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Grammar Search
"kulam" has 3 results
kulam: neuter nominative singular stem: kula
kulam: masculine accusative singular stem: kula
kulam: neuter accusative singular stem: kula
Amarakosha Search
9 results
kaupīnam3.3.129NeuterSingularkulam, nāśaḥ
saṅkīrṇam3.1.84MasculineSingularsaṅkulam, ākīrṇam
santatiḥ2.7.1FeminineSingularvaṃśaḥ, gotram, anvavāyaḥ, jananam, santānaḥ, kulam, abhijanaḥ, anvayaḥ
satvam3.3.221NeuterSingularkulam, maskaraḥ
śikharin3.3.113MasculineSingularjanmabhūmiḥ, kulam
saṃkulamMasculineSingularkliṣṭam, parasparaparāhṛtaminconsistent
Monier-Williams Search
24 results for kulam
kulamārgam. the best or principal way, way of honesty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kulamārgam. the doctrine of the kaula-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kulamārgatantran. a collective N. for 64 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kulamaryādāf. family honour or respectability. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kulamātṛkāf. a kind of spear View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kulambharamfn. carrying or upholding a family (with anaḍ-vah-,a bull kept for breeding) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kulambharam. varia lectio for kujambhala- (a thief) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kulamitran. a friend of the family View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kulamitram. equals -bīja- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kulampunan. "purifying a family", Name of a tīrtha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kulampunāf. Name of a river View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bakulamālāf. idem or 'n. a garland of bakula- flowers ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bakulamālāf. Name of a woman, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bakulamālinīpariṇayam. Name of a drama. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bakulamedhīf. Name of a temple View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirākulamind. nirākula
sacintākulamind. thoughtfully View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
savisaṃkulamSee vi-saṃkula-, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
savisaṃkulamind. visaṃkula
vyākulamind. vyākula
vyākulamanasmfn. (equals -citta-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyākulamānasamfn. (equals -citta-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyākulamūrdhajamfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') having the hair disarranged or dishevelled View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathākulamind. according to families commentator or commentary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
4 results
kulam कुलम् 1 A race, family; निदानमिक्ष्वाकुकुलस्य संततेः R.3.1. -2 The residence of a family, a seat, house, an abode; ददर्श धीमान्स कपिः कुलानि Rām.5.5.1; वसन्नृषि- कुलेषु सः R.12.25. -3 A high or noble family, noble descent; कुले जन्म Pt.5.2; कुलशीलसमन्वितः Ms.7.54,62; so कुलजा, कुलकन्यका &c. -4 A herd, troop, flock; collection, multitude; मृगकुलं रोमन्थमभ्यस्यतु Ś.2.6; U.2.9; अलिकुलसंकुल Gīt.1; Śi.9.71; so गो˚, कृमि˚, महिषी˚ &c. -5 A lot, gang. band (in a bad sense). -6 A country. -7 The body. -8 The front or fore part. -9 A tribe, caste, community. -1 A blue stone. -लः The head of a guild or corporation. -ला See कुलतिथि. -Comp. -अकुल a. 1 of a mixed character or origin. -2 middling. ˚तिथिः m., f. the second, sixth, and the tenth lunar days of a fort-night in a month. ˚नक्षत्रम् N. of the lunar mansions आर्द्रा, मूला, अभिजित् and शतभिषा. ˚वारः Wednesday. -अङ्कुरः the scion of a family; अनेन कस्यापि कुला- ङ्कुरेण स्पृष्टस्य गात्रेषु सुखं ममैवम् Ś.7.19. -अङ्गना a respectable or high born (chaste) woman. -अङ्गारः a man who ruins his family; Pt.4. -अचलः, -अद्रिः, -पर्वतः, -शैलः a principal mountain, one of a class of seven mountains which are supposed to exist in each division of the continent; their names are :-- महेन्द्रो मलयः सह्यः शुक्तिमान् ऋक्षपर्वतः । विन्ध्यश्च पारियात्रश्च सप्तैते कुलपर्वताः ॥ -अन्वित a. born in a noble family. -अभिमानः family pride. -अभिमानिन् a. proud of birth or family descent; कुलाभिमानी कुलजां नराधिपः Ki.1.31. -आख्या family-name, surname; कुलाख्या लोके गोत्रावयवा इत्युच्यन्ते Mbh. on P.IV. 1.79. -आचारः, -कर्मन् n., -धर्मः a duty or custom peculiar to a family or caste. -आचार्यः, -गुरुः 1 a family priest or teacher. -2 a geneologist. -आधारकः a son. -आपीडः, -शेखरः the glory of a family; तस्मिन्कुलापीडनिभे निपीडं सम्यग्महीं शासति शासनाङ्काम् R.18. 29. -आलम्बिन् a. maintaining a family. वरमेकः कुलालम्बी यत्र विश्रूयते पिता H. -ईश्वरः 1 the chief of a family. -2 N. of Śiva. (-रा) N. of Durgā. -उत्कट, a. high born. (-टः) a horse of a good breed. -उत्पन्न, उद्गत, -उद्भव a. sprung from a noble family, highborn; आमात्यमुख्यं धर्मज्ञं प्राज्ञं दान्तं कुलोद्भवम् Ms.7.141. -उद्वहः the head or perpetuator of a family; see उद्वह. -उपदेशः a family name. -कज्जलः one who is a disgrace to his family. -कण्टकः one who is a thorn or trouble to his family. -कन्यका, -कन्या a girl of high birth; विशुद्धमुग्धः कुलकन्यकाजनः Māl.7.1; गृहे गृहे पुरुषाः कुलकन्यकाः समुद्वहन्ति Māl.7. -करः, -कर्तृ m. the founder of a family. -करणिः A hereditary clerk or officer; E.I.XV.91. -कलङ्कः one who is a disgrace to his family. -कलङ्कितः a. causing disgrace to a family; न चाप्यहं गमिष्यामि कथां कुलकलङ्किताम् Ks.22.216. -क्षयः 1 ruin of a family. -2 extinction of a family; कुलक्षयकृतं दोषं मित्रद्रोहे च पातकम् Bg.1.39,4. -गरिमा m. family pride or dignity. -गिरिः, -भूभृत् m., -पर्वतः, -शैलः see कुलाचल above. -गृहम् a noble house; पर्याकुलं कुलगृहे$पि कृतं वधूनाम् Ṛs.6.21. -घ्न a. ruining a family; दोषैरेतैः कुलघ्नानाम् Bg.1.43. -ज, -जात a. 1 well-born, of high brith; प्रदाने हि मुनिश्रेष्ठ कुलं निरवशेषतः । वक्तव्यं कुलजातेन तन्नि- बोध महामते ॥ Rām.1.71.2. -2 ancestral, hereditary; Ki.1.31 (used in both senses). -जनः a high-born or distinguished person. -जाया a. high-born lady; कुलजाया सा जाया केवलजाया तु केवलं माया Udb. -तन्तुः one who continues or perpetuates a family. -तिथिः m., f. an important lunar day, viz:-- the 4th, 8th, 12th or 14th of a lunar fort-night. -तिलकः the glory of a family, one who does honour to his family. -दीपः, -दीपकः the glory of a family. -दुहितृ f. also कुलपुत्री; cf. P.VI. 3.7, Vārt.9; see कुलकन्या. -दूषण a. disgracing one's family; Mk. -देवता a tutelary deity; the guardian deity of a family; तामर्चिताभ्यः कुलदेवताभ्यः कुलप्रतिष्ठां प्रणमय्य माता Ku.7.27. -धन a. one whose wealth is the preservation of the good name of the family; कष्टो जनः कुलधनैरनुर- ञ्जनीयः U.1.14. (-नम्) the dearest and most valued treasure of the family; इक्ष्वाकूणां कुलधनमिदं यत्समाराधनीयः U.7.6. -धर्मः a family custom, a duty or custom peculiar to a family; उत्सन्नकुलधर्माणां मनुष्याणां जनार्दन Bg. 1.44; Ms.1.118;8.14. -धारकः a son. -धुर्यः (a son) able to support a family, a grown-up son; न हि सति कुलधुर्ये सूर्यवंश्या गृहाय R.7.71. -नन्दन a. gladdening or doing honour to a family. -नायिका a girl worshipped at the celebration of the orgies of the lefthand Śāktas. -नारी a high bred and virtuous woman. -नाशः 1 ruin or extinction of a family. -2 an apostate, reprobate, outcast. -3 a camel. -नाशनम् conducive to the extinction of the family; मुसलं कुलनाशनम् Mb. -परंपरा the series of generations comprising a race. -पतिः 1 the head or chief of a family. -2 a sage who feeds and teaches 1, pupils; thus defined:- मुनीनां दशसाहस्रं यो$न्नदानादिपोषणात् । अध्यापयति विप्रर्षिरसौ कुलपतिः स्मृतः ॥ अपि नाम कुलपतेरियमसवर्णक्षेत्रसंभवा स्यात् Ś.1; R.1.95; U.3.48. -3 The head-servant (Gīrvāṇa); Bhāg.5.18.1. -4 N. of Kṛiṣṇa; कुन्दस्रजः कुलपतेरिह वाति गन्धः Bhāg.1.3.11. -पांसन a. one who disgraces one's family; इत्युक्तः स खलः पापो भोजानां कुलपांसनः Bhāg.19.1.35. -पांसुका a woman disgracing her family, an unchaste woman. -पालकम् an orange. -पालिः, -पालिका, -पाली f. a chaste or high-born woman. -पुत्रः a nobly-born youth; इह सर्वस्वफलिनः कुलपुत्रमहाद्रुमाः Mk.4.1. -पुत्री (See -दुहितृ). -पुरुषः 1 a respectable or high-born man; कुश्चुम्बति कुलपुरुषो वेश्याधरपल्लवं मनोज्ञमपि Bh.1.59. -2 an ancestor. -पूर्वगः (कः) an ancestor. तवापि सुमहाभागे जनेन्द्रकुलपूर्वकम् (v. l. जनेन्द्राः कुलपूर्वगाः) Rām.2.73.24. -भरः (कुलंभरः) 1 One who maintains the family. -बीजः the head or chief of a guild. -भार्या a virtuous wife. -भृत्या the nursing of a pregnant woman. -मर्यादा family honour or respectability. -मार्गः 1 a family custom, the best way or the way of honesty. -2 the doctrine of the Kaulas (कौलमार्ग). -योषित्, -वधू f. a woman of good family and character. त्यागिनां कुलयोषिताम् Ms.3.245; ब्रूते ब्रूते व्रजकुलवधूः कापि साध्वी ममाग्रे Udb. -लक्षणम् The characteristics of a noble family; आचारो विनयो विद्या प्रतिष्ठा तीर्थदर्शनम् । निष्ठा वृत्तिस्तपो दानं नवधा कुललक्षणम् ॥ -वारः a principal day; (i. e. Tuesday and Friday). -विद्या 1 knowledge handed down in a family, traditional knowledge. -2 one of the three आन्वीक्षिकी lores. -विप्रः a family-priest. -वृद्धः an old and experienced member of a family. -व्रतः, -तम् a family vow; गलितवयसामिक्ष्वाकूणामिदं हि कुलव्रतम् R.3.7; विश्वस्मिन्नधुना$न्यः कुलव्रतं पालयिष्यति कः Bv.1.13. -शीलम् character or conduct honourable to a family. -श्रेष्ठिन् a. well-born, of a good family. (-m.) 1 the chief of a family or a guild. -2 an artisan of noble birth. -संख्या 1 family-respectability. -2 inclusion among respectable families; कुलसंख्यां च गच्छन्ति कर्षन्ति च महायशः Ms.3.66. -संततिः f. posterity, descendants, continuation of a lineage; दिवं गतानि विप्राणामकृत्वा कुलसंततिम् Ms.5.159. -सन्निधिः m. the presence of witnesses; Ms.8.194,21. -संभवः a. of a respectable family. -सेवकः an excellent servant. -स्त्री a woman of good family, a noble woman; अधर्माभिभवात् कृष्ण प्रदुष्यन्ति कुलस्त्रियः Bg.1.41. -स्थितिः f. 1 antiquity or prosperity of a family -2 family observance or custom; U.5.23.
kulamitikā कुलमितिका A variety of carpets; Kau. A.2.11.
prakulam प्रकुलम् A handsome body.
kulam बाकुलम् The fruit of the Bakula tree.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results5 results
oghaḥ kūlam ivā ruja AVP.10.2.10b.
agnir ivaitu pratikūlam # AVś.5.14.13a; AVP.2.71.5a.
apagūḍhaṃ phale kulam # AVP.7.19.3b.
paraś cit putrakā saty upakūlaṃ pitāyati # JB.3.247.
paro majāka dhāvānukūlaṃ pathaiva yan # JB.3.247.
Vedabase Search
119 results
kulam dynastySB 1.10.26
SB 1.14.9
SB 10.48.17
SB 10.74.36
SB 11.6.30
SB 11.6.42
SB 9.5.10
kulam familiesSB 4.28.56
SB 4.28.57
kulam familyBG 1.39
SB 1.7.48
SB 4.11.34
kulam His dynastySB 11.1.10
kulam his familyCC Antya 16.26
CC Antya 4.69
CC Madhya 20.59
SB 7.9.10
kulam one's familySB 10.64.34
kulam ordersSB 1.19.13
kulam the dynastySB 10.86.36
SB 11.1.3
SB 9.15.16
SB 9.23.29
SB 9.3.21
kulam the familySB 1.7.46
SB 10.41.45
kulam the whole familySB 8.18.30
kulam this Yadu dynastySB 11.7.3
kulam to the communitySB 10.84.20
kulam with our aristocratic lineageSB 10.23.40
kulam Your dynastySB 11.6.26-27
kulam-dharam just suitable for the dynastySB 1.13.16
kulam-dharam just suitable for the dynastySB 1.13.16
druma-ākulam full of nice treesSB 10.13.5
ākulam filledSB 10.15.3
ākulam disturbedSB 10.50.5-6
ākulam filledSB 12.8.18-20
brahma-kulam the order of the brāhmaṇasSB 1.7.48
brahma-kulam the descendants of brāhmaṇas and VaiṣṇavasSB 4.21.39
brahma-kulam the brāhmaṇa classSB 4.21.44
brahma-kulam the bona fide brāhmaṇas strictly following the Vedic cultureSB 5.14.30
brahma-kulam a dynasty of brāhmaṇasSB 9.2.22
brāhmaṇa-kulam association with brāhmaṇasSB 7.14.27-28
dvija-deva-kulam the class of pure brāhmaṇasSB 5.3.17
druma-ākulam full of nice treesSB 10.13.5
dvija-deva-kulam the class of pure brāhmaṇasSB 5.3.17
go-kulam the community of cowsSB 10.25.13
go-kulam the dairy pastureSB 10.36.5
go-kulam the cowherd communitySB 10.36.6
gokulam the highest planetSB 2.7.31
gokulam for GokulaSB 10.5.32
nanda-gokulam at the place of Nanda Mahārāja, GokulaSB 10.6.4
gokulam the whole tract of land known as GokulaSB 10.7.21
sva-gokulam His own community of GokulaSB 10.16.23
nanda-gokulam the cowherd pastures of Nanda MahārājaSB 10.25.8
sva-gokulam His cowherd villageSB 10.37.1-2
gokulam cowherd villageSB 10.37.33
nanda-gokulam for the cowherd village of Nanda MahārājaSB 10.38.1
gokulam the village of GokulaSB 10.38.24
gokulam to GokulaSB 10.43.24
gokulam the residents of GokulaSB 10.43.26-27
nanda-gokulam to the cowherd village of Nanda MahārājaSB 10.46.7
gokulam GokulaSB 10.47.52
gokulam to GokulaSB 10.47.54
nanda-gokulam to the cowherd village of Nanda MahārājaSB 10.65.1
haṃsa-kulam the association of great paramahaṃsas, or devoteesSB 5.13.17
indriya-kulam all the sensesCC Adi 4.259
brahma-kulam the order of the brāhmaṇasSB 1.7.48
sva-kulam His own familySB 3.4.4
sva-kulam own familySB 3.4.29
uttama-kulam the highest classSB 3.16.23
brahma-kulam the descendants of brāhmaṇas and VaiṣṇavasSB 4.21.39
brahma-kulam the brāhmaṇa classSB 4.21.44
dvija-deva-kulam the class of pure brāhmaṇasSB 5.3.17
vīra-kulam the group of elevated personalities (the brāhmaṇas)SB 5.9.17
haṃsa-kulam the association of great paramahaṃsas, or devoteesSB 5.13.17
brahma-kulam the bona fide brāhmaṇas strictly following the Vedic cultureSB 5.14.30
śūdra-kulam the society of śūdrasSB 5.14.30
rāja-kulam those who are supported by the government (when the government is finished)SB 6.16.38
brāhmaṇa-kulam association with brāhmaṇasSB 7.14.27-28
brahma-kulam a dynasty of brāhmaṇasSB 9.2.22
vatsa-kulam the group of calvesSB 10.11.46
go-kulam the community of cowsSB 10.25.13
go-kulam the dairy pastureSB 10.36.5
go-kulam the cowherd communitySB 10.36.6
sva-kulam His own familySB 11.1.5
yādava-kulam Yādava dynastySB 11.6.29
indriya-kulam all the sensesCC Adi 4.259
nakulam NakulaSB 10.72.13
nanda-gokulam at the place of Nanda Mahārāja, GokulaSB 10.6.4
nanda-gokulam the cowherd pastures of Nanda MahārājaSB 10.25.8
nanda-gokulam for the cowherd village of Nanda MahārājaSB 10.38.1
nanda-gokulam to the cowherd village of Nanda MahārājaSB 10.46.7
nanda-gokulam to the cowherd village of Nanda MahārājaSB 10.65.1
rāja-kulam those who are supported by the government (when the government is finished)SB 6.16.38
sańkulam is pervadedSB 3.15.20
sańkulam crowdedSB 7.8.36
sańkulam filledSB 10.15.21
sańkulam crowdedSB 10.33.3
sańkulam crowdedSB 10.37.1-2
sańkulam crowdedSB 10.55.26
sańkulam filled upSB 11.31.4
sańkulam crowdedCC Adi 1.73-74
śūdra-kulam the society of śūdrasSB 5.14.30
sva-kulam His own familySB 3.4.4
sva-kulam own familySB 3.4.29
sva-gokulam His own community of GokulaSB 10.16.23
sva-gokulam His cowherd villageSB 10.37.1-2
sva-kulam His own familySB 11.1.5
uttama-kulam the highest classSB 3.16.23
vatsa-kulam the group of calvesSB 10.11.46
vīra-kulam the group of elevated personalities (the brāhmaṇas)SB 5.9.17
vyākulam disturbedSB 1.3.28
vyākulam full ofCC Adi 2.67
vyākulam disturbedCC Adi 5.79
vyākulam full ofCC Madhya 9.143
vyākulam full ofCC Madhya 20.156
vyākulam full ofCC Madhya 25.134
yādava-kulam Yādava dynastySB 11.6.29
2 results
kulampuna noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 49794/72933
yathākulam indeclinable according to families (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 25127/72933
Wordnet Search
"kulam" has 32 results.


sūryavaṃśaḥ, ravivaṃśaḥ, ravikulam   

kṣatriyāṇāṃ mūlavaṃśeṣu ekaḥ yasyotpattiḥ sūryāt jātā iti manyante।

sūryavaṃśe prabhurāmacandraḥ jātaḥ।


candravaṃśaḥ, somavaṃśaḥ, śaśikulam   

kṣatriyāṇāṃ mūlavaṃśeṣu ekaḥ yasya utpattiḥ candrāt jātā iti manyante।

pāṇḍavāḥ kauravāśca candravaṃśe jātāḥ।



bālakasya nūtanāḥ dantāḥ।

patanāt bālakasya dve mukule khaṇḍite।


mandiram, devālayaḥ, īśvarasadma, devakulam, devagṛham, devabhavanam, devaveśman, devāgāram, devāyatanam, devāvasathaḥ, devatāgāram, pariṣkandaḥ, puṇyagṛham, pūjāgṛham, maṅgalagṛham, mahālayaḥ, vayunam, kīrtanam   

yatra bhavane devatā pratiṣṭhāpanāṃ kṛtvā pūjyate।

saḥ snātvā mandiraṃ gacchati।


kulam, vaṃśaḥ, anvayaḥ, anvavāyaḥ, kuṭumbaḥ, jātiḥ, gotram, pravaram   

ekasmāt puruṣād utpannaḥ janasamuhaḥ।

śreṣṭhe kule jāte api śreṣṭhatvaṃ karmaṇā eva labhyate। /yasmin kule tvamutpannaḥ gajastatra na hanyate।


uccakulam, bhadrakulam   

tat kulaṃ yad samāje pratiṣṭhitaḥ vā uccaḥ vā asti iti manyante।

kāryeṇa uccaḥ nīcaḥ bhavati na tu uccakule jātena janmanā।


nīcakulam, duṣkulam   

nīcam kulam।

nīcakule janmanā na ko'pi nīcaḥ bhavati।


kalikā, mukulaḥ, mukulam, kudamalaḥ, kuḍmalaḥ, jālakam, kṣārakaḥ, prarohaḥ, aṅkuraḥ, pallavaḥ, pallavam, koṣaḥ, korakaḥ, korakam   


mālikaḥ kalikānām unmūlanārthe bālakāya kupyati।


viṣam, garam, garaḥ, garalam, garadam, bhūgaram, jīvanāghātam, jaṅgulam, jāṅgulam, halāgalam, halāhalaḥ, hālāhālam, pālahalam, halahalam, hāhalam, hāhalaḥ, kālakūṭam, kālakūṭaḥ, kalākulam, kākolam, kākolaḥ, saurāṣṭrikam, dāradaḥ, pradīpanaḥ, brahmaputraḥ, śauktikeyaḥ, vatsanābhaḥ, dhūlakam, nidaḥ, kṣyeḍaḥ   

saḥ padārthaḥ yasya prāśanena jīvaḥ vyākulo bhavati mriyate vā।

samudramanthanāt prāptaṃ viṣaṃ śivena pītam।



jñānārjanārthe gurugṛhe vasanam।

saṅgītakṣetre adhunā api gurukulaṃ dṛśyate।


gotram, santatiḥ, jananam, kulam, abhijanaḥ, santānaḥ   

kasyacit pūrvajasya kulaguroḥ vā nāmni ādhāritā bhāratīyānāṃ vaṃśānāṃ sā viśiṣṭā saṃjñā yā tasmin vaṃśe janmanaḥ eva prāpyate।

kaśyapamuneḥ nāmnā kaśyapaḥ iti gotram asti।


rājavaṃśaḥ, rājakulam   

rājādīnāṃ kulaṃ vaṃśaḥ vā।

mahāvīrasya janma rājavaṃśe abhavat।


rājaparivāraḥ, rājakulam, rājavaṃśaḥ, nṛpānvayaḥ, rājaparijanaḥ   

rājaparigato janāḥ;

ajaḥ rājaparivāre ajāyata


yūthyā, samitiḥ, kulmiḥ, gaṇaḥ, vrajaḥ, sārthaḥ, yūtham, kadambam, kadambakam, kulam, pāśavam   

yāyāvaraiḥ vikrayaṇāya nīyamānaḥ paśūnāṃ samūhaḥ।

pūrvaṃ yāyāvarāḥ yūthyayā saha gacchanti sma।



mathurānagaryāḥ āgneyadiśi sthitaḥ ekaḥ prācīnaḥ grāmaḥ yatra bālakṛṣṇasya saṃvardhanaṃ jātam।

ādhunike kāle gokulam iti hindūnāṃ kṛte ekaṃ dhārmikaṃ pavitraṃ ca sthānaṃ vidyate।



mandirāṇām ekaḥ prakāraḥ।

devakulasya dvāram atīva laghu asti।



āndhrapradeśasya maṇḍalaviśeṣaḥ।

śrīkākulamaṇḍalasya mukhyālayaḥ śrīkākulanagare vartate।



keraḻa-prānte ekaḥ jilhāpradeśaḥ;

ernākulama-jilhāpradeśasya mukhyālayaḥ kocī-nagaryām varta


jālam, jālakam, korakaḥ, kṣārakaḥ, dambhaḥ, kulamyaḥ, ānāyāḥ   

vaṃśalauhādīnāṃ śākhāpraśākhādibhiḥ vinirmitaṃ bandhanārthe upayujyamāṇam sādhanam;

mūṣakaḥ siṃham jālāt mumoca


alikulam, alimālā   

bhramarāṇāṃ samūhaḥ।

puṣpasya paritaḥ alikulaṃ parighūrṇati।


nīcakulam, duṣkulam   

nimnaṃ kulam।

nīcakule jāte api saḥ sādhuḥ asti।


aṣṭakulam, aṣṭavaṃśaḥ   

purāṇānusāreṇa sarpāṇāṃ aṣṭāni kulāni।

śeṣaḥ vāsukiḥ kulīraḥ karkaṭaḥ dhṛtarāṣṭraḥ takṣakaḥ anantaḥ balāhakaḥ eteṣāṃ kulānāṃ aṣṭakule antarbhāvo bhavati।



gavāṃ samūhaḥ।

gopaḥ gokulam anusarati।



parasparaiḥ sambaddhā bhavanādīnāṃ saṃracanā।

samprati nagareṣu saṅkulānāṃ saṅkhyā vardhamānā asti।



ekā nadī ।

kulampunāyāḥ ullekhaḥ mahābhārate prāpyate



ekaḥ kulaviśeṣaḥ ।

bhadrabāhu-caritre prāgvāṭakulaṃ varṇitaṃ prāpyate



ekaṃ nāṭakam ।

saṃskṛtasāhitye bakulamālinīpariṇayaḥ iti nāṭakaṃ prasiddham



ekaṃ devālayam ।

divyāvadāne bakulamedhī ullikhitā



ekā nadī ।

kulampunāyāḥ ullekhaḥ mahābhārate prāpyate



ekaṃ nagaram ।

candrakulasya varṇanaṃ śukasaptatigranthe vartate



ekaḥ kuṭumbaḥ ।

padmabandhukulasya ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaṃ nagaram ।

navadevakulasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti

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