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Grammar Search
"mukhya" has 2 results
mukhya: masculine vocative singular stem: mukhya
mukhya: neuter vocative singular stem: mukhya
Amarakosha Search
5 results
Monier-Williams Search
59 results for mukhya
mukhyamf(ā-)n. being in or coming from or belonging to the mouth or face etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhyamf(ā-)n. being at the head or at the beginning, first, principal, chief, eminent (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = the first or best or chief among, rarely equals mukha-or ādi- q.v) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhyam. a leader, guide View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhyam. Name of a tutelary deity (presiding over one of the 81 or 63 divisions or pada-s of an astrological house) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhyam. plural a class of gods under manu- sāvarṇi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhyan. an essential rite View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhyan. reading or teaching the veda-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhyan. the month reckoned from new moon to new moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhyan. moustache View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhyacandram. or n. (?) the principal lunar month (which ends with the conjunction, as opp. to the gauṇa-c-which ends with the opposition) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhyamantrinm. a prime minister ( mukhyamantritva tri-tva- n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhyamantritvan. mukhyamantrin
mukhyanṛpam. a paramount sovereign, reigning monarch View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhyarāj m. equals -nṛpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhyarājanm. equals -nṛpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhyasadriśamfn. similar to the principal matter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhyaśasind. principally, chiefly, before all, next View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhyaf. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhyatasind. principally, chiefly, particularly, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhyatvan. pre-eminence, superiority, highest rank or position View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ābhimukhyan. (fr. abhi-mukha-), direction towards View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ābhimukhyan. being in front of or face to face, presence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ābhimukhyan. wish or desire directed towards anything View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ābhimukhyan. the state of being about to do anything. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ābhimukhyakaraṇan. addressing a person, on . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ādhomukhyan. going downwards, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aikamukhyan. unanimity, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amukhyamfn. not chief, inferior View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aunmukhyan. (fr. un-mukha-), expectancy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
balamukhyam. the chief of an army View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daṇḍamukhyam. idem or 'm. "leader of a column or army", a captain, general ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvijamukhyam. "first among the twice-born", a Brahman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvijātimukhyam. "first of the twice-born", a Brahman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gaṇamukhyam. equals -puṃgava- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantrimukhyam. equals -pati- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meghaunmukhyan. the looking up eagerly or longing for clouds (said of peacocks) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pārimukhyamf(ā-)n. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. (fr. pari-mukham-) being before the eyes, near, present ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pārimukhyan. nearness, presence vArttika View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pauramukhyam. chief man of the city View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rāṣṭramukhyam. the chief of a kingdom or country View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratnamukhyan. "chief of jewels", a diamond View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ruddhataṭābhimukhyamfn. obstructed (in its motion) towards the shore (said of the sea) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃkhyamukhyam. Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāmmukhyan. the state of being present face to face or in front (khyam ā-dhā- A1.,with genitive case = "to go to") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāmmukhyan. favour, fondness for (opp. to vaimukhya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāmmukhyan. care for, attention to (compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumukhyan. (fr. su-mukha-) cheerfulness, delight in (compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vācakamukhyaName of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaimukhyan. (fr. vi-mukha-) the act of averting the face, avertedness, flight View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaimukhyan. aversion, repugnance to (locative case or compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāramukhyam. (prob.) a singer, dancer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vastramukhyamfn. having clothes as the chief thing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedamukhyam. (see vedha-m-) a sort of insect, the winged bug View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedhamukhyam. Curcuma Zerumbet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedhamukhyakam. Curcuma Zerumbet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yaduvīramukhyam. "leader of the yadu- heroes", Name of kṛṣṇa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāmukhyamind. according to the chief persons, with respect to the chief persons View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yodhamukhyam. a chief warrior, leader View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yūthamukhyam. the chief or captain of a troop View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
8 results
mukhya मुख्य a. [मुखे आदौ भवः यत्] 1 Relating to the mouth or the face; अथ ह य एवायं मुख्यः प्राणः Ch. Up.1.2.7; Ms.5.141. -2 Chief, principal, foremost, first, preeminent, prominent; चन्दनस्य च मुख्यस्य पादपैरुपशोभितम् Mb.12.169.8; द्विजातिमुख्यः, वारमुख्या, योधमुख्याः &c. -3 Foremost, recited first; मुख्येन वा नियम्येत MS.1.5.6 (where explaining मुख्य, शबर writes मुख्यत्वं नाम रथन्तरस्य प्रथमाधीतत्वम्). -ख्यः A leader, guide. -ख्यम् 1 A principal rite or ordinance. -2 Reading or teaching the Vedas. -3 The month reckoned from new moon to new moon. -4 The category called अपूर्व (in पूर्व-मीमांसा); मुख्यभेदे यथाधिकारं भावः स्यात् MS.7.1.1 (where शबर explains मुख्य by अपूर्व). -Comp. -अर्थः the primary or original (as opp. गौण) meaning of a word. -उपायाः the four chief stratagems (साम, दान, भेद and दण्ड). -क्रमः the order of the principal act; मुख्यक्रमेण वाङ्गानां तदर्थत्वात् MS.5.1.14. -चान्द्रः the chief lunar month. -नृपः, नृपतिः a sovereign monarch, paramount sovereign. -मन्त्रिन् m. the prime minister.
mukhya मुख्यता त्वम् Pre-eminence, first rank or position. मुख्यशः mukhyaśḥ मुख्यतः mukhyatḥ मुख्यशः मुख्यतः ind. Chiefly, principally, above all.
ābhimukhyam आभिमुख्यम् [अभिमुखस्य भावः ष्यञ्] 1 Direction towards; ˚ख्यं याति goes to meet or encounter. -2 Being in front of or face to face; नीताभिमुख्यं पुनः Ratn.1.2. -3 Favourableness.
aikamukhyam ऐकमुख्यम् 1 Complete ownership (Gīrvāṇa.). -2 Subordination; नीतं चास्मान्प्रति शिथिलतामैकमुख्यं सुराणाम् Mv.2.4.
pārimukhyam पारिमुख्यम् Presence; P.IV.3.58; Vārt.1.
vaimukhyam वैमुख्यम् 1 Turning away the face, flight, retreat; वैमुख्यं चकृमेत्युच्चैरूचुर्दशमुखान्तिके Bk.9.15. -2 Aversion, disgust.
sāṃmukhyam सांमुख्यम् 1 Presence. -2 Favour, countenance, propitiousness. -3 The state of being in front; न सांमुख्ये गुरोः स्थेयम् Śukra.3.142.
saumukhyam सौमुख्यम् Gentle appearance; cheerfulness; सौमुख्य- तस्तु श्रियमस्य केचिद् वैपुल्यमाशंसिपुरायुषश्च Bu. Ch.3.11; सौमुख्यमुख्यभवनं सौहार्दैकवितर्दिका Viś. Guṇa.55.
Macdonell Search
6 results
mukhya a. being in or on the mouth or face, coming from the mouth; being at the head, chief, principal, foremost, first, best (of, --°ree;), pre-eminent; m. leader: -tas, ad. chiefly; -tâ, f. pre-eminence, among (g. or --°ree;); -tva, n. id.; -mantr-in, m. prime minister: (-i)-tva, n. premiership; -sas, ad. first of all; -½artha, m. principal or original meaning (of a word); a. having or employed in the original meaning.
ādhomukhya n. going down wards.
pauramukhya m. chief man of the city; -rukideva, m. N.; -loka, m. sg. & pl. townsmen, citizens.
yodhamukhya m. commander-in-chief; -½agâra, m. soldiers' dwelling, barrack.
vaimukhya n. [vimukha] aversion, repugnance, to (lc., --°ree;).
sāṃmukhya n. [sammukha] state or act of confronting (--°ree;); fondness for any one; care for (--°ree;).
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"mukhya" has 3 results
mukhyamain, , principal, primary substantive as contrasted with a gualifying substantive;confer, compareगौणमुख्ययोमुख्ये कार्यसंप्रत्यय: Par. Sek. Pari. 15.
gauṇamukhyanyāyathe maxim that the primary sense occurs to the mind earlier than the secondary sense, and hence words used in the primary sense should be always taken for grammatical operations in preference to words in a secondary sense. See the word गेोण.
mukhyaviśeṣyathe principal word in a sentence which comes last in the technical expression of the import or शाब्दबोध. It is described as primary and not subordinated to any other thing ( अन्याविशेषणीभूत). This मुख्यविशेष्य is, in a way,the crucial point in the various theories of import; exempli gratia, for example according to the grammarians the verbal activity is the principal word while,according to the Mimaamsakas the bhaavanaa is the principal word.and according to the Naiyayikas it is the subject that is the principal word.
Vedabase Search
162 results
mukhya chiefCC Adi 10.24
CC Adi 10.3
CC Adi 11.18
CC Adi 15.3
CC Madhya 1.10
CC Madhya 14.92
CC Madhya 15.112
CC Madhya 2.79
CC Madhya 20.142
CC Madhya 20.144
CC Madhya 20.146
CC Madhya 24.27
CC Madhya 24.64
CC Madhya 24.66
CC Madhya 24.68
CC Madhya 6.133
mukhya chieflyCC Madhya 2.78
mukhya chieflyCC Madhya 2.78
mukhya directCC Adi 7.110
CC Adi 7.111
CC Madhya 6.132
CC Madhya 6.133
mukhya direct meaningCC Madhya 6.151
mukhya primaryCC Adi 6.37
CC Madhya 20.368
mukhya principalCC Adi 1.69-70
CC Adi 2.103
CC Adi 2.64
CC Adi 3.110
CC Adi 4.53
CC Madhya 13.32
mukhya principleSB 3.10.19
mukhya the chiefCC Madhya 2.95
SB 3.1.23
mukhya the most importantSB 1.14.37
SB 11.11.43-45
mukhya the principalCC Antya 20.57
mukhya ańga the chief principleCC Madhya 22.83
mukhya ańga the chief principleCC Madhya 22.83
mukhya ańga the primary partCC Adi 6.22
mukhya ańga the primary partCC Adi 6.22
mukhya bhakta-gaṇa chief devoteesCC Madhya 16.58
mukhya bhakta-gaṇa chief devoteesCC Madhya 16.58
mukhya bhakta-gaṇa chief devoteesCC Madhya 16.58
mukhya cāri-jana the four chief expansionsCC Madhya 20.186
mukhya cāri-jana the four chief expansionsCC Madhya 20.186
mukhya cāri-jana the four chief expansionsCC Madhya 20.186
mukhya kāraṇa the original causeCC Adi 6.20
mukhya kāraṇa the original causeCC Adi 6.20
mukhya mukhya chief and importantCC Madhya 14.66
mukhya mukhya chief and importantCC Madhya 14.66
mukhya mukhya only the chiefCC Adi 11.7
mukhya mukhya only the chiefCC Adi 11.7
mukhya mukhya the chiefCC Madhya 1.90
mukhya mukhya the chiefCC Madhya 1.90
mukhya mukhya the foremost of them allCC Adi 9.20
mukhya mukhya the foremost of them allCC Adi 9.20
mukhya mukhya the principalCC Madhya 14.132
mukhya mukhya the principalCC Madhya 14.132
mukhya mukhya jana who are counted as the chiefCC Madhya 20.367
mukhya mukhya jana who are counted as the chiefCC Madhya 20.367
mukhya mukhya jana who are counted as the chiefCC Madhya 20.367
mukhya-artha chief meaningCC Madhya 6.135
mukhya-artha chief meaningCC Madhya 6.135
mukhya-artha direct meaningCC Adi 7.137
mukhya-artha direct meaningCC Adi 7.137
CC Madhya 6.134
mukhya-artha direct meaningCC Madhya 6.134
mukhya-artha the direct meaningCC Madhya 25.26
mukhya-artha the direct meaningCC Madhya 25.26
mukhya-artha the original meaningCC Madhya 25.25
mukhya-artha the original meaningCC Madhya 25.25
mukhya-artha-vivaraṇa description of the direct meaningCC Madhya 25.89
mukhya-artha-vivaraṇa description of the direct meaningCC Madhya 25.89
mukhya-artha-vivaraṇa description of the direct meaningCC Madhya 25.89
mukhya-arthe direct meaningCC Adi 7.137
mukhya-arthe direct meaningCC Adi 7.137
mukhya-āveśa-avatāra primary directly empowered incarnationsCC Madhya 20.370
mukhya-āveśa-avatāra primary directly empowered incarnationsCC Madhya 20.370
mukhya-āveśa-avatāra primary directly empowered incarnationsCC Madhya 20.370
mukhya-bhakta chief devoteesCC Madhya 18.53
mukhya-bhakta chief devoteesCC Madhya 18.53
mukhya-bhakta the chief devoteesCC Madhya 14.68
mukhya-bhakta the chief devoteesCC Madhya 14.68
mukhya-bīja principal seedCC Adi 4.103
mukhya-bīja principal seedCC Adi 4.103
mukhya-dhāma principal placeCC Adi 13.37
mukhya-dhāma principal placeCC Adi 13.37
mukhya-mukhya most importantCC Adi 13.46
mukhya-mukhya most importantCC Adi 13.46
mukhya-mukhya kahiluń I have repeated only the principal onesCC Antya 20.141
mukhya-mukhya kahiluń I have repeated only the principal onesCC Antya 20.141
mukhya-mukhya kahiluń I have repeated only the principal onesCC Antya 20.141
mukhya-mukhya-līlāra of the chief pastimes of Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 20.140
mukhya-mukhya-līlāra of the chief pastimes of Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 20.140
mukhya-mukhya-līlāra of the chief pastimes of Lord Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 20.140
mukhya-phala chief resultCC Antya 9.137
mukhya-phala chief resultCC Antya 9.137
mukhya-śākhā chief branchCC Adi 11.16
mukhya-śākhā chief branchCC Adi 11.16
mukhya-tama chiefCC Madhya 24.59
mukhya-tama chiefCC Madhya 24.59
mukhya-tamāya the first incarnation to appearSB 5.18.25
mukhya-tamāya the first incarnation to appearSB 5.18.25
mukhya-tattvam the principle element, air, which is the vital force within the material bodySB 12.11.14-15
mukhya-tattvam the principle element, air, which is the vital force within the material bodySB 12.11.14-15
mukhya-vṛtti direct interpretationCC Adi 7.131
mukhya-vṛtti direct interpretationCC Adi 7.131
mukhya-vṛttye by direct understandingCC Adi 7.108
mukhya-vṛttye by direct understandingCC Adi 7.108
mukhya chiefSB 7.2.45
mukhya facesSB 3.15.20
mukhya principalSB 10.63.49
mukhya prominentSB 3.4.28
mukhya the chiefSB 11.23.1
SB 3.6.30
SB 4.29.80
SB 6.17.6
mukhya the supremeSB 8.24.28
mukhya their facesSB 10.39.17-18
mukhya whose facesSB 10.33.7
mukhyaiḥ headed bySB 8.7.12
mukhyaiḥ with all the chiefs of the various planetary systemsSB 8.23.20-21
mukhyam the chiefBG 10.24
mukhyam their chief, the vital airSB 10.58.2
mukhyam unto the chiefSB 3.4.24
mukhyasya first classSB 10.64.16
mukhyasya of the chief citizenSB 12.2.18
mukhyasya of the living forceSB 9.20.3
mukhya being most importantSB 11.14.1
mukhyataḥ primarilyNBS 38
mukhyatām immovable lifeSB 4.22.33
mukhyayoḥ of the chiefSB 4.12.28
ābhimukhyam the inclinationMM 28-29
aśru-pūrṇa-mukhya and the other gopīs, their faces full of tearsSB 10.7.25
khara-triśira-dūṣaṇa-mukhya-bandhūn many friends, headed by Khara, Triśira and DūṣaṇaSB 9.10.9
bhāgavata-mukhyasya of the topmost of all devoteesSB 10.10.24
bhakta-mukhya the chief devoteesCC Madhya 19.191
sahasrajit-śatajit-bhānu-mukhya headed by Sahasrajit, Śatajit and BhānuSB 11.30.17
khara-triśira-dūṣaṇa-mukhya-bandhūn many friends, headed by Khara, Triśira and DūṣaṇaSB 9.10.9
gaṇa-mukhyatām the platform of being one of the chief associatesSB 6.18.18
gandharva-mukhyau the two chiefs of the GandharvasSB 8.11.41
khara-triśira-dūṣaṇa-mukhya-bandhūn many friends, headed by Khara, Triśira and DūṣaṇaSB 9.10.9
sva-mukhya by their own chiefsSB 4.18.26
khara-triśira-dūṣaṇa-mukhya-bandhūn many friends, headed by Khara, Triśira and DūṣaṇaSB 9.10.9
bhakta-mukhya the chief devoteesCC Madhya 19.191
pāramahaṃsya-mukhya the chief of all transcendentalistsSB 3.8.8
aśru-pūrṇa-mukhya and the other gopīs, their faces full of tearsSB 10.7.25
sahasrajit-śatajit-bhānu-mukhya headed by Sahasrajit, Śatajit and BhānuSB 11.30.17
yodha-mukhyaiḥ chiefs among the warriorsBG 11.26-27
sadasya-mukhyaiḥ by the members of the sacrificeSB 4.2.19
bhāgavata-mukhyasya of the topmost of all devoteesSB 10.10.24
gaṇa-mukhyatām the platform of being one of the chief associatesSB 6.18.18
gandharva-mukhyau the two chiefs of the GandharvasSB 8.11.41
pāramahaṃsya-mukhya the chief of all transcendentalistsSB 3.8.8
aśru-pūrṇa-mukhya and the other gopīs, their faces full of tearsSB 10.7.25
sadasya-mukhyaiḥ by the members of the sacrificeSB 4.2.19
sahasrajit-śatajit-bhānu-mukhya headed by Sahasrajit, Śatajit and BhānuSB 11.30.17
sahasrajit-śatajit-bhānu-mukhya headed by Sahasrajit, Śatajit and BhānuSB 11.30.17
sva-mukhya by their own chiefsSB 4.18.26
khara-triśira-dūṣaṇa-mukhya-bandhūn many friends, headed by Khara, Triśira and DūṣaṇaSB 9.10.9
yodha-mukhyaiḥ chiefs among the warriorsBG 11.26-27
21 results
mukhya noun (masculine) a class of gods under Manu Sāvarṇi (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a leader (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
guide (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a tutelary deity (presiding over one of the 81 or 63 divisions or Padas of an astrological house) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 29710/72933
mukhya adjective being at the head or at the beginning (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
being in or coming from or belonging to the mouth or face (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
chief (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
eminent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
first (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
principal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 705/72933
mukhyaka adjective (ifc.) mukha, etc.
Frequency rank 29711/72933
mukhyatama adjective first very important
Frequency rank 18326/72933
mukhyatas indeclinable chiefly (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
particularly (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
principally (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 29712/72933
mukhyaśas indeclinable before all (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
chiefiy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
next (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
principally (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 29713/72933
amukhya adjective inferior (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not chief (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 44631/72933
ābhimukhya noun (neuter) being in front of or face to face (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
direction towards (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
presence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the state of being about to do anything (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
wish or desire directed towards anything (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 23377/72933
aunmukhya noun (neuter) expectancy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 27314/72933
dvijamukhya noun (masculine) a Brāhman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14962/72933
pramukhya adjective
Frequency rank 37341/72933
balamukhya noun (masculine) the chief of an army (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 37583/72933
yathāmukhya adjective according to importance
Frequency rank 29787/72933
yathāmukhyam indeclinable according to the chief persons (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
with respect to the chief persons (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 29788/72933
ratnamukhya noun (neuter) a diamond (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Frequency rank 63347/72933
rathimukhya noun (masculine) name of a son of Bhajamāna
Frequency rank 63376/72933
vedhamukhya noun (masculine) Curcuma Zerumbet (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 30353/72933
vedhamukhyaka noun (masculine) Curcuma Zerumbet (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 66610/72933
vaimukhya noun (neuter) aversion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
avertedness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
flight (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
repugnance to (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the act of averting the face (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 66718/72933
saṃmukhyas verb (class 2 parasmaipada) to be opposite to ...
Frequency rank 70037/72933
saumukhya noun (neuter) a kind of bell capital cheerfulness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
delight in (comp.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 25939/72933
Wordnet Search
"mukhya" has 21 results.


hīram, hīrakaḥ, dṛḍhāṅgam, lohajit, sūcīmukham, ratnamukhyam, avikam, varārakam, aśiram, kuliśam, bhiduram, paviḥ, abhedyam, dṛḍham, bhārgavakam, śatakoṭiḥ, ṣaṭkoṇam, bahudhāram   

atikaṭhoraḥ prabhāśīlaḥ mahārhaḥ ratnaviśeṣaḥ- asya guṇāḥ sārakatva-śītatva-kaṣāyatvādayaḥ।

hīraiḥ yuktānām alaṅkārāṇāṃ mūlyam adhikam asti।


gauṇatā, apradhānatā, amukhyatā, aprādhānyam   

apradhānasya avasthā bhāvo vā।

mugalaśāsanakāle samāje nārīṇām gauṇatā āsīt। /bhoḥ gauṇatā asti asya kriyāpadasya mukhyakriyāpadasya apekṣayā।


gauṇa, apradhāna, amukhya   

yaḥ pramukhaḥ nāsti।

gauṇasya asya viṣayasya carcā āvaśyakī nāsti।


mukhya, pradhāna, variṣṭha, śreṣṭha   

kasyāpi kṣetrasya pramukhaḥ।

saḥ asya maṇḍalasya pradhānaḥ kāryakartā asti।


uttama, utkṛṣṭa, śreṣṭha, pradhāna, pramukha, praveka, mukhya, varyaḥ, vareṇya, pravarha, anavarārdhya, parārdhya, agra, pragrabara, prāgrā, agrā, agrīya, agriya, anuttama   

atyantam śreyān।

rāmacaritamānasa iti gosvāmī tulasīdāsasya ekā uttamā kṛtiḥ।


netṛtvam, nāyakatvam, mukhyatā, mukhyatvam, adhiṣṭhātṛtvam, pramukhatā   

netuḥ kāryam।

bhāratīyasainikaiḥ kuśalasenāpateḥ netṛtve śatravaḥ parāstāḥ।


suvarṇam, svarṇam, kanakam, hiraṇyam, hema, hāṭakam, kāñcanam, tapanīyam, śātakumbham, gāṅgeyam, bharmam, karvaram, cāmīkaram, jātarūpam, mahārajatam, rukmam, kārtasvaram, jāmbunadam, aṣṭāpadam, śātakaumbham, karcuram, rugmam, bhadram, bhūri, piñjaram, draviṇam, gairikam, cāmpeyam, bharuḥ, candraḥ, kaladhautam, abhrakam, agnibījam, lohavaram, uddhasārukam, sparśamaṇiprabhavam, mukhyadhātu, ujjvalam, kalyāṇam, manoharam, agnivīryam, agni, bhāskaram, piñajānam, apiñjaram, tejaḥ, dīptam, agnibham, dīptakam, maṅgalyam, saumañjakam, bhṛṅgāram, jāmbavam, āgneyam, niṣkam, agniśikham   

dhātuviśeṣaḥ-pītavarṇīyaḥ dhātuḥ yaḥ alaṅkāranirmāṇe upayujyate।

suvarṇasya mūlyaṃ vardhitam।


aikamatyam, ekacittam, ekavākyatā, ekāyanībhāva, aikamukhya   

sā sthitiḥ yatra upasthitāḥ sambaddhāḥ vā janāḥ ekaṃ eva matam anumanyante।

rāmāya ekamatyena asya saṃsthāyāḥ sacivaṃ nirvācitam।


viśeṣataḥ, viśiṣṭataḥ, mukhyataḥ   


viśeṣataḥ eṣaḥ upahāraḥ bhavatāṃ kṛte asti।


mārgadarśakaḥ, pathadarśakaḥ, upadeśakaḥ, nirdeśakaḥ, nāyakaḥ, pragrahaḥ, mārgopadik, nirdeṣṭā, adhvadarśī, saṃcārayitā, nirṇetā, dhūrṣad, uddeśakaḥ, padavāyaḥ, ādeśakaḥ, prajñātā, mukhyaḥ, vicārakaḥ, vināyakaḥ, vinetā, voḍhā   

yaḥ mārgaṃ darśayati।

vayam ekaṃ kuśalaṃ mārgadarśakam anusarantaḥ agre agacchāma।


mahānideśakaḥ, pradhānanideśakaḥ, mukhyanideśakaḥ   

pradhānaḥ nideśakaḥ।

kasyāpi saṃsthāyāḥ mahānideśakasya pade niyuktiḥ iti sammānaḥ asti।


pradhānamadhyasthaḥ, mukhyapramāṇapuruṣaḥ, śreṣṭhī   

stheyagaṇeṣu pradhānaḥ puruṣaḥ।

stheyagaṇaiḥ saṃvādaṃ kṛtvā pradhānamadhyasthaḥ svanirṇayam aśrāvayat।


pradhānanyāyādhīśaḥ, mukhyanyāyādhīśaḥ   

maṇḍalādeḥ nyāyālayeṣu pradhānaḥ nirṇāyakaḥ।

uccatamasya nyāyālayasya pañcatriṃśattamaḥ mukhyanyāyādhīśaḥ rameśacandra lāhotī sādagī mahodayaḥ।


mukhya, pradhāna, pramukha, mūla   

yaḥ atīvāvaśyakaḥ।

asmākaṃ śarīrasya pañca mukhyāni tattvāni santi।


mukhya, pramukha, pradhāna, prakṛṣṭa   

yaḥ sarvādhikaṃ mahatvapūrṇam asti।

mukhyāḥ taraṅgāḥ gauṇebhyaḥ taraṅgebhyaḥ vegavantaḥ santi।



kasyāpi prāntasya rājyasya saḥ mantrī yaḥ mantriṣu pradhānaḥ vartate।

adya pradhānamantrī vividhān viṣayān adhikṛtya sarvaprāntānāṃ mukhyamantribhiḥ saha vicāravimarśaṃ kṛtavān।


mukhya, pradhāna   

yasya vākyasya saṃracanā paripūrṇā vartate yatra ca ekaḥ kartā ekā ca kriyā vartate eva।

miśravākye ekaṃ mukhyaṃ vākyam asti।



mukhyamantriṇaḥ anupasthitau yaḥ tasya kāryaṃ sañcālayati।

suśila-kumāra-modīmahodayaḥ bihārarājyasya upamukhyamantrī bhaviṣyati।



kasyāpi saṃsthāyāḥ sarvoccaḥ adhikārī yaḥ saṃsthāyāḥ kāryāṇāṃ nirīkṣaṇaṃ karoti teṣāṃ prati uttaradāyī ca asti।

mama mitraṃ bṛhatyām udyogasaṃsthāyāṃ mukhya-kāryakārī-adhikārī asti।


ādhāraphalakam, mukhyaphalakam   

saṅgaṇakasya ekaḥ mahatvapūrṇaḥ bhāgaḥ।

asmākaṃ saṅgaṇakasya ādhāraphalakam aduṣyat।



kasyāpi mahatvapūrṇaḥ tathā ca mukhyaḥ pakṣaḥ yasmin gatimānatā vartate।

adhunā bahavaḥ janāḥ samājasya mukhyadhārāyāḥ dūrībhūtāḥ।

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