madhye | among | CC Adi 4.214 |
| | CC Madhya 18.197 |
| | CC Madhya 19.185 |
| | CC Madhya 4.193 |
madhye | among | CC Madhya 4.193 |
| | CC Madhya 8.247 |
| | CC Madhya 8.256 |
| | CC Madhya 9.239-240 |
| | SB 10.49.16 |
| | SB 5.16.7 |
madhye | amongst | SB 1.14.24 |
madhye | at the middle (the waist) | SB 10.75.33 |
madhye | between | BG 1.21-22 |
| | BG 2.10 |
| | BG 8.10 |
| | CC Antya 8.80 |
| | SB 10.26.7 |
| | SB 12.2.27-28 |
| | SB 3.15.28 |
madhye | between them | CC Madhya 18.60 |
madhye | in between | SB 11.28.21 |
madhye | in the center | CC Antya 10.66 |
madhye | in the middle | BG 14.18 |
| | CC Adi 1.72 |
| | CC Adi 17.136 |
| | CC Adi 2.68 |
| | CC Adi 4.70 |
| | CC Adi 7.151 |
| | CC Antya 14.19 |
| | CC Antya 7.65 |
| | CC Madhya 11.215 |
| | CC Madhya 11.225 |
| | CC Madhya 12.137 |
| | CC Madhya 16.196 |
| | CC Madhya 3.44 |
| | CC Madhya 7.78 |
| | CC Madhya 8.161 |
| | SB 10.13.11 |
| | SB 11.10.24 |
| | SB 11.28.18 |
| | SB 11.28.19 |
| | SB 4.29.30-31 |
| | SB 5.2.11 |
| | SB 5.20.43 |
| | SB 8.6.10 |
| | SB 9.10.6-7 |
madhye | in the middle (between east and west) | SB 9.6.5 |
madhye | in the midst | BG 1.24 |
| | CC Adi 1.92 |
| | CC Adi 16.43 |
| | CC Madhya 20.252 |
| | CC Madhya 6.135 |
| | CC Madhya 6.193 |
| | CC Madhya 8.95 |
| | SB 1.9.35 |
| | SB 10.21.8 |
| | SB 10.33.6 |
| | SB 10.49.10 |
| | SB 10.62.11 |
| | SB 10.68.53 |
| | SB 10.72.1-2 |
| | SB 10.74.51 |
| | SB 10.81.27 |
| | SB 3.20.32 |
| | SB 4.29.7 |
madhye | in the midst of | CC Adi 10.85 |
| | CC Adi 14.49 |
madhye | in the phase of maintenance | SB 11.19.16 |
madhye | only in the middle, at present | SB 11.19.7 |
madhye | sometimes | CC Madhya 12.218 |
madhye | toward | CC Antya 3.60 |
madhye | within | CC Adi 1.29 |
| | CC Adi 12.67 |
| | CC Adi 13.15 |
| | CC Antya 6.297 |
| | MM 48 |
| | SB 10.46.35 |
| | SB 10.47.42 |
| | SB 10.77.17-18 |
| | SB 3.13.16 |
madhye | within the jurisdiction of Māhiṣmatī | SB 9.16.17 |
madhye | within the midst | SB 10.33.3 |
| | SB 4.21.14 |
madhye madhye | at intervals | CC Antya 10.134 |
madhye madhye | at intervals | CC Antya 10.134 |
| | CC Antya 10.154-155 |
madhye madhye | at intervals | CC Antya 10.154-155 |
| | CC Antya 13.106 |
madhye madhye | at intervals | CC Antya 13.106 |
| | CC Antya 17.7 |
madhye madhye | at intervals | CC Antya 17.7 |
| | CC Antya 3.26 |
madhye madhye | at intervals | CC Antya 3.26 |
| | CC Madhya 12.163-164 |
madhye madhye | at intervals | CC Madhya 12.163-164 |
| | CC Madhya 12.218 |
madhye madhye | at intervals | CC Madhya 12.218 |
| | CC Madhya 15.44 |
madhye madhye | at intervals | CC Madhya 15.44 |
| | CC Madhya 15.52 |
madhye madhye | at intervals | CC Madhya 15.52 |
| | CC Madhya 16.58 |
madhye madhye | at intervals | CC Madhya 16.58 |
madhye madhye | in the middle | CC Madhya 1.157 |
madhye madhye | in the middle | CC Madhya 1.157 |
madhye madhye | occasionally | CC Madhya 11.209 |
madhye madhye | occasionally | CC Madhya 11.209 |
madhye madhye | sometimes | CC Antya 2.86 |
madhye madhye | sometimes | CC Antya 2.86 |
| | CC Antya 6.113 |
madhye madhye | sometimes | CC Antya 6.113 |
| | CC Madhya 3.191 |
madhye madhye | sometimes | CC Madhya 3.191 |
madhye rahi' | keeping in the middle | CC Madhya 11.229 |
madhye rahi' | keeping in the middle | CC Madhya 11.229 |
madhyete | within | CC Adi 5.110 |
dharma-ācāri-madhye | among persons who actually follow the Vedic principles or religious system | CC Madhya 19.147 |
kāraṇa-ambhodhi-madhye | in the midst of the Causal Ocean | CC Adi 1.9 |
kāraṇa-ambhodhi-madhye | in the midst of the Causal Ocean | CC Adi 5.50 |
vilaya-ambu-madhye | in the Causal Ocean, in which everything is preserved in a state of reserved energy | SB 7.9.32 |
prema-arṇava-madhye | in the ocean of love of Godhead | CC Adi 11.28 |
ātma-madhye | among themselves | CC Madhya 25.22 |
bhajanera madhye | in executing devotional service | CC Antya 4.70 |
prabhu-bhakta-gaṇa-madhye | among the intimate devotees of the Lord | CC Madhya 12.68 |
bhruvoḥ madhye | between the two eyebrows | SB 6.8.8-10 |
tri-bhuvana-madhye | within the three worlds | CC Madhya 8.199 |
brahmāṇḍa-madhye | within this universe | CC Madhya 20.218 |
śrī-catuḥ-vyūha-madhye | in the quadruple expansions (Vāsudeva, Sańkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha) | CC Adi 1.8 |
śrī-catuḥ-vyūha-madhye | in the quadruple expansions (Vāsudeva, Sańkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha) | CC Adi 5.13 |
dāsī-madhye | amongst the maidservants | CC Adi 10.137 |
dharaṇīra madhye | among the material planets | CC Adi 5.110 |
dharma-ācāri-madhye | among persons who actually follow the Vedic principles or religious system | CC Madhya 19.147 |
dhyeya-madhye | out of all types of meditation | CC Madhya 8.253 |
duḥkha-madhye | among the miserable conditions of life | CC Madhya 8.248 |
dui-vipra-madhye | between the two brāhmaṇas | CC Madhya 5.16 |
tat-dvīpa-madhye | within that island | SB 5.20.30 |
ei tina madhye | of these three | CC Madhya 1.65 |
gābhī-gaṇa-madhye | among the cows | CC Antya 17.15 |
gābhī-madhye | among the cows | CC Antya 20.131 |
kīrti-gaṇa-madhye | among glorious activities | CC Madhya 8.246 |
gāna-madhye | among songs | CC Madhya 8.250 |
prabhu-bhakta-gaṇa-madhye | among the intimate devotees of the Lord | CC Madhya 12.68 |
gopī-gaṇa-madhye | of all the gopīs | CC Madhya 14.160 |
rasa-gaṇa-madhye | among all the mellows | CC Madhya 19.104 |
hasti-gaṇa-madhye | in the midst of many elephants | CC Madhya 21.69 |
veśyā-gaṇa-madhye | among the prostitutes | CC Antya 3.106 |
gābhī-gaṇa-madhye | among the cows | CC Antya 17.15 |
gopī-gaṇa-madhye | of all the gopīs | CC Madhya 14.160 |
grāma-madhye | within the village | CC Madhya 4.47 |
guṇa-madhye | in such good attributes | CC Antya 8.81 |
haṃsa-madhye | in a society of white swans | CC Antya 5.129 |
rāja-haṃsa-madhye | in a society of white swans | CC Antya 7.102 |
hasti-gaṇa-madhye | in the midst of many elephants | CC Madhya 21.69 |
ihā-madhye | in the meantime | CC Madhya 2.91 |
ińhāra madhye | among the loving affairs of the gopīs | CC Madhya 8.98 |
ińhāra madhye | out of Them all | CC Madhya 20.208 |
ińhāra madhye | of Them | CC Madhya 20.220 |
iti-madhye | in the meantime | CC Adi 7.49 |
jagatera madhye | throughout the whole world | CC Antya 2.105 |
koṭi-jñāni-madhye | out of many millions of such wise men | CC Madhya 19.148 |
sūtra-madhyei kahiluń | I have already stated within the synopsis | CC Madhya 1.9 |
kāraṇa-ambhodhi-madhye | in the midst of the Causal Ocean | CC Adi 1.9 |
kāraṇa-ambhodhi-madhye | in the midst of the Causal Ocean | CC Adi 5.50 |
koṭi-karma-niṣṭha-madhye | among millions of such performers of fruitive activities according to Vedic principles | CC Madhya 19.147 |
kīrti-gaṇa-madhye | among glorious activities | CC Madhya 8.246 |
koṭi-karma-niṣṭha-madhye | among millions of such performers of fruitive activities according to Vedic principles | CC Madhya 19.147 |
koṭi-jñāni-madhye | out of many millions of such wise men | CC Madhya 19.148 |
koṭi-mukta-madhye | out of many millions of such liberated persons | CC Madhya 19.148 |
kṣīra-udadhi-madhye | in part of the ocean known as the ocean of milk | CC Adi 5.111 |
madhya-līlā-madhye | within the madhya-līlā chapters | CC Antya 1.10 |
madhya-līlā-madhye | within the madhya-līlā chapters | CC Antya 1.10 |
tat-dvīpa-madhye | within that island | SB 5.20.30 |
pārṣada-madhye | among the personal associates | SB 6.5.38 |
bhruvoḥ madhye | between the two eyebrows | SB 6.8.8-10 |
vilaya-ambu-madhye | in the Causal Ocean, in which everything is preserved in a state of reserved energy | SB 7.9.32 |
ṛtvijām madhye | in the group of all the priests | SB 8.23.13 |
ubhayoḥ madhye | in between the two | SB 9.14.43 |
vahni-madhye | within the fire | SB 11.14.36-42 |
śrī-catuḥ-vyūha-madhye | in the quadruple expansions (Vāsudeva, Sańkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha) | CC Adi 1.8 |
kāraṇa-ambhodhi-madhye | in the midst of the Causal Ocean | CC Adi 1.9 |
tāra madhye | among them | CC Adi 4.48 |
tāra madhye | among them | CC Adi 4.81 |
śrī-catuḥ-vyūha-madhye | in the quadruple expansions (Vāsudeva, Sańkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha) | CC Adi 5.13 |
para-vyoma-madhye | within the spiritual sky | CC Adi 5.26 |
kāraṇa-ambhodhi-madhye | in the midst of the Causal Ocean | CC Adi 5.50 |
dharaṇīra madhye | among the material planets | CC Adi 5.110 |
kṣīra-udadhi-madhye | in part of the ocean known as the ocean of milk | CC Adi 5.111 |
tattva-madhye | in the truth | CC Adi 7.16 |
iti-madhye | in the meantime | CC Adi 7.49 |
sabhā-madhye | in the assembly of | CC Adi 7.65 |
dāsī-madhye | amongst the maidservants | CC Adi 10.137 |
vārāṇasī-madhye | at Vārāṇasī | CC Adi 10.152-154 |
prema-arṇava-madhye | in the ocean of love of Godhead | CC Adi 11.28 |
mahā-śākhā-madhye | amongst the great branches | CC Adi 12.88 |
tāra madhye | out of that | CC Adi 13.12 |
tāra madhye | out of those twenty-four years | CC Adi 13.35 |
tāra madhye | out of that | CC Adi 13.38 |
vyākaraṇa-madhye | among grammars | CC Adi 16.32 |
raurava-madhye | in a hellish condition of life | CC Adi 17.166 |
tāhi madhye | during that | CC Adi 17.238 |
tahiń madhye | in that chapter | CC Adi 17.316 |
tāra madhye | amongst them | CC Madhya 1.11-12 |
tāra madhye | within that period | CC Madhya 1.19 |
tāra madhye | within that period | CC Madhya 1.23 |
nṛtya-madhye | during the dancing | CC Madhya 1.57 |
ei tina madhye | of these three | CC Madhya 1.65 |
sūtra-madhye | in the form of a synopsis | CC Madhya 2.91 |
ihā-madhye | in the meantime | CC Madhya 2.91 |
grāma-madhye | within the village | CC Madhya 4.47 |
sevā-madhye | in rendering service | CC Madhya 4.87 |
dui-vipra-madhye | between the two brāhmaṇas | CC Madhya 5.16 |
ińhāra madhye | among the loving affairs of the gopīs | CC Madhya 8.98 |
tāra madhye | among them | CC Madhya 8.109 |
tri-bhuvana-madhye | within the three worlds | CC Madhya 8.199 |
vidyā-madhye | in the midst of knowledge | CC Madhya 8.245 |
kīrti-gaṇa-madhye | among glorious activities | CC Madhya 8.246 |
duḥkha-madhye | among the miserable conditions of life | CC Madhya 8.248 |
mukta-madhye | among the liberated | CC Madhya 8.249 |
gāna-madhye | among songs | CC Madhya 8.250 |
śreyaḥ-madhye | among beneficial activities | CC Madhya 8.251 |
dhyeya-madhye | out of all types of meditation | CC Madhya 8.253 |
śravaṇa-madhye | out of all topics for hearing | CC Madhya 8.255 |
vaiṣṇavera madhye | amongst Vaiṣṇavas | CC Madhya 9.11 |
tāra madhye | within that book | CC Madhya 9.200 |
ṭoṭā-madhye | within the gardens | CC Madhya 11.166 |
prabhu-bhakta-gaṇa-madhye | among the intimate devotees of the Lord | CC Madhya 12.68 |
sūtra-madhye | in the synopsis | CC Madhya 13.132 |
nṛtya-madhye | in the midst of dancing | CC Madhya 13.135 |
tāra madhye | within that | CC Madhya 13.141 |
tāńra madhye | among them | CC Madhya 13.150 |
vatsara-madhye | within a year | CC Madhya 14.118 |
tāra madhye | among them | CC Madhya 14.151 |
gopī-gaṇa-madhye | of all the gopīs | CC Madhya 14.160 |
tāra madhye | in that dealing | CC Madhya 14.162 |
pāda-madhye | between the two legs | CC Madhya 15.24 |
tāra madhye | within that pastime | CC Madhya 15.298 |
sabāra madhye | among all of them | CC Madhya 16.34 |
tāra madhye | within that episode | CC Madhya 16.55 |
tāra madhye | within those episodes | CC Madhya 16.83 |
tāra madhye | within that | CC Madhya 16.214-215 |
sūtra-madhye | in the synopsis | CC Madhya 16.214-215 |
tāra madhye | through them | CC Madhya 17.26 |
sei mleccha-madhye | among those Muslims | CC Madhya 18.185 |
rasa-gaṇa-madhye | among all the mellows | CC Madhya 19.104 |
tāra madhye | among the living entities who are conditioned within the material world | CC Madhya 19.144 |
tāra madhye | among all such living entities | CC Madhya 19.145 |
tāra madhye | among the small quantity of human beings | CC Madhya 19.145 |
veda-niṣṭha-madhye | among persons who are followers of the Vedas | CC Madhya 19.146 |
dharma-ācāri-madhye | among persons who actually follow the Vedic principles or religious system | CC Madhya 19.147 |
koṭi-karma-niṣṭha-madhye | among millions of such performers of fruitive activities according to Vedic principles | CC Madhya 19.147 |
koṭi-jñāni-madhye | out of many millions of such wise men | CC Madhya 19.148 |
koṭi-mukta-madhye | out of many millions of such liberated persons | CC Madhya 19.148 |
paravyoma-madhye | in the paravyoma area | CC Madhya 20.192 |
ińhāra madhye | out of Them all | CC Madhya 20.208 |
paravyoma-madhye | in the spiritual sky | CC Madhya 20.213 |
brahmāṇḍa-madhye | within this universe | CC Madhya 20.218 |
ińhāra madhye | of Them | CC Madhya 20.220 |
hasti-gaṇa-madhye | in the midst of many elephants | CC Madhya 21.69 |
tāra madhye | of them all | CC Madhya 22.99 |
pañca-madhye | out of the five | CC Madhya 24.194 |
ātma-madhye | among themselves | CC Madhya 25.22 |
sabhā-madhye | in the assembly of the sannyāsīs | CC Madhya 25.23 |
tāra madhye | within the creation | CC Madhya 25.111 |
tathi-madhye | within that | CC Madhya 25.243 |
tathi-madhye | within that | CC Madhya 25.244 |
tāra madhye | in that | CC Madhya 25.253 |
tāra madhye | within that | CC Madhya 25.257 |
tāra madhye | within that | CC Madhya 25.258 |
madhya-līlā-madhye | within the madhya-līlā chapters | CC Antya 1.10 |
tayoḥ madhye | between them | CC Antya 1.161 |
tāra madhye | within that | CC Antya 1.179 |
tāra madhye | within that | CC Antya 1.180 |
jagatera madhye | throughout the whole world | CC Antya 2.105 |
vana-madhye | in the forest | CC Antya 3.99 |
veśyā-gaṇa-madhye | among the prostitutes | CC Antya 3.106 |
bhajanera madhye | in executing devotional service | CC Antya 4.70 |
tāra madhye | of the nine different types of devotional service | CC Antya 4.71 |
haṃsa-madhye | in a society of white swans | CC Antya 5.129 |
tāra madhye | within these statements | CC Antya 5.160 |
rāja-haṃsa-madhye | in a society of white swans | CC Antya 7.102 |
tāra madhye | between the two | CC Antya 8.79 |
guṇa-madhye | in such good attributes | CC Antya 8.81 |
tāra madhye | in the midst of that | CC Antya 10.159 |
tāra madhye | along with that | CC Antya 10.159 |
tāra madhye | in that connection | CC Antya 11.91-93 |
tāra madhye | within that | CC Antya 13.136-137 |
tāra madhye | within that place | CC Antya 14.62 |
gābhī-gaṇa-madhye | among the cows | CC Antya 17.15 |
surabhi-madhye | among the cows | CC Antya 17.72 |
sakhī-madhye | among the friends | CC Antya 18.93 |
samudrera madhye | in the midst of the great ocean | CC Antya 20.81 |
tāra madhye | within that chapter | CC Antya 20.103 |
tāra madhye | in that chapter | CC Antya 20.104 |
tāra madhye | within that chapter | CC Antya 20.105 |
tāra madhye | within that chapter | CC Antya 20.111 |
tāra madhye | within that chapter | CC Antya 20.118 |
tāra madhye | in that chapter | CC Antya 20.118 |
tāra madhye | in that chapter | CC Antya 20.124 |
tāra madhye | in that chapter | CC Antya 20.125 |
tāra madhye | within that | CC Antya 20.127 |
tāra madhye | within that chapter | CC Antya 20.127 |
gābhī-madhye | among the cows | CC Antya 20.131 |
sūtra-madhyei kahiluń | I have already stated within the synopsis | CC Madhya 1.9 |
mahā-śākhā-madhye | amongst the great branches | CC Adi 12.88 |
sei mleccha-madhye | among those Muslims | CC Madhya 18.185 |
mukta-madhye | among the liberated | CC Madhya 8.249 |
koṭi-mukta-madhye | out of many millions of such liberated persons | CC Madhya 19.148 |
veda-niṣṭha-madhye | among persons who are followers of the Vedas | CC Madhya 19.146 |
koṭi-karma-niṣṭha-madhye | among millions of such performers of fruitive activities according to Vedic principles | CC Madhya 19.147 |
nṛtya-madhye | during the dancing | CC Madhya 1.57 |
nṛtya-madhye | in the midst of dancing | CC Madhya 13.135 |
pāda-madhye | between the two legs | CC Madhya 15.24 |
pañca-madhye | out of the five | CC Madhya 24.194 |
para-vyoma-madhye | within the spiritual sky | CC Adi 5.26 |
paravyoma-madhye | in the paravyoma area | CC Madhya 20.192 |
paravyoma-madhye | in the spiritual sky | CC Madhya 20.213 |
pārṣada-madhye | among the personal associates | SB 6.5.38 |
prabhu-bhakta-gaṇa-madhye | among the intimate devotees of the Lord | CC Madhya 12.68 |
prema-arṇava-madhye | in the ocean of love of Godhead | CC Adi 11.28 |
rāja-haṃsa-madhye | in a society of white swans | CC Antya 7.102 |
rasa-gaṇa-madhye | among all the mellows | CC Madhya 19.104 |
raurava-madhye | in a hellish condition of life | CC Adi 17.166 |
ṛtvijām madhye | in the group of all the priests | SB 8.23.13 |
sabāra madhye | among all of them | CC Madhya 16.34 |
sabhā-madhye | in the assembly of | CC Adi 7.65 |
sabhā-madhye | in the assembly of the sannyāsīs | CC Madhya 25.23 |
mahā-śākhā-madhye | amongst the great branches | CC Adi 12.88 |
sakhī-madhye | among the friends | CC Antya 18.93 |
samudrera madhye | in the midst of the great ocean | CC Antya 20.81 |
sei mleccha-madhye | among those Muslims | CC Madhya 18.185 |
sevā-madhye | in rendering service | CC Madhya 4.87 |
śravaṇa-madhye | out of all topics for hearing | CC Madhya 8.255 |
śreyaḥ-madhye | among beneficial activities | CC Madhya 8.251 |
śrī-catuḥ-vyūha-madhye | in the quadruple expansions (Vāsudeva, Sańkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha) | CC Adi 1.8 |
śrī-catuḥ-vyūha-madhye | in the quadruple expansions (Vāsudeva, Sańkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha) | CC Adi 5.13 |
surabhi-madhye | among the cows | CC Antya 17.72 |
sūtra-madhyei kahiluń | I have already stated within the synopsis | CC Madhya 1.9 |
sūtra-madhye | in the form of a synopsis | CC Madhya 2.91 |
sūtra-madhye | in the synopsis | CC Madhya 13.132 |
sūtra-madhye | in the synopsis | CC Madhya 16.214-215 |
tāhi madhye | during that | CC Adi 17.238 |
tahiń madhye | in that chapter | CC Adi 17.316 |
tāńra madhye | among them | CC Madhya 13.150 |
tāra madhye | among them | CC Adi 4.48 |
tāra madhye | among them | CC Adi 4.81 |
tāra madhye | out of that | CC Adi 13.12 |
tāra madhye | out of those twenty-four years | CC Adi 13.35 |
tāra madhye | out of that | CC Adi 13.38 |
tāra madhye | amongst them | CC Madhya 1.11-12 |
tāra madhye | within that period | CC Madhya 1.19 |
tāra madhye | within that period | CC Madhya 1.23 |
tāra madhye | among them | CC Madhya 8.109 |
tāra madhye | within that book | CC Madhya 9.200 |
tāra madhye | within that | CC Madhya 13.141 |
tāra madhye | among them | CC Madhya 14.151 |
tāra madhye | in that dealing | CC Madhya 14.162 |
tāra madhye | within that pastime | CC Madhya 15.298 |
tāra madhye | within that episode | CC Madhya 16.55 |
tāra madhye | within those episodes | CC Madhya 16.83 |
tāra madhye | within that | CC Madhya 16.214-215 |
tāra madhye | through them | CC Madhya 17.26 |
tāra madhye | among the living entities who are conditioned within the material world | CC Madhya 19.144 |
tāra madhye | among all such living entities | CC Madhya 19.145 |
tāra madhye | among the small quantity of human beings | CC Madhya 19.145 |
tāra madhye | of them all | CC Madhya 22.99 |
tāra madhye | within the creation | CC Madhya 25.111 |
tāra madhye | in that | CC Madhya 25.253 |
tāra madhye | within that | CC Madhya 25.257 |
tāra madhye | within that | CC Madhya 25.258 |
tāra madhye | within that | CC Antya 1.179 |
tāra madhye | within that | CC Antya 1.180 |
tāra madhye | of the nine different types of devotional service | CC Antya 4.71 |
tāra madhye | within these statements | CC Antya 5.160 |
tāra madhye | between the two | CC Antya 8.79 |
tāra madhye | in the midst of that | CC Antya 10.159 |
tāra madhye | along with that | CC Antya 10.159 |
tāra madhye | in that connection | CC Antya 11.91-93 |
tāra madhye | within that | CC Antya 13.136-137 |
tāra madhye | within that place | CC Antya 14.62 |
tāra madhye | within that chapter | CC Antya 20.103 |
tāra madhye | in that chapter | CC Antya 20.104 |
tāra madhye | within that chapter | CC Antya 20.105 |
tāra madhye | within that chapter | CC Antya 20.111 |
tāra madhye | within that chapter | CC Antya 20.118 |
tāra madhye | in that chapter | CC Antya 20.118 |
tāra madhye | in that chapter | CC Antya 20.124 |
tāra madhye | in that chapter | CC Antya 20.125 |
tāra madhye | within that | CC Antya 20.127 |
tāra madhye | within that chapter | CC Antya 20.127 |
tat-dvīpa-madhye | within that island | SB 5.20.30 |
tathi-madhye | within that | CC Madhya 25.243 |
tathi-madhye | within that | CC Madhya 25.244 |
tattva-madhye | in the truth | CC Adi 7.16 |
tayoḥ madhye | between them | CC Antya 1.161 |
ei tina madhye | of these three | CC Madhya 1.65 |
ṭoṭā-madhye | within the gardens | CC Madhya 11.166 |
tri-bhuvana-madhye | within the three worlds | CC Madhya 8.199 |
ubhayoḥ madhye | in between the two | SB 9.14.43 |
kṣīra-udadhi-madhye | in part of the ocean known as the ocean of milk | CC Adi 5.111 |
vahni-madhye | within the fire | SB 11.14.36-42 |
vaiṣṇavera madhye | amongst Vaiṣṇavas | CC Madhya 9.11 |
vana-madhye | in the forest | CC Antya 3.99 |
vārāṇasī-madhye | at Vārāṇasī | CC Adi 10.152-154 |
vatsara-madhye | within a year | CC Madhya 14.118 |
veda-niṣṭha-madhye | among persons who are followers of the Vedas | CC Madhya 19.146 |
veśyā-gaṇa-madhye | among the prostitutes | CC Antya 3.106 |
vidyā-madhye | in the midst of knowledge | CC Madhya 8.245 |
vilaya-ambu-madhye | in the Causal Ocean, in which everything is preserved in a state of reserved energy | SB 7.9.32 |
dui-vipra-madhye | between the two brāhmaṇas | CC Madhya 5.16 |
vyākaraṇa-madhye | among grammars | CC Adi 16.32 |
para-vyoma-madhye | within the spiritual sky | CC Adi 5.26 |
śrī-catuḥ-vyūha-madhye | in the quadruple expansions (Vāsudeva, Sańkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha) | CC Adi 1.8 |
śrī-catuḥ-vyūha-madhye | in the quadruple expansions (Vāsudeva, Sańkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna and Aniruddha) | CC Adi 5.13 |