nam | नम् 1 P., sometimes Ā. (नमति-ते, ननाम, अनंसीत्, नंस्यति, नत, caus. नमयति-ते or नामयति-ते, but with a preposition नमयति only; desid. निनंसति) also 9 P. (नम्नाति), 4. P. (नम्यति) 1 To bow to, make obeisance to, salute (as a mark of respect) (with acc. or dat.); इयं नमति वः सर्वान् त्रिलोचनवधूरिति Ku.6.89; Bg.11.37; Bk.9.51;1.31; 12.99; Si.4.57. -2 To submit or subject oneself, bow down; अशक्तः सन्धिमान् नमेत् Kām.8.55. -3 To bend, sink; go down; अनंसीद्भूर्भरेणास्य Bk.15.25; नेमुः सर्वदिशः K.55; उन्नमति नमति वर्षति......मेघः Mk.5.26. -4 To stoop, be inclined. -5 To be bent or curved. -6 To sound. -7 To change a dental to a lingual letter. -Caus. 1 To bend, make curved. -2 To bend (as a bow); न नमयितुमधिज्यमस्मि शक्तः Ś.2.3. -3 To cause to sink. -4 To prevent, ward off. -5 To subdue, make subordinate; स पुरस्कृतमध्यमक्रमो नमयामास नृपाननुद्धरन् R.8.9. |
namanam | नमनम् [नम्-ल्युट्] 1 Bowing down, bending, stooping. -2 Sinking. -3 A bow, salutation, obeisance. -नः One who causes to bend or bow; नमयति स्म वनानि मनस्विनीजनमनो नमनो घनमारुतः Śi.6.3. |
namas | नमस् ind. 1 A bow, salutation, obeisance, adoration; (this word is, by itself, invariably used with dat.; तस्मै वदान्यगुरवे तरवे नमो$स्तु Bv.1.94; नमस्त्रिमूर्तये तुभ्यम् Ku.2.4; but with कृ, generally with acc.; मुनित्रयं नमस्कृत्य Sk.; but sometimes with dat. also; नमस्कुर्मो नृसिंहाय ibid. The word has the sense of a noun, but is treated as an indeclinable.) -2 Ved. Food. -3 A thunderbolt. -4 A gift, present. -5 A sacrifice. -Comp. -कारः, -कृतिः f. -करणम् bowing, respectful or reverential salutation, respectful obeisance (made by uttering the word नमस्). -कारी a kind of plant (Mar. लाजाळू). -कृत a. 1 bowed down to, saluted. -2 revered, adored, worshipped. -गुरुः 1 a spiritual teacher. -2 a Brāhmaṇa. -चमसः 1 a kind of cake. -2 the moon. -3 magic. -वाकम् ind. uttering the word नमस् i. e. making a low obeisance; इदं कविभ्यः पूर्वेभ्यो नमोवाकं प्रशास्महे U.1.1; -m. नाथायाभिरुपासिताय च नमोवाकानधीयीमहि Viś. Gunā.123. -वृध् m. a sacrifice. |
namasa | नमस a. Favourable, kindly disposed. |
namasita | नमसित नमस्यित a. Revered, respected, saluted. |
namasya | नमस्य a. 1 Entitled to obeisance, revered, respectable, adorable; ब्रह्मन्नतिथिनर्मस्यः Kaṭh. Up.; ब्राह्मणा मे महाभागा नमस्याः पुरुषर्षभाः Mb.12.59.19. -2 Respectful, humble. -स्या Worship, adoration, reverence, obeisance; प्रियायास्मै धाम्ने प्रविहितनमस्यो$स्मि भवते Mahimna.28. |
namasyati | नमस्यति Den. P. 1 To bow down to, pay homage to, worship; नमस्यामो देवान् ननु हतविधेस्ते$पि वशगाः Bh.2.94. -2 To act humbly towards. |
namasyu | नमस्यु a. Ved. Worshipping, saluting. |
namata | नमत a. [नम्-अतच्] Bent, bowed, crooked, curved. -तः 1 An actor, -2 Smoke. -3 A master, lord. -4 A cloud. -तम् Woollen stuff. |
nameruḥ | नमेरुः N. of a tree (रुद्राक्ष or सुरपुन्नाग); गणा नमेरुप्रसवाव- तंसा Ku.1.55;3.43; R.4.74. |
namita | नमित a. Bowed, bent down. |
namra | नम्र a. [नम्-र] 1 Bowing, bowing down, bent, inclined, hanging down; भवन्ति नम्रास्तरवः फलागमैः Ś.5.12. स्तोकनम्रा स्तनाभ्याम् Me.84; Pt.1.16; Ratn.1.19. -2 Bowing down, making a low obeisance; अभूत् च नम्रः प्रणिपातशिक्षया R.3.25; इत्युच्यते ताभिरुमा स्म नम्रा Ku.7.28. -3 Lowly, submissive, humble, reverential; as in भक्तिनम्रः Me.57. -4 Crooked, curved. -5 Worshipping. -6 Devoted or attached to. -Comp. -अङ्ग, -मूर्ति a. bent, stooping. -नासिक a. flat-nosed. |
namraka | नम्रक a. Bent, stooping. -कः kind of reed. |
namratā | नम्रता त्वम् 1 Obeisance, respect. -2 Submissiveness, humility. -3 Condescension. |
namrita | नम्रित a. Bent or bowed down, stooping. |
namuciḥ | नमुचिः [न मुञ्चति] 1 N. of a demon slain by Indra; वनमुचे नमुचेररये शिरः R.9.22. [When Indra conquered the Asuras, there was only one called Namuchi who strongly resisted and at last captured him. He offered to let Indra go provided he promised 'not to kill by day or by night, with wet or dry'. Indra promised to do so and was released, but he cut off Namuchi's head at twilight and with foam of water (which is neither wet nor dry). According to another version Namuchi was a friend of Indra, and once drank up his strength and made him quite imbecile. The Aśvins (and Sarasvatī also, as the story goes) then supplied Indra with a Vajra with which he cut off the demon's head]. -2 N. of the god of love. -Comp. -सूदनः, -द्विष्, -हन् m. epithets of Indra; विगृह्य चक्रे नमुचिद्विषा बली य इत्थमस्वास्थ्यमहर्निशं दिवः Śi.1.51. |
namya | नम्य , also -नमनीय a. Venerable, respectable; त्वमर्थानां मूलं धनदनमनीयाङ्घ्रिकमले Ā. L.8. |
aṃśanam | अंशनम् [अंश्-ल्युट्] Act of dividing. |
akalpanam | अकल्पनम् Freedom from desires; absolution; बुद्धीन्द्रिय- मनः प्राणाञ्जनानामसृजत्प्रभुः । मात्रार्थं च भवार्थं च आत्मने$कल्पनाय च ॥ Bhāg.1.87.2. |
aṅkanam | अङ्कनम् [अङ्क-करणे भावे वा ल्युट्] 1 A mark, token; स्नेहाङ्कनानि Māl.9.46; marks of love. -2 Act of marking. -3 Means of marking, stamping, &c. |
aṅganam | अङ्गनम् णम् [अङ्ग्यते गृहान्निःसृत्य गम्यते अत्र; अङ्ग्-ल्युट्, वा णत्वम् Tv.] 1 A place to walk in, a courtyard, an area, yard, court; गृह˚; गगन˚ the wide firmament; ˚भुवः केसरवृक्षस्य v. l. बालबकुलस्य Māl. 1 situated or being in the courtyard. -2 [करणे ल्युट्] A conveyance. -3 [भावे ल्युट्] Going, walking &c. |
aṅgirasāmayanam | अङ्गिरसामयनम् [अलुक् स.] A Sattra sacrifice. |
acodanam | अचोदनम् Non-injunction, a more statement (of something already known); देशकालानामचोदनं प्रयोगे नित्य- समवायात् MS.4.2.23. |
acchoṭanam | अच्छोटनम् Hunting. |
ajanam | अजनम् [अज् भावे ल्युट्] Moving, driving. -नः Brahmā ˚योनिजः born from Brahmā; i. e. Dakṣ. |
ajinam | अजिनम् [अजति क्षिपति रज आदि आवरणेन; अज्-इनच्, अजे- रज च Uṇ.2.48, वीभावबाधनार्थम्] 1 the (hairy) skin of a tiger, lion, elephant &c. especially of a black antelope (used as a seat, garment &c.); अथाजिनाषाढधरः Ku.5.3, गजाजिनं शोणितबिन्दुवर्षि च 67, Ki.11.15; ऐणेयेनाजिनेन ब्राह्मणं रौरवेण _x001F_3क्षत्रियम् अजिनेन वैश्यम् Āśval. -2 A sort of leather bag or bellows. -Comp. -पत्रा -त्री -त्रिका [अजिनं चर्म इव सुश्लिष्टं पत्रं पक्षो यस्याः सा, गौरा˚ ङीष् स्वार्थे कन्] a bat. -फला [अजिनं भस्त्रेव फलं यस्याः सा] N. of a plant (भस्त्राकारफलो वृक्षः). -योनिः [अजिनस्य योनिः प्रभवः] a deer, an antelope. -वासिन् a. [अजिनं वस्ते, वस्- णिनि] clad in an antelope-hide. -सन्धः [अजिनं सन्दधाति] a furrier. |
aṭanam | अटनम् Wandering, roaming; भिक्षा˚, रात्रि˚ &c. |
aṭṭanam | अट्टनम् [अट्ट्यते अनाद्रियते रिपुरनेन, अट्ट करणे ल्युट्] A weapon shaped like a discus (चक्राकारफलकास्त्रम्). -नम् [भावे ल्युट्] Disregard. |
aḍḍanam | अड्डनम् [करणे ल्युट्] A shield. See अट्टनम्. |
atanam | अतनम् [अत्-ल्युट्] Going, wandering. -नः A wanderer, a passer-by. |
atijīvanam | अतिजीवनम् Surviving &c. |
atiḍīnam | अतिडीनम् Extraordinary flight (of birds).
अतितराम् atitarām अतितमाम् atitamām
अतितराम् अतितमाम् ind. [अति-तर _x001F_+(म) प् आमु] 1 more, higher (abl.); नृत्तादस्याः स्थितमतितरां कान्तम् M.2.6. -2 Exceedingly, very much; excessive, great; ˚सुदुःसहः R.3.37; ˚रां कान्तिमापत्स्यते Me.15 will attain great splendour. -3 Above, higher in rank (acc.); तस्माद्वा एते देवा ˚रामिवान्यान् देवान् Ken.4.2. |
atidānam | अतिदानम् Manificence, liberality; अतिदाने बलिर्बद्धः Chān.5. |
atipatanam | अतिपतनम् Flying past or beyond; omission, neglect, missing, transgressing; exceeding, going beyond due bounds. |
atibhojanam | अतिभोजनम् Voracity, surfeiting oneself, excess in eating. |
atilaṅghanam | अतिलङ्घनम् 1 Excessive fasting. -2 Transgression; न युक्तमत्रार्यजनातिलङ्घनम् Ki.14.9. |
ativartanam | अतिवर्तनम् a. Pardonable offence; दशातिवर्तनान्याहुः Ms.8.29. |
ativāhanam | अतिवाहनम् 1 Passing, spending. -2 Excessive toiling or enduring, bearing too much load; too heavy burden; H.3. -3 Despatching, sending away, ridding oneself of; कथमस्य˚ न भविष्यति Pt.5. how shall I rid myself of him? |
ativartanam | अतिवर्तनम् A pardonable offence or misdemeanour; exemption from punishment; ten cases are mentioned in Ms.8.29 (यानस्य चैव यातुश्च यानस्वाभिन एव च । दशातिः- वर्तनान्याहुः शेषे दण्डो विधीयते ॥) |
ativardhanam | अतिवर्धनम् Excessive growth, increase, adding to, increasing; एतत्खलु व्यजनानिलैरति (भि) वर्धनं प्रभञ्जनस्य यदस्म- द्विधैः परिबोधनमार्यस्य K.289; cf. "Carrying coals to New Castle", or "To gild refined gold, to paint the lily, ...or with taper-light the eye of Heaven to garnish is wasteful and ridiculous excess". |
ativyathanam | अतिव्यथनम् था Infliction of great pain; cf. सपत्रनिष्प- त्रादतिव्यथने P.V.4.61. |
atiśāyanam | अतिशायनम् [शी-ल्युट्] Excellence, superiority, पर्यायात्परमतिशायनस्य वा यत् Mv.4.15; अतिशायने तमविष्ठनौ (superlative affixes) P.V.3.55. |
atisandhānam | अतिसन्धानम् 1 Cheating, deception; परातिसन्धान˚ Ś.5.25; trick, fraud. -2 Capture. -दण्डा˚ = Capture by means of the army. Kau. A.12. |
atisāntapanam | अतिसान्तपनम् A kind of very austere penance; (गोमूत्रगोमयक्षीरदधिसर्पिःकुशोदकान्येकाहं द्वितीयमुपवसेत्तत्सान्तपनम्; त्र्यहाभ्यस्तैश्चातिसान्तपनम् Viṣṇu Smṛiti). |
atisarjanam | अतिसर्जनम् 1 Giving, granting; consigning विधुरां ज्वलनातिसर्जनात् Ku.4.32, consigning to the flames; दीयतामिति वचो$तिसर्जने Śi.14.48; तत्तदीयविशिखातिसर्जनात् Ki. 13.57 giving back. -2 Liberality, munificence. -3 Killing. -4 Deception. -5 Separation from, parting with. |
atnam | अत्नम् [अतति जयपराजयौ अत्र, अत्-न] A battle, fight. |
atyādhānam | अत्याधानम् 1 Laying on, imposition. -2 Transgression. -3 Violation of आधान, not keeping the sacred fire. |
adarśanam | अदर्शनम् 1 Not _x001F_3seeing, non-vision; absence, not being _x001F_,seen तमाहितौत्सुक्यमदर्शनेन R.2.73; अन्तर्धौ येनादर्शन- मिच्छति P.I.4.28 the person whose sight one wishes to avoid; ˚नं गतः Pt.2; ˚नीभूतः Pt. 1 become invisible; अस्य ˚नं गत्वा Pt.2 going out of his sight, beyond the reach of vision; सा चात्यन्तमदर्शनं नयनयोर्याता V.4.9. lost to view, become invisible. -2 Neglect, or failure _x001F_+to see; ब्राह्मणादर्शनेन च Ms.1.43. -3 (Gram.) Disappearance, elision, omission; अदर्शनं लोपः P.I.1.6. -4 Non-mention, non-assertion; दर्शनादर्शनयोश्च दर्शनं प्रमाणम् । ŚB. on MS.1.7.36. -5 Ignorance; अदर्शनादापतिताः पुनश्चादर्शनं गताः Mb.11.2.13. |
adhijananam | अधिजननम् Birth; मातुरग्रे$धिजननम् Ms.2.169. |
adhidevanam | अधिदेवनम् Gambling table, board for gambling (अधि उपरि दीव्यते यत्र.)
अधिदैवम् adhidaivam दैवतम् daivatam
अधिदैवम् दैवतम् [अधिष्ठातृ दैवम्-दैवतम् वा] 1 The presiding god or deity; अधिदैवं किमुच्यते Bg.8.1. पुरुषश्चा- धिदैवतम् Bg.8.4;7.3; शिवाधिदैवतं ध्यायेत् वह्निप्रत्यधिदैवतम्; तमभिनन्दन्ति...यः अधिदैवतमिव स्तौति K.19. -2 The supreme deity or the divine agent operating in material objects. |
adhibhojanam | अधिभोजनम् [अधिकं भोजनम्] 1 Excess in eating. -2 [अधिकं भोजनं धनं मूल्यं वा यस्य] Very costly or valuable; दश वस्त्राधिभोजना Rv.6.47.23; a supplementary or additional gift (?) |
adhimanthanam | अधिमन्थनम् [मन्थ्-भावे करणे वा ल्युट्] Rubbing together for producing fire; suitable for such friction (as wood). अस्तीदमधिमन्थनम् Rv.3.29.1. |
adhivacanam | अधिवचनम् 1 Advocacy, speaking in favour of (पक्षपातेन कथनं वचनम्). -2 A name, epithet, appellation. |
adhivāsanam | अधिवासनम् [वस्-णिच्, or वास् ल्युट्.] 1 Scenting with perfumes or odorous substances (संस्कारो गन्धमाल्याद्यैः Ak.). -2 [वस्-णिच्-ल्युट्] Preliminary consecration (प्रतिष्ठा) of an image, its invocation and worship by suitable Mantras &c. before the commencement of a sacrifice; (यज्ञारम्भात्प्राक् देवताद्यावाहनपूर्वकः पूजनादिकर्मभेदः); Making a divinity assume its abode in an image. |
adhivāhanam | अधिवाहनम् Taking up, carrying over, conveying. |
adhivikartanam | अधिविकर्तनम् The act of cutting off or cutting through. |
adhivedanam | अधिवेदनम् [भावे ल्युट्] = अधिवेदः. |
adhiṣṭhānam | अधिष्ठानम् [अधि-स्था-ल्युट्] 1 Standing or being near, being at hand, approach (सन्निधि); अत्राधिष्ठानं कुरु take a seat here. -2 Resting upon, occupying, inhabiting, dwelling in, locating oneself in; प्राणाधिष्ठानं देहस्य &c. -3 A position, site, basis, seat; त्र्यधिष्ठानस्य देहिनः Ms.12.4; इन्द्रियाणि मनो बुद्धिरस्याधिष्ठानमुच्यते Bg.3.4, 18.14 the seat (of that desire.) -4 Residence, abode; नगरं राजाधिष्ठानम् Pt.1.; so धर्म˚; a place, locality, town; सर्वाविनयाधिष्ठानतां गच्छन्ति K.16; कस्मिंश्चिदधिष्ठाने in a certain place. -5 Authority, power, power of control, presiding over; अनधिष्ठानम् H.3.83. lose of position, dimissal from a post (of authority); समर्थस्त्वमिमं जेतुमधिष्ठानपराक्रमैः Rām.; ययेह अश्वैर्युक्तो रथः सार- थिना$धिष्ठितः प्रवर्तते तथा आत्माधिष्ठानाच्छरीरम् Gaudapāda; महाश्वेताकृताच्च सत्याधिष्ठानात् K.346 appeal or reference to truth. -6 Government, dominion. -7 A wheel (of a car &c.) अधिष्ठानं मनश्चासीत्परिरथ्या सरस्वती Mb.8.34.34; 5.178.74. -8 A precedent, prescribed rule. -9 A benediction. cf. अधिष्ठानं चक्रपुरप्रभावाध्यासनेष्वपि । Nm. -1 Destruction (?); अमित्राणामधिष्ठानाद्वधाद् दुर्योधनस्य च । भीम दिष्ट्या पृथिव्यां ते प्रथितं सुमहद्यशः ॥ Mb.9.61.14. -11 Couch, seat, bed; साधिष्ठानानि सर्वशः Rām.6.75.19. -12 A butt (for an allurement.) तस्माद् ब्राह्ममधिष्ठानं कृत्वा कार्ये चतुर्विधे । Kau. A.1.1. -Comp. -अधिकरणम् Municipal Board. (अधिष्ठान = city; अधिकरण = court and office of administration) EI,XV, p.143; XVII. p. 193 f; XX, pp.61 ff. -शरीरम् A body which forms the medium between the subtle and the gross body. |
adhyayanam | अध्ययनम् 1 [इ-ल्युट्] Learning, study, reading (especially the Vedas); one of the six duties of a Brāhmaṇa. The study of the Vedas is allowed to the first 3 classes, but not to a Śūdra Ms.1.88.91. अध्ययनं च अक्षरमात्रपाठ इति वैदिकाः, सार्थाक्षरग्रहणमिति मीमांसकाः; the latter view is obviously correct; cf. यथा पशुर्भारवाही न तस्य भजते फलम् । द्विजस्तथार्थानभिज्ञो न वेदफलमश्रुते ॥ or better still Yāska's Nirukta : स्थाणुरयं भारहारः किलाभूदधीत्य वेदं न विजानाति यो$र्थम् । यो$र्थज्ञ इत् (अर्थविद्) सकलं भद्रमश्रुते नाकमेति ज्ञानविधूतपाप्मा ॥ See also under अनग्नि. -2 Muttering प्रणव mantra; वीतरागा महाप्रज्ञा ध्यानाध्ययनसम्पदा Mb. 12.3.49. (अध्ययनं प्रणवजपः इति टीका) -3 Teaching; कृत्वा चाध्ययनं तेषां शिष्याणां शतमुत्तमम् Mb.12.318.17 see अध्यापनम्. |
adhyāpanam | अध्यापनम् [इ-णिच्-भावे-ल्युट्] Teaching, instructing, lecturing, especially on sacred knowledge; one of the six duties of a Brāhmaṇa. According to Indian lawgivers अध्यापन is of three kinds: (1) undertaken for charity, (2) for wages and (3) in consideration of services rendered; cf. Hārīta : अध्यापनं च त्रिविधं धर्मार्थमृक्थ- कारणम् । शुश्रूषाकरणं चेति त्रिविधं परिकीर्तितम् ॥ |
adhyavasānam | अध्यवसानम् [भावे-ल्युट्] 1 Effort, determination &c. See अध्यवसाय -2 (In Rhet.) Identification of two things (प्रकृत and अप्रकृत) in such a manner that the one is completely absorbed into the other; निगीर्याध्यवसानं तु प्रकृतस्य परेण यत् K. P.1; on such identification is founded the figure called अतिशयोक्ति, and the लक्षणा called साध्यवसाना. See K. P.2. |
adhyavahananam | अध्यवहननम् [अधि उपरि अवहननम्] Beating again what is being threshed and peeled (पूर्वावघातेन वितुषीकर- णे$पि पुनरवघातः). |
adhyaśanam | अध्यशनम् [अधिकमशनम्] Excessive eating, eating again before the last meal is digested; साजीर्णे भुज्यते यत्तु तदध्यशनमुच्यते Suśr. |
adhyāsanam | अध्यासनम् 1 Sitting down upon, occupying, presiding over. -2 A seat, place. |
adhyūhanam | अध्यूहनम् Putting of a layer (of ashes &c.). |
ananam | अननम् a. [अन् ल्युट्] Act of breathing, living &c. |
anannam | अनन्नम् Not food, that which is undeserving of being eaten. अनद्यमानो यदनन्नमत्ति Ch. Up. |
anabhidhānam | अनभिधानम् 1 Absence of the expression of the desired meaning (वार्त्तिक -2 A word not in standard use though grammatically correct. |
anabhisandhānam | अनभिसन्धानम् Absence of design or purpose; so अनभिसन्धिः; ˚कृत done undesignedly. |
anamaḥ | अनमः [न नमति अन्यान्] A Brāhmaṇa (one who does not bow down to others and returns salutations made to him by others with a blessing). |
anamitaṃpaca | अनमितंपच (= मितंपच) a. 'Not cooking what has not been first measured.' Miserly, niggardly. |
anamitra | अनमित्र a. Having no enemies. -त्रम् A state of having no enemies. |
anamīva | अनमीव a.. Ved. [नास्ति अमीवो रोगो यस्य न. ब.] Well, happy, free from disease; comfortable, salubrious, sinless. -वम् Good or comfortable state, happiness, prosperity. स्वति चास्मा अनमीवं च धेहि Rv.1.14.11. |
anambara | अनम्बर a. Wearing no garment. -रः A Buddhist mendicant. |
anamra | अनम्र a. Not humble, haughty, proud; अनम्राणां समुद्धर्तुः R.4.35. |
anavalobhanam | अनवलोभनम् [न अवलुप्यते पुमानन्येन, अवलुप्-ल्युट् पृषो˚ पस्य भः Tv.] A sort of purificatory ceremony to be performed in the case of a pregnant woman in the third month after conception. |
anavānam | अनवानम् ind. [अवानः श्वासोच्छ्वासः स यथा न स्यात्तथा] Without breathing between, in one breath, without a pause, uno tenore. |
anaśanam | अनशनम् Fasting, abstinence from food, fasting oneself to death; कृशामनशनेन च Rām.5.15.23. ˚नं च शाययित्वा Dk.156 making him fast; ˚नात् उत्तिष्ठति Pt.4. a. Without food, fasting &c. |
anāśakāyanam | अनाशकायनम् [न नश्यति अनाशकः आत्मा तस्यायनं प्राप्त्यु- पायः] The state of ब्रह्मचर्य, unmarried or student's life, devoted to contemplation and knowledge of the soul; अथ यदनाशकायनमित्या चक्षते ब्रह्मचर्यमेव तत् । एष ह्यात्मा न नश्यति यं ब्रह्मचर्येणानुविन्दते Ch. Up.8.5.3; a course of fasting as a penance (?). |
anirvacanam | अनिर्वचनम् Silence, not uttering (anything) loudly; देवतायास्त्वनिर्वचनम् &c. MS.1.8.52 (where Śabara explains अनिर्वचनम् as तूष्णींभावः). |
anukathanam | अनुकथनम् Subsequent mention; आदेशः कथनम्, अन्वा- देशो$नुकथनम् Kāśi. on P.II.4.32. -2 Relation, narration; discourse, conversation. |
anukīrtanam | अनुकीर्तनम् Act of proclaiming or publishing. असदा- चरिते मार्गे कथं स्यादनुकीर्तनम् Mb.3.233.1. |
anukrandanam | अनुक्रन्दनम् A cry in reply. |
anughaṭanam | अनुघटनम् Linking together with; क्षिप्ता कथानुघटनाय मयापि वाणी K.24. |
anutūlanam | अनुतूलनम् Rubbing in this manner. |
anutthānam | अनुत्थानम् Absence of exertion. अनुत्थाने ध्रुवो नाशः Kau. A. |
anudinam | अनुदिनम् दिवसम् ind. Daily, day after day; पारावतः खलु शिलाकणमात्रभोजी कामी भवेदनुदिनं वद को$त्र हेतुः Udb.; अनुदिवसं पिरहीयसे$ङ्गैः Ś.3. |
anudarśanam | अनुदर्शनम् Inspection, survey; उत्थितश्चाप्रमत्तश्च बलानाम- नुदर्शने Rām.; consideration, regard; जन्ममृत्युजराव्याधिदुःख- दोषानुदर्शनम् Bg.13.8 perception. |
anudhāvanam | अनुधावनम् 1 Going or running after, following, pursuing; तुरग ˚कण्डितसन्धेः Ś.2. -2 Close pursuit of an object (for the knowledge of truth); research, investigation. -3 Seeking a mistress, though unattainable. -4 Cleansing, purification. |
anupatanam | अनुपतनम् पातः 1 Falling upon, alighting upon in succession. -2 Following, going after, pursuit; उपवनपवनानुपातदक्षैः Śi.7.27. -3 Going or proceeding in order or as a consequence. -4 [अनुरूपः त्रैराशिकेन पातः] Proportion. -5 Rule of three. -6 A degree of latitude, opposite to one given. -तम् ind. (regarded as ending in ṇamul from पत्) Following in succession, going after; लतानुपातं कुसुमान्यगृह्णात् Bk.2.11 (लतां लताममुपात्य going to creeper after creeper, or after bending the creepers.) |
anupamardanam | अनुपमर्दनम् Non-refutation of a charge. |
anupasthānam | अनुपस्थानम् Absence, not being at hand. |
anupasthāpanam | अनुपस्थापनम् Not placing, offering or producing, not having ready or at hand. |
anupānam | अनुपानम् 1 A drink taken with or after medicine अनु भेषजेन सह पश्चाद्वा यत् किञ्चिन्मधुक्षीरादि पीयते तत्); a fluid vehicle in medicine. -2 A drink close at hand. हन्तानुपानमित्युच्छिचष्टं वै मे पीतँस्यादिति होवाच Ch. Up.1.1.3. |
anupālanam | अनुपालनम् Preserving, keeping up, obeying. |
anuprajñānam | अनुप्रज्ञानम् Tracing, tracking. |
anupradānam | अनुप्रदानम् 1 A gift, donation. -2 A sort of external effort of the vocal organs giving rise to particular letters (बाह्यप्रयत्न); एते श्वासानुप्रदाना अघोषाश्च विवृण्वते Sk. |
anupravacanam | अनुप्रवचनम् Repetition or reproduction of what has been said by the teacher; ˚आदि a class of words given in P.V.1.111. |
anuprasādanam | अनुप्रसादनम् Propitiation, conciliation; प्रिय ˚नं नाम व्रतम् V.3. |
anuprāṇanam | अनुप्राणनम् Breathing after, animation. |
anubandhanam | अनुबन्धनम् Connection, succession, series &c. |
anubodhanam | अनुबोधनम् Recollection, reminding. |
anubhāvanam | अनुभावनम् Indication of feelings by signs, gestures &c. |
anumananam | अनुमननम् 1 Assent; sufferance. -2 Independence. |
anumānam | अनुमानम् 1 Inferring as the instrument of an अनुमिति, conclusion; from given premises; an inference, conclusion, one of the four means of obtaining knowledge according to the Nyāya system; (अनुमितिकरणमनुमानं तच्च धूमो वह्निव्याप्य इति व्याप्तिज्ञानम्. It is of two kinds स्वार्था- नुमानम् & परार्थानुमानम्); प्रत्यक्षं चानुमानं च शास्त्रं च विविधागमम् । त्रयं सुविदितं कार्यं धर्मशुद्धिमभीप्सता ॥ Ms.12.15. -2 A guess, conjecture, sign to know; इङ्गितैरनुमानैश्च मया ज्ञैया भविष्यति Rām. -3 Analogy, similarity; आत्मनो हृदयानुमानेन प्रेक्षसे Ś.5 you judge (of others) by the analogy of your own heart; स्वानुमानात्कादम्बरीमुत्प्रेक्ष्य K.35. -4 (In Rhet.) A figure which consists in a notion, expressed in a peculiarly striking manner, of a thing established by proof; S. D.711; यत्र पतत्यबलानां दृष्टिर्निशिताः पतन्ति तत्र शराः । तच्चापरोपितशरो धावत्यासां पुरः स्मरो मन्ये ॥ अनुमानं तदुक्तं यत्साध्यसाधनयोर्वचः K. P.1. -Comp. -उक्ति f. reasoning; logical inference. |
anumodanam | अनुमोदनम् 1 Approval, assent, seconding, acceptance, compliance. -2 Causing pleasure. |
anuyānam | अनुयानम् Following. |
anuyojanam | अनुयोजनम् A question, inquiry. |
anurañjanam | अनुरञ्जनम् Conciliating, satisfying, gratifying, pleasing, keeping contented; युक्तः प्रजानामनुरञ्जने स्याः U.1.11. |
anuraṇanam | अनुरणनम् 1 Sounding conformably to; a continuous tinkling echo produced by the sounds of bells, anklets &c. -2 The power of words called व्यञ्जन q. v.; the meaning suggested by what is actually stated; क्रमलक्ष्य- त्वादेवानुरणनरूपो यो व्यङ्ग्यः S. D.4. |
anurodanam | अनुरोदनम् Condolence, sympathy. |
anulomanam | अनुलोमनम् 1 Regular gradation, sending or putting in the right direction. -2 (In medicine) Carrying off by the regular channels, such as purging; alleviation. |
anuvacanam | अनुवचनम् 1 Repetition, recitation; teaching, instruction, lecture, वेदानुवचनं यज्ञो ब्रह्मचर्यं तपो दमः । श्रद्धोपवासः स्वातन्त्र्यमात्मनो ज्ञानहेतवः ॥ Y.3.19. तमेतं वेदानुवचनेन ब्राह्मणा विविदिषन्ति Bṛi. Up.4.4.22. -2 A chapter, section, lesson, division. -3 Repetition of Mantras or texts in conformity with प्रैष or injunction said by other priests. |
anuvācanam | अनुवाचनम् 1 Recitation of passages of the Ṛigveda by the Hotṛi priest in obedience to the injunction (प्रैष) of the अध्वर्यु priest. -2 Causing to recite, teaching, instructing. -3 Reading to oneself; see above. |
anuvidhānam | अनुविधानम् 1 Obedience. -2 Acting in conformity to (orders &c.). |
anuvartanam | अनुवर्तनम् 1 Following (fig. also); attending, compliance, obedience, conformity; प्रकृतस्यानुवर्तने Ak.; इदमाश्चर्यमथवा लोकस्थित्यनुवर्तनम् Mv.7.4; दाक्षिण्य˚ Dk.161. -2 Gratifying, obliging. -3 Approval of, concurrence in. -4 Continuance; result, consequence. -5 Supplying from a preceding Sūtra. |
anuvyañjanam | अनुव्यञ्जनम् A secondary token. |
anuvyākhyānam | अनुव्याख्यानम् [अनुरूपं व्याख्यानम्] That which comments on and explains Mantras, Sūtras &c. (मन्त्रविवरणम्); especially, that portion of a Brāhmaṇa which explains difficult Sūtras, texts &c. occurring in another place. (मन्त्रादीनामनुरूपार्थप्रकाशकं व्याख्यानम्).
अनुव्याहरणम् anuvyāharaṇam व्याहारः vyāhārḥ
अनुव्याहरणम् व्याहारः 1 Repetition, repeated utterance; mentioning, along with something else. -2 A curse, imprecation. |
anuśāsanam | अनुशासनम् Advice, persuasion, direction, order. command; instruction, laying down rules or precepts; a law, rule, precept; treatment (of a subject), (with the object in comp. or with gen., the agent, if expressed, being put in the instr. or gen.); एतद्वै भद्रमनुशासनस्य Rv.1.32.7. एतदनुशासनम् Tait. Up.7.9.7. भवत्यधिक्षेप इवानुशासनम् Ki.1.28 words of advice; तन्मनोरनुशासनम् Ms.8.139;6.5;2.159; यौवन˚ K.146; नामलिङ्ग˚ laying down rules on the gender of nouns, explanation of gender &c.; शब्दानुशासनम् Sk.; शब्दानामनुशासनमाचार्यस्य आचार्येण वा P.II.3.66 Sk. -Comp. -पर a. obedient. -पर्वन् N. of the 13th book of the Mahābhārata (so called because it lays down precepts of advice). |
anuśīlanam | अनुशीलनम् Intent of assiduous application, constant pursuit or exercise, constant or repeated practice or study; विज्ञातसाराण्यनुशीलनेन Ki.16.28. |
anuṣañjanam | अनुषञ्जनम् Concord, grammatical connection or agreement. |
anuṣṭhānam | अनुष्ठानम् 1 Doing, performance, practice, execution, accomplishment &c.; obeying, acting in conformity to; उपरुध्यते तपो$नुष्ठानम् Ś.4. practice of religious austerities; को$पि वधोपायश्चिन्त्यो यस्यानुष्ठानेन Pt.1; नानुष्ठानैर्विहीनाः स्युः
कुलजा विधवा इव Pt.2.95; धर्मे स्वयमनुष्ठानं कस्यचित्तु महात्मनः H.1.99; शास्त्रानुष्ठानं वा Kau. A.1.6. -2 Commencing, undertaking, engaging in; यदि समुद्रेण सह वैरानुष्ठानं कार्यम् Pt.1. -3 Commencement or course of conduct, procedure, course of action; कथं न्याय्यमनुष्ठानं मादृशः प्रति- षेधतु U.5.21. -4 Practice of religious rites or ceremonies, any religious rite or ceremony; किंत्वनुष्ठाननित्यत्वं स्वातन्त्र्यमपकर्षति U.1.8; Mv.4.33. -नी Performance, doing &c. -Comp. -शरीरम् 'the body of action'; (according to the Sāṅkhya doctrine) the intermediate body between the सूक्ष्म or subtle and the स्थूल or gross body. |
anuṣṭhāpanam | अनुष्ठापनम् Causing to do an act. |
anusaṃdhānam | अनुसंधानम् 1 Inquiry, investigation; close inspection or scrutiny, examination; Mv.7. -2 Aiming at. H. -3 Planning, arranging, getting ready &c.; दुर्गानुसंधाने को नियुज्यताम् H.3 equipping with the necessary materials. -4 A plan, scheme. -5 Suitable connection. -6 (In the Vaiś. Phil.) The 4th step in a syllogism, the उपनय or application.
अनुसंधानिन् anusandhānin संधायिन् sandhāyin
अनुसंधानिन् संधायिन् a. Investigating, looking after; skilful in concerting plans. |
anusamāpanam | अनुसमापनम् Regular completion. |
anusavanam | अनुसवनम् (also अनुसवम्) ind. 1 After a sacrifice. -2 At every sacrifice, after ablutions. -3 Every moment. cf. Bhāg.1.15.28. |
anusūcanam | अनुसूचनम् Indication, pointing out. |
antardhānam | अन्तर्धानम् [धा-ल्युट्] Being invisible, disappearance, passing out sight; ˚व्यसनरसिका रात्रिकापालिकीयम् K. P. 1; ˚गम् or इ to become invisible, disappear. -Comp. -गत a. disappeared, invisible. -चर a. moving invisibly. |
andolanam | अन्दोलनम् Swinging, oscillating, waving; द्राक् चामरा- न्दोलनात् Udb. See आन्दोलनम् |
annam | अन्नम् [अद्-क्त; अनित्यनेन, अन्-नन्; according to Yāska from अद्, अद्यते अत्ति च भूतानि; or from आ-नम्, आ आभि मुख्येन ह्येतन्नतं प्रह्वीभूतं भवति भोजनाय भूतानाम्] 1 Food (in general); अद्यते$त्ति च भूतानि तस्मादन्नं तदुच्यते Tait. Up.; मदो$सृङ्मांसमज्जास्थि वदन्त्यन्नं मनीषिणः Ms.3.8.182; अहमन्नं भवान् भोक्ता H.1.51. I am your prey &c.; चराणामन्नमचराः Ms.5.29. -2 Food as representing the lowest form in which the Supreme Soul is manifested, being the coarsest and last of the 5 vestures (कोश) in which the soul is clothed and passes from body to body in the long process of metempsychosis - "the nutrimentitious vesture or visible body in the world of sense" (स्थूल- शरीर called अन्नमयकोश). -3 Boiled rice; अन्नेन व्यञ्जनम् P. II.1.34. -4 Corn (bread corn); ता (आपः) अन्नम- सृजन्त तस्माद्यत्र क्व च वर्षति तदेव भूयिष्ठमन्नं भवति Ch. Up. 6.2.4.; आदित्याज्जायते वृष्टिर्वृष्टेरन्नं ततः प्रजाः Ms.3.76; कृत˚ 9.219;1.86,12.65. -5 Water. -6 Earth (पृथिव्या अन्नहेतुत्वादन्नशब्दवाच्यता). -7 N. of Viṣṇu. -न्नः The sun (स हि अन्नहेतुवृष्टिहेतुः). -Comp. -अकालः = अनाकाल q. v. -अत्तृ, -आदिन्, -आहारिन् eating food. -अद a. eating food. -2 having a good appetite (दीप्ताग्नि). (-दः) N. of Viṣṇu. -अद्यम् proper food, food in general; कुर्यादहरहः श्राद्धमन्नाद्येनोदकेन वा Ms.3.82,4.112, 11.144. अन्नाद्येन प्रजापतिः (तृप्तः) Mb.3.2.68. -आच्छा- दनम्, -वस्त्रम् food and clothing, food and raiment, the bare necessaries of life. -आयुः (अन्नायु) consisting of, living by, food; desirous of food (अन्नबन्धनः, अन्नजीवनः). -काम a. desirous of food; स इद्भोजो यो गृहवे ददात्यन्नकामाय Rv.1.117.3. -कालः hour of dinner; meal-time. -किट्टः = ˚मल q. v. -कूटः a large heap of boiled rice. -कोष्ठकः 1 a cupboard; granary. -2 Viṣṇu. -3 the sun. -गतिः f. the passage of food, gullet (cf. बहिः- स्रोतस्). -गन्धिः dysentery, diarrhoea. -ज, जात a. produced from food as the primitive substance. -जम् rice-gruel of three days. -जा f. a hickup. -जलम् food and water, bare subsistence. -तेजस् a. having the vigour caused by food. -द, -दातृ, -दायिन्, -प्रद a. 1 giving food. वारिदस्तृप्तिमाप्नोति सुखमक्षय्यमन्नदः Ms.4.229. -2 epithet of Śiva. -दा N. of Durgā or Annapūrṇā. -दासः [अन्नेन पालितो दासः शाक. त.] a servant who works for food only, one who becomes a servant or slave by getting food only. -देवता the deity supposed to preside over articles of food. -दोषः 1 sin arising from eating prohibited food; Ms.5.4. -2 a defect in the food eaten; derangement of food or the humours of the body; आलस्यादन्नदोषाच्च मृत्युर्विप्राञ् जिघांसति Ms.5.4. -द्वेषः dislike of food, loss of appetite. -पतिः lord or possessor of food, epithet of Savitṛ, Agni, and Śiva. अन्नपते$न्नस्य नो देहि Tait. Saṁ.11.83;34.58. -पाकः cooking of food; digestion of food; (by the fire in the stomach). -पू a. purifying food, epithet of the Sun. -पूर्ण a. filled with, possessed of, food. (-र्णा) a form of Durgā (the goddess of plenty); ˚ईश्वरी N. of Durgā or a form of Bhairavī. -पेयम् = वाज- पेयम् q. v. -प्रलय a. being dissolved into food after death. -प्राशः, प्राशनम् the ceremony of giving a new-born child food to eat for the first time, one of the 16 Saṁskāras performed between the 5th and 8th month (usually in the sixth, Ms.2.34) with preliminary oblations to fire (Mar.उष्टावण); षष्ठे$न्नप्राशन मासि Ms.2.34; Y.1.12. -ब्रह्मन्, -आत्मन् m. Brahman as represented by food. -भक्त a. [अन्नार्थं भक्तः दासः] = अन्नदास q. v. -भुज् a. eating food, epithet of Śiva. -मय a. see below. -मलम् 1 excrement, faeces; P.VI.1.148 Sk. -2 spirituous liquor; सुरा वै मलमन्नानाम् Ms.11.93. -रक्षा precautions as to eating food. -रसः essence of food, chyle; food and drink, nutriment; नानाविधानन्नरसान् वन्यमूलफलाश्रयान् । तेभ्यो ददौ Rām. -वत् a. possessed of food; अन्नवान्त्सन् रफितायोपज- ग्मुषे Rv.1.117.2. -वस्त्रम् = ˚आच्छादनम् q. v. -विकारः. 1 transformation of food, assimilation. -2 disorder of the stomach caused by indigestion. -3 seminal discharge (of man); semen itself; cf. अन्नाद्रेतः संभवति. -विद् a. acquiring food; कार्षीवणा अन्नविदो न विद्यया Av.6.116.1. -व्यवहारः the law or custom relating to food; i. e. the custom of eating together or not with other persons. -शेषः leavings of food, offal. -संस्कारः consecration of food. -होमः a sacrifice (with 1 materials) connected with the Aśvamedha sacrifice. |
annamaya | अन्नमय a. (-यी f.) Consisting or made of food, composed of or containing boiled rice; ˚कोशः -षः the gross material body, the स्थूलशरीर, which is sustained by food and which is the fifth or last vesture or wrapper of the soul; see अन्न (2) above and also कोश; hence, also the material world, the coarsest or lowest form in which Brahman is considered as manifesting itself in the worldly existence. -यम् Plenty of food. |
anvākhyānam | अन्वाख्यानम् 1 Subsequent mention or enumeration; an explanation referring to what is mentioned before. -2 Section, chapter. |
anvādhānam | अन्वाधानम् [अग्निस्थापनस्य पश्चादाधानम्] Putting on or depositing fuel on the sacred fires. |
anvāsanam | अन्वासनम् 1 Service, attendance, waiting upon, worship. -2 Taking a seat after another. -3 Regret, sorrow. -4 A place of industry, manufactory, workshop &c. -5 An oily or cooling enema. |
apajñānam | अपज्ञानम् Denying, concealing. |
apadānam | अपदानम् दानकम् [अपदायति परिशुध्यति येन कर्मणा, दै करणे ल्युट्] 1 Pure conduct, approved course of life; (परिशु- द्धाचरणम्). -2 A great or noble work, excellent work दृष्टापदाना विक्रान्तास्त्वया सत्कृत्य मानिताः Rām.2.1.31. (perhaps for अवदानम् q. v.). -3 A work well or completely done, an accomplished work; कथितेषु जनैरमुष्य राजन् अपदानेषु विशिष्य कौतुकं नः Rām. ch.2.18. -4 A legend treating of former and future births of men and exhibiting the consequences of their good and evil actions. |
apadhāvanam | अपधावनम् Prevarication. |
apadhyānam | अपध्यानम् 1 Evil thoughts, thinking ill of, cursing mentally; तदपध्यानात् पिशाचतामुपगतम् K.29. -2 Meditation upon things which are not to be thought of. (Jain). |
apanayanam | अपनयनम् 1 Taking away, removing, extracting &c. गण्डस्वेद˚ Me.26; नीतिश्रमापनयनाय Ś.5.6. -2 Healing, destroying, curing (disease &c.); रोगाच्चापनयने P.V. 4.49. -3 Discharge or acquittance of a debt or obligation. -4 Subtraction, deduction. -5 Injustice; शृणु राजन् स्थिरो भूत्वा तवापनयनो महान् Mb.6.49.22. |
apapānam | अपपानम् A bad drink. |
apapradānam | अपप्रदानम् A bribe. |
apamārjanam | अपमार्जनम् 1 Wiping away, cleansing, purifying. -2 Shaving, paring. -3 Chips. |
apayānam | अपयानम् 1 Going away, departure, retreat, flight, escape. भंग्नापयानेष्वनभिज्ञदोषः Pañch.3.3. -2 Disregard (उपेक्षा); न वै शक्यं विहितस्यापयानम् Mb.1.198.1. |
aparisaṃkhyānam | अपरिसंख्यानम् Infinity, innumerableness. |
apalyūlanam | अपल्यूलनम् Not cleansing or washing; यदिदं स्नानवस्त्रं विहितमपल्यूलनं कृतं भवति Śat. Br. (क्षारद्रव्यसंयोगादिना$धौतम्); not cleansed or washed by cleaning substances (as by a washerman). |
apavacanam | अपवचनम् Speaking ill; Pt.4. |
apavācanam | अपवाचनम् Act of speaking away or warning off, removing. |
apavarjanam | अपवर्जनम् 1 Leaving, abandonment; making good, fulfilling (a promise); discharging (debt &c.). -2 A gift or donation; spending. -3 Final beatitude, salvation. |
apavartanam | अपवर्तनम् 1 Removal, transferring from one place to another; स्थान˚. -2 Taking away, depriving one of; न त्यागो$स्ति द्विषन्त्याश्च न च दायापवर्तनम् Ms.9.79. -3 Abridging, abbreviation. -4 Reducing a fraction to its lowest terms; division without remainder, or the divisor itself. |
apaśakunam | अपशकुनम् A bad omen. |
apasarjanam | अपसर्जनम् [सृज् - भावे ल्युट्] 1 A gift or donation, -2 Final beatitude. |
apasnānam | अपस्नानम् 1 Bathing as after mourning or upon the death of a relative; funeral bathing. -2 Impure bathing, bathing in water in which a person has previously washed himself (स्नानशिष्टं जलम्) Ms.4.132. |
apahananam | अपहननम् Warding off, repelling &c. |
apahānam | अपहानम् Leaving, abandoning. |
apādānam | अपादानम् 1 Taking away, removal; ablation; a thing from which another is removed. -2 (in gram.) The sense of the ablative case; ध्रुवमपाये$पादानम् P.I.4.24; अपादाने पञ्चमी II.3.28; अपाये यदुदासीनं चलं वा यदि वा$चलम् । ध्रुवमेव तदावेशात्तदपादानमुच्यते ॥ Hari.; अपादान is of three kinds:- निर्दिष्टविषयं किंचिदुपात्तविषयं तथा । अपेक्षितक्रियं चेति त्रिधापादानमिष्यते ॥ e. g. वृक्षात् पत्रं पतति, मेघाद्विद्योतते विद्युत्, & कुतो भवान्. |
apānanam | अपाननम् 1 Respiration. -2 Taking downwards, urine, excrement &c. |
apāmārjanam | अपामार्जनम् Cleansing, purifying, removing (diseases, evils &c). |
apāsanam | अपासनम् 1 Throwing away, discarding. -2 Quitting. -3 Killing. |
apidhānam | अपिधानम् (also पिधानम्) 1 Covering, concealing, concealment. -2 A cover, lid, covering (fig. also); अमृतापिधानमसि स्वाहा; नैकजलदच्छत्रापिधानं जगत् Mk.5.24; a cloth for covering. |
apyayanam | अप्ययनम् 1 Union, junction. -2 Copulation. |
apohanam | अपोहनम् 1 Removal &c. = अपाह above. -2 Reasoning faculty; मत्तः स्मृतिर्ज्ञानमपोहनं च Bg.15.15 (Mr Telang translates अ˚ by removal; Lok. Tilak translates as नाश.) ततो धर्मस्ततो ज्ञानं यावत्स्मृतिरपोहनम् Bhāg.11.13.6. |
aprapadanam | अप्रपदनम् Ved. A bad place of refuge. |
apravartanam | अप्रवर्तनम् Not engaging in, not exciting to any action. |
abhikampanam | अभिकम्पनम् Shaking violently; alluring. |
abhikhyānam | अभिख्यानम् Fame, Glory. |
abhijñānam | अभिज्ञानम् 1 Recognition; तदभिज्ञानहेतोर्हि दत्तं तेन महात्मना Rām. (अभिज्ञान is a combination of अनुभव or direct perception and स्मृति or recollection; a sort of direct perception assisted by the memory; as when we say 'this is the same man I saw yesterday' सो$यं ह्यो दृष्टो नरः, अनुभव or direct perception leading to the identification expressed by अयम् and the memory leading to the reference to past action expressed by सः). -2 Remembrance, recollection; knowledge, ascertainment. -3 (a) A sign or token of recognition (person or thing); वत्स योगिन्यस्मि मालत्यभिज्ञानं च धारयामि Māl.9; Bk.8.118,124; R.12. 62; Me.114; उपपन्नेरभिज्ञानैर्दूतं तमवगच्छत Rām. -4 The dark portion in the dise of the moon. cf. अभिज्ञानं स्मृतावपि । गर्वे ज्ञाने च हिंसायां प्रणवे च समीरितम् Nm. -Comp. -आमरणम् a recognition-ornament, a token-ring. अभिज्ञानाभरणदर्शनेन शापो निवर्तिष्यते Ś.4. -पत्रम् a certificate, letter of recommendation. -शाकुन्तलम् N. of a celebrated drama by Kālidāsa in seven acts, in which king Duṣyanta marries Kaṇva's foster daughter Śakuntalā by the Gāndharva form of marriage, forgets all about her owing to the curse of Durvāsas, but ultimately recollects, at the sight of the token-ring (अभिज्ञान) that he had duly married her; अभिज्ञानेन स्मृता शकुन्तला अभि- ज्ञानशकुन्तला; तामधिकृत्य कृतं नाटकं˚ शाकुन्तलम्; (the reading ˚शाकुन्तलम् is grammatically indefensible). |
abhiḍīnam | अभिडीनम् Flying towards; अभिडीनं महाडीनम् Mb.8. 41.27. |
abhitāḍanam | अभिताडनम् Beating, thumping. |
abhidāpanam | अभिदापनम् The Being trodden under the foot by elephants (?). |
abhidarśanam | अभिदर्शनम् 1 Seeing. -2 Becoming visible; appearance. पथि मोषाभिदर्शने शक्तितो नाभिधावन्तो Ms.9.274. |
abhidevanam | अभिदेवनम् A board for playing at dice; Mb. |
abhidhānam | अभिधानम् 1 Telling, mentioning, speaking, naming, denotation; एतावतामर्थानामिदमभिधानम् Nir.; गोशब्दस्य वाही- कार्थाभिधानम् S. D. -2 (In gram.) Asserting or predicating something of another, as the subject of an assertion, (which then can be put in the nom. case only); predication, assertion; See P.II.3.2 Sk. -3 A name, appellation, title, designation; अभिधानं तु पश्चात्तस्याहमश्रौषम् K.32; तवाभिधानाद् व्यथते नताननः Ki.1.24; (at the end of comp.) called, named; ऋणाभिधानाद् बन्धनात् R.3.2. -4 An expression, word. -5 Speech, discourse महत्तमा- नामभिधानयोगः Bhāg.1.18.18. -6 A dictionary, vocabulary (of words), lexicon (in these last 4 senses said to be also m.) -7 A song, षट्पादतन्त्रीमधुराभिधानम् Rām.4.28,36. -Comp. -चिन्तामणिः N. of a celebrated
vocabulary of synonyms by Hemachandra. -माला a dictionary. -रत्नमाला N. of a vocabulary of words by Halāyudha. -विप्रतिपत्तिः Incongruence of the word and the sense intended to be conveyed thereby; केयमभिधान- विप्रतिपत्तिर्नाम । यदन्यथाभिधानमन्यथाभिधेयम् । ŚB. on MS. 9.3.13. |
abhidhāvanam | अभिधावनम् Assault, pursuit. |
abhidhyānam | अभिध्यानम् Desiring or longing for, coveting; a wish or desire; परद्रव्येष्वभिध्यानम् Ms.12.5. -2 Meditation, profound thought. -3 Anxiety; अभिध्या$प्रख्यता चैव सर्वं लोभात्प्रवर्तते Mb.12.158.5. -4 Censure, reviling; सो$भिध्यानाद् ब्राह्मणस्य पराभूयादसंशयम् Mb.12.327.51. |
abhinandanam | अभिनन्दनम् 1 Rejoicing at, greeting, welcoming. -2 Praising, approving. -3 Wish, desire.
अभिनन्दनीय abhinandanīya नन्द्य nandya
अभिनन्दनीय नन्द्य pot. p. To be rejoiced at, praised, or applauded; काममेतदभिनन्दनीयम् Ś.5; (जनस्य) द्वावप्य- भूतामभिनन्द्यसत्त्वौ R.5.31. |
abhinam | अभिनम् 1 P. To bow, to bend, to turn towards a person. |
abhinamra | अभिनम्र a. Bent, deeply bowed or bent; स्तनाभिराम- स्तवकाभिनम्राम् R.13.32. |
abhinahanam | अभिनहनम् 1 A bandage (over the eyes); तस्य यथा- भिनहनं प्रमुच्य प्रब्रूयात् Chān. Up.6.14.2. -2 a blind. |
abhinidhānam | अभिनिधानम् 1 Putting on, setting up. -2 Euphonic, suppression, weakening in the pronunciation of words, especially the supression of an initial अ after ए or ओ; cf. अवग्रह. |
abhiniṣpatanam | अभिनिष्पतनम् Sallying, issuing. |
abhipatanam | अभिपतनम् 1 Approaching. -2 Falling upon, assault, attack. -3 Going forth, departure. |
abhipūjanam | अभिपूजनम् Honouring; approving. |
abhipraṇayanam | अभिप्रणयनम् Consecrating by sacred hymns. |
abhiprathanam | अभिप्रथनम् Spreading or extending over, throwing over. |
abhipravartanam | अभिप्रवर्तनम् 1 Advancing up to. -2 Proceeding, acting. -3 Flowing, coming forth, as of sweat. |
abhiprāṇanam | अभिप्राणनम् Exhaling (opp. अपाननम्) |
abhibhavanam | अभिभवनम् Overpowering, overcoming, being subjected to or overpowered by; जरया चाभिभवनम् Ms.6.62. |
abhibhāvanam | अभिभावनम् Making victorious, overpowering.
अभिभाविन् abhibhāvin भाव bhāva (वु vu) क k
अभिभाविन् भाव (वु) क a. 1 Overpowering, defeating, conq uering : शोकाभिभाविना भयेनाभिभूता K.17 fear which conquered grief. -2 Surpassing, excelling; सर्वतेजो$भिभा- विना R.1.14; Ki.11.6. -3 Disrespecting, humiliating. -4 Attacking. |
abhiyānam | अभियानम् 1 Approaching. -2 Marching against, attack, assault; सीता श्रुत्वाभियानं मे आशामेष्यति जीविते Rām.6.4.4; असहन्तो$भियानं तच्छाल्वराजस्य कौरव Mb.3. 16.9. रणाभियानेन Dk.1 marching out for battle. |
abhiyojanam | अभियोजनम् Ved. Harnessing (one horse) on to another, re-fastening to make firm or tight (Sāy. युक्ते पुनर्योजनम्). |
abhirañjanam | अभिरञ्जनम् Colouring. |
abhirādhanam | अभिराधनम् Propitiation; ब्राह्मणस्याभिराधनम् (त्वं कर्तु- मर्हसि) Mb.3.33.14. |
abhilaṅghanam | अभिलङ्घनम् Jumping across or over, flying at. |
abhilambhanam | अभिलम्भनम् Acquisition; शशंस पित्रे तत्सर्वं वयोरूपाभि- लम्भनम् Bhāg.9.3.23. |
abhivadanam | अभिवदनम् 1 Addressing &c. -2 Salutation. |
abhivandanam | अभिवन्दनम् Respectful salutation; पाद˚ holding the feet (of another) as an humble obeisance; see अभिवादनम् above. |
abhivahanam | अभिवहनम् Carrying towards. |
abhivartanam | अभिवर्तनम् Going towards, approching, attacking &c. |
abhivyañjanam | अभिव्यञ्जनम् Manifesting, revealing. |
abhivyādānam | अभिव्यादानम् 1 Suppressed sound. -2 Repetition of the same sound. |
abhiśaṃsanam | अभिशंसनम् Accusation, charge; (whether true or false); मिथ्या˚ Y.2.289; abuse, insult, affront; पंचाशद् ब्राह्मणो दण्ड्यः क्षत्रियस्याभिशंसने Ms.8.268. |
abhiśapanam | अभिशपनम् शापः 1 A curse, imprecation. -2 A serious charge, accusation; नृपार्थेष्वभिशापे च वहेयुः शुचयः सदा Y.2.99; अभिशापः पातकभियोगः Mitā. -3 Slander, calumny, false charge; असतो दोषस्य अध्याहारो$भिशापः; अभिशापभयाद्भीतो भवन्तं नोपसर्पति Mb.12.55.11. -4 An injury, hurt. -Comp. -ज्वरः fever caused by the pronunciation of a curse. |
abhiśāpanam | अभिशापनम् Pronouncing a curse. |
abhiśocanam | अभिशोचनम् 1 Intense grief or pain, torment. -2 That which torments; a spirit or demon. |
abhiṣañjanam | अभिषञ्जनम् = अभिषङ्ग q. v. |
abhiṣecanam | अभिषेचनम् 1 Sprinkling. -2 Coronation, inauguration; अनुभूय वशिष्ठसंभृतैः सलिलैस्तेन सहाभिषेचनम् R.8.3. -3 Equipment, paraphernalia of coronation; भरतश्चाभि- षिच्येत यदेतदभिषेचनम् । त्वदर्थे विहितं राज्ञा तेन सर्वेण राघव ॥ Rām.2.18.36.
अभिषेचनीय abhiṣēcanīya षेच्य ṣēcya षेक्य ṣēkya
अभिषेचनीय षेच्य षेक्य 1 Worthy of inauguration, fit to be crowned. -2 Belonging to coronation. -यः N. of a sacrificial ceremony performed at the coronation of a king. |
abhiṣeṇanam | अभिषेणनम् Marching against an enemy, encountering a foe. |
abhisaṃdhānam | अभिसंधानम् 1 Speech, word, deliberate declaration promise; सा हि सत्याभिसंधाना Rām. -2 Cheating, deception; पराभिसन्धानमधीयते यैः Ś.5.25. पराभिसंधानपरं यद्यप्यस्य विचेष्टितम् R.17.76. -3 Aim, intention, purpose; अन्याभिसंधानेनान्यवादित्वमन्यकर्तृत्वं च Mitā. -4 Making peace. -5 Attachment or interest in any object; यावत्प्राणाभिसंधानं तावदिच्छेच्च भोजनम् Mb.1.91.13. |
abhisarjanam | अभिसर्जनम् 1 A gift, donation. -2 Killing. |
abhisevanam | अभिसेवनम् 1 Practising, observing. -2 Cultivating. -3 Fondness of, indulgence in. |
abhojanam | अभोजनम् Not eating, fasting, abstinence; त्रिरात्रं स्यादभोजनम् Ms. |
abhyañjanam | अभ्यञ्जनम् Smearing the body with oily substances, inunction; भोजनाभ्यञ्जनाद्दानाद्यदन्यत्कुरुते तिलैः Ms.1.91. -2 Smearing or anointing in general. -3 Applying collyrium to the eyelashes; Ms.2.211. (here the 1 & 2 meaning can be applicable). -4 An oily substance; oil unguent. -5 An ornament, decoration (Ved.). -6 Cream of milk; (Nigh.). |
abhyamanam | अभ्यमनम् 1 Attack, assault, injury. -2 Disease; ˚वत् diseased.
अभ्यमित abhyamita अभ्यान्त abhyānta
अभ्यमित अभ्यान्त p. p. 1 Diseased, sick. -2 Injured. |
abhyarthanam | अभ्यर्थनम् ना A request, an entreaty, petition, suit; ˚नाभङ्गभयेन Ku.1.52.
अभ्यर्थनीय abhyarthanīya र्थ्य rthya
अभ्यर्थनीय र्थ्य pot. p. To be asked, requested or or desired, कार्येषु चैककार्यत्वादभ्यर्थ्यो$स्मि न वज्रिणा R.1.4. |
abhyardanam | अभ्यर्दनम् Torturing, distressing. |
abhyavāyanam | अभ्यवायनम् Going down, descending. |
abhyaśanam | अभ्यशनम् Pervading, reaching to, gaining. |
abhyasanam | अभ्यसनम् 1 Repetition, repeated practice or exercise; ब्रह्मध्यानाभ्यसनविधिना Bh.3.41; स्वाध्यायाभ्यसनम् Bg. 17.15. -2 Constant study, close application (to anything); (तां) विद्यामभ्यसनेनेव प्रसादयितुमर्हसि R.1.88; अनभ्यसनशीलस्य विद्येव तनुतां गता Rām.
अभ्यसनीय abhyasanīya अभ्यस्य abhyasya
अभ्यसनीय अभ्यस्य a. pot. p. To be repeated, studied; fit to be studied. |
abhyākhyānam | अभ्याख्यानम् A false charge; calumny, detraction. |
abhyāgamanam | अभ्यागमनम् Approach, arrival, visit; हेतुं तदभ्यागमने परीप्सुः Ki.3.4. |
abhyādānam | अभ्यादानम् 1 Beginning, commencement, first beginning; ओमभ्यादाने P.VIII.2.87 (˚ने = आरम्भे Sk.). |
abhyādhānam | अभ्याधानम् Laying on, adding (as fuel). |
abhyāsādanam | अभ्यासादनम् Attacking or facing an enemy. |
abhyāhananam | अभ्याहननम् 1 Striking, hurting, killing. -2 Impeding, obstructing. |
abhyutkrośanam | अभ्युत्क्रोशनम् Loud acclamation; ˚मन्त्र a hymn of applause. |
abhyutthānam | अभ्युत्थानम् 1 Rising (from a seat) to do honour, rising in honour of; नाभ्युत्थानक्रिया यत्र Pt.2.62. -2 Starting, departure, setting out; arrangements for starting; अभ्युत्थानं त्वमद्यैव कृष्णपक्षचतुर्दशी । कृत्वा निर्याह्यमावास्यां विजयाय बलैर्वृतः ॥ Rām.6.92.62. -3 Rise (lit. and fig.), elevation, exaltation, prosperity, dignity, a position of dignity or authority; (तस्य) नवाभ्युत्थानदर्शिन्यो ननन्दुः सप्रजाः प्रजाः R.4.3; यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत । अभ्युत्थान- मधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम् Bg.4.7 when impiety increases or is in the ascendant. -4 Sunrise. |
abhyutpatanam | अभ्युत्पतनम् Springing or leaping against, sudden spring or leap, assault; अलक्षिताभ्युत्पतनो नृपेण R.2.27. |
abhyupapādanam | अभ्युपपादनम् Protection &c. |
abhyupāyanam | अभ्युपायनम् A complimentary present; inducement, bribe. |
amānanam | अमाननम् ना Disrespect, insult; disobedience. |
amocanam | अमोचनम् Not loosening or letting go, nonliberation. |
amaunam | अमौनम् 1 Non-silence. -2 Knowledge of the soul. |
ayānam | अयानम् 1 Not going or moving, stopping, halt. -2 Natural disposition, nature. |
ayāvanam | अयावनम् Not causing to unite. |
arandhanam | अरन्धनम् Absence of cooking (as on सिंह and कन्या संक्रान्ति). |
arjanam | अर्जनम् [अर्ज्-ल्युट्] Getting, acqisition; अर्थानामर्जने दुःखम् Pt.1.163; अर्जयितव्यापारो$र्जनम् Dāy. B. |
ātañcanam | आतञ्चनम् 1 Causing to coagulate or curdle, casting butter-milk into heated milk to turn it. -2 Causing to contract in general. -3 Curdled milk. -4 That which causes coagulation, a runnet. -5 A sort of whey. -6 Conveying. -7 Gratifying, satisfying. -8 Casting away, destroying. -9 Danger, calamity. -1 Speed, velocity. -11 Calcining, adding flux to metals in fusion. -12 The flux so used. -13 Making fat; cf. आतञ्चनं प्रतीवापे जवनाप्यायनार्थयोः Nm. |
ātanam | आतनम् 1 Spreading, penetrating, expanding. -2 Sight, view. |
ātardanam | आतर्दनम् Pushing open, opening. |
ādahanam | आदहनम् 1 Burning. -2 Injuring, killing. -3 Reviling, despising. -4 A cemetery, a place where
anything is burnt (आदह्यते$स्मिन्निति); क्षिप्रं वै तस्यादहनं परि नृत्यन्ति केशिनीः Av.12.5.48. |
ādānam | आदानम् 1 Taking, receiving, accepting, seizing, कुशाङ्कुरादानपरिक्षताङ्गुलिः Ku.5,11; आदानं हि विसर्गाय सतां वारिमुचामिव R.4.86. -2 Earning, getting. -3 A symptom (of a disease). -4 Binding, fettering (from आदा 2 P.). -5 A horse's trappings. -6 An action; आदानमुभयाश्रयम् Bhāg.2.1.24. -7 Subjugating, overpowering; अथवा मन्त्रवद् ब्रूयुरात्मादानाय दुष्कृतम् Mb.12.212. 3. -नी N. of a plant हस्तिघोषा (Mar. घोसाळें). -Comp. -समितिः A method of cautious seizing so that no creature be hurt. It is one of the पञ्चसमितिs or rules of careful conduct in Jaina. |
ādāpanam | आदापनम् Inviting or causing another to receive something. |
ādeśanam | आदेशनम् The act of instructing or commanding. कृतोपनयनस्यास्य व्रतादेशनमिष्यते Ms.2.173. |
ādīpanam | आदीपनम् 1 Setting on fire, inflaming. -2 Exciting, stimulating; embellishing. -3 Whitening the walls, floors &c. on festive occasions. |
ādarśanam | आदर्शनम् 1 Showing, making apparent, displaying. -2 A mirror. |
ādevanam | आदेवनम् 1 Gambling. -2 A die used in gambling. -3 A board for gambling; place for playing. |
ādhamanam | आधमनम् A deposit, pledge; एको ह्यनीशः सर्वत्र दानाधमन- विक्रये; Kāty.; योगाधमनविक्रीतं योगदानप्रतिग्रहम् Ms.8.165. -2 Fraudulent puffing of goods at a sale. |
ādhānam | आधानम् 1 Placing, putting upon; समिदाधानं, तुलाधानम् &c. -2 (a) Taking, having. (b) Receiving, recovering.
(c) Containing or being in possession of anything or consecrating. -3 Keeping the sacred fire (अग्न्याधान), a ceremony performed with the sacred fire; पुनर्दारक्रियां कुर्यात् पुनराधानमेव च Ms.5.168. -4 Doing, executing, performing; आज्ञापयामास नरेन्द्रसूनुः स्वर्गीयमाधानमदीनसत्त्वः Rām. 6.19.24. (स्वर्गीयमाधानम् = प्रेतकृत्यम्) -5 Infusing, putting in, inspiring, imparting; गुणो विशेषाधानहेतुः सिद्धो वस्तुधर्मः S. D.2; निश्चयाधानम् K.262; प्रजानां विनयाधानाद्रक्षणाद् भरणादपि R.1.24 imparting or providing moral instruction. -6 (a) Engendering, producing, कौतुकाधानहेतोः Me.3; गर्भाधान- क्षणपरिचयात् 9. (b) Assigning, attributing, employing. -7 Effort, exertion, application; Mv.3.13. -8 A pledge, deposit; Y.2.238,247. विक्रयाधानवर्ज्यम् Kau. A.2.1. -9 A place where anything is deposited, a receptacle, as in पक्वाधानम्, पुरुषाधानम्, अयं मध्यमः प्राणः तस्येद- मेवाधानम् Bṛi. Up.2.2.1. -1 A surety. -11 Enclosure, circuit. -12 A ceremony performed previous to conception; see गर्भाधान. -13 cohabitation (मैथुन) तवापि मृत्युराधानादकृतप्रज्ञ दर्शितः Bhāg.9.9.36. |
ādhavanam | आधवनम् Shaking, agitating. |
ādhmānam | आध्मानम् [आ-ध्मा-ल्युट्] 1 Blowing inflation; (fig.) growth, increase; अयं विन्ध्यो येनाहृतविहृतिराध्मानमजहात् Mv.7.14. -2 Boasting, vaunting. -3 A bellows. -4 Intumescence, swelling of the belly, body &c., dropsy. -नी 1 A kind of fragrant substance. -2 A blow-pipe. |
ādhmāpanam | आध्मापनम् A means of inflating or causing a sound. |
ādhyānam | आध्यानम् 1 Anxiety. -2 Remembering with regret, pensive or sorrowful recollection; आध्यानमुत्कण्ठापूर्वक- स्मरणम् Sk. -3 Meditating or reflecting upon. |
ānanam | आननम् [आनित्यनेन, आ-अन् करणे ल्युट्] 1 The mouth, face; R.3.3; नृपस्य कान्तं पिबतः सुताननम् 17. -2 A large division of a work, chapter, book &c. (e. g. the two ānanas of Rasagaṅgādhara.) |
ānam | आनम् 1 P. To bend, bend down, bow, incline, stoop; अथ प्रयत्नोन्नमितानमत्फणैः Śi.1.13. -2 To salute (respectfully), bow down to; तमपि राजकमाननाम K.59. -3 To humble. -Caus. (-नमयति) To cause to bend down; कुचभारानमिता न योषितः Bh.3.27; विदर्भपतिमानमितं बलैश्च M.5.3 humbled. |
ānamaḥ | आनमः Bending, stretching (as a bow); cf. दुरानम. |
ānamra | आनम्र a. A little bent, bowing, stooping. |
āndolanam | आन्दोलनम् [आन्दोल् भावे ल्युट्] 1 Swinging, a swing. -2 Moving to and fro, shaking, rocking; किंत्वासामर- विन्दसुन्दरदृशां द्राक् चामरान्दोलनात् Udb. -3 Trembling, oscillation. |
āpanam | आपनम् [आप्-ल्युट्] Getting, obtaining, reaching &c. -2 Pepper. |
āpatanam | आपतनम् 1 Approaching, coming, assailing &c. -2 Happening, occurrence. -3 Descending, alighting. -4 Obtaining. -5 Knowledge; क्वचित् प्राकरणिकादर्थादप्राकरणिक- स्यार्थस्यापतनम् S. D.1. -6 Natural sequence, necessarily following. |
āpādanam | आपादनम् 1 Causing to arrive at, leading or contributing to, bringing about; tending to; द्रव्यस्य संख्या- न्तरापादने Sk. |
āpānam | आपानम् नकम् 1 A drinking party, banquet; Mk.8; आपाने पानकलिता दैवेनाभिप्रचोदिताः Mb. -Comp. -उत्सवः Drinking festival. ... समन्ताद् आपानोत्सवमनु- भवन्तीव मधुपाः । Nāg.3.8. -2 A tavern, liquor-shop, a place for drinking in company (˚भूमि); आपाने पानकलिता दैवेनाभिप्रचोदिताः Mb.1.2.355; ताम्बूलीनां दलैस्तत्र रचितापान- भूमयः R.4.42; Ku.6.42; आपानकमुत्सवः K.32. |
āpīḍanam | आपीडनम् 1 Compressing, squeezing; tying tightly. -2 Embracing, clasping. -3 Giving pain, hurting. |
āpracchanam | आप्रच्छनम् 1 Bidding adieu, taking leave at the time of departure. -2 Welcoming, hailing. |
āphīnam | आफीनम् An Opium. |
ābodhanam | आबोधनम् 1 Knowledge, understanding. -2 Instructing, informing. |
ābhāsanam | आभासनम् Making apparent or clear; illuminating. |
āmanam | आमनम् Ved. Friendly disposition or inclination, affection; Yaj. Ts. |
āmīlanam | आमीलनम् Shutting or closing of the eyes; K.256. |
āmoṭanam | आमोटनम् Crushing; Māl.3. |
āmnānam | आम्नानम् [आ-म्ना-भावे ल्युट्] 1 Recitation or study of the sacred texts of Vedas. -2 Mention; repetition in general. |
āmreḍanam | आम्रेडनम् Tautology; repetition of words or sounds. |
āyatanam | आयतनम् [आयतन्ते$त्र, यत् आधारे ल्युट्] 1 Place, abode, house, resting-place; भूमेर्महदायतनं वृष्णीष्व Kaṭh.1.1.23. (fig. also); शूलायतनाः Mu.7 hangmen; स्नेहस्तदेकायतनं जगाम Ku.7.5 was centred in her; R.3.36; सर्वा- विनयानामेकैकमप्येषामायतनम् K.13; ˚मृगेण 13 domestic deer; Chāṇ.32; (hence) a receptacle, home, support, seat. -2 The place of the sacred fire, altar, shed for sacrifices. -3 A sanctuary, sacred place; as in देवायतनम्, मठायतनम् &c. यथाक्रमविशेषेण सर्वाण्यायतनानि च । दर्शितानि Mb.13.156.11; विजने वायतने गिरौ वने वा । Bu. Ch. 5.19. -4 The site of a house, ground-plot. -5 A barn; Y.2.154. -6 An inner seat (with Buddhists who consider the five senses with manas as the six Āyatanas). -7 The cause of disease. |
āyamanam | आयमनम् 1 Length, extension. -2 Restraint, curbing. -3 Stretching (as a bow); दृढस्य धनुष आयमनम् Ch. Up.1.3.5. |
āyavanam | आयवनम् Ved. A spoon for stirring or any similar implement. |
āyānam | आयानम् 1 Coming, arrival; अस्मिन्ना वामायाने वाजिनी- वसू Rv.8.22.18. -2 Natural temperament, disposition, nature. -3 An ornament of the horse; Hch.7. |
āyāpanam | आयापनम् Causing to come, inviting. |
āyojanam | आयोजनम् 1 Joining. -2 Taking, seizing. -3 Collecting. -4 Effort. |
āyodhanam | आयोधनम् 1 A battle, fight, war; आयोधने कृष्णगतिं सहायम् R.6.42; आयोधनाग्रसरतां त्वयि वीर याते 5.71. -2 Battle-field; प्रविश्यायोधनं घोरं विचिन्वन्त्यो हतं पतिम् Rām.6.11.3. प्रययौ तूर्णमायोधनं प्रति Mb. विचित्रमभिवर्तते भुवनभीममायोजनम् U.6. -3 Slaughter, killing. |
āyojanam | आयोजनम् ind. Up to one योजन. |
ārādhanam | आराधनम् 1 Pleasing, satisfaction, entertainment, gratification; येषामाराधनाय U.1; यदि वा जानकीमपि, आरा- धनाय लोकानां मुञ्चतो नास्ति मे व्यथा 1.12.41. -2 Serving, worshipping, adoration, propitiation (as of a deity); आराधनायास्य सखीसमेताम् Ku.1.58; Bg.7.22; कृतमाराधनं रवेः Mb. -3 A means of pleasing; इदं तु ते भक्तिनम्रं सता- माराधनं वपुः Ku.6.73. -4 Honouring, respecting; सम्बन्धे विपरीतमेव तदभूदाराधनं ते मयि U.4.17. -5 Cooking. -6 Accomplishment, undertaking. -7 Acouirement, attainment; मन्त्राराधनतत्परेण मनसा नीताः श्मशाने निशाः Bh.3.4. -ना Service. -नी Worship, adoration, propitiation (of a deity).
आराधनीय ārādhanīya आराध्य ārādhya
आराधनीय आराध्य pot. p. 1 Fit to be worshipped or propitiated; सो$हं कथं नाम तवाचरेयमाराधनीयस्य ऋषेर्विधानम् R.16.82. -2 To become accomplished. |
ārodhanam | आरोधनम् Ved. 1 Obstruction, means of obstruction. -2 A secret place, innermost part. |
ālabhanam | आलभनम् 1 Taking hold of, seizing. -2 Touching. -3 Killing.
आलभ्य ālabhya आल āla (लम् lam) भनीय bhanīya
आलभ्य आल (लम्) भनीय pot. p. To be killed or sacrificed; to be touched or rubbed. |
ālambanam | आलम्बनम् 1 Depending on or from, hanging from. -2 Support, prop, stay; एतदालम्बनं श्रेष्ठमेतदालम्बनं परम् Kaṭh. Up.2.17. Ki.2.13; जातस्य नदीतीरे तस्यापि तृणस्य जन्मसाफल्यम् । यत्सलिलमज्जनाकुलजनहस्तावलम्बनं भवति ॥ Pt.1.28.; sustaining, supporting; Me.4. -3 Receptacle, abode; U.6.1 (v. l.). -4 Reason, cause. -5 Base. -6 (In Rhet.) That on which a रस or sentiment, as it were, hangs, person or thing with reference to which a sentiment arises, the natural and necessary connection of sentiment with the cause which excites it. The causes (विभाव) giving rise to a Rasa are classified as two :-- आलम्बन and उद्दीपन; e. g. in the Bībhatsa sentiment stinking flesh &c. is the आलम्बन of the Rasa, and the attendant circumstances which enhance the feeling of loathing (the worms &c. in the flesh) are its उद्दीपनानि (exciters); for the other Rasas see S. D.21-238. -8 The mental exercise practised by the Yogin in endeavouring to bring before his thoughts the gross form of the Eternal. -9 Silent repetition of a prayer. -1 (With Buddhists) The five attributes of things corresponding to five senses, i. e. रूप, रस, गन्ध, स्पर्श and शब्द. 11 Dharma or law corresponding to manas. |
ālānam | आलानम् [आलीयते$त्र, आ-ली-ल्युट्] 1 The post to which an elephant is tied; tying post, also the rope that ties him; अरुंतुदमिवालानमनिर्वाणस्य दन्तिनः R.1.17,4. 69,81; आलाने गृह्यते हस्ती Mk.1.5; वन्या इव विनालानं क्रीडन्तु करिणो मम Śiva. B.19.19;2.52. -2 A fetter, tie. -3 A chain, rope, string. -4 Tying, binding. |
ālekhanam | आलेखनम् a. Scratching, painting. -नी A brush, pencil. -नम् 1 Writing. -2 Painting. -3 Scratching. -नः N. of an old authority quoted by Jaimini; MS.6.5.17. |
āliṅganam | आलिङ्गनम् Embracing, clasping, an embrace; (सं- प्राप) आलिङ्गननिर्वृत्तिम् R.12.65; (said to be of seven kinds:- आमोद˚, मुदित˚, प्रेमन्˚, मानस˚, रुचि˚, मदन˚ and विनोद˚. |
ālimpanam | आलिम्पनम् [लिप्-ल्युट्-मुम्] Whitening the walls, floor &c. on festive occasions; cf. आदीपन. |
āluñcanam | आलुञ्चनम् Rending, tearing to pieces; श्येनो ग्रहालुञ्चने Mk.3.2. |
āloḍanam | आलोडनम् 1 Stirring, shaking, agitating. -2 Mixing, blending. |
āluṇṭanam | आलुण्टनम् Plundering, taking away by force. |
ālocanam | आलोचनम् ना 1 Seeing, perceiving, survey, view; आलोचनमात्रमिष्यते वृत्तिः Sāṅ. K.28. -2 Considering, reflecting. |
āvapanam | आवपनम् 1 The act of sowing, throwing, scattering. -2 Sowing seed. -3 Wearing; भूमिरावपने प्रभुः Mb.1. 88.13. -4 Shaving. -5 A vessel, jar, ewer. -6 Instilling, inserting. -7 Place of origin, birth; यस्य छन्दोमयं ब्रह्म देह आवपनं विभो Bhāg.1.8.45. -8 A hempen cloth. -नी Ved. A vessel, jar; त्वमस्यावपनी जनानामदितिः Av.12.1.61.
आवपन्तक āvapantaka आवपन्तिक āvapantika
आवपन्तक आवपन्तिक a. Ved. Scattering. |
āvāpanam | आवापनम् 1 A loom. -2 A reel or frame for winding thread. -3 Shaving. |
āvahanam | आवहनम् Bringing near, producing. |
āvāhanam | आवाहनम् 1 Sending for, inviting, calling. -2 Invoking a deity (to be present) (opp. विसर्जन); आवाहने विनियोगः, आवाहनं न जानामि न जानामि तवार्चनम् Pūjā Mantra. -3 Offering oblations to fire; आवाहनाग्नौकरणरहितं ह्यपसव्यवत् Y.1.251. -नी A particular position of the hands at the time of invoking a deity; हस्ताभ्यामञ्जलिं बद्ध्वा$नामिका- मूलपर्वणोः । अङ्गुष्ठौ निक्षिपेत्सेयं मुद्रा त्वावाहनी स्मृता ॥ Śabdak. |
āvedanam | आवेदनम् 1 Communicating, reporting, or addressing respectfully. -2 Representation. -3 Stating a complaint (in law); राज्ञे कुर्यात् पूर्वमावेदनं यः Nārada. -4 A plaint; Śukra 4.66 -5 Marriage; न विवाहविधावुक्तं विधवावेदनं पुनः Ms.9.65. |
āveśanam | आवेशनम् 1 Entering, entrance. -2 Demoniacal possession. -3 Passion, anger, fury. -4 A manufactory, work-shop; कारुकावेशनानि Ms.9.265. -5 The disc of the sun or the moon. -6 A house, dwelling. |
āvarjanam | आवर्जनम् 1 Bending down &c. -2 Giving. -3 Winning over; Dk.139,172. |
āveṣṭanam | आवेष्टनम् 1 Wrapping round, tying, binding. -2 A wrapper, an envelope. -3 A wall, fence, enclosure. |
āvraścanam | आव्रश्चनम् 1 Cutting or tearing off. -2 The stump of a tree (Ved). |
āśaṃsanam | आशंसनम् 1 Expecting, wishing; इष्टाशंसनमाशीः Sk. -2 Telling, declaring. |
āśasanam | आशसनम् Ved. Cutting up an animal (when killed). |
āśvāsanam | आश्वासनम् Consoling, encouraging, cheering up, consolation; तदिदं द्वितीयं हृदयाश्वासनम् Ś.7; देवस्याश्वासनं भवति Pt.1 cheering up of spirits, recovery. |
āsanam | आसनम् [आस्-ल्युट्] 1 Sitting down. -2 A seat, place, stool; Bg.11.42; स वासवेनासनसन्निकृष्टम् Ku.3.2; आसनं मुच् to leave one's seat, rise; R.3.11. -3 A particular posture or mode of sitting; cf. पद्म˚, वीर˚, भद्र˚, वज्र˚ &c. cf. अनायासेन येन स्यादजस्रं ब्रह्मचिन्तनम् । आसनं तद् विजानीयाद् योगिनां सुखदायकम् ॥ -4 Sitting down or halting, stopping, encamping. -5 Abiding, dwelling; Ms.2.246; 6.59. -6 Any peculiar mode of sexual enjoyment (84 such āsanas are usually mentioned). -7 Maintaining a post against an enemy (opp. यानम्), one of the six modes of foreign policy; which are :-- संधिर्ना विग्रहो यानमासनं द्वैधमाश्रयः Ak.; प्रतिबद्धशक्त्योः कालप्रतीक्षया तूष्णीमवस्थानमासनम्; परस्परस्य सामर्थ्यविघातादासनं स्मृतम् Agni P.; Ms.7.16,162,166; Y.1.347; Pt.3. -8 The front part of an elephant's body, withers. -9 Throwing (fr. अस् to throw). -1 N. of two trees (असन and जीवक). -11 Place where the elephant-rider sits, cf. मस्तकद्वितयं दन्तावासनं वंश एव च । षडेते प्रोन्नता यस्य स गजो राजवाहनः ॥ Mātanga L.2.1. -12 Neutrality (as of a nation); Kau. A.7.1. -13 A moving piece (draught) in the game of dice; प्राणग्लहो$यं समर इष्वक्षो वाहनासनः Bhāg.6.12.17. -ना A seat, stool, stay. -नी 1 Stay, abiding, sitting. -2 A small seat or stool. -3 A shop, stall. -Comp. -बन्धधीर a. resolute to sit down, firm in one's seat; निषेदुषीमासनबन्धधीरः R.2.6. -मचूडकम् Semen (मचूडकं विथावीति ख्यातम्); आसनमचूडकं शयनीय- प्रच्छदपटापवारितं भवति किं न वेति Māl.7. (v. l. आसनमयूरकम्). |
āsañjanam | आसञ्जनम् 1 Fastening to, fixing, putting on the body (as dress, armour &c.). -2 Getting entangled, clinging; व्रततिवलयासञ्जनात् Ś.1.33 v. l. -3 Attachment, devotion. -4 Contact, proximity. -5 A handle, hook. |
āsādanam | आसादनम् 1 Putting or laying down. -2 Attacking. -3 Overtaking, meeting with, going towards. -4 Obtaining, attaining, accomplishing.
आसादयितव्य āsādayitavya आसाद्य āsādya
आसादयितव्य आसाद्य pot. p. Attainable, to be attained &c. |
āsādhanam | आसाधनम् Accomplishment, attainment. |
āsthānam | आस्थानम् 1 A place, site. -2 Ground, base. -3 An assembly; आस्थानाध्यासनाश्रितः Bhāg.6.7.5. -4 Care, regard; see आस्था. -5 A hall of audience; K.8,14. -6 Recreation ground (विश्रामस्थानम्). -नी An assemblyroom. आस्थानीं समये समं नृपजनः सायंतने संपतन् Ratna. निजामशाहमास्थानीमेत्य सिंहासने स्थितम् &Sacute B.3.8. -Comp.
-गृहम्, -निकेतनम्, -मण्डपः an assembly-room; तदीय- मास्थाननिकेतनाजिरम् Ki.1.16. |
āsthāpanam | आस्थापनम् 1 Placing, fixing, causing to stay or remain. -2 A strengthening remedy. -3 An enema of oil or ghee. |
āsnānam | आस्नानम् 1 Purity. -2 Water for washing, bath; आस्नाने तां नि दध्मसि Av.14.2.65. |
āsphālanam | आस्फालनम् 1 Rubbing, striking or pressing against, stirring (as water &c.); flapping; अनवरतधनुर्ज्यास्फालनक्रूर पूर्वम् Ś.2.4; आसां जलास्फालनतत्पराणाम् R.16.62,3.55, 6.73; Amaru.54; कुचतट˚ K.6,14,57; ऐरावत˚ कर्कशेन हस्तेन Ku.3.22 striking against. -2 Pride, arrogance. |
āsphoṭanam | आस्फोटनम् 1 Flapping, moving to and fro. -2 Trembling, shaking. -3 Blowing, expanding. -4 Contracting, closing. -5 Slapping or clapping the arms, or the sound produced by it. -6 Disclosing, manifesting. -7 Winnowing, thrashing. -नी A gimlet. |
āsyandanam | आस्यन्दनम् Flowing, oozing. |
āsvādanam | आस्वादनम् Tasting, eating. |
āhananam | आहननम् 1 Striking at, beating. -2 A stick. (for beating a drum). Av.2.133.1. |
āghātanam | आघातनम् 1 Striking, killing. -2 A slaughter-house.
आहव āhava आहाव āhāva आहवन āhavana
आहव आहाव आहवन &c., See under आहु and आह्वे. |
āhavanam | आहवनम् 1 A sacrifice; द्रष्टुमाहवनमग्रजन्मनाम् Śi.14.38. -2 An oblation. |
āhvānam | आह्वानम् 1 Calling, inviting. -2 A call, invitation, summons (in general); सुहृदाह्वानं प्रकुर्वीत Pt.3.47. -3 A legal summons (from court or govt. to appear before a tribunal); Mk.9. -4 Invocation of a deity; जन्म- ज्येष्ठेन चाह्वानं सुब्रह्मण्यास्वपि स्मृतम् Ms.9.126. -5 A challenge. -6 A name, appellation. -7 N. of a liturgical formula. -Comp. -दर्शनम् day of trial. |
iṅganam | इङ्गनम् [इङ्ग्-ल्युट्] -1 Moving, shaking, causing to move. -2 Knowledge. -3 The operation of separating one member of a compound from another, as by an Avagraha. |
īḍanam | ईडनम् [ईड्-ल्युट्] Praising. |
īpsanam | ईप्सनम् ईप्सा [आप्तुमिच्छा आप्-सन्-अ] 1 Desire to obtain. -2 A wish, desire. |
īśanam | ईशनम् [ईश्-ल्युट्] Commanding, reigning &c. -2 Greatness, glory; एतदीशनमीशस्य प्रकृतिस्थो$पि तद्गुणैः Bhāg.1.11.38. |
uccaghanam | उच्चघनम् A secret smile, a laughter in the mind not expressed in the countenance. |
uccāṭanam | उच्चाटनम् 1 Driving away, expulsion, removal from a place; उच्चाटनं त्वमपि लम्भयसे तदेव Kuval. -2 Separation. -3 Eradication; तापत्रयोच्चाटनम् Viś. Guṇa. 533; extirpation (of a plant). -4 A kind of charm or magical incantation. -5 Working this charm,
ruining one's enemy, making a person leave his business by magical spells by making him disgusted with it. -नः N. of one of the five arrows of Kāma. |
uccalanam | उच्चलनम् Moving away, setting out. |
ucchalanam | उच्छलनम् Going or moving upwards. |
ucchādanam | उच्छादनम् 1 Covering. -2 Rubbing the body with perfumes; cf. स्नापनोच्छादनेन च Rām.2.111.1. 'उच्छादनं समुल्लेखोद्वाहनोद्वर्तनेषु च ।' इति विश्वकोषः. |
ucchiṅghanam | उच्छिङ्घनम् Breathing through the nostrils, snoring. |
ucchocanam | उच्छोचनम् Burning (Ved.). |
ucchvasanam | उच्छ्वसनम् 1 Breathing, sighing. -2 Taking a deep breath, heaving. -3 Loosening; नीवीबन्धोच्छ्वसनम् Māl.2.5. |
ujjāsanam | उज्जासनम् Killing, slaughter; चोरस्योज्जासनम् Sk. उज्जासनाय परितः परिवेषकृतां द्विषाम् Śiva. B.26.64. |
ujjīvanam | उज्जीवनम् Revival. |
ujjvalanam | उज्ज्वलनम् 1 Burning, shining. -2 Splendour, brilliance. -3 Fire. -4 Gold. |
ujjhanam | उज्झनम् [उज्झ्-ल्युट्] Abandoning, removing, leaving. |
uñchanam | उञ्छनम् Gleaning grains of corn in market-places &c. |
uṭṭaṅkanam | उट्टङ्कनम् The act of stamping, characterizing. |
uḍḍiyānam | उड्डियानम् A particular position of the fingers. |
uḍḍayanam | उड्डयनम् Flying up, soaring; गतो विरुत्योड्डयने निराशताम् N.1.125. |
uḍḍīyanam | उड्डीयनम् Flying up. |
utkāśanam | उत्काशनम् Ordering, commanding.
उत्कासः utkāsḥ सनम् sanam उत्कासिका utkāsikā
उत्कासः सनम् उत्कासिका Hemming, clearing the throat of muscus. |
utkūrdanam | उत्कूर्दनम् Jumping up, springing upwards; ˚शक्ति- र्नास्ति Pt.2. |
utkartanam | उत्कर्तनम् 1 Cutting off, tearing out, cutting to pieces. -2 Rooting out, eradication. |
utkīrtanam | उत्कीर्तनम् 1 Crying out, proclaiming. -2 Praising, celebrating, extolling; S. D.495. |
uttamanam | उत्तमनम् Losing heart, impatience. |
uttarjanam | उत्तर्जनम् [उच्चैस्तर्जनम्] Violent threatening. |
uttejanam | उत्तेजनम् ना 1 Excitement, instigation, animating, stirring up; ˚समर्थः श्लोकैः Mu.4; Mv.2. -2 Urging on, driving. -3 Sending, despatching. -4 Whetting, sharpening, furbishing, polishing (weapons &c.); मन्दरकूटकोटिव्याघट्टनोत्तेजना Śi.3.6. -5 An exciting speech. -6 An inducement, incentive, stimulant. |
uttolanam | उत्तोलनम् Lifting up, raising (by means of a balance). |
utthāpanam | उत्थापनम् 1 Causing to rise, come up, or get up. -2 Raising, elevating. -3 Causing to leave (a house). -4 Exciting, instigating. -5 Awakening, rousing (fig. also). -6 Vomiting. -7 Finishing, completing. -8 Bringing about. -9 Bringing forth. -1 (In Math.) Finding the quantity sought, an answer to the question, substitution of a value (Colebr.). -नी The concluding verse (ऋच्). |
utpāṭanam | उत्पाटनम् Uprooting, eradicating, destroying root and branch. चक्रतुः समरे ताव्रमाकर्षोत्पाटनं भृशम् Rām.6.76.32. |
utpatanam | उत्पतनम् 1 Flying up, a leap, spring. -2 Rising or going up, ascending. -3 Throwing up. -4 Birth, production. |
utpavanam | उत्पवनम् See under उत्पू. |
utpīḍanam | उत्पीडनम् 1 Pressing out. -2 Pressing or striking against; K.82. -3 Foam. |
utpavanam | उत्पवनम् 1 Cleansing, purifying; द्रव्याणां च्चै व सर्वेषां शुद्धिरुत्पवनं स्मृतम् Ms.5.115. -2 Straining liquids for
domestic or religious purposes. -3 Any instrument for cleansing. -4 Sprinkling ghee (or other fluids) on the sacrificial fire with two blades of Kuśa grass, the ends of which are held in either hand and the centre dipped into the liquid; अप्रच्छिन्नाग्रावनन्तर्गर्भौ प्रादेश- मात्रौ कुशौ नानान्तयोर्गृहीत्वा अङ्गुष्ठोपकनिष्ठिकाभ्यामुत्तानाभ्यां प्रागुत्पु- नाति सकृन्मन्त्रेण द्विस्तूष्णीम् Āśval. |
utprāśanam | उत्प्राशनम् Eating by lifting up anything. |
utplavanam | उत्प्लवनम् 1 Jumping or leaping up, springing upon. -2 Skimming off impure oil or ghee or any dirt floating upon a liquid by passing a blade of Kuśa grass over it. |
utsañjanam | उत्सञ्जनम् Throwing upwards, lifting up; P.I.3.36. |
utsādanam | उत्सादनम् 1 Destroying, overturning; उत्सादनार्थं लोकानाम् Mb.; Bg.17.19. -2 Suspending, interrupting. -3 Cleaning the person with perfumes, chafing the limbs; उत्सादनं च गात्राणां स्नापनोच्छिष्टभोजने । न कुर्याद् गुरुपुत्रस्य पादयोश्चावनेजनम् । Ms.2.29,211. अथ गन्धोत्सादने (v. l. त्सदने) वाससी । मानवगृह्यसूत्र of मेत्रायणीय शाखा and the commentator says : गन्धश्चन्दनादि । उत्सादनं उद्वर्तनं पक्वतैलादिना । उद्वर्तनोत्सादने द्वे समे । Ak. cf. also अभ्यङ्गोत्सादनं मूर्ध्नि तैलं जेन्ताकमातपं भजेत् &c. चरकसंहिता, सूत्रस्थान, chap. 6, verse 14. वात्स्यायन mentions it as one of the 64 Arts in his कामसूत्र. यशोधर says पादाभ्यां यन्मर्दनं तदुत्सादनमुच्यते । -4 Healing a sore. -5 Going up, ascending, rising. -6 Elevating. raising. -7 Ploughing a field twice (or thoroughly). |
utsāhanam | उत्साहनम् 1 Effort, perseverance. -2 Encouraging, exicting. |
utsecanam | उत्सेचनम् The act of showering or spouting upwards. |
utsarjanam | उत्सर्जनम् 1 Leaving, abandoning, letting loose, quitting &c. -2 A gift, donation. -3 Suspension of a Vedic study. -4 A ceremony connected with this suspension (to be performed half yearly); पुष्ये तु च्छन्दसां कुर्याद् बहिसुत्सर्जनं द्विजः Ms.4.96; वेदोत्सर्जनाख्यं कर्म करिष्ये Śrāvaṇī Mantra. |
utsnehanam | उत्स्नेहनम् Sliding, slipping, deviating. |
udañcanam | उदञ्चनम् [अञ्च् करणे-ल्युट्] 1 A bucket, a pail for drawing water out of a well; उदञ्चनं सरज्जुं पुरः चिक्षेप Dk.13. -2 Throwing upwards. -3 Rising, ascending. -4 A cover or lid. -5 A big water pot, pitcher; स एनां तत आदाय न्यधादौदञ्चनोदके । तत्र क्षिप्ता मुहूर्तेन हस्तत्रयमवर्धत ॥ न म एतदलं राजन्सुखं वस्तुमुदञ्चनम् । Bhāg.8.24.19-2. |
udasanam | उदसनम् 1 Throwing, raising, erecting; पुच्छादुदसने व्यसने पर्यसने च Mbh.3.1.2. -2 Expelling, turning out. |
udayanam | उदयनम् 1 Rising, ascending, going up; सूर्यस्योदयना- दधि Rv.1.48.7. -2 Result, consequence. -3 End, conclusion. -नः 1 N. of Agastya. -2 N. of the king Vatsa; प्राप्यावन्तीनुदयनकथाकोविदग्रामवृद्धान् Me.3. [A celebrated Prince of the lunar race, who is usually styled Vatsarāja. He reigned at Kauśambī. Vāsavadattā, Princess of Ujjayinī, saw him in a dream and fell in love with him. He was decoyed to that city and there kept in prison by Chaṇḍamahāsena, the king. But on being released by the minister, he carried off Vāsava-dattā from her father and a rival suitor. Udayana is the hero of the play called Ratnāvalī and his life has been made the subject of several other minor compositions. See Vatsa also]. -Comp. -आचार्यः N. of a philosopher and author of several works. |
udgamanam | उद्गमनम् Rising, becoming visible. आङ् उद्गमने Vart. ज्योतिरुद्गमन इति वक्त्व्यम् P.I.3.4. |
udgānam | उद्गानम् A phase of the साम chant. द्वितीयम् (i. e. उद्गानम्) साम्नः पर्व उत्पूर्वस्य गायतेरभिधेयं प्रसिद्धम् ŚB. on MS.3.5.26. |
udgrathanam | उद्ग्रथनम् The act of winding, binding; साभिवीक्ष्य दिशः सर्वा वेण्युद्ग्रथनमुत्तमम् (मणिम्) Rām.5.67.3. |
udghaṭṭanam | उद्घट्टनम् ना 1 Friction, striking against; तत्रावश्यं वलयकुलिशोद्घट्टनोद्गीर्णतोयम् Me.63. -2 Opening upwards (as a lid). -3 Outbreak (of violence or passion); Ks.; B. R. |
uddānam | उद्दानम् [दो बन्धने ल्युट्] 1 Binding, confinement; उद्दाने क्रियमाणे तु मत्स्यानां तत्र रज्जुभिः Mb.12.137.14. -2 Taming, subduing. -3 The middle, the waist. -4 A fire-place. -5 The submarine fire. -6 Entrance of the sun into a zodiacal sign. (संक्रान्त). |
uddinam | उद्दिनम् Midday. |
uddīpanam | उद्दीपनम् 1 Inflaming, exciting; क्रोध˚, अग्नि˚. -2 (In Rhet.) That which excites or feeds (a sentiment or rasa), any aggravating or attendant circumstance
which gives poignancy to a feeling or passion; उद्दीपन- विभावास्ते रसमुद्दीपयन्ति ये S. D.16; see आलम्बनम् also. -3 Illuminating, lighting, setting fire to, burning; जतुमयशरणोद्दीपनः Ve.5.26. -4 Burning of a body. |
uddarśanam | उद्दर्शनम् Making visible. |
uddyotanam | उद्द्योतनम् The act of enlightening, illumination. |
uddhūnanam | उद्धूननम् 1 Throwing upwards, raising. -2 Shaking. |
uddhūpanam | उद्धूपनम् Fumigating. |
uddhūlanam | उद्धूलनम् 1 Powdering, sprinkling with dust or powder; भस्मोद्धूलन भद्रमस्तु भवने K. P.1; K.129. -2 An article used to season food. |
uddhmānam | उद्ध्मानम् A fire-place, stove. |
udbhāvanam | उद्भावनम् 1 Thinking, thinking over. -2 Production, generation, creation; Mb.13. -3 Speaking, saying. -4 Inattention, neglect, disregard. |
udyamanam | उद्यमनम् 1 Raising, elevation; यत्समाने उद्यमने निपातये च Mbh. on P.I.4.23. -2 Effort, exertion; भुव्यन्नमम्बूद्यमने च वृत्तिम् Bhāg.8.6.12. -3 Example, experiment; आवर्जयत वैदेहीं दण्डस्योद्यमनेन च Rām.5.22.38. |
udyānam | उद्यानम् (-नः also) 1 Going or walking out. उद्यानं ते पुरुष नावयानम् Av.8.1.6. -2 A garden, park, pleasure garden; बाह्योद्यानस्थितहरशिरश्चन्द्रिकाधौतहर्म्या Me.7,26,35; oft. opp. to वन; cf. दूरीकृताः खलु गुणैरुद्यानलता वनलताभिः Ś.1.17. -3 Purpose, motive. -4 N. of a country to the North of India. -Comp. -पालः, -पालकः, -रक्षकः a gardener, superintendent or keeper of a garden; उद्यानपालसामान्यमृतवस्तमुपासते Ku.2.36. |
udyāpanam | उद्यापनम् Bringing to a conclusion, completing, finishing (as व्रतोद्यापन). |
udrodhanam | उद्रोधनम् Rising, growth; Ait. Br.4.14.5. |
udvapanam | उद्वपनम् 1 A gift, donation. -2 Pouring or shaking out. |
udvardhanam | उद्वर्धनम् 1 Increase. -2 Sly or suppressed laughter. |
udvāsanam | उद्वासनम् 1 Expelling, banishing. -2 Abandoning. -3 Taking out of or away (from the fire). -4 Killing, slaughter. |
udvahanam | उद्वहनम् 1 Marrying; श्वो भाविनि त्वमजितोद्वहने विदर्भान् Bhāg.1.52.41. -2 Supporting, holding or lifting up, bearing, carrying; भुवः प्रयुक्तोद्वहनक्रियायाः R.13.8; कैलास- नाथोद्वहनाय भूयः 14.2; Māl.1; R.2.18; Ku.3.13. -3 Being carried on, riding; खरेणोद्वहनं तथा Ms.8.37. -4 Possessing, having; लज्जा˚, विनय˚ &c. -5 Protection; सन्दह्यमानसर्वाङ्गः एषामुद्वहनाधिना Bhāg.3.3.7. |
udvādanam | उद्वादनम् Crying aloud. |
udvījanam | उद्वीजनम् Fanning. |
udvartanam | उद्वर्तनम् 1 Going up, rising. -2 Springing up, growth (of plants, grain &c.) -3 Prosperity, elevation. -4 Turning from side to side; springing up, popping the head; चटुलशफरोद्वर्तनप्रेक्षितानि Me.42. -5 Grinding, pounding. -6 Drawing out metal, wire-drawing. -7 Anointing, smearing; करोद्वर्तनार्थे चन्दनं समर्पयामि; cf. also सायण's commentary on the Śatapaṭha Brāhmaṇa - सर्वसुरभिचन्दनादि उन्मर्दनं उद्वर्तनं यजमानस्य भवति । -8 Particularly, rubbing and cleaning the body with perfumes or fragrant unguents, or the unguents used for this purpose or to relieve pain; नाक्रामेद्रक्तविण्मूत्रष्ठीवनोद्वर्तनादि च Y.1.152; Ms.4.132 (अभ्य- ङ्गमलापकर्षणपिष्टकादि Kull.). In this connection the meaning 'vomiting' seems appropriate, along with other filthy objects; cf. उद्वृत्त = vomited. -9 Bad behaviour or conduct, rudeness. |
undanam | उन्दनम् Moistening, wetting, Bhāg.3.26.43. |
unnam | उन्नम् 1 P. 1 (a) To rise, appear; उन्नम्योन्नम्य लीयन्ते दरिद्राणां मनोरथाः Pt.2.95. (b) To hang over, arise, impend; उन्नमत्यकालदुर्दिनम् Mk.4,5 and untimely storm impends; बहलोन्नमदम्बुधराः Māl.9.18. (c) To rise, ascend, go up (fig. also); उन्नमति नमति वर्षति गर्जति मेघः Mk.5. नम्रत्वेनोन्नमन्तः Bh.2.69. -2 To bend up, raise, elevate, erect; द्यौरुन्ननामेव दिशः प्रसेदुः Ki.16.35. -Caus. (नमयति) 1 To bend upwards, raise, erect; मुखमुन्नमय्य Ku.7.23; Ś.3.25; R.1.41. -2 (fig.) To elevate, raise to eminence; उन्नमय बन्धुवर्गम् K.19. |
unnamanam | उन्नमनम् 1 Raising, lifting up. -2 Height, elevation. |
unnamita | उन्नमित p. p. 1 Raised, lifted up. प्रयत्नोन्नमिता नमत्फणैः K. -2 Heightened, increased, proved to be superior; ˚उपदेशः M.3. |
unnamra | उन्नम्र a. Erect. upright, lofty, high (fig. also); उन्नम्रताम्रपटमण्डपमण्डितं तत् Śi.5.68; ˚ता erectness, uprightness (of the body). |
unmajjanam | उन्मज्जनम् Emerging, coming out of water. सलिलो- न्मज्जनमुज्झति स्फुटम् N. -नः An attendant of Śiva. |
unmanthanam | उन्मन्थनम् 1 Shaking off, agitating. -2 Killing, slaughter; अन्योन्यसूतोन्मथनादभूताम् R.7.52; hurting; मारीचदर्शनं चैव सीतोन्मथनमेव च Rām.6.124.11. -3 Beating (with a stick). -4 Probing, stirring a dart lodged in the body. -5 The instrument used for this purpose. -6 Churning up; कौर्मे धृतो$द्रिरमृतोन्मथने स्वपृष्ठे Bhāg.11.4.18. |
unmardanam | उन्मर्दनम् 1 Rubbing, kneading. -2 A fragrant essence used for the purpose of rubbing. -3 Act of purifying air. |
unmānam | उन्मानम् 1 Weighing, measuring; ऊर्ध्वमानं किलोन्मानम्; Mbh. V.1.19 Vart. -2 A measure of size or quantity. -3 Price. -4 Measurement of thickness or diameter. |
unmocanam | उन्मोचनम् Unfastening, loosening. -Comp. -प्रमो- चनम् (du.) unfastening completely; उन्मोचनप्रमोचने उभे वाचा वदामि ते Av.5.3.2-4. |
unmūlanam | उन्मूलनम् 1 Plucking up by the roots, eradication, destroying, uprooting; न पादपोन्मूलनशक्ति रंहः R.2.34. |
unmārjanam | उन्मार्जनम् Rubbing, wiping off, removing; मनःशल्य˚ Dk.161. |
unmardanam | उन्मर्दनम् A rubbing down of the sacrificer with sweet-smelling substances before sprinkling him with fat. cf. सर्वसुरभ्युन्मर्दनं भवति Śat. Br. and Sāyaṇa says उन्मर्दनं उद्वर्तनं भवति । (For details read Dr. Gode's paper on, 'Massage in Ancient and Medieval India', Annals of Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute XXXVI, parts I-II, pp. 85.113). |
upakarṇanam | उपकर्णनम् Hearing. |
upakalpanam | उपकल्पनम् ना 1 Preparation; एवं विज्ञाय मतिमान् भोजनस्योपकल्पनाम् Suśr. -2 Fabricating, making &c. |
upagūhanam | उपगूहनम् 1 Hiding, concealing. -2 An embrace. -3 Astonishment, surprise; (in drama) an occurance of any wonderful event. |
upagānam | उपगानम् Accompanying music; किं गानोपगानमेतत् उत वादित्रोपगानम् । ŚB. On. MS.1.4.8. |
upagāyanam | उपगायनम् Singing. |
upacūlanam | उपचूलनम् Heating, burning; also उपचूडन. |
upacchandanam | उपच्छन्दनम् 1 Coaxing, persuading; उपच्छन्दनैरेव स्वं ते दापयितुम् प्रयतिष्यते Dk.65. -2 Inviting; उपमन्त्रणमुप- च्छन्दनम् Sk. |
upaḍhaukanam | उपढौकनम् A respectful offering or present, Nazarāṇā. |
upatāpanam | उपतापनम् 1 Heating. -2 Distressing, tormenting. |
upadānam | उपदानम् नकम् 1 An oblation, a present (in general). -2 A gift made for procuring favour or protection, such as a bribe. |
upadeśanam | उपदेशनम् Advising, instructing; किं पुनरुपदेशनम् शास्त्रम् Mbh. on P.I.3.2. -ना Information, doctrine. |
upadarśanam | उपदर्शनम् 1 Exhibiting, representing. -2 A commentary. |
upanam | उपनम् 1 P. 1 To come to, arrive at, approach, bend or tend towards. -2 To befall, fall to the lot of, occur, happen (used by itself or with gen., dat., or acc. of person); मत्संभोगः कथमुपनमेत् स्वप्नजो$पि Me.92; तत्तस्योपन- मेत् Bh.2.121; अन्ध आत्मने नोपनमति Bhāg.; उपैनं सहस्रं नमति Ait. Br. -3 To share in. -Caus. 1 To lead towards, introduce (with gen.). -2 To offer, give. |
upanamra | उपनम्र a. Coming to, being present; N. |
upanahanam | उपनहनम् 1 A cloth in which anything is bound up. -2 Binding, tying together. |
upanāhanam | उपनाहनम् 1 Applying an unguent. -2 Anointing, plastering. |
upanidhānam | उपनिधानम् 1 Placing near. -2 Depositing, entrusting to one's care. -3 A deposit. |
upanibandhanam | उपनिबन्धनम् 1 A means of accomplishment. -2 Binding. -3 Description. |
upanirgamanam | उपनिर्गमनम् A way to go out; Hch.3. |
upanivapanam | उपनिवपनम् The act of scattering or pouring down upon. |
upanayanam | उपनयनम् 1 Leading to or near. -2 Presenting, offering; धारासारोपनयनपरा नैगमाः सानुमन्तः V.4.13. -3 Investiture with the acred thread; गर्भाष्टमे ब्राह्मण उपनेय इत्युपनयनं संस्कारार्थम् Mbh.6.6.84. आसमावर्तनात्कुर्यात् कृतोपनयनो द्विजः Ms.2.18,173. -4 Employment, application. -5 Introduction (into any science). |
upapādanam | उपपादनम् 1 Effecting, accomplishing, doing. सामान्यतः किं विषयोपपादनैः. -2 Giving, delivering, presenting. -3 Proving, demonstration, establishing by arguments; अपि त्वां न लभेत् कर्ण राज्यलम्भोपपादनम् Mb.5. 142.2. -4 Examination, ascertainment, exposition (of a subject). |
upasaṃkhyānam | उपसंख्यानम् 1 Addition. -2 Supplementary addition, further or additional enumeration (a term technically applied to the Vārtikas. of Kātyāyana which are intended to supply omissions in Pāṇini's Sūtras and generally to supplement them); e. g. जुगुप्साविरामप्रमादार्था- नामुपसंख्यानम्; cf. इष्टि. -3 (In gram.) A substitute in form or sense. |
upasadanam | उपसदनम् 1 Going near to, approaching. -2 Sitting at the feet of a teacher, becoming a pupil; Mb.1.132.5; तत्रोपसदनं चक्रे द्रोणस्येष्वस्त्रकर्मणि Mb. -3 Neighbourhood. -4 Service. -5 Partaking of. -6 An abode, place; यज्ञोपसदनं ब्रह्मन्प्राप्तो$सि मुनिभिः सह Rām.1.5.15. |
upasādanam | उपसादनम् Approaching respectfully, reverence, respect; Bhāg. |
upasaṃdhānam | उपसंधानम् Adding, joining. |
upasamādhānam | उपसमाधानम् Gathering together, heaping; उप- समाधानं राशीकरणम् Sk. |
upamānam | उपमानम् 1 Comparison, resemblance; जातास्तदूर्वो- रुपमानबाह्याः Ku.1.36. -2 The standard of comparison, that with which anything is compared; one of the four requisites of an उपमा; उपमानममूद्विलासिनां Ku.4.5; उपमानस्यापि सखे प्रत्युपमानं वपुस्तस्याः V.2.3; Śi.2.49. -3 (In Nyāya Phil.) Analogy, recognition of likeness, considered as one of the four kinds of pramāṇas or means of arriving at correct knowledge. It is defined as प्रसिद्धसाधर्म्यात् साध्यसाधनम्; or उपमितिकरण- मुपमानं तच्च सादृश्यज्ञानात्मकम् Tarka. K. तन्न विश्वसनीयं वो राक्षसानां रणाजिरे । एतेनैवोपमानेन नित्यं जिह्मा हि राक्षसाः ॥ Rām.6. 5.54. -4 A particle of comparison. -Comp. -उपमेयभावः relation between the subject of comparison and the standard of comparison. -चिन्तामणिः m. N. of a philosophical work. |
upamardanam | उपमर्दनम् Suppression, oppression. |
upayamanam | उपयमनम् 1 Marrying, taking a wife; P.I.2.16. विभाषोपयमने -2 Restraining, curbing. -3 Placing down the fire -4 Support. -नी 1 Any support of stone for holding fire-wood; उपयमनीरुपकल्पयन्ति Śat. Br. -2 A sacrificial ladle. |
upayānam | उपयानम् 1 Approaching, coming near; उपयानापयाने च स्थानं प्रत्यपसर्पणम् । सर्वमेतद्रथस्थेन ज्ञेयं रथकुटुम्बिना ॥ Rām.6. 14.2. -2 Acquisition, obtaining; हरोपयाने त्वरिता बभूव Ku.7.22. |
upayācanam | उपयाचनम् Soliciting, begging, approaching with a request or prayer. |
upayāpanam | उपयापनम् 1 The act of causing to come near, leading near. -2 A marriage; पुत्राणां दुहितॄणां च काले विध्युप- यापनम् । दारैर्वरैस्तत्सदृशं कल्पयन्तं विभूतिभिः Bhāg.1.69.32. |
upayojanam | उपयोजनम् 1 a. Harnessing a horse, Ait. Br.5.3.6. -2 A team. |
uparatnam | उपरत्नम् [उपमितं रत्नेन उप गौणे वा] A secondary or inferior gem; उपरत्नानि काचश्च कर्पूरोश्मा तथैव च । मुक्ताशुक्ति- स्तथा शङ्ख इत्यादीनि बहून्यपि ॥ गुणा यथैव रत्नानामुपरत्नेषु ते तथा । किं तु किंचित्ततो हीना विशेषो$यमुदाहृतः ॥ |
uparodhanam | उपरोधनम् Obstruction, impediment &c.; see उपरोध. |
upalambhanam | उपलम्भनम् Apprehension &c. |
upalālanam | उपलालनम् Fondling. |
upalepanam | उपलेपनम् 1 Smearing, anointing, plastering. -2 An ointment, unguent. |
upavañcanam | उपवञ्चनम् The act of crouching or lying close to. |
upavanam | उपवनम् [उपमितं वनेन] A garden, grave, a planted forest; पाण्डुच्छायोपवनवृतयः केतकैः सूचिभिन्नैः Me.23; R.8.73. 13.79; ˚लता a garden creeper. -Comp. -विनोदः N. of a work on gardening. |
upavarṇanam | उपवर्णनम् Minute description, delineation in detail; अतिशयोपवर्णनं व्याख्यानम् Suśr.; Y.1.32. |
upavasanam | उपवसनम् A fast, fasting. -2 The state of being near. |
upavahanam | उपवहनम् (In music) Preliminary singing, humming a tune before beginning to sing it aloud; M.2. |
upavāhanam | उपवाहनम् Carrying to, bringing near; कृतकृत्यं तदात्मानं मेने तस्योपवाहनात् Rām.1.11.29. |
upavājanam | उपवाजनम् A fan. |
upavāsanam | उपवासनम् A dress, garment (Ved.); यावतीः कृत्याः उपवासने Av.14.2.49. |
upavartanam | उपवर्तनम् 1 A place for exercise. -2 A place whether inhabited or not. -3 A district or Pargaṇā. -4 A kingdom (राज्य) उपवर्तनमाहर्तुमुद्यतो$स्म्यहमञ्जसा Śiva. B.31.11. -5 A bog, marshy place. |
upavyākhyānam | उपव्याख्यानम् A supplementary explanation or interpretation; तस्योपव्याख्यानम् Ch. Up.1.1.1. |
upaśamanam | उपशमनम् 1 Quieting, calming, appeasing. -2 Mitigation, assuagement. -3 Extinction, cessation. |
upaśāntvanam | उपशान्त्वनम् Appeasing (see उपसान्त्वन). |
upaśobhanam | उपशोभनम् शोभा Adorning, ornamenting; विहितो- पशोभमुपयाति माधवे (नगर) Śi.13.36. |
upasaṃyamanam | उपसंयमनम् Binding. -2 A means of fastening together. |
upasaṃvyānam | उपसंव्यानम् An under garment; अन्तरं बहिर्योगोप- संव्यानयोः P.I.1.36. |
upapīḍanam | उपपीडनम् 1 Pressing down, devastating, laying waste. -2 Inflicting pain, injuring; व्याधिभिश्चोपपीडनम् Ms.6.62,12.8. -3 Pain, agony. |
upapradarśanam | उपप्रदर्शनम् Pointing out, indication. |
upapradānam | उपप्रदानम् 1 Delivering over, entrusting. -2 A bribe, present; Rām.6.13.7. उपप्रदानैर्मार्जारो हितकृत्प्रा- र्थ्यते जनैः Pt.1.95. -3 A tribute. |
upapralobhanam | उपप्रलोभनम् 1 Seducing, alluring. -2 A bribe, an inducement, allurement; उच्चावचान्युपप्रलोभनानि Dk.48. |
upasāntvanam | उपसान्त्वनम् Appeasing, pacifying. |
upasarjanam | उपसर्जनम् 1 Pouring on. -2 A misfortune, calamity (as an eclipse), portent; ज्योतिषां चोपसर्जने (अनध्यायान्) Ms.4.15. -3 Leaving. -4 Eclipsing. -5 Any person or thing subordinate to another, a substitute. -6 (In gram.) A word which either by composition or derivation loses its original independent character, while it also determines the sense of another word (opp. प्रधान); e. g. in पाणिनीयः a pupil of पाणिनि, पाणिनि becomes उपसर्जन; or in राजपुरुषः, राजन् is उपसर्जन, having lost its independent character; P.I.2.43,48,57; II.2.3; IV.1.14,54; VI.3.82; आचार्योपसर्जनश्चान्तेवासी. -7 A kind of war-manoeuvre; तथा प्राग्भवनं चापसरणं तूपसर्जनम् Śuka.4.115. |
upasevanam | उपसेवनम् सेवा 1 Worshipping, honouring, adoring. -2 Service; राज˚ Ms.3.64. -3 Addiction to; विषय˚ Ms.12.7. -4 Using, enjoying (carnally also); छाया˚; परदार˚ Ms.4.134. -5 Experiencing, suffering. |
upasthānam | उपस्थानम् 1 Presence, proximity, nearness. -2 Approaching, coming, appearance, coming into the presence of; युगपदाचार्ययोरुपस्थानम् M.1. -3 (a) Worshipping, waiting upon (with prayers); attendance, service; सूर्योपस्थानात्प्रतिनिवृत्तं पुरूरवसं मामुपेत्य V.1; सूर्यस्योपस्थानं कुर्वः V.4; Y.1.22,3.282. (b) Obeisance; greeting; ˚स्तोत्रपद्धतिम् U.1 a form of congratulatory panegyric. (c) Accepting, agreeing (as a lover &c); सो$यं मामनु- पस्थाने व्यक्तं नैराश्यमागतः Rām.6.92.47. -4 Attending to, guarding; रावणहित˚ Mv.5. -5 An abode, abode of wrestling; चाणूरो मुष्टिकः कूटः शलस्तोशल एव च । त आसेदुरुप- स्थानं वल्गुवाद्यप्रहर्षिताः ॥ Bhāg.1.42.37. -6 The sanctuary, any sacred place (approached with respect). -7 An appeal, application; यदि कुर्युरुपस्थानं वादं तत्र प्रवर्तयेत् Śukra.4.63. -8 Remembrance, recollection, memory; तत्त्वस्मृतेरुपस्थानात् (योगः प्रवर्तते) Y.3.16. -9 Obtaining, getting; दृष्टः कश्चिदुपायो मे सीतोपस्थानकारकः Rām.6.64.21. -1 A reception room; assembly; palace; a court; उपस्थानगतः कार्यार्थिनामद्वारासङ्गं कारयेत् Kau. A.1.14; Rām.2.15.1. -11 A particular part of the संध्या. -Comp. -शाला An assembly-room (in monastery); Buddha. |
upasthāpanam | उपस्थापनम् 1 Placing near, getting ready. -2 The awakening of memory. -3 Attendance, service. -ना The act of ordaining (a monk); Jaina. |
upahvānam | उपह्वानम् 1 Calling, inviting. -2 Invoking with prayers. |
upākhyānam | उपाख्यानम् नकम् 1 A short tale or narrative, an episode; नाचिकेतमुपाख्यानं मृत्युप्रोक्तं सनातनम् Kaṭh. Up.1. 3.16. उपाख्यानैर्विना तावद् भारतं प्रोच्यते बुधैः Mb.1.1.13. -2 Repetition of a story already heard from others. |
upāñjanam | उपाञ्जनम् Anointing, plastering the ground with cow-dung, chunam &c.; Ms.5.15,122,124; (मठादेः सुधागोमयादिना संमार्जनानुलेपनम् Medhātithi). |
upādānam | उपादानम् 1 Taking, receiving, acquisition, obtaining; विश्रब्धं ब्राह्मणः शूद्राद् द्रव्योपादानमाचरेत् Ms.8.417; 12.7; विद्या˚ K.75. -2 Taking away, appropriating to oneself. -3 Employment, using; becoming familiar with. -4 Mention, enumeration; किमास्योपादाने प्रयोजनम् Mbh.I.1.9. -5 Saying, speaking. -6 Including, containing. -7 Withdrawing the organs of sense and perception from the external world and its objects. -8 A cause; motive, natural or immediate cause; पाटवोपादानः भ्रमः U.3. v. l.; प्रकृष्टपुण्य- परिपाकोपादानो महिमा स्यात् U.6. -9 The material out of which anything is made, the material cause; निमित्तमेव ब्रह्म स्यादुपादानं च वेक्षणात् adhikaraṇamālā. -1 A mode of expression in which a word used elliptically, besides retaining its own primary sense, conveys another (in addition to that which is actually expressed); स्वसिद्धये पराक्षेपः ... उपादानम् K. P.2. -11 (With Buddhists) conception; grasping at or clinging to existence (caused by तृष्णा and causing भव). (With Rāmānujas) preparation (of perfumes, flowers &c. as one of the five elements of worship). -12 Effort of body or speech. -13 N. of the four contentments mentioned in सांख्यकारिका as प्रकृत्युपादानकालभागाख्याः Sāṅ. K.5. -Comp. -कारणम् a material cause; प्रकृतिश्चोपादान- कारणं च ब्रह्माभ्युपगन्तव्यम् Ś. B. -लक्षणा = अजहत्स्वार्था q. v.; see K. P.2; S. D.14. |
upānayanam | उपानयनम् The act of leading near or home (a wife); Bhāg. |
upāvartanam | उपावर्तनम् 1 Coming or turning back, return; त्वदुपावर्तनशङ्कि मे मनः (करोति) R.8.53. -2 Revolving, turning round. -3 Approaching. -4 Ceasing. |
upāsanam | उपासनम् ना 1 Service, serving, attendance, waiting upon; शीलं खलोपासनात् (विनश्यति); उपासनामेत्य पितुः स्म सृज्यते N.1.34; Pt.1.169; Ms.3.17; Bg.13.7; Y.3.156; Bh.2.42. -2 Engaging in, being intent on, performing; संगीत˚ Mk.6; सन्ध्या˚ Ms.2.69. -3 Worship, respect, adoration. -4 Practice of archery. -5 Regarding as, reflecting upon. -6 Religious meditation. न कर्मसांख्ययोगोपासनादिभिः Mukti Up.1.1. -7 The sacred fire. वानप्रस्थो ब्रह्मचारी साग्निः सोपासनो व्रजेत्. Y.3.45. -8 Injuring, hurting; (fr. अस् 2). -Comp. -उपासना- खण्डः, N. of the first section of the Gaṇeśa Purāṇa. |
upāstamanam | उपास्तमनम् Sunset; Mb.1.1. |
upāyanam | उपायनम् 1 Going near, approach. -2 Becoming a pupil of. -3 Engaging in any religious rite. -4 Undertaking, beginning; व्रत˚. -5 A present, gift; मालविकोपायनं प्रेषिता M.1; तस्योपायनयोग्यानि वस्तूनि सरितां पतिः Ku.2.37; R.4.79; शरीरिणां श्रेय उपायनं वपुः Bhāg.1.2.34. |
upodbalanam | उपोद्बलनम् Confirmation, corroboration.
उपोषणम् upōṣaṇam उपोषितम् upōṣitam
उपोषणम् उपोषितम् A fast. |
ullaṅghanam | उल्लङ्घनम् 1 Leaping or passing over. -2 Transgression, violation. -3 Offence, sin; Ks. |
ullasanam | उल्लसनम् 1 Happiness, joy. -2 Horripilation. |
ullekhanam | उल्लेखनम् 1 Rubbing, scratching, scraping &c. -2 Digging up; Y.1.188; उल्लेखनेन भूमिः शुध्यति Ms. 5.124. -3 Vomiting. -4 Mention, allusion, utterance. -5 Raising up, elevating. -6 Writing, painting. -7 Marking out by lines (the स्थण्डिल &c. in a sacrifice). |
ulluñcanam | उल्लुञ्चनम् 1 Plucking out, cutting; पादकेशाशुककरो- ल्लुञ्चनेषु पणान् दश (दमः); Y.2.217. -2 Plucking or pulling out the hair.
उल्लुण्ठनम् ulluṇṭhanam उल्लुण्ठा ulluṇṭhā
उल्लुण्ठनम् उल्लुण्ठा 1 Rolling, wallowing. -2 Irony; धीराधीरा तु सोल्लुण्ठभाषणैः खेदयेदमुम् S. D.15; सोल्लुण्ठम् ironically, often occurring as a stage-direction in plays. |
ūhanam | ऊहनम् Inferring, guessing. |
ejanam | एजनम् Trembling, shaking. |
aulānam | औलानम् 1 Support. -2 Reservoir of water. |
kacaṅganam | कचङ्गनम् A free market (where no duty or custom, has to be paid). |
kaṭāyanam | कटायनम् The plant Andropogon Muricatus (वीरणमूल). |
kaṭanam | कटनम् The roof (or thatch) of a house. |
kaṇḍanam | कण्डनम् 1 Threshing, separating the chaff from the grain; अजानतार्थं तत्सर्वं (अध्ययनं) तुषाणां कण्डनं यथा. -2 Chaff. -नी 1 A wooden mortar in which the threshing of corn or grain is performed. -2 A pestle; Ms.3.68. |
kadanam | कदनम् 1 Slaughter, havoc, destruction; नारदाच्चैव शुश्राव वृष्णीनां कदनं महत् Mb.1.2.351;3.178.2; U.5.1. -2 War. -3 Sin. |
kadanam | कदनम् See under कद्. |
kannam | कन्नम् [कन-क्त] 1 Sin. -2 A swoon, a fainting fit. |
kardanam | कर्दनम् Rumbling of the bowels. -नी The day of full-moon in the month of चैत्र. |
kalkanam | कल्कनम् 1 Deceiving, over-reaching, falsehood. -2 Meanness, wickedness; Bhāg.1.14.4. |
kalpanam | कल्पनम् [क्लृप्-ल्युट्] 1 Forming, fashioning, arranging. -2 Performing, doing, effecting. -3 Clipping, cutting. -4 Fixing. -5 Anything placed upon another for decoration. -ना 1 Fixing, settlement; अनेकपितृकाणां तु पितृतो भागकल्पना Y.2.12;247; Ms.9.116. -2 Making, performing, doing. -3 Forming, arranging; विषमासु च कल्पनासु Mk.3.14; केश˚ Mk.4. -4 Decorating, ornamenting. -5 Composition. -6 Invention. -7 Imagination, thought; कल्पनापोढः Sk. P.II.1.38 = कल्पनाया अपोढः. -8 An idea, fancy or image (conceived in the mind); Śānti.2.8. -9 Fabrication. -1 Forgery. -11 A contrivance, device. -12 (In Mīm. phil.) = अर्थापत्ति q. v. -13 Decorating an elephant. -Comp. -शक्तिः f. the power of forming ideas; MW. |
kavanam | कवनम् Water. |
kāṭhinam | काठिनम् न्यम् 1 Hardness, tightness; काठिन्यमुक्त- स्तनम् Ś.3.9. -2 Sternness, hard-heartedness, cruelty. -3 Diffculty, obscurity (of style). (-नः) The date fruit. |
kānanam | काननम् 1 A forest, a grove; R.12.27,13.18; छन्नोपान्तः परिणतफलज्योतिभिः काननाम्रैः Me.18,44; काननावनि forest-ground. -2 The mouth of Brahmā. -3 A house. cf. काननं विपिने गेहे परमेष्ठिमुखे$पि च Med. -Comp. -अग्निः wild fire, conflagration. -अरिः a species of the mimosa tree (शमी). -ओकस् m. 1 an inhabitant of a forest. -2 a monkey. |
kāpiśāyanam | कापिशायनम् 1 Liquor; 'कश्यं कल्पं तथा मद्यं मैरेयं कापिशायनम्' इति वैजयन्ती; कापिशायनसुगन्धि विघूर्णन् Śi.1.4. कपिरपि च कापिशायनमदमत्तः Kuv.148. -2 A deity. |
kāyamānam | कायमानम् A hut made of thatch. |
kīnam | कीनम् Flesh. |
kīrtanam | कीर्तनम् [कत्-ल्युट्] 1 Telling, narrating. -2 Praising, celebrating; सा तस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा रामकीर्तनहर्षिता Rām.5.33.14. -3 A temple; any work of art, a building; न कीर्तनैरलङ्कृता मेदिनी K.28;119. शंभोर्यो द्वादशानि व्यरचयदचिरात् कीर्तनानि ... । (Ind. Ant. Vol.IX. p.34.) -ना 1 Narration, recital. -2 Fame, glory. |
kuñcanam | कुञ्चनम् 1 Curving, bending, contraction. -2 A certain disease of the eye. |
kuṭṭanam | कुट्टनम् 1 Cutting. -2 Pounding; नैसर्गिकी सुरभिणः कुसुमस्य सिद्धा मूर्ध्नि स्थितिर्न मुसलैर्बत कुट्टनानि Māl.9.5. (v. l.). -3 Abusing, censuring. |
kuṇḍinam | कुण्डिनम् पुरम् N. of a city, the capital of the Vidarbhas. |
kutsanam | कुत्सनम् कुत्सा Abuse, contempt, reproach, abusive language; देवतानां च कुत्सनम् Ms.4.163; Ks.61.298. -ना Expression of contempt. |
kuhvānam | कुह्वानम् A disagreeable noise; प्रत्युलूकश्च कुह्वानैरनिद्रौ शून्यमिच्छतः Bhāg.1.14.14. |
kūrdanam | कूर्दनम् 1 Leaping. -2 Playing, sporting. -नी 1 A festival in honour of Kāmadeva, held on the fifteenth day of Chaitra. -2 The full moon day in Chaitra. |
kṛntanam | कृन्तनम् Cutting, cutting off, dividing, tearing asunder; नातः परं कर्मनिबन्धकृन्तनम् Bhāg.6.2.46.
कृन्तनिका; -नी 1 A small knife. -2 The sharp edge of a knife. |
kṛśanam | कृशनम् Ved. 1 A pearl; अभीवृतं कृशनैर्विश्वरूपम् Rv.1. 35.4. -2 Gold. -3 Form, shape. |
ketanam | केतनम् [कित्-ल्युट्] 1 A house, an abode; अकलित- महिमानः केतनं मङ्गलानाम् Māl.2.9; मम मरणमेव वरमतिवितथके- तना Gīt.7. -2 An invitation, summons; Mb.13.23.12- 16. -3 Place, site; सौवर्णभित्ति संकेतकेतनं संपदामिव Ks.26.44. -4 A flag, banner; भग्नं भीमेन मरुता भवतो रथकेतनम् Ve.2. 23; Śi.14.28; R.9.39. -5 A sign, symbol; as in मकरकेतन. -6 An indispensable act (also religious); निवापाञ्जलिदानेन केतनैः श्राद्धकर्मभिः । तस्योपकारे शक्तस्त्वं किं जीवन् किमुतान्यथा Ve.3.16. -7 A spot, mark. -8 The body; तस्यां तु वानरो दिव्यः सिंहशार्दूलकेतनः Mb.1.225.15; Bhāg. 4.24.68; Gīt.7.5. |
kaupīnam | कौपीनम् [कूप-खञ्; see Sk. on शालीनकौपीने अधृष्टाकार्ययोः P.V.2.2] 1 The pudenda. -2 A privity, privy part. -3 A small piece of cloth (usually a small strip worn over the privities; कौपीनं शतखण्डजर्जरतरं कन्था पुनस्ता- दृशी Bh.3.11. -4 (Hence sometimes) A ragged or tattered garment. -5 Sin, an improper or wrong act; नाच्छादयति कौपीनं न दंशमशकांपहम् Pt.3.97. |
krathanam | क्रथनम् 1 A slaughter. -2 Cutting. |
krīḍanam | क्रीडनम् [क्रीड् भावे ल्युट्] 1 Playing, sporting; बालक्रीड- नमिन्दुशेखरधनुर्भङ्गावधि प्रह्वता Mahān. -2 A play-thing, toy.
क्रीडनकः krīḍanakḥ कम् kam क्रीडनीयम् krīḍanīyam यकम् yakam
क्रीडनकः कम् क्रीडनीयम् यकम् A play-thing, toy. लीलया व्यनुदत्तांस्तान्बालः क्रीटनकानिव Bhāg.3.2.3. Ś.7. -क्रीडनकतया ind. After a manner of a plaything; Bhāg.5.26.32. |
kvathanam | क्वथनम् (क्वथ्-ल्युट्) Boiling, decocting; समेत्य सद्यः क्वथ- नेन फेनताम् Ki.16.57. |
kṣaṇanam | क्षणनम् Injuring, killing, wounding. |
kṣadanam | क्षदनम् 1 Carving, dividing, tearing. -2 Eating. |
kṣamāpanam | क्षमापनम् Begging pardon. क्षमापनैश्च सा देवी प्रसन्नवदना- म्बुजा Parṇāl.4.47. |
kṣālanam | क्षालनम् [क्षल्-भावे ल्युट्] 1 Washing, cleansing (with water); तत्क्षालनाय यास्यामि तीर्थान्युज्झितमत्सरः Ks.52.239. -2 Sprinkling. |
kṣālanam | क्षालनम् &c. See under क्षल्. |
kṣījanam | क्षीजनम् [क्षीज् भावे ल्युट्] The whistling of hollow reeds. |
kṣveḍanam | क्ष्वेडनम् 1 Murmuring, hissing, whistling. -2 A hissing pronunciation; Mb.4.64. |
khananam | खननम् [खन्-ल्युट्] 1 Digging, excavating. -2 Burying. |
khānam | खानम् 1 Digging. -2 Injury. -Comp. -उदकः the cocoanut tree. |
kharjanam | खर्जनम् Scratching. |
khānapānam | खानपानम् Eating and drinking (from Persian) L. D. B. |
khedanam | <