ab | for words beginning thus See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ab-indhana-, ab-ja-, etc.  |
ābandh | P. -badhnāti- (imperfect tense /ābadhnāt- ; perfect tense -babandha-) A1. (perfect tense -bedh/e- ;Inf. ā-b/adhe- ) to bind or tie on, tie to one's self etc. ; to join, bind together, combine, resume ; to take hold of, seize ; to adhere closely to, be constant ; to fix one's eye or mind on ; to effect, produce ; to bring to light, show  |
abandhaka | m. Name of a man, and (m. plural ) his descendants, (gaRa upakādi-.)  |
abhaya | mfn. fearless, undaunted  |
abhijana | m. descendants  |
ābhijita | mfn. a descendant of abhi-jit-  |
ābhijitya | mfn. a descendant of abhi-jit-  |
abhikrośaka | m. a reviler (nindaka-)  |
abhimand | P. (3. plural Aorist -/amandiṣuḥ-) to gladden ; A1. (2. sg. -mandase-) to be pleased with, enjoy (with locative case) (see abhi-mad-above.)  |
ābhimanyava | m. a descendant of abhi-manyu-  |
abhinahana | n. a bandage (over the eyes)  |
abhinand | to please ; to rejoice at, salute, welcome, greet, hail ; to praise, applaud, approve (often with na- negative"to refuse") ; to acknowledge: Caus. -nandayati-, to gladden  |
abhinandya | mfn. equals abhi-nandanīya-  |
abhinnātman | mfn. "of undaunted spirit", firm.  |
abhipṝ | (Imper. 2. sg. -pṛṇīhi-) to fill up ; -pūryate-, to become full or abundant : Causal -pūrayati-, to make full, fill etc. ; to load with ; to cover with (as with arrows) ; to present with (instrumental case) ; (said of sorrows, etc.) to fill the heart of any one, overwhelm ; to accomplish  |
abhipramand | (1. and 2. sg. A1. -mande-, -mandase-; perf. P.3. plural -mand/uḥ-) to gladden ; P. (Imper. 2. sg. -manda-) to confuse, infatuate  |
abhipratārin | m. Name of a descendant of kakṣa-sena-  |
ābhipratāriṇa | m. a descendant of abhi-pratārin-  |
abhirāmamaṇi | n. Name of a drama of sundaramiśra- (see )  |
abhisaṃdhā | f. "speech, declaration"(only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' see anṛtābhisandha-and satyābhisandha-).  |
abhiskand | (perf. -caskanda-) to ascend |
abhiṣyand | ( syand-), -syandate- (or also -ṣyandate-,if said intransitively of lifeless objects ) to run towards or along (generally said of liquids) (perf. -siṣyade-,said of a plant growing or running along the stem and branches of a tree), etc.  |
abhiṣyanda | m. great increase or enlargement (Cf. pittābhiṣyanda-, raktābh-, vātābh-, śleṣmābh-)  |
abhisyanda | m. great increase or enlargement (Cf. pittābhiṣyanda-, raktābh-, vātābh-, śleṣmābh-)  |
abhitaścara | m. plural the attendants, retinue  |
abhitṛd | -tṛṇatti- (Imper. 2. sg. -tṛndhi-[for tṛnd-dhi-]; Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. -t/ardas- ) to burst open, open, procure (waters) by bursting (the clouds) or by boring (id est digging a well) etc. ; to procure (v/ājam-, v/ājān-, g/āḥ-, gandharv/am-) ; annādyam-, etc. etc.: Desiderative (subjunctive 3. plural -t/itṛtsān-) to try to open  |
abhitti | mfn. having no walls id est no solid foundation  |
abhivādaka | mfn. having the intention to salute, N. (see abhi-vandaka-)  |
abhivid | to find, obtain : A1. (3. plural -vindate-) to know  |
abhiyujyamāna | mfn. (in law) being persecuted (as a defendant) .  |
abhiyukta | mfn. (in law) accused, charged, prosecuted, a defendant  |
ābhrya | mf. a descendant of abhra- ([ ]), belonging to or being in the air ([ ])  |
abhyāvartin | m. Name of a king (son of cāyamāna- and descendant of pṛthu-)  |
ācāra | m. custom, practice, usage, traditional or immemorial usage (as the foundation of law)  |
ācchṛd | ( ā-chṛd-), -cchṛṇatti- (imperative 3. plural -cchṛndantu-) to pour upon, fill (see /an-āchṛṇṇa-.)  |
ācchuka | m. (equals ākṣika-,m.) the plant Morinda Tinctoria  |
acyuta | m. of a physician, the plant Morinda Tinctoria  |
āḍambara | m. (the war-drum personified) Name of a being in the retinue of skanda-  |
adharma | m. Name of an attendant of the sun  |
ādhi | m. foundation  |
adhicara | mfn. redundant, superfluous,  |
adhidanta | m. a redundant tooth  |
adhika | mfn. abundant  |
adhika | mfn. supernumerary, redundant  |
adhika | mfn. secondary, inferior  |
adhika | n. surplus, abundance, redundancy, hyperbole  |
adhikadanta | m. a redundant tooth which grows over another (see adhi-danta-.)  |
adhikadina | n. a redundant id est an intercalated day (see adhi-dina-.)  |
adhikākṣara | mfn. having a redundant syllable,  |
adhikāṅga | mf(ī-)n. having some redundant member or members  |
adhikarddhi | (ṛd-) mfn. abundantly prosperous.  |
adhikatā | f. addition, excess, redundancy, preponderance.  |
adhikopama | mfn. containing a redundant simile,  |
ādhikya | n. (fr. adhika-), excess, abundance, superabundance, high degree  |
adhivid | cl.6 P. -vindati-, to obtain, to marry in addition to.  |
ādhvarāyaṇa | m. a descendant of adhvara- (= the second vasu-) gaRa naḍādi- ([ ]) .  |
adhyāsa | m. an appendage  |
adhyūḍha | mfn. abundant  |
aditi | f. boundlessness, immensity, inexhaustible abundance, unimpaired condition, perfection, creative power, Name of one of the most ancient of the Indian goddesses ("Infinity"or the"Eternal and Infinite Expanse" , often mentioned in ,daughter of dakṣa- and wife of kaśyapa-, mother of the āditya-s and of the gods)  |
ādityavāra | m. Sunday, n. 1  |
advaitānanda | m. equals advayānanda- q.v  |
āgastī | f. a female descendant of agastya- commentator or commentary  |
agasti | m. plural the descendants of agastya-  |
agastī | f. a female descendant of agastya-  |
āgastīya | m. plural the descendants of agastya-  |
āgastya | m. (gaRa gargādi- q.v) a descendant of Agasti etc.  |
āgastya | m. plural (see gaRa kaṇvādi-) the descendants of Agasti  |
aghamarṣaṇa | m. Name of the author of that prayer, son of madhucchandas- |
aghamarṣaṇa | m. (plur.) his descendants  |
āghamarṣaṇa | m. a descendant of agha-marṣaṇa- (q.v)  |
āghāṭa | m. boundary  |
āgneya | m. Name of skanda-  |
agnibhū | m. skanda-  |
agnijanman | m. "fire-born", skanda-, god of war.  |
agniputra | m. "agni-'s son", Name (also title or epithet) of skanda-,  |
āgniśarmāyaṇa | m. a descendant of agniśarman-, (gaṇa-s naḍādi-and bāhv-ādi-,qq. vv.)  |
āgniveśi | m. a descendant of agniveśa-  |
āgniveśya | m. Name of a teacher (descendant of agniveśa-) ( )  |
āgrāyaṇa | m. (gaRa naḍādi- q.v) "descendant of agra-", Name of a grammarian  |
ahalyāhrada | m. Name of a lake (see )  |
āhārya | m. a kind of bandage  |
ahicumbaka | m. Name of a man, and ahicumbakāyani ahicumbakāyani- m. a descendant of his  |
āhiṃsāyana | m. (fr. āhiṃsi- gaRa taulvalyādi- ), a descendant of āhiṃsi-.  |
āhiṃsi | m. a descendant of ahiṃsā-.  |
ahiśuṣmasatvan | m. one whose attendants (the marut-s) hiss like serpents (Name of indra-) ([the pada- as well as the saṃhitā- Text takes ahiśuṣma-as a vocative case by itself, and translates accordingly]) .  |
ahraya | mfn. abundant  |
āhūtaprapalāyin | m. a defendant or witness absconding or not appearing when summoned  |
aibhāvata | m. a descendant of ibhāvat-, Name of pratīdarśa-  |
aiḍa | m. plural the descendants or family of purūravas- (see aila-.)  |
aiḍaviḍa | m. a descendant of iḍa-viḍā-, Name of kuvera-  |
aikādaśākṣa | m. a descendant of ekādaśākṣa-.  |
aikalava | mf(ī-)n. (fr. aikalavya-. ) belonging to a descendant of eka-lū-.  |
aikalavya | mf(vī-). a descendant of eka-lū-, gaRa gargādi-  |
aikāṅkāyana | m. a descendant of ekāṅka-.  |
aikāyana | m. a descendant of eka- gaRa naḍādi-  |
aikṣvāka | mf(ī-). a son or descendant of ikṣvāku-  |
aila | m. (fr. ilā- equals iḍā-), a descendant of ilā-, Name of purūravas- (see 1. aiḍ/a-)  |
aila | m. plural the descendants or family of purūravas-  |
aila | n. plenty or abundance of food or refreshment  |
ailākya | m. a descendant of elāka- gaRa gargādi-  |
ailavila | m. or ailaviḍa- (see aiḍaviḍa-) a descendant of ilavila-, Name of dilīpa-  |
ailavila | m. a descendant of ilavilā-, Name of kuvera-  |
ailika | m. a descendant of ilinī-, Name of jaṃsu- (father of duṣyanta-)  |
ailūṣa | m. a descendant of ilūṣa-, Name of kavaṣa- (author of a Vedic hymn)  |
aindhana | mfn. (fr. indhana-), produced from fuel (as fire)  |
aindhāyana | m. a descendant of indha- gaRa 1. raḍādi- )  |
aindradyumni | m. a descendant of indradyumna-, Name of janaka-  |
aindrahavya | m. a descendant of indrahū- gaRa gargādi-  |
aindralājya | mfn. a descendant of indralājī- gaRa kurv-ādi- ( reads indrajāli-).  |
aindraseni | m. a descendant of indra-sena  |
aindrāyaṇa | m. a descendant of indra-  |
aindri | m. a descendant of indra-  |
aindroti | m. a descendant of indrota-  |
aindumateya | m. a descendant of indumatī-, Name of daśaratha-  |
airaṃmada | mfn. a descendant of agni-, Name of devamuni- (author of a Vedic hymn)  |
airāvata | m. (fr. irā-vat-), a descendant of irā-vat-  |
aiśi | m. patronymic of skanda-, .  |
aiṣukāri | m. a descendant of iṣu-kāra-  |
aiṣumata | m. a descendant of iṣu-mat-, Name of trāta-  |
aiśvari | m. a descendant of īśvara-, Name of a ṛṣi-.  |
aitareya | m. a descendant of itara- or itarā-, Name of mahidāsa- (author of a brāhmaṇa- and āraṇyaka- called after him)  |
aitaśāyana | m. a descendant of aitaśa-  |
aitihāsika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. iti-hāsa-), derived from ancient legends, legendary, historical, traditional  |
aitikāyana | m. a descendant of itika- gaRa naḍādi-  |
aitiśāyana | m. a descendant of itiśa- gaRa naḍādi-  |
aja | m. Name of a descendant of viśvāmitra-, and of daśaratha-'s or dīrghabāhu-'s father  |
āja | m. a descendant of aja-  |
ajaka | m. Name of a descendant of purūravas-  |
ājakrandaka | mfn. belonging to the aja-kranda- people  |
ājakrandi | m. a descendant of an ājakrandaka- man or prince  |
ājamārya | m. a descendant of aja-māra-, (gaRa kurv-ādi- q.v)  |
ājamīḍha | m. a descendant of aja-mīḍha-  |
ājamīḍhi | m. a descendant of aja-mīḍha-  |
ājamīḷha | m. a descendant of aja-mīḍha-  |
ājātaśatrava | m. "a descendant of ajāta-śatru-"Name of bhadrasena- |
ājavasteya | m. a descendant of an aja-vasti- man or prince, (gaRa gṛṣṭy-ādi-and śubhrādi- q.v)  |
ājāyana | m. a descendant of aja-, (gaRa naḍādi- q.v)  |
ājīgarti | m. (gaRa bāhv-ādi- q.v) a descendant of ajīgarta- (q.v), śunaḥśepa-  |
ājihīna | m. plural his descendants.  |
ajina | n. the hairy skin of a tiger, etc. m. Name of a descendant of pṛthu-  |
ajina | m. Name of a descendant of pṛthu-  |
ājireya | m. a descendant of ajira-, (gaRa śubhrādi-, q.v)  |
ajita | m. the second of the arhat-s or saints of the present (jaina-) avasarpiṇī-, a descendant of ikṣvāku-  |
ajita | m. the attendant of suvidhi- (who is the ninth of those arhat-s)  |
ājya | m. a descendant of aja-, (gaRa gargādi- q.v)  |
ākara | m. one who scatters id est distributes abundantly  |
ākaśāpeya | m. a descendant of akaśāpa-, (gaRa śubhrādi- q.v)  |
ākhaṇḍala | m. Name of śiva-  |
ākṝ | (2. sg. subjunctive -kir/āsi-and imperative -kirā-; parasmE-pada f. -kir/antī-) to scatter or sprinkle over, give abundantly  |
ākrand | P. -krandati- (Aorist 3. plural ākrandiṣuḥ- ) to shout out ; to invoke, call for help : P. A1. to cry with sorrow, lament, weep etc.: Causal (imperative 2. sg. -krandaya-) to inspire (courage) by its sound (as a drum) ; (parasmE-pada -krand/ayat-) to shout at, roar at ; to cry without interruption : to cause to lament or weep  |
ākranda | m. "a friend or protector"[only negative anākranda an-ākranda- mf(ā-)n."not having on whom to call for help","without a protector" ]  |
akṣamālā | f. Name of arundhatī-, wife of vasiṣṭha- (from her wearing a rosary)  |
akṣata | n. Name of the descendants of surabhi-  |
akṣayā | f. the seventh day of a lunar month, if it fall on Sunday or Monday  |
ākṣika | m. the tree Morinda Tinctoria  |
akṣobhyatīrtha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a disciple of A1nanda-ti1rtha (quod vide),  |
akula | (in astronomy) Name (also title or epithet) of Sunday, Monday, Thursday, and Saturday  |
alābukeśvara | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
ālambana | n. foundation, base  |
ālambāyana | mf(ī-)n. a descendant of ālamba-  |
ālasa | mfn. (fr. a-lasa- gaRa vidādi- ), a descendant of a-lasa-.  |
ālasāyana | m. (gaRa haritādi- ), a descendant of alasa-.  |
alātākṣī | f. "having fiery eyes", Name of one of the mothers in skanda-'s retinue  |
ālīḍheya | m. ( ) a descendant of ālīḍha-.  |
āligavya | m. (fr. aligu- ), a descendant of aligu-.  |
āligavyāyanī | ( ) f. (fr. aligu- ), a descendant of aligu-.  |
ālinda | m. a terrace before a house, a raised place or terrace for sleeping upon (see alinda-.)  |
ālohāyana | m. (gaRa naḍādi- ), a descendant of aloha-.  |
alpāmbutīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
alpaprajas | mfn. having few descendants or few subjects.  |
amā | (3. mā-) f. (equals a-pramāṇa-) not an authority, not a standard of action  |
āmalaka | m. another plant, Gendarussa Vulgaris  |
amānava | mfn. "not human, superhuman", and"not being a descendant of manu-"  |
amandam | ind. (in compound amanda--) intensely  |
amarapuṣpa | m. the plants Saccharum Spontaneum, Pandanus Odoratissimus and Magnifera Indica.  |
amarapuṣpaka | m. the plants Saccharum Spontaneum, Pandanus Odoratissimus and Magnifera Indica.  |
amāvasu | m. Name of a prince (a descendant of purūravas-) |
ambarīṣa | m. Name of a rājarṣi- (son of the king Vrishagir, and composer of the hymns ) , of a descendant of manu- vaivasvata- and son of nābhāga- (celebrated for his devotion to viṣṇu-) Name of a rājarṣi- (descendant of sagara- and ancestor of daśaratha-)  |
āmbhi | mfn. a descendant of ambhas-, (gaRa bāhvādi- )  |
ambikā | f. of one of the mothers in skanda-'s retinue  |
ambikākhaṇḍa | m. n. Name (also title or epithet) of a chapter of the  |
ambikāmāhātmya | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a chapter of the  |
āmbikeya | m. (gaRa śubhrādi- ), a descendant of ambikā-  |
amitāśanā | f. "immoderate in eating", Name (also title or epithet) of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-,  |
āmitauji | m. a descendant of amitaujas-, (gaRa bāhv-ādi- )  |
āmitrāyaṇi | m. a descendant of a-mitra-  |
āmitri | m. a descendant of a-mitra-  |
amogha | m. of skanda-  |
amogha | m. of a minister of an asura- king at war with kārttikeya-  |
amoghā | f. of one of the mothers in kanda-'s suite  |
amokṣa | m. want of freedom, bondage confinement  |
amokṣa | m. non liberation (from mundane existence).  |
āmragupta | m. Name of a man ( āmraguptāyani guptāyani-and gupti- m.a descendant of āmra-gupta- )  |
āṃśa | m. a descendant of aṃśa- commentator or commentary on  |
aṃśāṃśa | m. part of a portion (of a deity), secondary incarnation.  |
āmūrtarayasa | m. a descendant of amūrta-rayas-  |
āmuṣyāyaṇa | mf(ī-)n. (gaRa naḍādi- ), a descendant of such a one etc.  |
āmuṣyāyaṇa | m. a son or descendant of an illustrious person  |
ānabhimlāna | m. a descendant of an-abhimlāna-  |
ānabhimlāta | m. a descendant of an-abhimlāta-  |
ānaḍuhya | m. a descendant of the muni- anaḍuh- ([ ])  |
ānand | P. -nandati-, to rejoice, be delighted : Causal P. -nandayati-, to gladden ; to bless : A1. -nandayate-, to amuse one's self.  |
ānandamaya | n. (scilicet brahman-) the supreme spirit (as consisting of pure happiness see ānanda-above )  |
ānandaprabhava | m. the universe (as proceeding from ānanda- = brahman- )  |
ānandāśru | n. equals ānanda-jala- above.  |
ānandatīrtha | m. equals ānanda-giri- (?) .  |
anaṅgamaṅgala | Name (also title or epithet) of a bāṇa- by Sundara Kavi  |
anāsrava | mfn. free from mundane inclinations,  |
anāsravaprakāra | mfn. free from the various kinds of mundane inclinations, .  |
anatireca | n. not abundance  |
anatirikta | mfn. not abundant  |
and | cl.1 P. andati-, to bind  |
aṇḍa | n. Name of śiva- (from his being identified with the brahmāṇḍa- or mundane egg).  |
aṇḍakaṭāha | m. the shell of the mundane egg  |
aṇḍakośa | m. the mundane egg.  |
aṇḍakoṣa | m. the mundane egg.  |
aṇḍakoṣaka | m. the mundane egg.  |
andh | cl.10 P. andhayati-, to make blind  |
andhāhi | m. (or andhāhika-) a"blind" id est not poisonous snake  |
andhaka | m. of a descendant of yadu- and ancestor of kṛṣṇa- and his descendants  |
andhakaghātin | m. "the slayer or enemy of the asura- andhaka-", Name of śiva-.  |
andhakāri | m. "enemy of the asura- andhaka-", Name of śiva-.  |
andhakaripu | m. "the slayer or enemy of the asura- andhaka-", Name of śiva-.  |
andhakāsuhṛd | m. "enemy of the asura- andhaka-", Name of śiva-.  |
andhakavṛṣṇi | m. plural descendants of andhaka- and vṛṣṇi-.  |
andhambhaviṣṇu | (andham--) mfn. becoming blind  |
andhaṃkaraṇa | (andhaṃ--) mf(ī-)n. making blind.  |
āndhasika | mfn. (fr. 2. andhas-), cooking  |
āndhya | n. (fr. andha- ), blindness  |
aṅga | n. anything inferior or secondary, anything immaterial or unessential, See aṅga-tā-  |
aṅgamantra | m. an unessential or secondary text,  |
aṅgāṅgibhāvasaṃkara | m. confusion of essential and secondary ideas,  |
aṅgāpūrva | n. effect of a secondary sacrificial act  |
aṅgāraparṇa | m. Name of citraratha-, chief of the gandharva-s  |
aṅgārasetu | m. Name of a prince, father of gāndhāra-.  |
aṅgatā | f. a state of subordination or dependance, the being of secondary importance, the being unessential.  |
aṅgatva | n. a state of subordination or dependance, the being of secondary importance, the being unessential.  |
āṅgi | m. a descendant of aṅga-, Name of havirdhāna-  |
aṅgiras | m. Name of a ṛṣi-, author of the hymns of , of a code of laws, and of a treatise on astronomy (he is said by some to have been born from brahmā-'s mouth, and to have been the husband of smṛti-, of śraddhā-, of two daughters of maitreya-, of several daughters of dakṣa-, etc.;he is considered as one of the seven ṛṣi-s of the first manvantara-, as a prajāpati-, as a teacher of the brahmavidyā-, which he had learnt from satyavāha-, a descendant of bharadvāja-, etc. Among his sons, the chief is agni-, others are saṃvarta-, utathya-, and bṛhaspati-;among his daughters are mentioned sinīvālī-, kuhū-, rākā-, anumati-, and akūpārā-;but the ṛca-s or Vedic hymns, the manes of haviṣmat-, and mankind itself are styled his offspring. In astronomy he is the planet Jupiter, and a star in Ursa Major)  |
aṅgiras | m. plural (asas-) descendants of aṅgiras- or of agni- (mostly personifications of luminous objects)  |
āṅgirasa | m. a descendant of aṅgiras- (as bṛhatsāman-[ ], cyavana-[ ] , ayāsya-[ ], etc.) etc.  |
āṅgirasī | f. a female descendant of aṅgiras-  |
aṅgulitoraṇa | n. a sectarial mark on the forehead consisting of three fingers or lines shaped like an arch or doorway (toraṇa-), drawn with sandal or the ashes of cow-dung.  |
āṇi | mf. a boundary  |
aṇi | m. a boundary  |
aṇī | f. a boundary  |
āniceya | mf(ī-[ ])n. (according to [fr. ā-ni-ci-],to be gathered from every side;more probably) a descendant of aniceya- ([ ])  |
ānidheya | mf(ī-[ ]) n. a descendant of a-nidheya- ([ ])  |
ānili | m. "a descendant of anila-"  |
āniruddha | m. a descendant of a-niruddha-  |
aniruddha | m. of a descendant of vṛṣṇi-  |
anistīrṇābhiyoga | m. (a defendant) who has not yet (by refutation) got rid of a charge.  |
āṇīveya | m. a descendant of aṇīva-, (gaRa śubhrādi-, q.v)  |
añjanī | f. a woman (fit for the application of ointments, pigments, sandal, etc.)  |
aṅkasaṃjñā | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a work on the numerical value of woeds expressing numerals (by Ra1ma7nanda-ti1rtha)  |
ānṛśaṃsi | mf. ( ) the descendant of a benevolent person  |
anta | m. end, limit, boundary, term  |
anta | mfn. near, handsome, agreeable ([ confer, compare Gothic andeis,Themeandja; German Ende; English end:with anta-are also compared the Greek , ; Latin ante; the Gothic andainanda-vaurd,etc.; and the German ent exempli gratia, 'for example' inentsagen]).  |
antaḥpuracārikā | f. a female attendant in the women's apartments,  |
antaḥpurāvacara | m. an attendant in the women's apartments,  |
antaḥpuravṛddhā | f. an old female attendant in the women's apartments,  |
antaka | m. border, boundary  |
antar | ind. within, between, amongst, in the middle or interior. (As a preposition with locative case) in the middle, in, between, into; (with accusative) between; (with genitive case) in, in the middle. (ifc.) in, into, in the middle of, between, out of the midst of ([ confer, compare Zend $; Latin inter; Gothic undar]).  |
antarāvedī | f. a veranda resting on columns  |
antarupātī | ( i-), -upātyeti- to enter over a threshold or boundary  |
antevāsin | mfn. dwelling near the boundaries, dwelling close by  |
antyaja | m. a man of one of seven inferior tribes (a washerman, currier, mimic, varuḍa-, fisherman, meda- or attendant on women, and mountaineer or forester).  |
āntyāyana | m. a descendant of the above  |
anubandha | m. inseparable adjunct or sign of anything, secondary or symptomatic affection (supervening on the principal disease)  |
anucarā | f. (rarely ā-) a female attendant.  |
ānucāraka | mfn. (fr. anu-cāraka-), belonging to an attendant  |
anucāraka | m. a follower, attendant, (gaRa mahiṣy-ādi- q.v)  |
anucarī | f. a female attendant.  |
anucārikā | f. a female follower or attendant.  |
anūd | ( ud-) (imperfect tense 3. plural anv-aundan-) to wet along  |
anudāttet | m. a verbal root having for its anubandha- the anudātta- accent to indicate that it takes the ātmane-pada- terminations only  |
ānudṛṣṭineya | mf. a descendant of anu-dṛṣṭi-, q.v  |
ānuhārati | mf. a descendant of anu-harat-  |
anujāgṛ | to watch as an attendant.  |
anukṣattṛ | m. a doorkeeper's or charioteer's mate or attendant  |
anuloma | m. plural "descendants of an anulomā-", mixed castes, (gaRa upakādi- q.v)  |
ānūpa | m. a descendant of anūpa-  |
ānurāhati | mf. a descendant of anu-rahat- (see ānuhārati-).  |
anurasa | m. a secondary flavour (as a little sweetness in a sour fruit, etc.)  |
ānurohati | mf. a descendant of anu-rohat- (according to varia lectio for hārati- q.v)  |
ānuṣaṅgika | mf(ī-)n. occasional, unimportant, secondary  |
ānuṣaṅgikatva | n. the being occasional, secondary on  |
anusāraka | mfn. following, attendant on, according or conformable to  |
anusarga | m. secondary creation,  |
anusārin | mfn. following, attendant on, according or conformable to  |
ānusṛṣṭineya | mf. a descendant of anu-sṛṣṭi-  |
ānusṛtineya | mf. a descendant of anu-sṛti-  |
anustaraṇa | m. ( stṛ-), an animal which is fit to be chosen as a secondary victim  |
anuṣyand | ( syand-), Ved. infinitive mood -ṣy/ade- ([ ]) and Causal -syanday/adhyai- ([ ]) , to run along: -syandate- and -ṣyandate- with a differentiation in meaning like that in abhi-ṣyand- q.v  |
anuttarapūjā | confer, compare vandana-), .  |
anūtthātṛ | m. an attendant,  |
anuvaṣaṭkāra | m. a secondary exclamation of vaṣaṭ-.  |
anuvaṣaṭkāravaṣaṭkṛta | n. a secondary exclamation of vaṣaṭ-.  |
anuvaṣaṭkṛ | (1 kṛ-), -karoti- (Potential -kuryāt-) to make a secondary exclamation of vaṣaṭ-  |
anuvellita | n. ( vell-), bandaging, securing with bandages (in surgery)  |
anuvellita | n. a kind of bandage applied to the extremities  |
anuvid | cl.6 P. A1. -vindati-, te-, to find, obtain, discover etc. ; to marry ; to deem  |
anuvyañjana | n. a secondary mark or token |
anuyāja | m. a secondary or final sacrifice  |
anuyājavat | (anuyāj/a--) mfn. having secondary sacrifices  |
anuyātra | f(ā-)n. retinue, attendance  |
anuyātrika | mfn. following, attendant  |
anuyāyin | mfn. a follower, a dependant, attendant  |
anvācaya | m. ( ci-), laying down a rule of secondary importance (after that which is pradhāna-,or primary)  |
anvācaya | m. connecting of a secondary action with the main action (exempli gratia, 'for example' the conjunction ca-is sometimes used anvācaye-).  |
anvācayaśiṣṭa | mfn. propounded as a rule or matter of secondary importance.  |
anvācita | mfn. secondary, inferior.  |
anvaya | m. descendants, race, lineage, family.  |
anve | ( ā-i-) cl.2 P. -aiti-, to come after, to follow as an adherent or attendant  |
anyonyāśraya | m. mutual or reciprocal support or connection or dependance  |
apabhaya | mf(ā-)n. fearless, undaunted.  |
āpageya | m. "a descendant of the river āpagā-", Name of bhīṣma- |
aparapakṣa | m. the other or opposing side, the defendant.  |
aparāparaṇa | m. not having descendants or offspring  |
aparapuruṣa | m. a descendant  |
aparigraha | mfn. destitute of attendants or of a wife  |
aparihvṛta | mfn. unafflicted, not endangered (see ) |
āpastamba | mf(ī-). a descendant of āpastamba- gaRa vidādi- ([ ])  |
āpastambi | m. a descendant of the above. |
apaśubandhayājin | mfn. one who does not perform the paśu-bandha- sacrifice,  |
apatya | n. (fr. /apa-), offspring, child, descendant  |
apatyaśatru | m. "having his descendants for enemies", a crab (said to perish in producing young).  |
apikakṣa | m. Name of a man and m. plural his descendants.  |
apiśala | m. plural the descendants of apiśala-. See āpiśali-.  |
apit | mfn. (in grammar) not having the it- or anu-bandha- p-  |
āplāva | m. flood, inundation  |
āplāvita | mfn. inundated, overflowed  |
āplu | A1. -plavate- (Potential -pluvīta- [ varia lectio ],and -plavet-) to spring or jump towards or over, dance towards or over etc. ; to bathe, wash & etc. ; to immerse one's self etc. ; to bathe, wash another etc. ; to water, bedew, inundate ; to overrun etc.: Causal P. -plāvayati-, to wash or bathe any person or thing, cause to be bathed or washed etc. ; to bathe (one's self) ; to inundate, overwhelm, set in commotion etc. ; to dip, steep : A1. -plāvayate- idem or 'Nom. P. /ā-pruṣāyati-, to besprinkle, bespeckle : A1. (imperfect tense 3. plural -pruṣāy/anta-) idem or '( pru-= plu-) A1. -pravate-, to spring up, jump up.' ' |
āpnavāna | m. a descendant of apnavāna-  |
apradhāna | mfn. not principal, subordinate, secondary  |
aprāgrya | mfn. secondary  |
apramāṇa | n. a rule which is no standard of action  |
āpṛcchya | mfn. to be praised, laudable, commendable  |
apsarāpati | m. "lord of the āpsarasa-s", Name of the gandharva- śikhaṇḍin-  |
apsaras | ās- ([ etc.]) , or ap-sar/ā- ([AV. etc.]), f. (fr. 2. /ap-+ sṛ-),"going in the waters or between the waters of the clouds", a class of female divinities (sometimes called"nymphs";they inhabit the sky, but often visit the earth;they are the wives of the gandharva-s(q.v)and have the faculty of changing their shapes at will;they are fond of the water;one of their number, rambhā-, is said to have been produced at the churning of the ocean).  |
āpsarasa | mf(ī-)n. a descendant of an apsaras-  |
āpta | mfn. abundant, full, complete  |
āptadakṣiṇa | mfn. having proper gifts or furnished with abundant gifts  |
āpti | f. abundance, fortune  |
āpūra | m. flood, flooding, excess, abundance etc.  |
āraddhāyani | m. a descendant of the above.  |
ārakta | n. red sandal-wood  |
ararāka | araraka m. plural the descendants of ararākā- (see ārarākya-.) |
araraka | ararāka m. plural the descendants of ararākā- (see ārarākya-.) |
aratni | m. the elbow (according to the emendation of )  |
aravinda | n. (fr. ara-and vinda- ), a lotus, Nelumbium Speciosum or Nymphaea Nelumbo etc.  |
arbuda | m. Ved. a serpent-like demon (conquered by indra-, a descendant of kadrū- therefore called kādraveya- ;said to be the author of ) etc.  |
arbudamāhātmya | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a chapter of the  |
ārcāyana | m. (fr. ṛc- gaRa naḍādi- ), a descendant of ṛc-  |
ārddha | n. abundance  |
ardhacandanalipta | mfn. half rubbed with sandal  |
ārdhadhātuka | mf(ā-)n. (fr. ardha-dhātu-),"applicable to the shorter form of the verbal base", a technical N. given to the terminations of the perfect tense and bened. and to any Pratyaya (q.v) except the personal terminations of the conjugational tenses in P. and A1., and except the pratyaya-s which have the anubandha- ś-  |
ardhagarbha | m. half a descendant (?)  |
arha | mf(ā-)n. meriting, deserving (praise or blame see pūjārha-, nindārha-), worthy of. having a claim or being entitled to (accusative or infinitive mood or in compound)  |
ārhāyaṇa | mf(ī-)n. (fr. arha- gaRa aśvādi- ), a descendant of arha-.  |
arikta | mfn. abundant  |
ariṣṭā | f. a bandage  |
ariṣṭa | m. Name of durgā-  |
ariṣṭanemi | m. of a gandharva-  |
arjuna | m. plural the descendants of arjuna-  |
arjunakāṇḍa | (/arjuna--) mfn. having a white appendage  |
ārjunāyana | m. (gaRa aśvādi- ) a descendant of arjuna-  |
ārjuni | m. (fr. arjuna- gaRa bāhv-ādi- ), a descendant of arjuna-  |
arka | m. Sunday  |
arkakuṇḍatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
ārkalūṣa | m. (fr. arkalūṣa- gaRa vidādi- ), a descendant of ārkalūṣa-.  |
ārkalūṣāyaṇa | m. (gaRa haritādi- ) a descendant of ārkalūṣa-.  |
ārkalūṣāyaṇi | mf. (gaRa karṇādi- ) a descendant of ārkalūṣa-.  |
arkeṣṭa | n. yellow sandal-wood, .  |
ārki | m. a son or descendant of arka- or the sun  |
ārkṣa | m. a son or descendant of ṛkṣa-  |
ārkṣya | m. (fr. ṛkṣa- gaRa gargādi- ), a descendant of ṛkṣa-.  |
ārkṣyāyaṇī | f. (fr. ṛkṣa- gaRa gargādi- ), a descendant of ṛkṣa-.  |
ārṣabha | m. a descendant of ṛṣabha-  |
ārṣabhi | m. a descendant of ṛṣabha- tīrtha-kṛt-  |
ārṣṭiṣeṇa | m. (fr. ṛṣṭi-ṣeṇa- ), a descendant of ṛṣṭi-ṣeṇa-, Name of devāpi-  |
ārṣyaśṛṅga | m. a descendant of ṛṣya-śṛṅga-  |
ārtabhāga | mf(ī-). (fr. ṛtabhāga- gaRa vidādi- ), a descendant of ṛtabhāga-  |
arthakāraka | m. Name of a son of dyutimat- (varia lectio andha-k- )  |
arthasaṃsambandha | m. connection of the sense with the word or sentence (see -bandha-above)  |
arūḍhamūlatva | n. state of not having taken root, insufficient foundation,  |
āruja | m. Name of a rākṣasa- attendant on rāvaṇa-  |
aruṇāditya | m. one of the twelve shapes of the sun  |
arundhatī | f. the little and scarcely visible star Alcor (belonging to the Great Bear, and personified as the wife of one of its seven chief stars, vasiṣṭha-, or of all the seven, the so-called seven ṛṣi-s;at marriage ceremonies arundhatī- is invoked as a pattern of conjugal excellence by the bridegroom)  |
arundhatīdarśananyāya | m. the rule of the view of the star arundhatī-,  |
arundhatījāni | m. "husband of arundhatī-", vasiṣṭha- (one of the seven ṛṣi-s or saints, and stars in the Great Bear)  |
arundhatīnātha | m. "husband of arundhatī-", vasiṣṭha- (one of the seven ṛṣi-s or saints, and stars in the Great Bear)  |
arundhatīsahacara | m. companion of arundhatī-, vasiṣṭha-.  |
āṣāḍhi | m. a descendant of aṣāḍha-  |
asamañja | m. Name of a descendant of ikṣvāku- (a son of sagara- by keśinī- and father of aṃśumat-)  |
āsamañja | m. a descendant of asamañja-  |
āsaṅgima | m. (in surgery) a kind of bandage  |
āsañjana | n. attaching (an anubandha- to an affix)  |
aśeṣas | mfn. without descendants  |
āsibandhika | m. (fr. asi-bandha- ), a descendant of asi-bandha-.  |
āsīmāntam | ind. extending to the boundary  |
āsināsi | m. (fr. asi-nāsa- gaRa taulvaly-ādi- ), a descendant of asināsa-.  |
asita | m. of a descendant of kaśyapa- (composer of ), named also devala- ([ ]) or asita- devala- ([ ])  |
asitamṛga | m. plural his descendants  |
āskand | P. -skandati-, to leap, skip (See ā-sk/andam-) ; to invade, attack, assault  |
askṛdhoyu | mfn. (see kṛdh/u-), not deficient, abundant  |
aśmagandhā | (/aśma--) f. Name of a plant (see aśva-gandhā-.)  |
āśmāyana | m. a descendant of aśman- |
āśmeya | m. a descendant of aśman-  |
aśokatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
āśokeya | mf(ī-), a descendant of āśokā-  |
āspand | A1. -spandate-, to palpitate, quiver  |
aspandana | mfn. not quivering or moving (see garbhāspandana-.)  |
āśraya | m. dependance, contiguity, vicinity  |
āśrita | m. a dependant, subject, servant, follower  |
āśritatva | n. dependance.  |
āsru | mfn. flowing or streaming in abundance.  |
āsrupayas | mfn. one whose milk is streaming away in abundance (as a cow)  |
aṣṭāṅgārghya | n. an offering of eight articles (water, milk, kuśa- grass, curds, ghee, rice, barley, and mustard;or honey, red oleander flowers, and sandal are substituted for the last three).  |
asti | f. (as-ti- equals s-ti- q.v), Name of a sister of prāpti- (daughter of jarāsandhas- and wife of kaṃsa-)  |
āsurāyaṇa | m. (fr. /āsuri-below) , a descendant of āsuri-  |
asvacchanda | mfn. not self-willed, dependant  |
aśvagopa | m. the attendant of a horse,  |
aśvamedha | (/aśva--) m. Name of a descendant of bharata-  |
āśvamedha | m. a descendant of aśva-medha-  |
āśvapālika | mf. a descendant of aśva-pālī-  |
aśvārohā | f. equals aśva-gandhā- q.v  |
āśvasūkti | m. a descendant of aśva-sūktin-  |
asvatantra | mf(ā-)n. not self-willed, dependant, subject  |
aśvatara | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
aśvāvarohaka | m. equals aśva-gandhā- q.v  |
aśvāvarohikā | f. equals aśva-gandhā- q.v  |
āśvāyana | m. a descendant of aśva-  |
āśveya | m. (gaRa śubhrādi- ), a descendant of aśva-.  |
āsyand | A1. -syandate- (parasmE-pada -sy/andamāna-), to stream or flow towards or near and  |
ātavāyana | m. a descendant of ātava-  |
atharvan | m. plural (/atharvāṇas-). descendants of atharvan-, often coupled with those of aṅgiras- and bhṛgu-  |
ātharvaṇa | m. a descendant of atharvan- or the atharvan-s (as dadhyac-)  |
atharvāṅgiras | m. a member of the sacerdotal race or class called atharvāṅgirasas-, m. plural , id est the descendants of atharvan- and of aṅgiras-, the hymns of the atharva-veda-,  |
atharvavat | ind. like atharvan- or his descendants  |
atī | ( i-) cl.2 P. aty-eti-, -etum-, to pass by, elapse, pass over, overflow ; to pass on ; to get over ; (Vedic or Veda infinitive mood /aty-etavai-), to pass through ; to defer ; to enter ; to overcome, overtake, outdo ; to pass by, neglect ; to overstep, violate ; to be redundant ; to die: Intensive atīyate-, to overcome.  |
atibāhu | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
āticchandasa | n. (fr. /ati-cchandas-), Name of the last of the six days of the pṛṣṭhya- ceremony  |
atidhanvan | m. Name of a Vedic teacher, a descendant of śunaka-  |
atidhṛti | f. Name of a class of metres (belonging to those called aticchandas-,and consisting of four lines, each containing nineteen syllables)  |
atijagatī | f. Name of a class of metres (belonging to those called aticchandas-,and consisting of four lines, each containing thirteen syllables).  |
atikandaka | m. the plant hastikanda-.  |
atipattra | m. the tree hastikanda-.  |
atipravṛtti | f. issuing abundantly.  |
ātiraikya | n. (fr. ati-reka-), superfluity, redundancy (as of limbs)  |
atireka | m. redundancy  |
atīreka | m. redundancy  |
atirikta | mfn. redundant, unequalled  |
atiriktāṅga | mfn. having a redundant limb or finger or toe  |
atiriktāṅga | n. a redundant limb or finger or toe.  |
atiriktatā | f. redundancy, etc.  |
atiśaya | mfn. pre-eminent, superior, abundant  |
atiśayana | mf(ī-)n. eminent, abundant  |
ātiśayika | mfn. (fr. āti-śaya-), superabundant  |
atiṣkand | ( skand-) to cover (said of a bull) ,; to leap or jump over, Vedic or Veda infinitive mood (dative case) ati-ṣk/ade- ; Ved. infinitive mood (ablative) -ṣk/adas- ; to omit ; /an-atiskandat- (mfn.) not omitting anything, uniform  |
atisvinna | mfn. caused to perspire abundantly,  |
ātitheya | m. a descendant of atithi-, (gaRa śubhrādi- q.v)  |
atithi | m. of an attendant on soma-  |
ātithigva | (5) m. a descendant of atithi-gv/a-  |
ativela | mfn. passing the proper boundary, excessive  |
ātmacchandatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
ātmahan | m. a priest in a temple attendant upon an idol (the priest subsisting by appropriating to himself offerings to deities for which future punishment is assigned) |
ātman | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') "the understanding, intellect, mind" See naṣṭātman-, mandā-  |
ātmāśraya | m. dependance, on self or on the supreme spirit  |
āṭṇāra | m. a descendant of aṭṇāra-, Name of para-  |
āṭopa | m. a multitude, redundancy  |
ātreya | m. ( commentator or commentary) a descendant of atri-  |
ātreya | m. a priest who is closely related to the sadasya- (perhaps because this office was generally held by a descendant of atri-)  |
ātreya | m. (for atrayas- m. plural of atri- q.v) the descendants of atri-  |
ātreyāyaṇa | m. a descendant of an ātreya-, (gaRa aśvādi- q.v)  |
ātreyī | f. a female descendant of atri-  |
atri | m. plural (atrayas-) the descendants of atri-.  |
atribhāradvājikā | f. marriage of descendants of atri- with those of bhāradvāja-.  |
aucathya | m. a descendant of ucathya-, Name of dīrghatamas- (equals autathya-below )  |
auccāmanyava | m. a descendant of uccāmanyu-  |
audabhṛjji | m. a descendant of uda-bhṛjja-  |
audabuddhi | m. a descendant of udabuddha- gaRa pailādi-  |
audajñāyani | m. a descendant of udajña- ([ reads udanya-]) gaRa tikādi-  |
audaki | m. a descendant of udaka- gaRa bāhv-ādi-  |
audala | m. a descendant of udala-  |
audamajji | m. a descendant of uda-majja-  |
audameghi | m. a descendant of uda-megha-  |
audañcavi | m. a descendant of udañcu- gaRa bāhv-ādi-  |
audaṅki | m. a descendant of udaṅka- gaRa bāhv-ādi-  |
audanvata | m. a descendant of udanvat- on  |
audanyāyani | m. a descendant of udanya- gaRa tikādi- ([ ])  |
audaśuddhi | m. a descendant of uda-śuddha- gaRa pailādi-  |
audavāhi | m. a descendant of uda-vāha-  |
audavāpi | m. a descendant of uda-vāpa- gaRa raivatikādi- ( reads audavāhi-).  |
audavraji | m. a descendant of uda-vraja-  |
auḍāyana | m. a descendant of uḍa- (?) or of auḍa- ([ ?]), gaRa aiṣukāry-ādi-  |
audbhāri | m. a descendant of ud-bhāra-, Name of khaṇḍika-  |
auddālakāyana | m. a descendant of auddālaki-  |
auddālaki | m. a descendant of uddālaka-, Name of several men  |
audgāhamāni | m. a descendant of udgāhamāna-  |
auḍulomi | m. a descendant of uḍu-loman-, Name of a philosopher  |
audumbarāyaṇa | m. a descendant of udumbara-, Name of a grammarian.  |
audumbarāyaṇi | m. a descendant of the last.  |
augraseni | m. a descendant of ugra-sena-  |
augreya | m. a descendant of ugra- gaRa śubhrādi-  |
aujjāgari | see sundara-- miśtra-, parasmE-pada 1227.  |
aujjihāni | m. a descendant of ujjihāna- gaRa pailādi-  |
aukhīya | m. plural the descendants or pupils of ukha-.  |
aukṣaṇa | m. a descendant of ukṣan-.  |
aukṣṇa | m. a descendant of ukṣan- on  |
aukṣṇa | m. a descendant of ukṣan- on  |
auktha | m. a descendant or pupil of aukthya- gaRa kaṇvādi-  |
aukthya | m. a descendant of uktha- gaRa gargādi-  |
aulūkya | m. a descendant of ulūka- gaRa gargādi-  |
auluṇḍya | m. a descendant of uluṇḍa-, Name of supratīta-  |
aulvaṇya | n. (fr. ulvaṇa-), excess, superabundance (?).  |
aupabāhavi | m. a descendant of upa-bāhu- gaRa bāhv-ādi-  |
aupabindavi | m. a descendant of upa-bindu-  |
aupacandhani | varia lectio for aupajandhani-, column 2.  |
aupacchandasika | mfn. (fr. upa-cchandas-), conformable to the veda-, Vedic  |
aupadhenava | m. a descendant of upadhenu-, Name of a physician  |
aupagava | mf(ī-). a descendant of upagu- on  |
aupagavi | m. a descendant of aupagava-, Name of uddhava-  |
aupajandhani | m. a descendant of upa-jandhani-, Name of a teacher  |
aupajaṅghani | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a teacher (confer, compare jandhani-),  |
aupakārya | n. a preparatory or secondary action,  |
aupakāyana | m. a descendant of upaka-, Name of an author  |
aupamanyava | m. a descendant of upa-manyu-  |
aupapātika | mfn. (fr. upa-pātaka- irregular), one who has committed a secondary crime  |
aupara | m. a descendant of upara-, Name of daṇḍa-  |
aupaśivi | m. a descendant of upa-śiva-, Name of a grammarian.  |
aupatasvini | m. a descendant of upatasvina-, Name of a ṛṣi-  |
aupaveśi | m. a descendant of upa-veśa-, Name of aruṇa-  |
aupāvi | m. a descendant of upāva-, Name of jānaśruteya-  |
aupoditeya | m. a descendant of aupoditī-  |
aupoditi | mf(ī-). a descendant of upodita-  |
aurasāyani | m. a descendant of uras- gaRa tikādi-  |
aurasāyani | m. a descendant of aurasa-  |
aurasi | m. a descendant of uras- (?).  |
aurava | m. a descendant of uru-, Name of the ṛṣi- arga-.  |
aurdāyanī | f. a descendant of urdi- on  |
aurmileya | m. a descendant of urmilā-  |
aurṇanābha | m. a descendant of ūrṇanābha- gaRa śivādi-  |
aurṇavābha | m. a descendant of ūrṇavābhi-, Name of a demon  |
aurṇāvatya | m. (Nominal verb plural vatās-), a descendant of ūrṇāvat-  |
aurukṣayasa | m. a descendant of urukṣaya-s |
aurva | m. a descendant of ūrva-, Name of a ṛṣi- etc.  |
aurvaśeya | m. a descendant of urvaśī-  |
aurvī | f. a female descendant of ūrva- on  |
auṣadaśvi | m. a descendant of oṣadaśva-, Name of vasumat-  |
auśanasa | mf(ī-). a descendant of uśanas-  |
auśata | m. a descendant of uśata-  |
auṣṭrākṣi | m. a descendant of uṣṭrākṣa-, Name of a teacher  |
auṣṭrāyaṇa | m. a descendant of uṣṭra- gaRa arīhaṇādi-  |
autathya | m. a descendant of utathya-, Name of dīrghatamas- (see aucathy/a-above) .  |
autkaṭya | n. excess, superabundance, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
autkṣepa | mf(ī-). a descendant of ut-kṣepa- gaRa śivādi-  |
autsāyana | m. a descendant of utsa- gaRa aśvādi-  |
auttameya | m. a descendant of auttami- |
auttami | m. a descendant of uttama-, Name of the third manu-  |
auttānapāda | m. a descendant of uttāna-pāda-, Name of dhruva- (or the polar star)  |
auttareya | m. a descendant of uttarā-  |
avacūḍa | m. the pendent crest or streamer of a standard,  |
avagraha | m. (equals varṣa pratibandha- ) drought  |
avakrand | (Imper. -krandatu-,2. sg. -kranda-; Aorist -cakradat, 2. sg: cakradas-) to cry out, roar Caus. (Aorist acikradat-) to rush down upon (accusative) with a loud cry  |
avalamba | m. dependance, support, a prop, a stay (see nir-avat-), a perpendicular (see pṛṣṭhyāvat-.)  |
avalambana | n. depending upon, dependance, support etc.  |
avantikhaṇḍa | n. a portion of the skanda-purāṇa-  |
avantīsaras | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
avarapuruṣa | m. a descendant  |
āvartanamaṇi | m. a gem of secondary order (generally known as rājāvarta-)  |
avarudh | P. (Aorist -rudhat-) to obstruct, enclose, contain , (infinitive mood -roddhum-) to check, keep back, restrain , to expel ; -ruṇaddhi-, to seclude, put aside, remove ; to shut in, (Aorist A1. avāruddha-and Passive voice avārodh-) ; to keep anything (accusative,as one's grief) locked up (in one's bosom accusative) ; (ind.p. -rudhya-) to keep one's self (ātmānam-) wrapped up in one's self (ātmani-) ; (imperfect tense avāruṇat-) to confine within, besiege : A1. -rundhe- (for nddhe- ; imperfect tense avārundha- ; ind.p. -r/udhya- ; Ved. infinitive mood -r/udham- and -rudham- ) chiefly Ved. to reach, obtain, gain: P. (parasmE-pada f. -rundhatī-; see anurudh-) to be attached to, like : Desid.A. -rurutsate-, Vedic or Veda to wish to obtain or gain etc.: Intens.P. (subjunctive 2. sg. -rorudhas-) to expel from (the dominion)  |
avasāna | n. boundary, limit  |
āvasāna | mf(ī-)n. (fr. ava-sāna- gaRa takṣaśilādi- ), dwelling or living on the boundaries of a village etc.  |
avasyand | A1. (parasmE-pada -syandamāna-) to flow or trickle down  |
avatārakathā | f. "account of an avatāra-", Name of a chapter in anantānandagiri-'s śaṃkaravijaya-.  |
avatsāra | m. Name of a man (descendant of kaśyapa-[ ]and son of prasravaṇa- [ ])  |
āvaṭya | (fr. avaṭa- gaRa gargādi- ), mf. ( ) a descendant of avaṭa-.  |
āvaṭyāyanī | ( ) f. a descendant of avaṭa-.  |
āveṣṭana | n. a wrapper, bandage, envelope, enclosure  |
avigandhikā | f. the plant Ocimum Villosum, (see aja-gandhā-.)  |
avigna | m. the plant Carissa Carandas (see a-vighnā-, ā-vigna-,and vighna-.)  |
aviheṭhita | mfn. unhurt, undamaged,  |
āvikṣita | m. a descendant of a-vikṣit-, Name of marutta-  |
avilupta | mfn. undamaged unhurt  |
avimukteśvaraliṅga | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
aviṣahya | mfn. indeterminable (as a boundary)  |
avṛka | mfn. unendangered, safe  |
ayaḥsthūṇa | m. plural his descendants, (gaRa yaskādi-, q.v)  |
āyaḥsthūṇa | m. (gaRa śivādi- ), a descendant of ayaḥ-sthūṇa-  |
ayantraṇā | f. not putting on a bandage, not dressing  |
āyaskāri | m. a descendant of ayas-kāra-  |
āyāta | n. abundance, superabundance,  |
āyati | f. descendant, son  |
āyatti | f. boundary, limit  |
āyu | m. son, descendant, offspring  |
āyuṣya | n. vital power, abundance of life, longevity etc.  |
ba | m. gandhana-  |
babhru | m. of a descendant of atri- (author of ) (also with the patronymic daivāvṛdha- and kaumbhya- )  |
babhru | m. of a gandharva-  |
bad | or band- cl.1 P. badati- or bandati-, to be firm or steady (see 3. pad-).  |
badarikākhaṇḍa | m. or n. Name of chapter of  |
badarīmāhātmya | n. Name of chapter of  |
badhiraka | m. Name of a man (plural"his descendants"), gaRa upakādi-  |
bahala | mfn. manifold, copious, abundant (in the beginning of a compound = in a high degree; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = filled with, chiefly consisting of) . (often varia lectio bahula-)  |
bahalagandha | n. a species of sandal  |
bahiryoga | m. Name of a man (plural his descendants) gaRa yaskādi-.  |
bāhlīka | m. of a gandharva-  |
bahu | mf(v/ī-or u-)n. much, many, frequent, abundant, numerous, great or considerable in quantity (n. also as substantive with genitive case) (rarely in maṇḍ-. i-ix) etc. (tadbahu-yad-,"it is a great matter that" ; tvayā me bahu kṛtaṃ-yad-,"you have done me a great service by -- or that --" ; kim bahunā-,"what occasion is there for much talk?" id est"in short" )  |
bahu | ind. much, very, abundantly, greatly, in a high degree, frequently, often, mostly etc. etc. (often in the beginning of a compound,where also = nearly, almost, rather, somewhat; see bahu-tṛṇa-, bahu-trivarṣa-and ; bahu-man-= to think much of esteem highly, prize, value) |
bahudāmā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bahudāman | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bahudantīsuta | m. "the son of bahu-dantī-", Name of an author (varia lectio valgndantī-sukha-).  |
bahugandha | n. a kind of sandal  |
bahuguṇa | m. Name of a deva-gandharva-  |
bahula | mf(/ā-)n. abundant, numerous, many, much ( bahulam am- ind.often, frequently )  |
bahula | m. of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bahulagandha | n. "richly-scented", a kind of sandal wood  |
bahulatā | f. ( ) ( etc.) muchness, multiplicity, abundance, numerousness  |
bahulatva | n. ( etc.) muchness, multiplicity, abundance, numerousness  |
bāhuleya | m. metron. of skanda- (fr. bahulā-,the Pleiades)  |
bāhulya | n. abundance, plenty, multitude, variety etc.  |
bāhupāśa | m. equals -bandhana-  |
bahuputrikā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bahutā | f. numerousness, muchness, abundance, plenty, multiplicity, plurality (see -tva-).  |
bahutama | mfn. farthest, remotest (exempli gratia, 'for example' ā bahutamāt puruṣāt-,as far as the remotest descendant)  |
bahutara | mf(ā-or ī-)n. more (or most) abundant or numerous etc.  |
bahutva | n. muchness, abundance, multitude etc.  |
bāhuvṛkta | m. Name of a descendant of atri- (author of )  |
bahuyojanā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bāhyataddhita | n. (in gram.) an external or secondary taddhita- suffix (added after another one)  |
baindavīya | m. a prince of the baindavi-s  |
bakanakhagudapariṇaddha | m. plural the descendants of baka-nakha- and guda-pariṇaddha- gaRa tikakitavādi-.  |
bakasaktha | m. plural his descendants gaRa yaskādi-.  |
bala | m. (with jaina-s) a white bala- or elder brother of vāsudeva- (9 in number, viz. acala-, vijaya-, bhadra-, su-prabha-, su-darśana-, ānanda-, nandana-, padma-, and rāma-)  |
bala | m. of an attendant on skanda-  |
balabhadra | mfn. of a descendant of bharata-, of various men (especially teachers and authors, also with also, ācārya-, kāyastha-, pancānana-, bhaṭṭa-, mitra-, śukla-, sūri-)  |
bālacarya | m. "behaving like a child", Name of skanda-  |
balākāśva | m. Name of a descendant of jahnu-  |
bālandana | m. patronymic of vatsa-prī- (see bhālandana-)  |
balavirya | m. "possessing strength and heroism", Name of a descendant of bharata-  |
bālhīka | m. of a gandharva-  |
baliputra | m. equals -nandana-  |
ballāladeva | (with daiva-jña-) m. Name of the author of the bhoja-prabandha-  |
balotkaṭā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
baṃhiman | m. muchness, abundance, multitude  |
baṃhiṣṭha | mfn. (superl. of bahula- ) strongest, most abundant, most  |
bāṇa | m. of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
bandh | cl.9 P. ( ) badhn/āti- (rarely A1. badhnīt/e-; cl.1 P. A1. bandhati-, te- ; cl.4 P. badhyati- ; imperative badhāna- , bandhāna- , -badhnīhi- , bandha- ; perfect tense P. bab/andha-,3. plural bedh/us- , babandhus- ; A1. bedh/e-, dhir/e- , babandhe- grammar; future bhantsyati- etc., bandhiṣyati-, te- ; banddhā- grammar; Aorist abhāntsīt- grammar; preceding badhyāt- ; infinitive mood banddhum-,or bandhitum- , b/adhe- ind.p. baddhv/ā- , dhv/āya- , -badhya- ; -bandham- ), to bind, tie, fix, fasten, chain, fetter etc. ; to bind round, put on ( ;later also P."on one's self") etc. ; to catch, take or hold captive, met. = to attach to world or to sin ; to fix, direct, fasten, rivet (eyes, ears or mind) on (locative case or infinitive mood) ; to arrest, hold back, restrain, suppress, stop, shut, close ; to bind a sacrificial victim, offer, sacrifice (with dative case of the deity to whom it is presented) : ; to punish, chastise ; to join, unite, put together or produce anything in this way, exempli gratia, 'for example' fold (the hands), clench (the fist), knit or bend (the eyebrows), arrange, assume (a posture), set up (a limit), construct (a dam or a bridge), span, bridge over (a river), conceive or contract (friendship or enmity), compose, construct (a poem or verse) etc. ; to form or produce in any way, cause, effect, do, make, bear (fruit), strike (roots), take up (one's abode) ; to entertain, cherish, show, exhibit, betray (joy, resolution etc.) : Passive voice badhy/ate- (ti- ), to be bound etc. etc. ; (especially) to be bound by the fetters of existence or evil, sin again ; to be affected by id est experience, suffer (instrumental case) : Causal bandhayati- (Aorist ababandhat-), to cause to bind or catch or capture, imprison etc. ; to cause to be built or constructed ; to cause to be embanked or dammed up ; to bind together (also bādhayati-) : Desiderative bibhantsati- grammar : Intensive bābanddhi-, bābadhyate- [ confer, compare Zend band; Greek , ; Latin foedus,fides; Lit.be4ndras; Gothic Anglo-Saxon bindan; German binden; English bind.] |
bandha | m. a ligature, bandage  |
bandha | m. (in philosophy) mundane bondage, attachment to this world etc. (opp. to mukti-, mokṣa-,"final emancipation", and regarded in the sāṃkhya- as threefold, viz. prakṛti--, vaikārika--,and dakṣiṇā-b-)  |
bāndhakineya | m. (fr. bandhakī-) the son of an unmarried woman, a bastard (gaRa kalyāṇy-ādi-).  |
bandhana | n. binding up, bandaging, a bandage  |
bandhana | n. (in philosophy) mundane bondage (opp. to final liberation)  |
bandhanaveśman | n. "house of bondage", a prison  |
bandhukī | f. an unchaste woman (see bandhakī-).  |
bandīkṛta | mfn. (for 2.See bandī-) turned Buddhist (Scholiast or Commentator"fr. banda-,a Buddhist") .  |
bandin | m. (also written vandin- q.v,and metri causa di-) a praiser, bard, herald (who sings the praises of a prince in his presence or accompanies an army to chant martial songs;these bards are regarded as the descendants of a kṣatriya- by a śūdra- female)  |
barbarī | f. yellow sandal-wood  |
barbarīkopākhyāna | n. Name of chapter of the  |
barbarottha | n. white sandal-wood  |
bārhadagna | m. plural the descendants of bṛhad-agni-, gaRa kaṇvādi-.  |
barhi | m. Name of a descendant of aṅgiras-  |
barhidhvaja | m. "symbolised by a peacock", Name of skanda-  |
barhin | m. Name of a deva-gandharva-  |
barhiṇavāhana | m. Name of skanda-  |
barhis | m. plural the descendants of barhis-  |
barhiyāna | m. "having a peacock for vehicle", Name of skanda-  |
baru | m. Name of a descendant of aṅgiras- (author of )  |
bhaḍila | m. plural his descendants gaRa yaskādi-.  |
bhaḍita | m. plural his descendants gaRa yaskādi-.  |
bhadrakālī | f. of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bhadrālapattrikā | f. Paederia Foetida (equals gandhālī-)  |
bhadrālī | f. Paederia Foetida (equals gandhālī-)  |
bhadrānanda | See drānanda- under bhadra-.  |
bhadraśākha | m. Name of a form of skanda-  |
bhadrāśrama | (or drāśr-?) m. Name of a hermitage  |
bhadraśraya | n. sandalwood  |
bhadraśrī | m. the sandal tree  |
bhadraśriya | n. sandal-wood  |
bhagadā | f. "giving welfare", Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bhaganandā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bhagavanta | m. Name of the author of the mukunda-vilāsa-.  |
bhagavatpadī | f. Name of the source of the gaṅgā- (said to have sprung from viṣṇu-'s foot or from an aperture made in the mundane egg by the toe-nail of viṣṇu-)  |
bhāgin | mfn. inferior, secondary  |
bhaima | m. a descendant of bhīma-  |
bhairava | m. Name of a form of śiva- (cf ) (in the latter 8 bhairava-'s are enumerated, viz. mahā--, saṃhāra--, asitāṅga--, ruru-- kāla--, krodha--, tāmracūḍa--,or kapāla--, candracūḍa--or rudra-bh-;sometimes other names are given exempli gratia, 'for example' vidyā-rāja-, kāma-r-, nāga-r-, svacchanda-r-, lambita-r-, deva-r-, ugra-r-, vighna-r-)  |
bhajagovindastotra | n. Name of work (see bhagavad-govinda-).  |
bhājana | m. plural his descendants gaRa bidādi-.  |
bhakṣ | (prob. a secondary form fr. bhaj-,or Nom.fr. bhakṣ/a-; see also bhikṣ-and bhañj-) cl.10 P. ( ) bhakṣ/ayati- (rarely A1. te-), and in later language also cl.1 P. A1. ( ) bhakṣati-, te- (perfect tense bhakṣayām āsa- etc. future bhakṣayiṣyati-, te- ; Aorist ababhakṣat- ; Passive voice abhakṣi- ; infinitive mood bhakṣayitum- , kṣitum- ; ind.p. bhakṣayitvā- ; -bhakṣya- ; -bhakṣam- ), to eat or drink, devour, partake of (with accusative,in Vedic or Veda also with genitive case;in the older language usually of fluids, in the later only exceptionally so) etc. ; to sting, bite ; to consume, use up, waste, destroy etc. ; to drain the resources of, impoverish : Causal bhakṣ/ayati- See above ; to cause anything (accusative) to be eaten by (accusative or instrumental case) Va1rtt. 7 : Desiderative bibhakṣiṣati- or kṣayiṣati-, to wish to eat or devour (see bibhakṣayiṣu-). |
bhākta | mf(ī-)n., (fr. bhakti-) inferior, secondary (opp. to mukhya-)  |
bhaktābhilāṣa | m. equals ta-cchanda-  |
bhaktākāṅkṣā | f. equals ta-cchanda-  |
bhaktaruci | f. equals -cchanda-  |
bhaktavatsala | mfn. kind to worshippers or to faithful attendants  |
bhalandana | m. plural his descendants gaRa yaskādi- (bhanandana-, bhalanda-and dava-prob. wrong reading)  |
bhālandana | m. patronymic fr. bhalandana- gaRa śivādi-  |
bhālandanaka | mfn. (fr. bhalandana-) gaRa arīhaṇādi-.  |
bhāmatī | f. (fr. bhā-mat-) Name of a commentator or commentary by vācaspati-miśra- on śaṃkarācārya-'s commentator or commentary on the brahma-sūtra-s (also tī-nibandha-)  |
bhāminī | f. Name of the daughter of a gandharva-  |
bhanandana | m. Name of a man (prob. wrong reading for bhalandana-).  |
bhand | cl.1 A1. ( ) bh/andate-, to be greeted with praise, receive applause ( also = to be or make fortunate or excellent;to be or make glad;to shine;to honour or worship) : Causal bhandayati-, to cause to prosper  |
bhānda | n. Name of an upa-purāṇa- (prob. wrong reading for skānda-).  |
bhandhruka | m. Name of a place  |
bhandhuka | m. Name of a place  |
bhaṇḍila | m. plural his descendants gaRa yaskādi-.  |
bhāṇḍīra | m. Name of a lofty nyag-rodha- tree on go-vardhana- in vṛndā-vana-  |
bhaṇḍita | m. plural his descendants gaRa yaskādi-.  |
bhaṅga | m. a tortuous course, roundabout way of speaking (= or wrong reading for bhaṅgi-)  |
bhaṅgi | f. a roundabout mode of acting or speaking, circumlocution ( bhaṅgyā gyā-, ind."in an indirect manner") etc.  |
bhaṅgī | f. a roundabout mode of acting or speaking, circumlocution ( bhaṅgyā gyā-, ind."in an indirect manner") etc.  |
bhānu | m. of a deva-gandharva-  |
bhānudina | n. Sunday (see -vāra-),  |
bhānuvāra | m. Sunday (see -dina-).  |
bhara | m. a large quantity, great number, mass, bulk, multitude, abundance, excess etc. ( bhareṇa reṇa- ind.and bharāt rāt- ind.in full measure, with all one's might )  |
bhāradvājī | f. a female descendant of bharad-vāja- (with rātri-Name of the author of ; see also bh/āradvājī-p/utra-below)  |
bharaṇīya | m. a dependant  |
bharata | m. plural "the descendants of bharata-", Name of a tribe etc.  |
bhārata | m. a descendant of bharata- (also in plural for bharatās-) etc. |
bhāratasattama | m. the best of the descendants of bharata-  |
bhāratī | f. a female descendant of bharata-  |
bhārāvatāraṇa | ( ) n. the taking down or removal of a load from (ablative)  |
bhārgava | mf(ī-)n. plural the descendants of bhṛgu- (properly called bhṛgavaḥ-; see above )  |
bhārgavaśreṣṭha | m. the best of the descendants of bhṛgu-  |
bhārgavī | f. a female descendant of bhṛgu-  |
bhās | cl.1 A1. ( ) bhāsate- (in older language also P. bh/āsati- etc.; parasmE-pada bh/āsat- ; perfect tense babhāse- ; Aorist abhāsiṣṭa- grammar; future bhāsiṣyate-, bhāsitā- ), to shine, be bright etc. ; to appear ("as"or"like" Nominal verb or instrumental case of an abstract noun), occur to the mind, be conceived or imagined, become clear or evident etc.: Causal bhāsayati-, te- (Aorist ababhāsat-and abībhasat- ), to make shine, illuminate etc. ; to show, make evident, cause to appear ("by way of." instrumental case of an abstract noun) Desiderative bibhāsiṣate- grammar : Intensive bābhāsyate-, bābhāsti- (see bhā-,of which bhās-is a secondary form) . |
bhāskaradina | n. Sunday,  |
bhaṭṭa | m. (fr. bhartṛ-) lord, my lord (also plural and bhaṭṭapāda -pāda- m. plural;according to ,a title of respect used by humble persons addressing a prince;but also affixed or prefixed to the names of learned Brahmans, exempli gratia, 'for example' kedāra--, govinda-bh-etc., or bhaṭṭa-kedāra-etc., below, the proper name being sometimes omitted exempli gratia, 'for example' bhaṭṭa-= kumārila-bh-;also any learned man = doctor or philosopher) etc.  |
bhaṭṭārakavāra | m. "day of the great lord id est the sun ", Sunday  |
bhāva | m. (in gram.) the fundamental notion of the verb, the sense conveyed by the abstract noun (especially as a term for an impersonal passive or neuter verb having neither agent nor object expressed exempli gratia, 'for example' pacyate-,"there is cooking"or"cooking is going on")  |
bhavadā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bhavanandana | m. patronymic of skanda-  |
bhāvin | m. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bhāvin | m. of the daughter of a gandharva-  |
bhaviṣṇu | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' after an adverb in am-) becoming (see andham--, āḍhyam--, dūram-bh-etc., and ) .  |
bhavīyas | mfn. (Comparative degree; see bhaviṣṭha-) more abundant or plentiful  |
bhāvuka | mfn. being, becoming, disposed or about to be (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' after an adverb in am-; see andhambh-, āḍhyam-bh-etc., and ) etc.  |
bhayaṃkarī | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bhedaka | mfn. destroying (boundary-marks)  |
bheḍī | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bherīsvanamahāsvanā | f. "loud-sounding like the sound of a kettle-drum", Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bhettṛ | m. Name of skanda-  |
bhīma | m. of a devagandharva-  |
bhīmakhaṇḍa | n. Name of chapter in and  |
bhīmasena | m. (bhīm/a--) "having a formidable army", Name of a deva-gandharva-  |
bhindipāla | m. a short javelin or arrow thrown from the hand or shot through a tube (others"a stone fastened to a string"or"a kind of sling for throwing stones") (varia lectio bhindapāla-, bhiṇḍimālā-, bhindomāla-, bhindimāla-or laka-, bhindumāla-).  |
bhindipālaka | m. a short javelin or arrow thrown from the hand or shot through a tube (others"a stone fastened to a string"or"a kind of sling for throwing stones") (varia lectio bhindapāla-, bhiṇḍimālā-, bhindomāla-, bhindimāla-or laka-, bhindumāla-).  |
bhīṇī | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda- (Bombay edition bhītī-).  |
bhīṣaka | m. (fr. Causal) Name of one of śiva-'s attendants (see bhīmaka-)  |
bhiṣaṅmātṛ | f. Gendarussa Vulgaris  |
bhītī | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda- (Bombay edition)  |
bhogavatī | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bhogivallabha | n. "dear to serpent", kind of sandal  |
bhoja | m. (plural) Name of a country (near the vindhya- mountain) or of a people (the descendants of mahā-bhoja-) etc.  |
bhojananda | m. Name of an author (rather bhajanānanda-).  |
bhrāja | m. of a gandharva- protecting the soma- on  |
bhrāmara | m. of a yoginī- or female attendant of durgā-  |
bhraṣa | m. the son of a vaiśya- and a vindakī-  |
bhraṣṭaka | m. plural his descendants gaRa upakādi-.  |
bhṛgvaṅgirasikā | f. the matrimonial union between the descendants of bhṛgu- and those of aṅgiras-  |
bhṛkuṭi | f. equals bhrū-kuṭi- (also ti-kutilānana-, ṭi-bandha-, ṭī-mukha-) etc.  |
bhṛkuṭī | f. equals bhrū-kuṭi- (also ti-kutilānana-, ṭi-bandha-, ṭī-mukha-) etc.  |
bhṛṅgarīṭa | ( ) ( ) m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants (see bhṛṅgin-, bhṛṅgiriṭa-etc.)  |
bhṛṅgariṭi | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants (see bhṛṅgin-, bhṛṅgiriṭa-etc.)  |
bhṛṅgarīṭi | ( ) m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants (see bhṛṅgin-, bhṛṅgiriṭa-etc.)  |
bhṛṅgi | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants (see next)  |
bhṛṅgin | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants (see bhṛṅgariṭi-, giriṭa-etc.)  |
bhṛṅgiriṭa | m. giriṭau- ( ) dual number Name of two of śiva-'s attendants.  |
bhṛṅgiriṭi | m. riṭī- ( ) dual number Name of two of śiva-'s attendants.  |
bhṛśa | mfn. (perhaps the original meaning may be"falling heavily"see bhraś-) strong, vehement, mighty, powerful, frequent, abundant (often in the beginning of a compound see below;rarely as an independent word; see subhṛta-) etc.  |
bhrukuṭi | f. equals bhrū-kuṭi- (also ti-bandha-, ṭi-racanā-etc.) etc.  |
bhrukuṭī | f. equals bhrū-kuṭi- (also ti-bandha-, ṭi-racanā-etc.) etc.  |
bhrūkuṭīracanā | f. equals -bandha-  |
bhujarāma | m. Name of an author (equals bhajanānanda-)  |
bhūkhaṇḍa | m. n. "earth-section", Name of a section of the and of the (equals bhūmi-kh-).  |
bhūman | (bhūm/an-) m. abundance, plenty, wealth, opulence, multitude, majority etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' filled with )  |
bhūmānandasarasvatī | m. Name of the teacher of advaitānanda-  |
bhūmaya | Nom. P. yati- (for 1.See) , to augment, increase, make abundant  |
bhūmicampaka | m. Kaempferia Rotunda  |
bhūmikandalī | f. a species of plant (equals kandalī-)  |
bhūnā | ind. plentifully, abundantly  |
bhur | (prob. a secondary form of bhri-not in ), P. A1. bhur/ati-, te-, to move rapidly or convulsively, stir, palpitate, quiver, struggle (in swimming) : Intensive j/arbhurīti- (parasmE-pada j/arbhurat-, rāṇa-), to flicker (as fire) (confer, compare Greek , ; Latin furere.)  |
bhūri | mfn. much, many, abundant, frequent, numerous, great, important, strong, mighty etc.  |
bhūrī | ind. much, abundantly, greatly, often, frequently (bh/ūri k/ṛtvas-,many times, repeatedly )  |
bhūridhāra | (bh/ūri--). mf(ā-)n. (fr. 1. dhārā-) "much-showering", yielding abundant streams or rays of light  |
bhūritara | mfn. more, more abundant or numerous  |
bhūta | m. (f(ā-).) the 14th day of the dark half of the lunar month ( also m.)  |
bhūtamātrā | f. the 10 primary objects (viz. vāc-, gandha-, rūpa-, śabda-, anna-rasa-, karman-, sukha-duḥkhe-, ānanda-or rati-or prajāti-, ityā-, manas-)  |
bhūtāṃśa | m. Name of the author of (a descendant of kaśyapa-)  |
bhūtitīrthā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on, skanda-  |
bhūyas | mfn. "becoming in a greater degree"(in this meaning according to to Comparative degree of bahu-) id est more, more numerous or abundant, greater, larger, mightier (also"much or many, very numerous or abundant"etc.) etc.  |
bhūyas | mfn. abounding in, abundantly furnished with (instrumental case or compound).  |
bhūyastva | n. the becoming or being more or much, increase, preponderance, abundance, multitude  |
bhūyiṣṭha | mf(ā-)n. (according to to superl. of bahu-) most numerous or abundant or great or important, chief principal etc.  |
bhūyiṣṭha | mf(ā-)n. abundantly, numerously  |
bhyas | cl.1 A1. ( ) bhy/asate- (only imperfect tense /abhyasetām- ; subjunctive bhy/asāt- ; grammar also perfect tense babhyase- future bhyasiṣyati-etc.: Causal bhyāsayati-: Desiderative bibhyasiṣate-: Intensive bābhyasyate-, bābhyasti-), to fear, be afraid, tremble (see bhī-,of which this is a secondary form, prob. through bhiyas-).  |
bid | or bind- (see bhid-) cl.1 P. bindati-, to cleave, split (perhaps invented on account of the following words of more or less questionable origin).  |
binda | See kusuru-b/inda-.  |
bindavi | gaRa gahādi- (see baindavi-).  |
bindu | m. (in dramatic language) the sudden development of a secondary incident (which, like a drop of oil in water, expands and furnishes an important element in the plot) (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' also -ka-)  |
bindumat | m. of a daughter of śaśa-bindu- and wife of māndhātṛ-  |
binduvāsara | m. the day of fecundation  |
bodhaka | m. Name of a man (plural his descendants)  |
bodhavāsara | m. "waking-day", the 11th day in the light half of the month kārttika- (in which viṣṇu- awakes from his sleep; see bodhanī-)  |
brahmacārin | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
brahmacārin | m. of skanda-  |
brahmadatta | m. of a king (plural his descendants)  |
brāhmaṇāyana | m. a mere descendant of a Brahman (Scholiast or Commentator"a Brahman whose father or elder brother or any elder relative is still alive")  |
brahmavada | f. " brahmā-'s tendril or creeper", Name of an upaniṣad- (equals brahmānanda-vally-upaniṣad-)  |
brahmavallī | f. " brahmā-'s tendril or creeper", Name of an upaniṣad- (equals brahmānanda-vally-upaniṣad-)  |
brāhmī | f. (of brāhm/a- q.v) the śakti- or personified energy of brahmā- (regarded as one of the 8 mātṛ-s or divine mothers of created beings;in they are said to attend skanda-)  |
brahmottara | n. of chapter of (also called brahmottarakhaṇḍa -khaṇḍa- n.or laghuśivapurāṇa laghu-śiva-purāṇa- n.)  |
bṛhadambālikā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
bṛhadaśva | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
bṛhadbrahmotarakhaṇḍa | m. Name of a part of the skanda-purāṇa-.  |
bṛhadrayi | (bṛh/ad--) mfn. having abundant possessions  |
bṛhadukṣ | ( ) (brih/ad-- ) mfn. sprinkling abundantly, shedding copiously.  |
bṛhadukṣa | (brih/ad-- ) mfn. sprinkling abundantly, shedding copiously.  |
bṛhaka | m. Name of a deva-gandharva-  |
bṛhat | mf(at/ī-)n. (in later language usually written vṛhat-) lofty, high, tall, great, large, wide, vast, abundant, compact, solid, massy, strong, mighty etc.  |
bṛhattvan | (?) m. Name of a deva-gandharva- (varia lectio had-dhan-).  |
bṛṃhitā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attendant on skanda-  |
bṛndāraṇya | bṛndā-vana- See vṛndār-, vṛndā-v-.  |
buddhikāmā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attendant on skanda-  |
budha | m. Name of a descendant of soma- (and hence also called saumya-, saumāyana-,author of , and father of purū-ravas-;identified with the planet Mercury)  |
budha | m. Mercury (regarded as a son of soma- or the moon) etc. of a descendant of atri- and author of  |
bundh | cl.10 P. bundhayati-, to bind (see bun/a-).  |
ca | ind. and, both, also, moreover, as well as (= , Latin que,placed like these particles as an enclitic after the word which it connects with what precedes;when used with a personal pronoun this must appear in its fuller accented form(exempli gratia, 'for example' t/ava ca m/ama ca-[not te ca me ca-],"both of thee and me") , when used after verbs the first of them is accented ;it connects whole sentences as well as parts of sentences;in the double ca-occurs more frequently than the single(exempli gratia, 'for example' ah/aṃ ca tv/aṃ ca-,"I and thou", );the double ca-may also be used somewhat redundantly in class. Sanskrit(exempli gratia, 'for example' kva hariṇakānāṃ jīvitaṃ cātilolaṃ kva ca vajra-sārāḥ śarās te-,"where is the frail existence, of fawns and where are thy adamantine arrows?" );in later literature, however, the first ca-is more usually omitted(exempli gratia, 'for example' ahaṃ tvaṃ ca-),and when more than two things are enumerated only one ca-is often found(exempli gratia, 'for example' tejasā yaśasā lakṣmyā sthityā ca parayā-,"in glory, in fame, in beauty, and in high position" );elsewhere, when more than two things are enumerated, ca-is placed after some and omitted after others(exempli gratia, 'for example' ṛṇa-dātā ca vaidyaś ca śrotriyo nadī-,"the payer of a debt and a physician [and] a Brahman [and] a river" );in Vedic or Veda and even in class. Sanskrit[ ] , when the double ca-would generally be used, the second may occasionally be omitted(exempli gratia, 'for example' indraś ca soma-,"both indra- [and thou] soma-" ; durbhedyaś cāśusaṃdheyaḥ-,"both difficult to be divided [and] quickly united" );with lexicographers ca-may imply a reference to certain other words which are not expressed(exempli gratia, 'for example' kamaṇḍalau ca karakaḥ-,"the word karaka-has the meaning "pitcher"and other meanings");sometimes ca-is equals eva-,even, indeed, certainly, just(exempli gratia, 'for example' su-cintitaṃ cauṣadhaṃ na nāma-mātreṇa karoty arogam-,"even a well-devised remedy does not cure a disease by its mere name" ; yāvanta eva te tāvāṃśca saḥ-,"as great as they [were] just so great was he" );occasionally ca-is disjunctive,"but","on the contrary","on the other hand","yet","nevertheless"(varam ādyau na cāntimaḥ-,"better the two first but not the last" ; śāntam idam āśrama-padaṃ sphurati ca bāhuḥ-,"this hermitage is tranquil yet my arm throbs" ); ca-ca-,though-yet ; ca-na ca-,though - yet not ; ca-- na tu-(varia lectio nanu-) idem or 'm. the letter or sound ca-.', ; na ca-- ca-,though not - yet ; ca-may be used for vā-,"either","or"(exempli gratia, 'for example' iha cāmutra vā-,"either here or hereafter" ; strī vā pumān vā yac cānyat sattvam-,"either a woman or a man or any other being" ) , and when a negative particle is joined with ca-the two may then be translated by"neither","nor";occasionally one ca-or one na-is omitted(exempli gratia, 'for example' na ca paribhoktuṃ naiva śaknomi hātum-,"I am able neither to enjoy nor to abandon" ; na pūrvāhṇe nā ca parāhṇe-,"neither in the forenoon nor in the afternoon"); ca-ca-may express immediate connection between two acts or their simultaneous occurrence(exempli gratia, 'for example' mama ca muktaṃ tamasā mano manasijena dhanuṣi śaraś ca niveśitaḥ-,"no sooner is my mind freed from darkness than a shaft is fixed on his bow by the heart-born god", ); ca-is sometimes equals ced-,"if"(confer, compare ;the verb is accented) ; ca-may be used as an expletive(exempli gratia, 'for example' anyaiś ca kratubhiś ca-,"and with other sacrifices"); ca-is often joined to an adverb like eva-, api-, tathā-, tathaiva-,etc., either with or without a negative particle(exempli gratia, 'for example' vairiṇaṃ nopaseveta sahāyaṃ caiva vairiṇaḥ-,"one ought not to serve either an enemy or the ally of an enemy" );(See eva-, api-,etc.) For the meaning of ca-after an interrogativeSee 2. k/a-,2. kath/ā-, k/im-, kv/a-); ([ confer, compare , Latin que,pe(innempeetc.); Gothic uh; Zend ca; Old Persian ca1.]) |
caitraratha | mfn. treating of the gandharva- citra-- ratha-  |
caitraratha | n. (with or without vana-) the grove of kubera- cultivated by the gandharva- citra-- ratha-  |
cakkalaka | n. a series of 4 śloka-s (= caturbhiḥ kulaka-) (see cakra-bandha-.)  |
cakra | n. equals -bandha- q.v  |
cakra | m. of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
cakrabhedinī | f. "dividing the cakra-(-va1ka) couples (see -bāndhava-) ", night  |
cakrahrada | m. Name of a lake  |
cakrajāti | f. equals -bandha-.  |
cakranemi | f. "wheel-felly", Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda-  |
cakravākabandhu | m. equals kra-bāndhava-  |
cakravāṭa | m. a limit, boundary  |
cakṣuṣya | m. Pandanus odoratissimus  |
cakṣuṣya | n. Pandanus odoratissimus  |
cāmarapuṣpa | m. Pandanus odoratissimus  |
cāṇakya | m. (gaRa gargādi-) patronymic fr. caṇaka- (son of caṇin- ), Name of a minister of candra-gupta- (said to have destroyed the nanda- dynasty;reputed author of -śloka-[q.v.],"the Machiavelli of India")  |
caṇḍa | m. śiva- or bhairava- (equals sūrya-)  |
caṇḍa | m. of an attendant of yama- or of śiva-  |
caṇḍā | f. Name of an attendant of the 12th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
candakapuṣpa | for candana-p-  |
candana | mn. sandal (Sirium myrtifolium, either the tree, wood, or the unctuous preparation of the wood held in high estimation as perfumes;hence in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' a term for anything which is the most excellent of its kind gaRa vyāghrādi-) etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). )  |
cāndana | mf(ī-)n. consisting of sandal-wood (cand-)  |
cāndanagandhika | mfn. (fr. candana-gandha-) smelling of sandal (not all manuscripts)  |
candanagiri | m. "sandal-mountain", the Malaya  |
candanamaya | mfn. made or consisting of sandal-wood, |
candanapaṅka | m. sandal-unguent  |
candanapāta | m. laying on of sandal-unguent  |
candanarasa | m. sandal-water  |
candanavanī | f. a sandal wood,  |
candanāya | Nom. yate-, to become a sandal-tree  |
candanin | mfn. anointed with sandal (śiva-)  |
caṇḍavega | m. of a gandharva- chief. 27, 13  |
caṇḍeśvara | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
candhana | See cāndhanāyana-.  |
cāndhanāyana | m. patronymic of ānanda-ja- (see aupacandhani-.)  |
caṇḍī | f. of a female attendant of durgā-  |
caṇḍīśatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
cāndra | n. (scilicet ahan-) Monday  |
candrabha | m. Name of an attendant of skanda-  |
candrabimbaprabhā | f. Name of a gandharva- virgin  |
candradyuti | m. "moon-bright", sandalwood  |
candragupta | m. "moon-protected", Name of a renowned king (or reigning at pāṭali-putra- about 315 B.C. as the founder of a new dynasty;installed by the Brahman cāṇakya- after causing the death of nanda-) Va1rtt. 7  |
candrakānta | n. sandalwood  |
candrānana | m. "moon-faced", skanda-  |
candrapañcāṅga | n. the lunisolar calendar.  |
candraśītā | f. Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda- (-śilā-,C) .  |
candreśaliṅga | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
candrikā | f. the chanda- fish  |
candrikātulya | m. "resembling moonlight", the chanda- fish (candraka-)  |
capeṭī | f. the 6th day in the bright half of month bhādrapada-  |
car | cl.1. c/arati-, rarely te- (subjunctive c/arat-,3 plural c/arān- ; perf. cac/āra-[ etc.] , 2 sg. cacartha- ; plural cerur-,etc.; ratur- etc.; A1. cere- ; future cariṣyati-, te-; Aorist acārīt-[ ]; infinitive mood c/aritum-[ ]or cartum-[ ] , Vedic or Veda car/adhyai-[ ], c/aritave-[ ], car/ase-[ ], car/āyai-[ ], caritos-[ ]; ind.p. caritv/ā- ; cartvā- ; cīrtvā-, ; parasmE-pada c/arat-) to move one's self, go, walk, move, stir, roam about, wander (said of men, animals, water, ships, stars, etc.) etc. ; to spread, be diffused (as fire) ; to move or travel through, pervade, go along, follow etc. ; to behave, conduct one's self, act, live, treat (with instrumental case or locative case) etc. ; to be engaged in, occupied or busy with (instr exempli gratia, 'for example' yajñ/ena c-,"to be engaged in a sacrifice" ) etc. ; (with[ ]or without[ ] mithun/am-) to have intercourse with, have to do with (instrumental case) ; (with a parasmE-pada or adjective (cf. mfn.) or ind.p. or adverb) to continue performing or being (exempli gratia, 'for example' arcantaś cerur-,"they continued worshipping" ; svāminam avajñāya caret-,"he may go on despising his master" ) etc. ; (in astronomy) to be in any asterism or conjunction ; to undertake, set about, under go, observe, practise, do or act in general, effect, make (exempli gratia, 'for example' vrat/āni-"to observe vows" etc.; vighnaṃ c-,"to put a hindrance" ; bhaikṣaṃ c-"to beg" ; vivādaṃ c-,"to be engaged in a lawsuit" ; mṛgayāṃ c-,"to hunt" ; sambandhāṃś c-,"to enter into connections" ; mārgaṃ cacāra bāṇaiḥ-,"he made a way with arrows" ; tapasā indriyāṇi c-,to exercise one's organs with penance ) etc. ; to consume, eat (with accusative), graze ; to make or render (with double accusative) exempli gratia, 'for example' nar/endraṃ satya-sthaṃ carāma-,"let us make the king keep his word" : Causal cārayati-, to cause to move or walk about (Aorist /acīcarat-) ; to pasture ; to send, direct, turn, move etc. ; to cause any one (accusative) to walk through (accusative) ; to drive away from (ablative) ; to cause any one (accusative) to practise or perform (with accusative) ; to cause (any animal accusative) to eat ; to cause to copulate ; to ascertain (as through a spy instrumental case) ; to doubt (see vi--) : Desiderative cicariṣati-, to try to go (parasmE-pada cicarṣat-) ; to wish to act or conduct one's self ; to try to have intercourse with (instrumental case), : Intensive carcarīti- A1. or rarely ([ ]) Passive voice cañcūryate- (curīti-and cūrti- ; ind.p. cūrya- ; parasmE-pada once P. cūryat- ) to move quickly or repeatedly, walk about, roam about (in locative case) etc. ; to act wantonly or coquettishly (see ) ; ([ see, etc.]) |
cārikā | f. "a female attendant" See antaḥpura--  |
carmagrīva | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
carmin | m. Name of an attendant of śiva-  |
cārumat | m. of a female attendant  |
cāruvaktra | m. Name of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
cāṣavaktra | m. "jay-faced", Name of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
catuḥsama | n. an unguent of 4 ingredients (sandal, agallochum, saffron;and musk ).  |
catuḥsana | mfn. containing the 4 sons of brahmā- (whose names begin with sana-,viz. sanaka-, sananda-, sanātana-, sanat-kumāra-)  |
caturbhuja | m. of the instructor of (the author of a commentator or commentary on ) rāmānanda-  |
caturdaṃṣṭra | m. Name of an attendant of skanda-  |
caturmahārājakāyika | m. plural (equals cāt-) "belonging to the attendance of those 4 great kings", Name of a class of deities  |
caturmukhatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
caturmūrti | m. of skanda-, ix, 2486  |
caturvaktra | m. of an attendant of durgā-  |
caturvyaṅga | mfn. equals -hrasva- (varia lectio -gandha-).  |
catuṣkarṇī | f. Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda-  |
catuṣpathaniketā | f. "abiding on a cross-way", Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda-  |
catvaravāsinī | f. (see catuṣpatha-niketā-) Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda-  |
cavyajā | f. Scindapsus officinalis  |
caya | m. ( ; gaRa vṛṣādi-) a mound of earth (raised to form the foundation of a building or raised as a rampart)  |
chad | or 2. chand- cl.10. chad/ayati- (also te-= arc- [ varia lectio, ti-]; subjunctive yat- ;2. plural yātha-, ), chandayati- (twice cl.1. ch/andati-[ equals arcati- ] ; A1.[ subjunctive yāte-] ; Aorist acacchadat- ; acchān- ;2. plural nta-, ;3. plural ntsur-, ; subjunctive chantsat-[ ] ;2. sg. tsi-, ; perf. cacchanda-, ; Potential cacchadyāt-, ) to seem, appear, be considered as ; to seem good, please (with dative case) ; (with acc,) (see ) ; A1. to be pleased with, delight in (accusative or locative case) ; chandayati-, to gratify any one (accusative;exceptionally genitive case ) with anything (instrumental case, especially vareṇa-,"with a boon" ) ; to try to seduce any one (accusative)  |
chāga | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
chanda | mfn. praising (ch/anda- )  |
chanda | m. Name of śākya-muni-'s charioteer (chandaka-)  |
chānda | See ndasa-.  |
chandagati | f. interpretation of the veda- (nda-for ndas)  |
chandaḥpraśasti | f. equals nda-pr-.  |
chandakanivartana | n. " candaka-'s return", Name of a caitya-,  |
chandapātana | m. equals ndaka-p-  |
chandas | n. metre (in general, supposed to consist of 3 or 7 typical forms[ etc.] to which virāj- is added as the 8th[ ]; ch/andas-opposed to gāyatr/i-and triṣṭ/ubh- )  |
chāndasa | mf(ī-)n. having the sacred text of the veda- (ch/andas-) as (its) subject, peculiar or relating or belonging to the veda-, Vedic  |
chāndasabaṭhara | m. the deceitful chāndasa-  |
chandogaśrāddhatattvapramāṇa | n. Name of work by raghu-nandana-  |
chāttragomin | mfn. any one attendant on pupils  |
chidrapippalī | f. Scindapsus officinalis  |
chinnaruhā | f. Pandanus odoratissimus  |
cikitsā | f. medical attendance, practice or science of medicine (especially therapeutics, one of the six sections of med.)  |
cīna | n. a bandage for the corners of the eyes  |
cirāśrita | mfn. long maintained or protected, an old dependant  |
citra | m. of a gandharva-  |
citrabāhu | m. of a gandharva-  |
citradeva | m. Name of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
citragupta | m. Name of one of yama-'s attendants (recorder of every man's good and evil deeds)  |
citrakūṭa | m. "wonderful peak", Name of a hill and district (the modern Citrakote or Catarkot near Ka1mta1, situated on the river Paisuni about 50 miles S.E. of the Bandah in Bundelkhund;first habitation of the exiled rāma- and lakṣmaṇa-, crowded with temples as the holiest spot of rāma-'s worshippers)  |
citrāṅgada | m. of a gandharva- (person of the play dūtāṅgada-)  |
citraratha | m. the king of the gandharva-s  |
citraratha | m. of a descendant of aṅga- and son of dharma-- ratha-  |
citrasena | m. of a leader of the gandharva-s (son of viśvā-vasu-)  |
citrasena | m. of tarāsandha-'s general (ḍimbhaka-)  |
citrasenā | f. of one of the mothers in skanda-'s retinue  |
citraśiras | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
citya | mfn. (with or without agni-,the fire) constructed upon a foundation (of bricks etc.)  |
cūḍāmaṇi | m. an eclipse of the sun on a Sunday or an eclipse of the moon on a Monday  |
cūḍāraka | m. Name of a man, (plural) his descendants gaRa upakādi- (paṇḍ- )  |
cuñcu | m. the musk-rat (see cucundarī-)  |
cuñcula | m. Name of a man, (plural) his descendants  |
cūrṇa | m. ([ ]) n. powder flour, aromatic powder, pounded sandal etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' )  |
cūṣiṇī | f. Name of a female attendant of durgā-.  |
dagdharatha | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
dah | cl.1.P. dahati- (Epic also A1.; parasmE-pada d/ahati- imperfect tense /adahat-; Aorist adhāk- ; 1 . sg. kṣam- ;3. plural kskur- ; subjunctive dhāk- ;2. sg. dhakṣi-, ; parasmE-pada dh/akṣat-[also Nominal verb m.], d/ahṣat-, ; future dhakṣyati-[ ] [ Potential dhakṣyet-, ] etc.; dahiṣy-, ; infinitive mood dagdhum-) to burn, consume by fire, scorch, roast etc. ; to cauterise ; to consume, destroy completely etc. ; to torment, torture, pain, distress, disturb, grieve etc.: Passive voice dahyate- (ti- ) ; to be burnt, burn, be in flames etc. ; to be consumed by fire or destroyed ; to be inflamed (a wound) ; to be consumed by internal heat or grief, suffer pain, be distressed or vexed etc. ; Causal dāhayati- to burn or be burned etc. ; to cause to be cooked (Aorist plural adīdahan-): Desiderative didhakṣati- (confer, compare kṣā-, kṣu-) to be about to burn or consume or destroy (parasmE-pada kṣamāṇa-): Desiderative Causal (parasmE-pada kṣayat-) to cause any one to make efforts to burn : Intensive dandahīti-, hyate- ( ) to burn or destroy completely (imperative dagdhi-) ; A1. to be burnt completely [ confer, compare Lithuanian degu4,"I am hot"; Gothic dag-s; Old German ta1h-t,"a wick"]  |
dahadahā | f. Name of one of the mothers attending on skanda-, 2638.  |
dāhādhikāra | m. Name of a chapter of a medical work by vṛnda-.  |
dahana | m. Name of an attendant of skanda-  |
dahati | m. Name of an attendant of skanda-  |
daiteya | m. (fr. diti-) a son or descendant of diti-, an asura- etc.  |
daiteyī | f. a female descendant of diti-  |
daiva | m. plural the attendants of a deity  |
daivantyāyana | m. (patronymic fr. ?) Name of a man plural his descendants  |
dākṣaka | n. a number of descendants of dakṣa-  |
dākṣāyaṇa | m. a son or descendant of dakṣa- etc.  |
dakṣiṇābandha | m. "bondage of ritual reward", one of the 3 states of bondage (in sāṃkhya- philosophy)  |
dalapuṣpā | f. Pandanus odoratissimus =  |
dalapuṣpī | f. Pandanus odoratissimus =  |
dāmakaṇṭha | m. plural his descendants (gaRa upakādi-).  |
dāman | n. large bandage  |
ḍāmara | m. a Name of 6 tantra-s (yoga--, śiva--, durgā--, sārasvata--, brahma--, gandharva--)  |
ḍāmara | m. of an attendant of śiva-,  |
ḍambara | m. Name of an attendant of skanda-  |
ḍambara | m. of a gandharva- (varia lectio ḍumb-)  |
daṃś | cl.1. (originally cl.6.) d/aśati- ( ; A1. ; parasmE-pada d/aśat- etc.; perfect tense dadaṃśa-; plural śur- ; parasmE-pada dadaśv/as- ; future daṅkṣyati- ; daṃṣṭā- ;1. plural daśiṣyāmas- ; Aorist adāṅkṣīt- ; plural ṣur- ; ind.p. daṃṣṭvā- ; cl.1. daṃśati- ) to bite etc.: Causal to cause to bite ; to cause to be bitten by (instrumental case) : Intensive dandaśyate-, śīti- ; dandaṣṭi-, daṃṣṭi- ; parasmE-pada d/andaśāna- (confer, compare ś/ūka-) repeatedly biting : Causal of Intensive (ind.p. dandaśayitvā-) causing to be bitten by (instrumental case) ; ([ confer, compare ; Gothic tahyan.])  |
dānaṃdadā | f. Name of an apsaras- or of a female gandharva-  |
daṇḍa | m. Name of an attendant of the Sun  |
daṇḍabāhu | m. Name of an attendant of skanda-  |
daṇḍaka | m. a class of metres the stanzas of which may extend from 4 x 27 to 4X 999 syllables  |
daṇḍanāyaka | m. Name of an attendant of the Sun  |
daṇḍopānaha | n. sg. a staff and sandal,  |
danu | m. Name of a son of śri- (also called dānava-;originally very handsome, but changed into a monster[ kabandha-]by indra- for having offended him)  |
daśaka | mfn. consisting of 10, having 10 parts  |
dāsamitrāyaṇa | m. descendant of dāsa-mitra- ( dāsamitrāyaṇabhakta -bhakta- n.the district inhabited by them gaRa aiṣukāry-ādi-)  |
dāsamitri | m. descendant of dāsa-mitra- ( dāsamitribhakta -bhakta- n.the district inhabited by them gaRa aiṣukāry-ādi-)  |
daśapura | n. "Decapolis", the modern Mandasor (in Malwa)  |
daśaratha | m. Name of rāma-'s father (descendant of ikṣvāku-, sovereign of ayodhyā-) (death of durgā-) (-pūrva-ratha-)  |
dāśarathi | m. a descendant of daśa-ratha- patronymic of rāma- etc.  |
dāśārha | m. a prince of the daśārna-, Name of kṛṣṇa- ( ) and of a king of mathurā- ( )  |
dāseraka | m. a camel Name of a man plural in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' his descendants  |
daśerakagaḍeraka | m. plural the descendants of daśera- and gaḍeraka- gaRa tika-kitavādi- ( )  |
daśopaniṣadbhāṣya | n. Name of a commentator or commentary by ānanda-tīrtha-.  |
daurgaha | m. "descendant of dur-gaha-" patronymic of puru-kutsa- ( "horse") .  |
day | cl.1 A1. d/ayate- (parasmE-pada d/ayamāna- etc.; Aorist adayiṣṭa-. ; perfect tense yāṃ cakre- ) to divide, impart, allot (with genitive case, ; accusative ) ; to partake, possess ; to divide asunder, destroy, consume ; to take part in, sympathize with, have pity on (accusative, ; genitive case ) ; to repent ; to go : Causal (Potential dayayet-) to have pity on (genitive case) : Intensive dandayyate-, dād- ; see ava--, nir-ava--, vi--.  |
dāyāda | m. a son or distant descendant or kinsman  |
ddivasa | m. Sunday  |
deśa | m. institute, ordinance (deśam- ā- vas-,or ni-viś-,to settle in a place ; śe-,in the proper place [ especially with kāle-] Often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' [f(ā-). ] especially after a word denoting a country or a part of the body exempli gratia, 'for example' kāmboja--, magadha--; aṃsa--, kaṇṭha--, skandha--; ātmīya--,one's own country or home)  |
deśasaukhya | n. Name of a chapter of the ṭoḍarānanda-.  |
deśya | mfn. to be pointed or picked out, excellent in its kind, standard  |
devadatta | m. of a son of the Brahman govinda-datta-  |
devagāndhāra | n. or m. a particular mode of singing (see -gandharva-)  |
devagandharva | m. plural gods and gandharva-s  |
devagandharva | m. the divine gandharva-s (opp. to manuṣya--), Taitt. (nārada- so called )  |
devagandharva | n. a mode of singing, 8449, (see -gāndhāra-).  |
devagāyana | m. "celestial songster", a gandharva-  |
devaka | m. of a gandharva- (at once a prince, son of āhuka- and father of devakī- [below] ) |
devakardama | m. "divine paste", a fragrant paste of sandal, agallochum, camphor, and safflower  |
devakulika | m. attendant on a temple  |
devala | m. an attendant upon an idol (who subsists on the offerings made to it;oftener laka- )  |
devala | m. Name of a descendant of kaśyapa- and one of the authors of  |
devala | m. of a son of viśvā-mitra- (plural his descendants)  |
devamīḍha | m. of a descendant of nimi- and janaka-  |
devamitrā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
devānucara | m. a follower or attendant of a god  |
devaprabha | m. "having divine splendour", Name of a gandharva-  |
devarāta | m. "god-given", Name of śunaḥ-śepa- after being received into the family of viśvā-mitra- etc. (plural his descendants )  |
devarāta | m. Name of a king who was the son of su-ketu- and descendant of nimi-  |
devasabhya | m. deity's attendant  |
devasenā | f. a host of celestials etc. (plural the hosts of deva- or īśāna- ; devasenāpati -pati-[ ] m. and devasenāpriya -priya-[ ] m.Name of skanda-)  |
devasena | m. Name of a daughter of prajā-pati- or niece (daughter ) of indra- and wife of skanda-  |
devataru | m. Name of the 5 trees of svarga- (mandāra-, pārijātaka-, saṃtāna-, kalpa-vṛkṣa-, hari-candana-).  |
devavacanā | f. "having divine speech", Name of a gandharvā-  |
devavatī | f. (vatī-) Name of a daughter of the gandharva- grāma-ṇī-  |
devavrata | m. of skanda-  |
devayājin | m. Name of one of the attendants of skanda-  |
devayāna | n. of a wife of skanda-  |
dhamadhama | m. of an attendant of śiva-  |
dhamadhamā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
dhanadā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. of a merchant  |
dhanaṃjaya | m. of a Brahman plural his descendants  |
dhānāntarvat | (dh/ānānt-or dhānānt-), m. Name of a gandharva-  |
dhanasampad | ( ) f. accumulation or abundance of wealth.  |
dhanasampatti | ( ) f. accumulation or abundance of wealth.  |
dhāndhya | n. indisposition (see dhandha-).  |
dhanuhastā | f. Name of a being attendant on devī-  |
dhanurvaktra | m. "bow-mouth", Name of one of skanda-'s attendants  |
dhāra | m. edge. boundary (see 2. dhārā-)  |
dharaṇī | f. equals -kanda-  |
dhāraṇīyā | f. a particular bulbous plant (equals dharaṇīkanda-)  |
dhārānuyāja | (rān-) m. a secondary sacrifice connected with a libation  |
dharma | m. Law or Justice personified (as indra- etc.;as yama- ;as born from the right breast of yama- and father of śama-, kāma- and harṣa- ;as viṣṇu- ;as prajā-pati- and son-in-law of dakṣa- etc.;as one of the attendants of the Sun ;as a Bull ;as a Dove )  |
dharma | m. of a son of gāndhāra- and father of dhṛta-  |
dharmada | m. Name of one of the attendants of skanda-  |
dharmagupta | m. "law-protected", Name of men (also -miśra-), of a poet  |
dharmakāṅkṣiṇī | f. Name of a gandharvī- and a kiṃ-narī-  |
dharmakūpa | m. "holy well", Name of a tīrtha-  |
dharmaṃdadā | f. Name of a gandharvī-  |
dharmamūla | the foundation of law and religion, the veda-s  |
dharmanada | m. Name of a sacred lake  |
dharmāndhu | m. "well of virtue","sacred well"Name of a tīrtha-  |
dharmapīṭha | m.,"law-seat", Name of a place in vārāṇasī-  |
dharmapriya | m. "law-friend", Name of a gandharva- prince  |
dharmeśa | m. equals mendra-,  |
dharuṇa | n. basis, foundation, firm ground (also plural)  |
dharuṇahvara | (r/uṇa--) mfn. trembling in its foundations or receptacle  |
dhātu | m. a constituent element or essential ingredient of the body (distinct from the 5 mentioned above and conceived either as 3 humours [called also doṣa-]phlegm, wind and bile [ see purīṣa-, māṃsa-, manas-, ];or as the 5 organs of sense, indriyāṇi-[ see sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order and , where śrotra-, ghrāṇa-, āsya-, hṛdaya-and koṣṭha-are mentioned as the 5 dhātu- of the human body born from the either] and the 5 properties of the elements perceived by them, gandha-, rasa-, rūpa-, sparśa-and śabda- ;or the 7 fluids or secretions, chyle, blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow, semen [ rasādi-or rasa-raktādi-,of which sometimes 10 are given, the above 7 and hair, skin, sinews ])  |
dhava | m. (accent. only ;said by some to be fr. dhū-,but more probably a secondary formation fr. vi-dh/avā- q.v) a man  |
dhāvana | |