la | the 3rd semivowel (corresponding to the vowels ḷ-, ḹ-,and having the sound of the Englishl) |
la | a technical term for all the tenses and moods of a finite verb or for the terminations of those tenses and moods (also applied to some forms with kṛt-affixes construed like a finite verb ; see , and when accompanied by certain indicatory letters denoting each tense separatelySee laṭ-; laṅ-; liṅ-; loṭ-; liṭ-; luṭ-; ḷṭ-; luṅ-; ḷṅ-; leṭ-)  |
la | m. Name of indra-  |
la | m. cutting (? see lava-)  |
la | (in prosody) equals laghu-, a short syllable.  |
laba | m. a quail  |
laba | m. (with aindra-) Name of the supposed author of  |
labasūkta | n. Name of the hymn  |
labdha | mfn. taken, seized, caught, met with, found etc.  |
labdha | mfn. got at, arrived (as a moment)  |
labdha | mfn. obtained (as a quotient in division) (see labdhi-)  |
labdhā | f. Name of a particular heroine  |
labdhā | f. a woman whose husband or lover is faithless  |
labdhacetas | mfn. one who has recovered his right mind, restored to sense, recovered  |
labdhadatta | m. "restoring what has been received", Name of a man  |
labdhadhana | mfn. one who has acquired wealth, wealthy  |
labdhajanman | mfn. one who has obtained birth, born  |
labdhaka | mf(ikā-)n. equals labdha-, obtained, got (See duḥkha-labdhikā-).  |
labdhakāma | mfn. one who has gained his wishes  |
labdhakīrti | mfn. one who has won fame or glory  |
labdhalābha | mf(ā-)n. one who has gained a profit or advantage, one who has attained his aim, satisfied  |
labdhalābha | mf(ā-)n. one who has gained possession of (compound)  |
labdhalābha | mf(ā-)n. happily obtained or reached  |
labdhalakṣa | mfn. one who has hit the mark, one who has obtained the prize, proved, tried, tested in (locative case)  |
labdhalakṣa | mfn. skilled in the use of missiles  |
labdhalakṣa | m. Name of a man  |
labdhalakṣaṇa | mfn. one who his gained an opportunity for (doing anything)  |
labdhalakṣya | mfn. equals -lakṣa- above  |
labdhanāman | mfn. one who has gained a name, well spoken of, famous, celebrated ("for" locative case;in Prakrit) .  |
labdhanāśa | m. the loss of what has been acquired |
labdhanidrāsukha | mfn. enjoying the pleasure of sleep  |
labdhāntara | mfn. one who has found an opportunity ( labdhāntaratva -tva- n.)  |
labdhāntara | mfn. one who has got access or admission  |
labdhāntaratva | n. labdhāntara |
labdhānujña | mfn. one who has obtained leave of absence  |
labdhaparabhāga | mfn. one who has gained preeminence over (ablative)  |
labdhapraṇāśa | m. idem or 'mfn. one who has gained preeminence over (ablative) ' , Name of the 4th book of the pañca-tantra-.  |
labdhapraśamana | n. the securing of what has been acquired, keeping acquisitions in safety  |
labdhapraśamana | n. (according to to "bestowing acquisitions on a proper recipient")  |
labdhapraśamanasvastha | mfn. at ease by (reason of) the securing or secure possession of acquisitions  |
labdhaprasara | mf(ā-)n. that which has obtained free scope, moving at liberty, unimpeded (in Prakrit) .  |
labdhapratiṣṭha | mfn. one who has acquired fame or renown  |
labdhapratyaya | mfn. one who has won confidence, one who has firm belief in ( labdhapratyayatā -tā- f.) (in Prakrit) .  |
labdhapratyayatā | f. labdhapratyaya |
labdhaśabda | mfn. equals -nāman- (q.v)  |
labdhasambhāra | mfn. equals -saṃhāra- above  |
labdhasaṃhāra | mfn. brought together, brought about  |
labdhasaṃjña | mfn. one who has recovered his senses, restored to consciousness  |
labdhasiddhi | mfn. one who has attained perfection  |
labdhāspada | mfn. one who has gained a footing or secured a position  |
labdhatīrtha | mfn. one who has gained an opportunity  |
labdhātiśaya | mfn. one who has obtained the possession of supernatural power, sāṃkhya-s.  |
labdhāvakāśa | ( ) ( ), one who has found an opportunity or gained scope, one who has obtained leisure.  |
labdhavara | mfn. one who has obtained a boon or favour  |
labdhavara | m. Name of a dancing master  |
labdhavarṇa | mfn. one who has gained a knowledge of letters, lettered, learned in (compound)  |
labdhavarṇa | mfn. famous, renowned  |
labdhavarṇabhāj | mfn. honouring the learned  |
labdhāvasara | ( ), one who has found an opportunity or gained scope, one who has obtained leisure.  |
labdhavat | mfn. one who has obtained or gained or received  |
labdhavidya | mfn. one who has acquired knowledge or wisdom, learned, educated  |
labdhavya | mfn. to be obtained or received, obtainable etc.  |
labdhi | f. obtaining, gaining, acquisition  |
labdhi | f. gain, profit  |
labdhi | f. in (arithmetic) the quotient  |
labdhodaya | mfn. one who has received birth or origin  |
labdhodaya | mfn. one who has attained prosperity  |
labdhṛ | mfn. one who obtains or receives, a receiver, gainer, recipient  |
labh | (confer, compare rabh-) cl.1 A1. ( ) labhate- (Epic also ti-and lambhate-; perfect tense lebh/e-, Epic also lalābha-; Aorist alabdha-, alapsata- ; preceding lapsīya- ; future labdhā- grammar; lapsyate-, ti- etc.; labhiṣyati- ; infinitive mood labdhum- ; ind.p. labdhv/ā- etc.; -labhya-, -lambham- etc.; lābham- ), to take, seize, catch ; catch sight of, meet with, find etc. etc. (with antaram-,to find an opportunity, make an impression, be effective;with avakāśam-,to find scope, be appropriate;with kālam-,to find the right time or moment) ; to gain possession of, obtain, receive, conceive, get, receive ("from" ablative;"as" accusative), recover (with garbham-,"to conceive an embryo","become pregnant";with padam-,to obtain a footing) ; to gain the power of (doing anything), succeed in, be permitted or allowed to (infinitive mood or dative case exempli gratia, 'for example' labhate draṣṭum-,or darśanāya-,"he is able or allowed to see") etc. ; to possess, have ; to perceive, know, understand, learn, find out : Passive voice labhy/ate- (Epic also ti-; Aorist alābhi-or alambhi-,with preposition only alambhi-; confer, compare ), to be taken or caught or met with or found or got or obtained etc. ; to be allowed or permitted (infinitive mood sometimes with pass. sense exempli gratia, 'for example' nādharmo labhyate kartum-,"injustice ought not to be done", confer, compare above) ; to follow, result ; to be comprehended by (ablative) : Causal lambhayati-, te- (Aorist alalambhat-), to cause to take or receive or obtain, give, bestow (generally with two accusative;rarely with accusative and instrumental case = to present with;in with two accusative and instrumental case; confer, compare ) etc. ; to get, procure (confer, compare lambhita-) ; to find out, discover ; to cause to suffer ; Desiderative l/ipsate- (mc. also ti- līpsate-), to wish to seize or take or catch or obtain or receive (with accusative or genitive case;"from" ablative) : Intensive lālabhyate-, lālambhīti- or lālabdhi- grammar ([ Greek , ; Latin labor; Lithuanian la4bas, l/obis-.])  |
labha | See īṣal--, dur--, su-l-.  |
labhana | n. the act of obtaining or getting or gaining possession of (in ātma-l-)  |
labhana | n. the act of conceiving, conception  |
labhasa | n. (only ) a horse's foot-rope (= va1ji-bandhana-)  |
labhasa | n. wealth, riches  |
labhasa | n. one who asks or solicits, a solicitor.  |
labhya | mfn. to be found or met with  |
labhya | mfn. capable of being reached or attained, obtainable, acquirable, procurable etc.  |
labhya | mfn. to be understood or known, intelligible etc.  |
labhya | mfn. suitable, proper, fit  |
labhya | mfn. to be allowed to (infinitive mood with pass. sense)  |
labhya | mfn. to be furnished or provided with (instrumental case)  |
lach | (see lakṣ-and lāñch-) cl.1 P. lacchati-, to mark  |
lachimā | f. Name of a woman (equals lakṣmī- q.v)  |
laḍ | (see lal-) cl.1 P. ( ) laḍati-, to play, sport, dally ; cl.10 P. laḍayati-, to loll the tongue, put out the tongue, lick ; (lāḍayati-), to throw, toss ; to cherish, foster ; (lāḍayate-), to wish, desire  |
laḍaha | mfn. (see laṭabha-and laṭaha-) handsome, pleasing, beautiful  |
laḍaha | mfn. plural Name of a people (varia lectio lahara-).  |
laḍahacandra | m. Name of a poet  |
laḍaka | m. plural Name of a people (Bombay edition dhenuka-).  |
ladanī | f. Name of a female poet  |
laḍarthavāda | m. Name of a treatise on the meaning of the Present tense.  |
laḍḍa | m. a wretch, villain (see laṭṭa-).  |
laddhā | wrong reading for laṭvā-.  |
laddhanadeva | m. Name of a man  |
laddī | f. equals laḍḍu- (?)  |
laḍḍu | or laḍḍuka- m. a kind of sweetmeat (made of coarsely ground gram or other pulse, or of corn-flour, mixed with sugar and spices, and fried in ghee or oil)  |
laḍita | mfn. moving hither and thither  |
laḍitamaheśvara | m. Name of a temple of śiva-  |
laḍuka | m. Name of a poet  |
ladūṣaka | (or laṭūṣaka-?) m. a kind of bird  |
laḍvā | f. Name of a woman  |
laḍvākā | See laṭvākā-.  |
lag | (see lakṣ-, lakṣa-etc.) cl.1 P. ( ) lagati- (according to to also lagyati-; perfect tense lalāga- grammar; Aorist alagīt- ; future lagitā- ; lagiṣyati- ; ind.p. lagitvā-, -lagya- ), to adhere, stick, cling or attach one's self to (locative case) etc. (with hṛdi-and genitive case,"to penetrate to a person's heart" ) ; to take effect upon (locative case) ; to meet, come in contact, cut (as lines) ; to follow closely, ensue or happen immediately ; to pass away (as time) : Causal or cl.10. ( ) lāgayati-,"to taste"or"to obtain" (āsvādane-,or āsādane-). ([In Hindi this root often means"to begin."])  |
laga | (in prosody) an iambus.  |
lagaḍa | mfn. beautiful, handsome (see, laḍaha-).  |
lagaḍācārya | m. Name of an astronomer  |
lagadha | m. Name of the author of the vedāṅga- called jyotiṣa-.  |
lagālikā | f. "series of iambi", a kind of metre (four times $ see nagānikā-etc.)  |
lagaṇa | m. a particular disease of the eyelid  |
lagaṇā | f. the heart pea, Cardiospermum Halicacabum  |
laganīya | mfn. to be attached or clung to  |
lagata | prob. wrong reading for next.  |
laghantī | f. Name of a river (Bombay edition laṅghatī-).  |
laghaṭ | or laghaṭi- m. (fr. laṅgh-?) the wind  |
laghaya | laghiman- See .  |
laghaya | Nom. P. yati-, to make light, lessen, diminish, mitigate, soften, alleviate ; to cause to appear light ; to make light of, slight, despise ; to excel, surpass  |
laghiman | m. lightness, levity, absence of weight  |
laghiman | m. a kind of siddhi- or supernatural faculty of assuming excessive lightness at will (see )  |
laghiman | m. lowness, meanness (of spirit)  |
laghiman | m. thoughtlessness, frivolity  |
laghiman | m. slight, disrespect  |
laghiṣṭha | mfn. (superl. of laghu- q.v) most light or quick, very light or quick etc. [ confer, compare Greek .]  |
laghīyas | mfn. (Comparative degree of laghu- q.v) more or very quick or light  |
laghīyastva | n. extreme insignificance, want of authority  |
laghu | mf(vī-,or u-)n. (a later form of raghu-, q.v) light, quick, swift, active, prompt, nimble etc. (also said of a particular mode of flying peculiar to birds ;applied to the nakṣatra-s hasta-, aśvinī-, and puṣya- )  |
laghu | mf(vī-,or u-)n. light, easy, not heavy or difficult etc.  |
laghu | mf(vī-,or u-)n. light in the stomach, easily digested  |
laghu | mf(vī-,or u-)n. easy in mind, light-hearted  |
laghu | mf(vī-,or u-)n. causing easiness or relief  |
laghu | mf(vī-,or u-)n. well, in good health  |
laghu | mf(vī-,or u-)n. unimpeded, without attendance or a retinue  |
laghu | mf(vī-,or u-)n. short (in time, as a suppression of the breath)  |
laghu | mf(vī-,or u-)n. (in prosody) short or light (as a vowel or syllable, opp. to guru-)  |
laghu | mf(vī-,or u-)n. (in gram.) easily pronounced or articulated (said of the pronunciation of va-,as opp. to madhyama-and guru-)  |
laghu | mf(vī-,or u-)n. small, minute, slight, little, insignificant etc.  |
laghu | mf(vī-,or u-)n. weak, feeble, wretched, humble, mean, low (said of persons) etc.  |
laghu | mf(vī-,or u-)n. young, younger (See -bhrātṛ-)  |
laghu | mf(vī-,or u-)n. clean, pure (See -vāsas-)  |
laghu | mf(vī-,or u-)n. soft, gentle (as sound)  |
laghu | mf(vī-,or u-)n. pleasing, agreeable, handsome, beautiful  |
laghu | m. bdellium  |
laghu | (u-) f. Trigonella Corniculata  |
laghu | m. a light carriage  |
laghu | m. a slender or delicate woman  |
laghu | n. a particular measure of time (= 15 kāṣṭhā-s= 1/15 nāḍikā-)  |
laghu | n. a particular species of agallochum |
laghu | n. the root of Andropogon Muricatus  |
laghu | ind. lightly, quickly, easily etc. (laghu-man-,to think lightly of. ) ([ confer, compare Greek ; Latin le8visforle1vis,lenhuis; Lithuanian lengvu8s,le8ngvas; Anglo-Saxon lungre,"quickly"; English lungs,"lights."])  |
laghū | in compound for laghu-.  |
laghubadara | m. or f(ī-). a kind of jujube tree  |
laghubhāgavata | n. Name of work  |
laghubhāskarīya | n. Name of various works.  |
laghubhava | m. (in a-laghu-bh-) m. low or humble station (varia lectio)  |
laghubhāva | m. light state, lightness, ease, facility  |
laghubhāvaprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
laghubhojana | n. a light repast, slight refreshment  |
laghubhrātṛ | m. a younger brother  |
laghubhuj | mfn. eating little  |
laghubhūṣaṇakānti | f. Name of commentator or commentary  |
laghubhūtadruma | m. Cordia Myxa  |
laghubinduśekhara | m. Name of work  |
laghubodha | m. Name of work  |
laghubodhinī | f. Name of work  |
laghubrahmavaivarta | n. Name of work  |
laghubrāhmī | f. a kind of Rue  |
laghubuddhapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
laghucaccarī | f. (in music) a kind of measure  |
laghucāṇakyarājanīti | f. Name of work  |
laghucandrikā | f. Name of work  |
laghucandrikāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
laghucchadā | f. a kind of asparagus  |
laghucchedya | mfn. easy to be cut or extirpated, easily destroyed (prob. wrong reading for laghūcchedya-).  |
laghucetas | mfn. little-minded, low-minded  |
laghucintāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
laghucintāmaṇirasa | m. a particular fluid compound  |
laghucintana | n. Name of work  |
laghucirbhiṭā | f. colocynth  |
laghucitrahasta | mfn. light and ready-handed, possessing unusual manual skill  |
laghucitrālaṃkara | m. Name of work  |
laghucitta | mf(ā-)n. light-minded, little-minded, fickle  |
laghucittatā | f. light-mindedness, fickleness  |
laghudantī | f. a kind of Croton  |
laghudīpikā | f. Name of several works.  |
laghudrākṣā | f. a small stoneless grape  |
laghudrāvin | mfn. fusing or liquefying easily, flowing rapidly (said of quicksilver)  |
laghūdumbarikā | f. Ficus Oppositifolia  |
laghudundubhi | m. a small drum  |
laghudvāravatī | f. the young or recent dvāra-vatī- (or) the more modern part of the town dvāra-  |
laghuga | m. "moving quickly", Name of vāyu-, the god of the wind  |
laghugaṅgādhara | m. a particular powder (used in diarrhoea)  |
laghugarga | m. a species of fish  |
laghugati | mfn. having a quick step  |
laghugītā | f. Name of work  |
laghugodhūma | m. a small kind of wheat  |
laghugrahamañjari | f. Name of work  |
laghuhārīta | m. "short hārīta-", Name of a particular recension of Hariv's law-book  |
laghuhārītasmṛti | f. Name of work  |
laghuhasta | mfn. light-handed, ready-handed, possessing skill in the hands (as an archer, writer etc.) etc.  |
laghuhasta | m. a good archer  |
laghuhastatā | f. ( ) ready-handedness, skilful-handed |
laghuhastatva | n. ( ) ready-handedness, skilful-handed |
laghuhastavat | mfn. equals laghu-hasta-  |
laghuhemadugdhā | f. Ficus Oppositifolia  |
laghuhomapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
laghuhorā | f. Name of work  |
laghuhṛdaya | mfn. light-hearted, fickle  |
laghujānakīya | n. Name of work  |
laghujaṅgala | m. Perdix Chinensis  |
laghujātaka | n. Name of work  |
laghujātiviveka | m. Name of work  |
laghujñānavāsiṣṭha | n. Name of work  |
laghuka | mfn. equals laghu-, light, unimportant, insignificant  |
laghukālanirnaya | m. Name of work  |
laghukaṅkola | m. Pimenta Acris  |
laghukaṇṭakā | f. Mimosa Pudica  |
laghūkaraṇa | n. See laghū-kṛ-.  |
laghūkaraṇa | n. the act of making light, lessening, diminishing, diminution  |
laghūkaraṇa | n. thinking little of, contemning  |
laghukārikā | f. Name of work  |
laghukarkandhu | mf. a small kind of Zizyphus  |
laghukarṇī | f. a species of plant  |
laghukarṇikā | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana  |
laghukāśmarya | m. a kind of tree (equals kaṭphala-)  |
laghukāṣṭha | m. a light stick for defence against another stick  |
laghukaumudī | f. "the short or easy kaumudī-", Name of an easy epitome of the siddhānta-kaumudī- by varada-rāja-.  |
laghukāya | mfn. light-bodied  |
laghukāya | m. a goat  |
laghukhartara | m. Name of a family  |
laghukhaṭvikā | f. a small couch, easy chair  |
laghukoṣṭha | mfn. having a light stomach, having little in the stomach  |
laghūkṛ | P. -karoti-, to make light, reduce in weight, diminish, alleviate ; to lessen, shorten (days) ; to reduce in importance, slight, humiliate ; to think lightly of, despise  |
laghukrama | mfn. having a quick or rapid step, going quickly  |
laghukramam | ind. with quick step, quickly, hastily  |
laghukriyā | f. a small matter, trifle  |
laghūkṛta | mfn. made light, reduced in weight etc. (see prec.)  |
laghūkṛta | mfn. "shortened"and"reduced in importance or authority"  |
laghūkti | f. a brief mode of expression on  |
laghulakṣahoma | m. a particular sacrifice  |
laghulakṣahoma | m. Name of the 30th pariśiṣṭa- of the atharva-- veda-.  |
laghulalitavistara | m. Name of work  |
laghulaya | n. the root of Andropogon Muricatus  |
laghumāṃsa | m. "having light (id est easily digested) flesh", a kind of partridge  |
laghumāṃsī | f. a kind of Valerian  |
laghumanas | mfn. equals -citta- above  |
laghumānasa | n. Name of various works.  |
laghumañjūṣā | f. Name of commentator or commentary  |
laghumantha | m. Premna Spinosa  |
laghumātra | n. an unimportant matter, trifle  |
laghumātra | mfn. having small property  |
laghumeru | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
laghumīmāṃsāvārttikaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
laghumitra | n. a slight or weak friend, an ally of little power or value  |
laghumūla | n. (in algebra) the least root with reference to the additive quantities  |
laghumūla | n. (or) the lesser root of an equation  |
laghumūla | mfn. having a small root or beginning, small in the beginning  |
laghumūlaka | n. a radish  |
laghunābhamaṇḍala | n. a particular mystic circle  |
laghunālika | n. a musket  |
laghunāman | n. Agallochum  |
laghunāradīya | n. Name of work  |
laghunārāyaṇopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
laghunidāna | n. Name of work  |
laghunyāsa | m. Name of work  |
laghunyāyasudhā | f. Name of work  |
laghupaddhati | f. Name of various works.  |
laghupāka | m. easy digestion, digestibility,  |
laghupāka | mfn. growing old rapidly  |
laghupāka | mfn. easy of digestion, easily digested  |
laghupākin | mfn. easily digested  |
laghupañcamūla | n. a compound of five different roots  |
laghupaṇḍita | m. Name of an author  |
laghupaṇḍitīya | n. Name of work  |
laghuparākrama | mfn. of quick resolution  |
laghuparāmarśa | m. Name of work  |
laghuparāśara | m. the shorter parāśara-  |
laghupārāśarya | n. Name of work  |
laghuparibhāṣāvṛtti | f. Name of commentator or commentary  |
laghuparikrama | mfn. moving quickly (= tva-rita-gati- commentator or commentary)  |
laghuparṇī | f. a species of plant  |
laghuparṇikā | f. Asparagus Racemosus  |
laghupatanaka | m. "quickly flying", Name of a crow  |
laghupātin | m. "quickly flying", Name of a crow  |
laghupattraka | m. a kind of plant (equals rocanī-)  |
laghupattraphalā | f. Ficus Oppositifolia  |
laghupattrī | f. the small pippala- tree  |
laghupicchila | m. Cordia Myxa  |
laghupramāṇa | mf(ā-)n. of little magnitude, short |
laghuprāyaścitta | n. Name of work  |
laghuprayatna | mfn. using little effort, indolent, impotent  |
laghuprayatna | mfn. pronounced with slight articulation ( laghuprayatnatara -tara- mfn.)  |
laghuprayatnatara | mfn. laghuprayatna |
laghupūjāprakāra | m. Name of work  |
laghupulastya | m. the shorter pulastya-  |
laghupuṣpa | m. a kind of Kadamba  |
laghurāśi | m. (with pakṣa-;in arithmetic) a set of fewer terms  |
laghuratnākara | m. Name of work  |
laghuśabdaratna | n. Name of work  |
laghuśabdenduśekhara | m. Name of work  |
laghusadāphalā | f. Ficus Oppositifolia  |
laghusahasranāmastotra | n. Name of work  |
laghusaṃdeśapada | mf(ā-)n. (speech) expressing a request in few words  |
laghusaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
laghusaṃgrahaṇīsūtra | n. Name of work  |
laghuśamī | f. a kind of Acacia  |
laghusāṃkhyasūtravṛtti | f. Name of work  |
laghusāṃkhyavṛtti | f. Name of work  |
laghusaṃtāpa | mfn. having the pain (of sickness) alleviated  |
laghusamudīraṇa | mfn. moving easily  |
laghusamudīraṇatva | n. mobility (of the body)  |
laghusamutthāna | mfn. rising quickly to work, active, alert  |
laghuśaṅkha | m. a kind of small shell  |
laghuśāntipurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
laghuśāntividhāna | n. Name of work  |
laghusaptaśatī | f. Name of work  |
laghusaptaśatikāstava | m. Name of work  |
laghusaptaśatikāstotra | n. Name of work  |
laghusaptaśatīstotra | n. Name of work  |
laghusāra | mfn. of little importance, insignificant, worthless  |
laghusaralā | f. Name of work  |
laghusārāvalī | f. Name of work  |
laghusattva | mfn. "weak-natured", having a weak or fickle character  |
laghusattvatā | f. weakness of character, fickleness  |
laghuśaunaka | mn. Name of work  |
laghuśaunakī | f. Name of work  |
laghuśekhara | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
laghusiddhāntacandrikā | f. Name of easy versions of the siddhānta-kaumudī- See laghu-k-.  |
laghusiddhāntakaumudī | f. Name of work  |
laghuśikharatāla | m. Name of a particular time in music  |
laghuśīta | m. Cordia Myxa  |
laghuśivapurāṇa | n. Name of work  |
laghuśivapurāṇa | n. brahmottara |
laghustava | m. Name of work  |
laghustavaṭippaṇaka | n. Name of work  |
laghusthānatā | f. wrong reading for laghūtthāna-tā-, q.v  |
laghustotra | n. Name of work  |
laghusudarśana | n. a particular medicinal powder  |
laghusūtravṛtti | f. Name of work  |
laghusyada | m. the act of moving or gliding quickly (equals raghu-sy- )  |
laghutā | f. quickness, promptness, agility, dexterity  |
laghutā | f. lightness, ease, facility  |
laghutā | f. feeling of ease, feeling of bodily freshness  |
laghutā | f. prosodial shortness  |
laghutā | f. smallness, littleness, meanness, insignificance  |
laghutā | f. light-mindedness, thoughtlessness, levity, wantonness  |
laghutā | f. want of rank or dignity, humbleness, disregard, disrespect  |
laghutāla | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
laghutara | mfn. more quick, lighter, easier etc. (= laghīyas-)  |
laghūtthāna | mfn. easily set about or begun  |
laghūtthāna | mfn. making active efforts, doing work rapidly  |
laghūtthānatā | f. bodily vigorousness or activity, good health  |
laghūtthita | mfn. promptly ready or at hand  |
laghutva | n. quickness, agility, dexterity  |
laghutva | n. lightness, ease, facility  |
laghutva | n. feeling of ease  |
laghutva | n. prosodial shortness  |
laghutva | n. levity, thoughtlessness, wantonness  |
laghutva | n. want of dignity, humbleness, disregard, disrespect  |
laghuvādārtha | m. Name of work  |
laghuvaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
laghuvaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇasiddhāntamañjūṣā | f. Name of work  |
laghuvākyavṛtti | f. Name of work  |
laghuvākyavṛttiprakāśikā | f. Name of work  |
laghuvārttika | n. Name of work  |
laghuvāsas | mfn. wearing a light or clean dress  |
laghuvāsiṣṭha | n. Name of work  |
laghuvasiṣṭhasiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
laghuvāsiṣṭhasiddhānta | m. Name of work  |
laghuvāyustuti | f. Name of work  |
laghuvedhin | mfn. easily piercing, cleverly hitting  |
laghuvikrama | m. a quick step  |
laghuvikrama | mfn. having a quick step, quick-footed  |
laghuvimarśinī | f. Name of work  |
laghuviṣṇu | m. Name of a short version of viṣṇu-'s law-book  |
laghuvivaratva | n. narrowness of an aperture or opening  |
laghuvṛtti | f. "short commentary", Name of commentator or commentary  |
laghuvṛtti | mfn. having a light nature, light in conduct or behaviour  |
laghuvṛtti | mfn. light-minded  |
laghuvṛtti | mfn. ill-conducted or conditioned  |
laghuvṛtti | mfn. ill-done, mismanaged  |
laghuvṛttikārikā | f. Name of work  |
laghuvṛttitā | f. insignificance, meanness  |
laghuvṛttitā | f. light-mindedness  |
laghuvṛttitā | f. bad conduct, mismanagement  |
laghuvṛtttyavacūrikā | f. Name of work  |
laghuvyākaraṇabhūṣaṇasāra | Name of work  |
laghuvyāsa | m. Name of an author  |
laghūya | Nom. P. y/ati-, to think lightly of, despise  |
laghuyama | m. Name of a short version of yama-'s law-book  |
laghuyogaratnāvalī | f. Name of work  |
laghv | in compound for laghu-.  |
laghvācārya | m. Name of an author  |
laghvādyuḍumbarāhvā | f. equals lagh/udumbarikā-  |
laghvāhāra | mfn. eating little, moderate in diet, abstemious  |
laghvāhnika | n. Name of work  |
laghvakṣara | mfn. short-syllabled  |
laghvakṣaraka | m. a space of two truṭi-s (a particular measure of time)  |
laghvamara | m. Name of an abbreviation of amara-'s dictionary.  |
laghvañjīra | n. a species of fig  |
laghvāryabhaṭasiddhānta | m. Name of an astronomy work (equals mahā-siddhānta-).  |
laghvāśin | mfn. eating little, moderate in diet, abstemious  |
laghvaṣṭavarga | m. Name of work  |
laghvatri | m. Name of a short version of atri-'s law-book.  |
laghvī | f. idem or '(u-) f. Trigonella Corniculata '  |
lagita | mfn. attached to, adhered  |
lagita | mfn. obtained, got  |
lagita | mfn. entered (varia lectio calita-).  |
lagna | mfn. (for 2.See) adhered, adhering or clinging to, attached to, sticking or remaining in, fixed on, intent on, clasping, touching, following closely (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') etc. (with pṛṣṭhe-, pṛṣṭha-tas-;or pṛṣṭha- in the beginning of a compound,following on a person's heels;with mārge-,sticking to id est following the road;with hṛdaye-,one who has penetrated the heart)  |
lagna | mfn. one who has entered on a course of action, one who has begun to (infinitive mood)  |
lagna | mfn. meeting, intersecting, cutting (said of lines)  |
lagna | mfn. immediately ensuing  |
lagna | mfn. passed (as days)  |
lagna | mfn. consumed by, spent in (instrumental case) on  |
lagna | mfn. auspicious (See compound)  |
lagna | mfn. furious through being in rut (an elephant)  |
lagna | m. a bard or minstrel (who awakes the king in the morning)  |
lagna | mn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) the point of contact or intersection (of two lines), the point where the horizon intersects the ecliptic or path of the planets  |
lagna | m. the point or arc of the equator which corresponds to a given point or arc of the ecliptic  |
lagna | m. the division of the equator which rises in succession with each sign in an oblique sphere  |
lagna | m. the point of the ecliptic which at a given time is upon the meridian or at the horizon (kṣitije-, lagnam-,horizon lagna-; madhya-lagnam-,meridian lagna-)  |
lagna | m. the moment of the sun's entrance into a zodiacal sign  |
lagna | m. the rising of the sun or of the planets  |
lagna | m. (in astrology) a scheme or figure of the 12 houses or zodiacal signs (used as a horoscope)  |
lagna | m. the whole of the first astrological house  |
lagna | m. (also with śubha-, śobhana-, anukūla-etc.) an auspicious moment or time fixed upon as lucky for beginning to perform anything |
lagna | m. the decisive moment or time for action, decisive measure  |
lagna | 1. and 2. lagna-. See column 2 and .  |
lagna | mfn. (also referable to 1. laj-;for 1. lagna-See) ashamed  |
lagnabhuja | m. (in astronomy) ascensional difference id est the difference between the time of rising of a heavenly body at laṅkā- and at any other place  |
lagnacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
lagnacintā | f. thinking of the auspicious moment  |
lagnadarpaṇa | m. Name of work  |
lagnadevī | f. Name of a fabulous cow of stone  |
lagnadina | n.  |
lagnadivasa | m. an auspicious day (fixed upon as favourable for beginning any undertaking)  |
lagnadvādaśabhāva | m. plural Name of work  |
lagnagraha | mfn. insisting firmly on anything, persistent, obtrusive  |
lagnagrahaṇa | n. the computation of the moment favourable for any undertaking,  |
lagnāha | m. equals lagna-dina-  |
lagnahorāprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
lagnaka | m. a (fixed) surety, bondsman, bail  |
lagnakāla | m. the time or moment pointed out by astrologers as auspicious  |
lagnamaṇḍala | n. "circle of signs", the zodiac  |
lagnamāsa | m. an auspicious month  |
lagnamuhūrta | n. the auspicious moment for a marriage etc.  |
lagnanakṣatra | n. any auspicious constellation in the moon's path  |
lagnāṅka | m. Name of work  |
lagnapañcāṅgabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
lagnapattrikā | f. a paper on which the auspicious moment for a marriage etc. is noted down  |
lagnasamaya | m. equals -kāla-  |
lagnasāriṇī | f. Name of work  |
lagnāsu | m. plural (in astronomy) ascensional equivalents in respirations  |
lagnaśuddhi | f. auspiciousness of the signs etc. for the commencement of any contemplated work  |
lagnavāda | m. Name of work  |
lagnavāsara | m. equals -dina-  |
lagnavelā | f. equals -kāla-  |
lagnayāna | n. Name of work  |
lagnikā | f. wrong reading for nagnikā- q.v  |
lagnoddyota | m. Name of work  |
laguḍa | m. (see lakuṭa-) a stick, staff, club etc.  |
laguḍa | n. Nerium Odorum  |
laguḍahasta | m. "staff-in-hand", a man armed with a stick or mace, a staff-bearer  |
laguḍavaṃśikā | f. a kind of small bamboo  |
laguḍin | mfn. armed with or holding a club or staff  |
lagura | m. equals laguḍa- above  |
lagurahasta | m. equals laguḍa-h-  |
lahaḍa | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio laḍaha-and lahara-).  |
lahakā | f. gaRa kṣipakādi- on Va1rtt. 5 (6).  |
lahalahāya | yate- onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds) , to breathe, snort  |
lahara | m. pl, Name of a people (See prec.)  |
lahara | m. of a province in kaśmīra- (perhaps the Present Lahore)  |
lahari | f. a large wave, billow  |
laharī | f. a large wave, billow  |
lahika | m. diminutive fr. next Va1rtt. 3 (see kahika-).  |
lahoḍa | m. Name of a man (see kahoḍa-).  |
lahvā | f. a kind of bird (prob. wrong reading for laṭvā-).  |
lahya | m. Name of a man gaRa sivādi-  |
lahya | m. plural his descendants gaRa kaskādi-.  |
laigavāyana | m. a patronymic fr. ligu- gaRa naḍādi-.  |
laigavya | m. idem or 'm. a patronymic fr. ligu- gaRa naḍādi-.' gaRa gargādi-.  |
laigavyāyanī | f. a patronymic fr. laigavya- gaRa lohitādi-.  |
laikha | m. patronymic fr. lekha- gaRa śivādi-  |
laikhābhreya | m. patronymic fr. lekhābhra- or metron. fr. lekhā-bhrū- gaRa śubhrādi-.  |
laiṇ | cl.1 P. laiṇati-, to go ; to send ; to embrace (wrong reading for paiṇ-).  |
laiṅga | mf(ī-)n. (fr. liṅga-) relating to grammatical gender  |
laiṅga | n. Name of a purāṇa- and an upapurāṇa-.  |
laiṅgadhūma | m. an ignorant priest (who does not know the god, metre etc. of Vedic hymns)  |
laiṅgī | f. a species of plant  |
laiṅgika | mfn. based upon a characteristic mark or evidence or proof.  |
laiṅgika | m. a sculptor  |
laiṅgīka | wrong reading for laiṅgika-.  |
laiṅgikabhāvavāda | m. Name of work  |
laiṅgodbhava | n. (the tale of) the origin of the liṅga-  |
laiśika | n. the offence of a monk who taking advantage of an apparent transgression committed by a fellow monk wrongfully accuses him of it  |
laj | (see lajj-) cl.6 A1. lajate- (only 3. plural perfect tense lejire- ), to be ashamed  |
laj | (see 1. lañj-) cl.1 P. lajati- "to fry"or"to blame" (bharjane- varia lectio bhartsane-)  |
laj | (see 2. lañj-) cl.10 P. lajayati-, to appear (prakāśane-)  |
lajakārikā | f. (laja-for lajjā-) the sensitive plant, Mimosa Pudica  |
lajj | cl.6 A1. ( ) lajjate- (Epic also ti-; perfect tense lalajje-,3. plural jjire- ; future lajjitā-, lajjiṣyate- grammar; Aorist alajjiṣṭa- ; infinitive mood lajjitum- etc.) , to be ashamed, blush etc.: Causal lajjayati- (or lajjāpayati-?), to cause any one (accusative) to be ashamed, inspire with shame : Desiderative lilajjiṣate- grammar : Intensive lālajjyate-  |
lajja | m. Name of a man  |
lajja | m. plural his descendants  |
lajjā | f. See below.  |
lajjā | f. shame, modesty, bashfulness, embarrassment (also Shame personified as the wife of dharma- and mother of vinaya-) etc.  |
lajjā | f. the sensitive plant, Mimosa Pudica  |
lajjādhāra | (lajjādh-) m. Name of a mountain (prob. wrong reading for jalādh-).  |
lajjāhīna | mfn. idem or 'mfn. destitute of shame, shameless, impudent '  |
lajjakā | f. the wild cotton tree, Gossypium  |
lajjākara | mf(ī-)n. causing shame, shameful, disgraceful  |
lajjākārin | mf(iṇī-)n. idem or 'mf(ī-)n. causing shame, shameful, disgraceful '  |
lajjākṛti | (lajjāk-) mfn. feigning modesty,  |
lajjālu | mfn. shameful, bashful, timid (in Prakritluka)  |
lajjālu | f. Mimosa Pudica,  |
lajjānvita | (lajjānv-) mfn. possessed of shame, modest, bashful  |
lajjāpayitṛ | mfn. (Prakrit tṇka-See lajj-) causing shame  |
lajjārahita | mfn. void of shame, shameless, immodest  |
lajjarī | f. a white sensitive plant  |
lajjāśīla | mfn. of a modest disposition, bashful, humble ( lajjāśīlatva -tva- n.)  |
lajjāśīlatva | n. lajjāśīla |
lajjāśūnya | mfn. destitute of shame, shameless, impudent  |
lajjāvaha | mf(ā-)n. causing shame, disgraceful  |
lajjāvat | mfn. ashamed, embarrassed, bashful, perplexed etc.  |
lajjāvattva | n. bashfulness, modesty  |
lajjāvinamrānana | mf(ā-)n. bending down the face with shame  |
lajjāya | Nom. (prob. A1.) lajjāyate-, to be ashamed (See next) .  |
lajjāyita | mfn. ashamed, abashed, embarrassed  |
lajjāyita | n. plural shame, embarrassment, perplexity  |
lajjinī | f. Mimosa Pudica (see lajjarī-).  |
lajjirī | f. Mimosa Pudica (see lajjarī-).  |
lajjodvahana | n. possession or sentiment of shame  |
lajjodvahanākṣama | mfn. incapable of feeling shame  |
lajjojjhita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. destitute of shame, shameless, impudent ' '  |
lajyā | f. equals lajjā-, shame, modesty  |
lak | (see rak-) cl.10 P. lākayati-, to taste ; to obtain varia lectio (Prob. artificial and of very questionable connection with the following words.)  |
laka | n. the forehead  |
laka | n. the ear or spike of wild rice  |
lakaca | m. ( ) a kind of bread-fruit tree, Artocarpus Lacucha (a tree containing a large quantity of sticky milky juice)  |
lakaca | n. the fruit of this tree.  |
lakāra | m. the letter or sound la- (applied in naming the 10 tenses and moods as above )  |
lakārārthaprakriyā | f. Name of work  |
lakārārthavāda | m. Name of work  |
lakāravāda | m. Name of work  |
lakāraviśeṣārthanirūpaṇa | n. Name of work  |
lakh | (see laṅkh-and liṅkh-) cl.1 P. lakhati-, to go, move  |
lakhamādevī | or lakhimā-devī- f. Name of a princess (see under lakṣmī-).  |
lakkaka | m. Name of a man  |
lakṣ | cl.1 A1. lakṣate-, to perceive, observe ; (P. ti-), to recognise ; cl.10 P. A1. ( ;rather Nom.fr. lakṣa-below) lakṣayati-, te- (Aorist alalakṣat-, ta-; infinitive mood lakṣayitum-; ind.p. lakṣayitvā-, -lakṣya-), to mark, sign ; to characterize, define (in Comms.) ; to indicate, designate indirectly ; to aim, it (as to aim an arrow at any object), direct towards, have in view, mean on ; to consider or regard any one (accusative) as (accusative with or without iva-) ; to suppose of any one (accusative) that he will etc. (oratio recta with iti-) ; to know, understand, recognise by (instrumental case) or as (accusative) or that etc. (oratio recta with iti-) ; to notice, perceive, observe, see, view etc.: Passive voice lakṣyate-, to be marked etc. ; to be meant or intended on ; to be named or called (with double Nominal verb) ; to be perceived or seen, appear, seem, look like (Nominal verb with or without iva-) : Desiderative See lilakṣayiṣita-.  |
lakṣa | m. or n. (prob. fr. lag-as "that which is attached or fixed") a mark, sign, token, (especially) a mark to aim at, target, butt, aim, object, prey, prize , (see labdha-l-; ākāśe lakṣam-bandh-,to fix the gaze vaguely on space, look into space as if at some object barely visible in the distance ; see also ākāśa-baddha-lakṣa-)  |
lakṣa | m. appearance, show, pretence (see -supta-)  |
lakṣa | m. a kind of citron  |
lakṣa | m. a pearl  |
lakṣa | mfn. a lac, one hundred thousand  |
lakṣabhūta | mfn. that which has become the aim or object (of all), sought by all  |
lakṣabhūta | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') liable or subject to  |
lakṣadatta | m. Name of a king  |
lakṣādhīśa | m. a person possessed of a lac (or of 100,000 rupees)  |
lakṣadīpakalpa | m. Name of work  |
lakṣadīpavratodyāpana | n. Name of work  |
lakṣahoma | m. a particular sacrifice offered to the planets  |
lakṣahomapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
lakṣahomavidhi | m. Name of work  |
lakṣaka | mfn. indicating, hinting at, expressing indirectly or elliptically or by metonymy  |
lakṣaka | mfn. Name of two men  |
lakṣaka | n. a lac, one hundred thousand  |
lakṣaṇa | mfn. indicating, expressing indirectly  |
lakṣaṇa | m. Ardea Sibirica  |
lakṣaṇa | m. Name of a man (often confounded with, lakṣmaṇa-)  |
lakṣaṇā | f. See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
lakṣaṇa | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a mark, sign, symbol, token, characteristic, attribute, quality (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = "marked or characterized by","possessed of") etc.  |
lakṣaṇa | n. a stroke, line (especially those drawn on the sacrificial ground)  |
lakṣaṇa | n. a lucky mark, favourable sign etc.  |
lakṣaṇa | n. a symptom or indication of disease  |
lakṣaṇa | n. a sexual organ  |
lakṣaṇa | n. a spoon (?)  |
lakṣaṇa | n. accurate description, definition, illustration  |
lakṣaṇa | n. settled rate, fixed tariff  |
lakṣaṇa | n. a designation, appellation, name (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = "named","called")  |
lakṣaṇa | n. a form, species, kind, sort (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ="taking the form of","appearing as")  |
lakṣaṇa | n. the act of aiming at, aim, goal, scope, object (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = "concerning","relating to","coming within the scope of")  |
lakṣaṇa | n. reference, quotation  |
lakṣaṇa | n. effect, operation, influence  |
lakṣaṇa | n. cause, occasion, opportunity  |
lakṣaṇa | n. observation, sight, seeing  |
lakṣaṇā | f. aiming at, aim, object, view  |
lakṣaṇā | f. indication, elliptical expression, use of a word for another word with a cognate meaning (as of"head"for"intellect"), indirect or figurative sense of a word (one of its three artha-s;the other two being abhidhā-or proper sense, and vyañjanā-or suggestive sense;with sāropā-,the placing of a word in its figurative sense in apposition to another in its proper sense) etc. |
lakṣaṇā | f. the female of the Ardea Sibirica (equals lakṣmaṇā-)  |
lakṣaṇā | f. a goose  |
lakṣaṇā | f. Name of an apsaras-  |
lakṣaṇabhraṣṭa | mfn. deprived of good marks, fallen into misfortune, ill-fated, unhappy (varia lectio alakṣaṇā bhraṣṭāḥ-for lakṣaṇa-bhr-).  |
lakṣaṇadipikā | f.  |
lakṣaṇagrantha | m. Name of work  |
lakṣaṇajña | mfn. sign-knowing, understanding marks (especially those on the body), able to interpret or explain them  |
lakṣaṇajña | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') understanding a person's lucky marks or signs  |
lakṣaṇaka | mf(ikā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals lakṣaṇa-, a mark, sign  |
lakṣaṇakaṇḍa | mn. Name of work  |
lakṣaṇakarman | n. statement of marks or qualities accurate description, definition  |
lakṣaṇalakṣaṇā | f. Name of a particular figure of speech (in which the proper meaning of a word gives place to the figurative one see lakṣaṇā-below, and jahal-l-)  |
lakṣaṇālakṣaṇatas | ind. with regard to characteristics and non-characteristics  |
lakṣanamaskāravidhi | m. Name of work  |
lakṣanamaskāravrata | n. Name of work  |
lakṣaṇāmṛta | (or ṇām-?) n. Name of work  |
lakṣaṇānvita | mfn. endowed with good marks, lucky  |
lakṣaṇaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
lakṣaṇapraśasta | mfn. celebrated on account of good or lucky marks  |
lakṣaṇarājī | f. Name of work  |
lakṣaṇaratna | n. Name of work  |
lakṣaṇaratnamālikā | f. Name of work  |
lakṣaṇasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
lakṣaṇasaṃnipāta | ( ) m. the impressing or fixing of a mark, branding, stigmatizing.  |
lakṣaṇasaṃniveśa | ( ) m. the impressing or fixing of a mark, branding, stigmatizing.  |
lakṣaṇasampad | f. a multitude of marks or characteristics  |
lakṣaṇasamuccaya | m. Name of work on the characteristic marks of deities (attributed to hemādri-).  |
lakṣaṇasārasamuccaya | m. Name of work (containing rules for the construction of liṅga-s of śiva-).  |
lakṣaṇaśataka | n. Name of work  |
lakṣaṇatva | n. the being a mark or definition  |
lakṣaṇavāda | wrong reading for lakṣaṇā-v-.  |
lakṣaṇāvāda | m. Name of two works (by gadā-dhara- and raghu-deva-)  |
lakṣaṇāvādarahasya | n. Name of work (by mathurā-nātha-).  |
lakṣaṇāvalī | (ṇāv-or ṇāv-?) f. Name of various works.  |
lakṣaṇavat | mfn. possessing marks or signs, marked or characterized by (instrumental case)  |
lakṣaṇavat | mfn. endowed with auspicious marks  |
lakṣaṇavat | mfn. giving correct definitions  |
lakṣaṇavat | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' after a numeral) having a particular number of marks or characteristics  |
lakṣaṇavṛtti | f. Name of work  |
lakṣaṇāvṛttiprakaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
lakṣaṇin | mfn. possessing marks etc.  |
lakṣaṇin | mfn. equals lakṣaṇa-jña-  |
lakṣaṇīya | mfn. to be perceived, visible  |
lakṣaṇīya | mfn. to be expressed figuratively or elliptically, anything so expressed  |
lakṣaṇoru | mf(ū-)n. (see lakṣmaṇoru-).  |
lakṣaṇottamā | f. Name of a kiṃ-narī-  |
lakṣāntapurī | f. Name of a town  |
lakṣāntara | n. a distance of 100,000 (yojana-s)  |
lakṣaṇya | mfn. serving as a mark or token  |
lakṣaṇya | mfn. having auspicious marks or signs etc.  |
lakṣaṇya | m. a diviner  |
lakṣapadmavratodyāpana | n. Name of work  |
lakṣapārthivaliṅgavratodyāpana | n. Name of work  |
lakṣapradakṣiṇavidhi | m. Name of work  |
lakṣapradakṣiṇavratavidhi | m. Name of work |
lakṣapūjāmāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
lakṣapūjodyāpana | n. Name of work  |
lakṣapura | n. Name of a town  |
lakṣapuṣpapūjodyāpana | n. Name of work  |
lakṣapuṣpavrata | n. Name of work  |
lakṣapuṣpavratodyāpanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
lakṣapuṣpodhyāpana | n. Name of work  |
lakṣarāmanāmalekhanavrata | n. Name of work  |
lakṣaśas | ind. by hundreds of thousands, by lacs  |
lakṣaśloka | mfn. containing 100,000 verses  |
lakṣasupta | mfn. pretending to be asleep, feigning sleep (varia lectio lakṣa-s-).  |
lakṣasvastikavratakalpa | m. Name of work  |
lakṣasvastikavratodyāpana | n. Name of work  |
lakṣatā | f. the state of being a mark or aim  |
lakṣatulasīvratodyāpana | n. Name of work  |
lakṣatulasyudyāpanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
lakṣavartidīpavratakalpa | m. Name of work  |
lakṣavartikathā | f. Name of work  |
lakṣavartikodyāpanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
lakṣavartivrata | n. Name of work  |
lakṣavartyudyāpana | n. Name of work  |
lakṣavartyudyāpanavidhāna | n. Name of work  |
lakṣāvatāra | m. Name of work  |
lakṣavedhin | mfn. piercing or hitting the mark (see lakṣya-v-).  |
lakṣeśa | m. equals lakṣādhīśa-  |
lakṣī | in compound for lakṣa-.  |
lakṣībhū | P. -bhavati-, to become a mark or aim or object (varia lectio lakṣyī-bhū-).  |
lakṣīkṛ | P. A1. -karoti-, -kurute-, to make a mark or object, aim or point or look at ; to set out towards ; to calculate (see next) .  |
lakṣīkṛta | mfn. made a mark, aimed at, directed towards ( lakṣīkṛtanāsa -nāsa- mfn.fixing the gaze on the tip of the nose)  |
lakṣīkṛta | mfn. amounting to (instrumental case)  |
lakṣīkṛtanāsa | mfn. lakṣīkṛta |
lakṣin | mf(iṇī-)n. (fr. lakṣa-) having good marks or signs  |
lakṣita | mfn. marked, indicated, distinguished or characterized by (instrumental case or compound) etc.  |
lakṣita | mfn. vaguely indicated or expressed, equivocal, ambiguous (as a word which is indecent only in its figurative sense exempli gratia, 'for example' janma-bhūmi-,"place of birth"and"the female organ")  |
lakṣita | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') aimed at (as a target or object aimed at by an arrow)  |
lakṣita | mfn. called, named  |
lakṣita | mfn. considered or regarded as, taken for (Nominal verb)  |
lakṣita | mfn. enquired into, examined  |
lakṣita | mfn. recognised  |
lakṣita | mfn. perceived, observed, beheld, seen, evident etc.  |
lakṣita | mfn. known, understood  |
lakṣita | mfn. proved  |
lakṣita | mfn. excellent  |
lakṣitalakṣaṇa | mfn. having the marks (of anything) perceived or evident  |
lakṣitatva | n. the state of being marked or expressed indirectly  |
lakṣitatva | n. excellence  |
lakṣitavya | mfn. to be marked or indicated or defined  |
lakṣma | See deva-lakṣm/a-.  |
lakṣmaka | m. Name of a man  |
lakṣmakaṇikā | f. a little spot  |
lakṣman | n. a mark, sign, token, characteristic etc.  |
lakṣman | n. a good or lucky mark, excellence  |
lakṣman | n. a bad mark, stain, blemish  |
lakṣman | n. definition (as"the marks or characteristics collectively")  |
lakṣman | n. equals pradhāna-, the chief, principal  |
lakṣman | n. a pearl  |
lakṣmaṇa | mf(/ā-)n. having marks or signs or characteristics  |
lakṣmaṇa | mf(/ā-)n. endowed with auspicious signs or marks, lucky, fortunate  |
lakṣmaṇa | m. Ardea Sibirica  |
lakṣmaṇa | m. Name of a vāsiṣṭha- gaRa śubhrādi-  |
lakṣmaṇa | m. of a son of daśa-ratha- by his wife su-mitrā- (he was younger brother and companion of rāma- during his travels and adventures; lakṣmaṇa- and śatru-ghna- were both sons of su-mitrā-, but lakṣmaṇa- alone is usually called saumitri-;he so attached himself to rāma- as to be called rāma-'s second self;whereas śatru-ghna- attached himself to bharata-) etc.  |
lakṣmaṇa | m. Name of various authors and other persons (also with ācārya-, kavi-, deśika-, dvivedin-, paṇḍita-, bhaṭṭa-, śāstrin-, sūri-etc.)  |
lakṣmaṇā | f. the female of the Ardea Sibirica  |
lakṣmaṇā | f. a goose  |
lakṣmaṇā | f. a kind of potherb  |
lakṣmaṇā | f. Name of various other plants (Hemionitis Cordifolia;Uraria Lagopodioides; equals putra-kandā-and a white-flowering kaṇṭakārī-).  |
lakṣmaṇā | f. Name of a wife of kṛṣṇa-  |
lakṣmaṇā | f. of a daughter of dur-yodhana- (carried off by sāmbha-, a son of kṛṣṇa-)  |
lakṣmaṇā | f. of an apsaras-  |
lakṣmaṇā | f. of a Buddhist devī-  |
lakṣmaṇā | f. of the mother of the 8th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
lakṣmaṇa | n. a mark, sign, token etc. (often varia lectio lakṣaṇa-), a name  |
lakṣmaṇābharaṇīya | n. Name of a campū-.  |
lakṣmaṇabhaṭṭīya | n. Name of work on the vedānta-.  |
lakṣmaṇacampū | f. Name of a poem (= campū-rāmāyaṇa- q.v)  |
lakṣmaṇacandra | m. Name of a king  |
lakṣmaṇacūrṇikā | f. Name of work  |
lakṣmaṇadāsa | m.  |
lakṣmaṇadeva | m.  |
lakṣmaṇāditya | m. (with rājaputra-) Name of a poet and pupil of kṣemendra-  |
lakṣmaṇakavaca | n. Name of a hymn in praise of lakṣmaṇa-.  |
lakṣmaṇakhaṇḍapraśasti | f. Name of work  |
lakṣmaṇakuṇḍaka | n. Name of a place  |
lakṣmaṇapati | m. Name of three men  |
lakṣmaṇaprasū | f. "mother of lakṣmaṇa-", Name of sumitrā- (see above)  |
lakṣmaṇarājadeva | m. Name of a king  |
lakṣmaṇasena | m. a king of the sena- dynasty of Eastern India (founder of an era, beginning on October 7, D. 1119)  |
lakṣmaṇasiṃha | m. Name of an author  |
lakṣmaṇasvāmin | m. Name of a man  |
lakṣmaṇasvāmin | m. of an image of lakṣmaṇa-  |
lakṣmaṇoru | mf(ū-)n. (see lakṣaṇoru-). |
lakṣmaṇotsava | m. Name of a medical work by lakṣmaṇa-.  |
lakṣmaṇya | mfn. serving as a mark, visible far and wide  |
lakṣmaṇya | m. Name of a man ( "son of lakṣmaṇa-") .  |
lakṣmi | (m. Calcutta edition) in compound for lakṣmī-.  |
lakṣmī | f. (Nominal verb /īs-,rarely /ī-;also in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' as mf.,but n(i-).; see lakṣmīka-) a mark, sign, token  |
lakṣmī | f. (with or without pāp/ī-) a bad sign, impending misfortune  |
lakṣmī | f. (but in the older language more usually with p/uṇyā-) a good sign, good fortune, prosperity, success, happiness (also plural) etc.  |
lakṣmī | f. wealth, riches  |
lakṣmī | f. beauty, loveliness, grace, charm, splendour, lustre etc.  |
lakṣmī | f. Name of the goddess of fortune and beauty (frequently in the later mythology identified with śrī- and regarded as the wife of viṣṇu- or nārāyaṇa-; according to to she sprang with other precious things from the foam of the ocean when churned by the gods and demons for the recovery of the amṛta- q.v;she appeared with a lotus in her hand, whence she is also called padmā-; according to to another legend she appeared at the creation floating over the water on the expanded petals of a lotus-flower, she is also variously regarded as a wife of sūrya-, as a wife of prajā-pati-, as a wife of dharma- and mother of kāma-, as sister or mother of dhātṛ- and vidhātṛ-, as wife of dattatreya-, as one of the 9 śakti-s of viṣṇu-, as a manifestation of prakṛti- etc., as identified with dākṣāyaṇī- in bharatāśrama-, and with sītā-, wife of rāma-, and with other women) (see )  |
lakṣmī | f. the Good Genius or Fortune of a king personified (and often regarded as a rival of his queen), royal power, dominion, majesty  |
lakṣmī | f. a particular verse or formula  |
lakṣmī | f. Name of various plants (Hibiscus Mutabilis;Mimosa Suma;turmeric;a white tulasī-; equals ṛddhi-, vṛddhi-, priyaṅgu-,and phalinī-)  |
lakṣmī | f. of the eleventh kalā- of the moon  |
lakṣmī | f. of two kinds of metre  |
lakṣmī | f. the wife of a hero  |
lakṣmī | f. equals dravya-  |
lakṣmī | f. a pearl  |
lakṣmī | f. Name of the wife of king candra-siṃha- of mithilā- and patroness of various authors (also called lakhamā-, laṣamā-, lakhimā-or lachimā-)  |
lakṣmī | f. of a poetess  |
lakṣmī | f. of another woman  |
lakṣmībahiṣkṛta | mfn. excluded from fortune, destitute of wealth  |
lakṣmīcandramiśra | m. Name of an author  |
lakṣmīcaritra | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmīdāsa | m. Name of various men  |
lakṣmīdatta | m. (also with ācārya-) Name of various authors  |
lakṣmīdeva | m. Name of a man  |
lakṣmīdevī | f. Name of a learned woman  |
lakṣmīdhara | m. (also with ācārya-, kavi-, dīkṣita-, deśika-, bhaṭṭa-, sūri-) Name of various authors and other persons etc.  |
lakṣmīdhara | n. (prob.) a particular metre  |
lakṣmīdhara | m. or n. (?) Name of a commentary  |
lakṣmīdharakāvya | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmīdharasena | m. Name of a man  |
lakṣmīdvādaśanāmamahiman | m. Name of work  |
lakṣmīdvādaśanāmamahimastotra | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmīgṛha | n. "abode of lakṣmī-", a mint  |
lakṣmīgṛha | n. a red lotus-flower  |
lakṣmīhṛdaya | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmīhṛdayastotra | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmījanārdana | n. sg. lakṣmī- and janārdana-  |
lakṣmīka | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') equals lakṣmī- gaRa uraḥ-prabhṛti- (see gata--, pūrna-l-etc.)  |
lakṣmīkalpa | m. a particular period of time  |
lakṣmīkānta | m. "beloved of lakṣmī-", Name of viṣṇu- (see kallāleśo lakṣmī-k-)  |
lakṣmīkānta | m. a king  |
lakṣmīkānta | m. Name of an author  |
lakṣmīkānta | m. (with nyāya-bhūṣaṇa bhaṭṭācārya-) of another author  |
lakṣmīkāntaśikṣā | f. Name of work  |
lakṣmīkavaca | n. Name of various kavaca-s  |
lakṣmīkhaṇḍa | m. Name of work  |
lakṣmīkulārṇava | m. Name of work  |
lakṣmīkulatantra | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmīkumāratātācārya | m. Name of an author  |
lakṣmīlahari | f. Name of work  |
lakṣmīmandira | n. a fictitious Name of a town  |
lakṣmīmantra | m. Name of work  |
lakṣmīṃdadā | f. Name of a kiṃnarī-  |
lakṣmīnāmāmṛta | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
lakṣmīnarasiṃha | m. Name of a king  |
lakṣmīnarasiṃha | m. of various authors  |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇa | m. dual number or n. sg. lakṣmī- and nārāyaṇa- (see )  |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇa | m. Name of a prince  |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇa | m. (also with nyāyālaṃkāra-, paṇḍita-, yati-) of various authors and other men  |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇa | mfn. belonging to lakṣmī- and nārāyaṇa-  |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇahṛdaya | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇapañcāṅga | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇapūjāvidhāna | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇārcākaumudī | f. Name of work  |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇasahasranāman | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇasaṃvāda | m. Name of work  |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇastava | m. Name of work  |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇastotra | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇavrata | n. a particular religious observance  |
lakṣmīnārāyaṇavratakalpa | m. Name of work  |
lakṣmīnātha | m. "lord of lakṣmī-", Name of viṣṇu-  |
lakṣmīnātha | m. (also with bhaṭṭa-, miśra-, śarman-) of various authors  |
lakṣmīniketana | n. the bathing with fragrant myrobalan powder  |
lakṣmīnivāsa | m. the abode of the goddess of fortune  |
lakṣmīnivāsa | m. Name of a commentator  |
lakṣmīnivāsābhidhāna | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃha | n. sg. lakṣmī- and viṣṇu- as the man-lion |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃha | m. Name of a king  |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃha | m. (also with kavi-or bhaṭṭa-) of various authors and other men  |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃhakavaca | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃhamahāṣṭottara | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃhamahāṣṭottarabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃhapañcaratnamālikā | f. Name of work  |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃhasahasranāman | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃhastavarāja | m. Name of work  |
lakṣmīnṛsiṃhastotra | n. Name of work  |
lakṣmīpañcāśat | f. Name of work  |
lakṣmīpati | m. "husband or lord of lakṣmī-", a king or prince  |
lakṣmīpati | m. Name of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-  |
lakṣmīpati | m. the betel-nut tree  |
lakṣmīpati | m. the clove tree  |