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"manas" has 4 results
manas: neuter nominative singular stem: manas
manas: neuter accusative singular stem: manas
manas: neuter vocative singular stem: manas
manas: masculine vocative singular stem: manas
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Results for manas
manasn. mind (in its widest sense as applied to all the mental powers), intellect, intelligence, understanding, perception, sense, conscience, will etc. etc. (in philosophy the internal organ or antaḥ-karaṇa-of perception and cognition, the faculty or instrument through which thoughts enter or by which objects of sense affect the soul ;in this sense manas-is always regarded as distinct from ātman-and puruṣa-,"spirit or soul"and belonging only to the body, like which it is - except in the nyāya- - considered perishable;as to its position in the various systemsSee for nyāya- and vaiśeṣika- , for sāṃkhya- and vedānta- ;in it is sometimes joined with hṛd-or hṛdaya-,the heart cakṣus-,the eye) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasn. the spirit or spiritual principle, the breath or living soul which escapes from the body at death (called asu-in animals; see above ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasn. thought, imagination, excogitation, invention, reflection, opinion, intention, inclination, affection, desire, mood, temper, spirit (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' after a verbal noun or an infinitive mood stem in tu-= having a mind or wishing to; see draṣṭu-m-etc.; manaḥ- kṛ-,to make up one's mind;with genitive case,to feel inclination for; manaḥ- kṛ-, pra-kṛ-, dhā-,vi- dhā-, dhṛ-, bandh-and Causal of ni-viś-with locative case dative case accusative with prati-,or infinitive mood,to direct the mind or thoughts towards, think of or upon; manaḥ-with sam-ā-dhā-,to recover the senses, collect one's self;with han-See mano-hatya-; manasā m/anasā- the mind;in thought or imagination;with all the heart, willingly;with genitive case,by the leave of;with iva- equals seva-,as with a thought, in a moment;with man-,to think in one's mind, be willing or inclined;with saṃ-gam-,to become unanimous, agree; manasi-with kṛ-,to bear or ponder in the mind, meditate on, remember;with ni-dhā-,to impress on the mind, consider;with vṛt-,to be passing in one's mind)
manasn. Name of the 26th kalpa- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasn. of the lake mānasa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasn. manaso dohaḥ- Name of a sāman- [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin miner-va.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasam. Name of a ṛṣi- () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasāf. See 1. manasā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasan. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',with f(ā-).) equals manas-, mind, heart View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasāf. Name of a particular goddess (described as consisting of a particle of prakṛti- and as daughter of kaśyapa-. sister of the serpent-king ananta-, wife of the muni- jarat-kāru-, mother of the muni- āstīka- and protectress of men from the venom of serpents; see viṣa-harī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasāf. of a kiṃ-narī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasā instrumental case of manas-, in compound View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasāind. manas
manasādattā f. (prob.) Name of women View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasādevīf. the goddess manasā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasāguptāf. (prob.) Name of a woman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasājñāyin(-) mfn. perceiving with the soul or intellectually , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasāpañcamīf. the 5th day in the dark half of the month āṣāḍha- (when there is a festival in honour of the goddess manasā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasārāmam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasāsaṃgatāf. (prob.) Name of women View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasaspatim. the lord or presiding genius of the mental powers and life of men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasi locative case of manas-, in compound View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasijam. "heart-born", love or the god of love View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasijam. the moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasijabṛsīf. the moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasijatarum. love conceived as a tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasikāram. taking to heart View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasimandamfn. slow or inert in love View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasimandarujf. pain of love View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasinmfn. having a mind or soul, having intellect View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasiśayam. "lying in the heart" equals -ja- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manaskan. diminutive of manas- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manaskan. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals manas- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manaskan. see gata-m-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manaskāntamfn. dear to the heart pleasant, agreeable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manaskāram. consciousness (especially of pleasure or pain) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manaskāram. attention of the mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manaskāram. devotion (See next) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manaskāravidhim. performance of devotion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasketam. mental perception or conception, idea, notion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasmayamf(ī-)n. spiritual (as opp. to,"material") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manaspāpan. mental sin, a sin committed only in mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manastālam. Name of the lion on which durgā- is carried View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manastāpam. "burning of the mind", mental pain, anguish, repentance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manastejas(m/anas--) mfn. endowed with vigour of mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manastokāf. Name of durgā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manastuṣṭif. satisfaction of mind, heart's content View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manastvan. intellectual state, the state or condition of mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvatmfn. (m/anas--) full of sense or spirit View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvatmfn. containing the word manas-, TS View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvatīf. (atī-) wrong reading for /anas-vatī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasviin compound for -vin- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvigarhitamfn. censured by the wise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvinmfn. full of mind or sense, intelligent, clever, wise etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvinmfn. in high spirits, cheerful, glad (a-man-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvinmfn. fixing the mind attentive View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvinm. the fabulous animal called śarabha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvinm. Name of a nāga- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvinm. of a son of devala- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvinm. Momordica Mixta View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvinm. Name of the mother of the moon (see manasija-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvinm. of durga- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvinm. of the wife of mṛkaṇḍu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvinīf. a virtuous wife View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvipraśaṃsāf. praise of the wise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvitāf. intelligence, high-mindedness, magnanimity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvitāf. hope, expectation, dependance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvitaramfn. wiser, cleverer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasyaNom. P. A1. sy/ati-, te- (gaRa kaṇḍv-ādi-), to have in mind, intend ; to think, reflect View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasyumfn. (prob.) wishing, desiring View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasyum. Name of a prince (son of pravīra-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasyum. of a son of mahānta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhimanasmfn. "having the mind directed towards", desirous of, longing for (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhimanasyaNom. A1. (Opt. -manasy/eta-) "to have the mind directed towards", be pleased with, like View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
acittamanas(/acitta--) m. Name of two ṛṣi-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
acyutamanas(/acyuta--) m. Name of two maharṣi-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ahitamanasmfn. not friendly-minded, inimical. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
alaṃmanasmfn. satisfied in mind (see ar/amaṇas- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order /aram-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amanasn. non-perception, want of perception View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amanasmfn. without perception or intellect View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amanasmfn. silly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āmanasmfn. friendly disposed, kind, favourable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amanaskamfn. without perception or intellect View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amanaskamfn. silly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amanaskamfn. not well-disposed, low-spirited View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āmanasyaand āmānasya- n. (fr. a-manas-), pain, suffering View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ananyamanas mfn. exercising undivided attention. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ananyamanaska mfn. exercising undivided attention. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antargatamanasmfn. whose mind is turned inwards, engaged in deep thought, sad, perplexed. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
antarmanasmfn. sad, perplexed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anyamanas mfn. whose mind is fixed on something else, absent, versatile View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anyamanasmfn. having another mind in one's self, possessed by a demon. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anyamanaskamfn. whose mind is fixed on something else, absent, versatile View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anyamanaskamfn. having another mind in one's self, possessed by a demon. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anyatramanas(any/atra--) mfn. having the mind directed to something else, inattentive View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arthamanasmfn. having an aim in view View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āsaktamanasmfn. having the mind deeply engaged in or fixed upon (any object), intent on, devoted to, absorbed in. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āttamanas mfn. whose mind is transported (with joy) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āttamanaskamfn. whose mind is transported (with joy) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avimanasmfn. not absent in mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avimanasnot dejected, in good spirits, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aviṣayamanasmfn. one whose mind is not turned to the objects of sense View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahirmanasmfn. being outside the mind, external View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahirmanaskamfn. out of mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhadramanasf. Name of the mother of the elephant airāvata- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhagnamanasmfn. "broken-hearted", discouraged, disappointed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavyamanasmfn. well-meaning, benevolent, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bodhanmanas varia lectio for bodhīn-m-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bodhinmanasmfn. (according to fr. bodhit-m-) one whose mind is awake, watchful, attentive View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bṛhanmanasm. Name of a grandson of brahmā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bṛhanmanasm. of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
candramanasm. one of the ten horses of the moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cikitvinmanasmfn. attentive, ["knowing all hearts" ] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cikitvinmanasmfn. well-considered, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
citramanasm. Name of a horse of the moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daurmanasāyanam. patronymic fr. dur-manas- gaRa aśvādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daurmanasyan. dejectedness, melancholy, despair View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devasumanasn. "divine flower", a species of flower View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dharmābhimanasmfn. directing the mind to virtue or religion, virtuous View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhṛṣanmanasmfn. bold-minded View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dīnamanas mfn. equals -citta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dīrghotkaṇṭhamanasmfn. having the heart full of an old longing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
draṣṭumanasmfn. having a mind to see, wishing to see View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durmanasn. bad disposition, perversity of mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durmanasmfn. ([ see ]) in bad or low spirits, sad, melancholy etc. ( durmanastā -- f.sadness Scholiast or Commentator) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durmanasmfn. Name of a man (see daur-manasāyana-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durmanaskamfn. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durmanasmanasmfn. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durmanasf. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durmanasf. durmanas
ekāgramanasmfn. fixing one's mind on one object, closely attentive View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekamanasmfn. fixing the mind upon one object, concentrated, attentive etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ekamanasmfn. unanimous View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gatamanas(t/a--) mfn. equals -jīva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gatamanaskamfn. thinking of (locative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
glānamanasmfn. one whose mind feels aversion or dislike View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gūrtamanas(t/a--) mfn. with grateful mind ("with prepared mind"), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hantumanasmfn. intending to kill View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hṛṣṭamanas() mfn. equals -citta-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ihamanasmfn. having the mind turned hither, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jitamanas(--) mfn. one who has subdued his heart () . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
klāntamanasmfn. languid, low-spirited View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣuṇṇamanasmfn. contrite in heart, penitent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kumanas(k/u--) mfn. displeased, angry View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasSee sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasmfn. (1. ku-) Ved. wicked-minded View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuṇṭhamanasmfn. weak-minded View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuṭilamanasmfn. idem or 'mfn. crooked-minded, deceitful ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
labdhapraśamanasvasthamfn. at ease by (reason of) the securing or secure possession of acquisitions View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
laghumanasmfn. equals -citta- above View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāmanasmfn. (mah/ā--) great-minded, high-minded, magnanimous arrogant-minded, proud, haughty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāmanasm. the fabulous animal śarabha- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāmanasm. Name of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāmanaskamfn. equals -manas- mfn. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāmanasvinm. a particular samādhi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
malinamanasmfn. having a foul mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasāyatim. patronymic (?)
manmanasamf(ā-)n. thinking of me View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
matsaramanasmfn. of envious disposition, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mlānamanasmfn. depressed in mind, dispirited View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛtamanas(mṛt/a--) mfn. unconscious, insensible View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mūḍhamanas() mfn. equals -dhī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nānāmanas(n/ānā--) mfn. of various minds View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nātipramanasmfn. not in very good spirits View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirmanaskamfn. mindless, having no manas- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirmanaskatāf. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirṇiktamanasmfn. pure-hearted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirudvignamanasmfn. undisturbed in mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
palāyanamanasmfn. thinking of flight View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāpapraśamanastavam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parākṣiptamanasmfn. having the mind carried away or enraptured View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parāṅmanas(p/ar-) mfn. having the mind or thoughts directed backwards View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
phutkartumanasmfn. wishing to make a derisory noise, intending to cry aloud View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pragalbhamanasmfn. resolute-minded (a--) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prahṛṣṭamanasmfn. idem or 'mfn. delighted at heart, exceedingly glad. ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pramanasmfn. careful, tender View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pramanasmfn. pleased, cheerful, willing (see pra-maṇas-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prītamanas() mfn. pleased or gratified in mind. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prītimanasmfn. joyous-minded, pleased in mind, content View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prītimanasmfn. kind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
purumanasmfn. (formed for the explanation of 2. puṃs-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rajoviriktamanasmfn. one whose mind is free from passion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rantumanasmfn. inclined to take pleasure, wishing to enjoy sexual intercourse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rātamanas(rāt/a--) mfn. ready-minded, willing to (dative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raudramanas(r/audra--) mfn. savage-minded, fierce View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṛṣimanasmfn. of far-seeing or enlightened mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahamanasmfn. with intelligence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samāhitamanasmfn. having the mind absorbed in (anything) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanasmfn. being of the same mind, unanimous View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanasmfn. endowed with understanding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanaskamfn. unanimous View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sambhrāntamanasmfn. bewildered in mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃhṛṣṭamanasmfn. delighted in mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sammanasmfn. unanimous View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāmmanasyan. (fr. sam-manas-) concord, harmony View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāmmanasyan. plural charms to secure harmony View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samprahṛṣṭamanasmfn. overjoyed in heart View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃsaktamanasmfn. having the mind attached or fixed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃtaptapyamānamanasmfn. one whose mind is in a state of torture View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvibhāgamanasmfn. disposed to share with others View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaṅkitamanasmfn. fainthearted, timid, apprehensive View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntamanasmfn. composed in mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasamf(ī-)n. (fr. su-manas-) coming from or consisting of flowers, floral, flowery
saumanasamf(ī-)n. agreeable to the feelings, pleasing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasam. cheerfulness, enjoyment, comfort View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasam. Name of the eighth day of the civil month (equals karma-māsa-), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasam. of the elephant of the western quarter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasam. of a mountain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasāf. the outer skin of the nutmeg View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasam. Name of a river View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasan. benevolence, kindness, favour View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasan. pleasure, satisfaction View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasan. the nutmeg (see ī- f.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasan. Name of a peak of a mountain (Bombay edition) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasāyanam. patronymic fr. su-manas- gaRa aśvādi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasāyanīf. the outer skin of the nutmeg (yinī- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasīf. Name of the fifth night in the civil month. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasyamfn. causing gladness or cheerfulness of mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasyam. Name of a son of yajñabāhu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasyan. satisfaction of mind, gladness, cheerfulness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasyan. right understanding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasyan. an offering of flowers placed in the hands of the priest at a śrāddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasyan. Name of a varṣa- in plakṣa-dvīpa- (ruled by saumanasya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasyavatmfn. cheerful, glad View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saumanasyāyanīf. the blossom of the mālatī- or great-flowering jasmine View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sitamanasmfn. pure-hearted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śmaśānasumanasn. a flower from a burning-grounds View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śraddhāmanas(śraddh/ā--) mfn. truehearted, faithful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śraddhāmanasind. (instrumental case) faithfully View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrāntamanas() mfn. wearied or distressed in mind. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrīmanas(śr/ī--) mfn. (prob.) well-disposed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sthiramanasmfn. firm-minded, steadfast View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sudurmanasmfn. very dispirited or troubled in mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumahāmanasmfn. vigour high-minded View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumanasmfn. good-minded, well-disposed, benevolent, gracious, favourable, pleasant, agreeable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumanasmfn. well pleased, satisfied, cheerful, easy, comfortable etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumanasmfn. wise, intelligent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumanasm. a god (see -manokasa-below) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumanasmfn. a good or wise man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumanasmfn. Name of various plants (according to to "wheat, a kind of karañja-, Azadirachta Indica, Guilandina Bonduc") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumanasmfn. Name of a dānava- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumanasmfn. of a son of uru- and āgneyī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumanasmfn. of a son of ulmuka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumanasmfn. of a son of hary-aśva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumanasmfn. of various other men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumanasmfn. (plural) Name of a particular class of gods under the 12th manu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumanasf. (plural or in compound) flowers etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumanasf. great-flowering jasmine View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumanasf. Name of the wife of madhu- and mother of vīra-vrata- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumanasf. of various other women View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumanasn. a flower View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumanaskamfn. in good spirits, cheerful, happy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumanaskan. (prob.) Name of a pleasure-grove View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumanasyaNom. A1. y/ate- (only pr. p. y/amāna-), to be kind or gracious or favourable ; to be in good spirits or cheerful or comfortable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śūnyamanasmfn. equals -citta-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
susthitamanasmfn. being in a happy frame of mind, contented View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sutemanasm. Name of a preceptor (having the patronymic śāṇḍilyāyana-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tanmanasmfn. absorbed in mind by that View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatracakṣurmanasmfn. directing one's eyes and mind on him View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uddhatamanasmfn. high minded View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uddhatamanasmfn. haughty, proud View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uddhatamanaskamfn. idem or 'mfn. haughty, proud ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uddhatamanaskatvan. pride, arrogance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
udvignamanas mfn. having the mind or soul agitated by fright, depressed in mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
udvignamanasmfn. sorrowful, anxious, distressed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
unmanasmfn. (ud-ma-) excited or disturbed in mind, perplexed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
unmanasmfn. longing or wishing for, eagerly desirous View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
unmanasm. (with śākta-s) one of the seven ullāsa-s or mystical degrees. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
unmanaskamfn. disturbed, perplexed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
unmanaskatāf. perplexedness (varia lectio) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
utsiktamanasmfn. of disordered mind, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāgmanasaSee vāṅ-m-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaimanasyan. (fr. vi-manas-) dejection, depression, melancholy (also plural) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaimanasyan. sickness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvamanasan. (fr. viśva-manas-) Name of a sāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiśvāmanasa(see vaitva-m-), Name of various sāman-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaktumanasmfn. having a mind to speak, being about to speak View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manastāvam. Name of a chapter of the harivaṃśa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasūktan. Name of a particular Vedic hymn View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasūtravṛttif. equals kāvyālaṃkāra-vṛtti-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasvāminm. Name of a poet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāṅmanasn. dual number ( ) (sg.[ ]or in compound [ ]or dual number [ ]) speech and mind. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāṅmanasan. (sg.[ ]or in compound [ ]or dual number [ ]) speech and mind. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vasumanasm. Name of a king of kosala- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vasumanasm. (with rauhidaśva-) Name of the author of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vibhrāntamanasmfn. bewildered or confused in mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vibhūtamanasmfn. (used to explain vi-manas-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimanas(v/i--) mfn. having a keen or penetrating mind or understanding, sagacious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimanasmfn. destitute of mind, foolish, silly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimanasmfn. out of one's mind or senses, discomposed, perplexed, dejected, downcast, heart-broken etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimanasmfn. changed in mind or feeling, averse, hostile View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimanasm. Name of the author of a hymn (varia lectio for viśva-manas- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimanas1. 2. vi-manas-, vi-manthara-, vimanyu- etc. See . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vimanaskamfn. perplexed in mind, distressed, disconsolate View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vinihitamanasmfn. one who has the mind fixed upon, intent upon, devoted to View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vipramanasmfn. dejected, low-spirited (Bombay edition tipramanaso-for te vipr-; see tipr-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣaṇṇamanasmfn. equals -cetas- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣayāsaktamanasmfn. one whose mind is devoted to the world View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśuddhamanas() mfn. pure-minded View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvamanasmfn. (viśv/a--) perceiving everything View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvamanasm. Name of the author of the hymns View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvātmanasind. (knowing any one) in his whole nature, thoroughly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyagramanasmfn. perplexed or bewildered in mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyākṣiptamanasmfn. having the mind or heart carried away or captivated or distracted. () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyākulamanasmfn. (equals -citta-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyākulitamanasmfn. agitated or perplexed in mind, alarmed, bewildered, frightened. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yajñamanasmfn. intent on sacrifice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāmanasamind. to the heart's content View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yuktamanas(yukt/a--) mfn. fixing the mind, ready-minded, attentive View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
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manas मनस् n. [मन्यते$नेन मन् करणे असुन्] 1 The mind, heart, understanding, perception, intelligence; as in सुमनस्, दुमर्नस् &c. -2 (In phil.) The mind or internal organ of perception and cognition, the instrument by which objects of sense affect the soul; (in Nyāya phil. मनस् is regarded as a Dravya or substance, and is distinct from आत्मन् or the soul); तदेव सुखदुःखाद्युपलब्धि- साधनमिन्द्रियं प्रतिजीवं भिन्नमणु नित्यं च Tarka K. -3 Conscience, the faculty of discrimination or judgment. -4 Thought, idea, fancy, imagination, conception; पश्यन्न- दूरान्मनसाप्यधृष्यम् Ku.3.51; R.2.27; कायेन वाचा मनसापि शश्वत् 5.5; मनसापि न विप्रियं मया (कृतपूर्वम्) 8.52. -5 Design, purpose, intention. -6 Will, wish, desire, inclination; in this sense मनस् is frequently used with the infinitive form with the final म् dropped, and forms adjectives; अयं जनः प्रष्टुमनास्तपोधने Ku.5.4; cf. काम. -7 Reflection (ध्यान); मनसा जपैः प्रणतिभिः प्रयतः समुपेयिवानधिपतिं स दिवः Ki.6.22. -8 Disposition, temper, mood. -9 Spirit, energy, mettle; मनोवीर्यवरोत्सिक्तमसृण्यमकुतोभयम् Bhag.3. 17.22. -1 N. of the lake called Mānasa. -11 Breath or living soul. -12 Desire, longing after. (मनसा गम् &c. to think of, contemplate, remember; जगाम मनसा रामं धर्मज्ञो धर्मकाङ्क्षया Rām.2.82.9; (अगमत्) मनसा कार्यसंसिद्धौ त्वरादिगुणरंहसा Ku.2.63; मनः कृ to fix the mind upon, direct the thoughts towards, with dat. or loc.; मनो बन्ध् to fix the heart or affection upon; (अभिलाषे) मनो बबन्धान्यरसान् विलङ्ध्य सा R.3.4; मनः समाधा to collect oneself; मनसि उद्भू to cross the mind; मनसि कृ to think, to bear in mind; to resolve, determine, think of.) N. B. In comp. मनस् is changed to मनो before अ and soft consonants, as मनो$नुग, मनोज्ञ, मनोहर &c.). -Comp. -अधिनाथः a lover, husband. -अनवस्थानम् inattention. -अनुग a. suiting the mind, agreeable; ततस्तदग्ऱ्यं वचनं मनोनुगं समस्तमाज्ञाय ततो हि हेतुमत् Mb.12.167.49; Rām.7.72.18. -अप- हारिन् a. captivating the heart. -अभिनिवेशः close application of mind, firmness of purpose, -अभिराम a. pleasing the mind, gratifying to the heart; मनोभिरामाः (केकाः) R.1.39. -अभिलाषः the desire or longing of the heart. -आप a. gaining the heart, attractive, pleasing. -कान्त a. (मनस्कान्त or मनःकान्त) dear to the mind, pleasant, agreeable. -कारः perfect perception, full consciousness (of pleasure or pain), mental concentration, resolution; भवन्मनस्कारलवोद्गमेन क्रमेलकानां निलयः पुरेव N.14.84. (cf. मनसः ऐकाग्ऱ्यकरणं मनस्कारः Nārayaṇa com. on N.) दिदृक्षादत्तदृष्टीनां मनस्कारमनीषयोः । सप्रीतिरससन्तोषं दिशन्तौ देहकान्तितः ॥ Yādavābhyudaya 1.9. -क्षेपः (मनःक्षेपः) distraction of the mind, mental confusion. -गत a. 1 existing or passing in the mind, concealed in the breast, internal, inward, secret; नेयं न वक्ष्यति मनोगतमाधिहेतुम् Ś.3. 11. -2 affecting the mind, desired. (-तम्) 1 a wish, desire; मनोगतं सा न शशाक शंसितुम् Ku.5.51. -2 an idea, thought, notion, opinion. -गतिः f. desire of the heart. -गवी wish, desire. -गुप्त a. hidden in the mind, thought secretly. (-प्ता) red arsenic. -ग्रहणम् captivating the mind. -ग्रहिन् a. captivating or fascinating the mind. -ग्राह्य a. to be grasped by the mind. -ह्यम् the pleasures of sense; यो वृणीते मनोग्राह्यमसत्त्वात् कुमनीष्यसौ Bhāg.1. 48.11. -ग्लानिः depression of mind. -ज, -जन्मन् a. mindborn. (-m.) the god of love. -जल्पः imagination. -जव a. 1 quick or swift as thought; मनोजवं मारुततुल्यवेगम् Rāma-rakṣā Stotra 33. -2 quick in thought or conception. -3 fatherly, paternal. -जवस a. resembling a father, fatherly. -जवा 1 N. of one of the tongues of Agni. -2 N. of one of the शक्तिs of Durgā 'काली कराली च मनोजवा च' Śruti. -जात a. mind-born, arisen or produced in the mind. -जिघ्र a. scenting out, i. e. guessing the thoughts. -ज्ञ a. pleasing, lovely, agreeable, beautiful, charming; इयमधिकमनोज्ञा वल्कलेनापि तन्वी Ś.1.2; R.3.7; 6.1. (-ज्ञः) N. of a Gandharva. (-ज्ञा) 1 red arsenic. -2 an intoxicating drink. -3 a princess. -तापः, -पीडा 1 mental pain or agony, anguish. -तालः the lion of Durgā. -तुष्टिः f. satisfaction of the mind. -तोका an epithet of Durgā. -दण्डः complete control over the mind or thoughts; Ms.12.1; cf. त्रिदण्डिन्. -दत्त a. devoted in thought, mentally dedicated. -दाहः, -दुःखम् mental distress or torment. -दाहिन् the god of love. -दुष्ट a. depraved in mind; रजसा स्त्री मनोदुष्टा संन्यासेन द्विजोत्तम (शुद्ध्यति) Ms.5.18. -धारणम् conciliating the favour of. -नाशः loss of the mind or understanding, dementedness. -नीत a. approved, chosen. -पतिः (-मनःपतिः) an epithet of Viṣṇu. -पर्यायः (with Jainas) N. of the last but one stage in the perception of truth. -पूत a. (मनःपूत) 1 considered pure by the mind, approved by one's conscience; मनःपूतं समाचरेत् Ms.6.46. -2 of a pure mind, conscientious. -प्रणीत a. (मनःप्रणीत) agreeable or pleasing to the mind. -प्रसादः (मनः- प्रसादः) composure of mind, mental calm. -प्रिय a. dear to the heart. -यः cinammon (Mar. दालचिनी). -प्रीतिः f. (मनःप्रीतिः) mental satisfaction, joy, delight. -भव a. mind-born, created by fancy; दृश्यमाना विनार्थेन न दृश्यन्ते मनोभवाः Bhāg. -भवः, -भूः 1 the god of love, Cupid; रे रे मनो मम मनोभवशासनस्य पादाम्बुजद्वयमनारतमानमन्तम् Bv.4.32; Ku.3.27; R.7.22; श्यामा शुशुभे शशिना तया मनोभूः Kalāvilāsa. -2 love, passion, lust; अत्यारूढो हि नारीणामकालज्ञो मनोभवः R.12.33. -मथनः the god of love. -मय see separately. -यायिन् a. 1 going at will or pleasure. -2 swift, quick as thought; उत्पत्य खं दशग्रीवो मनोयायी शितास्त्रभृत् Bk.5.3. -3 keen desire; अहं हि तस्याद्य मनोभवेन संपीडिता तद्गतसर्वभावा Rām.5.32.12. -योगः close application of the mind, close attention. -योनिः the god of love. -रञ्जनम् 1 pleasing the mind. -2 pleasantness. -रथः 1 'the car of the mind', a wish, desire; अवतरतः सिद्धिपथं शब्दः स्वमनोरथस्येव M.1.22; मनोरथानामगतिर्न विद्यते Ku.5.64; R.2.72;12.59; उत्पद्यन्ते विलीयन्ते दरिद्राणां मनोरथाः Udb.; आशा नाम नदी मनोरथजला Bh.3.45. -2 a desired object; मनोरथाय नाशंसे Ś.7.13. -3 (in dramas) a hint, a wish expressed indirectly or covertly. ˚तृतीया N. of the third day in the bright half of Chaitra. ˚दायक a. fulfilling one's expectations. (-कः) N. of a Kalpa-taru. ˚द्रुमः the god of love. ˚बन्धः cherishing or entertaining of desire. ˚बन्धुः the friend of (who satisfies) desires; तस्या भवानपि मनोरथबन्धबन्धुः Māl.1.34. ˚सिद्धिः f. fulfilment of one's desires. ˚सृष्टिः f. a creation of the fancy, a castle in the air. -रम a. attractive, pleasing, agreeable, lovely, beautiful; अरुण- नखमनोरमासु तस्याः (अङ्गुलीषु) Ś.6.11; पुरस्ताद्विमले पात्रे सुविस्तीर्णे मनोरमे Suśruta. (-मा) 1 a lovely woman. -2 a kind of pigment. -रागः affection, passion (of the heart). -राज्यम् 'kingdom of the fancy', a castle in the air; मनोराज्यविजृम्भणमेतत् 'this is building castles in the air'. -रुज् f. pain or grief of the heart. -लयः loss of consciousness. -लौल्यम् freak, caprice. -वल्लभा a beloved woman. -वहा N. of a particular artery; ('अश्वत्थपत्रनाडीव द्विसप्ततिशताधिका । नाडी मनोवहेत्युक्तं योगशास्त्र- विशारदैः'); मध्ये च हृदयस्यैका शिरा तत्र मनोवहा । शुकं संकल्पजं नॄणां सर्वगात्रैर्विमुञ्चति ॥ Mb.12.214.19. -वाक्कर्मन् n. pl. thoughts, words and deeds. -वाञ्छा, -वाञ्छितम् a wish of the heart, a desire, -विकारः, -विकृतिः f. emotion of the mind. -विनयनम् mental discipline. -विरुद्ध a. 1 incomprehensible. -2 against the dictates of mind or conscience. -वृत्तिः f. 1 working of the mind, volition. -2 disposition, temper. -वेगः quickness of thought. -व्यथा mental pain or anguish. -शल्य a. rankling in the mind; (बाहुः) कुबेरस्य मनःशल्यं शंसतीव पराभवम् Ku.2.22. -शिलः, -ला red arsenic; मनःशिला- विच्छुरिता निषेदुः Ku.1.55; R.12.8; टङ्कैर्मनःशिलगुहैरवदीर्य- माणा Mk.; गन्धाश्मानं मनःशिलाम् Śiva B.3.19; मनःशिला- पङ्कलिखितेन च विद्योतितललाटपट्टाम् K. -शीघ्र a. quick as thought. -संकल्पः desire of the heart. -संगः attachment of the mind (to anything). -संचेतनाहारः (with Buddhists) one of the four kinds of food (in a material and spiritual senses) -संतापः anguish of the mind. -समृद्धिः heart's content; Bhāg. -संवरः coercion of mind. -सुख a. agreeable to the mind. -स्थ a. being in the heart, mental. -स्थैर्यम् firmness of mind. -हत a. disappointed. -हर a. pleasing, charming, attractive, fascinating, lovely; अव्याजमनोहरं वपुः Ś.1.18; Ku.3.39; R.3.32. (-रः) a kind of jasmine. (-रम्) gold. -हर्तृ, -हारिन् a. heart-stealing, captivating, agreeable, pleasing; हितं मनोहारि च दुर्लभं वचः Ki.1.4; गाङ्गं वारि मनोहारि मुरारिचरणच्युतम् Gaṅgāṣṭaka by Vālmīki 7. -हारी an unchaste or unfaithful woman. -ह्लादः gladness of heart. -ह्वा red arsenic; मनःशिला मनोगुप्ता मनोह्वा नागजिह्विका Bhāva. P.
manasā मनसा N. of a daughter of Kaśyapa, sister of the serpent king, Ananta, wife of the sage जरत्कारु and mother of the sage अस्तिक; so मनसादेवी. -Comp. -पञ्चमी the fifth day in the dark half of Āṣāḍha.
manasija मनसिज a. [मनसि जायते जन्-ड अलुक्˚] Mind-born, mental. -जः 1 The god of love; मनसिजरुजं सा वा दिव्या ममालमपोहितुम् R.18. 52. -2 Love, passion; मनसिजरुजं सा वा दिव्या ममालमपोहितुम् V.3.1; समस्तापः कामं मनसिजनिदाघप्रसरयोः Ś.3.9. -3 The moon.
manasiśayaḥ मनसिशयः 1 The god of love; मनसिशयमहास्त्रमन्यथामी न कुसुमपञ्चकमप्यलं विसोढुम् Śi.7.2. -2 The moon.
manastaḥ मनस्तः ind. From the mind or heart; R.14.84.
manasvin मनस्विन् a. [प्रशस्तं मनः अस्त्यस्य विनि] 1 Wise, intelligent, clever, high-souled, high-minded; तया मेने मनस्विन्या लक्ष्म्या च वसुधाधिपः R.1.32; Pt.2.12; विपक्त्रिमज्ञानगति- र्मनस्वी Bk.1.1. -2 Attentive. -3 Steady-minded, resolute, determined; Ku.5.6; मनस्वी कार्यार्थी न गणयति दुःखं न च सुखम् Bh.2.81. -m. The fabulous animal called Śarabha. -नी 1 A high-minded or proud woman; मनस्विनीमानविघातदक्षम् Ku.3.32; M.1.2; V.3.5. -2 A wise or virtuous woman. -3 N. of Durgā. -4 N. of the mother of the moon.
manasvitā मनस्विता 1 Intelligence. -2 Magnanimity, highmindedness. -3 Hope, expectation.
manasyati मनस्यति Den. P. 1 To intend, design. -2 To think, reflect.
abhimanas अभिमनस् a. 1 Intent on, desirous of; युद्धाभिमनसः सर्वे Rām.5.42.26. -2 anxious, longing for; भवतो$भिमनाः समीहते सरुषः कर्तुमुपेत्य माननाम् Śi.16.2 (where अ˚ also means undaunted, of fearless mind.
amanas अमनस् अमनस्क a. 1 Without the organ of desire, thought &c. -2 Devoid of intellect (as a child). -3 Inattentive, careless. -4 Having no control over the mind. -5 Devoid of affection. n. (-नः) 1 Not the organ of desire, non-perception. -2 Inattention. m. The Supreme Being. -Comp. -गत a. Unknown, unthought of. -नीत, -ज्ञ a. Disapproved, condemned; reprobate. -योगः Absence of concentration of mind, inattention. -हर a. displeasing, disagreeable.
amanasvin अमनस्विन् a. 1 Unintelligent. -2 Inhuman (as a demon).
unmanas उन्मनस् नस्क a. [उद्भ्रान्तं मनो$स्य] 1 Excited or disturbed in mind, perplexed, agitated, uneasy; उन्मनाः प्रथमजन्मचेष्टितान्यस्मरन्नपि बभूव राघवः R.11.22; Ki.14. 45. -2 Regretting, repining for a lost or departed friend. -3 Anxious, eager, impatient; गन्तुं पावकमुन्मनस्त- दभवत् Bh.2.75. -4 Proud (मनस्विन्); मुदमायातु नितान्तमुन्मनाः Śi.16.3 (where it also means "anxious").
daurmanasyam दौर्मनस्यम् 1 Evil disposition. -2 Mental pain, affliction, dejection, sorrow. -3 Despair; तेषां कृते मे विश्वासो दौर्मनस्यं च जायते Devi Bhāg.
draṣṭumanas द्रष्टुमनस् a. Wishing to see; मरुतां द्रष्टुमनाः सलोकपालः V.2.18.
pramanas प्रमनस् a. 1 (Vedic) Careful, tender. -2 Delighted, happy, cheerful, in good spirits; नृपस्य नातिप्रमनाः सदोगृहं सुदक्षिणासूनुरपि न्यवर्तत R.3.67.
vaktumanas वक्तुमनस् a. Being about to speak.
vimanas विमनस् विमनस्क a. 1 Sad, disconsolate, depressed in mind or spirits, sorry, discomposed; शिबिस्तथैवा- विमना महित्वा कपालमभ्युद्धार्य भोक्तुमैच्छत् Mb.3.198.22; देव्यास्ततो विमनसः परिसान्त्वनाय धर्मासनाद्विशति वासगृहं नरेन्द्रः U.1.7. -2 Absent-minded. -3 Perplexed, bewildered. -4 Displeased. -5 Changed in mind or feeling.
vaimanasyam वैमनस्यम् 1 Distraction of mind, mental depression, sorrow, sadness; Ś.6. -2 Sickness. वैमातृकः vaimātṛkḥ वैमात्रः vaimātrḥ वैमात्रकः vaimātrakḥ वैमात्रेयः vaimātrēyḥ वैमातृकः वैमात्रः वैमात्रकः वैमात्रेयः A stepmother's son; येन वैश्रवणो भ्राता वैमात्राः कारणान्तरे Rām.3.48.4. वैमात्रा vaimātrā वैमात्री vaimātrī वैमात्रेयी vaimātrēyī वैमात्रा वैमात्री वैमात्रेयी A stepmother's daughter.
saumanasa सौमनस a. (-सा or -सी f.) [सुमनस्-अण्] 1 Agreeable to the feelings, pleasing. -2 Relating to flowers, floral; मम न सौमनसौ मनसो मुदे Śi.6.12. -सम् 1 Kindliness of spirit, benevolence, kindness. -2 Pleasure, satisfaction. -3 The nutmeg.
saumanasā सौमनसा The outer skin of the nutmeg.
saumanasyam सौमनस्यम् 1 Satisfaction of mind, pleasure, delight; संतानश्रवणाद्भ्रातुः सौमित्रिः सौमनस्यवान् R.15.14;17.4; Pt. 5.97. -2 A particular offering of flowers made to a Brāhmaṇa at a Śrāddha. -3 A flower; रत्नोदधारौषधि- सौमनस्यवनस्रजो वेणुभुजाङ्घ्रिपाङ्घेः Bhāg.3.8.24. a. causing cheerfulness of mind; Bhāg.4.12.45.
saumanasyāyanī सौमनस्यायनी 1 The blossom of the Mālatī creeper. -2 The Mālatī creeper.
Macdonell Vedic Search
Results for manas4 results
manas mán-as, n. mind, x. 90, 13; 129, 4; 135, 3 [Av. manō, Gk. μένος].
manasvant mánas-vant, a. wise, ii. 12, 1.
sumanas su-mánas, a. (Bv.) cheerful, vii. 86, 2 [Av. hu-manah- ‘well-disposed’; cp. second part of εὐ-μενής].
saumanasa saumanas-á, n. good graces, iii. 59, 4; x. 14, 6 [su-mánas].
Macdonell Search
Results for manas21 results
manas n. mind (in its widest sense as the seat of intellectual operations and of emotions), internal organ; understanding, intellect; soul, heart; conscience; thought, conception; imagination; cogitation, reflexion; inclination, desire, will; mood, disposition; in the philosophical systems manas is regarded as distinct from soul (âtman), of which it is only the instrument, and is (except in the Nyâya) considered perishable:-kri, make up one's mind, resolve; fix one's heart or affections upon any one (g.); -kri, pra-kri, dhâ, vi-dhâ, dhri, bandh, and nivesaya, direct the thoughts to, think of (d., lc., prati, or inf.); -sam-â-dhâ, collect oneself; in.mánasâ, in the mind; in thought or imagination; with all one's heart, will ingly; by the leave of (g.); manasâ½iva, as with a thought, in a trice; manasâ man, think of in one's mind, -gam, go to in thought =imagine, remember, -sam-gam, become unanimous; manasi kri, bear or ponder in mind, -ni-dhâ, impress on the mind, trea sure in the heart; meditate, -vrit, be pass ing in one's mind; manas is often used --°ree; a. with an inf. in -tu=wishing or intend ing to (e. g. prashtu-manas, desirous of inquiring).
manasa n. (--°ree;)=manas.
manasija m. (born in the heart), love, passion; god of love; moon: -taru, m. tree of love, -rug, f. pain of love; -saya, m. (lying in the heart), love; god of love.
manaska a. (--°ree;) having one's mind or thoughts fixed on; -kânta, a. dear to the heart, pleasant, agreeable; -kâra, m. men tal operation; -ketá, m. mental image, con ception, thought; -tâpa, m.mental pain, dis tress of mind, anguish; repentance.
manasvat a. (V.) spirited.
manasvin a. (-î) intelligent, wise: (-vi)-tâ, f. intelligence, wisdom.
manasya den. (V.) have in one's mind; think.
atidurmanas a. very dejected.
amanaska a. foolish; not of good cheer.
amanas n. lack of intelligence; a. (ás) unintelligent; foolish.
avāṅmanasagocara a. being beyond the reach of speech or mind.
unmanas a. agitated, confused; eager to (inf.); -ka, id.: -tâ, f. abst. n.
kartumanas a. intending to do.
tatracakṣurmanas a. directing eyes and thoughts thither.
tanmanas a. absorbed therein; -maya, a. consisting thereof, full of, identi fied therewith: -tâ, f., -tva, n. identity with him, her, it, or that; -mâtra, a. only so much or little; atomic; n. trifle (ab. (angry) about a mere trifle); atom, rudimentary undifferen tiated, subtile element (from which a gross element is produced): -ka, n. only just so much; -mânin, a. passing for that; -mûla, a. based on that; occasioned thereby: -tva, n. condition of being the root thereof or of being based thereon.
daurmanasya n. dejection, sadness.
manmanasa a. thinking of me; -maya, a. full of me; -mâmsa, n. my flesh: -½arthin, a. eager for my flesh; -mukha, n. my mouth.
vaimanasya n. [vimanas] dejec tion, depression, melancholy.
samanas a. unanimous (V.); pos sessing intellectual power (P.).
sāṃmanasya n. [sam-manas] concord (AV.).
saumanasa a. (î) C.: derived from, consisting of, flowers (su-manas); n. graciousness, benevolence (RV.); gladsome ness, enjoyment (also less commonly m.; V.); -ya, n. gladness, cheerfulness; right under standing (rare); nosegay (P., rare): -vat, a. pleased, glad.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
Results for manas21 resultsResults for manas2 results
manasa Occurring in one passage of the Rigveda, seems clearly to be the name of a Rṣi, in accordance with Sāyaṇa's interpretation.
viśvamanas Is the name of a Rṣi mentioned in two passages of the Rigveda, and as a friend of Indra in the Pañcaviipśa Brāhmana. According to the Anukramaṇl (Index), he was a descendant of Vyaśva, and the author of certain hymns.
Bloomfield Vedic
Results for manas21 resultsResults for manas2 resultsResults for manas72 results
manas ta āpyāyatām VS.6.15; śB. P: manas te Kś.6.6.5.
manas ta ughnantu na ramāsā atra AVP.3.37.5d.
manas tanūṣu bibhrataḥ (LśṭB.; Apś.14.32.2b, piprataḥ) RV.10.57.6b; VS.3.56b; TB.;; Lś.3.2.10b; Apś.6.16.12b; 14.32.2b; Kauś.89.1b.
manas tiṣṭhatu jānatī RV.1.134.1e.
manas te mayi juhomy asau svāhā KBU.2.4.
manas te mayi dadhe KBU.2.15.
manas tvāṣṭu VS.7.3,6; TS.; 3.1;; MS.1.3.4: 31.10; 4.5.5: 70.20; KS.4.1 (bis); 27.1,2; śB.; 2.21; Apś.12.10.15.
manas tvā hāsyati Apś.10.2.11.
manasā kṛtaṃ manaḥ karoti manasa evedaṃ sarvaṃ yo mā kārayati tasmai svāhā BDh.3.4.2.
manasā te vācaṃ pratigṛṇāmi Apś.12.3.17.
manasā tvānvārohāmi MS.2.7.16: 99.4; KS.39.3; Apś.16.23.10.
manasā tvā bhakṣayāmi KB.12.5; śś.6.18.14.
manasā tvopatiṣṭhe śś.2.13.2.
manasā durvicintitam MahānU.4.7b; BDh.3.6.5b; ViDh.48.19b.
manasā putram ichantī AVś.11.9.8b.
manasā mā bhūtenāviśa TS.; 10.5; KS.4.14; 31.15; Mś.
manasā me mano dīkṣatāṃ svāhā Apś.10.8.7. See next, and mano me manasā.
manasā me mano dīkṣatāṃ prajāpataye samaṣṭavā u JB.2.65; Apś.10.10.6. See under prec.
manasā yat praṇītaṃ ca MG.2.13.6c.
manasā vācā hastābhyām TA.10.24.1b; 25.1b; MahānU.14.3b,4b.
manasā vā ye 'vadann ṛtāni AVś.7.1.1b; śś.15.3.7b.
manasā vidvān haviṣā juhomi AVP.4.11.5c.
manasā saṃ kalpayati AVś.12.4.31a; śB.
manasā savitādadāt RV.10.85.9d; AVś.14.1.9d.
manasā hṛdayena ca AVś.3.20.9d; AVP.3.34.10d; 7.9.3b; SMB.2.2.8b.
manasā homair harasā ghṛtena AVś.6.93.2a.
manasāgnibhyaḥ prahiṇomi bhakṣam Apś.5.25.20a.
manasaḥ kāmam ākūtim RVKh.5.87.10a; VS.39.4a; śB.; Kś.26.7.49. P: manasaḥ kāmam Rvidh.2.18.5. See next.
manasaḥ saṃbhṛtaṃ cakṣuṣo vā KS.40.13b. See manaso vā saṃ-.
manasaivānudraṣṭavyam śB.; BṛhU.4.4.22c.
manasaivāptavyam (KU. manasaivedam āptavyam) śB.; BṛhU.4.4.21e; KU.4.11b.
manasānv āyan haviṣas padena AVP.4.11.4b.
manas cittam ākūtim TB. See prec.
manas cittedam TB.
manasaspata imaṃ deva yajñaṃ (KS. devayajñaṃ svāhā vāci) svāhā vāte dhāḥ VS.2.21; 8.21; KS.1.12; 4.12; śB.; See next two, and manasaspate sudhātv.
manasaspata imaṃ no divi deveṣu yajñam, svāhā divi svāhā pṛthivyāṃ svāhāntarikṣe svāhā vāte dhāṃ svāhā AVś.7.97.8. P: manasaspate Vait.4.13; Kauś.6.4. See under prec.
manasaspata imaṃ no deva deveṣu yajñaṃ svāhā vāci svāhā vāte dhāḥ TS.; 4.44.3. See under prec. but one.
manasaspate tanvā mā pāhi ghorāt Kauś.117.2c.
manasaspate sudhātv imaṃ yajñaṃ divi deveṣu vāte dhāḥ svāhā MS.1.1.13: 9.5; 1.3.38: 45.1; 4.1.14: 20.11. See under manasaspata imaṃ deva.
manasaspatinā te hutasya prāśnāmy ūrja udānāya (śB. hutasyāśnāmīṣe prāṇāya) śB.; śś.1.10.2. See next.
manasaspatinā te hutasyorje 'pānāya prāśnāmi Aś.1.7.2. See prec.
manase cetase dhiye AVś.6.41.1a; Kauś.54.11.
manase tvā VS.6.25; 37.19; TS.;; MS.1.3.1: 29.4; 4.5.3: 66.7; 4.9.6: 126.7; KS.3.9; śB.;; TA.4.7.2; 5.6.6; KA.2.109; Vait.33.27; Mś.
manase namaḥ KS.26.12; KSA.11.6; Apś.20.1.17.
manase svāhā VS.22.23; TS.; MS.3.12.9: 163.8; KSA.3.5; śB.; TB.; 12.4.5; TA.4.5.1; 15.1; BṛhU.6.3.4.
manasi me cakṣur adhāś cakṣuṣi me manaḥ JB.1.167.
manaskaṃ patayiṣṇukam AVś.6.18.3b.
manaso 'nu pravāyyam AVś.6.105.1d.
manaso ye mano viduḥ śB.; BṛhU.4.4.21c.
manaso retaḥ prathamaṃ yad āsīt RV.10.129.4b; AVś.19.52.1b; AVP.1.30.1b; TB.; 8.9.5b; TA.1.23.1b; NṛpU.1.1b.
manaso vaśe sarvam idaṃ babhūva TB.
manaso vācaṃ saṃtanu TB.; Apś.16.32.3.
manaso vā prayutī devaheḍanam RV.10.37.12b; Tā.10.60b; Vait.23.12b; Mś.
manaso vā saṃbhṛtaṃ cakṣuṣo vā VS.18.58b; TS.; śB. See manasaḥ saṃ-.
manaso 'si vilāyakaḥ VS.20.34d.
manaso havir asi prajāpater varṇaḥ TS. P: manaso havir asi TS.; Apś.19.17.14. See tapaso etc.
manasvine svāhā TS.; KSA.5.3.
manasvinobhānucarato nu saṃ divam TB.
manasyāṃ hṛdayād adhi HG.1.15.6b. See ā manasyāṃ.
amanase (KSA. amanaskāya) svāhā # TS.; KSA.5.3.
manas tejo 'si # AG.3.8.9.
ātmanas te lohitāt # AVP.11.1.4c.
āmanasya deva ye paśavaḥ samanasas tān ahaṃ kāmaye hṛdā te māṃ kāmayantāṃ hṛdā tān mā āmanasas kṛdhi svāhā # MS.2.3.2: 28.21.
āmanasya devā (MS. -va) yā (MS. yāḥ; KS. yās) striyaḥ samanasas tā (KS. samanaso yā) ahaṃ kāmaye hṛdā tā māṃ kāmayantāṃ hṛdā tā ma (MS. mā) āmanasas kṛdhi svāhā # TS.; MS.2.3.2: 28.19; KS.12.2.
āmanasya devā (MS. -va) ye putrāḥ samanasas tān (KS. putrāso ye paśavas samanaso yān) ahaṃ kāmaye hṛdā te māṃ kāmayantāṃ hṛdā tān ma (MS. mā) āmanasas kṛdhi svāhā # MS.2.3.2: 28.18; KS.12.2.
āmanasya devā (MSṃś. -va) ye sajātāḥ (TS. sajātāḥ kumārāḥ) samanasas tān (KS. samanaso yān) ahaṃ kāmaye hṛdā te māṃ kāmayantāṃ hṛdā tān ma (MS. mā) āmanasas kṛdhi svāhā # TS.; MS.2.3.2: 28.16; KS.12.2. Ps: āmanasya deva ye sajātāḥ samanasaḥ Mś.; āmanasya devāḥ TS.; KS.12.2.
indropānasyakehamanaso (Mś. aindro-) veśān kuru sumanasaḥ sajātān svāhā # Apś.3.10.2; Mś.
aindropānasyakehamanaso etc. # see indro-.
cikitvinmanasaṃ tvā # RV.5.22.3a.
cikitvinmanasaṃ dhiyam # RV.8.95.5c; SV.2.234c.
bodhinmanasā rathyā # RV.5.75.5a.
mahāmanasāṃ bhuvanacyavānām # RV.10.103.9c; AVś.19.13.10c; AVP.7.4.10c; SV.2.1207c; VS.17.41c; TS.; MS.2.10.4c: 136.10; KS.18.5c.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"manas" has 3 results
ñyaṭtaddhita affix. affix य .causing वृद्धि to the first vowel of the word to which it is added and the addition of ई ( ङीप् ) in the sense of feminine gender, added to words meaning warrior tribes of the Vahika country but not Brahmanas or Ksatriyas. exempli gratia, for example क्षौद्रक्यः, क्षौद्रक्री et cetera, and others; cf P. V. 3. 114.
paribhāṣāvṛttiṭippaṇīa very brief commentary on the Paribhasavrtti of Siradeva written by Srimanasarman of Campahatti.
paribhāṣāsegraha'a work containing a collection of independent works on Paribhasas in the several systems of Sanskrit Grammar, compiled by M. M. K. V. Abhyankar. The collectlon consists of the following works (i) परिभाषासूचन containing 93 Paribhasas with a commentary by Vyadi, an ancient grammarian who lived before Patanjali; ( ii ) ब्याडीयपरिभाषापाठ, a bare text of 140 Paribhaasaas belonging to the school of Vyadi (iii) शाकटायनपरिभाषासूत्र a text of 98 Paribhasa aphorisms, attributed to the ancient grammarian Saka-tayana, or belonging to that school; [iv) चान्द्रपरिभाषासूत्र a text of 86 Paribhasa aphorisms given at the end of his grammar work by Candragomin; (v) कातन्त्रपरिभाषासूत्रवृत्ति a gloss on 65 Paribhas aphorisms of the Katantra school by Durgasimha; (vi) कातन्त्रपारभाषासूत्रवृत्ति a short gloss on 62 Paribhasa aphorisms of the Katantra school by Bhavamisra; (vii) कातन्त्रपरिभाषासूत्र a text of 96 Paribhasa rules belonging to the Katantra school without any author's name associated with it; (viii) कालापपरिभाषासूत्र a text of 118 Paribhasa rules belonging to the Kalapa school without any author's name associated with it; (ix) जैनेन्द्रपरिभाषावृत्ति a gloss written by M. M. K. V. Abhyankar ( the compiler of the collection), on 108 Paribhasas or maxims noticeable in the Mahavrtti of Abhayanandin on the Jainendra Vyakarana of Pujyapada Devanandin; (x) भोजदेवकृतपरि-भाषासूत्र a text of 118 Paribhasa rules given by Bhoja in the second pada of the first adhyaaya of his grammar work named Sarasvatikanthabharana; (xi) न्यायसंग्रह a bare text of 140 paribhasas(which are called by the name nyaya) given by Hema-hamsagani in his named न्यायसंग्रह; (xii) लधुपरिभाषावृत्ति a gloss on 120 Paribhasas of the Panini school written by Puruso-ttamadeva; (xiii) वृहत्परिभाषावृत्ति con-taining 130 Paribhasas with a commentary by Siradeva and a very short,gloss on the commentary by Srimanasarman ( xiv ) परिभाषावृत्ति a short gloss on 140 Paribhasas of the Panini school written by Nilakantha; (xv) परिभाषाभास्कर a collection of 132 Paribhasas with a commentary by Haribhaskara Agnihotri; (xvi) bare text of Paribhasa given and explained by Nagesabhatta in his Paribhasendusekhara. The total number of Paribhasas mentioned and treated in the whole collection exceeds five hundredition
Vedabase Search
Results for manas307 results
manasā accompanied by the mindSB 2.2.22
manasā along with the mindSB 11.23.44
manasā attention of the mindSB 1.2.14
manasā by an elevated mindSB 8.6.11
manasā by dint of the mindSB 2.1.18
manasā by His mind, simply by His desireSB 12.10.31-32
manasā by means of the primeval mindSB 11.21.38-40
manasā by such a mentalitySB 3.12.3
manasā by such understandingSB 7.7.32
manasā by the mindBG 3.6
BG 3.7
BG 5.13
BG 6.24
BG 8.10
CC Adi 4.66
CC Adi 9.43
CC Antya 14.1
CC Antya 4.175
CC Madhya 23.23
NoI 5
SB 1.17.21
SB 10.1.41
SB 11.13.24
SB 11.14.36-42
SB 11.28.4
SB 11.7.7
SB 12.9.5
SB 2.1.17
SB 2.2.15
SB 3.4.35
SB 4.12.17
SB 4.28.28
SB 4.29.35
SB 4.29.60
SB 4.29.62
SB 4.8.44
SB 4.8.59-60
SB 5.16.4
SB 5.18.36
SB 6.1.48
SB 6.1.63
SB 6.3.16
SB 6.4.18
SB 6.4.19
SB 6.4.29
SB 7.5.3
SB 8.17.2-3
SB 9.4.41
manasā from his mindSB 3.20.49
manasā in the mindSB 5.12.9
manasā in their mindsSB 10.59.34
SB 10.71.34
manasā mindSB 1.5.6
SB 11.2.36
SB 6.15.26
manasā of the mindSB 8.5.19-20
manasā simply by contemplatingSB 5.7.14
manasā the mindSB 6.16.21
manasā with her heartSB 10.81.26
manasā with his mindSB 10.86.45
SB 6.1.48
manasā with my mindSB 10.14.2
manasā with such a mentalitySB 4.12.9
manasā with the mindBG 5.11
CC Madhya 22.101
SB 10.1.53
SB 10.33.30
SB 11.15.19
SB 11.15.20
SB 3.26.68
SB 3.28.5
SB 3.28.6
SB 3.29.34
SB 3.6.40
SB 4.8.51
SB 5.9.3
manasā with their mindsSB 10.43.33
manasā within his mindSB 10.80.12-13
SB 11.23.31
SB 2.7.18
SB 5.8.14
manasā within his mind, jagāmaSB 10.16.30
manasā within the mindSB 1.15.46
SB 12.13.1
manasā aṃśena partly with mental activitySB 3.6.24
manasā aṃśena partly with mental activitySB 3.6.24
manasā api even by such plans perceived within the mindSB 9.24.60
manasā api even by such plans perceived within the mindSB 9.24.60
manasā api even by the mindSB 5.10.18
manasā api even by the mindSB 5.10.18
SB 5.14.42
manasā api even by the mindSB 5.14.42
manasā gatāḥ understoodSB 10.46.4
manasā gatāḥ understoodSB 10.46.4
manasaḥ by the mindSB 8.3.10
manasaḥ for the mindSB 12.12.50
manasaḥ from the mindSB 3.12.24
SB 3.12.27
SB 3.26.61
SB 6.15.24
manasaḥ in their heartsSB 10.73.33
manasaḥ more than the mindBG 3.42
manasaḥ of his mindSB 11.24.28
manasaḥ of one whose mindSB 3.9.7
manasaḥ of the mindBs 5.34
CC Adi 6.60
CC Madhya 11.11
CC Madhya 11.29-30
CC Madhya 21.27
CC Madhya 21.83
NoI 1
SB 1.2.20
SB 10.14.38
SB 10.47.34
SB 10.8.25
SB 11.13.33
SB 11.13.34
SB 11.13.9-10
SB 11.19.20-24
SB 11.20.21
SB 11.23.45
SB 11.3.23
SB 2.10.34
SB 2.6.34
SB 3.26.23-24
SB 3.28.36
SB 5.11.11
SB 5.11.12
SB 5.11.9
SB 5.6.2
SB 6.4.26
manasaḥ of the mindsSB 10.47.66
manasaḥ of the subtle bodySB 2.6.11
manasaḥ than the mindIso 4
manasaḥ the mindSB 3.32.10
manasaḥ the mindsSB 4.1.28
manasaḥ their mindsSB 10.16.32
SB 10.23.18
SB 10.23.23
SB 12.3.39-40
SB 3.32.17
SB 4.16.1
SB 8.9.11
manasaḥ those whose mindsSB 6.9.39
manasaḥ whose mindSB 10.52.30
SB 11.14.13
manasaḥ whose mindsSB 10.21.4
SB 10.83.2
SB 3.32.16
manasaḥ within their mindsSB 8.10.6
manasaḥ tasya from the mind of Lord BrahmāSB 9.1.10
manasaḥ tasya from the mind of Lord BrahmāSB 9.1.10
manasām and of the mindSB 11.24.7
manasām of those whose mindsSB 5.14.44
manasām the minds of whomCC Madhya 9.269
manasam whose mindBG 6.27
SB 4.29.54
manasām whose mindsSB 5.9.17
manasī and mindBs 5.51
manasī and one's mindNoI 8
manasi in a mindSB 4.29.69
manasi in his mindSB 10.43.18
SB 9.14.43
manasi in the heartSB 5.5.31
manasi in the mindCC Antya 1.142
MM 22
SB 11.24.22-27
SB 3.28.26
SB 4.29.67
SB 4.29.68
SB 4.30.23
SB 5.2.6
SB 5.23.7
SB 5.6.3
SB 7.13.43
SB 7.15.53
SB 8.20.25-29
SB 8.3.17
manasi in the mindsCC Madhya 1.81
CC Madhya 13.136
SB 10.31.12
SB 10.82.48
manasi into the mindSB 1.15.41
manasi the mindSB 3.4.11
SB 7.2.24
manasi unto the mindSB 4.8.22
manasi upon the mindSB 1.7.4
manasi within the mindSB 7.10.9
manasi-jam which is simply a mental concoction (actually there is no happiness)SB 7.9.45
manasi-jam which is simply a mental concoction (actually there is no happiness)SB 7.9.45
manaskāḥ their mindsSB 10.46.4
manastaḥ being placed within the mindSB 10.2.18
manastaḥ from the mindsSB 10.83.3
manas in thoughtfulnessSB 4.22.61
manas intelligentSB 10.39.24
manas the great-mindedSB 6.10.30
manas the intelligentSB 10.44.35
manas the meditativeSB 2.2.20
manasvinā by the most exalted personalitySB 8.20.20
manasvinaḥ experts in mental speculation or meditationCC Madhya 22.20
manasvinaḥ heroesSB 3.17.30
manasvinaḥ of persons who are greatly munificentSB 8.20.10
manasvinaḥ the great philosophers or mysticsSB 2.4.17
manasvinaḥ those actually understanding the value of lifeSB 5.19.23
manasvinaḥ very great heroes (mental speculators)SB 5.13.15
manasvinām even for great sages and saintly personsSB 7.3.20
manasvinām for the intelligentSB 10.50.25-28
manasvinām for thoughtful menSB 4.12.47
manasvinām of great sages like Nārada MuniSB 6.11.18
manasvinām of the brave warriorsSB 10.59.5
manasvinām of the great fightersSB 1.13.30
manasvinām to the great, deep-minded personalitiesSB 6.10.31
manasvinām to the wiseSB 10.66.18
manasvinam very sober and tolerantSB 8.11.3
manasvinam who was of a highly elevated characterSB 8.20.14
manasvini O great-minded ladySB 8.16.10
manasvini O most thoughtful ladySB 4.26.23
manasvinī peaceful in mindSB 10.27.18
manasvinī very liberal in distributing food, clothing, ornaments and cows, according to necessitySB 10.7.6
manasvinī voluntarilySB 4.4.26
SB 4.4.29
manasvinīm the virtuous wifeSB 3.23.28
amanasvinaḥ such low-minded, low-grade kingsSB 8.19.4
amanasvinām to the less intelligent menSB 4.10.28
ananya-manasaḥ without deviation of the mindBG 9.13
antaḥ-manasaḥ of the internal mindSB 3.5.45
anurakta-manasaḥ their minds very much attached to HimSB 10.16.20
āsakta-manasaḥ having become attached within the mindSB 11.21.24
avāk-manasam beyond the description of mind and wordsSB 5.1.21
bhagna-manasaḥ being brokenheartedSB 8.6.36
eka-manasaḥ of a man of undivided mindSB 3.25.32
eka-manasā along with the one mindSB 11.22.22
ekāgra-manasā the mind being completely fixed upon the lotus feet of the LordSB 7.9.7
hṛṣṭa-manasaḥ greatly pacified in mindSB 4.21.45
hṛṣṭa-manasau being very much pleasedSB 10.8.22
mahāmanasaḥ from MahāmanāSB 9.23.2
uparakta-manasā due to the mind's being influencedSB 5.14.5
samāhita-manasā with an attentive mindSB 5.24.19
ekāgra-manasā the mind being completely fixed upon the lotus feet of the LordSB 7.9.7
eka-manasā along with the one mindSB 11.22.22
ananya-manasaḥ without deviation of the mindBG 9.13
mukunda-manasaḥ of one who is already God consciousSB 1.12.6
antaḥ-manasaḥ of the internal mindSB 3.5.45
su-manasaḥ good minded, Vaikuṇṭha mindedSB 3.15.19
eka-manasaḥ of a man of undivided mindSB 3.25.32
hṛṣṭa-manasaḥ greatly pacified in mindSB 4.21.45
śańkita-manasaḥ whose minds were afraidSB 5.10.3
pramudita-manasaḥ their minds refreshedSB 5.25.4
santuṣṭa-manasaḥ for a person who is self-satisfiedSB 7.15.17
bhagna-manasaḥ being brokenheartedSB 8.6.36
sunirviṇṇa-manasaḥ their minds being very disappointedSB 8.7.7
viṣaṇṇa-manasaḥ aggrieved in mindSB 8.8.36
udvigna-manasaḥ with agitated mindsSB 10.4.32
anurakta-manasaḥ their minds very much attached to HimSB 10.16.20
āsakta-manasaḥ having become attached within the mindSB 11.21.24
avāk-manasam beyond the description of mind and wordsSB 5.1.21
udvejita-manasām whose minds are agitatedSB 5.18.15
vyākṣipta-manasām for those whose minds are bewilderedSB 11.21.33-34
su-manasām of the most liberal-mindedCC Madhya 15.110
hṛṣṭa-manasau being very much pleasedSB 10.8.22
sva-manasi in his mindSB 6.9.39
vāk-manasī the speech and mindSB 11.16.43
tat-manaskāḥ their minds being absorbed in HimSB 10.16.13-15
tat-manaskāḥ their minds filled with thoughts of HimSB 10.30.43
tat-manaskāḥ their minds absorbed in HimSB 10.35.26
tat-manastayā by being fully absorbed in KṛṣṇaSB 7.4.37
su-manastvam the position of a devotee without material desiresCC Adi 15.1
mukunda-manasaḥ of one who is already God consciousSB 1.12.6
pramudita-manasaḥ their minds refreshedSB 5.25.4
samāhita-manasā with an attentive mindSB 5.24.19
samanasaḥ with a mindSB 4.29.68
śańkita-manasaḥ whose minds were afraidSB 5.10.3
santuṣṭa-manasaḥ for a person who is self-satisfiedSB 7.15.17
saumanasya of the scenerySB 3.8.24
saumanasya the fragrance and tenderness of flowersSB 11.26.18
saumanasyaiḥ with flowersSB 10.41.29
saumanasyam pleasing to the mindSB 4.12.45
saumanasyam SaumanasyaSB 5.20.9
su-manasaḥ good minded, Vaikuṇṭha mindedSB 3.15.19
su-manastvam the position of a devotee without material desiresCC Adi 15.1
su-manasām of the most liberal-mindedCC Madhya 15.110
sumanasaḥ flowersSB 3.24.8
sumanasaḥ beautiful flowersSB 5.2.6
sumanasaḥ flowersSB 6.18.57
sumanasaḥ flowersSB 10.47.13
sumanasaḥ flowersSB 11.27.18
sumanasaḥ flowersSB 11.27.33
sumanasaḥ flowersSB 11.31.7
sumanasam SumanāSB 4.13.17
sumanasām of a beautiful flower gardenSB 4.29.53
sumanasi in the womb of his wife, SumanāSB 5.15.14-15
sunirviṇṇa-manasaḥ their minds being very disappointedSB 8.7.7
sva-manasi in his mindSB 6.9.39
tat-manastayā by being fully absorbed in KṛṣṇaSB 7.4.37
tat-manaskāḥ their minds being absorbed in HimSB 10.16.13-15
tat-manaskāḥ their minds filled with thoughts of HimSB 10.30.43
tat-manaskāḥ their minds absorbed in HimSB 10.35.26
udvejita-manasām whose minds are agitatedSB 5.18.15
udvigna-manasaḥ with agitated mindsSB 10.4.32
uparakta-manasā due to the mind's being influencedSB 5.14.5
vaimanasyam her depressionSB 10.54.50
vāk-manasī the speech and mindSB 11.16.43
vimanasaḥ moroseSB 9.1.27
vimanaskaḥ unhappySB 10.77.23
vimanaskam extremely unhappySB 7.10.61
viṣaṇṇa-manasaḥ aggrieved in mindSB 8.8.36
vyākṣipta-manasām for those whose minds are bewilderedSB 11.21.33-34
Results for manas78 results
manas noun (neuter) affection (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
conscience (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
desire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
excogitation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
imagination (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
inclination (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
intellect (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
intelligence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
intention (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
invention (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mind (in its widest sense as applied to all the mental powers) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mood (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the 26th Kalpa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the lake Mānasa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
opinion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
perception (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
reflection (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sense (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
spirit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
temper (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the breath or living soul which escapes from the body at death (called asu in animals) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the spirit or spiritual principle (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
thought (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
understanding (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
will (in phil. the internal organ or antaḥ-karaṇa of perception and cognition) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 81/72933
manasa noun (neuter) heart (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 38028/72933
manasija noun (masculine) Kāma (the god of love) love (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the moon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 9905/72933
manasijasadman noun (neuter)
Frequency rank 61416/72933
manasistha adjective
Frequency rank 61417/72933
manaska noun (neuter) dimin. of manas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14359/72933
manaskara adjective increasing intelligence
Frequency rank 61418/72933
manaskānta adjective agreeable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
dear to the heart pleasant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 61419/72933
manaskāra noun (masculine) attention of the mind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
consciousness (esp. of pleasure or pain) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
devotion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 38029/72933
manastva noun (neuter) intellectual state (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the state or condition of mind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 38030/72933
manasvatī noun (feminine) name of a woman (?)
Frequency rank 61421/72933
manasvin adjective cheerful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
clever (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
fixing the mind attentive (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
full of mind or sense (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
in high spirits (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
intelligent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
wise (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 2889/72933
manasvin noun (masculine) name of a Nāga (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Devala (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the fabulous animal called Śarabha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 61420/72933
manasvinī noun (feminine) a virtuous wife (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Momordica Mixta (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a river name of Durga (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the mother of the moon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the wife of Antināra name of the wife of Mṛkaṇḍu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12611/72933
manasy verb (denominative parasmaipada) to use the manas
Frequency rank 29554/72933
manasyu noun (masculine) name of a son of Prācītvata
Frequency rank 24972/72933
ananyamanas adjective exercising undivided attention (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 31734/72933
antargatamanas adjective engaged in deep thought (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
perplexed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sad (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
whose mind is turned inwards (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 43443/72933
antarmanas adjective perplexed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sad (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 23036/72933
anyamanas adjective absent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
versatile (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
whose mind is fixed on something else (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 43518/72933
anyamanaska adjective absent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
having another mind in one's self (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
possessed by a demon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
versatile (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
whose mind is fixed on something else (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 43519/72933
abhimanas adjective desirous of (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
longing for (acc.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 44253/72933
amanas noun (neuter) non-perception (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
want of perception (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 32427/72933
amanas adjective silly (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
without perception or intellect (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 26581/72933
amanaska adjective lowspirited (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not well-disposed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
silly (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
without perception or intellect (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 32428/72933
amanasvin adjective
Frequency rank 44559/72933
avāṅmanasagocara adjective für vāc und manas unzugänglich
Frequency rank 32675/72933
avimanas adjective not absent in mind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 16501/72933
āmanasya noun (neuter) pain (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
suffering (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 46518/72933
ekamanas adjective attentive (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
concentrated (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
fixing the mind upon one object (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unanimous (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 6051/72933
aunmanasa noun (neuter)
Frequency rank 48187/72933
kuṇṭhamanas adjective weak-minded (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 49611/72933
kroṣṭumanas noun (masculine) name of a son of Raghu
Frequency rank 50410/72933
gatamanaska adjective thinking of (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 51028/72933
tanmanas adjective absorbed in mind by that (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 10946/72933
dagdhumanas adjective intending to burn
Frequency rank 54143/72933
durmanas adjective in bad or low spirits (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sad (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5993/72933
durmanas noun (neuter) bad disposition (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
perversity of mind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54711/72933
durmanaska adjective
Frequency rank 54712/72933
daurmanasya noun (neuter) dejectedness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
despair (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
melancholy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 10380/72933
dhūmanasyakavalagrahacikitsita noun (neuter) name of Suśrutasaṃhitā, Cik. 40
Frequency rank 55511/72933
pṛthumanas noun (masculine) name of a son of Śaśabindu
Frequency rank 58388/72933
pramanas adjective careful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
cheerful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
pleased (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
tender (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
willing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 59268/72933
praveṣṭumanas adjective planning to enter
Frequency rank 59446/72933
praṣṭumanas adjective intending to ask
Frequency rank 59490/72933
bṛhanmanas noun (masculine) name of a grandson of Brahmā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a king; son of Bṛhadbhānu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 19748/72933
bhagnamanas adjective disappointed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
discouraged (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 60495/72933
bhadramanas noun (feminine) name of the mother of the elephant Airāvata (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 37762/72933
bhoktumanas adjective
Frequency rank 60880/72933
manmanas adjective having the manas fixed in me
Frequency rank 61509/72933
mahāmanas adjective great-minded (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
magnanimous (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
minded (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 4817/72933
mahāmanas noun (masculine) name of a king; son of Janamejaya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the fabulous animal Śarabha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
[rel.] name of Śiva
Frequency rank 18305/72933
yoktumanas adjective intending to connect
Frequency rank 63095/72933
yoddhumanas adjective wishing to fight
Frequency rank 29828/72933
vasumanas noun (masculine) name of a king of Kosala (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of an author (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
[rel.] name of Śiva
Frequency rank 9931/72933
vimanas adjective averse (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
changed in mind or feeling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
dejected (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
destitute of mind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
discomposed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
downcast (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
foolish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
heart-broken (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
hostile (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
out of one's mind or senses (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
perplexed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
silly (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 4916/72933
vimanaska adjective disconsolate (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
distressed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
perplexed in mind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 30237/72933
vaimanasya noun (neuter) dejection (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
depression (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
melancholy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sickness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 18494/72933
śamanasvasṛ noun (feminine) the Yamunā
Frequency rank 67223/72933
samanaska adjective unanimous (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 40393/72933
sammanas adjective unanimous (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 69328/72933
manasa adjective
Frequency rank 70330/72933
manasya noun (neuter)
Frequency rank 40790/72933
sumanas adjective agreeable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
benevolent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
cheerful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
comfortable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
easy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
favourable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
good-minded (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
gracious (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
intelligent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
pleasant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
satisfied (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
well pleased (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
well-disposed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
wise (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 7365/72933
sumanas noun (neuter) a flower (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 18638/72933
sumanas noun (masculine) (pl.) name of a particular class of gods under the 12th Manu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Azadirachta Indica (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a good or wise man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of Karañja (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Guilandina Bonduc (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Dānava (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Haryaśva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Ulmuka (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Uru and Āgneyī (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of one of the Varṣaparvatas name of various other men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
wheat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 6953/72933
sumanas noun (feminine) flowers (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Jasminum grandiflorum (great-flowering jasmine) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the wife of Madhu and mother of Viravrata (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of various other women (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5646/72933
sumanasa noun (masculine) a kind of tree
Frequency rank 71037/72933
suvimanas adjective rather confused
Frequency rank 71275/72933
saumanasa adjective agreeable to the feelings (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
coming from or consisting of flowers (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
floral (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
flowery (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
pleasing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 71567/72933
saumanasa noun (masculine) cheerfulness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
comfort (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
enjoyment (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a mountain (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the eighth day of the civil month (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the elephant of the western quarter (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 41131/72933
saumanasa noun (neuter) benevolence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
favour (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
kindness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a peak of a mountain (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
pleasure (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
satisfaction (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the nutmeg (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 31133/72933
saumanasāyinī noun (feminine) a nutmeg
Frequency rank 71568/72933
saumanasya noun (neuter) an offering of flowers placed in the hands of the priest at a Śrāddha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
cheerfulness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
gladness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Varsha in Plakṣadvīpa (ruled by Saumanasya) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
right understanding (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
satisfaction of mind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14574/72933
saumanasya adjective causing gladness or cheerfulness of mind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 71569/72933
saumanasyāyanī noun (feminine) the blossom of the Mālatī or great-flowering jasmine (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 41132/72933
sthiramanas adjective firm-minded (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
steadfast (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 71785/72933
hantumanas adjective intending to kill (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 72306/72933


mind; sensory and processing mind.


taking the infant at the age of four months to visiting places like temple.


self-control, one of the traits of mind/manas.


dual organ, mind (manas) that can act as both sensory and motor organ.

Wordnet Search
"manas" has 28 results.


sāmañjasyam, saumanasyam, anusāritā, yathātathyam, aucityam, ucitatā, upapattiḥ, sadṛśatā, yogyatā, yuktatā, yuktiḥ   

ucitaḥ upayuktaśca saṃyogaḥ।

sāmañjasyāt kaṭhinam api kāryam sukaraṃ bhavati।


garvita, garvin, sagarva, garvara, garvavat, garvitacitta, sadarpa, darpavān, darpī, mānī, ahaṅkārī, ahaṃyu, sāhaṅkāra, ahamānī, pragalbha, uddhata, uddhatacitta, uddhatamanas, samuddhata, prauḍha, unnaddha, samunnaddha, sāṭopa, āṭopī, utsikta, unnataśiraska, unnatamanaska, samunnatacitta, ūrdhvadṛṣṭi, avalipta, darpaghmāta, sāvahela, pradhṛṣṭa   

yaḥ garvaṃ karoti।

rājeśaḥ garvitaḥ।


mlāna, klānta, glāna, viṣaṇṇa, avasanna, viṣādin, avasādita, udvignamanas, dīnamanas, vimanas, durmanas   

yasya kāntiḥ dhūsarā।

mātaraṃ dṛṣṭvā mlānaṃ putramukhaṃ prakāśitam।


buddhimat, dhīmat, matimat, medhāvin, manasvin, subuddhi, kuśalabuddhi, śuddhadhī, kṛtadhī, subodha, medhira, sajñāna, abhijña   

yasya buddhiḥ vartate।

buddhimate vitaṇḍā na rocate।


śāntacittatā, sthiramanaskatā, sthiracittatā, sthitaprajñatā, acapalatā   

cittasya sthirāvasthā bhāvo vā।

niścitaṃ kāryaṃ śāntacittatayā nirvahaṇīyam।


kāmadevaḥ, kāmaḥ, madanaḥ, manmathaḥ, māraḥ, pradyumnaḥ, mīnaketanaḥ, kandarpaḥ, darpakaḥ, anaṅgaḥ, pañcaśaraḥ, smaraḥ, śambarāriḥ, manasijaḥ, kusumeṣuḥ, ananyajaḥ, ratināthaḥ, puṣpadhanvā, ratipatiḥ, makaradhvajaḥ, ātmabhūḥ, brahmasūḥ, viśvaketuḥ, kāmadaḥ, kāntaḥ, kāntimān, kāmagaḥ, kāmācāraḥ, kāmī, kāmukaḥ, kāmavarjanaḥ, rāmaḥ, ramaḥ, ramaṇaḥ, ratināthaḥ, ratipriyaḥ, rātrināthaḥ, ramākāntaḥ, ramamāṇaḥ, niśācaraḥ, nandakaḥ, nandanaḥ, nandī, nandayitā, ratisakhaḥ, mahādhanuḥ, bhrāmaṇaḥ, bhramaṇaḥ, bhramamāṇaḥ, bhrāntaḥ, bhrāmakaḥ, bhṛṅgaḥ, bhrāntacāraḥ, bhramāvahaḥ, mohanaḥ, mohakaḥ, mohaḥ, mātaṅgaḥ, bhṛṅganāyakaḥ, gāyanaḥ, gītijaḥ, nartakaḥ, khelakaḥ, unmattonmattakaḥ, vilāsaḥ, lobhavardhanaḥ, sundaraḥ, vilāsakodaṇḍaḥ   

kāmasya devatā।

kāmadevena śivasya krodhāgniḥ dṛṣṭaḥ।


kaṭutā, vaimanasyam   

citte vidyamānaḥ anyaṃ prati vairabhāvaḥ duṣṭabhāvaḥ vā।

cittasya kaṭutā dūrīkartavyā।


paścāttāpaḥ, anutāpaḥ, anuśokaḥ, anuśocanam, manastāpaḥ, tāpaḥ, santāpaḥ, udnegaḥ, anuśayaḥ, śokaḥ, khedaḥ, duḥkham, manoduḥkham, manovyathā, utkaḥ, vipratīsāraḥ   

agrato akārye kṛte carame tāpaḥ।

tena pituḥ avajñā kṛtā ataḥ paścātāpaṃ karoti।


gambhīra, śānta, saumya, aṭala, dṛḍha, sthiradhī, sthiramati, sthiramanas, sthirātman, sthitimat, sthitamati, sthitaprajā, sthitadhī, susthira, sudhīra, prastha, dhṛtātman   

yaḥ cañcalaḥ nāsti।

saḥ prakṛtyā gambhīraḥ asti।


priya, abhimata, abhīṣṭa, abhīpsita, arya, pariprī, dayita, manaḥpriya, manaḥpraṇīta, manaskānta   

yad rocate।

etat mama atīva priyaṃ pustakam asti।


khinna, mlāna, anyamanaska, aprasanna   

yasya cittaṃ śokākulaṃ bhūtvā nirvṛttam।

tava khinnā mudrā eva vadati tvaṃ saṅkaṭagrastaḥ।


kalpanā, manogatam, manaḥkalpitam, manoguptam, manasijam   

manasi utpannaḥ vicāraḥ।

asya kāryasya samāptiḥ adhunā bhavati iti mama kalpanā।


ananupekṣā, avadhānam, ādaraḥ, sammānam, ananyamanaskatā, avekṣaṇam, avahitatā   

upekṣāṃ vinā anyakathitasya bhāvasya manoniveśaḥ।

jyeṣṭhānāṃ vacaneṣu avadhānaṃ na dattvā saḥ svacchandam ācarati| / vṛddhopadeśasya ananupekṣā na karaṇīyā।


sukhin, kuśalin, kuśala, prasanna, prahṛṣṭamanas, bhadra, subhaga   

yaḥ sarvaṃ sukham anubhavati।

sarve janāḥ sukhinaḥ santu iti eva asmākaṃ prārthanā।


āśā, pratyāśā, āśaṃsā, ākāṅkṣā, apekṣā, spṛhā, āśābandhaḥ, manorathaḥ, vyapekṣā, pratīkṣā, sampratīkṣā, nirīkṣā, udīkṣaṇam, īpsitam, manasvitā   

manasaḥ avasthā yasyāṃ ko'pi kimapi vastvoḥ prāptiḥ āśaṃsate।

bhavataḥ eṣā ākāṅkṣā nāsīt asmākam।


durgā, umā, kātyāyanī, gaurī, brahmāṇī, kālī, haimavatī, īśvarā, śivā, bhavānī, rudrāṇī, sarvāṇī, sarvamaṅgalā, aparṇā, pārvatī, mṛḍānī, līlāvatī, caṇaḍikā, ambikā, śāradā, caṇḍī, caṇḍā, caṇḍanāyikā, girijā, maṅgalā, nārāyaṇī, mahāmāyā, vaiṣṇavī, maheśvarī, koṭṭavī, ṣaṣṭhī, mādhavī, naganandinī, jayantī, bhārgavī, rambhā, siṃharathā, satī, bhrāmarī, dakṣakanyā, mahiṣamardinī, herambajananī, sāvitrī, kṛṣṇapiṅgalā, vṛṣākapāyī, lambā, himaśailajā, kārttikeyaprasūḥ, ādyā, nityā, vidyā, śubhahkarī, sāttvikī, rājasī, tāmasī, bhīmā, nandanandinī, mahāmāyī, śūladharā, sunandā, śumyabhaghātinī, hrī, parvatarājatanayā, himālayasutā, maheśvaravanitā, satyā, bhagavatī, īśānā, sanātanī, mahākālī, śivānī, haravallabhā, ugracaṇḍā, cāmuṇḍā, vidhātrī, ānandā, mahāmātrā, mahāmudrā, mākarī, bhaumī, kalyāṇī, kṛṣṇā, mānadātrī, madālasā, māninī, cārvaṅgī, vāṇī, īśā, valeśī, bhramarī, bhūṣyā, phālgunī, yatī, brahmamayī, bhāvinī, devī, acintā, trinetrā, triśūlā, carcikā, tīvrā, nandinī, nandā, dharitriṇī, mātṛkā, cidānandasvarūpiṇī, manasvinī, mahādevī, nidrārūpā, bhavānikā, tārā, nīlasarasvatī, kālikā, ugratārā, kāmeśvarī, sundarī, bhairavī, rājarājeśvarī, bhuvaneśī, tvaritā, mahālakṣmī, rājīvalocanī, dhanadā, vāgīśvarī, tripurā, jvālmukhī, vagalāmukhī, siddhavidyā, annapūrṇā, viśālākṣī, subhagā, saguṇā, nirguṇā, dhavalā, gītiḥ, gītavādyapriyā, aṭṭālavāsinī, aṭṭahāsinī, ghorā, premā, vaṭeśvarī, kīrtidā, buddhidā, avīrā, paṇḍitālayavāsinī, maṇḍitā, saṃvatsarā, kṛṣṇarūpā, balipriyā, tumulā, kāminī, kāmarūpā, puṇyadā, viṣṇucakradharā, pañcamā, vṛndāvanasvarūpiṇī, ayodhyārupiṇī, māyāvatī, jīmūtavasanā, jagannāthasvarūpiṇī, kṛttivasanā, triyāmā, jamalārjunī, yāminī, yaśodā, yādavī, jagatī, kṛṣṇajāyā, satyabhāmā, subhadrikā, lakṣmaṇā, digambarī, pṛthukā, tīkṣṇā, ācārā, akrūrā, jāhnavī, gaṇḍakī, dhyeyā, jṛmbhaṇī, mohinī, vikārā, akṣaravāsinī, aṃśakā, patrikā, pavitrikā, tulasī, atulā, jānakī, vandyā, kāmanā, nārasiṃhī, girīśā, sādhvī, kalyāṇī, kamalā, kāntā, śāntā, kulā, vedamātā, karmadā, sandhyā, tripurasundarī, rāseśī, dakṣayajñavināśinī, anantā, dharmeśvarī, cakreśvarī, khañjanā, vidagdhā, kuñjikā, citrā, sulekhā, caturbhujā, rākā, prajñā, ṛdbhidā, tāpinī, tapā, sumantrā, dūtī, aśanī, karālā, kālakī, kuṣmāṇḍī, kaiṭabhā, kaiṭabhī, kṣatriyā, kṣamā, kṣemā, caṇḍālikā, jayantī, bheruṇḍā   

sā devī yayā naike daityāḥ hatāḥ tathā ca yā ādiśaktiḥ asti iti manyate।

navarātrotsave sthāne sthāne durgāyāḥ pratiṣṭhāpanā kriyate।


puṣpam, kusumam, sumanasaḥ, sūnam, prasavaḥ, sumanaḥ   

tarulatādīnāṃ prasavaḥ yasmin phaladhāraṇaśaktiḥ asti।

udyāne puṣpāṇi santi।


śokaḥ, khedaḥ, duḥkham, kleśaḥ, manyuḥ, śocanam, manastāpaḥ, ādhiḥ, śuk   

kaṣṭātmakaḥ manobhāvaḥ yaḥ priyavyakteḥ nidhanād anantaram anubhūyate।

rāmasya vanagamanād anantaram sakalā ayodhyānagarī śokam anvabhavat।


yamunā, yamunānadī, kālindī, sūryatanayā, śamanasvasā, tapanatanūjā, kalindakanyā, yamasvasā, śyāmā, tāpī, kalindalandinī, yamanī, yamī, kalindaśailajā, sūryasutā, tapanatanayā, aruṇātmajā, dineśātmajā, bhānujā, ravijā, bhānusutā, sūryasutā, sūryajā, yamānujā, arkatanayā, arkasutā, arkajā   

bhāratīyanadīviśeṣaḥ sā tu himālayadakṣiṇadeśād nirgatya prayāge gaṅgāyāṃ miśritā।

sarnāṇi hṛdayāsthāni maṅgalāni śubhāni ca। dadāti cepsitān loke tena sā sarvamaṅgalā॥ saṅgamād gamanād gaṅgā loke devī vibhāvyate। yamasya bhaginī jātā yamunā tena sā matā॥


praphulla, ānandin, prahasita, manasvin, modin, raṃsu, hṛṣita   

yaḥ nitya prasannaḥ tathā ca sakriyaḥ asti।

praphullasya manuṣyasya jīvanam ānandadāyi vartate।


catura, caturaka, nipuṇa, niṣṇa, niṣṇāta, viśārada, paṭu, pravīṇa, prājña, vicakṣaṇa, vidagdha, paṭumati, paṭiṣṭha, paṭīyas, peśala, praṇata, pratīta, aṇuka, abhijña, ullāgha, ṛbhu, ṛbhumat, ṛbhuṣṭhira, ṛbhva, ṛbhvan, ṛbhvas, karaṇa, karmaṭha, karmaṇya, kalāpa, kaliṅga, kalya, kārayitavyadakṣa, kuśala, kuśalin, kṛtakarman, kṛtamukha, kṛtin, kṛtnu, kriyāpaṭu, cheka, chekala, chekāla, tūrṇi, tejīyas, dhīvan, dhīvara, dhṛtvan, dhṛṣu, nadīṣṇa, nayaka, nāgara, nāgaraka, nāgarika, nirgranthaka, nirgranthika, proha, prauṇa, bahupaṭa, budha, budhda, matimat, manasvin, marmajña, vijña, viḍaṅga, vidura, vidvala, śikva, sudhī, suvicakṣaṇa, samāpta   

yaḥ cāturyeṇa kāryaṃ karoti।

catureṇa ārakṣakeṇa aparāddhānāṃ ekaḥ saṅghaḥ gṛhītaḥ।


ananyacitta, ananyamanaska, ekāgracitta   

ekasmin kārye eva cittasya ekāgratā।

ananyacittaḥ saḥ kāryaṃ karoti।



āṣāḍhamāsasya kṛṣṇapakṣasya pañcamī।

manasāpañcamyām manasādevyaḥ utsavaṃ nirvahanti।




manasādevī sarpakulasya adhiṣṭhātrī devatā asti manyate।



svavicārān eva yaḥ cintayati।

antargatamanasaḥ puruṣasya viṣaye avabodhanaṃ kaṭhinaṃ bhavati।



kaścit kaviḥ ।

prācīneṣu kaviṣu vāmanasvāmī ekaḥ



madhoḥ patnyāḥ nāma ।

sumanasyāḥ ullekhaḥ bhāgavatapurāṇe asti



strīnāmaviśeṣaḥ ।

sumanasī iti nāmakānāṃ naikāsāṃ strīṇām ullekhaḥ kathāsaritsāgare asti

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