lalita | mfn. sported, played, playing, wanton, amorous, voluptuous | ||||||
lalita | mfn. artless, innocent, soft, gentle, charming, lovely ( lalitam am- ind.) etc. | ||||||
lalita | mfn. wished for, desired | ||||||
lalita | mfn. quivering, tremulous | ||||||
lalita | m. a particular position of the hands in dancing | ||||||
lalita | m. (in music) a particular rāga- | ||||||
lalita | m. musk | ||||||
lalita | m. Name of various metres | ||||||
lalita | m. (in music) a particular mūrchanā- | ||||||
lalita | m. a particular rāga- | ||||||
lalita | m. Name of a gram. work | ||||||
lalita | m. Name of a durgā- or a particular form of her | ||||||
lalita | m. of a gopī- (identified with durgā- and rādhikā-) | ||||||
lalita | m. of the wife of a śatāyudha- | ||||||
lalita | m. of a river | ||||||
lalita | n. sport, dalliance, artlessness, grace, charm | ||||||
lalita | n. languid gestures in a woman (expressive of amorous feelings,"lolling, languishing"etc.) | ||||||
lalita | n. Name of 2 metres | ||||||
lalita | n. of a town (see -pura-) | ||||||
lalita | n. a kind of necklace (?) | ||||||
lalitacaitya | m. Name of a caitya- | ||||||
lalitaka | n. Name of a tīrtha- (varia lectio lalitika-). | ||||||
lalitalalita | mfn. excessively beautiful | ||||||
lalitalocana | mf(ā-)n. beautiful-eyed | ||||||
lalitalocanā | f. Name of a daughter of the vidyā-dhara- vāma-datta- | ||||||
lalitam | ind. lalita | ||||||
lalitamādhava | n. | ||||||
lalitapada | mf(ā-)n. consisting of amorous or graceful words, elegantly composed | ||||||
lalitapada | n. a kind of metre | ||||||
lalitapadabandhana | n. an amorous composition in verse, a metrical composition treating of love | ||||||
lalitaprahāra | m. a soft or gentle blow | ||||||
lalitapriya | m. (in music) a kind of measure | ||||||
lalitapura | n. Name of a town | ||||||
lalitapurāṇa | n. equals -vistara-purāṇa-. | ||||||
lalitaratnamalā | f. Name of dramas. | ||||||
lalitasvacchanda | m. Name of work | ||||||
lalitatāla | m. a particular time (in music) | ||||||
lalitatribhaṅga | m. Name of work | ||||||
lalitavanitā | f. a lovely woman | ||||||
lalitavigraharāja | Name (also title or epithet) of a nāṭaka-. | ||||||
lalitavistara | m. Name of a sūtra- work giving a detailed account of the artless and natural acts in the life of the buddha-. | ||||||
lalitavistarapurāṇa | n. Name of a sūtra- work giving a detailed account of the artless and natural acts in the life of the buddha-. | ||||||
lalitavyūha | m. (with ) a particular kind of samādhi- or meditation | ||||||
lalitavyūha | m. Name of a deva-putra- | ||||||
lalitavyūha | m. of a bodhisattva- | ||||||
aśvalalita | n. a species of the vikṛti- metre. | ||||||
dhīralalita | mfn. firm and brave, but reckless and sportive (hero of a play) | ||||||
durlalita | mfn. ill-mannered, wayward | ||||||
durlalita | mfn. spoilt by, weary of, disgusted with (compound) (ka-and -lasita- varia lectio ) | ||||||
durlalita | n. way wardness, naughty or roguish tricks | ||||||
gaurīlalita | n. orpiment | ||||||
laghulalitavistara | m. Name of work | ||||||
madanalalita | mf(ā-)n. amorously sporting or dallying | ||||||
nātilalita | mfn. not very pleasing or beautiful | ||||||
pravaralalita | n. Name of a metre | ||||||
sahajalalita | m. Name of a man | ||||||
śalalita | mfn. furnished with quills | ||||||
salalitam | ind. with spot, wantonly | ||||||
śārdūlalalita | n. "tiger's sport", Name of a metre (consisting of four pāda-s of 19 syllables each) | ||||||
sukhīlalita | (?) f. Name of a virgin | ||||||
sulalita | mf(ā-)n. very playful or wanton or charming etc. | ||||||
sulalita | mf(ā-)n. greatly pleased or happy | ||||||
sulalitalatāpallavamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of young sprouts of beautiful creepers | ||||||
sulalitam | ind. very sportively or wantonly, with delight, easily | ||||||
sulalitavistara | m. the beautiful lalita-vistara- (q.v) | ||||||
śvāvicchalalita | (for vit-śalalita-) mfn. furnished with porcupine quills | ||||||
vijñānalalita | n. Name of work | ||||||
vijñānalalitatantra | n. Name of work | ||||||
vīralalita | n. a hero's natural way of acting | ||||||
vīralalita | n. Name of a metre |
lalita | ललित a. [लल्-क्त] 1 Playing, sporting, dallying. -2 Amorous, sportive, wanton, voluptuous; ललितं गीतमन्वर्थं काचित् साभिनयं जगौ Bu. Ch.4.37. -3 Lovely, beautiful, handsome, elegant, graceful; ललितललितैर्ज्योत्स्नाप्रायैरकृत्रिम- विभ्रमैः (अङ्गकैः) U.1.2; विधाय सृष्टिं ललितां विधातुः R.6.37; 19.39;8.1; Māl.1.15; Ku.3.75;6.45; Me.34.66. -4 Pleasing, charming, agreeable, fine; प्रियशिष्या ललिते कलाविधौ R.8.6; संदर्शितेव ललिताभिनयस्य शिक्षा M.4.9; V. 2.18. -5 Desired. -6 Soft, gentle; अवसितललितक्रियेण बाह्वोर्ललिततरेण तनीयसा युगेन Śi.7.64. -7 Tremulous, trembling. -तः 1 N. of a musical scale. -2 A particular position of hands in dancing. -तम् 1 Sport, dalliance, play. -2 Amorous pastime, gracefulness of gait; any languid or amorous gesture in a woman; सुकुमारतयाङ्गानां विन्यासो ललितं भवेत् S. D; Śi.9.79; Ki.1.52; ता भ्रूभिः प्रेक्षितैर्भावैर्हसितैर्ललितैर्गतैः Bu. Ch.4.25. -3 Beuaty, grace, charm. -4 Any natural or artless act; स्मितललितवता दिव्यनारीजनेन Nāg.1.1-2. -5 Simplicity, innocence. -Comp. -अभिनय a. consisting of graceful gesticulations or acting; ललिताभिनयं तमद्य भर्ता मरुतां द्रष्टुमनाः सलोकपालः V. 2.18. -अर्थ a. having a pretty or amorous meaning; तुल्यानुरागपिशुनं ललितार्थबन्धं पत्रे निवेशितमुदाहरणं प्रियायाः V.2. 14. -पद a. 1 elegantly composed; Ś.3. -2 consisting of amorous words. ˚बन्धनम् an amorous composition. -प्रहारः a soft or gentle blow. -प्रियः (in music) a kind of measure. -ललित a. excessively beautiful; ललितललितै- र्ज्योत्स्नाप्रायैरकृत्रिमविभ्रमैः U.1.2. -लुलित a. unnerved yet charming; गाढोत्कण्ठा ललितलुलितैरङ्गकैस्ताम्यतीति Māl.1.15 (v. l.). -वनिता a lovely woman. -विस्तरः N. of a work on Buddha's life. |
ullalita | उल्ललित p. p. 1 Shaken, trembling, agitated. -2 Raised up, elevated. |
saṃlalita | संललित p. p. Fondled, caressed. |
lalita | pp. quivering, tremulous; artless, naive, innocent; lovely, charming, beautiful; desired, liked; pleasing, agree able; n. sport; natural, artless act; artless ness, grace, charm; beauty, splendour: -pa da, a. consisting of sweet words, pleasingly composed; -lalita, pp. extremely lovely; -lokana, a. fair-eyed: â, f. N. of a fairy; -vistara, m. detailed description of the art less acts of Sâkyamuni, T. of a Buddhistic Sûtra. |
atilalita | pp. extremely lovely. |
durlalita | a. spoiled, wayward; un mannerly; weary of (--°ree;); n. ill habit: -ka, a. wayward; -lasita, pp. id.; -lipi, f. fatal writing (inscribed by fate on the forehead); -lekha, m. id.; -lekhya, n.incorrectly written document. |
lalita | noun (masculine) (in music) a particular Rāga (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a particular position of the hands in dancing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) [rel.] name of Śiva Frequency rank 64093/72933 | |
lalita | noun (neuter) a kind of necklace (?) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) artlessness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) charm (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) dalliance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) grace (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) languid gestures in a woman (expressive of amorous feelings) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of 2 metres (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a town (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) sport (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 13732/72933 | |
lalita | adjective amorous (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) artless (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) charming (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) desired (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) gentle (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) innocent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) lovely (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) played (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) playing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) quivering (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) soft (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) sported (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) tremulous (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) voluptuous (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) wanton (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) wished for (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 12196/72933 | |
atilalita | adjective Frequency rank 42202/72933 | |
girijālalita | noun (neuter) orpiment Frequency rank 51303/72933 | |
gaurīlalita | noun (neuter) orpiment (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) haritāla Frequency rank 51670/72933 | |
durlalita | noun (neuter) naughty or roguish tricks (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) way wardness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 54733/72933 | |
mārjāralalitaka | noun (neuter) [erotics] a kind of coitus Frequency rank 62117/72933 | |
śalalita | adjective furnished with quills (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 30465/72933 | |
sulalita | adjective greatly pleased or happy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) very playful or wanton or charming (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 25911/72933 |