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Amarakosha Search
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Monier-Williams Search
74 results for manv
manvin compound for manu-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manvādi Name (also title or epithet) of particular tithi-s (which are anniversaries of the 14 Manus), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manvantaran. the period or age of a manu- (it comprises about 71 mahā-yugas-[q.v.], which are held equal to 12, 000 years of the gods or 4, 320, 000 human years or 1/14th of a day of brahmā-;each of these periods is presided over by its own special manu- [see manu-,];six such manv-antara-s have already elapsed, and the 7th, presided over by manu- vaivasvata-, is now going on; 7 more are to come, making 14 manv-antara-s, which together make up one day of brahmā-) (especially i, 79) etc.
manvantarāf. Name of various festivals (of the 10th day of the light half of the month āṣāḍha-, of the 8th in the dark half of the same month, and of the 3rd in the light half of bhādra-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manvantaravarṇanan. Name of chapter of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manvarthacandrikāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manvarthamuktāvalīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manvarthasāram. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manviddha(m/anv--) mfn. kindled by men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manvīśaprob. wrong reading for manīṣā- (equals ṣayā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asamanvāhāram. thoughtlessness (?), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manvat(/aśman--) mfn. stony (see aśma-vat-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aṣṭāṅgasamanvāgatamfn. (said of a feast), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ātmanvatmfn. animated, having a soul View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ātmanvinmfn. idem or 'mfn. animated, having a soul ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhāvasamanvitamfn. endowed with existence, existing, living (others"endowed with the faculty of meditation") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
catuṣpādasamanvayam. conjunction of the 4 parts of medical science
manvatmfn. furnished with gifts View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manvatmfn. furnished with cords View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhvasmanvatmfn. covered, obscured View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhvasmanvatn. water View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
duḥkhaśokasamanvitamfn. idem or 'mfn. feeling pain and sorrow ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
harṣasamanvitafilled with joy, joyful, w. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kālasamanvitamfn. "possessed by death", dead View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kopasamanvitamfn. affected by anger. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
krodhasamanvitamfn. filled with anger. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kulaśīlasamanvitamfn. idem or 'mfn. endowed with a noble character or disposition ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
omanvatmfn. (/oman--) helping, useful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
omanvatmfn. favourable, propitious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paścāttāpasamanvitamfn. smitten by repentance, regretful () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratimanvantaran. every manv-antara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratimanvantaramind. in each Manv-antara. () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratimanvantareind. in each Manv-antara. () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śabdaratnasamanvayam. Name of grammars and dictionaries. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṣaḍaṅgasamanvāgatam. "provided with the six chief requisites", Name of buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanvāgatamfn. ( gam-) attended by, furnished or provided with (compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanvaṅgībhūtamfn. possessed by, provided with (instrumental case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanvārabdhamfn. taken hold of. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanvārabdhamfn. holding, touching View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanvārabdhamfn. (plural) taking hold of one another View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanvārabdhanvārambham. taking hold of from behind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanvārabdhanvārambhaṇan. idem or 'm. taking hold of from behind ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanvārabhA1. -rabhate-, to take hold of or clasp together, take hold of one another View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanvāruhP. -rohati-, to ascend after (as a wife the funeral pyre after her husband) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manvat(s/āman--) mfn. connected with a sāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanvayaetc. See sam-anv-i-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanvayam. regular succession or order, connected sequence or consequence, conjunction, mutual or immediate connection ( samanvayāt yāt- ind."in consequence of") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanvayapradīpam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanvayapradīpasaṃketam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanvayasūtravivṛtif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanvayātind. samanvaya
samanveṣaṇan. searching or seeking every. where View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanviP. -eti-, to go together after, follow ; to infer or ensue as a consequence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanvīkṣ(only ind.p. -īkṣya-), to look towards, look or gaze after ; to keep looking at, keep in view View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manvinmfn. possessing the sāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanviṣP. -iṣyati-, to seek out, look for or after View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanviṣP. -icchati- (ind.p. -iṣya-), to search through, seek about everywhere
samanvitamfn. connected or associated with, completely possessed of, fully endowed with, possessing, full of (instrumental case or compound) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanvitamfn. corresponding or answering to (compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvaratnasamanvitamfn. possessed of all jewels View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siddhimanvantaran. Name of a place View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ślakṣṇarūpasamanvitamfn. having a smooth (or slender) form (applied to the sacrificial post) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śokaduḥkhasamanvitamfn. affected by sorrow and pain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śraddhāsamanvitamfn. equals śraddh/anvita- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śubhasamanvitamfn. endowed with beauty, charming View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
subrahmanvāsudevam. Name of the son of vasu-deva- in the form of brahmā- (id est of kṛṣṇa- identified with the Creator) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sukhaduḥkhasamanvitamfn. feeling pleasure and pain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūtrakarmanviśāradamfn. skilled in carpentry View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svātmanvadham. suicide View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaivasvatamanvantaran. Name of the 7th or present manvantara- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vayorūpasamanvitamfn. endowed with youth and beauty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vīrasamanvitamfn. attended or accompanied by heroes. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yamanvāf. (in gram.) a term for a form increased by vṛddhi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yaśomedhāsamanvitamfn. possessing fame and intelligence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
14 results
agniḥ अग्निः [अङ्गति ऊर्ध्वं गच्छति अङ्ग्-नि,नलोपश्च Uṇ.4.5., or fr. अञ्च् 'to go.'] 1 Fire कोप˚, चिन्ता˚, शोक˚, ज्ञान˚, राज˚, &c. -2 The God of fire. -3 Sacrificial fire of three kinds (गार्हपत्य, आहवनीय and दक्षिण); पिता बै गार्हपत्यो$ ग्निर्माताग्निर्दक्षिणः स्मृतः । गुरुराहवनीयस्तु साग्नित्रेता गरीयसी ॥ Ms. 2.232. -4 The fire of the stomach, digestive faculty, gastric fluid. -5 Bile (नाभेरूर्ध्व हृदयादधस्तादामाशयमाचक्षते तद्गतं सौरं तेजः पित्तम् इत्याचक्षते). -6 Cauterization (अग्नि- कर्मन्). -7 Gold. -8 The number three. शराग्निपरिमाणम् (पञ्चत्रिंशत्) Mb.13.17.26. -9 N. of various plants: (a) चित्रक Plumbago Zeylanica; (b) रक्तचित्रक; (c) भल्लातक Semicarpus Anacardium; (d) निम्बक Citrus Acida. -1 A mystical substitute for the letter र्. In Dvandva comp. as first member with names of deities, and with particular words अग्नि is changed to अग्ना, as ˚विष्णू, ˚मरुतौ, or to अग्नी, ˚पर्जन्यौ, ˚ वरुणौ, ˚षोमौ -11 पिङगला नाडी; यत्र तद् ब्रह्म निर्द्वन्द्वं यत्र सोमः, (इडा) सहाग्निना (अग्निः पिङ्गला) Mb.14.2.1. -12 Sacrificial altar, अग्निकुण्ड cf. Rām. 1.14.28. -13 Sky. अग्निर्मूर्धा Muṇḍ 2.1.4. [cf. L. ignis.] [Agni is the God of Fire, the Ignis of the Latins and Ogni of the Slavonians. He is one of the most prominent deities of the Ṛigveda. He, as an immortal, has taken up his abode among mortals as their guest; he is the domestic priest, the successful accomplisher and protector of all ceremonies; he is also the religious leader and preceptor of the gods, a swift messenger employed to announce to the immortals the hymns and to convey to them the oblations of their worshippers, and to bring them down from the sky to the place of sacrifice. He is sometimes regarded as the mouth and the tongue through which both gods and men participate in the sacrifices. He is the lord, protector and leader of people, monarch of men, the lord of the house, friendly to mankind, and like a father, mother, brother &c. He is represented as being produced by the attrition of two pieces of fuel which are regarded as husband and wife. Sometimes he is considered to have been brought down from heaven or generated by Indra between two clouds or stones, created by Dyau, or fashioned by the gods collectively. In some passages he is represented as having a triple existence, which may mean his three-fold manifestations as the sun in heaven, lightning in the atmosphere, and as ordinary fire on the earth, although the three appearances are also elsewhere otherwise explained. His epithets are numberless and for the most part descriptive of his physical characteristics : धूमकेतु, हुतभुज्, शुचि, रोहिताश्व, सप्तजिह्व, तोमरधर, घृतान्न, चित्रभानु, ऊर्ध्वशोचिस्, शोचिष्केश, हरिकेश, हिरण्यदन्त, अयोदंष्ट्र &c. In a celebrated passage he is said to have 4 horns, 3 feet, 2 heads, and 7 hands. The highest divine functions are ascribed to Agni. He is said to have spread out the two worlds and _x001F_+ produced them, to have supported heaven, formed the mundane regions and luminaries of heaven, to have begotten Mitra and caused the sun to ascend the sky. He is the head and summit of the sky, the centre of the earth. Earth, Heaven and all beings obey his commands. He knows and sees all worlds or creatures and witnesses all their actions. The worshippers of Agni prosper, they are wealthy and live long. He is the protector of that man who takes care to bring him fuel. He gives him riches and no one can overcome him who sacrifices to this god. He confers, and is the guardian of, immortality. He is like a water-trough in a desert and all blessing issue from him. He is therefore constantly supplicated for all kinds of boons, riches, food, deliverance from enemies and demons, poverty, reproach, childlessness, hunger &c. Agni is also associated with Indra in different hymns and the two gods are said to be twin brothers. Such is the Vedic conception of Agni; but in the course of mythological personifications he appears as the eldest son of Brahmā and is called Abhimānī [Viṣṇu Purāṇa]. His wife was Svāhā; by her, he had 3 sons -Pāvaka, Pavamāna and Śuchi; and these had forty-five sons; altogether 49 persons who are considered identical with the 49 fires. He is also represented as a son of Aṅgiras, as a king of the Pitṛs or Manes, as a Marut and as a grandson of Śāṇḍila, and also as a star. The Harivaṁśa describes him as clothed in black, having smoke for his standard and head-piece and carrying a flaming javelin. He is borne in a chariot drawn by red horses and the 7 winds are the wheels of his car. He is accompanied by a ram and sometimes he is represented as riding on that animal. Agni was appointed by Brahamā as the sovereign of the quarter between the south and east, whence the direction is still known as Āgneyī. The Mahābhārata represents Agni as having exhausted his vigour and become dull by devouring many oblations at the several sacrifices made by king Śvetaki, but he recruited his strength by devouring the whole Khāṇḍava forest; for the story see the word खाण्डव]. -Comp. -अ (आ) गारम् -रः, -आलयः, -गृहम् [अग्निकार्याय अगारम् शाक˚ त.] a fire-sanctuary, house or place for keeping the sacred fire; वसंश्चतुर्थो$ग्निरिवाग्न्यगारे R.5.25. रथाग्न्यगारं चापार्चीं शरशक्तिगदे- न्धनम् Mb.11.25.14. -अस्त्रम् fire-missile, a rocket, -आत्मक a. [अग्निरात्मा यस्य] of the nature of fire सोमा- त्मिका स्त्री, ˚कः पुमान्. -आधानम् consecrating the fire; so ˚आहिति. -आधेयः [अग्निराधेयो येन] a Brāhmana who maintains the sacred fire. (-यम्) = ˚आधानम्. -आहितः [अग्निराहितो येन, वा परनिपातः P.II.2.37.] one who maintains the sacred fire; See आहिताग्नि. -इध् m. (अग्नीध्रः) [अग्निम् इन्द्धे स अग्नीध्] the priest who kindles fire (mostly Ved). -इन्धनः [अग्निरिध्यते अनेन] N. of a Mantra. (नम्) kindling the fire; अग्नीन्धनं भैक्षचर्याम् Ms.2.18. -उत्पातः [अग्निना दिव्यानलेन कृतः उत्पातः] a fiery portent, meteor, comet &c. In Bṛ. S.33 it is said to be of five kinds: दिवि भुक्तशुभफलानां पततां रूपाणि यानि तान्युल्काः । धिष्ण्योल्का- शनिविद्युत्तारा इति पञ्चधा भिन्नाः ॥ उल्का पक्षेण फलं तद्वत् धिष्ण्याशनिस्त्रिभिः पक्षैः । विद्युदहोभिः ष़ड्भिस्तद्वत्तारा विपाचयति ॥ Different fruits are said to result from the appearances of these portents, according to the nature of their colour, position &c. -उद्धरणम्, -उद्धारः 1 producing fire by the friction of two araṇis. -2 taking out, before sun-rise, the sacred fire from its cover of ashes previous to a sacrifice. -उपस्थानम् worship of Agni; the Mantra or hymn with which Agni is worshipped (अग्निरुपस्थीयते$नेन) अग्निस्त्रिष्टुभ् उपस्थाने विनियोगः Sandhyā. -एधः [अग्निमेधयति] an incendiary. -कणः; -स्तोकः a spark. -कर्मन् n. [अग्नौ कर्म स. त.] 1 cauterization. -2 action of fire. -3 oblation to Agni, worship of Agni (अग्निहोत्र); so ˚कार्य offering oblations to fire, feeding fire with ghee &c.; निर्वर्तिताग्निकार्यः K.16.; ˚र्यार्धदग्ध 39, Ms.3.69, अग्निकार्यं ततः कुर्यात्सन्ध्ययोरुभयोरपि । Y.1.25. -कला a part (or appearance) of fire; ten varieties are mentioned धूम्रार्चिरुष्मा ज्वलिनी ज्वालिनी विस्फु- लिङ्गिनी । सुश्री: सुरूपा कपिला हव्यकव्यवहे अपि ॥ यादीनां दश- वर्णानां कला धर्मप्रदा अमूः ।). -कारिका [अग्निं करोति आधत्ते करणे कर्तृत्वोपचारात् कर्तरि ण्वुल्] 1 the means of consecrating the sacred fire, the Ṛik called अग्नीध्र which begins with अग्निं दूतं पुरो दधे. 2. = अग्निकार्यम्. -काष्ठम् अग्नेः उद्दीपनं काष्ठं शाक ˚त.] agallochum (अगुरु) -कुक्कुटः [अग्नेः कुक्कुट इव रक्तवर्णस्फुलिङ्गत्वात्] a firebrand, lighted wisp of straw. -कुण्डम [अग्नेराधानार्थं कुण्डम्] an enclosed space for keeping the fire, a fire-vessel. -कुमारः, -तनयः; सुतः 1 N. of Kārttikeya said to be born from fire; Rām.7. See कार्त्तिकेय. -2 a kind of preparation of medicinal drugs. -कृतः Cashew-nut; the plant Anacardium occidentale. [Mar.काजू] -केतुः [अग्नेः केतुरिव] 1 smoke. -2 N. of two Rākṣasas on the side of Rāvaṇa and killed by Rāma. -कोणः -दिक् the south-east corner ruled over by Agni; इन्द्रो वह्निः पितृपतिर्नौर्ऋतो वरुणो मरुत् । कुबेर ईशः पतयः पूर्वादीनां दिशां क्रमात् ॥ -क्रिया [अग्निना निर्वर्तिता क्रिया, शाक. त.] 1 obsequies, funeral ceremonies. -2 branding; भेषजाग्निक्रियासु च Y.3.284. -क्रीडा [तृ. त.] fire-works, illuminations. -गर्भ a. [अग्निर्गर्भे यस्य] pregnant with or containing fire, having fire in the interior; ˚र्भां शमीमिव Ś 4.3. (--र्भः) [अग्निरिव जारको गर्भो यस्य] 1 N. of the plant Agnijāra. -2 the sun stone, name of a crystal supposed to contain and give out fire when touched by the rays of the sun; cf Ś2.7. -3 the sacrificial stick अरणि which when churned, gives out fire. (-र्भा) 1 N. of the Śamī plant as containing fire (the story of how Agni was discovered to exist in the interior of the Śamī plant is told in chap. 35 of अनु- शासनपर्व in Mb.) -2 N. of the earth (अग्नेः सकाशात् गर्भो यस्यां सा; when the Ganges threw the semen of Śiva out on the Meru mountain, whatever on earth &c. was irradiated by its lustre, became gold and the earth was thence called वसुमती) -3 N. of the plant महा- ज्योतिष्मती लता (अग्निरिव गर्भो मध्यभागो यस्याः सा) [Mar. माल- कांगोणी] -ग्रन्थः [अग्निप्रतिपादको ग्रन्थः शाक. त.] the work that treats of the worship of Agni &c. -घृतम् [अग्न्युद्दीपनं घृतं शाक. त.] a kind of medicinal preparation of ghee used to stimulate the digestive power. -चित् m. अग्निं चितवान्; चि-भूतार्थे क्विप् P.III.2.91] one who has kept the sacred fire; यतिभिः सार्धमनग्निमग्निचित् R.8.25; अध्वरे- ष्वग्निचित्वत्सु Bk.5.11. -चयः, -चयनम्, -चित्या. arranging or keeping the sacred fire (अग्न्याधान); चित्याग्निचित्ये च P.III.1.132. -2 (-यः, -यनः) the Mantra used in this operation. -3 a heap of fire -चित्वत् [अग्निचयनम् अस्त्यस्मिन् मतुप्; मस्य वः । तान्तत्वान्न पद- त्वम् Tv.] having अग्निचयन or अग्निचित्. -चूडः A bird having a red tuft. -चर्णम् gunpowder. कार्यासमर्थः कत्यस्ति शस्त्रगोलाग्निचूर्णयुक् Śukranīti 2.93. -ज, -जात a. produced by or from fire, born from fire. (-जः, -जातः) 1 N. of the plant अग्निजार (अग्नये अग्न्युद्दीपनाय जायते सेवनात् प्रभवति). 1 N. of Kārttikeya पराभिनत्क्रौञ्चमिवाद्रिमग्निजः Mb.8.9. 68.3. Viṣṇu. (-जम्, -जातम) gold; so ˚जन्मन्. -जित् m. God; Bhāg.8.14.4. -जिह्व a. 1 having a fiery tongue. -2 one having fire for the tongue, epithet of a God or of Visṇu in the boar incarnation. (-ह्वा) 1 a tongue or flame of fire. -2 one of the 7 tongues of Agni (कराली धूमिनी श्वेता लोहिता नीललोहिता । सुवर्णा पद्मरागा च जिह्वा: सप्त विभावसोः -3 N. of a plant लाङ्गली (अग्नेर्जिह्वेव शिखा यस्याः सा); of another plant (जलपिप्पली) or गजपिप्पली (विषलाङ्गला) (Mar. जल-गज पिंपळी) -ज्वाला 1 the flame or glow of fire. -2 [अग्नेर्ज्वालेव शिखा यस्याः सा] N. of a plant with red blossoms, chiefly used by dyers, Grislea Tomentosa (Mar. धायफूल, धायटी). -तप् a. [अग्निना तप्यते; तप्-क्विप्] having the warmth of fire; practising austerities by means of fire. -तपस् a. [अग्निभिः तप्यते] 1 practising very austere penance, standing in the midst of the five fires. -2 glowing, shining or burning like fire (तपतीति तपाः अग्निरिव तपाः) hot as fire -तेजस् a. having the lustre or power of fire. (अग्नेरिव तेजो यस्य). (-स् n.) the lustre of fire. (-स् m.) N. of one of the 7 Ṛiṣis of the 11th Manvantara. -त्रयम् the three fires, See under अग्नि. -द a. [अग्निं दाहार्थं गृहादौ ददाति; दा. -क.] 1 giving or supplying with fire -2 tonic, stomachic, producing appetite, stimulating digestion. -3 incendiary; अग्निदान् भक्तदांश्चैव Ms.9.278; अग्निदानां च ये लोकाः Y.2.74; so ˚दायक, ˚दायिन्. यदग्निदायके पापं यत्पापं गुरुतल्पगे. Rām.2.75.45. -दग्ध a. 1 burnt on the funeral pile; अग्निदग्धाश्च ये जीवा ये$प्यदग्धाः कुले मम Vāyu. P. -2 burnt with fire. -3 burnt at once without having fire put into the mouth, being destitute of issue (?); (pl.) a class of Manes or Pitṛis who, when alive, kept up the household flame and presented oblations to fire. -दमनी [अग्निर्दम्यते$नया; दम्-णिच् करणे ल्युट] a narcotic plant, Solanum Jacquini. [Mar. रिंगणी] -दातृ [अग्निं विधानेन ददाति] one who performs the last (funeral) ceremonies of a man; यश्चाग्निदाता प्रेतस्य पिण्डं दद्यात्स एव हि. -दीपन a. [अग्निं दीपयति] stimulating digestion, stomachic, tonic. -दीप्त a. [तृ. त्त.] glowing, set on fire, blazing (-प्ता) [अग्निर्जठरानलो दीप्तः सेवनात् यस्याः सा] N. of a plant ज्योतिष्मती लता (Mar. मालकांगोणी), which is said to stimulate digestion. -दीप्तिः f. active state of digestion. -दूत a. अग्निर्दूत इव यस्मिन् यस्य वा] having Agni for a messenger, said of the sacrifice or the deity invoked; यमं ह यज्ञो गच्छत्यग्निदूतो अरंकृतः Rv.1.14.13. -दूषितः a. branded. -देवः [अग्नि- रेव देवः] Agni; a worshipper of Agni. -देवा [अग्निर्देवो यस्याः] the third lunar mansion, the Pleiades (कृत्तिका). -द्वारम् the door on the south-east of a building; पूर्व- द्वारमथैशाने चाग्निद्वारं तु दक्षिणे । Māna.9.294-95. -धानम् [अग्निर्धियते$स्मिन्] the place or receptacle for keeping the sacred fire, the house of अग्निहोतृ; पदं कृणुते अग्निधाने Rv. 1.165.3. -धारणम् maintaining the sacred fire; व्रतिनां ˚णम् K. 55. -नयनम् = ˚प्रणयनम्. -निर्यासः [अग्नेर्ज- ठरानलस्येव दीपको निर्यासो यस्य] N. of the plant अग्निजार. -नेत्र a. [अग्निर्नेता यस्य] having Agni for the leader or conveyer of oblations, an epithet of a god in general. -पदम् 1 the word Agni. -2 fire-place. -3 N. of a plant. -परिक्रि-ष्क्रि-या care of the sacred fire, worship of fire, offering oblations; गृहार्थो$ग्निपरिष्क्रिया Ms.2.67. -परिच्छदः the whole sacrificial apparatus; गृह्यं चाग्निपरिच्छदम् Ms.6. 4. -परिधानम् enclosing the sacrificial fire with a kind of screen. -परीक्षा [तृ. त.] ordeal by fire. -पर्वतः [अग्निसाधनं पर्वतः] a volcano; महता ज्वलता नित्यमग्निमेवाग्नि- पर्वतः Rām.5.35.43. -पुच्छः [अग्नेः अग्न्याधानस्थानस्य पुच्छ इव]. tail or back part of the sacrificial place; the extinction of fire. -पुराणम् [अग्निना प्रोक्तं पुराणम्] one of the 18 Purāṇas ascribed to Vyāsa. It derives its name from its having been communicated originally by Agni to the sage Vasiṣṭha for the purpose of instructing him in the two-fold knowledge of Brahman. Its stanzas are said to be 145. Its contents are varied. It has portions on ritual and mystic worship, cosmical descriptions, chapters on the duties of Kings and the art of war, a chapter on law, some chapters on Medicine and some treatises on Rhetoric, Prosody, Grammar, Yoga, Brahmavidyā &c. &c. -प्रणयनम् bringing out the sacrificial fire and consecrating it according to the proper ritual. -प्रणिधिः Incendiary. Dk.2.8. -प्रतिष्ठा consecration of fire, especially the nuptial fire. -प्रवेशः; -शनम [स. त.] entering the fire, self-immolation of a widow on the funeral pile of her husband. -प्रस्कन्दनम् violation of the duties of a sacrificer (अग्निहोमाकरण); ˚परस्त्वं चाप्येवं भविष्यसि Mb.1.84.26. -प्रस्तरः [अग्निं प्रस्तृणाति अग्नेः प्रस्तरो वा] a flint, a stone producing fire. -बाहुः [अग्ने- र्बाहुरिव दीर्घशिखत्वात्] 1 smoke. -2 N. of a son of the first Manu; Hariv. N. of a son of Priyavrata and Kāmyā. V. P. -बीजम् 1 the seed of Agni; (fig.) gold (रुद्रतेजः समुद्भूतं हेमबीजं विभावसोः) -2 N. of the letter र्. -भम [अग्नि- रिव भाति; भा-क.] 1 'shining like fire,' gold. -2 N. of the constellation कृत्तिका. -भु n. [अग्नेर्भवति; भू-क्विप् ह्रस्वान्तः] 1 water. -2 gold. -भू a. [अग्नेर्भवतिः भू-क्विप्] produced from fire. (भूः) 1 'fire-born,' N. of Kārttikeya. -2 N. of a teacher (काश्यप) who was taught by Agni. -3 (arith.) six. -भूति a. produced from fire. (-तिः) [अग्निरिव भूतिरैश्वर्यं यस्य] N. of a pupil of the last Tīrthaṅkara. (-तिः) f. the lustre or might of fire. -भ्राजस् a. Ved. [अग्निरिव भ्राजते; भ्राज्-असुन्] shining like fire. अग्निभ्राजसो विद्युतः Ṛv.5.54.11. -मणिः [अग्नेरुत्थापको मणिः शाक. त.] the sunstone. -मथ् m. [अग्निं मथ्नाति निष्पादयति; मन्थ्-क्विप्- नलोपः] 1 the sacrificer who churns the fuel-stick. -2 the Mantra used in this operation, on the अरणि itself. -मन्थः, -न्थनम्, producing fire by friction; or the Mantra used in this operation. (-न्थः) [अग्निर्मथ्यते अनेन मन्थ्-करणे घञ्] N. of a tree गणिकारिका (Mar. नरवेल) Premna Spinosa (तत्काष्ठयोर्घर्षणे हि आशु वह्निरुत्पद्यते), -मान्द्यम् slowness of digestion, loss of appetite, dyspepsia. -मारुतिः अग्निश्च मरुच्च तयोरपत्यं इञ् ततो वृद्धिः इत् च; द्विपदवृद्धौ पृषो. पूर्वपदस्य ह्रस्वः Tv.] N. of the sage Agastya. -मित्रः N. of a king of the Śunga dynasty, son of Puṣypamitra who must have flourished before 15 B. C. -the usually accepted date of Patañjali-as the latter mentions पुष्यमित्र by name. -मुखः a. having Agni at the head. (-खः) [अग्निर्मुखमिव यस्य] 1 a deity, god, (for the gods receive oblations through Agni who is, therefore, said to be their mouth; अग्निमुखा वै देवाः; अग्निर्मुखं प्रथमं देवतानाम् &c; or अग्निर्मुखे अग्रे येषाम्, for fire is said to have been created before all other gods.) -2 [अग्निर्मुखं प्रधानमुपास्यो यस्य] one who maintains the sacred fire (अग्निहोतृद्विज) -3 a Brāhmaṇa in general (अग्निर्दाहकत्वात् शापाग्निर्मुखे यस्य for Brāhmaṇas are said to be वाग्वज्राः). -4 N. of two plants चित्रक Plumbago Zeylanica and भल्लातक Semicarpus Anacardium अग्निरिव स्पर्शात् दुःखदायकं मुखमग्रम् यस्य, तन्निर्यासस्पर्शेन हि देहे क्षतोत्पत्तेस्थयोस्तथात्वम्) -5 a sort of powder or चूर्ण prescribed as a tonic by चक्रदत्त -6 'fire-mouthed, sharp-biting, an epithet of a bug. Pt. 1. (-खी) अग्निरिव मुखमग्रं यस्याः; गौरादि-ङीष्] 1 N. of a plant भल्लातक (Mar. बिबवा, भिलावा) and लाङ्गलिका (विषलाङ्गला). -2 N. of the Gāyatri Mantra (अग्निरेव मुखं मुखत्वेन कल्पितं यस्याः सा, or अग्नेरिव मुखं प्रजापतिमुखं उत्पत्ति- द्वारं यस्याः, अग्निना समं प्रजापतिमुखजातत्वात्; कदाचिदपि नो विद्वान् गायत्रीमुदके जपेत् । गायत्र्याग्निमुखी यस्मात्तस्मादुत्थाय तां जपेत् ॥ गोभिल). -3 a kitchen [पाकशाला अग्निरिव उत्तप्तं मुखं यस्याः सा]. -मूढ a. [तृ. त.] Ved. made insane or stupefied by lightning or fire. -यन्त्रम् A gun अग्नियन्त्रधरैश्चक्रधरैश्च पुरुषैर्वृतः Śivabhārata 12.17. -यानम् An aeroplane. व्योमयानं विमानं स्यात् अग्नियानं तदेव हि । अगस्त्यसंहिता. -योगः See पञ्चाग्निसाधन. अग्नियोगवहो ग्रीष्मे विधिदृष्टेन कर्मणा । चीर्त्वा द्वादशवर्षाणि राजा भवति पार्थिवः ॥ Mb.13.14,2.43. -योजनम् causing the sacrificial fire to blaze up. -रक्षणम् 1 con-secrating or preserving the sacred (domestic) fire or अग्निहोत्र. -2 [अग्निः रक्ष्यते अनेन अत्र वा] a Mantra securing for Agni protection from evil spirits &c. -3 the house of an अग्निहोतृ. -रजः, -रजस् m. [अग्निरिव रज्यते दीप्यते; रञ्ज्-असुन् नलोपः] 1 a scarlet insect by name इन्द्रगोप. -2 (अग्नेः रजः) the might or power of Agni. -3 gold. Mb.3. 16.86.7 -रहस्यम् mystery of (worshipping &c.) Agni; N. of the tenth book of Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa. -राशिः a heap of fire, burning pile. -रुहा [अग्निरिव रोहति रुह्-क] N. of the plant मांसादनी or मांसरोहिणी (तदङ्कुरस्य वह्नितुल्य- वर्णतया उत्पन्नत्वात्तथात्वं तस्याः). -रूप a. [अग्नेरिव रूपं वर्णो यस्य] fire-shaped; of the nature of fire. -रूपम् the nature of fire. -रेतस् n. the seed of Agni; (hence) gold. -रोहिणी [अग्निरिव रोहति; रुह्-णिनि] a hard inflammatory swelling in the armpit. -लोकः the world a Agni, which is situated below the summit of Meru; in the Purāṇas it is said to be in the अन्तरिक्ष, while in the Kāśī Khaṇḍa it is said to be to the south of इन्द्रपुरी; एतस्या दक्षिणे भागे येयं पूर्दृश्यते शुभा । इमामर्चिष्मतीं पश्य वीतिहोत्रपुरीं शुभाम् ॥ -वधूः Svāhā, the daughter of Dakṣa and wife of Agni -वर्चस् a. [अग्नेर्वर्च इव वर्चो यस्य] glowing or bright like fire. (n.) the lustre of Agni. (-m.) N. of a teacher of the Purāṇas. -वर्ण a. [अग्नेरिव वर्णो यस्य] of the colour of fire; hot; fiery; सुरां पीत्वा द्विजो मोहादग्निवर्णां सुरां पिबेत् Ms.11.9; गोमूत्रमग्निवर्णं वा पिबेदुदकमेव वा 91. (र्णः) 1 N. of a prince, son of Sudarśana. -2 N. of a King of the solar race, See R.19.1. the colour of fire. (-र्णा) a strong liquor. -वर्धक a. stimulating digestion, tonic. (-कः) 1 a tonic. -2 regimen, diet (पथ्याहार). -वल्लभः [अग्नेर्वल्लभः सुखेन दाह्यत्वात्] 1 the Śāla tree, Shorea Robusta. -2 the resinous juice of it. -वासस् a. [अग्निरिव शुद्धं वासो यस्य] having a red (pure like Agni) garment. (n.) a pure garment. -वाह a. [अग्निं वाहयति अनुमापयति वा] 1 smoke. -2 a goat. -वाहनम् a goat (छाग). -विद् m. 1 one who knows the mystery about Agni. -2 an अग्निहोत्रिन् q. v. -विमोचनम् ceremony of lowering the sacrificial fire. -विसर्पः pain from an inflamed tumour, inflammation. -विहरणम्, -विहारः 1 taking the sacrificial fire from आग्नीध्र to the उत्तरवेदि. -2 offering oblations to fire; प्रत्यासन्ना ˚वेला K.348. -वीर्यम् 1 power or might of Agni. -2 gold. -वेतालः Name of Vetāla (connected with the story of Vikra-māditya). -वेशः [अग्नेर्वेश इव] N. of an ancient medical authority (चरक). -वेश्मन् m. the fourteenth day of the karma-ṃāsa; Sūryaprajñapti. -वेश्यः 1 N. of a teacher, Mbh. -2 Name of the 22nd muhūrta; Sūryapraj-ñapti. धौम्य cf. Mb 14.64.8. -शरणम्, -शाला-लम् a fire-sanctuary; ˚मार्गमादेशय Ś.5; a house or place for keeping the sacred fire; ˚रक्षणाय स्थापितो$हम् V.3. -शर्मन् a. [अग्निरिव शृणाति तीव्रकोपत्वात् शॄ-मनिन्] very passionate. (-m.) N. of a sage. -शिख a. [अग्नेरिव अग्निरिव वा शिखा यस्य] fiery, fire-crested; दहतु ˚खैः सायकैः Rām. (-खः) 1 a lamp. -2 a rocket, fiery arrow. -3 an arrow in general. -4 safflower plant. -5 saffron. -6 जाङ्गलीवृक्ष. (-खम्) 1 saffron. -2 gold. (-खा) 1 a flame; शरैरग्निशिखोपमैः Mb. -2 N. of two plants लाङ्गली (Mar. वागचबका or कळलावी) Gloriosa Superba; of other plants (also Mar. कळलावी) Meni-spermum Cordifolium. -शुश्रूषा careful service or worship of fire. -शेखर a. fire-crested. (-रः) N. of the कुसुम्भ, कुङ्कुम and जाङ्गली trees (-रम्) gold, -शौच a. [अग्नेरिव शौचं यस्य] bright as fire; purified by fire K.252. -श्री a. [अग्नेरिव श्रीर्यस्य] glowing like fire; lighted by Agni -ष्टुत्, -ष्टुभ, -ष्टोम &c. see ˚ स्तुत्, ˚स्तुभ् &c. -ष्ठम् 1 kitchen; अग्निष्ठेष्वग्निशालासु Rām.6.1.16. -2 a fire-pan. -संयोगाः explosives. Kau. A.2.3. -ष्वात्तः see स्वात्तः -संस्कारः 1 consecration of fire. -2 hallowing or con-secrating by means of fire; burning on the funeral pile; यथार्हं ˚रं मालवाय दत्वा Dk.169; नास्य कार्यो$ग्निसंस्कारः Ms.5.69, पितरीवाग्निसंस्कारात्परा ववृतिरे क्रियाः । R.12.56. -सखः; -सहायः 1 the wind. -2 the wild pigeon (smoke-coloured). -3 smoke. -सम्भव a. [प. ब.] sprung or produced from fire. (-वः) 1 wild safflower. -2 lymph, result of digestion. (-वम्) gold. -साक्षिक [अग्निः साक्षी यत्र, कप्] a. or adv. keeping fire for a witness, in the presence of fire; पञ्चबाण˚ M.4.12. ˚मर्यादो भर्ता हि शरणं स्त्रियाः H.1.v. l, R.11.48. -सारम् [अग्नौ सारं यस्य अत्यन्तानलोत्तापनेपि सारांशादहनात् Tv.] रसाञ्जन, a sort of medical preparation for the eyes. (-रः -रम्) power or essence of fire. -सुतः Kārttikeya; त्वामद्य निहनिष्यामि क्रौञ्चमग्निसुतो यथा । Mb.7.156.93. -सूत्रम् a thread of fire. -2 a girdle of sacrificial grass (मौञ्जीमेखला) put upon a young Brāhmaṇa at the time of investiture. -सूनुः (See -सुतः), (सेनानीरग्निभूर्गुहः । Amar.); देव्यङ्कसंविष्ट- मिवाग्निसूनुम् । Bu. ch.1.67. -स्तम्भः 1 stopping the burning power of Agni. -2 N. of a Mantra used in this operation. -3 N. of a medicine so used. -स्तुत् m. (अग्निष्टुत्) [अग्निः स्तूयते$त्र; स्तु-आधारे क्विप् षत्वम्] the first day of the Agniṣṭoma sacrifice; N. of a portion of that sacrifice which extends over one day; यजेत वाश्वमेधेन स्वर्जिता गोसवेन वा । अभिजिद्विश्वजिद्भ्यां वा त्रिवृता- ग्निष्टुतापि वा ॥ Ms.11.74. -स्तुभ् (˚ष्टुभ्) m. [अग्निः स्तुभ्यते$त्र; स्तुभ्-क्विप् षत्वम्] 1 = अग्निष्टोम. -2 N. of a son of the sixth Manu. -रतोमः (˚ष्टोमः) [अग्नेः स्तोमः स्तुतिसाधनं यत्र] 1 N. of a protracted ceremony or sacrificeial rite extending over several days in spring and forming an essential part of the ज्योतिष्टोम. -2 a Mantra or Kalpa with reference to this sacrifice; ˚मे भवो मन्त्रः ˚मः; ˚मस्य व्याख्यानम्, कल्पः ˚मः P.IV.3.66. Vārt. -3 N. of the son of the sixth Manu. -4 a species of the Soma plant; ˚सामन् a part of the Sāma Veda chanted at the conclusion of the Agniṣṭoma sacrifice. -सावर्णिः Name of Manu. -स्थ a. (ष्ठ) [अग्नौ स्थातुमर्हति; स्था-क षत्वम्] placed in, over, or near the fire. (ष्ठः) an iron frying-pan; in the अश्वमेध sacrifice the 11th Yūpa which of all the 21 is nearest the fire. -स्वात्तः (written both as ˚स्वात्त and ˚ष्वात्त) (pl.) [अग्नितः i. e. श्राद्धीयविप्रकर- रूपानलात् सुष्ठु आत्तं ग्रहणं येषां ते] N. of a class of Pitṛs or Manes who, when living on earth, maintained the sacred or domestic fires, but who did not perform the Agniṣṭoma and other sacrifices. They are regarded as Manes of Gods and Brāhmaṇas and also as descendants of Marīchi; Ms.3.195. अग्निष्वात्ताः पितर एह गच्छत Tsy. (मनुष्यजन्मन्यग्निष्टोमादियागमकृत्वा स्मार्तकर्मनिष्ठाः सन्तो मृत्वा च पितृत्वं गताः इति सायणः). -हुत्, -होतृ Ved. sacrificing to Agni, having Agni for a priest; Rv.1.66.8. -होत्रम् [अग्नये हूयते$त्र, हु-त्र, च. त.] 1 an oblation to Agni (chiefly of milk, oil and sour gruel.). -2 maintenance of the sacred fire and offering oblation to it; (अग्नये होत्रं होमो$स्मिन् कर्मणीति अग्निहोत्रमिति कर्मनाम); or the sacred fire itself; तपोवनाग्निहोत्रधूमलेखासु K.26. होता स्यात् ˚त्रस्य Ms.11.36. ˚त्रमुपासते 42; स्त्रीं दाहयेत् ˚त्रेण Ms.5.167,6.4, दाहयित्वाग्निहोत्रेण स्त्रियं वृत्तवतीम् Y.1.89. The time of throwing oblations into the fire is, as ordained by the sun himself, evening (अग्नये सायं जुहुयात् सूर्याय प्रातर्जुहुयात्). Agnihotra is of two kinds; नित्य of constant obligation (यावज्जीवमग्निहोत्रं जुहोति) and काम्य occasional or optional (उपसद्भिश्चरित्वा मासमेकमग्निहोत्रं जुहोति). (-त्र) a. Ved. 1 destined for, connected with, Agnihotra. -2 sacrificing to Agni. ˚न्यायः The rule according to which the नित्यकर्मन्s (which are to be performed यावज्जीवम्) are performed at their stipulated or scheduled time only, during one's life time. This is discussed and established by जैमिनि and शबर at Ms.6. 2.23-26. in connection with अग्निहोत्र and other कर्मन्s. ˚हवनी (णी) a ladle used in sacrificial libations, or अग्निहोत्रहविर्ग्रहणी ऋक् Tv.; See हविर्ग्रहणी; ˚हुत् offering the अग्निहोत्र; ˚आहुतिः invocation or oblation connected with अग्निहोत्र. -होत्रिन् a. [अग्निहोत्र-मत्वर्थे इनि] 1 one who practises the Agnihotra, or consecrates and maintains the sacred fire. -2 one who has prepared the sacrificial place. -होत्री Sacrificial cow; तामग्निहोत्रीमृषयो जगृहु- र्ब्रह्मवादिनः Bhāg.8.8.2.
ajita अजित a. Invincible, unconquerable, irresistible, ˚तं पुण्यं... महः U.5.27. -2 Not conquered or won (as a country &c.); not restrained, curbed, controlled, ˚आत्मन्; ˚इन्द्रिय of uncontrolled soul or passion. -तः 1 N. of Viṣṇu or Śiva or Buddha. -2 N. of a powerful antidote, or a poisonous sort of rat. -(pl.) A class of deities in the first Manvantara of. परमात्मन्यात्मनि च त्रिषु स्यादस्फुटे$जितः । अपराजितविष्ण्वीशपरमात्मसु कथ्यते ॥ Nm. -Comp. -आपीडः having an invincible crown; N. of a king. -केशकम्बलः Name of one of the six chief heretical teachers. (mentioned in Buddhist texts as contemporaries of Buddha.) -बला N. of a Jain deity who acts under orders from the Arhat Ajita. -विक्रमः 'of unsubdued power', N. of Chandragupta II.
atināman अतिनामन् N. of a ṛiṣi of the Saptarṣi group of the sixth Manvantara.
atibāhuḥ अतिबाहुः Having extraordinary arms. N. of a ऋषि of the fourteenth Manvantara. Hariv.; N. of a Gandharva; Mb.
atri अत्रि a. [properly अ, Uṇ.4.68, अदेस्त्रिनिश्च, अद्-त्रिन्] Devourer; अत्रिमनु स्वराज्यमग्निभ् Rv.2.8.5. -त्रिः N. of a celebrated sage and author of many Vedic hymns. [He appears in the Vedas in hymns addressed to Agni, Indra, the Aśvins and the Viśve-devas. In the Svāyambhuva Manvantara, he appears as one of the ten Prajāpatis or mind-born sons of Brahmā, being born from his eye. These sons having died by the curse of Śiva, Brahmā performed a sacrifice, at the beginning of the present Vaivasvata Manvantara, and Atri was born from the flames of Agni. Anasūyā was his wife in both lives. In the first, she bore him three sons, Datta, Durvāsas and Soma; in the second, she had two additional children, a son by name Aryaman and a daughter called Amalā. In the Rāmāyaṇa an account is given of the visit paid by Rāma and Sītā to Atri and Anasūyā in their hermitage, when they both received them most kindly. (See Anasūyā.) As a Riṣi or sage he is one of the seven sages who were all sons of Brahmā, and represents in Astronomy one of the stars of the Great Bear situated in the north. He is also the author of a code of laws known as अत्रिस्मृति or अत्रिसंहिता. In the Purāṇas he is said to have produced the moon from his eye, while he was practising austere penance, the moon being in consequence called अत्रिज, -जात, -दृग्ज, अत्रिनेत्रप्रसूत, -˚प्रभव, ˚भव &c.; cf. also अथ नयनसमुत्थं ज्योतिरत्रेरिव द्यौः R.2.75. and अत्रेरिवेन्दुः V.5.21] - (pl.) descendants of Atri. -अत्री wife of अत्रि; अत्रिरञ्य नमस्कर्ता Mb.13.17.38. -Comp. -चतुरहः N. of a Sacrifice. -जातः 1 The moon. -2 Datta. -3 Durvāsas. -भारद्वाजिका Marriage of descendants of Atri with those of Bhāradvāja.
adbhutaḥ अद्भुतः a. [Uṇ.5.1 अदि भुवो डुतच्; according to Nir. न भूतम् 'the like of which did not take place before.] 1 Wonderful, marvellous; ˚कर्मन् of wonderful deeds; ˚गन्ध having wonderful smell; ˚दर्शन, ˚रूप; prodigious; extraordinary, transcendental, supernatural. -2 Ved. Unobserved, invisible (opp. दृश्य). -तम् 1 A wonder, a wonderful thing or occurrence, a prodigy, miracle; देव अद्भुतं खलु संवृत्तम् Ś.5 a wonderful or unexpected occurrence; आकालिकमनध्यायं विद्यात्सर्वाद्भुतेषु च Ms.4. 118. -2 Surprise, astonishment, wonder (m.) also; ˚उद्भ्रान्तदेवासुराणि विक्रान्तचरितानि U.6 lost in wonder. -3 One of the five proportions of the measurement of height; in this measurement height is twice the breadth; हीनं तु द्वयं तद्द्विगुणं चाद्भुतं कथितम् Māna.11.2. 23. -तः 1 One of the 8 or 9 Rasas, the marvellous sentiment; जगति जनितात्यद्भुतरसः U.3.44. -2 N. of the Indra of the 9th Manvantara. -Comp. -उत्तरकाण्डम् N. of a work, an appendix to or imitation of the Rāmāyaṇa. -एनस् a. Ved. in whom no sin is visible. -धर्मः a system of prodigies. -ब्राह्मणम् N. of a portion of a Brāhmaṇa belonging to the Sāmaveda. -रामायणम् N. of a work ascribed to Vālmīki. -शान्तिः f. N. of the Sixtyseventh Pariśiṣṭa of the Atharvaveda. -संकाश a. resembling a marvel; so ˚उपम. -सारः the wonderful resin (of the खदिर or Catechu plant) (Mar. खैराची राळ); Mimosa Catechu. -स्वन a. having a wonderful sound. (-नः) N. of Śiva.
ātmaṃbhari आत्मंभरि a. [आत्मानं बिभर्ति, मृ खि मुम् च P.III.2. 26] Selfish, greedy (one who feeds his ownself); आत्मंभरिस्त्वं पिशितैर्नराणाम् Bk.2.33; H.3.121. -˚त्वम् Selfishness. ... अहो ते आत्मंभरित्वम् । नागानन्द 2.16. आत्मन्वत् ātmanvat आत्मन्विन् ātmanvin आत्मन्वत् आत्मन्विन् Ved. Having a soul, animated, alive; मृत्युस्तन्मनो$कुरुतात्मन्वी स्यामिति Bṛi. Up.1.2.1; 1.2.7.
ūrjaḥ ऊर्जः 1 N. of the month Kārtika (as giving vigour and energy); 'बाहुलोर्जौ कार्तिकिकः' इत्यमरः; ऊर्जमतङ्गजम् Śi.6.5. -2 Energy. -3 Power, strength. -4 Procreative power. -5 Life, breath. -6 N. of the sons of हिरण्यगर्भ (reckoned among the seven Ṛiṣis of the third Manvantara). -र्जा 1 Food ऊर्जावती (गङ्गा) Mb.13.26.84. -2 Energy. -3 Strength, sap. नाप्यूर्जां बिभरामास वैदेह्यां प्रसितो भृशम् Bk.6.3. -4 Growth. -5 N. of a daughter of Dakṣa and wife of Vasiṣṭha. -र्जम् Water. -Comp. -मासः The month कार्तिक; Bhāg.12.11.44. -मेध a. Eminent intelligence, very wise; Hch.
kṣamā क्षमा [क्षम्-अङ्] 1 Patience, forbearance, forgiveness; क्षमा सत्यं दमः शमः Bg.1.4,34;16.3; क्षमा शत्रौ च मित्रे च यतीनामेव भूषणम् H.2; R.1.22;18.9; तेजः क्षमा वा नैकान्तं कालज्ञस्य महीपतेः Ś.2.83. -2 The earth. -3 The number 'one'. -4 An epithet of Durgā. -Comp. -जः the planet Mars. -भुज्, -भुजः a king. -भृत् m. 1 a mountain. -2 a prince; प्रातिष्ठन्त क्षमाभृताम् Śi.19.3. क्षमावत् kṣamāvat क्षमान्वित kṣamānvita क्षमायुक्त kṣamāyukta क्षमावत् क्षमान्वित क्षमायुक्त a. 1 Patient, indulgent. -2 Knowing what is proper or right; Rām.5.
prabhāsaḥ प्रभासः Splendour, beauty, lustre. -सः, -सम् 1 N. of a well-known place of pilgrimage near Dvārakā. -2 N. of one of the eight Vasus. -3 N. of one of the Jaina Gaṇādhipa. -4 N. of one of the Devagaṇas in the eighth Manvantara.
manuḥ मनुः [मन्-उ Uṇ.1.1] 1 N. of a celebrated personage regarded as the representative man and father of the human race (sometimes regarded as one of the divine beings). -2 Particularly, the fourteen successive progenitors or sovereigns of the earth mentioned in Ms.1.63. (The first Manu called स्वायंभुवमनु is supposed to be a sort of secondary creator, who produced the ten Prajapatis or Maharṣis and to whom the code of laws known as Manusmriti is ascribed. The seventh Manu called वैवस्वतमनु, being supposed to be born from the sun, is regarded as the progenitor of the present race of living beings and was saved from a great flood by Viṣṇu in the form of a fish; cf. मत्स्यावतार; he is also regarded as the founder of the solar race of kings who ruled at Ayodhyā; see U.6.18; R.1.11; विवस्वान् मनवे प्राह मनुरिक्ष्वाकवे$ब्रवीत् Bg.4.1. The names of the fourteen Manus in order are:-1 स्वायंभुव, 2 स्वारोचिष, 3 औत्तमि, 4 तामस, 5 रैवत, 6 चाक्षुष, 7 वैवस्वत, 8 सावर्णि, 9 दक्षसावर्णि, 1 ब्रह्मसावर्णि, 11 धर्मसावर्णि, 12 रुद्रसावर्णि, 13 रौच्य-दैवसावर्णि and 14 इंद्रसावर्णि). -3 A symbolical expression for the number 'fourteen'. -4 A man, mankind (opp. evil spirits); मनवे शासदव्रतान् Ṛv.1.13.8. -5 Thought, thinking or mental faculty (Ved.). -6 A prayer, sacred text or spell (मन्त्र); मनुं साधयतो राज्यं नाकपृष्ठमनाशके Mb.13.7.18. -7 (pl.) Mental powers; देहो$सवो$क्षा मनवो भूतमात्रा नात्मानमन्यं च विदुः परं यत् Bhāg.6.4.25. -नुः f. The wife of Manu. -Comp. -अन्तरम् the period or age of a Manu; (this period, according to Ms.1.79, comprises 4,32, human years or 1/14th day of Brahmā, the fourteen Manvantaras making up one whole day; each of these fourteen periods is supposed to be presided over by its own Manu; six such periods have already passed away; we are at present living in the seventh, and seven more are yet to come); मन्वन्तरं तु दिव्यानां युगानामेकसप्ततिः Ak. -जः a man, mankind. ˚अधिपः, ˚अधिपतिः, ˚ईश्वरः, ˚पतिः, ˚राजः a king, sovereign. ˚लोकः the world of men; i. e. the earth. -जा a woman. -जातः a man. -ज्येष्ठः a sword. -प्रणीत a. taught or expounded by Manu. -भूः a man, mankind. -राज् m. an epithet of Kubera. -श्रेष्ठः an epithet of Viṣṇu. -संहिता, -स्मृतिः the code of laws ascribed to the first Manu, the institutes of Manu.
vaivasvataḥ वैवस्वतः [विवस्वतो$पत्यम् अण्] 1 N. of the seventh Manu who is supposed to preside over the present age; see under Manu; वैवस्वतो मनुर्नाम माननीयो मनीषिणाम् R.1.11; U.6.18. -2 N. of Yama; यानं सस्मार कौबेरं वैवस्वतजिगीषया R.15.45. -3 N. of Agni. -4 One of the eleven Rudras. -5 The planet Saturn. -तम् The present age or Manvantara, as presided over by Manu Vaivasvata or the seventh Manu. -Comp. -मन्वन्तरम् N. of the 7th (the present) मन्वन्तर.
satya सत्य a. [सते हितं यत्] 1 True, real, genuine; as in सत्यव्रत, सत्यसंध. -2 Honest, sincere, truthful, faithful. -3 Fulfilled, realized. -4 Virtuous, upright. -5 Unfailing; कच्चिच्छुश्रूषसे तात पितुः सत्यपराक्रम Rām.2.1.7. -त्यः 1 The abode of Brahman and of truth, the uppermost of the seven worlds or lokas above the earth; see लोक. -2 The Aśvattha tree. -3 N. of Rāma. -4 Of Viṣṇu; सत्यव्रतं सत्यपरं त्रिसत्यं सत्यस्य योनिं निहितं च सत्ये । सत्यस्य सत्यमृतसत्यनेत्रं सत्यात्मकं त्वां शरणं प्रपन्नाः ॥ Bhāg.1.2.26. -5 The deity presiding over नान्दीमुखश्राद्ध q. v. -6 N. of Brahman; अव्ययस्याप्रमेयस्य सत्यस्य च तथाग्रतः Mb.1.37.5. -त्यम् 1 Truth; मौनात्सत्यं विशिष्यते Ms.2.83; सत्यं ब्रू 'to speak the truth'. -2 Sincerity. -3 Goodness, virtue, purity, -4 An oath, a promise, solemn asseveration; सत्याद् गुरुमलोपयन् R.12.9; Ms.8.113. -5 A truism demonstrated truth of dogma. -6 The first of the four Yugas. or ages of the world, the golden age, the age of truth and purity. -7 Water -8 The Supreme Spirit; हिरण्मयेन पात्रेण सत्यस्यापिहितं मुखम् Īśop.15. -9 Final emancipation (मोक्ष); इह चेदवेदीदथ सत्यमस्ति न चेदिहावेदीन् महती विनष्टिः Ken.2.5. -त्यम् ind. Truly, really, indeed, verily, forsooth; सत्यं शपामि ते पादपङ्कजस्पर्शेन K.; Ku.6.19. -Comp. -अग्निः N. of the sage Agastya. -अनुरक्त a. devoted to truth, honest, upright, true. -अनृत a. 1 true and false; सत्यानृता च परुषा H.2.183. -2 apparently true, but really false. (-तम्, -ते) 1 truth and falsehood. -2 practice of truth and falsehood; i. e. trade, commerce; सत्यानृताभ्यामपि वा न श्ववृत्त्या कदाचन Ms.4.4 and 6. -अभिसंध a. true to one's promise, sincere. -आत्मन् true. (-m.) a virtuous or upright man. -आश्रमः renunciation of the world (संन्यास); दीक्षा बहुविधा राजन् सत्याश्रमपदं भवेत् Mb.12.66.13. -उत्कर्षः 1 pre-eminence in truth. -2 true excellence. -उद्य a. speaking the truth. -उपयाचन a. fulfilling a request. -कामः a lover of truth. -क्रिया a promise, oath. -जित् N. of Indra in the third Manvantara; इन्द्रस्तु सत्यजित् Bhāg.8.1.24. -तपस् m. N. of a sage. -दर्शिन् a. truth-seeing, fore-seeing truth. -धन a. rich in truth, exceedingly truthful. -धर्मः the law of truth, eternal truth. ˚परायण a. devoted to truth and virtue. -धृति a. strictly truthful. -नारायणः 1 A form of Viṣṇu. -2 A form of divinity (called Satyapīr in Bengāli). -पुरम् 1 the world of Viṣṇu. -2 The city of Satya-nārayaṇa; अन्ते सत्यपुरं ययौ (सत्यनारायणव्रतकथा). -पुष्टिः true or permanent prosperity. -पूत a. purified by truth (as words); सत्यपूतां वदेद्वाणीम् Ms.6.46. -प्रतिज्ञ a. true to one's promise. -प्रतिष्ठान, -मूल a. grounded in truth. -फलः the Bilva tree. -भामा N. of the daughter of Satrājit and the favourite wife of Kṛiṣṇa; (it was for her that Kṛiṣṇa fought with Indra and brought the Pārijāta tree from the Nandana garden and planted it in her garden). -भारतः N. of Vyāsa. -भेदिन् a. promise-breaking. -मानम् a true measure. -युगम् the golden age; the first or कृतयुग; see सत्यम् (6) above. -यौवनः a Vidyādhara. -रत a. devoted to truth, honest, sincere. (-तः) N. of Vyāsa. -लौकिकम् spiritual and worldly matters; मया प्रोक्तं हि लोकस्य प्रमाणं सत्यलौकिके Bhāg.3.24.35. -वचनम् 1 the speaking of truth. -2 a promise, solemn assurance. -वचस् a. truthful, veracious. (-m.) 1 a saint, Ṛiṣi. -2 a seer. (-n.) truth, veracity. -वद्य a. veracious; सत्यवद्यो रघूत्तमः Bk.5.1. (-द्यम्) truth, veracity. -वाक्यम् truth-speaking, veracity, -वाच् a. truthful, veracious, candid. (-m.) 1 a saint, seer. -2 a crow. -वादिन् a. 1 truth-speaking. -2 sincere, outspoken, candid. -व्यवस्था ascertainment of truth. -व्रत, -संगर, -संध a. 1 true or faithful to an agreement, promise or word, adhering to truth veracious; Bhāg.1.2.26; see सत्यः (4). -2 honest, sincere. -श्रवसी Ved. an epithet of Uṣas. -श्रावणम् taking a solemn oath. -संश्रवः a promise, vow. -संकल्प a. true in purpose of resolve. -संकाश a. specious, plausible -संगरः N. of Kubera. -a. true to an agreement or promise. -संधः 1 an epithet of Rāma; राजेन्द्रं सत्यसंधं दशरथतनयम् Rāma-rakṣā 26. -2 of Bharata. -3 of king Janamejaya. (-धा) an epithet of Draupadī. -a. keeping one's promise, faithful. -साक्षिन् m. a trustworthy witness; यथोक्तेन नयन्तस्ते पूयन्ते सत्यसाक्षिणः Ms.8.257.
sāvarṇyam सावर्ण्यम् 1 Sameness of colour. -2 Identity of class or caste. -3 The age or Manvantara presided over by the eighth Manu.
Macdonell Search
5 results
manvantara n. Manu period (con sisting of seventy-one divine yugas and ruled by a special Manu; the present is the seventh, being under the rule of Manu Vaivasvat).
manviddha pp. kindled by men.
ātmanvat âtman-vát, ˚vin a. animate.
omanvat a. pleasant; gracious.
samanvaya m. immediate con nexion; conjunction, applicability: ab. in consequence of (--°ree;); -anvârambha, m.: -na, n. catching hold of from behind; -anvita, pp. (√ i) endowed etc.
Bloomfield Vedic
5 results0 results18 results
manve nu babhrūṇām aham MS.2.7.13c: 93.2. See under manai.
manve vāṃ dyāvāpṛthivī subhojasau (AVś. adds sacetasau, which perhaps belongs to the following pāda) AVś.4.26.1a; AVP.4.36.1a; Vait.15.13. See manye vāṃ etc.
manve vāṃ mitrāvaruṇā tasya vittam TS.; MS.3.16.5a: 190.14; KS.22.15a. See next.
manve vāṃ mitrāvaruṇāv ṛtāvṛdhau AVś.4.29.1a; AVP.4.38.1a. See prec.
manvatī nadī syandata iyam # AVś.12.2.27b. Cf. next.
manvatī rīyate (TA. revatīḥ) saṃ rabhadhvam # RV.10.53.8a; AVś.12.2.26a; VS.35.10a; śB.; TA.6.3.2a; AG.1.8.2; 4.6.13. Ps: aśmanvatī rīyate (TA. revatīḥ) TA.6.4.2; 9.2; Kauś.71.24; 86.27; aśmanvatī śś.4.15.5; 16.13.13; Vait.12.11; Kś.21.4.22 (aśmanvatīr iti !); śG.1.15.18. Cf. prec.
ātmanvatīṃ dakṣiṇām # AVP.7.15.2c.
ātmanvate svāhā # KSA.5.3.
ātmanvaty urvarā nārīyam āgan # AVś.14.2.14a.
ātmanvantaṃ pakṣiṇaṃ taugryāya kam # RV.1.182.5b.
ātmanvan nabho duhyate ghṛtaṃ payaḥ # RV.9.74.4a; KS.35.6a; AB.1.22.2; Aś.4.7.4. P: ātmanvat śś.5.10.8.
ātmanvān (VSK. ātmanvāṃt) soma ghṛtavān hi bhūtvā (Mś. -vān ihaihi) # VSK.1.10.5c; TB.; Kś.2.8.14c; Apś.2.10.5c; Mś.
omanvatī te 'smin yajñe yajamāna dyāvāpṛthivī stām # TS.; MS.4.13.9: 211.14; TB.; śB.; Aś.1.9.1; śś.1.14.3.
omanvantaṃ cakrathuḥ saptavadhraye # RV.10.39.9d.
turīyeṇāmanvata (śś. turīyeṇa manvata) nāma dhenoḥ # AVś.7.1.1d; śś.15.3.7d.
manvantaḥ surātayaḥ # RV.5.79.4d.
manvanto adāmānaḥ sudāman # RV.6.24.4d.
prāṇenātmanvatāṃ jīva # AVś.19.27.8c; AVP.10.7.8c.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"manv" has 2 results
yamanvāan obscure term found used in the Phit-sUtras राजाविशेषस्य यमन्वा चेत् ( आद्युदात्ते भेवति ) Phi-sUtra II. 42, where the word यमन्वा is explained as वृद्ध by the commentator for the meaning of वृद्ध, see वृद्धिर्यस्याचामादिस्तद् वृद्धम् P. 1.1.73.
samanvayapradīpasaṃketaa treatise on the philosophy of Vyakarana written as a commentary by the author दंवशर्मन् on his own Karikas on the subject.
Vedabase Search
61 results
manvānaḥ always thinking ofSB 4.22.51
manvānaḥ thinkingSB 10.5.27
SB 10.52.14
manvānau both thinkingSB 10.86.24
manvantara changes of ManusSB 2.10.1
manvantara-adhipān and the changes of suchSB 3.7.25
manvantara-adhipān and the changes of suchSB 3.7.25
manvantara-parivṛttam changed by the end of a life of a ManuSB 5.24.24
manvantara-parivṛttam changed by the end of a life of a ManuSB 5.24.24
manvantaram the duration of time until the end of the life of one ManuSB 7.10.11
manvantarāṇi all about the periods of the various ManusSB 9.1.1
manvantarāṇi different advents of ManusSB 3.10.30
manvantarāṇi periods of ManuSB 8.14.11
manvantarāṇi the reign of the ManusSB 2.10.4
manvantare during the change of manvantaras (one Manu following another)SB 8.1.2
manvantareṣu in different incarnations of ManuSB 2.7.20
manvantareṣu in the reign of each ManuSB 8.14.1
manvyoḥ whose angerSB 10.72.37
yuga-manv-antara-avatāra the yuga and manv-antara incarnationsCC Adi 4.11-12
anumanvānaḥ decidingSB 10.79.29
anumanvate regard favorablySB 10.23.31
yuga-manv-antara-avatāra the yuga and manv-antara incarnationsCC Adi 4.11-12
eka manvantara-avatārera of only one feature of the Lord, namely the manvantara-avatārasCC Madhya 20.324
bhāva-samanvitāḥ with great attentionBG 10.8
bhāva-samanvitāḥ with love and devotionCC Madhya 24.189
ei caudda manvantare in the fourteen manvantarasCC Madhya 20.328
caudda-manvantare in the duration of fourteen ManusCC Madhya 20.391
ei caudda manvantare in the fourteen manvantarasCC Madhya 20.328
eka manvantara-avatārera of only one feature of the Lord, namely the manvantara-avatārasCC Madhya 20.324
yuga-manv-antara-avatāra the yuga and manv-antara incarnationsCC Adi 4.11-12
eka manvantara-avatārera of only one feature of the Lord, namely the manvantara-avatārasCC Madhya 20.324
ei caudda manvantare in the fourteen manvantarasCC Madhya 20.328
caudda-manvantare in the duration of fourteen ManusCC Madhya 20.391
roṣa-samanvitaḥ being very angry at herSB 10.6.10
samanvayāt in orderSB 3.26.49
samanvayāt from conjunctionSB 7.7.22
samanvayāt as a natural consequenceSB 7.15.54
samanvayena as a result of the different contacts (with different bodies)SB 11.7.42
samanvayena in each of them, one after anotherSB 11.28.20
samanveti existsSB 3.26.18
samanvitā full ofSB 3.22.29-30
samanvitā fullSB 10.62.12
bhāva-samanvitāḥ with great attentionBG 10.8
samanvitaḥ qualifiedBG 18.26
samanvitaḥ followedSB 4.6.8
samanvitaḥ accompaniedSB 4.25.52
samanvitaḥ accompaniedSB 4.25.53
samanvitaḥ accompaniedSB 4.25.55
samanvitaḥ decoratedSB 9.22.2
roṣa-samanvitaḥ being very angry at herSB 10.6.10
samanvitaḥ accompaniedSB 10.41.17
bhāva-samanvitāḥ with love and devotionCC Madhya 24.189
samanvitam dovetailed with bhakti-yogaSB 1.5.35
samanvitam coordinatedSB 2.9.31
samanvitam bedecked withSB 3.23.13
samanvitam is maintainedSB 3.26.3
samanvitam seatedSB 12.13.13
samanvitam fully endowed withCC Adi 1.51
samanvitam fully endowed withCC Madhya 25.105
samanvitau togetherSB 10.39.41
yuga-manv-antara-avatāra the yuga and manv-antara incarnationsCC Adi 4.11-12
7 results
manvantara noun (neuter) the period or age of a Manu (it comprises about 71 mahāyugas) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 3272/72933
abhisamanvita adjective
Frequency rank 44363/72933
kimanvaya adjective of which lineage?
Frequency rank 17793/72933
pratimanvantara noun (neuter) every Manvantara (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 37189/72933
samanvaya noun (masculine) conjunction (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
connected sequence or consequence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
regular succession or order (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14514/72933
samanvāgam verb (class 6 parasmaipada) to be endowed with to be provided with to meet with
Frequency rank 20209/72933
samanvita adjective completely possessed of (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
connected or associated with (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
corresponding or answering to (comp.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
full of (instr. or comp.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
fully endowed with (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
possessing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 540/72933


river Chambal in north India.

Wordnet Search
"manv" has 18 results.


jalam, vāri, ambu, ambhaḥ, payaḥ, salilam, sarilam, udakam, udam, jaḍam, payas, toyam, pānīyam, āpaḥ, nīram, vāḥ, pāthas, kīlālam, annam, apaḥ, puṣkaram, arṇaḥ, peyam, salam, saṃvaram, śaṃvaram, saṃmbam, saṃvatsaram, saṃvavaraḥ, kṣīram, pāyam, kṣaram, kamalam, komalam, pīvā, amṛtam, jīvanam, jīvanīyam, bhuvanam, vanam, kabandham, kapandham, nāram, abhrapuṣpam, ghṛtam, kaṃ, pīppalam, kuśam, viṣam, kāṇḍam, savaram, saram, kṛpīṭam, candrorasam, sadanam, karvuram, vyoma, sambaḥ, saraḥ, irā, vājam, tāmarasa, kambalam, syandanam, sambalam, jalapītham, ṛtam, ūrjam, komalam, somam, andham, sarvatomukham, meghapuṣpam, ghanarasaḥ, vahnimārakaḥ, dahanārātiḥ, nīcagam, kulīnasam, kṛtsnam, kṛpīṭam, pāvanam, śaralakam, tṛṣāham, kṣodaḥ, kṣadmaḥ, nabhaḥ, madhuḥ, purīṣam, akṣaram, akṣitam, amba, aravindāni, sarṇīkam, sarpiḥ, ahiḥ, sahaḥ, sukṣema, sukham, surā, āyudhāni, āvayāḥ, induḥ, īm, ṛtasyayoniḥ, ojaḥ, kaśaḥ, komalam, komalam, kṣatram, kṣapaḥ, gabhīram, gambhanam, gahanam, janma, jalāṣam, jāmi, tugryā, tūyam, tṛptiḥ, tejaḥ, sadma, srotaḥ, svaḥ, svadhā, svargāḥ, svṛtikam, haviḥ, hema, dharuṇam, dhvasmanvatu, nāma, pavitram, pāthaḥ, akṣaram, pūrṇam, satīnam, sat, satyam, śavaḥ, śukram, śubham, śambaram, vūsam, vṛvūkam, vyomaḥ, bhaviṣyat, vapuḥ, varvuram, varhiḥ, bhūtam, bheṣajam, mahaḥ, mahat, mahaḥ, mahat, yaśaḥ, yahaḥ, yāduḥ, yoniḥ, rayiḥ, rasaḥ, rahasaḥ, retam   

sindhuhimavarṣādiṣu prāptaḥ dravarupo padārthaḥ yaḥ pāna-khāna-secanādyartham upayujyate।

jalaṃ jīvanasya ādhāram। /ajīrṇe jalam auṣadhaṃ jīrṇe balapradam। āhārakāle āyurjanakaṃ bhuktānnopari rātrau na peyam।


samāviṣṭa, samāhita, aṃgabhūta, samanvita, nihita   

antaḥ sthāpitam।

asmin kāvye suvicārāḥ samāviṣṭāḥ।


ānukramika, kramabaddha, średhin, anvayin, samanvayin, śrṛṅkhalita, kramaka, kramāgata, kramāyāta, kramānuyāyin   

yad krameṇa vartate।

viśvesmin jīvānām ānukramikaḥ vikāsaḥ abhavat।


abhiparigraha, samavalamb, samanvārabh, samparirabh, svaj, puṭ   

grahaṇapūrvakaḥ vedanājanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

adhyayane pramādāt adhyāpakaḥ nīrajasya karṇam abhiparyagṛhṇāt।


sambandhaḥ, samparkaḥ, anvayaḥ, sandarbhaḥ, samanvayaḥ, vyāsaṅgaḥ, anubandhaḥ, śleṣaḥ, saṃyogaḥ, anuṣaṅgaḥ, saṃsargaḥ, saṅgaḥ   

dvayoḥ vastunoḥ parasparaṃ vartamānaḥ bhāvaḥ।

parasparaiḥ saha uṣitvā paśubhiḥ saha api sambandhaḥ dṛḍhaḥ bhavati।


abhiparigrahaṇam, samavalambanam, samanvārabhaṇam, samparirabhaṇam, svajanam, puṭanam   

vyāvartanasya kriyā।

abhiparigrahaṇena mama haste vedanā jāyate।


sannihita, samāhita, samanvita   

yasya samāveśaḥ kṛtaḥ।

asya kāvyasya sannihitān bhāvān spaṣṭīkarotu।



naikeṣāṃ vastūnāṃ parasparāṇāṃ sahakāreṇa jāyamānaṃ kāryam।

pradūṣaṇena nisargasya samanvayaḥ praṇaśyati।


śileya, śaileya, śaila, dṛṣadvat, śailya, śileya, śarkarika, śārkaraka, śārkara, dārṣada, citragrāvan, āśmika, āśmana, āśma, aśmavat, aśmanvat, śilāmaya, prastaramaya, aupala   

śilayā nirmitaḥ।

saṃgrahālaye mahātmanaḥ gāndhīmahodayasya bṛhatī śileyā pratimā āsīt।



yaḥ samanvayaṃ karoti।

samanvayakasya upasthityāṃ vipakṣiṇaḥ sandhim akurvan।



kāryakāraṇayoḥ saṅgateḥ samāyogaḥ।

samanvayena samasyā kutra।



yasya samanvayaḥ jātaḥ।

eṣā samanvitā saṃsthā kadāpi naśyet।



samanvayavādasya samarthakaḥ।

samanvayavādinaḥ militvā asya samarthanam akarot।



ekasaptatikānāṃ caturyugānāṃ kālaḥ।

ekaṃ manvantaraṃ brahmaṇaḥ ekasya dinasya caturdaśamaḥ aṃśaḥ iti kathyate।


manvat, aśmavat, āśma, āśmana, āśmika, aupala, citragrāvan, dārṣada, dṛṣadvata, śileya, śaileya, śailya   

aśmanā yuktam kimapi।

aśmanvān mārgaḥ asti tasmin devālayaṃ prati।



vyākaraṇaprakāraḥ ।

śabdaratnasamanvayasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



śabdakoṣaviśeṣaḥ ।

śabdaratnasamanvayasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaṃ sthānam ।

siddhimanvantarasya ullekhaḥ praśastyām asti

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