree;: -ka, 1. n. thousand: --°ree; a. (ikâ) having or amounting to a thousand; 2. thousand-headed; -kara, m. (thousand-rayed), sun: -pan-netra, a. having a thousand hands, feet, and eyes; -kalâ, f. N.; -kirana, m. (thousand-rayed), sun; -kritvas, ad. a thou sand times; (sahásra)-ketu, a. having a thousand forms (RV.1); -gu, a. possessing a thousand cows; thousand-rayed; m. sun; -guna, a. thousandfold: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -gunita, pp. multiplied a thousand times; -kakshu, a. thousand-eyed (AV.); -git, a. con quering or winning a thousand (RV.); (-hás ra)-nîtha, a. having a thousand expedients or shifts (V.); m. N. (C.); -tama, spv. (î) thou sandth; -taya, n. a thousand; -da, a. giving a thousand (cows); (sahásra)-dakshina, a. attended with a fee of a thousand (kine; V.); -dîdhiti, m. sun; (á)-dvâr, a. thousand-doored (RV.1); -dhâ, ad. a thousand-fold; in a thousand ways or parts; -dhî, a. thousand-witted; m. N. of a fish; -nayana, a. thousand-eyed; m. ep. of Indra; -netra, a., m. id.; -pati, m. chief of a thousand (vil lages); -pattra, n. (having a thousand petals), lotus; -pûrana, a. thousandth; receiving a thousand; -poshá, m. thousandfold welfare (V.); a. thriving a thousandfold (S.); -buddhi, a. thousand-witted; m. N. of a fish; -bhakta, n. a certain festival at which thousands are fed; -bhânu, a. thousand-rayed; -bhrishti, a. thousand-pointed (V.); -ma&ndot;gala, N. of a locality; -mukha, a. having a thousand exits; -rasmi, a. thousand-rayed; m. sun; -li&ndot;gî, f. a thousand Li&ndot;gas; -lokana,a. thousand-eyed; m. ep. of Indra; -vartman, a. thousand-pathed; -vâka, a. containing a thousand verses or words; -satá-dakshina, a. attended with a fee of a hundred thousand (cows); -sás, ad. by thousands (referring to a nm., ac., in.); -sîrsha, a. thousand-headed: â, f. a certain verse (according to comm. the hymn RV. X, 90); (hásra)-sri&ndot;ga, a. thou sand-horned (RV.); -saní, a. gaining a thou sand (V.); -sâ, a. id.; -sâvá, m.thousand-fold Soma-pressing.
sumanomattaka m. N.; -mano-latâ, f. flowering creeper; -mano hara, a. very charming or attractive; -mán tu, a. easily known, well-known (RV.); m. N. of a teacher; -mantra, a. following good counsels; m. N. of various men; -mantrita, pp. well-deliberated: n. imps. good counsel has been taken; n. good counsel: -m kri, take good counsel; -mantrin, a. having a good minister; -mánman, a. uttering good wishes, very devout (RV.); -marma-ga, a. deeply penetrating the joints, causing great agony (arrow); -marshana, a. easy to bear; (sú)-mahat, a. very great, huge, vast (of time, space, quantity, number, degree); very important; -mahas, a. glorious (RV., always vc.); -mahâ, °ree;--: a. extremely great; ad. very greatly; -mahâ-kaksha, a. very high-walled; -mahâ-tapas, a. extremely ascetic or pious; -mahâ-tegas, a. very glorious; -mahât man, a. very noble-minded or high-souled; -mahâ-bala, a. extremely powerful or effica cious; -mahâ-manas, a. very high-minded; -mahârha, a. very splendid; -mahausha dha, n. herb of marvellous efficacy; -mâyá, a. having noble counsels (Maruts; RV.); m. N. of a prince of the Asuras; N. of a fairy: â, f. N. of a daughter of Maya: (a)-ka, m. N. of a fairy; -mitrá, m. kind friend; N., esp. of kings: â, f. N. of a Yakshinî; N. of a wife of Dasaratha, mother of Satrughna and Lakshmana; -mukha, n. beautiful mouth; bright face: in. cheerfully; a. (î) fair-faced; bright-faced, glad; inclined or disposed to (--°ree;); m. N. of a king; -mundîka, m. N. of an Asura; -mridîká, -mrilîká, V. a. com passionate, gracious; -mrishta, pp. well polished; very dainty: -pushpa½âdhya, a. abounding in very bright flowers; -méka, V. a. well-established, firm; unvarying; -medhás, a.having a good understanding, intelligent, wise (ac. also -medh&asharp;m, RV.); -meru, m. N. of a mtn. (=Meru); N. of a fairy; -mná, a. [√ mnâ=√ man] well-dis posed, gracious (V.); n. (V.) benevolence, favour, grace; devotion, prayer; satisfac tion, gladness, peace: -yú, V. a. devout, be lieving; favourable; -mnâ-várî, a. f. gracious, bringing gladness (Dawn, RV.1).
sūkṣma a. minute, fine, small; thin; narrow (path); short; trifling; delicate, scarcely audible (sound); acute, subtle (intellect, mental operation); nice, exact; intangible, atomic: w. artha, m. trifling matter: -m, ad. penetratingly, keenly, hard (look); -tikka, m. N.; -tâ, f. subtle nature; -tva, n. id.; -darsi-tâ, f. keen-sightedness, acuteness (of mind); -darsin, a. acute (mind); -drishti, f. keen glance; -pâda, a. having smallor delieate feet; -tva, n. delicacy of one's feet; -bhûta, n. subtile element; -mati, a. acute-minded: -mat, a. id.; -sarîra, n. subtile or ideal body; -½aksha, a. eagle-eyed, acute (mind): -tâ, f. acuteness (perh. incorr. for -½îkshi-tâ); -½îkshikâ, f. keen sight, acuteness (perhaps incorr. for -½îkshitâ).
sparśin a. (--°ree;) touching; reaching to; penetrating to.
Bloomfield Vedic
38 results0 results1 result
netratrayāya vauṣaṭ VaradapU.2.2.
Vedabase Search
127 results
netra and eyesSB 10.61.3
netra eyesCC Adi 4.151
CC Adi 6.38
CC Antya 13.127
CC Antya 15.65
CC Madhya 10.122
CC Madhya 10.179
CC Madhya 12.211
CC Madhya 2.37
CC Madhya 2.53
MM 8
netra of her eyesSB 10.32.8
netra of the eyesCC Madhya 14.187
netra of their eyesSB 10.53.36
netra the eyesCC Adi 4.154
CC Adi 4.85
CC Antya 17.59
CC Antya 19.94
CC Madhya 12.215
CC Madhya 13.116
CC Madhya 16.120
CC Madhya 16.259
CC Madhya 21.129
netra the eyesCC Madhya 21.129
CC Madhya 25.127
netra bhari' filling the eyesCC Madhya 21.114
netra bhari' filling the eyesCC Madhya 21.114
netra bhariyā to the full satisfaction of Your eyesCC Antya 16.84
netra bhariyā to the full satisfaction of Your eyesCC Antya 16.84
netra-ānanda the pleasure of My eyesCC Madhya 2.75
netra-ānanda the pleasure of My eyesCC Madhya 2.75
netra-añcalam whose borders of the eyesCC Antya 1.166
netra-añcalam whose borders of the eyesCC Antya 1.166
netra-anta the end of the eyeCC Madhya 21.105
netra-anta the end of the eyeCC Madhya 21.105
netra-bandha trying to identify another when one is blindfoldedSB 10.18.14
netra-bandha trying to identify another when one is blindfoldedSB 10.18.14
netra-bhṛńga eyes like bumblebeesCC Madhya 12.214
netra-bhṛńga eyes like bumblebeesCC Madhya 12.214
netra-gocaram visible by her eyesSB 8.17.5
netra-gocaram visible by her eyesSB 8.17.5
netra-jaiḥ coming from His eyesSB 9.10.39-40
netra-jaiḥ coming from His eyesSB 9.10.39-40
netra-jaiḥ from the eyesSB 4.9.50
netra-jaiḥ from the eyesSB 4.9.50
netra-jala tears from the eyesCC Madhya 13.49
netra-jala tears from the eyesCC Madhya 13.49
netra-jalāḥ tears from the eyesCC Madhya 23.23
netra-jalāḥ tears from the eyesCC Madhya 23.23
netra-jale by the tears of His eyesCC Antya 6.292
netra-jale by the tears of His eyesCC Antya 6.292
netra-karṇa of eyes and earsCC Antya 18.99
netra-karṇa of eyes and earsCC Antya 18.99
netra-mana eyes and mindCC Antya 15.60
netra-mana eyes and mindCC Antya 15.60
CC Madhya 6.145-146
netra-mana eyes and mindCC Madhya 6.145-146
netra-mana mind and eyesCC Antya 19.48
netra-mana mind and eyesCC Antya 19.48
netra-mana the eyes and mindCC Antya 15.56
netra-mana the eyes and mindCC Antya 15.56
CC Antya 15.64
netra-mana the eyes and mindCC Antya 15.64
netra-spṛhām the desire of the eyesCC Antya 15.63
netra-spṛhām the desire of the eyesCC Antya 15.63
netra-trayam three eyesSB 8.7.30
netra-trayam three eyesSB 8.7.30
netra-udaiḥ by the water from his eyesSB 3.22.25
netra-udaiḥ by the water from his eyesSB 3.22.25
netra-utsava the festival of seeing the eyesCC Madhya 12.204
netra-utsava the festival of seeing the eyesCC Madhya 12.204
netra-yugale on the two eyesCC Madhya 8.173
netra-yugale on the two eyesCC Madhya 8.173
netra NetraSB 9.23.22
netraiḥ from their eyesSB 10.65.3
netraiḥ with the eyesSB 3.2.20
netrajaiḥ from the eyesSB 1.11.29
netram and eyeSB 10.53.27
netram and eyesBG 11.23
netram eyesBG 11.16
BG 11.19
BG 11.24
CC Madhya 14.181
netram having eyesSB 3.28.30
netram the churning ropeSB 8.6.22-23
SB 8.7.1
netra her eyesSB 6.1.58-60
netrayoḥ between the two eyesSB 6.8.8-10
netrayoḥ from the eyesSB 1.11.32
netrayoḥ the eyesSB 1.13.32
SB 1.15.3
abja-netram lotus eyesSB 3.14.50
aravinda-netra O lotus-eyed oneSB 10.29.33
arka-netra eyes shining like the sunSB 7.9.15
jana-netra-rasa-āyana very pleasing to the eyes of everyoneCC Madhya 21.131
gotra-netrayoḥ unto the mountain and Vāsuki, who was used as a ropeSB 8.7.13
jana-netra-rasa-āyana very pleasing to the eyes of everyoneCC Madhya 21.131
khanīnetra named KhanīnetraSB 9.2.25
manaḥ-netra-utsava festival of the mind and eyesCC Madhya 2.75
tri-netra of Lord Śiva (who has three eyes)SB 4.4.4
arka-netra eyes shining like the sunSB 7.9.15
sva-netra by your eyesSB 8.7.32
aravinda-netra O lotus-eyed oneSB 10.29.33
manaḥ-netra-utsava festival of the mind and eyesCC Madhya 2.75
jana-netra-rasa-āyana very pleasing to the eyes of everyoneCC Madhya 21.131
rakta-netra reddish eyesCC Madhya 24.235
nija-netra his eyesCC Antya 11.53
śata-patra-netra Lord Śrī KṛṣṇaSB 3.1.29
vivṛtta-netra while moving the eyesSB 3.8.16
rakta-netra with red eyesSB 8.7.17
tri-netra Lord ŚivaSB 10.14.19
abja-netram lotus eyesSB 3.14.50
ṛta-satya-netram He is the origin of whatever truth is pleasing (sunetram)SB 10.2.26
gotra-netrayoḥ unto the mountain and Vāsuki, who was used as a ropeSB 8.7.13
nija-netra his eyesCC Antya 11.53
śata-patra-netra Lord Śrī KṛṣṇaSB 3.1.29
rakta-netra with red eyesSB 8.7.17
rakta-netra reddish eyesCC Madhya 24.235
jana-netra-rasa-āyana very pleasing to the eyes of everyoneCC Madhya 21.131
ṛta-satya-netram He is the origin of whatever truth is pleasing (sunetram)SB 10.2.26
śata-patra-netra Lord Śrī KṛṣṇaSB 3.1.29
ṛta-satya-netram He is the origin of whatever truth is pleasing (sunetram)SB 10.2.26
sva-netra by your eyesSB 8.7.32
tri-netra of Lord Śiva (who has three eyes)SB 4.4.4
tri-netra Lord ŚivaSB 10.14.19
manaḥ-netra-utsava festival of the mind and eyesCC Madhya 2.75
vivṛtta-netra while moving the eyesSB 3.8.16
48 results
netra noun (masculine neuter) a carriage (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of cloth (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of deer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a pipe-tube (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a river (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a veil (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
an injection pipe (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
conducting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
guiding (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
leading (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the eye (as the guiding organ) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the numeral 2 (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the root of a tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the string by which a churning-stick is whirled round (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 539/72933
netrabastipramāṇapravibhāgacikitsita noun (neuter) name of Suśrutasaṃhitā, Cik. 35
Frequency rank 56740/72933
netrabastivyāpaccikitsita noun (neuter) name of Suśrutasaṃhitā, Cik. 36
Frequency rank 56741/72933
netrabheṣajā noun (feminine) name of a plant
Frequency rank 56742/72933
netrabhūṣaṇa noun (neuter) antimony sauvīra srotoñjana
Frequency rank 28788/72933
netradrāva adjective
Frequency rank 56738/72933
netraja noun (neuter) a tear (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 56737/72933
netraka noun (neuter) an eye
Frequency rank 28787/72933
netrakośa noun (masculine) the eyeball or the bud of a flower (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 36497/72933
netramantra noun (masculine neuter) the mantra oṃ juṃ saḥ
Frequency rank 56743/72933
netramīlā noun (feminine) Autographis Paniculata (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Frequency rank 36498/72933
netrapuṣkarā noun (feminine) a species of creeper (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 56739/72933
netrarogahā noun (feminine) name of a plant
Frequency rank 36499/72933
netrarogāri noun (masculine) rasaka
Frequency rank 56744/72933
netratraya noun (masculine) name of Śiva; trinetra
Frequency rank 12538/72933
netrauṣadha noun (neuter) puṣpakāsīsa
Frequency rank 36500/72933
netravant adjective having an eye
Frequency rank 56745/72933
netraviṣ noun (feminine) excretion of the eye (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 56746/72933
anetra noun (masculine) name of a Devagandharva
Frequency rank 43407/72933
anetra adjective eyeless
Frequency rank 23031/72933
ayugmanetra noun (masculine) having an odd number of eyes (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 26624/72933
ikṣunetra noun (neuter) a kind of sugar-cane (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 46855/72933
ekanetra noun (masculine) (with Śaivas) one of the eight forms of Vidyeśvara (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 33643/72933
kunetraka noun (masculine) name of a Muni (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 27575/72933
kṛṣṇanetra noun (masculine) name of Shiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 50020/72933
khanīnetra noun (masculine) name of the prince Karaṃdhama (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 27747/72933
trinetra noun (masculine) Ārdrā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a prince (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mercury name of different mixtures (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5438/72933
trinetradhā indeclinable twenty-threefold
Frequency rank 53942/72933
dīrghanetra noun (masculine) name of a man
Frequency rank 54534/72933
dṛḍhanetra noun (masculine) name of a son of Viśvāmitra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54876/72933
dharmanetra noun (masculine) name of Agastya name of a grandson of Dhṛtarāṣṭra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Haihaya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Suvrata (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Taṃsu and father of Duṣmanta (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14966/72933
padmanetra noun (masculine) a species of bird (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a future Buddha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 57093/72933
puṣpanetra noun (neuter) a kind of catheter (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 37014/72933
phaṇinetra noun (masculine) sarpākṣī
Frequency rank 37543/72933
raktanetra noun (masculine) a kind of bird
Frequency rank 63186/72933
vaṃśanetra noun (neuter) a kind of sugar-cane (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the root of cane (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 64976/72933
vāmanetra noun (neuter) a mystical name of the vowel ī (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 22210/72933
satyanetra noun (masculine) name of a ṛṣi (son of Atri) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 40331/72933
sanetraka adjective
Frequency rank 68779/72933
sahasranetra noun (masculine) name of Indra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Vishnu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 15307/72933
sunetra noun (neuter) [Sāṃkhya] one of the nine tuṣṭis
Frequency rank 40962/72933
sunetra noun (masculine) name of a Cakravāka (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Māraputra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Dhṛtarāṣṭra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Suvrata (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of the 13th Manu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Vainateya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 22655/72933
sunetraka noun (masculine) name of a Yogin
Frequency rank 70918/72933
sūryanetra noun (masculine) name of a son of Garuḍa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 72026/72933
haranetra noun (neuter) a symbolical expression for the number "three" (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Śiva's eye (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 72337/72933
harinetra noun (neuter) a white lotus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
an eye of a greenish colour (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the eye of Viṣṇu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 72379/72933
hiraṇyanetra noun (masculine) the demon Hiraṇyākṣa
Frequency rank 22774/72933
hemanetra noun (masculine) name of a Yakṣa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 41475/72933


eye salves, galena; 1. the act of applying an ointment or pigment; embellishing; black pigment or collyrium applied to the eyelashes or the rim of the eyelid; 2. stibnite (black antimony); 3. fine semisolids of drugs to be applied with an instrument (netra śalāka)


penetrating oil; a medicinal preparation applied into nostrils to improve the perception of senses and in several diseases that affect the head including grey hair, facial paralysis.


Go to netra.


Go to netra.


large eyes, a characteristic of majjadhātusāra puruṣa, person with predominance of marrow.


Go to netra.


eye; netraadhimāṃsa pterygium, a benign growth of the conjunctiva.


infective conjuctivitis


eye-drops prepared by dissolving the specified drugs (sphaṭika, karpūra) in water or decoctions (kaṣāya).


eye ball.


eye disease.


chronic dacrocystitis, epiphora or overflow of tears onto the face.


flower tube; a kind of catheter; a disease affecting the female reproductive system.

Wordnet Search
"netra" has 26 results.



netrābhyāṃ nirmītā mudrā।

naṭāḥ nṛtyādiṣu netramudrayā bhāvān prakaṭayati।


andhaḥ, andhakaḥ, acakṣūḥ, vicakṣūḥ, gatākṣaḥ, anakṣaḥ, dṛṣṭihīnaḥ, netrahīnaḥ, cakṣuhīnaḥ   


śyāmaḥ andhaṃ janaṃ mārgapāraṃ nayati।


candraḥ, kalānāthaḥ, kalādharaḥ, himāṃśuḥ, candramāḥ, kumudabāndhavaḥ, vidhuḥ, sudhāṃśuḥ, śubhrāṃśuḥ, oṣadhīśaḥ, niśāpatiḥ, abjaḥ, jaivātṛkaḥ, glauḥ, mṛgāṅkaḥ, dvijarājaḥ, śaśadharaḥ, nakṣatreśaḥ, kṣapākaraḥ, doṣākaraḥ, niśīthinīnāthaḥ, śarvarīśaḥ, eṇāṅkaḥ, śītaraśmiḥ, samudranavanītaḥ, sārasaḥ, śvetavāhanaḥ, nakṣatranāmiḥ, uḍupaḥ, sudhāsūtiḥ, tithipraṇīḥ, amatiḥ, candiraḥ, citrāṭīraḥ, pakṣadharaḥ, rohiṇīśaḥ, atrinetrajaḥ, pakṣajaḥ, sindhujanmā, daśāśvaḥ, māḥ, tārāpīḍaḥ, niśāmaṇiḥ, mṛgalāñchanaḥ, darśavipat, chāyāmṛgadharaḥ, grahanemiḥ, dākṣāyaṇīpati, lakṣmīsahajaḥ, sudhākaraḥ, sudhādhāraḥ, śītabhānuḥ, tamoharaḥ, tuśārakiraṇaḥ, pariḥ, himadyutiḥ, dvijapatiḥ, viśvapsā, amṛtadīdhitiḥ, hariṇāṅkaḥ, rohiṇīpatiḥ, sindhunandanaḥ, tamonut, eṇatilakaḥ, kumudeśaḥ, kṣīrodanandanaḥ, kāntaḥ, kalāvān, yāminījatiḥ, sijraḥ, mṛgapipluḥ, sudhānidhiḥ, tuṅgī, pakṣajanmā, abdhīnavanītakaḥ, pīyūṣamahāḥ, śītamarīciḥ, śītalaḥ, trinetracūḍāmaṇiḥ, atrinetrabhūḥ, sudhāṅgaḥ, parijñāḥ, sudhāṅgaḥ, valakṣaguḥ, tuṅgīpatiḥ, yajvanāmpatiḥ, parvvadhiḥ, kleduḥ, jayantaḥ, tapasaḥ, khacamasaḥ, vikasaḥ, daśavājī, śvetavājī, amṛtasūḥ, kaumudīpatiḥ, kumudinīpatiḥ, bhūpatiḥ, dakṣajāpatiḥ, oṣadhīpatiḥ, kalābhṛt, śaśabhṛt, eṇabhṛt, chāyābhṛt, atridṛgjaḥ, niśāratnam, niśākaraḥ, amṛtaḥ, śvetadyutiḥ, hariḥ   

khagolīyapiṇḍaḥ yaḥ pṛthvīṃ paribhramati।

adhunā mānavaḥ candrasya pṛṣṭhabhāgaṃ gatvā saṃśodhanaṃ karoti।


cakṣuḥ, locanam, nayanam, netram, īkṣaṇam, akṣi, dṛk, dṛṣṭiḥ, ambakam, darśanam, tapanam, vilocanam, dṛśā, vīkṣaṇam, prekṣaṇaṃ, daivadīpaḥ, devadīpaḥ, dṛśiḥ, dśī   


tasyāḥ cakṣuṃṣī mṛgīvat staḥ।


nalikā, nāḍī, nālī, netram, suṣiḥ   

yā svasmin vastūni sthāpayitvā anyatra nayati।

dhamanirūpā nalikā hṛdayaṃ prati raktaṃ vahati tataḥ apanayati ca।


aśru, asru, aśram, asram, bāṣpaḥ, netrāmbu, netrajalam, netrodakam, netrajam, locam   

ānande duḥkhe pīḍāyāṃ vā nayanayoḥ āgataḥ dravapadārthaḥ।

tasya kathāṃ śrutvā aśrūṇi āgatāni mama netrayoḥ।



dṛṣṭidoṣadūrīkaraṇārthe upayuktaṃ upakaraṇam।

mama upanetrasya mānāṅkaḥ avardhata।


netrapaṭalam, paṭalam, kācaḥ, liṅganāśaḥ, nirjharaḥ   

netrarogaviśeṣaḥ- yasmin netrasthe dīptopale paṭalam āgacchati।

śāsakīyām ārogyaśālāyāṃ netrapaṭalasya nidānaṃ niḥśulkaṃ kriyate।


dvādaśa, sūrya, māsa, rāśi, saṃkrānti, guhabāhu, sārikoṣṭha, guhanetra, rājamaṇḍala   

dvyādhikā daśa।

naukāyāṃ dvādaśāḥ puruṣāḥ santi।


netracchadaḥ, netrapaṭaḥ, āḍambaraḥ   

avayavaviśeṣaḥ, netre chādyate anena iti।

netrarakṣaṇārthe netracchadaḥ।


vṛścikālī, vṛścipatrī, viṣaghnī, nāgadantikā, sarpadaṃśaṣṭrā, amarā, kālī, uṣṭradhūsarapucchikā, viṣāṇī, netrarogahā, uṣṭrikā, aliparṇī, dakṣiṇāvartakī, kālikā, āgamāvartā, devalāṅgūlikā, karabhī, bhūrīdugdhā, karkaśā, svarṇadā, yugmaphalā, kṣīraviṣāṇikā, bhāsurapuṣpā   

kṣupaviśeṣaḥ, yasya tīkṣṇapatrāṇāṃ daṃśaḥ vṛścikavat dāhakaḥ asti (āyurvede asya hṛdraktaśuddhikārīkatvaṃ raktapittavibandhārocakāpahatvam ityādi guṇāḥ proktāḥ);

atra vṛścikālī samudbhūtā/

vṛścikālī viṣaghnī tu kāsamārutanāśinī [rājavallabhaḥ]



netrasya rogaḥ।

niśāndhatā ekaḥ netrarogaḥ।


kajjalam, añjanam, kāpotaḥ, tuttham, jalambalam, netrarañjanam, netrāñjanam, yāmunam, rūpyam   

dīpajyoteḥ upari kṣaṇamātraṃ dhṛte pātrasya tale yā maṣiḥ jāyate tathā ca yā netrarañjanārtham upayujyate।

lalanāyāḥ netre kajjalena śobhete।


sunayana, cārulocana, lalitalocana, sunetra   

yasya netrau śobhanīyau staḥ।

gītāyāḥ putraḥ sunayanaḥ asti।


puṇḍarīkam, sitāmbhojam, śatapatram, mahāpadmam, sitāmbujam, śvetapadmam, śvetavārijam, sitābjam, harinetram, śaratpadmam, śāradam, śambhuvallabham   

śvetavarṇayuktaṃ padmam।

gītayā bhagavataḥ mūrtaye puṇḍarīkam arpitam।



viśvāmitrasya caturṣu putreṣu ekaḥ।

dṛḍhanetrasya varṇanaṃ vālmikīrāmāyaṇe prāpyate।


somaḥ, candraḥ, śaśāṅkaḥ, induḥ, mayaṅkaḥ, kalānidhiḥ, kalānāthaḥ, kalādharaḥ, himāṃśuḥ, candramāḥ, kumudabāndhavaḥ, vidhuḥ, sudhāṃśuḥ, śubhrāṃśuḥ, oṣadhīśaḥ, niśāpatiḥ, abjaḥ, jaivātṛkaḥ, somaḥ, glauḥ, mṛgāṅkaḥ, dvijarājaḥ, śaśadharaḥ, nakṣatreśaḥ, kṣapākaraḥ, doṣākaraḥ, niśīthinīnāthaḥ, śarvarīśaḥ, eṇāṅkaḥ, śītaraśmiḥ, samudranavanītaḥ, sārasaḥ, śvetavāhanaḥ, nakṣatranāmiḥ, uḍupaḥ, sudhāsūtiḥ, tithipraṇīḥ, amatiḥ, candiraḥ, citrāṭīraḥ, pakṣadharaḥ, rohiṇīśaḥ, atrinetrajaḥ, pakṣajaḥ, sindhujanmā, daśāśvaḥ, māḥ, tārāpīḍaḥ, niśāmaṇiḥ, mṛgalāñchanaḥ, darśavipat, chāyāmṛgadharaḥ, grahanemiḥ, dākṣāyaṇīpati, lakṣmīsahajaḥ, sudhākaraḥ, sudhādhāraḥ, śītabhānuḥ, tamoharaḥ, tuśārakiraṇaḥ, pariḥ, himadyutiḥ, dvijapatiḥ, viśvapsā, amṛtadīdhitiḥ, hariṇāṅkaḥ, rohiṇīpatiḥ, sindhunandanaḥ, tamonut, eṇatilakaḥ, kumudeśaḥ, kṣīrodanandanaḥ, kāntaḥ, kalāvān, yāminījatiḥ, sijraḥ, mṛgapipluḥ, sudhānidhiḥ, tuṅgī, pakṣajanmā, abdhīnavanītakaḥ, pīyūṣamahāḥ, śītamarīciḥ, śītalaḥ, trinetracūḍāmaṇiḥ, atrinetrabhūḥ, sudhāṅgaḥ, parijñāḥ, sudhāṅgaḥ, valakṣaguḥ, tuṅgīpatiḥ, yajvanāmpatiḥ, parvvadhiḥ, kleduḥ, jayantaḥ, tapasaḥ, khacamasaḥ, vikasaḥ, daśavājī, śvetavājī, amṛtasūḥ, kaumudīpatiḥ, kumudinīpatiḥ, bhūpatiḥ, dakṣajāpatiḥ, oṣadhīpatiḥ, kalābhṛt, śaśabhṛt, eṇabhṛt, chāyābhṛt, atridṛgjaḥ, niśāratnam, niśākaraḥ, amṛtaḥ, śvetadyutiḥ   


patitaṃ somamālokya brahmā lokapitāmahaḥ[śa.ka]


nayanaramya, nayanābhirāma, netrasukha   

yad nayanebhyaḥ kṛte ramyam asti।

pathi naikāni nayanaramyāṇi dṛśyāni āsīt।


rudrajaṭā, raudrī, jaṭā, rudrā, saumyā, sugandhā, suvahā, ghanā, īśvarī, rudralatā, supatrā, sugandhapatrā, surabhiḥ, patravallī, jaṭāvallī, rudrāṇī, netrapuṣkarā, mahājaṭā, jaṭārudrā   


rudrajaṭāyāḥ parṇāni mayūraśikhāyāḥ parṇāni iva bhavanti।



dhṛtarāṣṭrasya putraḥ।

sunetrasya varṇanaṃ mahābhārate prāpyate।



trayodaśatamasya manoḥ putraḥ।

sunetrasya varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu dṛśyate।


kṛṣṇanetrapaṭalam, kṛṣṇapaṭalam, kṛṣṇakācaḥ, kṛṣṇaliṅganāśaḥ, kṛṣṇanirjharaḥ   

netrarogaviśeṣaḥ- yasmin netrasthe dīptopale kṛṣṇapaṭalam āgacchati।

cikitsakānāṃ matena bhārate andhatvasya pramukhaṃ kāraṇaṃ kṛṣṇanetrapaṭalam asti।



ekaḥ rājaputraḥ ।

trinetrasya ullekhaḥ matsyapurāṇe vartate



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

netratribhāgabrahmayaśasvinaḥ ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ rājaputraḥ ।

trinetrasya ullekhaḥ matsyapurāṇe vartate



ekaḥ parvataḥ ।

dhūmanetrasya ullekhaḥ divyāvadāne asti

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