mada | m. hilarity, rapture, excitement, inspiration, intoxication etc. | ||||||
mada | m. (dual number with madasya-Name of 2 sāman-s ) | ||||||
mada | m. ardent passion for (compound) | ||||||
mada | n. Name of 2 sāman-s | ||||||
madabhaṅga | m. breach or humiliation of pride | ||||||
madabhañjinī | f. "destroying intoxication", Asparagus Racemosus (see -ghnī-). | ||||||
madacyut | mfn. reeling with excitement, wanton, intoxicated, exhilarated or inspired with soma- | ||||||
madacyut | mfn. gladdening, exhilarating, inspiriting | ||||||
madacyut | mfn. emitting temple-juice (as an elephant in rut) | ||||||
madacyuta | (m/ada-.). mfn. staggering or reeling with intoxication | ||||||
madadhāra | m. Name of a king | ||||||
madadin | gaRa pragady-ādi-. | ||||||
madadurdina | n. large exudation of temple-juice | ||||||
madadvipa | m. a ruttish or furious elephant | ||||||
madagamana | prob. wrong reading for manda-g-. | ||||||
madagandha | m. Alstonia Scholaris | ||||||
madagandhā | f. an intoxicating beverage | ||||||
madagandhā | f. Linum Usitatissimum or Crotolaria Juncea | ||||||
madaghnī | f. "destroying intoxication", a species of leguminous plant (equals pūtikā-) | ||||||
madagurupakṣa | mfn. having wings heavy with honey (as bees) | ||||||
madahastinī | f. a species of karañja- | ||||||
madahetu | m. "cause of intoxication", Grislea Tomentosa | ||||||
madajala | n. the temple juice (of a ruttish elephant) | ||||||
madajvara | m. the fever of passion or pride | ||||||
madakala | mfn. sounding or singing softly or indistinctly (as if intoxicated) | ||||||
madakala | mfn. drunk, intoxicated (with liquor or passion), ruttish, furious, mad | ||||||
madakala | m. an elephant | ||||||
madakalakokilakūjita | n. the warbling of kokila-s during the breeding season | ||||||
madakalayuvati | f. a young woman intoxicated with love | ||||||
madakara | mf(ī-)n. causing intoxication, intoxicating | ||||||
madakāraṇa | n. a cause of pride or arrogance | ||||||
madakarin | m. an elephant in rut | ||||||
madakārin | () mfn. equals -kara-. | ||||||
madakohala | m. a bull set at liberty (at a festival and allowed to range about at will) | ||||||
madakṛt | () mfn. equals -kara-. | ||||||
madalekhā | f. a line formed by the rut-juice (on, an elephant's temples) | ||||||
madalekhā | f. a kind of metre, | ||||||
madamattā | f. Name of a metre | ||||||
madamattaka | m. a kind of thorn-apple | ||||||
madamohita | mfn. stupefied by drunkenness | ||||||
madamohita | mfn. infatuated by pride | ||||||
madamuc | mfn. emitting temple-juice (as a rutting elephant) | ||||||
madana | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) passion, love or the god of love etc. | ||||||
madana | m. a kind of embrace | ||||||
madana | m. the season of spring | ||||||
madana | m. a bee | ||||||
madana | m. (?) bees-wax (See paṭṭikā-) | ||||||
madana | m. Vanguiera Spinosa | ||||||
madana | m. a thorn-apple and various other plants (exempli gratia, 'for example' Phaseolus Radiatus, Acacia Catechu etc.) | ||||||
madana | m. a bird | ||||||
madana | m. (in music) a kind of measure | ||||||
madana | m. (in astrology) Name of the 7th mansion | ||||||
madana | m. Name of various men and authors (also with ācārya-, bhaṭṭa-, sarasvatī-etc.; see below) | ||||||
madanā | f. any intoxicating drink, spirituous liquor | ||||||
madana | n. the act of intoxicating or exhilarating | ||||||
madana | n. (scilicet astra-), Name of a mythical weapon (varia lectio mādana-) | ||||||
madana | n. bees-wax | ||||||
madana | mfn. equals mandr/a- | ||||||
madanabādhā | f. the pain or disquietude of love | ||||||
madanabhavana | n. "abode of love or matrimony", (in astrology) a particular station or state of the heavenly bodies | ||||||
madanābhirāma | m. Name of a prince | ||||||
madanabhūṣaṇa | n. Name of a play. | ||||||
madanācārya | m. Name of a teacher | ||||||
madanacaturdaśī | f. Name of a festival in honour of kāma-deva- on the 14th day in the light half of the month caitra- | ||||||
madanadahana | m. " kāma-deva-'s burner or consumer", Name of śiva-rudra- (and so of the number eleven) | ||||||
madanadamana | m. " kāma-deva-'s subduer", Name of śiva- | ||||||
madanadaṃṣṭrā | f. Name of a princess | ||||||
madanadhvajā | f. the 15th day in the light half of the month caitra- | ||||||
madanāditya | m. Name of a man | ||||||
madanadvādaśī | f. the 12th day of the light half of the month caitra- (sacred to, kāma-deva-) | ||||||
madanadviṣ | m. "enemy of kāma-deva-", Name of śiva- | ||||||
madanagopāla | m. "herdsman of love", Name of kṛṣṇa- | ||||||
madanagopāla | m. Name of the preceptor of vaikuṇṭha-purī- | ||||||
madanagopālavādaprabandha | m. Name of work | ||||||
madanagopālavilāsa | m. Name of work | ||||||
madanāgraka | m. Paspalum Scrobiculatum | ||||||
madanagṛha | n. Name of a particular Prakrit metre | ||||||
madanaharā | f. (Prakrit for -gṛha-) Name of a metre | ||||||
madanaka | m. Artemisia Indica (prob. wrong reading for damanaka-) | ||||||
madanaka | m. the thorn-apple | ||||||
madanaka | n. bees-wax | ||||||
madanakākurava | m. a pigeon | ||||||
madanakalaha | m. a love-quarrel | ||||||
madanakaṇṭaka | m. erection of hair caused by a thrill of love | ||||||
madanakaṇṭaka | m. Vanguiera Spinosa | ||||||
madanakīrti | m. Name of a poet | ||||||
madanakliṣṭa | mfn. pained by love | ||||||
madanalalita | mf(ā-)n. amorously sporting or dallying | ||||||
madanalalitā | f. a kind of metre | ||||||
madanalekha | m. a love-letter | ||||||
madanalekhā | f. idem or 'm. a love-letter ' | ||||||
madanalekhā | f. Name of a daughter of pratipa-mukha- (king of vārāṇasī-), kath-. | ||||||
madanalekhā | f. of another woman | ||||||
madanamaha | m. a festival held in honour of kāma-deva- | ||||||
madanamahārṇava | m. Name of 2 works. | ||||||
madanamahotsava | m. idem or 'm. a festival held in honour of kāma-deva- ' | ||||||
madanamālā | () f. Name of two women. | ||||||
madanamālinī | () f. Name of two women. | ||||||
madanamañcukā | f. Name of a daughter of madana-vega- and kaliṅga-senā- (the 6th lambaka- in the is called after her) | ||||||
madanamañjarī | f. Name of a daughter of the yakṣa- prince dundubhi- | ||||||
madanamañjarī | f. of a surāṅganā- | ||||||
madanamañjarī | f. of other women | ||||||
madanamañjarī | f. of a sārikā- | ||||||
madanamañjarī | f. of a drama | ||||||
madanamanohara | m. Name of an author (son of madhu-sūdana- paṇḍita-rāja-) | ||||||
madanamaya | mf(ī-)n. entirely under the influence of the god of love | ||||||
madanamiśra | m. Name of a man | ||||||
madanamodaka | m. a particular medicinal powder | ||||||
madanamohana | m. "the infatuater of the god of love", Name of kṛṣṇa- | ||||||
madanamohanī | f. Name of a surā | ||||||
madanamukhacapeṭā | f. Name of work | ||||||
madananālikā | f. a faithless wife | ||||||
madanāndhamiśra | m. Name of a man | ||||||
madanāṅkuśa | m. the penis | ||||||
madanāṅkuśa | m. a finger-nail | ||||||
madananṛpa | m. Name of an author (equals -pāla-). | ||||||
madanāntaka | m. " kāma-deva-'s destroyer", Name of śiva- | ||||||
madanapakṣin | m. a kind of bird (equals sārikā-) | ||||||
madanapāla | m. Name of a king (patron of viśve | ||||||
madanapālavinodanighaṇṭu | m. equals madana-viloda- q.v | ||||||
madanaparājaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
madanapārijāta | m. Name of a compendium of rules of morality and ritual composed by viśve | ||||||
madanapāthaka | m. "announcer of love or the spring", the Indian cuckoo | ||||||
madanapaṭṭikā | f. (prob.) a wax-tablet | ||||||
madanaphala | n. the fruit of Vanguiera Spinosa | ||||||
madanapīḍā | f. equals -bādhā- | ||||||
madanaprabha | m. Name of a vidyā-dhara- | ||||||
madanaprabhā | f. Name of a surā | ||||||
madanapura | n. Name of a town, | ||||||
madanarāja | m. Name of a man | ||||||
madanaratna | n. Name of work | ||||||
madanaratnanighaṇṭu | m. Name of work | ||||||
madanaratnapradīpa | m. Name of work | ||||||
madanarekhā | f. Name of the supposed mother of vikramā | ||||||
madanarekhā | f. of a divine female | ||||||
madanāri | m. equals na-dviṣ-, | ||||||
madanaripu | m. equals -dviṣ- | ||||||
madanārṇava | m. "love-dwelling", pudendum muliebre | ||||||
madanārṇava | m. a lotus | ||||||
madanārṇava | m. a sovereign, prince | ||||||
madanārṇava | m. equals na-bhavana- | ||||||
madanaśalākā | f. Turdus Salica (equals sārikā-) | ||||||
madanaśalākā | f. the female of the Indian cuckoo | ||||||
madanaśalākā | f. an aphrodisiac | ||||||
madanasaṃdesa | m. a message of love | ||||||
madanasaṃpīḍā | n. Name of a drama | ||||||
madanasaṃpīḍī | f. Name of a divine female | ||||||
madanasaṃpīḍī | f. of a treatise on erotics | ||||||
madanasārikā | f. Turdus Salica | ||||||
madanāśaya | m. sexual desire | ||||||
madanasenā | f. Name of various women | ||||||
madanaśikhipīḍā | f. the pain of the fire of love | ||||||
madanasiṃha | m. Name of various authors | ||||||
madanasundarī | f. Name of various women | ||||||
madanatantra | n. the science of sexual love | ||||||
madanātapatra | n. the vulva | ||||||
madanatrayodaśī | f. Name of a festival in honour of kāma-deva- on the 13th day in the light half of the month caitra- | ||||||
madanatṛṣṇā | f. "love-thirst", Name of a dancing girl | ||||||
madanātura | mfn. love-sick | ||||||
madanavahniśikhāvalī | f. the flame of the fire of love, | ||||||
madanavaśa | mfn. influenced by love, enamoured | ||||||
madanāvastha | mfn. being in a state of love, enamoured | ||||||
madanāvasthā | f. the being in love | ||||||
madanavatī | f. Name of a town | ||||||
madanavega | m. Name of a king of the vidyā-dhara-s | ||||||
madanaviklava | mfn. bewildered by passion, | ||||||
madanavinoda | m. Name of medical vocabulary (written in 1375 and attributed to madana-pāla- q.v) | ||||||
madanāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to resemble the god of love | ||||||
madanayaṣṭiketu | m. a kind of lag | ||||||
madanāyudha | n. pudendum muliebre | ||||||
madanāyuṣa | m. a species of shrub | ||||||
madanecchāphala | n. a species of mango | ||||||
madanī | f. idem or 'f. any intoxicating drink, spirituous liquor ' | ||||||
madanī | f. musk | ||||||
madanī | f. Name of a plant (equals atimukta-) | ||||||
madanī | f. the civet-cat | ||||||
madanikā | f. Name of a woman | ||||||
madanīya | mfn. intoxicating | ||||||
madanīya | mfn. exciting passion or love | ||||||
madanodaya | m. "rising of love", Name of work | ||||||
madanodyānāna | n. "love's garden", Name of a garden | ||||||
madanotsaya | m. kāma--deva's festival (equals na-maha-) the holy or vernal festival (see ) | ||||||
madanotsaya | m. a particular game | ||||||
madanotsayā | f. a courtezan of svarga- | ||||||
madanotsuka | mfn. pining or languid with love | ||||||
madantī | f. idem or 'f. (in music) a particular śruti- ' | ||||||
madantī | f. plural (with or scilicet āpas-) bubbling or boiling water | ||||||
madantikā | f. (in music) a particular śruti- | ||||||
madapati | m. "lord of the soma-juice", Name of indra- and viṣṇu- | ||||||
madapaṭu | mfn. ruttish | ||||||
madapaṭu | ind. (to sing) loud or shrill | ||||||
madaprada | mfn. "intoxicating"and"causing arrogance" | ||||||
madapraseka | m. idem or 'm. the issue of temple-juice (in a rutting elephant) ' | ||||||
madapraseka | m. the aphrodisiacal fluid (of a woman) (perhaps"sprinkling with wine"). | ||||||
madaprasravaṇa | n. equals -prayoga- | ||||||
madaprayoga | m. the issue of temple-juice (in a rutting elephant) | ||||||
madarāga | m. "affected by passion or by intoxication", the god of love | ||||||
madarāga | m. a cock | ||||||
madarāga | m. a drunken man | ||||||
madarpatapura | n. Name of a town | ||||||
madarpitapura | n. Name of a town | ||||||
madartha | m. my purpose | ||||||
madartham | ind. for the sake of me | ||||||
madarudradatta | m. Name of an author | ||||||
madaśāka | m. Portulaca Quadrifiga | ||||||
madasāra | m. Salmalia Malabarica | ||||||
madaśauṇḍaka | n. a nutmeg | ||||||
madasrāvin | mfn. equals -muc- | ||||||
madasthala | n. "place of intoxication", a drinking-house, tavern | ||||||
madasthāna | n. "place of intoxication", a drinking-house, tavern | ||||||
madavallabha | m. Name of a gandharva- | ||||||
madavāraṇa | m. a furious elephant, | ||||||
madavāri | n. equals -jala- | ||||||
madavihvala | mfn. excited by passion, lustful, wanton | ||||||
madavihvalita | mfn. excited by passion, lustful, wanton | ||||||
madavikṣipta | mfn. "distracted by passion", ruttish, furious (as an elephant) | ||||||
madavīrya | n. the power of passion or fury | ||||||
madavṛddha | (m/ada--) mfn. invigorated or inspired by soma--juice | ||||||
madavyādhi | n. equals madā | ||||||
madayantī | f. Arabian or wild jasmine | ||||||
madayantī | f. Name of the wife of kalmāṣa-pāda- or mitra-- saha- | ||||||
madayantikā | f. Arabian jasmine, | ||||||
madayantikā | f. Name of a woman, | ||||||
madayat | mfn. (fr. Causal) intoxicating etc. | ||||||
madayitnu | m. "intoxicating etc.", (only ) the god of love | ||||||
madayitnu | m. a distiller of spirituous liquor | ||||||
madayitnu | m. a drunken man | ||||||
madayitnu | m. a cloud | ||||||
madayitnu | mn. spirituous liquor. | ||||||
madayitṛ | mfn. intoxicating, an intoxicater, maddener, delighter | ||||||
adharmadaṇḍana | n. unjust punishment | ||||||
adomada | or a-doma-dh/a- mfn. not occasioning inconvenience | ||||||
agnimadana | n. the fire of sexual love, | ||||||
ahamada | m. = Ahmad, | ||||||
airaṃmada | mfn. (fr. iraṃ-mada-), coming from sheet-lightning | ||||||
airaṃmada | mfn. a descendant of agni-, Name of devamuni- (author of a Vedic hymn) | ||||||
akṣamada | m. passion for dice. | ||||||
amada | mfn. cheerless | ||||||
amadana | m. Name of śiva- | ||||||
anavamadarśin | m. Name (also title or epithet) of one of the 24 mythical buddha-s, n. 1. | ||||||
apamada | mfn. free from pride or arrogance, | ||||||
apariṇāmadarśin | mfn. not providing for a change, improvident. | ||||||
apramada | m. not pleasure, joylessness | ||||||
aryamadaivata | n. "having aryaman- for its deity", Name of the mansion uttaraphalgunī- | ||||||
aryamadatta | m. Name of a man | ||||||
ātmadakṣiṇa | mfn. (a sacrifice) in which one offers one's self as dakṣiṇā- | ||||||
ātmadarśa | m. "self-shower", a mirror | ||||||
ātmadarśana | n. seeing the soul of or in (in compound) (see ) | ||||||
balamada | m. pride in power | ||||||
bhaṭṭamadana | m. Name of authors | ||||||
bhaumadarśanacāra | m. Name of a chapter of the mīna-jātaka-. | ||||||
bhīmadarśana | mfn. frightful in appearance | ||||||
brahmada | mfn. imparting religious knowledge | ||||||
brahmadaitya | m. a Brahman changed into a daitya- | ||||||
brahmadaṇḍa | m. " brahmā-'s staff", Name of a mythical weapon | ||||||
brahmadaṇḍa | m. the curse of a Brahman (varia lectio brāhma-d-) | ||||||
brahmadaṇḍa | m. Name of śiva- | ||||||
brahmadaṇḍa | m. Clerodendrum Siphonantus | ||||||
brahmadaṇḍa | m. Name of a particular ketu- | ||||||
brahmadaṇḍa | m. of a prince | ||||||
brāhmadaṇḍa | m. (prob.) wrong reading for brahma-d- | ||||||
brahmadaṇḍī | f. a species of plant (equals adhyāṇḍā- ) | ||||||
brahmadaṇḍin | m. Name of a sage | ||||||
brahmadarbhā | f. Ptychotis Ajowan | ||||||
brahmadatta | mfn. given by brahma | ||||||
brahmadatta | mfn. given by brahmā- | ||||||
brahmadatta | m. Name of various men (see naḍā | ||||||
brahmadatta | m. of a man with the patronymic caikitāneya- | ||||||
brahmadatta | m. of a king (plural his descendants) | ||||||
brahmadatta | m. of a prince of the pañcāla-s in kāmpilya- etc. | ||||||
brahmadatta | m. of a king of the sālva-s | ||||||
brahmadatta | m. of a prince in vārāṇasī- | ||||||
brahmadatta | m. of a prince in śrāvastī- | ||||||
brahmadatta | m. (see ) of a prince in campā- | ||||||
brahmadatta | m. of a prince in kusuma-pura- | ||||||
brahmadatta | m. of the 12th cakra-vartin- in bhārata- | ||||||
brahmadatta | m. of a Brahman | ||||||
brahmadatta | m. of a merchant | ||||||
brahmadatta | m. of the father of kṛṣṇa-datta- | ||||||
brahmadatta | m. of several authors | ||||||
brāhmadattāyana | m. patronymic fr. brahma-datta- gaRa śubhrā | ||||||
carmadala | n. a slight form of leprosy | ||||||
carmadaṇḍa | m. "leather-stick", a whip | ||||||
chandomadaśāha | m. idem or 'm. Name of a daśa-rātra- rite ' | ||||||
chandomadaśarātra | m. Name of a daśa-rātra- rite | ||||||
damadamāya | (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) P. A1. yati-, yate- Va1rtt. 1 (not in edition) | ||||||
dāmadaśa | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having threads for fringes ' | ||||||
dantimada | m. the juice flowing from a rutting elephant's temples | ||||||
dhanamada | m. pride of money | ||||||
dhanamada | mfn. equals -vat- proud of money | ||||||
dharmada | mfn. giving or granting virtue | ||||||
dharmada | m. Name of one of the attendants of skanda- | ||||||
dharmadakṣiṇā | f. fee for instruction in the law | ||||||
dharmadarśana | n. knowledge of duty or law | ||||||
dharmadarśin | mfn. seeing what is right (Bombay edition) commentator or commentary | ||||||
dharmadatta | m. Name of a poet and a writer on rhetoric | ||||||
dhūmadarśin | mfn. seeing smoke (in the eye, a disease) | ||||||
drumada | m. Name of a man | ||||||
durmada | m. mad conception or illusion, foolish pride or arrogance | ||||||
durmada | mfn. drunken, fierce, mad, infatuated by (compound) etc. | ||||||
durmada | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- | ||||||
durmada | m. of a son of dhṛta- (father of pracetas-) | ||||||
durmada | m. of a son of bhadra-sena- (father of dhanaka-) | ||||||
durmada | m. of a son of vasu-deva- and rohiṇī- or pauravī- | ||||||
durmadavīramānin | mfn. foolishly fancying (one's self) a hero | ||||||
dvipamada | m. equals -dāna- | ||||||
eṇamada | m. the juice of the antelope, musk | ||||||
gajamada | m. equals -dāna- | ||||||
gandhamadana | metrically for gandh/a-mādana- q.v | ||||||
gārtsamada | mfn. relating to gṛtsamada- | ||||||
gārtsamada | m. a descendant of gṛtsamada- | ||||||
gārtsamada | m. (plural) | ||||||
gārtsamada | n. Name of a sāman-. | ||||||
gharmada | mf(ā-)n. causing heat. | ||||||
grāmadaśeśa | m. the head of 10 villages | ||||||
gṛtsamada | m. Name of a son of śaunaka- of bhṛgu-'s family (formerly a son of śuna-hotra- [Su-hotra ]of the family of aṅgiras-, but by indra-'s will transferred to the bhṛgu- family;author of most of the hymns of ) etc. | ||||||
gṛtsamada | m. plural gṛtsamada-'s family | ||||||
hanumadaṅgadasaṃvāda | m. | ||||||
hanumadaṣṭaka | n. | ||||||
hanumadaṣṭottaraśatanāman | n. | ||||||
hastimada | m. the exudation from an elephant's temples | ||||||
hatasammada | mfn. whose pleasures are destroyed or marred | ||||||
hemadantā | f. "golden-toothed", an apsaras- | ||||||
homadarpaṇavidhi | wrong reading for -tarp- (q.v) | ||||||
homadarvī | f. the sacrificial ladle | ||||||
indramada | m. a disease to which fish and leeches are liable | ||||||
indrapramada | m. Name of a man. | ||||||
iraṃmada | m. () delighting in drink | ||||||
iraṃmada | m. Name of agni- (in the form of lightning and apāṃ-napāt-) | ||||||
iraṃmada | m. a flash of lightning or the fire attending the fall of a thunderbolt | ||||||
iraṃmada | m. submarine fire | ||||||
jāmadagna | mf(/ī-)n. derived from or produced, by jamad-agni- (or jāmadagnya- gaRa kaṇvā | ||||||
jāmadagna | m. Name of a catur-aha- | ||||||
jāmadagna | m. plural (gaRa kaṇvā | ||||||
jāmadagneya | m. idem or ' patronymic fr. jamad-agni- ' | ||||||
jamadagni | m. (see | ||||||
jamadagnidatta | (m/ad-) mfn. given by jamadagni- | ||||||
jamadagnitīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- | ||||||
jāmadagniya | patronymic fr. jamad-agni- | ||||||
jāmadagnya | mfn. belonging or relating to jamad-agni- or to his son jāmadagnya- | ||||||
jāmadagnya | m. (gaRa gargā | ||||||
jāmadagnya | m. rāma- (paraśu--) | ||||||
jāmadagnya | m. Name of a catur-aha- | ||||||
jāmadagnya | m. plural Jamad-agni's descendants | ||||||
jāmadagnyadvādaśī | f. the 12th day in the light (?) half of vaiśākha- | ||||||
jāmadagnyaka | m. equals jāmadagniya- | ||||||
jāmadagnyāyita | n. the act of killing after the manner of paraśu-rāma- | ||||||
janmada | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals -kara- | ||||||
janmada | mfn. a progenitor, father (varia lectio) | ||||||
jāṣkamada | m. a kind of animal | ||||||
kāmada | mf(ā-)n. giving what is wished, granting desires etc. | ||||||
kāmada | mf(ā-)n. Name of the sun | ||||||
kāmada | mf(ā-)n. of skanda- | ||||||
kāmada | m. "gracious lord", | ||||||
kāmadahana | n. "the burning up of the god of love by śiva-", Name of a chapter of the | ||||||
kāmadahana | n. a particular festival on the day of full moon in the month phālguna-. | ||||||
kāmadaminī | f. "taming love", Name of a libidinous woman | ||||||
kāmadantikā | f. varia lectio for -dattikā- | ||||||
kāmadarśana | mfn. having the look of a charming person, looking lovely | ||||||
kāmadattā | f. Name of work | ||||||
kāmadattikā | f. Name of a daughter of śata-dhanvan- | ||||||
kāmadatva | n. the granting desires. | ||||||
karmadaṇḍa | m. control of actions, | ||||||
kastūrikāmada | m. musk. | ||||||
kramadaṇḍa | m. a kind of krama-pāṭha-. | ||||||
kṣaumadaśā | f. a fringed linen cloth, | ||||||
kṣemadarśin | m. Name of a prince of the kosala-s | ||||||
kṣemadarśīya | mfn. relating to kṣema-darśin- (as a tale, itihā | ||||||
kumbhimada | m. the juice that exudes from an elephant's temples at certain seasons | ||||||
kundasamadanta | mfn. one whose teeth are like the jasmine. | ||||||
kuraṅgamada | m. musk, | ||||||
kusumadanta | m. (equals puṣpa-d-), Name of a mystical being | ||||||
lavaṇamada | m. a kind of salt | ||||||
madāmada | mfn. being in perpetual excitement | ||||||
madārmada | m. a species of fish (see maho | ||||||
madhumada | m. intoxication with wine | ||||||
mahāmada | m. great pride or intoxication | ||||||
mahāmada | m. excessive or violent rut (of an elephant) | ||||||
mahāmada | m. fever | ||||||
mahāmada | m. an elephant in strong rut | ||||||
mahamadaedala | m. = $ Name of a prince | ||||||
mahammada | m. = $ Name of a king | ||||||
mahmadakhāna | m. = $ Name of a man | ||||||
mahonmada | m. excessive intoxication, great ecstasy | ||||||
mahonmada | m. a species of fish | ||||||
mṛgamada | m. (also plural) musk etc. | ||||||
mṛgamadavāsā | f. a musk-bag | ||||||
mṛtāmada | m. blue vitriol | ||||||
nandigrāmadarśana | n. Name of chapter of | ||||||
narmada | mfn. causing mirth or pleasure, delightful | ||||||
narmada | m. a jester, the companion of a person's sports or amusements | ||||||
narmada | m. Name of a man | ||||||
nārmada | mf(ī-)n. belonging to the river narma-dā- (pra-vāha-) | ||||||
nārmada | m. metron. of a man | ||||||
nimada | m. pronunciation which is distinct but slow (one of the 7 vācaḥ sthānāni-,or degrees of pronunciation) | ||||||
nirmada | mfn. unintoxicated, sober, quiet, humble, modest | ||||||
nirmada | mfn. (elephant) not in rut | ||||||
padmadalekṣaṇa | mfn. lotus-(leaf-)eyed | ||||||
padmadarśana | m. "looking like a lotus", the resin of the Pinus Longifolia | ||||||
padmadarśana | m. Name of a man | ||||||
palastijamadagni | m. plural the grey-haired jamad-agni-s (prob. a branch of this family of ṛṣi-s) () | ||||||
pānamada | m. intoxication | ||||||
paramada | m. highest degree of intoxication, | ||||||
pariṇāmadarśin | mfn. looking forward to the issue or consequences (of any event), prudent, fore-sighted | ||||||
paścimadakṣiṇa | mfn. south-westerly | ||||||
paścimadarśana | n. a last look (naṃ- | ||||||
pramada | m. joy, pleasure, delight | ||||||
pramada | mfn. wanton, dissolute (also daka- ) | ||||||
pramada | mfn. mad, intoxicated | ||||||
pramada | m. the thorn-apple | ||||||
pramada | m. the ankle | ||||||
pramada | m. Name of a dānava- | ||||||
pramada | m. of a son of vasiṣṭha- and one of the sages under manu- uttama- | ||||||
pramada | m. (f(ā-).See below) | ||||||
pramadakānana | n. equals dā-k- | ||||||
pramadakaṇṭha | m. Name of a man | ||||||
pramadana | n. amorous desire | ||||||
pramadana | n. a pleasure-grove | ||||||
pramadaropya | n. Name of a city in the Dekhan | ||||||
pramadavana | n. equals dā-v- | ||||||
prathamadarśana | n. first sight | ||||||
prathamadarśanadina | n. the first day of seeing any one (genitive case) | ||||||
prathamadarśane | ind. at first sight | ||||||
puṃjanmada | mfn. causing or granting it | ||||||
raivatamadanikā | f. Name of a drama. | ||||||
rāmadaṇḍaka | m. or n. Name of a stotra-. | ||||||
rāmadarśanāditas | ind. after having seen rāma- | ||||||
rāmadatta | m. Name of a minister of nṛ-siṃha- (king of mithilā-) | ||||||
rāmadatta | m. (also with mantrin-) of various authors | ||||||
rāmadayā | f. Name of work on bhakti-. | ||||||
rāmadayālu | m. Name of various authors | ||||||
rāyamadanapāla | m. | ||||||
rūpagosvāmiguṇaleśasūcakanāmadaśaka | n. of work | ||||||
sadāmada | mfn. always excited with joy | ||||||
sadāmada | mfn. always drunk | ||||||
sadāmada | mfn. ever-furious | ||||||
sadāmada | mfn. always proud | ||||||
sadāmada | mfn. always in rut (said of an elephant) | ||||||
sadāmada | m. Name of gaṇe | ||||||
samada | mf(ā-)n. intoxicated, excited with passion | ||||||
samada | mf(ā-)n. ruttish | ||||||
samadaṃṣṭratā | f. the having equal eye-teeth (one of the 50 minor marks of a buddha-) | ||||||
samadana | n. conflict, strife | ||||||
samadana | mf(ā-)n. impassioned, enamoured | ||||||
samadana | mf(ā-)n. furnished with thorn-apple trees | ||||||
samadanta | mfn. having even teeth | ||||||
samadantatā | f. one of the 32 signs of perfection (of a buddha-) | ||||||
sāmadarpaṇa | m. Name of work | ||||||
samadarśana | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') of similar appearance, like | ||||||
samadarśana | mfn. (also with sarvatra-or sarveṣām-) looking on all (things or men) with equal or indifferent eyes | ||||||
samadarśin | mfn. looking impartially on (locative case), regarding all things impartially | ||||||
śāmadatta | m. (with paṇḍita-) Name of an author | ||||||
saṃgamadatta | m. Name of a man | ||||||
saṃgrāmadatta | m. Name of a Brahman | ||||||
śāmmada | n. (fr. śam-mada-) Name of two sāman-s | ||||||
sammada | m. exhilaration, happiness, joy, delight at (compound) | ||||||
sammada | m. Name of a ṛṣi- | ||||||
sammada | m. of a king of the fish | ||||||
sammada | mfn. equals next | ||||||
sāmmada | m. (fr. sam-mada-) patronymic of matsya- (king of the aquatic animals) | ||||||
sāmmada | m. of the author of | ||||||
sammadamaya | mf(ī-)n. greatly exhilarated, happy, glad | ||||||
sammadavaī | mfn. "being together in rut or sexual passion", and"feeling delight" | ||||||
śarmada | () mfn. conferring happiness, making prosperous, propitious. | ||||||
sarvakāmada | m. "granting all desires", Name of śiva- | ||||||
satkarmadarpaṇa | m. Name of work | ||||||
saubhāgyamada | m. intoxication (produced) by happiness or beauty | ||||||
saumadatti | m. patronymic fr. soma-datta- | ||||||
smadabhīśu | (sm/ad--) mfn. having (beautiful) reins | ||||||
smaradurmada | mfn. intoxicated or infatuated by love | ||||||
somadaivajña | m. Name of an author | ||||||
somadaivatya | mfn. equals -devata- (with nakṣatra- n."the lunar mansion mṛga-śiras-") | ||||||
somadakṣa | m. Name of a man (also varia lectio for -rakṣa-). | ||||||
somadarśana | m. Name of a serpent-demon | ||||||
somadatta | m. Name of various kings | ||||||
somadatta | m. of various Brahmans | ||||||
somadatta | m. of a merchant | ||||||
somadatta | m. of a writer on dharma- | ||||||
somadattā | f. Name of a woman | ||||||
somadatti | wrong reading for saumad- | ||||||
somamada | m. intoxication occasioned by soma- | ||||||
śrīmada | m. the intoxication produced by wealth or prosperity | ||||||
sthiramada | mfn. intoxicating to such a degree as to cause lasting effects intoxicated in that manner | ||||||
sthiramada | m. a peacock | ||||||
sukāmada | mf(ā-)n. abundantly granting desires | ||||||
sukhamada | mfn. pleasantly intoxicating | ||||||
sūkṣmadala | m. mustard | ||||||
sūkṣmadalā | f. Alhagi Maurorum | ||||||
sūkṣmadarśin | mfn. sharp-sighted, of acute discernment, quick, intelligent | ||||||
sūkṣmadarśitā | f. quick-sightedness, acuteness, wisdom | ||||||
sumada | mfn. very drunk or impassioned | ||||||
sumadaṃsu | (m/ad--) mfn. together with the reins or harness | ||||||
sumadana | m. "greatly delighting", the Mango tree | ||||||
sūnmada | or sū | ||||||
surāmada | m. surā--intoxication | ||||||
śuṣmada | mfn. bestowing strength or valour | ||||||
tīvramada | mfn. excessively intoxicating | ||||||
triḥprasrutamada | mfn. equals tri-prasruta- | ||||||
trimada | m. the 3 narcotic plants (Cyperus rotundus, Plumbago zeylanica, and Embelia Ribes) | ||||||
trimada | m. the threefold haughtiness | ||||||
ukthāmada | n. praise and rejoicing | ||||||
unmada | mfn. mad, furious | ||||||
unmada | mfn. extravagant | ||||||
unmada | mfn. drunk, intoxicated etc. | ||||||
unmada | mfn. causing madness, intoxicating | ||||||
unmada | m. insanity, intoxication | ||||||
unmadana | mfn. inflamed with love | ||||||
uttamadarśana | mfn. of excellent appearance | ||||||
vaimada | mf(ī-)n. of or relating to vi-mada- | ||||||
vāmadatta | m. "given by śiva-", Name of a man | ||||||
vāmadattā | f. Name of a woman | ||||||
vanagajamada | m. the fluid exuding from the temples of a wild elephant in rut | ||||||
varṇakramadarpaṇa | m. Name of work | ||||||
varṣāmada | m. "rejoicing in the rains", a peacock | ||||||
vartmada | m. plural Name of a school of the atharva-- veda-. | ||||||
vasantamadana | n. a plant resembling the Premna Spinosa | ||||||
vibhavamada | m. the pride of power | ||||||
vidrumadaṇḍa | m. a branch of coral | ||||||
vidvajjanamadabhañjana | n. Name of work | ||||||
vidyāmada | m. pride in one's learning | ||||||
vimada | mfn. free from intoxication, grown sober | ||||||
vimada | mfn. free from rut | ||||||
vimada | mfn. free from pride or arrogance etc. | ||||||
vimada | mfn. joyless | ||||||
vimada | m. Name of a man protected by indra- (he gained his wife with the assistance of the aśvin-s) | ||||||
vimada | m. (with aindra- or prājāpatya-) of the author of | ||||||
vimada | etc. See . | ||||||
viśvāmitrajamadagni | m. dual number viśvāmitra- and jamad-agni- | ||||||
vyapetamadamatsara | mfn. free from infatuation and selfishness | ||||||
yamadagni | wrong reading for jamad-agni-. | ||||||
yamadaivata | mfn. having yama- for lord or ruler | ||||||
yamadaṃṣṭra | m. Name of an asura- | ||||||
yamadaṃṣṭra | m. of a rākṣasa- | ||||||
yamadaṃṣṭra | m. of a warrior on the side of the gods | ||||||
yamadaṃṣṭrā | f. yama-'s tooth (ṭrā | ||||||
yamadaṃṣṭrā | f. (prob.) a stab from a dagger | ||||||
yamadaṃṣṭrā | f. a kind of poison | ||||||
yamadaṃṣṭrā | f. plural the last 8 days of the month āśvina- and the whole of kārttika- considered as a period of general sickness | ||||||
yamadaṇḍa | m. yama-'s rod | ||||||
yugmadayuja | mfn. even and odd | ||||||
yuktamada | mfn. intoxicated | ||||||
yuṣmadartham | ind. for you, on your account |
madaḥ | मदः [मद्-अच्] 1 Intoxication, drunkenness, inebriety; मदेनास्पृश्ये Dk.; मदविकाराणां दर्शकः K.45; see comps. below. -2 Madness, insanity. -3 Ardent passion, wanton or lustful passion, lasciviousness, lust; इति मदमदनाभ्यां रागिणः स्पष्टरागान् Śi.1.91. -4 Rut, ichor, or the juice that exudes from the temples of an elephant in rut; मदेन भाति कलभः प्रतापेन महीपतिः Chandr.5.45; so मदकलः, मदोन्मत्त; Me.2; R.2.7;12.12. -5 Love, desire, ardour. -6 Pride, arrogance, conceit; तं मोहाच्छ्रयते मदः स च मदाद्दास्येन निर्विद्यते Pt.1.24. -7 Rapture, excessive delight. -8 Spirituous liquor; पाययित्वा मदं सम्यक् Śukra. 4.1171. -9 Honey. -1 Musk. -11 Semen virile. -12 Soma. -13 Any beautiful object. -14 A river (नद) -15 Beauty; नीलारविन्दमदभङ्गिमदैः कटाक्षैः Bv.3.4. -16 N. of the 7th astrological mansion. -दी 1 A drinking-cup. -2 Any agricultural implement (such as a plough &c.). -Comp. -अत्ययः, -आतङ्कः any distemper (such as headache) resulting from drunkenness. -अन्ध a. 1 blinded by intoxication, dead drunk, drunk with passion; अधरमिव मदान्धा पातुमेषा प्रवृत्ता V.4.13; यदा किंचिज्ज्ञो$हं द्विप इव मदान्धः समभवम् Bh.2.7. -2 blinded by passion or pride, arrogant, infatuated. -अपनयम् removal of intoxication. -अम्बरः 1 an elephant in rut. -2 N. of Airāvata, the elephant of Indra. -अलस a. languid with passion or intoxication. -अलसा N. of the daughter of Viśvaketu, the lord of Gandharvas. -अवस्था 1 a state of drunkenness. -2 wantonness, lustfulness. -3 rut, being in rut; अन्तर्मदावस्थ इव द्विपेन्द्रः R.2.7. -आकुल a. 1 furious with rut. -2 full of lust, overpowered by passion. -आढ्य a. drunk, intoxicated. (-ढ्यः) the palm tree. -आम्नातः a kettle-drum carried on the back of an elephant. -आलापिन् m. a cuckoo. -आह्वः musk. -उत्कट a. 1 intoxicated, excited by drink. -2 furious with passion, lustful. -3 arrogant, proud, haughty. -4 ruttish, under the influence of rut; मदोत्कटे रेचितपुष्पवृक्षा गन्धद्विपे वन्य इव द्विरेफाः R.6.7; हस्तिनं कमल- नालतन्तुना बद्धुमिच्छति वने मदोत्कटम्. (-टः) 1 an elephant in rut. -2 a dove. (-टा) spirituous liquor. -उत्सवः, उद्भवः mango -उदग्र, -उन्मत्त a. 1 drunk, intoxicated. -2 furious, drunk with passion. मदोदग्राः ककुद्मन्तः सरितां कूलमुद्रुजाः R.4.22. -3 arrogant, proud, haughty; मदोन्मत्तस्य भूपस्य कुञ्जरस्य च गच्छतः उन्मार्गं वाच्यतां यान्ति महामात्राः समीपगाः Pt.1.161. -उदग्रा f. A woman; L. D. B. -उद्धत a. 1 drunk with passion; मदोद्धताः प्रत्यनिलं विचेरुः Ku.3.31; सत्पक्षा मधुरगिरः प्रसाधिताशा मदोद्धतारम्भाः Ve.1.6. -2 inflated with pride. -उल्लापिन् m. the cuckoo. -ऊर्जित a. swollen with pride. -कटः a eunuch. -कर a. intoxicating, causing intoxication. -करिन् m. an elephant in rut. -कल a. speaking softly or inarticulately, speaking indistinctly; मदकलोदकलोलविहंगमाः R.9.37; मद- कलमदिराक्षीनीविमोक्षो हि मोक्षः Udb. -2 uttering low sounds of love. -3 drunk with passion; एतस्मिन् मदकलमल्लिकाक्षपक्ष... U.1.31; Māl.9.14. -4 indistinct yet sweet; मदकलं कूजितं सारसानाम् Me.31. -5 ruttish, furious, under the influence of rut; V.4.46. -6 furious, mad. (-लः) an elephant in rut; -कोहलः a bull set at liberty (to roam at will). -खेल a. stately or sportive through passion; मदखेलपदं कथं नु तस्याः V.4.16. -गन्धा 1 an intoxicating drink. -2 hemp. -गमनः a buffalo. -च्युत् a. 1 distilling rut (as an elephant). -2 lustful, wanton, drunk. -3 gladdening, exhilarating. (-m.) an epithet of Indra. (-m. dual) an epithet of the Aśvins. -जलम्, -वारि n. rutting juice, ichor exuding from the temples of a ruttish elephant. -ज्वरः fever of pride or passion; कतिपयपुरस्वाम्ये पुंसां क एष मदज्वरः Bh.3.23. -द्रुः a cocoa-nut tree (Mar. माड). -द्विपः a furious elephant, an elephant in rut. -प्रयोगः, -प्रसेकः, -प्रस्रवणम्, -स्रावः, -स्रुतिः f. the exudation of ichor or rutting juice from the temple of an elephant. -प्रसेकः the aphrodisiacal fluid (वीर्यच्युतिः); अन्यत्र मुञ्चन्ति मदप्रसेकम् Mk.4.16. -भङ्गः humiliation of pride; Bv.3.4. -भञ्जिनी Asparagus Racemosus (Mar. शतावरी). -मत्ता N. of a metre. -मुच् a. 'dropping down ichor', furious, intoxicated; सो$यं पुत्रस्तव मदमुचां वारणानां विजेता U.3.15. -मोहित a. 1 stupefied by drunkenness; अकार्यमन्यत् कुर्याद् वा ब्राह्मणो मदमोहितः Ms.11.96. -2 infatuated by pride. -रक्त a. affected with passion. -रागः 1 Cupid. -2 a cock. -3 a drunkard. -लेखा 1 a line of rut, a line formed by the juice flowing from an elephant's temples. -2 a kind of metre. -विक्षिप्त a. in rut, furious. -2 agitated by lust or passion. -विह्वल a. 1 maddened by lust or pride. -2 stupefied with intoxication. -वीर्यम् 1 strength produced by passion. -2 the heroism of love -वृन्दः an elephant. -शौण्डः, -शौण्डकम् nutmeg. -सारः a cotton shrub. -स्थलम्, -स्थानम् an ale-house, dram-shop, tavern. |
madana | मदन a. (-नी f.) [माद्यति अनेन, मद्-करणे ल्युट्] 1 Intoxicating, maddening. -2 Delighting, exhilarating. -नः 1 The god of love, Cupid; व्यापाररोधि मदनस्य निषेवितव्यम् Ś.1.27; हतमपि निहन्त्येव मदनः Bh.3.18. -2 Love, passion, sexual love, lust; विनयवारितवृत्तिरतस्तया न विवृतो मदनो न च संवृतः Ś.2.11; सतन्त्रिगीतं मदनस्य दीपकम् Ṛs.1.3; R.5.63; so मदनातुर, मदनपीडित &c. -3 The spring season. -4 A bee. -5 Bees'-wax. -6 A kind of embrace. -7 The Dhattūra plant. -8 The Khadira tree. -9 The Bakula tree. -1 N. of the 7th mansion (in astrol.). -11 A kind of measure (in music). -ना, -नी 1 Spirituous liquor. -2 Musk. -3 The atimukta creeper. (नी only in these two senses). -नम् 1 Intoxicating. -2 Gladdening, delighting. -Comp. -अग्रकः a species of grain (कोद्रव). -अङ्कुशः 1 the penis. -2 a finger-nail, or a wound inflicted by it in cohabitation. -अत्ययः excess of intoxication; मद्येन खलु जायन्ते मदात्ययमुखा गदाः Bhāva. P. -अन्तकः, -अरिः, -दमनः, -दहनः, -नाशनः, -रिपुः epithets of Śiva. -अवस्थ a. in love, enamoured. -आतपत्रम् the vulva. -आतुर, -आर्त, -क्लिष्ट, -पीडित a. afflicted by love, smit with love, love-sick; रावणावरजा तत्र राघवं मदनातुरा (अभिपेदे) R.12.32; Ś.3.13. -आयुधम् 1 pudendum muliebre. -2 'Cupid's missle', said of a very lovely woman. -आलयः, -यम् 1 pudendum muliebre. -2 a lotus. -3 a king. -आशयः sexual desire. -इच्छाफलम् a kind of mango. -उत्सवः the vernal festival celebrated in honour of Cupid. (-वा) an apsaras. -उत्सुक a. pining or languid with love. -उद्यानम् 'a pleasure-garden', N. of a garden. -कण्टकः 1 erection of hair caused by the feeling of love. -2 N. of a tree. -कलहः 'love's quarrel', sexual union; ˚छेद- सुलभाम् Mal.2.12. -काकुरवः a dove or pigeon. -गृहम् pudendum muliebre. -गोपालः an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa. -चतुर्दशी the fourteenth day in the bright half of Chaitra, or the festival celebrated on that day in honour of Cupid. -तन्त्रम् the science of sexual love. -त्रयोदशी the thirteenth day in the bright half of Chaitra, or the festival celebrated on that day in honour of Cupid. -द्वादशी a festival in honour of Cupid on the 12th day of the bright half of Chaitra. -ध्वजा the पौर्णिमा day of Chaitra month. -नालिका a faithless wife. -पक्षिन् m. the Khañjana bird. -पाठकः the cuckoo. -पीडा, -बाधा pangs or torments of love. -महः, -महोत्सवः a festival celebrated in honour of Cupid; मदनमहोत्सवाय रसिकमनांसि समुल्लासयन् Dk.2.5. -मोहनः an epithet of Kṛiṣṇa. -रसः poison; मदनरस- योगेनातिसन्धाय अपहरेत् Kau. A.1.15. -ललितम् amorous sport or dalliance. -ललिता N. of a metre; वेदाङ्गाङ्गैर्मदन- ललिता मो भो नमलसाः V. Ratna. (com.). -लेखः a loveletter. -वश a. influenced by love, enamoured. -विनोदः N. of a medical vocabulary attributed to मदनपाल. -शलाका 1 the female of the cuckoo. -2 an aphrodisiac. -3 the female parrot (also मदनसारिका). -संदेशः a message of love. |
madanakaḥ | मदनकः N. of a plant (दमनक). -कम् bee-wax. |
madanīya | मदनीय a. Intoxicating, exciting passion; पिबन्ति मद्यं मदनीयमुत्तमम् Ṛs.5.1 where मणिराम in his commentary says : मदनीयमुन्मादकरम्. मदयन्तिका madayantikā मदयन्ती madayantī मदयन्तिका मदयन्ती A kind of jasmine (Arabian). |
madayitnu | मदयित्नु a. [मद्-णिच् इत्नुच्] 1 Intoxicating maddening. -2 Gladdening. -त्नुः 1 The god of love. -2 A cloud. -3 A distiller of spirituous liquors. -4 A drunken man. -5 Spirituous liquor (n. also in this sense). |
madayitṛ | मदयितृ a. Intoxicating; maddener, delighter. |
adomada | अदोमद ध a. Ved. Not causing inconvenience. |
apramada | अप्रमद a. Devoid of festivities, sad, joyless; Bk. 1.9. |
amada | अमद a. 1 Free from intoxication, grave, serious. -2 Sorrowful. |
amadanaḥ | अमदनः Name of Śiva. Bhaviṣya P. |
irammada | इरम्मद a. [cf. P.III.2.37] Delighting in drinking, an epithet of Agni; इरम्मदं बृहदुक्थं यजत्रम् Vāj.11.76. -दः 1 A flash of lightning, the fire attending the fall of a thunderbolt; इरम्मदमिव मेघमाला$सूत K.7. -2 The submarine fire. |
unmada | उन्मद a. 1 Intoxicated, drunk; उदीरयामासुरिवोन्मदानाम् R.2.9,16.54. -2 Mad, furious, extravagant; Śi.1. 4; उन्मदसारसारवः 12.44,77;16.59. -3 Causing intoxication, intoxicating; मधुकराङ्गनया मुहुरुन्मदध्वनिभृता निभृताक्षर- मुज्जगे Śi.6.2. -दः 1 Insanity. -2 Intoxication, ecstacy; कृतमनुकृतवत्य उन्मदान्धाः प्रकृतिमगन्किल यस्य गोपवध्वः Bhāg.1.9.4. |
unmadana | उन्मदन a. [उद्भूतो-मदनो$स्य] Affected or inflamed with love; तदाप्रभृत्युन्मदना बभूव Ku.5.55. |
gṛtsamadaḥ | गृत्समदः N. of a Vedic Ṛiṣi and author of several hymns in Ṛigveda. |
jamadagniḥ | जमदग्निः A Brāhmaṇa and descendant of Bhṛigu and father of Paraśurāma. [Jamadagni was the son of Ṛichika and Satyavatī. He was a pious sage, deeply engaged in study, and is said to have obtained entire possession of the Vedas. His wife was Reṇukā who bore him five sons. One day when she had gone out to bathe, she beheld a loving pair of Gandharvas (according to some Chitraratha and his queen) sporting and playing in the water. The lovely sight made her feel envious of their pleasure, and she returned defiled by unworthy thoughts, 'wetted but not purified by the stream' Her husband, who was anger incarnate, seeing her shorn of the lustre of her sanctity, furiously scolded her, and ordered his sons, as they came in, to cut off her head. But the first four sons shrank from that cruel deed. It was only Paraśurāma, the youngest, that with characteristic obedience to his father's command, struck off her head with his axe. The deed pacified the father's anger, and he desired Paraśurāma to ask a boon. The kind-hearted son begged that his mother might be restored to life which the father readily granted.] |
jāmadagnyaḥ | जामदग्न्यः N. of Paraśurāma q. v.; जामदग्न्यमपहाय गीयते तापसेषु चरितार्थमायुधम् Ki.13.62. |
jāṣkamadaḥ | जाष्कमदः A kind of animal. |
nārmada | नार्मद a. 1 Belonging to the river Narmadā. -2 A class of Brāhmaṇas. |
nimadaḥ | निमदः A distinct but slow pronunciation. |
pramada | प्रमद a. 1 Drunk, intoxicated (fig. also). -2 Impassioned. -3 Careless. -4 Wanton, dissolute. -5 Violent, strong. -दः 1 Joy, pleasure, delight; बिभ्रन्ति यत्र प्रमदाय पुंसाम् Śi.3.54;13.2; Māl.9; अप्यमुना न वचोविषयो यः स प्रमदः सहासालसमूहे Rām. Ch.4.94. -2 The Dhattūra plant. -3 The ankle. -Comp. -काननम्, -वनम् a pleasure garden attached to the royal harem. |
pramadaka | प्रमदक a. Licentious, sensual. |
pramadanam | प्रमदनम् Amorous desire. |
madāmada | मदामद a. Being always drunk or excited. |
madārmadaḥ | मदार्मदः A kind of fish; (फलकमत्स्य). |
mṛtāmadaḥ | मृतामदः Blue vitriol. |
yamadagniḥ | यमदग्निः (v. l. for जमदग्निः q. v.) |
vimada | विमद a. 1 Free from intoxication, pride or arrogence; यो बलात् प्रोन्नतं याति निहन्तुं सबलो$प्यरिः । विमदः स निवर्तेत Pt.1.238. -2 Devoid of joy, sad, cheerless. |
samada | समद a. 1 Intoxicated, furious. -2 Mad with rut. -3 Drunk with passion; इह समदशकुन्ताक्रान्तवानीरवीरुत् U. 2.2; Mv.5.4. -4 Delighted, glad. |
saṃmada | संमद a. Greatly delighted, happy. -दः Great joy, delight, happiness; रणसंमदोदयविकासिबल ... Śi.15.77; Māl. 5.11; बत मे संमदः सो$भूदस्तु वा मास्तु वा तव Śiva B.15.3. |
saṃmadaḥ | संमदः Intoxication, frenzy. |
mada | m. hilarity, exhilaration, rap ture, intoxication; passion for (--°ree;); wanton ness, lust; rut; pride, arrogance, presump tion, conceit (of, about, g. or --°ree;); intoxicating draught; honey; temple-juice of elephants. |
madakara | a. intoxicating; -karin, m. elephant in rut; -kala, a. passionately sweet (note); uttering soft sounds of love; drunk with passion; reeling with intoxica tion; being in rut, beginning to rut (elephant); -kârin, -krit, a. intoxicating; -kyút, a. 1. (V.) reeling with excitement, exhilarated with Soma; gladdening, exhilarating; 2. distilling temple-juice (elephant); -gala, n. temple juice (of elephants); -gvara, m.fever of pas sion or pride; -durdina, n. stream of temple juice; -dvipa, m. rutting elephant. |
madalekhā | f. streak of temple juice; -vallabha, m. N. of a Gandharva; -vâri, n. temple-juice. |
madana | m. sexual love, passion, lust; m. god of love, Kâma; N.; a plant: -tantra, n. doctrine of sexual love; -damsh- trâ, f. N. of a princess; -damana, m. van quisher of Kâma, ep. of Siva; -dahana,m. burner of Kâma, ep. of Siva; -dvish, m. enemy of Kâma, ep. of Siva; -pâla, m. N. of a prince, the reputed author of various works; -pura, m. N. of a city; -prabhâ, f. N. of a fairy; -mañkukâ, f. N. of a daughter of Madanavega; -mañgarî, f. N.; -maya, a. swayed by love; -maha, m., -mahâ½utsava, m. great festival in honour of Kâma; -mâlâ, f. N.; -mâlinî, f. N.; -mohana, m. con founder of Kâma, ep. of Krishna; -yashti ketu, m. kind of flag; -râga, m. N.; -ripu, m. foe of Kâma, ep. of Siva; -lekhâ, f. love letter; N.; -vega, N. of a prince of the fairies; -salâkâ, f. hooded crow; -sundarî, f. N.; -senâ, f. N. |
madanāditya | m. N.; -½anta- ka, m. destroyer of Kâma, ep. of Siva; -½ari, m. foe of Kâma, ep. of Siva; -½avastha, a. enamoured, in love: â, f. being in love; -½âsaya, m. sexual desire. |
madanikā | f. N.; -îya, a. intoxi cating. |
madanodyāna | n. garden of Kâma, N. of a garden. |
madapaṭu | a. rutting (elephant); ad. clearly with joy (warble); -prada, a. in toxicating and causing pride or conceit; -prasravana½âvila, a. turbid with temple juice; -muk, a. discharging temple-juice (elephant). |
madarpatapura | n. N. of a city; -arpita-pura, n. id. |
madartha | m. my purpose. |
madayantī | f. [cs. pr. pt. de lighting], wild jasmine; N. of the wife of Kalmâsha-pâda (also called Mitrasaha); -ay-i-tri, (cs.) m. delighter, intoxicator. |
akṣamada | m. passion for play. |
atimada | m. violent excitement; -madhyamdina, n. exactly noon. |
asmadarthe | lc. ad. for my sake. |
iraṃmada | a. delighting in drink; m. ep. of Agni; sheet-lightning. |
unmada | a. drunk; furious; mad, wild; -ana, a. enamoured; -ishnu, a. mad. |
gārtsamada | a. referring to Grit samada; m. pat. descendant of Gritsamada. |
jamadagni | m. N. of a Rishi: -vat, ad. like Gamadagni. |
jāmadagneya | m. descendant of Gamadagni; -ya, m. pat. id., N.; relating etc. to Gamadagni or Gâmadagnya; -yâyi-ta, (den. pp.) n. slaughter after the manner of Parasurâma. |
jāmadagna | a. (&isharp;) coming from Gamadagni. |
nārmada | a. belonging to the Nar madâ. |
vaimada | a. (î) relating to or com posed by Vimada. |
samadarśana | a. of similar ap pearance, like; looking on all things or men impartially (± sarvatra); -darsin, a. looking impartially on (lc.), regarding all things im partially; -duhkha, a. feeling pain in common with another, compassionate: -sukha, a. shar ing sorrows and joys with others; indifferent to pain and pleasure; -dris, a. looking upon (lc.) indifferently or impartially; regarding all things impartially; -drishti, a. id.; having eyes in pairs; f. impartiality, indifference; -desa, m. even ground; -dharma, a. resem bling (--°ree;); -dhâ, ad. equally, with (in.). |
saumadatti | m. pat. fr. Soma datta. |
madavatī | ‘Intoxicating,’ is the name of a plant in the Atharvaveda. |
gṛtsamada | Is the name of a seer to whom the Sarvānu- kramanī attributes the authorship of the second Mandala of the Rigveda. This tradition is supported by the Aitareya Brāhmana and the Aitareya Aranyaka. The Kausītaki Brāhmana speaks of him as a Bhārgava, ‘ descendant of Bhrgu,’ with a variant Bābhrava, ‘ descendant of Babhru,’ but the later tradition keeps to the former patronymic.4 The Grtsamadas are often mentioned in the second Mandala of the Rigveda,5 and are also called Sunahotras,6 but never Gārtsamadas or Saunahotras, and Grtsamada himself never occurs there. |
jamadagni | Is one of the somewhat mythical sages of the Rigveda, where he is frequently mentioned. In some passages his name occurs in such a way as to indicate that he is the author of the hymn; once he is thus associated with Viśvā- mitra. In other passages he is merely referred to, and the Jamadagnisare mentioned once. In the Atharvaveda, as well as the Yajurveda Samhitās and the Brāhmanas, he is quite a frequent figure. Here he appears as a friend of Viśvāmitra and a rival of Vasistha. He owed his prosperity to his catū- rātra, or ‘four-night’ ritual, with which his family were also very successful. In the Atharvaveda Jamadagni is connected with Atri and Kanva, as well as Asita and Vītahavya. He was Adhvaryu priest at the proposed sacrifice of Sunahśepa. |
jāmadagniya | Is the patronymic of two ‘descendants of Jamadagni’ in the Taittirīya Samhitā. It appears from the Pañcavimśa Brāhmana that the Aurvas are meant, and that Jamadagni’s descendants were ever prosperous. |
jāṣkamada | Is the name of an unknown animal in the Atharvaveda. |
brahmadatta caikitāneya | (Descendant of Cekitāna’) is the name of a teacher in the Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upanisad, He is mentioned also in the Jaiminiya Upanisad as patronized by Abhipratārin, the Kuru king. |
vimada | Is credited by the Anukramanī (Index) with the authorship of a number of hymns of the Rigveda. This attribution is supported by the occurrence in this group of the name of the seer, and once of his family, the Vimadas, besides the repeated refrain vi vo made, ‘in your carouses.’ Vimada is occasionally alluded to later. |
vimada | Is mentioned in several passages of the Rigveda as a protágá of the Aśvins, who gave him a wife, Kamadyū. His identity with the preceding is improbable. |
sāmmada | (‘Descendant of Sammada’) is the patronymic of the mythical Matsya in the śatapatha Brāhmana. |
somadakṣa kauśreya | (‘Descendant of Kuśri’) is the name of a teacher in the Kāthaka and the Maitrāyaṇī Samhitās. |
madacyut | kṣeti sādane RV.9.12.3a; SV.2.548a. |
madacyutaḥ | kṛśanāvato atyān RV.1.126.4c. |
madacyutam | ahaye hantavā u RV.8.96.5b. |
madacyutam | auśānaṃ nabhojām RV.10.30.9c. |
madaḥ | śaviṣṭha cetati RV.8.12.1b; AVś.20.63.7b; SV.1.394b. |
madaṃ | yo asya raṃhyaṃ ciketati RV.10.147.4b. |
madaṃ | madiṣṭha vītaye RV.9.6.9b. |
madan | viśve kavitamaṃ kavīnām RV.6.18.14b; MS.4.12.3b: 183.4; KS.8.16b. |
madanti | devagopāḥ RV.8.46.32e. |
madanti | devā ubhayāni havyā AVś.7.109.2d. See madantu etc. |
madanti | devīr amṛtā ṛtāvṛtaḥ (Mś.Apś. -vṛdhaḥ) Vait.13.20; Apś.11.1.9; Mś. P: madanti śB.; Kś.8.2.12. Metrical. |
madanti | vīrā vidatheṣu ghṛṣvayaḥ RV.1.85.1d. |
madantīḥ | Kś.8.2.23. |
madantīndragopāḥ | RV.8.46.32d. |
madanto | gīrbhir adhvare sute sacā RV.3.53.10b. |
madantu | devā ubhayāni havyā AVP.4.9.3d. See madanti etc. |
madanty | ety asmad ā RV.5.56.3b. |
madathā | vṛktabarhiṣaḥ RV.8.7.20b. |
adomadam | annam addhi prasūtaḥ # AVś.6.63.1d. See under athā jīvaḥ. |
amīmadanta | patnyo yathābhāgaṃ yathālokam āvṛṣāyiṣata # Kauś.88.22. Cf. amīmadanta pitaro etc. |
amīmadanta | pitaraḥ # VS.19.36; TS.; MS.1.10.3: 143.3; 1.10.19: 159.5; KS.9.6; 36.13; 38.2; śB.; TB.; Mś.; See next two. |
amīmadanta | pitaraḥ somyāḥ # TB.; Apś.1.9.11. See prec. and next. |
amīmadanta | pitaro yathābhāgam (Kauś. yathābhāgaṃ yathālokam) āvṛṣāyiṣata (Aś. āvṛṣāyīṣata; śś. avīvṛṣata) # VS.2.31; VSK.2.2.6; śB.; 6.1.40; Aś.2.7.2; śś.4.4.14; 9.3; Lś.2.10.5; Kauś.88.21; SMB.2.3.7; GG.4.3.12; KhG.3.5.20; JG.2.2. Ps: amīmadanta pitaro yathābhāgam Lś.3.2.13; amīmadanta Kś.3.4.17; 4.1.14; 5.9.23. See prec. two. |
arāmadantam | avadalam # AVP.6.14.2a. |
asmadartham | apatyam # GDh.28.18. |
iraṃmadaṃ | bṛhadukthaṃ yajatram # VS.11.76c; TS.; MS.2.7.7c: 83.14; KS.16.7c; śB. |
gṛtsamadaḥ | (sc. tṛpyatu) # AG.3.4.2; śG.4.10.3. |
jamadagniḥ | (sc. tṛpyatu) # śG.4.10.3. |
jamadagniḥ | kaśyapaḥ svādv etat # AVP.2.28.5a; 5.28.4c. |
jamadagnibhir | āhutaḥ # Aś.8.9.7c; śś.10.10.8c; N.7.24. |
jamadagnim | akurvate # TA.1.9.6d. |
jamadagnir | āpyāyate # TA.1.9.6a. |
jamadagnir | ṛṣiḥ # VS.13.56; MS.2.7.19: 104.8; KS.16.19; śB. See vairājāj ja-. |
jamadagnes | tryāyuṣam (JG. triyā-, one ms. tryā-) # JG.1.11b; VārG.4.20b; JUB.4.3.1b. See kaśyapasya try-. |
yatrāmadad | vṛṣākapiḥ # RV.10.86.1c; AVś.20.126.1c; śś.12.13.2; Vait.32.17c; N.13.4c. |
mada | a secretion that flows from the foreheads of excited elephants | SB 10.54.57 |
mada | and the elephant's sweat | SB 10.43.15 |
mada | being maddened | SB 10.25.6 |
mada | by false pride | SB 10.67.14-15 |
mada | by intoxication | SB 10.35.24-25 |
SB 11.30.17 | ||
SB 4.6.12 | ||
SB 5.9.18 | ||
SB 6.1.58-60 | ||
mada | by passions | SB 10.68.31 |
mada | by the intoxication | SB 10.27.16 |
SB 10.60.19 | ||
SB 10.65.23 | ||
SB 10.73.10 | ||
SB 10.73.12-13 | ||
SB 11.13.36 | ||
SB 5.25.5 | ||
mada | by the madness | SB 6.13.16 |
mada | by their intoxication | SB 10.54.41 |
mada | due to intoxication with kindness | SB 5.25.5 |
mada | due to pride | SB 6.7.2-8 |
mada | due to the intoxication | SB 10.73.19 |
SB 10.84.63 | ||
mada | in intoxication | SB 10.17.4 |
mada | in the delusion | BG 16.17 |
mada | in the intoxication | SB 10.27.8 |
mada | intoxication | SB 3.20.29 |
mada | liquid secreted from the forehead | SB 10.53.15 |
mada | madness | SB 10.4.27 |
mada | of intoxication | SB 10.25.3 |
mada | of the false pride | SB 10.26.25 |
mada | of the intoxication of pride | SB 10.81.37 |
mada | of the liquid exuding from their foreheads | SB 10.71.31-32 |
mada | with intoxication | SB 10.30.12 |
SB 10.67.9-10 | ||
mada-āghūrṇita-locanau | their eyes rolling with intoxication | SB 10.10.2-3 |
mada-āghūrṇita-locanau | their eyes rolling with intoxication | SB 10.10.2-3 |
mada-āghūrṇita-locanau | their eyes rolling with intoxication | SB 10.10.2-3 |
mada-andha | blinded by intoxication | SB 10.15.10-12 |
mada-andha | blinded by intoxication | SB 10.15.10-12 |
SB 5.2.6 | ||
mada-andha | blinded by intoxication | SB 5.2.6 |
mada-andhaḥ | being blind with power | SB 4.14.5 |
mada-andhaḥ | being blind with power | SB 4.14.5 |
mada-andhaḥ | blinded by false prestige | SB 5.24.16 |
mada-andhaḥ | blinded by false prestige | SB 5.24.16 |
mada-andhaiḥ | blinded by the fragrance | CC Antya 15.51 |
mada-andhaiḥ | blinded by the fragrance | CC Antya 15.51 |
mada-andhānām | blinded by material opulences | SB 8.22.5 |
mada-andhānām | blinded by material opulences | SB 8.22.5 |
mada-anvitāḥ | absorbed in the conceit | BG 16.10 |
mada-anvitāḥ | absorbed in the conceit | BG 16.10 |
mada-aśanaiḥ | who drank honey | SB 8.2.23-24 |
mada-aśanaiḥ | who drank honey | SB 8.2.23-24 |
mada-cyudbhiḥ | exuding mada | SB 10.90.1-7 |
mada-cyudbhiḥ | exuding mada | SB 10.90.1-7 |
mada-cyut | exuding a secretion from its forehead because of excitement | SB 10.33.24 |
mada-cyut | exuding a secretion from its forehead because of excitement | SB 10.33.24 |
mada-cyut | liquor dripping from his mouth | SB 8.2.23-24 |
mada-cyut | liquor dripping from his mouth | SB 8.2.23-24 |
mada-hara | intoxicating power | CC Antya 15.22 |
mada-hara | intoxicating power | CC Antya 15.22 |
mada-induvara-candana-aguru-sugandhi-carcā-arcitaḥ | smeared with the unguents of musk, camphor, white sandalwood and aguru | CC Antya 19.91 |
mada-induvara-candana-aguru-sugandhi-carcā-arcitaḥ | smeared with the unguents of musk, camphor, white sandalwood and aguru | CC Antya 19.91 |
mada-induvara-candana-aguru-sugandhi-carcā-arcitaḥ | smeared with the unguents of musk, camphor, white sandalwood and aguru | CC Antya 19.91 |
mada-induvara-candana-aguru-sugandhi-carcā-arcitaḥ | smeared with the unguents of musk, camphor, white sandalwood and aguru | CC Antya 19.91 |
mada-induvara-candana-aguru-sugandhi-carcā-arcitaḥ | smeared with the unguents of musk, camphor, white sandalwood and aguru | CC Antya 19.91 |
mada-induvara-candana-aguru-sugandhi-carcā-arcitaḥ | smeared with the unguents of musk, camphor, white sandalwood and aguru | CC Antya 19.91 |
mada-induvara-candana-aguru-sugandhi-carcā-arcitaḥ | smeared with the unguents of musk, camphor, white sandalwood and aguru | CC Antya 19.91 |
mada-kala | intoxicated | CC Antya 1.171 |
mada-kala | intoxicated | CC Antya 1.171 |
mada-karī | an excited elephant | SB 10.42.17 |
mada-karī | an excited elephant | SB 10.42.17 |
mada-manthara | maddened by drinking | CC Adi 5.187 |
mada-manthara | maddened by drinking | CC Adi 5.187 |
mada-matta | being intoxicated by drinking Vāruṇī | CC Adi 17.118 |
mada-matta | being intoxicated by drinking Vāruṇī | CC Adi 17.118 |
mada-matta | one is drunk | CC Adi 7.22 |
mada-matta | one is drunk | CC Adi 7.22 |
mada-mudita | delighted by intoxication | SB 5.25.7 |
mada-mudita | delighted by intoxication | SB 5.25.7 |
mada-śīkaraiḥ | with particles of perfumed liquor | SB 9.11.26 |
mada-śīkaraiḥ | with particles of perfumed liquor | SB 9.11.26 |
mada-śoṣakaḥ | who can remove the madness | SB 6.18.26 |
mada-śoṣakaḥ | who can remove the madness | SB 6.18.26 |
mada-unmathita | being intoxicated | SB 1.15.22-23 |
mada-unmathita | being intoxicated | SB 1.15.22-23 |
mada-utkaṭāḥ | being mad | SB 8.7.13 |
mada-utkaṭāḥ | being mad | SB 8.7.13 |
mada-utkaṭaḥ | too puffed up because of opulence | SB 9.15.20 |
mada-utkaṭaḥ | too puffed up because of opulence | SB 9.15.20 |
mada-utkaṭau | terribly proud and mad | SB 10.10.2-3 |
mada-utkaṭau | terribly proud and mad | SB 10.10.2-3 |
mada-utpathānām | going astray out of false pride | SB 3.1.43 |
mada-utpathānām | going astray out of false pride | SB 3.1.43 |
mada-utsāhaḥ | courage based on intoxication | SB 11.25.2-5 |
mada-utsāhaḥ | courage based on intoxication | SB 11.25.2-5 |
mada-viḍambi | defeating the pride | CC Antya 1.168 |
mada-viḍambi | defeating the pride | CC Antya 1.168 |
mada-vihvala | being intoxicated | SB 8.2.23-24 |
mada-vihvala | being intoxicated | SB 8.2.23-24 |
mada-vihvala-akṣī | whose eyes were restless because of youthful pride | SB 8.9.16-17 |
mada-vihvala-akṣī | whose eyes were restless because of youthful pride | SB 8.9.16-17 |
mada-vihvala-akṣī | whose eyes were restless because of youthful pride | SB 8.9.16-17 |
mada-vihvalaḥ | being intoxicated | SB 4.25.57-61 |
mada-vihvalaḥ | being intoxicated | SB 4.25.57-61 |
madaḥ | audacity | SB 11.25.2-5 |
madaḥ | his intoxication | SB 10.27.3 |
madaḥ | illusion | SB 5.10.10 |
madaḥ | intoxication | SB 1.8.26 |
madaḥ | madness | SB 2.9.30 |
SB 7.15.43-44 | ||
madaḥ | pride | CC Antya 5.124-125 |
SB 11.23.18-19 | ||
SB 3.9.3 | ||
SB 5.6.5 | ||
SB 6.11.22 | ||
madaiḥ | a viscous secretion produced from the foreheads of excited elephants | SB 10.59.14 |
madaiḥ | by pride | SB 4.31.21 |
madaiḥ | from false ego | SB 10.10.15 |
madaiḥ | intoxication | SB 1.17.24 |
madam | false pride | SB 10.27.7 |
madam | illusion | BG 18.35 |
madam | intoxicated state | SB 10.29.48 |
madam | intoxication | SB 1.17.39 |
madam | the intoxicated pride | SB 10.54.22 |
madam | vanity | SB 3.23.3 |
madam | Your false pride | SB 10.54.25 |
madamatta | madman | CC Adi 7.78 |
madana | Cupid | CC Madhya 2.37 |
CC Madhya 8.138 | ||
SB 11.4.8 | ||
madana | O Cupid | MM 22 |
madana | of Cupid | CC Madhya 17.214 |
MM 13 | ||
madana | transcendental Cupid | CC Adi 8.51 |
madana-dahane | being burned by Cupid | CC Madhya 13.113 |
madana-dahane | being burned by Cupid | CC Madhya 13.113 |
madana-dahane | in the fire of lusty desire | CC Madhya 1.55 |
madana-dahane | in the fire of lusty desire | CC Madhya 1.55 |
madana-gopāla | of Śrī Rādhā-Madana-mohana | CC Madhya 1.32 |
madana-gopāla | of Śrī Rādhā-Madana-mohana | CC Madhya 1.32 |
madana-gopāla | of the Madana-mohana Deity | CC Antya 20.155 |
madana-gopāla | of the Madana-mohana Deity | CC Antya 20.155 |
madana-gopāla | the Deity Madana-gopāla | CC Adi 8.79 |
madana-gopāla | the Deity Madana-gopāla | CC Adi 8.79 |
madana-gopāla | the Deity named Madana-mohana | CC Antya 4.222 |
madana-gopāla | the Deity named Madana-mohana | CC Antya 4.222 |
madana-gopāle | to the temple of Śrī Madana-mohana | CC Adi 8.73 |
madana-gopāle | to the temple of Śrī Madana-mohana | CC Adi 8.73 |
madana-hatakena | by wretched Cupid | CC Madhya 2.36 |
madana-hatakena | by wretched Cupid | CC Madhya 2.36 |
madana-mada | the pride of Cupid | CC Madhya 21.131 |
madana-mada | the pride of Cupid | CC Madhya 21.131 |
madana-mohana | enchanting Cupid | CC Antya 14.18 |
madana-mohana | enchanting Cupid | CC Antya 14.18 |
madana-mohana | Lord Madana-mohana | CC Adi 8.80 |
madana-mohana | Lord Madana-mohana | CC Adi 8.80 |
madana-mohana | Madana-mohana, the deluder of Cupid | CC Madhya 21.107 |
madana-mohana | Madana-mohana, the deluder of Cupid | CC Madhya 21.107 |
madana-mohana | the Deity | CC Adi 8.78 |
madana-mohana | the Deity | CC Adi 8.78 |
madana-mohana | the enchanter of Madana (Cupid) | CC Madhya 2.56 |
madana-mohana | the enchanter of Madana (Cupid) | CC Madhya 2.56 |
madana-mohana-nāṭa | the dramatic player Madana-mohana | CC Antya 19.98 |
madana-mohana-nāṭa | the dramatic player Madana-mohana | CC Antya 19.98 |
madana-mohana-nāṭa | the dramatic player Madana-mohana | CC Antya 19.98 |
madana-mohanaḥ | Kṛṣṇa, who is more attractive than Cupid | CC Antya 15.78 |
madana-mohanaḥ | Kṛṣṇa, who is more attractive than Cupid | CC Antya 15.78 |
madana-mohanaḥ | Lord Kṛṣṇa, the enchanter of Cupid | CC Antya 15.63 |
madana-mohanaḥ | Lord Kṛṣṇa, the enchanter of Cupid | CC Antya 15.63 |
madana-mohanaḥ | Lord Kṛṣṇa, who enchants even Cupid | CC Antya 19.91 |
madana-mohanaḥ | Lord Kṛṣṇa, who enchants even Cupid | CC Antya 19.91 |
madana-mohanaḥ | Madana-mohana | CC Antya 16.119 |
madana-mohanaḥ | Madana-mohana | CC Antya 16.119 |
CC Antya 17.40 | ||
madana-mohanaḥ | Madana-mohana | CC Antya 17.40 |
madana-mohanaḥ | the enchanter of the mind of Cupid | CC Madhya 17.216 |
madana-mohanaḥ | the enchanter of the mind of Cupid | CC Madhya 17.216 |
madana-mohitaḥ | enchanted by Cupid | CC Madhya 17.216 |
madana-mohitaḥ | enchanted by Cupid | CC Madhya 17.216 |
madana-vepitam | agitated by Cupid or lusty desire | SB 6.1.62 |
madana-vepitam | agitated by Cupid or lusty desire | SB 6.1.62 |
madanaḥ | Cupid | CC Madhya 2.18 |
madanaḥ | Cupid (or amadana | SB 1.11.36 |
madasya | whose intoxication | SB 10.51.47 |
madau | and intoxication | SB 12.8.16 |
madayantyā | by his wife, who was also known as Madayantī | SB 9.9.23-24 |
madayantyāḥ | of Madayantī | SB 9.9.26-27 |
madayantyām | in the womb of Madayantī, King Saudāsa's wife | SB 9.9.38 |
madayati | maddens | CC Antya 14.120 |
CC Antya 14.73 | ||
CC Antya 16.87 | ||
CC Antya 17.72 | ||
CC Antya 19.76 | ||
CC Antya 6.327 | ||
maṇimat-mada-ādayaḥ | Maṇimān, Mada, etc. | SB 4.4.4 |
pramada-ādayaḥ | headed by Pramada | SB 8.1.24 |
madhu-āmada | intoxication by drinking | SB 3.3.15 |
unmada-andhāḥ | gone mad in ecstasy | SB 1.9.40 |
madirā-mada-andhaḥ | one who is blinded by intoxication | SB 3.28.37 |
durmada-andhaḥ | captivated by false prestige | SB 5.12.5-6 |
durmada-andhān | too intoxicated by | SB 2.2.5 |
dhana-durmada-andhān | persons who are puffed up with material possessions | CC Madhya 23.114 |
śrī-mada-andhasya | who is blinded by temporarily possessing riches and opulence | SB 10.10.13 |
śrī-mada-andhau | being blind with false prestige and opulence | SB 10.10.7 |
śrī-mada-andhayoḥ | who are blinded by celestial opulence | SB 10.10.19 |
śrī-mada-andhayoḥ | who had become mad after material opulence and had thus become blind | SB 10.10.40 |
brahmadattam | a son named Brahmadatta | SB 9.21.25 |
dhana-mada | in the form of infatuation by material wealth | SB 5.9.17 |
dhana-durmada-andhān | persons who are puffed up with material possessions | CC Madhya 23.114 |
durmada-andhān | too intoxicated by | SB 2.2.5 |
durmada | of the proud | SB 3.17.28 |
durmada-andhaḥ | captivated by false prestige | SB 5.12.5-6 |
durmada | the false pride | SB 10.14.20 |
durmada | the false pride | SB 10.83.13-14 |
dhana-durmada-andhān | persons who are puffed up with material possessions | CC Madhya 23.114 |
durmadaḥ | vainglorious | SB 3.18.1 |
durmadaḥ | Durmada | SB 4.29.14 |
raṇa-rańga-durmadaḥ | arrogant on the battlefield | SB 6.11.8 |
durmadaḥ | who is too attached to the members of his family | SB 8.2.26 |
durmadaḥ | a son named Durmada | SB 9.23.15 |
durmadaḥ | Durmada | SB 9.23.23 |
durmadaḥ | Durmada | SB 9.24.46 |
durmadaḥ | falsely proud | SB 10.41.34 |
su-durmadaḥ | very much deluded by pride | SB 10.51.48 |
durmadaḥ | intoxicated | SB 10.62.4 |
durmadaḥ | mad with pride | SB 10.63.18 |
durmadaḥ | intoxicated by foolish pride | SB 10.78.4 |
durmadam | Durmada | SB 9.24.46 |
su-durmadau | because they were very much fallen due to false pride | SB 10.10.20-22 |
durmadau | driven to a mad fury | SB 10.72.34 |
śrī-madana-gopāla | Lord Madana Gopāla | CC Adi 5.211 |
śrī-madana-gopāla | Lord Madana Gopāla | CC Adi 5.212 |
śrīman-madana-gopāla | of the Deity named Śrīman Madana-gopāla | CC Madhya 25.282 |
śrī-madana-gopāla | the Madana-mohana Deity of Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 20.99 |
gṛtsamadaḥ | Gṛtsamada | SB 1.9.6-7 |
gṛtsamadaḥ | Gṛtsamada | SB 9.17.1-3 |
indrapramadaḥ | Indrapramada | SB 1.9.6-7 |
jamadagneḥ | of Jamadagni Muni | SB 9.15.23 |
jamadagniḥ | Jamadagni | SB 8.13.5 |
jamadagniḥ | Jamadagni | SB 9.7.22 |
jamadagniḥ | Jamadagni | SB 9.15.11 |
jamadagniḥ | Satyavatī's son, Jamadagni | SB 9.15.11 |
jamadagniḥ | the father of Paraśurāma | SB 9.15.37 |
jamadagniḥ | the great sage Jamadagni | SB 9.16.24 |
jāmadagnyaḥ | the son of Jamadagni | SB 9.16.25 |
kurańga-mada-jit | conquering the aromatic smell of musk | CC Antya 19.91 |
kṛṣṇa madana-mohana | Kṛṣṇa is the conqueror of the mind of Cupid | CC Madhya 17.213 |
kurańga-mada-jit | conquering the aromatic smell of musk | CC Antya 19.91 |
madirā-mada-andhaḥ | one who is blinded by intoxication | SB 3.28.37 |
maṇimat-mada-ādayaḥ | Maṇimān, Mada, etc. | SB 4.4.4 |
dhana-mada | in the form of infatuation by material wealth | SB 5.9.17 |
śrī-mada-vikriyām | deterioration because of madness due to opulence | SB 6.7.9 |
śrī-mada-andhau | being blind with false prestige and opulence | SB 10.10.7 |
śrī-mada-andhasya | who is blinded by temporarily possessing riches and opulence | SB 10.10.13 |
śrī-mada-andhayoḥ | who are blinded by celestial opulence | SB 10.10.19 |
śrī-mada-andhayoḥ | who had become mad after material opulence and had thus become blind | SB 10.10.40 |
mṛga-mada | musk | CC Adi 4.97 |
mṛga-mada | the fragrance of musk | CC Madhya 2.33 |
mṛga-mada | of musk | CC Madhya 8.171 |
mṛga-mada | deer musk | CC Madhya 18.119 |
mṛga-mada | of musk | CC Antya 15.22 |
kurańga-mada-jit | conquering the aromatic smell of musk | CC Antya 19.91 |
unnaddha-madaḥ | increasingly illusioned | SB 4.27.4 |
yat-madaḥ | having false prestige due to this money | SB 8.22.24 |
tamaḥ-madam | this false prestige due to the mode of ignorance | SB 10.10.19 |
śrī-madam | their pride in opulence | SB 10.25.16 |
saubhaga-madam | pride due to great fortune | CC Antya 15.81 |
rādhā-madana-mohanau | Rādhārāṇī and Madana-mohana | CC Adi 1.15 |
śrī-madana-gopāla | Lord Madana Gopāla | CC Adi 5.211 |
śrī-madana-gopāla | Lord Madana Gopāla | CC Adi 5.212 |
śrī-rādhā-madana-mohane | Rādhā-Madana-mohana | CC Adi 5.216 |
rādhā-madana-mohanau | Rādhārāṇī and Madana-mohana | CC Madhya 1.3 |
ye madana | that Cupid | CC Madhya 2.22 |
manmatha-madana | captivator of Cupid himself | CC Madhya 8.139 |
kṛṣṇa madana-mohana | Kṛṣṇa is the conqueror of the mind of Cupid | CC Madhya 17.213 |
śrīman-madana-gopāla | of the Deity named Śrīman Madana-gopāla | CC Madhya 25.282 |
rādhā-madana-mohanau | Rādhārāṇī and Madana-mohana | CC Antya 1.5 |
śrī-madana-gopāla | the Madana-mohana Deity of Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 20.99 |
śrī-madana-mohana | the Deity Madana-mohanajī | CC Antya 20.142-143 |
sa-madayā | full of ecstasy | CC Madhya 10.119 |
madhu-āmada | intoxication by drinking | SB 3.3.15 |
madirā-mada-andhaḥ | one who is blinded by intoxication | SB 3.28.37 |
maṇimat-mada-ādayaḥ | Maṇimān, Mada, etc. | SB 4.4.4 |
manmatha-madana | captivator of Cupid himself | CC Madhya 8.139 |
kṛṣṇa madana-mohana | Kṛṣṇa is the conqueror of the mind of Cupid | CC Madhya 17.213 |
śrī-madana-mohana | the Deity Madana-mohanajī | CC Antya 20.142-143 |
rādhā-madana-mohanau | Rādhārāṇī and Madana-mohana | CC Adi 1.15 |
rādhā-madana-mohanau | Rādhārāṇī and Madana-mohana | CC Madhya 1.3 |
rādhā-madana-mohanau | Rādhārāṇī and Madana-mohana | CC Antya 1.5 |
śrī-rādhā-madana-mohane | Rādhā-Madana-mohana | CC Adi 5.216 |
mṛga-mada | musk | CC Adi 4.97 |
mṛga-mada | the fragrance of musk | CC Madhya 2.33 |
mṛga-mada | of musk | CC Madhya 8.171 |
mṛga-mada | deer musk | CC Madhya 18.119 |
mṛga-mada | of musk | CC Antya 15.22 |
pramada | woman, who maddens | SB 1.11.36 |
pramada | ladies | SB 2.9.13 |
pramada-ādayaḥ | headed by Pramada | SB 8.1.24 |
pramada | of joy | CC Antya 1.171 |
pramadaḥ | maddened | CC Antya 14.120 |
pramadam | pleasure | CC Antya 1.150 |
pramadayā | with his wife | SB 4.28.17 |
pramadayā | by a beautiful woman | SB 5.14.9 |
pramadayati | is giving pleasure | CC Antya 1.160 |
rādhā-madana-mohanau | Rādhārāṇī and Madana-mohana | CC Adi 1.15 |
śrī-rādhā-madana-mohane | Rādhā-Madana-mohana | CC Adi 5.216 |
rādhā-madana-mohanau | Rādhārāṇī and Madana-mohana | CC Madhya 1.3 |
rādhā-madana-mohanau | Rādhārāṇī and Madana-mohana | CC Antya 1.5 |
raṇa-rańga-durmadaḥ | arrogant on the battlefield | SB 6.11.8 |
raṇa-rańga-durmadaḥ | arrogant on the battlefield | SB 6.11.8 |
sa-madayā | full of ecstasy | CC Madhya 10.119 |
samadahat | burned to death | SB 10.66.40 |
samadanti | will eat | SB 6.11.16 |
samadanti | and partake of | SB 10.87.28 |
saubhaga-madam | pride due to great fortune | CC Antya 15.81 |
saumadattiḥ | the son of Somadatta | BG 1.8 |
saumadattiḥ | the son of Somadatta | SB 9.2.35-36 |
somadattaḥ | a son named Somadatta | SB 9.2.35-36 |
somadattaḥ | Somadatta | SB 9.22.11 |
śrī-mada-vikriyām | deterioration because of madness due to opulence | SB 6.7.9 |
śrī-mada-andhau | being blind with false prestige and opulence | SB 10.10.7 |
śrī-mada-andhasya | who is blinded by temporarily possessing riches and opulence | SB 10.10.13 |
śrī-mada-andhayoḥ | who are blinded by celestial opulence | SB 10.10.19 |
śrī-mada-andhayoḥ | who had become mad after material opulence and had thus become blind | SB 10.10.40 |
śrī-madam | their pride in opulence | SB 10.25.16 |
śrī-madana-gopāla | Lord Madana Gopāla | CC Adi 5.211 |
śrī-madana-gopāla | Lord Madana Gopāla | CC Adi 5.212 |
śrī-rādhā-madana-mohane | Rādhā-Madana-mohana | CC Adi 5.216 |
śrī-madana-gopāla | the Madana-mohana Deity of Vṛndāvana | CC Antya 20.99 |
śrī-madana-mohana | the Deity Madana-mohanajī | CC Antya 20.142-143 |
śrīman-madana-gopāla | of the Deity named Śrīman Madana-gopāla | CC Madhya 25.282 |
su-durmadau | because they were very much fallen due to false pride | SB 10.10.20-22 |
su-durmadaḥ | very much deluded by pride | SB 10.51.48 |
tamaḥ-madam | this false prestige due to the mode of ignorance | SB 10.10.19 |
unmada-andhāḥ | gone mad in ecstasy | SB 1.9.40 |
unmadaḥ | maddened | SB 6.11.8 |
unmadaḥ | a madman | CC Antya 16.87 |
unnaddha-madaḥ | increasingly illusioned | SB 4.27.4 |
śrī-mada-vikriyām | deterioration because of madness due to opulence | SB 6.7.9 |
vimadaḥ | without being proud | SB 1.6.26 |
vimadaḥ | prideless | SB 10.43.26-27 |
vimadaḥ | free from false pride | SB 10.87.35 |
vimadam | whose pride was removed | SB 10.26.12 |
yat-madaḥ | having false prestige due to this money | SB 8.22.24 |
ye madana | that Cupid | CC Madhya 2.22 |
mada | noun (masculine) a river (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) any beautiful object (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) any exhilarating or intoxicating drink (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) ardent passion for (comp.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) arrogance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) conceit of or about (gen. or comp.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) excitement (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) hilarity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) honey (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Intoxication or Insanity personified (as a monster created by Cyavana) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) inspiration (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) intoxication (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) lust (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) musk (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Dānava (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a servant of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Brahmā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the 7th astrol. mansion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) presumption (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) pride (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) rapture (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) rut (esp. of an elephant) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) ruttishness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Soma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) semen virile (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) sexual desire or enjoyment (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) spirituous liquor (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the fluid or juice that exudes from a rutting elephant's temples (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) wantonness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) wine (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) [alchem.] one of the malas of mercury [gramm.] the root mad Frequency rank 806/72933 | |
madadhyā | noun (feminine) name of a plant Frequency rank 61267/72933 | |
madadru | noun (masculine) Caryota Urens Frequency rank 61266/72933 | |
madagandha | noun (masculine) Alstonia scholaris (Linn.) R.Br. (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61263/72933 | |
madagandhi | noun (masculine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 61262/72933 | |
madagandhā | noun (feminine) an intoxicating beverage (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Crotolaria Juncea Linum Usitatissimum (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 37985/72933 | |
madaghnī | noun (feminine) a species of leguminous plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61264/72933 | |
madahastinī | noun (feminine) a species of Karañja (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61297/72933 | |
madahetu | noun (masculine) Grislea Tomentosa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61298/72933 | |
madaja | noun (masculine) a kind of Guggulu Frequency rank 61265/72933 | |
madakala | noun (masculine) an elephant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61260/72933 | |
madakāriṇī | noun (feminine) name of a plant Frequency rank 61261/72933 | |
madamatta | noun (masculine) Name einer Pflanze Frequency rank 61291/72933 | |
madamādinī | noun (feminine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 61292/72933 | |
madana | noun (masculine neuter) (in astrol.) name of the 7th mansion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) (in music) a kind of measure (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Acacia catechu Willd. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 586) Alangium decapetalum Lam. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 586) Artabotrys odoratissimus R.Br. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 586) Artemisia scoparia Waldst. et Kit. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 586) Artemisia siversiana Ehrh. ex Willd. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 586) Artemisia vulgaris Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 586) a bee (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a bird (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a kind of embrace (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a kind of snake a thorn-apple and various other plants (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) bees-wax (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Datura fastuosa Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 586) Datura metel Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 586) Datura stramonium Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 586) Holarrhena antidysenterica Wall. Jasminum multiflorum Andr. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 586) Luffa acutangula Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 586) Luffa aegyptiaca Mill. love or the god of love (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Mangifera sylvatica Roxb. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 586) Mimusops elengi Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 586) name of various men and authors (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Phaseolus mungo Linn. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 586) Pinus roxburghii Sarg. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 586) Posoqueria dumetorum Roxb. Pterospermum suberifolium Lam. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 586) passion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Randia dumetorum Lam. (G.J. Meulenbeld (1974), 586) the season of spring (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Vangueria spinosa Roxb. (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) madanamudrā name of a jalūkā Frequency rank 1518/72933 | |
madana | noun (neuter) bees-wax (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a mythical weapon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the act of intoxicating or exhilarating (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 17082/72933 | |
madanadamana | noun (masculine) Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61271/72933 | |
madanadvādaśī | noun (feminine) the 12th day of the light half of the month Caitra (sacred to Kāmadeva) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 37987/72933 | |
madanadāha | noun (masculine) name of Liṅgapurāṇa, 1.101 Frequency rank 61272/72933 | |
madanaikādaśī | noun (feminine) name of an Ekādaśī Frequency rank 61289/72933 | |
madanaka | noun (masculine) Artemisia Indica (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the thorn-apple (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 21966/72933 | |
madanaka | noun (neuter) bees-wax (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 37986/72933 | |
madanakākurava | noun (masculine) a pigeon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61268/72933 | |
madanakāma | noun (masculine) name of an aphrodisiac Frequency rank 61269/72933 | |
madanakāmadeva | noun (masculine) a kind of alchemical preparation Frequency rank 61270/72933 | |
madanamañcukā | noun (feminine) name of a daughter of Madanavega and Kaliṅga-senā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61277/72933 | |
madanamañjukā | noun (feminine) name of a woman Frequency rank 12160/72933 | |
madanamekhalā | noun (feminine) name of a Yakṣiṇī Frequency rank 61278/72933 | |
madanamohana | noun (masculine) a pigeon
name of Kriṣṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61279/72933 | |
madananṛpa | noun (masculine) name of an author (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 37988/72933 | |
madanaphala | noun (neuter) the fruit of Vanguiera Spinosa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61276/72933 | |
madanapura | noun (neuter) name of a town (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61275/72933 | |
madanapāla | noun (masculine) name of a king (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61274/72933 | |
madanapāṭhaka | noun (masculine) the Indian cuckoo Frequency rank 61273/72933 | |
madanaripu | noun (masculine) name of Śiva Frequency rank 61280/72933 | |
madanasundarī | noun (feminine) name of various women (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a guṭikā Frequency rank 61283/72933 | |
madanavalaya | noun (neuter) a kind of aphrodisiac Frequency rank 61281/72933 | |
madanavinoda | noun (masculine) name of medical vocabulary (written in 1375 and attributed to Madanapāla) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 29537/72933 | |
madanavāsinī | noun (feminine) a form of Devī Frequency rank 37989/72933 | |
madanavṛkṣaka | noun (neuter) madanavṛkṣa Frequency rank 61282/72933 | |
madanecchāphala | noun (masculine neuter) a species of mango (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61287/72933 | |
madaneśvara | noun (masculine) name of an aphrodisiac Frequency rank 61288/72933 | |
madanodaya | noun (masculine) name of a work (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of an aphrodisiac Frequency rank 37991/72933 | |
madanā | noun (feminine) any intoxicating drink (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Yakṣiṇī spirituous liquor (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 29536/72933 | |
madanāgraja | noun (masculine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 61284/72933 | |
madanāhva | noun (masculine) Vanguiera Spinosa Frequency rank 61286/72933 | |
madanāyudha | noun (masculine) Name einer Pflanze Frequency rank 61285/72933 | |
madanī | noun (feminine) musk (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) spirituous liquor (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the civet-cat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 19800/72933 | |
madanīyahetu | noun (masculine) Name einer Pflanze (vgl. madahetu) Frequency rank 37990/72933 | |
madanīyā | noun (feminine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 72882/72933 | |
madapriyā | noun (feminine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 61290/72933 | |
madavihvalita | adjective excited by passion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) lustful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) wanton (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61293/72933 | |
madavīryā | noun (feminine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 61294/72933 | |
maday | verb (class 10 ātmanepada) to intoxicate Frequency rank 21967/72933 | |
madayantikā | noun (feminine) Arabian jasmine (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Jasminum sambac Ait. name of a woman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15982/72933 | |
madayantī | noun (feminine) Arabian or wild jasmine (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the wife of Kalmāshapāda or Mitrasaha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15114/72933 | |
madaśauṇḍa | noun (neuter) nutmeg Frequency rank 61296/72933 | |
madaśāka | noun (masculine) Portulaca Quadrifiga (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 61295/72933 | |
ajanmada | adjective liberating from rebirth Frequency rank 41873/72933 | |
atidurmada | adjective Frequency rank 42082/72933 | |
atimada | adjective hochprozentig
stark berauschend Frequency rank 42159/72933 | |
abhimada | noun (masculine) rut Frequency rank 44251/72933 | |
aśmadamanī | noun (feminine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 45636/72933 | |
aśmadalanī | noun (feminine) Frequency rank 45637/72933 | |
indrapramada | noun (masculine) name of a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 46927/72933 | |
indramada | noun (masculine) a disease to which fish and leeches are liable (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 33268/72933 | |
iraṃmada | noun (masculine) a flash of lightning (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) delighting in drink (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Agni (in the form of lightning and Apāṃnapāt) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) submarine fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the fire attending the fall of a thunderbolt Frequency rank 33285/72933 | |
unmada | noun (masculine) insanity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) intoxication (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 20938/72933 | |
unmada | adjective causing madness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) drunk (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) extravagant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) furious (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) intoxicated (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) intoxicating (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) mad (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27165/72933 | |
unmadana | adjective inflamed with love (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 47423/72933 | |
karamada | noun (masculine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 48653/72933 | |
kāmadatīrthamāhātmyavarṇana | noun (neuter) name of Skandapurāṇa, Revākhaṇḍa, 106 Frequency rank 49134/72933 | |
kāminīmadavidhūnana | noun (masculine) name of an alchemical preparation Frequency rank 49175/72933 | |
kumbhimada | noun (masculine) the juice that exudes from an elephant's temples at certain seasons (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49742/72933 | |
kṣemadarśin | noun (masculine) name of a pince of the Kosalas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27730/72933 | |
kṣemadarśa | noun (masculine) name of a prince Frequency rank 50727/72933 | |
kṣemadarśīya | adjective relating to Kṣema-darśin (as a tale) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 50728/72933 | |
gajamada | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 34536/72933 | |
gandhamadana | noun (masculine) name of a mountain (?) Frequency rank 51081/72933 | |
gṛtsamada | noun (masculine) Gṛtsamada's family (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Śaunaka of Bhṛgu's family (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 23891/72933 | |
carmadala | noun (masculine) Betula bhojpatra Frequency rank 52147/72933 | |
carmadala | noun (neuter) a slight form of leprosy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15701/72933 | |
jamadagni | noun (masculine) name of a ṣi (descendant of Bhṛgu) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 5260/72933 | |
jāmadagna | adjective derived from Jamadagni (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 52910/72933 | |
jāmadagnya | noun (masculine) ūgniya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Jamad-agni's descendants (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Caturaha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Paraśurāma Frequency rank 3707/72933 | |
jāmadagnya | adjective belonging or relating to Jamad-agni or to his son Jāmadagnya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 24027/72933 | |
jāmadagnyatīrthamāhātmyavarṇana | noun (neuter) name of Skandapurāṇa, Revākhaṇḍa, 218 Frequency rank 52911/72933 | |
trimada | noun (masculine) the 3 narcotic plants (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the threefold haughtiness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 53968/72933 | |
triḥprasrutamada | adjective Frequency rank 54032/72933 | |
dantimada | noun (masculine) the juice flowing from a rutting elephant's temples (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 54228/72933 | |
durmada | noun (masculine) foolish pride or arrogance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) mad conception or illusion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Bhadrasena (father of Dhanaka) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Dhṛta (father of Pracetas) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Dhṛtarāṣṭra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Vasudeva and Rohini or Pauravī (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 13550/72933 | |
durmada | adjective drunken (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) fierce (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) infatuated by (comp.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) mad (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 3749/72933 | |
dvīpimada | noun (masculine) the juice flowing from a rutting elephant's temples Frequency rank 55256/72933 | |
dharmada | noun (masculine) name of one of the attendants of Skanda (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) [rel.] a class of Pitṛs [rel.] name of Viṣṇu Frequency rank 28531/72933 | |
nārmada | adjective belonging to the river Narmadā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 18051/72933 | |
nirmada | adjective (elephant) not in rut (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) humble (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) modest (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) quiet (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) sober (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) unintoxicated (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 28693/72933 | |
paścimadakṣiṇa | adjective south-westerly (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 57619/72933 | |
pramada | noun (masculine) delight (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) joy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Dānava (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Vasiṣṭha and one of the sages under Manu Uttama (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) pleasure (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the ankle (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the thorn-apple (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 11016/72933 | |
brahmadaṇḍī | noun (feminine) a species of plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 9896/72933 | |
brahmadaṇḍa | noun (masculine) Clerodendrum Siphonantus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a mythical weapon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a particular Ketu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a prince (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the curse of a Brāhman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) ? Frequency rank 8308/72933 | |
brahmadaṇḍaka | noun (masculine) Frequency rank 60415/72933 | |
brahmadaṇḍikā | noun (feminine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 60416/72933 | |
brahmadaṇḍīya | adjective coming from the plant Brahmadaṇḍī Frequency rank 24866/72933 | |
brahmadatta | noun (masculine) name of a Brāhman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a king (his descendants) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a king of the Śālvas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a man with the patr. Caikitāneya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a merchant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a prince in Campā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a prince in Kusumapura (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a prince in Vārānasī (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a prince in Śrāvastī (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a prince of the Pañcālas in Kāmpilya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Aṇuha name of several authors (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the 12th Cakravartin in Bhārata (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the father of Kṛṣṇadatta (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of various men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 7022/72933 | |
brahmadarbhā | noun (feminine) Ptychotis Ajowan (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 37721/72933 | |
mṛgamada | noun (masculine neuter) musk (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 11393/72933 | |
mṛgamadavāsā | noun (feminine) a species of jasmine Frequency rank 62417/72933 | |
yamadaṃṣṭrā | noun (feminine) (prob.) a stab from a dagger (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the last 8 days of the month Āśvina and the whole of Kārttika considered as a period of general sickness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a kind of poison (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 38508/72933 | |
vāmadaivika | adjective Frequency rank 65136/72933 | |
vimada | adjective free from intoxication (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) free from pride or arrogance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) free from rut (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) grown sober (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) joyless (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 17232/72933 | |
vyāghramadana | noun (masculine) a kind of plant (?) Frequency rank 39795/72933 | |
sadāmada | adjective always drunk (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) always excited with joy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) always in rut (said of an elephant) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) always proud (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) ever-furious (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 40345/72933 | |
samada | adjective excited with passion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) intoxicated (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) ruttish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 13816/72933 | |
samadarśin | adjective looking impartially on (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) regarding all things impartially (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 68891/72933 | |
samadarśana | adjective like (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) looking on all (things or men) with equal or indifferent eyes (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) of similar appearance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 22498/72933 | |
sammada | noun (masculine) delight at (comp.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) exhilaration (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) great exhilaration (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) happiness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) intoxication (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) joy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a ṣi (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a king of the fish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 17351/72933 | |
sumadana | noun (masculine) the Mango tree (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 71036/72933 | |
susaṃmada | adjective Frequency rank 71349/72933 | |
somadatta | noun (masculine) name of a merchant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a writer on Dharma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of various Brāhmans (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of various kings (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 4269/72933 | |
somadattacarita | noun (neuter) name of Daśakumāracarita, Pū. 3 Frequency rank 71492/72933 | |
saumadatti | noun (masculine) patr. from soma-datta (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 5472/72933 | |
sūkṣmadala | noun (masculine) mustard (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 71626/72933 | |
sūkṣmadalā | noun (feminine) Alhagi Maurorum (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 71627/72933 | |
hastimada | noun (masculine) the exudation from an elephants's temples (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 26025/72933 | |
hemadaṇḍikā | noun (feminine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 72698/72933 |