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Grammar Search
"nantum" has 1 results
nantum: Infinitivenam
Monier-Williams Search
1 result
nam cl.1 P. n/amati- (), te- (mostly intrans.; confer, compare ; pr. p. A1. namāna- ; perfect tense P. nāma- etc.;2. sg. nemitha-,or nanantha- ; subjunctive nan/amas- ;3. plural nemur- ; A1. neme- ;3. plural -nanamire- ; Aorist P. anān- ; anaṃsīt- ; A1. anaṃsta- grammar;3. plural anaṃsata- ; subjunctive naṃsai-, naṃsante- ; future naṃsyati- ; namiṣyati- ; nantā- ; infinitive mood -n/amam-, -n/ame- ; nantum-, namitum- ; ind.p. natvā- ; -natya- ; -namya- ) to bend or bow (either trans. or oftener intr.) to bow to, subject or submit, one's self (with genitive case dative case or accusative) etc. ; (with hiruk-) to turn away, keep aside ; to turn towards id est to aim at (genitive case) with (instrumental case) ; to yield or give way, keep quiet or be silent ; (in gram.) to change a dental letter into a cerebral : Passive voice namyate-, to be bent or bowed ; yield or submit to : Causal nam/ayati- etc. (nāmayati- etc.; nāmyati-[!] ; Aorist anīnamat- ; Passive voice nāmyate-, ti- etc.) to cause to bow or sink, incline etc. ; (with cāpam-) to bend a bow etc. ; to turn away or ward off ; to aim at (genitive case), ; (in gram.) to change a dental letter into a cerebral : Desiderative ninaṃsati-, : Intensive n/annamīti- ; nannamyate- (3. sg. n/amnate- imperfect tense anamnata-, parasmE-pada n/amamāna- ) to bow or submit one's self to (dative case). [ confer, compare Zend nam,nemaiti; Greek , ; Latin nemus; Gothic , Old Saxon , Anglo-Saxon niman; HGerm. ne0man,ne0men,nehmen.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Parse Time: 1.827s Search Word: nantum Input Encoding: IAST IAST: nantum