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Grammar Search
"mukham" has 3 results
mukham: neuter nominative singular stem: mukha
mukham: masculine accusative singular stem: mukha
mukham: neuter accusative singular stem: mukha
Amarakosha Search
Monier-Williams Search
45 results for mukham
mukhamadhumfn. honey-mouthed, sweet-lipped View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhamādhuryan. a particular disease of the phlegm, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhamaṇḍalan. "face-orb", the face, countenance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhamaṇḍana m. Clerodendrum Phlomoides View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhamaṇḍanakam. Clerodendrum Phlomoides View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhamaṇḍīf. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhamaṇḍikā( ) f. a particular disease or the deity presiding over it View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhamaṇḍinikā() f. a particular disease or the deity presiding over it View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhamārjanan. washing or cleansing the mouth (after meals etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhamārutam. "mouth wind", breath View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhamātramf(ī-)n. reaching to the mouth commentator or commentary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhamātreind. as high as the mouth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhamodam. Hyperanthera Morings View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhampacam. a beggar View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mukhamudrāf. distortion of the face or (more prob.) silence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhimukhamind. towards (often used in a hostile manner ), in the direction of, in front or presence of, near to (accusative genitive case;or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āmukhamind. to the face. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antarmukhamind. inwardly, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apamukhamind. except the face, etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aparāṅmukhamind. unreservedly, freely, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avimukhamind. without averting the face, straightforward (varia lectio abhi-- m-), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daivajñamukhamaṇḍanan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
diṅmukhamaṇḍalan. plural the countries all around View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durjanamukhamahācapeṭikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
itomukhamind. hitherwards, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhvamukhamardanan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nepathyābhimukhamind. towards the tiring-room View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parāṅmukhamind. parāṅmukha
parimukhamind. round or about the face, round, about (any person, etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāṣaṇḍamukhamardanan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāṅmukhamind. eastwards View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratimukhamind. pratimukha
sammukhamind. towards, near to (atmanaḥ-,"one's self") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvadiṅmukhamind. towards all regions View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatrusammukhamind. facing the enemies, in front of the enemies, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
strīmukhamadhun. drinking or desiring the nectar of a women's mouth, Mimusops Elengi (according to to some also "the aśoka-") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
strīmukhamadhudohadam. drinking or desiring the nectar of a women's mouth, Mimusops Elengi (according to to some also "the aśoka-") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
strīmukhamadhudohalam. drinking or desiring the nectar of a women's mouth, Mimusops Elengi (according to to some also "the aśoka-") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svadiṅmukhamind. towards (its) own place or quarter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svatantramukhamardanan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upamukhamind. on the mouth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
valīmukhamukham. plural Name of a people, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhamukhamaṇḍanan. Name of work on enigmas (by the Buddhist dharmadāsa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvatomukhamind. (am-) in every direction View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāmukhamind. from face to furrows View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
5 results
mukham मुखम् [खन् अच् डित् धातोः पूर्वं मुट् च cf. Uṇ.5.2] 1 The mouth (fig. also); प्रजासृजा यतः खातं तस्मादाहुर्मुखं बुधाः; ब्राह्मणो$स्य मुखमासीत् Ṛv.1.9.12; सभ्रूभङ्गं मुखमिव Me.24; त्वं मम मुखं भव V.1 'be my mouth or spokesman'. -2 The face, countenance; परिवृत्तार्धमुखी मयाद्य दृष्टा V.1.17; नियमक्षाममुखी धृतैकवेणिः Ś.7.21; so चन्द्रमुखी, मुखचन्द्रः &c; ओष्ठौ च दन्तमूलानि दन्ता जिह्वा च तालु च । गलो गलादि सकलं सप्ताङ्गं मुखमुच्यते ॥ -3 The snout or muzzle (of any animal). -4 The front, van, forepart; head, top; (लोचने) हरति मे हरिवाहनदिङ्मुखम् V.3.6. -5 The tip, point, barb (of an arrow), head; पुरारि- मप्राप्तमुखः शिलीमुखः Ku.5.54; R.3.57. -6 The edge or sharp point (of any instrument). -7 A teat, nipple; मध्ये यथा श्याममुखस्य तस्य मृणालसूत्रान्तरमप्य- लभ्यम् Ku.1.4; R.3.8. -8 The beak or bill of a bird. -9 A direction, quarter; as in अन्तर्मुख. -1 Opening, entrance, mouth; नीवाराः शुकगर्भकोटरमुखभ्रष्टास्तरूणामधः Ś.1.14; नदीमुखेनेव समुद्रमाविशत् R.3.28; Ku.1.8. -11 An entrance to a house, a door, passage. -12 Beginning, commencement; सखीजनोद्वीक्षणकौमुदीमुखम् R.3.1; दिनमुखानि रविर्हिमनिग्रहैर्विमलयन् मलयं नगमत्यजत् 9.25;5.76; Ghaṭ.2. -13 Introduction. -14 The chief, the principal or prominent (at the end of comp. in this sense); बन्धोन्मुक्त्यै खलु मखमुखान् कुर्वते कर्मपाशान् Bv.4.21; so इन्द्रमुखा देवाः &c. -15 The surface or upper side. -16 A means. -17 A source, cause, occasion. -18 Utterance; as in मुखसुख; speaking, speech, tongue; आत्मनो मुखदोषेण बध्यन्ते शुकसारिकाः Pt.4.44. -19 The Vedas, scripture. -2 (In Rhet.) The original cause or source of the action in a drama. -21 The first term in a progression (in alg.). -22 The side opposite to the base of a figure (in geom.). -Comp. -अग्निः 1 a forest conflagration. -2 a sort of goblin with a face of fire. -3 the consecrated or sacrificial fire. -4 fire put into the mouth of a corpse at the time of lighting the funeral pile. -5 a Brāhmaṇa. -अनिलः, -उच्छ्वासः breath. -अस्त्रः a crab. -आकारः look, mien, appearance. -आक्षेपः 1 an invective. -2 the act of throwing up soil with the ploughshare. -आसवः nectar of the lips. -आस्रवः, -स्रावः spittle, saliva. -आस्वादः kissing the mouth; Y. -इन्दुः a moon-like face, i. e. a round lovely face. -उच्छ्वासः breath. -उल्का a forest-conflagration. -कमलम् a lotuslike face. -खुरः a tooth. -गन्धकः an onion. -गोपनम् concealment of the face; अवधीरितमुखमण्डलमुखगोपनं किमिति Udb. -ग्रहणम् kissing the mouth. -घण्टा f. hurraying of women in festivities. -चन्द्रः a moon-like face. -चपल a. talkative, garrulous. -चपेटिका a slap on the face. -चालिः an introductory dance; -चीरिः f. the tongue. -चूर्णम् scented powder to smear the face with; छविकरं मुखचूर्णमृतुश्रियः R.9.45. -जः 1 a Brāhmaṇa. -2 a tooth. -जाहम् the root of the mouth. -दूषणः an onion. -दूषिका an eruption disfiguring the face. -दोषः fault of the tongue; आत्मनो मुखदोषेण बध्यन्ते शुकसारिकाः Pt.4.44. -निरीक्षकः a lazy fellow, an idler. -निवासिनी an epithet of Sarasvatī. -पटः a veil; कुर्वन् कामं क्षणमुखपट- प्रीतिमैरावतस्य Me.64. -पाकः inflammation of the mouth; द्राक्षाविपाकसमये मुखपाको भवति काकानाम् Udb. -पिण्डः a mouthful of food; cf. को न याति वशं लोके मुखपिण्डेन पूरितः Bh.2.118. -पुष्पकम् a kind of ornament. -पूरणम् 1 filling the mouth. -2 a mouthful of water, a mouthful in general. -प्रसादः a pleased countenance, graciousness of aspect. -प्रसाधनम् dacorating the face. -प्रियः an orange. (-यम्) cloves. -प्रेक्ष a. observing or watching the face. -फुल्लकम् a kind of ornament. -बन्धः a preface, an introduction. -बन्धनम् 1 a preface. -2 a lid, cover. -भगा (a woman) who suffers her mouth to be used as a vulva. -भङ्गः 1 a blow on the face. -2 wry face, grimace. -भूषणम् a preparation of betel; see ताम्बूल. -भेदः 1 distortion of the face. -2 gaping. -मण़्डनकः a kind of tree (तिलक). -मण्डलम् the (round) face. -मधु a. honey-mouthed, sweet-lipped. -माधुर्यम् a particular disease of the phlegm. -मारुतः breath. -मार्जनम् washing the face. -मुद्रा silence; यापदृष्टिरपि या मुखमुद्रा N.5.12. -मोदः Hyperanthera Moringa (Mar. शेवगा). -यन्त्रणम् the bit of a bridle. -रज्जुः f. the bridle of a horse. -रसः speech, talk; मधुरमुखरसामृतकलया चान्तस्तापमनघार्हसि क्षमयितुम् Bhag.6.9.41. -रागः the colour or complexion of the face; ददृशुर्विस्मितास्तस्य मुखरागं समं जनाः R.12.8;17.31; तव खलु मुखरागो यत्र भेदं प्रयातः Śi.11.31. -रेखा feature, mien, air. -रोगः a disease of the mouth or face. -लाङ्गलः a hog. -लेपः 1 anointing the face or upper side (of a drum); मृदङ्गो मुखलेपेन करोति मुखरध्वनिम् Bh. 2.118. -2 a disease of the phlegmatic humour. -वल्लभः the pomegranate tree. -वस्त्रिका a piece of fine cloth (net) held before the face (Mar. बुरखा). -वाद्यम् 1 an instrument of music sounded with the mouth, any wind-instrument. -2 a sound made with the mouth; (Mar. बोंब). -वासः, -वासनम् a perfume used to scent breath. -विलुण्ठिका a she-goat. -विषमः one of the ways of embezzlement namely misrepresentation of the source of income; Kau. A.2.8. -विष्ठा a species of cockroach. -वैरस्यम् bad taste in the mouth. -व्यादानम् gaping, yawning. -शफ a. abusive, foul-mouthed, scurrilous. -शाला entrance-hall, vestibule. -शुद्धिः f. washing or purifying the mouth. -शृङ्गः a rhinoceros. -शेषः an epithet of Rāhu. -शोधन a. 1 cleansing the mouth. -2 pungent, sharp. (-नः) the sharp flavour, pungency. (-नम्) 1 cleansing the mouth. -2 cinnamon. -शोधिन् m. the citron tree. -शोषः dryness of the mouth. -श्रीः f. 'beauty of countenance', a lovely face. -संदंशः forceps. -संधिः m. A kind of fugue; S. D. 6th Parichcheda. -संभवः a Brāhmaṇa. -सुखम् facility of pronunciation, phonetic ease. -सुरम् the nectar of the lips (अधरामृत). -स्रावः saliva. -हासः cheerfulness or liveliness of countenance; सकमलमुखहासं वीक्षितः पद्मिनीभिः Śi.11.47.
āmukham आमुखम् 1 Commencement. -2 (In dramas) A prologue, prelude (प्रस्तावना); (every Sanskrit play is introduced by आमुख. It is thus defined in S. D. नटी विदू- षको वा$पि पारिपार्श्वक एव वा । सूत्रधारेण सहिताः संलापं यत्र कुर्वते ॥ चित्रैर्वाक्यैः स्वकार्योत्थैः प्रस्तुताक्षेपिभिर्मिथः । आमुखं तत्तु विज्ञेयं नाम्ना प्रस्तावना$पि सा ॥ 287. -खम् ind. To the face.
kokāmukham कोकामुखम् N. of a famous holy place in India; Mb.3.
khaṭakāmukham खटकामुखम् A particular position of the hand in shooting. -खः A man in the attitude of sheoting.
parimukham परिमुखम् ind. About the face, round or about (a person).
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results3 results
mukham aṅgdhi (JG. aṅdhi) sarasvati (Mś. adds varcasā) TB.; Apś.4.14.4d; Mś.; JG.1.4d.
mukham asi mukhaṃ bhūyāsam TS.; AB.2.22.7; Aś.5.2.8.
mukham ahaṃ śreṣṭhaḥ samānānāṃ bhūyāsam Kauś.90.18.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"mukham" has 1 results
prayogamukhamaṇḍanaknown also by the name प्रयोगविवेक, an elementary treatise on syntax, attributed to वररुचि, who must, of course, have been different from the ancient grammarian वररुचि.
Vedabase Search
125 results
mukham a mouthSB 3.26.54
mukham at the faceSB 10.42.11
mukham countenanceSB 3.15.41
SB 3.19.28
SB 3.23.33
mukham directionsSB 1.7.26
mukham faceCC Antya 15.70
SB 1.11.26
SB 10.31.15
SB 10.40.13-14
SB 10.44.16
SB 10.66.9
SB 5.2.13
SB 6.14.21
mukham face: tavaSB 10.29.39
mukham facesBG 13.14
SB 1.9.36
SB 7.4.9-12
mukham happinessSB 4.21.40
mukham mouthBG 1.28
SB 10.8.35
SB 2.5.37
SB 4.29.8
SB 5.3.17
SB 8.7.26
mukham the faceIso 15
SB 10.29.2
SB 10.38.9
SB 10.39.23
SB 10.43.28
SB 10.44.12
SB 10.60.30
SB 10.60.33
SB 10.63.35-36
SB 10.7.35-36
SB 11.14.43
SB 11.26.19-20
SB 9.18.5
mukham the mouthSB 10.6.21
SB 10.8.23
SB 2.1.29
SB 2.10.17
SB 2.6.1
SB 3.26.63
SB 8.16.9
mukham the mouth through which the Supreme Personality of Godhead eatsSB 8.5.35
mukham whose faceSB 10.51.1-6
SB 10.79.3-4
mukham whose facesSB 10.75.33
mukham whose mouthSB 10.88.17
mukham your faceSB 4.26.23
abhimukham towardsSB 1.8.17
abhimukham favorably facingSB 2.9.16
prasāda-abhimukham always prepared to offer causeless mercySB 4.8.45
abhimukham face to faceSB 4.25.31
abhimukham looking forwardSB 4.25.38
abhimukham facing towardSB 5.22.1
abhimukham in front ofSB 9.6.18
abhimukham face to faceSB 10.43.10
abhimukham toward HimSB 11.30.41
abhimukham facing the chariotSB 12.11.49
adhaḥ-mukham his face downwardSB 7.5.48
adhaḥ-mukham with eyes half closed, staring at the tip of the noseSB 11.14.36-42
aja-mukham with the face of a goatSB 4.7.3
alaka-āvṛta-mukham face decorated with curling tresses of hairCC Madhya 24.50
śrī-mukham api Her face alsoCC Madhya 14.189
baka-ari-uśat-mukham the beautiful face of Kṛṣṇa, the enemy of BakāsuraSB 10.12.24
avāk-mukham without a word in his mouthSB 1.7.42
alaka-āvṛta-mukham face decorated with curling tresses of hairCC Madhya 24.50
baka-ari-uśat-mukham the beautiful face of Kṛṣṇa, the enemy of BakāsuraSB 10.12.24
sa-smitam īkṣatī mukham mother Yaśodā was smiling and observing the smiling face of KṛṣṇaSB 10.9.5
viśvataḥ-mukham and in the universal formBG 9.15
viśvataḥ-mukham all-pervadingBG 11.10-11
avāk-mukham without a word in his mouthSB 1.7.42
rajanī-mukham the face of the nightSB 3.2.34
su-mukham auspicious faceSB 3.15.39
viśvataḥ-mukham the all-pervading Lord of the universeSB 3.25.39-40
viśvataḥ-mukham whose face is turned everywhereSB 3.32.7
viśvataḥ-mukham whose face is turned everywhereSB 3.33.24-25
aja-mukham with the face of a goatSB 4.7.3
su-mukham beautiful faceSB 4.24.24-25
viśvataḥ-mukham all angles of visionSB 4.28.41
sūkara-mukham SūkaramukhaSB 5.26.7
sūcī-mukham SūcīmukhaSB 5.26.7
adhaḥ-mukham his face downwardSB 7.5.48
sa-smitam īkṣatī mukham mother Yaśodā was smiling and observing the smiling face of KṛṣṇaSB 10.9.5
baka-ari-uśat-mukham the beautiful face of Kṛṣṇa, the enemy of BakāsuraSB 10.12.24
niśā-mukham the beginning of nightSB 10.34.22
viśvataḥ-mukham many different categories of cosmic manifestationSB 11.9.20
adhaḥ-mukham with eyes half closed, staring at the tip of the noseSB 11.14.36-42
ūrdhva-mukham enlivenedSB 11.14.36-42
su-mukham cheerfulSB 11.14.36-42
pañca-mukham having five heads (sight, sound, smell, touch and taste)SB 12.8.25
śrī-mukham beautiful faceCC Adi 4.152
śrī-mukham api Her face alsoCC Madhya 14.189
śrī-mukham beautiful faceCC Madhya 21.124
alaka-āvṛta-mukham face decorated with curling tresses of hairCC Madhya 24.50
nārāyaṇa-parāńmukham a nondevoteeSB 6.1.18
niśā-mukham the beginning of nightSB 10.34.22
pañca-mukham having five heads (sight, sound, smell, touch and taste)SB 12.8.25
nārāyaṇa-parāńmukham a nondevoteeSB 6.1.18
prasāda-abhimukham always prepared to offer causeless mercySB 4.8.45
prasāda-sumukham whose face was bright because the Supreme Lord was pleasedSB 7.10.25
rajanī-mukham the face of the nightSB 3.2.34
sa-smitam īkṣatī mukham mother Yaśodā was smiling and observing the smiling face of KṛṣṇaSB 10.9.5
sammukham facing (the Deity)SB 11.3.49
sa-smitam īkṣatī mukham mother Yaśodā was smiling and observing the smiling face of KṛṣṇaSB 10.9.5
śrī-mukham beautiful faceCC Adi 4.152
śrī-mukham api Her face alsoCC Madhya 14.189
śrī-mukham beautiful faceCC Madhya 21.124
su-mukham auspicious faceSB 3.15.39
su-mukham beautiful faceSB 4.24.24-25
su-mukham cheerfulSB 11.14.36-42
sūcī-mukham SūcīmukhaSB 5.26.7
sūkara-mukham SūkaramukhaSB 5.26.7
prasāda-sumukham whose face was bright because the Supreme Lord was pleasedSB 7.10.25
ūrdhva-mukham enlivenedSB 11.14.36-42
baka-ari-uśat-mukham the beautiful face of Kṛṣṇa, the enemy of BakāsuraSB 10.12.24
viśvataḥ-mukham and in the universal formBG 9.15
viśvataḥ-mukham all-pervadingBG 11.10-11
viśvataḥ-mukham the all-pervading Lord of the universeSB 3.25.39-40
viśvataḥ-mukham whose face is turned everywhereSB 3.32.7
viśvataḥ-mukham whose face is turned everywhereSB 3.33.24-25
viśvataḥ-mukham all angles of visionSB 4.28.41
viśvataḥ-mukham many different categories of cosmic manifestationSB 11.9.20
11 results
mukhamaṇḍanaka noun (masculine) Clerodendrum Phlomoides (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 62292/72933
mukhamaṇḍapa noun (masculine) a pavilion in front of a shrine
Frequency rank 62293/72933
mukhamaṇḍikā noun (feminine) a particular disease or the deity presiding over it (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 29703/72933
mukhamaṇḍikāpratiṣedha noun (masculine) name of Suśrutasaṃhitā, Utt. 35
Frequency rank 62294/72933
mukhamaṇḍitikā noun (feminine) name of a female demon
Frequency rank 62296/72933
mukhamaṇḍitā noun (feminine) name of a female demon
Frequency rank 62295/72933
mukhamādhurya noun (neuter) a particular disease of the phlegm (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 29704/72933
adhomukhamukha adjective
Frequency rank 42531/72933
āmukham indeclinable up to the mouth
Frequency rank 46542/72933
vidagdhamukhamaṇḍanabahirlāpikā noun (feminine) name of a text
Frequency rank 65567/72933
strīmukhamadhudohala noun (masculine) Mimusops Elengi
Frequency rank 71725/72933


one of the grahas, the disease with symptoms of cirrhosis of liver.

Wordnet Search
"mukham" has 35 results.


mukham, āsyam, vadanam, tuṇḍam, vaktram, ānanam, lapanam   

ā oṣṭhāt galādiparyantam śarīrāvayavaviśeṣaḥ yena prāṇinaḥ vadanti adanti ca।

atyadhikabhayāt tasya mukhāt dhvanireva na niḥsṛtaḥ।


hīram, hīrakaḥ, dṛḍhāṅgam, lohajit, sūcīmukham, ratnamukhyam, avikam, varārakam, aśiram, kuliśam, bhiduram, paviḥ, abhedyam, dṛḍham, bhārgavakam, śatakoṭiḥ, ṣaṭkoṇam, bahudhāram   

atikaṭhoraḥ prabhāśīlaḥ mahārhaḥ ratnaviśeṣaḥ- asya guṇāḥ sārakatva-śītatva-kaṣāyatvādayaḥ।

hīraiḥ yuktānām alaṅkārāṇāṃ mūlyam adhikam asti।


stanāgram, stanamukham, stanamukhaḥ, stanaśikhā, kucāgram, cūcukaḥ, cūcukam, stanavṛntaḥ, stanavṛntam, pippalakam, narmmaṭhaḥ, vṛntam   

striyāḥ stanasya agrabhāgam।

asyāḥ goḥ stanāgre vraṇaḥ jātaḥ।


mukham, vadanam, ānanam, vaktram, āsyam, vandanam, cubram, śman   

avayavaviśeṣaḥ, oṣṭhau ca dantamūlāni dantā jihvā ca tālu ca galo galādi sakalam saptāṅgaṃ mukham ucyate।

pitā snehāt svabālakasya mukham cumbati।


āmukham, bhūmikā, prastāvanā, mukhabandham, prākkathanam, upodghātam, upakramaḥ, avataraṇikā, avataraṇī, prāstāvikam   

granthārambhe vartamānaḥ saḥ bhāgaḥ yasmin granthasya viṣayādi vijñāpyate।

asya granthasya āmukhaṃ savimarśaṃ likhitam।


abhimukham, sammukham   

kasyāpi purataḥ।

aparādhī nyāyādhīśasya abhimukham upasthitaḥ।


aṅgaṇam, aṅganam, sadmacitimukham   

gṛhasya sammukhaḥ bhāgaḥ।

pitā gṛhasya aṅgaṇe mañce nyasīdat।


jalam, vāri, ambu, ambhaḥ, payaḥ, salilam, sarilam, udakam, udam, jaḍam, payas, toyam, pānīyam, āpaḥ, nīram, vāḥ, pāthas, kīlālam, annam, apaḥ, puṣkaram, arṇaḥ, peyam, salam, saṃvaram, śaṃvaram, saṃmbam, saṃvatsaram, saṃvavaraḥ, kṣīram, pāyam, kṣaram, kamalam, komalam, pīvā, amṛtam, jīvanam, jīvanīyam, bhuvanam, vanam, kabandham, kapandham, nāram, abhrapuṣpam, ghṛtam, kaṃ, pīppalam, kuśam, viṣam, kāṇḍam, savaram, saram, kṛpīṭam, candrorasam, sadanam, karvuram, vyoma, sambaḥ, saraḥ, irā, vājam, tāmarasa, kambalam, syandanam, sambalam, jalapītham, ṛtam, ūrjam, komalam, somam, andham, sarvatomukham, meghapuṣpam, ghanarasaḥ, vahnimārakaḥ, dahanārātiḥ, nīcagam, kulīnasam, kṛtsnam, kṛpīṭam, pāvanam, śaralakam, tṛṣāham, kṣodaḥ, kṣadmaḥ, nabhaḥ, madhuḥ, purīṣam, akṣaram, akṣitam, amba, aravindāni, sarṇīkam, sarpiḥ, ahiḥ, sahaḥ, sukṣema, sukham, surā, āyudhāni, āvayāḥ, induḥ, īm, ṛtasyayoniḥ, ojaḥ, kaśaḥ, komalam, komalam, kṣatram, kṣapaḥ, gabhīram, gambhanam, gahanam, janma, jalāṣam, jāmi, tugryā, tūyam, tṛptiḥ, tejaḥ, sadma, srotaḥ, svaḥ, svadhā, svargāḥ, svṛtikam, haviḥ, hema, dharuṇam, dhvasmanvatu, nāma, pavitram, pāthaḥ, akṣaram, pūrṇam, satīnam, sat, satyam, śavaḥ, śukram, śubham, śambaram, vūsam, vṛvūkam, vyomaḥ, bhaviṣyat, vapuḥ, varvuram, varhiḥ, bhūtam, bheṣajam, mahaḥ, mahat, mahaḥ, mahat, yaśaḥ, yahaḥ, yāduḥ, yoniḥ, rayiḥ, rasaḥ, rahasaḥ, retam   

sindhuhimavarṣādiṣu prāptaḥ dravarupo padārthaḥ yaḥ pāna-khāna-secanādyartham upayujyate।

jalaṃ jīvanasya ādhāram। /ajīrṇe jalam auṣadhaṃ jīrṇe balapradam। āhārakāle āyurjanakaṃ bhuktānnopari rātrau na peyam।


lekhanīmukham, mukham   

masi-dhārā-lekhanyāḥ dhātu-nirmitaṃ viśiṣṭākārakaṃ mukhaṃ yena janāḥ likhanti।

lekhanīmukhaṃ bhagnam asti।


adhomukham, adharottaram   

mukham adho kṛtvā vā apṛṣṭhataḥ।

sīmā sadā adhomukhaṃ śete।


tīkṣṇagandhakaḥ, śobhāñjanaḥ, śigruḥ, tīkṣṇagandhakaḥ, akṣīvaḥ, tīkṣṇagandhaḥ, sutīkṣṇaḥ, ghanapallavaḥ, śvetamaricaḥ, tīkṣṇaḥ, gandhaḥ, gandhakaḥ, kākṣīvakaḥ, strīcittahārī, draviṇanāśanaḥ, kṛṣṇagandhā, mūlakaparṇī, nīlaśigruḥ, janapriyaḥ, mukhamodaḥ, cakṣuṣyaḥ, rucirāñjanaḥ   

saḥ vṛkṣaḥ yasya dīrghabījaguptiḥ śākārthe upayujyate।

śyāmaḥ tīkṣṇagandhakasya bījaguptim uñchati।



aśvādeḥ vaktre badhyamānaṃ jālam।

kṛṣīkṣetre vartamānasya dhānyasya apavyayaṃ mā bhavatu ataḥ kṛṣakeṇa vṛṣabhasya vaktraṃ mukhena ācchāditam।


tāmram, tāmrakam, śulvam, mlecchamukham, dvyaṣṭam, variṣṭham, uḍumbaram, audumbaram, auḍumbaram, udumbaram, udambaram, dviṣṭham, tapaneṣṭam, ambakam, aravindam, raviloham, ravipriyam, raktam, naipālikam, raktadhātuḥ, munipittalam, arkam, sūryāṅgam, lohitāyasam   

dhātuviśeṣaḥ, vidyutavahanakṣamaḥ raktavarṇīyaḥ dhātuḥ yaḥ bhāṇḍādinirmāṇe upayujyate। (āyurvede asya śītalatva-kaphapittavibandhaśūlapāṇḍūdaragulmanāśitvādayaḥ guṇāḥ proktāḥ।);

japākusumasaṅkāśaṃ snigdhaṃ mṛduṃ ghanaṃ kṣamaṃ।lohanāgojjhitaṃ tāmraṃ māraṇāya praśasyate॥


upamukham, kṛtrimamukham, chadmamukham, chadmāsyam, kapaṭamukham   

krīḍāyāṃ kaitave vā dhāryamāṇaṃ patrādibhiḥ vinirmitaṃ mukham।

devadattaḥ vyāghrasya upamukhaṃ dhārayitvā bālakaiḥ saha krīḍati।


āgharṣaṇī, avalekhanī, iṣīkā, īṣikā, īṣīkā, vardhanī, vimārgaḥ, śatamukham, śalākā, śodhanī   

dhātvādibhyaḥ vinirmitaṃ tat upakaraṇaṃ yad vastvādimārjanārthe upayujyate।

mātā āgharṣaṇyā vastragataṃ kalmaṣaṃ dūrīkaroti।


bakūlaḥ, agastyaḥ, vakavṛkṣaḥ, kesaraḥ, keśaraḥ, siṃhakesaraḥ, varalabdhaḥ, sīdhugandhaḥ, mukūlaḥ, mukulaḥ, strīmukhamadhuḥ, dohalaḥ, madhupuṣpaḥ, surabhiḥ, bhramarānandaḥ, sthirakusumaḥ, śāradikaḥ, karakaḥ, sīsaṃjñaḥ, viśāradaḥ, gūḍhapuṣyakaḥ, dhanvī, madanaḥ, madyāmodaḥ, cirapuṣpaḥ, karahāṭakaḥ, karahāṭaḥ, strīmukhamadhudohadaḥ, strīmukhamadhudohalaḥ, strīmukhapaḥ, śītagandhā, dhanvaḥ, sīdhugandhaḥ, karakaḥ, kesaraḥ, cirapuṣpaḥ, mukuraḥ, dantadhāvanaḥ   

vṛkṣaviśeṣaḥ, puṣpaṣpavṛkṣaviśeṣaḥ āyurvede asya guṇāḥ śītalatvahṛdyatvaviṣadoṣanāśitvam।

bakūlasya phalam dantasthairyakaram asti।



mukhasambandhī rogaḥ।

mukhamādhuryaṃ śleṣmaṇaḥ vikārāt udbhavati।



cikītsakasya śalyasambandhī ekam upakaraṇam।

cikitsakaḥ kaṅkamukhena kaṇṭakam apākaroti।


mukham, niḥsaraṇam   

gṛhādīnāṃ niṣkramaṇapraveśanamārgaḥ।

asya durgasya mukham uttarasyāṃ diśi vartate।


bakulaḥ, sindhupuṣpaḥ, śāradikā, gūḍhapuṣpakaḥ, cirapuṣpaḥ, dhūkaḥ, bhramarānandaḥ, madhupuṣpaḥ, maghagandhaḥ, madyalālasaḥ, madyāmodaḥ, makulaḥ, makuraḥ, viśāradaḥ, śakradrumaḥ, śivakesaraḥ, sarvakesaraḥ, siṃhakesaraḥ, sthirapuṣpaḥ, strīmukhamadhudohadaḥ, strīmukhamadhudohalaḥ, strīmukhapaḥ, śītagandhā, dhanvaḥ, sīdhugandhaḥ, karakaḥ, kesaraḥ, cirapuṣpaḥ, dhanvī, mukuraḥ, dantadhāvanaḥ, strīmukhamadhuḥ   

ekasya ciraharitasya vṛkṣasya puṣpam।

bakulasya sugandhaḥ tīvraḥ bhavati।


sandaśaḥ, sandaśakaḥ, sandaśakā, kaṅkamukham   

sādhanaviśeṣaḥ, pātroddhāraṇārthe yantrabhedaḥ yasya mukhaṃ kaṅkasyamukhamiva asti;

vallavaḥ sandaśena sthālīm uddharati


sandaśakaḥ, sandaśakā, kaṅkamukham   

sādhanaviśeṣaḥ, taptāyaḥgoloddhāraṇārthe yantrabhedaḥ yasya mukhaṃ kaṅkasyamukhamiva asti;

lohakāraḥ sandaśakena taptāyaḥgolaṃ gṛhitvā āhanti




nāndīmukhyasya pratyekasmin caraṇe dvau nagaṇau tagaṇau tathā guruvarṇau bhavataḥ।


saṅgaṇakaphalakamukham, phalakamukham, kāryamukham   

saṅgaṇakasya bhāgaḥ yasmin koṣṭhapratīkādayaḥ dṛśyante।

saṅgaṇakaphalakamukhe adhikāḥ vidhayaḥ mā sthāpayatu।


mukham, vaktram, āsyam, vadanam, tuṇḍam, ānanam, lapanam   

śarīrāvayavaviśeṣaḥ, khanati vidārayati annādikamanena;

mukhaṃ vimucya śvasitasya dhārayā vṛthaiva nāsāpathadhāvanaśramaḥ [nai.9.44]



yatra nadī sāgaraṃ praviśati।

nadīmukhe jalaṃ sāgarāt madhu kintu nadījalāt kṣāraṃ vartate।




mayā sapta mukhāni bhakṣaṇīyāni।


abhivyaktiḥ, abhivyañjanā, abhidhānam, mukham   

kasyāpi bhāvasya mukhādibhiḥ abhivyañjanam;

bhavataḥ mukham abhivyajyate bhītaḥ iti


gomukham, gomukhaḥ   

gāvaḥ mukhasya ākārasya śaṅkhaviśeṣaḥ।

arcakaḥ gomukhaṃ vādayati।


gomukham, gomukhāsanam   


yogī gomukhe upaviśati।



kartarīprakāraḥ yasya agraḥ antaḥsthitaḥ bhavati।

antarmukhasya upayogaḥ śastrakriyāyāṃ bhavati।



ekaḥ vraṇaviśeṣaḥ ।

carakeṇa kumbhīmukhasya varṇanaṃ kṛtam asti



viśiṣṭā hastasthitiḥ ।

kṛṣṇasāramukhasya varṇanaṃ purāṇa-sarvasva-granthe dṛśyate



ekaḥ vraṇaviśeṣaḥ ।

carakeṇa kumbhīmukhasya varṇanaṃ kṛtam asti



viśiṣṭā hastasthitiḥ ।

kṛṣṇasāramukhasya varṇanaṃ purāṇa-sarvasva-granthe dṛśyate

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