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Grammar Search
"mayati" has 3 results
mayati: third person singular present present class 1 parasmaipada
mayati: neuter locative singular stem: mayat.
mayati: masculine locative singular stem: mayat.
Monier-Williams Search
85 results for mayati
abhigam -gacchati-, to go near to, approach (with accusative) ; to follow ; to meet with, find ; to cohabit (said of men and women) ; to undertake ; to get, gain, obtain etc. ; (with m/anasā-,or medh/ayā-or h/ṛdayena-) to understand : Causal -gamayati-, to study View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhikram(Aorist -akramīt- ind.p. -kr/amya-) to step or go near to, approach etc. ; to attack, overpower ; to step upon ; to undertake, begin ; (with gamanāya-) to get on one's way : Caus. -kramayati-, to bring near View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhiram -ramate-, to dwell ; to repose ; to delight in, be delighted etc. Causal -r/āmayati-, to gladden ; to delight in, to be delighted. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhyutkramto go upto, ascend : P. (future 1. plural -kramiṣyāmas- ) and Causal P. -kramayati- ([ ]) or -krāmayati- ([ ]) to cause to go or step towards (locative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ādhmāP. -dhamati- (imperative 2. sg. -dhama-) to inflate, fill with air, blow ; to cry out, utter with a loud voice ; to sound : Passive voice (-dhmāyati-[irr.] ) to swell with wind, puff up (in the latter sense sometimes[ ] P.): Causal to blow, inflate. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āgamP. -gacchati- (imperative -gacchatāt- ;2. sg. -gahi-[frequently, in ], once -gadhi-[ ]; perf. -jag/āma- etc.; Potential -jagamyāt- ; subjunctive -gamat-; Aorist 3. sg. -agāmi- ; subjunctive 2. dual number -gamiṣṭam- ) to come, make one's appearance, come near from (ablative) or to (accusative or locative case), arrive at, attain, reach etc. ; (generally with p/unar-) to return etc. ; to fall into (any state of mind), have recourse to ; to meet with (instrumental case) : Causal (imperative 2. sg. -gamaya-) to cause to come near ; -gamayati-, to announce the arrival of (accusative) on ; (Potential A1. -gamayeta-; perf. P. -gamayām-āsa-) to obtain information about (accusative), ascertain ; to learn from (ablative) : A1. -gamayate- ( commentator or commentary) to wait for (accusative), have patience : Intensive -ganīganti-, to approach repeatedly (accusative) : Desiderative (parasmE-pada -jigamiṣat-) to be about to come View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ākramP. A1. (parasmE-pada P. -krāmat- ; parasmE-pada A1. ā-kr/amamāṇa- ; Aorist ā-akramīt- ; perf. p. A1. -cakramāṇ/a- ; ind.p. -kr/amya- etc.) to step or go near to, come towards, approach, visit etc. ; to step or tread upon (accusative [ etc.] or locative case [ ]) ; (ind.p. -kramya-) to hold fast with the hands, seize ; to attack, invade (Inf. -kramitum-) ; (in astronomy) to eclipse ; to undertake, begin (with infinitive mood) : A1. -kramate- (; future parasmE-pada -kraṃsy/amāna-) to rise, mount, ascend etc.: Causal -kramayati-, to cause to come or step near ; to cause any one (instrumental case) to enter into (accusative) : Desiderative -cikraṃsate-, to wish to ascend View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ānamP. (3. plural -namanti- etc.; infinitive mood -n/amam- ) A1. (imperative 3. plural /ānamantām- ) to bend down, bend, bow, incline etc. ; to do homage, salute reverently etc. ; to condescend ; to be propitious (as gods to men) ; to bring near ; to bend towards or near ; to subdue : Causal -nāmayati- and -namayati-, to inflect, bend (a bow), cause to bend, subdue View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anugamcl.1 P. -gacchati-, -gantum-, to go after, follow, seek, approach, visit, arrive ; to practise, observe, obey, imitate ; to enter into ; to die out, be extinguished: Causal -gamayati-, to imitate cause to die out. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anulomayaNom. P. anu-lomayati-, to stroke or rub with the hair ; to send in the right direction or so as to carry off by the right channels View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anunamA1. to incline to : Causal P. -nāmayati-, to cause to bow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apakramto go away, retreat, retire from ; to glide away ; to measure off by steps : Causal -kramayati-, to cause to run away : Desiderative -cikramiṣati-, to intend to run away or escape (with ablative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atikramto step or go beyond or over or across, (Vedic or Veda infinitive mood ati-kr/ame-,to be walked on ) ; to pass, cross ; to pass time ; to surpass, excel, overcome ; to pass by, neglect ; to overstep, transgress, violate ; to pass on or away ; to step out ; to part from, lose: Caus. -krāmayati-, or -kramayati-, to allow to pass (as time) ; to leave unnoticed. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atinam(Causal - nāmayati-), to pass time, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyamP. -yacchati- and (Ved.) -yamati-, to stretch, lengthen out, extend etc. ; to stretch (a bow) ; to put on (an arrow etc.) ; to draw near, bring hither ; to fetch, procure ; to keep, stop, hold in, draw back, restrain etc. ; to produce : A1. -yacchate- (see ) to stretch one's self or be stretched or strained ; to grow long ; to grasp, possess : Causal -yāmayati-, to bring near, draw near ; to carry, fetch ; to lengthen, extend ; to produce or make visible ; to show View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhām cl.1 A1. () bhāmate- cl.10 P. () bhāmayati- (occurs only in derivatives, but the grammarians give also perfect tense babhāme- Aorist abhāmiṣṭa- future bhāmiṣyate-, mitā-; Causal bhāmayati-; Intensive bābhāmyate-), to be angry or impatient. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhram cl.1 P. () bhramati- (Epic also te-) and cl.4 P. (), bhrāmyati- (Potential bhramyāt- ; perfect tense babhrāma-,3. plural babhramuḥ-or bhremuḥ- etc.; future bhramitā- grammar; bhramiṣyati- ; Aorist abhramīt- ; infinitive mood bhramitum-or bhrāntum- etc.; ind.p. bhramitvā-, bhrāntvā-, -bhrāmya- ), to wander or roam about, rove, ramble (with deśam-,to wander through or over a country;with bhikṣām-,go about begging) etc. ; to fly about (as bees) ; to roll about (as the eyes) ; to wag (as the tongue) ; to quiver (as the fetus in the womb) ; to move to and fro or unsteadily, flicker, flutter, reel, totter ; to move round, circulate, revolve (as stars) ; to spread, be current (as news) ; to waver, be perplexed, doubt, err : Passive voice Aorist abhrāmi- (impersonal or used impersonally,with te-,"you have wandered or roamed about") : Causal bhrāmayati- (mc. also te-; Aorist abibhramat-: Passive voice bhrāmyate-), to cause to wander or roam, drive or move about, agitate etc. ; (with paṭaham-or ha-ghoṣaṇām-), to move a drum about, proclaim by beat of drum ; to cause to move or turn round or revolve, swing, brandish etc. ; to drive through (accusative) in a chariot ; to disarrange ; to cause to err, confuse ; to move or roam about (Aorist abibhramat-; Bombay edition ababhramat-) : Desiderative bibhramiṣati- grammar : Intensive bambhramīti-, bambhramyate- (also with pass. meaning) and bambhrānti- (only grammar), to roam about repeatedly or frequently, wander through, circumambulate [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin fremere; German bre0men,brimmen,brummen; English brim,brim-stone.]
cam cl.1. mati- (perf. cacāma- Aorist acamīt- ; Passive voice acami- ), to sip, drink ; to eat : Vedic or Veda cl.5. camnoti- : Causal cāmayati-, (see ā-, anv-ā--; paryā-cānta-, sam-ā-camya-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dam cl.4. dāmyati- (; ind.p. dāntvā-and damitvā-, ; Aorist Passive voice adami-, ;P. mit- ) to be tamed or tranquillised (imperative d/āmyata-) ; to tame, subdue, conquer (ind.p. damitvā-) : cl.9. irreg. (? subjunctive 2. sg. d/anas-) idem or 'mfn. ' : Causal damayati- (parasmE-pada m/ayat-; A1. ) to subdue, overpower ; Desiderative See dān- ; ([ confer, compare , ; Latin domareetc.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gam Ved. cl.1 P. g/amati- (; subjunctive gamam-, g/amat-[ gamātas-, gamātha- ], gamāma-, gaman- ; Potential gam/ema- ; infinitive mood g/amadhyai- ) : cl.2 P. g/anti- (; imperative 3. sg. gantu-,[2. sg. gadhi-See ā--,or gahi-See adhi--, abhy-ā--, ā--, upā--],2. plural g/antā-or gantana- ; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. /agan-[ ] , 1. plural /aganma-[ ; confer, compare ] , 3. plural /agman- ; subjunctive [or Aorist subjunctive confer, compare ]1. plural ganma-,3. plural gm/an- ; Potential 2. sg. gamyās- ; preceding 3. sg. gamy/ās- ; pr. p. gm/at-, ) : cl.3 P. jaganti- (; Potential jagamyām-, yāt- ; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. ajagan-,2. plural ajaganta-or tana- ) : Ved. and Class. cl.1 P. (also A1. etc.) , with substitution of gacch- ([= ]) for gam-, g/acchati- (confer, compare ; subjunctive cchāti- ;2. sg. gacchās-[ ] or gacchāsi-[ ];2. plural gacchāta- ;3. plural g/acchān- ; imperfect tense /agacchat-; Potential gacchet-; pr. p. g/acchat- etc.; Aorist agamat- ;for A1.with prepositions confer, compare future gamiṣyati- etc.; 1st future g/antā-[ ] etc.; perf. 1. sg. jagamā-[ ],3. sg. jagāma-,2. dual number jagmathur-,3. plural jagm/ur- etc.; parasmE-pada jaganv/as-[ etc.] or jagmivas- f. jagm/uṣī- etc.;Ved. infinitive mood g/antave-, g/antav/ai-;Class. infinitive mood gantum-:Ved. ind.p. gatvāya-, gatv/ī-;Class. ind.p. gatv/ā-[ etc.] , with prepositions -gamya-or -gatya- ) to go, move, go away, set out, come etc. ; to go to or towards, approach (with accusative or locative case or dative case [ ; confer, compare ] or prati-[ ]) etc. ; to go or pass (as time exempli gratia, 'for example' kāle gacchati-,time going on, in the course of time) ; to fall to the share of (accusative) etc. ; to go against with hostile intentions, attack ; to decease, die ; to approach carnally, have sexual intercourse with (accusative) etc. ; to go to any state or condition, undergo, partake of, participate in, receive, obtain (exempli gratia, 'for example' mitratāṃ gacchati-,"he goes to friendship" id est he becomes friendly) etc. ; jānubhyām avanīṃ-gam-,"to go to the earth with the knees", kneel down ; dharaṇīṃ mūrdhnā-gam-,"to go to the earth with the head", make a bow ; m/anasā-gam-, to go with the mind, observe, perceive ; (without m/anasā-) to observe, understand, guess ; (especially Passive voice gamyate-,"to be understood or meant") and ; doṣeṇa- or doṣato-gam-, to approach with an accusation, ascribe guilt to a person (accusative) : Causal gamayati- (; imperative 2. sg. Ved. gamayā-or gāmaya-[ ] , 3. sg. gamayatāt- ; perf. gamay/āṃ cakāra- etc.) to cause to go ( ) or come, lead or conduct towards, send to (dative case ), bring to a place (accusative [ ] or locative case) etc. ; to cause to go to any condition, cause to become etc. ; to impart, grant ; to send away ; "to let go", not care about ; to excel ; to spend time etc. ; to cause to understand, make clear or intelligible, explain ; to convey an idea or meaning, denote ; (causal of the causal) to cause a person (accusative) to go by means of jigamiśati- another : Desiderative j/igamiṣati- ( jigāṃsate- ; imperfect tense ajigāṃsat- ) to wish to go, be going ; to strive to obtain ; to wish to bring (to light, prak/āśam-) : Intensive j/aṅganti- (), jaṅgamīti- or jaṅgamyate- ( ), to visit (parasmE-pada g/anigmat-) (imperfect tense aganīgan-) ; ([ confer, compare ; Gothic qvam; English come; Latin venioforgvemio.])
klam (= śram- q.v) cl.1.4. klāmati-, klāmyati- (), to be or become fatigued, be weary or exhausted : Causal klāmayati-, to fatigue View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kram cl.1 P. A1. kr/āmati- (; Epic also kramati-), kramate- ( , Epic also krāmate-;according to cl.4 P. krāmyati-[ kramyati- ]; Aorist akramīt- etc.; A1. kr/amiṣṭa-, kraṃsate-[ ] , 3. plural c/akramanta-[ ]; perf. cakrāma-,or cakrame-; parasmE-pada cakramāṇ/a- ; future kramiṣyati-or kraṃsyate- ind.p. krāntvā-, krantvā-,or kramitvā- ), to step, walk, go, go towards, approach (with /accha-, /adhi- accusative or locative case) etc. ; to approach in order to ask for assistance (with locative case) ; to go across, go over etc. ; Ved. to climb (as on a tree's branch) ; to cover (in copulation) ; to stretch over, project over, tower above, (ind.p. krāntvā-) ; to take possession of ; A1. to undertake, strive after, make effort for (dative case) ; (locative case) ; A1. () to proceed well, advance, make progress, gain a footing, succeed, have effect ; to be appliable or practicable ; P. to be liable to the peculiar arrangement of a Vedic text called krama- (id est to be doubled, as a letter or word) ; A1. to read according to the krama- arrangement of a Vedic text (a-krānta-): Causal P. kramayati-, to cause to step ; kramayati- or krām-, to make liable to the peculiar arrangement called krama- (id est to double a letter or word) etc.: Intensive caṅkramyate- ( ; parasmE-pada caṅ-kramy/amāṇa-[ ]or kramam- and ) or caṅkramīti- (; imperfect tense 2. plural caṅkramata- ; future parasmE-pada caṅkramiṣy/at- ; ind.p. mitvā- ; see mit/a-), to step to and fro, walk or wander about. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣam cl.1 A1. kṣ/amate- (Epic also P. ti-;Ved. cl.2 P. kṣamiti- ; cl.4 P. kṣāmyati-[ confer, compare imperative A1.3. sg. kṣamyatām- ] ; perf. cakṣame- etc., 3. plural mire- ;1. dual number cakṣaṇvahe-& 1. plural ṇmahe- Scholiast or Commentator; future 2nd kṣaṃsyate-, ti-, kṣamiṣyati-; Aorist 2. sg. akṣaṃsthās- ; infinitive mood kṣantum- etc.) , to be patient or composed, suppress anger, keep quiet etc. ; to submit to (dative case) ; to bear patiently, endure, put up with (accusative), suffer ; to pardon, forgive anything (accusative) to (genitive case or dative case) etc. (exempli gratia, 'for example' kṣamasva me tad-,forgive me that ) ; to allow, permit, suffer () ; (with Potential) ; to bear any one, be indulgent to (Passive voice) ; to resist ; to be able to do anything (infinitive mood) ; to seem good : Causal P. A1. kṣamayati-, kṣāmayate-, to ask any one (accusative) pardon for anything (accusative) ; (perf. kṣamayām āsa-) to suffer or bear patiently (confer, compare kṣamāpaya-); ([ confer, compare Gothic hramja(?) Anglo-Saxon hremman,"to hinder, disquiet."]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
me cl.1 A1. () mayate- (Epic also P. mayati-; perfect tense manme- grammar; Aorist amāsta- ; future mātā-, māsyate- ; ind.p. -mitya-or -māya- ) . to exchange, barter (see apa--.and ni-me-): Causal māpayati- : Desiderative mitsate- : Intensive memīyatc-, māmeti-, māmāti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nam cl.1 P. n/amati- (), te- (mostly intrans.; confer, compare ; pr. p. A1. namāna- ; perfect tense P. nāma- etc.;2. sg. nemitha-,or nanantha- ; subjunctive nan/amas- ;3. plural nemur- ; A1. neme- ;3. plural -nanamire- ; Aorist P. anān- ; anaṃsīt- ; A1. anaṃsta- grammar;3. plural anaṃsata- ; subjunctive naṃsai-, naṃsante- ; future naṃsyati- ; namiṣyati- ; nantā- ; infinitive mood -n/amam-, -n/ame- ; nantum-, namitum- ; ind.p. natvā- ; -natya- ; -namya- ) to bend or bow (either trans. or oftener intr.) to bow to, subject or submit, one's self (with genitive case dative case or accusative) etc. ; (with hiruk-) to turn away, keep aside ; to turn towards id est to aim at (genitive case) with (instrumental case) ; to yield or give way, keep quiet or be silent ; (in gram.) to change a dental letter into a cerebral : Passive voice namyate-, to be bent or bowed ; yield or submit to : Causal nam/ayati- etc. (nāmayati- etc.; nāmyati-[!] ; Aorist anīnamat- ; Passive voice nāmyate-, ti- etc.) to cause to bow or sink, incline etc. ; (with cāpam-) to bend a bow etc. ; to turn away or ward off ; to aim at (genitive case), ; (in gram.) to change a dental letter into a cerebral : Desiderative ninaṃsati-, : Intensive n/annamīti- ; nannamyate- (3. sg. n/amnate- imperfect tense anamnata-, parasmE-pada n/amamāna- ) to bow or submit one's self to (dative case). [ confer, compare Zend nam,nemaiti; Greek , ; Latin nemus; Gothic , Old Saxon , Anglo-Saxon niman; HGerm. ne0man,ne0men,nehmen.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nigamP. -gacchati- (often wrong reading -yacchati-), to settle down upon or near (accusative or locative case) ; inire feminam ; to enter, resort to, undergo, incur, become (with accusative exempli gratia, 'for example' śāntim-,to become pacified ) ; to enter id est be inserted (see ni-gama-below) ; to acquire knowledge : Causal gamayati-, to cause to enter, insert ; to conclude, sum up View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niramA1. -ramate- (Aorist 3. plural -araṃsata-), to rest, come to rest, cease : Causal -rāmayati- (Aorist -arīramat-), to cause to rest, stop, detain ; (-ramayati-) to gladden, give pleasure (by sexual union) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirgamP. -gacchati- (subjunctive -gamāṇi- perfect tense parasmE-pada -jaganvān- ; ind.p. -gatya- etc., -gamya- ), to go out, come forth (often with bahis-), depart from (ablative), set out, start etc. ; to come out or appear (as a bud) ; to go away, disappear ; to enter into any state, undergo (accusative) ; (with nidrām-) to fall asleep : Causal -gamayati-, to cause or order to set out : Desiderative -jigamiṣate-, to wish to set out View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirṇam( nam-), only Causal -ṇamayati- to put out (tongue) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niśamP. -śāmyati-, to be extinguished, : Causal -śamayati-, to appease, make quiet ; to cool down on ; -śāmayati- (Epic also -śāmyate-; parasmE-pada -śamyamāna-with act. meaning ; ind.p. -śāmya-and -śamayya-[ ; see ]), to observe, perceive, hear, learn View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niṣkramP. A1. -krāmati-, -kramate- (-kramati- ind.p. -kramya-; infinitive mood -krāmitum-, -kramitum-,or -krāntuṃ-), to go out, come forth, go or come from (ablative,rarely genitive case), depart etc. ; to leave (worldly life) ; (in dramatic language) to make an exit: Causal -krāmayati- (Passive voice -krāmyate-), to cause to go out, drive or let out, deliver View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nitamCaus. -tamayati-, to choke, suffocate View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niyamP. -yacchati-, to stop (trans.), hold back, detain with (locative case) ; (A1.) to stop (intrans.), stay, remain ; to keep back, refuse ; (A1.) to fail, be wanting ; to fasten, tie to (locative case), bind up (hair etc.) etc. ; to hold over, extend (śarma-) ; to hold downwards (the hand) ; to bring near, procure, bestow, grant, offer, present (rain, gifts etc.) etc. ; to hold in, keep down, restrain, control, govern, regulate (as breath, the voice, the organs of sense etc.) etc. ; to suppress or conceal (one's nature) ; to destroy, annihilate (opp. to sṛj-) ; to restrict (food etc.; see below) ; to fix upon, settle, determine, establish on ; (in gram.) to lower, pronounce low id est with the anudātta- : Causal -yamayati-, to restrain, curb, check, suppress, restrict
paribhramP. -bhramati-, -bhrāmyati- (Epic also te-; pr. p. -bhramat-, -bhrāmyat-and -bhramamāṇa-; perfect tense -babhrāma-,3. plural -babhramuḥ-,or -bhremuḥ-; ind.p. -bhramya-; infinitive mood -bhramitum-or -bhrāntum-), to rove, ramble, wander about or through etc. ; (also with maṇḍalam-) to turn or whirl round, move in a circle, describe a circle round, revolve, rotate : Causal -bhrāmayati-, to stir up, shake through View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parigamP. -gacchati- (Aorist -agamat- ; -gman- ; perfect tense -jagmatuḥ- ; parasmE-pada -jaganvas- ; ind.p. -g/atyā- ; -gamya- ; infinitive mood -gantum- ) , to go round or about or through, circumambulate, surround, inclose etc. ; to come to any state or condition, get, attain (accusative) : Passive voice -gamyate- : Causal -gamayati-, to cause to go round, to pass or spend (time) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariṇam( nam-) P. A1. -ṇamati-, te- (Aorist pary-aṇaṃsīt- ind.p. pari-ṇamya-), to bend or turn aside ; to bend down, stoop ; to change or be transformed into (instrumental case) ; to develop, become ripe or mature ; to become old ; to be digested ; to be fulfilled (as a word) : Causal -ṇāmayati- (ind.p. -ṇāmya-; Passive voice -ṇāmyate-, parasmE-pada ṇāmyamāna-,or myat-), to make ripe, ripen, mature ; to bring to an end, pass (as a night) ; to bend aside or down, stoop View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariśram(only ind.p. -śramya-), to fatigue or exert one's self : Causal -śramayati-, to fatigue, tire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariyamP. -yacchati-, to aim, hit : Causal -yamayati-, to serve, assist View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prakramP. A1. -krāmati-, -kramate-, (P.) to step or stride forwards, set out, walk on, advance, proceed, resort to (accusative; Aorist A1. -c/akramanta- ; prākraṃsta- ), march, pass, go etc. ; (with pradakṣiṇam-) to walk around from left to right ; to cross, traverse ; (A1.) to undertake, commence, begin (with accusative, artham- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',or infinitive mood) (also P. exempli gratia, 'for example' varayām pra-cakramuḥ-= yāṃ-cakruḥ-, ) etc. (see ) ; to act or behave towards (locative case) : Causal -krāmayati-, to cause to step forwards : Desiderative cikraṃ-siṣyate- Va1rtt. 2
praṇam( nam-) P. A1. -ṇamati-, te- (ind.p. -ṇamya-) to bend or bow down before (often with mūrdhnā-, śirasā-etc.), make obeisance to (dat genitive case locative case or accusative) etc.: Causal -mayati-, (ind.p. -namayya-), to cause a person (accusative) to bow before (dative case) ; to bow, incline View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praram Causal P. -ramayati-, to delight or gladden greatly, exhilarate View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praśamP. -śāmyati-, to become calm or tranquil, be pacified or soothed, settle down (as dust) etc. ; to be allayed or extinguished, cease, disappear, fade away : Causal -śamayati- (rarely śām-), to appease, calm quench allay, extinguish, terminate ; to make subject, subdue, conquer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratiśamCaus. -śāmayati- (ind.p. -śāmya-,or -śāmayitvā-or -śamayya-), to reestablish, restore, put to rights View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratisaṃkramA1. -kramate-, to go back again, come to an end : Causal -krāmayati-, to cause to go back or return View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praviśamCaus. -śāmayati- to extinguish, destroy, annihilate (?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pronnam( pra-ud-nam-), Causal -namayati-, to raise up, erect View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ram cl.1. A1. () ramate- (Vedic or Veda also P. r/amati-or ramṇāti- perfect tense rarāma- ; reme- etc.; Aorist 3. plural ranta- ; araṃsīt- ; araṃsta- ; raṃsiṣam- ; future rantā- grammar; raṃsyati- ; te- etc.; infinitive mood ramitum- ; rantum- etc.; rantos- ; ind.p. ratv/ā- ; rantvā- ; -ramya-or -ratya- ), to stop, stay, make fast, calm, set at rest (P.; especially present tense ramṇāti-) ; (P. A1.)to delight, make happy, enjoy carnally ; (A1.) to stand still, rest, abide, like to stay with (locative case or dative case) etc. ; (A1.; P.only mc.) to be glad or pleased, rejoice at, delight in, be fond of (locative case instrumental case or infinitive mood) etc. ; to play or sport, dally, have sexual intercourse with (instrumental case with or without samam-, saha-, sākam-or rdham-), etc. ; to couple (said of deer) , Va1rtt. 8 (confer, compare Causal) ; to play with id est put to stake (instrumental case) : Causal ram/ayati- or rām/ayati- (Aorist /arīramat-), to cause to stay, stop, set at rest ; (ramayati-, mc. also te-) to gladden, delight, please, caress, enjoy carnally etc. (3. sg. ramayati-tarām-, ) ; to enjoy one's self, be pleased or delighted ; mṛgān ramayati-, he tells that the deer are coupling Va1rtt. 8 : Desiderative in riraṃsā-, su- q.v : Desiderative of Causal in riramayiṣu- q.v : Intesis. raṃramyate- or raṃramīti- [ confer, compare Zend ram, Greek ,, ; Lithuanian rimti; Gothic rimis.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rañj or raj- cl.1.4. P. A1. () rajati-, te- (only grammar; -rañjati- ) or rajyati-, te- (grammar also perfect tense P. rarañja-,3rd dual number rarajatuḥ-or rarañjatuḥ-; A1. rarañje-; Aorist arāṅkṣīt-, araṅkta-; preceding rajyāt-, raṅkṣīṣṭa-; future raṅktā-; raṅkṣyati-, te-; infinitive mood raṅktum-; ind.p. raktvā-or raṅktvā-), to be dyed or coloured, to redden, grow red, glow ; to be affected or moved, be excited or glad, be charmed or delighted by (instrumental case), be attracted by or enamoured of, fall in love with (locative case) etc. ; (rajati-, te-), to go : Causal rajayati- (only ) and rañjayati-, te- (Aorist arīrajat-or ararañjat-; Passive voice rajyate-; Aorist arañji-or arāñji-), to dye, colour, paint, redden, illuminate etc. ; to rejoice, charm, gratify, conciliate etc. ; to worship (rajayati mṛgān- equals ramayati mṛgān- Va1rtt. 3 ) : Desiderative riraṅkṣati-, te- grammar : Intensive rārajīti- (grammar also rārajyate-and rāraṅkti-), to be greatly excited, exult (others"to shine bright"). [ confer, compare Greek ,"to dye",,"dyer."] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śam cl.4 P. (), ś/āmyati- (rarely te-,and Epic also śanati-, te-; Vedic or Veda śamyati-, śimyati-,and cl.9. śamnāti-[ ], śamnīṣe-, śamnīthās- imperative śamnīṣva-, śamīṣva-, śamiṣva-, śamīdhvam-; perfect tense śaśāma-, śemuḥ- etc.; śaśam/e- subjunctive śaś/amate- ; parasmE-pada śaśamān/a-[ q.v ]; Aorist /aśamiṣṭhās- ; aśamat- [ confer, compare present tense ]; preceding śamyāt- grammar; future śamiśā-, śamiṣyati- ; ind.p. śamitvā-, śāntvā-, śāmam- ), to toil at, fatigue or exert one's self (especially in performing ritual acts) ; to prepare, arrange ; to become tired, finish, stop, come to an end, rest, be quiet or calm or satisfied or contented etc. ; to cease, be allayed or extinguished etc. ; cl.9. (confer, compare above) to put an end to, hurt, injure, destroy : Passive voice śamyate- (Aorist aśami-) : Causal śam/ayati- (mc. also śāmayati-; Aorist aśīśamat-; Passive voice śāmyate-), to appease, allay, alleviate, pacify, calm, soothe, settle etc. ; to put to an end or to death, kill, slay, destroy, remove, extinguish. sup. press etc. ; to leave off, desist ; to conquer, subdue : Desiderative śiśamiṣati- grammar : Intensive śaṃśamīti- (), śaṃśamyate-, śaṃśanti- (grammar), to be entirely appeased or extinguished (perfect tense śaṃśamāṃ cakruḥ- ) . ([ confer, compare Greek ]) , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sam or stam- cl.1 P. samati- or stamati-, to be disturbed (according to to some"to be undisturbed"; see śam-) ; cl.10 P. samayati- or stamayati-, to be agitated or disturbed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samāgamP. -gacchati-, to come together (in a friendly or hostile manner;also sexually), meet, be united with (instrumental case with and without saha-,or rdham-) etc. ; to come together (as heavenly bodies in conjunction or occultation) ; to come to, come near, approach, arrive at (accusative or locative case) etc. ; to come back, return from (ablative) ; to meet with, come upon, find (accusative) : Causal -gamayati-, to cause to come together, bring together, unite one thing or person (accusative) with another (instrumental case or locative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāmaya ( sāman-or fr. artificial sām-;for 2. maya-See column 3) cl.10 P. sāmayati- (Aorist asasāmat-or asīṣamat-), to conciliate, appease, pacify. tranquillize View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sambhramP. bhramati-, or -bhrāmyati-, to roam or wander all about, go quite astray ; to be greatly confused, be perplexed or puzzled etc.: Causal -bhrāmayati-, to lead astray, perplex, bewilder etc.: (only in) Passive voice -bhrāmyate-, to be perplexed about, despair of (ablative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃgamA1. -gacchate- (rarely P. ti-,and according to to only with an object; perfect tense -jagme-;Vedic forms etc. -gamemahi-, -gamāmahai-, -ajagmiran-, -agata-[3. sg. ], -aganmahi-, -agasmahi-,or -agaṃsmahi-, -gmiṣīya-, -gasīṣṭa-or -gaṃsīṣṭa-, -gaṃsyate-etc.; see 1. gam-and ), to go or come together, come into contact or collision, meet (either in a friendly or hostile manner), join or unite with (instrumental case with and without saha-or rdham-) etc. ; to unite sexually with (accusative) ; to harmonize, agree, fit, correspond, suit ; to go to or towards, meet (accusative) ; to come together or assemble in (locative case) ; to undergo or get into any state or condition, become (exempli gratia, 'for example' with viśrambham-,"to become trustful, confide") ; (P.) to partake of (instrumental case) ; to go away, depart (this life), decease, die ; (P.) to visit (accusative) : Causal -gamayati- (ind.p. -gamayya-), to cause to go together, bring together, connect or unite or endow or present with (instrumental case of Persian and accusative of thing) etc. ; to lead any one to (two accusative) ; to deliver or hand over to (locative case), transfer, bestow, give ; to connect, construe (words) ; to cause to go away or depart (this life), kill () : Desiderative -jigaṃsate-, to wish to meet with (instrumental case). ; -jigāṃsati-, to wish to attain to (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃkramP. A1. -krāmati-, -kramate-, to come together, meet, encounter ; to come near, approach, appear etc. ; to enter a constellation (said of the sun) ; to go or pass over or through, pass from (ablative) into (locative case or accusative) etc. ; to overstep, transgress ; to go along, wander, roam : Causal -krāmayati- (ind.p. -kramayya-), to cause to go, lead to (accusative) ; to transfer, transport, deliver over, consign (with accusative of thing and locative case of Persian) etc. ; to bring two words together (in the krama- [ q.v ], by omitting those between) ; to agree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃnamP. A1. -namati-, te-, to bend together, bend down, bow down before or to (dative case genitive case,or accusative of person) ; (A.) to submit or conform to, comply with, obey (dative case) ; to direct, bend in the right direction, put in order, arrange, prepare, make ready (A1.) to be brought, about or fulfilled ; (P. A1.): Causal -mayati-, to bend, cause to bow or sink ; to bend in a particular direction, make right, arrange, prepare, bring about ; to subdue View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃśamP. -śāmyati-. to become thoroughly calm or pacified, be comforted ; to be appeased, make peace with (instrumental case with or with out saha-) ; to be extinguished ; to be allayed, cease ; to be or become ineffective ; to calm, allay : Causal -śamayati-, to tranquillize, calm, pacify etc. ; to bring to an end, settle, arrange ; to extinguish ; to bring to rest, remove, destroy, kill View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samunnam(-ud-nam-) P. -namati-, to rise up or ascend together, rise aloft, ascend : Causal -mayati-, to raise well up, erect, lift completely up, elevate View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃyamP. -yacchati- (rarely A1.), to hold together, hold in, hold fast, restrain, curb, suppress, control, govern, guide (horses, the senses, passions) etc. ; to tie up, bind together (hair or a garment) etc. ; to put together, heap up (A1."for one's self") ; to shut up, close (a door) ; to press close to or against ; to present with, give to (A1.with instrumental case of person, when the action is permitted P.with dative case,when the action is not permitted) : Causal -yamayati- (see -yamita-), to cause to restrain etc. ; to bind up (the hair) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śram cl.4 P. () śrāmyati- (in later language also śramati-, te-; perfect tense śaśrama-,3. plural śaśramuḥ-or[ ] śremuḥ-, parasmE-pada śaśramāṇ/a- ; Aorist āśramat- , subjunctive śramat- ; śramiṣma- ; future śramitā- ; śramiṣyati- grammar; infinitive mood śramitum- ; ind.p. -śr/amya-. ), to be or become weary or tired, be tired of doing anything (with infinitive mood;also impersonal or used impersonally n/a mā śramat-,"may I not become weary!") etc. ; to make effort, exert one's self (especially in performing acts of austerity), labour in vain : Passive voice śramyate- (Aorist aśrāmi-, grammar) etc. (see vi-śraṃ-): Causal srāmayati- (Aorist aśiśramat-), to make weary, fatigue, tire ; to overcome, conquer, subdue ; (śrāmayati-), to speak to, address, invite (āmantraṇe-) (varia lectio for grām- see grāmaya-): Desiderative See vi-śiśramiṣu-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
syam cl.1 P. () syamati- (only in 3. plural perfect tense sasyamuḥ-and syemuḥ-; grammar also Aorist asyamīt-; future syamitā-, syamiṣyati-; ind.p. syamitvā-,or syāntvā-; according to to also cl.10 P. syamayati-), to sound, cry aloud, shout, cry, shriek ; (syamati-), to go ; see cl.10. A1. syāmayate- (ti-), to consider, reflect : Causal syamayati- (Aorist asisyamat-) grammar (see above) : Desiderative sisyamiṣati- : Intensive sesimyate-, saṃsyanti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tīm cl.4. myati- See tim-: Causal tīmayati-, to wet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
udbhramP. -bhramati-, bhrāmyati-, to whirl or move, upwards, start or jump up ; to rise, ascend, raise one's self etc.: Causal -bhrāmayati-, to wave, swing ; to excite View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uddamCaus. -damayati-, to subdue, overpower, become master of. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uddāmayaNom. P. uddāmayati-, to unfetter, cause to come forth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
udgamP. -gacchati- (Ved. imperfect tense 1. plural -aganma-) to come forth, appear suddenly, become visible : etc. ; to go up, rise (as a star), ascend, start up etc. ; to go out or away, disappear etc. ; to spread, extend : Causal -gamayati-, to cause to rise ; to cause to come out or issue (as milk from the mother's breast), suck. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
unnam(ud-nam-) P. -namati-, to bend upwards, raise one's self, rise, ascend etc. ; to raise up, lift up : Causal -namayati-, or -nāmayati-, to bend upwards, raise, erect, elevate View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upagamP. -gacchati- (infinitive mood -gantav/ai- ) to go near to, come towards, approach, arrive at, reach, attain, visit (with accusative and rarely dative case) etc. ; to come upon, attack ; to press hard upon etc. ; to occur, happen, present itself etc. ; to undertake, begin ; to approach (a woman sexually) ; to enter any state or relation, undergo, obtain, participate in, make choice of, suffer etc. ; to admit, agree to, allow, confess: Causal -gamayati-, to cause to come near or approach : Desiderative -jigamiṣati-, to wish to approach, desire to go View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upanamP. -namati-, to bend towards or inwards ; to tend towards, approach, come to, arrive at ; to fall to one's share or lot, become one's property, share in (with accusative dative case,or genitive case) etc. ; to come to one's mind, occur ; to attend upon any one (accusative) with (instrumental case) ; to gain the favour of any one (accusative) : Causal -nāmayati-, to put or place before (genitive case) ; to lead towards or into the presence of, present any one (genitive case) ; to reach, hand to ; to offer, present View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uparamP. A1. () -ramati-, -te-, to cease from motion, stop ; to cease from action, be inactive or quiet (as a quietist) ; to pause, stop (speaking or doing anything) etc. ; to leave off, desist, give up, renounce (with ablative) commentator or commentary on ; to await, wait for ; to cause to cease or stop ; to render quiet : Causal -ramayati-, to cause to cease or stop ; to render quiet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upaśamP. A1. -śāmyati-, -te-, to become calm or quiet ; to cease, become extinct etc.: Causal -śamayati- and Epic -śāmayati-, to make quiet, calm, extinguish ; to tranquillize, appease, pacify, mitigate View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upasaṃkramP. A1. -krāmati-, -kramate-, to step or go to the other side (or other world etc.) etc.: Causal -kramayati-, to cause to go to the other side View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
utkram(ud-kram-) P. (and rarely A1.) -krāmati-, -kramati- (Ved. imperfect tense 3. plural -akraman- ), -te- (perfect tense 3. plural -cakramus- ) to step up, go up, ascend etc. ; to step out, go out or away ; to pass away, die etc. ; to go over, pass over, omit ; not to notice ; to neglect, transgress etc.: Causal P. -kramayati- and -krāmayati-, to cause to go up or ascend etc.: Desiderative -cikramiṣati-, or -cikramiṣyati-, to wish to go up or out View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
utsmi(ud-smi-) P. -smayati-, to begin smiling, smile at ; to deride View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vam cl.1 P. () vamati- (Ved. also v/amiti- imperfect tense avamat-or avamīt-; perfect tense vavāma- vemuḥ- etc.; vavamuḥ- ;2. sg. vemitha-or vavamitha- ;3. sg. uvāma- ; Aorist avān- ; future vamiśā-, vamiṣyati- grammar; infinitive mood vamitum- ; ind.p. vamitvā- ; vāntvā- ), to vomit, spit out, eject (literally and figuratively), emit, send forth, give out etc. ; to reject id est repent (a word) : Passive voice vamyate- (Aorist avāmi- grammar), to be vomited etc.: Causal vāmayati-, vamayati- (confer, compare ; Aorist avīvamat- grammar), to cause to vomit : Desiderative vivamiṣati- grammar : Intensive vaṃvamyate-, vaṃvanti- [ confer, compare Greek for ; Latin vomere; Lithuanian ve4mti.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vibhramP. -bhramati-, -bhrāmyati-, to wander or roam or fly about, roll, hover, whirl etc. ; to reel, quiver, shake ; to roam over, wander through (accusative). ; to fall into disorder or confusion, be disarranged or bewildered etc. ; to drive asunder, disperse, scare away ; to move about (the tail) : Causal -bhramayati-, or -bhrāmayati- (Passive voice -bhrāmyate-), to confuse, perplex View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vigamP. -gacchati-, to go asunder, sever, separate ; to go away, depart, disappear, cease, die etc. etc.: Causal -gamayati-, to cause to go or pass away, speed (time) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikramP. A1. -krāmati-, -kramate- (see ), to step beyond or aside, move away, depart from (ablative) ; to move apart or asunder, become divided ; to go or stride through, traverse ; to move on, walk, go, advance etc. ; to rise to (accusative) ; to bestride ; to show valour or prowess, attack, assail, fight etc.: Causal -kramayati-, to cause to step or stride over or through View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vinamP. A1. -namati-, te-, to bend down, bow down, stoop etc.: Causal -nāmayati-, or -namayati- (ind.p. -nāmya-and -namayya-), to bend down, incline, bend (a bow) ; (in gram.) to cerebralize or change into a cerebral letter (see -nāmita-).
vipariṇam( nam-) Passive voice -ṇamyate- to undergo change or alteration, be changed into (instrumental case) : Causal -ṇamayati-, to alter, change into (instrumental case)
viramP. -ramati- (rarely A1.; see ), to stop (especially speaking), pause, cease, come to an end etc. ; to give up, abandon, abstain or desist from (ablative) etc.: Causal -mayati-, to cause to stop or rest etc., bring to an end, finish : Desiderative See vi-riraṃsā-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśramP. -śrāmyati- (Epic also śramati-, te-; ind.p. śr/āmya-,or -śramya-), to rest, repose, recreate one's self. etc. ; to rest from labour, cease, stop, desist ; to rest or depend on (locative case) ; to rest id est trust or confide in, rely on ; to feel at ease or comfortable : Passive voice -śrāmyate- (Aorist vy-aśrāmi- ; especially 3. sg. imperative; -śrāmyatām-,"you may rest","enough of this") : Causal -śrāmayati-, to cause to rest, make to cease, stop etc. ; to cause to rest or settle down on (locative case) : Desiderative See vi-śiśramiṣu-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viyamP. -yacchati- (3. plural perfect tense A1. -yemire- ), to spread out, extend ; to stretch out the legs, step out (as a running horse) ; to hold apart or asunder : Causal -yāmayati- to stretch out, extend View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyāyamP. A1. -yacchati-, te-, (P.) to pull or drag or draw asunder, extend ; to sport or dally with (locative case) ; A1. (P.only mc.) to struggle or contend about (locative case), fight together, make efforts, strive, endeavour etc.: Causal mayati-, to cause to stretch out or struggle, make great effort or exertion, take exercise (ind.p. -yāmya-,having taken exercise) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yam cl.1 P. () y/acchati- (Vedic or Veda also te-,and Vedic or Veda Epic y/amati-, te-; perfect tense yayāma-, yeme-;2. sg. yayantha-,3. plural yem/uḥ-, yemir/e- etc.;3. dual number irreg. -yamatuḥ- ; Aorist /ayān-, /ayamuh-; imperative yaṃsi-, yandh/i-; Potential yamyās-, yamīmahi- ; /ayāṃsam-, ayāṃsi-, /ayaṃsta- subjunctive yaṃsat-, satas-, sate- ;3. sg. -y/amiṣṭa- ; ayaṃsiṣam- grammar; future yantā- ; yaṃsyati-, yamiṣyati- etc. infinitive mood y/antum-, yamitum- ; y/antave-, y/amitav/ai- ; ind.p. yatvā-, yamitvā- etc.; y/atya- ; -yamya- ; -y/amam- ), to sustain, hold, hold up, support (A1."one's self";with locative case"to be founded on") ; to raise, wield (a weapon etc.; A1.with āyudhaih-,"to brandish weapons") ; to raise, extend or hold (as a screen etc.) over (dative case) ; (A1.) to extend one's self before (dative case) ; to raise (the other scale), weigh more ; to stretch out, expand, spread, display, show ; to hold or keep in, hold back, restrain, check, curb, govern, subdue, control etc. ; to offer ; confer, grant, bestow on (dative case or locative case), present with (instrumental case) etc. ; (with mārgam-), to make way for (genitive case) ; (with prati-and ablative), to give anything in exchange for anything on ; (A1.) to give one's self up to, be faithful to, obey (dative case) ; to raise, utter (a sound etc.) ; to fix, establish ; (A1.) to be firm, not budge ; to catch fire (Scholiast or Commentator) : Passive voice yamy/ate- (Aorist /ayā--), to be raised or lifted up or held back or restrained etc. etc.: Causal yāmayati- (), yamayati- ( etc.; te- ; Aorist ayīyamat-), to restrain, hold in, control, keep or put in order: Desiderative yiyaṃsati-, to wish to restrain etc. : Intensive yaṃyamīti- (See ud-yam-) or yaṃyamyate- (, Va1rtt. 2 ) ([ confer, compare Greek ,"restraint, punishment."]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
6 results
anulomayati अनुलोमयति Den. P. 1 To stroke or rub with the hair or with the grain, go with the grain; तत्र प्रतिलोम- मनुलोमयेत् Suśr. -2 To evacuate, purge, carry off by the regular channels.
grāmayati ग्रामयति Den. P. To invite or call.
dhūmayati धूमयति Den. P. To cover with smoke, obscure with mist, darken.
parikarmayati परिकर्मयति Den. P. To decorate, adorn.
bhūmayati भूमयति Den. P. To augment, increase.
stomayati स्तोमयति Den. P. To praise, laud.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results8 results
aped eṣa dhvasmāyati # RV.8.66.15c.
ayaṃ vo 'gnir ni haraḥ śamayāti # AVP.3.23.2b.
vaḥ sūryo bṛhatā śamayāti # AVP.2.36.3d.
vo devaḥ savitā śamayāti # AVP.2.36.2d.
vo devy aditiḥ śamayāti # AVP.2.36.4d.
tenainaṃ saṃ gamayati # AVś.9.5.24b.
na nāmayati na rudati na hṛṣyati na glāyati yatra vayaṃ vadāmo yatra cābhimṛśāmasi # PG.1.16.25.
yad āmayati niṣ kṛtha (AVP. kṛtaḥ; TSṃS.KS. kṛta) # RV.10.97.9d; AVP.11.6.5d; VS.12.83d; TS.; MS.2.7.13d: 93.14; KS.16.13d.
2 results
mayati noun (masculine) [gramm.] the root mā (me)
Frequency rank 61516/72933
smayati noun (masculine) [gramm.] the root smi
Frequency rank 71953/72933
Parse Time: 2.064s Search Word: mayati Input Encoding: IAST: mayati