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Grammar Search
"loke" has 5 results
loke: neuter nominative dual stem: loka
loke: neuter accusative dual stem: loka
loke: neuter locative singular stem: loka
loke: masculine locative singular stem: loka
loke: first person singular present present class 1 ātmanepadalok
Amarakosha Search
Monier-Williams Search
30 results for loke
lokendram. N of a tathāgata-, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lokeśam. lord of the world etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lokeśam. Name of brahmā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lokeśam. of a buddha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lokeśam. quicksilver View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lokeśakaram. Name of a commentator View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lokeśaprabhavāpyayamfn. having both origin and end subject to the lords of the world View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lokeṣṭakāf. Name of particular bricks (see logeṣṭak/ā-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lokeṣṭif. Name of a particular iṣṭi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lokeśvaram. the lord of the world View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lokeśvaram. Name of a buddha- (also ra-rāja-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lokeśvaram. of avalokiteśvara-
lokeśvaraśatakan. Name of a poem View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lokeśvarātmajāf. " lokeśvara-'s daughter", Name of a Buddhist goddess View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avalokeṣuind. before the (looks or) eyes of(genitive case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devalokegatamfn. gone to the gods, dead View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ihalokeind. in this world View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
indralokeśam. the lord of indra-'s world id est indra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
indralokeśam. a guest (as conferring paradise on his host). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyalokeśam. "lord of the middle world or earth", a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyamalokendum. "moon of the middle world", a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
puṇyaślokeyakarmanmfn. puṇyaśloka
sarvalokeśam. "lord of the whole world", Name of kṛṣṇa-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvalokeśvaram. "id.", id., View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvalokeśvaram. Name of brahmā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svargalokeśam. "lord of heaven", indra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svargalokeśam. the body (as enjoying felicity in indra-'s heaven) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trilokeśam. " triloka--lord", viṣṇu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trilokeśam. śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trilokeśam. the sun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
amogha अमोघ a. 1 Unfailing, reaching the mark; धनुष्यमोघं समधत्त बाणम् Ku.3.66; R.3.53;12.97; कामिलभ्येष्वमोघैः Me.75. -2 Unerring, infallible (words, boon &c.); अमोघाः प्रतिगृह्णन्तावर्ध्यानुपदमाशिषः R.1.44; युतममोघतया Ki. 6.4. -3 Not vain or useless, efficacious, fruitful, productive; यदमोघमपामन्तरुप्तं बीजमज त्वया Ku.2.5; so ˚बलम्, ˚शक्ति, ˚वीर्य, ˚क्रोध &c. -घः 1 Not failing or erring, unerringness. -2 N. of Viṣṇu (or of Śiva according to some). -3 N. of a river. -घा 1 N. of the plant पाटली (Mar. पाडळी) (the trumpet flower). 2 N. of another plant विडङ्ग (Mar. वावडिंग) the seed of which is used as a vermifuge, and hence also called कृमिघ्न. -3 = पथ्या. -4 N. of a spear or शक्ति. -5 N. of Śiva's wife. -6 Mystical name of the conjunct consonant क्ष. -Comp. -अक्षी f. N. of Dākṣāyaṇī, Matsya P. -दण्डः urerring in punishment, N. of Śiva. -दर्शिन्, -दृष्टि a. of unerring mind or view, N. of a Bodhisattva. -नन्दिनी N. of a Śikṣā-text. -पाशः N. of a Loke-Śvara (Buddhistic). -बल a. of never-failing strength of vigour. (उच्चैःश्रवस्). -भूतिः N. of a king of the Punjab. -राजः N. of a Bhikṣu; L. V. -वर्षः N. of a Chālukya prince. -वाच् f. words not vain or idle, that are sure to be fulfilled or realized. a. one whose words are not vain. -वाञ्छित a. never disappointed. -विक्रमः of neverfailing valour; N. of Siva. -सिद्धिः N. of the fifth Dhyānibuddha.
Macdonell Search
1 result
lokeśa m. lord of the world; -½îs vara, m. id.; -½eshan&asharp;, f. desire of heaven; -½ukti, f. common talk; popular saying, pro verb; -½uttara, a. going beyond the com mon, unusual, extraordinary; m. extraor dinary man.
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results84 results
amṛte loke akṣite RV.9.113.7d; ātmapraU.1d.
amuṣmiṃl loke yuga uttarasmin AVP.11.5.8d.
amuṣmiṃl loke sphītiṃ gachatu me ApMB.2.20.33d.
asmiṃl loke dakṣiṇayā pariṣkṛtam AVP.6.22.13d.
asmiṃl loke vyokasaḥ (AVP.6.23.12d, vyokasau) AVP.6.23.12b,12d.
asmiṃl loke śataṃ samāḥ VS.19.46d; MS.3.11.10d: 156.14; KS.38.2d; śB.; TB.; Apś.1.10.12d; śG.5.9.4d; JG.2.2d. See asmin goṣṭhe śataṃ.
asmiṃl loke śraddadhānena dattaḥ AVś.9.5.7d,11d.
aviṃ lokena saṃmitam AVś.3.29.3b--5b.
brahmeva loke kṣatram iva śriyāṃ bhūyāsam ā.
karmāṇi loke pari mohayanti Kauś.135.9f.
pitṝṇāṃ loke AVP.5.40.1c. Perhaps parame vyoman is to be supplied.
pitṝṇāṃ loke api bhāgo astu AVś.12.2.9d.
pitṝṇāṃ loke 'kṣitam AVś.3.29.4d.
triṣu lokeṣu jāgṛhi TB.; Apś.5.14.5c.
tṛtīye loke anṛṇāḥ syāma AVś.6.117.3b; TB.; TA.2.15.1b; Apś.13.22.5b; Mś.
upodake loke ni dadhāmy asau VS.35.6b; śB.
urau loke ni dhīyasva AVś.18.2.20b.
yamasya loke adhirajjur āyat (TA. āya; MS. loke nidhir ajarāya) AVś.6.118.2d; MS.4.14.17d: 245.14; TA.2.4.1d.
yamasya loke parame vyoman AVP.11.5.4d.
yasmiṃ loke svar hitam RV.9.113.7b; ātmapraU.1b.
yasmiṃl loke sadya u tvā dadāti AVP.5.31.4b.
akṣitam asi mā pitṝṇāṃ (ApMB. maiṣāṃ; HG.BDh. also, pitāmahānāṃ, prapitāmahānāṃ) kṣeṣṭhā amutrāmuṣmiṃl loke # ApMB.2.20.1 (ApG.8.21.8); HG.2.11.4; BDh. Cf. for this and the next three, akṣatam asy, akṣitir asi, and akṣito 'si.
akṣitir asi mā me kṣeṣṭhā amutrāmuṣmiṃl loka iha ca (Aś. kṣeṣṭhā asmiṃś ca loke 'muṣmiṃś ca) # VSK.2.3.8; Aś.1.13.4; śś.4.9.4; 11.3; Kś.3.4.30. P: akṣitir asi mā me kṣeṣṭhāḥ KS.5.5; Aś.1.11.6. Cf. akṣatam asy, akṣitam asi etc., and akṣito 'si etc.
akṣito 'sy akṣityai tvā (Mś. omits [erroneously ?] tvā) mā me kṣeṣṭhā amutrāmuṣmiṃl loke (GB.Vaitṃś. loka iha ca) # TS.; 7.3.4; GB.2.1.7; Vait.3.20; Mś. Cf. prec.
agninā devena pṛthivīlokena lokānām ṛgvedena vedānāṃ tena tvā śamayāmy asau svāhā # śG.1.16.3.
ajaḥ pakvaḥ svarge loke dadhāti # AVś.9.5.18a.
athainaṃ dhehi sukṛtām u loke # AVś.18.3.71d.
anaḍvān duhe sukṛtasya loke # AVś.4.11.4a; AVP.3.25.2a.
anavahāyāsmān devayānena pathā (TS. patheta) sukṛtāṃ loke sīdata # TS.; MS.1.3.37: 44.2; 4.8.2: 109.6. See next.
anavahāyāsmān devi dakṣiṇe devayānena pathā yatī sukṛtāṃ loke sīda # KS.4.9. See prec.
anu mā tanuhy asmin yajñe 'syāṃ sādhukṛtyāyām asminn anne 'smiṃl loke # VSK.2.6.9; Kś.3.8.25. See anu mā saṃtanuhi.
apy abhūr (AVPṭB.ApMB. abhūd) bhadre sukṛtasya loke # AVś.2.10.7b; AVP.2.3.5d; TB.; ApMB.2.12.9d. Cf. bhavāma bhadre.
avainān bādhe praty enān nude 'smin kṣaye 'smin bhūmiloke yo 'smān dveṣṭi yaṃ ca vayaṃ dviṣmaḥ # TS.; Apś.13.18.9.
asmin goṣṭhe śataṃ samāḥ # Kauś.89.1d. See asmiṃl loke śataṃ.
ahaṃ devānāṃ sukṛtām asmi loke # TB.; Apś.2.20.6a.
ājaddviṣaḥ sukṛtasya loke # AVP.5.13.8a.
ādityaḥ sarvāgniḥ pṛthivyāṃ vāyur antarikṣe sūryo divi candramā dikṣu nakṣatrāṇi svaloke # TA.1.20.1.
ā mā bhadrasya loke # AVś.6.26.1c.
āśrāvayati ślokena # RV.5.82.9b; MS.4.12.6b: 198.1; KS.10.12b.
ījānaṃ yuktāḥ sukṛtāṃ dhatta loke # AVś.18.4.1d.
udyan suvargo lokas triṣu lokeṣu rocaya # Apś.6.6.8.
upasthe mātuḥ surabhā (TS. surabhāv) u loke # RV.5.1.6b; TS.; MS.4.11.1b: 162.4; KS.2.15b.
ṛtasya yonau sukṛtasya loke # RV.10.85.24c; AVś.14.1.19c; Kś.3.8.2c. Cf. uruṃ lokaṃ sugam, and dhātuś ca yonau.
etā asadan sukṛtasya loke # TS.; TB. P: etā asadan Apś.2.10.4. See etāv asadatām, and dhruvā asadann ṛtasya.
etā me agna iṣṭakā dhenavaḥ santv amutrāmuṣmiṃ loke # VS.17.2; śB. Cf. imā me agna.
eṣa me 'muṣmiṃ (GB. 'muṣmiṃl) loke prakāśo 'sat # PB.18.7.7; GB.2.5.8. Cf. eṣa vām ākāśaḥ.
kāmadughā amutrāmuṣmiṃl loke # MS.3.3.4: 36.8; TB.; Apś.1.14.12e.
candreṇa devena diśāṃ lokena lokānāṃ brahmavedena vedānāṃ tena tvā śamayāmy asau svāhā # śG.1.16.3.
caraṇaṃ no loke sudhitāṃ dadhātu # TB.
jīvapatnī patiloke vi rāja # SMB.1.1.13d; ApMB.1.4.9d; HG.1.19.7d; JG.1.20d.
tapo 'si loke śritam, tejasaḥ pratiṣṭhā, tvayīdam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartṛ viśvasya janayitṛ # TB.
te tvā sarve saṃvidānā nākasya pṛṣṭhe svarge (TS. suvarge) loke yajamānaṃ ca sādayantu # VS.15.10--14; TS.; MS.2.8.9 (quinq.): 113.8,13,18; 114.5,11; KS.17.8 (quinq.); śB.
te brahmalokeṣu (TA. -loke tu) parāntakāle # TA.10.10.3c; MahānU.10.6c; MuṇḍU.3.2.6c; KaivU.3c.
trayas tiṣṭhanti sukṛtasya loke # AVP.4.40.3a.
dadhāti śakraḥ sukṛtasya loke # MS.4.14.7c: 225.6.
durbhikṣaṃ devalokeṣu # TA.1.4.3a.
devaputrā ime svarge loke astu # AVP.5.40.2d.
dhātuś ca yonau sukṛtasya loke # TS.;; TB.; Mś.; ApMB.1.5.16c,17c; MG.1.11.19c; VārG.14.24c. Cf. under ṛtasya yonau su-.
dhruvā asadann ṛtasya yonau (MS.KS.śś. yonau sukṛtasya loke) # VS.2.6; MS.1.1.12: 8.3; KS.1.11; 31.10; śB.; śś.4.8.3. P: dhruvā asadan Kś.2.8.19; Mś. See etā asadan.
dhruvo 'ham asmiṃl loke 'smiṃś ca janapade bhūyāsam # HG.1.23.1.
nākaṃ gṛbhṇānāḥ (TS.KS. gṛhṇānāḥ) sukṛtasya loke # VS.15.50c; TS.;; MS.1.4.3c: 50.8; 2.12.4c: 147.9; KS.5.6c; 18.18c; śB.
nākasya pṛṣṭhe (Vaitṃś. pṛṣṭhe svarge loke) yajamāno astu # Vait.2.1; Kś.2.2.8b; Apś.3.19.1b; Mś.;
niṣkā ete yajamānasya loke (KS. yajamānasya santu) # AVś.7.99.1d; KS.31.14d. See prec. but one.
purīṣaṃ vasānaḥ sukṛtasya loke (MS.KS. lokam) # VS.13.31c; MS.2.7.16d: 100.7; KS.39.3d; śB. See next.
pūto vipāpmā vijahāti loke # Apś.21.12.3d.
pūṣā nā ādhāt sukṛtasya loke # MS.1.5.3d: 69.14; 1.6.2d: 87.2. See pūṣā mādhāt.
pūṣā mādhāt (AVś. mā dhāt) sukṛtasya loke # AVś.16.9.2b; TS.; KS.39.1d. See pūṣā nā.
pṛthivyā mūrdhan sīda yajñiye loke # KS.7.13 (ter). See pṛthivyās tvā mūrdhan sādayāmi.
pṛthivyās tvā mūrdhan sādayāmi yajñiye loke # Apś.5.12.2; 13.8; 15.6; 6.2.1. See pṛthivyā mūrdhan.
pṛthivyās tvā loke sādayāmi # TA.6.7.3.
prajananaṃ vai pratiṣṭhā loke sādhuprajāyās (MahānU. sādhuprajāvāṃs) tantuṃ tanvānaḥ pitṝṇām anṛṇo bhavati tad eva tasyānṛṇam # TA.10.63.1; MahānU.22.1.
prajayā paśubhir brahmavarcasena suvarge loke # TB.; Apś.5.8.8. See prec.
prati brahman prati kṣatre praty eṣu triṣu lokeṣu tiṣṭhāmi # AB.8.9.3. Cf. next.
prathayi prajayā paśubhiḥ suvarge loke # TB.; Apś.4.7.2b.
prapitāmahān bibharti pinvamānaḥ (TA. -mahaṃ bibharat pinvamāne) # AVś.18.4.35d; TA.6.6.1d. See svarge loke pinvamāno.
bhavāma bhadre sukṛtasya loke # AVP.2.73.4b. Cf. apy abhūr.
me kṣeṣṭhā amutrāmuṣmiṃ loke # TS.; 7.3.4; GB.2.1.7; Vait.3.20; Mś.
me kṣeṣṭhā asmiṃś ca loke 'muṣmiṃś ca # Aś.1.13.4.
ya etasmiṃ loke stha yuṣmāṃs te 'nu # TS.; TB.
ya etasmiṃ loke stha yūyaṃ teṣāṃ vasiṣṭhā bhūyāsta # TS.; TB. Cf. ye 'tra pitaraḥ pi-.
yajñaṃ vidānāḥ sukṛtasya loke # Apś.16.29.1d (bis). See yajñaṃ dadhānāḥ, and yajñaṃ duhānāḥ.
yajñaṃ duhānāḥ sukṛtasya loke # KS.39.2d. See under yajñaṃ vidānāḥ.
yatrainān vettha sukṛtasya loke # śG.3.13.3b. See prec.
yathāsāma jīvaloke bhūrayaḥ # TA.6.6.2d. See yathā me bhūrayo.
Vedabase Search
572 results
loke all peopleCC Antya 3.143
CC Madhya 15.35
CC Madhya 17.157
loke all the peopleCC Adi 17.121
CC Madhya 11.222
CC Madhya 14.53
CC Madhya 14.58
CC Madhya 4.80
CC Madhya 4.86
loke among peopleCC Antya 14.81
loke among the general peopleCC Madhya 8.290
loke among the peopleCC Antya 9.136
CC Madhya 4.145
loke among the residentsCC Madhya 16.203
loke duration of lifeSB 4.18.3
loke everyoneCC Madhya 13.19
CC Madhya 13.98
CC Madhya 5.110
loke for the peopleCC Madhya 3.49
loke in all peopleCC Madhya 19.43
CC Madhya 24.319
loke in all the planetsSB 1.12.17
loke in human societyCC Antya 3.227
loke in social behaviorNBS 14
loke in the locationsCC Adi 5.25
loke in the material worldSB 11.11.34-41
SB 11.5.11
SB 4.29.46
SB 4.4.11
SB 5.5.3
loke in the selfSB 4.4.19
loke in the societySB 9.8.15-16
loke in the universeSB 2.7.21
SB 3.9.31
loke in the worldBG 10.6
BG 13.14
BG 15.16
BG 15.18
BG 16.6
BG 3.3
CC Adi 10.21
CC Adi 3.91
CC Adi 4.15-16
MM 38
NBS 37
SB 10.28.13
SB 10.8.49
SB 10.80.25-26
SB 2.6.43-45
SB 3.13.50
SB 3.14.26
SB 3.17.28
SB 3.24.19
SB 3.24.36
SB 3.5.18
SB 3.7.17
SB 4.13.7
SB 4.15.26
SB 4.27.20
SB 4.27.30
SB 4.4.30
SB 5.18.19
SB 6.1.17
SB 6.17.11
SB 7.13.35
SB 8.20.6
loke in this lifeSB 3.25.37
loke in this material worldCC Madhya 12.48
SB 6.16.52
loke in this worldBG 2.5
BG 6.42
CC Antya 11.25
CC Madhya 20.147-148
CC Madhya 20.61
SB 1.17.5
SB 1.18.50
SB 10.12.43
SB 10.3.41
SB 10.41.42
SB 10.46.39
SB 10.49.19
SB 10.72.11
SB 11.2.39
SB 11.21.42
SB 11.22.35-36
SB 11.7.19
SB 4.15.22
SB 4.20.3
SB 4.22.32
SB 4.6.44
SB 6.3.5
SB 7.10.21
SB 8.16.4
SB 8.19.36
SB 9.18.43
SB 9.8.25
loke into the worldSB 10.78.27
loke into this worldSB 10.70.27
loke messengersCC Antya 9.63
loke of the cosmic manifestationSB 10.3.25
loke peopleCC Adi 17.297
CC Antya 14.80
CC Antya 3.103
CC Antya 6.11
CC Antya 7.166
CC Madhya 1.279
CC Madhya 17.162
CC Madhya 18.185
CC Madhya 18.20
CC Madhya 9.236
loke people in generalCC Madhya 12.24
CC Madhya 14.59
CC Madhya 9.51
loke personsCC Antya 7.167
loke the general populaceCC Antya 8.100
loke the peopleCC Madhya 25.176
CC Madhya 9.90
loke the people in generalCC Adi 16.31
CC Antya 1.181
CC Madhya 1.30
CC Madhya 6.15
CC Madhya 9.70
loke the worldSB 4.13.19-20
loke this worldSB 4.18.7
loke throughout the whole worldSB 10.11.9
loke throughout the worldSB 11.5.50
loke to social behaviorCC Madhya 11.118
loke to the peopleCC Adi 17.132
CC Madhya 20.336
loke to the people in generalCC Antya 2.168
CC Madhya 20.340
loke to this worldSB 3.31.48
loke unto the peopleCC Adi 17.125
CC Madhya 1.282
CC Madhya 4.187
loke unto the people in generalCC Adi 6.51
loke when all the peopleSB 7.2.16
loke within the three worldsSB 4.17.17
loke within the worldSB 1.18.21
SB 11.28.8
SB 8.14.7
loke within this universeSB 3.15.2
loke within this worldBG 4.12
CC Antya 17.68
CC Madhya 10.52
SB 6.3.8
SB 7.5.27
loke worldSB 1.12.30
SB 10.81.11
SB 11.20.11
SB 4.14.24
SB 4.22.8
loke asmin in this material worldSB 6.3.22
loke asmin in this material worldSB 6.3.22
SB 7.7.55
loke asmin in this material worldSB 7.7.55
loke asmin in this worldSB 3.25.44
loke asmin in this worldSB 3.25.44
loke camatkāra everyone is astonishedCC Madhya 25.161
loke camatkāra everyone is astonishedCC Madhya 25.161
loke dekhāite to exhibit within the material worldCC Madhya 21.103
loke dekhāite to exhibit within the material worldCC Madhya 21.103
loke gāya people sayCC Antya 7.164
loke gāya people sayCC Antya 7.164
loke jāne the people understoodCC Madhya 13.103
loke jāne the people understoodCC Madhya 13.103
loke kahe all people began to sayCC Madhya 9.314
loke kahe all people began to sayCC Madhya 9.314
loke kahe all the people repliedCC Madhya 18.94
loke kahe all the people repliedCC Madhya 18.94
loke kahe the people saidCC Madhya 17.161
loke kahe the people saidCC Madhya 17.161
loke nā mānibe no one will care about itCC Antya 7.134
loke nā mānibe no one will care about itCC Antya 7.134
loke nā mānibe no one will care about itCC Antya 7.134
loke nāhi bujhe people in general cannot understandCC Antya 2.170
loke nāhi bujhe people in general cannot understandCC Antya 2.170
loke nāhi bujhe people in general cannot understandCC Antya 2.170
loke puchi' inquiring from peopleCC Antya 4.13
loke puchi' inquiring from peopleCC Antya 4.13
loke rahu what to speak of people in generalCC Madhya 12.24
loke rahu what to speak of people in generalCC Madhya 12.24
loke śikṣā dilā gave instruction to the people in generalCC Antya 20.64
loke śikṣā dilā gave instruction to the people in generalCC Antya 20.64
loke śikṣā dilā gave instruction to the people in generalCC Antya 20.64
lokera of all peopleCC Adi 13.68
CC Adi 5.215
CC Antya 1.118
lokera of all the peopleCC Antya 1.30
CC Antya 16.75
CC Madhya 1.282
CC Madhya 13.201
CC Madhya 17.52
CC Madhya 25.163
CC Madhya 25.69
CC Madhya 5.63
lokera of everyoneCC Antya 3.231
lokera of peopleCC Madhya 17.62-63
CC Madhya 18.148
CC Madhya 18.70
CC Madhya 4.204
lokera of people in generalCC Adi 13.68
CC Madhya 18.105
lokera of personsCC Madhya 9.81
lokera of the peopleCC Adi 13.69
CC Adi 16.19
CC Adi 17.97
CC Adi 5.167
CC Madhya 1.275
CC Madhya 12.31
CC Madhya 17.163
CC Madhya 17.47
CC Madhya 3.111
CC Madhya 4.95
CC Madhya 5.112
CC Madhya 7.80
lokera of the people in generalCC Adi 7.161
CC Antya 1.182
CC Antya 3.17
CC Madhya 25.220
CC Madhya 25.93
CC Madhya 6.25
CC Madhya 9.314
lokera of the worldCC Adi 3.98
lokera personsCC Antya 5.151
lokera gamana people wentCC Madhya 18.96
lokera gamana people wentCC Madhya 18.96
lokera sańghaṭṭa crowds of menCC Madhya 25.19
lokera sańghaṭṭa crowds of menCC Madhya 25.19
lokera sańghaṭṭa crowds of peopleCC Madhya 18.141
lokera sańghaṭṭa crowds of peopleCC Madhya 18.141
lokera sańghaṭṭe by the assembly of so many menCC Madhya 16.258
lokera sańghaṭṭe by the assembly of so many menCC Madhya 16.258
lokera sańghaṭṭe in the great crowd of peopleCC Antya 2.26
lokera sańghaṭṭe in the great crowd of peopleCC Antya 2.26
lokere peopleCC Madhya 10.105
lokere the peopleCC Madhya 5.104
lokere nācāya made the people danceCC Madhya 17.152
lokere nācāya made the people danceCC Madhya 17.152
lokere puchila inquired from persons thereCC Madhya 18.58
lokere puchila inquired from persons thereCC Madhya 18.58
lokeṣu all over the world or universeSB 9.15.16
lokeṣu all the planets, or everything that existsSB 8.3.5
lokeṣu among the peopleSB 3.15.12
lokeṣu among the planetsSB 12.11.29
lokeṣu in all the planetary systems within the universeSB 6.5.43
lokeṣu including promotion to all the planets of the universe up to BrahmalokaSB 11.18.12
lokeṣu planetary systemsBG 3.22
lokeṣu throughout all the universeSB 11.6.2-4
lokeṣu throughout all the worldsSB 12.3.14
lokeṣu within the worldsSB 10.70.36
āloke lightSB 3.15.2
amuṣmin loke in the next worldSB 5.26.25
aneka-lokera of many personsCC Antya 20.17
kā stry ańga te ślokera of the verse beginning with the words kā stry ańga teCC Antya 20.132
ei ślokera artha the meanings of this verseCC Madhya 25.161
ślokera artha the meaning of that verseCC Antya 1.76
asańkhya lokera ghaṭā a great crowd of peopleCC Antya 2.26
aṣṭa-ślokera of the eight stanzasCC Antya 20.64
ātma-loke in the spiritual worldSB 6.9.33
smita-avalokena by a glance with a sweet smileSB 3.3.20
kṛpā-avalokena glancing with mercySB 4.1.25
avalokena with glancesSB 4.16.9
smita-avalokena by attractive smilingSB 4.25.42
avalokena by Your glanceSB 6.9.41
avalokena with glancesSB 10.62.29-30
bṛhat-ślokena decorated with all the high qualities described by poetsSB 5.4.2
cāri-śloke in four versesCC Adi 5.12
ei caudda śloke in these fourteen versesCC Adi 1.29
daśama ślokera of the tenth verseCC Adi 5.92
dhāya loke people began to runCC Antya 2.28
dui śloke in two versesCC Adi 1.28
dui śloke in two versesCC Adi 6.119
dui ślokera of the two versesCC Antya 16.120
jānā'te loke to advertise among the peopleCC Antya 20.62
ei caudda śloke in these fourteen versesCC Adi 1.29
ei saba ślokera of all these (fourteen) versesCC Adi 1.30
ei śloke this verseCC Adi 6.24
ei śloke in this verseCC Adi 16.47
ei śloke in this verseCC Adi 16.52
ei śloke in this verseCC Adi 16.54
ei śloke in this verseCC Adi 16.68
ei śloke this verseCC Madhya 4.203
ei ślokera of this verseCC Madhya 6.187
ei ślokera of this verseCC Madhya 6.243
ei śloke in this verseCC Madhya 20.360
ei tina loke all three of these placesCC Madhya 21.91
ei śloke in this verseCC Madhya 24.101
ei ślokera artha the meanings of this verseCC Madhya 25.161
ei ślokera of this verseCC Antya 3.182
ei śloke in this verseCC Antya 5.147
ei śloke in this verseCC Antya 8.35
ei śloke this verseCC Antya 20.62
eka śloke in one verseCC Adi 1.28
eka śloke in one verseCC Madhya 24.4
asańkhya lokera ghaṭā a great crowd of peopleCC Antya 2.26
goloke in GolokaCC Adi 3.5
goloke in Goloka VṛndāvanaCC Adi 4.72
goloke in Goloka VṛndāvanaCC Madhya 8.163
goloke on the planet called GolokaCC Madhya 23.116
goloke in Goloka VṛndāvanaBs 5.37
saba grāmya-lokera of all the people of the villageCC Madhya 18.6
hareḥ loke in the spiritual world, the Vaikuṇṭha planetsSB 7.11.29
harer nāma ślokera of the verse celebrated as suchCC Adi 17.20
harer nāma-ślokera of the verse beginning harer nāma harer nāmaCC Madhya 25.29
itara-lokera of common menCC Antya 14.82
jana-loke on the planet JanalokaSB 10.87.9
jānā'te loke to advertise among the peopleCC Antya 20.62
jīva-loke in the world of conditional lifeBG 15.7
kā stry ańga te ślokera of the verse beginning with the words kā stry ańga teCC Antya 20.132
karṇāmṛta-ślokera of a verse from Kṛṣṇa-karṇāmṛtaCC Antya 20.133
sahaja lokera kathā the talks of all the plain peopleCC Madhya 14.224
khaṇḍa-vāsī lokera of the residents of KhaṇḍaCC Antya 10.123
kṛpā-avalokena glancing with mercySB 4.1.25
kṛṣṇa-lokera vibhūti the opulence of the Kṛṣṇaloka planetCC Madhya 20.213
nṛ-loke in this material worldBG 11.48
manuṣya-loke in the world of human societyBG 15.2
jīva-loke in the world of conditional lifeBG 15.7
nara-loke on this planet of human beingsSB 1.11.35
nṛ-loke in human societySB 1.16.8
yat loke within this worldSB 4.8.28
nṛ-loke in this worldSB 5.5.1
amuṣmin loke in the next worldSB 5.26.25
viṣṇu-loke in the spiritual worldSB 6.2.47-48
ātma-loke in the spiritual worldSB 6.9.33
nṛ-loke within this material worldSB 7.10.48
hareḥ loke in the spiritual world, the Vaikuṇṭha planetsSB 7.11.29
nṛ-loke human societySB 7.14.5
nṛ-loke in this material worldSB 7.15.75
svarge loke miṣati while the inhabitants of the heavenly planets, Svargaloka, were watching this wonderful sceneSB 10.13.11
nṛ-loke among mankindSB 10.50.44
jana-loke on the planet JanalokaSB 10.87.9
martya-loke in human societySB 11.17.3-4
vaikuṇṭha-loke in Vaikuṇṭhaloka, the spiritual worldCC Adi 1.8
sarva-loke all over the worldCC Adi 5.12
vaikuṇṭha-loke in Vaikuṇṭhaloka, the spiritual worldCC Adi 5.13
nija-loke in his own abodeCC Adi 5.221
sarva-loke all peopleCC Adi 9.52
sarva-loke every manCC Adi 13.33
sarva loke all the three worldsCC Adi 14.16
sarva-loke all over the worldCC Adi 15.33
nṛ-loke in the material worldCC Madhya 2.43
sarva-loke all peopleCC Madhya 5.115
saba loke all the peopleCC Madhya 9.15
saba loke all personsCC Madhya 10.62
sarva-loke the general publicCC Madhya 12.51
sei saba loke unto all those personsCC Madhya 18.127
ei tina loke all three of these placesCC Madhya 21.91
dhāya loke people began to runCC Antya 2.28
saba loke everyoneCC Antya 3.12
saba-loke nistārilā delivered all conditioned soulsCC Antya 5.153
jānā'te loke to advertise among the peopleCC Antya 20.62
sarva-lokera of all peopleCC Adi 14.19
sarva-lokera of all peopleCC Adi 16.5
sarva lokera of all the people thereCC Madhya 7.114
vraja-lokera of the planet known as Goloka VṛndāvanaCC Madhya 8.222
vraja-lokera of the inhabitants of Goloka VṛndāvanaCC Madhya 9.128
vraja-lokera of the inhabitants of VrajabhūmiCC Madhya 9.131
sarva-lokera of all peopleCC Madhya 10.25
vraja-lokera of the inhabitants of VṛndāvanaCC Madhya 13.148
sahaja lokera kathā the talks of all the plain peopleCC Madhya 14.224
sarva-lokera of all peopleCC Madhya 15.91
saba grāmya-lokera of all the people of the villageCC Madhya 18.6
rāja-puta-lokera of people from RajasthanCC Madhya 18.26
kṛṣṇa-lokera vibhūti the opulence of the Kṛṣṇaloka planetCC Madhya 20.213
paṇḍita-lokera of the learned scholarsCC Madhya 25.25
asańkhya lokera ghaṭā a great crowd of peopleCC Antya 2.26
sakala-lokera of everyoneCC Antya 6.77
saba lokera of every personCC Antya 10.76
khaṇḍa-vāsī lokera of the residents of KhaṇḍaCC Antya 10.123
itara-lokera of common menCC Antya 14.82
aneka-lokera of many personsCC Antya 20.17
saba lokere unto the people in generalCC Adi 14.61
manuṣya-loke in the world of human societyBG 15.2
martya-loke in human societySB 11.17.3-4
svarge loke miṣati while the inhabitants of the heavenly planets, Svargaloka, were watching this wonderful sceneSB 10.13.11
mūla ślokera of the original verseCC Adi 4.229
harer nāma ślokera of the verse celebrated as suchCC Adi 17.20
harer nāma-ślokera of the verse beginning harer nāma harer nāmaCC Madhya 25.29
nara-loke on this planet of human beingsSB 1.11.35
navama ślokera of the ninth verseCC Adi 5.92
nija-loke in his own abodeCC Adi 5.221
nirāloke without being illuminatedSB 8.24.34-35
saba-loke nistārilā delivered all conditioned soulsCC Antya 5.153
nṛ-loke in this material worldBG 11.48
nṛ-loke in human societySB 1.16.8
nṛ-loke in this worldSB 5.5.1
nṛ-loke within this material worldSB 7.10.48
nṛ-loke human societySB 7.14.5
nṛ-loke in this material worldSB 7.15.75
nṛ-loke among mankindSB 10.50.44
nṛ-loke in the material worldCC Madhya 2.43
pañca śloke in five versesCC Adi 1.27
pañca-śloke in five versesCC Adi 5.3
pañca śloke in five versesCC Adi 6.3
paṇḍita-lokera of the learned scholarsCC Madhya 25.25
prati-śloke in every verseCC Madhya 24.318
prati-śloke in each and every verseCC Madhya 25.135
rāja-puta-lokera of people from RajasthanCC Madhya 18.26
rāja-puta-lokera of people from RajasthanCC Madhya 18.26
ei saba ślokera of all these (fourteen) versesCC Adi 1.30
saba lokere unto the people in generalCC Adi 14.61
saba loke all the peopleCC Madhya 9.15
saba loke all personsCC Madhya 10.62
saba ślokera of all versesCC Madhya 13.133
saba grāmya-lokera of all the people of the villageCC Madhya 18.6
sei saba loke unto all those personsCC Madhya 18.127
saba loke everyoneCC Antya 3.12
saba-loke nistārilā delivered all conditioned soulsCC Antya 5.153
saba lokera of every personCC Antya 10.76
sahaja lokera kathā the talks of all the plain peopleCC Madhya 14.224
sakala-lokera of everyoneCC Antya 6.77
saptama ślokera of the seventh verseCC Adi 5.12
sarva-loke all over the worldCC Adi 5.12
sarva-loke all peopleCC Adi 9.52
sarva-loke every manCC Adi 13.33
sarva loke all the three worldsCC Adi 14.16
sarva-lokera of all peopleCC Adi 14.19
sarva-loke all over the worldCC Adi 15.33
sarva-lokera of all peopleCC Adi 16.5
sarva-loke all peopleCC Madhya 5.115
sarva lokera of all the people thereCC Madhya 7.114
sarva-lokera of all peopleCC Madhya 10.25
sarva-loke the general publicCC Madhya 12.51
sarva-lokera of all peopleCC Madhya 15.91
ṣaṣṭha-ślokera of the sixth verseCC Adi 4.229
ṣaṣṭha ślokera of the sixth verseCC Adi 4.273
ṣaṭ-śloke in six versesCC Adi 5.3
saurabhya-ślokera of a verse about the bodily fragranceCC Antya 20.137
sei śloke in that same verseCC Adi 1.26
sei ślokera of that verseCC Madhya 1.57
sei śloke in that verseCC Madhya 9.145
sei saba loke unto all those personsCC Madhya 18.127
sei ślokera of that verseCC Antya 17.50
śloke prayersSB 1.2.18
uttama-śloke possessing excellent renownSB 4.31.8
uttama-śloke who is praised by the best of selected prayersSB 9.16.11
uttama-śloke who is praised with transcendental hymnsSB 10.23.20-21
uttamaḥ-śloke whose glories are chanted by the exalted mantras of the VedasSB 10.23.43-44
uttamaḥ-śloke who is glorified in sublime poetrySB 10.47.25
śloke versesCC Adi 1.23
sei śloke in that same verseCC Adi 1.26
śloke in the versesCC Adi 1.26
śloke in versesCC Adi 1.27
pañca śloke in five versesCC Adi 1.27
dui śloke in two versesCC Adi 1.28
eka śloke in one verseCC Adi 1.28
ei caudda śloke in these fourteen versesCC Adi 1.29
śloke in the verseCC Adi 1.83
śloke in the versesCC Adi 1.104
śloke in the verseCC Adi 2.72
śloke verseCC Adi 3.53
śloke or verseCC Adi 4.110
ṣaṭ-śloke in six versesCC Adi 5.3
pañca-śloke in five versesCC Adi 5.3
cāri-śloke in four versesCC Adi 5.12
pañca śloke in five versesCC Adi 6.3
ei śloke this verseCC Adi 6.24
dui śloke in two versesCC Adi 6.119
śloke in that verseCC Adi 16.46
ei śloke in this verseCC Adi 16.47
ei śloke in this verseCC Adi 16.52
ei śloke in this verseCC Adi 16.54
śloke in the verseCC Adi 16.56
ei śloke in this verseCC Adi 16.68
ei śloke this verseCC Madhya 4.203
śloke in the verseCC Madhya 6.194
sei śloke in that verseCC Madhya 9.145
ei śloke in this verseCC Madhya 20.360
eka śloke in one verseCC Madhya 24.4
śloke in the verseCC Madhya 24.10
ei śloke in this verseCC Madhya 24.101
prati-śloke in every verseCC Madhya 24.318
śloke in eighteen thousand versesCC Madhya 25.99
śloke in this verseCC Madhya 25.114
prati-śloke in each and every verseCC Madhya 25.135
ei śloke in this verseCC Antya 5.147
ei śloke in this verseCC Antya 8.35
ei śloke this verseCC Antya 20.62
bṛhat-ślokena decorated with all the high qualities described by poetsSB 5.4.2
ei saba ślokera of all these (fourteen) versesCC Adi 1.30
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 1.104
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 2.4
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 2.66
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 3.3
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 3.3
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 3.112
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 3.113
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 4.3
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 4.3
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 4.4
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 4.5
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 4.54
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 4.54
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 4.99-100
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 4.101
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 4.101
ṣaṣṭha-ślokera of the sixth verseCC Adi 4.229
mūla ślokera of the original verseCC Adi 4.229
ṣaṣṭha ślokera of the sixth verseCC Adi 4.273
ślokera of the versesCC Adi 4.274
saptama ślokera of the seventh verseCC Adi 5.12
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 5.49
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 5.49
navama ślokera of the ninth verseCC Adi 5.92
daśama ślokera of the tenth verseCC Adi 5.92
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 5.108
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 5.108
ślokera of a verseCC Adi 16.39
ślokera of the versesCC Adi 16.40
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 16.42
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 16.45
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 16.45
ślokera of the verseCC Adi 16.57
harer nāma ślokera of the verse celebrated as suchCC Adi 17.20
sei ślokera of that verseCC Madhya 1.57
ślokera of the verseCC Madhya 1.59
ślokera of the first verseCC Madhya 1.60
ślokera of the verseCC Madhya 1.69
ślokera of the verseCC Madhya 1.77
ślokera of the verseCC Madhya 4.192
ślokera this verseCC Madhya 4.196
ei ślokera of this verseCC Madhya 6.187
ślokera of the verseCC Madhya 6.192
ei ślokera of this verseCC Madhya 6.243
ślokera of the versesCC Madhya 8.108
ślokera of the same verseCC Madhya 13.123
saba ślokera of all versesCC Madhya 13.133
ślokera of the verseCC Madhya 24.106
ślokera of the verseCC Madhya 24.306
ślokera of a verseCC Madhya 24.322
harer nāma-ślokera of the verse beginning harer nāma harer nāmaCC Madhya 25.29
ei ślokera artha the meanings of this verseCC Madhya 25.161
ślokera artha the meaning of that verseCC Antya 1.76
ślokera of the verseCC Antya 1.100
ei ślokera of this verseCC Antya 3.182
ślokera of the verseCC Antya 15.13
dui ślokera of the two versesCC Antya 16.120
ślokera of the verseCC Antya 17.7
ślokera of the verseCC Antya 17.32
sei ślokera of that verseCC Antya 17.50
ślokera of versesCC Antya 18.10
ślokera of the versesCC Antya 20.6
aṣṭa-ślokera of the eight stanzasCC Antya 20.64
kā stry ańga te ślokera of the verse beginning with the words kā stry ańga teCC Antya 20.132
karṇāmṛta-ślokera of a verse from Kṛṣṇa-karṇāmṛtaCC Antya 20.133
saurabhya-ślokera of a verse about the bodily fragranceCC Antya 20.137
tṛtīya ślokete in the third verseCC Adi 1.24
ślokete in the verseCC Adi 1.25
ślokete in the verseCC Adi 1.83
smita-avalokena by a glance with a sweet smileSB 3.3.20
smita-avalokena by attractive smilingSB 4.25.42
kā stry ańga te ślokera of the verse beginning with the words kā stry ańga teCC Antya 20.132
svarge loke miṣati while the inhabitants of the heavenly planets, Svargaloka, were watching this wonderful sceneSB 10.13.11
kā stry ańga te ślokera of the verse beginning with the words kā stry ańga teCC Antya 20.132
ei tina loke all three of these placesCC Madhya 21.91
tṛtīya ślokete in the third verseCC Adi 1.24
uttama-śloke possessing excellent renownSB 4.31.8
uttama-śloke who is praised by the best of selected prayersSB 9.16.11
uttama-śloke who is praised with transcendental hymnsSB 10.23.20-21
uttamaḥ-śloke whose glories are chanted by the exalted mantras of the VedasSB 10.23.43-44
uttamaḥ-śloke who is glorified in sublime poetrySB 10.47.25
vaikuṇṭha-loke in Vaikuṇṭhaloka, the spiritual worldCC Adi 1.8
vaikuṇṭha-loke in Vaikuṇṭhaloka, the spiritual worldCC Adi 5.13
khaṇḍa-vāsī lokera of the residents of KhaṇḍaCC Antya 10.123
kṛṣṇa-lokera vibhūti the opulence of the Kṛṣṇaloka planetCC Madhya 20.213
viṣṇu-loke in the spiritual worldSB 6.2.47-48
vraja-lokera of the planet known as Goloka VṛndāvanaCC Madhya 8.222
vraja-lokera of the inhabitants of Goloka VṛndāvanaCC Madhya 9.128
vraja-lokera of the inhabitants of VrajabhūmiCC Madhya 9.131
vraja-lokera of the inhabitants of VṛndāvanaCC Madhya 13.148
yat loke within this worldSB 4.8.28
3 results
lokeśa noun (masculine) name of a Buddha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Brahmā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Viṣṇu quicksilver (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
lokeśvara [rel.] lokapāla
Frequency rank 8675/72933
lokeśvara noun (masculine) name of Avalokiteśvara (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Buddha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Brahmā a kind of alchemical preparation
Frequency rank 16078/72933
laghulokeśvara noun (masculine) a kind of alchemical preparation
Frequency rank 64023/72933
Wordnet Search
"loke" has 3 results.


brahmā, ātmabhūḥ, surajyeṣṭhaḥ, parameṣṭhī, pitāmahaḥ, hiraṇyagarbhaḥ, lokeśaḥ, svayaṃbhūḥ, caturānanaḥ, dhātā, abjayoniḥ, druhiṇaḥ, brahmadevaḥ, viriñciḥ, kamalāsanaḥ, paṅkajāsanaḥ, sraṣṭā, prajāpatiḥ, vedhāḥ, vidhātā, viścasṛṭ, vidhiḥ, nābhijanmā, aṇḍajaḥ, pūrvaḥ, nidhanaḥ, kamalodbhavaḥ, sadānandaḥ, rajomūrtiḥ, satyakaḥ, haṃsavāhanaḥ, hariḥ, pūrṇānandaḥ   

devatāviśeṣaḥ yaḥ sṛṣṭeḥ janakaḥ asti।

nāradaḥ brahmaṇaḥ putraḥ asti।


nṛpaḥ, nṛpatiḥ, rājā, bhūpatiḥ, bhūpaḥ, bhūpālaḥ, mahīpatiḥ, pārthivaḥ, pārthaḥ, pṛthivīpatiḥ, pṛthivīpālaḥ, bhūmipaḥ, bhūmipatiḥ, mahīkṣit, mahīpaḥ, mahīpālaḥ, kṣitipaḥ, kṣitipatiḥ, kṣitipālaḥ, pṛthivīkṣit, nareśvaraḥ, narādhipaḥ, nareśaḥ, narendraḥ, prajeśvaraḥ, prajāpaḥ, prajāpatiḥ, jagatīpatiḥ, avanīśvaraḥ, jagatīpālaḥ, jagatpatiḥ, avanīpatiḥ, avanīpālaḥ, avanīśaḥ, kṣitīkṣaḥ, kṣitīśvaraḥ, pṛthivīśakaḥ, bhūmibhṛt, kṣitibhṛt, bhūbhṛt, kṣmābhṛt, kṣmāpaḥ, vasudhādhipaḥ, adhipaḥ, adhipatiḥ, nāyakādhipaḥ, mahībhuk, jagatībhuk, kṣmābhuk, bhūbhuk, svāmī, prabhuḥ, bhagavān, chatrapaḥ, chatrapatiḥ, rājyabhāk, lokapālaḥ, lokeśaḥ, lokeśvaraḥ, lokanāthaḥ, naradevaḥ, rāṭ, irāvān   

rāṣṭrasya jāteḥ vā pradhānaśāsakaḥ।

tretāyuge śrīrāmaḥ ayodhyāyāḥ nṛpaḥ āsīt।


pāradaḥ, rasarājaḥ, rasanāthaḥ, mahārasaḥ, rasaḥ, mahātejaḥ, rasalehaḥ, rasottamaḥ, sūtarāṭ, capalaḥ, jaitraḥ, rasendraḥ, śivabījaḥ, śivaḥ, amṛtam, lokeśaḥ, durdharaḥ, prabhuḥ, rudrajaḥ, haratejaḥ, rasadhātuḥ, acintyajaḥ, khecaraḥ, amaraḥ, dehadaḥ, mṛtyunāśakaḥ, sūtaḥ, skandaḥ, skandāṃśakaḥ, devaḥ, divyarasaḥ, śreṣṭhaḥ, yaśodaḥ, sūtakaḥ, siddhadhātuḥ, pārataḥ, harabījam, rajasvalaḥ, śivavīryam, śivāhvayaḥ   

dhātuviśeṣaḥ, kramikuṣṭhanāśakaḥ ojayuktaḥ rasamayaḥ dhātuḥ।

pāradaḥ nikhilayogavāhakaḥ asti।

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