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Grammar Search
"manyate" has 4 results
manyate: third person singular present present class 4 ātmanepadaman
manyate: third person singular passive system present class man
manyate: neuter dative singular stem: manyat.
manyate: masculine dative singular stem: manyat.
Monier-Williams Search
6 results for manyate
abhiman -manyate- (subjunctive -manyāte- ) to think of, long for, desire etc. ; (Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. -maṃsthāḥ-,3. sg. -maṃsta-, Vedic or Veda infinitive mood abh/i-mantoḥ- ) to intend to injure, be insidious, threaten, injure etc. ; to kill (Aorist -amaṃsta-) ; to allow, agree ; to think of self, be proud of ; to think, suppose, imagine, take for (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhyavaman -manyate-, to despise, reject View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atiman -manyate- (1. plural -manāmah/e'ti-), to disdain, despise etc. ; to value less than one's self ; to pride one's self View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avamanA1. (Potential -manyeta- Aorist subjunctive 2. sg. maṃsthāḥ-, -madhvam- ; Epic also P. -manyati- future -maṃsyati- ) to despise, treat contemptuously etc. ; to repudiate refuse : Passive voice -manyate- to be treated contemptuously: Causal (Potential -mānayet-) to despise, treat contemptuously View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paśun. cattle (only as accusative before manyate-[ ] and manyamāna-[ ] ; and plural paśūni- ) ([ confer, compare Zend pasu; Lit.pecu; Old Pruss.pecku; Gothic fai4hu; German fihu,vihe,Vieh; Anglo-Saxon feoh; English fee.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanumanA1. -manyate-, to assent, consent to (See next) ; to recognize together as (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
man man think, VIII. Ā. manute, viii. 29, 10; IV. Ā. mányate, viii. 48, 6; x. 34, 13.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results15 results
akrukṣad iti manyate # RV.10.146.4d; TB.
atimanyate bhrātṛvyān nainaṃ bhrātṛvyā atimanyante tasmān matto mattam atimanyate 'dhipatir bhavati svānāṃ cānyeṣāṃ ca ya evaṃ veda # AVP.11.16.10.
ati vā yo maruto manyate naḥ # RV.6.52.2a. See atīva yo.
atīva yo maruto manyate naḥ # AVś.2.12.6a; AVP.2.5.6a. P: atīva yaḥ Kauś.47.52. See ati vā yo.
adevo abhimanyate # AVś.6.6.1b.
abhi nārada manyate # AVś.5.19.9d; AVP.9.17.5d.
idaṃ brahmeti manyate # AVś.11.8.32b.
kas tāṃ vidvāṃ abhi manyāte andhām # RV.10.27.11b; Vait.38.6b.
janaṃ-janaṃ janyo nāti manyate # RV.10.91.2c.
divaṃ yo manyate nātham # AVP.8.6.10c. See bhūmiṃ yo etc.
na puṣṭaṃ paśu manyate # VS.23.30b; TS.; MS.3.13.1b: 168.7; KS.4.8b; śB.; 5.2.8b; TB.
na puṣṭaṃ bahu manyate # VS.23.31b; śB.; śś.16.4.4b.
na poṣam anu manyate # VS.23.31d.
bhūmiṃ yo manyate nātham # AVś.4.20.9c. See divaṃ yo etc.
ya stāyan manyate caran # AVś.4.16.1c.
Vedabase Search
Parse Time: 1.982s Search Word: manyate Input Encoding: IAST: manyate