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444 results for n/a
ararely an expletive (see a-kupya-, a-pūpa-). According to , the accent may be optionally either on the first or last syllable in certain compounds formed with a- (as /a-tīkṣṇa-or a-tīkṣṇ/a-, /a-śuci-or a-śuc/i-, /an-anna-or an-ann/a-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
a see also /a-tūrta- and a-t/ūrta-, /a-bhinna- and a-bhinn/a-, etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhibhañj(parasmE-pada genitive case plural f. -bhañjatīn/ām-) to break down, destroy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhinakṣ -n/akṣati- (perf 3. pl. -nanakṣ/uḥ-; parasmE-pada P. -n/akṣat- A1. -n/akṣamāṇa-) to approach, come to, arrive at View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhiprahan(3. plural -ghn/anti-) to overpower View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhiṣah( sah-), (perf. subjunctive -sās/ahat- preceding 2. sg. -sāsahīṣṭh/ās-, parasmE-pada P. -sāhv/as-and A1. -sehān/a-) to overpower, conquer ; (Aorist A1.1. sg. -asākṣi-) to gain, win ; to tolerate, allow, pardon, (Passive voice -sahyate-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhisaṃjñā(3. plural -jānate- subjunctive -jān/āntai- imperfect tense -ajānata-) to agree, allow, concede anything (dative case) to (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhisaṃvidA1. (pr. p. -vidān/a-) to meet each other ([ ]) ("to relate, explain"commentator or commentary) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhiśnathto pierce through, (Vedic or Veda infinitive mood [ ablative ] -śn/athaḥ-[with abibhet-,he was afraid] of being pierced through) ; ( , combining abhi-śn/athaḥ-with v/ajrāt-,takes abhiśn/ath-as an adjective (cf. mfn.)"piercing through, killing") . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhivaś -vaṣṭi- (perf. A1. -vāvaśe-, parasmE-pada 1. -vāvaśān/a- ;for 2. -vāvaśān/a-See abhi-vāś-) P. to rule or be master over (accusative) : P. A1. to long for, desire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhivāś(Aorist 3. plural -avāvaśanta-; perf. 3. plural -vavāśire-,or -vāvaśre-, plural .2. -vāvaśān/a-[ ; see abhi-vaś-]) to low. (as a cow) or roar towards View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhiyudh(proper subjunctive 2. sg. -y/udhyās-; Aorist 2. sg. -yodhīs-,3. sg. -/ayodhīt-,2. dual number -yodhiṣṭam-,p. -yodhān/a-) to fight against (accusative) ; to acquire by fighting ; to fight View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhyañjP. to smear, anoint etc.: A1. to anoint one's self: A1. (3. plural abhy /añjate-) to decorate : A1. -aṅkt/e-, to decorate one's self (quoted in ) ; (in Passive voice sense; parasmE-pada -añjān/a-) to be decorated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhyaś -aśnoti-, (frequently Opt. or preceding 1. sg. -aśyām-,3. sg. -aśyās-[ ] , 1. plural -aśyāma-; Aorist P. -ānaṭ-and A1. -/āṣṭa-; perf. 1. plural -ānaśma-,3. plural -ānaś/uḥ-) to pervade, reach to, gain ; (subjunctive 1. dual number -aśn/avāva-,1. plural -aśn/avāma-) to overpower View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhyud(parasmE-pada -und/at-;Imper. 2. plural -un/atta-[for untt/a-See Whitney's grammar section 690]) to wet, flow over View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhyūrṇu abhy-/ūrṇoti- (Imper. 2. sg. -ūrṇuhi-) to cover, conceal : A1. -ūrṇut/e- (parasmE-pada f. -urṇvān/ā-) to cover or conceal one's self View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ādāA1. -datte-, () , Epic also rarely P. (exempli gratia, 'for example' 1. sg. -dadmi-,or -dadāmi-), Ved. generally A1. ([Pot. 1. plural -dadīmahi-; imperfect tense 3. sg. ādatta-; perf. 1. and 3. sg. -dade-; perf. p. -dadān/a- -d/adāna- ]) , but also P. (imperfect tense sg. ādam-, ādas-, ādat-,and 1. plural ādāma- Aorist 3. dual number āttām- ) "to give to one's self", take, accept, receive from (locative case instrumental case or ablative) etc. ; to seize, take away, carry off, rob ; to take back, reclaim ; to take off or out from (ablative), separate from (ablative) ; to take or carry away with one's self, (Potential P.1. sg. -dadīyam -!) ; to seize, grasp, take or catch hold of etc. ; to put on (clothes) ; to take as food or drink (with genitive case) (perf. Passive voice 3. sg. -dade-) ; (with accusative) ; to undertake, begin etc. ; to choose (a path) ; (with vacanam-etc.) to begin to speak etc. ; to begin to speak or to recite (see punar-ādāyam-) ; to offer (as oblations) (irreg. pr. p. -dadāyat-) ; to perceive, notice, feel ; to keep in mind ; to accept, approve of : Causal (ind.p. -dāpya-) to cause one to take : Desiderative A1. (imperfect tense 3. plural ditsanta-) to be on the point of taking or carrying away from (genitive case) ; to be on the point of taking (the hand of) ; to be about to take to one's self
adhinam Intensive A1. -n/amnate-, to incline over View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adhyapavic -vin/akti-, to put into by singling out from View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adyan. (am-) in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (see ann/adya-, havir adya-) food. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ahann. the base of the weak and some other cases of /ahar-, q.v exempli gratia, 'for example' instrumental case /ahnā- ([once ahan/ā- ]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ājñā -jānāti- (imperative 2. plural -jānīta-; perf. -jajñau-;p. jān/at-) to mind, perceive, notice, understand ; (see /an-ājānat-): Caus. -jñāpayati-, te- (Inf. -jñaptum- ) to order, command, direct etc. ; to assure
ākna(fr. āc-). See jānv-ākn/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
akṣānahmfn. (the vowel lengthened as in upā-n/ah-,etc.) tied to the axle of a car View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amṇasind. = amn/as-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amṛtopastaraṇan. an imperishable substratum (see amptāpidhān/a-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anagnatā(a-nagn/a--) f. the not being naked View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ānamP. (3. plural -namanti- etc.; infinitive mood -n/amam- ) A1. (imperative 3. plural /ānamantām- ) to bend down, bend, bow, incline etc. ; to do homage, salute reverently etc. ; to condescend ; to be propitious (as gods to men) ; to bring near ; to bend towards or near ; to subdue : Causal -nāmayati- and -namayati-, to inflect, bend (a bow), cause to bend, subdue View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ānanaSee under ān/a- above. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anaśanatā(anaśan/a--) f. not eating View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anāyatanan. or an-āyatan/a- that which is not really a resting-place or an altar View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anāyatanamfn. (an-āyatan/a-) having no resting-place or altar View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ānīP. -nayati- (1. plural -nayāmasi- ; imperative 2. sg. -naya-,3. sg. -nayatu-; perfect tense -nināya- ,and ā-nin/āya- ; infinitive mood -netav/ai- ) A1. (1. sg. -naye- ) to lead towards or near ; to bring, carry to a place (accusative or locative case) ; to fetch etc. ; (perf. periphr. -nayāmāsa- ) to cause to bring or fetch ; to bring back or take back ; to pour in, mix in etc. ; to bring any one to, reduce to any state ; to deduce, calculate ; to use, employ, prove: Causal P. -nāyayati-, to cause to be brought or fetched or led near etc.: Desiderative -ninīṣati-, to intend or wish to bring near
añj cl.7 P. A1. an/akti-, aṅkt/e-, ā- nañja-, añjiṣyati- or aṅkṣyati-, āñjīt-, añjitum- or aṅktum-, to apply an ointment or pigment, smear with, anoint ; to decorate, prepare ; to honour, celebrate ; to cause to appear, make clear ; to be beautiful ; to go : Causal añjayat-, āñjijat-, to smear with ; to speak ; to shine ; to cause to go ([ confer, compare Latin ungo]). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
annasaṃdeha(ann/a--), m. cementing of food, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anupaśP. A1. -paśyati-, te-, to look at, perceive, notice, discover etc. ; to consider, reflect upon (accusative) etc. ; to look upon as, take as ; (perf. A1. parasmE-pada -paspaśān/a-) to show (as the path) () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuprajñā(pr. p. -jān/at-) to track, trace, discover View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āp cl.5 P. āpn/oti- ([ ,etc.]), (perf. āpa- Aorist āpat- future āpsyati- infinitive mood āptum-) A1. (perf. 3. plural āpir/e- , parasmE-pada perfect tense āpān/a- ,but also present tense parasmE-pada /āpnāna- ) to reach, overtake, meet with, fall upon etc. ; to obtain, gain, take possession of etc. etc. ; to undergo, suffer ; to fall, come to any one ; to enter, pervade, occupy ; to equal: Passive voice āpyate-, to be reached or found or met with or obtained ; to arrive at one's aim or end, become filled etc.: Causal P. āpayati-, to cause to reach or obtain or gain etc. ; to cause any one to suffer ; to hit : Desiderative P. and A1. īpsati- and īpsate- ([ ]) to strive to reach or obtain etc.: Desiderative of the Causal āpipayiṣati-, to strive to reach ; ([probably connected with 1. ap-; confer, compare apna-; Greek , ; Latin apiscor, aptus-, ops-; Old German uoban; modern German üben.])
apahan(subjunctive 3. sg. -han-;Imper. 2. sg. -jah/i-,2. dual number -hatam-;2. plural -hat/ā-,or -hata-; perf. -jagh/āna-; pr. p. -ghn/at-; Intensive p. Nominal verb m. -j/aṅghanat-) to beat off, ward off, repel, destroy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apān( an-), apāniti-, or apānati- ([ ]) to breathe out, expire ; pr. p. apān/at- mf(t/ī-)n. breathing out View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apavācanan. See an-apavācan/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āpiśP. (imperative 2. plural -piṃśata- ), A1. (parasmE-pada -piśān/a- ) to decorate, ornament, colour. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arcanasmfn. (fr. arcā-below),"one whose nose is like that of an idol" and on ([The rule perhaps originally meant to explain the above N. arcan/ānas-,taking it for arcan/ānas-,"whose nose shows submission or devotion."]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
(in classical Sanskrit only) A1. aśnute- (Aorist 3. plural āśiṣata- ; perf. ānaśe- Vedic forms are: aśnoti-,etc.; subjunctive aśnavat-,etc.; Aorist P. ānaṭ- (2. & 3. sg.,frequently in )and A1. aṣṭa-or /āṣṭa-,3. plural āśata-(frequently in )or /ākṣiṣur-[ ] subjunctive /akṣat-[ ] Potential 1. plural aśema- preceding aśyās-(2. & 3. sg.) etc. Potential A1.1. sg. aśīya-and plural aśīmahi-, Imper. aṣṭu-[ ]; perf. ānaṃśa-(thrice in )or ānāśa-[ ] or āśa-[ ] , 2. plural ānaś/a-3. plural ānaś/uh-(frequently in )or āśuh-[ ] A1. ānaś/o- subjunctive 1. plural a anaśāmahai-[ ] Potential 1. sg. ānasyām-, parasmE-pada ānaśān/a-[ ];Inf. aṣṭave- ) to reach, come to, reach, come to, arrive at, get, gain, obtain etc. ; (said of an evil, aṃhati-, /aṃhas-, gr/āhi-) to visit ; to master, become master of. ; to offer ; to enjoy ; to pervade, penetrate, fill ; to accumulate : Desiderative aśiśiṣate- Intensive aśāśyate- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aśn/āti- (Potential aśnīyāt-; parasmE-pada aśn/at-(See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order 1. aśna-); Aorist subjunctive aśīt- ; future parasmE-pada aśiṣy/at- , perf. /āsa- ; perf. p. āśivas-See /an-āśvas- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /an-āsaka-; Pass.p. aśy/amāna- ) to eat, consume (with accusative [this only in classical Sanskrit] or genitive case) etc. ; to enjoy : Causal āśayati- (; Aorist āśiśat- ) to cause to eat, feed ; (with double accusative; see ) ; (see /āśita-): Desiderative /aśiśiṣāti- () to wish to eat : Intensive aśāśyate- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ās cl.2 A1. /āste- (and /āsate- ; imperative 2. sg. ās-sva-, āsva-,and āsasva-;2. plural ādhvam-; parasmE-pada āsān/a-, āsat-[ ],and āsīna-[see below]; āsāṃ-cakre-[ ]; āsiṣyate-; āsiṣṭa-; āsitum-) to sit, sit down, rest, lie etc. ; to be present ; to exist ; to inhabit, dwell in ; to make one's abode in etc. ; to sit quietly, abide, remain, continue etc. ; to cease, have an end etc. ; to solemnize, celebrate ; to do anything without interruption ; to continue doing anything ; to continue in any situation ; to last ; (it is used in the sense of"continuing" , with a participle, adjective (cf. mfn.),or substantive exempli gratia, 'for example' etat sāma gāyann āste-,"he continues singing this verse";with an indeclinable participle in tvā-, ya-,or am- exempli gratia, 'for example' upa-rudhya arim āsīta-,"he should continue blockading the foe";with an adverb exempli gratia, 'for example' tūṣṇīm āste-,"he continues quiet"; sukham āsva-,"continue well";with an inst. case exempli gratia, 'for example' sukhenāste-,"he continues well";with a dative case case exempli gratia, 'for example' āstāṃ tuṣṭaye-,"may it be to your satisfaction") : Causal āsayati-, to cause any one to sit down commentator or commentary on : Desiderative A1. āsisiṣate- ; ([ confer, compare Greek , ()-, -: Latin a7sachanged toA7ra;A7-nusforA7s-nus.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asann. Ved the base of some cases (viz. instrumental case asn/ā- genitive case ablative asn/as- genitive case plural asn/ām-) of /asṛj- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āsanan. (but āsan/a- ) sitting, sitting down View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āśīnamfn. = āśin/a- (parasmE-pada 157), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āskabhP. (-skabhn/āti- ) to fix firmly into, stick into. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aṣṭāstanā(aṣṭ/ā--) f. equals aṣṭa-stan/ā- q.v TS
āsūP. -suvati- 1. (parasmE-pada -suvān/a-) to excite towards ; to throw to, send off towards ; to assign to, bring quickly, procure ; to yield, grant
āsvidA1. (parasmE-pada perfect tense -siṣvidān/a- ) to sweat, perspire. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ātānam. an extended cord, string, etc. (vocative case) (see ekātān/a-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atimānitamfn. see atimān/a- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ati-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avadhūVed. P. (Imper. 2. sg. -dhūnuhi-,2. plural -dhūnutā-) to shake off or out or down etc.: A1. (2. sg. -dhūnuṣ/e-; imperfect tense 2. sg. -dhūnuthās-; Aorist -adhūṣata-; perf. Potential -dudhuvīta-; parasmE-pada -dhūnvān/a-) to shake off (as enemies or evil spirits or anything disagreeable), frighten away : Causal (Potential -dhūnayet-) to shake View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avapannamfn. See keśa-kīṭāvap- and kīṭāvap- "fallen down" See svayamavapann/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bādh cl.1 A1. () bādhat/e-, Epic and mc. also P. ti- (perfect tense babādh/e- ; Aorist bādhiṣṭa- , bādhiṣṭām- ; future bādhiṣyate-, ti- etc., bādhitā- grammar; infinitive mood b/ādhe- , bādhitum- ; ind.p. bādhitvā-See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order, b/ādhya- ), to press, force, drive away, repel, remove etc. ; (with v/arīyas-) to force asunder ; to harass, pain, trouble, grieve, vex etc. ; to resist, oppose, check, stop, prevent etc. ; to set aside (as a rule), annul, invalidate etc. ; to suffer annoyance or oppression : Passive voice bādhyate-, to be pressed etc. ; to be acted upon, suffer : Causal bādhayati- (Aorist ababādhat- ), to oppress, harass, attack, trouble, vex : Desiderative bibādhiṣate-, to wish to remove or chase away ; bhatsate-, to feel an aversion for, loathe, shrink from (ablative) etc. (see ) Intensive bābadhe- (See pra-bādh-) ; badbodh/e-, to press hard, hem in, confine ; pr. p. badbadhān/a-, striking, knocking against (accusative) ; hemmed in, pent up, [Cf. vadh-,also for kindred words.]
bandh cl.9 P. () badhn/āti- (rarely A1. badhnīt/e-; cl.1 P. A1. bandhati-, te- ; cl.4 P. badhyati- ; imperative badhāna- , bandhāna- , -badhnīhi- , bandha- ; perfect tense P. bab/andha-,3. plural bedh/us- , babandhus- ; A1. bedh/e-, dhir/e- , babandhe- grammar; future bhantsyati- etc., bandhiṣyati-, te- ; banddhā- grammar; Aorist abhāntsīt- grammar; preceding badhyāt- ; infinitive mood banddhum-,or bandhitum- , b/adhe- ind.p. baddhv/ā- , dhv/āya- , -badhya- ; -bandham- ), to bind, tie, fix, fasten, chain, fetter etc. ; to bind round, put on (;later also P."on one's self") etc. ; to catch, take or hold captive, met. = to attach to world or to sin ; to fix, direct, fasten, rivet (eyes, ears or mind) on (locative case or infinitive mood) ; to arrest, hold back, restrain, suppress, stop, shut, close ; to bind a sacrificial victim, offer, sacrifice (with dative case of the deity to whom it is presented) : ; to punish, chastise ; to join, unite, put together or produce anything in this way, exempli gratia, 'for example' fold (the hands), clench (the fist), knit or bend (the eyebrows), arrange, assume (a posture), set up (a limit), construct (a dam or a bridge), span, bridge over (a river), conceive or contract (friendship or enmity), compose, construct (a poem or verse) etc. ; to form or produce in any way, cause, effect, do, make, bear (fruit), strike (roots), take up (one's abode) ; to entertain, cherish, show, exhibit, betray (joy, resolution etc.) : Passive voice badhy/ate- (ti- ), to be bound etc. etc. ; (especially) to be bound by the fetters of existence or evil, sin again ; to be affected by id est experience, suffer (instrumental case) : Causal bandhayati- (Aorist ababandhat-), to cause to bind or catch or capture, imprison etc. ; to cause to be built or constructed ; to cause to be embanked or dammed up ; to bind together (also bādhayati-) : Desiderative bibhantsati- grammar : Intensive bābanddhi-, bābadhyate- [ confer, compare Zend band; Greek , ; Latin foedus,fides; Lit.be4ndras; Gothic Anglo-Saxon bindan; German binden; English bind.]
bhī cl.3 P. () bibh/eti- (dual number bibhītas-or bibhitas- Potential bibhīyāt-or bibhiyāt- ; Potential 3. plural bibhyeyuḥ- ; imperfect tense 3. plural abibhayuḥ- ; Epic also A1.1. sg. bibhye-and and P.3. sg. bibhyati- plural bibhyanti-;Ved. also cl.1 A1. bh/ayate-,and accord, to ,cl.10. P. bhāyayati-; perfect tense bibhāya-,3. plural bibhyuḥ- etc.; bībhāya- ; bibhay/āṃ cakara- confer, compare ; Aorist abhaiṣīt-, ṣma-, ṣuḥ- etc., 2. sg. bhaiṣīs- , bhais- etc., especially in mābhais-,"do not be afraid";once for plural equals mā bhaiṣṭa- ; bhes- ; bhema- , parasmE-pada A1. bhiyān/a- ,; future bhetā- grammar;cond, abheṣyat- ; infinitive mood bhiy/ase- ; bhetum- etc.) , to fear, be afraid of (ablative or genitive case,rarely instr, or accusative) etc. ; to fear for, be anxious about (ablative) : Passive voice bhīyate-, Aorist , abhāyi- grammar : Causal bhīṣ/ayate- ( etc.; confer, compare ), bhīṣayati- (;once mc. bhiṣ- ; parasmE-pada bhīṣayāṇa- ; Aorist bībhiṣaḥ- , ṣathāḥ- ), bhāyayati-, te- (; Potential bhāyayes- ; varia lectio bhīṣayes-; Aorist bībhayat-, /abībhayanta- ; ind.p. -bhāyya- ), bhāpayate- (), to terrify, put in a fright, intimidate etc. etc.: Desiderative bibhīṣati- grammar : Intensive bebhīyate-, bebhayīti-, bebheti- [ confer, compare bhyas-; Lithuanian bijo4tis; Slavonic or Slavonian bojati; German biben,beben.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhid cl.7.P. A1. () bhin/atti-, bhintte- (imperfect tense 2. 3. sg. /abhinat- ; subjunctive bhin/aadaḥ- ; imperative bindh/i- ; binddhi- [ confer, compare binddhi-lavaṇā-];cl.1. P. bh/edati- ; Potential bhideyam- ; perfect tense bibh/eda- ; Aorist , 2. 3. sg. bh/et- abhaitsīt- ; bhitthās- ; preceding bhitsīṣṭa- grammar; future bhetsy/ati-, te- etc.; Conditional abhetsyat- ; future bhettā- grammar; infinitive mood bh/ettav/ai- ; bhettum- etc.; ind.p. bhittv/ā-, -bhidya- etc.) , to split, cleave, break, cut or rend asunder, pierce, destroy etc.,; to pass through (as a planet or, comet) ; to disperse (darkness) ; to transgress, violate, (a compact or alliance) etc. ; to open, expand ; to loosen, disentangle, dissolve etc. ; to disturb, interrupt, stop ; to disclose, betray etc. ; to disunite, set at variance ; to distinguish, discriminate : Passive voice bhidy/ate- (Epic also ti- Aorist abhedi- etc.; perfect tense bibhide- ), to be split or broken, burst (intrans.) etc. ; to be opened (as a closed hand, eyes etc.) ; to overflow (as water) ; to be loosened, become loose ; to be stopped or interrupted ; to be disclosed or betrayed ; to be changed or altered (in mind), be won over ; to be disunited ; to keep aloof from (instrumental case) ; to be distinguished, differ from (ablative) etc.: Causal bhedayati-, te- (Aorist abībhidat-; confer, compare also bhidāpana-), to cause to split or break etc. ; to split, break, shatter, crush, destroy ; to separate, divide (See bhedita-) ; to disunite, set at variance, perplex, unsettle (in opinion), seduce, win over : Desiderative b/ibhitsati-, te-, to wish to break through or disperse or defeat (confer, compare, bibhitsā-): Desiderative of Causal See bibhedayiṣu-: Intensive bebhidīti- or bebhetti-, to cleave repeatedly [ confer, compare Latin findo; German beissen; English bite.]
bhuj cl.7 P.A1. () bhun/akti-, bhuṅkt/e- (rarely cl.6 P. A1. bhuñjati-, te- ;3. plural A1. bhuñjat/e- ; Potential P. bhuñjīyāt- ; perfect tense A1. bubhuj/e-, jm/ahe-, jrir/e- plural P. juḥ- ; Aorist abhaukṣīt-, abhnkta- grammar; bh/ojam-, bh/ojate-, bhujema- ; bhukṣiṣīya- ; future bhokṣyati-, te- etc.; bhoktā- ; infinitive mood bh/ojase-, bh/ujam-, bhuje- : bhoktum- etc.; ind.p. bhuktvā-or bhuṅktvā- ) . to enjoy, use, possess, (especially) enjoy a meal, eat, eat and drink, consume (mostly A1.;in Vedic or Veda generally with instrumental case,later with accusative) etc. ; to enjoy (carnally) ; to make use of, utilize, exploit etc. ; (with pṛthivīm-, mahīm-etc.) to take possession of, rule, govern etc. ; to suffer, experience, undergo, be requited or rewarded for (accusative) or at the hands of (genitive case) etc. ; (P.) to be of use or service to (accusative) ; to pass, live through, last (a time) ; (in astronomy) to pass through, fulfil : Passive voice bhujyate- (Aorist abhoji-), to be enjoyed or eaten or possessed or made use of etc.: Causal bhojayati- (te-, mc.; confer, compare ;once bhuñjāpayati- varia lectio; Aorist abūbhujat-, jata- grammar), to cause to enjoy or eat, feed with (two accusative or accusative of Persian and instrumental case of thing; confer, compare ) etc. ; etc. ; to use as food : Desiderative bubhukṣati- (once), te-, to wish to eat, be hungry ; to wish to enjoy or partake of (confer, compare bubhukṣā-, kṣita-, kṣu-): Intensive bobhujyate-, to be eaten frequently ; bobhokti- and bobhujīti-, to eat or enjoy frequently grammar ([ confer, compare Latin fungor.])
bradhnaloka(bradhn/a--) mfn. being in the world of the sun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
budh cl.1 P. A1. () bodhati-, te- ; cl.4 A1. b/udhyate- (Epic also P. ti-; perfect tense P. bubodha- ; subjunctive b/ubodhati- ; A1. bubudh/e-, parasmE-pada bubudhān/a- ; Aorist P. subjunctive bodhiṣat- ; imperative bodhi- ; A1.3 plural abudhram-, ran-; parasmE-pada budhān/a- subjunctive budh/anta- ; abhutsi- ; preceding A1. bhutsīṣṭa- ; future bhotsyati-, te- etc.; boddhā- grammar; ind.p. buddhvā- ; -budhya- etc.; infinitive mood b/udhe- ; budh/i- ; boddhum- etc.) , to wake, wake up, be awake etc. ; to recover consciousness (after a swoon) (Aorist Passive voice abodhi-) ; to observe, heed, attend to (with accusative or genitive case) ; to perceive, notice, learn, understand, become or be aware of or acquainted with etc. ; to think of id est present a person ("with" instrumental case) ; to know to be, recognize as (with two accusative) etc. ; to deem, consider or regard as (with two accusative) : Passive voice budhyate- (Aorist abodhi-), to be awakened or restored to consciousness ; See above: Causal bodh/ayati-, te- (Aorist abūbudhat-; Passive voice bodhyate-), to wake up, arouse, restore to life or consciousness etc. ; to revive the scent (of a perfume) ; to cause (a flower) to expand ; to cause to observe or attend, admonish, advise etc. ; to make a person acquainted with, remind or inform of. impart or communicate anything to (with two accusative) etc.: Desiderative bubhutsati-, te- (grammar also bubodhiṣati-, te-,and bubudhiṣati-, te-), to wish to observe, desire to become acquainted with : Desiderative of Causal See bibodhayiṣu- and bubodhayiṣu-: Intensive bobudhīti- (grammar also bobudhyate-, boboddhi-), to have an insight into, understand thoroughly (with accusative) [ confer, compare Zend bud; Greek for () in, Slavonic or Slavonian bu8de8ti,bu8dru8; Lithuanian bude4ti,budru4s; Gothic biudan; German biotan,bieten; Anglo-Saxon be4odan; English bid.]
budhnavat(budhn/a--) mfn. having a foot or basis View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bundh cl.10 P. bundhayati-, to bind (see bun/a-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
canaind. (ca n/a- ) and not, also not, even not, not even (this particle is placed after the word to which it gives force;a preceding verb is accentuated[ ];in Vedic language it is generally, but not always, found without any other negative particle, whereas in the later language another negative is usually added exempli gratia, 'for example' /āpaś can/apr/a minanti vrat/aṃ vāṃ-,"not even the waters violate your ordinance" ; n/āha vivyāca pṛthiv/ī can/āinaṃ-,"the earth even does not contain him", iii, 36, 4;in class. Sanskrit it is only used after the interrogatives k/a-, katar/a-, katam/a-, katham-, k/ad-, kad/ā-, kim-, k/utas-, kva-,making them indefinite) etc. also View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
car cl.1. c/arati-, rarely te- (subjunctive c/arat-,3 plural c/arān- ; perf. cac/āra-[ etc.] , 2 sg. cacartha- ; plural cerur-,etc.; ratur- etc.; A1. cere- ; future cariṣyati-, te-; Aorist acārīt-[ ]; infinitive mood c/aritum-[ ]or cartum-[ ] , Vedic or Veda car/adhyai-[ ], c/aritave-[ ], car/ase-[ ], car/āyai-[ ], caritos-[ ]; ind.p. caritv/ā- ; cartvā- ; cīrtvā-, ; parasmE-pada c/arat-) to move one's self, go, walk, move, stir, roam about, wander (said of men, animals, water, ships, stars, etc.) etc. ; to spread, be diffused (as fire) ; to move or travel through, pervade, go along, follow etc. ; to behave, conduct one's self, act, live, treat (with instrumental case or locative case) etc. ; to be engaged in, occupied or busy with (instr exempli gratia, 'for example' yajñ/ena c-,"to be engaged in a sacrifice" ) etc. ; (with[ ]or without[ ] mithun/am-) to have intercourse with, have to do with (instrumental case) ; (with a parasmE-pada or adjective (cf. mfn.) or ind.p. or adverb) to continue performing or being (exempli gratia, 'for example' arcantaś cerur-,"they continued worshipping"; svāminam avajñāya caret-,"he may go on despising his master") etc. ; (in astronomy) to be in any asterism or conjunction ; to undertake, set about, under go, observe, practise, do or act in general, effect, make (exempli gratia, 'for example' vrat/āni-"to observe vows" etc.; vighnaṃ c-,"to put a hindrance"; bhaikṣaṃ c-"to beg"; vivādaṃ c-,"to be engaged in a lawsuit"; mṛgayāṃ c-,"to hunt" ; sambandhāṃś c-,"to enter into connections"; mārgaṃ cacāra bāṇaiḥ-,"he made a way with arrows"; tapasā indriyāṇi c-,to exercise one's organs with penance ) etc. ; to consume, eat (with accusative), graze ; to make or render (with double accusative) exempli gratia, 'for example' nar/endraṃ satya-sthaṃ carāma-,"let us make the king keep his word" : Causal cārayati-, to cause to move or walk about (Aorist /acīcarat-) ; to pasture ; to send, direct, turn, move etc. ; to cause any one (accusative) to walk through (accusative) ; to drive away from (ablative) ; to cause any one (accusative) to practise or perform (with accusative) ; to cause (any animal accusative) to eat ; to cause to copulate ; to ascertain (as through a spy instrumental case) ; to doubt (see vi--) : Desiderative cicariṣati-, to try to go (parasmE-pada cicarṣat-) ; to wish to act or conduct one's self ; to try to have intercourse with (instrumental case), : Intensive carcarīti- A1. or rarely ([ ]) Passive voice cañcūryate- (curīti-and cūrti- ; ind.p. cūrya- ; parasmE-pada once P. cūryat- ) to move quickly or repeatedly, walk about, roam about (in locative case) etc. ; to act wantonly or coquettishly (see ) ; ([ see, etc.])
chadimfn. "a roof" See n/ava--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
chid cl.7. chin/atti-, chintte- (imperative n/attu-;2. sg. ndh/i-[ confer, compare ];2. dual number nt/am-; subjunctive 1. sg. n/adai-; Potential ndet- ; cl.9. 1. sg. chinnāmi- ; imperfect tense 2. sg. achinad-,or nas- ; perfect tense ciccheda-, cchide-; parasmE-pada cchidvas-, ; Aorist acchidat-or acchaitsīt-[ subjunctive ch- etc.] ;2. sg. chitsi- ;1. plural chedma- ; A1. acchitta-and 2. sg. tthās-[ subjunctive ch- ], on ; future chetsyati-, ; ind.p. chittvā- infinitive mood chettum-; Passive voice chidyate-; See /a-cchidyamāna-; Aorist /acchedi-and chedi- ) to cut off, amputate, cut through, hew, chop, split, pierce etc. ; to divide, separate from (ablative;exceptionally instrumental case ) ; to destroy, annihilate, efface, blot out etc. ; (in mathematics) to divide : Passive voice to be split or cut, break : Causal chedayati- (Aorist acicchidat-) to cut off. ; to cause to cut off or through : Desiderative See cicchitsu- : Intensive cecchidīti- (), dyate- ( Va1rtt. 2 ) ; future Ist ditā-, Va1rtt. 2 ; ([ confer, compare , etc.; Latin scindo; Gothic skeida.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
chinnapakṣa(nn/a-.) mfn. having the wings torn off. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ci cl.5. cin/oti-, nute- (1. plural cinumas-and nmas- ; perf. cikāya-and cicāya-, ;2. cicetha-, ;3. plural ciky/ur- ; parasmE-pada cikivas- ; A1. cikye-and cicye- ; parasmE-pada cikyān/a- v; 2nd future parasmE-pada ceṣyat- ; 1st future cetā- ; Aorist acaiṣīt- on ;Ved. cikayām akar-, ;1. sg. acaiṣam-,2. sg. acais- ;3. plural acaiṣur- ; A1. aceṣṭa- ; preceding ceṣīṣṭa- , or cīyāt-, ; ind.p. citv/ā- etc.; Passive voice cīyate- etc.; future cāyiṣyate-& ceṣy- Conditional acāyiṣyata-& aceṣy- ) to arrange in order, heap up, pile up, construct (a sacrificial altar; P.,if the priests construct the altar for another; A1.,if the sacrificer builds it for himself) ; to collect, gather together, accumulate, acquire for one's self ; to search through (for collecting; see 2. ci-) () ; to cover, inlay, set with ; Passive voice cīyate-, to become covered with ; to increase, thrive () : Causal cayayati- and capay-, to heap up, gather ; cāyayati- and cāpay- : Desiderative cikīṣate- (also ti-, ) to wish to pile up ; cicīṣati- ( [ed. vivīṣ-] ) to wish to accumulate or collect : Desiderative Causal (parasmE-pada cicīṣayat-) to cause any one to wish to arrange in order : Intensive cecīyate- on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cikit kita-, kitān/a-, etc. See p.395. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cit cl.1. c/etati- (imperfect tense acetat- ; parasmE-pada c/etat- ) cl.2. (A1. Passive voice 3. sg. cit/e-, ; parasmE-pada f. instrumental case citantyā-, ; A1. citāna-, ) cl.3. irreg. cīhetati- (; subjunctive ciketat- ; imperative 2. sg. cikiddhi- ; parasmE-pada cikitān/a- ; perf. cik/eta- etc.; ciceta- ;3. dual number cetatur- ; A1.and Passive voice cikit/e- etc.;3. plural tre- ;for parasmE-pada cikitv/as-See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order; A1. Passive voice cicite- ; Aorist acetīt- ; A1. Passive voice /aceti-and c/eti- ;for acait-See 2. ci-; future 1st c/ettā-, ) to perceive, fix the mind upon, attend to, be attentive, observe, take notice of (accusative or genitive case) ; to aim at, intend, design (with dative case) ; to be anxious about, care for (accusative or genitive case), ; to resolve, ; to understand, comprehend, know (perf. often in the sense of proper) ; P. A1. to become perceptible, appear, be regarded as, be known : Causal cet/ayati-, te- (2. plural cet/ayadhvam- subjunctive cetayat- imperative 2. dual number cetayethām- imperfect tense /acetayat- ;3. plural cit/ayante- ; parasmE-pada cit/ayat- (eleven times); cet/ayat-, ; A1. cetayāna-See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) to cause to attend, make attentive, remind of. ; to cause to comprehend, instruct, teach ; to observe, perceive, be intent upon ; A1. (once P. ) to form an idea in the mind, be conscious of, understand, comprehend, think, reflect upon ; P. to have a right notion of. know ; P. "to recover consciousness", awake ; A1. to remember, have consciousness of (accusative) ; to appear, be conspicuous, shine : Desiderative c/ikitsati- (fr. kit- ;exceptionally A1. ; imperative tsatu- subjunctive tsāt- Aorist 2. sg. /acikitsīs- ; Passive voice parasmE-pada cikitsyamāna- ) to have in view, aim at, be desirous ; to care for, be anxious about, ; ( ) to treat medically, cure ; to wish to appear : Causal of Desiderative (future cikitsayiṣyati-) to cure : Intensive cekite- (fr.2. ci-?,or for tte- ; parasmE-pada c/ekitat-, ; A1. c/ekitāna- eight times) to appear, be conspicuous, shine View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cyavanan. see duś-cyavan/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cl.3. d/adāti- (plural dati- etc.; A1. datte- ;1. sg. dadmi- ; imperative d/adātu- plural dahu-;2. sg. daddh/i- ; deh/i-[ ] ;2. plural d/adāta- , tana- , datt/a- etc.;2. dual number tt/am- etc.; Potential dady/āt- etc.; imperfect tense /adadāt-; plural /adadur- ;2. dual number /adattam- etc.;2. plural ttana-, , /adadāta- ; subjunctive d/adat- , das- dan- parasmE-pada m. Nominal verb sg. d/adat- plural tas- etc.; parasmE-pada A1. d/adāna-, ; n/a-, ; sg. dadati-, ; plural danti-, ; imperative da-, ; data- ; Potential det- ; imperfect tense /adadat- ; A1. sg. d/adate- ; plural dante-, ; imperative sg. datām- ; dasva- etc.; imperfect tense plural /adadanta- ; parasmE-pada d/adamāna- ; Aorist /adāt-[ ], dat-, /adur-, d/ur-etc.; subjunctive 2. dual number dāsathas- [ confer, compare ]; Potential 1. plural deṣma- ; perfect tense dad/au-, d/ur-, d/athur-, datur-, d/o- etc.; Passive voice d/e-, ; dadade-, dāte-, dire- ; parasmE-pada genitive case dad/uṣas- , ṣām- ; Nominal verb dv/ān-, ; dāvan- ; accusative div/āṃsam-, [ confer, compare ]; future parasmE-pada dāsy/at- ; A1. syate-, syante-,1. sg. sye- ; preceding deyāt- ; infinitive mood dāv/ane- ; d/ātos-, ; tave-, ; d/ātav/ai-[ ] ; tum-, etc.: ind.p. dattv/āya-[ ] ; ttv/ā- etc.; -d/āya-[ ] etc.: Passive voice dīyate-[ ]; parasmE-pada y/amāna- ; Aorist adāyi- ; preceding dāsīṣṭa-, dāyis-, ) cl.1. d/āti- (; imperative tu-, ; confer, compare Va1rtt. 3 ) to give, bestow, grant, yield, impart, present, offer to (dative case,in later language also genitive case or locative case) etc. ; to give (a daughter, kanyām-) in marriage etc. ; to hand over ; (with haste-) ; to give back, ; to pay (daṇḍam-,"a fine"; ṛṇam-,"a debt", ) ; to give up, cede (āsanam-,"one's seat") ; (panthānam-or mārgam-,"to give up the road, allow to pass") and ; to sell (with instrumental case of the price), ; to sacrifice (ātmānam-,"one's self."; āt- khedāya-,"to give one's self up to grief", ) ; to offer (an oblation etc.) etc. ; to communicate, teach, utter (blessings, āśiṣas- ), give (answer, prati-vacas-, canam-, praty-uttaram- etc.), speak (satyaṃ vacas-,the truth, ; vacam-,to address a speech to [ dative case ] ) ; to permit, allow (with infinitive mood) ; to permit sexual intercourse ; to place, put, apply (in med.) etc. ; to add ; with varam-,"to grant a boon" etc. ; śoham-,"to cause grief", ; avakāśam-,"to give room or space, allow to enter" etc. ; prāṇān- or jīvitam-,"to spare any one's life" ; talam- or lān-, to slap with the palms of the hands ; la-prahāram-, to strike with the palm tālam-, to beat time with the hands ; saṃjñām-, to make a sign ; saṃketakam-, to make an appointment samayam-, to propose an agreement ; upamām-, to compare with [ genitive case ] ; paṭaham-, to proclaim with the drum ; śabdam-, to make a noise, call out ; śāpam-, to utter a curse etc. ; gāīh-. idem or 'm. fire ' ; anuyātram-, to accompany ; āliṅganane-, parirambhaṇam-, to embrace, ; jhampam-, to jump ; śrāddham-, to perform a śrāddha- ; vratakam-, to accomplish a vow ; yuddham-, niy-, saṃgrāmam-, to give battle, fight with ; ājñām- ādeśam-, to give an order, command, ; saṃdeśam-, to give information ; prayogam-, to give a dramatic representation vṛtim-, to fence in ; darśanam-, to show one's self ; dṛṣṭim-, dṛśam-, akṣi-, caksus-, to fix the eyes on (locative case) ; karṇam-, to give ear, listen ; manas-, to direct the mind to (locative case) ; kars- kapolam-, to rest the cheek on the hand ; nigaḍāni- to put on or apply fetters pāvakam-, to set on fire ; agnīn- to consume by fire ; śāram-, to move a chess-man ; argalam-, to draw a bolt, bar ; jānu-, to kneel upon (genitive case) ; padam-, to tread upon [loc.] ; to direct the steps ; viṣam-, to poison (with accusative !) ; garam- idem or 'm. fire ' (with genitive case) ; -- A1. to carry, hold, keep, preserve ; to show (Aorist adadiṣṭa-; aded-fr. diś- ) : Causal dāpayati- (; Aorist adīdapat-, ) to cause to give or be given, cause to bestow or present or give up, oblige to pay, make restore etc. ; to demand from (ablative) ; to cause to utter or speak ghoṣaṇām-, to cause to be made known ; to cause to place or advance, ; to cause to perform, to cause to be put on (locative case) : Desiderative d/itsati- (; parasmE-pada d/idāsat- ; d/itsat-, ; Potential tseyam- ; perfect tense 2. sg. didāsitha- ; confer, compare ) to wish to give, be ready to bestow etc. ; to wish to give in marriage etc.: Intensive dedīyate- ; ([ confer, compare ; Latin do;etc.])
dabhnaSee dura-dabhn/ā-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dadhin. (replaced in the weakest forms by dh/an-[ ] : instrumental case etc. dhn/ā- dhn/e-, dhn/as-; locative case dhani- dhni-,[ in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ] ) coagulated milk, thick sour milk (regarded as a remedy;differing from curds in not having the whey separated from it) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dakṣam. see a-tūta--, din/a--, samān/a- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dasyum. ( das-) enemy of the gods (exempli gratia, 'for example' ś/ambara-, ś/uṣṇa-, c/umuri-, dh/uni-;all conquered by indra-, agni-, etc.), impious man (called a-śraddh/a-, a-yajñ/a-, /a-yajyu-, /a-pṛnat-, a-vrat/a-, anya-vrata-, a-karm/an-), barbarian (called a-n/ās-,or an-/ās-"ugly-faced", /adhara-,"inferior", /a-mānuṣa-,"inhuman"), robber (called dhan/in-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dasyuhanm. (Nominal verb h/ā- instrumental case ghn/ā-)fn. destroying the dasyu-s (indra- i, ; indra-'s gift, x, 47, 4; many/u-,83, 3; m/anas-,iv, 16, 10)
dhānāruh(n/ā--) mfn. growing from a grain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhānāvat(n/ā--) mfn. accompanied by grain (as soma-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhīf. notion, opinion, the taking for (compound) etc. (y/athā dhiy/ā-or dhiy/ā n/a-,according to thy wisdom or will; itth/ā dhiy/ā-or dh/iyaḥ-,willingly literally such is thy will ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhitif. See nem/a--, mitr/a--, van/a--, v/asu--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhū cl.5 P. A1. dhūn/oti-, nut/e- ; dhunoti-, nute- etc. ; cl.6 P. () dhuvati- (confer, compare ni--; Potential dhūvet- ) ; cl.9 P. A1. () Potential dhunīyāt- ; parasmE-pada A1. dhunāna- ; cl.1 P. () dhavati- ; cl.2 A1., 3. plural dhuvate- (dhunv/ate-?) ; parasmE-pada dhuvān/a- (perfect tense dudhāva- , dhuve- ; dudhuvīta-and dūdhot- : Aorist adhūṣṭa-,3. plural ṣata- ; adhoṣṭa-, adhaviṣṭa-; adhauṣīt-, adhāvīt- grammar; future dhaviṣyati-, te- etc.; dhoṣyati-, te-, dhotā-& dhavitā- grammar; ind.p. dhūtvā- , -dh/ūya- etc.; infinitive mood dhavitum- grammar) to shake, agitate, cause to tremble etc. ; to shake down from (exempli gratia, 'for example' fruits [ accusative ] from a tree [ accusative ]) ; (oftener A1.) to shake off, remove, liberate one's self from (accusative) etc. ; to fan, kindle (a fire) etc. ; to treat roughly, hurt, injure, destroy ; to strive against, resist : Passive voice dhūy/ate- etc. (parasmE-pada dhūyat- ): Causal dhāvayati- () and dhūnayati- (See dhūna-): Desiderative dudhūṣati-, te- grammar ; Intensive dodhavīti- (parasmE-pada dodhuvat d/avidhvat- ) ; dodhūyate-, parasmE-pada yamāna-and yat- ; so shake or move violently (trans. and intr.) ; to shake off or down ; to fan or kindle. [ confer, compare dhav-and dhāv-; Greek , .] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dīnadakṣa(n/a--) mfn. of weak understanding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dīnatā(n/a--) f. scarcity, weakness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divāind. (for div/ā-,instr. of 3. d/iv-) gaRa svarādi-, by day (often opposed to n/aktam-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
divānaktamind. adverb (older d/ivā n/aktam-) by day and night View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dṛś (Pres. forms supplied by paś- q.v; perfect tense P. dad/arśa- etc. [2. sg. dadarśitha-and dadraṣṭha- ]; A1. dadṛś/e- [ d/adṛśe-,3 plural dṛśre- ; śrire- ]; parasmE-pada P. dadṛśv/as- ; sivas- ; darśivas- q.v; A1. d/adṛśāna- ; future P. -drakṣy/ati- etc.; A1. ṣyate-and future 2. draṣṭā- ; Aorist P. adarśam-, śas-, śat-,3 plural śur- ; 1 plural adarśma- ; adṛśma- ; subjunctive darśam-, śat-, śathas- ; A1.3 plural /adṛśran- ; śram- ; parasmE-pada dṛśān/a-or d/ṛśāna-[ confer, compare sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ] ; P. dṛśan-,3 plural /adṛśan- ; Potential dṛś/eyam- ; śema- ; P. adrākṣit-and adrāk- ; A1.3 plural /adṛkṣata-; subjunctive 2 sg. d/ṛkṣase- ; infinitive mood dṛś/e-and driś/aye- ; dr/aṣṭum- etc.; ind.p. dṛṣṭv/ā- etc.[ also dṛśya-], ṭvāya- ; -d/ṛśya- ; -darśam- ) to see, behold, look at, regard, consider etc. ; to see id est wait on, visit ; to see with the mind, learn, understand etc. ; to notice, care for, look into, try, examine ; to see by divine intuition, think or find out, compose, contrive (hymns, rites, etc.) : Passive voice dṛśy/ate- (Epic also ti-) Aorist ad/arśi- etc. to be seen, become visible, appear etc. ; to be shown or manifested, appear as (iva-), prove etc.: Causal P. A1. darśayati-, te- etc. ; Aorist adīdṛśat- ; adadarśat- , to cause to see or be seen, to show a thing (A1. especially of something belonging to one's self) or person (P.and A1.with or scilicet ātmānam-,also one's self) , to (accusative etc.; genitive case etc.; dative case etc.; instrumental case after A1.refl. ) ; to show = prove, demonstrate etc. ; to produce (money) id est pay ; (a witness) , : Desiderative A1. didṛkṣate- (Epic also ti-) to wish to see, long for (accusative) etc.: Desiderative of Causal didarśayiṣati-, to wish to show ; adidarśayiṣīt- : Intensive darīdṛśyate-, to be always visible ; darīdarṣṭi- or dard- [ confer, compare Greek , ; Gothic tarhjan.]
ducchunāf. (prob. fr. dus-and śun/a-) misfortune, calamity, harm, mischief (often personified as a demon) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
duh (originally dugh- see d/ughāna-, dugha-etc., and the initial dh-of some forms) cl.2 P.A1. dogdhi- ; dugdhe- or duh/e- etc. (plural A1. duhat/e-, ; duhrate-, ; duhr/e-, ; imperfect tense P. /adhok-, ; duh/ur- ; A1. adugdha-[according to Aorist ] plural aduhra-,i sg. aduha- plural hra- [ see ]; imperative dhukṣva- sg. duh/ām- ; plural duhr/ām-, r/atām- ; dhuṅgdhvam- ; subjunctive dohat-[3 plural hān- ], hate- ; Potential duhīyat- ; y/an-, ; A1. hīta-, ; parasmE-pada P. duh/at- A1. duhān/a-, d/uhāna-,and d/ugh- ; cl.6 P. A1. duh/ati-, te- etc.; cl.4. duhyati-, te- ; perfect tense dud/oha-[ hitha- ], duduh/e-,3 plural duduhur-[ dudūhur- ] etc.; A1. duduhre- [ hrire-]; future dhokṣyati-, te- ; Aorist /adhukṣat-, ṣata-[3 sg. plural ], adukṣat-, ; dukṣata-,3 sg. ; imperative dhukṣ/asva- ; Potential dhukṣīm/ahi- ; infinitive mood dogdhum- etc.; dogdhos- ; duh/adhyai-and doh/ase- ; ind.p. dugdhvā- ) to milk (a cow or an udder) figuratively take advantage of (see) , enjoy ; to milk or squeeze out, extract (milk, soma- exempli gratia, 'for example' any good thing) ; draw anything out of another thing (with 2 accusative) etc. ; (mostly A1.) to give milk, yield any desired object (accusative,rarely genitive case) etc. etc.: Passive voice duhy/ate- Aorist adohi- ( ) to be milked, to be drawn or extracted from etc.: Causal doh/ayati-, te- Aorist adūduhat- Passive voice dohy/ate-, to cause to milk or be milked ; to milk, milk out, extract : Desiderative d/udukṣati- (), dudhukṣati- ( see dudhukṣu-), to wish to milk.
dyumnahūti(mn/a--) f. inspired invocation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dyumnasāti(mn/a--) f. receiving inspiration or power, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dyumnaśravas(mn/a--) mfn. producing a strong or clear sound, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dyumnavatmfn. (mn/a--) inspired or clearly sounding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dyut cl.1 A1. dy/otate- (also ti-) etc. (perfect tense didyute-, parasmE-pada tān/a- [ see ], didy/ota- ; dyutur-. ; Aorist adyutat-and /adidyutat- ; /adyaut- , adyotiṣṭa- , parasmE-pada P. dyutat- A1. tān/a-or dy/utāna- ; future dyotiṣyati- ; ind.p. dyutitvā-or dyot- ; -dyutya- ) to shine, be bright or brilliant: Causal dyotayati-(te-, ) to make bright, illuminate, irradiate ; to cause to appear, make clear or manifest, express, mean : Desiderative dedyutiṣati- or didyot- : Intensive d/avidyot-, 3. plural dyutati- ; dedyutyate- , to shine, glitter, be bright or brilliant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
endh( ā-indh-) A1. (subjunctive -idhate-and -in/adhate-; perfect tense īdhe-) to inflame, kindle ; to be inflamed, flame View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadind. in this manner, thus, so, here, at this time, now (exempli gratia, 'for example' n/a v/ā u et/an mriyase-,thou dost not die in this manner or by that ) ; ([ confer, compare Zend ae7ta; Old Persian aita; Armenian aid; Osk.eiso.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghaind. as a rule it is preceded by other particles (ut/a-, ut/o-, ut/a vā-, cid-, n/a-, -) or by a pronoun or a preposition View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghanamf(-)n. compact, solid, material, hard, firm, dense, (ghan/ā-for n/am /ā-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghanam. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' mere, nothing but (exempli gratia, 'for example' vijñāna-ghan/a-,"nothing but intuition") (see ambu--, ayo--) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghānyan. (fr. ghan/a-) compactness () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghnan. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "killing" See /ahi--, parṇaya-ghn/a- (see artha--, arśo--, kāsa--, kula--, kuṣṭha--, kṛta--, kṛmi--, gara--, guru--, go--, jvara--, puruṣa--,etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
girf. (/īr-) invocation, addressing with praise, praise, verse, song (the marut-s are called"sons of praise", sūn/avo g/iraḥ-, ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gnāf. (nom sg.? gn/ās- ) "wife" (=, jan-), a divine female, kind of goddess View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gnāvat(gn/ā--) mfn. accompanied by divine females (vocative case and Nominal verb [!?] -vas-; gn/āvas- equals stuti-vācas-,"words of praise") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gṝ cl.9 P. A1. gṛṇ/āti-, ṇīt/e- (1. sg. A1.and 3. sg. Passive voice gṛṇ/e- ;1. sg. A1. gṛṇīṣ/e- ;2. plural gṛṇ/atā- ; parasmE-pada P. gṛṇ/at- etc.; A1.& Passive voice gṛṇān/a- ;Ved. infinitive mood imperative gṛṇīṣ/aṇi- ), to call, call out to, invoke ; to announce, proclaim ; to mention with praise, praise, extol ; to pronounce, recite ; to relate, teach in verses, ; ([ confer, compare , ; Hibernian or Irish goirim; Old German quar,quir,etc.; Old Pruss.gerbu,"to speak"; Anglo-Saxon gale; German Nachtigal; Latin gallus?]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
grah ([ in a few passages only etc.]) or grabh- ([ ;rarely ]) cl.9 P. gṛbhṇāti- gṛhṇ/āti- (also A1. gṛhṇīte-,irreg. gṛhṇate- ;3. plural gṛbhṇate- ; imperative 2. sg. gṛhāṇ/a-,[ ṇ/ā-, saṃhitā-pāṭha-, parasmE-pada Passive voice Nominal verb plural n. ] etc.; gṛbhṇān/a-& gṛhṇ-[Ved.]; gṛhṇa- ; -gṛhṇāhi-, -gṛbhṇīhi-See prati-grabh-; A1. gṛbhṇīṣva-[ ] or gṛhṇ-;3. sg. P. gṛhṇītāt-;Ved. imperative gṛbhāy/a-etc.See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ya- confer, compare gṛhaya-; perf. jagrāha- etc.;1. sg. gr/abhā- ; gṛbhm/a- ; A1. gṛhe-, ;3. plural gṛbhr/e-& gṛbhrir/e- ; P. Potential gṛbhyāt-, ; parasmE-pada gṛbhv/as-, ; future 2nd grahīṣyati-, te- etc.[ confer, compare ];sometimes wrongly spelt gṛh- ; grahiṣy- ; Conditional agrahaiṣyat- ; future 1st grahītā- ; Aorist agrabham- ; bhīt- etc.; hīt-[ ] etc.; -/ajagrabhīt-etc.See saṃ-grah-; subjunctive 2. plural grabhīṣṭa- ; A1. agrahīṣṭa- ; aghṛkṣata- [not in ];Ved. 3. plural agṛbhran-[ ] and agṛbhīṣata-; ind.p. gṛbhītv/ā- ; gṛhītv/ā-, ; grahāya- ; infinitive mood grahītum-[ etc.; confer, compare ;wrongly spelt gṛh- ]; Passive voice gṛhyate-[ future 1st grahītā-or grāhitā- future 2nd grahīṣyate-or grāhiṣy- Aorist agrāhi-,3. dual number agrahīṣātām-or agrāhiṣ- ];Ved. subjunctive 3. plural gṛhyāntai- on ;Ved. Passive voice 3. sg. gṛhate-[ ]or gṛhe-[ ] or gṛhaye-[ ; confer, compare gṛhaya-]; subjunctive 1. plural gṛhāmahi- ; Potential gṛhīta- ) to seize, take (by the hand, pāṇau-or kare-,exceptionally pāṇim-(double accusative) ; confer, compare ), grasp, lay hold of (exempli gratia, 'for example' pakṣaṃ-,to take a side, adopt a party ; pāṇim-,"to take by the hand in the marriage ceremony", marry etc.) etc. ; to arrest, stop ; to catch, take captive, take prisoner, capture, imprison etc. ; to take possession of, gain over, captivate ; to seize, overpower (especially said of diseases and demons and the punishments of varuṇa-) etc. ; to eclipse ; to abstract, take away (by robbery) ; to lay the hand on, claim ; to gain, win, obtain, receive, accept (from ablative,rarely genitive case), keep etc. (with double accusative ) ; to acquire by purchase (with instrumental case of the price) etc. ; to choose ; to choose any one (accusative) as a wife ; to take up (a fluid with any small vessel), draw water ; to pluck, pick, gather ; to collect a store of anything ; to use, put on (clothes) i etc. ; to assume (a shape) ; to place upon (instrumental case or locative case) ; to include ; to take on one's self, undertake, undergo, begin etc. ; to receive hospitably (a guest), take back (a divorced wife) ; "to take into the mouth", mention, name etc. ; to perceive (with the organs of sense or with m/anas-), observe, recognise etc. ; (in astronomy) to observe ; to receive into the mind, apprehend, understand, learn ; (in astronomy) to calculate ; to accept, admit, approve ; to obey, follow ; to take for, consider as etc. ; (Passive voice) to be meant by (instrumental case) and Scholiast or Commentator : Causal grāhayati-, to cause to take or seize or lay hold of ; to cause to take (by the hand[ pāṇim-]in the marriage ceremony) ; to cause to marry, give away a girl (accusative) in marriage to any one (accusative) ; to cause any one to be captured ; to cause any one to be seized or overpowered (as by varuṇa-'s punishments or death etc.) ; to cause to be taken away ; to make any one take, deliver anything (accusative) over to any one (accusative; exempli gratia, 'for example' āsanam-with accusative"to cause to take a seat, bid any one to sit down") ; to make any one choose (Aorist ajigrahat-) ; to make any one learn, make acquainted or familiar with (accusative) etc.: Desiderative jighṛkṣati- (confer, compare ), also te-, to be about to seize or take ; to be about to eclipse ; to be about to take away ; to desire to perceive (with the organs of sense), strive to apprehend or recognise : Intensive jarīgṛhyate- ; ([ confer, compare Zend gerep,geurv; Gothic greipa; German greife; Lithuanian gre1bju; Slavonic or Slavonian grablju1; Hibernian or Irish grabaim,"I devour, stop."])
granth or grath- cl.9 P. grathn/āti- (future parasmE-pada granthiṣyat- ; perf. 3. plural jagranthur-or grethur- ; ind.p. granthitvā-or grath-, ), to fasten, tie or string together, arrange, connect in a regular series ; to string words together, compose (a literary work) : cl.1 P. A1. grathati-, te- (varia lectio) ; P. granthati-, ; A1. granthate- (Aorist agranthiṣṭa-), to be strung together or composed (a literary work), on : Causal P. A1. granthayati-, te-, to string together ; ([ confer, compare ; Latin glut-en?]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gras cl.1 P. A1. gr/asati-, te- (perf. Potential A1. jagrasīta- ; parasmE-pada A1.and Passive voice jagrasān/a- ), to seize with the mouth, take into the mouth, swallow, devour, eat, consume etc. ; to swallow up, cause to disappear ; to eclipse etc. ; to swallow or slur over words, pronounce indistinctly () 27 ; to suppress, stop or neglect (a lawsuit) : Causal P. grāsayati-, to cause to swallow or devour ; to consume, swallow ; ([ confer, compare ; Latin gra1-men; German gras; English grass.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
grath or granth- cl.9 P. grathn/āti- (future parasmE-pada granthiṣyat- ; perf. 3. plural jagranthur-or grethur- ; ind.p. granthitvā-or grath-, ), to fasten, tie or string together, arrange, connect in a regular series ; to string words together, compose (a literary work) : cl.1 P. A1. grathati-, te- (varia lectio) ; P. granthati-, ; A1. granthate- (Aorist agranthiṣṭa-), to be strung together or composed (a literary work), on : Causal P. A1. granthayati-, te-, to string together ; ([ confer, compare ; Latin glut-en?]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gṛṇat ṇān/a-, etc. See 1. gṝ-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gva in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' See atithi-gv/a-, /eta--, d/aśa--, n/ava--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastatram. or n. a hand-guard (see -ghn/a-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hi (see hay-) cl.5 P. () hin/oti- (Vedic or Veda also hinut/e-, h/invati-and hinv/ati-, te-; parasmE-pada hinvān/a-[with act. and pass. sense] ; h/ayat- : sg. hiṣe- ; perfect tense jighāya-, jighyuḥ- etc.; jighye-[with pass. sense] ; Aorist /ahema- /ahema-, ahyan-, heta- parasmE-pada hiyān/a-[with pass. sense] ; ahyam-[?], /ahait- ; ahaiṣīt- ; aheṣata- ; future hetā- grammar; heṣyati- etc.; infinitive mood -hy/e- ), to send forth, set in motion, impel, urge on, hasten on (A1.also intrans.) ; to stimulate or incite to (dative case) ; to assist or help to (dative case) ; to discharge, hurl, cast, shoot ; to convey, bring, procure ; to forsake, abandon, get rid of ; (hinvati-) to gladden, delight : Passive voice hīyate- (Aorist ahāyi-) grammar : Causal hāyuyati- (Aorist ajīhayat-) : Desiderative of Causal jihāpayiṣati- : Desiderative jighīṣati- : Intensive jeghīyate-, jeghayīti-, jegheti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hiind. (used as a particle[ see ha-and gha-]and usually denoting) for, because, on account of (never standing first in a sentence, but generally after the first word and used enclitically, sometimes after pronouns; exempli gratia, 'for example' s/arvo h/i p/ṛtanā jigīṣati-,"for everybody wishes to win battles"; bhavān hi pramāṇam-,"for your honour is the authority"; tahā hi-,"for example","accordingly"; n/a h/i-or nah/ī-,"for not","not at all") etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hīḍ hīḷ-, (see heḍ-) P. A1. hīḍati-, or hiḷati-, te- P. (only in jihīḍa- ; jihīḷa- ;and ahiḍat- ), to pull, tear, make angry, vex, offend ; A1. (only in[ /a--] hīḍamāna- jihīḍe-, ḍir/e-; jihīḷe- ; jihīḍān/a- ; hīḍiṣātām- ), to be angry or wroth: Causal (only ajīhiḍat-) to pull out (hair) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hiṃs (originally Desiderative of han-) cl.1.7. P. () hiṃsati-, hin/asti- (Ved. and Epic also A1. hiṃsate-, h/iṃste-;2. sg. hiṃsi-for hinassi- ; perfect tense jihiṃsa-, sim/a-, jīhiṃsīh- ; Aorist ahiṃsīt-, hiṃsīt- etc.; future hiṃsita- grammar; hiṃsiṣyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood hiṃsitum-[Ved. also h/iesitoḥ-] ; ind.p. hiṃsitv/ā- ; -hiṃsya- ), to injure, harm, wound, kill, destroy etc. etc.: Passive voice hiṃsyate- (Aorist ahiṃsi-), to be injured or killed (in /a-hiṃsyamāna-) etc.: Causal or cl.10 P. () hiṃsayati- (Aorist ajihiṃsat-), to injure, harm, kill, slay : Desiderative j/ihiṃsiṣati-, to wish to injure etc. : Intens, jehiṃsyate-, jehiṃsti- grammar View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hinv hinv/a-, hinvān/a- See 1. hi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hṛ or hṝ- cl.9 A1. hṛṇīte- (only parasmE-pada hṛṇān/a- ; Potential [abhi]-hṛṇīthāḥ- , and [?] ahṛṇāt-, ) , to be angry or wroth. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
huvadhyai huvān/a- See hve-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hve cl.1 P. A1. () hv/ayati-, te- (Vedic or Veda also h/avate-and huv/ati-, te-; other present forms are hve- ; hvāmahe- ; h/oma-, hūm/ahe-, juhūm/asi- ; p. huvān/a-[with pass. sense] ; hvayāna- ; perfect tense juhāva-, juhuvuḥ- etc.; juhv/e-, juhūr/e- ; juhuve-, huhurire- ; hvayāṃ-āsa-and hvayāṃ-cakre- ; Aorist /ahvat-, ahvata-[or ahvāsta- ] etc. etc.; ahvi- ; /ahūmahi-, ahūṣata- ; ahvāsīt-[?] ; future hvātā- grammar; hvayiṣyati-, te- ; hvāsyate- ; infinitive mood Class. hvātum-; Vedic or Veda h/avitave-, hv/ayitum-, tav/ai-; huv/adhyai-; ind.p. Class. hūtvā-;Ved. -h/ūya-and -hāvam-), to call, call upon, summon, challenge, invoke (with nāmnā-,"to call by name"; with yuddhe-,"to challenge to fight") etc. ; to emulate, vie with : Passive voice hūy/ate- (Aorist /ahāvi-,or ahvāyi-), to be called etc. : Causal hvāyayati- (Aorist ajūhavat-or ajuhāvat-), to cause anyone (accusative) to be challenged by (instrumental case) : Desiderative juhūṣati-, te- grammar : Intensive johūyate- or j/ohavīti- (johuvanta-, ajohavuḥ-, j/ohuvat-, j/ohuvāna- ) or johoti- (grammar), to call on, invoke etc. [ confer, compare Greek .]
i cl.2 P. /eti- (imperative 2. sg. ih/i-) and 1. P. A1. /ayati-, ayate- ([ confer, compare ay-]), (perfect tense iyāya-[2. sg. iy/atha- , and iy/etha- ] future eṣyati-; Aorist aiṣīt-; infinitive mood etum-, /etave- and , /etav/ai- /etos- ity/ai- ) to go, walk ; to flow ; to blow ; to advance, spread, get about ; to go to or towards (with accusative), come etc. ; to go away, escape, pass, retire ; to arise from, come from ; to return (in this sense only future) ; (with punar-) to come back again, return etc. ; to succeed ; to arrive at, reach, obtain etc. ; to fall into, come to ; to approach with prayers, gain by asking (confer, compare ita-) ; to undertake anything (with accusative) ; to be employed in, go on with, continue in any condition or relation (with a participle or instrumental case exempli gratia, 'for example' asura-rakṣasāni mṛdyamānāni yanti-,"the asura-s and Rakshases are being continually crushed" ; gavāmayaneneyuḥ-,"they, were engaged in the [festival called] gavāmayana-" ) ; to appear, be : Intensive A1. /īyate- (; parasmE-pada iyān/a- ; infinitive mood iy/adhyai- ) to go quickly or repeatedly ; to come, wander, run, spread, get about ; to appear, make one's appearance ; to approach any one with requests (with two accusative), ask, request : Passive voice /īyate-, to be asked or requested : Causal āyayati-, to cause to go or escape ; ([ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin e-o,i1-mus,i-ter,etc.; Lithuanian ei-mi4,"I go"; Slavonic or Slavonian i-du7,"I go",i-ti,"to go"; Gothic i-ddja,"I went."]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
idind. indeed, assuredly (especially, in strengthening an antithesis, exempli gratia, 'for example' y/athā v/aśanti dev/ās t/ah/ed asat-,as the gods wish it, thus indeed it will be ; d/ipsanta /id rip/avo n/āha debhuḥ-,the enemies wishing indeed to hurt were in nowise able to hurt ). id- is often added to words expressing excess or exclusion (exempli gratia, 'for example' viśva it-,every one indeed; śaśvad it-,constantly indeed; eka it-,one only) . At the beginning of sentences it often adds emphasis to pronouns, prepositions, particles (exempli gratia, 'for example' tvam it-,thou indeed; yadi it-,if indeed, etc.) id- occurs often in the ṛg-- veda- and atharva-- veda-, seldom in the brāhmaṇa-s, and its place is taken in classical Sanskrit by eva- and other particles. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
idam ay/am-, iy/am-, id/am- (fr. id- ; gaRa sarvādi- ;a kind of neut. of the pronominal base 3. i-with am-[ confer, compare Latin is,ea,id,andidem];the regular forms are partly derived from the pronominal base a-;See grammar 224;the veda- exhibits various irregular formations exempli gratia, 'for example' fr. pronominal base a-,an inst. en/ā-, ay/ā-[used in general adverbially], and genitive case locative case dual number ay/os-,and perhaps also av/os-,in [ ];fr. the base ima-,a genitive case singular im/asya-,only ;the has in a few instances the irregular accentuation /asmai-, ; /asya-, ; /ābhis-, : the forms derived fr. a-are used enclitically if they take the place of the third personal pronoun, do not stand at the beginning of a verse or period, and have no peculiar stress laid upon them) , this, this here, referring to something near the speaker View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
iṣ cl.1 P. eṣati- (See anu--1. iṣ-and pari--1. iṣ-) A1. eṣate-, to seek, search : cl.4 P. /iṣyati- and 9. P. A1. iṣṇ/āti- (parasmE-pada iṣṇ/at- iṣṇān/a- ; perfect tense 3. plural īṣus- īṣir/e- ; aiṣīt-; infinitive mood iṣ/adhyai- ) to cause to move quickly, let fly, throw, cast, swing ; to send out or off, stream out, pour out, discharge ; to deliver (a speech), announce, proclaim ; to impel, incite, animate, promote View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jan cl.1. ([ ]) and cl.10. j/anati-, te- (subjunctive janat- ; nāt- ; A1. nata- ; imperfect tense /ajanat- ; parasmE-pada j/anat-), jan/ayati-, te- (in later language only P. ; subjunctive n/ayat-; imperfect tense /ajanayat-; Aorist /ajījanat-; parasmE-pada jan/ayat-; infinitive mood j/anayitavai- ) , twice cl.3. (subjunctive jaj/anat- [ ] ; confer, compare ; proper jajanti- ; Aorist A1. j/aniṣṭa-; A1. /ajani- ; perf. jaj/āna-; 3. plural jajñ/ur- etc.; once jajan/ur-, ; parasmE-pada jñivas-; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood j/anitos-, ;[ ];Ved. ind.p. nitv/ī- ) to generate, beget, produce, create, cause etc. ; to produce (a song of praise, etc.) ; (cl.10. or Causal) to cause to be born ; to assign, procure ; cl.4. j/āyate- (Epic also ti-; imperfect tense /ajāyata-; pr. p. jayamāna-;fut. janiṣyate-;aor. /ajaniṣṭa-;1.[ ] and 3. sg. /ajani-; 3. sg. j/ani-, ; j/āni-, ; perf. jajñ/e-,2. sg. jñiṣ/e-3. plural jñir/e-, parasmE-pada jñān/a-) and ([ ]) cl.2. (?) A1. (2. sg. jañiṣ/e-,2. plural jiñre-, niṣvā-[ ], nidhvam- confer, compare ; imperfect tense 3. p. ajñata-[ Aorist ] ) , twice cl.1 A1. (imperfect tense 3. plural ajanatā- ; parasmE-pada j/anamāna-, ) to be born or produced, come into existence etc. ; to grow (as plants, teeth) ; to be born as, be by birth or nature (with double Nominal verb) ; to be born or destined for (accusative) (varia lectio jayate-for jāy-) ; to be born again ; to become, be etc. ; to be changed into (dative case) ; to take place, happen ; to be possible or applicable or suitable ; to generate, produce : Passive voice janyate-, to be born or produced : Desiderative jijaniṣati-, : Intensive jañjanyate- and jājāy-, (confer, compare ) ; ([ confer, compare Latin gigno,(g)nascor; Hibernian or Irish genim,"I beget, generate."]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jana(n/a-) m. (gaRa aśvādi-) Name of a man (with the patronymic śārkarākṣya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jānantim. (fr. jān/at-) Name of a teacher View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janatāf. (n/a--) () a number of men, assemblage of people, community, subjects, mankind etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janif. see gn/ā-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janīf. see gn/ā-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ji cl.1. j/ayati-, te- (imperfect tense /ajayat-; Aorist ajaiṣīt-,Ved. /ajais-,1. plural /ajaiṣma-, j/eṣma-,2. sg. jes-and A1. j/eṣi- subjunctive j/eṣat-, ṣas-, ṣāma- ; Aorist A1. ajeṣṭa-; future 1st. j/etā- etc.; future jeṣy/ati-, ; perfect tense jig/āya-[ ], jigetha-, jigyur-; parasmE-pada jigīv/as-[ giv/as- ; accusative plural gy/uṣas-] etc.; infinitive mood jiṣ/e-, ; j/etave- ; Classical jetum-: Passive voice jīyate-, ajīyata-[ ], ajāyi-, jāyiṣyate-;for j/īyate-and cl.9. jin/āti-See jyā-) to win or acquire (by conquest or in gambling), conquer (in battle), vanquish (in a game or lawsuit), defeat, excel, surpass etc. (with p/unar-,"to reconquer" ) ; to conquer (the passions), overcome or remove (any desire or difficulties or diseases) etc. ; to expel from (ablative) ; to win anything (accusative) from (accusative), vanquish anyone (accusative) in a game (accusative) ; to be victorious, gain the upper hand ; often proper in the sense of an imperative "long live!""glory to" etc.: Causal jāpayati- () to cause to win ; (Aorist 2. pl, /ajījipata-and /ajījap-) ; to conquer (Aorist ajījayat-): Passive voice jāpyate-, to be made to conquer : Desiderative j/igīṣati-, te- (; parasmE-pada ṣat-, ṣamāṇa-) to wish to win or obtain or conquer or excel etc. ; (A1.) to seek for prey : Intensive jejīyate- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jīvanaśmfn. (Nominal verb -n/aṭ-;also -nak-[ equals jivasya nāśa-] , ) [a sacrifice] in which living beings are killed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jñā cl.9 P.A1. jān/āti-, nit/e- (see ; subjunctive nat-; imperative nītat-,2. sg. nīh/i-,once irregular jña- ;[fr. cl.3.] jijāhi- ;2. plural irregular nata-. ;2. sg. A1. irregular nase- ; parasmE-pada n/at-, nān/a- irregular namāna-[ ]; perfect tense jajñau-, jñe-[ Passive voice ] , 3. plural jñ/ur- ; parasmE-pada jñān/a- ; future jñāsyati-, te-; Aorist ajñāsīt-, sta- Passive voice /ajñāyi-, ; Potential jñāyāt-or jñey- ;2. sg. jñeyas- equals ; infinitive mood jñātum-) to know, have knowledge, become acquainted with (accusative;rarely genitive case ), perceive, apprehend, understand (also with infinitive mood [ ] ) , experience, recognise, ascertain, investigate etc. ; to know as, know or perceive that, regard or consider as (with double accusative exempli gratia, 'for example' tasya māṃ tanayāṃ jānīta-,"know me to be his daughter" ;with mṛṣā-,"to consider as untrue" ) etc. ; to acknowledge, approve, allow ; to recognise as one's own, take possession of ; to visit as a friend ; to remember (with genitive case) ; A1. to engage in (genitive case exempli gratia, 'for example' sarpiṣo-,"to make an oblation with clarified butter") : Causal jñapayati-, to teach any one (accusative) ; jñāp- (Passive voice jñāpyate-) to make known, announce, teach anything and ; to inform any one (genitive case) that (double accusative) ; A1. to request, ask (jñap-) (jñāp-): Desiderative jijñāsate- (; Epic also P.) to wish to know or become acquainted with or learn, investigate, examine etc. ; to wish for information about (accusative) ; to conjecture : Causal Desiderative jijñapayiṣati- (also jñāp- ) and jñīpsati- (see psyamāna-), to wish to make known or inform ; ([ see etc.])
(see jinv-), cl.1.A1. cl.9. P. j/avate-, jun/āti- ( ju- cl.1 P. javati- varia lectio;a sautra- root ; subjunctive 2. sg. jun/ās-; Aorist subjunctive jūjuvat-; perfect tense 3. plural jūjuvur-) to press forwards, hurry on, be quick ; to impel quickly, urge or drive on, incite ; to scare ; to excite, promote, animate, inspire : Causal Aorist ajījavat- : Causal Desiderative jijavayiṣati- ; see pra--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jyā (see ji-) cl.9 P. jin/āti- (Potential nīy/āt-; parasmE-pada n/at-; perfect tense jijy/au-; future jyāsyati- ; ind.p. -jyāya-, ) Vedic or Veda to overpower, oppress, deprive any one (accusative) of property (accusative) etc. ; (derived fr. jy/āyas-,"senior") to become old : cl.4 A1. j/īyate- or Passive voice y/ate-, Vedic or Veda to be oppressed or treated badly, be deprived of property (or everything, sarva-jyān/im- ) etc.: Causal jyāpayati-, to call any one old : Desiderative (parasmE-pada j/ijyāsat-) to wish to overpower : Intensive jejīyate- ; see pari-- ; . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ka(exempli gratia, 'for example' kiṃ vilambena-,what is gained by delay? kim bahunā-,what is the use of more words? dhanena kiṃ yo na dadāti-,what is the use of wealth to him who does not give? with inst. and genitive case, nīrujaḥ kim auṣadhaiḥ-,what is the use of medicine to the healthy?) ka- is often followed by the particles iva-, u-, nāma-, nu-, -, svid-, some of which serve merely to generalize the interrogation (exempli gratia, 'for example' kim iva etad-,what can this be? ka u śravat-,who can possibly hear? ko nāma jānāti-,who indeed knows? ko nv ayam-,who, pray, is this? kiṃ nu kāryam-,what is to be done? ko vā devād anyaḥ-,who possibly other than a god? kasya svid hṛdayaṃ nāsti-,of what person is there no heart?) ka- is occasionally used alone as an indefinite pronoun, especially in negative sentences (exempli gratia, 'for example' na kasya ko vallabhaḥ-,no one is a favourite of any one; nyo jānāti kaḥ-,no one else knows; kathaṃ sa ghātayati kam-,how does he kill any one?) Generally, however, ka- is only made indefinite when connected with the particles ca-, can/a-, cid-, -,and /api-, in which case ka- may sometimes be preceded by the relative ya- (exempli gratia, 'for example' ye ke ca-,any persons whatsoever; yasyai kasyai ca devatāyai-,to any deity whatsoever; yāni kāni ca mitrāṇi-,any friends whatsoever; yat kiṃca-,whatever) . The particle cana-, being composed of ca-and na-, properly gives a negative force to the pronoun (exempli gratia, 'for example' yasmād indrād ṛte kiṃcana-,without which indra- there is nothing) , but the negative sense is generally dropped (exempli gratia, 'for example' kaścana-,any one; na kaścana-,no one) , and a relative is sometimes connected with it (exempli gratia, 'for example' yat kiṃcana-,anything whatsoever) . Examples of cid- with the interrogative are common View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
= kan- (perf. cake-, cakān/a-;See k/āyamāna- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order), to seek, desire, yearn, love (with accusative and dative case) ; to like, enjoy, be satisfied with (locative case genitive case or inst.) : Intensive (parasmE-pada cāk/at-) to please, be sought after, be wished for, satisfy (see anu--, ā--, saṃ--3. -, kāti-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kadāind. with a following ca- and preceding yadā-, whenever, as often as possible (exempli gratia, 'for example' yad/ā kad/ā ca sun/avāma s/omam-,let us press out the soma- as often as may be or at all times ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kadāind. with a following can/a-, never at any time etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kārśanamfn. (fr. kṛśana-), consisting of pearl or mother-of-pearl [MSS. karśan/a-.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kārṣṇājinamfn. (fr. kriṣṇājin/a-), made from the skin of the black antelope View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kārtsnan. (fr. kṛtsn/a-;probably for the next) , the whole, totality View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
keśinīf. See kaiśin/a- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kīnāram. (perhaps equals kīn/āśa-) a cultivator of the soil ["a vile man" ] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kisind. (fr. 1. ki- see n/akis-, m/ākis-), a particle of interrogation,"whether" ([ equals kartṛ-,"a doer" ]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛśaninmfn. equals n/ā-vat- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛṣṭif. plural (once only sg. ) men, races of men (sometimes with the epithet m/ānuṣīs-[ ] or n/āhuṣīs-[ ] or mānav/īs-[ ]; see carṣaṇ/i-;originally the word may have meant cultivated ground, then an inhabited land, next its inhabitants, and lastly any race of men; indra- and agni- have the N. r/ājā-or p/atiḥ kṛṣṭīn/ām-;the term p/añca kṛṣṭ/ayas-,perhaps originally designating the five Aryan tribes of the yadu-s, turvaśa-s, druhyu-s, anu-s, and pūru-s, comprehends the whole human race, not only the Aryan tribes) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtsnatā(kṛtsn/a--) f. totality, completeness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣad cl.1 A1. kṣ/adate- (perf. p. cakṣadān/a-), to cut, dissect, divide, kill ; to carve (meat), distribute (food) ; to take food, consume, eat (2. sg. A1.or dative case infinitive mood kṣ/adase-) and (perf. cakṣad/e-). ([As a sautra- root kṣad-means "to cover, shelter."]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣurabhāṇḍan. equals -dhān/a- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cl.9 P. A1. () lun/āti-, lunīte- (Ved. also lunoti- perfect tense lulāva- ;2. sg. lulavitha- ;2. plural luluvidhve-or viḍhve- ; Aorist alāvīt-, alaviṣṭa- grammar; future lavitā-, laviṣyati-, te- ; infinitive mood lavitum- ; ind.p. lūtvā- ; -lāvam- ), to cut, sever, divide, pluck, reap, gather etc. ; to cut off, destroy, annihilate : Passive voice lūyate- (Aorist alāvi-), to be cut grammar : Causal lāvayati- (Aorist alīlavat-, vata-), to cause to cut grammar : Desiderative of Causal lilāvayiṣati- : Desiderative lulūṣati-, te- : Intensive lauluyate-, loloti- : Desiderative of Intensive lolūyiṣate- (ind.p. yam-) [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin so-luo,solvo;Gothfra-liusan; German vir-lisosan,ver-lieren; Anglo-Saxon for-leo4san; English lose.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahann. greatness, might, power, abundance (only instrumental case sg. mahn/ā-and once plural mah/abhiḥ-,which also = greatly, mightily, right heartily) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāṇagnī(!) f. See -nagn/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahimanm. greatness, might, power, majesty, glory etc. ( mahimnā himn/ā- ind.or mahinā hin/ā- ind.mightily, forcibly ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
majmanāind. altogether, generally, at all (with n/akis-,"no one at all") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mamatind. (only repeated with can/a-,or cid-) no sooner-than etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
man cl.8.4. A1. () manut/e-, m/anyate- (Epic also ti-;3. plural manvat/e- ; perfect tense mene- etc.; mamn/āthe-, n/āts- ; Aorist /amata-, /amanmahi- subjunctive manāmahe-, mananta-, parasmE-pada manān/a- q.v ; maṃsi-, amaṃsta- subjunctive maṃsate- preceding maṃsīṣṭa-,1. Persian mc. masīya- ; māṃsta- , stādm- ; mandhvam- ; amaniṣṭa- grammar; future maṃsyate- , ti- ; manta-, manitā- grammar; maniṣyate- ; infinitive mood mantum- etc., m/antave-, tavai- , m/antos- ; ind.p. matv/ā- etc.; manitvā- grammar; -matya- etc.; -manya- etc.) , to think, believe, imagine, suppose, conjecture etc. (manye-,I think, methinks, is in later language often inserted in a sentence without affecting the construction; confer, compare gaRa di-and ) ; to regard or consider any one or anything (accusative) as (accusative with or without iva-,or adverb,often in -vat-;in later language also dative case,to express contempt[ confer, compare ], exempli gratia, 'for example' gaRa rājyaṃ tṛṇaya- manye-,"I value empire at a straw" id est I make light of it equals laghu- man-,and opp. to bahu-,or sādhu- man-,to think much or well of, praise, approve) ; to think one's self or be thought to be, appear as, pass for (Nominal verb;also with iva-) ; to be of opinion, think fit or right etc. ; to agree or be of the same opinion with (accusative) ; to set the heart or mind on, honour, esteem (with nau-,disdain) , hope or wish for (accusative or genitive case) etc. ; to think of (in prayer etc., either"to remember, meditate on", or"mention, declare", or"excogitate, invent") ; to perceive, observe, learn, know, understand, comprehend (accusative,Ved. also genitive case). etc. ; to offer, present : Causal () mānayati- (Epic also te-; Aorist amīmanat-; Passive voice mānyate-), to honour, esteem, value highly (also with uru-, bahu-and sādhu-) etc. ; (A1.) stambhe- ; garvake- : Desiderative () mīmāṃsate- (rarely ti-; amīmāṃsiṣṭhās- ; mīmāṃsy/ate- ; mimaṃsate-, mimaniṣate- grammar), to reflect upon, consider, examine, investigate etc. ; to call in question, doubt ("with regard to" locative case) : Desiderative of Desiderative mimāmiṣate- grammar : Intensive manmanyate-, manmanti- [ confer, compare Zend man; Greek ,, Latin meminisse,monere; Slavonic or Slavonian and Lithuanian mine4ti; Gothic ga-munan; Germ,meinen; English mean.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mānam. (mān/a-) a preparation, decoction(?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mananan. thinking, reflection, meditation, thought, intelligence, understanding (especially intrinsic knowledge or science, as one of the faculties connected with the senses equals manman-) ( mananā n/ā- ind.thoughtfully, deliberately ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manāvīf. (fr. manu-) manu-'s wife (see man/āyī-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mand (see 2. mad-) cl.1 A1. () m/andate- (Ved. also P. ti-; perfect tense mamanda-, dat-, amamanduḥ- ; Aorist mand/us-, dān/a-; amandīt-, mandiṣṭa- ; subjunctive mandiṣat- grammar; preceding mandiṣīmahi- ; future manditā-, diṣyate- grammar; infinitive mood mand/adhyai- ), to rejoice, be glad or delighted, be drunk or intoxicated (literally and figuratively) ; (P.) to gladden, exhilarate, intoxicate, inflame, inspirit ; to sleep (?) () ; to shine, be splendid or beautiful ; to praise or to go : Causal mand/ayati- (infinitive mood manday/adhyai-), to gladden, exhilarate, intoxicate ; to be glad or drunk View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manum. "the thinking creature(?)", man, mankind (also as opp. to evil spirits ;the ṛbhu-s are called manor n/apātaḥ-,the sons of man, ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
math or manth- (q.v) cl.1.9. P. () thati-, m/anthati-, mathn/āti- (Ved. and Epic also A1. m/athate-, m/anthate-and mathnīte-; imperative mathnadhvam- ; perfect tense mamātha- ;3. plural mamathuḥ- ; methuḥ-, methire- ; mamantha-, nthuḥ- ; Aorist mathīt- ; amanthiṣṭām- ; amathiṣata- ; future mathiṣyati-, te- manthiṣyati- etc.; mathitā- ; infinitive mood mathitum- etc.; tos- ; m/anthitav/ai- ; ind.p. mathitv/ā-, -m/athya- etc.; manthitvā-, ; -manthya-and -mātham- etc.) . to stir or whirl round etc. ; (with agnim-), to produce fire by rapidly whirling round or rotating a dry stick (araṇi-) in another dry stick prepared to receive it ; (with araṇim-), to rotate the stick for producing fire ; (with ūrum-, hastam-etc.) , to use friction upon any part of the body with the object of producing offspring from it ; to churn (milk into butter) , produce by churning etc. (also with two accusative exempli gratia, 'for example' sudhāṃ- kṣīra-nidhim mathnāti-,"he churns nectar out of the ocean of milk" on ) ; to mix, mingle ; to stir up, shake, agitate, trouble disturb, afflict, distress, hurt, destroy etc. etc.: Passive voice mathy/ate- (Epic also ti-), to be stirred up or churned etc. etc. etc.: Causal manthayati- (), thayati- (), to cause to be stirred up or churned etc.: Desiderative mimathiṣati-, mimanthiṣati- grammar : Intensive māmathyate-, māmantti- etc. [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin mentha,menta; Lit.mentu4re; German minza,Minze; Anglo-Saxon minte; English mint.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mathi(in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see ) See urā--, vastra-- and havir-m/athi- (mathīn/ān- wrong reading for matīn/ām-; see math/in-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mathinm. (strong stem, m/anthan-,older m/anthā-; middle math/in-or math/i-[q.v.]; sg. Nominal verb m/anthās- accusative m/anthām-[for mantkānam-See manthāna-under manth-]; instrumental case math/ā- dual number math/ibhyām- plural math/ibhyas-etc.[ see pathin-and ] ; for mathīn/ām-See mathi-above) a churning-stick, any stick or staff for stirring or churning etc.
mathna(only mathn/ā- ), prob. wrong reading for mathr/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mathramfn. shaken, agitated, whirling (see mathn/a-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cl.9 P. A1. () mīnāti-, mīnīte- (Ved. also min/āti-and minoti-; m/īyate-or mīy/ate-[ ]; mimītas-, mimīyāt-[?]; perfect tense mimāya- ; mīmaya- ; mamau-, mimye- grammar; Aorist amāsīt-, amāsta- grammar; meṣṭa- ; Aorist Passive voice /amāyi- ; preceding mīyāt-, māsīṣṭa- grammar; future mātā-, māsyati-, te- grammar; meṣyate- ; infinitive mood -m/iyam-, -miye- ; m/etos- ; ind.p. mītvā-, -mīya-, māya- grammar), to lessen, diminish, destroy (A. and Passive voice to perish, disappear, die) ; to lose one's way, go astray ; to transgress, violate, frustrate, change, alter : Causal māpayati- Aorist amīmapat-. See pra-- ; Desiderative mitsati-, te- grammar : Intensive memīyate-, memayīti-, memeti- [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin minuere; Slavonic or Slavonian mi8nij; German minniro,minre,minder; Anglo-Saxon min.]
mihf. mist, fog, downpour of water (also plural; mih/o n/apāt-,the demon of the mist) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mithunayoni(n/a--) mfn. produced by copulation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛj (confer, compare marj-, mārj-and mṛś-) cl.2 P. m/ārṣṭi- (Ved. also A1. mṛṣṭ/e-and cl.6 P. A1. mṛj/ati-, te-,3. plural mṛñjata- ; Potential mṛñjyāt- ; cl.1 P. mārjati-, te- ; perfect tense mamārja-, mamṛj/e- etc.;3. plural mamārjuḥ- ; māmṛjuḥ- ; A1. māmṛj/e-, jīta- ; Aorist amṛkṣat-, ṣata- ; amārkṣīt-and amārjīt- ; future mraṣṭā- ; mārṣṭā-or mārjitā- grammar; mrakṣyate-or mārkṣyate- etc.; mārjiṣyati- grammar; infinitive mood marṣṭum-, mārṣṭum-and mārjitum- etc.; ind.p. mṛṣvā- ; -mṛjya- ; -mārjya- ), to wipe, rub, cleanse, polish, clean, purify, embellish, adorn (A1.also "one's self") etc. ; to make smooth, curry (exempli gratia, 'for example' a horse or other animal) ; to stroke ; to wipe off or out, remove, destroy etc. ; to wipe off or transfer (impurity, debt etc.) from one's self upon (locative case) ; to carry away, win ; (mārṣṭi-), to go (): Causal or cl.10. marjayati-, te- (Ved., mārjayati-, te- etc.; Aorist amamārjat- grammar; amīmṛjanta- ; Passive voice mārjate- ), to wipe, rub, cleanse, purify, adorn etc. ; to wipe off, remove, destroy ; (marjayate-), to move about, roam (): Desiderative mimārjiṣati- and mimṛkṣati- grammar : Intensive marmṛjīti- (jm/a-, janta-, parasmE-pada jān/a-), marmṛjy/ate- ; marīmṛjy/ate- ; marmārṣṭi- grammar ; to rub or wipe off, clean, purify (A.also "one's self").[ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin mulgere; Slavonic or Slavonian mle8sti; Lithuanian mi4lsti; German,melke,Milch; English milk.]
See 2. n/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabh cl.1 A1. n/abhate-, to burst, be torn or rent asunder ; imperfect tense P. n/abhas-, to break or destroy (?), (see ) ; cl.4.9. P. nabhyati-, nabhnāti- () , to hurt, injure (perfect tense A1. nebhe- ) : Causal nabhayati-, to cause to burst, tear open View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhf. or m. injury () or injurer (only accusative plural n/abhas-;but see 1. nabh-above ).
nābhāgadiṣṭa wrong reading for n/ābhā-n/ediṣṭha- (above) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nābhāganediṣṭha wrong reading for n/ābhā-n/ediṣṭha- (above) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nābhijātamfn. (for 1.See 2. n/a-), sprung from a navel (varia lectio) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nābhijāta n/abhimāna- etc. See under 2. n/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhīta na-bhrāj- etc. See 2. n/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nabhorūpamfn. (n/a-) "cloud-coloured", gloomy, dark View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naciketa(metric.) (n/a--) m. (4. cit-) Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naciketas(n/a--) m. (4. cit-) Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nad cl.1 P. () n/adati- (Epic also te-; perfect tense nanāda-, nedur-, nedire- ; Aorist anādīt- grammar; future nadiṣyati-, ditā- ) to sound, thunder, roar, cry, howl etc. (also with nād/am-, śabdam-, svanam-etc.) etc. etc.: Passive voice nadyate- : Causal nad/ayati-, te-, to make resound or vibrate ; nādayati-, te-, to make resonant, fill with noises or cries etc. ; Aorist anīnadat- grammar ; Passive voice nādyate- : Desiderative ninadiṣati- grammar : Intensive 3. plural n/ānadati-, parasmE-pada n/ānadat- ; 3. sg. nānadyate-, parasmE-pada dyamāna- to vibrate or sound violently, to roar, howl, cry, neigh etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nādara1. nadeya- etc. See 2. n/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nadbhyasSee 2. n/ah-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nādh cl.1 A1. () nādhate-, occurring only in parasmE-pada n/ādhamana-, seeking help, asking begging (see nāth-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nagam. See n/aga-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nagnam. Cardiospermum Halicacabum (confer, compare nagaṇā-); equals vāc- (varia lectio for nan/ā-) [ confer, compare Zend maghnafor naghna-; Lithuanian nugas; Slavonic or Slavonian nagu8; Gothic nagaths; Anglo-Saxon nacod; English naked; German nackt.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nagnācāryam. a bard (see nagn/a-above) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nagnatā(gn/a--) f. ( ) nakedness. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nah cl.4 P. A1. () n/ahyati-, te- (Potential -nahet- ; nahyur- ; parasmE-pada A1. n/ahyamāna-[also with pass. meaning] etc.; perfect tense nanāha-, nehe-; future natsyati-, naddhā- [ confer, compare ]; Aorist, anātsīt-, ; anaddha- ; ind.p. naddhvā- grammar; -n/ahya- etc.; infinitive mood -naddhum- ) to bind, tie, fasten, bind on or round or together ; (A1.) to put on (as armour etc.), arm one's self. etc. etc.: Passive voice nahyate-, parasmE-pada hyamāna- (See above) : Causal nāhayati- (Aorist anīnahat- grammar) to cause to bind together : Desiderative ninatsati-, te- grammar : Intensive nānahyate-, nānaddhi-. [Prob. for nagh-; confer, compare Latin nectere, German Nestel(?).] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nah(only in n/adbihyas- ;but see akṣā-n/ah-) a bond, tie. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nahi(n/a-h/i- and ) ind. (gaRa di-) for not, surely not, by no means, not at all (often strengthened by other particles, as aṅg/a-, n/u-, sma-) (nahikam- gaRa di-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nahimātram. or n. a particular high number (varia lectio mantra-) (see na-māsra-under 2. n/a-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naḥkṣudraSee under 3. n/as-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nahuṣam. equals n/ahus- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāhuṣamf(ī-)n. (fr. n/ahuṣa-) neighbouring, kindred View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāhuṣam. (fr. n/ahuṣa-) patron. of yayāti- R etc. Name of a serpent-demon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naivaind. (= 2. n/a+eva-) in compound View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nākam. ( nam-[?];according to and fr. 2. n/a-+ 2 -/aka-,"where there is no pain"[?]; see mfn.) vault of heaven (with or scilicet div/as-), firmament, sky (generally conceived as threefold see tri-diva-, tri-nāka-,and ;in there is a fivefold scale, viz. pṛthivī-, antari-kṣa-, div-, divo-nāka-,and svar-jyotis-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nakīm(n/a--) ind. not, not at all, never (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nakin kis- etc. See under 2. n/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nakisind. (n/a--) no one, nobody View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nakran. the upper timber of a door-frame (see n/ākra-and ) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nakṣ cl.1 P. A1. n/akṣati-, te- (perf. nanakṣ/ur-, kṣ/e- ; Aorist anakṣīt- grammar; future nakṣiṣyati-, nakṣitā- ) to come near, approach, arrive at, get, attain (see 1. naś-; inakṣ-).
nakṣatraśavas(n/akṣ-) mfn. equal to stars in number ("going to the gods") . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naktan. night (f(n/aktā-).only in naktay/ā- q.v,and as dual number with uṣ/āsā-; see s/a-naktā-and naktoṣāsā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naktaṃ(m-before labials) ind. See 1. n/akta-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naladamn. (n/a-) Nardostachys Jatamansi, Indian spikenard etc. (alsof(ā-). ; see narada-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nam cl.1 P. n/amati- (), te- (mostly intrans.; confer, compare ; pr. p. A1. namāna- ; perfect tense P. nāma- etc.;2. sg. nemitha-,or nanantha- ; subjunctive nan/amas- ;3. plural nemur- ; A1. neme- ;3. plural -nanamire- ; Aorist P. anān- ; anaṃsīt- ; A1. anaṃsta- grammar;3. plural anaṃsata- ; subjunctive naṃsai-, naṃsante- ; future naṃsyati- ; namiṣyati- ; nantā- ; infinitive mood -n/amam-, -n/ame- ; nantum-, namitum- ; ind.p. natvā- ; -natya- ; -namya- ) to bend or bow (either trans. or oftener intr.) to bow to, subject or submit, one's self (with genitive case dative case or accusative) etc. ; (with hiruk-) to turn away, keep aside ; to turn towards id est to aim at (genitive case) with (instrumental case) ; to yield or give way, keep quiet or be silent ; (in gram.) to change a dental letter into a cerebral : Passive voice namyate-, to be bent or bowed ; yield or submit to : Causal nam/ayati- etc. (nāmayati- etc.; nāmyati-[!] ; Aorist anīnamat- ; Passive voice nāmyate-, ti- etc.) to cause to bow or sink, incline etc. ; (with cāpam-) to bend a bow etc. ; to turn away or ward off ; to aim at (genitive case), ; (in gram.) to change a dental letter into a cerebral : Desiderative ninaṃsati-, : Intensive n/annamīti- ; nannamyate- (3. sg. n/amnate- imperfect tense anamnata-, parasmE-pada n/amamāna- ) to bow or submit one's self to (dative case). [ confer, compare Zend nam,nemaiti; Greek , ; Latin nemus; Gothic , Old Saxon , Anglo-Saxon niman; HGerm. ne0man,ne0men,nehmen.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāmaind. (accusative of n/āman-) by name id est named, called etc. etc. (also with nāmatas-and nāmnā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
namasn. bow, obeisance, reverential salutation, adoration (by gesture or word;often with dative case exempli gratia, 'for example' rāmāya namaḥ-,salutation or glory to rāma-, often ind.[ gaRa svar-ādi-]; namas-kṛ-,to utter a salutation, do homage; ind.p. mas-k/ṛtya-[ etc.] or mas-kṛtvā-[ ]; n/amas-kṛta-,worshipped, adored) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
namasvat(n/a-) mfn. paying or inspiring veneration View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
namātra na-mura- etc. See 2. n/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
namovṛktif. (n/a-) reverential cleansing (of the barhis-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nānācetas(n/ānā-.) mfn. of different mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nānādharman(n/ānā-.) mfn. having different customs View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nānādhī(n/ānā-.) mfn. (plural) having different minds or views View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nānādhiṣṇya(n/ānā--) mfn. having different earth-mounds or side-altars View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nānāmanas(n/ānā--) mfn. of various minds View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nanandṛ() or n/anāndṛ- () f. a husband's sister. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nānāprabhṛti(n/ānā--) mfn. beginning differently
nānāprastāva(n/ānā--) mfn. having a different prelude (as a sāman-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nānāvīryamf(ā-)n. (n/ānā--) having different powers or effects (as herbs) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nānāvrata(n/ānā-.) mfn. having different customs or observances View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nand cl.1 P. () n/andati-, Epic also te- (perfect tense nananda- ; future nandiṣyate- , diṣyati-and ditā- grammar; Aorist anandīt-; infinitive mood nanditum- ) to rejoice, delight, to be pleased or satisfied with, be glad of (instrumental case,rarely ablative) etc. etc.: Passive voice nandyate- etc.: Causal nandayati-, te- Aorist ananandat-, to make glad, gladden etc.: Desiderative ninandiṣati- grammar : Intensive nānandyate- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nanuind. (2. n/a-+ nu-) not, not at all, never ; (interr.) not? is it not? = nonne etc. etc. (hence often =) certainly, surely, indeed, no doubt (especially in questions amounting to an affirmation exempli gratia, 'for example' nanv ahaṃ te priyaḥ-,am I not your friend id est certainly I am your friend [so also na ca-,there can be no doubt ],or to a request exempli gratia, 'for example' nanu gacchāmi- bhoḥ-,surely I may go , and even as a responsive particle exempli gratia, 'for example' akārṣīḥ kaṭamnanu karomi bhoḥ-,indeed I have made it ;with another interr. or an imperative = pray, please exempli gratia, 'for example' nanu ko bhavān-,pray who are you? ; nanūcyatām-,please tell ;in argument often as an inceptive particle implying doubt or objection,"now it may be said, well, but then"etc., especially in nanv astu-,or nanu mā bhūt-tathāpi-,well, be it so or not so-nevertheless) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naparājit na-puṃs- etc. See 2. n/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāpiSee under 2. n/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāpitam. ( n/āp- snā-?) a barber, shaver etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
napuṃsakamf(ā-)n. (n/a--) neither male nor female View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naradam. or n. (prob.) equals n/alada- gaRa kiśarādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nārāśaṃsamf(-)n. (fr. n/arā-ś/aṃsa-) relating to the praise of a man or men, laudatory, eulogistic (as a hymn, tale etc.) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
narasiṃham. of several princes and authors (also -kavi-, -kavi-rāja-, -ṭhakkura-, -dīkṣita-, -deva-, -paṇḍita-, -bhaṭṭa-, -miśra-, -muni-, -yati-, -yatīndra-, -rāja-, -vājapeyin-(or gnicid-vāj-), -śāstrin-, -sarasvatī-, -sūri-, -sena-, n/arasiṃhācārya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nārāyaṇam. (patronymic fr. n/ara- q.v) the son of the original Man (with whom he is generally associated exempli gratia, 'for example' ;he is identified with brahmā- with viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa- etc.;the apsaras- urvaśī- is said to have sprung from his thigh ;elsewhere he is regarded as a kaśyapa- or aṅgirasa-, also as chief of the sādhya-s, and with jaina-s as the 8th of the 9 black vāsudeva-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nārif. equals n/ārī- below. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nārīf. (of r/a- q.v) a woman, a wife (in older language also n/āri-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nariṣyat ṣyanta- etc. See under 2. n/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naś or naṃś- cl.1 P. A1. n/aśati-, te- (Aorist ānat-, -naṭ- -anaṣṭām-, -nak-[in pra-ṇak-] imperative -n/akṣi-; A1.1. sg. n/aṃśi- preceding naśīmahi-; infinitive mood -n/aśe-), to reach, attain, meet with, find [ confer, compare 1. -and nakṣ-; Latin nac-tussum; Lithuanian ne4szti; Slavonic or Slavonian nesti; Gothic gana7hs; German genug; Anglo-Saxon gena7h; English enough.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naś cl.4 P. () n/aśyati- (rarely te-and cl.1.P. n/aśati-, te-; perfect tense nanāśa-,3. plural neśur-; Aorist anaśat- etc.; aneśat-, n/eśat- [ confer, compare on ]; future naśiṣyati- ; naṅkṣyati-, te-[cond. anaṅkṣyata-] ; naśitā- ; naṃṣṭā- ; naṅgdhā- ; infinitive mood naśitum-, naṃṣum- grammar; ind.p. naśitvā-, naṣṭva-, naṃṣṭvā- ) to be lost, perish, disappear, be gone, run away etc. ; to come to nothing, be frustrated or unsuccessful etc.: Causal nāś/ayati-, Epic also te- (Aorist -anīnaśat-; dative case infinitive mood -nāśayadhyai- ) to cause to be lost or disappear, drive away, expel, remove, destroy, efface etc. ; to lose (also from memory), give up ; to violate, deflower (a girl) ; to extinguish (a fire) ; to disappear (in - nīnaśah-and naśuḥ-) : Desiderative ninaśiṣati- or ninaṅkṣati- (confer, compare ninaṅkṣu-) ; Desiderative of Causal nināśayiṣati-, to wish to destroy : Intensive nānaśyate- or nānaṃṣṭi- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek ; Latin nex,nocere]) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nas cl.1 A1. () n/asate- (Aorist Potential nasīmahi- ;pf nese-; future nasitā- grammar) to approach, resort to, join, copulate (especially as husband and wife) ; to be crooked or fraudulent [ confer, compare Greek (),(),; Gothic ga-nizan,nas-jan; Anglo-Saxon gene0san; HGerm.gine0san,genesen.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nasor nās- f. (the strong stem occurs only in dual number n/āsā- ,the weak stem only in nas/ā-, nas/i-, nas/os-[ confer, compare ] and in compound) the nose [ confer, compare nāsā-, nāsikā-; Latin nas-turciunm,na1res; Lithuanian no4sis; Slavonic or Slavonian nosu7; German Nase; Anglo-Saxon nosu; English nose,nostril=nose-thrill,nose-hole.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāsthe strong stem of 3. n/as- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nasaṃvid na-sukara- etc. See 2. n/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāsikavat(n/ās-) mfn. having a nose, nosed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāstikaetc. See under 2. n/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāth cl.1 A1. () n/āthate- etc. (ti- ; perfect tense nanātha-; Aorist anāthīt-; future nāthiṣyati-,or nāthitā- grammar; infinitive mood nāthitum- ; ind.p. -nāthya- ) to seek aid, approach with prayers or requests (locative case) ; to ask, solicit, beg for (genitive case of thing ; confer, compare ; dative case of thing ;with 2 accusative ) ; to have power, be master : Causal nāthayati-, to cause a person to ask for anything id est to grant a request (accusative) (Bombay edition) [ confer, compare nādh-; Gothic nithan,Old Saxon gina1tha,nASa; HGerm.gena1de,gnade.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nātikalyāṇa li-kovida- etc. See 2. n/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navacchadi(n/a-) mfn. having 9 roofs View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navadaśanor (n/ava-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navagrahamfn. (for 2.See 4. n/ava-) recently caught. kad-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navagvamf(ā-)n. (n/a-) ( gam-) going by 9 consisting of 9, 9-fold View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navajāand (n/ava--) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navakapāla(n/a-) mfn. distributed in 9 dishes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navan plural (Nominal verb accusative r/ava-; instrumental case nav/abhis- ablative dative case bhyas- locative case su-;Class, also navabh/is-, bhy/as-, s/u-; genitive case navān/ām- ) nine [ confer, compare Zend navan; Greek for fr fa Latin,no7vem; Gothic and Old HGerm.niun,OSax. and Anglo-Saxon nigun,NHGerm.neun, English nine.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navanītan. (n/ava--) fresh butter etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navapañcāśapadmfn. (n/a-) (Nominal verb pāt-, padī-, pat-) 9-footed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navaraṅgaSee under 4. n/ava-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navasrakti(n/a-) mfn. "9 cornered", consisting of 9 parts (as a hymn) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navatara(n/ava--) mfn. (Comparative degree) newer, younger, fresher (see n/avīyas-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navavāstva(n/a-) m. "having 9 dwelling-places", Name of a mythology being View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navaviṃśaśatif. (n/a-) 29 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naveda(only ) and n/avedas- mfn. observing, cognizant (with genitive case) (Clearly not from the negat. na-,but see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāvyan. (fr. 1, n/ava-) newness, s, novelty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navyasmfn. equals n/avīyas- (genitive case plural sīnām-for sām-, ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nedind. (fr. n/a-+ id-), not, not indeed (equals naiva- ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nihanP. -hanti- (imperative -jahi- ; parasmE-pada -ghn/a- etc.; 3- sg. A1. -jighnate- ; parasmE-pada jighnamāna- ; perfect tense -jaghāna- etc.;3. plural -jaghnur-, nire- ; future -haniṣyati-, te-, -haṃsyati- ; parasmE-pada -haniṣy/at- ; ind.p. -hatya- [ see a-nihatya-]; infinitive mood -hantave- ; -hantum- ), to strike or fix in, hurl in or upon or against (locative case) etc. ; to make an attempt upon, attack, assail (accusative locative case or genitive case) ; to strike or hew down (also -mow ), kill, overwhelm, destroy etc. etc. (also applied to planets ) ; to hit, touch (literally and figuratively) ; to beat (a drum) ; to punish, visit, afflict ; to attach to (Passive voice -hanyate-,to be fixed upon, with locative case) ; to drop, lower, let sink (hands, wings etc.) ; to speak with the unaccented tone id est with the anudātta- ; (in arithmetic) to multiply commentator or commentary Causal See ni-ghāta-, taya-.
nij cl.2 A1. niṅkte- ; cl.3 P.A1. nenekti-, nenikte- (Intensive ?; confer, compare below) (from the present tense stem only 2 plural imperative ninikta- , parasmE-pada nijān/a- , nije- equals ninije- ; perfect tense nineja-, ninije- grammar; future, nekṣyati-, nektā- ; Aorist anijam-, jan- ; anaikṣīt-, nikṣi- ; ind.p. niktv/ā- ; -nijya- ; dative case infinitive mood -nije-. ), to wash, cleanse, purify ('s self) etc. ; to nourish : Passive voice nijyate-, to be washed etc. : Causal nejayati- ; Aorist anīnijat- grammar : Desiderative ninikṣati- grammar : Intensive n/enekti-, nenikt/e- (confer, compare above; Potential neniyāt- ; nenijīsti-, nenijyate- grammar), to wash (one's self). [ confer, compare Greek for; Anglo-Saxon nicor; German Nix,Nixe.]
nisvaram. Name of agni- (varia lectio ni-svan/a-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nitṛpP. -tṛmpati- (n/a-for n/i-?) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
noind. (fr. 2. n/a-+ u-) and not etc. (in later language also equals na-,"not", for which it is generally used to suit the verse; no ced-See under ced-; no-"or not"). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
not(or nod-) ind. (n/a-+ ut-?) almost, nearly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nṛm. (accusative n/aram- dative case n/are- genitive case ablative n/aras-, locative case n/ari-; dual number n/arā-, n/arau-; plural Nominal verb vocative case n/aras- accusative n/ṝn-[may also stand for other cases;for the final, n-before p- see ] instrumental case n/ṛbhis-,or nṛbh/is-; dative case ablative n/ṛbhya-or nṛbhy/as- locative case n/ṛṣu-or nṛṣ/u-[ ] genitive case nar/ām-. nṛṇām-or nṝṇām-[ ]) a man, hero (used also of gods) , person View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nu or - cl.2.6. P. () nauti-, nuvati-, (present tense also n/avate-, ti- etc.; parasmE-pada P. nuv/at-, n/avat- A1. n/avamāna- ; perfect tense nunāva- ; Aorist /anūnot-, /anūṣi-, ṣata-, anaviṣṭa- ; anauṣit-, anāvit-, anuvīt- grammar; future naviṣyati-, nuv-; navitā-, nuv- ; ind.p. -nutya-, -nāvam- ; infinitive mood lavitum- varia lectio nuv- ), to sound, shout, exult ; praise, commend etc. etc.: Passive voice nūyate- etc.: Causal nāvayati- Aorist anūnavat- grammar : Desiderative nunūṣati- ; Desiderative of Causal nunāvayiṣati- : Intensive n/onavīti-, nonumas- (imperfect tense anonavur- subjunctive n/avīnot-; perfect tense n/onāva-, nonuvur- ; nonūyate-, nonoti- grammar), to sound loudly, roar, thunder View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
oḍikāf. wild rice (see odan/a-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cl.1 P. () p/ibati- (Ved. and Epic also A1. te-; rarely pipati-, te- ) cl.2. pāti-, pāth/as-, pānti- ; parasmE-pada A1. papān/a- , p/ipāna- (perfect tense P. pap/au-,2. sg. papātha- ; papitha- ; papīyāt- ; p. papiv/as- ; A1. pape-, papire- ; p. papān/a- ; Aorist or imperfect tense apāt- [ confer, compare ] ; 3. plural apuḥ-[?] ; -pāsta- ; preceding 3. sg. peyās- ; future pāsyati-, te- etc.; pātā- grammar; ind.p. pītv/ā- etc., tvī- ; -pāya- etc.; -pīya- ; pāyam- ; infinitive mood p/ibadhyai- ; pātum- etc.; p/ātave- ; p/ātava/ī- ), to drink, quaff, suck, sip, swallow (with accusative,rarely genitive case) etc. ; (met.) to imbibe, draw in, appropriate, enjoy, feast upon (with the eyes, ears etc.) etc. ; to drink up, exhaust, absorb ; to drink intoxicating liquors : Passive voice pīy/ate- etc. etc.: Causal pāyayati-, te- (perfect tense pāyayām āsā- ; Aorist apīpyat- ; ind.p. pāyayitvā- ; infinitive mood p/āyayitav/ai- ), to cause to drink, give to drink, water (horses or cattle) etc. etc.: Desiderative pipāsati- ( also pipīṣati-), to wish to drink, thirst : Desiderative of Causal pipāyayiṣati-, to wish or intend to give to drink : Intensive pepīyate- (parasmE-pada yamāna-also with pass meaning) , to drink greedily or repeatedly [ confer, compare Greek; AEolic = ; Latin pa1-tus,po1tum,biboforpi-bo; Slavonic or Slavonian pi-ja,pi-ti] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cl.2 P. () p/āti- (imperative pāh/i-; pr. p. P. p/āt- A1. pān/a- ; perfect tense papau- grammar; Aorist apāsīt- subjunctive pāsati- ; future pāsyati-, pātā- grammar; preceding pāyāt- ; infinitive mood pātum- ), to watch, keep, preserve ; to protect from, defend against (ablative) etc. ; to protect (a country) id est rule, govern ; to observe, notice, attend to, follow : Causal pālayati- See pāl-: Desiderative pīpāsati- grammar : Intensive pāpāyate-, pāpeti-, pāpāti- [ confer, compare Zend pa1,paiti; Greek , , etc.; Latin pa-sco,pa-bulum; Lithuanian pe0-mu4] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pan cl.1 A1. p/anate- (perfect tense -papana-, papn/e- Aorist 3. sg. paniṣṭa-), to be worthy of admiration or to admire (accusative) : Passive voice pany/ate- : Causal pan/ayati-, te-, to regard with surprise or wonder, to admire, praise, acknowledge ; (A1.) to rejoice at, be glad of (genitive case) (see paṇ-; paṇāya-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcan plural (said to be fr.1. pac-,to spread out the hand with its five fingers; Nominal verb accusative p/añca-[ pañc/a-]; instrumental case c/abhis-; dative case ablative c/abhyas-; locative case c/asu-[Class. also, cabhis-, cabhy/as-, cas/u- confer, compare ]; genitive case cān/ām-) five etc. (confer, compare under indriya-, kṛṣṭi-, carṣaṇi-, jana-, bhūta-, mātra-, yajña-, svasṛ-etc.) ; sg. Name of ([ confer, compare Zend pan5can; Greek , AEolic ; Latin quinque; Lithuanian penki4; Gothic fimf; German fünf; Anglo-Saxon fif; English five.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāṇivādam. equals -ghn/a- (also daka- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parasind. (with ablative) beyond, on the other side of (also en/ā par/aḥ-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paridhānan. (and dhān/a-) putting or laying round (esp, wood), wrapping round, putting on, dressing, clothing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariman(only Potential -mamanyāt-; perfect tense -mamn/āthe-; Aorist subjunctive -m/aṃsate-), to overlook, neglect, disregard View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pathinm. (strong stem p/anthan-,older p/anthā-;middle path/i-;weak path-; sg. p/anthās-(Nominal verb vocative case), p/anthānam-[ p/anthām- ]; path/ā-, th/e-, th/as-, th/i-; dual number p/anthānau-, path/ibhyām-, path/os-; plural p/anthānas-[ p/anthās-, thāsas- ; path/ayas- ]; path/as-[ pāth/as- , perhaps genitive case sg.?]; path/ibhis-, bhyas-; path/ām-[ thīn/ām- ]; path/iṣu-; see ) a way, path, road, course (literally and figuratively; panthānaṃ--,with genitive case to cede the way to; pathānena-,"in this way or manner", pathi ni-as-See under ny-as-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
or pi- (connected with pyai-), cl.1 A1. p/ayate- (cl.2 A1. pr.p. p/iyāna- cl.3 P. Impv. pīpihī-; imperfect tense /apīpet-, /apīpayat-; subjunctive pipyatam-, tām-; pīpayat- A1. yanta-, parasmE-pada A1. p/āpyāna-; perfect tense P. pīp/āya-.2. sg. pīpetha-,3. plural pipyur-; parasmE-pada A1. pīpyān/a-), to swell, overflow, be exuberant, abound, increase, grow ; (trans.) to fatten, cause to swell or be exuberant, surfeit View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pinv cl.1 P. () p/invati- (parasmE-pada p/invat- ; pinv/at- ; perfect tense pipinva- ; A1.3. plural pinvir/e-; parasmE-pada pinvān/a- ; Aorist apinvīt- grammar; future pinviṣyati-, vitā- ), to cause to swell, distend ; to cause to overflow or abound ; A1. p/invate-, to swell, be distended, abound, overflow (also A1. P.and in P.for A1.) : Causal pinv/ayati- = P. pinvati- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
piś (piṃś-) cl.6 P. () piṃśati-, Ved. also A1. te- (perfect tense pip/eśa-, pipiś/e- śre- ; Aorist parasmE-pada piśān/a- ; apeśīt- grammar; future peśiṣyati-, peśitā- grammar), to hew out, carve, prepare (especially meat), make ready, adorn (A1. also"one's self") ; to form, fashion, mould : Passive voice piśy/ate- : Causal peśayate- Aorist apīpiśat- grammar : Desiderative pipiśiṣati- or pipeśiṣati- : Intensive See p/epiśat-, śāna-. ([ confer, compare Greek ; Slavonic or Slavonian pisati; Anglo-Saxon fa7h.])
prabhañjP. -bhan/akti-, to break up, crush, destroy, rout, defeat etc. etc.: Passive voice pr. p. -bhajyamāna-, being broken to pieces or broken up View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prācīnātānam. plural () or n. sg. (; varia lectio plural) equals prācīna-tān/a- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praiṇānamfn. equals prīṇān/a- ( prī-), propitiated, gratified View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prajñānaghanam. nothing but knowledge (see under ghan/a-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pramocanan. discharging, emitting, shedding (Cf. unmocana-pramocan/a-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prastubh(only pr. p. A1. -stubhān/a-,with pass. sense) , to urge on with shouts : Causal -stobhayati-, to greet with shouts ; to scoff, deride, insult View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prath cl.1 A1. () pr/athate- (rarely P. ti- exempli gratia, 'for example' imperfect tense 2. dual number /aprathatam- ; imperative prathantu- ; perfect tense paprathatuḥ- ;mostly A1. perfect tense paprath/e-, parasmE-pada paprathān/a- ; Aorist prathiṣṭa-, parasmE-pada prathān/a- ; future prathiṣyate-, prathitā- grammar), to spread, extend (intrans.; P.trans. and intrans.), become larger or wider, increase etc. ; to spread abroad (as a name, rumour etc.), become known or celebrated etc. ; to come to light, appear, arise ; to occur (to the mind) : Causal prath/ayati- (rarely te-; Aorist apaprathat- ; subjunctive papr/athat- ; paprathanta- ; pr/athayi- ), to spread, extend, increase etc. (prathayati-tarām- ; A1.intr. ) ; to spread abroad, proclaim, celebrate ; to unfold, disclose, reveal, show ; to extend over id est shine upon, give light to (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prathimanm. extension, width, greatness etc. (instrumental case prathin/ā- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prātisatvanamind. in the direction of the satvan- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) (-sutvan/am- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pravaṇam. (prob. fr. 1. pra-and suffix vana- see vag-van/a-, sat-van/a-, śuśuk-van/a-;but according to fr. pra-and vana-,"wood";according to others from pru-) or n. (?) the side of a hill, slope, declivity, abyss, depth (in only locative case sg. and once plural;in also ablative sg.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pṛc cl.7 P. () pṛṇ/akti- A1. pṛṅkt/e- (or cl.2. pṛkte- ; cl.1 P. pṛñcati- ; cl.3 P. pipṛgdhi-, pipṛkta- ; perfect tense papṛcuḥ- ; papṛcāsi-, cyāt-, cān/a- ; Aorist p/arcas-[ parasmE-pada pṛcān/a- ; preceding pricīmahi-] ; aprāk- ; apṛkṣi-, kta- ; aparcīt-, ciṣṭa- grammar; future parciṣyati-, te-, parcitā- ; infinitive mood -p/ṛce-, -p/ṛcas- ), to mix, mingle, put together with (instrumental case,rarely locative case; dhanuṣā śaram-,"to fix the arrow upon the bow"), unite, join etc. ; to fill ('s self?) , sate, satiate ; to give lavishly, grant bountifully, bestow anything (accusative or genitive case) richly upon (dative case) ; to increase, augment (Prob. connected with pṝ-,to fill; see also pṛj-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pṛṣṭhan. the upper side, surface, top, height (with div/aḥ-,or n/ākasya-,the surface of the sky, vault of heaven; see ghṛta-p-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cl.9 P. A1. () pun/āti-, punīt/e- (3. plural A1. pun/ate- , punat/e- ;2. sg. imperative P. punīhi- etc., punāh/i- ) ; cl.1. A1. () p/avate- (of P.only imperative -pava- ,and parasmE-pada genitive case plural pavatām- ; parasmE-pada A1. punān/a-below, p/avamāna-See;1. sg. A1. punīṣe- ; perfect tense pupuvuh-. ve- ; apupot- ; Aorist apāviṣuḥ- subjunctive apaviṣṭa- ; future paviṣyati-, pavitā- grammar; ind.p. pūtv/ā- ; pūtv/ī- ; pavitvā- grammar; -p/ūya-and -pāvam- etc.; infinitive mood pavitum- ), to make clean or clear or pure or bright, cleanse, purify, purge, clarify, illustrate, illume (with s/aktum-,"to cleanse from chaff, winnow";with kr/atum-or manīṣ/ām-,"to enlighten the understanding";with hiraṇyam-,"to wash gold") etc. ; (met.) to sift, discriminate, discern ; to think of or out, invent, compose (as a hymn) ; (A1. p/avate-) to purify one's self. be or become clear or bright ; (especially) to flow off clearly (said of the soma-) ; to expiate, atone for ; to pass so as to purify ; to purify in passing or pervading, ventilate etc. (confer, compare pav-): Passive voice pūy/ate-, to be cleaned or washed or purified ; to be freed or delivered from (ablative) etc.: Causal pav/ayati- or pāvayati- (Epic also te-; Aorist apīpavat- grammar; Passive voice pāvyate- ), to cleanse, purify : Desiderative , pupūṣati-, pipaviṣate- grammar : Desiderative of Causal pipāvayiṣati- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek ; Umbr.pir; German Feuer; English fire.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raśanasammita(n/a--) mfn. as long as the rope (on the sacrificial post) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rathagṛtsam. a skilful charioteer, royal coachman (as a particular character) (-kṛtsn/a- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rathasvanam. (n/a-) "having the sound of a chariots (?), having a sounding chariots", a particular personification View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ric cl.7 P. A1. () riṇ/akti-, riṅkte- cl.1 P. () recati- ; cl.4 A1. (confer, compare Passive voice) r/icyate- (Epic also ti-; perfect tense rir/eca-, riric/e- etc. etc.: riricyām-, arirecīt- ; parasmE-pada ririkv/as-, riricān/a- ; Aorist /āraik- ; arikṣi- ; aricat- ; future rektā- grammar, rekṣyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood rektum- grammar), to empty, evacuate, leave, give up, resign ; to release, set free ; to part with id est sell ("for" instrumental case) ; to leave behind, take the place of (accusative), supplant ; to separate or remove from (ablative) : Passive voice ricy/ate- (Aorist areci-), to be emptied etc. etc. ; to be deprived of or freed from (ablative) ; to be destroyed, perish : Causal (or cl.10. ; Aorist arīricat-), to make empty ; to discharge, emit (as breath, with or scilicet mārutam-), ; to abandon, give up : Desiderative ririkṣati-, te- grammar : Intensive rericyate-, rerekti- [ confer, compare Zend ric; Greek , ; Latin linquo,licet; Lithuanian likti; Gothic leihwan; Anglo-Saxon leo4n; English loan,lend; German li7han,leihen.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṛjumf(jv/ī-)n. ( arj- ;probably fr.2. ṛñj-, column 3 ), tending in a straight direction, straight (literally and figuratively; opp. to vṛjin/a-), upright, honest, right, sincere etc. etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rocanāvat(rocan/ā-- n/a--) mfn. shining, bright View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ruc cl.1 A1. () rocate- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also ti-; perfect tense ruroca-, ruruc/e- etc.; subjunctive rurucanta- Potential rurucyās- ; parasmE-pada rurukv/as-, rurucān/a- ; Aorist arucat- ; arociṣṭa- etc.; arukta- ; parasmE-pada rucān/a- ; Aorist Passive voice aroci- ; preceding rucīya- ; rociṣīya- ; ruciṣīya- ; future rocitā- grammar; rociṣyate- ; infinitive mood rocitum- ; ruc/e- ; ind.p. rucitvā-or rocitvā- ), to shine, be bright or radiant or resplendent etc. ; (only in perfect tense P.) to make bright or resplendent ; to be splendid or beautiful or good etc. ; to be agreeable to, please (dative case or genitive case) etc. ; to be pleased with, like (accusative) ; to be desirous of, long for (dative case) : Causal roc/ayati-, te- (Aorist /arūrucat-, cata-; Passive voice rocyate-), to cause to shine ; to enlighten, illuminate, make bright ; to make pleasant or beautiful ; to cause any one (accusative) to long for anything (dative case) ; to find pleasure in, like, approve, deem anything right (accusative or infinitive mood) etc. ; to choose as (double accusative) ; to purpose, intend ; (Passive voice) to be pleasant or agreeable to (dative case) : Desiderative ruruciṣate- or rurociṣate- grammar : Intensive (only p. r/orucāna-) to shine bright [ confer, compare Greek , ;lux,luceo,luna,lumen; Gothic liuhath,lauhmuni; German lioht,lieht,licht; Anglo-Saxon leo4ht; English light.]
rugṇamfn. (sometimes incorrectly written rugn/a-) broken, bent, shattered, injured, checked etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sac (connected with2. sajj-, sañj-, sakh-; confer, compare sap-) cl.1 A1. () s/acate- (in also P. sacati-and s/iṣakti-,2. sg. s/aścasi-,3. plural saścati-,2. 3. plural saścata-,1. sg. A1. saśce-; parasmE-pada s/acamāna-, sacān/a-and s/aścat-or saśc/at-[ quod vide ]; perfect tense Ved. saścima-, saśc/uḥ-; A1. saścir/e- ; secire- ; Aorist 3. plural asakṣata- ; sakṣat-, sakṣata-, sakṣante-, sakṣīm/ahi- ; asaciṣṭa- grammar; future sacitā-, saciṣyate- ; infinitive mood sac/adhyai- ), to be associated or united with, have to do with, be familiar with, associate one's self with (instrumental case) ; be possessed of, enjoy (instrumental case or accusative) ; to take part or participate in, suffer, endure (instrumental case) ; to belong to, be attached or devoted to, serve, follow, seek, pursue, favour, assist (accusative) ; to he connected with (instrumental case) on ; to fall to the lot of (accusative) ; to be together ; (s/iṣakti-), to go after, follow, accompany, adhere or be attached to (accusative) ; to help any one to anything (two dative case) ; to abide in (locative case) ; (3. plural saścati-and saścata-), to follow, obey ; to belong to (accusative) ; to be devoted to or fond of (accusative) [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin sequor; Lithuanian seku4.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sah cl.1 A1. () s/ahate- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also ti-and exceptionally sāhati-,once in sg. sahyāmi-; parasmE-pada s/ahat- s/ahamāna-[ q.v ]; perfect tense sehe-, sasāha-; Vedic or Veda also sasāh/e-and sāsāhat-; sās/ahat-; sāsahīṣṭ/āḥ-,; sāsahy/āma-,; parasmE-pada sehān/a-, sāsahān/a-, sahv/as-and sāhv/as-[ q.v ]; Aorist asākṣi-, sākṣi-, sākṣate- ; sākṣīt- ; sakṣati- ; sakṣat-, s/ākṣāma- ; imperative sakṣi-, kṣva- ; parasmE-pada s/akṣat- ; /asahisṭa- ; preceding sahyās-, sāhy/āma- ; sākṣīya-. ; s/āhiṣīm/ahi- ; future soḍhā- etc.; sahitā- grammar; sakṣyati- , te- ; sākṣye-[?] ; -sahiṣyati-, te- ; Conditional asahisyat- ; infinitive mood s/ahadhyai- ; s/āḍhyai- ; soḍhum-, sahitum- ; ind.p. soḍhvā- ; sādhvā-, sahitvā- grammar; s/ahya- etc.; s/aham- ), to prevail, be victorious ; to overcome, vanquish, conquer, defeat (enemies), gain, win (battles) ; to offer violence to (accusative) ; to master, suppress, restrain etc. ; to be able to or capable of (infinitive mood or locative case) ; to bear up against, resist, withstand etc. ; to bear, put up with, endure, suffer, tolerate (with na-,"to grudge") etc. ; to be lenient towards, have patience with any one (genitive case) ; to spare any one ; to let pass, approve anything ; (with kalam-, kala-kṣepam-etc.) to bide or wait patiently for the right time : Causal or cl.10. sāhayati- (Aorist asīṣahat-), to forbear : Desiderative of Causal sisāhayiṣati- : Desiderative s/īkṣate- (parasmE-pada s/īkṣat-; according to to , also sisahiṣa-), to wish to overcome : Intensive sāsaṣyate-, sāsoḍhi- (see sah/i-) grammar ([ see sahas-and for ; , .])
śakṛtn. (the weak cases are optionally formed fr. a base śak/an- confer, compare ; śakṛt- Nominal verb accusative sg. and in the beginning of a compound; genitive case sg. śakn/as- ; instrumental case śakn/ā- , or śakṛtā- instrumental case plural ś/akabhis- ; accusative plural śakṛtas- ), excrement, ordure, feces, dung (especially cow-dung) [ confer, compare Greek ,,; according to to some, , and Latin cacare.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakthin. (derivation doubtful;the base sakth/an-[fr. which accusative plural sakthāni- ] appears in later language only in the weakest cases exempli gratia, 'for example' sg. instrumental case sakthn/ā- genitive case ablative sakthn/as- locative case sakth/ani-,or sakthn/i- see ;there occurs also Nominal verb accusative dual number sakthy/au-[ ] formed fr. a fem. base sakth/ī-), the thigh, thigh-bone View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śākunam. Name of work by vasanta-rāja- (equals śakun/arṇava- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śam cl.4 P. (), ś/āmyati- (rarely te-,and Epic also śanati-, te-; Vedic or Veda śamyati-, śimyati-,and cl.9. śamnāti-[ ], śamnīṣe-, śamnīthās- imperative śamnīṣva-, śamīṣva-, śamiṣva-, śamīdhvam-; perfect tense śaśāma-, śemuḥ- etc.; śaśam/e- subjunctive śaś/amate- ; parasmE-pada śaśamān/a-[ q.v ]; Aorist /aśamiṣṭhās- ; aśamat- [ confer, compare present tense ]; preceding śamyāt- grammar; future śamiśā-, śamiṣyati- ; ind.p. śamitvā-, śāntvā-, śāmam- ), to toil at, fatigue or exert one's self (especially in performing ritual acts) ; to prepare, arrange ; to become tired, finish, stop, come to an end, rest, be quiet or calm or satisfied or contented etc. ; to cease, be allayed or extinguished etc. ; cl.9. (confer, compare above) to put an end to, hurt, injure, destroy : Passive voice śamyate- (Aorist aśami-) : Causal śam/ayati- (mc. also śāmayati-; Aorist aśīśamat-; Passive voice śāmyate-), to appease, allay, alleviate, pacify, calm, soothe, settle etc. ; to put to an end or to death, kill, slay, destroy, remove, extinguish. sup. press etc. ; to leave off, desist ; to conquer, subdue : Desiderative śiśamiṣati- grammar : Intensive śaṃśamīti- (), śaṃśamyate-, śaṃśanti- (grammar), to be entirely appeased or extinguished (perfect tense śaṃśamāṃ cakruḥ- ) . ([ confer, compare Greek ]) , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanan. (prob. connected with 2. sam-,or 2. sama-) meeting (see a-saman/a-), assembly, concourse, festival View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samānamf(-,or ā-)n. (connected with 1. and 2. sama-;in ablative sg. samān/asmās-for samān/āt-See 1. sama-;for sam-ana-See sam-an-,for sa-māna-See column 3) same, identical uniform, one (equals eka- ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samānabandhu(n/a--) mf(u-)n. having the same relatives View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samānabarhis(n/a--) mfn. having the same sacrificial grass View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samānadhiṣṇya(n/a-.) mfn. having the same dhiṣṇya- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samānajanmanmfn. (n/a--) having the same origin View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samānaloka(n/a-) mfn. gaining the same heaven View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samānanidhana(n/a--) mfn. having the same conclusion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samānapātra(n/a--) mfn. having the same cup View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samānaprabhṛti(n/a--) mfn. beginning equally View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samānasambandhana(n/a--) mf(ā-)n. equally connected View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samānatāf. (n/a--) equality with (genitive case or compound) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samānatasind. (n/a-.) uniformly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samānatra(n/a--) ind. on the same spot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samānavarcasmfn. (n/a--) having equal vigour etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samānayojana(n/a--) mfn. yoked in the same way, equally harnessed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samānayoni(n/a--) mfn. born from the same womb View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃkan(only p. -cakān/a-), to be pleased or satisfied View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃnaś(only in Vedic or Veda infinitive mood saṃn/aśe-), to reach, attain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvidA1. (see ) -vindate- (parasmE-pada -vidān/a- q.v), to find, obtain, acquire ; to meet with (instrumental case), be joined or united to : Passive voice -vidyate-, to be found or obtained, be there, exist : Intensive See -v/evidāna- below. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sanadrayi(san/ad--) mfn. bestowing wealth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sanadvājamfn. (san/ad--) acquiring or bestowing wealth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śapanatara(śapan/a--) mfn. inclined to cursing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saptan sg. and plural (Nominal verb accusative sapt/a-; instrumental case t/abhis-; dative case ablative t/abhyas-; genitive case tān/ām- locative case t/asu-) seven (a favourite number with the Hindus, and regarded as sacred, often used to express an indefinite plurality [in the same manner as "three" , by which it is sometimes multiplied];hence 7 mātṛ-s, 7 streams, 7 oceans, 7 cities[ ] , 7 divisions of the world, 7 ranges of mountains, 7 ṛṣi-s, 7 vipra-s[ ] , 7 āditya-s, 7 dānava-s, 7 horses of the Sun, 7 flames of fire, 7 yoni-s of fire, 7 steps round the fire at marriage, 7 samidh-s, 7 tones, 7 sacrificial rites, 7 maryādā-s, thrice 7 padāni- or mystical steps to heaven[ ], thrice 7 cows etc.) [ confer, compare Zendhapta; Greek ; Latin septem; Lithuanian septyni1; Slavonic or Slavonian sedmi8; Gothic sibun; German sieben; English seven.]
satīka satīn/a-, satīya- See p.1135. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
satīnakaṅkata(n/a--) m. (according to to ) an aquatic snake View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
satīnamanyu(n/a--) mfn. really angry or zealous ("eager to [shed] rain-water") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
satīnasatvan(n/a--) mfn. leading real warriors (applied to indra-) ("a sender of water") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śī cl.2 A1. () ś/ete- (with guṇa- throughout the proper stem : thus, ś/aye-[in also 3. sg. ], ś/eṣe-etc., 3. plural ś/erate-[in also ś/ere-and Class. śayire-]; Potential ś/ayīta- etc.; imperative -śetām-and śayām- ; imperfect tense aśeta- etc., 3. plural aśerata-[in also /aśeran-], parasmE-pada ś/ayāna- etc.;Ved. and Epic also cl.1. ś/ayate-, ti-; imperfect tense /aśayat-and aśāyata- ; perfect tense śiśye-, śiśyire- ; parasmE-pada Ved. śaśayān/a-,Class. śiśyāna-; Aorist aśayiṣṭa- subjunctive ś/eṣan- ; future śayitā- sg. t/āse- ; śayiṣyate-, ti- ; śeṣyate-, ti- ; infinitive mood śay/adhyai- ; śayitum- ; ind.p. śayitvā- etc.; -śayya- ), to lie, lie down, recline, rest, repose etc. ; to remain unused (as soma-) ; to lie down to sleep, fall asleep, sleep etc. ; (with patye-) to lie down to a husband (for sexual intercourse) ; (madanena-śī-= "to be impotent") : Passive voice śayyate- grammar (Aorist aśāyi- , pr.p. once in śīyat-): Causal śāyayati-, te- (Aorist aśīśayat-), to cause to lie down, lay down, put, throw, fix on or in (locative case) etc. ; to cause to lie down, allow to rest or sleep : Desiderative śiśayiṣate-, to wish to rest or sleep : Intensive śāśayyate-, śeśayīti-, śeśeti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek ,"to lie";, "a bed."]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
si (confer, compare 4. -) cl.5.9. P. A1. () sinoti-, sinute-; sin/āti-, sinite- (really occurring only in present tense sin/āti-, imperfect tense asinot-; perfect tense siṣāya- ; Aorist [?] siṣet- ; asaiṣīt-, aseṣṭa- grammar; future setā- ; siṣyati- ; seṣyati-, te- grammar; infinitive mood s/etave- ; setum- grammar), to bind, tie, fetter : Causal sāyayati- (Aorist asīṣayat-) grammar : Desiderative sisīṣati-, te- : Intensive seṣīyate-, seṣayīti-, seṣeti- [ confer, compare Greek ,; Lettish sinu,"to bind"; Anglo-Saxon sa7l; German Seil.]
śiśnadeva(śiśn/a--) m. "having the generative organ for a god", a phallus-worshipper, (or) a tailed or priapic demon (according to to "one who sports with the generative organ"; according to to ,"mfn. unchaste, lustful") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
skambh or skabh- (prob. a mere phonetic variety of stambh- q.v;in native lists written skanbh-) cl.5.9. P. ( ) skabhn/oti-, skabhn/āti- (according to to also cl.1 A1. skambhate-; pr. p. skabhnuv/at- ; skabh/at- ; perfect tense cask/ambha-,2. dual number -skambh/athuḥ- ; parasmE-pada caskabhān/a- ; Aorist askambhīt- grammar; future skambhitā-, skambhiṣyati- ; infinitive mood skambhitum- ; -sk/abhe- ; ind.p. skabhitv/ī- ) to prop, support, make firm, fix, establish : Causal skambhayati- (Aorist acaskambhat-, grammar;See skambhita-) or skabhāy/ati- ( Va1rtt. 1 ;See skabhita-), to prop, support, fix ; to impede, check
skannabhāga(n/a--) mfn. one whose share is lost, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
smaind. and later to"indeed","certainly","verily","surely"(it is often used pleonastically, and in earlier language generally follows a similar particle [ especially ha-, na-],or relative, or preposition or verb, while in later language it frequently follows iti-, na-and n/ā-[ see 1. m/ā-];it is also joined with a present tense tense or present tense participle to give them a past sense[ exempli gratia, 'for example' praviśanti sma-,"they entered"];this use of sma-is also found in the brāhmaṇa-s and is extended to veda-and āha- see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śmaśāf. (prob. connected with aśman-) the elevated ridge or edge of a trench or ditch or channel for water or of a vessel (but in the m. plural śmaś/āḥ-is said to mean those deceased ancestors who consume or eat the oblations [?], and a compound śmaśānn/a-is formed to explain śmaśāna-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
snā (confer, compare snu-) cl.2 P. () sn/āti- cl.4 P. () snāyati- (Epic also A1. snāyate- Potential snāyāt-; Epic also snāyīta-; perfect tense sasnau-,3. plural sasnuḥ- ; future snātā- grammar; snāsyati-, te- etc.; Aorist asnāsīt- grammar; preceding snāyāt-[ confer, compare above] or sneyāt- ; infinitive mood snātum- etc.; ind.p. snātv/ā-, -sn/āya- etc.;Ved. also snātvī- ), to bathe, perform the ceremony of bathing or certain prescribed oblations (especially on returning home from the house of a religious preceptor, or on concluding certain vows etc., also with avabhṛtham-) etc. ; to smear one's self with (instrumental case)