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Monier-Williams Search
1 result
nalasetum. " nala- bridge", the causeway constructed by the monkey nala- for rāma- from the continent to laṅkā- (the modern Adam's Bridge) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
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nalaḥ नलः 1 A kind of reed; Bhāg.1.6.13; एरण़्डभिण्डार्कनलैः प्रभूतैरपि संचितैः । दारुकृत्यं यथा नास्ति तथैवाज्ञैः प्रयोजनम् ॥ Pt.1.96. -2 N. of a celebrated king of the Niṣadhas and hero of the poem called 'Naiṣadhacharita'. [Nala was a very noble-minded and virtuous king. He was chosen by Damayantī in spite of the opposition of gods, and they lived happily for some years. But Kali--who was disappointed in securing her hand-resolved to persecute Nala, and entered into his person. Thus affected he played at dice with his brother, and having lost everything, he, with his wife, was banished from the kingdom. One day, while wandering through the wilderness, he abandoned his wife, almost naked, and went away. Subsequently he was deformed by the serpent Karkoṭaka, and so deformed he entered the service of king Ṛituparṇa of Ayodhyā as a horse-groom under the name of Bāhuka. Subsequently with the assistance of the king he regained his beloved and they led a happy life; see ऋतुपर्ण and दमयन्ती also.] -3 N. of a monkey-chief, son of Viśvakarman, who, it is said, built the bridge of stones called Nalasetu or 'Adam's bridge' over which Rāma passed to Laṅkā with his army. -4 N. of a year (Nm.) -5 A measure of length (equal to 4 हस्तs); वेदीमष्टनलोत्सेधाम् Mb.7.7.16. -6 N. of divine being (पितृदेव). -लम् 1 A blue lotus; नलनीलमूर्तेः Śrīkanthacharita 1.33. -2 Smell, odour. -Comp. -कीलः the knee. -कूब (व) रः N. of a son of Kubera. -तूला a variety of the hides of aquatic animals; Kau. A.2.11. -दम् 1 a fragrant root (उशीर); Ki.12.5; N.4.116. कतकं नक्रनखरं नलदं नागकेसरम् Śiva. B.3.14. -2 the honey of a flower. -3 the flower of Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis (Mar. जास्वंद). -पट्टिका a sort of mat made of reeds. -मीनः a shrimp or prawn; Rām.3.73.14.
1 result
nalasetu noun (masculine) the causeway constructed by the monkey Nala for Rāma (the modern Adam's Bridge) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

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