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3 results for mah/at
mah (originally magh-; confer, compare also maṃh-) cl.1.10. P. () mahati-, mah/ayati- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also A1. mahate-, h/ayate-; parasmE-pada mah/at- q.v; perfect tense mamāha- grammar; māmah/e-; subjunctive māmahanta-, māmahas- ; Aorist amahīt- grammar; future mahitā-, mahiṣyati- ; ind.p. mahitvā- ; infinitive mood mahe-,and mah/aye- q.v) to elate, gladden, exalt, arouse, excite ; to magnify, esteem highly, honour, revere etc. ; (A1.) to rejoice, delight in (instrumental case or accusative) ; to give, bestow [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin magnus,mactus; Old German michel; English mickle,much.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahimfn. (only Nominal verb accusative sg. n.) equals mah/at-, great View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahinmfn. equals mah/at-, great, mighty ( mahintama -tama- mfn. ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
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