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Amarakosha Search
28 results
atha3.3.255MasculineSingularupamā, vikalpa
bhagam3.3.31NeuterSingulariṣṭam, alpam
diṣṭam3.3.41NeuterSingularsūkṣmailā, kālaḥ, alpa, saṃśayaḥ
irā3.3.184FeminineSingularalpa, parimāṇaḥ, kārtsnyam, paricchadaḥ
iti3.3.253MasculineSingularvikalpa, pṛcchā
karcūrakaḥMasculineSingulardrāviḍakaḥ, lpakaḥ, vedhamukhyakaḥ
nepathyam2.6.100MasculineSingularākalpa, veṣaḥ, pratikarma, prasādhanam
nīlakaṇṭhaḥ3.3.46MasculineSingularatiyuvā, alpa
nyāyaḥ2.8.23MasculineSingularabhreṣaḥ, kalpa
padam3.3.100NeuterSingularmūḍhaḥ, alpapaṭuḥ, nirbhāgyaḥ
saṃvartaḥMasculineSingularpralayaḥ, kalpa, kṣayaḥ, kalpāntaḥa year
srotaḥ3.3.241NeuterSingularyuvā, alpa
svit3.3.250MasculineSingulararthaḥ, vikalpa
veśantaḥMasculineSingularpallavam, alpasaramsmall pond
vyālaḥ3.3.204MasculineSingularśilpam, kālabhedaḥ
yātrā3.3.183FeminineSingularsaraghā, kaṇṭakārikā, krūraḥ, vyaṅgā, adhanaḥ, naṭī, alpa, veśyā
saṃkalpaMasculineSingularpraṇidhānam, avadhānam, samādhānamdetermination
klpa2.7.43MasculineSingularvidhiḥ, kramaḥ
alpam3.1.61MasculineSingulartanuḥ, sūkṣmam, stokaḥ, kaṇaḥ, truṭiḥ, kṛśam, ślakṣaṇam, leśaḥ, mātrā, dabhram, kṣullakaḥ, aṇuḥ, lavaḥ
atyalpam3.1.62MasculineSingularaṇīyaḥ, alpiṣṭham, alpīyaḥ, kanīyaḥ
talpam3.3.138NeuterSingularkūrmī, vīṇābhedaḥ
Monier-Williams Search
327 results for lpa
abhikḷpA1. (parasmE-pada -k/alpamāna-) to be adequate to, be in accordance with (accusative) : Causal -kalpayati-, to put in order View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhyudgatarājam. Name of a kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agniṣṭomam. a mantra or kalpa connected with the agniṣṭoma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
agrāhyakamfn. not to be perceived, impalpable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ākalpam. equals kalpana- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ākalpamind. till the end of the world (literally of a kalpa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ākalpāntamind. ā-kalpam- q.v , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ākūtif. Name of a kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
alpapaśu(/alpa--) mfn. having a small number of cattle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
alpaprāṇam. (in grammar) slight breathing or weak aspiration (the effort in uttering the vowels, the semivowels y-, r-, l-, v-,the consonants k-, c-, -, t-, p-, g-, j-, -, i-, b-,and the nasals, is said to be accompanied with slight aspiration, but practically alpaprāṇa-is here equivalent to unaspirated, as opposed to mahā-prāṇa- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
alpaśayu(/alpa--) m. a species of troublesome insect View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
alpīyasmfn. ( see alpa-tara-above) smaller, less , very small. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
amalānandam. Name of a Vedantic writer, author of the vedānta-kalpataru-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anujalpto follow in talking ; A1. -jalpate-, to entertain by conversation. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ānukalpikamfn. (fr. anu-kalpa- q.v gaRa ukthādi- ), one who knows or studies the alternative rules View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anukḷpto follow in order : Causal -kalpayati-, to cause to follow or imitate in order. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āruṇaparājinm. Name of an ancient kalpa- work on the ritual of the brāhmaṇa-s. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ātmakamf(ikā-)n. having or consisting of the nature or character of (in compound) ([ see saṃkalpātmaka-]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avakḷp -kalpate-, to correspond to, answer, be right etc. ; to be fit for, serve to (dative case) : Causal , -kalpayati-, to put in order, prepare, make ready etc. ; to employ becomingly ; to consider as possible : Desiderative of Causal (imperfect tense 3. plural avācikalpayiṣan-) to wish to prepare or to make ready View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bakakalpam. Name of a particular kalpa- or period of the world View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bandhanādhikāram. Name of 3rd chapter of 1st part of the rasendra-kalpa-druma- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhadrakāpam. "the good or beautiful kalpa-", Name of the present age (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhadrakāpikamfn. living in the bhadra-kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavam. of the 1st and 4th kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhāvam. Name of the 27th kalpa- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhavakalpam. Name of a particular kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhāvanam. of the 22nd kalpa- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhuvasind. Name of the 2nd and 11th kalpa- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bījavivṛtif. Name of commentator or commentary on (also bījavivṛtikalpalatāvatāra ti-kalpalatāvatāra-,m.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brāhmāhorātram. a day and night of brahmā- (a period of 2000 ages of the gods or 2 kalpa-sof mortals) (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brahmanm. (with jaina-s) a particular kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brāhmaṇābhāṣaṇan. Name of a kind of artifical composition (contained in the kavi-kalpa-latā- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brāhmaṇakalpam. plural the brāhmaṇa-s and kalpa-s (two kinds of Vedic texts) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brahmāṇḍapurāṇan. Name of one of the 18 purāṇa-s (so called as revealed by brahmā- and containing an account of the egg of brahmā- and the future kalpa-s.; see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brahmottaram. (with jaina-s) of a particular kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bṛhatkalpam. Name of a kalpa-, the 7th day in the bright half of the moon in brahmā-'s month (See 1. kalpa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
buddham. (with Buddhists) a fully enlightened man who has achieved perfect knowledge of the truth and thereby is liberated from all existence and before his own attainment of nirvāṇa- reveals the method of obtaining it, (especially) the principal buddha- of the present age (born at kapila-vastu- about the year 500 B.C. his father, śuddhodana-, of the śākya- tribe or family, being the rāja- of that district, and his mother, māyā-- devī-, being the daughter of rāja- su-prabuddha- ;hence he belonged to the kṣatriya- caste and his original name śākya-muni- or śākya-siṃha- was really his family name, while that of gautama- was taken from the race to which his family belonged;for his other namesSee ;he is said to have died when he was 80 years of age, prob. about 420 B.C. ;he was preceded by 3 mythical buddha-s of the present kalpa-, or by 24, reckoning previous kalpa-, or according to others by 6 principal buddha-s ;sometimes he is regarded as the 9th incarnation of viṣṇu- etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
chadam. see alpa--, uttara--, uraś--, ghana--, tanu--, danta--, daśana--, vadana-- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
challif. (Prakrit fr. 1. chard/is-) bark ([ llī-, ]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
chandaḥsiddhif. a chapter of the kāvya-kalpa-latā-vṛttiparimala-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
chattrayuktif. "use of the parasol", Name of a chapter of bhoja-'s yukti-kalpa-taru-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cintakam. Name of the 23rd kalpa- period View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daghnamf(-, ī-)n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (),"reaching up to" see aṃsa--, aśva--, ā--, upa-kakṣa--, upastha--, ūru--, kaṇṭha--, kulpha--, gulpha--, jānn--, nābhi--, mukha--, stana--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devatarum. Name of the 5 trees of svarga- (mandāra-, pārijātaka-, saṃtāna-, kalpa-vṛkṣa-, hari-candana-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dinārdham. "day-half", noon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
duṣṭamfn. guilty, culpable etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dūṣyamfn. reprehensible, culpable, vile, bad View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dūṣyan. clothes or a kind of cloth, cotton, calico (see kalpa--, dūrśa-and dūśya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dyodrumam. the heavenly tree equals kalpa-d- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
etadmfn. etad- generally refers to what precedes, especially when connected with idam-, the latter then referring to what follows (exempli gratia, 'for example' eṣa vai prathamaḥ kalpaḥ- anukalpas tv ayaṃ jñeyaḥ-,this before-mentioned is the principal rule, but this following may be considered a secondary rule ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gandharvam. Name of the 14th kalpa- or period of the world View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
garuḍam. Name of the 14th kalpa- period View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gāruḍamfn. Name of a kalpa- period View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gāthāntaram. Name of the fourth kalpa- or period of the world. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gaurīkalpam. Name of a period of the world or kalpa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gaurutalpikam. equals gurutalpa-ga- gaRa paradārādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gulphitan. (equals guṣpit/a-) accumulation (see vi-gulpha-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gurutalpinmfn. equals lpa-ga- (varia lectio) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
haricandanam. yellow sandal etc. (in this sense prob. only n.), one of the five trees of paradise (the other four being pārijāta-, mandāra-, saṃtāna-, and kalpa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hastāmalakan. "the fruit or seed of the Myrobalan in the hand"(as a symbol of something palpable or clear). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
havyavāhanam. Name of the 9th kalpa- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hayagrīvam. of a daitya- (also called brahma-veda-prahartṛ-,as having carried off the veda-s at the dissolution of the universe caused by brahma-'s sleep at the end of the past kalpa-;in order to recover them, viṣṇu- became incarnate as a matsya- or fish, and slew haya-grīva-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
īśānajam. plural a class of deities forming a section of the kalpabhava-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
īśānakalpam. Name of a kalpa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jāhan. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' (gaRa 2. karṇadi-) the root or point of issue of certain parts of the body see akṣi--, (āsya--), oṣṭha--, karṇa--, keśa--, gulpha--, danta--, nakha--, pāda--, priṣṭha--, bhrū--, mukha--. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jalp ( lap- reduplicated ?) cl.1. j/alpati- (Epic also A1. perfect tense jajalpa- ) to speak inarticulately, murmur ; to chatter, prattle ; to say, speak, converse with (instrumental case or rdham-) etc. ; to speak about (accusative) ; = arc-, to praise ; (said of the Koil) to sound (its song) : Causal jalpayati- to cause to speak Va1rtt. 3.
jātaspṛhamfn. equals -saṃkalpa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jehilam. Name of a Jain sūri- (successor of nāga-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jinakalpikamfn. observing the jina-kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jītakalpasūtran. "old kalpa-sūtra-", Name of a work by jina-bhadra-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāhann. (fr. 3. k/a-), a day of brahmā- (or one thousand yuga-sSee kalpa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalāf. any practical art, any mechanical or fine art (sixty-four are enumerated in the śaivatantra-[ ];the following is a list of them: gītam-, vādyam-, nṛtyam-, nāṭyam-, ālekhyam-, viśeṣaka-cchedyam-, taṇḍula-kusuma-balivikārāḥ-, puṣpāstaranam-, daśana-vasanāṅgarāgāḥ-, maṇi-bhūmikā-karma-, śayana-racanam-, udaka-vādyam-, udaka-ghātaḥ-, citrā yogāḥ-, mālya-granthana-vikalpāḥ-, keśa-śekharāpīḍayojanam-, nepathya-yogāḥ-, karṇa-pattra-bhaṅgāḥ-, gandha-yuktiḥ-, bhūṣaṇa-yojanam-, indrajālam-, kaucumāra-yogāḥ-, hasta-lāghavam-, citraśākāpūpa-bhakṣya-vikāra-kriyā-, pānaka-rasarāgāsava-yojanam-, sūcīvāpa-karma-, vīṇā-ḍama-ruka-sūtra-krīḍā-, prahelikā-, pratimā-, durvacakayogāḥ-, pustaka-vācanam-, nāṭakākhyāyikā-darśanam-, kāvya-samasyā-pūraṇam-, paṭṭikā-vetrabāṇa-vikalpāḥ-, tarkū-karmāṇi-, takṣaṇam-, vāstu-vidyā-, rūpya-ratna-parīkṣā-, dhātu-vādaḥ-, maṇi-rāga-jñānam-, ākara-jñānam-, vṛkṣāyur-veda-yogāḥ-, meṣa-kukkuṭa-lāvaka-yuddha-vidhiḥ-, śuka-sārikā-pralāpanam-, utsādanam-, keśa-mārjana-kauśalam-, akṣara-muṣṭikā-kathanam-, mlechitaka-vikalpāḥ-, deśa-bhāṣā-jñānam-, puṣpa-śakaṭikā-nimitta-jñānam-, yantra-mātṛkā-, dhāraṇa-mātṛkā-, saṃpāṭyam-, mānasī kāvya-kriyā-, kriyā-vikalpāḥ-, chalitakayogāḥ-, abhidhāna-koṣa-cchando-jñānam-, vastra-gopanāni-, dyūta-viśeṣaḥ-, ākarṣaṇa-krīḍā-, bālaka-krīḍanakāni-, vaināyikīnāṃ vidyāṇāṃ jñānam-, vaijayikīnāṃ vidyānāṃ jñānam-;See also ) etc.
kalpamf(ā-)n. proper, fit, able, competent, equal to (with genitive case locative case, infinitive mood,or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; exempli gratia, 'for example' dharmasya kalpaḥ-,competent for duty; svakarmaṇi na kalpaḥ-,not competent for his own work; yadā na śāsituṃ kalpaḥ-,if he is not able to rule) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpam. one of two cases, one side of an argument, an alternative (= pakṣa-; see vikalpa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpam. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') having the manner or form of anything, similar to, resembling, like but with a degree of inferiority, almost (exempli gratia, 'for example' abhedya-kalpa-,almost impenetrable; see prabhāta-k-, mṛta-k-,etc.;according to native grammarians, kalpa-so used is an accentless affix[ ] , before which a final s-is left unchanged, and final ī-and ū-shortened ; kalpam kalpam- ind.,may be also connected with a verb exempli gratia, 'for example' pacati-kalpam-,he cooks pretty well on )
kalpam. a fabulous period of time (a day of brahmā- or one thousand yuga-s, a period of four thousand, three hundred and twenty millions of years of mortals, measuring the duration of the world;a month of brahmā- is supposed to contain thirty such kalpa-s.;according to the , twelve months of brahmā- constitute his year, and one hundred such years his lifetime;fifty years of brahmā-'s are supposed to have elapsed, and we are now in the śvetavārāha-kalpa-of the fifty-first;at the end of a kalpa- the world is annihilated;hence kalpa-is said to be equal to kalpānta-below ;with Buddhists the kalpa-s.are not of equal duration) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpam. (with jaina-s) a particular abode of deities (see -bhava-and kalpātīta-below) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpaNom. A1. pāyate-, to become a kalpa-, to appear as long as a kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lpamfn. (fr. k/alpa-), preceptive, ritual View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lpamfn. relating to a period called kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpādhikārinm. the regent of a kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpādim. the beginning of a kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpadrukalikāf. Name of work by lakṣmī- vallabha- expounding the kalpa-sūtra- of the jaina-s. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpadrumatāf. state of possessing the qualities of a kalpa-druma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpadrumībhūto become a kalpa-druma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpadūṣyan. cloth produced by the kalpa-taru- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpāgnim. the destroying fire at the end of a kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpakam. a barber (confer, compare kalpanī-; Lithuanian kerpikas) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpakatarum. equals kalpataru- above. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpakṣayam. the end of a kalpa-, destruction of the world View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lpanikamfn. (fr. kalpanā-), existing only in fancy, invented, fictitious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpāntam. the end of a kalpa-, dissolution of all things (see pralaya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpāntaran. another kalpa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpāntavāsinmfn. living at the end of a kalpa-
kalpaśataNom. A1. tāyate-, to appear as long as a hundred kalpa-s. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lpasūtram. (fr. kalpa-s-), one who is familiar with the kalpa-- sūtra-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpasūtravyākhyāf. Name of a commentary on the jaina- kalpa-sūtra-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpatarum. one of the five trees (see pañca-vṛkṣa-) of svarga- or indra-'s paradise fabled to fulfil all desires (see saṃkalpa-viṣaya-), the wishing tree, tree of plenty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpātyayam. the end of a kalpa-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kalpavāyum. the wind that blows at the end of a kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kālyakaSee kālpaka-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaplakamfn. equals kapivad-gamanasamartha- (the text has the reading k/alpaka-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kārakamf(ikā-)n. (generally in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') making, doing, acting, who or what does or produces or creates etc. (see siṃha-k-, kṛtsna-k-, śilpa-k-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaṣāyamn. defect, decay, degeneracy (of which, according to Buddhists, there are five marks, viz. āyus-k-, dṛṣṭi-k-, kleśa-k-, sattva-k-, kalpa-k-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kātyāyanīkalpam. Name of a kalpa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kauṇḍinyakan. Name of a kalpa-sūtra- commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaurmam. Name of a great period or kalpa- (the day of full moon of brahmā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāvyakāmadhenuf. Name of a commentator or commentary by vopa-deva- on his work called kavi-kalpadruma-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
keśavam. Name of the author of a lexicon called kalpa-dru- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kilbiṣinmfn. one who commits an offence, wicked, culpable, sinful etc. (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' artha-k- q.v, rāja-k-,who as a king commits an offence ). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kḷp cl.1 A1. k/alpate- (; perf. cakḷpe-,3. plural cākḷpr/e- future kalpiṣyate-and kalpsy-[3. dual number kalpsyete- ; vv.ll. kḷps-and klaps-],or kalpsyati-; Conditional akalpiṣyata-,or lpsyat-; 1st future kalpitā-or kalptā-[see ]; Aorist akḷpta-or pat-; proper and perf. only A1. ), to be well ordered or regulated, be well managed, succeed etc. ; to bear suitable relation to anything, correspond, be adapted to, in accordance with, suitable to (instrumental case) etc. ; to be fit for (locative case) ; to accommodate one's self to, be favourable to, subserve, effect (with dative case) etc. ; to partake of (dative case) etc. ; to fall to the share, be shared or partaken by (locative case dative case or genitive case exempli gratia, 'for example' yajñ/o dev/eṣu kalpatām-,"let the sacrifice be shared by the gods") ; to become (with Nominal verb) ; (with dative case [ Va1rtt. 2 ] ) ; to happen, occur ; to prepare, arrange ; to produce, cause, effect, create (with accusative) ; to declare as, consider as (with double accusative) (perf. p. kḷptavat-): Causal P. A1. kalp/ayati-, te-, (Aorist acīkḷpat-or cākḷpat-[ ] subjunctive cīkḷpāti- ), to set in order, arrange, distribute, dispose ; to bring into suitable connection with ; to prepare, arrange etc. ; to fit out, furnish with (instrumental case) ; to help any one in obtaining anything (dative case or locative case or genitive case) ; to fix, settle ; to declare as, consider as (with double accusative exempli gratia, 'for example' mātaram enāṃ kalpayantu-,"let them consider her as their mother" ) etc. ; to make, execute, bring about etc. ; to frame, form, invent, compose (as a poem etc.), imagine ; to perform (as a ceremony etc.) ; to trim, cut ; (in Prakrit) ; to pronounce a formula or verse which contains the kḷp- : Desiderative cikḷpsati- or cikalpiṣate- ; ([ confer, compare Gothic hilpa; English help; German helfe; Lithuanian gelbmi.])
krakucchandam. Name of the 1st of the five buddha-s of the present kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛcchreṇaind. instrumental case (or a--in compound) with difficulty, with great exertion, painfully, hardly, scarcely etc. (alpa-kṛcchreṇa-,"easily") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtāparādhamfn. one who has committed an offence against (genitive case), guilty, culpable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣemendram. Name of a celebrated poet of Kasmir (surnamed vyāsa-dāsa- and flourishing in the middle of the eleventh century, author of the bṛhat-kathā-(- mañjarī-), bhārata-mañjarī-, kalā-vilāsa-, rāmāyaṇa-mañjarī- or - kathā-sāra-, daśāvatāra-carita-, samaya-mātṛkā-, vyāsāṣṭaka-, suvṛtta-tilaka-, loka-prakāśa-, nīti-kalpataru-, rājāvalī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣetran. an enclosed plot of ground, portion of space, superficies (exempli gratia, 'for example' sv-alpa-kṣ-,of a small circuit ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kūrmakalpam. Name of a particular kalpa- or period of time View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuśikam. Name of the thirteenth kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kusuman. Name of the shorter sections of deveśvara-'s kavi-kalpa-latā- (the longer chapters being called stabaka-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kvaind. kva- - kva- or kutra-kva- (implying excessive incongruity) where is this? where is that? how distant is this from that? how little does this agree with that? (exempli gratia, 'for example' kva sūrya-prabhavo vaṃśaḥ kva cālpa-viṣayā matiḥ-,how can my limited intellect describe the solar race? ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lāntavam. (with jaina-s) a particular kalpa- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyamam. Name of the 18th kalpa- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
maḍūṣikāf. a dwarfish girl unfit for marriage ( equals svalpa-dehā-; varia lectio maṭūṣikā-, marṇḍūṣikā-, madhūṣikā-and mandhūṣikā-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāpralayam. the total annihilation of the universe at the end of a kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāprāṇamfn. "making a harsh breathing or cry", a raven (see alpa-p-, māhāp-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāratnapratimaṇḍitam. Name of a kalpa- or cycle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahārūpam. Name of a kalpa- or cycle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahatm. a great or noble man (opp. to nīca-, alpa-or dīna-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
māhendram. (with jaina-s) Name of a kalpa- (q.v). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahodyamam. (with jaina-s) , a particular kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manasn. Name of the 26th kalpa- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mānasan. Name of work on śilpa- or art. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manojñaśabdābhigarjitam. Name of a kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manorathadāyakam. "fulfilling wishes", Name of a kalpa-vṛkṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
manum. the Man par excellence or the representative man and father of the human race (regarded in the as the first to have instituted sacrifices and religious ceremonies, and associated with the ṛṣi-s kaṇva- and atri-;in the described as dividing his possessions among some of his sons to the exclusion of one called nābhā-nediṣṭha- q.v;called sāṃvaraṇa- as author of ; āpsava- as author of ;in he is numbered among the 31 divine beings of the upper sphere, and as father of men even identified with prajā-pati-;but the name manu- is especially applied to 14 successive mythical progenitors and sovereigns of the earth, described and in later works as creating and supporting this world through successive antara-s or long periods of timeSee manv-antara-below;the first is called svāyambhuva- as sprung from svayam-bhū-,the Self-existent, and described in as a sort of secondary creator, who commenced his work by producing 10 prajāpati-s or maharṣi-s, of whom the first was marīci-,Light;to this manu- is ascribed the celebrated"code of manu-"See manu-saṃhitā-,and two ancient sūtra- works on kalpa- and gṛhya- id est sacrificial and domestic rites;he is also called hairaṇyagarbha- as son of hiraṇya-garbha-, and prācetasa-, as son of pra-cetas-;the next 5 manu-s are called svārociṣa-, auttami-, tāmasa-, raivata-, cākṣuṣa- see ;the 7th manu-, called vaivasvata-,Sun-born, or from his piety, satya-vrata-,is regarded as the progenitor of the present race of living beings, and said, like the Noah of the Old Testament, to have been preserved from a great flood by viṣṇu- or brahmā- in the form of a fish: he is also variously described as one of the 12 āditya-s, as the author of ,as the brother of yama-, who as a son of he Sun is also called vaivasvata-, as the founder and first king of ayodhyā-, and as father of ilā- who married budha-, son of the Moon, the two great solar and lunar races being thus nearly related to each otherSee ;the 8th manu- or first of the future manu-s according to to ,will be sāvarṇi-;the 9th dakṣa-sāvarṇi-;the 12th rudra-sāvarṇi-;the 13th raucya- or deva-sāvarṇi-;the 14th bhautya- or indra-- sāvarṇi-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mārjālīyam. Name of the 17th kalpa- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
maśakam. Name of a preceptor with the patronymic gārgya- (the composer of a kalpa-sūtra-) () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
māyūrakalpam. Name of a particular kalpa- or long period of time View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meghavāhanam. of the 22nd kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mokṣakāṇḍaName of chapter of the kṛtya-kalpataru- by lakṣmī-dhara-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nagarīyuktif. Name of chapter of the yukti-kalpa-taru-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāgavallīf. Name of work (also nāgavallīkalpa -kalpa-,m.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nārasiṃham. the 16th kalpa- or period of the world (see sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nārkalpim. (patron.) fr. nṛ-kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navakaṇḍikāśrāddhasūtran. Name of the 6th pariśiṣṭa- of (equals śrāddha-kalpa-s-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nicayam. piling up, heaping up, heap, mass, quantity, store, provisions (see alpa-n-, ṣaṇ-māsa-n-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niḥśeṣamf(ā-)n. without remainder, (either =) finished, passed away (kalpa-) (ṣaṃ- kṛ-to destroy completely ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nīlalohitam. Name of a kalpa- (See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirjālmaka(n/ir-.) mfn. maneless (see jarjalpa-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirvikalpakamfn. equals -vikalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niṣādam. Name of a kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niṣpāvamfn. equals nir-vikalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pādmam. Name of a kalpa- or cosmic period View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcakalpam. one who studies or has studied 5 kalpa-s (especially those belonging to the ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcamam. the 21st kalpa- (called after the musical note) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcamūlanf(ī-). (also laka-) a class or group of 5 roots or plants with tuberous roots (according to there are 5 classes each containing 5 medicinal plant, viz. kanīyas-or alpam-or kṣudrakam-, mahat-, vallī-saṃjñaḥ-[sc. gaṇaḥ-], kaṇṭaka-s-,and triṇa-s- id est the smaller and the larger classes, the creepers, the thorny plants and the 5 kinds of grass;other groups are also enumerated) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pañcavṛkṣan. sg. or m. pl."the 5 trees"(of svarga-, viz. mandāra-, pārijātaka-, saṃtāna-, kalpa-vṛkṣa-, and hari-candana-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pārāśarakalpikamfn. one who studies the parāśara-kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pāratalpikan. (-talpa-) adultery View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parijalpP. -jalpati-, to chatter, talk about, speak of (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parikḷpCaus. -kalpayati- (Passive voice -kalpyate-), to fix, settle, determine, destine for (with accusative, artham- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound', locative case or an infinitive mood with pass. sense) etc. ; to choose ; to perform, execute, accomplish, contrive, arrange, make ; to distribute, divide (with an adverb in dhā-) ; to admit or invite to (locative case) ; to suppose, presuppose View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paryuṣaṇan. (or paryuṣaṇā ṇā- f.) spending the rainy season () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paryuṣitavyan. impersonal or used impersonally (the rainy season) is to be spent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paśukḷptif. equals -kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paśutantran. equals -kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paṭudeśīya mfn. equals -kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paṭudeśyamfn. equals -kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pauṣadham. (see poṣadha-) a fasting day (also pauṣadhadina -dina- n.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
phalphaSee vi-phalpha-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pitṛkalpam. Name of a particular kalpa- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order), brahmā-'s day of new moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
poyāf. a kind of wind instrument View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prabhāf. light variously personified (as wife of the sun, or as wife of kalpa- and mother of prātar-, madhyaṃ-dina- and sāya- id est morning, midday and evening, or as a form of durgā- in the disc of the sun) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prabhātaprāyamfn. equals -kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prācīnakalpam. a former kalpa- or period of the world's duration View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pracuramf(ā-)n. much, many, abundant (opp. to alpa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prajalpP. -jalpati-, to talk, speak, tell, communicate, announce, proclaim View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prakḷpA1. -kalpate- (rarely P. ti-), to prosper, succeed ; to be fit or suitable (with infinitive mood) : Causal -kalpayati-, to place in front, put at the head, honour ; to put down on (locative case) ; to appoint or elect to, select for (locative case) ; to put in the place of (genitive case) ; to contrive, invent, devise, prepare, provide etc. ; to fix, settle, determine ; to prescribe ; to make out, ascertain, calculate ; to make into, choose for (2 accusative or accusative and locative case) ; to suppose, imagine (with accusative and locative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pralayam. (especially) the destruction of the whole world, at the end of a kalpa- (sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāṇam. Name of a kalpa- (the 6th day in the light half of brahmā-'s month) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāṇatajam. pl. (with jaina-s) Name of a subdivision of the kalpa-bhava-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratānam. Name of a section of a work whose name ends in kalpa-latā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prāthamakalpikamf(ī-)n. (fr. prathama-kalpa-) being (anything) first of all or in the strictest sense of the word (varia lectio for prathama-kapita- q.v ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratijalpP. -jalpati-, to answer, reply View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikalpyamfn. to be arranged or prepared (for pratikalpa-See) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikḷpA1. -kalpate- (perfect tense -kḷpe-), to be at the service of (accusative), receive hospitably ; to regulate, arrange View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratikramaṇan. going to confession View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratiśilpan. a counter- śilpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
priyadarśanam. a particular kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pṛthukalpiṇīf. varia lectio for patha-kalpanā-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rādhākāntadevam. Name of a lexicographer (author of the śabda-kalpadruma-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rambham. Name of the fifth kalpa- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rasakarmann. equals -kalpanā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratiprapūrṇam. Name of a particular kalpa- or age View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ratnāvabhāsam. (with Buddhists) Name of a kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rauravam. Name of the fifth kalpa- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
revantam. the 5th manu- of the present kalpa- (see next and raivata-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṛṣabham. the fifteenth kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rūparasagandhasparśavatmfn. having colour and taste and smell and palpability View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rūparasasparśavatmfn. having colour and taste and palpability View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rūpasparśavatmfn. possessing colour and palpability View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śabdakalpadrum. Name of a lexicon by keśava- (also called kalpa-dru-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṣaḍjam. Name of the 16th kalpa- or day of brahmā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sadyan. in upari--, talpa--, sattra-s-, qq. vv. (for 2. 3.See ). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sākalyakamfn. sick, unwell (wrong reading sākalpaka-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaktidāsam. Name of the author of the māyā-bījakalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakuṣṭhikamfn. equals sagulpha- or ṅguṣṭha- (Scholiast or Commentator) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samādhim. Name of the 17th kalpa- (q.v), of the 17th arhat- of the future utsarpiṇī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samanukḷpCaus. -kalpayati-, to make any one (acc) attain to any state or condition (locative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samasuptif. equal or general sleep (="the end of a kalpa- and dissolution of the universe") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdhim. a period at the expiration of each yuga- or age (equivalent to one sixth of its duration and intervening before the commencement of the next;occurring also at the end of each manv-antara- and kalpa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃhāram. destruction (especially the periodical destruction of the universe at end of a kalpa-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃjalpP. -jalpati- (pr. p. -jalpat-,or pamāna-), to speak or talk together, converse, chatter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃkalpam. the Will personified (as a son of saṃ-kalpā- and brahmā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃkalpāf. Name of a daughter of dakṣa- (the wife of dharma- and mother of saṃkalpa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃkalpadurgabhañjanan. Name of work (see saṃkalpa-smṛti-d-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃkalpikamf(ī-)n. (fr. a saṃkalpa-) based on or produced by the will or imagination View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃkḷpA1. -kalpate-, to be brought about, come into existence ; to be in order or ready ; to wish, long for, be desirous of (See saṃ-kalpanīya-): Causal -kalpayati-, te-, to put together, arrange ; to produce, create ; to move or rock to and fro (the head) ; to determine, fix, settle ; to destine for (locative case) ; (with or without manasā-), to will, purpose, resolve, intend, aim at, strive after etc. etc., to imagine, fancy, take for, consider as (accusative with iva-) ; to think about, ponder, hesitate ; to perform obsequies
saṃnicayam. store, provision (See alpa-s-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samprakḷpCaus. -kalpayati-, to install ; to regulate, appoint, settle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃtānam. one of the five trees of indra-'s heaven, the kalpa- tree or its flower View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃtānamfn. (fr. saṃ-tāna-) derived or taken from the kalpa- tree (called saṃtāna-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃtānakam. one of the five trees of indra-'s heaven, the kalpa- tree or its flower etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃtānakamayamf(ī-)n. consisting of flowers of the kalpa- tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃtānikamf(ī-)n. made from flowers of the kalpa- tree (as a garland) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samupakḷpA1. -kalpate-, to be prepared or made ready together : Causal -kalpayati-, to make ready together, prepare, make ready, accomplish View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvartam. a particular cosmic period or kalpa- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvibhāP. -bhāti-, to form ideas about, meditate on (accusative), (equals saṃkalpayati- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāntif. equals śānti-kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śarapañjaran. equals -talpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śaraśayyāf. () equals -talpa-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sārasvatam. (sg.) the twelfth kalpa- or day of brahmā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śasthe taddhita- affix śas- (forming adverbs from nouns, especially from numerals and words expressive of quantity) (see alpa-śas-, bahu-śas-, śata-śas-etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
satmf(sat/ī-)n. (pr. p. of1. as-) being, existing, occurring, happening, being present (sato me-,"when I was present";often connected with other participles or with an adverb exempli gratia, 'for example' nāmni kṛte sati-,"when the name has been given"; tathā sati-,"if it be so";also in the beginning of a compound,where sometimes ="possessed of"see sat-kalpavṛkṣa-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śatāramn. (with jaina-s) a particular kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
satkalpavṛkṣamfn. (a grove) where kalpa--trees are found View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
satyam. Name of the ninth kalpa- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sauram. Name of the 20th kalpa- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
savikalpamfn. together with the intermediate kalpa-s. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāvitram. (scilicet kalpa-) Name of the 10th kalpa- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siddham. a siddha- or semidivine being of great purity and perfection and said to possess the eight supernatural faculties (See 2. siddhi-; according to to some, the siddha-s inhabit, together with the muni-s etc., the bhuvar-loka- or atmosphere between the earth and heaven; according to to eighty-eight thousand of them occupy the regions of the sky north of the sun and south of the seven ṛṣi-s;they are regarded as immortal, but only as living to the end of a kalpa- [ quod vide ];in the later mythology the are some times confused with the; sādhya-s [ quod vide ] or take their place) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siddhavaṭasthalakalpam. Name of a chapter of the skanda-purāṇa- (also called śrī-śaila-dakṣiṇa-dvāra-sthala-kalpa-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śilpan. form, shape (see su-śilpa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śilpājīvam. equals śilpa-jīvin- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śilpālayam. equals śilpa-gṛha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śilpikan. a kind of drama (equals śilpaka-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śilpikāf. See śilpaka-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śilpiśāstran. equals śilpa-śāstra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śilpopajīvinm. equals śilpa-jīvin- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śīvanmfn. (fr.1. śī-;) lying, resting (See uttāna--, talpa--, vahya-ś-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śodhanan. justifying, exculpating View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śodhitamfn. justified, exculpated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
somakalpam. Name of the 21st kalpa- or world-period View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
somavāravratan. a fast observed in the evening of a Monday in honour of śiva- and durgā- ( somavāravratakalpa ta-kalpa- m. somavāravratavidhi ta-vidhi- m. somavāravratācaraṇakrama caraṇa-krama- m. somavāravratodyāpana todyāpana- n.Name of works) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
spārśanamfn. (fr. sparśana-) what is touched or felt, palpable, tangible View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sparśaśabdavatmfn. palpable and audible View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sparśavatmfn. having tangibility, palpable ( sparśavattva -tva- n.) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sparśikamfn. tangible, palpable, perceptible on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
spraṣṭavyamfn. tangible, palpable, sensible View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrāddhakāśikāf. Name of a commentator or commentary on the śrāddhakalpa-sūtra- by kṛṣṇa-- miśra-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śrāddhasūtran. Name of work (equals śrāddha-kalpa-sūtra-), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sthalapatham. a road by land (ena-,"by land") etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sthūladehinmfn. big-bodied, large (opp. to alpa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūcibhedyamfn. capable of being pierced with a needle, very dense, palpable (as darkness) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śucīkṛP. -karoti-, to make clear or bright, purify View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śuddhif. justification, exculpation, innocence (established by ordeal or trial), acquittal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śudh or śundh- cl.1 P. A1. () śundhati-, te- (imperative śunddhi- ; perfect tense śuśundha- Aorist aśundhīt- future śundhitā-, śundhiṣyati- grammar), to purify (A1."one's self", become or be pure) ; cl.4 P. A1. () śudhyati- (mc. also te-; perfect tense śuśodha- Aorist aśudhat- future śoddhā-, śotsyati-, infinitive mood śoddhum- grammar), to be cleared or cleansed or purified, become pure (especially in a ceremonial sense) etc. ; to become clear or free from doubts ; to be cleared or excused from blame, to be excusable : Passive voice śudhyate- (Aorist aśodhi-) grammar : Causal śundhayati-, to clear, purify ; śodhayati- (Aorist aśūśudhat-), to purify (especially in a ceremonial sense) etc. ; to correct, improve ; to remove (impurity or anything noxious) etc. ; to clear off, pay (debts) ; to acquit, exculpate, justify ; to put to test ; to try, examine ; to make clear, explain ; to subtract : Desiderative śuśutsati- : Intensive śośudhyate-, śośoddhi- grammar View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śukram. (with jaina-s) of a particular kalpa- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śukrottaram. (with jaina-s) Name of a kalpa- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suptamālinm. Name of the 23rd kalpa- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suradrumam. equals kalpa-vṛkṣa- etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suraśākhinm. "tree of the gods", the kalpa- tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suratarum. equals kalpa-t- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūtran. a short sentence or aphoristic rule, and any work or manual consisting of strings of such rules hanging together like threads (these sūtra- works form manuals of teaching in ritual, philosophy, grammar etc.: exempli gratia, 'for example' in ritual there are first the śrauta-sūtra-s, and among them the kalpa-sūtra-s, founded directly on śruti- q.v; they form a kind of rubric to Vedic ceremonial, giving concise rules for the performance of every kind of sacrifice[ ] ; other kinds of śruti- works are the gṛhya-sūtra-s and sāmayācārika- or dharma-sūtra-s id est"rules for domestic ceremonies and conventional customs", sometimes called collectively smārta-sūtra-s [as founded on smṛti-or"tradition"See smārta-]; these led to the later dharmaśāstra-s or"law-books"[ ] ; in philosophy each system has its regular text-book of aphorisms written in sūtra-s by its supposed founder[ ]; in vyākaraṇa- or grammar there are the celebrated sūtra-s of pāṇini- in eight books, which are the groundwork of a vast grammatical literature; with Buddhists, pāśupata-s etc. the term sūtra- is applied to original text books as opp. to explanatory works; with jaina-s they form part of the dṛṣṭivāda-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svālpamfn. (fr. sv-alpa-) very little or small, few View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svamatmfn. in alpa-sva-m-, having little property View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetakalpam. a particular kalpa- or world-period View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetavārāham. a particular kalpa-, the first day in the month of brahmā- (also śvetavārāhakalpa ha-kalpa-m.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tājakan. Name of certain astronomical books translated or derived from translations from the Arabic and Persian (exempli gratia, 'for example' -kalpa-latā-, -keśavī-, -kaustubha-, -cintāmaṇi-, -tantra-, -tilaka-, -dīpaka-, -paddhati-, -bhāva-, -bhūṣaṇa-, -muktāvali-, -yoga-sudhākara-, -ratna-mālā-, -śāśtra-, -sarvasva-sāra-, -sāra-, -sudhā-nidhi-, laṃkāra-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
talpa(n. ) m. ( tṛp-) a couch, bed, sofa etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). ; lpam ā-vas-,"to defile any one's marriage-bed"; lpam-adhi-gam-,"to have sexual intercourse with"[in compound ] ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lpamfn. (equals t/alpya-) born in a marriage-bed (t/alpa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
talpyamfn. equals tālpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tapasn. Name of a kalpa- period View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tatpuruṣam. Name of a kalpa- period View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tep cl.1. pate-, to distil, ooze, drop ; to tremble, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tvañc (= 1. tañc-) cl.1. to go ; (= 2. tañc-) cl.7. tvanakti-, to contract View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upakḷpA1. -kalpate-, to be fit for, be ready at hand, become ; to serve as, lead to (with dative case) ; to take the shape or form of, become, be : Causal P. -kalpayati- (infinitive mood -kalpayitav/ai- ) to prepare, make ready, equip ; to procure, bring near, fetch etc. ; to allot, asign ; to put or set up, turn towards ; to arrange ; to impart, communicate ; to assume, suppose View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upasaṃkḷp Causal P. -kalpayati-, to put upon, set, cause to settle ; to appoint, elect for View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upavedam. "secondary knowledge", Name of a class of writings subordinate or appended to the four veda-s (viz. the āyur-veda-,or science of medicine, to the ṛg-- veda-;the dhanurveda-or science of archery, to the yajur-veda-;the gāndharva-veda-or science of music, to the sāmaveda-;and the śastra-śāstra-or science of arms, to the atharva-- veda-;this is according to the caraṇavyūha-, but and the make the āyur-veda- belong to the atharva-- veda-;according to others, the sthāpatya-veda-or science of architecture, and śilpa-śāstra-or knowledge of arts, are reckoned as the fourth upa-veda-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upavigulphCaus. (Potential 3. plural -gulphayeyus-) to add abundantly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
utaind. in this sense it may be strengthened by āho- (exempli gratia, 'for example' kaccit tvam asi mānuṣī utāho surāṅganā-,art thou a mortal woman or divine? nala-) , or by āho-svit- (exempli gratia, 'for example' śālihotraḥ kiṃ nu syād utāhosvid rājā nalaḥ-,can it be śālihotra- or king nala-?) Rarely kim- is repeated before uta- used in this sense (exempli gratia, 'for example' kim nu svargāt prāptā tasyā rūpeṇa kimutānyāgatā-,has she arrived from heaven or has another come in her form? ) etc. (As a particle of wishing, especially at the beginning of a sentence followed by a potential) would that! utinam! (exempli gratia, 'for example' utādhīyīta-,would that he would read!) (uta-preceded by kim-) on the contrary, how much more, how much less (exempli gratia, 'for example' kam&iencoding=&lang='>samartho 'si sahasram api jetuṃ kimutaikam-,thou art able to conquer even a thousand, how much more one ) etc. (uta-preceded by prati-) on the contrary, rather (exempli gratia, 'for example' eṣa pṛṣṭo 'smābhir na jalpati hanti praty-uta pāṣāṇaih-,this one questioned by us does not speak, but rather throws stones at us) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
utkḷp(ud-kḷp-), Causal P. (imperfect tense 3. plural -/akalpayan- ) to form, fashion, create. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttiṅgam. a species of insect View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vahnim. Name of the 8th kalpa- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaikalpan. (fr. vi-kalpa-) dubiousness, ambiguity, indecision View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaikalyan. (fr. vi-kala-) imperfection, weakness, defectiveness, defect, frailty (also vaikalyatā -- f. ; wrong reading vaikalpa--) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaimānikam. a particular celestial being or deity ( vaimānikatva -tva- n. ;Jainas reckon two classes: kalpa-bhava-s and kalpātīta-s) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vairājam. Name of the 27th kalpa- or period of time View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vairājakam. Name of the 19th kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiyāvṛttyan. (more correctly vaiyāpṛtya-) a commission, business (entrusted to any one and not to be interrupted) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiyāvṛttyamfn. equals -kara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vaiyāvṛttyakaramfn. one who has to execute a commission View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vājapeyam. equals vājapeye bhavo mantraḥ-, or vājapeyasya vyākhyānaṃ kalpaḥ- on vArttika 5 etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
valmīkalpam. Name of the 11th day in the dark half of brahmā-'s month (see under kalpa-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāmadevam. of the third day or kalpa- in the month of brahmā- (See under kalpa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārāhakalpam. "Boar kalpa-", Name of the now existing kalpa- or day of brahmā- (being the first of the second parārdha- of brahmā-'s existence) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedāṅgan. "a limb (for preserving the body) of the veda-", Name of certain works or classes of works regarded as auxiliary to and even in some sense as part of the veda-, (six are usually enumerated [and mostly written in the sūtra- or aphoristic style];1. śikṣā-,"the science of proper articulation and pronunciation", comprising the knowledge of letters, accents, quantity, the use of the organs of pronunciation, and phonetics generally, but especially the laws of euphony peculiar to the veda- [many short treatises and a chapter of the taittirīya-āraṇyaka- are regarded as the representatives of this subject;but other works on Vedic phonetics may be included under itSee prātiśākhya-]:2. chandas-,"metre"[represented by a treatise ascribed to piṅgala-nāga-, which, however, treats of Prakrit as well as Sanskrit metres, and includes only a few of the leading Vedic metres]: 3. vyākaraṇa-,"linguistic analysis or grammar"[represented by pāṇini-'s celebrated sūtra-s]: 4. nirukta-,"explanation of difficult Vedic words"[ see yāska-]:5. jyotiṣa-,"astronomy", or rather the Vedic calendar [represented by a small tract, the object of which is to fix the most auspicious days for sacrifices]: 6. kalpa-,"ceremonial", represented by a large number of sūtra- works[ see sūtra-]:the first and second of these vedāṅga-s are said to be intended to secure the correct reading or recitation of the veda-, the third and fourth the understanding of it, and the fifth and sixth its proper employment at sacrifices: the vedāṅga-s are alluded to by manu-, who calls them, in , pravacana-s, "expositions", a term which is said to be also applied to the brāhmaṇa-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vibhāṣāf. (for 1.See) an alternative, option, optionality (vi-bhāṣayā-,optionally) , one of two ways (see vi-kalpa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vīcif. (prob. for a-vīci-) a particular hell ( also equals sukha-, avakāśa-, svalpa-, alpa-, āli-, kiraṇa-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidvaddeśīya mfn. equals vidvat-kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidvaddeśyamfn. equals vidvat-kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijayam. of a son of kalpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijñātif. Name of the 25th kalpa- (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikalpam. (for 2.See under vi-kḷp-) an intermediate kalpa-, the interval between two kalpa-s. (q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikalpam. equals kalpa-sthāna- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikalpam. (in gram.) admission of an option or alternative, the allowing a rule to be observed or not at pleasure (veti vikalpaḥ- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikalpakam. = vi-kalpa-2 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikalpitamfn. doubtful, undecided (see a-vikalpa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikalyam. plural Name of a people (varia lectio vi-kalpa-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vikḷpA1. -kalpate-, to change or alternate, change with (instrumental case) etc. ; to be undecided or questionable or optionable ; to be doubtful or irresolute, waver, hesitate : Causal -kalpayati-, to prepare, arrange, contrive, form, fashion (in various ways) ; to choose one of two alternatives, proceed eclectically ; to call in question, prescribe variously, pronounce optional ; to combine variously, vary ; to state a dilemma ; to consider with distrust (?) ; to suppose, conjecture, imagine, presume ; to reflect upon
viphalphamfn. (see vi-gulpha-) abundant, plentiful (?w.r. for vi-phalka-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viṣṇujam. Name of the 18th kalpa- or day of brahmā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśudhP. A1. -śudhyati-, te-, to become perfectly pure (especially in ritual sense) etc. ; to become clear (said of the senses) ; (in algebra) to remain naught, : Causal viśodhayati-, to purify (especially ritually) ; to improve, correct ; to free from suspicion, exculpate ; to justify ; to set clear, fix or determine accurately ; (in algebra) to subtract
viśvajijjicchilpam. (for jit-+ śilpa-) Name of an ekāha-
vopadevam. Name of the author of the mugdha-bodha- grammar (also of the kavi-kalpadruma- and various other works, including, according to some, the bhāgavata-- purāṇa-;he was a son of keśava- and pupil of dhaneśvara-, and is said to have flourished about the latter half of the thirteenth century at the court of hemādri-, king of deva-giri-, now Dowlatabad). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatijalpP. -jalpati-, to chatter together, gossip Va1rtt. 1 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyāvṛttatvamfn. (in philosophy) the being separated from, the being non-extensive (= alpa-deśa-vṛttitvam-,"existing in few places", i.e."comprising but few individuals", said of a species, and opp. to adhika-d-vṛ-,"existing in many places", said of a genus) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyuṣṭam. Daybreak personified (as a son of kalpa-, or as a son of puṣpārṇa- and doṣā-, or as a son of vibhā-vasu- and uṣas-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
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agniḥ अग्निः [अङ्गति ऊर्ध्वं गच्छति अङ्ग्-नि,नलोपश्च Uṇ.4.5., or fr. अञ्च् 'to go.'] 1 Fire कोप˚, चिन्ता˚, शोक˚, ज्ञान˚, राज˚, &c. -2 The God of fire. -3 Sacrificial fire of three kinds (गार्हपत्य, आहवनीय and दक्षिण); पिता बै गार्हपत्यो$ ग्निर्माताग्निर्दक्षिणः स्मृतः । गुरुराहवनीयस्तु साग्नित्रेता गरीयसी ॥ Ms. 2.232. -4 The fire of the stomach, digestive faculty, gastric fluid. -5 Bile (नाभेरूर्ध्व हृदयादधस्तादामाशयमाचक्षते तद्गतं सौरं तेजः पित्तम् इत्याचक्षते). -6 Cauterization (अग्नि- कर्मन्). -7 Gold. -8 The number three. शराग्निपरिमाणम् (पञ्चत्रिंशत्) Mb.13.17.26. -9 N. of various plants: (a) चित्रक Plumbago Zeylanica; (b) रक्तचित्रक; (c) भल्लातक Semicarpus Anacardium; (d) निम्बक Citrus Acida. -1 A mystical substitute for the letter र्. In Dvandva comp. as first member with names of deities, and with particular words अग्नि is changed to अग्ना, as ˚विष्णू, ˚मरुतौ, or to अग्नी, ˚पर्जन्यौ, ˚ वरुणौ, ˚षोमौ -11 पिङगला नाडी; यत्र तद् ब्रह्म निर्द्वन्द्वं यत्र सोमः, (इडा) सहाग्निना (अग्निः पिङ्गला) Mb.14.2.1. -12 Sacrificial altar, अग्निकुण्ड cf. Rām. 1.14.28. -13 Sky. अग्निर्मूर्धा Muṇḍ 2.1.4. [cf. L. ignis.] [Agni is the God of Fire, the Ignis of the Latins and Ogni of the Slavonians. He is one of the most prominent deities of the Ṛigveda. He, as an immortal, has taken up his abode among mortals as their guest; he is the domestic priest, the successful accomplisher and protector of all ceremonies; he is also the religious leader and preceptor of the gods, a swift messenger employed to announce to the immortals the hymns and to convey to them the oblations of their worshippers, and to bring them down from the sky to the place of sacrifice. He is sometimes regarded as the mouth and the tongue through which both gods and men participate in the sacrifices. He is the lord, protector and leader of people, monarch of men, the lord of the house, friendly to mankind, and like a father, mother, brother &c. He is represented as being produced by the attrition of two pieces of fuel which are regarded as husband and wife. Sometimes he is considered to have been brought down from heaven or generated by Indra between two clouds or stones, created by Dyau, or fashioned by the gods collectively. In some passages he is represented as having a triple existence, which may mean his three-fold manifestations as the sun in heaven, lightning in the atmosphere, and as ordinary fire on the earth, although the three appearances are also elsewhere otherwise explained. His epithets are numberless and for the most part descriptive of his physical characteristics : धूमकेतु, हुतभुज्, शुचि, रोहिताश्व, सप्तजिह्व, तोमरधर, घृतान्न, चित्रभानु, ऊर्ध्वशोचिस्, शोचिष्केश, हरिकेश, हिरण्यदन्त, अयोदंष्ट्र &c. In a celebrated passage he is said to have 4 horns, 3 feet, 2 heads, and 7 hands. The highest divine functions are ascribed to Agni. He is said to have spread out the two worlds and _x001F_+ produced them, to have supported heaven, formed the mundane regions and luminaries of heaven, to have begotten Mitra and caused the sun to ascend the sky. He is the head and summit of the sky, the centre of the earth. Earth, Heaven and all beings obey his commands. He knows and sees all worlds or creatures and witnesses all their actions. The worshippers of Agni prosper, they are wealthy and live long. He is the protector of that man who takes care to bring him fuel. He gives him riches and no one can overcome him who sacrifices to this god. He confers, and is the guardian of, immortality. He is like a water-trough in a desert and all blessing issue from him. He is therefore constantly supplicated for all kinds of boons, riches, food, deliverance from enemies and demons, poverty, reproach, childlessness, hunger &c. Agni is also associated with Indra in different hymns and the two gods are said to be twin brothers. Such is the Vedic conception of Agni; but in the course of mythological personifications he appears as the eldest son of Brahmā and is called Abhimānī [Viṣṇu Purāṇa]. His wife was Svāhā; by her, he had 3 sons -Pāvaka, Pavamāna and Śuchi; and these had forty-five sons; altogether 49 persons who are considered identical with the 49 fires. He is also represented as a son of Aṅgiras, as a king of the Pitṛs or Manes, as a Marut and as a grandson of Śāṇḍila, and also as a star. The Harivaṁśa describes him as clothed in black, having smoke for his standard and head-piece and carrying a flaming javelin. He is borne in a chariot drawn by red horses and the 7 winds are the wheels of his car. He is accompanied by a ram and sometimes he is represented as riding on that animal. Agni was appointed by Brahamā as the sovereign of the quarter between the south and east, whence the direction is still known as Āgneyī. The Mahābhārata represents Agni as having exhausted his vigour and become dull by devouring many oblations at the several sacrifices made by king Śvetaki, but he recruited his strength by devouring the whole Khāṇḍava forest; for the story see the word खाण्डव]. -Comp. -अ (आ) गारम् -रः, -आलयः, -गृहम् [अग्निकार्याय अगारम् शाक˚ त.] a fire-sanctuary, house or place for keeping the sacred fire; वसंश्चतुर्थो$ग्निरिवाग्न्यगारे R.5.25. रथाग्न्यगारं चापार्चीं शरशक्तिगदे- न्धनम् Mb.11.25.14. -अस्त्रम् fire-missile, a rocket, -आत्मक a. [अग्निरात्मा यस्य] of the nature of fire सोमा- त्मिका स्त्री, ˚कः पुमान्. -आधानम् consecrating the fire; so ˚आहिति. -आधेयः [अग्निराधेयो येन] a Brāhmana who maintains the sacred fire. (-यम्) = ˚आधानम्. -आहितः [अग्निराहितो येन, वा परनिपातः P.II.2.37.] one who maintains the sacred fire; See आहिताग्नि. -इध् m. (अग्नीध्रः) [अग्निम् इन्द्धे स अग्नीध्] the priest who kindles fire (mostly Ved). -इन्धनः [अग्निरिध्यते अनेन] N. of a Mantra. (नम्) kindling the fire; अग्नीन्धनं भैक्षचर्याम् Ms.2.18. -उत्पातः [अग्निना दिव्यानलेन कृतः उत्पातः] a fiery portent, meteor, comet &c. In Bṛ. S.33 it is said to be of five kinds: दिवि भुक्तशुभफलानां पततां रूपाणि यानि तान्युल्काः । धिष्ण्योल्का- शनिविद्युत्तारा इति पञ्चधा भिन्नाः ॥ उल्का पक्षेण फलं तद्वत् धिष्ण्याशनिस्त्रिभिः पक्षैः । विद्युदहोभिः ष़ड्भिस्तद्वत्तारा विपाचयति ॥ Different fruits are said to result from the appearances of these portents, according to the nature of their colour, position &c. -उद्धरणम्, -उद्धारः 1 producing fire by the friction of two araṇis. -2 taking out, before sun-rise, the sacred fire from its cover of ashes previous to a sacrifice. -उपस्थानम् worship of Agni; the Mantra or hymn with which Agni is worshipped (अग्निरुपस्थीयते$नेन) अग्निस्त्रिष्टुभ् उपस्थाने विनियोगः Sandhyā. -एधः [अग्निमेधयति] an incendiary. -कणः; -स्तोकः a spark. -कर्मन् n. [अग्नौ कर्म स. त.] 1 cauterization. -2 action of fire. -3 oblation to Agni, worship of Agni (अग्निहोत्र); so ˚कार्य offering oblations to fire, feeding fire with ghee &c.; निर्वर्तिताग्निकार्यः K.16.; ˚र्यार्धदग्ध 39, Ms.3.69, अग्निकार्यं ततः कुर्यात्सन्ध्ययोरुभयोरपि । Y.1.25. -कला a part (or appearance) of fire; ten varieties are mentioned धूम्रार्चिरुष्मा ज्वलिनी ज्वालिनी विस्फु- लिङ्गिनी । सुश्री: सुरूपा कपिला हव्यकव्यवहे अपि ॥ यादीनां दश- वर्णानां कला धर्मप्रदा अमूः ।). -कारिका [अग्निं करोति आधत्ते करणे कर्तृत्वोपचारात् कर्तरि ण्वुल्] 1 the means of consecrating the sacred fire, the Ṛik called अग्नीध्र which begins with अग्निं दूतं पुरो दधे. 2. = अग्निकार्यम्. -काष्ठम् अग्नेः उद्दीपनं काष्ठं शाक ˚त.] agallochum (अगुरु) -कुक्कुटः [अग्नेः कुक्कुट इव रक्तवर्णस्फुलिङ्गत्वात्] a firebrand, lighted wisp of straw. -कुण्डम [अग्नेराधानार्थं कुण्डम्] an enclosed space for keeping the fire, a fire-vessel. -कुमारः, -तनयः; सुतः 1 N. of Kārttikeya said to be born from fire; Rām.7. See कार्त्तिकेय. -2 a kind of preparation of medicinal drugs. -कृतः Cashew-nut; the plant Anacardium occidentale. [Mar.काजू] -केतुः [अग्नेः केतुरिव] 1 smoke. -2 N. of two Rākṣasas on the side of Rāvaṇa and killed by Rāma. -कोणः -दिक् the south-east corner ruled over by Agni; इन्द्रो वह्निः पितृपतिर्नौर्ऋतो वरुणो मरुत् । कुबेर ईशः पतयः पूर्वादीनां दिशां क्रमात् ॥ -क्रिया [अग्निना निर्वर्तिता क्रिया, शाक. त.] 1 obsequies, funeral ceremonies. -2 branding; भेषजाग्निक्रियासु च Y.3.284. -क्रीडा [तृ. त.] fire-works, illuminations. -गर्भ a. [अग्निर्गर्भे यस्य] pregnant with or containing fire, having fire in the interior; ˚र्भां शमीमिव Ś 4.3. (--र्भः) [अग्निरिव जारको गर्भो यस्य] 1 N. of the plant Agnijāra. -2 the sun stone, name of a crystal supposed to contain and give out fire when touched by the rays of the sun; cf Ś2.7. -3 the sacrificial stick अरणि which when churned, gives out fire. (-र्भा) 1 N. of the Śamī plant as containing fire (the story of how Agni was discovered to exist in the interior of the Śamī plant is told in chap. 35 of अनु- शासनपर्व in Mb.) -2 N. of the earth (अग्नेः सकाशात् गर्भो यस्यां सा; when the Ganges threw the semen of Śiva out on the Meru mountain, whatever on earth &c. was irradiated by its lustre, became gold and the earth was thence called वसुमती) -3 N. of the plant महा- ज्योतिष्मती लता (अग्निरिव गर्भो मध्यभागो यस्याः सा) [Mar. माल- कांगोणी] -ग्रन्थः [अग्निप्रतिपादको ग्रन्थः शाक. त.] the work that treats of the worship of Agni &c. -घृतम् [अग्न्युद्दीपनं घृतं शाक. त.] a kind of medicinal preparation of ghee used to stimulate the digestive power. -चित् m. अग्निं चितवान्; चि-भूतार्थे क्विप् P.III.2.91] one who has kept the sacred fire; यतिभिः सार्धमनग्निमग्निचित् R.8.25; अध्वरे- ष्वग्निचित्वत्सु Bk.5.11. -चयः, -चयनम्, -चित्या. arranging or keeping the sacred fire (अग्न्याधान); चित्याग्निचित्ये च P.III.1.132. -2 (-यः, -यनः) the Mantra used in this operation. -3 a heap of fire -चित्वत् [अग्निचयनम् अस्त्यस्मिन् मतुप्; मस्य वः । तान्तत्वान्न पद- त्वम् Tv.] having अग्निचयन or अग्निचित्. -चूडः A bird having a red tuft. -चर्णम् gunpowder. कार्यासमर्थः कत्यस्ति शस्त्रगोलाग्निचूर्णयुक् Śukranīti 2.93. -ज, -जात a. produced by or from fire, born from fire. (-जः, -जातः) 1 N. of the plant अग्निजार (अग्नये अग्न्युद्दीपनाय जायते सेवनात् प्रभवति). 1 N. of Kārttikeya पराभिनत्क्रौञ्चमिवाद्रिमग्निजः Mb.8.9. 68.3. Viṣṇu. (-जम्, -जातम) gold; so ˚जन्मन्. -जित् m. God; Bhāg.8.14.4. -जिह्व a. 1 having a fiery tongue. -2 one having fire for the tongue, epithet of a God or of Visṇu in the boar incarnation. (-ह्वा) 1 a tongue or flame of fire. -2 one of the 7 tongues of Agni (कराली धूमिनी श्वेता लोहिता नीललोहिता । सुवर्णा पद्मरागा च जिह्वा: सप्त विभावसोः -3 N. of a plant लाङ्गली (अग्नेर्जिह्वेव शिखा यस्याः सा); of another plant (जलपिप्पली) or गजपिप्पली (विषलाङ्गला) (Mar. जल-गज पिंपळी) -ज्वाला 1 the flame or glow of fire. -2 [अग्नेर्ज्वालेव शिखा यस्याः सा] N. of a plant with red blossoms, chiefly used by dyers, Grislea Tomentosa (Mar. धायफूल, धायटी). -तप् a. [अग्निना तप्यते; तप्-क्विप्] having the warmth of fire; practising austerities by means of fire. -तपस् a. [अग्निभिः तप्यते] 1 practising very austere penance, standing in the midst of the five fires. -2 glowing, shining or burning like fire (तपतीति तपाः अग्निरिव तपाः) hot as fire -तेजस् a. having the lustre or power of fire. (अग्नेरिव तेजो यस्य). (-स् n.) the lustre of fire. (-स् m.) N. of one of the 7 Ṛiṣis of the 11th Manvantara. -त्रयम् the three fires, See under अग्नि. -द a. [अग्निं दाहार्थं गृहादौ ददाति; दा. -क.] 1 giving or supplying with fire -2 tonic, stomachic, producing appetite, stimulating digestion. -3 incendiary; अग्निदान् भक्तदांश्चैव Ms.9.278; अग्निदानां च ये लोकाः Y.2.74; so ˚दायक, ˚दायिन्. यदग्निदायके पापं यत्पापं गुरुतल्पगे. Rām.2.75.45. -दग्ध a. 1 burnt on the funeral pile; अग्निदग्धाश्च ये जीवा ये$प्यदग्धाः कुले मम Vāyu. P. -2 burnt with fire. -3 burnt at once without having fire put into the mouth, being destitute of issue (?); (pl.) a class of Manes or Pitṛis who, when alive, kept up the household flame and presented oblations to fire. -दमनी [अग्निर्दम्यते$नया; दम्-णिच् करणे ल्युट] a narcotic plant, Solanum Jacquini. [Mar. रिंगणी] -दातृ [अग्निं विधानेन ददाति] one who performs the last (funeral) ceremonies of a man; यश्चाग्निदाता प्रेतस्य पिण्डं दद्यात्स एव हि. -दीपन a. [अग्निं दीपयति] stimulating digestion, stomachic, tonic. -दीप्त a. [तृ. त्त.] glowing, set on fire, blazing (-प्ता) [अग्निर्जठरानलो दीप्तः सेवनात् यस्याः सा] N. of a plant ज्योतिष्मती लता (Mar. मालकांगोणी), which is said to stimulate digestion. -दीप्तिः f. active state of digestion. -दूत a. अग्निर्दूत इव यस्मिन् यस्य वा] having Agni for a messenger, said of the sacrifice or the deity invoked; यमं ह यज्ञो गच्छत्यग्निदूतो अरंकृतः Rv.1.14.13. -दूषितः a. branded. -देवः [अग्नि- रेव देवः] Agni; a worshipper of Agni. -देवा [अग्निर्देवो यस्याः] the third lunar mansion, the Pleiades (कृत्तिका). -द्वारम् the door on the south-east of a building; पूर्व- द्वारमथैशाने चाग्निद्वारं तु दक्षिणे । Māna.9.294-95. -धानम् [अग्निर्धियते$स्मिन्] the place or receptacle for keeping the sacred fire, the house of अग्निहोतृ; पदं कृणुते अग्निधाने Rv. 1.165.3. -धारणम् maintaining the sacred fire; व्रतिनां ˚णम् K. 55. -नयनम् = ˚प्रणयनम्. -निर्यासः [अग्नेर्ज- ठरानलस्येव दीपको निर्यासो यस्य] N. of the plant अग्निजार. -नेत्र a. [अग्निर्नेता यस्य] having Agni for the leader or conveyer of oblations, an epithet of a god in general. -पदम् 1 the word Agni. -2 fire-place. -3 N. of a plant. -परिक्रि-ष्क्रि-या care of the sacred fire, worship of fire, offering oblations; गृहार्थो$ग्निपरिष्क्रिया Ms.2.67. -परिच्छदः the whole sacrificial apparatus; गृह्यं चाग्निपरिच्छदम् Ms.6. 4. -परिधानम् enclosing the sacrificial fire with a kind of screen. -परीक्षा [तृ. त.] ordeal by fire. -पर्वतः [अग्निसाधनं पर्वतः] a volcano; महता ज्वलता नित्यमग्निमेवाग्नि- पर्वतः Rām.5.35.43. -पुच्छः [अग्नेः अग्न्याधानस्थानस्य पुच्छ इव]. tail or back part of the sacrificial place; the extinction of fire. -पुराणम् [अग्निना प्रोक्तं पुराणम्] one of the 18 Purāṇas ascribed to Vyāsa. It derives its name from its having been communicated originally by Agni to the sage Vasiṣṭha for the purpose of instructing him in the two-fold knowledge of Brahman. Its stanzas are said to be 145. Its contents are varied. It has portions on ritual and mystic worship, cosmical descriptions, chapters on the duties of Kings and the art of war, a chapter on law, some chapters on Medicine and some treatises on Rhetoric, Prosody, Grammar, Yoga, Brahmavidyā &c. &c. -प्रणयनम् bringing out the sacrificial fire and consecrating it according to the proper ritual. -प्रणिधिः Incendiary. Dk.2.8. -प्रतिष्ठा consecration of fire, especially the nuptial fire. -प्रवेशः; -शनम [स. त.] entering the fire, self-immolation of a widow on the funeral pile of her husband. -प्रस्कन्दनम् violation of the duties of a sacrificer (अग्निहोमाकरण); ˚परस्त्वं चाप्येवं भविष्यसि Mb.1.84.26. -प्रस्तरः [अग्निं प्रस्तृणाति अग्नेः प्रस्तरो वा] a flint, a stone producing fire. -बाहुः [अग्ने- र्बाहुरिव दीर्घशिखत्वात्] 1 smoke. -2 N. of a son of the first Manu; Hariv. N. of a son of Priyavrata and Kāmyā. V. P. -बीजम् 1 the seed of Agni; (fig.) gold (रुद्रतेजः समुद्भूतं हेमबीजं विभावसोः) -2 N. of the letter र्. -भम [अग्नि- रिव भाति; भा-क.] 1 'shining like fire,' gold. -2 N. of the constellation कृत्तिका. -भु n. [अग्नेर्भवति; भू-क्विप् ह्रस्वान्तः] 1 water. -2 gold. -भू a. [अग्नेर्भवतिः भू-क्विप्] produced from fire. (भूः) 1 'fire-born,' N. of Kārttikeya. -2 N. of a teacher (काश्यप) who was taught by Agni. -3 (arith.) six. -भूति a. produced from fire. (-तिः) [अग्निरिव भूतिरैश्वर्यं यस्य] N. of a pupil of the last Tīrthaṅkara. (-तिः) f. the lustre or might of fire. -भ्राजस् a. Ved. [अग्निरिव भ्राजते; भ्राज्-असुन्] shining like fire. अग्निभ्राजसो विद्युतः Ṛv.5.54.11. -मणिः [अग्नेरुत्थापको मणिः शाक. त.] the sunstone. -मथ् m. [अग्निं मथ्नाति निष्पादयति; मन्थ्-क्विप्- नलोपः] 1 the sacrificer who churns the fuel-stick. -2 the Mantra used in this operation, on the अरणि itself. -मन्थः, -न्थनम्, producing fire by friction; or the Mantra used in this operation. (-न्थः) [अग्निर्मथ्यते अनेन मन्थ्-करणे घञ्] N. of a tree गणिकारिका (Mar. नरवेल) Premna Spinosa (तत्काष्ठयोर्घर्षणे हि आशु वह्निरुत्पद्यते), -मान्द्यम् slowness of digestion, loss of appetite, dyspepsia. -मारुतिः अग्निश्च मरुच्च तयोरपत्यं इञ् ततो वृद्धिः इत् च; द्विपदवृद्धौ पृषो. पूर्वपदस्य ह्रस्वः Tv.] N. of the sage Agastya. -मित्रः N. of a king of the Śunga dynasty, son of Puṣypamitra who must have flourished before 15 B. C. -the usually accepted date of Patañjali-as the latter mentions पुष्यमित्र by name. -मुखः a. having Agni at the head. (-खः) [अग्निर्मुखमिव यस्य] 1 a deity, god, (for the gods receive oblations through Agni who is, therefore, said to be their mouth; अग्निमुखा वै देवाः; अग्निर्मुखं प्रथमं देवतानाम् &c; or अग्निर्मुखे अग्रे येषाम्, for fire is said to have been created before all other gods.) -2 [अग्निर्मुखं प्रधानमुपास्यो यस्य] one who maintains the sacred fire (अग्निहोतृद्विज) -3 a Brāhmaṇa in general (अग्निर्दाहकत्वात् शापाग्निर्मुखे यस्य for Brāhmaṇas are said to be वाग्वज्राः). -4 N. of two plants चित्रक Plumbago Zeylanica and भल्लातक Semicarpus Anacardium अग्निरिव स्पर्शात् दुःखदायकं मुखमग्रम् यस्य, तन्निर्यासस्पर्शेन हि देहे क्षतोत्पत्तेस्थयोस्तथात्वम्) -5 a sort of powder or चूर्ण prescribed as a tonic by चक्रदत्त -6 'fire-mouthed, sharp-biting, an epithet of a bug. Pt. 1. (-खी) अग्निरिव मुखमग्रं यस्याः; गौरादि-ङीष्] 1 N. of a plant भल्लातक (Mar. बिबवा, भिलावा) and लाङ्गलिका (विषलाङ्गला). -2 N. of the Gāyatri Mantra (अग्निरेव मुखं मुखत्वेन कल्पितं यस्याः सा, or अग्नेरिव मुखं प्रजापतिमुखं उत्पत्ति- द्वारं यस्याः, अग्निना समं प्रजापतिमुखजातत्वात्; कदाचिदपि नो विद्वान् गायत्रीमुदके जपेत् । गायत्र्याग्निमुखी यस्मात्तस्मादुत्थाय तां जपेत् ॥ गोभिल). -3 a kitchen [पाकशाला अग्निरिव उत्तप्तं मुखं यस्याः सा]. -मूढ a. [तृ. त.] Ved. made insane or stupefied by lightning or fire. -यन्त्रम् A gun अग्नियन्त्रधरैश्चक्रधरैश्च पुरुषैर्वृतः Śivabhārata 12.17. -यानम् An aeroplane. व्योमयानं विमानं स्यात् अग्नियानं तदेव हि । अगस्त्यसंहिता. -योगः See पञ्चाग्निसाधन. अग्नियोगवहो ग्रीष्मे विधिदृष्टेन कर्मणा । चीर्त्वा द्वादशवर्षाणि राजा भवति पार्थिवः ॥ Mb.13.14,2.43. -योजनम् causing the sacrificial fire to blaze up. -रक्षणम् 1 con-secrating or preserving the sacred (domestic) fire or अग्निहोत्र. -2 [अग्निः रक्ष्यते अनेन अत्र वा] a Mantra securing for Agni protection from evil spirits &c. -3 the house of an अग्निहोतृ. -रजः, -रजस् m. [अग्निरिव रज्यते दीप्यते; रञ्ज्-असुन् नलोपः] 1 a scarlet insect by name इन्द्रगोप. -2 (अग्नेः रजः) the might or power of Agni. -3 gold. Mb.3. 16.86.7 -रहस्यम् mystery of (worshipping &c.) Agni; N. of the tenth book of Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa. -राशिः a heap of fire, burning pile. -रुहा [अग्निरिव रोहति रुह्-क] N. of the plant मांसादनी or मांसरोहिणी (तदङ्कुरस्य वह्नितुल्य- वर्णतया उत्पन्नत्वात्तथात्वं तस्याः). -रूप a. [अग्नेरिव रूपं वर्णो यस्य] fire-shaped; of the nature of fire. -रूपम् the nature of fire. -रेतस् n. the seed of Agni; (hence) gold. -रोहिणी [अग्निरिव रोहति; रुह्-णिनि] a hard inflammatory swelling in the armpit. -लोकः the world a Agni, which is situated below the summit of Meru; in the Purāṇas it is said to be in the अन्तरिक्ष, while in the Kāśī Khaṇḍa it is said to be to the south of इन्द्रपुरी; एतस्या दक्षिणे भागे येयं पूर्दृश्यते शुभा । इमामर्चिष्मतीं पश्य वीतिहोत्रपुरीं शुभाम् ॥ -वधूः Svāhā, the daughter of Dakṣa and wife of Agni -वर्चस् a. [अग्नेर्वर्च इव वर्चो यस्य] glowing or bright like fire. (n.) the lustre of Agni. (-m.) N. of a teacher of the Purāṇas. -वर्ण a. [अग्नेरिव वर्णो यस्य] of the colour of fire; hot; fiery; सुरां पीत्वा द्विजो मोहादग्निवर्णां सुरां पिबेत् Ms.11.9; गोमूत्रमग्निवर्णं वा पिबेदुदकमेव वा 91. (र्णः) 1 N. of a prince, son of Sudarśana. -2 N. of a King of the solar race, See R.19.1. the colour of fire. (-र्णा) a strong liquor. -वर्धक a. stimulating digestion, tonic. (-कः) 1 a tonic. -2 regimen, diet (पथ्याहार). -वल्लभः [अग्नेर्वल्लभः सुखेन दाह्यत्वात्] 1 the Śāla tree, Shorea Robusta. -2 the resinous juice of it. -वासस् a. [अग्निरिव शुद्धं वासो यस्य] having a red (pure like Agni) garment. (n.) a pure garment. -वाह a. [अग्निं वाहयति अनुमापयति वा] 1 smoke. -2 a goat. -वाहनम् a goat (छाग). -विद् m. 1 one who knows the mystery about Agni. -2 an अग्निहोत्रिन् q. v. -विमोचनम् ceremony of lowering the sacrificial fire. -विसर्पः pain from an inflamed tumour, inflammation. -विहरणम्, -विहारः 1 taking the sacrificial fire from आग्नीध्र to the उत्तरवेदि. -2 offering oblations to fire; प्रत्यासन्ना ˚वेला K.348. -वीर्यम् 1 power or might of Agni. -2 gold. -वेतालः Name of Vetāla (connected with the story of Vikra-māditya). -वेशः [अग्नेर्वेश इव] N. of an ancient medical authority (चरक). -वेश्मन् m. the fourteenth day of the karma-ṃāsa; Sūryaprajñapti. -वेश्यः 1 N. of a teacher, Mbh. -2 Name of the 22nd muhūrta; Sūryapraj-ñapti. धौम्य cf. Mb 14.64.8. -शरणम्, -शाला-लम् a fire-sanctuary; ˚मार्गमादेशय Ś.5; a house or place for keeping the sacred fire; ˚रक्षणाय स्थापितो$हम् V.3. -शर्मन् a. [अग्निरिव शृणाति तीव्रकोपत्वात् शॄ-मनिन्] very passionate. (-m.) N. of a sage. -शिख a. [अग्नेरिव अग्निरिव वा शिखा यस्य] fiery, fire-crested; दहतु ˚खैः सायकैः Rām. (-खः) 1 a lamp. -2 a rocket, fiery arrow. -3 an arrow in general. -4 safflower plant. -5 saffron. -6 जाङ्गलीवृक्ष. (-खम्) 1 saffron. -2 gold. (-खा) 1 a flame; शरैरग्निशिखोपमैः Mb. -2 N. of two plants लाङ्गली (Mar. वागचबका or कळलावी) Gloriosa Superba; of other plants (also Mar. कळलावी) Meni-spermum Cordifolium. -शुश्रूषा careful service or worship of fire. -शेखर a. fire-crested. (-रः) N. of the कुसुम्भ, कुङ्कुम and जाङ्गली trees (-रम्) gold, -शौच a. [अग्नेरिव शौचं यस्य] bright as fire; purified by fire K.252. -श्री a. [अग्नेरिव श्रीर्यस्य] glowing like fire; lighted by Agni -ष्टुत्, -ष्टुभ, -ष्टोम &c. see ˚ स्तुत्, ˚स्तुभ् &c. -ष्ठम् 1 kitchen; अग्निष्ठेष्वग्निशालासु Rām.6.1.16. -2 a fire-pan. -संयोगाः explosives. Kau. A.2.3. -ष्वात्तः see स्वात्तः -संस्कारः 1 consecration of fire. -2 hallowing or con-secrating by means of fire; burning on the funeral pile; यथार्हं ˚रं मालवाय दत्वा Dk.169; नास्य कार्यो$ग्निसंस्कारः Ms.5.69, पितरीवाग्निसंस्कारात्परा ववृतिरे क्रियाः । R.12.56. -सखः; -सहायः 1 the wind. -2 the wild pigeon (smoke-coloured). -3 smoke. -सम्भव a. [प. ब.] sprung or produced from fire. (-वः) 1 wild safflower. -2 lymph, result of digestion. (-वम्) gold. -साक्षिक [अग्निः साक्षी यत्र, कप्] a. or adv. keeping fire for a witness, in the presence of fire; पञ्चबाण˚ M.4.12. ˚मर्यादो भर्ता हि शरणं स्त्रियाः H.1.v. l, R.11.48. -सारम् [अग्नौ सारं यस्य अत्यन्तानलोत्तापनेपि सारांशादहनात् Tv.] रसाञ्जन, a sort of medical preparation for the eyes. (-रः -रम्) power or essence of fire. -सुतः Kārttikeya; त्वामद्य निहनिष्यामि क्रौञ्चमग्निसुतो यथा । Mb.7.156.93. -सूत्रम् a thread of fire. -2 a girdle of sacrificial grass (मौञ्जीमेखला) put upon a young Brāhmaṇa at the time of investiture. -सूनुः (See -सुतः), (सेनानीरग्निभूर्गुहः । Amar.); देव्यङ्कसंविष्ट- मिवाग्निसूनुम् । Bu. ch.1.67. -स्तम्भः 1 stopping the burning power of Agni. -2 N. of a Mantra used in this operation. -3 N. of a medicine so used. -स्तुत् m. (अग्निष्टुत्) [अग्निः स्तूयते$त्र; स्तु-आधारे क्विप् षत्वम्] the first day of the Agniṣṭoma sacrifice; N. of a portion of that sacrifice which extends over one day; यजेत वाश्वमेधेन स्वर्जिता गोसवेन वा । अभिजिद्विश्वजिद्भ्यां वा त्रिवृता- ग्निष्टुतापि वा ॥ Ms.11.74. -स्तुभ् (˚ष्टुभ्) m. [अग्निः स्तुभ्यते$त्र; स्तुभ्-क्विप् षत्वम्] 1 = अग्निष्टोम. -2 N. of a son of the sixth Manu. -रतोमः (˚ष्टोमः) [अग्नेः स्तोमः स्तुतिसाधनं यत्र] 1 N. of a protracted ceremony or sacrificeial rite extending over several days in spring and forming an essential part of the ज्योतिष्टोम. -2 a Mantra or Kalpa with reference to this sacrifice; ˚मे भवो मन्त्रः ˚मः; ˚मस्य व्याख्यानम्, कल्पः ˚मः P.IV.3.66. Vārt. -3 N. of the son of the sixth Manu. -4 a species of the Soma plant; ˚सामन् a part of the Sāma Veda chanted at the conclusion of the Agniṣṭoma sacrifice. -सावर्णिः Name of Manu. -स्थ a. (ष्ठ) [अग्नौ स्थातुमर्हति; स्था-क षत्वम्] placed in, over, or near the fire. (ष्ठः) an iron frying-pan; in the अश्वमेध sacrifice the 11th Yūpa which of all the 21 is nearest the fire. -स्वात्तः (written both as ˚स्वात्त and ˚ष्वात्त) (pl.) [अग्नितः i. e. श्राद्धीयविप्रकर- रूपानलात् सुष्ठु आत्तं ग्रहणं येषां ते] N. of a class of Pitṛs or Manes who, when living on earth, maintained the sacred or domestic fires, but who did not perform the Agniṣṭoma and other sacrifices. They are regarded as Manes of Gods and Brāhmaṇas and also as descendants of Marīchi; Ms.3.195. अग्निष्वात्ताः पितर एह गच्छत Tsy. (मनुष्यजन्मन्यग्निष्टोमादियागमकृत्वा स्मार्तकर्मनिष्ठाः सन्तो मृत्वा च पितृत्वं गताः इति सायणः). -हुत्, -होतृ Ved. sacrificing to Agni, having Agni for a priest; Rv.1.66.8. -होत्रम् [अग्नये हूयते$त्र, हु-त्र, च. त.] 1 an oblation to Agni (chiefly of milk, oil and sour gruel.). -2 maintenance of the sacred fire and offering oblation to it; (अग्नये होत्रं होमो$स्मिन् कर्मणीति अग्निहोत्रमिति कर्मनाम); or the sacred fire itself; तपोवनाग्निहोत्रधूमलेखासु K.26. होता स्यात् ˚त्रस्य Ms.11.36. ˚त्रमुपासते 42; स्त्रीं दाहयेत् ˚त्रेण Ms.5.167,6.4, दाहयित्वाग्निहोत्रेण स्त्रियं वृत्तवतीम् Y.1.89. The time of throwing oblations into the fire is, as ordained by the sun himself, evening (अग्नये सायं जुहुयात् सूर्याय प्रातर्जुहुयात्). Agnihotra is of two kinds; नित्य of constant obligation (यावज्जीवमग्निहोत्रं जुहोति) and काम्य occasional or optional (उपसद्भिश्चरित्वा मासमेकमग्निहोत्रं जुहोति). (-त्र) a. Ved. 1 destined for, connected with, Agnihotra. -2 sacrificing to Agni. ˚न्यायः The rule according to which the नित्यकर्मन्s (which are to be performed यावज्जीवम्) are performed at their stipulated or scheduled time only, during one's life time. This is discussed and established by जैमिनि and शबर at Ms.6. 2.23-26. in connection with अग्निहोत्र and other कर्मन्s. ˚हवनी (णी) a ladle used in sacrificial libations, or अग्निहोत्रहविर्ग्रहणी ऋक् Tv.; See हविर्ग्रहणी; ˚हुत् offering the अग्निहोत्र; ˚आहुतिः invocation or oblation connected with अग्निहोत्र. -होत्रिन् a. [अग्निहोत्र-मत्वर्थे इनि] 1 one who practises the Agnihotra, or consecrates and maintains the sacred fire. -2 one who has prepared the sacrificial place. -होत्री Sacrificial cow; तामग्निहोत्रीमृषयो जगृहु- र्ब्रह्मवादिनः Bhāg.8.8.2.
ajara अजर a. [न. ब.] 1 _x001F_2Not subject to old age or decay; ever young अजरं वृद्धत्वम् K.13; cf. वृद्धत्वं जरया विना R.1.23 -2 Undecaying, imperishable; पुराणमजरं विदुः R.1.19; अनन्तमजरं ब्रह्म Bh.3.69, H. Pr.3, Pt.1. 151, Ms.2.146. -रः 1 A god (who is not subject to old age). अजरामरवत्प्राज्ञो विद्यामर्थं च चिन्तयेत् H. -2 N. of a plant वृद्धदारक or जीर्णफंजी (Mar. काळी वरधारा). (˚रा also). -Comp. -द्रुमः The name of Kalpavṛikṣa. Śāhendra.2.13. -रा 1 N. of a plant गृहकन्या or घृतकुमारा Also Perfoliote. (Mar. कोरफड). 2- A house-lizard (गोधालिका). -रम् [जीर्यते क्षीयते जॄ-अच्] The Supreme Spirit.
atharvan अथर्वन् m. [अथ-ऋ-वनिप् शकन्ध्वादि˚ Tv.; probably connected with some word like athar fire] 1 A priest who has to worship fire and Soma. -2 A Brāhmaṇa. -3 N. of the priest who is said to have first brought down fire from the heaven, offered Soma and recited prayers. [He is represented as the eldest son of Brahmā sprung from his mouth; as a Prajāpati appointed by Brahmā to create and protect sub-ordinate beings, who first learnt from Brahmā and then taught the Brahmavidyā and is considered to be the author of the Veda called after him. His wife was Śānti, daughter of Kardama Prajāpati. He had also another wife called Chitti; he is also considered identical with Aṅgiras and father of Agni.] -4 Epithet of Śiva, Vasiṣṭha. वृतपदपङ्क्तिरथर्वणेव वेदः Kir. 1.1. -(pl.) Descendants of Atharvan; hymns of this Veda; जिष्णुं जैत्रैरथर्वभिः R.17.13. -र्वा-र्व m. n., ˚वेदः The Atharvaveda, regarded as the fourth Veda. [It contains many forms of imprecations for the destruction of enemies and also contains a great number of prayers for safety and averting mishaps, evils, sins or calamities, and a number of hymns, as in the other Vedas, addressed to the gods with prayers to be used at religious and solemn rites; cf. Mv.2.24. मूर्तिमभिरामघोरां बिभ्रदिवाथर्वणो निगमः. It has nine Śākhās and five Kalpas, and is comprised in 2 Kāṇḍas. The most important Brāhmaṇa belonging to this Veda is the Gopatha Brāhmaṇa, and the Upaniṣads pertaining to it are stated to be 52, or, according to another account 31.] [cf. Zend atharvan, Pers. áturbán.] -Comp. -अधिपः N. of बुध Mercury (सामवेदाधिपो भौमः शशिजो$- थर्ववेदराट्). -निधिः, -विढ् m. receptacle of the (knowledge of) Atharvaveda, or conversant with it; गुरुणा- $थर्वविदा कृतक्रियः R.; (अथर्वविधिपदेन दुरितोपशमन- निमित्तशान्तिकपौष्टिकप्रवीणत्वं पौरोहित्यो चितत्वं द्योत्यते Malli.) -भूताः (pl.) those who have become Atharvans, Names of the 12 Maharṣis. -शिखा, -शिरस् n. (अथर्वणो वेदस्य शिखा शिर इव वा ब्रह्मविद्याप्रतिपादकत्वेन श्रेष्ठत्वात्) N. of an Upaniṣad dealing with Brahmavidyā. अथर्वशिरसो$ध्येता ब्रह्मचारी यतव्रतः Mb.13.9.29. -संहिता A text of collection of hymns of अथर्ववेद. अथर्वसंहितायाजी विदधे विधिवद्धुतम् Bm.1.869.
analaḥ अनलः [नास्ति अलः पर्याप्तिर्यस्य, बहुदाह्यदहने$पि तृप्तेरभावात् Tv.; cf. नाग्निस्तृप्यति काष्ठानाम्; said by some to be from अन् to breathe]. 1 Fire. -2 Agni or the god of fire. See अग्नि. -3 Digestive power, gastric juice; मन्दः संजायते$नलः Suśr. -4 Wind. -5 Bile. -6 One of the 8 Vasus, the fifth. -7 N. of Vāsudeva. -8 Names of various plants; चित्रक, रक्तचित्रक Plumbago Zeylanica and Rosea, भल्लातक the marking-nut tree. -9 The letter र्. -1 The number three. -11 (Astr.) The 5th year of Bṛhaspati's cycle. -12 The third lunar mansion कृत्तिका. -13 A variety of Pitṛideva or manes (कव्यवाहो$नलः सोमः). -14 [अनान् प्राणान् लाति आत्मत्वेन] The soul (जीव). -15 N. of Viṣṇu (न नलति गन्धं प्रकटयति न बध्यते वा नल्-अच्). -16 The Supreme Being. cf. अनेलो राज्ञि नाले च पुंस्यग्न्यौषधिभेदयोः Nm. -17 Anger; करिणां मुदे सनलदानलदाः Ki.5.25. -Comp. -आत्मजः N. of Kārtikeya; Mb.9.44.11. -आनन्दः N. of a Vedāntic writer, author of Vedānta-Kalpataru. -द a. [अनलं द्यति] 1 removing or destroying heat or fire; -2 = अग्निद q. v. -दीपन a. [अनलं दीपयति] promoting digestion, stomachic. -प्रभा [अनलस्य प्रभेव प्रभा यस्य] N. of a plant (ज्योतिष्मती) Helicacabum Cardiospermum. (Mar. लघुमालकांगोणी). -प्रिया N. of Agni's wife स्वाहा. -वाटः N. of ancient Paṭṭaṇa. -सादः loss of appetite, dyspepsia.
anukalpa अनुकल्पः [अनुगतः मुख्यं कल्पम्] 1 A secondary direction or precept, a substitute or alternative to be used in times of necessity when the primary one (प्रथमकल्प) is not possible; as the direction to use गोधूम or तण्डुल in the absence of यव; प्रभुः प्रथमकल्पस्य यो$नुकल्पेन वर्तते Ms. 11.3,3.147. -2 A work connected with Kalpa (one of the six auxiliaries of the Vedas).
apahnu अपह्नु 2 A. 1 To conceal, hide, disguise; अदेश्यं यश्च दिशति निर्दिश्यापह्नुते च यः Ms.8.53; कामदेवव्यपदेशेन सखीपुरतो$- पह्नुतः Ratn.2 was passed off as Cupid upon her friend. -2 To deny, disown; गुणांश्चापह्नुषे$स्माकम् Bk.5.44; अपह्नुवानस्य जनाय यन्निजाम् (अधीरताम्) N.1.49. -3 To exculpate, excuse.
ānukalpika आनुकल्पिक a. [अनुकल्पं वेत्ति अधीते वा उक्था˚ ठक्] 1 One who knows or studies the anukalpa q. v. -2 To be obtained by अनुकल्प.
āsuriḥ आसुरिः A pupil of Kapila. मुनिरासुरये$नुकम्पया प्रददौ Sāṅ. K.7. -कल्पः N. of a Kalpa.
īśāna ईशान a. [ईश् ताच्छील्ये चानश्] 1 Owning, possessing, master or lord. -2 Reigning, ruling. -3 Wealthy, rich. -नः 1 A ruler, master, lord; ईशानो भूतभव्यस्य Kaṭh. Up.4.12. -2 N. of Śiva; ईशानसंदर्शनलालसानाम् Ku.7.56; K.1. -3 The Ārdrā Nakṣtra. -4 One of the Rudras. -5 The number 'eleven'. -6 The sun as a form of Śiva. पर्जन्यो यमो मृत्युरीशानः Bṛi. Up.1. 4.11. -7 A Sādhya. -8 N. of Viṣṇu. -नी N. of Durgā. -नी, -नः The silk-cotton tree (शाल्मली; Mar. सांवरी). -नम् Light, splendour. -Comp. -आदिपञ्चमूर्तिः f. one of the five forms of Śiva. -कल्पः N. of a Kalpa. -कृत् a. 1 making one a master or able. -2 acting like a competent person.
upajalp उपजल्प् 1 P. 1 To talk to, converse with, chatter. -2 To advise. उपजल्पनम् upajalpanam उपजल्पितम् upajalpitam उपजल्पनम् उपजल्पितम् A talk; इदमेव स्मराम्यस्याः सहसैवोपजल्पितम् Rām.2.6.14.
kalpa कल्प a. [क्लृप्-घञ्] 1 Practicable, feasible, possible, -2 Proper, fit, right. -3 Strong, vigorous; चरन्तं ब्राह्मणं कञ्चित्कल्पचित्तमनामयम् Mb.12.179.3. -4 Able, competent (with a gen., loc.; inf. or at the end of comp.); धर्मस्य, यशसः, कल्पः Bhāg. able to do his duty &c.; स्वक्रियायामकल्पः ibid. not competent to do one's duty; अकल्प एषामधिरोढुमञ्जसा पद्म्द्म् ibid., so स्वभरणाकल्प &c. -ल्पः 1 A sacred precept or rule, law, ordinance. -2 A prescribed rule, a prescribed alternative, optional rule; प्रभुः प्रथमकल्पस्य यो$नुकल्पेन वर्तते Ms.11.3 'able to follow the prescribed rule to be observed in preference to all others'; प्रथमः कल्पः M.1; cf. also Pratimā 4, and Abhiṣekanāṭakam 6 and Ś.4. a very good (or best) alternative; एष वै प्रथमः कल्पः प्रदाने हव्यकव्ययोः Ms. 3.147. -3 (Hence) A proposal, suggestion, resolve, determination; एष मे प्रथमः कल्पः Rām.2.52.63; उदारः कल्पः Ś.7. -4 Manner of acting, procedure, form, way, method (in religious rites); श्रूयते हि पुराकल्पे Mb. 6.43.23; क्षात्रेण कल्पेनोपनीय U.2; कल्पवित्कल्पयामास वन्यामे- वास्य संविधाम् R.1.94; Ms.7.185. -5 End of the world, universal destruction. -6 A day of Brahmā or 1, Yugas, being a period of 432 million years of mortals and measuring the duration of the world; cf. Bhāg.3.11; श्रीश्वेतवाराहकल्पे [the one in which we now live]; कल्पं स्थितं तनुभृतां तनु- भिस्ततः किम् Śānti.4.2. Hence कल्पिक means 'born in the primeval age' Bu. Ch.2.48. -7 Medical treatment of the sick. -8 One of the six Vedāṅgas, i. e. that which lays down the ritual and prescribes rules for ceremonial and sacrificial acts; शिक्षा कल्पो व्याकरणम् Muṇdtod; 1.1.5 see under वेदाङ्ग. -9 A termination added to nouns and adjectives in the sense of 'a little less than', 'almost like', 'nearly equal to', P.V.3.67 [denoting similarity with a degree of inferiority]; कुमारकल्पं सुषुवे कुमारम् R.5.36; उपपन्नमेतदस्मिन्नृषि- कल्पे राजनि Ś.2; प्रभातकल्पा शशिनेव शर्वरी R.3.2; so मृतकल्पः, प्रतिपन्नकल्पः &c. -1 The doctrine of poisons and antidotes. -11 One of the trees of paradise; cf. कल्पद्रुम. -12 Vigour, strength; लौकिके समयाचारे कृतकल्पो विशारदः Rām.2.1.22. -ल्पा, -ल्पम् A kind of intoxicating liquor. -Comp. -अन्तः end of the world, universal destruction; कल्पान्तेष्वपि न प्रयाति निधनं विद्याख्यमन्तर्धनम् Bh.2.16. कल्पान्तक्रूरकेलिः क्रतुक्रदनकरः कुन्दकर्पूरकान्तिः Udb. ˚स्थायिन् a. lasting to the end of a कल्प; शरीरं क्षणविध्वंसि कल्पान्तस्थायिनो गुणाः H.1.46. -आदिः renovation of all things in the creation; कल्पक्षये पुनस्तानि कल्पादौ विसृजाम्यहम् Bg.9.7; -उपनिषद् pharmacology; Charak 1.4. -कारः 1 author of Kalpasūtra, q. v. -2 a barber. -क्षयः end of the world, universal destruction; e. g. कल्पक्षये पुनस्तानि Bg.9.7. पुरा कल्पक्षये वृत्ते जातं जलमयं जगत् Ks.2.1. -तरुः, -द्रुमः, -पादपः, -वृक्षः 1 one of the trees of heaven or Indra's praradise, fabled to fulfill all desires; आसीत्कल्पतरुच्छायामाश्रिता सुरभिः पथि R.1.75; 17.26; Ku.2.39;6.41. -2 a tree supposed to grant all desires; 'wish-yielding tree'; नाबुद्ध कल्पद्रुमतां विहाय जातं तमात्मन्यसिपत्रवृक्षम् R.14.48; मृषा न चक्रे$- ल्पितकल्पपादपः N.1.15. -3 any productive or bountiful source; निगमकल्पतरोर्गलितं फलम् Bhāg.1.1.3. -4 (fig.) a very generous person; सकलार्थिसार्थकल्पद्रुमः Pt.1. -नृत्यम् a particular kind of dance. -पालः 1 a protector of order. -2 a seller of spirituous liquors. -लता, -लतिका 1 a creeper of Indra's paradise; Bh. 1.9. -2 a creeper supposed to grant all desires; नानाफलैः फलति कल्पलतेव भूमिः Bh.2.46; cf. कल्पतरु above. -वल्ली see कल्पलता; Ks.1.66; कल्पवल्लीगृहेषु 52.21. -विद् a. conversant with sacred precepts; कल्पवित्कल्पया- मास वन्यामेवास्य संविधाम् R.1.94. -स्थानम् 1 the art of preparing drugs; Charak 7. -2 the science of poisons and antidotes; Suśr. -सूत्रम् a manual of ritual in the form of Sūtras. Mb.14.54.9. N. of a sacred Jaina book written by भद्रबाहु sketching the life of महावीर.
lpa काल्प a. [कल्प-अण्] 1 Preceptive, laying down a rule, ritual. -2 Relating to Kalpa.
kaurma कौर्म a. [कूर्म-अण्] Belonging to a tortoise. -2 Belonging to the Avatāra of Viṣṇu as a tortoise; (˚पुराण); कौर्मे धृतो$द्रिरमृतोन्मथने स्वपृष्ठे Bhāg.11.4.18. -र्मः N. of a Kalpa.
tapas तपस् n. [तप्-असुन्] 1 Warmth, heat, fire, light; एकः सूर्यस्तपसो योनिरेका Mb.12.351.1. -2 Pain, suffering; न तपः कुतश्चन Rv.7.82.7. -3 Penance, religious austerity, mortification; तपः किलेदं तदवाप्तिसाधनम् Ku.5.64. -4 Meditation connected with the practice of personal self-denial or bodily mortification; गीरा वा$$शंसामि तपसा ह्यनन्तौ Mb.1.3.57.; Bhāg.12.11.24. -5 Moral virtue, merit. -6 Special duty or observance (of any particular caste); यत्सप्तान्नानि मेधया तपसाजनयत्पिता Bṛi. Up. 1.5.1. -7 One of the seven worlds; i. e. the region above the world called जनस्. -8 The month of religious austerities. -9 A long period of time, Kalpa. -1 (In astrol.) The ninth lunar mansion. -11 Chastisement (दण्ड); आयुः शक्तिं च कालं च निर्दिश्य तप आदिशेत् Mb. 12.267.35. -m. 1 The month of Māgha; तपसि मन्द- गभस्तिरभीषुमान् Śi.6.63. -2 An epithet of Agni. -m., -n. 1 The cold season (शिशिर). -2 The winter (हेमन्त). -3 The hot season (ग्रीष्म). -Comp. -अनुभावः the influence of religious penance. -अर्थीय a. destined for austerities; तपोर्थीयं ब्राह्मणी धत्त गर्भम् Mb.11.26.5. -अवटः the Brahmāvarta country. -कर a. undergoing penance; also तपस्कर> -करः the mango-fish (Polynemus Risua). -कृश a. emaciated by austerities. -क्लेशः the pain of religious austerity. -गच्छः (also तपागच्छः) the 6th गच्छ of the Śvetāmbara Jainas. -चरणम्, -चर्या the practice of penance. -तक्षः, -तङ्कः an epithet of Indra. -धन a. 1 rich in religious penance. -2 pious, ascetic. -3 consisting in penance, (-नः) 'rich in penance', an ascetic, devotee; रम्यास्तपोधनानां क्रियाः Ś.1.13; शमप्रधानेषु तपोधनेषु 2.7;4.1; Śi.1.23; R.14.19; Ms.11.242. -निधिः an eminently pious man, an ascetic; R.1.56. -निष्ठ a. performing penance; Ms.3.134; Y.1.221. -पतिः N. of Viṣṇu; Bhāg.4.24.14. -प्रभावः, -बलम् the power acquired by religious austerities; efficacy or potency of devotion. -भृत् a. ascetic, pious. -मूर्तिः 1 an ascetic. -2 the Supreme spirit. -मूल a. founded on religious austerity; तपोमूलमिदं सर्वं दैवमानुषकं सुखम् Ms.11.234. -यज्ञः sacrificing by austerites; Bg.4.28. -राजः the moon. -राशिः 1 an ascetic. -2 N. of Viṣṇu (पुरुषोत्तम). -लोकः the region above the world called जनस्; Bhāg.2.5.4. -वनम् a penance-grove, a sacred grove in which ascetics practise penance; कृतं त्वयोपवनं तपोवनमिति प्रेक्षे Ś1; R.1.9;2.18. -वासः a place of penance or religious austerities. -विशेषः excellence of devotion, pre-eminent religious austerities. -वृद्ध a. very ascetic or devout. -शील a. inclined to practise penance. -समाधिः the practice of penance or religious austerities; तपःसमाधेः प्रतिकूलवर्ती Ku.3.24;5.6,18. -सुतः N. of Yudhiṣṭhira; Mb.3.313.19. -स्थली 1 a seat of religious austerity. -2 N. of Benares.
tāmasa तामस a. (-सी f.) [तमो$स्त्यस्य अण्] 1 Dark, consisting of darkness; व्यतिकर इव भीमस्तामसो वैद्युतश्च Māl.9.52; U.5.12. -2 Affected by or relating to तमस् or the quality of darkness (the third of the three qualities of nature); ये चैव सात्त्विका भावा राजसास्तामसाश्च ये Bg.7.12;17.2; M.1.1; Ms.12.33-34. -3 Ignorant. -4 Vicious. -सः 1 A malignant person, an incendiary, a villain. -2 A snake. -3 An owl. -4 N. of a son of Rāhu. -5 A kind of horse possessing the quality of तमस्; सात्त्विका राजसाश्चेति तामसाश्चेति ते हयाः Yuktikalpataru. -6 The 4th Manu; चतुर्थ उत्तमभ्राता मनुर्नाम्ना च तामसः Bhāg.8.1.27. -सम् Darkness. -सी 1 Night, a dark night. -2 Sleep. -3 An epithet of Durgā. -Comp. -लीना (in Sāṅ. phil.) One of the forms of dissatisfaction.
tāmra ताम्र a. [तम्-रक् दीर्घः Uṇ.2.16.] 1 Made of copper. -2 Of a coppery red colour, red; ततो$नुकुर्याद्विशदस्य तस्यास्ताम्रौष्ठपर्यस्तरुचः स्मितस्य Ku.1.44; उदेति सविता ताम्रस्ताम्र एवास्तमेति च Subhāṣ. -म्रः A kind of leprosy with red spots. -म्रम् 1 Copper. -2 A dark or coppery red. -3 A coppery receptacle; ताम्रलोहैः परिवृता निधयो ये चतुः- शताः Mb.2.61.29. -म्री A copper pot having a small hole at the botton used in measuring time by placing it in a water-vessel. -Comp. -अक्षः 1 a crow. -2 the (Indian) cuckoo. -अर्धः bell-metal. -अश्मन् m. a kind of jewel (पद्मराग); ताम्राश्मरश्मिच्छुरितैर्नखाग्रैः Śi.3.7. -आभम् red sandal (रक्तचन्दन). -उपजीविन् m. a coppersmith. -ओष्ठः (forming ताम्रोष्ठ or ताम्रौष्ठ) a red or cherry lip; Ku.1.44. -कारः, -कुट्टः a brazier, coppersmith. -कृमिः 1 a kind of red insect (इन्द्रगोप). -2 the lady bird. -3 cochineal. -गर्भम् sulphate of copper. -चूडः a cock; संध्याचूडैर- निबिडतमस्ताम्रचूडैरुडूनि । प्रासूयन्त स्फुटमधिवियद्भाण्डमण्डानि यानि ॥ Rām. Ch.6.96;7.56. -चडकः a particular position of the hand. -त्रपुजम् brass. -द्रुः the red sandalwood. -द्वीपः the island of Ceylon; Divyāvadāna.36. -धातुः 1 red chalk. -2 Copper; Rām.3. -पट्टः, -पत्रम् a copper-plate on which grants of land were frequently inscribed; पटे वा ताम्रपट्टे वा स्वमुद्रोपरिचिह्नितम् । अभिलेख्यात्मनो वंश्यानात्मानं च महीपतिः ॥ Y.1.319. -पर्णी N. of a river rising in Malaya, celebrated for its pearls; R.4.5. Hence ताम्रपर्णिक (= obtained in the same river); Kau. A.2.11. -पलः Alangium Hexapetalum; दद्यात्ताम्रपलं वापि अभावे सर्वकर्मणः Yuktikalpataru. -पल्लवः the Aśoka tree. -पाकिन् Thespesia Populneoides (Mar. लाखी-पारासा पिंपळ). -पुष्पः Kæmpferia Rotunda (Mar. बाहवा). -ष्पी Bignonia Suaveolens (Mar. धायरी, भुईपाडळ) -फलकम् a copper-plate. -मुख a. copper-faced. (-खः) 1 a Frank or European; -2 the Moghals. -वदनः (see ताम्रमुख); योत्स्यन्ति ताम्रवदनैरनेकैः सैनिका इमे Śiva. B.26.23. -वर्णी the blossom of sesamum. -लिप्तः N. of a country. -प्ताः (pl.) its people or rulers. -वृक्षः a species of sandal. -शिखिन् m. a cook. -सारकः a sort of Khadira. (-कम्) red sandal-wood.
taijasa तैजस a. (-सी f.) [तेजसो विकारः अण्] 1 Bright, splendid, luminous; वैराजा नाम ते लोकास्तैजसाः सन्तु ते शिवाः U.2. 12. -2 Made up or consisting of light; तैजसस्य धनुषः प्रवृत्तये R.11.43. -3 Metallic. -4 Passionate. -5 Vigorous, energetic. -6 Powerful, intense. -7 A kind of horse; ते तैजसाः पुण्यवता प्रदेशे भवन्ति पुण्यैरपि ते मिलन्ति Yuktikalpataru. -8 Endowed with the राजस quality; वैकारिक- स्तैजसश्च तामसश्चेत्यहं त्रिधा Bhāg.3.5.3. -सः The highly refined or subtle essence (Vedānta Phil.); विश्वश्च तैजसः प्राज्ञस्तुर्य आत्मा समन्वयात् Bhāg.7.15.54; Muṇḍ.4. -सम् 1 Any metal; Bhāg.11.21.12. -2 Ghee. -3 Intensity, severity. -4 Vigour, energy, might. -5 The group of senses; तैजसे निद्रयापन्ने पिण्डस्थो नष्टचेतनः । मायां प्राप्नोति मृत्युं वा Bhāg.11.28.3. -6 The movable (जङ्गम) world; तस्य तत्तेजसस्तस्माज्जज्ञे लोकेषु तैजसम् Mb.13.85.12. -Comp. -आवर्तनी a crucible.
duṣṭa दुष्ट p. p. [दुष्-क्त] 1 Spoiled, damaged, injured, ruined. -2 Defiled, tainted, violated, sullied. -3 Depraved, corrupted. -4 Vicious, wicked; as दुष्टवृषः; वरं शून्या शाला न च खलु वरो दुष्टवृषभः H.1.117. -5 Guilty, culpable. -6 Low, vile. -7 Faulty or defective, as a हेतु in logic. -8 Painful. -9 Worthless, -ष्टा 1 A bad or unchaste woman. -2 A harlot. -ष्टम् 1 Sin, crime, guilt. -2 A kind of leprosy. -Comp. -आत्मन्, -आशय a. evil-minded, wicked. -गजः a vicious elephant. -चारिन् a. wicked, sinful. -चेतस्, -धी, -बुद्धि a. evil-minded, malevolent, wicked. -लाङ्गलम् N. of a particular form of the moon. -वृषः a strong but stubborn ox which refuses to draw, a vicious ox. -व्रणः 1 a dull boil or sore. -2 a sinus.
dūṣya दूष्य a. [दुष्-कर्मणि ण्यत्] 1 Corruptible. -2 Condemnable, Culpable, blamable. -ष्यम् 1 Matter, pus. -2 Poison. -3 Cotton. -4 A garment, clothes. -5 A tent; दूष्यैर्जितोदग्रगृहाणि सा चमूरतीत्य भूयांसि पुराण्यवर्तत Śi.12.65. -ष्या Leathern girth of an elephant.
drāhyāyaṇaḥ द्राह्यायणः N. of a sage, the author of the Kalpasūtras dealing with the singing of the Sāmaveda.
dvi द्वि num. a. (Nom. du. द्वौ m., द्वे f., द्वे n.) Two, both; सद्यः परस्परतुलामधिरोहतां द्वे R.5.68. (N. B. In comp. द्वा is substituted for द्वि necessarily before दशन्, विंशति and त्रिंशत् and optionally before चत्वारिंशत्, पञ्चाशत्, षष्टि, सप्तति and नवति, द्वि remaining unchanged before अशीति.) [cf. L. duo, bis or bi in comp.; Gr. duo, dis; Zend dva; A. S. twi.] -Comp. -अक्ष a. two-eyed, binocular. द्व्यक्षीं त्र्यक्षीं ललाटाक्षीम् Mb. -अक्षर a. dissyllabic. (-रः) a word of two syllables. -अङ्गुल a. two fingers long. (-लम्) two fingers' length. -अणुकम् an aggregate or molecule of two atoms, a diad. विषयो द्व्यणुकादिस्तु ब्रह्माण्डान्त उदाहृतः Bhāṣāparichchheda. -अन्तर a. separated by two intermediate links. -अर्थ a. 1 having two senses. -2 ambiguous, equivocal. -3 having two objects in view. ˚कर a. accomplishing two objects; आम्रश्च सिक्तः पितरश्च तृप्ता एका क्रिया द्व्यर्थकरीह लोके Vāyu P. ˚त्वम् the state of having to convey two senses; द्व्यर्थत्वं विप्रतिषिद्धम् MS.7.1.6. -अर्ध a. 1. -अवर a. at least two; द्व्यवरान् भोजयेद् विप्रान् पायसेन यथोचितम् Bhāg.8.16.43. -अशीत a. eighty-second. -अशीतिः f. eighty-two. -अष्टम् copper. ˚सहस्रम् 16. -अहः a period of two days. -आत्मक a. 1 having a double nature. -2 being two. -आत्मकाः m. (pl.) the signs of the zodiac Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. -आमुष्यायणः 'a son of two persons or fathers', an adopted son who remains heir to his natural father though adopted by another. -आम्नात a. twice mentioned. -आहिक a. recurring every day (fever). -ऋचम् (द्वृचम् or द्व्यर्चम्) a collection of two verses or riks. -एकान्तर a. separated by two or by one (degree); द्व्येकान्तरासु जातानां धर्म्यं विद्यादिमं विधिम् Ms.1.7. कः, -ककारः 1 crow (there being two 'Ka's in the word काक). -2 the ruddy goose (there being two 'Ka's in the word कोक). -ककुद् m. a camel. -कर a. Yielding two senses, serving two purposes; तत्र द्विकरः शब्दः स्यात् । न च सकृदुच्चरितः शक्तो ŚB. on MS.12.1.4. -कार्षापणिक a. worth two कार्षापणs -कौडविक a. containing or worth two कुडवs. -गत a ambiguous. -गु a. exchanged or bartered for two cows. (-गुः) a subdivision of the Tatpuruṣa compound in which the first member is a numeral; द्वन्द्वो द्विगुरपि चाहम् Udb. -गुण a. double, twofold; पितुर्वधव्यसनमिदं हि येन मे चिरादपि द्विगुणमिवाद्य वर्धते Mu.5.6 (द्रिगुणाकृ to plough twice; द्विगुणीकृ to double, increase; द्विगुणीभूत a. double, augmented). -गुणित a. 1 doubled, multiplied by two; वैरोचनैर्द्विगुणिताः सहसा मयूखैः Ki.5.46. -2 folded double. -3 enveloped. -4 doubly increased, doubled. -चरण a. having two legs, two-legged; द्विचरणपशूनां क्षितिभुजाम् Śānti.4.15. -चत्वारिंश a. (द्वि-द्वा-चत्वारिंश) fortysecond. -चत्वारिंशत् f. (द्वि-द्वा चत्वारिंशत्) forty-two. -चन्द्रधी, -मतिः The illusion of seeing two moons due to an eye disease called Timira; N.13.42. -जः 'twice-born' 1 a man of any of the first three castes of the Hindus (a Brāhmaṇa, Kṣatriya or Vaiśya); मातुर्यदग्रे जायन्ते द्वितीयं मौञ्जिबन्धनात् । ब्राह्मणक्षत्रियविशस्तस्मादेते द्विजाः स्मृताः Y.1.39. -2 Brāhmaṇa (over whom the Saṁskāras or purificatory rites are performed); जन्मना ब्राह्मणो ज्ञेयः संस्कारै- र्द्विज उच्यते. -3 any oviparous animal, such as a bird, snake, fish &c.; Mb.12.361.5. (द्विजश्रेष्ठ = द्विजाना- मण्डजानां सर्पाणां श्रेष्ठ); स तमानन्दमविन्दत द्विजः N.2.1; Ś.5.22; R.12.22; Mu.1.11; Ms.5.17. -4 a tooth; कीर्णं द्विजानां गणैः Bh.1.13. (where द्विज means 'a Brāhmaṇa' also). -5 A star; L. D. B. -6 A kind of horse; जलोद्भवा द्विजा ज्ञेयाः Aśvachikitsā. -7 A Brahmachārī; Bhāg.11.18.42. ˚अग्ऱ्य a Brāhmaṇa. ˚अयनी the sacred thread worn by the first three castes of the Hindus. ˚आलयः 1 the house of a dvija. -2 a nest. ˚इन्द्रः, ˚ईशः 1 the moon; द्विजेन्द्रकान्तं श्रितवक्षसं श्रिया Śi.12.3. -2 an epithet of Garuḍa. -3 camphor. ˚दासः a Sūdra. ˚देवः 1 a Brāhmaṇa; Bhāg.8.15.37. -2 a sage; Bhāg.3.1.23. -3 N. of Brahmadeva; Bhāg. 5.2.16. ˚पतिः, ˚राजः an epithet of 1 the moon; इत्थं द्विजेन द्विजराजकान्तिः R.5.23. -2 Garuḍa. -3 camphor. ˚प्रपा 1 a trench or basin round the root of a tree for holding water. -2 a trough near a well for watering birds, cattle &c. ˚प्रियः kind of khadira. ˚प्रिया the Soma plant. ˚बन्धुः, ˚ब्रुवः 1 a man who pretends to be a Brāhmaṇa. -2 one who is 'twice-born' or a Brāhmaṇa by name and birth only and not by acts; cf. ब्रह्मबन्धु. ˚मुख्यः a Brāhmaṇa. ˚लिङ्गिन् m. 1 a Kṣatriya. -2 a pseudo-Brāhmaṇa, one disguised as a Brāhmaṇa. ˚वाहनः an epithet of Viṣṇu (having Garuḍa for his vehicle). ˚सेवकः a Sūdra. -जन्मन् a. 1 having two natures. -2 regenerated. -3 oviparous (-m.). -जातिः m. 1 a man of any of the first three castes of the Hindus; एतान् द्विजातयो देशान् संश्रयेरन् प्रयत्नतः Ms.2.24. -2 a Brāhmaṇa. Ki.1.39; Ku.5.4. गुरुरग्निर्द्विजातीनां वर्णानां ब्राह्मणो गुरुः H. -3 a bird. -4 a tooth. -5 A kind of horse; लक्षणद्वयसम्बन्धाद् द्विजातिः स्यात् तुरङ्गमः Yuktikalpataru. -जातीय a. 1 belonging to the first three castes of the Hindus. -2 of a twofold nature. -3 of mixed origin, mongrel. (-यः) a mule. -जानि a having two wives. -जिह्व a. double-tongued (fig. also). -2 insincere. (-ह्वः) 1 a snake; परस्य मर्माविधमुज्झतां निजं द्विजिह्वतादोषमजिह्मगामिभिः Śi.1.63; R.11.64;14.41; Bv.1.2. -2 an informer, a slanderer, tale-bearer. -3 an insincere person -4 a thief. -5 particular disease of the tongue. -ज्या the sine of an arc. -ठः 1 the sign visarga consisting of two dots. -2 N. of Svāhā, wife of Agni. -त्र a. (pl.) two or three; द्वित्राण्यहान्यर्हसि सोढुमर्हन् R.5.25; सूक्ष्मा एव पतन्ति चातकमुखे द्वित्राः पयोबिन्दवः Bh.2.121. -त्रिंश (द्वात्रिंश) a. 1 thirty second. -2 consisting of thirty two. -त्रिंशत् (द्वात्रिंशत्) f. thirty-two. ˚लक्षण a. having thirty-two auspicious marks upon the body. -दण्डि ind. stick against stick. -दत् a. having two teeth (as a mark of age). -दन्तः an elephant. -दल a. having two parts, two-leafed. -दश a. (pl.) twenty. -दश a. (द्वादश) 1 twelfth; गर्भात् तु द्वादशे विशः Ms.2.36. -2 consisting of twelve. -दशन् (द्वादशन्) a. (pl.) twelve. ˚अंशुः, ˚अर्चिस् m. an epithet of 1 the planet Jupiter. -2 Bṛihaspati, the preceptor of the gods. ˚अक्षः, ˚करः, ˚लोचनः epithets of Kārtikeya ˚अक्षरमन्त्रः- विद्या the mantra ऊँ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय; गन्धधूपादिभिश्चार्चेद्वाद- शाक्षरविद्यया Bhāg.8.16.39. ˚अङ्गुल a measure of twelve fingers. ˚अध्यायी N. of Jaimini's Mimāṁsā in twelve Adhyāyas. ˚अन्यिक a. committing twelve mistakes in reading. ˚अस्र a dodecagon. ˚अहः 1 a period of twelve days; शुध्येद् विप्रो दशाहेन द्वादशाहेन भूमिपः Ms.5.83;11.168. -2 a sacrifice lasting for or completed in twelve days. ˚अक्षः, ˚आख्यः a Buddha. ˚आत्मन् m. the sun; N.1.52. ˚आदित्याः (pl.) the twelve suns; see आदित्य. ˚आयुस् m. a dog. ˚लक्षणी f. the मीमांसासूत्र of जैमिनि (so called because it comprises twelve chapters); धर्मो द्वादशलक्षण्या व्युत्पाद्यः ŚB. on MS. ˚वार्षिक a. 1 twelve years old, lasting for twelve years; Pt.1. ˚विध a. twelve-fold. ˚सहस्र a. consisting of 12. -दशी (द्वादशी) the twelfth day of a lunar fortnight. -द्वादशान्यिक (द्वादशापपाठा यस्य जाताः द्वादशान्यिकः). -दशम् (द्वादशम्)) a collection of twelve, ˚आदित्याः Twelve Ādityas:- विवस्वान्, अर्यमा, पूषन्, त्वष्टा, सविता, _x001F_3भग, धाता, विधाता, वरुण, मित्र, रुद्र, विष्णु. ˚पुत्रा Twelve types of sons according to Dharmaśāstra:-- औरस, क्षेत्रज, दत्तक, कृत्रिम, गूढोत्पन्न, अपविद्ध, कानीन, सहोढ, क्रीत, पौनर्भव, स्वयंदत्त, पारशव. -दाम्नी a cow tied with two ropes. -दिवः a ceremony lasting for two days. -देवतम् the constellation विशाखा. -देहः an epithet of Gaṇesa. -धातुः an epithet of Gaṇeśa. -नग्नकः a circumcised man. -नवत (द्वि-द्वा-नवत) a. ninety-second. -नवतिः(द्वि-द्वा-नवतिः) f. ninety-two. -पः an elephant; यदा किञ्चिज्ज्ञो$हं द्विप इव मदान्धः समभवम् Bh.3.31; विपूर्यमाणश्रवणोदरं द्विपाः Śi. ˚अधिपः Indra's elephant. ˚आस्य an epithet of Gaṇesa. -पक्षः 1 a bird. -2 a month. -पञ्चाश (द्वि-द्वा-पञ्चाश) a. fifty-second. -पञ्चाशत् f. (द्वि-द्वा-पञ्चाशत्) fifty-two. -पथम् 1 two ways. -2 a cross-way, a place where two roads meet. -पद् see द्विपाद् below. -पद a. having two feet (as a verse). -पदः a biped man. -पदिका, -पदी a kind of Prākṛita metre. -पाद्, a. two footed; द्विपाद बहुपादानि तिर्यग् गतिमतीनि च Mb.14.37. -पादः 1 a biped, man. -2 a bird. -3 a god. -पाद्यः, -द्यम् a double penalty. -पायिन् m. an elephant. -फालबद्धः hair parted in two; N.1.16. -बाहुः man; Ks.53.94. -बिन्दुः a Visarga (:). -भातम् twilight. -भुजः an angle. -भूम a. having two floors (as a palace). -भौतिकः a horse possessing two elements out of the five; द्वयोर्लक्षणसंबन्धात् तुरगः स्याद् द्विभौतिकः Yuktikalpataru. -मातृ, -मातृजः an epithet of 1 Gaṇesa. -2 king Jarāsandha. -मात्रः a long vowel (having two syllabic instants); एकमात्रो भवेद् ह्रस्वो द्विमात्रो दीर्घ उच्यते Śikṣā. -मार्गी a cross-away. -मुखा 1 a leech. -2 kind of water-vessel; ˚अहिः, ˚उरगः a doublemouthed snake. -रः 1 a bee; cf. द्विरेफ. -2 = बर्बर q. v. -मुनि ind. the two Munis, Pāṇini and Kātyāyana; द्विमुनि व्याकरणस्य, विद्याविद्यावतारभेदाद् द्विमुनिव्याकरणमित्यपि साधु Sk. -मूर्वा N. of a plant, presumably some hemp. Mātaṅga. L.9.2. -यामी Two night-watches = 6 hours. -रदः an elephant; सममेव समाक्रान्तं द्वयं द्विरदगामिना R.4.4; Me.61. ˚अन्तकः, ˚अराति, ˚अशनः 1 a lion. -2 the Śarabha. -रसनः a snake. -रात्रम् two nights. -रूप a. 1 biform. -2 written in two ways. -3 having a different shape. -4 bi-colour, bipartite. (-पः) 1 a variety of interpretation or reading. -2 a word correctly written in two ways. -रेतस् m. a mule. -रेफः a large black bee (there being two 'Ra's in the word भ्रमर); अनन्तपुष्पस्य मधोर्हि चूते द्विरेफमाला सविशेषसङ्गा Ku.1.27;3.27,36. -लयः (in music) double time (?); साम्य of two things (like गीत and वाद्य); द्विलयान्ते चर्चरी V.4.35/36. -वक्त्रः 1 a double-mouthed serpent. -2 a kind of demon; एकवक्त्रो महावक्त्रो द्विवक्त्रो कालसंनिभः Hariv. -वचनम् the dual number in grammar. -वज्रकः a kind of house or structure with 16 angles (sides). -वर्गः The pair of प्रकृति and पुरुष, or of काम and क्रोध; जज्ञे द्विवर्गं प्रजहौ द्विवर्गम् Bu. Ch.2.41. -वाहिका a wing. -विंश (द्वाविंश) a. twenty-second. -विंशतिः f. (द्वाविंशति) twenty-two. -विध a. of two kinds or sorts; द्विविधः संश्रयः स्मृतः Ms.7.162. -वेश(स)रा a kind of light carriage drawn by mules. -व्याम, -व्यायाम a. two fathoms long. -शतम् 1 two hundred. -2 one hundred and two. -शत्य a. worth or bought for two hundred. -शफ a. clovenfooted. (-फः) any cloven-footed animal. -शीर्षः an epithet of Agni; also द्विशीर्षकः; सप्तहस्तः चतुःशृङ्गः सप्तजिह्वो द्विशीर्षकः Vaiśvadeva. -श्रुति a. comprehending two intervals. -षष् a. (pl.) twice six, twelve. -षष्ट (द्विषष्ट, द्वाषष्ट) a. sixty-second. -षष्टिः f. (-द्विषष्टिः, द्वाषष्टिः) sixty-two. -सन्ध्य a. having a morning and evening twi-light. -सप्तत (द्वि-द्वा-सप्तत) a. seventy-second. -सप्ततिः f. (द्वि-द्वा सप्ततिः) seventy two. -सप्ताहः a fortnight. -सम a. having two equal sides. -समत्रिभुजः an isosceles triangle. -सहस्राक्षः the great serpent Śeṣa. -सहस्र, -साहस्र a. consisting of 2. (-स्रम्) 2. -सीत्य, -हल्य a. ploughed in two ways, i. e. first length-wise and then breadth-wise. -सुवर्ण a. worth or bought for two golden coins. -स्थ (ष्ठ) a. conveying two senses; भवन्ति चद्विष्ठानि वाक्यानि यथा श्वेतो धावति अलम्बुसानां यातेति ŚB. on MS.4.3.4. -हन् m. an elephant. -हायन, -वर्ष a. two years old; शुके द्विहायनं कत्सं क्रौञ्चं हत्वा त्रिहायनम् Ms.11.134. -हीन a. of the neuter gender. -हृदया a pregnant woman. -होतृ m. an epithet of Agni.
niṣādaḥ निषादः 1 N. of one of the wild aboriginal tribes in India, such as hunters, fishermen &c.; a mountaineer; मा निषाद प्रतिष्ठां त्वमगमः शाश्वतीः समा Rām.1.2.15; R.14. 52,7; U.2.5. -2 A man of a degraded tribe in general, an outcast, a Chāṇḍāla. -3 Especially, the son of a Brāhmaṇa by a Sūdra woman. cf. ब्राह्मणाद्वैश्य- कन्यायामम्बष्ठो नाम जायते । निषादः शूद्रकन्यायां यः पारशव उच्यते ॥ Ms.1.8. -4 (In music) The first (more properly the last or seventh) note of the Hindu gamut; गीतकला- विन्यासमिव निषादानुगतम् K.31 (where it has sense 1 also). -5 N. of a Kalpa. -Comp. -वत् m. the निषाद note; Mb.12 184.39. -स्थपतिन्यायः The rule according to which when a compound expression is capable of being dissolved as a कर्मधारय or a तत्पुरुष, the former is to be preferred to the latter. This is discussed and established by जैमिनि and शबर in MS.6.1.51-52 in connection with the expression निषादस्थपति.
nihnavaḥ निह्नवः 1 Denial, concealment of knowledge; कार्यः स्वमतिनिह्नवः Māl.1.12; Chandr.5.27. -2 Secrecy, concealment in general; निह्नवे याचितो दद्याद्धनं राज्ञे च तत्समम् Y.2.11,267. -3 A secret. -4 Mistrust; doubt, suspicion. -5 Wickedness. -6 Atonement, expiation; तस्यैष व्यभिचारस्य निह्नवः सम्यगुच्यते Ms.9.21. -7 Contradiction. -8 Obscuring, surpassing. -9 Excuse, exculpation. -Comp. -उत्तरम् an evasive reply. -वादिन् m. a defendant or witness who prevaricates or gives evasive replies.
nihnavanam निह्नवनम् 1 Denial or concealment of knowledge. -2 Excuse, exculpation.
purohita पुरोहित p. p. 1 Placed in front. -2 Appointed, charged, entrusted. -तः 1 One charged with a business, an agent. -2 A family-priest, one who conducts all the ceremonial rites of the family. मन्त्रिपुरोहितसखः (राजा); ......... अमात्यानुपधाभिः शौचयेत् Kau. A.1.1; पुरोहितो हितो वेदस्मृतिज्ञः सत्यवाक् शुचिः Kavikalpalatā.
pralayaḥ प्रलयः 1 Destruction, annihilation, dissolution; स्थानानि किं हिमवतः प्रलयं गतानि Bh.3.7,69; प्रलयं नीत्वा Si.11.66. 'causing to disappear'. -2 The destruction of the whole universe (at the end of a kalpa), universal destruction; Ku.2.8; अहं कृत्स्नस्य जगतः प्रभवः प्रलय- स्तथा Bg.7.6. -3 Any extensive destruction or devastation. -4 Death, dying, destruction; प्रारब्धाः प्रलयाय मांसवदहो विक्रेतुमेते वयम् Mu.5.21;1.14; यदा सत्त्वे प्रवृद्धे तु प्रलयं याति देहभृत् Bg.14.14. -5 Swoon, fainting, loss of consciousness, syncope; प्रलयान्तोन्मिषिते विलोचने Ku.4.2. -6 (In Rhet.) Loss of consciousness, considered as one of the 33 subordinate feelings; प्रलयः सुखदुःखाद्यै- र्गाढमिन्द्रियमूर्छनम् Pratāparudra. -7 The mystic syllable om. -8 Spiritual unification (लय); बुद्धिः कर्मगुणैर्हीना यदा मनसि वर्तते । तदा संपद्यते ब्रह्म तत्रैव प्रलयं गतम् ॥ Mb.12.24. 17. -9 Sleepiness. -Comp. -कालः the time of universal destruction. -घनः, -जलधरः a cloud at the dissolution of the world. -दहनः the fire at the dissolution of the world. -पयोधिः the ocean at the dissolution of the world.
prācīna प्राचीन a. [प्राच् भवार्थे ख] 1 Turned towards the front or east, eastern, easterly. -2 Previous, former, previously mentioned. -3 Old, ancient. -नः, -नम् 1 A fence, wall. -2 The eastern country; प्राचीनवाहिनीं चैव नदीं भृशम- कर्दमाम् Rām.4.27.16. -नम् ind. 1 In front. -2 Eastward (abl.) -3 Before. -Comp. -अग्र a. = प्रागग्र q. v. -आवीतम् the sacred thread (यज्ञोपवीत) worn over the right shoulder and passed under the left arm, as at a Śrāddha. -आवीतिन्, -उपवीत a. wearing the sacred thread over the right shoulder and under the left arm; सव्ये प्राचीनआवीती निवीती कण्ठसज्जने Ms.2.63. -कल्पः a former kalpa q. v. -गाथा an ancient story or tradition. -तिलकः the moon. -पनसः the Bilva tree. -बर्हिस् m. an epithet of Indra. -मतम् an ancient opinion, a belief sanctioned by antiquity. -मूल a. having roots turned eastward.
brāhma ब्राह्म a. (-ह्मी f.) [ब्रह्मण इदं तेन प्रोक्तं वा अण् टिलोपः] 1 Relating to Brahman or the creator, or to the Supreme Spirit; R.13.6; Ms.2.4; एषा ब्राह्मी स्थितिः पार्थ नैनां प्राप्य विमुह्यति Bg.2.72. -2 Brahmanical, belonging to Brāhmaṇas; ब्राह्मं रथवरं युक्तमास्थाय सुधृतव्रतः Rām. 2.5.4; न विशेषो$स्ति वर्णानां सर्वं ब्राह्ममिदं जगत् Mb.12.188. 1. -3 Relating to sacred knowledge or study; ब्राह्मं वेदमधीयाना वेदाङ्गानि च सर्वशः Mb.1.156.5. -4 Prescribed by the Vedas, Vedic; scriptural; ब्राह्मस्य जन्मनः कर्ता Ms.2.15. -5 Holy, sacred, divine. -6 Presided over by Brahman as a मुहूर्त (see ब्राह्ममुहूर्त), or a missile. -7 Fit for a divine state or godhead. -8 Belonging to the ब्रह्मलोक; ददर्शाप्सरसं ब्राह्मीं पञ्चचूडामनिन्दिताम् Mb.13.38.3. -ह्यः 1 one of the eight forms of marriage in Hindu law, in which the bride decorated with ornaments is given away to the bridegroom, without requiring any gift or present from him (this is the best of the 8 forms); ब्राह्मो विवाह आहूय दीयते शक्त्यलंकृता Y.1.58; Ms.3.21,27. -2 N. of Nārada. -3 Quicksilver. -4 The duty or prescribed course of conduct of a king; आवृत्तानां गुरुकुलात् विप्राणां पूज्यको भवेत् । नृपाणामक्षयो ह्येष ब्राह्मो धर्मो विधीयते ॥ -ह्मम् 1 The part of the hand under the root of the thumb; अङ्गुष्ठमूलस्य तले ब्राह्मं तीर्थं प्रचक्षते Ms.2.59. -2 Holy or sacred study. -3 N. of a Purāṇa. -4 N. of the constellation Rohiṇī. -Comp. -अहोरात्रः a day and night of Brahman (a period of 2 Kalpas of mortals). -देया a girl to be married according to the Brāhma form. -निधिः m. money bestowed on the sacerdotal class. -मुहूर्तः a particular period of the day, the early part of the day (रात्रेश्च पश्चिमे यामे मुहूर्तो ब्राह्म उच्यते); cf. ब्राह्मे मुहूर्ते किल तस्य देवी कुमारकल्पं सुषुवे कुमारम् R.5.36; ब्राह्मे मुहूर्ते बुध्येत Ms.4.92.
manas मनस् n. [मन्यते$नेन मन् करणे असुन्] 1 The mind, heart, understanding, perception, intelligence; as in सुमनस्, दुमर्नस् &c. -2 (In phil.) The mind or internal organ of perception and cognition, the instrument by which objects of sense affect the soul; (in Nyāya phil. मनस् is regarded as a Dravya or substance, and is distinct from आत्मन् or the soul); तदेव सुखदुःखाद्युपलब्धि- साधनमिन्द्रियं प्रतिजीवं भिन्नमणु नित्यं च Tarka K. -3 Conscience, the faculty of discrimination or judgment. -4 Thought, idea, fancy, imagination, conception; पश्यन्न- दूरान्मनसाप्यधृष्यम् Ku.3.51; R.2.27; कायेन वाचा मनसापि शश्वत् 5.5; मनसापि न विप्रियं मया (कृतपूर्वम्) 8.52. -5 Design, purpose, intention. -6 Will, wish, desire, inclination; in this sense मनस् is frequently used with the infinitive form with the final म् dropped, and forms adjectives; अयं जनः प्रष्टुमनास्तपोधने Ku.5.4; cf. काम. -7 Reflection (ध्यान); मनसा जपैः प्रणतिभिः प्रयतः समुपेयिवानधिपतिं स दिवः Ki.6.22. -8 Disposition, temper, mood. -9 Spirit, energy, mettle; मनोवीर्यवरोत्सिक्तमसृण्यमकुतोभयम् Bhag.3. 17.22. -1 N. of the lake called Mānasa. -11 Breath or living soul. -12 Desire, longing after. (मनसा गम् &c. to think of, contemplate, remember; जगाम मनसा रामं धर्मज्ञो धर्मकाङ्क्षया Rām.2.82.9; (अगमत्) मनसा कार्यसंसिद्धौ त्वरादिगुणरंहसा Ku.2.63; मनः कृ to fix the mind upon, direct the thoughts towards, with dat. or loc.; मनो बन्ध् to fix the heart or affection upon; (अभिलाषे) मनो बबन्धान्यरसान् विलङ्ध्य सा R.3.4; मनः समाधा to collect oneself; मनसि उद्भू to cross the mind; मनसि कृ to think, to bear in mind; to resolve, determine, think of.) N. B. In comp. मनस् is changed to मनो before अ and soft consonants, as मनो$नुग, मनोज्ञ, मनोहर &c.). -Comp. -अधिनाथः a lover, husband. -अनवस्थानम् inattention. -अनुग a. suiting the mind, agreeable; ततस्तदग्ऱ्यं वचनं मनोनुगं समस्तमाज्ञाय ततो हि हेतुमत् Mb.12.167.49; Rām.7.72.18. -अप- हारिन् a. captivating the heart. -अभिनिवेशः close application of mind, firmness of purpose, -अभिराम a. pleasing the mind, gratifying to the heart; मनोभिरामाः (केकाः) R.1.39. -अभिलाषः the desire or longing of the heart. -आप a. gaining the heart, attractive, pleasing. -कान्त a. (मनस्कान्त or मनःकान्त) dear to the mind, pleasant, agreeable. -कारः perfect perception, full consciousness (of pleasure or pain), mental concentration, resolution; भवन्मनस्कारलवोद्गमेन क्रमेलकानां निलयः पुरेव N.14.84. (cf. मनसः ऐकाग्ऱ्यकरणं मनस्कारः Nārayaṇa com. on N.) दिदृक्षादत्तदृष्टीनां मनस्कारमनीषयोः । सप्रीतिरससन्तोषं दिशन्तौ देहकान्तितः ॥ Yādavābhyudaya 1.9. -क्षेपः (मनःक्षेपः) distraction of the mind, mental confusion. -गत a. 1 existing or passing in the mind, concealed in the breast, internal, inward, secret; नेयं न वक्ष्यति मनोगतमाधिहेतुम् Ś.3. 11. -2 affecting the mind, desired. (-तम्) 1 a wish, desire; मनोगतं सा न शशाक शंसितुम् Ku.5.51. -2 an idea, thought, notion, opinion. -गतिः f. desire of the heart. -गवी wish, desire. -गुप्त a. hidden in the mind, thought secretly. (-प्ता) red arsenic. -ग्रहणम् captivating the mind. -ग्रहिन् a. captivating or fascinating the mind. -ग्राह्य a. to be grasped by the mind. -ह्यम् the pleasures of sense; यो वृणीते मनोग्राह्यमसत्त्वात् कुमनीष्यसौ Bhāg.1. 48.11. -ग्लानिः depression of mind. -ज, -जन्मन् a. mindborn. (-m.) the god of love. -जल्पः imagination. -जव a. 1 quick or swift as thought; मनोजवं मारुततुल्यवेगम् Rāma-rakṣā Stotra 33. -2 quick in thought or conception. -3 fatherly, paternal. -जवस a. resembling a father, fatherly. -जवा 1 N. of one of the tongues of Agni. -2 N. of one of the शक्तिs of Durgā 'काली कराली च मनोजवा च' Śruti. -जात a. mind-born, arisen or produced in the mind. -जिघ्र a. scenting out, i. e. guessing the thoughts. -ज्ञ a. pleasing, lovely, agreeable, beautiful, charming; इयमधिकमनोज्ञा वल्कलेनापि तन्वी Ś.1.2; R.3.7; 6.1. (-ज्ञः) N. of a Gandharva. (-ज्ञा) 1 red arsenic. -2 an intoxicating drink. -3 a princess. -तापः, -पीडा 1 mental pain or agony, anguish. -तालः the lion of Durgā. -तुष्टिः f. satisfaction of the mind. -तोका an epithet of Durgā. -दण्डः complete control over the mind or thoughts; Ms.12.1; cf. त्रिदण्डिन्. -दत्त a. devoted in thought, mentally dedicated. -दाहः, -दुःखम् mental distress or torment. -दाहिन् the god of love. -दुष्ट a. depraved in mind; रजसा स्त्री मनोदुष्टा संन्यासेन द्विजोत्तम (शुद्ध्यति) Ms.5.18. -धारणम् conciliating the favour of. -नाशः loss of the mind or understanding, dementedness. -नीत a. approved, chosen. -पतिः (-मनःपतिः) an epithet of Viṣṇu. -पर्यायः (with Jainas) N. of the last but one stage in the perception of truth. -पूत a. (मनःपूत) 1 considered pure by the mind, approved by one's conscience; मनःपूतं समाचरेत् Ms.6.46. -2 of a pure mind, conscientious. -प्रणीत a. (मनःप्रणीत) agreeable or pleasing to the mind. -प्रसादः (मनः- प्रसादः) composure of mind, mental calm. -प्रिय a. dear to the heart. -यः cinammon (Mar. दालचिनी). -प्रीतिः f. (मनःप्रीतिः) mental satisfaction, joy, delight. -भव a. mind-born, created by fancy; दृश्यमाना विनार्थेन न दृश्यन्ते मनोभवाः Bhāg. -भवः, -भूः 1 the god of love, Cupid; रे रे मनो मम मनोभवशासनस्य पादाम्बुजद्वयमनारतमानमन्तम् Bv.4.32; Ku.3.27; R.7.22; श्यामा शुशुभे शशिना तया मनोभूः Kalāvilāsa. -2 love, passion, lust; अत्यारूढो हि नारीणामकालज्ञो मनोभवः R.12.33. -मथनः the god of love. -मय see separately. -यायिन् a. 1 going at will or pleasure. -2 swift, quick as thought; उत्पत्य खं दशग्रीवो मनोयायी शितास्त्रभृत् Bk.5.3. -3 keen desire; अहं हि तस्याद्य मनोभवेन संपीडिता तद्गतसर्वभावा Rām.5.32.12. -योगः close application of the mind, close attention. -योनिः the god of love. -रञ्जनम् 1 pleasing the mind. -2 pleasantness. -रथः 1 'the car of the mind', a wish, desire; अवतरतः सिद्धिपथं शब्दः स्वमनोरथस्येव M.1.22; मनोरथानामगतिर्न विद्यते Ku.5.64; R.2.72;12.59; उत्पद्यन्ते विलीयन्ते दरिद्राणां मनोरथाः Udb.; आशा नाम नदी मनोरथजला Bh.3.45. -2 a desired object; मनोरथाय नाशंसे Ś.7.13. -3 (in dramas) a hint, a wish expressed indirectly or covertly. ˚तृतीया N. of the third day in the bright half of Chaitra. ˚दायक a. fulfilling one's expectations. (-कः) N. of a Kalpa-taru. ˚द्रुमः the god of love. ˚बन्धः cherishing or entertaining of desire. ˚बन्धुः the friend of (who satisfies) desires; तस्या भवानपि मनोरथबन्धबन्धुः Māl.1.34. ˚सिद्धिः f. fulfilment of one's desires. ˚सृष्टिः f. a creation of the fancy, a castle in the air. -रम a. attractive, pleasing, agreeable, lovely, beautiful; अरुण- नखमनोरमासु तस्याः (अङ्गुलीषु) Ś.6.11; पुरस्ताद्विमले पात्रे सुविस्तीर्णे मनोरमे Suśruta. (-मा) 1 a lovely woman. -2 a kind of pigment. -रागः affection, passion (of the heart). -राज्यम् 'kingdom of the fancy', a castle in the air; मनोराज्यविजृम्भणमेतत् 'this is building castles in the air'. -रुज् f. pain or grief of the heart. -लयः loss of consciousness. -लौल्यम् freak, caprice. -वल्लभा a beloved woman. -वहा N. of a particular artery; ('अश्वत्थपत्रनाडीव द्विसप्ततिशताधिका । नाडी मनोवहेत्युक्तं योगशास्त्र- विशारदैः'); मध्ये च हृदयस्यैका शिरा तत्र मनोवहा । शुकं संकल्पजं नॄणां सर्वगात्रैर्विमुञ्चति ॥ Mb.12.214.19. -वाक्कर्मन् n. pl. thoughts, words and deeds. -वाञ्छा, -वाञ्छितम् a wish of the heart, a desire, -विकारः, -विकृतिः f. emotion of the mind. -विनयनम् mental discipline. -विरुद्ध a. 1 incomprehensible. -2 against the dictates of mind or conscience. -वृत्तिः f. 1 working of the mind, volition. -2 disposition, temper. -वेगः quickness of thought. -व्यथा mental pain or anguish. -शल्य a. rankling in the mind; (बाहुः) कुबेरस्य मनःशल्यं शंसतीव पराभवम् Ku.2.22. -शिलः, -ला red arsenic; मनःशिला- विच्छुरिता निषेदुः Ku.1.55; R.12.8; टङ्कैर्मनःशिलगुहैरवदीर्य- माणा Mk.; गन्धाश्मानं मनःशिलाम् Śiva B.3.19; मनःशिला- पङ्कलिखितेन च विद्योतितललाटपट्टाम् K. -शीघ्र a. quick as thought. -संकल्पः desire of the heart. -संगः attachment of the mind (to anything). -संचेतनाहारः (with Buddhists) one of the four kinds of food (in a material and spiritual senses) -संतापः anguish of the mind. -समृद्धिः heart's content; Bhāg. -संवरः coercion of mind. -सुख a. agreeable to the mind. -स्थ a. being in the heart, mental. -स्थैर्यम् firmness of mind. -हत a. disappointed. -हर a. pleasing, charming, attractive, fascinating, lovely; अव्याजमनोहरं वपुः Ś.1.18; Ku.3.39; R.3.32. (-रः) a kind of jasmine. (-रम्) gold. -हर्तृ, -हारिन् a. heart-stealing, captivating, agreeable, pleasing; हितं मनोहारि च दुर्लभं वचः Ki.1.4; गाङ्गं वारि मनोहारि मुरारिचरणच्युतम् Gaṅgāṣṭaka by Vālmīki 7. -हारी an unchaste or unfaithful woman. -ह्लादः gladness of heart. -ह्वा red arsenic; मनःशिला मनोगुप्ता मनोह्वा नागजिह्विका Bhāva. P.
vārāha वाराह a. (-ही f.) [वराहस्येदं प्रियत्वात् अण्] Relating to a boar; वाराहीमात्मयोनेस्तनुमवनविधावास्थितस्यानुरूपाम् Mu.7. 19; Y.1.259; शक्तिः साप्याययौ तत्र वाराहीं विभ्रती तनुम् Devīmāhātmya. -हः 1 A boar. -2 A kind of tree. -Comp. -कर्णी Physalis Flexuosa (अश्वगन्धा). -कल्पः N. of the present Kalpa (that in which we are at present living). -पुराणम् N. of one of the 18 Purāṇas.
vikalpa विकल्पः 1 Doubt, uncertainty, indecision, hesitation; तत् सिषेवे नियोगेन स विकल्पपराङ्मुखः R.17.49. -2 Suspicion; Mu.1. -3 Contrivance, art; मायाविकल्परचितैः R.13.75. -4 Option, alternative (in gram.); तुल्यार्थयोर्हि तुल्यविषययो- र्विकल्पो भवति न नानार्थयोः ŚB. on MS.1.6.33. -5 Sort, variety; दण्डविकल्पः Ms.9.228; भूषणानां विकल्पम् Me.76. -6 An error, a mistake, ignorance. -7 Distinction; एवं सुरासुरगणाः समदेशकालहेत्वर्थकर्ममतयो$पि फले$विकल्पाः Bhāg.8.9.28. -8 A division of Kalpa; यावान् कल्पो विकल्पो वा यथा कालो$नुमीयते Bhāg.2.8.12. -9 A god; वैकारिको विकल्पानाम् Bhāg.1.85.11. -1 Origin (उत्पत्ति); आत्मा केवल आत्मस्थो विकल्पापायलक्षणः Bhāg.11.25.27. -11 Admission, statement. -12 Fancy, imagination. -13 Mental occupation. -Comp. -उपहारः an optional offering. -जालम् a net-like indecision, a dilemma.
vyavahita व्यवहित p. p. 1 Placed apart. -2 Separated by anything intervening; मृदुव्यवहितं तेजो भोक्तुमर्थान् प्रकल्पते Śi.2.85. -3 Interrupted, stopped, obstructed, impeded. -4 Screened from view, hidden, concealed. -5 Not immediately connected. -6 Done, performed. -7 Passed over, omitted. -8 Surpassed, excelled. -9 Hostile; opposed. -1 Remote, distant. -Comp. -कल्पना A mode of construction in which words or phrases which are separated from one another by some other intervening words, pharses or sentences are constructed together as forming a sentence. This mode is as a general rule not admissible and is worse than even लक्षणा (see व्यवधान); सत्रविश्वजित्सम्बन्धे व्यवहितकल्पना स्यात् ŚB. on MS.6.4.33;7.4.1. व्यवधारणकल्पना vyavadhāraṇakalpanā व्यवधारणकल्पना f. A mode of interpreting a sentence where words or expressions connected with one another are treated as being not so connected, disconnecting what is connected; ŚB. on MS.1.2.1; सैषा व्यवधारणकल्पना । तमस्मै भक्षं प्रयच्छेत् तमस्मै भक्षं कुर्यादित्यर्थः ŚB. on MS.3.5.48.
śāntiḥ शान्तिः f. [शम्-क्तिन्] 1 Pacification, allayment, alleviation, removal; अध्वरविघातशान्तये R.11.1,62. -2 Calmness, tranquillity, quiet, ease, rest, repose; स्मर संस्मृत्य न शान्तिरस्ति मे Ku.4.17; शान्तिः कुतस्तस्य भुजङ्गशत्रोः Māl.6.1; यत् किंचिद् वस्तु संप्राप्य स्वल्पं वा यदि वा वहु । या तुष्टि- र्जायते चित्ते सा शान्तिः कथ्यते बुधैः ॥ Padma P. -3 Cessation of hostility; सर्पस्य शान्तिः कुटिलस्य मैत्री विधातृसृष्टौ न हि दृष्टपूर्वा Bv.1.125. -4 Cessation, stop. -5 Absence of passion, quietism, complete indifference to all worldly enjoyments; तदुपहितकुटुम्बः शांन्तिमार्गोत्सुको$भूत् R.7.71. -6 Consolation, solace. -7 Settlement of differences, reconciliation. -8 Satisfaction of hunger. -9 An expiatory rite, a propitiatory rite for averting evil; शान्तयश्चापि वर्धन्तां यथाकल्पं यथाविधि Rām.1.8.16. -1 Good fortune, felicity, auspiciousness. -11 Exculpation or absolution from blame. -12 Preservation. -13 N. of Durgā. -14 Destruction, end, death. -Comp. -उदम्, -उदकम्, -जलम् soothing or propitiatory water; अहमपि वैतानिकं शान्त्युदकमस्यै गौतमीहस्ते विसर्जयिष्यामि Ś.3. -कर, -कारिन् a. soothing, pacifying. -कर्मन् any action of averting evil. -गृहम् a room for rest or retirement. -मार्गः the life peaceful and leading to मोक्ष; तदुपहितकुटुम्बः शान्तिमार्गोत्सुको$भूत् R.7.71. -वाचनम् reciting of a text for averting evil. -सलिलम् propitiatory water. -होमः a sacrifice or burnt offering to avert or remove an evil; सावित्राञ्छान्तिहोमांश्च कुर्यात् पर्वसु नित्यशः Ms. 4.15.
śodhita शोधित p. p. [शुध्-णिच्-क्त] 1 Purified, cleansed. -2 Refined. -3 Filtered. -4 Corrected, rectified. -5 Paid off, discharged. -6 Requited, retaliated. -7 Acquitted, absolved, exculpated; अथ मूलमनाहार्यं प्रकाशक्रय- शोधितः Ms.8.22.
ṣa ष a. Best, excellent. -2 Wise, learned. -षः 1 Loss, destruction. -2 End. -3 Rest, remainder. -4 Final emancipation. -5 Loss of knowledge. -6 Heaven. -7 Sleep. -8 A learned man. -9 A teat or nipple. -1 Hair. -11 Delivery (गर्भविमोचन). ˚रथः an epithet of Brahman. -पर्णाशः white basil. -पाटला the white trumpetflower. -पिङ्गः a lion. -पिङ्गलः 1 a lion. -2 an elephant of Śiva. -भानुः the moon. -भिक्षुः a kind of white-robed mendicant; श्वेत- भिक्षुस्तपस्विनाम् (धूर्तः) Pt.3.76. -मरिचम् white pepper. -मालः 1 a cloud. -2 smoke. -रक्त a. pale-red, rosy. (-क्तः) the pink or rosy colour. -रञ्जनम् lead. -रथः the planet Venus. -रसः butter-milk and water mixed in equal parts. -रोचिस् m. the moon. -रोहितः an epithet of Garuḍa. -वल्कलः the glomerous fig-tree. -वाजिन् m. 1 the moon. -2 an epithet of Arjuna. -3 camphor. -वाराहः 1 a particular Kalpa. -2 the first day in the month of Brahmā. -वासस् m. an ascetic wearing white garments. -वाह् m. an epithet of Indra. -वाहः 1 an epithet of Arjuna. -2 of Indra. -वाहनः 1 an epithet of Arjuna. -2 the moon. -3 a marine monster (मकर). -वाहिन् m. an epithet of Arjuna. -शुङ्गः, -शृङ्गः barley. -हयः 1 a horse of Indra. -2 an epithet of Arjuna. -3 N. of Indra. -हस्तिन् m. Airāvata, Indra's elephant.
sama सम a. 1 Same, identical. -2 Equal, as in समलोष्ट- काञ्चनः R.8.21; Pt.2.7; सुखदुःखे समे कृत्वा लाभालाभौ जयाजयौ Bg.2.38; समः शत्रौ च मित्रे च तथा मानापमानयोः । शीतोष्णसुख- दुःखेषु समः संगविवर्जितः ॥ 12.18. -3 Like, similar, resembling; with instr. or gen. or in comp. गुणयुक्तो दरिद्रो$पि नेश्वरैरगुणैः समः Subhāṣ.; Ku.3.13. -4 Even, level, plain; समवेशवर्तिनस्ते न दुरासदो भविष्यति Ś.1. -5 Even (as number). -6 Impartial, fair; शुनि चैव श्वपाके च पण्डिताः समदर्शिनः Bg.5.18. -7 Just, honest, upright. -8 Good, virtuous. -9 Ordinary, common. -1 Mean, middling. -11 Straight. -12 Suitable, convenient. -13 Indifferent, unmoved, unaffected by passion. -14 All, every one. -15 All, whole, entire, complete. -16 Being a pair. -17 Regular, normal. -18 Middling. -19 Easy, convenient. -मः 1 N. of certain zodiacal signs (वृष, कर्कट, कन्या, वृश्चिक, मकर, and मीन). -2 A mode of measuring time in music. -3 The point of intersection of the horizon and the meridian line. -4 A kind of straight line placed over a numerical figure to mark the process of extracting the square root. -मम् 1 A level plain, flat country; संनिपत्य शनकैरिव निम्नादन्धकारमुदवाप समानि Ki.9. 11. -2 (In rhet.) N. of a figure of speech. -3 (In geometry) A mean proportional segment. -4 Equanimity. -5 Similarity. -6 Settlement; compensation; कर्मणापि समं कुर्याद्धनिकायाधमर्णिकः Ms.8.177. -7 Good circumstances; Mk. -सम् ind. 1 With, together with, in company with, accompanied by; (with instr.); आहां निवत्स्यति समं हरिणाङ्गनाभिः Ś.1.26; R.2.25;8.63; 16.72. -2 Equally; समं सर्वेषु भूतेषु Bg.13.27.28; यथा सर्वाणि भूतानि धरा धारयते समम् Ms.9.311. -3 Like, similarly, in the same manner; यत्र स्वामी निर्विशेषं समं मृत्येषु वर्तते Pt.1.78. -4 Entirely. -5 Simultaneously, all at once, at the same time, together; नवं पयो यत्र धनैर्मया च त्वद्विप्रयोगाश्रु समं विसृष्टम् R.13.26;4.4;1.59;14.1. -6 Honestly, fairly. -Comp. -अंशः an equal share. ˚हारिन् m. a co-heir. -अङ्घ्रिक a. standing evenly on feet. -अन्तः a borderer, neighbour. -अन्तर a. parallel. -अर्थिन् a. 1 desiring equality. -2 Seeking peace with. -आकार a. similar, like. -आचारः 1 equal or similar conduct. -2 Proper practice. -आत्मक a. possessing equanimity. -उदकम् a mixture of half butter-milk and half water. -उपमा a kind of Upamā or simile. -कक्ष a. having equal weight. (-क्षा) equilibrium. -कन्या a fit or suitable girl (fit to be married). -कर्णः an equi-diagonal tetragon. -कालः the same time or moment. (-लम्) ind. at the same time, simultaneously. -कालीन a. contemporary, coeval. -कोलः a serpent, snake. -कोटिक a. of regular size (said of diamonds); Kau. A.2.11. -क्षेत्रम् (in astr.) an epithet of a particular arrangement of the Nakṣatras. -खातः an equal excavation, a parallelopipedon. -गतिः wind; मृत्युश्चापरिहारवान् समगतिः कालेन विच्छेदिना Mb.12.298.45. -गन्धकः incense. -गन्धिकम् the fragrant root of the Uśīra. -चक्रवालम् a circle. -चतुरस्र a. square. (-स्रम्) an equilateral tetragon. -चतुर्भुजः, -जम् a rhombus. -चित्त a. 1 even-minded, equable, equanimous. -2 indifferent. -छेद, -छेदन a. having the same denominator. -जाति a. homogeneous. -ज्ञा fame; तिर्य- ञ्चमप्यञ्च मृषानभिज्ञरसज्ञतोपज्ञसमज्ञमज्ञम् N.3.64. -त्रिभुजः, -जम् an equilateral triangle. -दर्शन, -दर्शिन् a. viewing equally, impartial; विद्याविनयसंपन्ने ब्राह्मणे गवि हस्तनि । शुनि चैव श्वपाके च पण्डिताः समदर्शिनः ॥ Bg.5.18. -दुःख a. feeling for another's woe, sympathising (with another); a fellow-sufferer; Ku.4.4. ˚सुख a. a companion or partner in joy and sorrow; पृष्टा जनेन समदुःखसुखेन बाला Ś.3.1. -दृश्, -दृष्टि a. impartial. -द्वादशास्रः, -स्रम् an equilateral dodecagon. -द्विभुजः a rhomboid. -धर्म a. of equal nature, resembling. -धृत a. equal to. -पदम् 1 an attitude in shooting. -2 a particular posture in sexual union. -प्रभ a. having equal splendour; तदण्डमभवद्धैमं सह- स्रांशुसमप्रभम् Ms.1.9. -बुद्धि a. 1 impartial. -2 indifferent, stoical. -भाव a. having the same nature or property. (-वः) sameness, equability. -मण्डलम् (in astr.) the prime vertical line. -मय a. of like origin. -मात्र a. of the same size or measure. -मितिः mean measure. -रञ्जित a. tinged. -रतः, -रभः a particular mode of sexual enjoyment. -रेख a. straight; प्रकृत्या यद्वक्रं तदपि समरेखं नयनयोः Ś.1.9. -लम्बः, -म्बम् a trapezoid. -लेपनी a bricklayer's instrument for levelling a plane (Mar. करणी). -वर्ण a. being of equal caste; समवर्णे द्विजातीनां द्वादशैव व्यतिक्रम Ms.8.269. -वर्णः community of caste. -वर्तिन् a. 1 equal-minded, impartial. -2 being equidistant. (-m.) Yāma, the god of death; शासितारं च पापानां पितॄणां समवर्तिनम् Mb.12.27.35. -विभक्त a. divided equally; symmetrical. -विषमम् (pl.) level and unevenground. -वृत्तम् 1 an even metre, i. e. a stanza the lines of which have all the same number of feet. -2 see सममण्डल. -वृत्ति a. equable, fair. (-त्तिः) equanimity. -वेधः mean depth. -वैषम्यतः ind. owing to partial similarity and partial dissimilarity; अर्थे समवैषम्यतो द्रव्य- कर्मणाम् MS.4.1.21. -शोधनम् equal subtraction, i. e. subtraction of the same quantity on both sides of an equation. -श्रुति a. (in music) having equal intervals. -श्रेणिः a straight line. -संधिः peace on equal terms. -सुप्तिः f. universal sleep (as at the end of a Kalpa). -सूत्र, -सूत्रस्य a. situated on the same diameter. -स्थ a. 1 equal, uniform. -2 level. -3 like. -4 being in flourishing circumstances; गतिः पतिः समस्थाया विषमे च पिता गतिः Mb.5.176.8. -स्थलम् an even ground. -स्थली the level plain, the Doab or country between the Ganges and Yamunā (अन्तर्वेदि). -स्थानम् a particular posture in Yoga (In which the legs are closely contracted).
savāsas सवासस् a. 1 With clothes, clothed; सवासा जलमाप्लुत्य शुद्धो भवति मानवः Ms.5.77. सविकल्प savikalpa सविकल्पक savikalpaka सविकल्प सविकल्पक a. 1 Optional. -2 Doubtful. -3 Recognizing a distinction as that of subject and object, or of the knower and the known (opp. निर्विकल्पक q. v.).
suraḥ सुरः [सुष्ठु राति ददात्यभीष्टं सु-रा-क्त] 1 A god, deity; सुराप्रतिग्रहाद् देवाः सुरा इत्यभिविश्रुताः Rām.; सुधया तर्पयते सुरान् पितॄंश्च V.3.7; R.5.16. -2 The number 'thirty-three'. -3 The sun. -4 A sage, learned man. -5 An idol. -Comp. -अङ्गना a celestial woman or damsel, an apsaras; प्रतिघाय समाधिभेदिनीं हरिरस्मै हरिणीं सुराङ्गनाम् R.8.79. -अद्रिः the mountain Meru. -अधिपः an epithet of Indra. -अध्यक्षः N. of Śiva. -अरिः 1 an enemy of gods, a demon; गतं भयं भीरु सुरारिसंभवम् V.1.6. -2 the chirp of a cricket. ˚हन् m. N. of Śiva. ˚हन्तृ N. of Viṣṇu. -अर्चनम् the worship of gods. -अर्चावेश्मन् n. a household temple, a chamber containing the idols of deities; ब्रह्मचारिपरिचारि सुरार्चावेश्म राजऋषिरेष विवेश N.21.21. -अर्हम् 1 gold. -2 saffron. -3 yellow sandal. -आचार्यः an epithet of Bṛihaspati. -आपगा 'the heavenly river', an epithet of the Ganges. -आलयः 1 the mountain Meru. -2 heaven, paradise. -3 a temple; पूर्तं सुरालयारामकूपाजीव्यादि- लक्षणम् Bhāg.7.15.49. -आश्रयः Meru. -आस्पदम् a temple. -इज्यः N. of Bṛihaspati. -इज्या the sacred basil. -इन्द्रः, -ईशः, -ईश्वरः 1 N. of Indra. -2 N. of Viṣṇu. (उपेन्द्रः); स्वर्लोकमागच्छ गतज्वरश्चिरं सुरेन्द्र गुप्तं गतदोषकल्मषम् Rām.1.15.34. ˚गोपः a cochineal. ˚जित् m. N. of Garuḍa. -इभः a celestial elephant. -इष्टः the Sāla tree. -ईशः, -ईश्वरः 1 N. of Indra. -2 of Śiva. (-री) 1 the celestial Ganges. -2 Durgā. -उत्तमः 1 the sun. -2 Indra. -उत्तरः sandal-wood. -उपम a. god-like, divine. -ऋषिः (सुरर्षिः) a divine sage. -कारुः an epithet of Viśvakarman. -कार्मुकम् rain bow. -गणः 1 N. of Śiva. -2 a host of gods. -गण्डः a kind of boil, disease. -गिरिः mount Meru. -गुरुः 1 an epithet of Bṛihaspati; धर्मः शास्त्रं सुरगुरुमतिः शौचमाचारचिन्ता सस्यैः पूर्णे जठरपिठरे प्राणिनां संभवन्ति Pt.5.97. -2 the planet Jupiter. -3 N. of Viṣṇu; ब्रह्मा सुरगुरुः स्थाणुर्मनुः कः परमेष्ठ्यथ Mb.1.1.32. -ग्रामणी m. N. of Indra. -जनः the race of gods. -ज्येष्ठः an epithet of Brahman. -तरङ्गिणी the Ganges. -तरुः a tree of paradise. -तोषकः the jewel called Kaustubha; q. v. -दारु n. the Devadāru tree. -दीर्घिका an epithet of the Ganges. -दुन्दुभी the sacred basil. -द्विपः 1 an elephant of the gods. -2 N. of Airāvata; सुरद्विपास्फालन- कर्कशाङ्गुलौ R.3.55. -द्विष् m. 1 a demon; प्रणिपत्य सुरा- स्तस्मै शमयित्रे सुरद्विषाम् R.1.15. -2 Rāhu उपस्थिता शोणित- पारणा मे सूरद्विषश्चान्द्रमसीं सुधेव R.2.39. -धनुस् n. 1 rainbow; सुरधनुरिदं दूराकृष्टं न नाम शरासनम् V.4.1. -2 kind of nail mark; स्वापराधमलुपत् पयोधरे मत्करः सुरधनुष्करस्तव N.18.134. -धुनी the Ganges. -धूपः turpentine, resin. -नदी, -निम्नगा an epithet of the Ganges. -पतिः an epithet of Indra. -पथम् the sky, heaven. -पर्वतः the mountain Meru; q. v. -पादपः a tree of paradise; such as the कल्पतरु. -प्रतिष्ठा the setting up of an idol. -प्रियः 1 N. of Indra. -2 of Bṛihaspati. -भूयम् identification with a deity, deification, apotheosis. -भूरुहः the Devadāru tree. -भूषणम् a necklace of pearls consisting of 18 strings and 4 Hastas long; Bṛ. S. -मन्दिरम् a temple; उत्तुङ्गसौधसुरमन्दिरगोपुराट्ट ... Māl.9.1. -मृत्तिका alum-slate. -युवतिः f. a celestial damsel. -राज्यम् dominion over the gods. -लासिका a flute, pipe. -लोकः heaven. ˚सुन्दरी 1 a celestial woman. -2 N. of Durgā. -वर्त्मन् n. the sky. -वल्लभा white Dūrvā grass. -वल्ली the sacred basil. -विद्विष्, -वैरिन्, -शत्रुः m. an evil spirit, a demon. -विलासिनी an apsaras. -वीथिः N. of the way of the नक्षत्रs; नक्षत्रमार्गं विपुलं सुरवीथीति विश्रुतम् Mb. 3.43.12. -शाखिन् m the Kalpataru q. v. -श्वेता a small (white) house-lizard. -सद्मन् n. heaven, paradise. -सालः a wish-fulfilling tree, a kalpavrikṣa; ददतो$भिमतं समस्फुरन् सुरसाला भुवमागता इव Śāhendra.2.57. -सरित्, सिन्धुः f. the Ganges; सुरसरिदिव तेजो वह्निनिष्ठ्यूतमैशम् R.2. 75. -सुन्दरी, -स्त्री 1 a celestial woman; ऊरूद्भवा नरसखस्य मुनेः सुरस्त्री V.1.3. -2 N. of Durgā. -स्थानम् a temple.
sūciḥ सूचिः ची f. [सूच्इन् वा ङीप्] 1 Piercing, perforating. -2 A needle; निमेषादपि कौन्तेय यस्यायुरपचीयते । सूच्येवाञ्जन- चूर्णस्य किमिति प्रतिपालयेत् ॥ Mb.3.35.3. -3 Sharp point or pointed blade (as of Kuśa grass); अभिनवकुशसूच्या परिक्षतं मे चरणम् Ś.1; so मुखे कुशसूचिबिद्धे Ś.4.13. -4 The sharp point or tip of anything; कः करं प्रसारयेत् पन्नगरत्न- -सूचये Ku.5.43. -5 The point of a bud, -6 A kind of military array, a sharp column or file; दण्डव्यूहेन तन्मार्गं यायात् तु शकटेन वा । वराहमकराभ्यां वा सूच्या वा गरुडेन वा Ms. 7.187. -7 A triangle formed by the sides of a trapezium produced till they meet. -8 A cone, pyramid. -9 Indication by gesture, communicating by signs, gesticulation. -1 A particular mode of dancing. -11 Dramatic action. -12 An index, a table of contents. -13 A list, catalogue. -14 The earth's disc in computing eclipses (in astr.). -15 A rail or balustrade. -16 A small door-bolt. -17 A kind of coitus. -Comp. -अग्र a. needle-pointed, having a sharp needle-like point, acuminated. (-ग्रम्) The point of a needle. -आस्यः a rat. -कटाहन्यायः see under न्याय. -कर्मन् needle-work. -खातः a sharp pyramid or pyramidal excavation, a cone. -गृहकम् a needle-case. -पत्रकम् an index, a table of contents. (-कः) a kind of pot-herb. -पुष्पः the Ketaka tree. -भिन्न a. bursting open at the point of the buds; पाण्डुच्छायोपवनवृतयः केतकैः सूचिभिन्नैः Me.23. -भेद्य a. 1 to be pierced or penetrated by a needle. -2 thick, dense, pitchy, gross, utter; रुद्धालोके नरपतिपथे सूचिभेद्यैस्तमोभिः Me.39. -3 palpable, tangible. -मुख a. 1 needle-mouthed, having a pointed beak. -2 pointed. (-खः) 1 a bird. -2 white Kuśa grass. -3 a particular position of the hands. (-खम्) a diamond. -रदनः a mungoose. -रोमन् m. a hog. -वदन a. needle-faced, having a pointed beak. (-नः) 1 a gnat, mosquito. -2 a mungoose. -शालिः a kind of fine rice. -शिखा the point of a needle -सूत्रम् a thread for a needle (for sewing).
Macdonell Vedic Search
2 results
kḷp kḷp be fit, I. kálpati, cs. kalpáyati, -te arrange, x. 15, 14. vi- dispose, x. 90, 11. 14.
vyȧkta vy-ȧkta, pp. distinguished by (inst.), x. 14, 9; palpable, x. 127, 7 [ví + añj adorn].
Macdonell Search
61 results
atisneha m. excessive attachment; -svalpa, a. quite small, quite insignificant; -svastha, a. in excellent health.
aparāddha pp. having erred, guilty, culpable; n. guilt; -râddhi, f. mistake, error; -râddhri, a. guilty of an offence or crime; offending.
aprāpta pp. not having reached; not yet arrived; not obtained; not encoun tered; not concluded; not resulting (from a grammatical rule); not grown up; -kâla, a. whose time has not yet come; -vikalpa, m. alternative not resulting from any rule; -vyavahâra, a. under age, minor: -tva, n. mi nority; -½avasara, a. ill-timed, inopportune.
alpāṅga a. small-bodied: -tva, n. abst. n.; -½âyus, a. short-lived; -½alpa, a. little by little, moderate: -bhâs, a. of very slight lustre; -½avasishta, pp. little left: -tva, n. condition of little being left.
asat pr. pt. non-existent; untrue; bad; -î, f. unchaste woman; n. non-entity; lie; evil; -kalpanâ, f. false supposition; lie; -krita, pp. badly treated; offered ungraciously; n. injury; -tva, n. non-existence:-vakana, a. expressing no entity: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -putra, a. sonless; -pratigraha, m. acceptance of a gift from an unworthy person; -pralâpa, m. empty talk; -pravritti, f. evil course of action.
kalpaka a. standard; m. precept, rule; -kshaya, m. end of a Kalpa, destruction of the world; -taru, -druma, m. fabulous wishing tree; -dhenu, f. fabulous wishing cow.
kalpāya den. Â. become or seem a Kalpa: pp. i-ta.
kalpāgni m. world conflagration at the end of a Kalpa: -½anta, m. end of a Kalpa, destruction of the world; °ree;--, till the end of the world.
kalpapāla m. guardian of order, king; -latâ, f. creeper yielding all wishes; -latikâ, f. id.; -vallî, f. id.; -vitapin, -vriksha, m.=Kalpa tree; -satâya, den. Â. appear as long as 100 Kalpas; -sâkhin, m.Kalpa tree; -sundarî, f. N.; -sûtra, n. Sûtra on ritual.
gurukarman n. affair of the teacher; -kârya, n. important business; -kula, n. teacher's house: -vâsa, m. sojourn in a teacher's house, tutelary stage in a Brâhman's life; -krita, pp. made much of, lauded; -kratu, m. great sacrifice; -griha, n. pre ceptor's house; -gana, m. venerable person, father, mother, parents; -talpa, m. teacher's conjugal bed; violation of one's preceptor's bed: -ga, -gâmin, a. defiling a teacher's conjugal bed, -½abhigamana, n. violation of one's teacher's bed; -talpin, a. = -talpa ga; -tâ, f. heaviness; importance; dignity; condition of a teacher; -tva, n. id.; proso dical length: -ka, n. heaviness; -darsana,n. sight of one's teacher; -dâra, m. teacher's wife; -dhur, f. pl. severe task; -patnî, f. teacher's wife; -pûgâ, f. reverence towards a teacher; -prasâdanîya, fp. obliging to one's teacher; -prasûta, pp. permitted or bidden by elder relatives; -bhâryâ, f. teacher's wife.
jātakarman n. after-birth cere mony; -dosha, a. guilty; -nashta, pp. hav ing appeared and disappeared; -paksha, a. fledged; -prâya, a. almost come to pass; -preta, pp. first born and thendeceased; -mâtra, a. but just born, only just arisen; -rûpa, a. of native beauty, beauteous; golden; n. gold: -maya, a. (î) golden; -vat, a. born; containing a derivative of the √ gan; -vâsaka, n. lying-in room; -vâsa-griha, n. (apart ment in which living takes place), sitting room; (á)-vidyâ, f. science of the origin or of the essence of things, metaphysics; -vi nashta, pp.=gâta-nashta; -visvâsa, a. hav ing confidence engendered, inspired with con fidence; (á)-vedas, a. having knowledge of beings; m. Agni; (C.) fire; -vesman, n. chamber of a new-born infant; lying-in room; -silâ, f. (real=) massive stone; -samkalpa, a. resolved; enamoured.
daṇḍayātrā f. military expedition: -kihna, n. signal for marching to war, -patha, m. military road, -lagna, n. astrologically auspicious moment for marching out to war; -yoga, m. infliction of punishment; -lesa, m. small fine; -vat, a. bearing a staff; having a handle; possessing a great army; -vadhá, m. capital punishment; -vâkika, a. corporal or verbal (injury); -vâhin, m. policeman, watchman; -vikalpa, m.choice of punishment (with g. of object); -vyûha, m. array in columns; -hasta, a. holding a staff in the hand.
durvaca a. ill-spoken, abusive (word); hard to answer; -vakana, n. pl. hard words, abuse (Pr.); -vakas, n. id.; stupid words; a. abusive; hard to answer; -vanig, m. rogue of a merchant; -varna, m. bad colour; im purity; (-várna), a. having a bad colour or complexion; of low caste; n. silver; -vala, a. having a skin disease; -vasa, a. (n. it is) hard to dwell; hard to pass (time); -vasati, f. painful residence; a. hard to bear; -execute or accomplish; -vâk, f. abuse; a. abu sive; -vâkya, a. difficult to utter, harsh (words); n. abuse; ill-tidings; -vâda, m. blame, reproach; -vânta, pp. that has not fully vomited the blood it has sucked (leech); -vâra,a. hard to restrain or check; irresist ible; -vârana, a. id.; -vârttâ, f. ill-tidings; -vârya, fp. hard to restrain or check, irre sistible: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -vâla, a. bald-headed or red-haired or afflicted with skin disease; -vâsanâ, f.false notion; -v&asharp;sas, a. ill-clad; m. N. of an irascible Brâhman; -vâhita, n. heavy burden; -vikatthana, a. disagreeably boastful; -vikalpa, m. unjustifiable irresolution; -vigâha, a. hard to fathom or penetrate; profound; serious, critical; -vigâhya, fp. id.; -vikâra, m. ill-timed hesitation; a. very irresolute; -vigñâna, n. difficult ascer tainment; a. (á) hard to comprehend; -vi- gñeya, fp. hard to distinguish; -vidagdha, pp. perverse;-vidya, a. uneducated; -vidha, a. mean, base; -vidhi, m. evil destiny; -vi naya, m. imprudent behaviour; -vinîta, pp. ill-bred, ill-behaved: -ka, a. id.; -vipâka, m. ill-ripening, evil issue; a. having evil conse quences; -vibhâva, a. hard to comprehend; -vibhâvana, a. hard to perceive; -vibhâvya, fp. id.; indistinctly visible; hard to compre hend; -vilasita, n. wicked trick; -vivâha, m. blamable marriage; -vivekana, a. hard to judge rightly; -vishaha, a. hard to en dure or overcome; irresistible; hard to per form or accomplish; -vritta, n. bad or base conduct, baseness; a. ill-conducted, wicked; poor; m. wicked man; -vritti, f. distress, misery; baseness; -vyavasita, n. evil intent; -vyavasthâpa-ka, a. pronouncing a bad or unfavourable decision; -vyavahâra, m. bad decision of a suit; -vyavahriti, f. evil rumour; -vyasana, n. evil passion, vice; -vyâhrita, pp. ill-spoken; n. unsuitable utterance.
dhṛtakanakamāla a. wear ing a golden wreath; -kûrkaka, a. wearing a beard; -klesa, a. bearing hardships; -gar bhâ, f. a. pregnant; -tâla, m.=vetâla; -danda, a. wielding the rod, punishing; being punished by (in.); -dvaidhî-bhâva, a. being at variance; -dhanus, m. archer; -niskaya, a. firmly resolved on (d.); -pûrva, a. worn before; -praga, a. having offspring; (á) râshtra, m. (whose kingdom is enduring), N. of the blind son of Vyâsa and elder brother of Pându; -vat, pp. act., v. √ dhri; -vrata, a. whose law or ordinance is settled; main taining ordinances; firmly resolved; devoted, attached; -sarîra, a. whose body continues to exist, living on; -srî, a. whose fortune is steadfast; -samkalpa, a. firmly resolved on (lc.).
nakiṃcid n. nothing: -api-sam kalpa, m. no desire for anything.
naikaduḥkhada a. causing many sorrows; -bhâva½âsraya, a. fickle, unsteady; -varna, a. many-coloured; -vikalpa, a. manifold; -vidha, a. id.; -sas, ad. repeatedly.
parikampin a. trembling vio lently; -kara, m. sg. & pl. retinue, dependents; assistance, expedient; addition; abundance, multitude; girdle for looping up a garment: -m bandh or kri, gird oneself for, prepare to (lc. or inf.); -karita, pp. accompanied by (in.); -karman, n. adoration; decoration of the person, anointing the body; purification, means of purifying; preparation for (--°ree;); -karma-ya, den. P. adorn; -karmin, m. at tendant, servant; -kalayitri, a. enclosing; -kalpana, n. cheating; -kîrtana, n. proclaim ing aloud, promulgation; naming; -kopa, m. violent anger; -krama, m. succession, order; -kraya, m. hire; redemption, peace pur chased with money; -kriyâ, f. attention to (--°ree;); -kleda, m. wetness; -klesa, m. hard ship; trouble, suffering; -kshaya, m. dis appearance, cessation, failure; decline; ruin; -kshâna, n. pl. coal-dust; -kshâma,a. ema ciated; -kshit, a. dwelling around (Agni), extending around (du., heaven and earth); m. N. of various princes; -kshiti, f. wound ing; -kshîna, pp. emaciated, wasted away; -kshepa, m. moving to and fro; surrounding, encompassing; that which encircles; compass.
paśu m. [tethered beast], cattle (single head or herd); domestic animal (including cows, horses, goats, sheep, asses, and dogs: opp. mriga, wild beast); beast, brute; sacrificial animal, victim: -kalpa, m. ritual of the animal sacrifice; (ú)-kâma, a. desiring cattle; -ghna, a. killing animals; m. cattle-slayer; -tâ, f., -tva, n. condition of being a sacrificial animal; condition of cattle; bestiality; -trip, a. cattle-stealing;-dharma, m. manner of beasts or in which beasts are treated; -páti, m. lord of beasts, ep. of Siva; -pâla, m. guardian of flocks, herds man (also: -ka): -vat, ad. after the manner of herdsmen; -pîdita, (pp.) n. damagecaused by cattle; -bandhá, m. (binding of victim to sacrificial post), animal sacrifice; -mát, a. connected with or abounding in cattle; containing the word &open;pasu;&close; -rakshin, m. tender of cattle, herdsman; -roman, n. hair of an animal; -vat, ad. like the brutes; as with cattle; -vadha, m. slaughter of animals; -sam âmnâya, m. enumeration of the sacrificial animals in the Asvamedha: i-ka, a. mentioned in the Samâmnâya; -han, a. (ghnî) killing beasts; -havya, n. animal sacrifice.
piṇḍa m. (n. rare) lump, knob, ball; flake (of wall-plaster); morsel, mouthful= daily bread, food, livelihood; flour-ball (of fered to the Manes), funeral cake; body; person, individual; material object: -ka, m. lump, ball; -khargûra, m. kind of date tree: -tas, ad. from a ball or lump; -tâ, f. condi tion of a body; -tva, n. density, condensation, state of a material mass: -m âgata, (darkness) become palpable; -da, a. offeringor entitled to offer the funeral cakes to the Manes; m. bread-giver, lord, master; -dâtri, a. id.; -dâna, n. offering of a flour-ball (esp. at the sacrifice to the Manes); sacrifice of funeral cakes (on the evening of new moon); alms-giving; -nirvapana, n. offering of funeral cakes; -pâtra, n. alms-bowl; alms; -pitri yagña, m. offering of funeral cakes (on the evening of new moon); -prada, a. offering funeral cakes; -bhâg, a. partaking of the funeral cakes; m. pl. the Manes; -maya, a. consisting of a clod; -mâtra½upagîvin, a. living solely on morsels offered.
purākathā f. tale of the olden time; -kalpa, m. bygone age: lc. sg. & pl. in olden times; -krita, pp. formerly done; n. former deed; -g&asharp;, a. born in the olden time, ancient, primaeval.
pūrvaka a. (ikâ) prior, preceding, previous; first; --°ree; a. accompanied or pre ceded by, based on, consisting above all things in: -m, ad. after, with, amid, in accordance with (--°ree;); m. forefather, ancestor; -karman, n. former or previous action; preparation; -kalpa, m. previous manner, precedent; olden time (only lc. sg. & pl.); -kâya, m. fore part of the body (of animals), upper part of the body (of men); -kârin,a. acting first; -kâr ya, fp. to be done first; -kâla, a. belonging to a previous time; previously mentioned: -tâ, f. priority of time; -kâlika, a. belonging to a former time; -kâlîna, a. prior in time; -krita, pp. formerly done, performed in a previous life; n. former act, act committed in a previous life; -krama½âgata, pp. handed down from one's ancestors; -kriyâ, f. preparation.
prakara m. (scattered) heap, quantity, plenty: î, f. kind of song; short interlude (in a drama); -karana, n. production, creation; treatment, discussion, exposition; subject of discussion, topic; section, chapter; special treatise, monograph; kind of drama (in which the plot is invented by the poet): asminn eva prakarane, in regard to this very point, in this connection; na ka prakaranam vetsi, nor do you know what the point in question is: -tas, ad. on a suitable occasion, -tva, n. condition of discussing (--°ree;); -kartavya, fp. to be prepared; to be displayed or cherished; to be appointed to (lc.); -kartri, m. one who causes or occasions; -karsha, m. (preference, advantage), excellence, superiority, pre-eminence; intensity, excess; predominance; --°ree; a. consisting for the most part in: in., ab., °ree;--, highly, strongly, thoroughly; -karshana, m. troubler;n. drawing off; protrusion; extension, long duration; -karsha-vat, a. excellent; --°ree;, distinguished or pre-eminent in; -kalpanâ, f. allotment; -kalp-ita, pp. fitted, arranged, placed; -kalp-ya, to be allotted or settled; -kâ&ndot;kshâ, f. appetite; -kânda, m. n. trunk of a tree (between the root and branches); minor section in a book; --°ree;=pre-eminent, excellent; -kâmá, m. delight, voluptuousness: pl. objects of desire: -m, -tas, or°ree;--, ad. with delight, willingly; according to desire, sufficiently; in very deed; -kâra, m. kind, sort, species; way, manner; --°ree; a. of the nature of, -like: kena prakârena, in what way? how? prakâraih, in one way or another; râmâyanasya bhâratasya vâ pra kârah, a kind of Râmâyana or Mahâbhârata; -kâra-ka, a. (--°ree;) of the nature of, -like; -kâra-tâ, f. speciality; -kâra-vat, a. belonging to a species; -kârya, fp. to be exhibited; -kâlana, a. driving on; m. N. of a Nâga.
prajana m. (n.) procreation, impregnation; parturition; m. procreator; -gánana, a. generating, procreative; n. impregnation; parturition, procreation; birth, propagation; production, of (--°ree;); genital member; progeny, children; -gaya, m. victory; -galpa, m. conversation; prattle; -galpana, n. speaking, talking; -gavá, m. haste, speed; -gav ana, a. running very fast; -gavin, a. hurry ing, running fast, quick;-gas, a. --°ree;=pragâ, progeny; -gahitá, pp. given up, abandoned.
pratibaddha pp. connected: -tâ, f. connexion with (--°ree;); -banddhri, m. hinderer, obstructor: -tâ, f. obstruction; -bandha, m. connexion; investment, siege; hindrance, impediment; stoppage, suspension; logical impediment, obstructive argument; support: in. by employing all kinds of obstacles: -ka, a. (ikâ) hindering, obstructing, -vat, a. beset with obstacles; -bandhi-kalpanâ, f. assump tion liable to alegitimate contradiction; -bandhin, a. liable to be impeded or checked; --°ree;, impeding, obstructing; -bandhi-tâ, f. state of checking, obstruction; -bala, 1. n. hostile army; 2. a. having equal strength, being a match for (g.), equally strong in (--°ree;); capable of, adequate to (inf. or d. of vbl. n.); m. well-matched adversary; -bâdhaka, a. repelling (--°ree;); -bâdhana, n. warding off, re pulsion (of, g.; ac.1); -bâhu, m. fore-arm.
prathamaka a. first; -kalpa, m. primary ordinance; -kalpita, pp. first in rank; -garbha, m. first pregnancy; a. f. â, pregnant for the first time; -ga or -g&asharp;, a. first-born; original; firstling; born in the first (i. e. first mentioned) wedlock; -gâta, pp. first-born; -tara, °ree;-or -m, (cpv.) ad. first; -tas, ad. first; forthwith; before, in preference to (g.); be fore, previously to (--°ree;); -darsana, n. first sight (lc. at --): -dina, n. first day of seeing any one (g.); -dugdhá, pp. just milked; -dhâra, m. (?) first drop; -nirdishta, pp. first stated or mentioned; -purusha, m. first (our third) person (gr.); -pravada, a. utter ing the first sound (child); -prasûtâ, pp. f. having calved for the first time; -bh&asharp;g, a. obtaining the first share; -yagñá, m. first sacrifice; -râtra, m. beginning of the night; -vayas-ín, a. young; -vasati, f. original or old home; -vittâ, f.first wife; -samgama, m. N.; -samâvritta, pp. only just turned to wards (lc.); -½âgâmin, a. coming or men tioned first; -½âdesa, m. initial position (of a word); -½abhidheya, n. fundamental meaning: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -½ardha, m. n. first half; -½ava ra-tva, n. higher and lower rank, seniority and juniority; -½astamita, n. recent setting of the sun; -½ahám, ad. on the first day; -½âhâra, m. first employment; -½itara, a. re verse of the first, second.
prabhā f. (shining forth), splendour, brightness, light; brilliancy, radiant beauty: often --°ree; a. (a) radiant like: -kara, m. sun; N.: du. sun and moon: -deva, m. N., -vardhana, m. N. of a prince,-varman, m. N. of a minister, -svâmin, m. N. of a temple of Vishnu; -bhâga, m. division; -bhâta, pp. (√ bhâ) begun to be light; n. dawn, daybreak: -kalpa, a. nearly grown light, approaching dawn (night), -prâya, a. id.; -bhâ-praroha, m. rising lustre, effulgence; -bhâ-mandala, n. circle or orb of light: -ka, n. id.; -bhâ maya, a. consisting of light, radiant; -bhâ lepin, a. radiant, brilliant; -bhâva, m. might; majesty; dignity; supernatural power; effi cacy; power, over (lc.); splendour: in., ab., -tas,=by means or in consequence of, through; -bhâva-ka, a. prominent, in (lc. or --°ree;); -bhâ vat, a. luminous, splendid: -î, f. N.; -bhâv ana, a. (î) creating, creative; bestowing prosperity; m. creator: â, f. promulgation (of a doctrine); -bhâvayitri, a. raising to power or dignity (ac.); -bhâva-vat, a. power ful; -bhâvita, cs. pp. id.; -bhâvin, a. id.; -bhâsha, n.declaration; doctrine; -bhâsh ana, n. explanation; -bhâshita, (pp.) n. speech; -bhâshin, a. talking, speaking; -bhâsa, m. (radiance), N. of a Vasu; N. of the son of a minister of Kandraprabha; m. n. N. of a place of pilgrimage on the west coast of the Deccan; -bhâsana, n. illumination; -bhâsura, a. of great brilliance; -bhâs-vat, a. brilliant; -bhâs-vara, a. id.
prākkarman n. preliminary pro cedure; action performed in a previous ex istence; -kalpa, m. former age; -krita, pp. formerly done, performed in a previous life; n. act done in a previous life;-kiram, ad. before it is too late, betimes; -kkhâya, n. falling of the shadow towards the east.
prāpta pp. (√ âp) gotten, gained, obtained; reached, attained; met with, found; incurred, suffered; arrived, come; following from a rule (gr.): -karman, a. being the direct object (of an action) deduced from a rule (gr.); -karma-tva, n. abst. n.; -kârin, a. doing what is right or suitable; -kâla, m. arrived time, fitting season, proper time, favourable moment; a. whose hour has come; suitable to the occasion, opportune, season able; marriageable (f.): -m, ad. at the right time; -kâla-tva, n. opportuneness, season ableness; -gîvana, a. having one's life re stored, rescued from death; -tva, n. result ance from a grammatical rule; -dosha, a. having incurred guilt; -bîga, a. sown; -yau vana, a. having the bloom of youth arrived, adolescent, marriageable; -rûpa, a. suitable, proper; learned, wise; -vat, pp. act. (-î) obtained, incurred; -vikalpa, m.alternative to what follows from a grammatical rule: -tva, n. justifiableness of an alternative.
bahukara a. doing much, for any one (g.); -kalpa, a. of many kinds, manifold; -kalyâna, a. very noble; -kâma, a. having many wishes; -krítvas, ad. ofttimes, frequently; -kshama, a. bearing much, of great forbearance; -gamana, a. having many goings or courses; -garhya-vâk, a. talking much that is censurable, garrulous; -guna, a. many-stranded (rope); manifold, much; possessing many virtues; -gotra-ga, a.having many blood relations; -graha, a. hold ing much (pot); taking much (minister); -kitra, a. extremely manifold or various; -kkhala, a. abounding in fraud, deceitful: -tva, n. deceitfulness; -gana, 1. m. the great multitude; 2. a. having many people about one; -galpa, a. garrulous; -galpitri, m. chat terer; -tanaya, a. having many sons.
brahma m. priest (only --°ree; with asura-); n. metrical for brahman, the Absolute: -ka, --°ree; a.=brahman, m. the god Brahman; -kara, m. tribute paid to Brâhmans; -karman, n. function of a Brâhman; office of the Brah man priest; -karma-samâdhi, a. intent on Brahman in action; -kalpa, a. resembling Brahman; m. age or cosmic period of Brahman (a primaeval age); -kânda, n. the Brahman section=the dogmatic part of the scriptures; T. of a work or part of a work by Bhartri hari; -kilbishá, n. sin against Brâhmans (RV.1); -kûrka, n. a kind of penance in which the five products of the cow are eaten (=pañka-gavya); -krít, a. offering prayers; (bráhma)-kriti, f. prayer, devotion; -kosá, m. treasury of prayer; -kshatra, n. sg. & du. Brâhmans and nobles: -sava, m. pl. sacri fices offered by Brâhmans and Kshatriyas; -kshetra, n. N. of a sacred locality; -gav&isharp;, f. cow of a Brâhman; -gîtikâ, f. Brahman's song, N. of certain verses; -gupta, m. N. of a son of Brahman; N. of an astronomer born 598 a. d.; N.; -gola, m. universe; -ghât aka, m.Brâhman-killer; -ghâtin, m. id.: -î, f. woman on the second day of her menses; -ghosha, m. murmur of prayer (sts. pl.); sacred word, Veda (coll.): -rava, m. sound of murmured prayer; -ghna, m. Brâhman slayer; -ghnî,f. of -han, q. v.; -kakra, n. Brahman's wheel; kind of mystical circle; -kárya, n. religious study; religious student ship (of a Brâhman youth, passed in celibacy, being the first stage in the religious life of a Brâhman); sp.self-restraint, continence, chastity: -m upa½i, -â-gam, grah, kar, or vas, practise chastity: â, f. chastity, a-tva, n. continence, chastity, -vat, a. practising chastity, -½âsrama, m. order of religious stu dentship; -kârín, a. (n-î) practising sacred knowledge; sp. practising continence or chas tity; m. religious student; -kâri-vâsa, m. living as a religious student; -kâri-vrata, n. vow of chastity; -ganman, n. Veda-birth, regeneration by sacred knowledge; -gîvin, a. subsisting by sacred knowledge; -gña, a. knowing the scriptures or Brahman; -gñâna, n. knowledge of the Veda or of Brahman; -gyá, a. oppressing Brâhmans; -gyotis, n. splendour of Brahman; a.having the splen dour of Brahman or of the Veda.
brāhmaṇa a. (î) belonging to a Brâhman, Brâhmanic; î, f. woman of the priestly caste; kind of red-tailed lizard; n. Brahman (n.), the divine (V.); divine power; dictum of a Brahman orpriest, theological exegesis relating to matters of faith and cult; N. of a class of works containing such disquisitions, a Brâhmana; passage in a Brâhmana; Soma-vessel of the Brahman priest: -ka, m. wretched or merely nominal Brâhman; -kalpa, a. resembling a Brâhman; -kumâra, m. Brâhman boy; -kula, n. house of a Brâhman; -griha, n. house of a Brâh man; -ghna, m. slayer of a Brâhman; -kând âla, m. (kândâla of a=) contemptible Brâh man; -gâtá, n. Brâhman race; -gushta, pp. pleasing to Brâhmans; -tâ, f. rank or con dition of a Brâhman; -tva, n. id.; -dârikâ, f. Brâhman girl; -patha, m. Brâhmana text; -putra-ka, m. Brâhman boy; -prasa&ndot;ga, m. applicability of the term Brâhmana, notion of Brâhman; -prâtivesya, m. neighbouring Brâhman; -priya, m. friend of Brâhmans; -bruva, a. calling himself a Brâhman, Brâh man only in name; -bhâva,m. condition or rank of a Brâhman; -bhogana, n. feeding of Brâhmans; -yagñá, m. sacrifice meant for or offered by Brâhmans; -vakana, n. statement of a Brâhmana text; -vadha, m. murder of a Brâhman.
manobhū m. (arising in the mind), love, god of love; -mathana, m. (agitator of the soul), god of love; -máya, a. (î) consist ing of mind, spiritual (not material); -yâyin, a. going at will, going whereverone likes; -yúg, a. (V.) thought-yoked, i. e. yoked by a mere thought (steeds); suiting the under standing, wise; -ratha, m. (car of the mind), wish, desire; fancy, illusion; indirectly ex pressed wish; N.: -dâyaka, m. fulfilling wishes; N. of a Kalpa tree, -prabhâ, f. N., -siddhi, f. fulfilment of a wish; m. N.: -ka, --°ree; a. id.; -rama, a. delighting the mind, attractive, pleasing, charming, lovely, beau tiful; m. N.: -â, f. N.; -râgya, n. realm of fancy: â-ni kri, build castles in the air; -laya, m. loss of consciousness; -laulya, n. freak of the mind, whim, caprice; -vat-î, f. N.; -vallabhâ, f. mistress of one's heart; -vâñkhita, (pp.) n. heart's desire; -visud dhi, f. purity of mind; -vritti, f. working of the mind, mental operation; train of thought; mood, temper; -hán, a. mind-destroying; -hara, a. (â, î) captivating the mind, fascin ating, attractive; charming, beautiful: -tara, cpv. more beautiful, etc.: -tva, n. greater beauty; -hartri, m. heart-stealer, captivator; -hârikâ, f. N.; -hârin, a. captivating the heart, enchanting, fascinating, charming, beautiful; -hrit, a. taking away life and de lighting the heart;-hlâda, m. gladness of heart; -hlâdin, a. gladdening the heart, at tractive, beautiful.
mahākathā f. great tale; -karu- na, a. very compassionate; -karna, a. great eared (Siva); -karman, n. great work; a. doing great works (Siva); -kalâ, f. night of new moon; -kalpa, m. great cosmic period; -kavi, m. great or classical poet (such as Kâ lidâsa, Bhavabhûti, etc.); -kâya, a. having a great body, bulky, gigantic; huge (tree): -tva, n. large size; -½âkâra, a. large, great, extensive; -kâla, m. a form of Siva in his capacity of the great destroyer of the world; N. of a temple of Siva Mahâkâla at Uggay inî; n. N. of a famous Li&ndot;ga: -pura, m. city of Mahâkâla, Uggayinî; -kâlî, f. a form of Durgâ; -kâvya, n. great or classical poem (a term specifically applied to the six poems Raghuvamsa, Kumârasambhava, Meghadûta, Kirâtârgunîya, Sisupâlavadha, and Naishadha karita); -kula, n. illustrious or noble family; (á), a. of high lineage: -½utpanna, pp. born of a noble family; -kulîna, a. belonging to a noble family: -tâ, f. noble origin, high birth; -kûla, a. having high banks; -ketu, a. hav ing a great banner (Siva); -kesa, a. thick haired (Siva); -kosa, a.having large testi cles (Siva): î, f. N. of a river; -kaushîta ka, n. title of a Vedic text; -kratu, m. great sacrifice (such as the Râgasûya and the Asva medha); -krodha, a. very irascible; -ksha tra-pa, m. great Satrap; -½aksha-patalika, m. head-keeper of the archives; -khâta, n. deep ditch; -khyâta, pp. very famous; -gaga, m. great elephant; elephant supporting the earth (=diggaga); -ganá, m. great host, swarm, or body: -pati, m.great lord of hosts, Ganesa; -ganesa, m. id.; -gandha, a. strong scented, very fragrant; -gala, a. having a thick or long neck; -giri, m. great mountain; -guna, a. having great virtues, very merito rious; very efficacious; -guru, a. very rever end person; -griha, n. great house; -gaurî, f. one of the nine forms of Durgâ; -graha, m. ep. of Râhu; -grâmá, m. great host (RV.1); large village; -grîva, a. long-necked (Siva); -ghata, m. large jar; -ghora, a. very terri ble; -ghosha, a. making a loud noise, thun dering (clouds); -½a&ndot;ga, a. having a large body or large limbs (Siva).
mṛta pp. √ 1. mri; m. dead man, corpse (also of animals); n. death; begging, begged food: -ka, m. n. dead man, corpse; n. a death; -kambala, m. winding-sheet; -kalpa, a. almost dead, insensible, in a trance; -kela, n. garment of the dead; -gâta, pp. born dead; -gîvana, a. (î) reviving the dead; -deha, m. dead body, corpse; -dhâra, a. bear ing a corpse; -niryâtaka, m. corpse-bearer; -pa, m. watcher of the dead; -purusha-sa rîra, n. human corpse; -pûrusha-deha, m. id.; -praga, a. whose children have died; -bhartrikâ, a. f. whose husband is dead; -mâ trika, a. whose mother is dead; -vat, ad. as if dead: âtmânam mritavat samdarsya, pretending to be dead, feigning death; -vas tra-bhrit, a. wearing the clothes of the dead; -sabda, m. report of any one's death; -sam- gîvana, a. bringing the dead to life; n., î, f. revival of a dead person; -samgîvin, a. re viving the dead, life-restoring; -strî, a. whose wife is dead; -hâra, -hârin, m. corpse-bearer.
yajñakarman n. sacrificial rite; a. engaged in a sacrifice; -kalpa, a. resem bling a sacrifice; (á)-kâma, a. desirous of worship; -kâra, a. engaged in a sacrifice; -kâla, m. time of sacrifice; -krít, a.per forming a sacrifice; -kratú, m. sacrificial rite; complete or chief ceremony; -kriyâ, f. sacrificial rite; -gamya, fp. accessible by sacrifice; -gâthâ, f. sacrificial verse; -ghna, m. demon that disturbs a sacrifice; -kkhâga,m. sacrificial goat; -trâtri, m. protector of the sacrifice, ep. of Vishnu; -dakshinâ, f. sacrificial fee; -datta, m. a frequent N.; -dâsî, f. N.; -dîkshâ, f. initiation for a sacri fice; -dris, a. looking on at a sacrifice; -deva, m. N.;-dravya, n. requisite for a sacrifice (vessel etc.); -n&isharp;, a. guiding the sacrifice; (á)pati, m. lord of sacrifice=institutor of a sacrifice or he in whose honour it is offered; -patnî, f. wife of the institutor of a sacrifice; -pathá, m. path of sacrifice; -pasu, m. sacri ficial animal; -pâtrá, n. sacrificial utensil; -prâpya, fp. attainable by sacrifice (Krish na); -priya, a. fond of sacrifice (Krishna); -pr&isharp;, a. delighting in sacrifice (V.); -phala da, a. rewarding sacrifice (Vishnu); (á)ban dhu, m. associate in sacrifice (RV.1); -bâhu, m. arm of sacrifice, fire; -bhâga, m. share in the sacrifice; a. having a share in the sacri fice; m. god: -bhug, m. god, -½îsvara, m. ep. of Indra; -bhânda, n. sacrificial utensil; -bhug, m. (enjoying the sacrifice), god, sp. ep. of Vishnu; -bhûmi, f. sacrificial ground; -bhrit, m. institutor of a sacrifice; ep. of Vishnu; -bhoktri, m. enjoyer of the sacri fice, ep. of Krishna; -mandala, n. sacrificial ground; -manas, a. intent on sacrifice; (á)-manman, a. intent on sacrifice (RV.1); -mahotsava, m. great sacrificial celebration; -mukhá, n. mouth or commencement of the sacrifice (V.); -ruki, m. N. of a Dânava; (á)-vat, a. worshipping: -î, f. N.; -vâta, m. sacrificial ground; -vâstú, n. id.; kind of ceremony; -vâha, a. conducting the sacrifice to the gods: -na, a. performing the sacrifice; having sacrifice for his vehicle, ep. of Vishnu and of Siva; (á)-vâhas, a. offering or receiving worship (V.); -víd, a. skilled in sacrifice; -vidyâ, f. sacrificial knowledge; (á)-vibhrashta, pp. unsuccessful in sacrifice; -vesasá,n. disturbance of worship or sacrifice (V.); -sarana, n. sacrificial shed; -sâlâ, f. sacrificial hall; -sâstra, n. doctrine of sacrifice; -sishta, n. remnants of a sacrifice; -sîla, a. habitually sacrificing; -sesha, m. remains of a sacrifice; part of a sacrifice yet to be completed; -sreshtha, m. best of sacrifices; -samsiddhi, f. success of a sacrifice; -sam sthâ, f. fundamental form of a sacrifice; -sadana, n. sacrificial hall; -sadas, n. sacrificial assemblage; (á)-sammita, pp. commensurate with the sacrifice; -s&asharp;dh, a. performing sacrifice (RV.); -s&asharp;dhana, a. id. (RV.); causing sacrifice (Vishnu); -sâra, m. best part of the sacrifice, ep. of Vishnu; -sûtra, n. sacrificial thread (worn over the left shoulder); (á)-sena, m. N. of various men and of a Dânava; -soma, m. N. of various Brâhmans; -stha, a. engaged in a sacrifice; -sthala, n. sacrificial ground; N. of anAgrahâra; -sthânú, m. sacrificial stump=stum bling-block at the sacrifice; -svâmin, m. N. of a Brâhman; -hán, a. disturbing or spoiling the sacrifice; -hartri, m. spoiler of the sacrifice; -hut, m. sacrificial priest.
yatkāma a. desiring which (V.); -kâmy&asharp;, ad. with which intention (Br.); -kâranam, ad. on which account, wherefore; since, because (also ât); -kâryam, ad. with which intention; -kimkana-kâraka, a. doing anything that occurs to one, acting at ran dom; -kimkana-kâr-in, a. id.: (-i)-tâ, f. haphazard conduct; -kimkana-pralâpin, a. talking at random; -kimkana-vâda, m. random assertion; -kimkid-api-samkalpa, m. desire for something or other; -kimkid-duh kha-ka, n. pl. trifling pains of whatever kind; -kula, a. of which family; -krite, ad. for the sake of whom or which.
yathākaniṣṭham ad. according to age from the youngest upwards; -kartavya, fp. to be done according to the circumstances; n. proper course of action; -karmá, ad. according to the respective action or actions; -karma-gunam, ad. according to the actions and (three) qualities; -kalpam, ad. according to the ritual; -kândam, ad. according to the sections; -kâma-kâra, m. action according to one'sdesire; -k&asharp;mam (SB. ám), ad. according to wish, at will or pleasure, agreeably; leisurely; -kâma- gyeya, fp. to be oppressed at pleasure; -kâma-prayâpya, fp. to be sent away at pleasure; -kâma-vadhya, fp. to be chastised at pleasure; -kâma-vikârin, a. wandering about at will; -kâma½arkita½arthin, a. satis fying supplicants according to their desire; -kâmin, a. acting according to one's will, unrestrained; -kârya, fp. to be done according to circumstances; -kâla, m. proper time: -m, ad. at the right or usual time, seasonably; -kula-dharmam, ad. according to the family usage; -krita, pp. properly done (--°ree;); agreed upon: (á)-m, ad. as usual (RV.); as it hap pened; as agreed upon; -krama, °ree;--, -m, ena, in due order, successively; -kriyamâna, pr. pt. as being done, usual, customary; -ksham am, ad. according to one's power, as much as possible; -kshipram,ad. as possible; -½âkhyânam, ad. according to the statement, as before stated; -½âgata, pp. by which one came (way): -m, e-na, ad. by the way one came; -½âgama, a. orthodox: -m, ad. in accordance with tradition; -gunam, ad. according to the qualities or virtues; -griham, ad. into one's respective house; -gotra-kula-kalpam, ad. according to the usage of the family or the tribe; -½a&ndot;gám, ad. member by member; -½âkâram,ad. according to usage; -kintita, pp. previously intended; -kkhandas, ad. metre by metre; -gâta, pp. as if born into the world; stupid, foolish; -gosham, ad. to one's heart's content; -gñapta, pp. previously directed orordered; -gñapti, ad. according to command; -gñânam, ad. to the best of one's knowledge; -gñeyam, ad. id.; -gyeshtham, ad. according to age from the eldest downwards, by seniority.
ratna n. [√ râ] V.: gift; goods, wealth; C.: treasure, precious stone, jewel, sp. pearl, (--°ree;, jewel of a,=best of, most excellent); mag net; m. N.; -kalasa, m. N.; -kûta, n. N. of an island; -kosha-nikaya, m. heap of jewels and treasure; -khâni, f. mine of jewels; -garbha, a. filled or studded with jewels: â, f. earth; -kandrâ-mati, m. N.; -kkhâyâ, f. reflexion or glitter of jewels; -talpa, m. jewelled couch; -traya, n.the three jewels (=Bud dha, dharma, and samgha: B.); -datta, m. N.; -darpana, m. mirror of jewels; -dîpa, m. lamp of jewels (which supply the place of a burning wick); -druma, m. coral; -dvîpa, m. N. of an island; -dhá, -dh&asharp;, a. (V.) be stowing gifts or wealth; possessing wealth; -nadî, f. N. of a river; -nidhi, m. mine of pearls, ocean; -parvata, m. mountain (= repository) of jewels, Meru; -pura, n. N. of a city; -prakâsa, m. T. of a dictionary; -pra dîpa, m. (--°ree; a. -ka)=-dîpa; -prabha, m. N.: â, f. earth; N.; T. of the seventh Lambaka of the Kathâsaritsâgara; -prâsâda, m. jew elled palace; -bandhaka, m. seller of gems, jeweller; -bhûta,pp. resembling a jewel; -mañgarî, f. N. of a fairy; -maya, a. (î) consisting of or abounding in jewels; -mâlâ, f. necklace of gems or pearls; T. of various works; -mâlin, a. wearing a necklace of jewels; -ratna, n. pearl of pearls; -râgi, f. string of pearls; -râsi, m. heap of gems, quantity of pearls; -rekhâ, f. N. of a prin cess; (rátna)-vat, a. attended with gifts (RV.1); abounding in jewels or pearls, jew elled; -vardhana, m. N.; -varman, m. N. of a merchant; -varsha, m. N. of a prince of the Yakshas; -samghâta, m. quantity of jewels; -sû, a. producing gems; -sûti, f. earth; -svâmin, m. N. of a statue (erected by Ratna).
vigata pp. √ gam: -gvara, a. from whom the fever has departed, freed from sor row; -tva, n. disappearance; -bhaya, a. fear less; m. N.; -lakshana, a. luckless, unfor tunate (man); -samkalpa, a.irresolute; -½anusaya, a. free from remorse.
vikalpa m. alternative, option: combination, contrivance; variety; distinction (rare); indecision, hesitation, doubt; false notion, fancy: in. optionally: -gâla, n. number of possible cases; -kalpana, n.,â, f. allowing an option; distinction; false notion or assumption; -kalpanîya, fp. to be ascer tained; -kalpayitavya, fp. to be put as an alternative; -kalpa-vat, a. undecided, doubt ful; -kalpa½an-upapatti, f. untenableness owing to a dilemma; -kalpa½asaha, a. not standing the test of a dilemma: -tva, n. un tenableness owing to a dilemma; -kalpita tva, n. optionalness; -kalpin, a (hair) liable to be mistaken for (black Asoka flowers, --°ree;); -kalpya, fp. to be distributed; -calculated; -chosen according to circumstances.
vijara a. not growing old; -gala, a. waterless: lc. in case of drought; -galpa, m. unjust reproach; -gâta, a. belonging to another class, heterogeneous; -gâtîya, a. id.; -g&asharp;-man, a. [√ gan] related, corresponding (V.); -g&asharp;mi, a. consanguineous, related (RV.1); -gâ-van, a. bodily, own (V.).
vīṇā f. Indian lute: -karna, m. Lute ear, N.; (v&isharp;nâ)-ganagin, m. leader of a musi cal band; -gâthín, m. lute-player; -datta, m. N. of a Gandharva; -rava, m. sound of the lute; a. humming like a lute: â, f. N. of a fly; -vatsa-râga, m. N. of a king; -vâdá, m. lute-player; playing on the lute; -vâdya, n. playing on the lute; -vinoda, m. N. of a fairy; -silpa, n. art of playing the lute; -hasta, a. holding a lute in hishand (Siva).
vedāṅga n. member of the Veda, subsidiary Vedic treatise (six are enumer ated: Sikshâ, Kalpa, Vyâkarana, Nirukta, Khandas, Gyotisha); -½âdi, m. beginning of the Veda; m. n. sacred syllable om; -½adhi gama, m. Vedic study; -½adhyayana, n. id.; -½adhyâya, a. studying or having studied the Veda; -½adhyâyin, a. id.; -½anadhyay ana, n. neglect of Vedic study; -½anuvak aná, n. repetition orrecitation of the Veda; Vedic doctrine.
vaikalpika a. (î) optional (fr. vikalpa): -tâ, f., -tva, n. optionality.
śabdakarmaka a. having the meaning of sound; -kalpa-druma, m. T. of an encyclopaedic dictionary dating from the present century; -kâra, a. uttering sounds; -kosa, m. treasury of words, dictionary; -tva, n. nature of sound; -pati, m. ruler in name only, nominal lord; -pâtin, a. hitting (an unseen object) by its sound (arrow); -brah man, n. Brahman in words, sacred scrip tures; -bhâg, a. bearing the title of (--°ree;); -maya, a. (î) consisting of sound; consisting of the word (--°ree;); -mâtra, n. mere sound.
śāmbara a. (î) belonging or pecu liar to Sambara; n. fight with Sambara (RV.1): î, f. magic: -silpa, n. magical art.
śivatāti a. conducive to happi ness or welfare; f. prosperity; -datta, m. N.; -dâyin, a. conferring prosperity; -dâsa, m. N.; -dis, f. north-east; -pura, n., î, f. N. of various towns and villages; -bhakti,f. wor ship of Siva; -bhûti: -ka, m. N. of a minis ter; -mantra, m. Siva's verse; -maya, a. full of prosperity; entirely devoted to Siva; -yogin, m. Saiva monk; N.; -ratha, m. N.; -râtri, f. fourteenth (night=) day of the dark half of Phâlguna sacred to Siva; -râma, m. N.; -li&ndot;ga, n. phallus of Siva; -loka, m. Siva's world (on Kailâsa); -varman, m. N. of a minister; -sakti, m. N.; (á)-samkalpa, a. kindly disposed (V.); m. N. of the verses VS. 34, 1 sqq.; -sûtra, n. pl. the fourteen in troductory Sûtras of Pânini's grammar con taining the alphabet and ascribed to Siva; -svâmin, m. N.
śuddhi f. purification, from (--°ree;), purity (also fig.); clearing of what is dan gerous, rendering secure (rare); exculpation, acquittal, by (--°ree;; rare); (proof of) genuine ness, correctness (rare); settlement, payment (of a debt etc.); clearness, accurate knowledge regarding (g., --°ree;): -m kri, procure accurate information; -m labh, receive certain news.
śrāddha a. [sraddhâ] faithful, believ- ing (rare); n. oblation to the Manes, funeral rite and feast (at which gifts and food are presented to Brâhmans): -karman, n. per formance of the funeral rite, funeral feast; -kalpa, m. id.; -deva, m. deity of the funeral rite (a term applied to Manu Vaivasvata, Yama Vaivasvata, Vivasvat, and pious Brâh mans); -bhug, m. partaker of a funeral feast; -bhogana, n. participation in a funeral feast; -mitra, a. making friends through a funeral feast.
sakala a. consisting of parts (kalâ), divisible, material (rare); having all its parts, entire, complete, whole, all (ord. mg.); whole, sound (opp. vi-kala; rare); paying interest (rare); m. every one; n.everything: -kâma-dugha, a. fulfilling all wishes; -gana, m. everybody; -rûpaka, n. complete meta phor; -loka, m. every one; -vidyâ-maya, a. containing all knowledge; -½arthi-sârtha kalpa-druma, m. wishing-tree for the mul titude of all supplicants.
sakalika a. provided with buds; -kala½indu, m. full moon; -kalpa, a. includ ing the Kalpas (sacrificial Sûtras); -kasmîra, a. together with Cashmere; -kashâya, a. dominated by passion; -kâkola,a. together with the hell Kâkola; -kâtara, a. cowardly, dastardly; (sá)-kâma, a. satisfying desires (rare); having one's wish fulfilled, satisfied; consenting, willing (girl); desiring (--°ree;); full of love, enamoured; amorous (speech); -kâra, 1. m. letter s; a. incorr. for sâkâra; 2. a. ac tive, courageous; -kârana-ka, a. (ikâ) due to a specific cause; -kâsa, m. (visibleness), pre sence, vicinity: ac. -m, to (gnly. a prs.; w. vbs. of coming, going, taking, or sending); lc. in the presence of, before, near; ab. or -tas, from (come, go, be produced, deprive of, be freed from, hear, ask, buy; w. g. or --°ree;); -kâ shâya, a. wearing a brownish-red garment; -kutumba, a.together with his family; -kutûhala, a. impelled by curiosity: -m, ad. with curiosity; -kula, a. along with his family; m.=nakula, ichneumon (as a pun): -ga, a. belonging to the same family as (g.); -kulya, a. id.; m.relation; -kusa, a. hold ing Kusa grass in one's hand; -kusu ma½âstarana, a. strewn with flowers.
saṃketa m. [joint purpose: √ kit] appointment, assignation, with (g.); precon certed sign, signal; agreement; consent: °ree;--, according to agreement: -m kri, kalpa ya or dâ, make an agreementor appoint ment, with (samam, saha, mithas), make an assignation with (in. + saha, g.), assign as a place of meeting; -m kri, give a sig nal; -keta-ka, m. assignation; -ketana, n. place of assignation (of lovers); -keta-niketa, m.: -na, n. id.; -keta-bhûmi, f. id.
saṃjaya a. victorious (V.); m. vic tory (Br.); kind of military array (C.); N., esp. of Dhritarâshtra's charioteer; -galpa, m. conversation, talk; -gavana, n.(?) quadrangle.
satyaka m. N.; -karman, n. vera city; a. whose actions are true (RV.1); (á) kâma, a. truth-loving (V.); m. N. (V.); -gir, a. true to his word; -m-kâra, m. promise: -krita, pp. delivered as earnest-money;-gâ, a. born of truth (Br.); -gít, a. truly vic torious, conquering by truth (V.); m. N.; -tas, ad. in truth, truly, really; -t&asharp;, f. reality, truth (Br., C.); love of truth, veracity (C.): agrya-satyatâm gam, be recognised inone's true character; (á)-tâti, f. reality: lc. â, in reality (RV.1); a. making true (RV.1); -ti tikshâ-vat, a. truthful and patient; -tva, n. reality; -darsin, a. seeing or discerning the truth; -dris, a. id.; -dhana, a. rich in truth, exceedingly truthful; -dhara, m. N.; -dhar ma, m. law of truth: -patha, m. path of eter nal truth, -parâyana, a. devoted to truth and virtue; (á)-dharman, a. whose ordinances are true (V.); adhering to or speaking the truth (S.); (á)-dhriti, a. sincere in purpose; strictly truthful; m. N.; -nâma-tâ, f. cor rectness of name; -nâman, a. having a correct name, entitled to one's name; -parâkrama, a. truly valiant, heroic or mighty (person); -bhâmâ, f. N. of a daughter of Satrâgit and one of the wives of Krishna; -bhâshana, n. speaking of truth; (á)-mantra, a. whose words are true (RV.); (á)-manman, a. whose thoughts are true (V.); -maya, a. (î) consisting of truth, truthful; -mrishâ-viveka, m. discrimination of truth and falsehood; -yuga, n. first or Krita age; (á)-yoni, a. hav ing a permanent abode (RV.1); (á)-râdhas, a. bestowing real blessings, truly beneficent (RV.); -rûpa, a. whose appearance is true; credible, probable; -loka, m. world of truth (highest of the seven worlds); -vakana, n. speaking of truth; giving of a promise, solemn assurance; a. speaking the truth; -vat, a. true, truthful; containing the word satya (Br.): m. N.: -î, f. N. of the wife of Parâsara (Samtanu) and mother of Vyâsa; -vadana, n. speaking of truth: -sîla, a. habi tually truthful; -vara, incorr. for sattva vara; -varman, m. N.;-vâkya, n. true speech; a. true of speech; -v&asharp;k, f. true speech (C.); assurance (RV.); a. truthful; -vâkaka, a. speaking the truth, truthful; -vâd-ín, a. id.: (-i)-tâ, f., (-i)-tva, n. truth fulness; -vâhana, a. conveying the truth (dream); -vikrama, a. truly valiant; -vya vasthâ, f. ascertainment of the truth; -vra ta, n. vow of truthfulness; a. strictly truthful; m. N.; -sîla, a. addicted to truth; (á)-sush ma, a. truly valiant (V.); (á)-sravas, n. true renown (V.); m. N.; -srâvana, n. tak ing a solemn oath; -srut, a. listening to the truth (RV.); -samrakshana, n. keeping one's word; -samhita, a. true to one's agreement or promise (Br.); (á)-samkalpa, a. whose purpose is true (=realised); -samgara, a. keeping one's promise; -sad, a.=rita-sad; (á)-samdha, a. true to engagements, keeping one's agreement or promise; m. N.: -tâ, f. fidelity to one's promise, trustworthiness; -sâkshin, m.veracious witness; -stha, a. holding fast to the truth, keeping one's word; -½ânanda, m. true bliss: -kid-âtman, m. true bliss and pure intellect; -½anritá, n. du. truth and falsehood (V.); sg. du. practice of truth and falsehood, trade, commerce (C.).
satya a. actual, real, genuine, true; successful, effectual (invocation), realised (wish); trustworthy, faithful, sincere; valid (agreement): -m kri, make true, fulfil; (á)-m, ad. truly, really, actually, indeed, certainly, rightly; very well (in answers); it is true (also w. tu, kim tu, tathâ½api, but, yet); yat satyam, indeed, certainly; m. ninth Kalpa or cosmic period; ep. of Krishna; N. of a certain genius; N.; n. reality, truth; truth fulness, veracity; promise, oath, word; first age (=krita); N. of the highest of the seven worlds: -m ka te gñâtvâ, having ascer tained the truth about you (i. e. that you are actually so); -m kikîrshamâna, wishing to keepone's word; tena satyena, on the strength of that truth, so truly; yathâ -tena or evam satyena, as certainly -so truly; â, f. ep. of Durgâ; abbreviated for Satyabhâmâ.
samuccaya m. (heaping up to gether), mass, multitude; totality, aggregate; conjunctive sense (of ka; opp. vikalpa, dis junctive sense of vâ): -½upamâ, f. simile with a &open;not only, but also&close;; -kârana, n. simul taneous utterance; -kikîshâ, f. [√ ki] desire to collect or summarise; -kitî-kri, unite; -ketavya, fp. to be taken together (the one as well as the other); -keya, fp. id.; -kheda, m.: -na, n.destruction, extermination; -khra ya, a. growing up (living beings); m. erec tion, elevation (rare); height, length; emi nence, mountain (rare); rise, exaltation, high position; augmentation, stimulation; -khvas ita, pp. √ svas; n. taking breath; (-ug)- gvala, a. shining, radiant, splendid (on, in, with, --°ree;).
samyak ad. (n. of samyañk), RV., E.: in one direction, together; C.: rightly, correctly, truly, duly, properly (sts. pred. in stead of a.); entirely, completely (rare; with na, not at all): -kri, make true (a promise); -sthâ, associate with (lc.): -tâ, f. rightness, correct manner; -tva, n. id.; perfection; -pâlana, n. due protection; -prayoga, m. correct employment: in., ab. by the employ ment of proper means; -samkalpa, m.correct will; -sambodha, m. complete enlighten ment (of Buddha).
savāsas a. clothed, with one's clothes; -vikalpa, a. possessing or admitting of variety or distinctions, differentiated: -ka, a. id.; -vikâra, a. together with its develop ments or derivatives; together with its pro ducts (milk); enamoured; subject to modi fication or decomposition (food); -vikâsa, a. shining; -vikrama, a. vigorous, energetic; -viklavam, ad. dejectedly; -vigraha, a. embodied; -vikikitsitam, ad.doubtfully; -vitarkam, ad. thoughtfully; -vitâna, a. having a canopy.
sāṃkarya n. [samkara] mixture; confusion; -kalp-ika, a. (î) based on or pro duced by will or imagination (samkalpa); -kritya, m. pat. from Samkriti: -½âyana, m. pat. from Sâmkritya: î, f. N. of a mendi cant nun; -krandan-i, m. son of Indra (sam krandana), pat. of the monkey Vâlin; -krâm ika, a. [samkrama] passing over to others (qualities); -kshep-ika, a. [samkshepa] briefly expressed, concise.
sūcī f. needle: -bhedya, fp. to be pierced with a needle, dense, palpable (darkness); -mukha, n. point of a needle: -½agra sambhedya, fp. so dense as to be capable of being pierced by a needle (darkness); &isharp;-mu kha, a. (î) having a beak (etc.) as sharp as a needle; sharp as or pointed like a needle (C.); m. (C.) bird, kind of bird, or N. of a bird.
hastaka m. hand; supporting hand; handful of (--°ree;); spit (v. r. ika); -ga, a. (fallen into=) being in the hand, of (--°ree;); fig.=one's own, secured to one; -gata, pp. id.; -gâmin, a. id.; -grihîta, pp.tied by the hands; -grihya, gd. taking by the hand (V.); -gra ha, m. taking the hand; marriage; taking anything in hand; -grâbhá, a. grasping the hand of a girl, wedded (RV.1); -grâha, a. id.; m. husband: -ka, a. graspingone by the hand = obtrusive; -ghná, m. hand-guard (against the bowstring; RV.1); (hásta)- kyuti, f. swift movement of the hands (RV.1); -tala-gata, pp. lying in the palm of one's hand=being in one's power; -tulâ, f.hand as a balance: in. by using the hands instead of scales; -dîpa, m. hand-lantern; -dhâranâ, f. supporting with the hand; taking by the hand=marrying (a girl); -pâda, n. sg. hands and feet; -prada, a. giving a hand, support ing, helping; -prâpta, pp. fallen into=being in one's hand (=-ga); -prâpya, fp. to be reached with the hand (cluster); -bhrashta, pp. escaped from one's hand, run away; -le kha, m. hand-drawing; -lekhî-kri, draw, sketch; (hásta)-vat, a. having hands (V., C.); dexterous (C.); -vartin, m. N. of a prince; -samgñâ, f. sign with the hand; -sûtra, n. cord put on the wrist of a girl before her wedding; -stha, a. being in one's hand; -svastika,m. crossing of the hands; -hârya, fp. to be grasped with the hands, palpable, manifest.
Bloomfield Vedic
61 results0 results199 results
agnir vidvān yajñaṃ naḥ kalpayāti # RV.10.52.4c. Cf. agnir yajñaṃ.
agne tad asya kalpaya # TB. (bis); ṣB.1.6.19c; Apś.3.12.1c (bis). See agne tvaṃ nas tasmāt.
agne pathaḥ kalpaya devayānān # AVś.11.1.36b. See next, and āviṣ patho.
agnau lājān āvapantī # SMB.1.2.2b; MG.1.11.12b; HG.1.20.4b; JG.1.21b. See lājān āvapantikā, pūlyāny ā-, and kulpāny ā-.
aṅgabhedo visalyakaḥ (AVP. visalpakaḥ) # AVś.19.44.2b; AVP.15.3.2b.
aṅgāni te kalpantām # KS.40.6.
aṅgulayaḥ śakvarayo diśaś ca me yajñena kalpantām # VS.18.22. See śakvarīr aṅgulayo.
ajayo lokān pradiśaś catasraḥ # KS.7.12e; Apś.5.9.11d; Mś. See akalpayathāḥ.
athaite dhiṣṇyāso agnayo yathāsthānaṃ kalpantām ihaiva svāhā # HG.1.17.4. See atho yatheme, ime ye dhiṣṇyāso, and punar agnayo dhiṣṇyā.
atho yatheme dhiṣṇyāso agnayo yathāsthānaṃ kalpayantām ihaiva # MG.1.3.1. See under athaite dhiṣṇyāso.
anaḍvāṃś (TS. anaḍvāñ) ca me dhenuś ca me (VS. me yajñena kalpantām) # VS.18.27; TS.; KS.18.12. See dhenuś cā-.
anaḍvāṃs tapyate vahan (Mś. mss. talpate vahān) # Apś.21.20.3d; Mś.
anapatyam alpapaśum # AVś.12.4.25a.
anāgamiṣyato varān avitteḥ saṃkalpān amucyā druhaḥ pāśān # AVś.16.6.10.
anāturān sumanasas talpa bibhrat # AVś.12.2.49c.
anupūrvaṃ kalpayatām ihaiva # Kauś.124.2d,3d.
antarhitā devatalpāḥ puro me # AVP.13.2.1a.
annaṃ ca me 'kṣuc ca me (VS. me yajñena kalpantām) # VS.18.10; TS.;; KS.18.9. See akṣuc ca me.
anyena mat pramudaḥ kalpayasva # RV.10.10.12c; AVś.18.1.13c.
apāno yajñena kalpatām (VS. -tāṃ svāhā) # VS.22.33; TS.;
amuṣmai kalpayāmy amuṣmai kalpayāmi # HG.2.20.3.
ayaṃ talpaḥ prataraṇo vasūnām # MG.2.7.8a. Cf. vasor dhārāṃ, and madhor dhārāṃ.
ardhamāsās te (TB.Apś. ardhamāsā me) kalpantām # VS.27.45; KS.40.6; śB.; TB.; Apś.4.10.9.
avabhṛthaś ca me svagākāraś ca me (VS. me yajñena kalpantām) # VS.18.21; TS.;; MS.2.11.5: 143.9; KS.18.11.
aśvinā phālaṃ kalpayatām # AVP.8.18.6a; Kauś.20.5a.
asmai jyaiṣṭhyāya kalpadhvam (śś. tiṣṭhadhvam) # AB.7.17.7d; śś.15.26d.
ahaṃ mitrasya kalpan # AVP.1.60.3c.
ahorātrābhyāṃ mahiṣaḥ kalpamānaḥ # AVś.13.2.43b.
ahorātrās (KSṭA. ahorātrāṇi) te kalpantām # VS.27.45; KS.40.6; śB.; TA.4.19.1. See ahorātre te.
ahorātre ūrvaṣṭīve (VS. -ṣṭhīve) bṛhadrathaṃtare ca me yajñena kalpetām (VS. kalpantām) # VS.18.23; MS.2.11.6: 143.13. See ahorātrayor vṛṣṭyā.
ātmā yajñena kalpatām # VS.18.29; 22.33 (with svāhā); TS.;; KS.14.1; 18.12.
ādityair indraḥ saha cīkḷpāti (SV.JBṭA.Apśṃś. sīṣadhātu; VS. sīṣadhāti) # RV.10.157.2b; AVś.20.63.1d; 124.4d; SV.2.461b; VS.25.46b; JB.3.171; TA.1.27.1b; Mś.; Apś.21.22.1d.
ā yātu mitra ṛtubhiḥ kalpamānaḥ # AVś.3.8.1a; AVP.1.18.1a. P: ā yātu mitraḥ Kauś.55.17,18.
āyur yajñena kalpatām (MSṃś. kalpate; VS.22.33 adds svāhā) # VS.9.21; 18.29; 22.33; TS.;; MS.1.11.3: 163.13; 1.11.8: 169.16; 3.4.2: 46.17; KS.14.1,8; 18.12; 21.11; śB.; (Kś.14.5.2); Apś.18.5.13; Mś.;
āyuś ca me jarā ca me (VS. me yajñena kalpantām) # VS.18.3; TS.; MS.2.11.2: 140.14; KS.18.7.
ā roha talpaṃ sumanasyamānā # AVś.14.2.31a. P: ā roha talpam Kauś.76.25; 79.4.
ityā ca me gatiś ca me (VS. me yajñena kalpantām) # VS.18.15; MS.2.11.5: 142.10; KS.18.10. See itiś.
indrāgnī kalpanā yuvam # KS.35.5b. See indrāgnī cetanasya.
indrāgnī cetanasya ca # TB.; Apś.14.30.2b. See indrāgnī kalpanā.
ime ye dhiṣṇyāso agnayo yathāsthānam iha kalpatām (read kalpantām) # AG.3.6.8. See under athaite.
ime vāsantikā ṛtū abhikalpamānāḥ # KS.17.10c. See vāsantikāv.
ime śaiśirā ṛtū abhikalpamānāḥ # KS.17.10c. See śaiśirāv.
iṣuṃ saṃkalpakulmalām # AVś.3.25.2b.
utāsminn alpa udake nilīnaḥ (AVP. namuktaḥ ?) # AVś.4.16.3d; AVP.5.32.3d.
udāno yajñena kalpatāṃ svāhā # VS.22.33. See apāno etc.
ud etu śrīr uṣasaḥ kalpayantī # Kauś.101.2a.
uṣasas te kalpantām # VS.27.45; śB.
ṛcaḥ padaṃ mātrayā kalpayantaḥ # AVś.9.10.19a.
ṛtavaś ca me kalpantām # TA.3.7.3. Cf. ṛtavas te ka-, and ṛtavo me ka-.
ṛtavas te kalpantām # VS.27.45; KS.40.6; śB.; TA.4.19.1. See ṛtavo me kalpantām, and cf. ṛtavaś ca.
ṛtavo me kalpantām # TB.; Apś.4.10.9. See under ṛtavas te kalpantām.
ṛṣabhaṃ yad akalpayan # AVś.9.4.14d. Cf. next but one.
ṛṣabhaṃ vy akalpayan # AVś.9.4.15d. Cf. prec. but one.
ekaṃ santaṃ bahudhā kalpayanti # RV.10.114.5b.
ekatriṃśac ca me trayastriṃśac ca me (VS. me yajñena kalpantām) # VS.18.24; TS.
etasya tvaṃ pratiṣṭhāṃ kalpaya # AB.6.29.5; GB.2.6.8.
etasya tvaṃ prāṇān kalpaya # AB.6.27.14; GB.2.6.8.
etās te pañca diśaḥ kalpantām # VS.10.28; śB.
evā dhātar āyūṃṣi kalpayaiṣām # RV.10.18.5d; AVś.12.2.25d; TA.6.10.1d.
oṃ kalpayata # ApMB.2.10.18; ApG.5.13.8.
oṣadhayo vanaspatayo diśaś ca me yajñena kalpantām # MS.2.11.6: 144.1.
ka ṛtūn ka u kalpam asyāḥ # AVś.8.9.10b. See ṛtūn ko.
katidhā vy akalpayan # RV.10.90.11b; AVś.19.6.5b; AVP.9.5.5b; VS.31.10b; TA.3.12.5b.
kathaṃ triṣṭup pañcadaśena kalpate # AVś.8.9.20b.
karambheṇa vi kalpati (AVP. -te) # AVś.4.7.2d; AVP.2.1.1d.
kalpantāṃ te diśaḥ sarvāḥ # VS.35.9d; śB.; TA.6.9.2c. Cf. kalpantāṃ me diśaḥ śagmāḥ.
kalpantāṃ diśo yajamānasyāyuṣe # KS.5.2. P: kalpantāṃ diśaḥ KS.32.12.
kalpantāṃ me diśaḥ # TB.; śś.4.9.2; Apś.4.10.9. Cf. next, and diśo me kalpantām.
kalpantāṃ me diśaḥ śagmāḥ # TA.6.7.3c. Cf. prec., and kalpantāṃ te diśaḥ sarvāḥ.
kalyāṇī talpam ā śaye # AVś.5.17.12b.
kāmapreṇa sa kalpate # AVś.10.9.4b.
kṛṣir vṛṣṭir yajamānāya kalpatām # TB.
kṛṣṇāñjir alpāñjir mahāñjis ta uṣasyāḥ # VS.24.4; MS.3.13.5: 169.10.
kḷptir asi kalpatāṃ me # TB.; Apś.4.10.9.
ko asyākalpayaj javam # AVś.10.2.15d.
ko asyāyur akalpayat # AVś.10.2.15b.
gātrāṇi te brahmaṇā kalpayāmi # AVś.18.4.52d.
gātrāṇy asya kalpaya # AVP.12.19.6c.
gīrbhir ūrdhvāṃ akalpayat # AVś.13.1.53d.
gīrbhir ūrdhvān kalpayitvā # AVś.13.1.54a.
guros talpam āvasan brahmahā ca # ChU.5.10.9b. Cf. brahmahā.
godhūmāś ca me masūrāś (TS. masurāś) ca me (VS. adds yajñena kalpantām) # VS.18.12; TS.; MS.2.11.4: 142.4; KS.18.9.
goptṝn kalpayāmi te # AVś.19.27.4d; AVP.10.7.4d.
grāmyāś ca me paśava āraṇyāś ca yajñena kalpantām (VS.KS. āraṇyāś ca me) # VS.18.14; TS.; MS.2.11.5: 142.8; KS.18.10.
graiṣmāv ṛtū abhikalpamānāḥ # VS.14.6c.
ghṛtasya dhārayā suśevaṃ kalpayāmi (Apś. -mi te) # TB.; Apś.2.10.6b; Mś.
cakṣur yajñena kalpatām (MS. kalpate) # VS.9.21; 18.29; 22.33; TS.;; MS.1.11.3: 163.14; KS.14.1; 18.12; śB.
catuścatvāriṃśac ca me 'ṣṭācatvāriṃśac ca me (VS. me yajñena kalpantām) # VS.18.25; TS.
candramāḥ ṣaḍḍhotā sa ṛtūn kalpayāti sa me dadātu prajāṃ paśūn puṣṭiṃ yaśa ṛtavaś ca me kalpantām # TA.3.7.3.
cittāni sarve saṃkalpāḥ # AVś.11.8.27c.
citrāṇi sākaṃ divi rocanāni # AVś.19.7.1a. The hymn occurs also as chapter 10 of the Nakṣatrakalpa; cf. Ind. Stud. iv. 433, note 2.
jane alpaśayūn iva # AVś.4.36.9d.
jāgratsvapnaḥ saṃkalpaḥ pāpaḥ # RV.10.164.5c.
jaitraṃ ca ma audbhidyaṃ (MS. mā audbhetraṃ) ca me (VS. me yajñena kalpantām) # VS.18.19; TS.; MS.2.11.4: 141.18; KS.18.9.
jyotir yajñena kalpatāṃ svāhā # VS.18.29; 22.33.
jyotiś ca me svaś (TS. suvaś) ca me (VS. me yajñena kalpantām) # VS.18.1; TS.; MS.2.11.2: 140.11; KS.18.7.
taṃ ṣaḍḍhotāram ṛtubhiḥ kalpamānam # TA.3.11.5c.
tathā lokāṃ akalpayan # RV.10.90.14d; AVś.19.6.8d; AVP.9.5.16d; VS.31.13d; TA.3.12.6d.
tad u te kalpayāmasi # AVP.11.2.7d.
tad devā ṛtuśaḥ kalpayantu # AVś.9.5.13d.
tad devāḥ prāg akalpayan # AVś.20.128.1d; śś.
taṃ tvaṃ viśvebhyo devebhyaḥ kratūn (KS. devebhya ṛtūn) kalpaya # KS.2.6; Apś.10.25.1.
taṃ devās sam acīkḷpan # KS.13.9d,10. See tāṃ devaiḥ.
tan me manaḥ śivasaṃkalpam astu # VS.34.1d--5d,6e.
talpeje talpa uttuda # TA.4.39.1b.
tasya te māsāś cārdhamāsāś ca kalpantām # TA.4.19.1. See prec.
tāni kalpad brahmacārī salilasya pṛṣṭhe # AVś.11.5.26a.
tāṃ tvā saṃkalpayāmasi # Kauś.102.2c,2d.
tāṃ devāḥ samakalpayan # AVś.6.109.1c.
tisraḥ śilpā vaśā vaiśvadevyaḥ # TS.; KSA.9.3.
turyavāṭ ca me turyauhī ca me (VS. me yajñena kalpantām) # VS.18.26; TS.; KS.18.12. See prec.
te te dehaṃ kalpayantu # TA.1.27.2c.
tebhiḥ kalpasva sādhuyā # RV.1.170.2c.
teṣāṃ śrīr mayi kalpatām # VS.19.46c; MS.3.11.10c: 156.14; KS.38.2c; śB.; TB.; Apś.1.10.12c; śG.5.9.4c; Kauś.89.1c; JG.2.2c.
tau brahmaṇā vy ahaṃ kalpayāmi # AVś.12.2.32b.
tvacā saṃ kalpayā tvacam # AVś.4.12.5b; AVP.4.15.3b.
tvaṣṭā nābhim akalpayat # AVP.9.11.1d.
dakṣaś ca me balaṃ ca me (VS. me yajñena kalpantām) # VS.18.2; TS.; MS.2.11.2: 140.13; KS.18.7.
dakṣiṇāḥ kalpaya yatharṣi (Apś. yathartu) yathādevatam # KS.2.6; Apś.10.25.1.
divaḥ (Mś. divi) śilpam avatatam # TB.; Apś.2.5.1a; Mś.;
divā naktaṃ ca kalpatām # AVś.5.7.3b. Cf. divā naktaṃ ca sidhyatu.
divā naktaṃ ca sidhyatu # AVP.7.9.4b. Cf. divā naktaṃ ca kalpatām.
divi śilpam etc. # see divaḥ etc.
divyaṃ citram ṛtuyā kalpayantam # Kauś.99.2a.
diśaś ca ma (MS. mā) indraś ca me (VS. me yajñena kalpantām) # VS.18.18; TS.; MS.2.11.5: 143.1; KS.18.10.
diśo bhūtāni yad akalpayanta # AVś.18.4.7d.
diśo me kalpantām # TB.; śś.4.9.2; Apś.4.10.9. See under kalpantāṃ me diśaḥ.
dṛṃhantāṃ daivīr viśaḥ kalpantāṃ manuṣyāḥ # KS.28.1. Cf. kalpayataṃ daivīr.
devakṛtaṃ brāhmaṇaṃ kalpamānam # HG.1.19.7a.
devā yajñam ṛtavaḥ kalpayanti # AVś.18.4.2a. P: devā yajñam Kauś.81.10.
devebhyaḥ kalpasva # VS.5.10; KS.2.9; 25.6; śB.; Apś.7.4.5; 19.2.
dvādaśāhena kalpate # AVP.8.19.8b.
dhātā cakalpa tam ihā vahāsi # AVP.2.66.4b.
dhātā tat sarvaṃ kalpayāt # AVP.4.15.5c.
dhenābhiḥ kalpamānaḥ # MS.4.13.4: 203.6; KS.16.21; TB.
dhruvāya te samitiḥ kalpatām iha # AVś.6.88.3d.
nārīr yās talpaśīvarīḥ # RV.7.55.8b; AVP.4.6.3b. See prec.
nāsmai samitiḥ kalpate # AVś.5.19.15c; AVP.9.16.2c.
pade-pade kalpayantaḥ # AVP.12.11.1a.
parūṃṣi te kalpantām # KS.40.6.
paver nu śakveva hanūni kalpayan # śB.
pātnīvataś ca me hāriyojanaś ca me (VS. me yajñena kalpantām) # VS.18.20; TS.; MS.2.11.5: 143.7; KS.18.11.
punar dohāya kalpatām # TB.; Apś.1.13.10d.
punā rūpāṇi kalpaya # AVś.1.24.4d; AVP.1.26.5d.
pṛthivyāṃ kalpasva # KS.39.1.
pṛṣṭhaṃ yajñena kalpatām (MS. kalpate; VS.22.33, kalpatāṃ svāhā) # VS.9.21; 18.29; 22.33; MS.1.11.3: 163.16; KS.14.1; 18.12; śB.
pratiprasthātaḥ paśum upakalpayasva # Mś. See prec.
pratiprasthātar dadhigharmeṇānūdehi (Mś. dadhigharmāya dadhy upakalpayasva) # Apś.13.3.1; Mś.
pra me patiyānaḥ panthāḥ kalpatām # SMB.1.1.8; GG.2.1.20; JG.1.20.
prācī pretam adhvaraṃ kalpayantī # VS.5.17; TS.;; śB. Ps: prācī pretam adhvaram Apś.11.6.11; prācī pretam Kś.8.4.3. Metrical.
prāṇo yajñena kalpatām (MSṃś. kalpate) # VS.9.21; 18.29; 22.33; TS.;; MS.1.11.3: 163.14; 1.11.8: 169.16; 3.4.2: 46.17; KS.14.1; 18.12; śB.;; Mś.;
prāsyāḥ patiyānaḥ panthāḥ kalpatām # SMB.1.1.9. P: prāsyāḥ GG.2.1.21; JG.1.20.
bṛhaspatiś ca ma (MS. mā) indraś ca me (VS. me yajñena kalpantām) # VS.18.16; TS.; MS.2.11.5: 142.15; KS.18.10.
brahmahā gurutalpagaḥ # Tā.10.64b; MahānU.19.1b. Cf. guros, and bhrūṇahā.
brahmā yajñena kalpatām (MS. -te) # VS.18.29; 22.33; MS.1.11.3: 163.15; KS.14.1; 18.12.
bhūtaṃ ca me bhūtiś ca me (VS. me yajñena kalpantām) # VS.18.14; TS.; MS.2.11.5: 142.9; KS.18.10.
bhūyo dattvā svayam alpaṃ ca bhuktvā # Kauś.73.9c.
bhrūṇahā gurutalpagaḥ # TA.10.1.15b; MahānU.5.11b. Cf. brahmahā.
matiś ca me sumatiś ca me (VS. me yajñena kalpantām) # VS.18.11; TS.; MS.2.11.3: 141.8; KS.18.8.
madhor dhārāṃ prataraṇīṃ vasūnām # śG.3.2.5b,6b. See vasor etc., and cf. ayaṃ talpaḥ.
manave talpam # TB.; TA.3.10.3.
manasā saṃ kalpayati # AVś.12.4.31a; śB.
mano yajñena kalpatām (MS. kalpate) # VS.18.29; 22.33; TS.;; MS.1.11.3: 163.15; KS.14.1; 18.12.
mayi devebhyaḥ kalpata # AB.8.9.12.
mayi dohaḥ padyāyai virājaḥ (MG. virājaḥ kalpatām) # AG.1.24.22; HG.1.13.1; MG.1.9.7; VārG.11.5. See under mama padyāya.
mahyaṃ bhavyaṃ viduṣī kalpayāti # Kauś.101.2d.
mābhi druhaḥ paruśaḥ kalpayainam # AVś.9.5.4c.
māsā me kalpantām # TB.; Apś.4.10.9. Cf. māsās te.
māsās te kalpantām # VS.27.45; śB.; KS.40.6. Cf. māsā me.
mitro janān kalpayati prajānan # TB.; Apś.9.2.6a. See next.
yaṃ vāṃ devā akalpayan # TB.; śś.4.10.1a; Apś.2.20.6a.
yaj jāgrato dūram udaiti daivam # VS.34.1a. Designated as śivasaṃkalpa MDh.11.251; VAtDh.2.5.
yajña eti vitataḥ kalpamānaḥ # AVś.18.4.13a.
yajñaḥ parvāṇi pratirann eti kalpayan # TB. (bis); Apś.2.21.1d; 3.11.2d.
yajñasya pakṣāv ṛṣayaḥ kalpayantaḥ # AVś.8.9.14b. See next.
yajñasya mātrām abhikalpamānā # AVP.12.10.7d.
yajño deveṣu kalpatām # VS.19.45d; MS.3.11.10d: 156.12; KS.38.2d; śB.; TB.; Apś.1.9.12d; śG.5.9.4d.
yajño yajñena kalpatām (MS. kalpate; VS.22.33, kalpatāṃ svāhā) # VS.9.21; 18.29; 22.33; TS.;; MS.1.11.3: 163.16; KS.14.1; 18.12; śB.
yatidhā so akalpayat # AVP.12.9.10d.
yat te krūrataraṃ yad āsthitaṃ tat ta etena kalpatām # KS.3.6. See prec. two.
yat te candraṃ kaśyapa rocanāvat # AVś.13.3.10a; AVP.4.3.1a. See yat te śilpaṃ.
yat te śilpaṃ kaśyapa rocanāvat # KS.37.9a; TB.; TA.1.7.1a. See yat te candraṃ.
yathādhuraṃ (KS. -dhūran, corrupt) dhuro (KS. dhūro, corrupt) dhūrbhiḥ kalpantām # KS.3.9; 28.1; Mś. See yathāyathaṃ dhuro.
yathāpūrvam akalpayat # RV.10.190.3b; TA.10.1.14b; MahānU.5.7b.
yathā yajñaṃ kalpayasi prajānan # AVś.4.23.2b; AVP.4.33.3b.
yathāyathaṃ dhuro dhurbhiḥ kalpantām # Apś.12.6.3. See yathādhuraṃ.
yathāvaśaṃ tanvaṃ (AVś. -vaḥ) kalpayasva (AVś.VS. kalpayāti) # RV.10.15.14d; AVś.7.104.1d; 18.3.59d; VS.19.60d.
yathāsthānaṃ kalpantām (Apś. kalpayadhvam) # śB.; BṛhU.6.4.5d; Apś.6.20.2. See next two.
yathāsthāma kalpayantām ihaiva # AVś.7.67.1d; AVP.3.13.6d. See prec. two.
yad vā talpam upadhānena naḥ saha # AVP.5.28.8b.
yam ṛtvijo bahudhā kalpayantaḥ # RV.8.58 (Vāl.10).1a; AG.1.23.6.
yaśasyāṅgāni kalpayan # JB.3.239d.
yasya devā akalpanta # AVś.11.3.21a.
yāṃ kalpayanti no 'rayaḥ (some kind of khila) # BṛhD.8.45; yāṃ kalpayanti naḥ: see preface to Rvidh., pp. xxīi and xxv. See Macdonell, Bṛhaddevatā, vol. ī, p. 305.
yāṃ kalpayanti vahatau vadhūm iva # AVś.10.1.1a. P: yāṃ kalpayanti Kauś.39.7; Rvidh.4.6.3. Designated as kṛtyāsūkta Rvidh.4.8.4.
yāni nakṣatrāṇi divy antarikṣe # AVś.19.8.1a. The hymn occurs also as chapter 26 of the Nakṣatrakalpa; see Ind. Stud. iv. 433, note 2.
yābhir devā asurān akalpayan # Kauś.106.7a.
vaśā udakalpayan # AVś.12.4.41a.
yās talpān anunṛtyanti # AVP.7.13.5a.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"lpa" has 27 results
atyalparather too little, an expression used by Patanjali idiometically confer, compare अत्यल्पमिदमुच्यते Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on I.1.69 et cetera, and others
atyalpaspṛṣṭahaving a very slight contact (with the organ producing sound),as in the case of the utterance of a vowel.
aprāptavikalpasame as अप्राप्तविभाषा one of the three kinds of optional application of a rule; confer, compare त्रिसंशयास्तु भवन्ति प्राप्ते अप्राप्ते उभयत्र चेति । Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. I. 1.44 Vārttika (on the Sūtra of Pāṇini). 20; optional application of a rule prescribing an operation; eg; ऊर्णोतेर्विभाषा अनुपसर्गाद्वा I.3.43. हृक्रोरन्यतरस्याम् । अभिवादयति गुरुं माणवकेन पिता । अप्राप्तविकल्पत्वातृतीयैव Kāś. on I.1.53. विभाषा सपूर्वस्य । स्थूलपतिः स्थूलपत्नी । अप्राप्तविभाषेयमयरुसंयोगत्वात् ।
alpataranot of frequent occurence in the spoken language or literature the term is used in connection with such words as are not frequently used; confer, compare सन्त्यल्पप्रयोगाः कृतोप्यैकपदिकाः । व्रंततिर्दम्नाः जाटय आट्णारो जागरूको द्विर्धिहोमीति Nir I.14.
alpaprāṇa(1)non-aspirate letters letters requiring little breath from the mouth for their utterance as opposed to mahāprāṇa; (2) non-aspiration; one of the external articulate efforts characterizing the utterance of non-aspirate letters.
kalpathe taddhita affix. affix कल्पप् added to any substantive in the sense of slightly inferior, or almost complete; exempli gratia, for example पट्कल्पः, मृदुकल्प; confer, compare P.V.3.67 and Kāśikā thereon.
kalpana,kalpasupposition, assumption; cf गुणकल्पनया च भिक्षुनटसूत्रयोश्छन्दस्त्वम् Kāś. on P. IV.3.110; confer, compare also अनेकक्लिष्टकल्पनापेक्षया अस्या उचितत्वात् Pari. Śek. on. Pari. 94.
kalpanālāghavabrevity of thought: brevity of expression: minimum assumption. See the word लाघव.
kalpaptaddhita affix. affix कल्प. See कल्प.
kalpalatāname of a commentary on Bhaṭṭojī's Praudhamanoramā ' by Kṛṣṇamiśra.
kavikalpadrumaa treatise on roots written by Bopadeva, the son of Keśava and the pupil of Dhaneśa who lived in the time of Hemādri, the Yādava King of Devagiri in the thirteenth century. He has written a short grammar work named Mugdhabodha which has been very popular in Bengal being studied in many Tols or Pāṭhaśālās.
kavikalpadrumaṭīkāa commentary on the Kavikalpadruma, written by the author ( बोपदेव ) himselfeminine. It is known by the name Kāvyakāmadhenu; (2) a commentary on Kavikalpadruma by Rāmatarkavāgīśa.
dhātukalpalatikāa short treatise on the roots of the different conjugations written by a grammarian named Dhananjaya.
prakalpaka(fem. प्रकल्पिका )a word or expression causing a change in the nature of another word or expression which has to be taken as changed accordingly; confer, compare प्रकल्पक्रमिति चेन्नियमाभावः P.I. 1.68 Vart. 15; प्रत्ययविधिरयं न च प्रत्ययविधौ पञ्चम्यः प्रकल्पिक्रा भवन्ति M.Bh. on P.I.1.27 Vart.1,I.1. 62 Vart.7; II.2.3 Vart.1, IV. 1.60; cf also रुधादिभ्यः इत्येषा पञ्चमी शप् इति प्रथमायाः षष्ठीं प्रकल्पयिष्यति, Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on II 2.3, Vart. 1, III.1.33.
prakalpakriyaa word in which a verbal activity has to be conjectured, as for example, the words गौः, अश्वः et cetera, and others Words which are not actually derived by rules of grammar are called प्रकल्पक्रिय as contrasted with प्रत्यक्षक्रिय.
vikalpachoice or option re : the application of a rule as stated by the word वा, विभाषा, अन्यतरस्याम् or the like: confer, compareनेति प्रतिषेधो वेति विकल्प: तयो: प्रतिषेधविकल्पयोः ' विभाषा ' इति संज्ञा भवति , विभाषाप्रकरणे प्रतिपेधविकल्पो उपतिष्ठते । तत्र प्रतिपेधेन समीकृते विषये प्रश्चद्विकल्पः प्रवर्तते Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P, I. 1 44.
akṣarāṅgaforming a part of a syllable just as the anusvāra ( nasal utterance ) or svarabhakti (vowelpart) which forms a part of the preceding syllable. confer, compare अनुस्वारो व्यञ्जनं चाक्षराङ्गम् Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) I.22, also स्वरभक्तिः पूर्वभागक्षराङ्गम् Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) I.32.
aindraname of an ancient school of grammar and of the treatise also, belonging to that school, believed to have been written under instructions of Indra. The work is not available. Patañjali mentions that Bṛhaspati instructed Indra for one thousand celestial years and still did not finish his instructions in words': (Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). I.1.1 ). The Taittirīya Saṁhitā mentions the same. Pāṇini has referred to some ancient grammarians of the East by the word प्राचाम् without mentioning their names, and scholars like Burnell think that the grammar assigned to Indra is to be referred to by the word प्राचाम्. The Bṛhatkathāmañjarī remarks that Pāṇini's grammar threw into the background the Aindra Grammar. Some scholars believe that Kalāpa grammar which is available today is based upon Aindra,just as Cāndra is based upon Pāṇini's grammar. References to Aindra Grammar are found in the commentary on the Sārasvata Vyākaraṇa, in the Kavikalpadruma of Bopadeva as also in the commentary upon the Mahābhārata by Devabodha.Quotations, although very few, are given by some writers from the work. All these facts prove that there was an ancient pre-Pāṇinian treatise on Grammar assigned to इन्द्र which was called Aindra-Vyākaraṇa.For details see Dr.Burnell's 'Aindra School of Sanskrit Grammarians' as also Vol. VII pages 124-126 of Vyākaraṇa Mahābhāṣya, edited by the D.E.Society, Poona.
kalāpa(कलाप-व्याकरण)alternative name given to the treatise on grammar written by Sarvavarman who is believed to have lived in the days of the Sātavāhana kings. The treatise is popularly known by the namc Kātantra Vyākaraṇa. The available treatise,viz. Kalpasūtras, is much similar to the Kātantra Sūtras having a few changes and additions only here and there.It is rather risky to say that Kalāpa was an ancient system of grammar which is referred to in the Pāṇini Sūtra कलापिनोण् P. IV.3.108. For details see कातन्त्र.
kṛṣṇamitraa scholar of grammar and nyāya of the 17th century A.D. who wrote many commentary works some of which are (l) a commentary called Ratnārṇava on the Siddhānta-Kaumudī, (2) a commentary named Kalpalata on Bhaṭṭoji's Prauḍhamanoramā, (3) a commentary named Bhāvadīpa on Bhaṭṭoji's Śabdakaustubha of Bhaṭṭojī Dīkṣita., (4) a commentary on Nagojibhaṭṭa's Laghumañjūṣā of Nāgeś name Kuñcikā and (5) a commentary on Vaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇa.
ṇinikrt affix इन् signifying vrddhi (1) applied to the roots headed by ग्रह् ( i. e. the roots ग्रह्, उद्वस्, स्था et cetera, and others ) in the sense of an agent;e. g. ग्राही, उद्वासी, स्थायी. confer, compare P. III.1.134; (2) applied to the root हन् preceded by the word कुमार or शीर्ष as उपपद: e. g. कुमारघाती, शीर्षघाती, confer, compare P. III.2.51: (3) applied to any root preceded by a substantive as upapada in the sense of habit, or when compari son or vow or frequency of action is conveyed, or to the root मन्, with a substantive as उपपद e. gउष्णभोजी, शीतभोजी, उष्ट्रकोशी, ध्वाङ्क्षरावीः स्थण्डिलशायी, अश्राद्धभोजीः क्षीरपायिण उशीनराः; सौवीरपायिणो वाह्रीकाः: दर्शनीयमानी, शोभनीयमानी, confer, compare P. III.2.78-82; (4) applied to the root यज् preceded by a word referring to the करण of यागफल as also to the root हन् preceded by a word forming the object ( कर्मन् ) of the root हन् , the words so formed referring to the past tense: e. g. अग्निष्टो याजी, पितृव्याघाती, confer, compare P. III 2.85, 86; (5) applied to a root when the word so formed refers to a kind of necessary activity or to a debtor; confer, compare अवश्यंकारी, शतंदायी, सहस्रदायी confer, compare P. III.4. 169-170: (6) tad-affix इन् , causing vrddhi for the first vowel, applied to the words काश्यप and कौशिक referring to ancient sages named so, as also to words which are the names of the pupils of कलापि or of वैशम्पायन, as also to the words शुनक, वाजसनेय et cetera, and others in the sense of 'students learning what has been traditionally spoken by those sages' e. g. काश्यपिनः, ताण्डिनः, हरिद्रविणः शौनकिनः, वाजसनेयिनः et cetera, and others; cf P. IV.3, 103 104, 106; (7) applied to words forming the names of ancient sages who are the speakers of ancient Brahmana works in the sense of 'pupils studying those works' as also to words forming the names of sages who composed old Kalpa works in the sense of those कल्प works; e. g. भाल्लविनः, एतरेयिणः । पैङ्गी कल्पः अरुणपराजी कल्पः; cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV. 3.105: (8) applied to the words पाराशर्य and शिलालिन् in the sense of 'students reading the Bhiksusutras (of पाराशार्य) and the Nata sutras ( of शिलालिन् ) respectively; e. g. पाराशरिणो भिक्षव:, शैलालिनो नटाः: cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P. IV.3.110.
durgādāsaa grammarian who wrote (a) a gloss on Bopadeva's Mugdhabodha, (b) a gloss named घातुदीपिका on Kavikalpadruma and (c) Sabdarnavakos
ghātudīpikā(1)name of a commentary on the Kavikalpadruma of Bopadeva by Ramalamkara; (2) name of a commentary on the Kavikalpadruma by Durgadasa who wrote a commentary on the Mugdhabodha also.
rāmatarkavāgīśaa learned grammarian who held the titles महामहोपाध्याय and भट्टाचार्य, He was an advocate of the Mugdhabodha School and wrote commentaries on (1) the Mugdhabodha, (2) the Kavikalpadruma, (3) the Amarakosa and (4) the Unadi sutras. He also wrote a short gloss on case-relations, his treatise on the subject being named कारकटिप्पणी,
rāmanātha( चक्रवर्तीं )who wrote short glosses on the Katantra and the Kalpa Vyakaranas.
rāmarāmaa grammarian who has written a commentary on the Kavikalpadruma of Bopadeva.
rāmālaṃkārapossibly the same as रामराम (see a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page.) who wrote Dhatudipika, a commentary on the Kavikalpadruma of Bopadeva.
Vedabase Search
60 results
prajalpa-ādi-nāma named prajalpa and so onCC Madhya 23.60
kalpa-antam for many, many years, until the end of one kalpaSB 9.10.32
kalpa-ante (the dissolution) at the end of a kalpaSB 4.10.27
kalpa-ante at the end of the kalpaSB 8.24.7
kalpa-apāye at the devastation of the kalpaSB 4.7.42
brāhmaḥ Brāhma-kalpaSB 3.11.35
citra-jalpa citra-jalpaCC Antya 14.16
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe in his poem known as Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 6.326
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe in the book known as Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 14.72
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe in the book known as Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 14.119
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 16.86
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe named Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 17.71
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe in his book known as Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 19.75
sańkalpa-jaḥ the son of SańkalpāSB 6.6.10-11
citra-jalpa citra-jalpaCC Antya 14.16
kalpa-jīvinām for those who live for a kalpa, or a day of BrahmāSB 11.10.30
kalpa-apāye at the devastation of the kalpaSB 4.7.42
kalpa KalpaSB 4.10.1
kalpa-ante (the dissolution) at the end of a kalpaSB 4.10.27
kalpa-ante at the end of the kalpaSB 8.24.7
kalpa-antam for many, many years, until the end of one kalpaSB 9.10.32
kalpa KalpaSB 9.24.51
kalpa-jīvinām for those who live for a kalpa, or a day of BrahmāSB 11.10.30
kalpa-vṛkṣa-latāra of creepers and kalpa-vṛkṣa, or desire treesCC Madhya 14.222
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe in his poem known as Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 6.326
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe in the book known as Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 14.72
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe in the book known as Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 14.119
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 16.86
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe named Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 17.71
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe in his book known as Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 19.75
kalpa a kalpaSB 12.4.2
mahā-kalpe in a life of Brahmā, which is known as a mahā-kalpaSB 7.15.69
koṭi-kalpe in millions of kalpasCC Antya 3.255
koṭi-kalpe in millions of kalpasCC Antya 3.255
kvacit sometimes, at the beginning of a kalpaSB 8.3.4
kalpa-vṛkṣa-latāra of creepers and kalpa-vṛkṣa, or desire treesCC Madhya 14.222
mahā-kalpe in a life of Brahmā, which is known as a mahā-kalpaSB 7.15.69
nakṣatrakalpa NakṣatrakalpaSB 12.7.4
prajalpa-ādi-nāma named prajalpa and so onCC Madhya 23.60
prajalpa-ādi-nāma named prajalpa and so onCC Madhya 23.60
sańkalpā SańkalpāSB 6.6.4
sańkalpa-jaḥ the son of SańkalpāSB 6.6.10-11
sańkalpa SańkalpaSB 6.6.10-11
sańkalpāyāḥ from the womb of SańkalpāSB 6.6.10-11
śāntiḥ ŚāntikalpaSB 12.7.4
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe in his poem known as Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 6.326
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe in the book known as Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 14.72
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe in the book known as Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 14.119
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 16.86
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe named Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 17.71
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe in his book known as Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 19.75
tasya of the Brāhma-kalpaSB 3.11.36
vikalpasya of the changes in a kalpa, such as the change of ManusSB 8.14.11
kalpa-vṛkṣa-latāra of creepers and kalpa-vṛkṣa, or desire treesCC Madhya 14.222
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe in his poem known as Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 6.326
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe in the book known as Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 14.72
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe in the book known as Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 14.119
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 16.86
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe named Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 17.71
gaurāńga-stava-kalpa-vṛkṣe in his book known as Gaurāńga-stava-kalpavṛkṣaCC Antya 19.75


less, alpa bala decreased strength and immunity.


formulation of medicines; pharmaceutical practices of ayurveda.


Go to snehakalpa


a commentary on Carakasamhita by Gangadhara Ray (1789-1885) of Bengal.


1. cosmic eon; 2. preparation; 3. treatment of the sick; 4. ritual (one of the vedāngas); 5. idea.


pharmaceutical forms.


section on pharmaceutics in Carakasamhita


not admitting an alternative, free from change.


knowledge not depending upon or derived from the senses.


a treatise on medicinal alchemy by Ramakrishna Bhatta.


Plant salpan, Desmodium gangeticum, D. laxiflorum. (in north India); Pseudarthria viscida is used in south India.


process of fermentation, sandhānakalpana fermented products.


deliberatioin, conviction.


possessing variety or admitting of distinctions; differentiated.


unctuous, oil, oily, snehavarga ghṛta, taila, vasa, majja; edible fats and oils; unctuous group, snehakalpa medicated ghṛta, snehaphala sesame seed, sneha picu unctous tampon, pāna intake of unctous substance.


palpation and percussion; part of examination of the patient.


vedic auxiliary disciplines; phonetics (śikṣa), ritual (kalpa), grammar (vyākaraṇa), etymology (nirukti), meter (chandas) and astrology (jyotiṣa).


one of tantrayuktis, alternative, variation, difference of perception.

Wordnet Search
"lpa" has 141 results.


mūrkha, mūḍha, ajña, yathājāta, vaidheya, bāliśa, mūḍhamati, alpamati, mandamati, manda, nirbuddha, jaḍa, alpabuddhi, acatura, alpadhī, mūḍhadhī, mūḍhātmā, matihīna, buddhihīna, abudha, avicakṣaṇa, avid, avidya, avidvas, avibudha   

yaḥ muhyati yasya buddhiḥ alpā vā।

mūrkhaiḥ puruṣaiḥ saha na vivadet।/upadeśo hi mūrkhāṇāṃ janānāṃ prakopāya na śāntaye।


kāñcanāraḥ, kovidāraḥ, camarikaḥ, kuddālaḥ, yugapatrakam, kaṇakārakaḥ, kāntapuṣpaḥ, karakaḥ, kāntāraḥ, yamalacchadaḥ, kāñcanālaḥ, tāmrapuṣpaḥ, kudāraḥ, raktakāñcanaḥ, vidālaḥ, kuṇḍalī, raktapuṣpaḥ, campaḥ, yugapatraḥ, kanakāntakaḥ, kanakārakaḥ, karbudāraḥ, gaṇḍāriḥ, girijaḥ, camarikaḥ, tāmrapuṣpakaḥ, mahāpuṣpaḥ, yugmaparṇaḥ, yugmapatraḥ, varalabdhaḥ, vidalaḥ, śoṇapuṣpakaḥ, satkāñcanāraḥ, siṃhāsyaḥ, hayavāhanasaṅkaraḥ, hayavāhanaśaṅkaraḥ, suvarṇāraḥ, svalpakesarī, āsphotaḥ, kaṣāyaḥ   

vṛkṣaviśeṣaḥ yasya puṣpāṇi śobhanīyāni santi।

udyānapālaḥ kāñcanārasya śākhāṃ adhogṛhītvā puṣpāṇi vicinoti।


kalpanā, saṅkalpaḥ, bhāvanā, vibhāvanā   

manasā kalpitaḥ।

mūrtikārasya kalpanā śilāṃ mūrtasvarūpaṃ yacchati।


saṃkalpanam, niścayaḥ   

saṅkalpasya kriyā bhāvo vā।

saṅkalpanād anantaraṃ saḥ adhikena utsāhena svasya kāryaṃ karoti।


vaikalpika, vikalpaka, savikalpaka, ānukalpika, vikalpita, savikalpa, aicchika, kāmya   

dvayoḥ bahuṣu vā ekasya svecchayā cayanam।

praśnapatrikāyāṃ dvau anivāryau tathā ca catvāraḥ vaikalpikāḥ praśnāḥ santi।


kalpita, kālpanika, ayathārtha, manobhava   


saḥ kalpitāṃ kathāṃ śṛṇoti।



alpasya virāmasya sūcakaṃ cihnam।

asmin vākye aura iti śabdasya sthāne alpavirāmaḥ āvaśyakaḥ।


cāṭuka, vācāṭa, vāvaduka, vitaṇḍaka, jalpaka   

yaḥ punaḥ punaḥ nirarthakaṃ vadati।

rāmaḥ cāṭukaḥ asti।


paryyaṅkaḥ, palyaṅkaḥ, śayyā, śayanam, talpaḥ, khaṭvā, saṃstaraḥ, starimā, śayanīyam, mañcaḥ, mañcakaḥ, prastaraḥ, āstaraṇam   


mātā bālakaṃ paryaṅke śāyayati।


pralāpaḥ, jalpanam   

anibaddhā vāk।

jvarasya kāraṇāt saḥ pralāpaṃ karoti।



udbhāvya racayati।

kalpakasya kālpanikānāṃ bhāvānām abhivyaktiḥ tasya racanāsu dṛśyate।


kalpita, parikalpita, kālpanika, manaḥkalpita, kṛtrima, kṛtaka   

yad manasā nirmitaṃ racitam vā।

śyāmasya kathanam aviśvasyaṃ tasya kathanaṃ kalpitam syāt।


kṛpaṇa, kadarya, dānavimukha, dṛḍhamuṣṭi, gāḍhamuṣṭi, adānaśīla, svalpavyayī   

yaḥ vyayaparāṅmukhaḥ asti।

dhanīrāmaśreṣṭhī atīva kṛpaṇaḥ asti ekāpi mudrā na vyayitum icchati।


alpāyu, alpāyū, hrasitāyu, alpavayā, alpakālika, acirajīvī   

yasya āyuḥ alpakālikaḥ।

śvānaḥ manuṣyasya apekṣayā alpāyuḥ asti।


asandigdha, aśaṅkita, sandehahīna, avikalpa   

yad sandigdham nāsti।

saḥ vyaktiḥ asandigdhaḥ, sandeho māstu।


aprācuryam, nyūnatā, alpatā, kṣīṇatā, alpatvam, ayatheṣṭatā, hīnatā   

alpasya avasthā bhāvo vā।

samayasya aprācuryāt aham tatra gantum aśaknavam।



saḥ vikretā yaḥ ekekaṃ kṛtvā alpapramāṇena vā vastūnāṃ krayavikrayaṃ karoti।

śyāmaḥ alpaśo-vikretā asti।


kiñcit, alpabhāgaḥ, alpāṃśaḥ, alpam, stokam, īṣat   

kasyāpi vastvādīnāṃ laghubhāgaḥ।

kiñcit miṣṭānnaṃ khāditvā jalam apibat।



gaṇanāyām anyān apekṣya ūnaḥ।

nirvācanakāle alpasaṅkhyakān janān militvā saḥ teṣāṃ duḥkhānāṃ dūrīkaraṇaṃ pratiśrutavān।



vastunaḥ alpapramāṇam।

tena alpaśaḥ pratyekaṃ vyañjanaṃ bhakṣitam।


vācāla, jalpaka, ativādin, jalpāka, tuṇḍila, pravāc, mukhara   

yaḥ bahu bhāṣate।

īśvarakṛpayā mūko'pi vācālo bhavati।


alpamūlya, alpārtha, sumūlya, sulabha, nyūna   

yat alpamūlyena kretuṃ śakyate।

vikraye alpamūlyāni vastūni santi।


prāṇāntaka, prāṇaghātaka, mārātmaka, vyāpādaka, ātyayika, prāṇāntika, jīvāntaka, prāṇahārin, prāṇāpahārin, mṛtyujanaka, nidhanakārin, viṣatulya, saviṣa, kālakalpa, prāṇanāśaka, marmāntika, prāṇahāraka   

yaḥ prāṇān harati antaṃ karoti vā।

tena prāṇāntakaṃ viṣaṃ pītvā svajīvanasya antaṃ kṛtam।


pralayaḥ, yugāntaḥ, kalpaḥ, kalpāntaḥ, layaḥ, pratisargaḥ, kṣayaḥ, prakṣayaḥ, saṃvartaḥ, saṃkṣayaḥ, vilayaḥ, pratsañcaraḥ   

hindūnāṃ jagadvilayasya avadhāraṇāviśeṣaḥ। yugānām antaḥ yatra yugānām anto vā yasmin jagad pralīyate।

jñānād ātyantikaḥ prokto yoginaḥ paramātmani pralayaḥ pratisargo'yaṃ kāla-cintāparair-dvajaiḥ।


kalpanātīta, akalpanīya, akalpita, acintya   

kalpanīyāt param।

eṣā vicāradhārā kalpanātītā।


nirdhanaḥ, daridraḥ, adhanaḥ, dhanahīnaḥ, alpadhanaḥ, nirdhanakaḥ, dīnaḥ, kṣīṇadhanaḥ, dhanaśūnyaḥ, arthahīnaḥ, niḥsvaḥ, gatārthaḥ, niṣkāñcanaḥ   

durgataṃ vinirgataṃ vā dhanaṃ yasmāt।

nirdhanaḥ kaṣṭena dhanavān api bhavati।


bhāgyahīna, abhāgī, alpabhāgya, mandabhāgya   

yaḥ bhāgyaśālī nāsti।

saḥ ekaḥ bhāgyahīnaḥ vyaktiḥ।


vikalpahīnatā, upāyahīnatā   

vikalpahīnasya avasthā bhāvo vā।

vikalpahīnatāyāḥ kāraṇāt saḥ nirṇetuṃ na śaknuyāt।


atīva, bahu, adhika, atiśaya, ati, analpa   

saṅkhyāmātrādīnāṃ bāhulyam।

tasya durdaśāṃ vīkṣya atīva duḥkhitaḥ aham।


manda, abala, alpaśakti, nirbala, nirmāya, phalgva, kuṇṭhita   

yaḥ prabalaḥ nāsti।

mandā buddhiḥ api prayatnena prabalā bhavati।


saṅkalpapūrvakam, niścayapūrvakam   

saṅkalpena saha।

saṅkalpapūrvakam kathayāmi etad kāryaṃ kṛtvā eva viramāmi।


bāla, kumāra, śiśuka, alpavayaskā, aprāptayauvanā   

yaḥ vayaskaḥ nāsti।

ekayā bālikayā aham antākṣaryāṃ parājitaḥ।


vilamba, vilambanam, kālayāpaḥ, kālakṣepaḥ, kṣepaḥ, vikalpaḥ, dīrghasūtratā, dīrghīkaraṇam   

niyata samayāt adhikaḥ samayaḥ।

vilambaḥ jāyate āgacchāmi cintā māstu।


śilpakāraḥ, śilpī   

yaḥ śilpaṃ karoti।

tājamahala iti śilpakārāṇām anupameyā kṛti।


pralāpin, jalpaka   

yaḥ vyarthaṃ pralapati।

mā avadhehi saḥ pralāpī vyaktiḥ asti।


atyalpa, alpiṣṭha   

yad atyantam alpam asti।

atyalpā varṣā jātā ataḥ dhānyasya vapanaṃ vilambena jātam।


adūradarśin, alpadarśin   

yaḥ bhaviṣyaṃ na cintayati।

adūradarśī vyaktiḥ vyasanaiḥ grasate।


alpadṛṣṭitā, alpākāṅkṣatā   

mahatyāḥ ākāṅkṣāyāḥ abhāvaḥ।

alpadṛṣṭitā jīvanaṃ vyarthaṃ karoti।



niṣpramāṇena upanyāsaḥ।

ahaṃ bhavataḥ kalpanāṃ na jñātuṃ śaknomi।


kalpanā, manogatam, manaḥkalpitam, manoguptam, manasijam   

manasi utpannaḥ vicāraḥ।

asya kāryasya samāptiḥ adhunā bhavati iti mama kalpanā।


alpa, nyūna, āṃśika   

yasya mātrā adhikā nāsti।

tena alpe samaye unnattiḥ kṛtā।


alpabhāṣin, mitabhāṣin, alpavādin   

yaḥ mitaṃ bhāṣate।

śyāmaḥ alpabhāṣī asti।



arthahīnaḥ vārtālāpaḥ।

saḥ atīva jalpanaṃ karoti।


hras, kṣi, alpaya, alpībhū, apahā, parihā   

vastugatatattvānāṃ nyūnībhavanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

nirantaraṃ calanena ūrjā hrasate।



alpaḥ aṃśaḥ।

asya kṣetrasya alpakaḥ bhāgaḥ āplavena pīḍitaḥ।



kālavibhāgaḥ yasmin caturdaśamanvantarāḥ santi।

kalpaḥ brahmaṇaḥ ahorātreḥ ardhabhāgaḥ eva।


kalpavṛkṣaḥ, kalpataruḥ, kalpadrumaḥ   

hindūdharmagrantheṣu varṇitaḥ ekaḥ vṛkṣaḥ yaḥ kāmanānāṃ pūrtiḥ karoti।

samudramanthane prāpteṣu caturdaśeratneṣu ekaḥ kalpavṛkṣaḥ āsīt।


nyūnīkṛ, alpīkṛ, alpay, ūnīkṛ, laghūkṛ, ūn, hras, lagh   

kasmād api vastunaḥ kasyāḥ api saṃṅkhyāyāḥ vā tadavayavabhūtasya aṃśasya kṣayātmakaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

śāsanena dainaṃdine vyavahāre ye vastūni āvaśyakāni teṣāṃ mūlyāni nyūnīkṛtāni।


śilpī, śilpijanaḥ, śilpajīvī   

yaḥ gṛhaṃ tathā ca dhātukāṣṭhādeḥ vastūni nirmāti।

eṣā mūrtiḥ kuśalena śilpinā nirmitā।



yaḥ alpaḥ śikṣitaḥ asti।

asmākaṃ pitāmahaḥ alpaśikṣitaḥ kiṃ tu anubhavī āsīt।


alpakālīna, alpakālika, kṣaṇika, kṣaṇabhaṅgura, acira, asthāyī, anitya   

yasya alpaḥ kālaḥ śiṣṭaḥ।

jīvane sukham alpakālīnam asti।



nyūnaḥ samayaḥ।

svāmīvivekānandaḥ alpakāle eva khyātaḥ jātaḥ।



prāpteṣu naikeṣu paryāyeṣu grahaṇayogyaḥ paryāyaḥ।

rugṇaḥ anyaṃ rugṇālayaṃ netavyaḥ anyaḥ vikalpaḥ nāsti।


saṅkalpaḥ, vratam   

kasyāpi kāryārthe kṛtaḥ dṛḍhaḥ niścayaḥ।

chātraiḥ asteyasya saṅkalpaḥ kṛtaḥ।


ajñānin, avivekin, mugdha, bāliśa, aprājña, avijñātṛ, avijña, mūḍha, alpajña, ajña   

yaḥ ajñānena paripūrṇaḥ।

ajñānī puruṣaḥ eva saṃsāraḥ duḥkhamayaḥ asti iti manyate।


dhāraṇā, saṃkalpanā, avadhāraṇā   

kasminnapi viṣaye manasi udbhūtaṃ matam।

taṃ prati mama dhāraṇā ayogyā āsīt।


nidrānāśaḥ, anidrā, prajāgaraḥ, alpanidratā   

ekaḥ rogaḥ yasmin nidrituṃ na śakyate athavā atīva alpasamayaṃ nidrituṃ śakyate।

nidrānāśena pīḍitaḥ rogī mañce kukṣiṃ parivartayati।



vastuśūnyo vikalpaḥ;

kāvyasya kṛte kalpanā āvaśyakī




tena āpaṇakāt alpaśasi vastūni krītāni।


utpādaya, vinirmā, sṛj, vidhā, kalpaya, ghaṭaya, viracaya, racaya   

kasyāpi vastunaḥ nirmāṇānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

nadyāṃ setuṃ vinirmīya vidyut utpādyate।


madyam, surā, madirā, vāruṇī, halipriyā, hālā, pariśrut, varuṇātmajā, gandhottamā, prasannā, irā, kādambarī, pariśrutā, kaśyam, mānikā, kapiśī, gandhamādanī, mādhavī, kattoyam, madaḥ, kāpiśāyanam, mattā, sītā, capalā, kāminī, priyā, madagandhā, mādhvīkam, madhu, sandhānam, āsavaḥ, amṛtā, vīrā, medhāvī, madanī, supratibhā, manojñā, vidhātā, modinī, halī, guṇāriṣṭam, sarakaḥ, madhūlikā, madotkaṭā, mahānandā, sīdhuḥ, maireyam, balavallabhā, kāraṇam, tatvam, madiṣṭhā, pariplutā, kalpam, svādurasā, śūṇḍā, hārahūram, mārddīkam, madanā, devasṛṣṭā, kāpiśam, abdhijā   

mādakadravapadārthaḥ - yasya sevanaṃ pāpaṃ tathā ca nindanīyam iti manyante।

saḥ pratidinaṃ sāyaṅkāle madyaṃ pītvā gṛham āgacchati।


yojanā, upāyaḥ, upāyakalpanā, anusandhānam, upakramaḥ   

kiñcit kāryam uddeśaṃ vā seddhuṃ kalpitaḥ kāryakalāpaḥ yaḥ dṛśyatāṃ na prāptaḥ।

asmin varṣe bhāratadeśasya ārthikīṃ paristhitīṃ cintayitvā upāyayojanāḥ nirmitāḥ।


saṃśayaḥ, saṃśītiḥ, sandehaḥ, saṃdehaḥ, śaṅkā, vitarkaḥ, āśaṅkā, vikalpaḥ, bhrāntiḥ, vibhramaḥ, dvaidhībhāvaḥ, anupanyāsaḥ, vicikitsā, dvāparaḥ   

ekadharmmikaviruddhabhāvābhāvaprakārakaṃ jñānam।

rāmasya vacane mama saṃśayaḥ asti।


hastakalā, śilpakarma, śilpam   

hastābhyāṃ vastunirmāṇasya kalā।

hastakalāyāḥ prayogaḥ adhikatayā grāmeṣu eva kriyate।


kalpakatvam, kalpakatā, apūrvatā   

apūrvakalpitasya avasthā bhāvaḥ vā।

kalpakatvasya abhāvāt ayaṃ lekhaḥ asvīkṛtaḥ।


nāpitaḥ, kṣurī, muṇḍī, divākīrti, antāvasāyī, kalpakaḥ   

jātiviśeṣaḥ- yaḥ muṇḍanādikāryāṇi karoti।

rāmaḥ muṇḍanārthe nāpitasya ālayaṃ gataḥ।



tisṛṣu dikṣu jalasaṃvṛttā bhūmiḥ।

bhārataḥ dvīpakalpaḥ asti।


nirṇī, niści, sādhaya, siddhīkṛ, niṣpādaya, parikalpaya, vyavaso, avadhāraṇaṃ kṛ, nirdhāraṇaṃ kṛ, sampradhāraṇaṃ kṛ, samīkṛ   

kasyāpi praśnasya vivādasya vā samādhānānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

pitāmahaḥ vivādaṃ nirṇayati।


alpatā, lāghavaḥ, laghutā, tanutā, stokatā, kṣudratā, alpatvam, tānavaḥ   

laghoḥ avasthā bhāvaḥ vā।

kamapi alpatāyāḥ bodhaṃ na kārayet।


vāstunirmāṇakauśalam, nirmāṇaśilpam, śilpam   

bhavanaprāsādādīnāṃ nirmāṇasya kalā।

āgarānagarasthe tājamahale dṛṣṭe eva tasya vāstunirmāṇakauśalaṃ rocate।



hastābhyāṃ vastunirmāṇasya kriyā।

takṣakakumbhakārādayaḥ śilpavidyāyāṃ nipuṇāḥ bhavanti।



āgāminaḥ varṣasya kṛte māsasya kṛte vā jāyamānasya āyavyayasya ālekhaḥ।

mārcamāse sarvakāraḥ arthasaṅkalpaṃ niścinoti।



alpīyāṃsānāṃ janānāṃ matam।

asmin varṣe mantrīmahodayāya alpamataṃ prāptam।



samāje vartamānaḥ saḥ vargaḥ yasya saṅkhyā anyānāṃ vargīyāṇām apekṣayā nyūnā bhavati।

alpasaṅkhyānāṃ vikāsāya sarvakāraḥ prayatnaśīlaḥ asti।



saḥ varṇaḥ yasya uccāraṇe mahāprāṇasya apekṣayā nyūnaḥ prāṇaḥ āvaśyakaḥ asti।

vyākaraṇe varṇamālāyāḥ pratyekasya vargasya prathamaḥ tṛtīyaḥ pañcamaḥ tathā ca yavarala ityete varṇāḥ alpaprāṇāḥ santi।


cārulekhanam, sulekhanam, śobhanalekhanakalā, śobhanalekhanaśilpam, cārulekhanaśilpam, śubhalekhanam   

samyak lekhanasya kalā।

pāṭhaśālāyāṃ cārulekhanasya pratiyogitāyāḥ āyojanaṃ kṛtam।


chedanam, kartanam, vicchedaḥ, ācchedaḥ, chedaḥ, pracchedaḥ, kalpanam   

kasyāpi vastunaḥ dvaidhīkaraṇam।

idānīṃ dhānyasya chedanaṃ pracalati।



alpasya vyayasya kriyā।

alpavyayena dhanaṃ rakṣituṃ śakyate।



auṣadhena vṛddhāvasthāṃ prāptaṃ śarīrasya athavā pīḍitasya śarīrasya punaḥ svasthatāpradānam।

madanamohanamālavīyamahodayena svasya kāyākalpaḥ kṛtaḥ।


avistṛtiḥ, alpavistāraḥ, alpāvakāśaḥ, mitatā   

saṃkṣiptasya avasthā।

mārgasya avistṛteḥ kāraṇāt gamanāgamane vyavadhānam utpadyate।


abhinirdiś, niści, avadhāraya, prakalpaya, parikalpaya   

sthānasamayādīnāṃ niścayānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

saḥ dvivādane āgamanaṃ abhinirdiśati।



yaḥ alpaṃ vyayaṃ karoti।

bālyasya abhāvāt saḥ svabhāvataḥ alpavyayī abhavat।



sā prakriyā yasyāṃ ko'pi svasya ūrjādayaḥ punaḥ prāpyante।

varṣāyāḥ kāraṇāt śuṣkāyāḥ bhūmeḥ kāyākalpaṃ jātam।


alpamūlya, nyūnamūlya, alpakrīta   

yasya mūlyam alpam asti।

atra alpamūlyāni vastūni vikrīyante।


alpamūlyatā, alpamūlyatvam, alpārghyam, nyūnamūlyatā, nyūnamūlyatvam   

sā avasthā kriyā bhāvaḥ vā yasmin sarvam alpamūlyakaṃ vartate।

alpamūlyatāyāḥ kāraṇāt vastūnāṃ bhūri vikrayaḥ jātaḥ।


katāraḥ, katāradeśaḥ, katāra-dvīpakalpa   

phārasadeśasya akhāte sthitaḥ ekaḥ dvīpakalpaḥ।

katārasya kṣetraphalaṃ sārdhaikādaśasahastrāṇi vargāṇi mahānalvāni vartate।


jalpakaḥ, bahulabahulālāpī   

yaḥ atīva jalpati।

jalpakānāṃ madhye tūṣṇīm eva bhavitavyam।



sumūlyatāyāḥ avasthā bhāvaḥ vā।

sadyaskaḥ āpaṇeṣu alpamūlyatā kutra।


kṛśodarī, tanūdarī, alpamadhyamā, śātodarī   

yasyāḥ sūkṣmā kaṭiḥ।

ekā kṛśodarī nartakī nṛtyati।


karaṇīya, kṛtya, kalpa, sādhya   

kartuṃ yogyaḥ।

cauryaṃ kāpaṭyādīni karaṇīyāni karmāṇi na santi।


ābhāsaḥ, pratibhāsaḥ, parikalpa   

mithyā jñānam।

andhaḥkāre rajjau sarpasya ābhāsaḥ svābhāvikaḥ ।


sukhāsanam, srastaraḥ, srastaram, talpam   

kaśipuyuktam āsanam।

bhavān atra sukhāsanam upaviśatu।


yaṃtragatiśāstram, yaṃtravidyā, yaṃtraśāstram, śilpaśāstram, śilpavidyā   

yantrādīnāṃ cālanasya nirmāṇasya śodhanasya vā vidyā।

ete adhyāpakamahābhāgāḥ asmān yaṃtragatiśāstraṃ pāṭhayanti।


alpabhāṣitā, mitabhāṣitā, alpavāditā   

alpabhāṣiṇaḥ avasthā।

alpabhāṣitāyāḥ kāraṇāt kadācit saḥ saṅketena eva uttaraṃ dadāti।


praracayitā, parikalpakaḥ   

yaḥ vastradīnām ālekhanaṃ karoti।

praracayitā svasya kalpanāṃ pratyakṣaṃ karoti।



manuṣyeṇa hastena nirmitaṃ vastu।

melāyām asmābhiḥ kānicana hastaśilpāni krītāni।



śilpaśāstradvārā nirmitaṃ vastu।

mugalakālīnam idaṃ śilpam।


pañcamūlī, svalpapañcamūlam   


vaidyaḥ māṃ pañcamūlyāḥ sevanam asūcayat।



parvateṣu vartamānaḥ madhūkabhedaḥ।

bhallukaḥ svalpapatrakasya parṇāni ānandena akhādat।


medā, medodbhavā, jīvanī, śreṣṭhā, maṇicchidrā, vibhāvarī, vasā, svalpaparṇikā, medaḥsārā, snehavatī, medinī, madhurā, snigdhā, medhā, dravā, sādhvī, śalyadā, bahurandhrikā, puruṣadantikā, jīvanī   


medā jvarasya nivāraṇārtham upayuktā bhavati।



śilpanirmāṇaviṣayakaṃ jñānam।

anupamā asya śilpakārasya śilpakalā yataḥ tena nirmitāni śilpāni cetanāni eva iti dṛśyate।


śilpaśāstram, sthāpatyaśāstram, vāstuvidyā   

tad śāstraṃ yasmin śilpena sambaddhaṃ jñānaṃ bhavati।

asya rājaprāsādasya nirmāṇaṃ purātanīyaṃ śilpaśāstram anusṛtya kṛtam asti।


anadhyavasāyin, aprayatnaśīla, alpaceṣṭita, anudyamin, anudyogin, alasa, gehemehin, jihma, nirūdyama, niryatna, niṣkriyātman   

yaḥ prayatitum anutsukaḥ asti।

anadhyavasāyī manuṣyaḥ kadāpi yaśaḥ na prāpnoti।




alpe ādheyasya apekṣayā ādhārasya alpatā pradarśyate।




alpacchadaṃ bhikṣukaṃ dṛṣṭvā saḥ duḥkhī jātaḥ।



yaḥ alpaṃ jānāti।

alpajñaḥ manuṣyaḥ paṇḍitamūrkhayoḥ madhyaḥ bhavati।


alpajña, alpadhī, bhautatulya, bhautaprāya, jaḍa, mūrkha   

nyūnayā dhāraṇayā yuktaḥ।

alpajñān chātrān pāṭhayitum adhyāpakaiḥ adhikāḥ prayatnāḥ kartavyāḥ।



alpajñasya avasthā bhāvaḥ vā।

saḥ svasya alpajñatāyāḥ kṛte api abhimānī asti।



jñānasya apūrṇatā।

alpajñatāyāḥ paścāttāpasya apekṣayā bhavān jñānavardhanasya prayatnaṃ karotu।



kṛśayā kaṭyā yuktaḥ।

alpamadhyamaḥ nartakaḥ sarveṣāṃ manāṃsi ākarṣati।



alpasaṅkhyāyuktānāṃ janānāṃ samūhaḥ।

madhyapradeśarājyasya sarvakāreṇa jainavargaḥ api alpasaṃkhyakavarge samāviṣṭaḥ kṛtaḥ।


alpavayaskatā, alpavayaskatvam, kumāratā, kumāratvam   

alpavayaskasya avasthā।

alpavayaskatāyāṃ jātaḥ vivāhaḥ vidhyanusāreṇa aparādhaḥ asti।



saṅkalpanāyām ādhāritaḥ śabdakośaḥ।

hindīśabdatantraḥ saṅkalpanākośaḥ asti।


aprabala, alpaśakti   

guṇayogyatākauśalādiṣu nyūnatā।

gaṇite aprabalān chātrān te pāṭhayanti।



parasparābhyāṃ viśeṣasya paricayasya abhāvaḥ।

tena saha mama alpaparicayaḥ asti।



vastunaḥ alpamātrāyāṃ vikrayaṇasya mūlyam।

vastunaḥ krayaṇasamaye tasya alpaśo-mūlyāt adhikaṃ mūlyaṃ mā dadātu।


alpamūlya, nyūnamūlya, samargha   

yad alpena mūlyena bhavati।

bhāratasya etasya apekṣayā alpamūlyā yātrā na bhavati।



mantraviśeṣaḥ ।

kalpe klṛp iti dhātoḥ rūpāṇi santi



jyotiṣaśāstre prathamaṃ sthānam ।

kalpasya varṇanam varāhamihirasya bṛhatsaṃhitāyāṃ vartate



ekaḥ racanāprakāraḥ ।

vividhāsu śāstraśākhāsu kalpataruḥ nāma racanāprakāraḥ upalabdhaḥ asti



ekaḥ racanāprakāraḥ ।

vividhāsu śāstraśākhāṣu kalpadrumaḥ nāma racanāprakāraḥ upalabdhaḥ asti



ekaḥ vidhiḥ ।

kalpanasya varṇanaṃ kośe vartate



ekaḥ śabdakoṣaḥ ।

śabdārthakalpataroḥ ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekā kṛtiḥ ।

saṃskṛta-vāṅmaye prāyaścittakalpataruḥ iti khyātā racanā



ekā kṛtiḥ ।

saṃskṛta-vāṅmaye prāyaścittasaṃkalpaḥ iti prasiddhā racanā



nandiskandapurāṇayoḥ bhāgaḥ ।

kedārakalpasya varṇanaṃ purāṇe vartate



ekā ṭīkā ।

kaivalyakalpadrumasya ullekhaḥ kośe dṛśyate



kṛtiviśeṣaḥ ।

śrāddhakalpaḥ iti nāmakāḥ naikāḥ kṛtayaḥ santi



ekaḥ ācāryaḥ ।

saṅkalparāmasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ ācāryaḥ ।

saṅkalparāmasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

satyasaṅkalpatīrthasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ janasamūhaḥ ।

vikalpasya ullekhaḥ mahābhārate vartate



nandiskandapurāṇayoḥ bhāgaḥ ।

kedārakalpasya varṇanaṃ purāṇe vartate



ekā ṭīkā ।

kaivalyakalpadrumasya ullekhaḥ kośe dṛśyate


tailakalpanā, śāraṅgadharasaṃhitā   

ekaḥ granthaḥ ।

tailakalpanāyāḥ ullekhaḥ kośe vartate



ekaṃ sthānam ।

urubilvākalpasya ullekhaḥ lalita-vistare asti



ekaḥ granthaḥ ।

tāriṇīkalpasya ullekhaḥ tantrasāre asti


tailakalpanā, śāraṅgadharasaṃhitā   

ekaḥ granthaḥ ।

tailakalpanāyāḥ ullekhaḥ kośe vartate



ekaḥ granthaprakāraḥ ।

kalpalatā nāma ekaḥ granthaprakāraḥ asti



ekaḥ sūtragranthaḥ ।

kalpasūtram iti granthaprakāraḥ vividhāsu śākhāsu vartate



ekaḥ granthaḥ ।

kalpasūtram iti ekaḥ vaidyakagranthaḥ vartate

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