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Grammar Search
"kuru" has 1 results
kuru: second person singular present imperative class 8 parasmaipadakṛ
Amarakosha Search
2 results
kuruvindaḥMasculineSingularmeghanāmā, mustā, mustakam
Monier-Williams Search
95 results for kuru
kurum. plural Name of a people of India and of their country (situated near the country of the pañcāla-s;hence often connected with pañcāla- or pañcāla- [see kuru-pañc-below]: the uttara-kuravaḥ-,or uttarāḥ kuravaḥ-are the northern kuru-s, the most northerly of the four mahā-dvīpa-s or principal divisions of the known world [distinguished from the dakṣiṇāḥ kuravaḥ-or southern kuru-s ], by other systems regarded as one of the nine divisions or varṣa-s of the same;it was probably a country beyond the most northern range of the himālaya-, often described as a country of everlasting happiness[ etc.], and considered by some to be the ancient home of the Aryan race) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurum. equals ṛtvijas- (priests) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurum. equals kartāras- ("doers" , fr.1. kṛ-) commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurum. Name of the ancestor of the kuru-s (son of saṃvaraṇa- and tapatī-, daughter of the sun[ ]; kuru- is the ancestor of both pāṇḍu- and dhṛta-rāṣṭra-, though the patronymic derived from his name is usually applied only to the sons of the latter, the sons and descendants of the former being called pāṇḍava-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurum. Name of a son of āgnīdhra- and grandson of priya-vrata- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurum. boiled rice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurum. the plant Solanum Jacquini (equals kaṇṭakārikā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruf. (ūs-) a princess of the kuru- race (see kaurava-,etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurubāhum. a kind of bird View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurubilvam. a ruby View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurubilvakam. equals kulmāṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurucaramf(ī-)n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurucillam. a crab View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurugārhapatan. ? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruham. "growing from the earth", a tree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruhāram. Name of an agra-hāra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurujāṅgalan. Name of a country etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurujāṅgalam. plural the inhabitants of that country View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurukam. Name of a prince (varia lectio for ruruka-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurukandakan. horse-radish (Raphanus sativus) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurukatam. Name of a man gaRa gargādi- and anuśatikādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurukṣetran. "the field of the kuru-s", Name of an extensive plain near Delhi (the scene of the great battles between the kuru-s and pāṇḍu-s) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurukṣetram. plural the inhabitants of that country (renowned for their bravery) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurukṣetram. plural (wrong reading for kaurukṣ-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurukṣetrakam. plural the inhabitants of the kuru-kṣetra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurukṣetrinmfn. (with yoga-) a solar day, in the course of which three lunar days, three asterisms, and three yogas occur. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurukullāf. (fr. ru-kulyā-,"belonging to the kuru- race"?) , Name of a Buddhist deity. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurukurujāṅgalan. the country of the kuru-s and kuru-jāṅgala- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurukurukṣetran. the country of the kuru-s and kuru-kṣetra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurulam. a curl or lock of hair (especially on the forehead) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurumbam. a kind of orange (equals kula-pālaka-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurumbāf. the plant Phlomis ceylanica (commonly droṇa-puṣpī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurumbīf. a kind of pepper View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurumbikāf. the plant Phlomis ceylanica View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurunadikāf. equals ku-nad- commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurunandanam. a descendant of kuru- (as arjuna-, yudhiṣṭhira-, etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruṇḍim. Name of a ṛṣi- in the third manv-antara- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruṅgam. Name of a prince
kuruṇṭam. yellow amaranth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruṇṭam. yellow Barleria View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruṇṭakam. yellow amaranth or Barleria View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruṇṭham. yellow amaranth or Barleria View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruṇṭīf. a doll, puppet made of wood View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruṇṭīf. the wife of a Brahman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruṇṭikāf. idem or 'm. yellow amaranth or Barleria ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurupañcālam. plural the kuru-s and pañcāla-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurupañcālatrāind. as among the kuru-s and pañcāla-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurupāṇḍavam. dual number and plural the descendants of kuru- (id est of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-) and of pāṇḍu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurupatham. "Name of a man" See kaurupathi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurupiśaṅgilamf(ā-)n.? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurupuṃgavam. a kuru- chief (in the draupadī-haraṇa- applied to the pāṇḍu- princes). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kururājm. "lord of the kuru-s", Name of duryodhana- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kururājam. Name of yudhiṣṭhira- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kururājyan. the kuru- realm. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurufor kurarī- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurusattamam. idem or 'm. Name of arjuna- ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruśravaṇam. Name of a prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruśreṣṭham. Name of arjuna- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurusutim. Name of a Vedic poet (author of ). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruṭam. a kind of pot-herb (Marsilea quadrifolia) (see kuraṇṭa-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruta? gaRa hasty-ādi- (varia lectio) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruf. a particular high number View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurutapādamfn. gaRa hasty-ādi- varia lectio View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruṭinm. a horse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kurutīrthan. Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruvājapeyam. a particular kind of vājapeya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruvakafor kurabaka- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruvaṃśam. Name of a prince View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruvaṃśakam. idem or 'm. Name of a prince ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruvarṇakam. plural Name of a people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruvaśam. Name of a prince : View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruvatsam. Name of a prince (varia lectio for -vaśa-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruvindam. a kind of barley commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruvindam. a fragrant grass (Cyperus rotundus) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruvindam. the plant Terminalia Catappa View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruvindam. the bud of a flower View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruvindam. equals kulmāṣa- (see kuru-bilvaka-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruvindamn. a ruby View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruvindan. black salt View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruvindan. cinnabar View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruvindakam. a wild variety of Dolichos biflorus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruvistam. a pala- of gold (in weight equal to about 700 troy grains) = View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruvṛddham. Name of bhīṣma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devakurum. Name of a people and country (associated with the uttara-k-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devakurumbāf. Name of a plant (equals mahādroṇa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kaukuruṇḍim. Name of a teacher View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kiṣkurua staff, club (varia lectio kiḥk- and kiṃk-,) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyakuru(prob.) m. pl. Name of a country View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mṛdaṅkurum. Columba Hariola View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nikurumba() m. or n. a flock, mass, multitude. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nikurumbaka() m. or n. a flock, mass, multitude. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nīlakuruṇṭakam. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakuruṇḍam. yellow Amaranth or Barleria (equals sāk-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kuruṇḍam. a kind of plant (see sa-k-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttarakurum. n. one of the nine divisions of the world (the country of the northern kuru-s, situated in the north of India, and described as the country of eternal beatitude). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
11 results
kurubaka कुरुबक = कुरबक q. v.
kuru कुरुः (pl.) 1 N. of a country situated in the north of India about the site of the modern Delhi; श्रियः कुरूणा- मधिपस्य पालनीम् Ki.1.1; चिराय तस्मिन् कुरवश्चकासति 1.17. -2 The kings of this country. -रुः 1 A priest. -2 Boiled rice. -Comp. -क्षेत्रम् N. of an extensive plain near Delhi, the scene of the great war between the Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas; धर्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे समवेता युयुत्सवः Bg.1.1; Ms.2.19. -क्षेत्रियोगः a solar day in the course of which three lunar days, three asterisms and three yogas occur. The yoga is indicative of death; पञ्चग्रहयुते मृत्यौ लग्नसंस्थे बृहस्पतौ । सौम्यक्षेत्रगते लग्ने कुरुक्षेत्रे मृति- र्भवेत् ॥ -चिल्लः a crab. -जाङ्गलम् = कुरुक्षेत्र q. v. -नन्दनः epithet of Arjuna; Bg.2.41;6.43. -पञ्चालाः N. of a country; कुरुपञ्चालानां ब्राह्मणाः Bṛi. Up.3.9.19. -बिल्वः a ruby. -राज् m. -राजः 1 an epithet of Duryodhana. स्वस्था भवन्तु कुरुराजसुताः सभृत्याः Ve.1.7. -2 N. of Yudhi-ṣṭhira; कस्यचित्त्वथ कालस्य कुरुराजो युधिष्ठिरः Mb.16.1.7. -विस्तः a weight of gold equal to about 7 Troy grains. -वृद्धः an epithet of Bhīṣma; तस्य संजनयन्हर्षं कुरुवृद्धः पितामहः Bg.1.12.
kurulaḥ कुरुलः A lock of hair, especially on the forehead.
kurumbam कुरुम्बम् A kind of orange.
kuruṇḍa कुरुण्ड = कुरुष्ट q. v.
kuruṇṭaḥ कुरुण्टः A red species of amaranth. -ण्टी 1 A wooden doll or puppet. -2 The wife of a Brāhmaṇa or teacher.
kuruṇṭakaḥ कुरुण्टकः Yellow or white amaranth.
kuru कुरुरी A kind of bird (having a plaintive tone); cf. कुररी.
kuruṭaḥ कुरुटः A kind of pot-herb.
kuruṭin कुरुटिन् m. A horse.
kuruvindaḥ कुरुविन्दः न्दम् (also कुरुविल्लः) A ruby; Śi.9.8. -न्दम् 1 Black salt. -2 A mirror.
Macdonell Search
4 results
kurubaka kurubaka, ˚vaka probably in- correct form of kurabaka, -vaka.
kurukṣetra n. plain of Kuru; m. pl. people of Kurukshetra; N. of a country.
kurunandana m. ep. of Arguna and of Yudhishthira; -pañkâlá, m. pl. the Kurus and Pañkâlas; -pândava, m. du. pl. descendants of Kuru (i. e. of Dhritarâshtra) and of Pându.
kuruvinda m. kind of barley; ruby.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
4 results5 results
kuru The Kurus appear as by far the most important people in the Brāhmana literature. There is clear evidence that it was in the country of the Kurus, or the allied Kuru- Pañcālas, that the great Brāhmanas were composed. The Kurus are comparatively seldom mentioned alone, their name being usually coupled with that of the Pañcālas on account of the intimate connexion of the two peoples. The Kuru-Pañcālas are often expressly referred to as a united nation. In the land of the Kuru-Pañcālas speech is said to have its particular home ; the mode of sacrifice among the Kuru-Pañcālas is proclaimed to be the best ; the Kuru-Pañcāla kings perform the Rājasūya or royal sacrifice ; their princes march forth on raids in the dewy season, and return in the hot season Later on the Kuru-Pañcāla Brahmins are famous in the Upanisads. Weber and Grierson have sought to find traces in Vedic literature of a breach between the two tribes, the latter scholar seeing therein a confirmation of the theory that the Kurus belonged to the later stream of immigrants into India, who were specially Brahminical, as opposed to the Pañcālas, who were anti-Brahminical. In support of this view, Weber refers to the story in the Kāthaka Samhitā of a dispute between Vaka Dālbhya and Dhrtarāstra Vaicitravīrya, the former being held to be by origin a Pañcāla, while the latter is held to be a Kuru. But there is no trace of a quarrel between Kurus and Pañcālas in the passage in question, which merely preserves the record of a dispute on a ritual matter between a priest and a prince: the same passage refers to the Naimisīya sacrifice among the Kuru-Pañcālas, and emphasizes the close connexion of the two peoples. Secondly, Weber conjectures in the Vājasaneyi Samhitā that Subhadrikā of Kāmpīla was the chief queen of the king of a tribe living in the neighbour¬hood of the clan, for whose king the horse sacrifice described in the Samhitā was performed. But the interpretation of this passage by Weber is open to grave doubt ; and in the Kānva recension of the Samhitā a passage used at the Rājasūya shows that the Kuru-Pañcālas had actually one king. More¬over, there is the evidence of the Satapatha Brāhmana that the old name of the Pañcālas was Krivi. This word looks very like a variant of Kuru, and Zimmer plausibly conjectures that the Kurus and Krivis formed the Vaikarna of the Rigveda, especially as both peoples are found about the Sindhu and the Asikni.The Kurus alone are chiefly mentioned in connexion with the locality which they occupied, Kuruksetra. We are told, however, of a domestic priest (Purohita) in the service of both the Kurus and the Srñjayas, who must therefore at one time have been closely connected. In the Chāndogya Upanisad reference is made to the Kurus being saved by a mare (aśvā), and to some disaster which befel them owing to a hailstorm. In the Sūtras, again, a ceremony (Vājapeya) of the Kurus is mentioned. There also a curse, which was pronounced on them and led to their being driven from Kuruksetra, is alluded to. This possibly adumbrates the misfortunes of the Kauravas in the epic tradition. In the Rigveda the Kurus do not appear under that name as a people. But mention is made of a prince, Kuruśravana (‘ Glory of the Kurus ^, and of a Pākasthāman Kaurayāna. In the Atharvaveda there occurs as a king of the Kurus Pariksit, whose son, Janamejaya, is mentioned in the śata¬patha Brāhmana as one of the great performers of the horse sacrifice.It is a probable conjecture of Oldenberg’s that the Kuru people, as known later, included some of the tribes referred to by other names in the Rigveda. Kuruśravana, shown by his name to be connected with the Kurus, is in the Rigveda called Trāsadasyava, * descendant of Trasadasyu,’ who is well known as a king of the Pūrus. Moreover, it is likely that the Trtsu- Bharatas, who appear in the Rigveda as enemies of the Pūrus, later coalesced with them to form the Kuru people. Since the Bharatas appear so prominently in the Brāhmana texts as a great people of the past, while the later literature ignores them in its list of nations, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that they became merged in some other tribe. Moreover, there is evidence that the Bharatas occupied the territory in which the Kurus were later found. Two of them are spoken of in a hymn of the Rigveda as having kindled fire on the Drsadvatī, the Apayā, and the Sarasvatī—that is to say, in the sacred places of the later Kuruksetra. Similarly, the goddess Bhāratī (‘ belonging to the Bharatas ’) is constantly mentioned in the Aprī (‘ propitiatory ’) hymns together with Sarasvatī. Again, according to the śatapatha Brāhmana, one Bharata king was victorious over the Kāśis, and another made offerings to Gañgā and Yamunā, while raids of the Bharatas against the Satvants are mentioned in the Aitareya Brāhmana. Nor is it without importance that the Bharatas appear as a variant for the Kuru-Pañcālas in a passage of the Vājasaneyi Samhitā, and that in the list of the great performers of the horse sacrifice the names of one Kuru and two Bharata princes are given without any mention of the people over which they ruled, while in other cases that information is specifically given.The territory of the Kuru-Pañcālas is declared in the Aitareya Brāhmana to be the middle country (Madhyadeśa). A group of the Kuru people still remained further north—the Uttara Kurus beyond the Himālaya. It appears from a passage of the śatapatha Brāhmana that the speech of the Northerners— that is, presumably, the Northern Kurus—and of the Kuru- Pañcālas was similar, and regarded as specially pure. There seems little doubt that the Brahminical culture was developed in the country of the Kuru-Pañcālas, and that it spread thence east, south, and west. Traces of this are seen in the Vrātya Stomas (sacrifices for the admission of non - Brahminical Aryans) of the Pañcavimśa Brāhmana, and in the fact that in the śāñkhāyana Áranyaka it is unusual for a Brahmin to dwell in the territory of Magadha. The repeated mention of Kuru- Pañcāla Brahmins is another indication of their missionary activity. The geographical position of the Kuru-Pañcālas renders it probable that they were later immigrants into India than the Kosala-Videha or the Kāśis, who must have been pushed into their more eastward territories by a new wave of Aryan settlers from the west. But there is no evidence in Vedic literature to show in what relation of time the immigration of the latter peoples stood to that of their neighbours on the west. It has, however, been conjectured, mainly on the ground of later linguistic phenomena, which have no cogency for the Vedic period, that the Kurus were later immigrants, who, coming by a new route, thrust themselves between the original Aryan tribes which were already in occupation of the country from east to west. Cf. also Krtvan. For other Kuru princes see Kauravya.
kurukṣetra (‘ land of the Kurus ’) is always regarded in the Brāhmana texts as a particularly sacred country. Within its boundaries flowed the rivers Drsadvatī and Sarasvatī, as well as the Apayā. Here, too, was situated Saryanāvant, which appears to have been a lake, like that known to the Satapatha Brāhmana by the name of Anyatah-plaksā. According to Pischel, there was also in Kuruksetra a stream called Pastyā, which he sees in certain passages of the Rigveda. The boun¬daries of Kuruksetra are given in a passage of the Taittirīya Áranyaka as being Khāndava on the south, the Tūrghna on the north, and the Parīnah on the west. Roughly speaking, it corresponded to the modern Sirhind.
kuruṅga Is mentioned in the Rigveda as a prince and a patron. Ludwig suggests that he was a king of the Anus, but for this theory there seems no good ground. As the Turvaśas are mentioned in the same verse, he may possibly have been one of their kings.The name suggests a connexion with the Kurus, and it may be noted that in the śatapatha Brāhmana the Turvaśas are connected with the Pañcālas (Krivis).
kuruśravaṇa trāsadasyava Is alluded to as dead in a hymn of the Rigveda, which refers also to his son Upamaśravas, and his father Mitrātithi. In another hymn he is mentioned as still alive. His name connects him on the one hand with the Kurus, and on the other with Trasadasyu and the Pūrus.
uttara kuru The Uttara Kurus, who play a mythical part in the Epic and later literature, are still a historical people in the Aitareya Brāhmana, where they are located beyond the Himalaya (parena Himavantam). In another passage, how­ever, the country of the Uttara Kurus is stated by Vāsiçtha Sātyahavya to be a land of the gods (deva-ksetra), but Jānam- tapi Atyarāti was anxious to conquer it, so that it is still not wholly mythical. It is reasonable to accept Zimmer’s view that the northern Kurus were settled in Kaśmīr, especially as Kuruksetra is the region where tribes advancing from Kaśmīr might naturally be found. Cf. Udīcyas.
Bloomfield Vedic
4 results5 results10 results
kuru AG.4.7.19; GG.4.2.39; ViDh.73.12. See kuruta, kurudhvam, kuruṣva, and oṃ kuruta.
kurudhvam PG.3.10.15. See under kuru.
kurudhvaṃ mā caivaṃ punaḥ PG.3.10.14.
kuruṅgā adhi sānuṣu AVP.4.21.2b.
kuruṅgasya diviṣṭiṣu RV.8.4.19b; N.6.22.
kuruśravaṇa dadato maghāni RV.10.32.9b.
kuruśravaṇam āvṛṇi RV.10.33.4a.
kuruṣva AG.4.7.19; YDh.1.235; AuśDh.5.41; BṛhPDh.5.208. See under kuru.
kuruta MS.4.2.9: 31.1; Lś.1.2.12; Mś.;; śG.2.15.4; Kauś.83.34; 92.17; GG.4.10.22; KhG.4.4.20; PG.1.3.30; HG.1.12.9; 13.13; JG.1.19. See under kuru.
udākuruta nāradaḥ # AVś.12.4.41d.
Vedabase Search
297 results
kuru abide bySB 1.7.53-54
kuru designateSB 3.12.8
kuru doBG 12.11
BG 3.8
CC Antya 1.146
SB 4.20.33
SB 4.27.26
kuru do itSB 2.7.51
kuru just do itSB 8.22.2
kuru just executeSB 10.8.10
SB 4.6.50
SB 7.10.23
kuru just performBG 4.15
kuru kindly doSB 3.14.15
kuru KuruSB 5.2.19
kuru makeCC Madhya 6.181
SB 12.3.49
SB 4.18.11
kuru of the KurusSB 10.58.39
kuru performBG 18.63
BG 2.48
SB 7.10.22
kuru placeMM 23
SB 10.59.31
kuru please giveMM 49
kuru please makeMM 1
SB 10.22.4
SB 10.69.20-22
SB 10.85.46
SB 12.10.5
kuru please make itSB 10.41.12
kuru the sons of DhṛtarāṣṭraSB 2.7.34-35
kuru-bala-abdhim the ocean of the military strength of the KurusSB 1.15.14
kuru-bala-abdhim the ocean of the military strength of the KurusSB 1.15.14
kuru-bala-abdhim the ocean of the military strength of the KurusSB 1.15.14
kuru-deva-devyāḥ of Draupadī, the wife of godly YudhiṣṭhiraSB 3.1.7
kuru-deva-devyāḥ of Draupadī, the wife of godly YudhiṣṭhiraSB 3.1.7
kuru-deva-devyāḥ of Draupadī, the wife of godly YudhiṣṭhiraSB 3.1.7
kuru-jāńgala the province of DelhiSB 1.10.34-35
kuru-jāńgala the province of DelhiSB 1.10.34-35
kuru-jāńgala the region of the Kuru forests (the districts of Thaneswar and Kurukṣetra)SB 10.86.20
kuru-jāńgala the region of the Kuru forests (the districts of Thaneswar and Kurukṣetra)SB 10.86.20
kuru-jāńgalān the Kuru-jāńgala provincesSB 1.4.6
kuru-jāńgalān the Kuru-jāńgala provincesSB 1.4.6
kuru-jāńgale in the capital of Kuru's empireSB 1.16.10
kuru-jāńgale in the capital of Kuru's empireSB 1.16.10
kuru-kekaya-kośalāḥ the Kurus, Kekayas and KośalasSB 10.75.12
kuru-kekaya-kośalāḥ the Kurus, Kekayas and KośalasSB 10.75.12
kuru-kekaya-kośalāḥ the Kurus, Kekayas and KośalasSB 10.75.12
kuru-kṣetra-militaḥ who is met on the field of KurukṣetraCC Antya 1.114
kuru-kṣetra-militaḥ who is met on the field of KurukṣetraCC Antya 1.114
kuru-kṣetra-militaḥ who is met on the field of KurukṣetraCC Antya 1.114
CC Antya 1.79
kuru-kṣetra-militaḥ who is met on the field of KurukṣetraCC Antya 1.79
kuru-kṣetra-militaḥ who is met on the field of KurukṣetraCC Antya 1.79
CC Madhya 1.76
kuru-kṣetra-militaḥ who is met on the field of KurukṣetraCC Madhya 1.76
kuru-kṣetra-militaḥ who is met on the field of KurukṣetraCC Madhya 1.76
kuru-kṣetre in the holy place known as KurukṣetraCC Madhya 13.124
kuru-kṣetre in the holy place known as KurukṣetraCC Madhya 13.124
kuru-kṣetre in the place named KurukṣetraBG 1.1
kuru-kṣetre in the place named KurukṣetraBG 1.1
kuru-kṣetre on the field of KurukṣetraCC Madhya 1.53
kuru-kṣetre on the field of KurukṣetraCC Madhya 1.53
CC Madhya 1.78
kuru-kṣetre on the field of KurukṣetraCC Madhya 1.78
kuru-kula of the Kuru dynastySB 10.74.53
kuru-kula of the Kuru dynastySB 10.74.53
SB 12.1.14
kuru-kula of the Kuru dynastySB 12.1.14
kuru-nandana O beloved child of the KurusBG 2.41
kuru-nandana O beloved child of the KurusBG 2.41
kuru-nandana O beloved of the Kuru dynastySB 10.27.27
kuru-nandana O beloved of the Kuru dynastySB 10.27.27
kuru-nandana O descendant of KuruSB 6.18.44
kuru-nandana O descendant of KuruSB 6.18.44
kuru-nandana O favorite of the KurusSB 11.6.39
kuru-nandana O favorite of the KurusSB 11.6.39
kuru-nandana O favorite son of the KurusSB 11.30.23
kuru-nandana O favorite son of the KurusSB 11.30.23
SB 12.1.21-26
kuru-nandana O favorite son of the KurusSB 12.1.21-26
kuru-nandana O son of KuruBG 14.13
kuru-nandana O son of KuruBG 14.13
BG 6.43
kuru-nandana O son of KuruBG 6.43
kuru-nandana O son of the Kuru dynastySB 1.13.59
kuru-nandana O son of the Kuru dynastySB 1.13.59
kuru-nandana O son of the Kuru dynasty, Mahārāja ParīkṣitSB 9.16.1
kuru-nandana O son of the Kuru dynasty, Mahārāja ParīkṣitSB 9.16.1
kuru-nandana son of the Kuru dynastySB 1.15.18
kuru-nandana son of the Kuru dynastySB 1.15.18
kuru-nāryaḥ the ladies of the Kuru royaltySB 1.10.16
kuru-nāryaḥ the ladies of the Kuru royaltySB 1.10.16
kuru-pañcāla the countries occupied by the Kurus and PañcālasSB 10.2.3
kuru-pañcāla the countries occupied by the Kurus and PañcālasSB 10.2.3
kuru-pāṇḍava between the Kurus and the PāṇḍavasSB 10.79.22
kuru-pāṇḍava between the Kurus and the PāṇḍavasSB 10.79.22
kuru-pāṇḍavānām of the Kurus and the Pāṇḍavas (because no one but me lived after the Battle of Kurukṣetra)SB 10.1.4
kuru-pāṇḍavānām of the Kurus and the Pāṇḍavas (because no one but me lived after the Battle of Kurukṣetra)SB 10.1.4
kuru-patim the King of the KurusSB 1.8.3
kuru-patim the King of the KurusSB 1.8.3
kuru-pradhānena by the chief of the KurusSB 3.7.42
kuru-pradhānena by the chief of the KurusSB 3.7.42
kuru-pravīra O best among the Kuru warriorsBG 11.48
kuru-pravīra O best among the Kuru warriorsBG 11.48
kuru-rāja of the King of the KurusSB 10.71.31-32
kuru-rāja of the King of the KurusSB 10.71.31-32
kuru-rāṭ the Kuru prince, DuryodhanaSB 10.75.32
kuru-rāṭ the Kuru prince, DuryodhanaSB 10.75.32
kuru-śārdūla O tiger among the Kurus (Parīkṣit Mahārāja)SB 10.67.26
kuru-śārdūla O tiger among the Kurus (Parīkṣit Mahārāja)SB 10.67.26
kuru-sat-tama O best amongst the KurusBG 4.31
kuru-sat-tama O best amongst the KurusBG 4.31
kuru-sat-tama O best amongst the KurusBG 4.31
kuru-sat-tama O best of the Kuru dynastySB 8.4.16
kuru-sat-tama O best of the Kuru dynastySB 8.4.16
kuru-sat-tama O best of the Kuru dynastySB 8.4.16
kuru-śreṣṭha O best among the Kurus, ViduraSB 3.29.6
kuru-śreṣṭha O best among the Kurus, ViduraSB 3.29.6
kuru-śreṣṭha O best amongst the KurusSB 3.4.35
kuru-śreṣṭha O best amongst the KurusSB 3.4.35
kuru-śreṣṭha O best of the Kuru dynastySB 6.4.35-39
kuru-śreṣṭha O best of the Kuru dynastySB 6.4.35-39
kuru-śreṣṭha O best of the Kuru kingsSB 9.4.41
kuru-śreṣṭha O best of the Kuru kingsSB 9.4.41
kuru-śreṣṭha O best of the KurusBG 10.19
kuru-śreṣṭha O best of the KurusBG 10.19
SB 10.85.27-28
kuru-śreṣṭha O best of the KurusSB 10.85.27-28
SB 12.4.39
kuru-śreṣṭha O best of the KurusSB 12.4.39
SB 12.4.43
kuru-śreṣṭha O best of the KurusSB 12.4.43
kuru-śreṣṭha O best of the Kurus (King Parīkṣit)SB 10.65.1
kuru-śreṣṭha O best of the Kurus (King Parīkṣit)SB 10.65.1
kuru-śreṣṭha O best of the Kurus (Parīkṣit Mahārāja)SB 10.68.8
kuru-śreṣṭha O best of the Kurus (Parīkṣit Mahārāja)SB 10.68.8
kuru-śreṣṭha O best of the Kurus, Mahārāja ParīkṣitSB 8.22.12
kuru-śreṣṭha O best of the Kurus, Mahārāja ParīkṣitSB 8.22.12
kuru-śreṣṭha O Mahārāja ParīkṣitSB 10.11.1
kuru-śreṣṭha O Mahārāja ParīkṣitSB 10.11.1
kuru-śreṣṭha O ViduraSB 4.17.12
kuru-śreṣṭha O ViduraSB 4.17.12
kuru-sṛñjaya-kaikayān the Kurus, Sṛñjayas and KaikayasSB 10.71.28
kuru-sṛñjaya-kaikayān the Kurus, Sṛñjayas and KaikayasSB 10.71.28
kuru-sṛñjaya-kaikayān the Kurus, Sṛñjayas and KaikayasSB 10.71.28
kuru-sṛñjaya-kaikeya-vidarbha-yadu-kuntayaḥ of the members of the Kuru, Sṛñjaya, Kaikeya, Vidarbha, Yadu and Kunti clansSB 10.54.58
kuru-sṛñjaya-kaikeya-vidarbha-yadu-kuntayaḥ of the members of the Kuru, Sṛñjaya, Kaikeya, Vidarbha, Yadu and Kunti clansSB 10.54.58
kuru-sṛñjaya-kaikeya-vidarbha-yadu-kuntayaḥ of the members of the Kuru, Sṛñjaya, Kaikeya, Vidarbha, Yadu and Kunti clansSB 10.54.58
kuru-sṛñjaya-kaikeya-vidarbha-yadu-kuntayaḥ of the members of the Kuru, Sṛñjaya, Kaikeya, Vidarbha, Yadu and Kunti clansSB 10.54.58
kuru-sṛñjaya-kaikeya-vidarbha-yadu-kuntayaḥ of the members of the Kuru, Sṛñjaya, Kaikeya, Vidarbha, Yadu and Kunti clansSB 10.54.58
kuru-sṛñjaya-kaikeya-vidarbha-yadu-kuntayaḥ of the members of the Kuru, Sṛñjaya, Kaikeya, Vidarbha, Yadu and Kunti clansSB 10.54.58
kuru-sṛñjaya-pāṇḍubhiḥ assisted by the Pāṇḍavas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 9.24.62
kuru-sṛñjaya-pāṇḍubhiḥ assisted by the Pāṇḍavas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 9.24.62
kuru-sṛñjaya-pāṇḍubhiḥ assisted by the Pāṇḍavas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 9.24.62
kuru-sṛñjayānām of the Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 10.72.5
kuru-sṛñjayānām of the Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 10.72.5
kuru-tantave for the progeny of Mahārāja KuruSB 1.8.14
kuru-tantave for the progeny of Mahārāja KuruSB 1.8.14
kuru-udvaha O best of the Kuru dynasty, Mahārāja ParīkṣitSB 6.16.49
kuru-udvaha O best of the Kuru dynasty, Mahārāja ParīkṣitSB 6.16.49
kuru-udvaha O best of the KurusSB 11.2.1
kuru-udvaha O best of the KurusSB 11.2.1
SB 12.3.6
kuru-udvaha O best of the KurusSB 12.3.6
SB 4.8.6
kuru-udvaha O best of the KurusSB 4.8.6
SB 8.1.6
kuru-udvaha O best of the KurusSB 8.1.6
kuru-udvaha O best of the Kurus (Vidura)SB 4.24.9
kuru-udvaha O best of the Kurus (Vidura)SB 4.24.9
kuru-udvaha O chief of the Kuru dynastySB 3.6.30
kuru-udvaha O chief of the Kuru dynastySB 3.6.30
kuru-udvaha O chief of the KurusSB 4.18.27
kuru-udvaha O chief of the KurusSB 4.18.27
kuru-udvaha O great one among the KurusSB 4.12.52
kuru-udvaha O great one among the KurusSB 4.12.52
kuru-udvaha O hero among the Kurus (Parīkṣit)SB 10.52.16-17
kuru-udvaha O hero among the Kurus (Parīkṣit)SB 10.52.16-17
kuru-udvaha O hero of the Kuru dynastySB 10.15.49-50
kuru-udvaha O hero of the Kuru dynastySB 10.15.49-50
kuru-udvaha O hero of the Kurus (King Parīkṣit)SB 10.59.17-19
kuru-udvaha O hero of the Kurus (King Parīkṣit)SB 10.59.17-19
kuru-udvaha O King Parīkṣit, best of the KurusSB 8.7.1
kuru-udvaha O King Parīkṣit, best of the KurusSB 8.7.1
kuru-udvaha O Mahārāja ParīkṣitSB 10.6.43
kuru-udvaha O Mahārāja ParīkṣitSB 10.6.43
SB 8.17.7
kuru-udvaha O Mahārāja ParīkṣitSB 8.17.7
kuru-udvaha O Mahārāja Parīkṣit, best protector of the Kuru dynastySB 10.5.19
kuru-udvaha O Mahārāja Parīkṣit, best protector of the Kuru dynastySB 10.5.19
kuru-udvaha O Mahārāja Parīkṣit, the best of the KurusSB 8.16.3
kuru-udvaha O Mahārāja Parīkṣit, the best of the KurusSB 8.16.3
kuru-udvaha O most eminent member of the Kuru dynastySB 10.33.17
kuru-udvaha O most eminent member of the Kuru dynastySB 10.33.17
kuru-udvaha O most eminent of the KurusSB 10.87.7
kuru-udvaha O most eminent of the KurusSB 10.87.7
SB 12.1.15-17
kuru-udvaha O most eminent of the KurusSB 12.1.15-17
kuru-udvaha O most heroic of the KurusSB 10.82.34
kuru-udvaha O most heroic of the KurusSB 10.82.34
kuru-udvaha O protector of the KurusSB 10.54.53
kuru-udvaha O protector of the KurusSB 10.54.53
kuru-udvahaḥ Mahārāja YudhiṣṭhiraSB 1.14.2
kuru-udvahaḥ Mahārāja YudhiṣṭhiraSB 1.14.2
kuru-varya O best among the KurusSB 8.4.14
kuru-varya O best among the KurusSB 8.4.14
kuru-varya O best of the KurusSB 2.1.34
kuru-varya O best of the KurusSB 2.1.34
kuru-vṛddha by the elder of the Kurus (Bhīṣma)SB 10.68.5
kuru-vṛddha by the elder of the Kurus (Bhīṣma)SB 10.68.5
kuru-vṛddhaḥ the grandsire of the Kuru dynasty (Bhīṣma)BG 1.12
kuru-vṛddhaḥ the grandsire of the Kuru dynasty (Bhīṣma)BG 1.12
kuru-vṛddhān of the elders of the Kuru dynastySB 10.77.6-7
kuru-vṛddhān of the elders of the Kuru dynastySB 10.77.6-7
kurubaka kurubakasSB 8.2.14-19
kurubhiḥ by the KurusSB 10.68.28
SB 10.68.38
SB 10.68.8
kurubhiḥ the inhabitants of the land known as KuruSB 5.18.34
kurudhvam please makeSB 11.4.8
kurudhvam you should doSB 10.68.21
kuru Kuru was bornSB 9.22.3
kurujāńgalān the kingdom of western India up to the Delhi provinceSB 3.1.24
kuruka let him doCC Antya 9.33
kurukṣetra to the pilgrimage site known as KurukṣetraCC Madhya 2.53
kurukṣetra-patiḥ the King of KurukṣetraSB 9.22.3
kurukṣetra-patiḥ the King of KurukṣetraSB 9.22.3
kurukṣetram a particular sacred place (dharma-kṣetra)SB 7.14.30-33
kurukṣetram the Battle of KurukṣetraSB 3.3.12
kurukṣetram the place where the battle was foughtSB 1.10.34-35
kurukṣetre at the place known as KurukṣetraSB 9.14.33
kurukṣetre in KurukṣetraCC Antya 14.34
kurukṣetre āilāńa I have come to KurukṣetraCC Antya 14.34
kurukṣetre āilāńa I have come to KurukṣetraCC Antya 14.34
kuruśreṣṭha O best of the KurusSB 12.1.6-8
kuruṣu among the KurusSB 10.68.53
kuruṣu in the tract of land known as KuruSB 5.18.34
kuruṣu the members of the Kuru dynasty, such as DuryodhanaSB 9.22.34
kuruṣva doBG 9.27
kuruṣva just doCC Madhya 8.60
kuruṣva please doSB 12.13.22
kuruṣva please makeSB 10.23.29
kuruta executeSB 7.7.53
kuruta just executeSB 4.21.25
kuruta showSB 7.6.24
kuruta you should performSB 10.24.29
kurutām may He fulfillSB 6.4.34
kurutam please fulfillSB 10.85.32-33
kurute acceptsSB 6.2.4
kurute acts on his ownSB 10.82.20
kurute doSB 2.3.21
kurute doesCC Madhya 14.200
SB 10.11.8
SB 9.19.15
SB 9.4.69
kurute does performBG 3.21
kurute executesSB 6.4.30
kurute He doesCC Adi 4.125
kurute he performsSB 3.31.31
kurute is doingSB 8.1.3
kurute it turnsBG 4.37
kurute makeSB 4.7.53
kurute makesCC Adi 4.1
kurute performsSB 3.29.21
SB 4.29.26-27
SB 5.5.4
SB 6.1.50
kurute showsCC Adi 3.25
CC Madhya 17.178
kurute sometimes doesSB 10.8.31
kurute turnsBG 4.37
kurute will makeSB 4.14.31
kurute spṛhām he longsSB 3.30.11
kurute spṛhām he longsSB 3.30.11
kuruvaśāt from Kuruvaśa, the son of MadhuSB 9.24.5
apākuru please removeSB 10.50.13-14
apakurutaḥ who were insulting HimSB 10.83.12
apakurute can do harmSB 3.27.26
matsya-uśīnara-kauśalya-vidarbha-kuru-sṛñjayān the Matsyas, Uśīnaras, Kauśalyas, Vidarbhas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 10.82.12-13
yadu-kuru-udvahau who are the best of the Yadu and Kuru dynasties respectivelySB 4.1.59
matsya-uśīnara-kauśalya-vidarbha-kuru-sṛñjayān the Matsyas, Uśīnaras, Kauśalyas, Vidarbhas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 10.82.12-13
svī-kuru just acceptCC Antya 1.166
namaḥ-kuruta you should offer obeisancesSB 10.64.41
matsya-uśīnara-kauśalya-vidarbha-kuru-sṛñjayān the Matsyas, Uśīnaras, Kauśalyas, Vidarbhas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 10.82.12-13
namaḥ-kuruta you should offer obeisancesSB 10.64.41
namaskuru offer obeisancesBG 9.34
namaskuru offer your obeisancesBG 18.65
namaskuru offer obeisancesCC Madhya 22.57-58
matsya-uśīnara-kauśalya-vidarbha-kuru-sṛñjayān the Matsyas, Uśīnaras, Kauśalyas, Vidarbhas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 10.82.12-13
svī-kuru just acceptCC Antya 1.166
yadu-kuru-udvahau who are the best of the Yadu and Kuru dynasties respectivelySB 4.1.59
matsya-uśīnara-kauśalya-vidarbha-kuru-sṛñjayān the Matsyas, Uśīnaras, Kauśalyas, Vidarbhas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 10.82.12-13
matsya-uśīnara-kauśalya-vidarbha-kuru-sṛñjayān the Matsyas, Uśīnaras, Kauśalyas, Vidarbhas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 10.82.12-13
vikurute produces as transformationSB 11.24.18
yadu-kuru-udvahau who are the best of the Yadu and Kuru dynasties respectivelySB 4.1.59
39 results
kuru noun (masculine) kartāras ("doers") (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
ṛtvijas (priests) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
boiled rice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a people of India and of their country (situated near the country of the Pañcālas) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Āgnīdhra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the ancestor of the Kurus (son of Saṃvaraṇa and Tapatī) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the plant Solanum Jacquini (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
[medic.] a class of worms
Frequency rank 357/72933
kurubhaka noun (masculine)
Frequency rank 13455/72933
kurujāṅgala noun (masculine) an inhabitant of the country Kurujāṅgala
Frequency rank 27590/72933
kurujāṅgala noun (neuter) name of a country (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 10061/72933
kurukullā noun (feminine) name of a Buddhist deity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 49765/72933
kurukṣetra noun (masculine) name of a people
Frequency rank 49766/72933
kurukṣetra noun (neuter) name of an extensive plain near Delhi; the scene of the great battles between the Kurus and a famous place of pilgrimage (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the inhabitants of that country (renowned for their bravery) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 3163/72933
kurumant noun (masculine) name of a Vasu
Frequency rank 49771/72933
kurumardaka noun (masculine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 49772/72933
kurumbā noun (feminine) the plant Phlomis ceylanica (commonly Droṇa-puṣpī) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 49773/72933
kururin noun (masculine) [geogr.] name of a mountain
Frequency rank 49774/72933
kururāj noun (masculine) name of Duryodhana (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 49775/72933
kururāja noun (masculine) name of Yudhiṣṭhira (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14105/72933
kurusattama noun (masculine) name of Arjuna (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Yudhiṣṭhira
Frequency rank 10329/72933
kurutīrtha noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 34149/72933
kuruvaśa noun (masculine) name of a prince (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 49776/72933
kuruvaṃśa noun (masculine) name of a prince (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 27592/72933
kuruvaṃśaka noun (masculine) name of a prince (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 49777/72933
kuruvinda noun (masculine) a kind of barley (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Cyperus rotundus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Phaseolus roxburghii the bud of a flower (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the plant Terminalia Catappa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13456/72933
kuruvinda noun (masculine neuter) a ruby (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of ruby
Frequency rank 14106/72933
kuruvinda noun (neuter) black salt (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
cinnabar (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
darada kācalavaṇa
Frequency rank 27593/72933
kuruvindaka noun (masculine) a kind of ruby a wild variety of Dolichos biflorus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 23745/72933
kuruvindaka noun (neuter) kuruvinda a ruby
Frequency rank 34150/72933
kuruvindā noun (feminine) Name einer Pflanze
Frequency rank 49779/72933
kuruvāhaka noun (masculine) a kind of bird
Frequency rank 49778/72933
kuruvīraka noun (masculine) the tree Terminalia Arjuna
Frequency rank 49780/72933
kuruvṛddha noun (masculine) name of Bhīshma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13457/72933
kuruśreṣṭha noun (masculine) name of Arjuna (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Yudhiṣṭhira
Frequency rank 9587/72933
kuruṅgiṇī noun (feminine) Phaseolus trilobus Ait.
Frequency rank 49767/72933
kuruṇḍa noun (masculine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 49770/72933
kuruṇṭaka noun (masculine) yellow amaranth or Barleria (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 27591/72933
kuruṇṭikā noun (feminine) yellow amaranth or Barleria (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 49769/72933
kuruṭa noun (masculine) a kind of pot-herb (Marsilea quadrifolia) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 49768/72933
uttarakuru noun (masculine neuter) one of the nine divisions of the world (the country of the northern Kurus) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 20912/72933
kaukuruṇḍi noun (masculine) name of a teacher (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 50239/72933
dāsīkuruṇṭaka noun (masculine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 54400/72933
sakuruṇḍa noun (masculine) yellow Amaranth or Barleria (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 68562/72933
kuruṇḍa noun (masculine) a kind of plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 40761/72933
kuruṇḍaka noun (neuter)
Frequency rank 70218/72933


a geographical region in ancient India corresponding to Haryana.


1. Plant nightshade, Solanum jacquini; 2. boiled rice, scented rice.


a kind of bird.


1. ruby; 2. a fragrant grass; 3. Plant kind of barley; 4. cinnabar.


sandal (candana), cobra’s saffron (nāgakesara), (kuru).

Wordnet Search
"kuru" has 37 results.


puttalī, dāruputrikā, pāñcālikā, pāñcalikā, pāñcālī, puttalikā, śālāṅkī, śālabhañjī, śālabhañjikā, dārustrī, dārugarbhā, kuruṇṭī, añjalikārikā, yāṣā   

kāṣṭhasya putrikā।

saḥ puttalīṃ nartayati।


māṣaḥ, kuruvindaḥ., dhānyavīraḥ, vṛṣākaraḥ, māṃsalaḥ, pitṛbhojanaḥ   

dhānya-viśeṣaḥ, māṣasya kapotavarṇīyākṣayuktakṛṣṇaphalāni kuṭṭayitvā āsphuṭīkṛtya ca caṇakāḥ bhakṣyante āyurvede asya guṇaviśeṣāḥ snigdhatva-bahumalakaratva-śoṣaṇatva-śleṣmakāritvādayaḥ nirdiṣṭāḥ jhaṭiti rakta-pitta-prakopaṇatvam।

śrama-sukhavadbhiḥ naraiḥ māṣāḥ nityaṃ sevanīyāḥ iti bahubhiḥ manyate


māṇikyam, padmarāgam, lohitakaḥ, śoṇaratnam, śoṇitotpalam, śoṇitotpalaḥ, pāṭalopalam, pāṭalopalaḥ, arūṇopalam, arūṇopalaḥ, arkopalaḥ, bhāskarapriyam, lakṣmīpuṣpaḥ, kuruvillaḥ, padmarāgamaṇiḥ, mahāmūlyaḥ, taruṇam, ratnarāṭ, raviratnakam, śṛṅgārī, raṅgamāṇikyam, rāgayuk, śoṇopalaḥ, saugandhikam, lohitakam, kuruvindam   

ratnaviśeṣaḥ, raktavarṇīyaṃ ratnam।

śaile śaile māṇikyaṃ na vartate।


māṣaḥ, kuruvindaḥ., dhānyavīraḥ, vṛṣākaraḥ, māṃsalaḥ, pitṛbhojanaḥ   

sasyaviśeṣaḥ। yasya kapotavarṇīyākṣayuktakṛṣṇaphalāni kuṭṭayitvā āsphuṭīkṛtya ca caṇakāḥ bhakṣyante।

saḥ kṛṣakaḥ māṣasya kṣudravṛkṣān lāti।


kuruvaṃśī, kauravaḥ   

kururājñaḥ vaṃśīyaḥ।

kauravaḥ pāṇḍavaḥ ca kuruvaṃśī āsīt।


duryodhanaḥ, kururāṭ, gāndhāreyaḥ, suyodhanaḥ   

gāndhārīdhṛtarāṣṭrayoḥ jyeṣṭhaḥ putraḥ।

kauraveṣu duryodhanaḥ jyeṣṭhaḥ।


pāñcālakaḥ, putrakaḥ, kṛtrimaputrakaḥ, cañcāpuruṣaḥ, puttalaḥ, pāñcālikā, putrikā, vastraputrikā, puttikā, śālāṅkī, kuruṇṭī, pāñcālī, pañcālī, lepyamayī, pañcālikā, śālabhañjī, śālabhañjīkā   


pitā pavanasya kṛte ekaṃ pāñcālakam akrīṇāt।


trapuḥ, trapus, trapulam, raṅgam, piccaṭam, svarṇajam, nāgam, kurupyam, prastīram, surebham, āpūṣam, tīraḥ, ālīnakam, kuṭilam, karkaṭī, bārbbaḍhīram   

dhātuviśeṣaḥ yaḥ vahniyogena lajjate iva trapate। āyurvede asya vātakaphāpahatvādiguṇāḥ proktāḥ।

yathā siṃhaḥ hastigaṇaṃ nihanti tathā trapuḥ akhilamehavargaṃ nihanti।


alakaḥ, alakam, āvartaḥ, kamujā, kuntalaḥ, kurulaḥ, keśī, keśamaṇḍalam, keśastukaḥ, keśāntaḥ, khaṅkaraḥ, guḍālakaḥ, guḍālakam, cūḍā, cūrṇakuntalaḥ, śikhaṇḍakaḥ, śikhā, śikhāsūtram   

pṛṣṭhabhāge vāmabhāge dakṣiṇabhāge ca itastataḥ avakīrṇāḥ keśāḥ।

tasyāḥ alakena yuktaṃ mukhaṃ aparicitaḥ iva abhāsata।



dhārmikeṣu grantheṣu varṇitaṃ tad sthānaṃ yatra kauravapāṇḍavayoḥ yuddhaṃ sañjātam।

kurukṣetraṃ dehalyāḥ samīpe asti।



bhāratasya hariyāṇārājye vartamānaṃ maṇḍalam।

kurukṣetramaṇḍalasya mukhyālayaḥ kurukṣetre asti।


kurukṣetram, kurukṣetranagaram   

bhāratasya hariyāṇārājye vartamānaṃ nagaram।

mahābhāratasya yuddhaṃ kurukṣetre jātam iti manyate।



aruṇācalaprānte vartamānaṃ maṇḍalam।

kuruṅgakumamaṇḍalasya mukhyālayaḥ kuruṅgakumanagare vartate।



paurāṇikaḥ ṛṣiviśeṣaḥ।

kurustatasya varṇanaṃ ṛgvede prāpyate।



paurāṇikaḥ rājā।

kauravāḥ kuroḥ vaṃśajāḥ āsan।


droṇapuṣpī, kumbhayoniḥ, kurumbikā, citrākṣupaḥ, kurumbā, supuṣpā, citrapatrikā, droṇā, phalepuṣpā   

śvetapuṣpayuktaḥ auṣadhīyaḥ kṣupaḥ।

droṇapuṣpyāḥ upayogaḥ arśādīnāṃ vyādhīnāṃ nivāraṇe bhavati।


kurukaḥ, rurukaḥ   

eko rājaputraḥ ।

kurukaḥ  viṣṇupurāṇe ullikhitaḥ asti



eka: puruṣaḥ ।

kurukataḥ gargādiṣu aśatikādiṣu gaṇeṣu paṭhitaḥ asti



eko rājaputraḥ ।

kuruṅga: ṛgvede ullikhitaḥ asti/sthū॒raṃ rādha॑: śa॒tāśvaṃ॑ kuru॒ṅgasya॒ divi॑ṣṭiṣu



ekaṃ rāṣṭram ।

kurujāṅgalasya varṇanaṃ mahābhārate vartate


kuruvatsa:, kuruvaśaḥ   

eko rājaputraḥ ।

kuruvatsa: kośe ullikhitaḥ asti



ekā jāti: ।

kuruvarṇakāḥ mahābhārate varṇitāḥ dṛśyante



eko rājaputraḥ ।

kuruvaśaḥ bhāgavatapurāṇe ullikhitaḥ asti



eko rājaputraḥ ।

kuruvaṃśasya varṇanaṃ viṣṇupurāṇe prāpyate



eko rājaputraḥ ।

kuruśravaṇasya varṇanam ṛgvede samupalabhyate/kuru॑śravaṇa॒ dada॑to ma॒ghāni॑


kurukaḥ, rurukaḥ   

eko rājaputraḥ ।

kurukaḥ  viṣṇupurāṇe ullikhitaḥ asti



eka: puruṣaḥ ।

kurukataḥ gargādiṣu aśatikādiṣu gaṇeṣu paṭhitaḥ asti



eko rājaputraḥ ।

kuruṅga: ṛgvede ullikhitaḥ asti/sthū॒raṃ rādha॑: śa॒tāśvaṃ॑ kuru॒ṅgasya॒ divi॑ṣṭiṣu



ekaṃ rāṣṭram ।

kurujāṅgalasya varṇanaṃ mahābhārate vartate


kuruvatsa:, kuruvaśaḥ   

eko rājaputraḥ ।

kuruvatsa: kośe ullikhitaḥ asti



ekā jāti: ।

kuruvarṇakāḥ mahābhārate varṇitāḥ dṛśyante



eko rājaputraḥ ।

kuruvaśaḥ bhāgavatapurāṇe ullikhitaḥ asti



eko rājaputraḥ ।

kuruvaṃśasya varṇanaṃ viṣṇupurāṇe prāpyate



eko rājaputraḥ ।

kuruśravaṇasya varṇanam ṛgvede samupalabhyate/kuru॑śravaṇa॒ dada॑to ma॒ghāni॑



ekaḥ ācāryaḥ ।

kaukuruṇḍeḥ ullekhaḥ saṃhitā-upaniṣad-brāhmaṇe dṛśyate


bharukaḥ, kurukaḥ, rurukaḥ   

ekaḥ rājaputraḥ ।

bhāgavata-purāṇe bharukaḥ ullikhitaḥ



ekaḥ ācāryaḥ ।

kaukuruṇḍeḥ ullekhaḥ saṃhitā-upaniṣad-brāhmaṇe dṛśyate

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