abhigam | -gacchati-, to go near to, approach (with accusative) ; to follow ; to meet with, find ; to cohabit (said of men and women) ; to undertake ; to get, gain, obtain etc. ; (with m/anasā-,or medh/ayā-or h/ṛdayena-) to understand : Causal -gamayati-, to study |
abhikram | (Aorist -akramīt- ind.p. -kr/amya-) to step or go near to, approach etc. ; to attack, overpower ; to step upon ; to undertake, begin ; (with gamanāya-) to get on one's way : Caus. -kramayati-, to bring near |
abhiram | -ramate-, to dwell ; to repose ; to delight in, be delighted etc. Causal -r/āmayati-, to gladden ; to delight in, to be delighted. |
abhyutkram | to go upto, ascend : P. (future 1. plural -kramiṣyāmas- ) and Causal P. -kramayati- ([ ]) or -krāmayati- ([ ]) to cause to go or step towards (locative case) |
ādhmā | P. -dhamati- (imperative 2. sg. -dhama-) to inflate, fill with air, blow ; to cry out, utter with a loud voice ; to sound : Passive voice (-dhmāyati-[irr.] ) to swell with wind, puff up (in the latter sense sometimes[ ] P.): Causal to blow, inflate. |
āgam | P. -gacchati- (imperative -gacchatāt- ;2. sg. -gahi-[frequently, in ], once -gadhi-[ ]; perf. -jag/āma- etc.; Potential -jagamyāt- ; subjunctive -gamat-; Aorist 3. sg. -agāmi- ; subjunctive 2. dual number -gamiṣṭam- ) to come, make one's appearance, come near from (ablative) or to (accusative or locative case), arrive at, attain, reach etc. ; (generally with p/unar-) to return etc. ; to fall into (any state of mind), have recourse to ; to meet with (instrumental case) : Causal (imperative 2. sg. -gamaya-) to cause to come near ; -gamayati-, to announce the arrival of (accusative) on ; (Potential A1. -gamayeta-; perf. P. -gamayām-āsa-) to obtain information about (accusative), ascertain ; to learn from (ablative) : A1. -gamayate- ( commentator or commentary) to wait for (accusative), have patience : Intensive -ganīganti-, to approach repeatedly (accusative) : Desiderative (parasmE-pada -jigamiṣat-) to be about to come |
ākram | P. A1. (parasmE-pada P. -krāmat- ; parasmE-pada A1. ā-kr/amamāṇa- ; Aorist ā-akramīt- ; perf. p. A1. -cakramāṇ/a- ; ind.p. -kr/amya- etc.) to step or go near to, come towards, approach, visit etc. ; to step or tread upon (accusative [ etc.] or locative case [ ]) ; (ind.p. -kramya-) to hold fast with the hands, seize ; to attack, invade (Inf. -kramitum-) ; (in astronomy) to eclipse ; to undertake, begin (with infinitive mood) : A1. -kramate- (; future parasmE-pada -kraṃsy/amāna-) to rise, mount, ascend etc.: Causal -kramayati-, to cause to come or step near ; to cause any one (instrumental case) to enter into (accusative) : Desiderative -cikraṃsate-, to wish to ascend |
ānam | P. (3. plural /ā-namanti- etc.; infinitive mood -n/amam- ) A1. (imperative 3. plural /ānamantām- ) to bend down, bend, bow, incline etc. ; to do homage, salute reverently etc. ; to condescend ; to be propitious (as gods to men) ; to bring near ; to bend towards or near ; to subdue : Causal -nāmayati- and -namayati-, to inflect, bend (a bow), cause to bend, subdue |
anugam | cl.1 P. -gacchati-, -gantum-, to go after, follow, seek, approach, visit, arrive ; to practise, observe, obey, imitate ; to enter into ; to die out, be extinguished: Causal -gamayati-, to imitate cause to die out. |
anulomaya | Nom. P. anu-lomayati-, to stroke or rub with the hair ; to send in the right direction or so as to carry off by the right channels |
anunam | A1. to incline to : Causal P. -nāmayati-, to cause to bow |
apakram | to go away, retreat, retire from ; to glide away ; to measure off by steps : Causal -kramayati-, to cause to run away : Desiderative -cikramiṣati-, to intend to run away or escape (with ablative) |
atikram | to step or go beyond or over or across, (Vedic or Veda infinitive mood ati-kr/ame-,to be walked on ) ; to pass, cross ; to pass time ; to surpass, excel, overcome ; to pass by, neglect ; to overstep, transgress, violate ; to pass on or away ; to step out ; to part from, lose: Caus. -krāmayati-, or -kramayati-, to allow to pass (as time) ; to leave unnoticed. |
atinam | (Causal - nāmayati-), to pass time, |
āyam | P. -yacchati- and (Ved.) -yamati-, to stretch, lengthen out, extend etc. ; to stretch (a bow) ; to put on (an arrow etc.) ; to draw near, bring hither ; to fetch, procure ; to keep, stop, hold in, draw back, restrain etc. ; to produce : A1. -yacchate- (see ) to stretch one's self or be stretched or strained ; to grow long ; to grasp, possess : Causal -yāmayati-, to bring near, draw near ; to carry, fetch ; to lengthen, extend ; to produce or make visible ; to show |
bhām | cl.1 A1. () bhāmate- cl.10 P. () bhāmayati- (occurs only in derivatives, but the grammarians give also perfect tense babhāme- Aorist abhāmiṣṭa- future bhāmiṣyate-, mitā-; Causal bhāmayati-; Intensive bābhāmyate-), to be angry or impatient. |
bhram | cl.1 P. () bhramati- (Epic also te-) and cl.4 P. (), bhrāmyati- (Potential bhramyāt- ; perfect tense babhrāma-,3. plural babhramuḥ-or bhremuḥ- etc.; future bhramitā- grammar; bhramiṣyati- ; Aorist abhramīt- ; infinitive mood bhramitum-or bhrāntum- etc.; ind.p. bhramitvā-, bhrāntvā-, -bhrāmya- ), to wander or roam about, rove, ramble (with deśam-,to wander through or over a country;with bhikṣām-,go about begging) etc. ; to fly about (as bees) ; to roll about (as the eyes) ; to wag (as the tongue) ; to quiver (as the fetus in the womb) ; to move to and fro or unsteadily, flicker, flutter, reel, totter ; to move round, circulate, revolve (as stars) ; to spread, be current (as news) ; to waver, be perplexed, doubt, err : Passive voice Aorist abhrāmi- (impersonal or used impersonally,with te-,"you have wandered or roamed about") : Causal bhrāmayati- (mc. also te-; Aorist abibhramat-: Passive voice bhrāmyate-), to cause to wander or roam, drive or move about, agitate etc. ; (with paṭaham-or ha-ghoṣaṇām-), to move a drum about, proclaim by beat of drum ; to cause to move or turn round or revolve, swing, brandish etc. ; to drive through (accusative) in a chariot ; to disarrange ; to cause to err, confuse ; to move or roam about (Aorist abibhramat-; Bombay edition ababhramat-) : Desiderative bibhramiṣati- grammar : Intensive bambhramīti-, bambhramyate- (also with pass. meaning) and bambhrānti- (only grammar), to roam about repeatedly or frequently, wander through, circumambulate [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin fremere; German bre0men,brimmen,brummen; English brim,brim-stone.] |
cam | cl.1. mati- (perf. cacāma- Aorist acamīt- ; Passive voice acami- ), to sip, drink ; to eat : Vedic or Veda cl.5. camnoti- : Causal cāmayati-, (see ā-, anv-ā--; paryā-cānta-, sam-ā-camya-.) |
dam | cl.4. dāmyati- (; ind.p. dāntvā-and damitvā-, ; Aorist Passive voice adami-, ;P. mit- ) to be tamed or tranquillised (imperative d/āmyata-) ; to tame, subdue, conquer (ind.p. damitvā-) : cl.9. irreg. (? subjunctive 2. sg. d/anas-) idem or 'mfn. ' : Causal damayati- (parasmE-pada m/ayat-; A1. ) to subdue, overpower ; Desiderative See dān- ; ([ confer, compare , ; Latin domareetc.]) |
gam | Ved. cl.1 P. g/amati- (; subjunctive gamam-, g/amat-[ gamātas-, gamātha- ], gamāma-, gaman- ; Potential gam/ema- ; infinitive mood g/amadhyai- ) : cl.2 P. g/anti- (; imperative 3. sg. gantu-,[2. sg. gadhi-See ā--,or gahi-See adhi--, abhy-ā--, ā--, upā--],2. plural g/antā-or gantana- ; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. /agan-[ ] , 1. plural /aganma-[ ; confer, compare ] , 3. plural /agman- ; subjunctive [or Aorist subjunctive confer, compare ]1. plural ganma-,3. plural gm/an- ; Potential 2. sg. gamyās- ; preceding 3. sg. gamy/ās- ; pr. p. gm/at-, ) : cl.3 P. jaganti- (; Potential jagamyām-, yāt- ; imperfect tense 2. and 3. sg. ajagan-,2. plural ajaganta-or tana- ) : Ved. and Class. cl.1 P. (also A1. etc.) , with substitution of gacch- ([= ]) for gam-, g/acchati- (confer, compare ; subjunctive gācchāti- ;2. sg. gacchās-[ ] or gacchāsi-[ ];2. plural gacchāta- ;3. plural g/acchān- ; imperfect tense /agacchat-; Potential gacchet-; pr. p. g/acchat- etc.; Aorist agamat- ;for A1.with prepositions confer, compare future gamiṣyati- etc.; 1st future g/antā-[ ] etc.; perf. 1. sg. jagamā-[ ],3. sg. jagāma-,2. dual number jagmathur-,3. plural jagm/ur- etc.; parasmE-pada jaganv/as-[ etc.] or jagmivas- f. jagm/uṣī- etc.;Ved. infinitive mood g/antave-, g/antav/ai-;Class. infinitive mood gantum-:Ved. ind.p. gatvāya-, gatv/ī-;Class. ind.p. gatv/ā-[ etc.] , with prepositions -gamya-or -gatya- ) to go, move, go away, set out, come etc. ; to go to or towards, approach (with accusative or locative case or dative case [ ; confer, compare ] or prati-[ ]) etc. ; to go or pass (as time exempli gratia, 'for example' kāle gacchati-,time going on, in the course of time) ; to fall to the share of (accusative) etc. ; to go against with hostile intentions, attack ; to decease, die ; to approach carnally, have sexual intercourse with (accusative) etc. ; to go to any state or condition, undergo, partake of, participate in, receive, obtain (exempli gratia, 'for example' mitratāṃ gacchati-,"he goes to friendship" id est he becomes friendly) etc. ; jānubhyām avanīṃ-gam-,"to go to the earth with the knees", kneel down ; dharaṇīṃ mūrdhnā-gam-,"to go to the earth with the head", make a bow ; m/anasā-gam-, to go with the mind, observe, perceive ; (without m/anasā-) to observe, understand, guess ; (especially Passive voice gamyate-,"to be understood or meant") and ; doṣeṇa- or doṣato-gam-, to approach with an accusation, ascribe guilt to a person (accusative) : Causal gamayati- (; imperative 2. sg. Ved. gamayā-or gāmaya-[ ] , 3. sg. gamayatāt- ; perf. gamay/āṃ cakāra- etc.) to cause to go ( ) or come, lead or conduct towards, send to (dative case ), bring to a place (accusative [ ] or locative case) etc. ; to cause to go to any condition, cause to become etc. ; to impart, grant ; to send away ; "to let go", not care about ; to excel ; to spend time etc. ; to cause to understand, make clear or intelligible, explain ; to convey an idea or meaning, denote ; (causal of the causal) to cause a person (accusative) to go by means of jigamiśati- another : Desiderative j/igamiṣati- ( jigāṃsate- ; imperfect tense ajigāṃsat- ) to wish to go, be going ; to strive to obtain ; to wish to bring (to light, prak/āśam-) : Intensive j/aṅganti- (), jaṅgamīti- or jaṅgamyate- ( ), to visit (parasmE-pada g/anigmat-) (imperfect tense aganīgan-) ; ([ confer, compare ; Gothic qvam; English come; Latin venioforgvemio.]) |
klam | (= śram- q.v) cl.1.4. klāmati-, klāmyati- (), to be or become fatigued, be weary or exhausted : Causal klāmayati-, to fatigue |
kram | cl.1 P. A1. kr/āmati- (; Epic also kramati-), kramate- ( , Epic also krāmate-;according to cl.4 P. krāmyati-[ kramyati- ]; Aorist akramīt- etc.; A1. kr/amiṣṭa-, kraṃsate-[ ] , 3. plural c/akramanta-[ ]; perf. cakrāma-,or cakrame-; parasmE-pada cakramāṇ/a- ; future kramiṣyati-or kraṃsyate- ind.p. krāntvā-, krantvā-,or kramitvā- ), to step, walk, go, go towards, approach (with /accha-, /adhi- accusative or locative case) etc. ; to approach in order to ask for assistance (with locative case) ; to go across, go over etc. ; Ved. to climb (as on a tree's branch) ; to cover (in copulation) ; to stretch over, project over, tower above, (ind.p. krāntvā-) ; to take possession of ; A1. to undertake, strive after, make effort for (dative case) ; (locative case) ; A1. () to proceed well, advance, make progress, gain a footing, succeed, have effect ; to be appliable or practicable ; P. to be liable to the peculiar arrangement of a Vedic text called krama- (id est to be doubled, as a letter or word) ; A1. to read according to the krama- arrangement of a Vedic text (a-krānta-): Causal P. kramayati-, to cause to step ; kramayati- or krām-, to make liable to the peculiar arrangement called krama- (id est to double a letter or word) etc.: Intensive caṅkramyate- ( ; parasmE-pada caṅ-kramy/amāṇa-[ ]or kramam- and ) or caṅkramīti- (; imperfect tense 2. plural caṅkramata- ; future parasmE-pada caṅkramiṣy/at- ; ind.p. mitvā- ; see mit/a-), to step to and fro, walk or wander about. |
kṣam | cl.1 A1. kṣ/amate- (Epic also P. ti-;Ved. cl.2 P. kṣamiti- ; cl.4 P. kṣāmyati-[ confer, compare imperative A1.3. sg. kṣamyatām- ] ; perf. cakṣame- etc., 3. plural mire- ;1. dual number cakṣaṇvahe-& 1. plural ṇmahe- Scholiast or Commentator; future 2nd kṣaṃsyate-, ti-, kṣamiṣyati-; Aorist 2. sg. akṣaṃsthās- ; infinitive mood kṣantum- etc.) , to be patient or composed, suppress anger, keep quiet etc. ; to submit to (dative case) ; to bear patiently, endure, put up with (accusative), suffer ; to pardon, forgive anything (accusative) to (genitive case or dative case) etc. (exempli gratia, 'for example' kṣamasva me tad-,forgive me that ) ; to allow, permit, suffer () ; (with Potential) ; to bear any one, be indulgent to (Passive voice) ; to resist ; to be able to do anything (infinitive mood) ; to seem good : Causal P. A1. kṣamayati-, kṣāmayate-, to ask any one (accusative) pardon for anything (accusative) ; (perf. kṣamayām āsa-) to suffer or bear patiently (confer, compare kṣamāpaya-); ([ confer, compare Gothic hramja(?) Anglo-Saxon hremman,"to hinder, disquiet."]) |
me | cl.1 A1. () mayate- (Epic also P. mayati-; perfect tense manme- grammar; Aorist amāsta- ; future mātā-, māsyate- ; ind.p. -mitya-or -māya- ) . to exchange, barter (see apa--.and ni-me-): Causal māpayati- : Desiderative mitsate- : Intensive memīyatc-, māmeti-, māmāti- |
nam | cl.1 P. n/amati- (), te- (mostly intrans.; confer, compare ; pr. p. A1. namāna- ; perfect tense P. nānāma- etc.;2. sg. nemitha-,or nanantha- ; subjunctive nan/amas- ;3. plural nemur- ; A1. neme- ;3. plural -nanamire- ; Aorist P. anān- ; anaṃsīt- ; A1. anaṃsta- grammar;3. plural anaṃsata- ; subjunctive naṃsai-, naṃsante- ; future naṃsyati- ; namiṣyati- ; nantā- ; infinitive mood -n/amam-, -n/ame- ; nantum-, namitum- ; ind.p. natvā- ; -natya- ; -namya- ) to bend or bow (either trans. or oftener intr.) to bow to, subject or submit, one's self (with genitive case dative case or accusative) etc. ; (with hiruk-) to turn away, keep aside ; to turn towards id est to aim at (genitive case) with (instrumental case) ; to yield or give way, keep quiet or be silent ; (in gram.) to change a dental letter into a cerebral : Passive voice namyate-, to be bent or bowed ; yield or submit to : Causal nam/ayati- etc. (nāmayati- etc.; nāmyati-[!] ; Aorist anīnamat- ; Passive voice nāmyate-, ti- etc.) to cause to bow or sink, incline etc. ; (with cāpam-) to bend a bow etc. ; to turn away or ward off ; to aim at (genitive case), ; (in gram.) to change a dental letter into a cerebral : Desiderative ninaṃsati-, : Intensive n/annamīti- ; nannamyate- (3. sg. n/amnate- imperfect tense anamnata-, parasmE-pada n/amamāna- ) to bow or submit one's self to (dative case). [ confer, compare Zend nam,nemaiti; Greek , ; Latin nemus; Gothic , Old Saxon , Anglo-Saxon niman; HGerm. ne0man,ne0men,nehmen.] |
nigam | P. -gacchati- (often wrong reading -yacchati-), to settle down upon or near (accusative or locative case) ; inire feminam ; to enter, resort to, undergo, incur, become (with accusative exempli gratia, 'for example' śāntim-,to become pacified ) ; to enter id est be inserted (see ni-gama-below) ; to acquire knowledge : Causal gamayati-, to cause to enter, insert ; to conclude, sum up |
niram | A1. -ramate- (Aorist 3. plural -araṃsata-), to rest, come to rest, cease : Causal -rāmayati- (Aorist -arīramat-), to cause to rest, stop, detain ; (-ramayati-) to gladden, give pleasure (by sexual union) |
nirgam | P. -gacchati- (subjunctive -gamāṇi- perfect tense parasmE-pada -jaganvān- ; ind.p. -gatya- etc., -gamya- ), to go out, come forth (often with bahis-), depart from (ablative), set out, start etc. ; to come out or appear (as a bud) ; to go away, disappear ; to enter into any state, undergo (accusative) ; (with nidrām-) to fall asleep : Causal -gamayati-, to cause or order to set out : Desiderative -jigamiṣate-, to wish to set out |
nirṇam | ( nam-), only Causal -ṇamayati- to put out (tongue) |
niśam | P. -śāmyati-, to be extinguished, : Causal -śamayati-, to appease, make quiet ; to cool down on ; -śāmayati- (Epic also -śāmyate-; parasmE-pada -śamyamāna-with act. meaning ; ind.p. -śāmya-and -śamayya-[ ; see ]), to observe, perceive, hear, learn |
niṣkram | P. A1. -krāmati-, -kramate- (-kramati- ind.p. -kramya-; infinitive mood -krāmitum-, -kramitum-,or -krāntuṃ-), to go out, come forth, go or come from (ablative,rarely genitive case), depart etc. ; to leave (worldly life) ; (in dramatic language) to make an exit: Causal -krāmayati- (Passive voice -krāmyate-), to cause to go out, drive or let out, deliver |
nitam | Caus. -tamayati-, to choke, suffocate |
niyam | P. -yacchati-, to stop (trans.), hold back, detain with (locative case) ; (A1.) to stop (intrans.), stay, remain ; to keep back, refuse ; (A1.) to fail, be wanting ; to fasten, tie to (locative case), bind up (hair etc.) etc. ; to hold over, extend (śarma-) ; to hold downwards (the hand) ; to bring near, procure, bestow, grant, offer, present (rain, gifts etc.) etc. ; to hold in, keep down, restrain, control, govern, regulate (as breath, the voice, the organs of sense etc.) etc. ; to suppress or conceal (one's nature) ; to destroy, annihilate (opp. to sṛj-) ; to restrict (food etc.; see below) ; to fix upon, settle, determine, establish on ; (in gram.) to lower, pronounce low id est with the anudātta- : Causal -yamayati-, to restrain, curb, check, suppress, restrict |
paribhram | P. -bhramati-, -bhrāmyati- (Epic also te-; pr. p. -bhramat-, -bhrāmyat-and -bhramamāṇa-; perfect tense -babhrāma-,3. plural -babhramuḥ-,or -bhremuḥ-; ind.p. -bhramya-; infinitive mood -bhramitum-or -bhrāntum-), to rove, ramble, wander about or through etc. ; (also with maṇḍalam-) to turn or whirl round, move in a circle, describe a circle round, revolve, rotate : Causal -bhrāmayati-, to stir up, shake through |
parigam | P. -gacchati- (Aorist -agamat- ; -gman- ; perfect tense -jagmatuḥ- ; parasmE-pada -jaganvas- ; ind.p. -g/atyā- ; -gamya- ; infinitive mood -gantum- ) , to go round or about or through, circumambulate, surround, inclose etc. ; to come to any state or condition, get, attain (accusative) : Passive voice -gamyate- : Causal -gamayati-, to cause to go round, to pass or spend (time) |
pariṇam | ( nam-) P. A1. -ṇamati-, te- (Aorist pary-aṇaṃsīt- ind.p. pari-ṇamya-), to bend or turn aside ; to bend down, stoop ; to change or be transformed into (instrumental case) ; to develop, become ripe or mature ; to become old ; to be digested ; to be fulfilled (as a word) : Causal -ṇāmayati- (ind.p. -ṇāmya-; Passive voice -ṇāmyate-, parasmE-pada ṇāmyamāna-,or myat-), to make ripe, ripen, mature ; to bring to an end, pass (as a night) ; to bend aside or down, stoop |
pariśram | (only ind.p. -śramya-), to fatigue or exert one's self : Causal -śramayati-, to fatigue, tire |
pariyam | P. -yacchati-, to aim, hit : Causal -yamayati-, to serve, assist |
prakram | P. A1. -krāmati-, -kramate-, (P.) to step or stride forwards, set out, walk on, advance, proceed, resort to (accusative; Aorist A1. -c/akramanta- ; prākraṃsta- ), march, pass, go etc. ; (with pradakṣiṇam-) to walk around from left to right ; to cross, traverse ; (A1.) to undertake, commence, begin (with accusative, artham- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',or infinitive mood) (also P. exempli gratia, 'for example' varayām pra-cakramuḥ-= yāṃ-cakruḥ-, ) etc. (see ) ; to act or behave towards (locative case) : Causal -krāmayati-, to cause to step forwards : Desiderative cikraṃ-siṣyate- Va1rtt. 2 |
praṇam | ( nam-) P. A1. -ṇamati-, te- (ind.p. -ṇamya-) to bend or bow down before (often with mūrdhnā-, śirasā-etc.), make obeisance to (dat genitive case locative case or accusative) etc.: Causal -nāmayati-, (ind.p. -namayya-), to cause a person (accusative) to bow before (dative case) ; to bow, incline |
praram | Causal P. -ramayati-, to delight or gladden greatly, exhilarate |
praśam | P. -śāmyati-, to become calm or tranquil, be pacified or soothed, settle down (as dust) etc. ; to be allayed or extinguished, cease, disappear, fade away : Causal -śamayati- (rarely śām-), to appease, calm quench allay, extinguish, terminate ; to make subject, subdue, conquer |
pratiśam | Caus. -śāmayati- (ind.p. -śāmya-,or -śāmayitvā-or -śamayya-), to reestablish, restore, put to rights |
pratisaṃkram | A1. -kramate-, to go back again, come to an end : Causal -krāmayati-, to cause to go back or return |
praviśam | Caus. -śāmayati- to extinguish, destroy, annihilate (?) |
pronnam | ( pra-ud-nam-), Causal -namayati-, to raise up, erect |
ram | cl.1. A1. () ramate- (Vedic or Veda also P. r/amati-or ramṇāti- perfect tense rarāma- ; reme- etc.; Aorist 3. plural ranta- ; araṃsīt- ; araṃsta- ; raṃsiṣam- ; future rantā- grammar; raṃsyati- ; te- etc.; infinitive mood ramitum- ; rantum- etc.; rantos- ; ind.p. ratv/ā- ; rantvā- ; -ramya-or -ratya- ), to stop, stay, make fast, calm, set at rest (P.; especially present tense ramṇāti-) ; (P. A1.)to delight, make happy, enjoy carnally ; (A1.) to stand still, rest, abide, like to stay with (locative case or dative case) etc. ; (A1.; P.only mc.) to be glad or pleased, rejoice at, delight in, be fond of (locative case instrumental case or infinitive mood) etc. ; to play or sport, dally, have sexual intercourse with (instrumental case with or without samam-, saha-, sākam-or sārdham-), etc. ; to couple (said of deer) , Va1rtt. 8 (confer, compare Causal) ; to play with id est put to stake (instrumental case) : Causal ram/ayati- or rām/ayati- (Aorist /arīramat-), to cause to stay, stop, set at rest ; (ramayati-, mc. also te-) to gladden, delight, please, caress, enjoy carnally etc. (3. sg. ramayati-tarām-, ) ; to enjoy one's self, be pleased or delighted ; mṛgān ramayati-, he tells that the deer are coupling Va1rtt. 8 : Desiderative in riraṃsā-, su- q.v : Desiderative of Causal in riramayiṣu- q.v : Intesis. raṃramyate- or raṃramīti- [ confer, compare Zend ram, Greek ,, ; Lithuanian rimti; Gothic rimis.] |
rañj | or raj- cl.1.4. P. A1. () rajati-, te- (only grammar; -rañjati- ) or rajyati-, te- (grammar also perfect tense P. rarañja-,3rd dual number rarajatuḥ-or rarañjatuḥ-; A1. rarañje-; Aorist arāṅkṣīt-, araṅkta-; preceding rajyāt-, raṅkṣīṣṭa-; future raṅktā-; raṅkṣyati-, te-; infinitive mood raṅktum-; ind.p. raktvā-or raṅktvā-), to be dyed or coloured, to redden, grow red, glow ; to be affected or moved, be excited or glad, be charmed or delighted by (instrumental case), be attracted by or enamoured of, fall in love with (locative case) etc. ; (rajati-, te-), to go : Causal rajayati- (only ) and rañjayati-, te- (Aorist arīrajat-or ararañjat-; Passive voice rajyate-; Aorist arañji-or arāñji-), to dye, colour, paint, redden, illuminate etc. ; to rejoice, charm, gratify, conciliate etc. ; to worship (rajayati mṛgān- equals ramayati mṛgān- Va1rtt. 3 ) : Desiderative riraṅkṣati-, te- grammar : Intensive rārajīti- (grammar also rārajyate-and rāraṅkti-), to be greatly excited, exult (others"to shine bright"). [ confer, compare Greek ,"to dye",,"dyer."] |
śam | cl.4 P. (), ś/āmyati- (rarely te-,and Epic also śanati-, te-; Vedic or Veda śamyati-, śimyati-,and cl.9. śamnāti-[ ], śamnīṣe-, śamnīthās- imperative śamnīṣva-, śamīṣva-, śamiṣva-, śamīdhvam-; perfect tense śaśāma-, śemuḥ- etc.; śaśam/e- subjunctive śaś/amate- ; parasmE-pada śaśamān/a-[ q.v ]; Aorist /aśamiṣṭhās- ; aśamat- [ confer, compare present tense ]; preceding śamyāt- grammar; future śamiśā-, śamiṣyati- ; ind.p. śamitvā-, śāntvā-, śāmam- ), to toil at, fatigue or exert one's self (especially in performing ritual acts) ; to prepare, arrange ; to become tired, finish, stop, come to an end, rest, be quiet or calm or satisfied or contented etc. ; to cease, be allayed or extinguished etc. ; cl.9. (confer, compare above) to put an end to, hurt, injure, destroy : Passive voice śamyate- (Aorist aśami-) : Causal śam/ayati- (mc. also śāmayati-; Aorist aśīśamat-; Passive voice śāmyate-), to appease, allay, alleviate, pacify, calm, soothe, settle etc. ; to put to an end or to death, kill, slay, destroy, remove, extinguish. sup. press etc. ; to leave off, desist ; to conquer, subdue : Desiderative śiśamiṣati- grammar : Intensive śaṃśamīti- (), śaṃśamyate-, śaṃśanti- (grammar), to be entirely appeased or extinguished (perfect tense śaṃśamāṃ cakruḥ- ) . ([ confer, compare Greek ]) , |
sam | or stam- cl.1 P. samati- or stamati-, to be disturbed (according to to some"to be undisturbed"; see śam-) ; cl.10 P. samayati- or stamayati-, to be agitated or disturbed |
samāgam | P. -gacchati-, to come together (in a friendly or hostile manner;also sexually), meet, be united with (instrumental case with and without saha-,or sārdham-) etc. ; to come together (as heavenly bodies in conjunction or occultation) ; to come to, come near, approach, arrive at (accusative or locative case) etc. ; to come back, return from (ablative) ; to meet with, come upon, find (accusative) : Causal -gamayati-, to cause to come together, bring together, unite one thing or person (accusative) with another (instrumental case or locative case) |
sāmaya | (Nom.fr. sāman-or fr. artificial sām-;for 2. sāmaya-See column 3) cl.10 P. sāmayati- (Aorist asasāmat-or asīṣamat-), to conciliate, appease, pacify. tranquillize |
sambhram | P. bhramati-, or -bhrāmyati-, to roam or wander all about, go quite astray ; to be greatly confused, be perplexed or puzzled etc.: Causal -bhrāmayati-, to lead astray, perplex, bewilder etc.: (only in) Passive voice -bhrāmyate-, to be perplexed about, despair of (ablative) |
saṃgam | A1. -gacchate- (rarely P. ti-,and according to to only with an object; perfect tense -jagme-;Vedic forms etc. -gamemahi-, -gamāmahai-, -ajagmiran-, -agata-[3. sg. ], -aganmahi-, -agasmahi-,or -agaṃsmahi-, -gmiṣīya-, -gasīṣṭa-or -gaṃsīṣṭa-, -gaṃsyate-etc.; see 1. gam-and ), to go or come together, come into contact or collision, meet (either in a friendly or hostile manner), join or unite with (instrumental case with and without saha-or sārdham-) etc. ; to unite sexually with (accusative) ; to harmonize, agree, fit, correspond, suit ; to go to or towards, meet (accusative) ; to come together or assemble in (locative case) ; to undergo or get into any state or condition, become (exempli gratia, 'for example' with viśrambham-,"to become trustful, confide") ; (P.) to partake of (instrumental case) ; to go away, depart (this life), decease, die ; (P.) to visit (accusative) : Causal -gamayati- (ind.p. -gamayya-), to cause to go together, bring together, connect or unite or endow or present with (instrumental case of Persian and accusative of thing) etc. ; to lead any one to (two accusative) ; to deliver or hand over to (locative case), transfer, bestow, give ; to connect, construe (words) ; to cause to go away or depart (this life), kill () : Desiderative -jigaṃsate-, to wish to meet with (instrumental case). ; -jigāṃsati-, to wish to attain to (accusative) |
saṃkram | P. A1. -krāmati-, -kramate-, to come together, meet, encounter ; to come near, approach, appear etc. ; to enter a constellation (said of the sun) ; to go or pass over or through, pass from (ablative) into (locative case or accusative) etc. ; to overstep, transgress ; to go along, wander, roam : Causal -krāmayati- (ind.p. -kramayya-), to cause to go, lead to (accusative) ; to transfer, transport, deliver over, consign (with accusative of thing and locative case of Persian) etc. ; to bring two words together (in the krama- [ q.v ], by omitting those between) ; to agree |
saṃnam | P. A1. -namati-, te-, to bend together, bend down, bow down before or to (dative case genitive case,or accusative of person) ; (A.) to submit or conform to, comply with, obey (dative case) ; to direct, bend in the right direction, put in order, arrange, prepare, make ready (A1.) to be brought, about or fulfilled ; (P. A1.): Causal -nāmayati-, to bend, cause to bow or sink ; to bend in a particular direction, make right, arrange, prepare, bring about ; to subdue |
saṃśam | P. -śāmyati-. to become thoroughly calm or pacified, be comforted ; to be appeased, make peace with (instrumental case with or with out saha-) ; to be extinguished ; to be allayed, cease ; to be or become ineffective ; to calm, allay : Causal -śamayati-, to tranquillize, calm, pacify etc. ; to bring to an end, settle, arrange ; to extinguish ; to bring to rest, remove, destroy, kill |
samunnam | (-ud-nam-) P. -namati-, to rise up or ascend together, rise aloft, ascend : Causal -nāmayati-, to raise well up, erect, lift completely up, elevate |
saṃyam | P. -yacchati- (rarely A1.), to hold together, hold in, hold fast, restrain, curb, suppress, control, govern, guide (horses, the senses, passions) etc. ; to tie up, bind together (hair or a garment) etc. ; to put together, heap up (A1."for one's self") ; to shut up, close (a door) ; to press close to or against ; to present with, give to (A1.with instrumental case of person, when the action is permitted P.with dative case,when the action is not permitted) : Causal -yamayati- (see -yamita-), to cause to restrain etc. ; to bind up (the hair) |
śram | cl.4 P. () śrāmyati- (in later language also śramati-, te-; perfect tense śaśrama-,3. plural śaśramuḥ-or[ ] śremuḥ-, parasmE-pada śaśramāṇ/a- ; Aorist āśramat- , subjunctive śramat- ; śramiṣma- ; future śramitā- ; śramiṣyati- grammar; infinitive mood śramitum- ; ind.p. -śr/amya-. ), to be or become weary or tired, be tired of doing anything (with infinitive mood;also impersonal or used impersonally n/a mā śramat-,"may I not become weary!") etc. ; to make effort, exert one's self (especially in performing acts of austerity), labour in vain : Passive voice śramyate- (Aorist aśrāmi-, grammar) etc. (see vi-śraṃ-): Causal srāmayati- (Aorist aśiśramat-), to make weary, fatigue, tire ; to overcome, conquer, subdue ; (śrāmayati-), to speak to, address, invite (āmantraṇe-) (varia lectio for grām- see grāmaya-): Desiderative See vi-śiśramiṣu-. |
syam | cl.1 P. () syamati- (only in 3. plural perfect tense sasyamuḥ-and syemuḥ-; grammar also Aorist asyamīt-; future syamitā-, syamiṣyati-; ind.p. syamitvā-,or syāntvā-; according to to also cl.10 P. syamayati-), to sound, cry aloud, shout, cry, shriek ; (syamati-), to go ; see cl.10. A1. syāmayate- (ti-), to consider, reflect : Causal syamayati- (Aorist asisyamat-) grammar (see above) : Desiderative sisyamiṣati- : Intensive sesimyate-, saṃsyanti- |
tīm | cl.4. myati- See tim-: Causal tīmayati-, to wet |
udbhram | P. -bhramati-, bhrāmyati-, to whirl or move, upwards, start or jump up ; to rise, ascend, raise one's self etc.: Causal -bhrāmayati-, to wave, swing ; to excite |
uddam | Caus. -damayati-, to subdue, overpower, become master of. |
uddāmaya | Nom. P. uddāmayati-, to unfetter, cause to come forth |
udgam | P. -gacchati- (Ved. imperfect tense 1. plural -aganma-) to come forth, appear suddenly, become visible : etc. ; to go up, rise (as a star), ascend, start up etc. ; to go out or away, disappear etc. ; to spread, extend : Causal -gamayati-, to cause to rise ; to cause to come out or issue (as milk from the mother's breast), suck. |
unnam | (ud-nam-) P. -namati-, to bend upwards, raise one's self, rise, ascend etc. ; to raise up, lift up : Causal -namayati-, or -nāmayati-, to bend upwards, raise, erect, elevate |
upagam | P. -gacchati- (infinitive mood -gantav/ai- ) to go near to, come towards, approach, arrive at, reach, attain, visit (with accusative and rarely dative case) etc. ; to come upon, attack ; to press hard upon etc. ; to occur, happen, present itself etc. ; to undertake, begin ; to approach (a woman sexually) ; to enter any state or relation, undergo, obtain, participate in, make choice of, suffer etc. ; to admit, agree to, allow, confess: Causal -gamayati-, to cause to come near or approach : Desiderative -jigamiṣati-, to wish to approach, desire to go |
upanam | P. -namati-, to bend towards or inwards ; to tend towards, approach, come to, arrive at ; to fall to one's share or lot, become one's property, share in (with accusative dative case,or genitive case) etc. ; to come to one's mind, occur ; to attend upon any one (accusative) with (instrumental case) ; to gain the favour of any one (accusative) : Causal -nāmayati-, to put or place before (genitive case) ; to lead towards or into the presence of, present any one (genitive case) ; to reach, hand to ; to offer, present |
uparam | P. A1. () -ramati-, -te-, to cease from motion, stop ; to cease from action, be inactive or quiet (as a quietist) ; to pause, stop (speaking or doing anything) etc. ; to leave off, desist, give up, renounce (with ablative) commentator or commentary on ; to await, wait for ; to cause to cease or stop ; to render quiet : Causal -ramayati-, to cause to cease or stop ; to render quiet |
upaśam | P. A1. -śāmyati-, -te-, to become calm or quiet ; to cease, become extinct etc.: Causal -śamayati- and Epic -śāmayati-, to make quiet, calm, extinguish ; to tranquillize, appease, pacify, mitigate |
upasaṃkram | P. A1. -krāmati-, -kramate-, to step or go to the other side (or other world etc.) etc.: Causal -kramayati-, to cause to go to the other side |
utkram | (ud-kram-) P. (and rarely A1.) -krāmati-, -kramati- (Ved. imperfect tense 3. plural -akraman- ), -te- (perfect tense 3. plural -cakramus- ) to step up, go up, ascend etc. ; to step out, go out or away ; to pass away, die etc. ; to go over, pass over, omit ; not to notice ; to neglect, transgress etc.: Causal P. -kramayati- and -krāmayati-, to cause to go up or ascend etc.: Desiderative -cikramiṣati-, or -cikramiṣyati-, to wish to go up or out |
utsmi | (ud-smi-) P. -smayati-, to begin smiling, smile at ; to deride |
vam | cl.1 P. () vamati- (Ved. also v/amiti- imperfect tense avamat-or avamīt-; perfect tense vavāma- vemuḥ- etc.; vavamuḥ- ;2. sg. vemitha-or vavamitha- ;3. sg. uvāma- ; Aorist avān- ; future vamiśā-, vamiṣyati- grammar; infinitive mood vamitum- ; ind.p. vamitvā- ; vāntvā- ), to vomit, spit out, eject (literally and figuratively), emit, send forth, give out etc. ; to reject id est repent (a word) : Passive voice vamyate- (Aorist avāmi- grammar), to be vomited etc.: Causal vāmayati-, vamayati- (confer, compare ; Aorist avīvamat- grammar), to cause to vomit : Desiderative vivamiṣati- grammar : Intensive vaṃvamyate-, vaṃvanti- [ confer, compare Greek for ; Latin vomere; Lithuanian ve4mti.] |
vibhram | P. -bhramati-, -bhrāmyati-, to wander or roam or fly about, roll, hover, whirl etc. ; to reel, quiver, shake ; to roam over, wander through (accusative). ; to fall into disorder or confusion, be disarranged or bewildered etc. ; to drive asunder, disperse, scare away ; to move about (the tail) : Causal -bhramayati-, or -bhrāmayati- (Passive voice -bhrāmyate-), to confuse, perplex |
vigam | P. -gacchati-, to go asunder, sever, separate ; to go away, depart, disappear, cease, die etc. etc.: Causal -gamayati-, to cause to go or pass away, speed (time) |
vikram | P. A1. -krāmati-, -kramate- (see ), to step beyond or aside, move away, depart from (ablative) ; to move apart or asunder, become divided ; to go or stride through, traverse ; to move on, walk, go, advance etc. ; to rise to (accusative) ; to bestride ; to show valour or prowess, attack, assail, fight etc.: Causal -kramayati-, to cause to step or stride over or through |
vinam | P. A1. -namati-, te-, to bend down, bow down, stoop etc.: Causal -nāmayati-, or -namayati- (ind.p. -nāmya-and -namayya-), to bend down, incline, bend (a bow) ; (in gram.) to cerebralize or change into a cerebral letter (see -nāmita-). |
vipariṇam | ( nam-) Passive voice -ṇamyate- to undergo change or alteration, be changed into (instrumental case) : Causal -ṇamayati-, to alter, change into (instrumental case) |
viram | P. -ramati- (rarely A1.; see ), to stop (especially speaking), pause, cease, come to an end etc. ; to give up, abandon, abstain or desist from (ablative) etc.: Causal -rāmayati-, to cause to stop or rest etc., bring to an end, finish : Desiderative See vi-riraṃsā-. |
viśram | P. -śrāmyati- (Epic also śramati-, te-; ind.p. śr/āmya-,or -śramya-), to rest, repose, recreate one's self. etc. ; to rest from labour, cease, stop, desist ; to rest or depend on (locative case) ; to rest id est trust or confide in, rely on ; to feel at ease or comfortable : Passive voice -śrāmyate- (Aorist vy-aśrāmi- ; especially 3. sg. imperative; -śrāmyatām-,"you may rest","enough of this") : Causal -śrāmayati-, to cause to rest, make to cease, stop etc. ; to cause to rest or settle down on (locative case) : Desiderative See vi-śiśramiṣu-. |
viyam | P. -yacchati- (3. plural perfect tense A1. -yemire- ), to spread out, extend ; to stretch out the legs, step out (as a running horse) ; to hold apart or asunder : Causal -yāmayati- to stretch out, extend |
vyāyam | P. A1. -yacchati-, te-, (P.) to pull or drag or draw asunder, extend ; to sport or dally with (locative case) ; A1. (P.only mc.) to struggle or contend about (locative case), fight together, make efforts, strive, endeavour etc.: Causal yāmayati-, to cause to stretch out or struggle, make great effort or exertion, take exercise (ind.p. -yāmya-,having taken exercise) |
yam | cl.1 P. () y/acchati- (Vedic or Veda also te-,and Vedic or Veda Epic y/amati-, te-; perfect tense yayāma-, yeme-;2. sg. yayantha-,3. plural yem/uḥ-, yemir/e- etc.;3. dual number irreg. -yamatuḥ- ; Aorist /ayān-, /ayamuh-; imperative yaṃsi-, yandh/i-; Potential yamyās-, yamīmahi- ; /ayāṃsam-, ayāṃsi-, /ayaṃsta- subjunctive yaṃsat-, satas-, sate- ;3. sg. -y/amiṣṭa- ; ayaṃsiṣam- grammar; future yantā- ; yaṃsyati-, yamiṣyati- etc. infinitive mood y/antum-, yamitum- ; y/antave-, y/amitav/ai- ; ind.p. yatvā-, yamitvā- etc.; y/atya- ; -yamya- ; -y/amam- ), to sustain, hold, hold up, support (A1."one's self";with locative case"to be founded on") ; to raise, wield (a weapon etc.; A1.with āyudhaih-,"to brandish weapons") ; to raise, extend or hold (as a screen etc.) over (dative case) ; (A1.) to extend one's self before (dative case) ; to raise (the other scale), weigh more ; to stretch out, expand, spread, display, show ; to hold or keep in, hold back, restrain, check, curb, govern, subdue, control etc. ; to offer ; confer, grant, bestow on (dative case or locative case), present with (instrumental case) etc. ; (with mārgam-), to make way for (genitive case) ; (with prati-and ablative), to give anything in exchange for anything on ; (A1.) to give one's self up to, be faithful to, obey (dative case) ; to raise, utter (a sound etc.) ; to fix, establish ; (A1.) to be firm, not budge ; to catch fire (Scholiast or Commentator) : Passive voice yamy/ate- (Aorist /ayā-mī-), to be raised or lifted up or held back or restrained etc. etc.: Causal yāmayati- (), yamayati- ( etc.; te- ; Aorist ayīyamat-), to restrain, hold in, control, keep or put in order: Desiderative yiyaṃsati-, to wish to restrain etc. : Intensive yaṃyamīti- (See ud-yam-) or yaṃyamyate- (, Va1rtt. 2 ) ([ confer, compare Greek ,"restraint, punishment."]) |