mu | m. (only ; see mū-) a bond  |
mu | m. Name of śiva-  |
mu | m. final emancipation  |
mu | m. a funeral pile or pyre  |
mu | m. a reddish-brown or tawny colour.  |
muc | cl.1 A1. mocate-, to cheat (= mac- q.v)  |
muc | cl.6 P. A1. ( ) muñc/ati-, te- ( also, muc/anti-, mucasva-; parasmE-pada muñcāna- ; perfect tense, mum/oca-, mumuc/e-, Vedic or Veda , also, mum/ocat-, m/umocati-, mumucas-, mumoktu-, amumuktam-; Aorist /amok- ; imperative mogdh/i- ; amauk- ; /amucat- ; amukṣi-, mukṣata- ; preceding mucīṣṭa- ; mukṣīya- ; future, moktā-, ; mokṣyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood moktum- etc.; ind.p. muktv/ā- , -m/ucya- , m/okam-, ), to loose, let loose, free, let go, slacken, release, liberate ("from", ablative or -tas-; A1.and Passive voice with ablative or instrumental case,rarely with genitive case"to free one's self, get rid of, escape from") etc., etc. (with kaṇṭham-,to relax the throat id est raise a cry;with raśmīn-,to slacken the reins;with prāṇān-,to deprive of life, kill) ; to spare, let live ; to set free, allow to depart, dismiss, despatch ("to" , loc. or dative case) etc. ; to relinquish, abandon, leave, quit, give up, set aside, depose (with kalevaram-, deham-, prāṇān-or jīvitam-,to quit the body or give up the ghost id est to die) ; to yield, grant, bestow ; to send forth, shed, emit, utter, discharge, throw, cast, hurl, shoot at ("or upon" locative case dative case,or accusative with or without prati-;with ablative and ātmānam-,to throw one's self down from) etc. ; (A1.) to put on (Scholiast or Commentator) : Passive voice mucy/ate- (or m/ucyate-, Epic also ti-and future mokṣyati-; Aorist /amoci-), to be loosed, to be set free or released etc. ; to deliver one's self from, to get rid of, escape (especially from sin or the bonds of existence) etc. ; to abstain from (ablative) ; to be deprived or destitute of (instrumental case) : Causal mocayati- (mc. also te-; Aorist amūmucat-), to cause to loose or let go or give up or discharge or shed (with two accusative) ; to unloose, unyoke, unharness (horses) ; to set free, liberate, absolve from (ablative) etc. ; to redeem (a pledge) ; to open (a road) ; to give away, spend, bestow ; to gladden, delight, yield enjoyment : Desiderative of Causal mumocayiṣati-, to wish to deliver (from the bondage of existence) (confer, compare, mumocayiṣu-): Desiderative mumukṣati-, te-, (P.) to wish or be about to set free ; to be about to give up or relinquish (life) ; to wish or intend to cast or hurl ; (A1.) to wish to free one's self ; to desire final liberation or beatitude (confer, compare mokṣ-): Intensive momucyate- or monokti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin mungo,mucus.])  |
muc | mfn. freeing or delivering from (See aṃho-m-)  |
muc | mfn. letting go or letting fall, dropping, discharging, shooting, sending (See jala--, parṇa--, sāyaka-m-etc.)  |
muc | f. deliverance (See a-m/uc-).  |
muca | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'f. deliverance (See a-m/uc-).' (See /a-mucī-, nakha-muca-, raśmi-muca-).  |
mucaka | m. gum-lac  |
mucalinda | varia lectio for mucilinda- q.v  |
much | cl.1 P. mucchati- varia lectio for yuch-  |
muci | m. Name of a cakra-vartin-  |
mucilinda | m. Pterospermum Suberifolium  |
mucilinda | m. Name of a nāga- (who sheltered the buddha- from a violent storm by coiling himself round him) |
mucilinda | m. of the sacred tree protected by this nāga- (under which Buddha seated himself)  |
mucilinda | m. of a cakra-vartin-  |
mucilinda | m. of a mountain (also -parvata- )  |
mucilindā | f. Name of a serpent-maid  |
mucira | mfn. liberal, munificent,  |
mucira | m. charity, virtue  |
mucira | m. wind  |
mucira | m. a deity.  |
mucukunda | m. Pterospermum Suberifolium  |
mucukunda | m. Name of a daitya-  |
mucukunda | m. of an ancient king (or muni-)  |
mucukunda | m. of a son of māndhātṛ- (who assisted the gods in their wars with the demons and was rewarded by the boon of a long and unbroken sleep)  |
mucukunda | m. of a son of yadu-  |
mucukunda | m. of the father of candra-bhāga-  |
mucukunda | m. of a poet of kāśmīra-  |
mucukundakavi | m. the poet mucukunda-,  |
mucukundamokṣa | m. Name of work  |
mucukundaprasādaka | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
mucukundastuti | f. Name of work  |
muculinda | m. a kind of big orange (see mucalinda-and mucilinda-).  |
mucuṭī | f. a pair of forceps  |
mucuṭī | f. (also ṭi-) a closed hand, fist  |
mucuṭī | f. snapping the fingers  |
muḍ | cl.1 P. moḍati-, to crush, grind, (varia lectio for muṭ-).  |
mud | cl.10 P. modayati-, to mix, mingle, blend, unite  |
mud | cl.1 A1. ( ) m/odate- (Epic and mc. also P. ti-; perfect tense mum/oda- ; mumude- etc.; Aorist amodiṣṭa- grammar; Potential mudīmahi- ; preceding modiṣīṣṭhās- ; future moditā- grammar; modiṣyate- ; ind.p. -modam- ), to be merry or glad or happy, rejoice, delight in (instrumental case or locative case) etc. etc.: Causal , modayati-, te- (Aorist amumudat-), to gladden, give pleasure, exhilarate : Desiderative , of Causal mumodayiṣati- : Desiderative mumodiṣate- or mumudithate- : Intensive momudyate-, momudīti-, momotti- grammar  |
mud | f. joy, delight, gladness, happiness (also plural) etc.  |
mud | f. Joy personified (as a daughter of tuṣṭi-)  |
mud | f. intoxication, frenzy  |
mud | f. a species of drug (equals vṛddhi-)  |
mud | f. a woman (?)  |
mud | f. plural Name of a class of apsaras-  |
muda | mfn. See hasā-mud/a-  |
muda | m. Name of a teacher  |
mudā | f. See below.  |
mudā | f. pleasure, joy, gladness  |
mudakara | (?) m. plural Name of a people.  |
mudākara | m. (with sūri-) Name of an author  |
muḍākhyā | f. a species of plant  |
mudānādata | m. Name of a divine being  |
mudānvita | (dānv-) mfn. filled with joy, pleased, delighted  |
mudara | varia lectio for mṛdura-.  |
mudāvasu | m. Name of a son of prajāti-  |
mudāvat | mfn. rejoicing, glad, delighted (See nātimudāvat-)  |
mudāvatī | f. Name of a daughter of king vidūratha-  |
mudāyukta | mfn. idem or '(dānv-) mfn. filled with joy, pleased, delighted '  |
mudāyuta | mfn. idem or ' mfn. idem or '(dānv-) mfn. filled with joy, pleased, delighted ' '  |
mudbhāj | mfn. feeling joy or pleasure  |
mudda | an astrological term.  |
mudga | m. (according to to mud-) Phaseolus Mungo (both the plant and its beans) etc.  |
mudga | m. a cover, covering, lid  |
mudga | m. a kind of seabird (prob. wrong reading for madgu- q.v)  |
mudgābha | mfn. bean-coloured  |
mudgabhojin | m. "bean-eater", a horse  |
mudgabhuj | m. "bean-eater", a horse  |
mudgagiri | m. Name of a city  |
mudgala | m. (prob. fr. mudga-) Name of a ṛṣi- with the patronymic bhārmyaśva- (the supposed author of ), V. etc. |
mudgala | m. of a disciple of sākalya-  |
mudgala | m. of a son of viśvāmitra-  |
mudgala | m. of various authors and other men (also with bhaṭṭasūri-etc.)  |
mudgala | m. plural the descendants of mudgala-  |
mudgala | m. Name of a people  |
mudgala | n. a species of grass  |
mudgala | n. equals mudgalāpaniṣad-.  |
mudgaladeva | m. Name of an author (who translated the Prakrit passages of the ratnāvalī-)  |
mudgalānī | f. the wife of mudgala- (see , Va1rtt. 5 )  |
mudgalapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
mudgalāryā | f. Name of work  |
mudgalasmṛti | f. Name of work  |
mudgalopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
mudgamodaka | m. a kind of sweetmeat  |
mudgapa | m. Name of a man  |
mudgaparṇī | f. Phaseolus Trilobus  |
mudgara | m. (prob. fr. mudga-) a hammer, mallet, any hammer-like weapon or implement etc.  |
mudgara | m. a bud  |
mudgara | m. a kind of jasmine (n. its blossom)  |
mudgara | m. a species of fish  |
mudgara | m. Name of a nāga-  |
mudgara | n. a particular posture in sitting  |
mudgaragomin | m. Name of a man  |
mudgaraka | in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (f(ikā-).) equals mudga-, a hammer  |
mudgaraka | m. Averrhoa Carambola  |
mudgarākāra | mfn. shaped like a hammer  |
mudgaraparṇaka | m. Name of two nāga-s  |
mudgaraphala | m. Averrhoa Carambola  |
mudgarapiṇḍaka | m. Name of two nāga-s  |
mudgārdrakavaṭa | m. a kind of sweetmeat  |
mudgaṣṭa | m. a species of bean  |
mudgaṣṭaka | m. a species of bean  |
mudgaṣṭha | m. idem or 'm. a species of bean '  |
mudgaṣṭhaka | m. idem or ' m. idem or 'm. a species of bean ' '  |
mudgaudana | m. a soup made of beans and rice  |
mudgavat | mfn. having beans etc.  |
mudgayūṣa | n. bean-soup  |
mudhā | ind. ( muh-) in vain, uselessly, to no purpose  |
mudhā | ind. falsely, wrongly, (varia lectio)  |
mudī | f. moonshine  |
mudira | m. a cloud  |
mudira | m. a lover  |
mudira | m. a frog  |
mudiraphala | m. Asteracantha Longifolia  |
mudita | mfn. delighted, joyful, glad, rejoicing in (instrumental case or compound) etc.  |
mudita | m. a particular sort of servant  |
muditā | f. joy, gladness, complacency  |
mudita | m. sympathy in joy  |
mudita | n. a kind of sexual embrace  |
mudita | n. a particular siddhi-, sāṃkhya-s. Scholiast or Commentator  |
mudita | n. wrong reading for nudita- and sūdita-.  |
muditabhadra | m. Name of a man  |
muditamadālasa | m. or n. (?) Name of a drams.  |
muditapuṣpā | f. Name of a female gandharva-  |
mudra | mfn. joyous, glad  |
mudrā | f. See mudrā- below.  |
mudrā | f. (fr. mudra-See above) a seal or any instrument used for sealing or stamping, a seal-ring, signet-ring (see aṅguli-m-), any ring etc.  |
mudrā | f. type for printing or instrument for lithographing  |
mudrā | f. the stamp or impression made by a seal etc.  |
mudrā | f. any stamp or print or mark or impression etc.  |
mudrā | f. a stamped coin, piece of money, rupee, cash, medal  |
mudrā | f. an image, sign, badge, token (especially a token or mark of divine attributes impressed upon the body)  |
mudrā | f. authorization, a pass, passport (as given by a seal)  |
mudrā | f. shutting, closing (as of the eyes or lips genitive case or compound)  |
mudrā | f. a lock, stopper, bung  |
mudrā | f. a mystery  |
mudrā | f. Name of particular positions or intertwinings of the fingers (24 in number, commonly practised in religious worship, and supposed to possess an occult meaning and magical efficacy )  |
mudrā | f. a particular branch of education ("reckoning by the fingers")  |
mudrā | f. parched or fried grain (as used in the śākta- or Tantrik ceremonial)  |
mudrā | f. (in rhetoric) the natural expression of things by words, calling things by their right names  |
mudrā | f. (in music) a dance accordant with tradition  |
mudrābala | n. a particular high number  |
mudrādhāraṇa | n. "wearing a seal-ring"  |
mudrādhāraṇamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
mudrādhāraṇastotra | n. Name of work  |
mudrākara | m. a maker of seals, engraver, coiner  |
mudrākṣara | (drilkṣ-) n. type, print (often used in the title-pages of books).  |
mudrākṣepa | (drākṣ-) m. taking away or removing a seal  |
mudrālakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
mudrālipi | f. "printed writing", print, lithograph  |
mudrāmārga | m. = equals brahma-randhra-  |
mudraṇa | n. the act of sealing up or closing or printing  |
mudraṇīpattra | n. a proof-sheet  |
mudrāṅka | mfn. (drāṅka-) stamped, sealed, marked  |
mudrāṅka | m. Name of a poet  |
mudrāṅkita | (drāṅk-) mfn. equals prec. mfn.  |
mudrāprakāśa | m. Name of two works.  |
mudrārakṣaka | m. a keeper of seals  |
mudrārākṣasa | n. " rākṣasa- (Name of a minister) and the seal-ring", Name of a celebrated drama by viśākha-datta-  |
mudrārākṣasakathāsaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
mudrārākṣasakathāsāra | m. Name of work  |
mudrārākṣasaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
mudrārākṣasapūrvapīṭhikā | f. Name of work  |
mudrārṇava | m. Name of work (drārṇ-) (and mudrārṇavalakṣaṇaṭīkā va-lakṣaṇa-ṭīkā- f.)  |
mudrārṇavalakṣaṇaṭīkā | f. mudrārṇava |
mudrāsthāna | n. the place (on the finger) for a seal-ring  |
mudrāvidhi | m. Name of work  |
mudrāvivaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
mudraya | Nom. P. yati-, to seal, stamp, print, mark  |
mudrāyantra | n. a printing-press  |
mudrāyantrālaya | mn. a printing office (often in the title-pages of books).  |
mudrikā | f. a little seal, seal, seal-ring  |
mudrikā | f. stamp, impression, stamped coin  |
mudrikā | f. a sealed or signed paper  |
mudrikā | f. a particular surgical instrument  |
mudrikā | f. Name of particular positions or intertwinings of the fingers (equals mudrā- q.v)  |
mudrita | mfn. sealed, stamped, impressed, printed, marked  |
mudrita | mfn. contracted, closed, sealed up (nidrā-m-sunk in sleep )  |
mudrita | mfn. strung, bound  |
mudrita | mfn. unblown (as a flower)  |
mudrita | mfn. intertwined in particular forms (as the fingers; see mudrā-)  |
mudrita | n. impressing a seal on (locative case)  |
mudritākṣa | mf(ī-)n. having the eyes closed |
mudritamukha | mfn. having the mouth closed or the lips sealed  |
mudritapāṃsu | mfn. making impressions on dust or sand (said of drops of water)  |
mugadasa | mugademu-, mugala-sthāna- Name of places  |
mugdha | mfn. gone astray, lost  |
mugdha | mfn. perplexed, bewildered  |
mugdha | mfn. foolish, ignorant, silly. etc.  |
mugdha | mfn. inexperienced, simple, innocent, artless, attractive or charming (from youthfulness), lovely, beautiful, tender, young (especially ā- f.a young and beautiful female, often in vocative case;also in rhetoric a variety of the nāyikā-)  |
mugdha | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') strikingly like  |
mugdhabhāva | m. stupidity, simplicity  |
mugdhabodha | n. (scilicet vyākaraṇa-) "instructing the ignorant", Name of a celebrated grammar by vopa-deva- (supposed to have flourished in the 13th century, and regarded as a great authority in Bengal)  |
mugdhabodha | n. of another work (on the consecration of new houses)  |
mugdhabodhakāra | m. Name of vopadeva-  |
mugdhabodhākhyājvarādirogacikitsā | f. Name of a medical work  |
mugdhabodhapariśiṣṭa | n. Name of work connected with vopadeva-'s grammar  |
mugdhabodhapradīpa | m. Name of work connected with vopadeva-'s grammar  |
mugdhabodhasubodhinī | f. Name of work connected with vopadeva-'s grammar  |
mugdhabodhinī | f. (scilicet ṭīkā-) Name of 2 Comms. , on the amara-koṣa- and the bhaṭṭi-kāvya- by bharatasena-.  |
mugdhabuddhi | mfn. equals -dhī-  |
mugdhācakra | n. a particular mystical circle  |
mugdhadhī | mfn. foolish, silly, a simpleton,  |
mugdhadṛś | mfn. fair-eyed  |
mugdhadūrvā | f. young or tender dūrvā- grass  |
mugdhadvīpa | m. Name of an island,  |
mugdhagaṇḍaphalaka | mfn. (a face compared to a young lotus) whose pericarps are lovely cheeks  |
mugdhāgraṇī | m. the chief of fools  |
mugdhahariṇī | f. a young or tender antelope,  |
mugdhakāntāstana | m. the bosom of a young mistress  |
mugdhakathā | f. a tale about a fool  |
mugdhākṣī | f. a fair-eyed woman  |
mugdhāloka | mfn. lovely to look at  |
mugdhamati | mfn. equals dhī-  |
mugdhamṛga | m. a young or harmless deer,  |
mugdhānana | mfn. lovely-faced  |
mugdhaprabodha | m. instruction of the ignorant (only in dhe- gṛha-praveśa-vidhi- m.Name of work ).  |
mugdhasvabhāva | m. artlessness, simplicity,  |
mugdhasvabhāva | mfn. artless or charming by nature  |
mugdhatā | n.  |
mugdhātman | mfn. foolish, ignorant  |
mugdhatva | n. ignorance, simplicity artlessness, loveliness  |
mugdhavadhū | f. a young and lovely woman  |
mugdhavat | mfn. perplexed, embarrassed, ignorant of or inexperienced in (locative case)  |
mugdhavilokita | n. a beautiful glance  |
mugdhavilopadeśa | m. instruction in beautiful glances  |
mugdhekṣaṇā | f. equals mugdhākṣī-  |
mugdhendu | m. the new moon  |
mugdhiman | m. ignorance, simplicity, artlessness (varia lectio)  |
mugūha | m. a species of gallinule (equals dātyūha-)  |
muh | cl.4 P. ( ) m/uhyati- (rarely A1. te-; perfect tense mumoha- etc.; mumuhe- ; Aorist amuhat- ; future mohitā-, mogdhā-, moḍhā- grammar; mohiṣy/ati- ; mokṣyati- grammar; infinitive mood muh/e- ; ind.p. mohitvā-, muhiśvā-; mugdhvā-, mūḍhvā- grammar; -m/oham- grammar), to become stupefied or unconscious, be bewildered or perplexed, err, be mistaken, go astray etc., etc. ; to become confused, fail, miscarry (opp. to kḷp-) etc. etc.: Causal mohayati- (mc. also te-; Aorist, amūmuhat-; Passive voice, mohyate-), to stupefy, bewilder, confound, perplex, cause to err or fail etc. ; (A1.,with adhvānam-) to cause to go the wrong way : Desiderative mumohiṣati-, mumuhiṣati-, mumukṣati- grammar : Intensive momuhyate- ( ), momogdhi- and momoḍhi- (grammar), to be greatly bewildered or perplexed. |
muh | (Nominal verb muk-or muṭ- ) See mano-m/uh-.  |
muharaparṇaka | wrong reading for mudgara-p- q.v  |
muhe | See under 1. muh-.  |
muhera | m. equals muhira-, a fool, blockhead  |
muhira | m. a fool, blockhead (see muhera-)  |
muhira | m. "bewilderer", Name of the god of love  |
muhiṣa | m. Name of a mountain  |
muhu | ind. suddenly, in a moment  |
muhu | ind. suddenly, in a moment  |
muhuḥ | in compound equals muhur-.  |
muhuḥprokta | mfn. often told  |
muhuka | n. a moment, instant ( muhukais k/ais- ind. equals prec.)  |
muhukais | ind. muhuka |
muhūkara | mfn. (fr. madhu-kara-) gathered or collected after the manner of bees (see mādhu-k-above) .  |
muhur | ind. (perhaps originally "in a bewildering manner") suddenly, at once, in a moment (often with a following /ā-)  |
muhur | ind. for a moment, a while etc.  |
muhur | ind. at every moment, constantly, incessantly (muhur-muhur-,now and again, at one moment and at another, again and again) etc.  |
muhur | ind. on the other hand, on the contrary  |
muhur | See column 1.  |
muhurbhāṣā | f. repetition of what has been said, tautology  |
muhurbhojin | m. "constantly eating", a horse  |
muhurbhuj | m. "constantly eating", a horse  |
muhurdīkṣin | mfn. consecrating repeatedly,  |
muhurgir | mfn. swallowing suddenly  |
muhūrta | m. n. a moment, instant, any short space of time etc. (in the beginning of a compound,in a moment; muhūrtena tena- ind.after an instant, presently)  |
muhūrta | m. a particular division of time, the 3oth part of a day, a period of 48 minutes (in plural personified as the children of muhūrta-) etc.  |
muhūrtā | f. Name of a daughter of dakṣa- (wife of dharma- or manu- and mother of the muhūrta-s)  |
muhūrta | See above.  |
muhūrtabhāga | m.  |
muhūrtabhairava | m.  |
muhūrtabhūṣaṇaṭīkā | f.  |
muhūrtabhuvanonmārtaṇḍa | m.  |
muhūrtacakrāvali | f. Name of work  |
muhūrtacandrakalā | f. Name of work  |
muhūrtacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work (and muhūrtacintāmaṇisāra -sāra- m. muhūrtacintāmaṇisāriṇī -sāriṇī- f.)  |
muhūrtacintāmaṇisāra | m. muhūrtacintāmaṇi |
muhūrtacintāmaṇisāriṇī | f. muhūrtacintāmaṇi |
muhūrtacūdāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
muhūrtadarpaṇa | m.  |
muhūrtadarśana | n.  |
muhūrtadīpa | m.  |
muhūrtadīpaka | m.  |
muhūrtadīpikā | f.  |
muhūrtagaṇapati | m. Name of work  |
muhūrtagrantha | m. Name of work  |
muhūrtaja | (mc. for tā-ja-) m. plural the children of muhūrtā-  |
muhūrtaka | m. or n. (?) a moment, instant  |
muhūrtaka | m. an hour  |
muhūrtakalpadruma | m. Name of work (and muhūrtakalpadrumīyasaṃkrāntisaṃjñākusuma mīyasaṃkrānti-saṃjñā-kusuma- n.)  |
muhūrtakalpadrumīyasaṃkrāntisaṃjñākusuma | n. muhūrtakalpadruma |
muhūrtakalpākara | m. Name of work  |
muhūrtakovida | m. "skilled in divisions of time", an astrologer  |
muhūrtalakṣaṇapaṭala | mn. Name of work  |
muhūrtālaṃkāra | m. Name of work  |
muhūrtamādhavīya | n.  |
muhūrtamālā | f.  |
muhūrtamaṇi | m.  |
muhūrtamañjarī | f.  |
muhūrtamañjūṣā | f.  |
muhūrtamārtaṇḍa | m.  |
muhūrtamuktāmaṇi | m.  |
muhūrtamuktāvalī | f.  |
muhūrtanirṇaya | m.  |
muhūrtapadavī | f.  |
muhūrtaparīkṣā | f.  |
muhūrtaracana | n.  |
muhūrtarājīya | n. Name of work  |
muhūrtaratna | n. Name of work  |
muhūrtaratnākara | m. Name of work  |
muhūrtaratnamālā | f. Name of work  |
muhūrtārka | m. Name of work  |
muhūrtasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
muhūrtasāra | m. Name of work  |
muhūrtasāriṇī | f. Name of work  |
muhūrtasarvasva | n. Name of work  |
muhūrtaśāstra | n. Name of work  |
muhūrtasiddhi | f. Name of work  |
muhūrtasindhu | m. Name of work  |
muhūrtaskandha | m. Name of work  |
muhūrtastoma | m. plural Name of a particular ekāha-  |
muhūrtatattva | n.  |
muhūrtaṭīkā | f.  |
muhūrtāvali | f. Name of work  |
muhūrtavallabhā | f. Name of work  |
muhūrtavidhānasāra | m. Name of work  |
muhūrtavṛttaśata | n. Name of work  |
muhūrtena | ind. muhūrta |
muhurvacas | n. equals -bhāṣā-  |
muhuś | in compound for muhur-.  |
muhus | in compound for muhur-.  |
muhuścārin | mfn. occurring repeatedly, recurring  |
muhuskāma | mf(ā-)n. loving or desiring again and again Va1rtt. 1  |
muhustanais | ind. at repeated intervals, repeatedly, constantly |
muj | or muñj- cl.1 P. mojati- or muñjati-, to give out a particular sound ; (according to to also) cl.10 P. mojayati- or muñjayati-,"to sound"or"to cleanse."  |
muka | m. the smell of cow-dung  |
muka | mf(ā-)n. having the smell of cow-dung  |
mukā | f. Name of a town |
mukandaka | prob. w.r. for su-k- q.v  |
mukāriṇā | f. = $ (in astrology) a particular position or conjunction of the planets.  |
mukāvilā | f. = $ idem or 'f. = $ (in astrology) a particular position or conjunction of the planets.'  |
mukaya | m. and f(ī-). a particular kind of living being Va1rtt. 1  |
mukha | n. (m. gaRa ardharcādi-; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-,or ī-). see ) the mouth, face, countenance etc., etc.  |
mukha | n. the beak of a bird, snout or muzzle of an animal etc.  |
mukha | n. a direction, quarter (especially in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' see diṅ-m-; mfn.turning or turned towards, facing see adho-m-also ind(am-). see prān-mukham-)  |
mukha | n. the mouth or spout of a vessel  |
mukha | n. opening aperture, entrance into or egress out of (genitive case or compound) etc.  |
mukha | n. the mouth or embouchure (of a river)  |
mukha | n. the fore part, front, van (of an army)  |
mukha | n. the upper part, head, top, tip or point of anything etc. (also mfn.in compound see payo-m-)  |
mukha | n. the edge (of an axe)  |
mukha | n. the nipple (of a breast)  |
mukha | n. the surface, upper side  |
mukha | n. the chief, principal, best (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = having any one or anything as chief etc.) etc.  |
mukha | n. introduction, commencement, beginning (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = beginning with;also -mukhādi- see the use of ādi-) etc.  |
mukha | n. source, cause, occasion of (genitive case or compound)  |
mukha | n. a means ( mukhena khena- ind.by means of)  |
mukha | n. (in dramatic language) the original cause or source of the action  |
mukha | n. (in algebra) the first term or initial quantity of a progression  |
mukha | n. (in geometry) the side opposite to the base, the summit  |
mukha | n. the veda-  |
mukha | n. rock salt  |
mukha | n. copper  |
mukha | m. Artocarpus Locuchs  |
mukhabāhūrupādatas | ind. from the mouth, arms, thighs and feet  |
mukhabāhūrupajja | mfn. sprung from the mouth, arms, thighs and feet  |
mukhabandha | m. "head-composition", preface  |
mukhabandhana | n. "top-fastening", a lid, cover  |
mukhabandhana | n. "head-composition", introduction, preface  |
mukhabandhana | n. the fifth change which takes place in warm milk when mixed with takra-  |
mukhabhagā | f. (a woman) who suffers her mouth to be used as a vulva (see mukhe-bhagā-, bhagāsya-).  |
mukhabhaṅga | m. a blow on the face (upānan-m-,a blow on the face with a shoe)  |
mukhabhaṅga | m. a face distorted by sickness, wry face, grimace  |
mukhabhaṅgī | f. the act of making wry faces commentator or commentary  |
mukhabheda | m. distortion of the face, gaping  |
mukhabhūṣaṇa | n. "mouth-ornament", betel  |
mukhabhūṣaṇa | n. tin (?)  |
mukhābja | n. equals mukha-kamala- (q.v)  |
mukhacāli | f. an introductory dance  |
mukhacandra | m. "face-moon", a moon-like face  |
mukhacandramas | m. equals prec.  |
mukhacapala | mf(ā-)n. "one whose mouth is ever moving", loquacious, garrulous ( mukhacapalatva -tva- n.)  |
mukhacapalā | f. a kind of āryā- metre  |
mukhacapalatva | n. mukhacapala |
mukhacāpalya | n. loquacity  |
mukhacapeṭikā | f. a slap on the face, box on the ear (see durjanam-).  |
mukhacchada | m. or n. (?) a face-cover, eye-bandage  |
mukhacchavi | f. "face-colour", complexion  |
mukhacīrī | f. the tongue  |
mukhadaghna | mfn. reaching to the mouth  |
mukhādāna | mfn. seizing with the mouth  |
mukhadhautā | f. Clerodendrum Siphonanthus  |
mukhāditva | n. fr. mukhādi-,"the face etc.",  |
mukhadūṣaṇa | n. ( ) ( ) "mouth-defiler", an onion.  |
mukhadūṣaṇaka | m. ( ) "mouth-defiler", an onion.  |
mukhadūṣikā | f. "face-spoiler", an eruption which disfigures the face  |
mukhagandhaka | m. "mouth-scenting", an onion  |
mukhagata | mfn. being in the mouth or in the face  |
mukhaghaṇṭā | f. "mouth-bell", a particular sound made with the mouth  |
mukhaghaṇṭikā | f. equals mukulikā-, column 2.  |
mukhāgni | m. a forest conflagration  |
mukhāgni | m. a sort of goblin with a face of fire |
mukhāgni | m. fire put into the mouth of a corpse at the time of lighting the funeral pile  |
mukhāgni | m. a sacrificial or consecrated fire  |
mukhāgra | n. the extremity of a nose or snout  |
mukhāgra | n. any extremity  |
mukhagrahaṇa | n. kissing the mouth  |
mukhaja | mfn. produced from or in the mouth  |
mukhaja | mfn. being on the face (with abhinaya- m.change of countenance, play of feature)  |
mukhaja | m. "mouth-born", a Brahman (so called as produced from the mouth of brahmā-), , a tooth  |
mukhajāha | n. the root or point of issue of the mouth, the top of the pharynx gaRa karṇādi-.  |
mukhajanman | m. a Brahman (see prec.)  |
mukhakamala | n. "face-lotus", a lotus-like face  |
mukhākāra | m. "form of the countenance", mien, look  |
mukhakhura | m. "mouth-razor", a tooth  |
mukhākṣepa | m. the act of throwing up soil with the ploughshare, (or) an invective (as uttered by the mouth)  |
mukhalāṅgala | m. "using his snout for a plough", a boar, hog  |
mukhalepa | m. anointing the mouth  |
mukhalepa | m. anointing the upper side of a drum  |
mukhalepa | m. a particular disease of the phlegmatic humour (see āsyopalepa-).  |
mukhālu | n. a species of arum  |
mukhamadhu | mfn. honey-mouthed, sweet-lipped  |
mukhamādhurya | n. a particular disease of the phlegm,  |
mukhamaṇḍala | n. "face-orb", the face, countenance  |
mukhamaṇḍana | m. Clerodendrum Phlomoides  |
mukhamaṇḍanaka | m. Clerodendrum Phlomoides  |
mukhamaṇḍī | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
mukhamaṇḍikā | ( ) f. a particular disease or the deity presiding over it  |
mukhamaṇḍinikā | ( ) f. a particular disease or the deity presiding over it  |
mukhamārjana | n. washing or cleansing the mouth (after meals etc.)  |
mukhamāruta | m. "mouth wind", breath  |
mukhamātra | mf(ī-)n. reaching to the mouth commentator or commentary  |
mukhamātre | ind. as high as the mouth  |
mukhāmaya | m. disease of the mouth  |
mukhāmbuja | n. equals mukha-kamala-  |
mukhamoda | m. Hyperanthera Morings  |
mukhāmodā | f. Boswellia Thurifera  |
mukhampaca | m. a beggar  |
mukhāmṛta | n. the nectar of the mouth or countenance  |
mukhamudrā | f. distortion of the face or (more prob.) silence  |
mukhanāsika | n. sg. the mouth and nose,  |
mukhaṇḍī | or mukhuṇḍhī- f. a kind of weapon  |
mukhāṅga | n. a part of the face  |
mukhānila | m. "mouth-wind", breath commentator or commentary  |
mukhanirīkṣaka | mfn. "face-gazer", idle, lazy  |
mukhanirīkṣaka | m. an idler  |
mukhanivāsinī | f. "dwelling in the mouth", Name of sarasvatī-  |
mukhapadma | n. a lotus-face,  |
mukhapāka | m. inflammation of the mouth  |
mukhapaṅkaja | m. "face-lotus", a lotus-like face  |
mukhapaṭa | m. "face-cloth", a veil  |
mukhaphullaka | n. a kind of ornament  |
mukhapiṇḍa | m. or n. (?) a lump or piece of food in the mouth  |
mukhapoñchana | (for -proñchana-) n. a cloth or napkin for wiping the mouth (wrong reading -pocchana-).  |
mukhaprasāda | m. the light of the countenance, graciousness of aspect.  |
mukhaprasādhana | n. decorating or painting the face  |
mukhapratimukha | speech and reply (?)  |
mukhaprekṣa | ( ) ( ) mfn. observing or watching the face (to detect any one's intentions).  |
mukhaprekṣin | ( ) mfn. observing or watching the face (to detect any one's intentions). |
mukhapriya | mfn. pleasant in the mouth  |
mukhapriya | m. an orange  |
mukhapūraṇa | n. "filling the mouth", a mouthful of water, a mouth in general  |
mukhapuṣpaka | n. a kind of ornament  |
mukhara | mf(ā-)n. (fr. mukha-; see Va1rtt. i ) talkative, garrulous, loquacious (said also of birds and bees)  |
mukhara | mf(ā-)n. noisy, tinkling (as an anklet etc.)  |
mukhara | mf(ā-)n. sound resonant or eloquent with, expressive of (compound),  |
mukhara | mf(ā-)n. scurrilous  |
mukhara | mf(ā-)n. foul-mouthed, scurrilous speaking harshly or abusively  |
mukhara | m. a crow  |
mukhara | m. a conch shell  |
mukhara | m. a leader, principal, chief  |
mukhara | m. Name of a nāga-  |
mukhara | m. of a rogue  |
mukharā | f. Name of a serpent-maid  |
mukharāga | m. colour of the face  |
mukharajju | f. "mouth-cord", the bridle or bit of a horse  |
mukharaka | m. Name of, a rogue  |
mukharandhra | n. the mouth of a flute  |
mukharatā | f. talkativeness, garrulity, noisiness  |
mukharaya | Nom. P. yati-, to make talkative, cause to speak ; to make noisy or resonant ; to announce, notify, declare  |
mukhārcis | n. "mouth -flame", hot breath (?)  |
mukharekhā | f. feature, mien, air  |
mukharī | f. the bit of a bridle  |
mukharikā | f. the bit of a bridle  |
mukharikā | f. talking, conversation  |
mukharīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to make resonant, cause to resound  |
mukharita | mfn. rendered noisy. made resonant, sounding, ringing  |
mukhārjaka | m. Ocimum Pilosum  |
mukharoga | m. equals -ruj- (q.v)  |
mukharogika | mfn. relating to mouth-disease  |
mukharogin | mfn. diseased in the mouth  |
mukharuj | f. any disease of the mouth  |
mukhaśālā | f. entrance-hall, waiting room, vestibule  |
mukhasambhava | m. "mouth-born", a Brahman (see ja-).  |
mukhasaṃdaṃśa | m. forceps  |
mukhasaṃdhi | m. (in dramatic language) Name of a kind of fugue  |
mukhasammita | (m/ukha-.) mfn. reaching to the mouth  |
mukhaśapha | mfn. foul-mouthed, scurrilous  |
mukhaśaśin | m. candra-, Ratnav.  |
mukhāsava | m. nectar of the lips  |
mukhasecaka | m. Name of, a serpent-demon  |
mukhaśeṣa | mfn. having only the face left  |
mukhaśeṣa | m. Name of rāhu-  |
mukhaśobhā | f. brilliancy of the face resulting from reading the veda-  |
mukhaśodhana | mfn. cleansing the mouth  |
mukhaśodhana | mfn. sharp, pungent  |
mukhaśodhana | m. pungency, sharp or pungent flavour  |
mukhaśodhana | n. the cleansing of the mouth  |
mukhaśodhana | n. cinnamon  |
mukhaśodhin | mfn. cleansing the mouth  |
mukhaśodhin | m. a lime or citron, citron tree  |
mukhaśoṣa | m. dryness of them  |
mukhaśoṣin | mfn. suffering from dryness of the mouth  |
mukhasrāva | m. flow of saliva,  |
mukhasrāva | m. saliva  |
mukhāsrāva | m. "flow of saliva"  |
mukhaśrī | f. beauty of countenance, a beautiful face  |
mukhaśṛṅga | m. a rhinoceros  |
mukhaṣṭhīla | mfn. (prob. for mukhāṣṭhila-) equals -śapha- (q.v)  |
mukhāstra | m. "mouth-armed", a crab  |
mukhaśuddhi | f. cleansing or purifying the mouth  |
mukhasukha | n. causing ease of pronunciation  |
mukhasura | n. lip-nectar  |
mukhāsvāda | m. kissing the mouth  |
mukhatas | ind. from or at the mouth, by means of the mouth  |
mukhatas | ind. at the head, in the front, from before etc.  |
mukhatas | mfn. equals mukhe tasyati-  |
mukhatastaḥkāram | ind.  |
mukhatīya | mfn. (fr. 1., mukha-t/as-) being in the mouth or in the front gaRa gahādi-.  |
mukhatuṇḍaka | m. or n. (?) the mouth  |
mukhavādya | n. any musical instrument sounded with the mouth  |
mukhavādya | n. (in the worship of śiva-) a kind of musical sound made with the mouth (by striking it with the hand)  |
mukhavairasya | n. a bad taste in the mouth  |
mukhāvalepa | m. clamminess of the mouth  |
mukhavallabha | m. a pomegranate tree  |
mukhāvarī | f. Name of a rāgiṇī-  |
mukhavarṇa | m. colour of the face  |
mukhavāsa | m. "mouth-perfume", a perfume used to scent the breath  |
mukhavāsa | m. a particular intoxicating drink  |
mukhavāsa | m. fragrant grass  |
mukhavāsana | n. mouth-perfume (equals -vāsa-)  |
mukhavāsana | n. the smell of camphor  |
mukhavāsana | mfn. having the smell of camphor  |
mukhavastrikā | f. a piece of fine muslin or net held before the face while speaking  |
mukhavat | mfn. possessing a mouth  |
mukhavāta | m. "mouth-wind", breath,  |
mukhavāṭikā | f. a species of plant (equals amba-ṣṭhā-)  |
mukhaviluṇṭhikā | f. a she-goat  |
mukhavipulā | f. a kind of āryā- metre  |
mukhaviṣṭhā | f. a species of cockroach  |
mukhavyādāna | n. the act of opening the mouth wide, gaping  |
mukhayantraṇa | n. "mouth-curb", the bit of a bridle  |
mukhayoni | m. equals āsekya-  |
mukhebalin | m. a rhinoceros  |
mukhebhagā | f. equals mukha-bhagā- (q.v)  |
mukhebhava | mf(ā-)n. formed in the mouth  |
mukhena | ind. mukha |
mukhenādāyin | m. plural Name (also title or epithet) of a particular class of self-mortifying devotees,  |
mukhendu | m. a moon-like face,  |
mukhendubimba | n. idem or 'm. a moon-like face, '  |
mukhībhū | (ind.p. mukhī-bhū--bhūya-)  |
mukhīna | See brāhmaṇa-m-.  |
mukhīya | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') being at the top or head, being foremost (See śālā--, savana-m-etc.)  |
mukhocchvāsa | m. breath  |
mukholkā | f. a forest fire  |
mukhotkīrṇa | m. Name of a man  |
mukhulī | prob. w.r. for utkhalī- q.v |
mukhya | mf(ā-)n. being in or coming from or belonging to the mouth or face etc.  |
mukhya | mf(ā-)n. being at the head or at the beginning, first, principal, chief, eminent (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = the first or best or chief among, rarely equals mukha-or ādi- q.v) etc.  |
mukhya | m. a leader, guide  |
mukhya | m. Name of a tutelary deity (presiding over one of the 81 or 63 divisions or pada-s of an astrological house)  |
mukhya | m. plural a class of gods under manu- sāvarṇi-  |
mukhyā | f. Name of the residence of varuṇa-  |
mukhya | n. an essential rite  |
mukhya | n. reading or teaching the veda-s  |
mukhya | n. the month reckoned from new moon to new moon  |
mukhya | n. moustache  |
mukhyacandra | m. or n. (?) the principal lunar month (which ends with the conjunction, as opp. to the gauṇa-c-which ends with the opposition)  |
mukhyamantrin | m. a prime minister ( mukhyamantritva tri-tva- n.)  |
mukhyamantritva | n. mukhyamantrin |
mukhyanṛpa | m. a paramount sovereign, reigning monarch  |
mukhyarāj | m. equals -nṛpa-  |
mukhyarājan | m. equals -nṛpa-  |
mukhyārtha | m. the primary meaning of a word (as opp. to gauṇārtha-,the secondary or metaphorical meaning)  |
mukhyārtha | mfn. employed in (or having) the original sense  |
mukhyasadriśa | mfn. similar to the principal matter  |
mukhyaśas | ind. principally, chiefly, before all, next  |
mukhyāśramin | m. the pupil of a Brahmin  |
mukhyatā | f.  |
mukhyatas | ind. principally, chiefly, particularly,  |
mukhyatva | n. pre-eminence, superiority, highest rank or position  |
mukhyopāya | m. plural the four chief stratagems (sāman-, dāna-, bheda-,and daṇḍa-)  |
mukṣījā | f. a net, snare  |
mukta | muktā-, mukti- See p.816etc.  |
mukta | mfn. loosened, let loose, set free, relaxed, slackened, opened, open etc.  |
mukta | mfn. liberated, delivered, emancipated (especially from sin or worldly existence) etc. (with instrumental case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = released from, deprived or destitute of; see )  |
mukta | mfn. fallen or dropped down (as fruit)  |
mukta | mfn. abandoned, relinquished, quitted, given up, laid aside, deposed etc.  |
mukta | mfn. sent forth, emitted, discharged, poured out, hurled, thrown  |
mukta | mfn. left free (as a road)  |
mukta | mfn. uttered (as sound)  |
mukta | mfn. shed (as tears)  |
mukta | mfn. let fly, applied (as a kick)  |
mukta | mfn. gone, vanished, disappeared (especially in the beginning of a compound; see below)  |
mukta | m. Name of one of the 7 sages under manu- bhautya-  |
mukta | m. of a cook  |
muktā | f. (with or scilicet dis-) the quarter or cardinal point just quitted by the sun  |
mukta | m. a pearl (as loosened from the pearl-oyster shell) etc.  |
mukta | m. an unchaste woman  |
mukta | m. a species of plant (equals rāsnā-)  |
mukta | m. Name of a river  |
mukta | n. the spirit released from corporeal existence  |
muktā | f. of mukta-, in compound  |
muktabandhana | mfn. released from bonds  |
muktabandhanā | f. Arabian jasmine  |
muktābharaṇa | mfn. (for 2. muktā-bh-See under mukta-below) having no ornament  |
muktābharaṇa | (tābh-) mfn. (for 1. see under mukta-above) having a pearls ornament  |
muktābhāraṇa | (tābhā-) m. Jasminum Zambac  |
muktabuddhi | mfn. one whose soul is liberated, emancipated  |
muktacakṣus | mfn. having the eyes opened  |
muktacakṣus | m. "casting glances", a lion  |
muktācaritra | n. Name of work  |
muktacetas | mfn. one whose soul is liberated (from existence), emancipated  |
muktacintāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
muktādāman | n. a string of pearls  |
muktadhvani | mfn. giving out thunder (as a cloud)  |
muktāgāra | (tāg-or tāg-) n. "pearl. abode", the pearls-oyster  |
muktāguṇa | m. a string of pearls  |
muktāguṇa | m. the excellence of a pearl, lustre or water of a pearls  |
muktāhāra | mfn. (for 2. muktā-h-See under muktā-below) taking no food  |
muktāhāra | m. (for 1.See under mukta-, column 1) a string of pearls etc.  |
muktāhāralatā | f. idem or 'm. (for 1.See under mukta-, column 1) a string of pearls etc.'  |
muktāharaṇavrata | n. a particular religious observance  |
muktahasta | mf(ā-)n. open. handed, liberal  |
muktahasta | mf(ā-)n. loosed, let go  |
muktājāla | n. ornament of pearls  |
muktājālamaya | mf(ī-)n. made or consisting of pearls  |
muktaka | mfn. detached, separate, independent  |
muktaka | n. a missile  |
muktaka | n. a detached śloka- (the meaning of which is complete in itself)  |
muktaka | n. simple prose (without compound words)  |
muktakaccha | m. "one who lets the hem of the upper garment hang down or loose", a Buddhist  |
muktakacchamata | n. the doctrine of Buddhists  |
muktākalāpa | m. an ornament made of strings of pearls  |
muktākalāpī | ind. with kṛ-, to make anything an ornament of pearls  |
muktākaṇa | m. Name of a man  |
muktakañcuka | mfn. (a snake) that has cast its skin  |
muktakaṇṭha | mfn. ( ) ( ) , with krand-, rud- etc., to cry aloud, cry or weep with all one's might.  |
muktakaṇṭham | ind. ( ) , with krand-, rud- etc., to cry aloud, cry or weep with all one's might.  |
muktakara | mfn. open-handed, liberal |
muktākāra | (tāk-) mfn. having the look or appearance of a pearl ( muktākāratā -tā- f.)  |
muktākāratā | f. muktākāra |
muktākāvya | n. Name of a kāvya-.  |
muktakeśa | mf(ā-or ī-)n. "loose-haired", having the hair dishevelled or hanging down  |
muktākeśava | m. Name of a statue of kṛṣṇa-  |
muktākhya | (tākh-) m. a particular mode of beating a drum  |
muktalajja | mfn. casting away shame  |
muktālatā | f. a string of pearls  |
muktālatā | f. Name of a woman  |
muktāmālā | f. Name of 2 works.  |
muktamaṇḍūkakaṇṭha | mf(ā-)n. having loudly croaking frogs  |
muktāmaṇi | m. "pearls-gem."a pearls etc.  |
muktāmaṇisara | m. a string of pearls  |
muktāmātṛ | f. mother of pearl, a pearls-oyster |
muktāmaya | mf(ī-)n. made or consisting of pearls  |
muktāmbara | mfn. or m. equals mukta-vasana-  |
muktāmodaka | m. a kind of pastry  |
muktamukta | mfn. hurled and not hurled (applied especially to weapons which may be wielded and hurled, as clubs and javelins etc.)  |
muktamūrdhaja | mf(ā-)n. equals -keśa- (q.v)  |
muktānanda | m. Name of an author  |
muktanidra | mfn. set free from sleep, awakened  |
muktanirmoka | mfn. equals -kañcuka- (q.v)  |
muktāpaṭala | n. a mass of pearls  |
muktāphala | n. a pearls etc.  |
muktāphala | n. a species of flower  |
muktāphala | n. the fruit of the lavali- plant  |
muktāphala | n. camphor  |
muktāphala | n. Name of work  |
muktāphala | m. Name of a king of the śabara-s  |
muktāphaladhvaja | m. Name of a king  |
muktāphalajala | n. equals muktā-j- (q.v)  |
muktāphalaketu | m. Name of a king of the vidyā-dhara-s,  |
muktāphalalatā | f. a string of pearls  |
muktāphalamaya | mfn. formed of pearls  |
muktāphalaparīkṣā | f. Name of chapter of work  |
muktāphalatā | f. the being a pearl state of a pearls,  |
muktaphūtkāra | mfn. uttering a scream, screaming  |
muktaphūtkṛti | f. uttering a shriek, shrieking, hissing  |
muktāpīḍa | m. (tāp-) "pearl-crowned", Name of a king  |
muktāpīḍa | m. of a poet  |
muktāpralamba | m. equals -prālamba- (q.v)  |
muktāprālamba | m. a string of pearls, pearls ornament  |
muktāprāsū | f. "pearls-bearing", the pearls-oyster  |
muktāpura | n. Name of a mythical city in the himālaya- mountains  |
muktapuṣpa | n. plural flowers scattered  |
muktāpuṣpa | m. Jasminum Multiflorum or Pubescens  |
muktāratna | n. "pearl-gem", a pearls  |
muktāratnaraśmimaya | mfn. consisting of Pubescens -rays  |
muktarodhonitamba | mfn. quitting the hip-like bank  |
muktaroṣa | mfn. one who has laid aside or relinquished anger  |
muktaśaiśava | mf(ā-)n . adult, grown up  |
muktasaṃśaya | mfn. free from doubt, certain  |
muktāsana | mfn. one who has risen from a seat  |
muktāsana | n. the mode in which the emancipated are said to sit, a particular posture of ascetics (equals siddhāsana- q.v)  |
muktasaṅga | mfn. free from worldly or selfish attachment, disinterested  |
muktāsena | m. Name of a king of the vidyā-dhara-s  |
muktaśikha | mfn. equals -keśa-  |
muktāsphoṭa | m. a pearls-oyster  |
muktāsphoṭā | f. a pearls-oyster  |
muktāsraj | f. a chaplet of pearls  |
muktāsthūla | mfn. big as a pearl  |
muktāśukti | f. a pearls-oyster  |
muktasūryā | f. (with diś-) the quarter just quitted by the sun  |
muktasvāmin | m. "lord of emancipation", Name of a statue erected by a king  |
muktatā | f. emancipation, the being liberated from existence  |
muktātman | m. the emancipated soul  |
muktātman | mfn. one whose soul is liberated, emancipated  |
muktatva | n. emancipation, the being liberated from existence  |
muktāvali | f. (tāv-) a pearl necklace etc. (li- )  |
muktāvali | f. Name of various works.  |
muktāvalī | f. Name of the wife of candra-ketu-  |
muktāvalī | f. (tāv-) a pearls necklace etc. (li- )  |
muktāvalī | f. Name of various works.  |
muktāvalidīpikā | f. Name of work  |
muktāvalīdīpikā | f. Name of work  |
muktāvalikiraṇa | m. Name of work  |
muktāvalīkiraṇa | m. Name of work  |
muktāvalīmaya | mf(ī-)n. formed of strings of pearls  |
muktāvalipaddhati | f. Name of work  |
muktāvalīpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
muktāvaliprabhā | f. Name of work  |
muktāvalīprabhā | f. Name of work  |
muktāvaliprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
muktāvalīprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
muktāvaliṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
muktāvalīṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
muktāvalivyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
muktāvalīvyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
muktāvalivyāptivādadipikā | f. Name of work  |
muktāvalīvyāptivādadipikā | f. Name of work  |
muktavasana | mfn. one who has put off his clothes, going about naked  |
muktavasana | m. a jaina- ascetic  |
muktavyāpāra | mfn. one who has resigned an office  |
mukte | ind. beside (with instrumental case) on  |
mukteśvara | n. Name of a liṅga-  |
mukti | f. setting or becoming free, release, liberation, deliverance from (compound) etc., etc.  |
mukti | f. final liberation or emancipation, final beatitude (equals mokṣa-, q.v)  |
mukti | f. abandonment, putting off, giving up (compound)  |
mukti | f. throwing, casting, hurling, shooting, sending  |
mukti | f. discharge (of a debt; see ṛṇa-m-)  |
mukti | f. Name of a divine being (the wife of satya-)  |
mukticintāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
mukticintāmaṇimāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
muktigrantha | m. Name of work  |
muktikā | f. a pearl  |
muktikalaśa | m. Name of one of the ancestors of bilhaṇa-  |
muktikalaśa | m. (with bhaṭṭa-) Name of a poet  |
muktikāntavilāsa | m. Name of a poem.  |
muktikhaṇḍa | m. or n. Name of work  |
muktikopākhyāna | n. Name of work  |
muktikopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
muktikośaka | m. Name of two poets  |
muktikoṣṭaka | m. Name of two poets  |
muktikṣetra | n. a place where final emancipation is attainable (especially a particular place south of the kāverī-)  |
muktikṣetramāhātmya | n. Name of chapter of  |
muktimaṇḍapa | m. Name of a temple  |
muktimārga | m. the path to liberation or final emancipation,  |
muktimatī | f. Name of a river (varia lectio bhukti--and śukti-m-).  |
muktimukta | m. frankincense  |
muktipariṇaya | m. Name of a drama.  |
muktipati | m. lord of bliss or beatitude  |
muktipura | n. Name of a dvīpa-  |
muktipūrdasyu | m. a dasyu- in the city of emancipation  |
muktisaptaśatī | f. Name of work  |
muktisāra | m. Name of work  |
muktisena | m. Name of a man  |
muktisopāna | n. Name of work  |
muktīśvara | m. (with dīkṣita-) Name of a poet  |
muktitattva | n. Name of work  |
muktitrayabhedanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
muktivāda | m. (also muktivādaṭikā -ṭikā- f. muktivādarahasya -rahasya- n. muktivādavicāra -vicāra-,m.) Name of work  |
muktivādarahasya | n. muktivāda |
muktivādaṭikā | f. muktivāda |
muktivādavicāra | m. muktivāda |
muktivat | mfn. having freedom, freed from (ablative)  |
muktvā | ind. having loosed or freed or let go or given up, or discharged or sent forth or left or abandoned etc.  |
muktvā | ind. having liberated one's self, having attained final emancipation  |
muktvā | ind. having put aside, excepting, except, save (with accusative)  |
muku | m. equals mukti- (a word formed to explain, mukun-da-as"giver of liberation";others assume mukum mukum- ind.)  |
mukula | n. (m. gaRa ardharcādi-; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a bud (also figuratively"a first tooth") (in this sense also makula- )  |
mukula | n. the body  |
mukula | n. the soul  |
mukula | n. (only n.) a kind of metre  |
mukula | m. (with hāsta-) a bud-like junction or bringing together of the fingers of the hand  |
mukula | m. Name of a king and another man  |
mukula | m. (with bhaṭṭa-) Name of an author  |
mukula | mf(ā-)n. closed (as eyes),  |
mukulāgra | n. a particular surgical instrument with a bud-like point  |
mukūlaka | m. a species of plant (equals makūlaka-)  |
mukulaya | Nom. P. yati-, to cause to close or shut (the eyes),  |
mukulāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to shut like a bud, resemble a closed bud  |
mukulāyita | mfn. budded, blossomed  |
mukulī | in compound for mukula-.  |
mukulībhāva | m. closing, the being closed (as a flower)  |
mukulikā | f. a low or humming sound made to lull a child to sleep  |
mukulīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to close in the form of a bud  |
mukulīkṛta | mfn. closed, shut (as a bud)  |
mukulin | mfn. budding, full of buds  |
mukulita | (q.v) gaRa  |
mukulita | mfn. budded, full of blossoms  |
mukulita | mfn. closed like a bud, shut  |
mukulitākṣa | mf(ī-)n. having half-closed eyes |
mukulitanayana | mf(ā-)n. having half-closed eyes  |
mukum | See muku- above.  |
mukum | ind. muku |
mukunda | m. (see muku-) Name of viṣṇu- (sometimes transferred to śiva-)  |
mukunda | m. of a celebrated saint  |
mukunda | m. of a particular treasure  |
mukunda | m. a kind of precious stone  |
mukunda | m. a kind of grain  |
mukunda | m. the resin of Boswellia Thurifera  |
mukunda | m. a kind of drum or kettle-drum  |
mukunda | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
mukunda | m. Name of various scholars and authors (also with miśra-, paṇḍita-, dīkṣita-, śarman-, kavi-, parivrājaka-; see compound)  |
mukunda | m. of a mountain  |
mukundabhaṭṭa | m. Name of various authors (also gāḍagila-and ṭṭāccārya-)  |
mukundabhaṭṭṭīya | n. Name of work  |
mukundacaturdaśa | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
mukundadāsa | m. Name of two authors  |
mukundadāsaguṇaleśāṣṭaka | n. Name of work  |
mukundadeva | m. Name of various princes of Orissa  |
mukundagovinda | m. Name of the Guru of rāmānanda-  |
mukundaka | m. a kind of grain (reckoned among the ku-dhānya-s)  |
mukundaka | m. wrong reading for su-kandaka-.  |
mukundalāla | m.  |
mukundamālā | f. Name of a stotra- (in verses, addressed to viṣṇu-) by kula-śekhara-,  |
mukundamuktāratnāvalīstotraṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
mukundamuktāvalī | f. Name of work  |
mukundamuni | m.  |
mukundānanda | m. Name of a bhāṇa- (q.v) by kāśī-pati-.  |
mukundapriya | m. Name of the son of gadādhara- and father of rāmānanda-  |
mukundarāja | m.  |
mukundasena | m. Name of a man  |
mukundāṣṭaka | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
mukundavana | m. Name of various men  |
mukundavijaya | m. Name of work  |
mukundavilāsa | m. Name of work  |
mukundu | m. the resin of Boswellia Thurifera  |
mukuṇṭha | m. plural Name of a people  |
mukuṇṭī | f. a kind of weapon (prob. wrong reading for su-kuṇṭhī-).  |
mukura | m. a mirror (equals makura-) (see karṇa--and mati-m-)  |
mukura | m. the stick or handle of a potter's wheel  |
mukura | m. Mimusops Elengi  |
mukura | m. Jasminium Zambac  |
mukura | m. a bud, blossom (gaRa tārakādi-).  |
mukurāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to become a mirror  |
mukurita | mfn. (prob.) =  |
mukuṣṭha | mfn. equals manthara-  |
mukuṣṭha | m. equals next  |
mukuṣṭhaka | m. a species of bean  |
mukuṭa | mn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a tiara, diadem, crown (said to be crescent-shaped;the kirīt-,a being pointed, and the mauli-having three points) etc.  |
mukuṭa | m. a crest, point, head (See trim-)  |
mukuṭa | m. Name of an author (equals rāya-m-)  |
mukuṭa | m. Pl. Name of a people  |
mukuṭā | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
mukuṭa | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
mukuṭaratna | n. equals mukuṭopala-  |
mukuṭatāḍitaka | n. Name of a drama.  |
mukuṭekārṣāpaṇa | n. Name of a tax or tribute raised for a royal diadem (in the east of India)  |
mukuṭeśvara | m. Name of a king  |
mukuṭeśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
mukuṭeśvarī | f. Name of dākṣāyaṇī- in mukuṭa-  |
mukuṭī | f. snapping the fingers  |
mukuṭin | mfn. crowned, wearing a diadem  |
mukuṭopala | m. a crest-gem, jewel on a diadem  |
mukuṭṭa | m. Name of a man  |
mul | varia lectio for mūl- (q.v)  |
mulācāra | m. Name of work  |
mulādiśānti | f. Name of work  |
mulāli | f. (prob.) a species of edible lotus  |
mulālin | m. a species of edible lotus  |
mummaḍideva | m. Name of an author  |
mummuni | m. Name of a man  |
mumocayiṣu | mfn. desirous of setting free or liberating  |
mumokṣayiṣu | mfn. desirous of setting free or liberating  |
mumokṣayiṣu | mumocayiṣu- See .  |
mumokṣayiṣu | mfn. See under 2. muc-, .  |
muṃsala | m. or n. (?) Name of a place  |
mumucāna | m. a cloud  |
mumucu | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (mentioned with unmucu- and pramucu-)  |
mumukṣā | f. (fr. Desiderative) desire of liberation from (ablative) or of final emancipation  |
mumukṣā | kṣu-, mumucāna-, cu- See .  |
mumukṣu | mfn. desirous of freeing, wishing to deliver from (ablative)  |
mumukṣu | mfn. eager to be free (from mundane existence), striving after emancipation etc.  |
mumukṣu | mfn. wishing to let go or give up (accusative)  |
mumukṣu | mfn. wishing to discharge or shed or emit or shoot or hurl or send forth (accusative or compound)  |
mumukṣu | m. a sage who strives after emancipation  |
mumukṣujanakalpa | m. Name of work  |
mumukṣumāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
mumukṣusārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
mumukṣusārasarvasva | n. Name of work  |
mumukṣusarvasva | n. (and mumukṣusarvasvasārasaṃgraha -sāra-saṃgraha-,m.) Name of work  |
mumukṣusarvasvasārasaṃgraha | m. mumukṣusarvasva |
mumukṣutā | f. ( ) desire of liberation or of final emancipation.  |
mumukṣutva | n. ( ) desire of liberation or of final emancipation.  |
mumūrṣā | shu. See .  |
mumūrṣā | f. (fr. Desiderative) desire of death, impatience of life  |
mumūrṣu | mfn. wishing or being about to die, moribund  |
mumuṣiṣu | See .  |
mumuṣiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative) wishing to steal, a thief ( mumuṣiṣuvat -vat- ind.like a thief)  |
mumuṣiṣuvat | ind. mumuṣiṣu |
muṇ | cl.6 P. muṇati-, to promise  |
muñc | cl.1 P. muñcati-, to go, move ( ) ; cl.1 A1. muñcate-, to cheat, be wicked (see mac-and1. muc-).  |
muñcaka | m. a species of tree  |
muñcāta | m. Name of a family  |
muṇḍ | (prob. artificial, to serve as the supposed source of the words below) cl.1 P. to cut (khaṇḍane- equals chidi-) ; to crush, grind, (varia lectio for muṭ-) ; cl.1 A1."to cleanse"or"to sink"or"to shave" (mārjane- varia lectio magne-and muṇḍane-), : Causal muṇḍayati- (or muṇḍāpayati- ) See muṇḍaya- below.  |
muṇḍa | mf(ā-)n. shaved, bald, having the head shaved or the hair shorn etc.  |
muṇḍa | mf(ā-)n. having no horns, hornless (as a cow or goat)  |
muṇḍa | mf(ā-)n. stripped of top leaves or branches, lopped (as a tree)  |
muṇḍa | mf(ā-)n. pointless, blunt  |
muṇḍa | mf(ā-)n. without awns or a beard (a kind of corn)  |
muṇḍa | mf(ā-)n. low, mean  |
muṇḍa | m. a man with a shaven head, bald-headed man (also applied to śiva-)  |
muṇḍa | m. the trunk of a lopped tree  |
muṇḍa | m. a barber  |
muṇḍa | m. Name of rāhu-  |
muṇḍa | m. of a daitya-  |
muṇḍa | m. of a king  |
muṇḍa | m. plural Name of a people  |
muṇḍa | m. of a dynasty  |
muṇḍā | f. a (close-shaved) female mendicant  |
muṇḍā | f. a widow  |
muṇḍā | f. a species of plant  |
muṇḍā | f. Bengal madder  |
muṇḍa | n. ( also n.) a shaven head, any head  |
muṇḍa | n. iron  |
muṇḍa | n. myrrh  |
muṇḍacaṇaka | m. a kind of pulse  |
muṇḍadhānya | n. a kind of grain without awns (varia lectio rūḍha-dh-).  |
muṇḍadhārin | mfn. wearing (a garland of) heads or skulls.  |
muṇḍaja | n. steel  |
muṇḍaka | mfn. shaved, shorn  |
muṇḍaka | m. the lopped trunk or stem of a tree, pollard  |
muṇḍaka | m. a shaver, barber  |
muṇḍaka | n. the head  |
muṇḍaka | n. Name of the chapters into which the muṇḍakopaniṣad- is divided.  |
muṇḍakhaṇḍeyopaniṣad | (?) f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
muṇḍakopaniṣad | f. Name of a well-known upaniṣad- of the atharva-- veda- (called also ātharvaṇopaniṣad- and said to take its former name from the word muṇḍa-,because every one who comprehends its sacred doctrine is"shorn", i.e. liberated from all error, a similar idea being probably involved in the name of the kṣurikopaniṣad- or"Razor upaniṣad-"; see )  |
muṇḍakopaniṣadāloka | m. Name of Comms. on the  |
muṇḍakopaniṣadbhāṣya | n. Name of Comms. on the  |
muṇḍakopaniṣaddīpikā | f. Name of Comms. on the  |
muṇḍakopaniṣatkhaṇḍārtha | m.  |
muṇḍaloha | n. iron (see muṇḍāyasa-).  |
muṇḍamālātantra | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
muṇḍamālinī | f. a form of durgā-  |
muṇḍamaṇḍalī | f. a number of shaven heads  |
muṇḍamaṇḍalī | f. a collection of inferior troops  |
muṇḍamathanā | f. Name of durgā-  |
muṇḍana | n. shaving the head (with or scilicet śirasaḥ-), tonsure etc.  |
muṇḍana | n. protecting, defending (see muṇṭh-)  |
muṇḍana | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
muṇḍanaka | m. a species of rice (see muṇḍaśāli-)  |
muṇḍaneśa | m. Name of śiva-  |
muṇḍanikā | f. See mahā-m-.  |
muṇḍaphala | m. a cocoa-nut tree (the fruit being one step towards a human head made by viśvāmitra-, when attempting a creation in opposition to that, of brahmā-)  |
muṇḍapṛṣṭha | m. or n. (?) Name of a place  |
muṇḍāra | n. Name of a place at which the sun is worshipped  |
muṇḍaśāli | m. a species of rice  |
muṇḍāsana | n. a particular posture in sitting  |
muṇḍaśayanāsanavārika | m. a particular official in a monastery  |
muṇḍaśṛṅkhalika | m. Name of a subdivision of the pāśupata-s  |
muṇḍavedāṅga | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
muṇḍaya | Nom. P. yati-, to shave, shear  |
muṇḍāyasa | n. iron (see muṇḍa-loha-).  |
muṇḍeśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a place of pilgrimage  |
muṇḍī | f. Sphaerantus Hirtus  |
muṇḍī | f. Name of one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
muṇḍibha | m. Name of a man (the supposed author of )  |
muṇḍikā | f. a species of plant  |
muṇḍīkalpa | m. Name of work  |
muṇḍin | mfn. shaven, bald (also applied to śiva-)  |
muṇḍin | mfn. hornless  |
muṇḍin | m. a barber  |
muṇḍīra | m. the sun  |
muṇḍīrī | f. a species of plant  |
muṇḍīrikā | f. a species of plant  |
muṇḍīśvaratīrtha | n. (fr. muṇḍin-+ īśv-) Name of a tīrtha- (see muṇḍeśv-).  |
muṇḍita | mfn. shaved, bald, shorn, lopped  |
muṇḍitā | f. a window  |
muṇḍita | n. iron  |
muṇḍitamuṇḍa | mfn. shaven-headed, bald-pated  |
muṇḍitamurdhan | mfn. shaven-headed, bald-pated  |
muṇḍitaprahasana | n. Name of a drama,  |
muṇḍitaśiras | mfn. shaven-headed, bald-pated  |
muṇḍitikā | f. Sphaerantus Hirtus |
muṅga | and muṅgaṭa- m. Name of two men  |
muni | m. (according to to man-) impulse, eagerness (?)  |
muni | m. (prob.) any one who is moved by inward impulse, an inspired or ecstatic person, enthusiast  |
muni | m. a saint, sage, seer, ascetic, monk, devotee, hermit (especially one who has taken the vow of silence) etc. etc. (with hṛdayeṣu sthitaḥ-,the internal monitor or conscience )  |
muni | m. a Brahman of the highest (eighth) order,  |
muni | m. Name of a son of kuru-  |
muni | m. of a son of dyuti-mat-  |
muni | m. of vyāsa-  |
muni | m. of bharata-  |
muni | m. of agastya-  |
muni | m. of a buddha- or arhat-  |
muni | m. of pāṇini- etc. (see -traya-)  |
muni | m. of other nien  |
muni | m. of various authors  |
muni | m. of various plants (Agati Grandiflora, Buchanania Latifolia, Butea Frondosa, Terminalia Catappa, the mango-tree and Artemisia Indica)  |
muni | m. plural "the celestial muni-s", Name of the seven stars of Ursa Major (and there fore a symbolical N. for the number"seven")  |
munī | f. a female muni- (also ī-)  |
munī | f. Name of a daughter of dakṣa- (and wife of kaśyapa-), mother of a class of gandharva-s and apsaras- (see mauneya-)  |
muni | n. Name of a varṣa- (called after a royal muni-)  |
munibhāvaprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
munibheṣaja | n. "sage's medicine"fasting  |
munibheṣaja | n. Agati Grandiflora  |
munibheṣaja | n. Terminalia Chebula or Citrina  |
municandra | m. Name of a pupil of vardhamāna-  |
municchada | m. "seven-leaved", Alstonia Scholaris  |
municita | gaRa sutaṃgamādi-  |
munidāraka | m. equals -kumāra-  |
munideśa | m. Name of a place  |
munideva | m. (also with ācārya-) Name of an author.  |
munidruma | m. Agati Grandiflora  |
munidruma | m. Calosanthes Indica  |
munigāthā | f. Name of a particular sacred text  |
munihata | m. Name of king puṣya-mitra-  |
munijñānajyanta | m. Name of a scribe  |
munika | m. Name of a man  |
munikeśa | (m/uni--) mfn. wearing long hair like a muni-  |
munikharjūrikā | f. a species of date  |
munikumāra | m. a young sage  |
munimaraṇa | n. Name of a district  |
munimata | (in the beginning of a compound), the opinion or doctrine of sages  |
munimatamaṇimālā | f. Name of work  |
munimatamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work  |
munīndra | m. "chief of muni-s", a great sage or ascetic ( munīndratā -tā- f.)  |
munīndra | m. Name of a buddha- or jina-, (especially) of gautama- Buddha  |
munīndra | m. of śiva-  |
munīndra | m. of bharata-  |
munīndra | m. of a dānava-  |
munīndra | m. of an author  |
munindrā | f. Name of a kiṃ-narī-  |
munīndratā | f. munīndra |
muninirmita | m. a species of plant (equals ḍiṇḍiśa-)  |
munipadī | f. gaRa kumbhapady-ādi-.  |
muniparamparā | f. a tradition handed down from muni- to muni-, uninterrupted tradition  |
munipaticaritra | n. Name of work  |
munipatnī | f. a muni-'s wife  |
munipiṣṭakin | mf(ī-)n. one who lives every day on 8 wild-rice cakes  |
munipittala | n. copper.  |
munipriya | m. Panicum Miliaceum  |
munipūga | m. Areca Triandra  |
munipuṃgava | m. an eminent sage  |
munipuṣpaka | n. the blossom of Agati Grandiflora  |
muniputra | m. a muni-'s son  |
muniputra | m. Artemisia Indica  |
muniputraka | m. a wagtail  |
munīśa | m. "chief of muni-s", Name of gautama- buddha- or of a jina-  |
munīśa | m. of vālmīki-  |
muniśa | mfn. full of ascetics gaRa lomādi-.  |
munisattra | n. Name of a particular iṣṭi-  |
muniśāvaka | m. a young Brahman,  |
munisevita | m. a kind of wild grain or rice  |
munisthala | gaRa kumudādi-.  |
munisthāna | n. an abode of muni-s or ascetics  |
munisuta | m. equals -putra-  |
munisuvrata | m. (with jaina-s) Name of the 12th arhat- of the past and the 20th of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
munīśvara | m. "id.", Name of viṣṇu- or buddha-  |
munīśvara | m. of a Scholiast or Commentator on the siddhānta-śiromaṇi-  |
munīśvara | m. of viśva-rūpa- (son of raṅga-nātha-)  |
muniśvarīyapāṭīsāra | m. Name of work  |
munitā | f.  |
munitanayā | f. a muni-'s daughter  |
munitaru | m. Agati Grandiflora  |
munitraya | n. "triad of muni-s", pāṇini- and kātyāyana- and patañjali-  |
munitva | n. the state or character of a muni-  |
munīvaha |  |
munivākya | n. a muni-s's saying or doctrine  |
munivana | n. a forest inhabited by muni-s  |
munivara | m. the best of muni-s or sages  |
munivara | m. Name of vasiṣṭha- (as one of the stars of the Great Bear)  |
munīvatī | f. gaRa śarādi-.  |
muniveṣa | m. a muni-'s garment  |
muniveṣa | m. also equals -dhara- mfn. wearing a muni-'s garment  |
munivīrya | m. Name of one of the viśve- devāḥ-  |
muniviṣṭara | m. a species of plant  |
munivrata | mfn. observing a muni-s's vow, keeping perpetual silence  |
munivratin | mfn. one who eats eight mouthfuls  |
munivṛkṣa | m. Name of various kinds of trees (the palāśa-, sarala-, śyonāka- etc.)  |
muñj | See muj- above.  |
muñja | m. "sounding, rustling (?)", a species of rush or sedge-like grass, Saccharum Sara or Munja (which grows to the height of 10 feet, and is used in basketwork) etc.  |
muñja | m. the Brahmanical girdle formed of Munja (see mauñja- ) an arrow (?)  |
muñja | m. Name of a king of dhārā-  |
muñja | m. of a prince of campā-  |
muñja | m. of a man with the patronymic sāma-śravasa-  |
muñja | m. of a Brahman  |
muñja | m. of various authors etc.  |
muñjā | f. Name of a river  |
muñjā | f. = m. (See compound below) .  |
muñjabandhana | n. investiture with the Brahmanical girdle  |
muñjadhārin | mfn. holding Munja-grass in the hand  |
muñjāditya | m. Name of a poet  |
muñjādri | m. Name of a mountain, ,  |
muñjagrāma | m. Name of a village (Bombay edition ramya-gr-).  |
muñjājyābalbajamaya | mf(ī-)n. made of Munja-grass and a bow-string and Eleusine Indica  |
muñjaka | m. a species of rush (equals muñja-) (varia lectio for mauñjaka-).  |
muñjakeśa | m. "Munja-haired", Name of viṣṇu- (also -vat-) or śiva-  |
muñjakeśa | m. of a king  |
muñjakeśa | m. of a teacher  |
muñjakeśa | m. of a disciple of vijitāsu-  |
muñjakeśin | m. "Munja-haired", Name of viṣṇu-  |
muñjakeśin | m. of a man  |
muñjaketu | m. Name of a man  |
muñjakulāya | m. a kind of basketwork made of rush  |
muñjāla | m. Name of an astronomer  |
muñjamaya | mf(ī-)n. made of muñja--grass on  |
muñjaṃdhaya | mf(ī-)n. sucking Munja-grass  |
muñjamekhalin | m. " muñja--girdled", Name of viṣṇu- or śiva-  |
muñjana | n. a sound  |
muñjanejana | mfn. purified from Munja -grass  |
muñjapṛṣṭha | m. Name of a place on the himālaya- mountains  |
muñjara | n. an edible lotus-root  |
muñjasūnu | m. "son of muñja-", Name of dāsa-śarman- (q.v)  |
muñjāta | m. a species of plant  |
muñjātaka | m. a species of tree  |
muñjātaka | m. a kind of vegetable  |
muñjātaka | m. Saccharum Munja  |
muñjāṭavī | f. a forest of Munja-grass or rushes  |
muñjavalśa | m. a shoot or sprout of Munja-grass  |
muñjavāsas | m. "rush-clothed", Name of śiva-  |
muñjavat | ind. like Munja-grass or rushes  |
muñjavat | mfn. overgrown with rushes  |
muñjavat | m. Name of a species of soma- plant (which are 20 in number)  |
muñjavat | m. of a mountain of the himālaya- range  |
muñjavaṭa | Name of a place of pilgrimage (see muñjā-v-).  |
muñjāvaṭa | equals muñja-pṛṣṭha- (see muñja-vaṭa-).  |
muñjavivayana | mf(ā-)n. matted or twisted out of Munja-grass  |
muñjeṣīkatūla | n. a panicle of muñja--grass  |
muñjīkṛ | P. -karoti-, to reduce to muñja--grass, id est to tear to shreds  |
munnabhaṭṭa | m. Name of a man  |
muṇṭ | cl.1 P. muṇṭati-, to crush, grind (varia lectio for muṭ-).  |
muṇṭh | cl.1 A1. muṇṭhate-," to run away "or"to protect" (palāyane- varia lectio pālane-)  |
munthā | equals prec.  |
munthahā | = $ an astrology term.  |
munthāphalavicāra | m. Name of work  |
muny | in compound for muni-.  |
munyālayatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
munyanna | n. the food of ascetics (consisting mostly of roots and fruits) |
munyayana | n. Name of a particular iṣṭi-,  |
mur | (fr. murch-)  |
mur | (fr. murv-)  |
mur | cl.6 P. murati-, to encompass, entwine, bind together  |
mur | m. (prob. fr. mṝ-; see ā-mur-, abhi-pra-mur-) a destroyer, slayer, enemy ( "a mortal", others"a wall") .  |
mura | n. encompassing, surrounding  |
murā | f. See 2. mura-.  |
mura | m. Name of a daitya- slain by kṛṣṇa- (see muru-)  |
murā | f. a species of fragrant plant (named after the daitya-)  |
murā | f. said to be the Name of the wife of nanda- and mother of candragupta-  |
mura | n. See under 1, mura-.  |
murabhid | m. "slayer or foe of mura-", Name of kṛṣṇa-, or viṣṇu-  |
muracī | f. Name of a river (varia lectio)  |
muracīpattana | n. Name of a town in the Dekhan (also called marīci-pattana-).  |
murada | m. " mura--slaying", the discus of viṣṇu-  |
murāda | m. = $ Name of a man  |
muradviṣ | m. "foe of mura-", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
muragaṇḍa | m. an eruption on the face (varia lectio -maṇḍa-).  |
murahan | m. "slayer or foe of mura-", Name of kṛṣṇa-, or viṣṇu-  |
muraja | m. (fr. mura-+ ja-?) a kind of, drum, tambourine (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) etc.  |
muraja | m. a śloka- artificially arranged in the form of a drum (also -bandha- )  |
murajā | f. a great drum  |
murajā | f. Name of kubera-'s wife  |
murajabandha | See above.  |
murajadhvani | m. the sound of a drum  |
murajaka | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
murajaphala | m. Attocarpus Integrifolia  |
murala | m. (prob. fr.3. mur-) a species of fresh-water fish  |
murala | m. a king of the murala-s  |
murala | m. plural Name of a people  |
muralā | f. Name of a river in the country of the kerala-s (= murandalā- ) (varia lectio muracī-)  |
muralī | f. See below.  |
muralī | f. a flute, pipe  |
muralīdhara | m. "flutebearer", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
muralīdhara | m. of a grandson of kālidāsa- miśra-  |
muralikā | f. Name of a woman |
muralīprakāśa | m. "instruction in fluteplaying"Name of work  |
muramaṇḍa | See mura-gaṇḍa-.  |
muramardana | m. "slayer or foe of mura-", Name of kṛṣṇa-, or viṣṇu-  |
muraṇḍa | m. a country to the northwest of Hindustan (also called lampāka-, and now LaMghan in Cabul)  |
muraṇḍa | m. plural Name of a people (see muruṇḍa-).  |
murandalā | f. Name of a river (equals muralā-;thought by some to be narma-dā-) .  |
muraṅgī | f. Moringa Pterygosperma (varia lectio muruṅgī-).  |
murañit | m. "conqueror of mura-", Name of kṛṣṇa- or viṣṇu-  |
murāri | m. "enemy of mura-", Name of kṛṣṇa- or viṣṇu-  |
murāri | m. Name of the author of the murāri-nāṭaka- or anargha-rāghava-  |
murāri | m. of a Scholiast or Commentator on the kātantra- grammar and other authors etc. (also with pāṭhaka-, bhaṭṭa-, miśra-etc.)  |
murārigupta | m. Name of a disciple of caitanya-  |
murārimiśrīya | n. Name of work  |
murārināṭaka | n. murāri-'s drama id est anargha-rāghava- ( murārināṭakavyākhyā -vyākhyā-, f.and murārināṭakavyākhyāpūrṇasarasvatī -vyākhyā-pūrṇa-sarasvatī- f.Name of Comms. , on it)  |
murārināṭakavyākhyā | f. murārināṭaka |
murārināṭakavyākhyāpūrṇasarasvatī | f. murārināṭaka |
muraripu | m. "slayer or foe of mura-", Name of kṛṣṇa-, or viṣṇu-  |
murāriśrīpati | m. (with sāvabhauma-) Name of an author  |
murārivljaya | n. Name of a drama by kṛṣṇa-kavi- (son of nṛ-siṃha-)  |
murasidābāda | = $ Murshidabad, Name of a city  |
muravairin | m. "slayer or foe of mura-", Name of kṛṣṇa-, or viṣṇu-  |
muravāra | m. Name of a king of the turuṣka-s  |
murbhiṇī | f. a chafing-dish, firepan  |
murch | or mūrch- cl.1 P. ( ) mūrchati- (perfect tense mumūrcha- etc.; Aorist amūrchīt- grammar; future mūrchitā-, mūrchiṣyati- ; ind.p., mūrtvā- ), to become solid, thicken, congeal, assume shape or substance or consistency, expand, increase, grow, become or be vehement or intense or strong etc. ; to fill, pervade, penetrate, spread over ; to have power or take effect upon (locative case) ; to grow stiff or rigid, faint, swoon, become senseless or stupid or unconscious etc. ; to deafen ; to cause to sound aloud : Causal mūrchayati- (mc. also te-), to cause to thicken or coagulate (milk) ; to cause to settle into a fixed or solid form, shape ; to strengthen, rouse, excite ; to cause to sound loudly, play (a musical instrument)  |
murmura | m. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) an expiring ember  |
murmura | m. burning chaff (varia lectio murmara-)  |
murmura | m. the smell of the urine of a cow (mfn.smelling like the urine of a cow)  |
murmura | m. the god of love  |
murmura | m. Name of one of the horses of the Sun  |
murmurā | f. Name of a river  |
murmurīya | Nom. P. yati- (fr. prec.)  |
muru | m. Name of a country  |
muru | m. of a daitya- (equals mura-) (Calcutta edition maru-)  |
muru | m. a species of plant (in explanation of maurvī-)  |
muru | m. a kind of iron  |
muru | f. (in music) a kind of dance  |
murudeśa | m. Name of a country (see maru-d-).  |
muruṇḍa | m. Name of a king  |
muruṇḍa | m. plural Name of a dynasty and a people (confer, compare Greek , in Ptolemy) (varia lectio murūṇḍa-).  |
murūṇḍa | varia lectio for muruṇḍa-.  |
muruṇḍaka | m. Name of a mountain in udyāna-,  |
muruṅgī | f. Moringa Pterygosperma (see muraṅgī-).  |
muruṇṭaka | m. plural Name of a school  |
murutāṇadeśa | m. Name of a country  |
murv | cl.1 P. murvati-, to bind, tie (see mūrvā-).  |
muṣ | cl.1 P. moṣati- varia lectio for maṣ- q.v  |
muṣ | cl.9.1. P. ( varia lectio; see 1. mūṣ-) muṣṇ/āti-, m/oṣati- (Epic also cl.6 P. muṣati-;2. sg. Imp. muṣāṇa- ; perfect tense mumoṣa-; Aorist amoṣīt-,2. sg. moṣīs- ;fut, moṣitā-, moṣiṣyati- grammar; ind.p. muṣitvā- ; m/udṣya- ; infinitive mood muṣ/e- ; moṣitum- grammar), to steal, rob, plunder, carry off (also with two accusative =take away from, deprive of) etc. ; to ravish, captivate, enrapture (the eyes or the heart) etc. ; to blind, dazzle (the eyes) ; to cloud, obscure (light or the intellect) ; to break, destroy (see mus-): Passive voice , muṣyate- (Epic also ti-; Aorist amoṣi-), to be stolen or robbed etc.: Causal , noṣayati- (Aorist amūmuṣat-) grammar : Desiderative mumuṣiṣati- (see munuṣiṣu-): Intensive momuṣyate-, momoṣṭi- [For kindred wordsSee under 2. m/ūṣ-,p.827.] |
muṣ | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; Nominal verb mut-), stealing, robbing, removing, destroying etc.  |
muṣ | mfn. surpassing, excelling  |
muṣ | f. stealing, theft  |
mus | (see 2. muṣ-), cl.4. P. musyati-, to break or cut in pieces, destroy  |
muṣā | f. equals mūṣā-, a crucible  |
muṣaka | m. equals mūṣaka-, a mouse  |
muśala | likā-, lin- See musala- etc.  |
muṣala | lya- See musala- etc.  |
musala | mn. (often spelt muśala-or muṣala-; see ) a pestle, (especially) a wooden pestle used for cleaning rice etc., etc.  |
musala | mn. a mace, club etc. (see cakra-m-)  |
musala | mn. the clapper of a bell  |
musala | mn. a particular surgical instrument  |
musala | mn. a particular constellation  |
musala | mn. the 22nd astronomy yoga- or division of the moon's path  |
musala | m. Name of a son of viśvāmitra-  |
musalaka | m. Name of a mountain  |
musalāmusali | ind. club against club, fighting hand to hand (see muṣṭāmuṣṭi-).  |
musalapāṇi | m. "club-handed", Name of bala-deva-  |
musalayaṣṭika | m. a long staff  |
musalāyudha | m. "club-armed", Name of bala-deva-  |
musalī | f. Curculigo Orchioides  |
musalī | f. Salvinia Cucullata  |
musalī | f. a house-lizard  |
musalī | f. an alligator  |
musalībhū | P. -bhavati-, to become a club  |
musalikā | f. a house-lizard  |
musalin | mfn. armed with a club,  |
musalin | m. Name of bala-deva- (see )  |
musalita | mfn. (fr. musala-) gaRa tārakādi-.  |
musalīya | mfn. deserving to be clubbed or pounded to death with a club gaRa apūpādi-.  |
muśallaha | = $"reconciliation", an astrology term.  |
musallaha | equals muśallaha- q.v  |
musalolukhala | n. sg. a pestle and mortar  |
musalya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. deserving to be clubbed or pounded to death with a club gaRa apūpādi-.' (gaRa daṇḍādi-).  |
musāragalva | m. or n. a kind of coral  |
muśaṭī | varia lectio for musaṭī-.  |
musaṭī | f. a white variety of Panicum Italicum (varia lectio muśaṭī-and musuṭī-).  |
muṣāya | Nom. P. y/ati-, to steal, rob, carry off  |
muṣi | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') stealing, a stealer (See mano-muṣigṛhīta-).  |
muṣita | mfn. stolen, robbed, carried off etc.  |
muṣita | mfn. plundered, stripped, naked  |
muṣita | mfn. bereft or deprived of, free from (accusative)  |
muṣita | mfn. removed, destroyed, annihilated  |
muṣita | mfn. blinded, obscured  |
muṣita | mfn. seized, ravished, captivated, enraptured etc.  |
muṣita | mfn. surpassed, excelled  |
muṣita | mfn. deceived, cheated  |
muṣita | mfn. made fun of  |
muṣitacetas | mfn. bereft of sense, deprived of consciousness  |
muṣitaka | mfn. stolen in a low or vile manner  |
muṣitaka | n. stolen property  |
muṣitasmṛti | mfn. bereft of memory  |
muṣitasmṛtitā | f. forget. fulness  |
muṣitatrapa | mfn. one in whom the sense of shame has been destroyed (by love)  |
muṣīvan | m. a robber, thief.  |
muṣka | m. (fr. muṣ- equals mūṣ-+ ka-?) "little mouse", a testicle, the scrotum etc.  |
muṣka | m. (dual number) pudenda muliebria  |
muṣka | m. an arm (?)  |
muṣka | m. Schrebera Swietenioides  |
muṣka | m. a muscular or stout person  |
muṣka | m. a thief.  |
muṣka | m. a crowd, heap, multitude [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin musculus.]  |
muṣkābarha | m. one who removes the testicles or gelds or castrates  |
muṣkabhāra | (muṣk/a--) mfn. having large testicles  |
muṣkadeśa | m. the region of the scrotum  |
muṣkadvaya | n. the two testicles  |
muṣkaka | m. a species of tree (the ashes of which are used as a cautery)  |
muṣkakacchū | f. an eruption on the scrotum  |
muṣkara | mfn. having testicles  |
muṣkara | m. (prob.) a species of small animal  |
muṣkaśopha | m. swelling of the testicles,  |
muṣkasrotas | (in anatomy) vas deferens or funiculus, ,  |
muṣkaśūnya | m. "destitute of testicles", eunuch  |
muṣkavat | m. "testicles", Name of indra- (as author of )  |
muṣma | m. a mouse,  |
musra | n. equals musala-, a pestle  |
musra | n. (for masru- equals aśru-?) a tear  |
musra | See above.  |
must | (prob. artificial) cl.10 P. mustayati-, to gather, collect  |
muṣṭa | mfn. stolen, robbed etc. (a rarer form for muṣita-)  |
muṣṭa | mfn. ri. theft, robbery  |
musta | mfn. a species of grass, Cyperue Rotundus (n. prob. the root of Cyperue Rotundus)  |
mustābha | m. a species of Cyperus  |
mustāda | m. "grass-eater", a hog, wild boar  |
muṣṭadṛṣṭi | mfn. one whose eyes are caught by (instrumental case)  |
mustagiri | m. Name of a mountain  |
mustaka | mfn. equals musta-, Cyperus Rotundus  |
mustaka | m. a particular vegetable poison  |
muṣṭāmuṣṭi | ind. (See next) fist to fist, fighting hand to hand (see kacā-kaci-, keśākeśi-etc.)  |
muṣṭhaka | m. black mustard  |
muṣṭi | mf. stealing, filching  |
muṣṭi | mf. the clenched hand, fist (perhaps originally "the hand closed to grasp anything stolen") etc.  |
muṣṭi | mf. a handful etc.  |
muṣṭi | mf. a particular measure (= 1 pala-)  |
muṣṭi | mf. a hilt or handle (of a sword etc.)  |
muṣṭi | mf. a compendium, abridgment  |
muṣṭi | mf. the penis (?), on  |
muṣṭī | in compound for muṣṭi-.  |
muṣṭibandha | m. equals -karaṇa-  |