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Grammar Search
"loman" has 1 results
loman: neuter vocative singular stem: loman
Monier-Williams Search
3 results for loman"
lomann. (later form of roman- q.v) the hair on the body of men and animals (especially short hair, wool etc.;not so properly applicable to the long hair of the head or beard, nor to the mane and tail of animals) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lomann. a tail View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lomann. dual number (with bharad-vājasya-), Name of sāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
loman लोमन् n. [लू-मनिन् Uṇ.4.164] 1 The hair on the body of men or animals; see रोमन्. -Comp. -अञ्चः = 1 रोमाञ्चः q. v. -2 wool, down. -3 a tail. -अदः a species of parasitic worm. -आलिः, -ली, -आवलिः, -ली, -राजिः f. a line of hair from the breast to the navel; see रोमावली &c. -कर्णः a hare. -कीटः a louse. -कूपः, -गर्तः, -रन्ध्रम्, -विवरम् a pore of the skin. -घ्नम् morbid baldness. -पादः N. of a king of the Aṅgas; अपत्यकृतिकां राज्ञे लोमपादाय यां ददौ U.1.4 (v. l.). -मणिः an amulet made of hair. -वाहिन् a. 1 feathered; अच्छिनच्छरवर्षेण महता लोमवाहिना Mb.1.12.27. -2 hairy. -3 sharp. -विष a. with poison in hair (as tiger and other creatures). -शातनम् depilatory (removing the hair of the body). -संहर्षण a. thrilling, causing horripilation. -सारः an emerald. -हर्ष, -हर्षण, -हर्षिन् see रोमहर्ष &c. -हृत् m. yellow orpiment. -हारिन् 1 see लोमवाहिन. -2 gathering all in order (अनुलोमसंग्रही); Mb.1.14.89.
Macdonell Search
1 result
loman n. [later form of roman] hair of the body (of men and animals, gnly. ex cluding hair of the head, beard, mane, or tail).
1 result
loman noun (neuter) a tail (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Sāman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the hair on the body of men and animals (esp. short hair) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

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