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1 result
kuṭunī कुटुनी A bawd, procuress; see कुट्टनी. कुटुम्ब kuṭumba कुटुम्बकम् kuṭumbakam कुटुम्ब कुटुम्बकम् A household, a family; परमियं ब्राह्मणी अस्मिन् कुटुम्बे Mbh. on P.I.4.2. उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् H.1.68; Y.2.45; Ms.11.12,22; 8.166. -2 The duties and cares of a family; तदु- पहितकुटुम्बः R.7.71. -3 N. of the second astrological mansion (अर्थ). -वः, -वम् 1 A kinsman, a relation by descent or marriage. -2 Offspring, progeny. -3 A name. -4 Race. -5 A group, collection; Vikr. 1.92. -Comp. -कलहः, -हम् internal or domestic quarrels. कुटुम्बकलहादीशो$पि हालाहलं पपौ Subhāṣ. -भरः the burden of the family; भर्त्रा तदर्पितकुटुम्बभरेण सार्धम् Ś.4.2; ˚चिन्तया Pt.5.4. -भूमिः the site where a house is built; कुटुम्बभूमिमानं तु वाटक्षेत्रविवर्जितम् Kāmikāgama 21.3. -व्यापृत a. (a father) who is provident and attentive to the good of the family. कुटुम्बिकः kuṭumbikḥ कुटुम्बिन् kuṭumbin कुटुम्बिकः कुटुम्बिन् m. 1 A householder, married man, (a pater familias,) one who has a family to support or take care of; प्रायेण गृहिणीनेत्राः कन्यार्थेषु कुटुम्बिनः Ku.6.85; V.3.1; Ms.3.8; Y.2.45. -2 (fig.) One who takes care of anything. -3 A peasant. -4 A member of a family; &Saute;ānti.4.9. -5 (-m.) A homeslave. -नी 1 The wife of a householder, a house-wife (in charge of the house); द्रव्योपकरणं सर्वं नान्ववैक्षत्कुटुम्बिनी Mb.12.228.6. भवतु कुटुम्बिनीमाहूय पृच्छामि Mu.1; प्रभ- वन्त्यो$पि हि भर्तुषु कारणकोपाः कुटुम्बिन्यः M.1.17; R.8.86; Amaru.56. -2 A large household or family. -3 A woman in general. -4 A sharer; यावदिदानीमीदृशशोक- विनोदनार्थमवस्थाकुटुम्बिनीं मैथिलीं पश्यामि । -5 A female servant of a house.
2 results
kutumbaka noun (masculine neuter) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 23737/72933
devakutumbaka noun (masculine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 54916/72933
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