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Grammar Search
"mardayati" has 3 results
mardayati: third person singular present causative present class parasmaipadamṛd
mardayati: neuter locative singular causative stem: mardayat.
mardayati: masculine locative singular causative stem: mardayat.
Monier-Williams Search
4 results for mardayati
sammṛdP. -mṛdnāti-, -mardati- (Ved. infinitive mood -marditoḥ-), to press or squeeze together, rub or grind to pieces, crush, destroy : Causal -mardayati- (pr. p. -mardayāna-), to cause to be rubbed together, crush, pound, bruise ; to rub ; to clean View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
unmṛd(ud-mṛd-) P. -mṛdati-, to rub, mash together, mingle : Causal -mardayati-, to rub (the body). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upamṛdP. -mṛdnāti-, to graze in passing (said of a heavenly body in its transit) ; to crush, destroy, annul commentator or commentary on : Causal -mardayati-, to destroy, devastate, annul, annihilate commentator or commentary on and View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimṛdP. -mṛdnāti-, -mardati-, to crush or press to pieces, bruise, pound, grind down, lay waste, destroy etc. ; to rub together : Causal -mardayati-, to crush to pieces, bruise ; to rub
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