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Grammar Search
"nabhas" has 5 results
nabhas: neuter nominative singular stem: nabhas
nabhas: masculine nominative singular stem: nabhas
nabhas: neuter accusative singular stem: nabhas
nabhas: neuter vocative singular stem: nabhas
nabhas: masculine vocative singular stem: nabhas
Amarakosha Search
Monier-Williams Search
37 results for nabhas
nabhasn. (see nabha-) mist, clouds, vapour (especially of the soma-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasn. the sky or atmosphere (dual number heaven and earth ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasn. ether (as an element) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasm. () Name of a month in the rainy season (equals śrāvaṇa-,July-August) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasm. the sun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasm. period of life, age View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasm. clouds, rainy season View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasm. the nose or smell (equals ghrāṇa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasm. a rope made of lotus fibres View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasm. a spitting-pot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasm. Name of a prince (son of nala- and father of puṇḍarīka-) [ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin ne8bula; Slavonic or Slavonian nebo; German ne0bul,ne0bel,Nebel; Anglo-Saxon nifol,"dark."] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasamfn. vapoury, misty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasam. sky, atmosphere View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasam. the rainy season View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasam. the ocean View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasam. Name of a ṛṣi- of the 10th manv-antara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasam. of a dānava- (varia lectio rabhasa-and raśmisa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasam. of a son of nala-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasaṃgamam.,"sky-goer", a bird View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasmayamf(ī-)n. vaporous, misty, hazy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhastalan. "sky-surface", firmament etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhastalan. Name of the 10th solar mansion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhastasind. from the sky View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasvatmfn. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. vaporous, misty, hazy ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasvatmfn. young View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasvatm. wind etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasvatm. Name of a son of naraka- bhauma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasvatind. like vapour View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasvatīf. Name of the wife of antar-dhāna- and mother of havir-dhāna- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasyamfn. foggy, misty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasyam. Name of a month in the rainy season (equals bhādra-,August-September) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasyam. of a son of manu- svārociṣa- or of the 3rd manu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhasyam. of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhinabhasind. towards the sky. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
carmaratnabhastrikāf. idem or 'n. a leathern lucky-bag ' , 199. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhonabhasyatvan. the state of the rainy months nabhas- and nabhasya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ūrdhvanabhasmfn. being above the clouds View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
5 results
nabhas नभस् n. [नह्यते मेधैः नह्-असुन् भश्चान्तादेशः; cf. Uṇ. 4.21] 1 The sky, atmosphere; R.5.29; नभश्च पृथिवीं चैव तुमुलो व्यनुनादयन् Bg.1.19; वनान्तरे तोयमिति प्रधाविता निरीक्ष्य भिन्नाञ्जनसंनिभं नभः Ṛs.1.11. -2 A cloud. -3 Fog, vapour. -4 Water. -5 Period of life, age. -m. 1 The rains or rainy season. -2 The nose, smell. -3 N. of the month of Śrāvaṇa (corresponding to July-August), (said to be n. also in this sense); प्रत्यासन्ने नभसि दयिताजीवितालम्बनार्थी Me.4; R.12.29;17.41;18.6; N.9.84; श्रावणे तु स्यान्नभाः श्रावणिकश्च सः Ak.; पञ्चमो$यं तु संप्राप्तः नभाः श्यामनभाः शुभः Śiva. B.26.57. -4 The fibres in the root of the lotus. -5 A spitting-pot.-- (du.) Both the worlds, heaven and earth. -Comp. -अम्बुपः the Chātaka bird. -केतनः, -पान्थः the sun, -क्रान्तिन् m. a lion. -ग a. going in the sky (as a star, god, bird &c.). -गजः a cloud. -गति f. soaring, flying. -चक्षुस् m. the sun. -चमसः 1 the moon. -2 magic. -चर a. moving in the sky; निकामतप्ता विविधेन वह्निना नभश्चरेणेन्धनसंभृतेन सा Ku.5.23. (-रः) 1 a god or demi-god; नभश्चरैर्गीतयशाः स लेभे R.18.6. -2 a bird. -तलम् 1 the atmosphere. -2 the lower region of the sky; (लेभे) नभस्तलश्यामतनुं तनूजम् R.18.6. -दुहः a cloud. -दृष्टि a. 1 blind. -2 looking towards the sky. -द्वीपः, -धूमः a cloud. -नदी the celestial Ganges. -प्राणः wind. -मणिः the sun. -मण्डलम् the firmament the atmosphere; नेदं नभोमण्डलमम्बुराशिः S. D.1. ˚दीप. the moon. -योनिः an epithet of Śiva. -रजस् n. darkness. -रूप a. gloomy, dark. -रेणुः f. fog-mist. -लयः smoke. -लिह् a. licking the sky, lofty, very high; cf. अलिह. -वटः atmosphere. -वीथी the sun's path. -श्वासः wind. -सद् m. 1 a bird. -2 a star. < b>-3 a god; अतीनिपज्ञान- निधिर्नभःसदः Śi.1.11. -सरित् f. 1 the milky way. -2 the celestial Ganges. -स्थलः an epithet of Śiva. -स्थली the sky. -स्पृश् a. reaching the sky, lofty.
nabhasa नभस a. Vapoury, misty. -सः 1 The sky. -2 The rainy season. -3 The ocean.
nabhasaṃgamaḥ नभसंगमः A bird.
nabhasvat नभस्वत् a. 1 Vaporous, misty, cloudy. -2 Young. -m. The wind, air; नभस्वतस्तं कुसुमेषु केलयः N.1.97; R.4.8;1.73; Si.1.1.
nabhasya नभस्य a. Vapoury, foggy. -स्यः 1 N. of the month Bhādrapada (corresponding to August-September); अथ नभस्य इव त्रिदशायुधम् R.9.54;12.29;17.41; Bhāg. 12.11.38. -2 N. of one of the sons of स्वारोचिष मनु.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
nabhas nábh-as, n. sky, v. 83, 3 [Gk. νἐϕος, OSl. nebo].
Macdonell Search
4 results
nabhas n. [bursting forth], cloud; mist, vapour; fragrance (of Soma); atmo sphere, sky; Srâvana, the first rainy month (July-August); m. N. of a son of Nala.
nabhastala n. sky-surface, nether sky, vault of heaven.
nabhasvat a. cloudy; m. wind.
nabhasya a. misty; m. Bhâdra, the second rainy month (August-September).
Bloomfield Vedic
4 results0 results11 results
nabhas tarīyāṃ iṣiraḥ parijmā RV.5.41.12b.
nabhasas pari jajñire AVP.8.8.2b.
nabhase tvā VS.7.30; MS.1.3.16: 36.10; KS.4.7; śB.
nabhase tvā svāhā MG.1.10.11.
nabhase svāhā VS.22.31; MS.3.12.13: 164.6.
nabhasvatīr ā vāṃ carantu vṛṣṭayaḥ RV.8.25.6c.
nabhas varṣanirṇijaḥ śś.8.23.1.
nabhasyāya tvā VS.7.30; MS.1.3.16: 36.10; KS.4.7; śB.
nabhasyāya svāhā VS.22.31; MS.3.12.13: 164.6.
ūrdhvanabhasaṃ (Kauś. erroneously, ūrdhvaṃ nabhasaṃ) mārutaṃ (MS. mārutaṃ devaṃ) gachatam # TS.; MS.1.2.16: 27.1; KS.3.6; Kauś.45.12. See svāhākṛte ūrdhva-, and svāhordhvanabhasaṃ.
aurdhvanabhasaḥ prathamaḥ # AVP.2.64.1a.
Vedabase Search
6 results
nabhas noun (masculine) a rope made of lotus fibres (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a spitting-pot (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
clouds (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a prince (son of Nala and father of Puṇḍarīka) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
rainy season (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the nose or smell (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 16887/72933
nabhas noun (neuter) age (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
clouds (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
ether (as an element) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mist (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a month in the rainy season (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
period of life (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the sky or atmosphere (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the sun (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
vapour (esp. of the Soma) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Frequency rank 1698/72933
nabhasaṃgama noun (masculine) a bird (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 55684/72933
nabhastala noun (neuter) firmament (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the 10th solar mansion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 6147/72933
nabhasvant noun (masculine) name of a son of Naraka Bhauma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
wind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 9856/72933
nabhasya noun (masculine) name of a month in the rainy season (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Manu Svārocisha or of the 3rd Manu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 11306/72933
Wordnet Search
"nabhas" has 7 results.


bhādrapadaḥ, nabhasyaḥ, prauṣṭhapadaḥ   

māsabhedaḥ cāndrasaṃvatsare dvādaśamāsāntargataṣaṣṭhaḥ māsaḥ।

śrīkṛṣṇasya janma bhādrapade kṛṣṇapakṣe aṣṭamyām abhavat।


khagaḥ, vihagaḥ, pakṣī, pakṣiṇī, vihaṅgaḥ, vihaṅgamaḥ, patagaḥ, patrī, patatrī, vihāyāḥ, garutmān, nīḍajaḥ, nīḍodbhavaḥ, dvijaḥ, aṇḍajaḥ, nagaukāḥ, pakṣavāhanaḥ, śakuniḥ, śakunaḥ, vikiraḥ, viṣkiraḥ, vājī, patan, śakuntaḥ, nabhasaṅgamaḥ, patrarathaḥ, viḥ, pitsan   

yasya pakṣau cañcuḥ vidyate tathā ca yaḥ aṇḍakoṣāt jāyate।

taḍāge naike citrāḥ khagāḥ santi।


nabhaḥ, gaganam, ākāśaḥ, ambaram, abhram, dyoḥ, dyauḥ, puṣkaram, antarīkṣam, antarikṣam, anantam, yuravartmam, khaṃ, viyat, viṣṇupadam, vihāyaḥ, nākaḥ, anaṅgaḥ, nabhasam, meghaveśma, mabāvilam, marudvartama, meghavartma, triviṣṭapam, abbhaṃ   

pṛthivyāḥ ūrdhvaṃ dṛśyamānaḥ avakāśaḥ।

vidyādharāḥ nabhasi carantiḥ।


vāyuḥ, vātaḥ, anilaḥ, pavanaḥ, pavamānaḥ, prabhañjanaḥ, śvasanaḥ, sparśanaḥ, mātariśvā, sadāgatiḥ, pṛṣadaśvaḥ, gandhavahaḥ, gandhavāhaḥ, āśugaḥ, samīraḥ, mārutaḥ, marut, jagatprāṇaḥ, samīraṇaḥ, nabhasvān, ajagatprāṇaḥ, khaśvāsaḥ, vābaḥ, dhūlidhvajaḥ, phaṇipriyaḥ, vātiḥ, nabhaḥprāṇaḥ, bhogikāntaḥ, svakampanaḥ, akṣatiḥ, kampalakṣmā, śasīniḥ, āvakaḥ, hariḥ, vāsaḥ, sukhāśaḥ, mṛgavābanaḥ, sāraḥ, cañcalaḥ, vihagaḥ, prakampanaḥ, nabhaḥ, svaraḥ, niśvāsakaḥ, stanūnaḥ, pṛṣatāmpatiḥ, śīghraḥ   

viśvagamanavān viśvavyāpī tathā ca yasmin jīvāḥ śvasanti।

vāyuṃ vinā jīvanasya kalpanāpi aśakyā।


yuvā, taruṇaḥ, yuvakaḥ, kumāraḥ, kumārakaḥ, māṇavaḥ, yuvaśaḥ, nabhasvān, vayasthaḥ, vayaḥsthaḥ, talunaḥ, veṭakaḥ, vayodhaḥ, vayobāla, garbharūpaḥ   

ṣoḍaṣavarṣāt triṃśad-varṣa-paryanta-vayaskaḥ।

bhāratīyāḥ yuvānaḥ pāścātyasaṃskṛteḥ adhīnāḥ jātāḥ। /āṣoḍaṣād bhaved bālaḥ taruṇaḥ tataḥ ucyate। vṛddhaḥ syāt saptaterrūrdhvaṃ varṣīyān navateḥ param।


aspaṣṭa, anaccha, nabhasya, nabhya, sunīhāra   

spaṣṭaṃ na dṛśyamānaḥ।

kūhayā purataḥ sarvam aspaṣṭaṃ dṛśyate।



svārociṣamanoḥ putraḥ।

nabhasyasya varṇanaṃ harivaṃśapurāṇe asti।

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