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Grammar Search
"madhye" has 9 results
madhye: neuter nominative dual stem: madhya
madhye: feminine nominative dual stem: madhya
madhye: neuter accusative dual stem: madhya
madhye: feminine accusative dual stem: madhya
madhye: masculine locative singular stem: madhya
madhye: neuter locative singular stem: madhya
madhye: neuter vocative dual stem: madhya
madhye: feminine vocative dual stem: madhya
madhye: feminine vocative singular stem: madhya
Amarakosha Search
1 result
viśalyā3.3.163FeminineSingularharmyādeḥprakoṣṭhaḥ, kañcī, madhyebhabandhanam
Monier-Williams Search
34 results for madhye
madhyeind. in the middle, in the midst, within, between, among, in the presence of (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';sometimes also in the beginning of a compound; see compound below) etc. (with kṛ-[ ind.p. -kṛtya-or -kṛtvā- ],to place in the middle, make an intermediary of. on ;to count among ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyeind. madhya
madhyebhabandhanan. a band or rope round an elephant's body View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyecchandasn. (prob.) said to mean"the sun"or"the middle of the year" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyegaṅgamind. in or into the Ganges. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyegurumfn. (prob.) having a long syllable in the middle, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyejalātind. from out of the middle of the water View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyejaṭharamind. in the middle of the body View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyejyotisf. a kind of Vedic metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyekṛtyaind. with regard to View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyemadhyamāṅgulikarpūramind. between middle finger and elbow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyenaind. madhya
madhyenadiind. in or into the river View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyenagaramind. in the middle of the city View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyenareśvarasabhamind. in the middle of the assembly of princes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyenidhanamfn. having the passage called nidhana- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) in the middle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyepadmamind. in a lotus flower View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyepṛṣṭamind. having the sacrificial days called pṛṣṭhya- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) in the middle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyepṛṣṭamn. a particular ajana- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyeraṇamind. in the battle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyerathyamind. in the middle of the street View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyesabhamind. in the assembly, in public View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyesamudramind. in the middle of the sea, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyeśmaśānamind. on the burial-place, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyevārdhiind. equals -samudram- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyevāriind. in or under the water View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyevindhyāntarind. in the middle of the vindhya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyevindhyāṭaviind. in the forests of the vindhya- range View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyevyomaind. in the air View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyeyajñamind. in the middle of the sacrifice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pathimadhyeind. in the middle of the road View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sabhāmadhyeind. in society View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyomamadhyeind. in the middle of the sky, in mid-air View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yanmadhyeind. in the centre of which View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
madhye मध्ये See under मध्य.
Macdonell Search
1 result
madhyenagaram ad. within a city; -nadi, ad. in or into the river; -na resvara-sabham, ad. in the midst of the assembly of the princes; -padmam, ad. in a lotus; -prishtham, ad. on the back; -vin dhya½atavi, ad. in the forests of the Vindhya; -vindhya½antar, ad. in the midst of the Vin dhya; -vyoma, ad. in the air; -sabham, ad. in the assembly, in public; -samudram, ad. in the midst of the sea.
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results26 results
madhye khalasya nirmitaḥ AVP.11.10.4c.
madhye ca viśāṃ sukṛte syāma AVP.1.27.4d.
madhye chandasaḥ pari yanti bhāsvatīḥ TS.; MS.2.13.10d: 161.9; KS.39.10d; PG.3.3.5d.
madhye jahur durevāsaḥ samudre RV.7.68.7b.
madhye tasthur maho divaḥ RV.1.105.10b.
madhye tālpyasya tiṣṭhāt ApMB.2.15.3c.
madhye divas taraṇiṃ bhrājamānam AVś.13.2.36b.
madhye divaḥ svadhayā mādayante (RV.1.108.12b, mādayethe) RV.1.108.12b; 10.15.14b; AVś.18.2.35b; VS.19.60b.
madhye divo (MS.3.4.4, divyo) nihitaḥ pṛśnir aśmā RV.5.47.3c; VS.17.60c; TS.;; MS.2.10.5c: 137.15; 3.4.4: 48.16; KS.18.3c; 21.8,12; śB.
madhye devānām āsīnā HG.1.15.7c.
madhye niṣatto raṇvo duroṇe RV.1.69.4b.
madhye pṛthivyā niṣṭhitaḥ AVP.1.47.1c.
madhye pṛthivyā yad viṣam AVP.9.10.2c.
madhye poṣasya tṛmpatām (MG. puṣyatām) śG.3.3.1c; MG.2.11.12c. See next.
madhye poṣasva tiṣṭhantīm AG.2.8.16c. See prec.
madhye brahma virājati JB.3.373e.
madhye yuvājaro visruhā hitaḥ RV.5.44.3d.
madhye vasiṣva tuvinṛmṇorvoḥ RV.8.70.10c.
madhye vasor dīdihi jātavedaḥ TB.; Apś.5.14.5d.
madhye śatasya maṣṭiṣkaḥ AVP.8.12.12e.
madhye sīda KS.39.6; Apś.16.31.1.
madhye hotā duroṇe barhiṣo rāṭ RV.6.12.1a.
madhye hradasya no gṛhāḥ AVś.6.106.2c.
madhye hradasya plavasva RVKh.7.103.1c; AVś.4.15.14c; AVP.5.7.13c; N.9.7c.
madhyena ghnanto yantu AVś.8.8.13c.
madhyena yakṣmaṃ bādhate AVś.19.36.2c; AVP.2.27.2c.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"madhye" has 2 results
madhyepavādaa rule forming an exception to other general rules being placed between them, one or many of which are placed before and the others afterwards. Such a rule sets aside the previous rules and not the succeeding ones. The statement laying down this dictum is मध्येपवादाः पूर्वान् विधीन् बाधन्ते नोत्तरान् Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgeśa.Pari. 60, also Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P.VI.4.148 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 5.
madhyepavādanyāyathe maxim of the middle rule of exception; see मधेयपवाद.
Vedabase Search
413 results
madhye amongCC Adi 4.214
CC Madhya 18.197
CC Madhya 19.185
CC Madhya 4.193
madhye amongCC Madhya 4.193
CC Madhya 8.247
CC Madhya 8.256
CC Madhya 9.239-240
SB 10.49.16
SB 5.16.7
madhye amongstSB 1.14.24
madhye at the middle (the waist)SB 10.75.33
madhye betweenBG 1.21-22
BG 2.10
BG 8.10
CC Antya 8.80
SB 10.26.7
SB 12.2.27-28
SB 3.15.28
madhye between themCC Madhya 18.60
madhye in betweenSB 11.28.21
madhye in the centerCC Antya 10.66
madhye in the middleBG 14.18
CC Adi 1.72
CC Adi 17.136
CC Adi 2.68
CC Adi 4.70
CC Adi 7.151
CC Antya 14.19
CC Antya 7.65
CC Madhya 11.215
CC Madhya 11.225
CC Madhya 12.137
CC Madhya 16.196
CC Madhya 3.44
CC Madhya 7.78
CC Madhya 8.161
SB 10.13.11
SB 11.10.24
SB 11.28.18
SB 11.28.19
SB 4.29.30-31
SB 5.2.11
SB 5.20.43
SB 8.6.10
SB 9.10.6-7
madhye in the middle (between east and west)SB 9.6.5
madhye in the midstBG 1.24
CC Adi 1.92
CC Adi 16.43
CC Madhya 20.252
CC Madhya 6.135
CC Madhya 6.193
CC Madhya 8.95
SB 1.9.35
SB 10.21.8
SB 10.33.6
SB 10.49.10
SB 10.62.11
SB 10.68.53
SB 10.72.1-2
SB 10.74.51
SB 10.81.27
SB 3.20.32
SB 4.29.7
madhye in the midst ofCC Adi 10.85
CC Adi 14.49
madhye in the phase of maintenanceSB 11.19.16
madhye only in the middle, at presentSB 11.19.7
madhye sometimesCC Madhya 12.218
madhye towardCC Antya 3.60
madhye withinCC Adi 1.29
CC Adi 12.67
CC Adi 13.15
CC Antya 6.297
MM 48
SB 10.46.35
SB 10.47.42
SB 10.77.17-18
SB 3.13.16
madhye within the jurisdiction of MāhiṣmatīSB 9.16.17
madhye within the midstSB 10.33.3
SB 4.21.14
madhye madhye at intervalsCC Antya 10.134
madhye madhye at intervalsCC Antya 10.134
CC Antya 10.154-155
madhye madhye at intervalsCC Antya 10.154-155
CC Antya 13.106
madhye madhye at intervalsCC Antya 13.106
CC Antya 17.7
madhye madhye at intervalsCC Antya 17.7
CC Antya 3.26
madhye madhye at intervalsCC Antya 3.26
CC Madhya 12.163-164
madhye madhye at intervalsCC Madhya 12.163-164
CC Madhya 12.218
madhye madhye at intervalsCC Madhya 12.218
CC Madhya 15.44
madhye madhye at intervalsCC Madhya 15.44
CC Madhya 15.52
madhye madhye at intervalsCC Madhya 15.52
CC Madhya 16.58
madhye madhye at intervalsCC Madhya 16.58
madhye madhye in the middleCC Madhya 1.157
madhye madhye in the middleCC Madhya 1.157
madhye madhye occasionallyCC Madhya 11.209
madhye madhye occasionallyCC Madhya 11.209
madhye madhye sometimesCC Antya 2.86
madhye madhye sometimesCC Antya 2.86
CC Antya 6.113
madhye madhye sometimesCC Antya 6.113
CC Madhya 3.191
madhye madhye sometimesCC Madhya 3.191
madhye rahi' keeping in the middleCC Madhya 11.229
madhye rahi' keeping in the middleCC Madhya 11.229
madhyete withinCC Adi 5.110
dharma-ācāri-madhye among persons who actually follow the Vedic principles or religious systemCC Madhya 19.147
kāraṇa-ambhodhi-madhye in the midst of the Causal OceanCC Adi 1.9
kāraṇa-ambhodhi-madhye in the midst of the Causal OceanCC Adi 5.50
vilaya-ambu-madhye in the Causal Ocean, in which everything is preserved in a state of reserved energySB 7.9.32
prema-arṇava-madhye in the ocean of love of GodheadCC Adi 11.28
ātma-madhye among themselvesCC Madhya 25.22
bhajanera madhye in executing devotional serviceCC Antya 4.70
prabhu-bhakta-gaṇa-madhye among the intimate devotees of the LordCC Madhya 12.68
bhruvoḥ madhye between the two eyebrowsSB 6.8.8-10
tri-bhuvana-madhye within the three worldsCC Madhya 8.199
brahmāṇḍa-madhye within this universeCC Madhya 20.218
śrī-catuḥ-vyūha-madhye in the quadruple expansions (Vāsudeva, Sańkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha)CC Adi 1.8
śrī-catuḥ-vyūha-madhye in the quadruple expansions (Vāsudeva, Sańkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha)CC Adi 5.13
dāsī-madhye amongst the maidservantsCC Adi 10.137
dharaṇīra madhye among the material planetsCC Adi 5.110
dharma-ācāri-madhye among persons who actually follow the Vedic principles or religious systemCC Madhya 19.147
dhyeya-madhye out of all types of meditationCC Madhya 8.253
duḥkha-madhye among the miserable conditions of lifeCC Madhya 8.248
dui-vipra-madhye between the two brāhmaṇasCC Madhya 5.16
tat-dvīpa-madhye within that islandSB 5.20.30
ei tina madhye of these threeCC Madhya 1.65
gābhī-gaṇa-madhye among the cowsCC Antya 17.15
gābhī-madhye among the cowsCC Antya 20.131
kīrti-gaṇa-madhye among glorious activitiesCC Madhya 8.246
gāna-madhye among songsCC Madhya 8.250
prabhu-bhakta-gaṇa-madhye among the intimate devotees of the LordCC Madhya 12.68
gopī-gaṇa-madhye of all the gopīsCC Madhya 14.160
rasa-gaṇa-madhye among all the mellowsCC Madhya 19.104
hasti-gaṇa-madhye in the midst of many elephantsCC Madhya 21.69
veśyā-gaṇa-madhye among the prostitutesCC Antya 3.106
gābhī-gaṇa-madhye among the cowsCC Antya 17.15
gopī-gaṇa-madhye of all the gopīsCC Madhya 14.160
grāma-madhye within the villageCC Madhya 4.47
guṇa-madhye in such good attributesCC Antya 8.81
haṃsa-madhye in a society of white swansCC Antya 5.129
rāja-haṃsa-madhye in a society of white swansCC Antya 7.102
hasti-gaṇa-madhye in the midst of many elephantsCC Madhya 21.69
ihā-madhye in the meantimeCC Madhya 2.91
ińhāra madhye among the loving affairs of the gopīsCC Madhya 8.98
ińhāra madhye out of Them allCC Madhya 20.208
ińhāra madhye of ThemCC Madhya 20.220
iti-madhye in the meantimeCC Adi 7.49
jagatera madhye throughout the whole worldCC Antya 2.105
koṭi-jñāni-madhye out of many millions of such wise menCC Madhya 19.148
sūtra-madhyei kahiluń I have already stated within the synopsisCC Madhya 1.9
kāraṇa-ambhodhi-madhye in the midst of the Causal OceanCC Adi 1.9
kāraṇa-ambhodhi-madhye in the midst of the Causal OceanCC Adi 5.50
koṭi-karma-niṣṭha-madhye among millions of such performers of fruitive activities according to Vedic principlesCC Madhya 19.147
kīrti-gaṇa-madhye among glorious activitiesCC Madhya 8.246
koṭi-karma-niṣṭha-madhye among millions of such performers of fruitive activities according to Vedic principlesCC Madhya 19.147
koṭi-jñāni-madhye out of many millions of such wise menCC Madhya 19.148
koṭi-mukta-madhye out of many millions of such liberated personsCC Madhya 19.148
kṣīra-udadhi-madhye in part of the ocean known as the ocean of milkCC Adi 5.111
madhya-līlā-madhye within the madhya-līlā chaptersCC Antya 1.10
madhya-līlā-madhye within the madhya-līlā chaptersCC Antya 1.10
tat-dvīpa-madhye within that islandSB 5.20.30
pārṣada-madhye among the personal associatesSB 6.5.38
bhruvoḥ madhye between the two eyebrowsSB 6.8.8-10
vilaya-ambu-madhye in the Causal Ocean, in which everything is preserved in a state of reserved energySB 7.9.32
ṛtvijām madhye in the group of all the priestsSB 8.23.13
ubhayoḥ madhye in between the twoSB 9.14.43
vahni-madhye within the fireSB 11.14.36-42
śrī-catuḥ-vyūha-madhye in the quadruple expansions (Vāsudeva, Sańkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha)CC Adi 1.8
kāraṇa-ambhodhi-madhye in the midst of the Causal OceanCC Adi 1.9
tāra madhye among themCC Adi 4.48
tāra madhye among themCC Adi 4.81
śrī-catuḥ-vyūha-madhye in the quadruple expansions (Vāsudeva, Sańkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha)CC Adi 5.13
para-vyoma-madhye within the spiritual skyCC Adi 5.26
kāraṇa-ambhodhi-madhye in the midst of the Causal OceanCC Adi 5.50
dharaṇīra madhye among the material planetsCC Adi 5.110
kṣīra-udadhi-madhye in part of the ocean known as the ocean of milkCC Adi 5.111
tattva-madhye in the truthCC Adi 7.16
iti-madhye in the meantimeCC Adi 7.49
sabhā-madhye in the assembly ofCC Adi 7.65
dāsī-madhye amongst the maidservantsCC Adi 10.137
vārāṇasī-madhye at VārāṇasīCC Adi 10.152-154
prema-arṇava-madhye in the ocean of love of GodheadCC Adi 11.28
mahā-śākhā-madhye amongst the great branchesCC Adi 12.88
tāra madhye out of thatCC Adi 13.12
tāra madhye out of those twenty-four yearsCC Adi 13.35
tāra madhye out of thatCC Adi 13.38
vyākaraṇa-madhye among grammarsCC Adi 16.32
raurava-madhye in a hellish condition of lifeCC Adi 17.166
tāhi madhye during thatCC Adi 17.238
tahiń madhye in that chapterCC Adi 17.316
tāra madhye amongst themCC Madhya 1.11-12
tāra madhye within that periodCC Madhya 1.19
tāra madhye within that periodCC Madhya 1.23
nṛtya-madhye during the dancingCC Madhya 1.57
ei tina madhye of these threeCC Madhya 1.65
sūtra-madhye in the form of a synopsisCC Madhya 2.91
ihā-madhye in the meantimeCC Madhya 2.91
grāma-madhye within the villageCC Madhya 4.47
sevā-madhye in rendering serviceCC Madhya 4.87
dui-vipra-madhye between the two brāhmaṇasCC Madhya 5.16
ińhāra madhye among the loving affairs of the gopīsCC Madhya 8.98
tāra madhye among themCC Madhya 8.109
tri-bhuvana-madhye within the three worldsCC Madhya 8.199
vidyā-madhye in the midst of knowledgeCC Madhya 8.245
kīrti-gaṇa-madhye among glorious activitiesCC Madhya 8.246
duḥkha-madhye among the miserable conditions of lifeCC Madhya 8.248
mukta-madhye among the liberatedCC Madhya 8.249
gāna-madhye among songsCC Madhya 8.250
śreyaḥ-madhye among beneficial activitiesCC Madhya 8.251
dhyeya-madhye out of all types of meditationCC Madhya 8.253
śravaṇa-madhye out of all topics for hearingCC Madhya 8.255
vaiṣṇavera madhye amongst VaiṣṇavasCC Madhya 9.11
tāra madhye within that bookCC Madhya 9.200
ṭoṭā-madhye within the gardensCC Madhya 11.166
prabhu-bhakta-gaṇa-madhye among the intimate devotees of the LordCC Madhya 12.68
sūtra-madhye in the synopsisCC Madhya 13.132
nṛtya-madhye in the midst of dancingCC Madhya 13.135
tāra madhye within thatCC Madhya 13.141
tāńra madhye among themCC Madhya 13.150
vatsara-madhye within a yearCC Madhya 14.118
tāra madhye among themCC Madhya 14.151
gopī-gaṇa-madhye of all the gopīsCC Madhya 14.160
tāra madhye in that dealingCC Madhya 14.162
pāda-madhye between the two legsCC Madhya 15.24
tāra madhye within that pastimeCC Madhya 15.298
sabāra madhye among all of themCC Madhya 16.34
tāra madhye within that episodeCC Madhya 16.55
tāra madhye within those episodesCC Madhya 16.83
tāra madhye within thatCC Madhya 16.214-215
sūtra-madhye in the synopsisCC Madhya 16.214-215
tāra madhye through themCC Madhya 17.26
sei mleccha-madhye among those MuslimsCC Madhya 18.185
rasa-gaṇa-madhye among all the mellowsCC Madhya 19.104
tāra madhye among the living entities who are conditioned within the material worldCC Madhya 19.144
tāra madhye among all such living entitiesCC Madhya 19.145
tāra madhye among the small quantity of human beingsCC Madhya 19.145
veda-niṣṭha-madhye among persons who are followers of the VedasCC Madhya 19.146
dharma-ācāri-madhye among persons who actually follow the Vedic principles or religious systemCC Madhya 19.147
koṭi-karma-niṣṭha-madhye among millions of such performers of fruitive activities according to Vedic principlesCC Madhya 19.147
koṭi-jñāni-madhye out of many millions of such wise menCC Madhya 19.148
koṭi-mukta-madhye out of many millions of such liberated personsCC Madhya 19.148
paravyoma-madhye in the paravyoma areaCC Madhya 20.192
ińhāra madhye out of Them allCC Madhya 20.208
paravyoma-madhye in the spiritual skyCC Madhya 20.213
brahmāṇḍa-madhye within this universeCC Madhya 20.218
ińhāra madhye of ThemCC Madhya 20.220
hasti-gaṇa-madhye in the midst of many elephantsCC Madhya 21.69
tāra madhye of them allCC Madhya 22.99
pañca-madhye out of the fiveCC Madhya 24.194
ātma-madhye among themselvesCC Madhya 25.22
sabhā-madhye in the assembly of the sannyāsīsCC Madhya 25.23
tāra madhye within the creationCC Madhya 25.111
tathi-madhye within thatCC Madhya 25.243
tathi-madhye within thatCC Madhya 25.244
tāra madhye in thatCC Madhya 25.253
tāra madhye within thatCC Madhya 25.257
tāra madhye within thatCC Madhya 25.258
madhya-līlā-madhye within the madhya-līlā chaptersCC Antya 1.10
tayoḥ madhye between themCC Antya 1.161
tāra madhye within thatCC Antya 1.179
tāra madhye within thatCC Antya 1.180
jagatera madhye throughout the whole worldCC Antya 2.105
vana-madhye in the forestCC Antya 3.99
veśyā-gaṇa-madhye among the prostitutesCC Antya 3.106
bhajanera madhye in executing devotional serviceCC Antya 4.70
tāra madhye of the nine different types of devotional serviceCC Antya 4.71
haṃsa-madhye in a society of white swansCC Antya 5.129
tāra madhye within these statementsCC Antya 5.160
rāja-haṃsa-madhye in a society of white swansCC Antya 7.102
tāra madhye between the twoCC Antya 8.79
guṇa-madhye in such good attributesCC Antya 8.81
tāra madhye in the midst of thatCC Antya 10.159
tāra madhye along with thatCC Antya 10.159
tāra madhye in that connectionCC Antya 11.91-93
tāra madhye within thatCC Antya 13.136-137
tāra madhye within that placeCC Antya 14.62
gābhī-gaṇa-madhye among the cowsCC Antya 17.15
surabhi-madhye among the cowsCC Antya 17.72
sakhī-madhye among the friendsCC Antya 18.93
samudrera madhye in the midst of the great oceanCC Antya 20.81
tāra madhye within that chapterCC Antya 20.103
tāra madhye in that chapterCC Antya 20.104
tāra madhye within that chapterCC Antya 20.105
tāra madhye within that chapterCC Antya 20.111
tāra madhye within that chapterCC Antya 20.118
tāra madhye in that chapterCC Antya 20.118
tāra madhye in that chapterCC Antya 20.124
tāra madhye in that chapterCC Antya 20.125
tāra madhye within thatCC Antya 20.127
tāra madhye within that chapterCC Antya 20.127
gābhī-madhye among the cowsCC Antya 20.131
sūtra-madhyei kahiluń I have already stated within the synopsisCC Madhya 1.9
mahā-śākhā-madhye amongst the great branchesCC Adi 12.88
sei mleccha-madhye among those MuslimsCC Madhya 18.185
mukta-madhye among the liberatedCC Madhya 8.249
koṭi-mukta-madhye out of many millions of such liberated personsCC Madhya 19.148
veda-niṣṭha-madhye among persons who are followers of the VedasCC Madhya 19.146
koṭi-karma-niṣṭha-madhye among millions of such performers of fruitive activities according to Vedic principlesCC Madhya 19.147
nṛtya-madhye during the dancingCC Madhya 1.57
nṛtya-madhye in the midst of dancingCC Madhya 13.135
pāda-madhye between the two legsCC Madhya 15.24
pañca-madhye out of the fiveCC Madhya 24.194
para-vyoma-madhye within the spiritual skyCC Adi 5.26
paravyoma-madhye in the paravyoma areaCC Madhya 20.192
paravyoma-madhye in the spiritual skyCC Madhya 20.213
pārṣada-madhye among the personal associatesSB 6.5.38
prabhu-bhakta-gaṇa-madhye among the intimate devotees of the LordCC Madhya 12.68
prema-arṇava-madhye in the ocean of love of GodheadCC Adi 11.28
rāja-haṃsa-madhye in a society of white swansCC Antya 7.102
rasa-gaṇa-madhye among all the mellowsCC Madhya 19.104
raurava-madhye in a hellish condition of lifeCC Adi 17.166
ṛtvijām madhye in the group of all the priestsSB 8.23.13
sabāra madhye among all of themCC Madhya 16.34
sabhā-madhye in the assembly ofCC Adi 7.65
sabhā-madhye in the assembly of the sannyāsīsCC Madhya 25.23
mahā-śākhā-madhye amongst the great branchesCC Adi 12.88
sakhī-madhye among the friendsCC Antya 18.93
samudrera madhye in the midst of the great oceanCC Antya 20.81
sei mleccha-madhye among those MuslimsCC Madhya 18.185
sevā-madhye in rendering serviceCC Madhya 4.87
śravaṇa-madhye out of all topics for hearingCC Madhya 8.255
śreyaḥ-madhye among beneficial activitiesCC Madhya 8.251
śrī-catuḥ-vyūha-madhye in the quadruple expansions (Vāsudeva, Sańkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha)CC Adi 1.8
śrī-catuḥ-vyūha-madhye in the quadruple expansions (Vāsudeva, Sańkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha)CC Adi 5.13
surabhi-madhye among the cowsCC Antya 17.72
sūtra-madhyei kahiluń I have already stated within the synopsisCC Madhya 1.9
sūtra-madhye in the form of a synopsisCC Madhya 2.91
sūtra-madhye in the synopsisCC Madhya 13.132
sūtra-madhye in the synopsisCC Madhya 16.214-215
tāhi madhye during thatCC Adi 17.238
tahiń madhye in that chapterCC Adi 17.316
tāńra madhye among themCC Madhya 13.150
tāra madhye among themCC Adi 4.48
tāra madhye among themCC Adi 4.81
tāra madhye out of thatCC Adi 13.12
tāra madhye out of those twenty-four yearsCC Adi 13.35
tāra madhye out of thatCC Adi 13.38
tāra madhye amongst themCC Madhya 1.11-12
tāra madhye within that periodCC Madhya 1.19
tāra madhye within that periodCC Madhya 1.23
tāra madhye among themCC Madhya 8.109
tāra madhye within that bookCC Madhya 9.200
tāra madhye within thatCC Madhya 13.141
tāra madhye among themCC Madhya 14.151
tāra madhye in that dealingCC Madhya 14.162
tāra madhye within that pastimeCC Madhya 15.298
tāra madhye within that episodeCC Madhya 16.55
tāra madhye within those episodesCC Madhya 16.83
tāra madhye within thatCC Madhya 16.214-215
tāra madhye through themCC Madhya 17.26
tāra madhye among the living entities who are conditioned within the material worldCC Madhya 19.144
tāra madhye among all such living entitiesCC Madhya 19.145
tāra madhye among the small quantity of human beingsCC Madhya 19.145
tāra madhye of them allCC Madhya 22.99
tāra madhye within the creationCC Madhya 25.111
tāra madhye in thatCC Madhya 25.253
tāra madhye within thatCC Madhya 25.257
tāra madhye within thatCC Madhya 25.258
tāra madhye within thatCC Antya 1.179
tāra madhye within thatCC Antya 1.180
tāra madhye of the nine different types of devotional serviceCC Antya 4.71
tāra madhye within these statementsCC Antya 5.160
tāra madhye between the twoCC Antya 8.79
tāra madhye in the midst of thatCC Antya 10.159
tāra madhye along with thatCC Antya 10.159
tāra madhye in that connectionCC Antya 11.91-93
tāra madhye within thatCC Antya 13.136-137
tāra madhye within that placeCC Antya 14.62
tāra madhye within that chapterCC Antya 20.103
tāra madhye in that chapterCC Antya 20.104
tāra madhye within that chapterCC Antya 20.105
tāra madhye within that chapterCC Antya 20.111
tāra madhye within that chapterCC Antya 20.118
tāra madhye in that chapterCC Antya 20.118
tāra madhye in that chapterCC Antya 20.124
tāra madhye in that chapterCC Antya 20.125
tāra madhye within thatCC Antya 20.127
tāra madhye within that chapterCC Antya 20.127
tat-dvīpa-madhye within that islandSB 5.20.30
tathi-madhye within thatCC Madhya 25.243
tathi-madhye within thatCC Madhya 25.244
tattva-madhye in the truthCC Adi 7.16
tayoḥ madhye between themCC Antya 1.161
ei tina madhye of these threeCC Madhya 1.65
ṭoṭā-madhye within the gardensCC Madhya 11.166
tri-bhuvana-madhye within the three worldsCC Madhya 8.199
ubhayoḥ madhye in between the twoSB 9.14.43
kṣīra-udadhi-madhye in part of the ocean known as the ocean of milkCC Adi 5.111
vahni-madhye within the fireSB 11.14.36-42
vaiṣṇavera madhye amongst VaiṣṇavasCC Madhya 9.11
vana-madhye in the forestCC Antya 3.99
vārāṇasī-madhye at VārāṇasīCC Adi 10.152-154
vatsara-madhye within a yearCC Madhya 14.118
veda-niṣṭha-madhye among persons who are followers of the VedasCC Madhya 19.146
veśyā-gaṇa-madhye among the prostitutesCC Antya 3.106
vidyā-madhye in the midst of knowledgeCC Madhya 8.245
vilaya-ambu-madhye in the Causal Ocean, in which everything is preserved in a state of reserved energySB 7.9.32
dui-vipra-madhye between the two brāhmaṇasCC Madhya 5.16
vyākaraṇa-madhye among grammarsCC Adi 16.32
para-vyoma-madhye within the spiritual skyCC Adi 5.26
śrī-catuḥ-vyūha-madhye in the quadruple expansions (Vāsudeva, Sańkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha)CC Adi 1.8
śrī-catuḥ-vyūha-madhye in the quadruple expansions (Vāsudeva, Sańkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha)CC Adi 5.13
2 results
madhye indeclinable (ifc.) in (ifc.) into among
Frequency rank 1024/72933
madhyebhakta noun (neuter) [medic.]
Frequency rank 38022/72933
Wordnet Search
"madhye" has 3 results.


abhyantare, antaḥ, antarā, madhye   

kasya api nirdhāritasya samayasya athavā sthānasya sīmāyāḥ pūrvaṃ vā।

ahaṃ dvi-ghaṇṭāyāḥ abhyantare eva āgacchāmi।


madhye, madhyamasthāne   


grāmasya madhye śivasya mandiram asti।


madhye sthā, madhye pat, parakāryeṣu vyāpṛ   

parakārye anadhikāritve api madhyastharūpeṇa vyavaharaṇānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

pitāputrayoḥ vivāde tvaṃ kimarthaṃ madhye tiṣṭhasi।

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