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Grammar Search
"mantha" has 2 results
mantha: masculine vocative singular stem: mantha
mantha: second person singular present imperative class 1 parasmaipadamanth
Amarakosha Search
4 results
jayā2.2.66FeminineSingulartarkārī, kaṇikā, vaijayantikā, jayantī, jayaḥ, agnimantha, nādeyī, gaṇikārikā, śrīparṇam
paśurajjuḥ2.9.74FeminineSingularvaiśākhaḥ, mantha, manthānaḥ, manthāḥ
saindhavaḥ2.9.42MasculineSingularmaṇimantham, sindhujam, śītaśivam
Monier-Williams Search
10 results for mantha"
mantham. stirring round, churning View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantham. shaking about, agitating View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantham. killing, slaying View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantham. a drink in which other ingredients are mixed by stirring, mixed beverage (usually parched barley-meal stirred round in milk;but also applied to a particular medicinal preparation) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantham. a spoon for stirring View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantham. a churning-stick View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantham. a kind of antelope View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantham. the sun or a sun-ray View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantham. a particular disease of the eye, excretion of rheum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manthan. an instrument for kindling fire, by friction View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Macdonell Search
1 result
mantha m. churning; killing; mixed beverage (gnly. milk with parched barley meal); stirring-spoon; churning-stick; in strument for kindling fire by attrition: (a) danda: -ka, m. churning-stick.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
1 result1 result
mantha In the Rigveda and later denotes a drink in which solid ingredients are mixed with a fluid by stirring, usually parched barley-meal (Saktu) with milk. All sorts of mixed beverages of this type are mentioned in the śāñkhāyana Araṇyaka.
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result1 result4 results
mantha darbha sapatnān me AVś.19.29.5a; AVP.12.22.5a.
mantha me dviṣato maṇe AVś.19.29.5d; AVP.12.22.5d.
mantha me pṛtanāyataḥ AVś.19.29.5b; AVP.12.22.5b.
mantha me sarvān durhārdaḥ AVś.19.29.5c; AVP.12.22.5c.
1 result
mantha noun (masculine) a churning-stick (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a drink in which other ingredients are mixed by stirring (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of antelope (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a particular disease of the eye (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a spoon for stirring (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
agitating (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
churning (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
excretion of rheum (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
killing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mixed beverage (usually parched barley-meal stirred round in milk) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
shaking about (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
slaying (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
stirring round (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the sun or a sun-ray (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5177/72933


cold infusion, demulcent drink; churned drink; powder of yava treated with ghee and then added cold water.

Parse Time: 1.198s Search Word: mantha" Input Encoding: IAST IAST: mantha