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Grammar Search
"mleccha" has 2 results
mleccha: masculine vocative singular stem: mleccha
mleccha: second person singular present imperative class 1 parasmaipadamlecch
Amarakosha Search
2 results
rītiḥ2.9.98FeminineSingular‍śulbam, mlecchamukham, dvyaṣṭam, variṣṭham, udumbaram
Monier-Williams Search
20 results for mleccha
mleccham. a foreigner, barbarian, non-Aryan, man of an outcast race, any person who does not speak Sanskrit and does not conform to the usual Hindu institutions etc. (f(ī-).) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mleccham. a person who lives by agriculture or by making weapons View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mleccham. a wicked or bad man, sinner View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mleccham. ignorance of Sanskrit, barbarism View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mlecchan. copper View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mlecchan. vermilion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mlecchabhāṣāf. a foreign or barbarous language View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mlecchabhojanan. "food of barbarian", wheat (also jya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mlecchabhojanan. equals yāvaka-, half-ripe barley View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mlecchadeśam. a foreign or barbarous country View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mlecchadviṣṭam. bdellium View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mlecchajātim. a man belonging to the mleccha-s, a barbarian, savage, mountaineer (as a kirāta-, śabara- or pulinda-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mlecchakandam. Allium Ascalonicum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mlecchamaṇḍalan. the country of the mleccha-s or barbarian View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mlecchamukhan. equals mlecchāsya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mlecchanan. the act of speaking confusedly or barbarously View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mlecchanivaham. a host or swarm of barbarian View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mlecchaf. the condition of barbarian View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mlecchataskarasevitamfn. infested by barbarians and robbers View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mlecchavācmfn. speaking a barbarous language (id est not Sanskrit; opp. to ārya-vāc-)
Apte Search
2 results
mleccha म्लेच्छः [म्लेच्छ्-घञ्] 1 A barbarian, a non-Āryan (one not speaking the Sanskṛit language, or not conforming to Hindu or Āryan institutions), a foreigner in general; ग्राह्या म्लेच्छप्रसिद्धिस्तु विरोधादर्शने सति J. N. V.; म्लेच्छान् मूर्छयते; or म्लेच्छनिवहनिधने कलयसि करवालम् Gīt.1. -2 An outcast, a very low man; (Baudhāyana thus defines the word:-- गोमांसखादको यस्तु विरुद्धं बहु भाषते । सर्वा- चारविहीनश्च म्लेच्छ इत्यभिधीयते ॥). -3 A sinner, wicked person. -4 Foreign or barbarous speech. -च्छम् 1 Copper. -2 Vermilion. -Comp. -आख्यम् copper. -आशः wheat. -आस्यम्, -मुखम् copper. -कन्दः garlic. -जातिः f. a savage or barbarian race, a mountaineer; पुलिन्दा नाहला निष्ट्याः शबरा वरुटा भटाः । माला भिल्लाः किराताश्च सर्वे$पि म्लेच्छजातयः ॥ Abh. Chin.934. -देशः, -मण्डलम् a country inhabited by non-Āryans or barbarians, a foreign or barbarous country; कृष्णसारस्तु चरति मृगो यत्र स्वभावतः । स ज्ञेयो यज्ञियो देशो म्लेच्छदेशस्त्वतः परः ॥ Ms.2.23. -द्विष्टः bdellium. -भाषा a foreign language. -भोजनः wheat. (-नम्) barley. -वाच् a. speaking a barbarous or foreign language; म्लेच्छवाचश्चार्यवाचः सर्वे ते दस्यवः स्मृताः Ms.1.45.
mlecchanam म्लेच्छनम् 1 Speaking indistinctly or confusedly. -2 Speaking in a barbarous tongue.
Macdonell Search
3 results
mleccha m. foreigner, barbarian (Br., C.); ignorance of the vernacular, barbarism (rare): -taskara-sevita, pp. infested by barbarians and robbers; -tâ, f. condition of barbarians.
mlecchadeśa m. non-Âryan or foreign country; -vâk, a. speaking a barbarous or foreign tongue.
mlecchana n. speaking a foreign tongue.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
3 results1 result
mleccha Occurs in the śatapatha Brāhmaṇa in the sense of a barbarian in speech. The Brahmin is there forbidden to use barbarian speech. The example given of such speech is he Ίανο, explained by Sāyana as he ’rayah, ‘ ho, foes.’ If this is correct—the Kāṇva recension has a different reading—the barbarians referred to were Aryan speakers, though not speakers of Sanskrit, but of a Prākṛta form of speech. Cf Vāc.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"mleccha" has 1 results
mleccha(1)a word although correct,yet looked upon as incorrect owing to its faulty utterance; (2) a person like the uncultured people, who is not able to pronounce words correctly confer, compare म्लेच्छा मा भूमेत्यध्येयं व्याकरणम् Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). I. 1, Ahnika 1.
Vedabase Search
62 results
mleccha meat-eaterCC Adi 17.194
CC Adi 17.201-202
mleccha meat-eatersCC Adi 17.192
mleccha MuslimCC Antya 6.17
mleccha MuslimsCC Madhya 18.163
mleccha of barbariansSB 10.52.5
mleccha of the lands known as Mlecchadeśa (where Vedic civilization was not present)SB 9.23.16
mleccha of the outcaste meat-eatersSB 10.40.22
mleccha one who does not follow the Vedic principlesCC Adi 7.39
mleccha the governor of the other sideCC Madhya 16.195
mleccha the meat-eaterCC Adi 17.198
mleccha the meat-eatersCC Antya 3.155
mleccha the MuslimCC Antya 3.159
CC Madhya 16.171
mleccha the MuslimsCC Madhya 18.164
CC Madhya 18.179
mleccha uncivilized men who cannot follow the Vedic principlesCC Madhya 19.145
mleccha unclean persons with no principlesCC Madhya 24.17
mleccha with barbariansSB 10.50.44
mleccha bale the Muslim saidCC Antya 6.30
mleccha bale the Muslim saidCC Antya 6.30
mleccha hañā although born in a family of meat-eatersCC Antya 11.30
mleccha hañā although born in a family of meat-eatersCC Antya 11.30
mleccha kahe the Muslim repliedCC Madhya 18.199
mleccha kahe the Muslim repliedCC Madhya 18.199
mleccha-bhaye because of fear of the MuslimsCC Madhya 18.31
mleccha-bhaye because of fear of the MuslimsCC Madhya 18.31
CC Madhya 18.47
mleccha-bhaye because of fear of the MuslimsCC Madhya 18.47
mleccha-bhaye from fear of the MuslimsCC Madhya 4.42
mleccha-bhaye from fear of the MuslimsCC Madhya 4.42
mleccha-deśa the countries governed by MuslimsCC Madhya 4.184
mleccha-deśa the countries governed by MuslimsCC Madhya 4.184
mleccha-deśa this is a country occupied by the MuslimsCC Madhya 18.217
mleccha-deśa this is a country occupied by the MuslimsCC Madhya 18.217
mleccha-deśe through the countries where Muslims ruledCC Madhya 4.176
mleccha-deśe through the countries where Muslims ruledCC Madhya 4.176
mleccha-gaṇa the Muslim soldiersCC Madhya 18.181
mleccha-gaṇa the Muslim soldiersCC Madhya 18.181
mleccha-gaṇa dekhi' seeing the Muslim soldiersCC Madhya 18.180
mleccha-gaṇa dekhi' seeing the Muslim soldiersCC Madhya 18.180
mleccha-gaṇa dekhi' seeing the Muslim soldiersCC Madhya 18.180
mleccha-jāti belonging to the meat-eater casteCC Madhya 1.197
mleccha-jāti belonging to the meat-eater casteCC Madhya 1.197
mleccha-karma the work of meat-eatersCC Madhya 1.197
mleccha-karma the work of meat-eatersCC Madhya 1.197
mleccha-prāyāḥ mostly outcastesSB 12.1.38
mleccha-prāyāḥ mostly outcastesSB 12.1.38
mleccha-rājāra of the Muslim KingCC Madhya 15.121
mleccha-rājāra of the Muslim KingCC Madhya 15.121
mleccha-sahita with the MuslimCC Antya 6.34
mleccha-sahita with the MuslimCC Antya 6.34
mleccha-śāstra Muslim scriptureCC Madhya 18.202
mleccha-śāstra Muslim scriptureCC Madhya 18.202
mleccha-sevī servants of the meat-eatersCC Madhya 1.197
mleccha-sevī servants of the meat-eatersCC Madhya 1.197
mleccha a meat-eaterCC Antya 3.56
sei mleccha-madhye among those MuslimsCC Madhya 18.185
sei mleccha-madhye among those MuslimsCC Madhya 18.185
sei mleccha of that Muslim caudhurīCC Antya 6.24
sei mleccha-madhye among those MuslimsCC Madhya 18.185
sei mleccha of that Muslim caudhurīCC Antya 6.24
7 results
mleccha noun (masculine) a foreigner (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a person who lives by agriculture or by making weapons (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a wicked or bad man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
barbarian (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
barbarism (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
ignorance of Sanskṛt (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
man of an outcast race (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
non-āryan (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sinner (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 3886/72933
mleccha noun (masculine neuter) copper [a kind of copper <> nepāla] (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
vermilion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
darada (cinnabar)
Frequency rank 6447/72933
mlecchabhojana noun (masculine neuter) yāvaka (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
half-ripe barley (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
wheat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 38460/72933
mlecchaka noun (neuter) mleccha; a kind of copper
Frequency rank 25116/72933
mlecchakanda noun (masculine) Allium Ascalonicum (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Frequency rank 38459/72933
mlecchamukha noun (neuter) copper
Frequency rank 17126/72933
mlecchavadana noun (neuter) mlecchamukha
Frequency rank 62752/72933
Wordnet Search
"mleccha" has 8 results.


godhūma, bahudugdhaḥ, apūpaḥ, mlecchabhojanaḥ, yavanaḥ, nistuṣakṣīraḥ, rasālaḥ, sumanāḥ   

vrīhibhedaḥ, godhūli-varṇīyaḥ dhānya-viśeṣaḥ, asya guṇāḥ snigdhatvam, madhuratvam, vāta-pitta-dāha-nāśitvam।

kṛṣīvalaḥ godhūmaṃ bhūmau vapati।


laśunam, rasunaḥ, mahauṣadham, gṛñjanaḥ, ariṣṭaḥ, mahākandaḥ, rasonakaḥ, rasonaḥ, mlecchakandaḥ, bhūtaghnaḥ, ugragandhaḥ   

ekaḥ kṣupaḥ yad vyañjanarūpeṇa upayujyate asya guṇāḥ ūnatvam, gurutvam, uṣṇatvam, kaphavātanāśitvam, aśrucitvam, krimihṛdrogaśohaghnatvam rasāyanatvañca ।

tiktikāṃ nirmātuṃ saḥ kṣetrāt haritaṃ laśunaṃ aunmūlayat।


tāmram, tāmrakam, śulvam, mlecchamukham, dvyaṣṭam, variṣṭham, uḍumbaram, audumbaram, auḍumbaram, udumbaram, udambaram, dviṣṭham, tapaneṣṭam, ambakam, aravindam, raviloham, ravipriyam, raktam, naipālikam, raktadhātuḥ, munipittalam, arkam, sūryāṅgam, lohitāyasam   

dhātuviśeṣaḥ, vidyutavahanakṣamaḥ raktavarṇīyaḥ dhātuḥ yaḥ bhāṇḍādinirmāṇe upayujyate। (āyurvede asya śītalatva-kaphapittavibandhaśūlapāṇḍūdaragulmanāśitvādayaḥ guṇāḥ proktāḥ।);

japākusumasaṅkāśaṃ snigdhaṃ mṛduṃ ghanaṃ kṣamaṃ।lohanāgojjhitaṃ tāmraṃ māraṇāya praśasyate॥


godhūma, bahudugdhaḥ, apūpaḥ, mlecchabhojanaḥ, yavanaḥ, nistuṣakṣīraḥ, rasālaḥ, sumanāḥ   

vrīhibhedaḥ, godhūli-varṇīyaḥ dhānya-viśeṣaḥ, asya guṇāḥ-snigdhatvam, madhuratvam, vāta-pitta-dāha-nāśitvam;

yavagodhūmajam sarva payasaścaiva vikriyā [manu 5.25]



hindudharmānusāreṇa varṇāśramadharmarahitā jātiḥ।

satyavatī mlechajāteḥ kanyā āsīt।



malecchajāteḥ puruṣaḥ।

hinduḥ mlecchaṃ hīnaṃ manyate।



mlecchasya avasthā bhāvo vā।

ekalavyasya mlecchatā tasya kṛte abhiśāpaḥ abhavat।


pāpī, pātakī, pātakarmī, mlecchaḥ, enasvī, pāpakartā, pāpācārī, pāpātmā, pāpinī, pātakinī, pātakarmiṇī, mlecchā, enasvinī, pāpakartrī, pāpācāriṇī, pāpātmanī   

yaḥ pāpaṃ karoti athavā yaḥ pāpaṃ kṛtavān।

pāpināṃ jīvane aśāṃtiḥ vartate।

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