ko | ind. Oh no! (?)  |
ko | ind. a prefix in ko-jāgara-, ko-mala-, ko-vida-, etc., related to 1. ku- (see the prefixes ka-, kava-, kā-, kim-, ku-.)  |
koca | m. (gaRa jvalādi-) drying up, desiccation  |
koca | m. a man of mixed caste (offspring of a fisherman by a female of the butcher tribe) (varia lectio koñca-.)  |
kocava | a covering of soft goat's hair,  |
kocavaka | a covering of soft goat's hair,  |
koḍā | f. (in music) Name of a rāgiṇī- (varia lectio kodrā-).  |
kodaṇḍa | mn. [ ] a bow  |
kodaṇḍa | m. an eyebrow (shaped like a bow)  |
kodaṇḍa | m. a creeping plant  |
kodaṇḍa | m. Name of a country  |
kodaṇḍin | mfn. armed with a bow (said of śiva-).  |
kodāra | m. a kind of grain commentator or commentary on  |
kodrā | See koḍā-.  |
kodrava | m. a species of grain eaten by the poor (Paspalum scrobiculatum) Paddh. and Scholiast or Commentator  |
koḍya | m. plural Name of a people (vv.ll. kauḍya-and kauta-; see kotya-).  |
kohaḍa | m. Name of a man gaRa śivādi-.  |
kohala | mfn. speaking indistinctly  |
kohala | m. a sort of spirituous liquor (made of barley)  |
kohala | m. a kind of musical instrument (?)  |
kohala | m. Name of a muni- (inventor or first teacher of the drama)  |
kohala | m. Name of a Prakrit grammarian (varia lectio kohara-)  |
kohala | m. of a writer on music  |
kohaleśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
kohalī | f. a kind of spirituous liquor (equals kuṣmāṇḍa-surā-)  |
kohalīya | n. Name of kohala-'s work on music.  |
kohara | m. varia lectio for kohala- q.v  |
kohin | m. the tree Wrightia antidysenterica  |
kohita | m. Name of a man gaRa śivādi-.  |
kohlāsa | m. (in music) Name of a rāga-.  |
kojāgara | m. a kind of festival (night of full moon in month āśvina- [September-October] , celebrated with various games; according to to some fr. kaḥ-and jāgara-,"who is awake?"the exclamation of lakṣmī-, who descending on this night, promised wealth to all that were awake;hence the night is spent in festivity in honour of the goddess)  |
kojāgaramāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
koka | m. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) a wolf  |
koka | m. "a cuckoo" See -yātu- below  |
koka | m. the ruddy goose  |
koka | m. a frog  |
koka | m. a small house-lizard  |
koka | m. a kind of noxious parasitical animal  |
koka | m. the wild date tree  |
koka | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
koka | m. of an attendant in skanda-'s retinue  |
koka | m. of a son of śoṇa-  |
kokā | f. Name of a river (varia lectio for kośā-)  |
kokā | f. of a locality (equals kokāmukha-),  |
kokabaka | m. plural Name of a people (vv.ll. -nakha-and kokaraka-).  |
kokabandhu | m. "friend of the ruddy goose", the sun  |
kokaḍa | m. the Indian fox  |
kokadeva | m. a pigeon  |
kokadeva | m. Name of an author.  |
kokāgra | m. Name of a shrub (samaṣṭhila-)  |
kokāha | m. a white horse  |
kokākṣa | m. "wolf-eyed" See kaukākṣa-.  |
kokalī | f. Name of a woman  |
kokalika | m. Name of a man  |
kokalla | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king,  |
kokamukha | mf(ā-)n. wolf-faced (durgā-)  |
kokāmukha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
kokāmukha | See k/oka-.  |
kokanada | m. plural Name of a people  |
kokanada | m. Name of an attendant in skanda-'s retinue  |
kokanada | n. the flower of the red water-lily  |
kokanadacchavi | m. the colour of the red lotus  |
kokanadacchavi | mfn. of the colour of the red lotus  |
kokanadaya | Nom. P. yati-, to take for a red lotus  |
kokanadinī | f. the red water-lily  |
kokanakha | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio for koka-baka- q.v)  |
kokapitṛ | m. "father of koka-"or"whose father is named koka-", Name of a man  |
kokaraka | See koka-baka-.  |
kokaśāstra | n. Name of an indecent treatise on the art of love (ascribed to a Pandit named koka-).  |
kokathu | m. the wood-pigeon (see ka-deva-.)  |
kokavāca | m. equals kokaḍa-  |
kokayātu | (k/oka--) m. a ghost in the shape of a cuckoo  |
kokī | f. the female of the ruddy goose  |
kokila | m. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds); kuk- ) the Kokila or Koil (black or Indian cuckoo;frequently alluded to in Hindu poetry, its musical cry being supposed to inspire tender emotions) etc. |
kokila | m. a kind of mouse  |
kokila | m. a kind of snake  |
kokila | m. a kind of venomous insect  |
kokila | m. a kind of sugar-cane (see lekṣu-)  |
kokila | m. a lighted coal  |
kokila | m. Name of an author  |
kokila | m. of a rāja-putra- (considered as a ṛṣi-),  |
kokila | m. of a mouse  |
kokilā | f. (gaRa ajādi-) the female of a Kokila  |
kokilā | (f. of kokila- q.v)  |
kokilābhivyāhārin | mfn. speaking like the Koil  |
kokilādevī | f. Name of a goddess.  |
kokilahotra | n. "relating to the duties or office of the hotṛ- priest at the kaukila- ceremony", Name of a treatise.  |
kokilaka | m. the Indian cuckoo  |
kokilaka | m. Name of an attendant in skanda-'s retinue  |
kokilaka | n. a metre (of 4 x 17 syllables).  |
kokilākṣa | m. equals lanayana-  |
kokilākṣaka | m. idem or 'm. equals lanayana- '  |
kokilāmāhātmya | n. Name of a section of the  |
kokilamaitrāvaruṇa | n. "relating to the duties or office of the maitrāvaruṇa- priest at the kaukila- ceremony"Name of a treatise.  |
kokilanayana | m. "having eyes like those of the Koil", a plant bearing a dark black flower (Capparis spinosa or Asteracantha longifolia or Barleria longifolia)  |
kokilapriya | m. "dear to the Kokila", (in music) a kind of measure.  |
kokilārahasya | n. Name of work  |
kokilasmṛti | f. Name of a similar treatise.  |
kokilāvāsa | m. "abode of the Koil", the mango tree  |
kokilāvrata | n. Name of an observance.  |
kokilekṣu | m. the black variety of sugar-cane (see kṛṣṇekṣu-)  |
kokileṣṭā | f. "dear to the Koil", a kind of jambū- tree  |
kokilotsava | m. "a festival to the Koil", equals lāvāsa-  |
kokkala | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king,  |
kokkaṭa | equals koṅk- q.v  |
kokkili | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king,  |
kokkvoka | m. Name of the author of the rati-rahasya-,  |
kokovāca | m. (equals koka-v-) idem or 'm. the Indian fox '  |
kokovāca | See k/oka-.  |
kola | m. (gaRa jvalādi-), a hog (see kroḍa-)  |
kola | m. a raft  |
kola | m. the breast, haunch, hip or flank, lap (see kroḍa-)  |
kola | m. an embrace, embracing  |
kola | m. a kind of weapon  |
kola | m. Name of a plant (equals citra-, citraka-)  |
kola | m. the planet Saturn  |
kola | m. Name of śiva-  |
kola | m. Name of a son of ākrīḍa-  |
kola | m. Name of a degraded warrior-tribe (outcast, one degraded by sagara- from the military order) (varia lectio koli-sarpa- q.v)  |
kola | m. a man of a mixed caste  |
kola | m. a barbarian, Kol, of a tribe inhabiting the hills in central India  |
kola | mn. the weight of one tola- (= 2 ṭaṅka-[or śāṇa- ]= 1/2 karṣa- )  |
kolā | f. Piper longum  |
kola | mn. Piper Chaba  |
kola | f(ā-, ī-). the jujube tree  |
kola | n. the fruit of the jujube (see kuvala-)  |
kola | n. black pepper  |
kola | n. the grain of Piper Chaba  |
koladala | n. a kind of perfume  |
kolagajinī | f. Scindapsus officinalis  |
kolagiri | m. Name of a mountain  |
kolāhala | mn. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) a loud and confused sound, uproar, great and indistinct noise (of men, animals, etc.) etc.  |
kolāhala | mf. (in music) a kind of rāga-  |
kolāhala | m. Name of a prince  |
kolāhala | m. of a personified mountain  |
kolāhalin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' filled with noise  |
kolaka | m. Alangium hexapetalum  |
kolaka | m. Cordia Myxa  |
kolaka | n. a kind of perfume  |
kolaka | n. black pepper  |
kolakagrāma | m. Name of a village.  |
kolakanda | m. a sort of bulbous plant (used as a remedy for worms)  |
kolakarkaṭī | f. idem or 'f. a variety of date (= madhukharjūrikā-) '  |
kolakarkaṭikā | f. a variety of date (= madhukharjūrikā-)  |
kolākhya | n. "named after a hog" idem or 'n. "a hog's eye", a particular hole in wood '  |
kolakila | m. plural Name of a people (varia lectio koli-k-).  |
kolākoli | ind. (see ) with mutual embraces  |
kolākṣa | n. "a hog's eye", a particular hole in wood  |
kolakuṇa | m. a bug  |
kolakuṇa | m. (cf koṇa-k-.)  |
kolambaka | m. the body of a lute (the whole of it except the strings)  |
kolambavarṣa | m. a year of the Kollam era (used in Southern India; it is converted into the corresponding D. by adding 824-25; thus Kollam 336= D. 1160-61).  |
kolambī | f. śiva-'s lute  |
kolamuktā | f. Name of a plant  |
kolamūla | n. the root of long pepper  |
kolanāsikā | f. "resembling the nose of a hog", Name of a plant (equals vaṅkiṇī-)  |
kolāñca | m. Name of kaliṅga- (the Coromandel coast from Kuttack to Madras;but according to to some, this place is in Hindustan, with Kanouj for its capital)  |
kolapuccha | m. a heron  |
kolāpura | n. Name of a town  |
kolaśimbī | f. Carpopogon pruriens (commonly ālukuśī-)  |
kolatā | f. the state of a hog,  |
kolātmaja | m. "produced by the kolā- plant (Zizyphus Jujuba)", the fruit of the jujube  |
kolavallī | f. the plant Pothos officinalis (with a pungent fruit resembling pepper)  |
kolavallī | f. Piper Chaba  |
kolāvidhvaṃsin | m. plural Name of a royal family  |
kolekṣaṇa | n. equals kolākṣa-  |
koli | mf. the jujube tree (Zizyphus Jujuba)  |
kolikagardabha | m. a kind of ass  |
kolikila | m. plural varia lectio for kolak- q.v  |
kolisarpa | m. plural Name of a degraded warrior-tribe (varia lectio -sparśa-).  |
kolisparśa | See -sarpa-.  |
kolita | m. Name of maudgalyāyana- ( ) .  |
kollagireya | m. plural "dwelling on the Kolla mountain", Name of a people or tribe (kolvag- edition Calc.)  |
kollagiri | m. (equals kola-g-) idem or 'm. Name of a mountain (see konva-, konvaśira-, kola-.)'  |
kollaka | m. Name of a mountain (see konva-, konvaśira-, kola-.)  |
kollapura | n. equals kolā-p-  |
kolūka | Name of a country (vv.ll. kolūta-and śailūta-) (see ulūka-, ulūṭa-, utūla-, kulūṭa-, kulūta-, kaulūta-.) |
kolvagireya | See kollag-.  |
kolyā | f. (equals kolā-) Piper longum  |
koma | n. equals kloma- commentator or commentary on  |
komala | mf(ā-)n. (fr. ko- equals ku-, mala-fr. mlai-,"easily fading away"?), tender, soft (opposed to karkaśa-), bland, sweet, pleasing, charming, agreeable etc. (said of the style, rīti- )  |
komala | of like colour,  |
komalā | f. a kind of date  |
komala | n. water  |
komala | n. silk  |
komala | n. nutmeg  |
komala | n. (for kosala- )  |
komalacchada | m. "tender-leaved", Name of a plant  |
komaladala | m. n. "tender-leaved" equals kamala- (Lotus Nelumbium)  |
komalagīta | n. a sweet song.  |
komalagītaka | n. idem or 'n. a sweet song.'  |
komalaka | n. the fibres of the stalk of a lotus  |
komalāṅga | mf(ī-)n. having a tender body  |
komalasvabhāva | mfn. tender-natured.  |
komalatā | f. softness, tenderness.  |
komalataṇḍula | m. a sort of rice  |
komalatva | n. idem or 'f. softness, tenderness.'  |
komalavalkalā | f. "having tender bark", the plant Cicca disticha  |
komāsikā | f. a budding fruit (equals jālikā-)  |
koṃkāra | m. the sound kom-  |
komya | mfn. polished (?; equals kāmya-,"lovely" )  |
koṇa | m. a corner, angle  |
koṇa | m. an intermediate point of the compass  |
koṇa | m. (hence) the number,"four"  |
koṇa | m. the quill of a lute, fiddle-stick, drum-stick, etc.  |
koṇa | m. a sort of musical instrument, stringed musical instrument  |
koṇa | m. the sharp edge of a sword  |
koṇa | m. a staff, club  |
koṇa | m. the planet Saturn (fr.)  |
koṇa | m. the planet Mars  |
koṇadeśa | m. Name of a locality  |
koṇadiś | f. an intermediate point of the compass  |
koṇāditya | n. (perhaps) equals koṇārka-.  |
koṇāgamana | m. (= kanakamuni-), note.  |
koṇākoṇi | ind. (see ) from angle to angle, from one corner to the other, cornerwise, diagonally  |
koṇakoṣṭha | a corner field  |
koṇakoṣṭhaka | idem or 'a corner field '  |
koṇakuṇa | m. a bug (see kola-k-.)  |
konālaka | m. a kind of aquatic bird  |
konāli | m. idem or 'm. a kind of aquatic bird ' (?)  |
koṇanara | m. equals -śaṅku-  |
koṇapa | m. (for kauṇapa-?) equals nirṛti-  |
koṇārka | n. Name of a place sacred to puruṣottama-.  |
koṇaśaṅku | m. the sinus of the height of the sun (the sun standing neither in the vertical circle(-vṛtta- q.v)nor in the unmaṇḍala-)  |
koṇaspṛgvṛtta | n. a circle in contact with the angles of a figure  |
koṇaspṛgvṛtta | n. an exterior circle (one circumscribed).  |
koṇavādin | m. Name of śiva-  |
koṇavṛtta | n. a vertical circle extending from north-east to south-west or from north-west to south-east  |
koñca | varia lectio for koca- q.v  |
koṇḍabhaṭṭa | m. Name of the author of the vṛddha-vaiyākaraṇa-bhūṣaṇa-.  |
koṇepiśācaka | m. a house-frog,  |
koṇerabhaṭṭa | m. Name of a son of viṣṇu- and father of rudra-bhaṭṭa-.  |
koneritīrtha | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a tīrtha-,  |
koṇeya | See kauṇey/a-.  |
koṇeyana | See kauṇey/a-.  |
koṅgi | a kind of weapon  |
koṇi | mfn. (equals kuṇi-) having a crooked arm  |
konīla | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. a kind of aquatic bird ' (?) '  |
koñja | m. equals kauñca- q.v  |
koṅka | m. plural Name of a people (see kauṅka-.)  |
koṅkaṇa | m. plural Name of a people on the western shore of the Dekhan  |
koṅkaṇā | f. a koṅkaṇa- woman  |
koṅkaṇā | f. Name of the mother of paraśurāma-  |
koṅkaṇa | n. a kind of weapon  |
koṅkaṇā | (f. of ṇa- q.v)  |
koṅkāṇa | mf(ī-)n. coming from koṅkaṇa- (as a horse; see kauṅkaṇodbhūta-)  |
koṅkaṇaka | m. plural (equals ṇa-), Name of a people on the western shore of the Dekhan  |
koṅkaṇāsuta | m. "son of koṅkaṇā-", Name of paraśu-rāma-  |
koṅkaṇāvatī | f. Name of a river  |
koṅkaṭa | m. Name of a scholiast on the amara-koṣa- (varia lectio kokk-).  |
kontala | for kaunt- q.v  |
konva | m. Name of a mountain (see kola-giri-and kolla-g-.)  |
konvaśira | m. plural Name of a degraded warrior-tribe (see kolvagireya-.)  |
kopa | m. ( kup-) morbid irritation or disorder of the humors of the body |
kopa | m. fury (of fire, arms, war, etc.)  |
kopa | m. passion, wrath, anger, rage (with locative case genitive case, prati-,or upari-,or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') etc. (rarely plural ; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-). ; sa-kopa-,"enraged" ; sa-kopam-,"angrily" )  |
kopa | m. the state of being in contradiction with, incompatibleness with  |
kopacchada | m. a kind of incense (dhūpa-)  |
kopadīpta | mfn. incensed or inflamed with anger.  |
kopajanman | mfn. produced by wrath or anger  |
kopajña | n. idem or 'n. (fr. 3. k/a-), brahmā-'s creation '  |
kopajvalita | mfn. inflamed with wrath, enraged.  |
kopaka | mfn. inclined to feel angry  |
kopakāraṇa | n. cause of anger.  |
kopākopi | ind. (see ) in mutual anger, in reciprocal wrath  |
kopakrama | (1. kopa-krama-,for 2.See below) m. one who goes to anger, passionate  |
kopakrama | n. (fr. 3. k/a-), brahmā-'s creation  |
kopākula | mfn. agitated with anger, furious, enraged.  |
kopalatā | f. the plant Gynandropsis pentaphylla  |
kopana | mf(ā-)n. inclined to passion, passionate, wrathful, angry etc.  |
kopana | mf(ā-)n. irritating, causing morbid irritation or disorder of the humors  |
kopana | m. Name of an asura-  |
kopana | n. irritating  |
kopana | n. morbid irritation of the humors of the body Va1rtt. 1  |
kopana | n. making angry  |
kopanā | f. a passionate woman  |
kopanaka | n. a kind of perfume (equals coraka-)  |
kopanīya | mfn. to be made angry  |
kopanīya | mfn. tending to make angry  |
kopapada | n. appearance of anger, pretended wrath  |
kopaparīta | mfn. affected by anger.  |
kopasamanvita | mfn. affected by anger.  |
kopasaṃdhukṣaṇa | mfn. inflaming anger,  |
kopatas | ind. through anger, angrily.  |
kopavairin | m. "enemy of (id est removing) the morbid irritation of the humors of the body", the plant Sesbania grandiflora  |
kopavaśa | m. subjection to anger.  |
kopavat | mfn. angry, passionate  |
kopavatī | f. a metre of four lines of fourteen syllables each.  |
kopavega | m. impetuosity of anger or passion  |
kopavega | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
kopāviṣṭa | mfn. affected with anger.  |
kopāya | Nom. A1. yate-, to rage (as a passion) (varia lectio)  |
kopayiṣṇu | mfn. intending to exasperate  |
kopin | mfn. angry, passionate (with locative case)  |
kopin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') irritating, stirring up,  |
kopin | m. the water-pigeon (jala-pārāvata-)  |
kopita | mfn. enraged, furious  |
kopiyajña | m. Name of a man  |
kopya | mfn. to be made angry  |
kora | m. ( kur-) a movable joint (as of the fingers, the knee, etc.)  |
kora | m. amphiarthrosis |
kora | m. a bud  |
koradūṣa | m. equals kodrava- (q.v)  |
koradūṣaka | m. idem or 'm. equals kodrava- (q.v) '  |
koraka | mn. (gaRa tārakādi-) a bud  |
koraka | mn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' )  |
koraka | mn. the fibres of the stalk of a lotus  |
koraka | mn. a species of perfume (commonly Cor, cora-)  |
koraka | mn. another perfume (a berry containing a resinous and fragrant substance equals kakkolaka-)  |
korakita | mfn. (gaRa tārakādi-) covered with buds  |
korakita | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' filled with  |
koralī | f. Name of a town  |
koraṅgī | f. small cardamoms  |
korilā | f. idem or 'f. Name of a town '  |
korita | mfn. scraped out of the ground  |
korita | mfn. pounded, ground  |
korita | mfn. budded, sprouted  |
korpya | equals kaurpya- q.v  |
kośa | m. (n. ;in class. literature kośa-,or koṣa-;fr. kuś-or kuṣ-?,related to kukṣ/i-and koṣṭha-?), a cask, vessel for holding liquids, (metaphorically) cloud  |
kośa | m. a pail, bucket  |
kośa | m. a drinking-vessel, cup  |
kośa | m. a box, cupboard, drawer, trunk  |
kośa | m. the interior or inner part of a carriage  |
kośa | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
kośa | m. a sheath, scabbard, etc.  |
kośa | m. a case, covering, cover  |
kośa | m. store-room, store, provisions etc.  |
kośa | m. a treasury, apartment where money or plate is kept, treasure, accumulated wealth (gold or silver, wrought or unwrought, as plate, jewellery, etc.)  |
kośa | m. (in surgery) a kind of bandage  |
kośa | m. a dictionary, lexicon or vocabulary  |
kośa | m. a poetical collection, collection of sentences etc.  |
kośa | m. a bud, flower-cup, seed-vessel (see bīja--)  |
kośa | m. the sheath or integument of a plant, pod, nut-shell  |
kośa | m. a nutmeg  |
kośa | m. the inner part of the fruit of Artocarpus integrifolia and of similar fruits  |
kośa | m. the cocoon of a silk-worm  |
kośa | m. the membrane covering an egg (in the womb)  |
kośa | m. the vulva  |
kośa | m. a testicle or the scrotum  |
kośa | m. the penis  |
kośa | m. an egg  |
kośa | m. (in vedānta- philosophy) a term for the three sheaths or succession of cases which make up the various frames of the body enveloping the soul (these are, 1. the ānanda-maya k-or"sheath of pleasure", forming the kāraṇa-śarīra-or"causal frame";2. the vijñāna-maya-or buddhi-m-or mano-m-or prāṇa-m k-,"the sheath of intellect or will or life", forming the sūkṣma-śarīra-or"subtile frame";3. the anna-m k-,"the sheath of nourishment", forming the sthūla-śarīra-or "gross frame")  |
kośa | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') a ball or globe (exempli gratia, 'for example' sūtra--,a ball of thread ; netra--,the eye-ball )  |
kośa | m. the water used at an ordeal or judicial trial (the defendant drinks thrice of it after some idol has been washed in it)  |
kośa | m. an oath  |
kośa | m. a cup used in the ratification of a treaty of peace (śaṃ-pā-,to drink from that cup)  |
kośa | m. Name of a conjunction of planets  |
kośa | m. of the 2nd astrological mansion,  |
kośa | m. (with ) of a collection of gāthā- verses  |
kośā | f. Name of a river  |
kośā | f. of a courtesan  |
koṣa | See kośa-.  |
koṣa | m. plural (gaRa pacādi-), Name of a family of priests  |
koṣā | f. "Name of a river" varia lectio for kośā-.  |
kośabhūta | mfn. treasured, stored, accumulated  |
kośacañcu | m. the Indian crane  |
kośadaṇḍa | m. dual number treasury and army, .  |
kośadāsa | m. "treasure-slave", Name of a man  |
kośadhānya | n. any leguminous plant (see kośī-dh-, kauśī-dh-.)  |
kośadhāvana | mf(ī-)n. slipping out of the frame (a door) (/a-k- negative)  |
koṣadhāvana | See kośa-dh-.  |
kośādhipati | m. a superintendent of the treasury, treasurer  |
kośādhipati | m. Name of kubera-  |
kośādhīśa | m. idem or 'm. Name of kubera- '  |
kośādhyakṣa | m. a treasurer  |
kośādhyakṣa | m. Name of kubera-  |
kośāgāra | m. n. a treasure-house, store-room, treasury  |
kośāgārādhikārin | m. a treasurer  |
kośagatavastiguhyatā | f. having the pudenda hidden in the abdomen (one of the 32 signs of perfection),  |
kośagrahaṇa | n. "drinking the water used at an ordeal", undergoing an ordeal  |
kośagṛha | n. a treasury, room in which valuable garments, precious stones etc. are kept |
kośahīna | mfn. without treasure, deprived of riches  |
kośaja | n. "coming from the cocoon", silk  |
kośajāta | n. treasure, wealth  |
kośaka | m. an egg, testicle  |
kośaka | n. case, receptacle of (in compound)  |
kośakālī | f. a kind of aquatic bird  |
kośakālin | m. a kind of aquatic bird  |
kośakāra | m. one who makes scabbards or cases or boxes, etc. (kauśi-k- )  |
kośakāra | m. a compiler of a dictionary, lexicographer  |
kośakāra | m. the silkworm (or the insect while in its cocoon )  |
kośakāra | m. a chrysalis or pupa  |
kośakāra | mn. a kind of sugar-cane  |
kośakāraka | m. a silkworm  |
kośakārakīṭa | m. a silk-worm  |
kośakāravasana | n. a silken garment  |
kośakārī | m. (f(/ī-).)  |
kośakārikā | f. a female bee  |
kośakārikā | f. Name of a collection of gāthā- verses (ascribed to vasubandhu-)  |
kośakṛt | m. a kind of sugar-cane  |
kosala | m. plural (in later texts generally, spelt kośala-), Name of a country and the warrior-tribe inhabiting it (descendants of māṭhavya- videgha- ) etc. (kośalānāṃ-[ varia lectio kauśal- ] nakṣatra-Name of a lunar mansion )  |
kosala | m. Name of the country of kosala-  |
kosala | m. Name of the capital of that country or ayodhyā- (the modern Oude)  |
kosalā | f. idem or 'm. Name of the capital of that country or ayodhyā- (the modern Oude) ' (edition Calc.)  |
kosalajā | f. "the daughter of a king of the kosala-s"Name of daśa-ratha-'s wife (mother of rāma-)  |
kosalānandinī | f. Name (also title or epithet) of ayodhyā-,  |
kosalātmajā | f. idem or 'f. "the daughter of a king of the kosala-s"Name of daśa-ratha-'s wife (mother of rāma-) '  |
kosalavideha | m. plural the kosala-s and the videha-s  |
kośāmra | m. Mangifera sylvatica  |
kośāmra | n. the fruit of that plant  |
kośāṃśa | m. part of a treasure, portion of any one's wealth.  |
koṣaṇa | n. ( kuṣ-) tearing etc. commentator or commentary on  |
kośanāyaka | m. a chief over treasure, treasurer  |
kośanāyaka | m. Name of kubera-  |
kośāṇḍa | m. (equals aṇḍa-kośa-) the scrotum  |
kośāṅga | m. or n. a kind of reed or grass (commonly Ikada)  |
koṣaṇī | f. See jīva-k-.  |
kośāpaharaṇa | n. carrying off treasure.  |
kośāpahartṛ | m. one who carries off treasure  |
kośapāla | m. a treasure-guardian  |
kośapeṭaka | m. n. a chest or strong box in which treasure is kept  |
kośaphala | n. the scrotum  |
kośaphala | n. a nutmeg  |
kośaphala | n. a kind of perfume (a berry containing a waxy and fragrant substance)  |
kośaphala | m. Luffa foetida or a similar plant  |
kośaphalā | f. a cucurbitaceous plant (equals pīta-ghoṣā-)  |
kośaphala | m. the plant Cucumis utilissimus  |
kośaphala | m. the plant Ipomoea Turpethum  |
kośapīthin | mfn. one who exhausts or has exhausted the wealth of any one  |
kosāra | m. (equals karṣ/ū-) a furrow, trench commentator or commentary on  |
kośarakṣin | m. equals -pāla-  |
kośaśāyikā | f. a clasp-knife or one lying in a sheath  |
kośaskṛt | m. a silk-worm  |
kośastha | m. "incased", any shelled insect or animal (as a snail etc.)  |
kośastha | m. a chrysalis or pupa, silk-worm in its cocoon  |
kośaśuddhi | f. purification by ordeal  |
kośātaka | m. (or koṣāt-) hair  |
kośātaka | n. the fruit of the plant kośātakī-  |
kośātakī | f. (gaṇa-s gaurādi-and harītaky-ādi-), Name of a plant and of its fruit (Trichosanthes dioeca, or Luffa acutangula, or Luffa pentandra ) (see mahā-k-)  |
kośātakī | f. a moonlight night  |
kośātakin | m. trade, business  |
kośātakin | m. a trader, merchant  |
kośātakin | m. submarine fire  |
kośavāhana | n. treasure and vehicles  |
kośavāri | n. water used at an ordeal  |
kośavāsin | m. "living in a shell", any animal incased in a shell  |
kośavāsin | m. a chrysalis or pupa  |
kośavat | mfn. forming a receptacle (as a wound)  |
kośavat | mfn. possessing treasures, rich, wealthy  |
kośavat | m. (ān-) "having a sheath", a sword  |
kośavatī | f. Cucumis acutangulus or sulcatus  |
kośaveśman | n. a treasury  |
kośavṛddhi | f. swelled testicle, enlargement of the scrotum from hernia etc.  |
kośayī | f. (perhaps) the contents of a cupboard or drawer  |
kośekṣaṇa | mfn. having projecting or prominent eyes  |
kośeśa | m. a treasurer  |
kośī | f. "a bud" See arka--  |
kośī | f. a seed-vessel  |
kośī | f. the beard of corn  |
kośī | f. a shoe, sandal  |
kośī | f. a kind of perfume  |
kośī | f. an iron ploughshare  |
kośī | f. ([ see k/okkos-.])  |
kosida | for kaus- q.v  |
kośīdhānya | n. equals kośa-dh-  |
kośikā | f. a drinking-vessel  |
kośikā | f. of kośaka- q.v  |
kośikā | śin-, śilā-, etc. See k/ośa-.  |
kośilā | f. a kind of bean (Phaseolus trilobus)  |
kośin | m. the mango tree  |
koṣṇa | mfn. ( ) moderately warm, tepid  |
koṣṇa | n. warmth (see kavoṣṇa-, kad-uṣṇa-.)  |
kośoṇḍraka | See ṇḍuka-. |
koṣṭha | m. ( kuṣ-?;probably related to kukṣ/i-and k/ośa-), any one of the viscera of the body (particularly the stomach, abdomen) etc. |
koṣṭha | mn. (as- ; am-) a granary, store-room (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
koṣṭha | mn. a treasury  |
koṣṭha | m. an inner apartment  |
koṣṭha | m. the shell of anything  |
koṣṭha | m. a kind of pan, pot  |
koṣṭha | m. property (or mfn."own")  |
koṣṭha | m. night  |
koṣṭha | n. a surrounding wall  |
koṣṭha | n. any enclosed space or area, chess square  |
koṣṭhabheda | m. equals -śuddhi-  |
koṣṭhāgāra | n. a store-room, store etc.  |
koṣṭhāgāra | n. a treasury  |
koṣṭhāgāra | n. any enclosed space or area  |
koṣṭhāgāra | n. the lunar mansion maghā-  |
koṣṭhāgārika | m. "living in store-rooms", a wasp  |
koṣṭhāgārika | m. a steward  |
koṣṭhāgārin | m. equals rika-, a wasp  |
koṣṭhāgni | m. "fire in the stomach", the digestive faculty  |
koṣṭhaka | mn. a receptacle for (in compound)  |
koṣṭhaka | mn. "a granary, store-room" See annak-  |
koṣṭhaka | n. a treasury  |
koṣṭhaka | n. a surrounding wall (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
koṣṭhaka | n. a surrounded field, quarter (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
koṣṭhaka | n. a brick trough for watering cattle  |
koṣṭhaka | n. Name of a town ( ) .  |
koṣṭhakīkṛtya | ind.p. surrounding, enclosing  |
koṣṭhakoṭi | m. Name of an attendant of śiva-  |
koṣṭhānāha | m. constipation, costiveness  |
koṣṭhapāla | m. a municipal officer, constable  |
koṣṭhapāla | m. a watch, guard, watch of a city  |
koṣṭhapāla | m. a store-keeper, treasurer  |
koṣṭharoga | m. a disease of the abdomen  |
koṣṭhasaṃtāpa | m. equals -tāpa-  |
koṣṭhaśuddhi | f. evacuation of the bowels.  |
koṣṭhatāpa | m. excessive heat in the abdomen  |
koṣṭhavat | m. Name of a mountain  |
koṣṭhekṣu | m. a kind of sugar-cane  |
koṣṭhikā | f. a kind of vessel, pan  |
koṣṭhīkṛ | to surround, enclose  |
koṣṭhila | m. Name of a man (see kauṣṭh-.)  |
koṣṭhīpradīpa | m. Name of work on astronomy.  |
koṣṭhya | mfn. proceeding from the chest, emitted (as a sound) from the centre of the lungs  |
kośya | au- or e- (?) m. or n. (?) dual number two lumps of flesh near the heart of a sacrificial horse (see ni-kośy/a-.)  |
koṭa | m. (gaRa aśmādi-) a fort, stronghold (see koṭṭa-)  |
koṭa | m. a shed, hut (see kuṭī-)  |
koṭa | m. curvature (fr. kuṭ-)  |
koṭa | m. a beard  |
koṭa | m. a kind of diagram (?)  |
koṭā | f.  |
koṭa | f. see a--, amara--, devī--.  |
koṭacakra | n. a kind of diagram.  |
koṭādri | m. Name of a mountain  |
koṭaka | m. curving, bending  |
koṭaka | m. a builder of sheds or huts, thatcher, carpenter (man of mixed caste, son of a mason and of the daughter of a potter)  |
koṭana | m. winter  |
kotanā | See kūtanā-.  |
koṭapa | m. "guarding the fort", a kind of official man  |
koṭapāla | m. "guarding the fort", the tutelar deity of a fort  |
koṭapāla | m. See also koṭṭa-p-.  |
koṭaparāja | m. Name of a prince  |
koṭara | mn. ([ as- m. ]) (n. ; gaRa aśmādi-) the hollow of a tree etc.  |
koṭara | mn. cave, cavity  |
koṭara | mn. Alangium decapetalum  |
koṭara | mn. Name of a man  |
koṭarā | f. Ipomoea Turpethum  |
koṭarā | f. Name of one of the mothers in skanda-'s retinue  |
koṭarā | f. of the mother of bāṇa-  |
koṭarapuṣpa | m. Name of a plant (see koṭhara-puṣpī-.)  |
koṭarasthā | f. idem or 'f. "dwelling in hollow trees", white variety of Ipomoea Turpethum '  |
koṭarāvaṇa | n. Name of a wood in which there are hollow trees  |
koṭaravāsinī | f. "dwelling in hollow trees", white variety of Ipomoea Turpethum  |
koṭaravat | mfn. having cavities,  |
koṭarī | f. a naked woman  |
koṭarī | f. Name of durgā-  |
koṭaśiras | n. the parapet of a wall |
koṭavī | f. (for koṭṭ-) a naked woman  |
koṭavī | f. a form of durgā- and mother of bāṇa- (varia lectio koṭṭ-)  |
koṭavī | f. Name of the tutelar deity of the daitya-s (varia lectio koṭṭ-).  |
koṭavika | n. a kind of salt  |
koṭāya | A1. yate-, fr. koṭā-  |
koṭayuddhanirṇaya | m. "disquisition on fighting from strongholds", Name of work  |
koṭha | m. (fr. kuṣṭha-), a species of leprosy with large round spots (ringworm, impetigo)  |
kotha | mfn. ( kuth-) "afflicted with pain"or"churned" (śaṭita-,or mathita-)  |
kotha | m. putrefaction, corruption  |
kotha | m. a sore, gangrene  |
kotha | m. a disease of the eyes (inflammation and ulceration of the angles of the eyelids)  |
kotha | m. churning  |
koṭhaka | m. Alangium hexapetalum  |
koṭhara | m. idem or 'm. Alangium hexapetalum ' (see koṭara-.)  |
koṭharapuṣpī | f. Convolvulus argenteus  |
kotharī | f. Cactus opuntia  |
koṭhī | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a tank,  |
koṭi | f. the curved end of a bow or of claws, etc., end or top of anything, edge or point (of a sword), horns or cusps (of the moon) etc.  |
koṭi | f. the highest point, eminence, excellence  |
koṭi | f. "a point or side in an argument or disputation", (if there are two)"alternative" See -dvaya- below  |
koṭi | f. the highest number in the older system of numbers (viz. a Krore or ten millions) etc.  |
koṭi | f. the complement of an arc to 90 degrees  |
koṭi | f. the perpendicular side of a right-angled triangle  |
koṭi | f. Medicago esculenta  |
koṭī | f. equals koṭi-.  |
koṭidhvaja | m. a millionaire  |
koṭīdhvaja | m. varia lectio for ṭi-dhv- q.v  |
koṭidvaya | n. "the two ends" id est two alternatives commentator or commentary on and  |
koṭihoma | m. a kind of sacrificial offering  |
koṭihomavidhi | m. Name of work  |
koṭijit | m. "conquering ten millions", Name of kāli-dāsa-  |
koṭijīvā | f. the cosine of an angle in a right-angled triangle.  |
koṭijyā | f. idem or 'f. the cosine of an angle in a right-angled triangle.'  |
koṭika | m. (scilicet maṇḍūka-) a kind of frog  |
koṭika | m. an insect (coccinella of various kinds)  |
koṭika | m. Name of the son of a prince  |
koṭikā | f. "lowest end of anything", the vilest of (in compound)  |
koṭikā | f. the plant Trigonella corniculata  |
koṭīkarṇa | m. Name of śroṇa-  |
koṭikāsya | m. Name of a son of king su-ratha-  |
koṭikṛt | m. Name of guṇāḍhya-  |
koṭilakṣākṣī | f. "having lacs of Krores of eyes", Name of a goddess.  |
koṭiliṅga | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
koṭiliṅgeśvara | n. idem or 'n. Name of a tīrtha- '  |
koṭimat | mfn. furnished with a point  |
koṭipāla | for koṭṭa-p-.  |
koṭipātra | n. a rudder  |
koṭipura | n. Name of a town,  |
koṭira | m. the hair (collected on the forehead in the shape of a horn)  |
koṭira | m. an ichneumon  |
koṭira | m. (equals koṭika-) an insect (coccinella of various kinds)  |
koṭira | m. Name of indra-  |
koṭirā | f. Name of one of the mothers in skanda-'s retinue (koṭarā- varia lectio)  |
koṭīra | m. (equals ṭira-) long entangled hair  |
koṭīra | m. a crest, diadem  |
koṭiśa | m. "pointed", a harrow  |
koṭiśa | m. Name of a nāga-  |
koṭīśa | mn. (equals ṭiśa-) a harrow  |
koṭiśas | ind. by ten millions, in innumerable multitudes  |
koṭiśrī | f. Name of durgā-  |
koṭisthā | f. Name of the tutelar deity of the family of cyāvāna-  |
koṭīśvara | m. "the lord of ten millions", a millionaire  |
koṭīśvaratīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
koṭitīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
koṭivarṣa | n. Name of a city (Vanapura or Devikote on the Coromandel coast)  |
koṭivarṣa | n. (varia lectio ṭī-v- )  |
koṭivarṣā | f. Medicago esculenta (varia lectio ṭī-v-).  |
koṭīvarṣa | n. varia lectio for ṭi-v- q.v  |
koṭīvarṣa | n. (in PrakritkoDI-varisa ; see kauṇḍī-vṛṣa-.)  |
koṭivedhin | mfn. "striking an edge" id est performing most difficult things  |
koṭivedhin | m. Name of a plant  |
koṭṭa | m. [ am- n. ] a fort, stronghold (equals koṭa-).  |
koṭṭabhañja | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a chief.  |
koṭṭakāraka | m. "making a strong hold", a sort of animal  |
koṭṭapāla | m. (see koṭa-p-) the commander of a stronghold (vv.ll. koṭa--and koṭi--).  |
koṭṭapura | n. Name of a town in magadha- |
koṭṭāra | m. a fortified town, stronghold  |
koṭṭāra | m. a pond or well  |
koṭṭāra | m. the stairs of a pond  |
koṭṭāra | m. a libertine (equals nāgara-)  |
koṭṭarāja | m. the governor of a castle  |
koṭṭarājan | m. the governor of a castle  |
koṭṭavī | f. (equals koṭavī-) a naked woman  |
koṭṭavī | f. varia lectio for koṭavī- q.v  |
koṭṭavīpura | n. Name of the town koṭi-varṣa- (q.v)  |
koṭṭūra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a village, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
koṭya | m. plural equals koḍya-  |
kovida | mf(ā-)n. ( vid-) experienced, skilled, learned in (locative case genitive case,or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' aśveṣu-,or aśvānām-or aśva-kovida-,"skilled in horses") etc.  |
kovida | m. plural Name of the kṣatriya-s in kuśa-dvīpa-  |
kovidāra | m. "easily to be split", or"to be split with difficulty"(? see kuddala-, kuddāla-), Bauhinia variegata  |
kovidāra | m. one of the trees of paradise  |
kovidatva | n. skilfulness (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
koyaṣṭi | m. "having legs like sticks", the lapwing (or"a small white crane, commonly called a paddy-bird")  |
koyaṣṭibha | m. idem or 'm. "having legs like sticks", the lapwing (or"a small white crane, commonly called a paddy-bird") ' (equals ṭiṭṭibha- commentator or commentary)  |
koyaṣṭika | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. "having legs like sticks", the lapwing (or"a small white crane, commonly called a paddy-bird") ' (equals ṭiṭṭibha- commentator or commentary) '  |
abhidharmakośa | m. Name of work on the preceding.  |
adhikopama | mfn. containing a redundant simile,  |
adhyāpakodita | m. styled a teacher.  |
agnikoṇa | m. the south-east quarter, ruled over by agni-  |
ahikośa | m. the slough or cast-off skin of a snake  |
ākokera | m. = , the constellation Capricornus.  |
ākopa | m. a slight anger  |
akopa | m. Name of a minister of king daśaratha-  |
akopana | mfn. not irascible.  |
ākopavat | mfn. slightly angry with (locative case)  |
akopya | mfn. (from pāli- akuppa-) not to be disregarded,  |
ākoṣṭham | ind. down to the abdomen,  |
akoṭa | m. "without a bend", the Areca or Betel-nut palm  |
ākoṭana | n. smoothing,  |
ākoṭanā | f. punishment, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
akovida | mfn. unwise, ignorant.  |
amarakoṣa | m. Name of the Sanskrit dictionary of amara- or amara-siṃha-.  |
amarakoṣakaumudī | f. title of a commentary on amara-siṃha-'s dictionary.  |
amarakoṭa | m. "fortress of immortals", Name of the capital of a Rajput state.  |
aṃsatrakośa | mfn. having a cask for its tunic (probably = a soma- filter )  |
ānandakośa | m. Name of a play.  |
ānandamayakoṣa | m. the innermost case of the body, the causal frame enshrining the soul.  |
āṇḍakośa | m. an egg  |
āṇḍakośa | mfn. enclosed in an egg,  |
aṇḍakośa | m. the scrotum  |
aṇḍakośa | m. the mundane egg.  |
aṇḍakoṣa | m. the scrotum  |
aṇḍakoṣa | m. the mundane egg.  |
aṇḍakoṣaka | m. the scrotum  |
aṇḍakoṣaka | m. the mundane egg.  |
aṇḍakoṭarapuṣpī | f. the plant Convolvulus Argenteus (?).  |
aṅkola | aṅkoṭha-, aṅkoṭa-, aṅkolla-, aṅkolaka- m. the plant Alangium Hexapetalum.  |
aṅkolaka | aṅkoṭha-, aṅkola-, aṅkolla-, aṅkoṭa- m. the plant Alangium Hexapetalum.  |
aṅkolikā | f. (a corruption of aṅka-pālikā- q.v), an embrace  |
aṅkolla | aṅkoṭha-, aṅkola-, aṅkoṭa-, aṅkolaka- m. the plant Alangium Hexapetalum.  |
aṅkollasāra | m. "essence of aṅkolla-", a poison prepared from the plant aṅkolla-, etc.  |
aṅkoṭa | aṅkoṭha-, aṅkola-, aṅkolla-, aṅkolaka- m. the plant Alangium Hexapetalum.  |
aṅkoṭha | aṅkoṭa-, aṅkola-, aṅkolla-, aṅkolaka- m. the plant Alangium Hexapetalum.  |
annakoṣṭhaka | m. cupboard, granary  |
annakoṣṭhaka | m. viṣṇu-, the sun  |
annamayakośa | m. the gross material body (which is sustained by food equals sthūla-śarīra-).  |
antaḥkoṇa | m. the inner corner.  |
antaḥkopa | m. inward wrath.  |
antaḥkośa | n. the interior of a store-room  |
antaḥkoṭarapuṣpī | equals aṇḍa-koṭara-puṣpī- q.v  |
antarakośa | m. an interior case or sheath  |
anunāsikopadha | mfn. having a nasal penultimate  |
anunāsikopadha | mfn. succeeding a syllable with a nasal sound.  |
apakośa | mfn. unsheathed,  |
ardhakoṣa | m. a moiety of one's treasure.  |
ardhakoṭī | f. half a koṭī- id est five millions  |
arkakośī | f. a bud of the arka- plant  |
arkopala | m. (equals arkāhva-above) sūryakānta-  |
arthakovida | mfn. expert in any matter, experienced  |
aṣṭakoṇa | m. an octogon  |
astakopa | mfn. one whose anger is laid aside, commentator or commentary on  |
āśukopin | mfn. easily provoked, irritable.  |
aśvakovida | mfn. skilled in horses  |
atyantakopana | mfn. very passionate.  |
avakokila | mfn. (equals avakruṣṭaḥ kokilayā-) called down to by the koil (singing in a tree above ?) commentator or commentary  |
avakolba | mf(ā-)n. covered or surrounded with avakā- plants  |
avakolba | See /avaka-.  |
avikopita | mfn. uninjured (relics),  |
bahvṛcāhnikopaniṣad | f. (equals aitareyop-) Name of work  |
bakoṭa | m. a kind of crane  |
bālārkakomala | mfn. soft as the orient sun  |
bālhīkośa | m. lord of the bālhīka-s  |
bandhurakomalāṅguli | mfn. (a hand) that has rounded or delicate fingers  |
barbarīkopākhyāna | n. Name of chapter of the  |
bhagavadbhakticandrikollāsa | m. Name of work  |
bhākośa | m. "light-repository", the sun  |
bhakticandrikollāsa | m. Name of work  |
bharatadvirūpakośa | m. Name of work  |
bhāratamālākośa | m. Name of work  |
bhāvaprakāśakośa | m. Name of work  |
bhāvaratnakośa | m. Name of work  |
bhikṣukopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
bhoṭīyakośī | f. Name of a river  |
bhṛśakopana | mfn. extremely passionate, very wrathful |
bhujakoṭara | m. the armpit  |
bhūtakoṭi | f. "the highest culminating point for all beings", absolute non-entity (equals śūnya-tā-)  |
bhuvanakośa | m. the globe or sphere of the earth  |
bhuvanakośa | m. Name of several works.  |
bījakośa | m. Name of a tantra-  |
bījakośa | m. = f(ī-). a seed-vessel (especially of the lotus)  |
bījakośa | m. a pod  |
bījakośoddhāra | m. Name of work  |
brahmakośa | m. the treasury of the brahma- id est of the sacred word or text, the entire collection of the veda-s  |
brahmakośa | m. Name of atri-  |
brahmakośī | f. a species of plant (equals aja-modā-)  |
brahmapathakovida | mfn. knowing the way to brahma-  |
bṛhadamarakośa | m. "the larger amara-koṣa-", Name of a particular recension of the amara- with interpolations.  |
bṛhadāraṇyakopaniṣad | f. bṛhadāraṇyaka |
bṛhadāraṇyakopaniṣatkhaṇḍārtha | m. Name of work  |
bṛhatkośalakhaṇḍa | m. n. (?) Name of work  |
bṛhatkośātakī | f. a kind of gourd  |
cakora | m. ( cak- ) the Greek partridge (Perdix rufa;fabled to subsist on moonbeams[ ; see ] , hence"an eye drinking the nectar of a moon-like face"is poetically called c- ;the eyes of the cakora- are said to turn red when they look on poisoned food on ) etc.  |
cakora | m. (plural) Name of a people  |
cakora | m. (sg.) of a prince  |
cakora | m. of a town (?)  |
cakoradṛś | mfn. having (eyes like those of the cakora- bird id est having) beautiful eyes  |
cakoraka | m. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals ra- (Perdix rufa) .  |
cakoranetra | mf(ā-)n. idem or 'mfn. having (eyes like those of the cakora- bird id est having) beautiful eyes ' |
cakoravrata | n. "habit of a cakora- bird", enjoying the nectar of a moon-like face  |
cakorāya | Nom. A1. to act like the cakora- bird  |
cakorī | f. a female cakora- bird  |
cakravākopakūjita | mfn. made resonant with the cooing or cry of the cakra-vāka-  |
campakolba | m. equals kālu-  |
campakośa | for kolba-  |
caṇḍakolāhalā | f. a kind of musical instrument  |
candrakośa | m. Name of a lexicon,  |
catuṣkoṇa | mfn. quadrangular  |
catuṣkoṇa | mn. a tetragon, 11, 617.  |
cātuṣkoṭika | mfn. divided into 4 parts (koṭi-)  |
citrakola | m. "spotted-breast", a kind of lizard  |
cukopayiṣu | mfn. ( kup-, Causal Desiderative) wishing to make angry  |
cūlikopaniṣad | f. Name of an  |
daivakovida | mfn. acquainted with the destinies of men  |
daivakovida | mf. (ā-) a fatalist, fortune-teller  |
dakodara | n. a dropsical belly (see udak-)  |
dalakomala | the lotus  |
dalakośa | m. a kind of jasmine  |
dehakośa | m. "body-covering", skin or wing (see -dhi-).  |
deśikopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
deśīkośa | m. a vocabulary of provincialisms  |
deśīyarājaśekharakośa | m. Name of work  |
devakośa | m. divine cask or receptacle  |
devīkoṭa | n. " durgā-'s stronghold", Name of a town (prob. Devicotta on the Coromandel coast, south-east of Chidambaram)  |
dhanakośa | m. treasure of wealth or money  |
dhanaṃjayakośa | m. Name of dictionary  |
dhanuṣkoṭi | f. the curved end of bow  |
dhanuṣkoṭī | f. the curved end of bow  |
dhānyakośa | m. store of grain  |
dhānyakośa | m. ear of corn  |
dhānyakoṣa | m. store of grain  |
dhānyakoṣa | m. ear of corn  |
dhānyakoṣṭaka | n. equals -kūṭa-  |
dharaṇikośa | m. Name of the Dictionary of dharaṇi-dāsa-.  |
dharmakośa | m. the treasury or collective body of laws and duties  |
dharmakośa | m. Name of work  |
dharmakoṣa | m. the treasury or collective body of laws and duties  |
dharmakoṣa | m. Name of work  |
dharmakośavyākhyā | f. Name of a  |
dhātukośa | m.  |
dhautakośaja | n. bleached or purified silk (= pattrorṇa-)  |
dhīkoṭī | f. Name of work  |
dīpamālikotsava | m. "the feast of lights", Name of the 125th chapter of the  |
dīrghakośā | f. a kind of muscle shell, a cockle  |
dīrghakośī | f. a kind of muscle shell, a cockle  |
dīrghakośikā | f. a kind of muscle shell, a cockle  |
dvaṃdvādikośa | m. Name of a dictionary.  |
dvārakoṣṭaka | m. gate-chamber  |
dvikoṇa | mfn. "2-cornered"  |
dviruktikośa | m. Name of a dictionary  |
dvirūpakośa | m. a dictionary of words written in 2 ways  |
dvyaṇukodara | mf(ī-)n. having a very thin body  |
dvyarthakośa | m. Name of a dictionary of ambiguous words  |
dvyāśrayakośavṛtti | f. Name of work  |
ekākṣarābhidhānakośa | m. Name of vocabulary of monosyllabic words.  |
ekākṣarakośa | m. Name of a vocabulary of monosyllabic words  |
ekapākopajīvin | mfn. living on food prepared by the same cooking (as a family) commentator or commentary on  |
ekoccaya | m. increase (of food) by one (mouthful)  |
ekodaka | mfn. offering water as funeral oblation to the same deceased ancestor, a kind of relative  |
ekodātta | mfn. having one udātta- accent  |
ekoddiṣṭa | n. (scilicet śrāddha-) a funeral ceremony having reference to one individual recently dead (not including ancestors generally)  |
ekoddiṣṭaśrāddhapaddhati | f. Name of work  |
ekokti | f. a single expression, single word.  |
ekolmuka | n. a single fire-brand  |
ekona | mfn. less by one, minus one (used in compound with viṃśati-and the succeeding decade numerals, thus ekonaviṃśati -viṃśat/i- f.nineteen etc.)  |
ekonaviṃśati | f. ekona |
ekonnata | mfn. having one elevation  |
ekoti | mfn. having one and the same object of desire or aim (course), tending to one single purpose  |
ekotibhāva | m. (the thread-like continuity of personality or individual life running through the whole cycle of re-births), ( )  |
ekottara | mfn. greater or more by one, increasing by one  |
ekottarikā | f. Name of the fourth āgama- or sacred book of the Buddhists  |
ekottarikāgama | m. idem or 'f. Name of the fourth āgama- or sacred book of the Buddhists'  |
gandhakokilā | f. a kind of perfume  |
garbhakośa | m. "embryo-receptacle", the uterus  |
garbhakoṣa | m. "embryo-receptacle", the uterus  |
gātrasaṃkocanī | f. "contracting its body", a hedgehog.  |
gātrasaṃkocin | m. idem or 'f. "contracting its body", a hedgehog. '  |
ghaṇṭikoṇa | m. a kind of weapon  |
ghoṣakoṭi | f. Name of the peak of a mountain (?).  |
grahakoṣṭhaka | n. Name of work  |
grāmakola | m. a domestic pig  |
grāmyakola | m. equals ma-k-  |
grāmyakośātakī | f. Name of a cucurbitaceous plant  |
guṇaratnakośastotra | n. Name of a hymn by parāśara-bhaṭṭa-  |
gurukopa | m. violent wrath  |
haimakośa | m. Hema-candra's lexicon.  |
harakośa | m. Name of a, dictionary.  |
hastakohali | (?) f. the binding of the string round the fore-arm of the bride and bridegroom  |
hastikarkoṭaka | m. a kind of big Momordica Mixa  |
hastikoli | m. or f. a sort of jujube  |
hastikośātakī | f. a kind of Cucurbitaceous plant  |
hīnakośa | mfn. having an empty treasury  |
hiraṇyakośa | m. wrought and unwrought gold and silver (?)  |
holikotpatti | f. Name of work  |
indrakośa | m. a platform  |
indrakośa | m. a scaffold  |
indrakośa | m. a projection of the roof of a house, a kind of balcony or terrace  |
indrakośa | m. a pin or bracket projecting from the wall and  |
indrakoṣa | m. a platform  |
indrakoṣa | m. a scaffold  |
indrakoṣa | m. a projection of the roof of a house, a kind of balcony or terrace  |
indrakoṣa | m. a pin or bracket projecting from the wall and  |
indrakoṣaka | m. a platform  |
indrakoṣaka | m. a scaffold  |
indrakoṣaka | m. a projection of the roof of a house, a kind of balcony or terrace  |
indrakoṣaka | m. a pin or bracket projecting from the wall and  |
iṅgitakovida | mfn. understanding signs, acquainted with the gesture of another, skilled in the expression or interpretation of internal sentiments by external gesture.  |
jagadbhūṣaṇakoṣṭhaka | n. Name of work  |
jaiminikośasūtra | n. Name of work  |
jātakopa | mfn. enraged.  |
jātikośa | m. ([ ]) n. ([ ]) a nutmeg  |
jātīkośa | m. (also n. ) equals ti-k-  |
jātikośī | f. mace  |
jayakolāhala | m. equals -ghoṣa-  |
jayakolāhala | m. a kind of dice  |
jitakopa | mfn. one who has subdued anger.  |
jīvakośa | m. a case (or sheath) enveloping the personal soul  |
jīvakośa | m.  |
jīvakoṣaṇī | f. the skin from a living animal, (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
jīvakoṣaṇī | f.  |
kadambakorakanyāya | m. the rule of the kadamba- buds (id est simultaneous appearance or action),  |
kairavakorakīya | Nom. P. yati-, to resemble a lotus bud  |
kakkola | m. a species of plant (bearing a berry, the inner part of which is waxy and aromatic) etc.  |
kakkola | n. a perfume prepared from the berries of this plant  |
kakkolaka | n. the above perfume  |
kakkolī | f. idem or 'm. a species of plant (bearing a berry, the inner part of which is waxy and aromatic) etc.'  |
kakkolikā | f. a species of plant  |
kākocchvāsa | mfn. breathing quickly like a crow (in fear)  |
kākocī | f. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. the fish Cyprinus Cachius ' '  |
kākocika | m. the fish Cyprinus Cachius  |
kākocin | m. idem or 'm. the fish Cyprinus Cachius '  |
kākodara | m. "crow-bellied", a serpent  |
kākoḍumbara | mf(ī-). the opposite-leaved fig-tree (Ficus oppositifolia)  |
kākodumbara | m. equals kākoḍumbara-.  |
kākoḍumbarikā | f. the opposite-leaved fig-tree (Ficus oppositifolia)  |
kākola | m. a raven (see kāka-and kākāla-)  |
kākola | m. a boar  |
kākola | m. a snake  |
kākola | m. a potter (see kulāla-)  |
kākola | m. the plant kākolī-  |
kākola | mn. a kind of poison  |
kākola | mn. a poisonous substance of a black colour or the colour of a raven (perhaps the berry of the Cocculus indicus)  |
kākola | n. a division of hell  |
kākoli | f. a medicinal plant  |
kākolī | f. idem or 'f. a medicinal plant '  |
kākolūka | n. the crow and owl (as natural enemies) commentator or commentary on  |
kākolūkikā | f. the natural enmity between the owl and the crow on Va1rtt. 21.  |
kākolūkīya | n. "the story of the crow and the owl"Name of the third book of the pañcatantra-.  |
kākoṣṭhaka | mfn. shaped like the beak of a crow (said of a bandage)  |
kālakoṭi | f. Name of a locality  |
kālikopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
kālikopapurāṇa | n. equals kālikā-pur-.  |
kāmakoṣṇī | f. Name of a river  |
kāṃsyakośī | f. a kind of musical instrument  |
kanakojjvala | mfn. radiant with gold,  |
kañcukoṣṇīṣin | mfn. having armour and a turban  |
kandukotsava | m. a pastime consisting in playing at ball,  |
kaṅkola | m. a kind of plant |
kaṅkola | m. Name of a nāga-  |
kaṅkola | m. of an author  |
kaṅkola | n. cubeb  |
kaṅkolaka | n. cubeb  |
kaṇṭakoddhāra | m. Name of work  |
kaṇṭakoddharaṇa | n. weeding or extracting thorns etc.  |
kaṇṭakoddharaṇa | n. removing annoyances, extirpating thieves or rogues or any national and public nuisance  |
kāntikosala | m. plural Name of a people  |
kapikoli | m. a species of Zizyphus.  |
karakoṣa | m. the hand hollowed to receive water (see -kalāśa-.)  |
karkoṭa | m. Name of one of the principal nāga-s of pātāla- etc.  |
karkoṭa | m. plural Name of a people  |
karkoṭa | n. Name of a plant  |
kārkoṭa | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
karkoṭaka | m. Momordica Mixta  |
karkoṭaka | m. Aegle Marmelos  |
karkoṭaka | m. the sugar-cane  |
karkoṭaka | m. Name of a nāga- etc.  |
karkoṭaka | m. plural Name of a people  |
karkoṭaka | n. the fruit of Momordica Mixta  |
kārkoṭaka | m. idem or 'm. Name of a serpent-demon '  |
kārkoṭaka | n. Name of a town  |
karkoṭakaviṣa | n. the poison of karkoṭaka-  |
karkoṭakī | f. Name of a plant with yellow flowers  |
karkoṭakī | f. Momordica Mixta  |
karkoṭaki | m. Name of a nāga- (see above)  |
karkoṭavāpī | f. Name of a reservoir of water in Benares  |
karkoṭī | f. Name of a plant with a bitter fruit  |
karkoṭikā | f. Momordica Mixta  |
karmakośa | m. a store of good actions,  |
kārmukopaniṣad | f. the secret of the art of shooting  |
kārttikotsava | m. a festival on the day of full moon in the month kārttika-  |
kāśikosalīya | mfn. connected with or coming from kāśi- and kosala-  |
kaṭakola | m. a spittoon  |
kāṭhakopaniṣad | f. the kaṭhopaniṣad- q.v  |
kathākośa | m. Name of work  |
kaṭukodaya | mfn. leading to disagreeable consequences, having bad results  |
kekotkaṇṭha | m. fond of uttering cries (as a peacock),  |
kelikośa | m. "receptacle of amusement", a dancer, actor  |
khaḍgakośa | m. the sheath of a sword, scabbard  |
khaḍgakośa | m. Scirpus maximus  |
khaṇḍikopādhyāya | m. a teacher of khaṇḍika- pupils Va1rtt. 13  |
kharakomala | m. "bracing yet mild", the month jyaiṣṭha-  |
kharakoṇa | m. the francoline partridge  |
kiṃśukodaka | n. a decoction made from the blossoms of the tree Butea frondosa  |
krīḍākopa | m. anger in sport, assumed anger  |
kṛmikośa | m. the cocoon of a silk-worm  |
kṛmikośaja | mfn. silken  |
kṛmikośottha | mfn. idem or 'mfn. silken '  |
kṛṣṇakohala | m. a gamester, gambler  |
kṛtakopa | mfn. one who shows anger, angry, indignant.  |
kṛtakoṭi | m. Name of a kāśyapa-  |
kṛtakoṭi | m. of upavarṣa-  |
krūrakoṣṭha | m. costive bowels unaffected by strong purgatives  |
krūrakoṣṭha | mfn. one whose bowels are costive  |
kṣīṇakośa | mfn. one whose wealth is exhausted  |
kṣīrakākolī | f. idem or 'f. Name of a root from the himālaya-s (yielding a milky juice and used by the Hindus as one of the 8 principal medicaments) '  |
kṣīrakākolikā | f. Name of a root from the himālaya-s (yielding a milky juice and used by the Hindus as one of the 8 principal medicaments)  |
kṣurikopaniṣad | f. Name of an belonging to the  |
kukola | m. the jujube (Zizyphus Jujuba) (see koli-.)  |
kusumakomala | mfn. tender as a flower  |
kuṭikoṣṭikā | f. Name of a river  |
lāgharakolasa | m. a particular form of jaundice  |
laghukaṅkola | m. Pimenta Acris  |
laghukoṣṭha | mfn. having a light stomach, having little in the stomach  |
lakṣavartikodyāpanavidhi | m. Name of work  |
lambikākokilā | f. Name of a goddess  |
laṅkāpikopikā | f. Trigonella Corniculata  |
laṅkāpikoṭikā | f. Trigonella Corniculata  |
laṅkāpikoyikā | f. Trigonella Corniculata  |
laṅkodaya | m. "ascension at laṅkā-", the equivalents of the signs in right ascension  |
latākoli | f. the Jujube creeper  |
lokoddhāra | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
lokoktamuktāvalī | f. Name of work  |
lokokti | f. people's talk  |
lokokti | f. a general or common saying. any saying commonly current among men, proverb  |
lokopakāra | m. a public advantage  |
lokopakārin | mfn. useful to the public  |
lokottara | mf(ā-)n. excelling or surpassing the world, beyond what is common or general, unusual, extraordinary etc.  |
lokottara | mf(ā-)n.(in the beginning of a compound) ind.  |
lokottara | m. an uncommon person  |
lokottara | m. or n. (?) Name of work  |
lokottaraparivarta | m. Name of work  |
lokottaravādin | m. plural Name of a Buddhist school (prob. so called from their pretending to be superior to or above the rest of the world)  |
madakalakokilakūjita | n. the warbling of kokila-s during the breeding season  |
madakohala | m. a bull set at liberty (at a festival and allowed to range about at will)  |
mādhavakośa | m. Name of work  |
madhukośa | m. "honey-receptacle", a beehive  |
madhukośa | m. Name of several wks.  |
madhukośa | n. a honeycomb commentator or commentary  |
mahābhārataślokopanyāsa | m. Name of work  |
mahaikoddiṣṭa | n. a kind of funeral ceremony  |
mahaikoddiṣṭa | mahaitareya- etc. See .  |
mahākośa | m. a large sheath  |
mahākośa | mfn. having a large sheath  |
mahākośa | mfn. having a large scrotum (said of śiva-)  |
mahākośaphalā | f. a species of gourd  |
mahākośātakī | f. a kind of gourd  |
mahākośī | f. Name of the tutelary goddess of the mataṃga-ja-s (varia lectio -kāśī-)  |
mahākośī | f. of a river  |
mahālakṣmīratnakośa | m. Name of work  |
mahāśārīrakopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
mahāśatakoṭi | f. Name of work  |
makkola | m. chalk (equals sudhā- )  |
mākoṭa | Name of one of the places in which dākṣāyaṇī- is worshipped  |
malakoṣṭhaka | m. Name of a man (wrong reading -koṣṭaka-; see malla-koṣṭaka-).  |
mallakoṣṭa | m. Name of a man (perhaps wrong reading for -koṣṭha-and ṭhaka-).  |
mallakoṣṭaka | m. Name of a man (perhaps wrong reading for -koṣṭha-and ṭhaka-).  |
maṇitulākoṭi | f. a foot-ornament consisting of jewels  |
mañjīradhvanikomala | n. Name of work  |
maṅkhakośa | m. maṅkha |
manomayakośa | m. the mental sheath (the 2nd of the subtle sheaths in which the soul is encased)  |
mantrakośa | m. Name of work  |
mantrakovida | mfn. knowing sacred text  |
mantraratnakośa | m. Name of work  |
mantraratnāvalīkośa | m. Name of work  |
mantroddhārakośa | m. Name of work  |
markoṭapipīlikā | f. a kind of small black ant  |
mārutakopana | mfn. disturbing the wind (of the body), (see vāta-k-).  |
marutkoṇa | m. the north-west quarter of the sky  |
maśakodumbara | m. dual number or n. sg. a mosquitoes and a fig-tree (often combined as connected with each other and yet very different) (see next) .  |
mastakodbhava | m. "produced in the head", the brain  |
matkoṭaka | m. a termite  |
mātrākośabhāravikā | f. Name of work  |
mātṛkābijakośa | m. Name of work  |
mātṛkākośa | m. Name of work (on the employment of the alphabet in cabalistic diagrams).  |
mātṛkodaya | m. Name of work  |
medinīkośa | m. See above.  |
mithyākopa | m. feigned anger  |
mṛdukopa | mfn. mild in wrath, of a gentle nature  |
mṛdukoṣṭha | mfn. having relaxed bowels, relaxed  |
mṛṇālakomala | mfn. delicate like a lotus-fibre  |
mṛtyuṃjayakokila | m. Name of an author  |
muhūrtakovida | m. "skilled in divisions of time", an astrologer  |
muktikopākhyāna | n. Name of work  |
muktikopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
muktikośaka | m. Name of two poets  |
muktikoṣṭaka | m. Name of two poets  |
mūlakopadaṃśam | ind. with a bite at a radish  |
mūlatrikoṇa | n. the third astrological house  |
muṇḍakopaniṣad | f. Name of a well-known upaniṣad- of the atharva-- veda- (called also ātharvaṇopaniṣad- and said to take its former name from the word muṇḍa-,because every one who comprehends its sacred doctrine is"shorn", i.e. liberated from all error, a similar idea being probably involved in the name of the kṣurikopaniṣad- or"Razor upaniṣad-"; see )  |
muṇḍakopaniṣadāloka | m. Name of Comms. on the  |
muṇḍakopaniṣadbhāṣya | n. Name of Comms. on the  |
muṇḍakopaniṣaddīpikā | f. Name of Comms. on the  |
muṇḍakopaniṣatkhaṇḍārtha | m.  |
mūṣikotkara | m. a mole-hill  |
mūtrakośa | m. the scrotum,  |
nagarakoṭi | Name of a town (Nagar-kot), and of another place  |
nākoka | m. Name of a poet  |
nakṣatrakośa | m. Name of a list of stars.  |
nalinīpadmakośa | m. Name of a particular position of the hands  |
nāmaliṅgākhyākomudī | f. Name of work  |
nāmamālākośa | m. nāmamālā |
nānārthakośa | m. Name of dictionary  |
nānārthaśabdakośa | m. Name of dictionary  |
nāradaparivrājakopaniṣad | f.  |
narakottaraṇa | n. Name of a stotra-.  |
nārāyaṇacakravartikośa | m. Name of his work  |
nāṭakaratnakośa | m. Name of work |
nātaṅkovilsthalamāhātmya | n. Name of chapter of  |
nātikovida | mfn. not very familiar with or clever in (locative case)  |
navagrahānayanakoṣṭhaka | n. plural Name of work  |
navakoṭi | f. Name of work  |
nayakovida | mfn. skilled in policy, prudent |
netrakośa | m. the eyeball or the bud of a flower (also written -koṣa-).  |
netrasaṃkocana | n. closing of the eyes,  |
nigamākhyakośa | m. equals nigamana-  |
nighaṇṭukośa | m. Name of work  |
nikoca | m. ( kuc-,to contract) closing (akṣi--,of the eyes)  |
nikocaka | m. Alangiuni Decapetalum  |
nikocaka | n. its fruit (also nikoṭhaka- )  |
nikocana | n. equals nikoca-  |
nikośya | m. or n. a particular part of the entrails of sacrificial animals (see kośya-). |
nikothaka | m. ( kuth-), Name of a teacher with the epithet bhāyajātya-.  |
nīlakaṇṭhakośa | m. Name of work  |
niṣkośa | mfn. unsheathed  |
niṣkoṣa | m. tearing off or out, extracting, husking, shelling  |
niṣkoṣaṇa | n. idem or 'm. tearing off or out, extracting, husking, shelling '  |
niṣkoṣaṇaka | mfn. fit for picking, serving for a tooth-pick  |
niṣkoṣitavya | mfn. to be forced out or extracted (also koṣṭ- )  |
nyaṅkotaka | m. Name of a man  |
nyāyakokila | (?), m. Name of a Buddhist teacher.  |
nyāyakośa | m. Name of work  |
nyāyaratnakośavādārtha | m. Name of work  |
okodanī | f. idem or ' okaṇi- m. a bug '  |
okonidhana | n. Name of a sāman-.  |
oṣṭhakopa | m. disease of the lips  |
oṣṭhaprakopa | m. equals -kopa- above.  |
padārthakaumudīkośa | m. Name of work |
padārthakaumudīsārakośa | m. Name of work |
padmakośa | m. the calyx of a lotus (śāya- Nom. A1. yate-,to resemble the calyx of a lotus ; śi-kṛ-,to make into the calyx of a lotus )  |
padmakośa | m. a particular position of the fingers resembling the calyx of a lotus  |
padmakośa | m. Name of work (also padmakośajātaka -jātaka- n.)  |
padmakośajātaka | n. padmakośa |
padmavyākośa | n. a crevice shaped like a lotus-bud (made by a thief in a wall)  |
padyatmikopaniṣad | f. Name of an  |
pakṣmakopa | m. irritation in the eye from the eyelashes turning in wards (Entropium)  |
pakṣmaprakopa | m. equals -kopa-  |
pañcakola | n. the 5 spices (viz. long pepper, its root, Piper Chaba, plumbago and dry ginger)  |
pañcakolaka | n. the 5 spices (viz. long pepper, its root, Piper Chaba, plumbago and dry ginger)  |
pañcakoṇa | m. a pentagon  |
pañcakośa | (in the beginning of a compound) the 5 sheaths supposed to invest the soul (see kośa-)  |
pañcakośasamṇyāsācāra | m. Name of work  |
pañcakośaviveka | m. Name of work  |
pañcarūpakośa | m. Name of work  |
pāṇinīyasūtrasārakośa | m. Name of work  |
paramahaṃsaparivrājakopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
parapākopabhojin | mfn. eating another's or a stranger's food  |
pārasīprakośa | m. Persian words explain in Sanskrit  |
parikopa | m. violent anger, wrath  |
parikopita | mfn. (fr. Causal) greatly excited, very angry  |
patākocchrāyavat | mfn. with hoisted banners  |
pāṭhyaratnakośa | m. Name of work  |
peśīkośa | m. a bird's egg  |
phalakośa | ( ) (L.) m. sg. and dual number "seed receptacle", the scrotum.  |
phalakośaka | (L.) m. sg. and dual number "seed receptacle", the scrotum.  |
pipīlikotkiraṇa | n. ( ) an ant-hill.  |
pipīlikotkodvāpa | m. ( ) an ant-hill.  |
pipīlikotsaraṇa | n. the creeping upwards of ants  |
pītakośa | mfn. one who has ratified a treaty by drinking from a cup (see under kośa-).  |
pittakośa | (or ṣa-) m. the gall-bladder  |
pittaprakopa | m. excess and vitiation of the bilious humour  |
prabandhakośa | m. Name of work  |
prajñākośa | m. Name of a man  |
prākkośala | (or -kosala-) mfn. belonging to the eastern kośala-s (as a Prince) (varia lectio prākoṭaka-).  |
prakopa | m. effervescence, excitement, raging (of diseases, war etc.)  |
prakopa | m. tumult, insurrection  |
prakopa | m. violent anger, rage, fury, wrath, ire etc.  |
prakopa | m. (in med.) excess, superabundance, vitiation  |
prakopaṇa | mf(ī-)n. (fr. Causal; see ) exciting, irritating, provoking  |
prakopaṇa | n. anything irritating, irritation  |
prakopaṇa | n. provoking, exasperating, incensing  |
prakopana | mf(ī-)n. (fr. Causal; see ) exciting, irritating, provoking  |
prakopana | n. anything irritating, irritation  |
prakopana | n. provoking, exasperating, incensing  |
prakopaṇīya | mfn. to be irritated or provoked  |
prakopanīya | mfn. to be irritated or provoked  |
prakopin | mfn. irritated  |
prakopin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') irritating, stimulating  |
prakopita | mfn. (fr. Causal) irritated, provoked, enraged  |
prakopitṛ | mfn. exciting, disquieting, disturbing (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
prakoṣṇā | (!) f. Name of an apsaras-  |
prakoṣṭha | m. the fore-arm  |
prakoṣṭha | m. a room near the gate of a palace  |
prakoṣṭha | m. (also n. ) a court in a house, a quadrangle or square surrounded by buildings  |
prakoṣṭha | m. a part of a door-frame  |
prakoṣṭhaka | m. a room near the gate of a palace  |
prākoṭaka | m. plural Name of a people |
prākoṭaka | mfn. relating to the prākoṭaka-s (varia lectio prāk-kośala-).  |
prakotha | m. putrefaction, putridity  |
prakotha | mfn. in prakothodaka thodaka- n. filthy water  |
prakothodaka | n. prakotha |
prākṛtacchandakośa | m. Name of work  |
prākṛtakośa | m. Name of work  |
pramāṇakoṭi | f. the point in an argument which is regarded as actual proof  |
prāṇamayakośa | m. the vital case (one of the cases or investitures of the soul)  |
praṇayakopa | m. the (feigned) anger of a coquette towards her lover  |
praśnakoṣṭhī | f. Name of work  |
pratijātakopa | mfn. once more angry  |
pratikoṇam | ind. for or in every quarter of the sky  |
pratikopa | ( kup-) m. anger against (any one), wrath  |
pratīkopāsana | n. image-worship, the service of idols  |
pratiśāntakopa | mfn. one whose anger is past  |
prāyaścittavivekoddyota | m. Name of work |
pṛthukola | m. a species of jujube  |
pulakodbheda | m. equals kādgama-  |
pulakoddhūṣitaśarīra | mfn. (Bombay edition dhṛṣita-ś-) having she body covered with erected hairs  |
pulakokampa | mfn. trembling with a thrill of delight  |
pulīkoya | m. a particular aquatic animal (see kulikaya-, kulipaya-and purīkaya-).  |
puṃskokila | m. the male of the Indian cuckoo ( puṃskokilatva -tva- n.)  |
puṃskokilatva | n. puṃskokila |
puṇḍarīkākṣakopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
puṇḍarīkodaraprabha | mfn. resplendent as the interior of a white lotus  |
purakoṭṭa | n. "city-stronghold", a citadel  |
purakoṭṭapāla | m. the governor of a citadel  |
pūrṇakośā | f. "having a full pod", a species of plant  |
pūrṇakoṣṭhā | f. a species of Cyperus  |
pūrvakoṭi | f. anticipation  |
pūrvakoṭi | f. the starting point of a discussion, the first statement = pūrva-pakṣa- (q.v)  |
rabhasakośa | m. rabhasa-'s dictionary  |
rādhākṛṣṇakośa | m. Name of work  |
raghunandanakośa | m. Name of work  |
rājakola | m. a kind of jujube  |
rājakolāhala | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
rājakośanighaṇṭu | m. Name of a dictionary by raghu-nātha- paṇḍita- (also called rāja-vyavahāra-kośa-).  |
rājakośātaka | n. a gourd or cucumber  |
rājakośātakī | f. Luffa Foetida or some other species |
rājavyavahārakośa | m. equals kośanighaṇṭu-, q.v  |
raktakokanada | n. equals -kumuda-.  |
raktakośātakī | f. a species of plant (= mahā-jalī-)  |
raktasaṃkoca | m. safflower  |
raktasaṃkocaka | n. a red lotus flower  |
rāmāśramāddhārakośa | m. Name of a dictionary.  |
rāṇakojjīvinī | f. Name of work  |
raṇamārgakovida | mfn. experienced in the art or ways of war  |
rasakomala | n. a particular mineral  |
rasaratnakośa | m. Name of work  |
ratnakośa | m. Name of a lexicon and various works.  |
ratnakośakāramatavāda | m. Name of work  |
ratnakośakāravādārtha | m. Name of work  |
ratnakośakārikāvicāra | m. Name of work  |
ratnakośamatarahasya | n. Name of work  |
ratnakośapariṣkāra | m. Name of work  |
ratnakośavāda | m. Name of work  |
ratnakośavādarahasya | n. Name of work  |
ratnakośavādārtha | m. Name of work  |
ratnakośavicāra | m. Name of work  |
ratnakoṭi | m. Name of a samādhi-  |
rāyavaṅkola | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
rudrakośa | m. Name of a lexicon by rudra-.  |
rudrakoṭi | f. Name of a place of pilgrimage  |
rudrakoṭimāhātmya | n. Name of chapter of the bhaviṣyottara- purāṇa-.  |
śabdakośa | m. "word-repository", Name of a dictionary.  |
śabdālokoddyota | m. Name of Comm.  |
śabdārthacandrikoddhāra | m. Name of work  |
sādhyakośa | m. Name of a dictionary.  |
śakakārakotpatti | f. Name of work  |
sakākola | mfn. together with the hell kākola-  |
sākoka | m. Name of a poet  |
śākola | m. the Amaranth creeper  |
sakopa | mf(ā-)n. full of anger, enraged, displeased ( sakopam am- ind.)  |
sakopam | ind. sakopa |
sakopavikṛti | mfn. agitated with anger  |
sakośa | mfn. containing passages from dictionaries (opp. to vi-k-)  |
sakośa | mfn. along with the shell or husk  |
sakośa | mfn. along with the membrane  |
śākoṭa | ṭaka- wrong reading for śākh-.  |
sākoṭaka | wrong reading for śākhoṭaka-.  |
samacatuṣkoṇa | mfn. having four equal angles (distinguished from sama-catur-aśra-),  |
samakola | m. "having an even breast", a serpent, snake  |
samakoṣṭhamiti | f. the measure of compartments or number of equal squares of the same denomination (as cubit, fathom etc.) in which the dimension of the side is given  |
samakoṣṭhamiti | f. the area or superficial contents  |
saṃjātakopa | mfn. growing angry, becoming enraged  |
saṃkhyāratnakośa | m. Name of work  |
saṃkoca | m. contraction, shrinking together, compression etc.  |
saṃkoca | m. shutting up, closing (of the eyes)  |
saṃkoca | m. crouching down, cowering, humbling one's self, shyness, fear (accusative with kṛ-,"to become shy or modest")  |
saṃkoca | m. abridgment, diminution, limitation, restriction  |
saṃkoca | m. drying up (of a lake)  |
saṃkoca | m. binding, tying  |
saṃkoca | m. a sort of skate fish  |
saṃkoca | m. Name of an asura-  |
saṃkoca | n. saffron  |
saṃkoca | etc. See saṃ-kuc-.  |
saṃkocaka | mfn. contracting, causing to shrink or shrivel up  |
saṃkocakārin | mfn. making contraction, crouching down, humble, modest  |
saṃkocana | mf(ī-)n. (See gātra-saṃkocanī-) idem or 'mfn. contracting, causing to shrink or shrivel up '  |
saṃkocana | mf(ī-)n. astringent  |
saṃkocana | m. Name of a mountain  |
saṃkocana | n. the act of contracting or closing or astringing  |
saṃkocanī | f. the sensitive plant (Mimosa Pudica)  |
saṃkocanīya | mfn. to be limited or restricted ( saṃkocanīyatva -tva- n.)  |
saṃkocanīyatva | n. saṃkocanīya |
saṃkocapattraka | mfn. causing the withering of leaves (said of a particular disease affecting trees)  |
saṃkocapiśuna | n. saffron  |
saṃkocarekhā | f. "line of contraction", a wrinkle, fold  |
saṃkocin | mfn. closing (as a flower)  |
saṃkocin | mfn. contracting (See gātra-saṃk-)  |
saṃkocin | mfn. diminishing, lessening  |
saṃkocin | mfn. astringent  |
saṃkocita | n. (fr. Causal)"contraction of the limbs" , a particular manner of fighting  |
samupajātakopa | mfn. one whose anger is roused, provoked or moved to anger  |
sāṃvatsarikaikoddiṣṭaśrāddhaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
śāṅkhāyanāraṇyakopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
śaṅkoca | m. equals śaṅkuci-  |
śaṅkoci | m. equals śaṅkuci-  |
saptakoṇa | mfn. septangular  |
śaraṇāgatitātparyaślokopanyāsa | m. Name of work  |
sāraṇīkoṣṭaka | n. Name of work  |
sārasvatakośa | m. Name of work  |
sargapralayakaṇṭakoddhāra | m. Name of work  |
śārīrakopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-.  |
śarkoṭa | m. Name of a particular snake (see śārkoṭa-and karkoṭaka-).  |
śārkoṭa | mfn. coming from the serpent śarkoṭa-  |
sarpakoṭara | n. a snake's hole  |
śarvakośa | m. Name of a dictionary.  |
śaśāṅkopala | m. a kind of precious stone (equals candra-kānta-)  |
śaśikoṭi | f. a horn of the moon  |
śastrakopa | m. "sword-fury", war, battle  |
śastrakośa | m. the sheath of a weapon  |
śastrakośataru | m. a thorny Gardenia  |
śāstrakovida | mfn. skilled in sacred works  |
śastraprakopa | m. equals -kopa-  |
śatakoṭi | f. plural 100 krores, a thousand millions  |
śatakoṭi | mfn. having a hundred edges  |
śatakoṭi | m. indra-'s thunderbolt  |
śatakoṭi | m. Name of work  |
śatakoṭi | n. a diamond  |
śatakoṭikhaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
śatakoṭimaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
śatakoṭivyākhyā | f. Name of work  |
śaṭhakopa | m. (with ācārya-) Name of an author  |
śaṭhakopasahasranāman | n. Name of work  |
śaṭhakopaviṣaya | m. Name of work  |
ṣaṭkoṇa | mfn. six-angled  |
ṣaṭkoṇa | n. a six-angled figure  |
ṣaṭkoṇa | n. the thunderbolt of indra-  |
ṣaṭkoṇa | n. a diamond  |
ṣaṭkoṇa | n. the sixth astrological house  |
śaunakopaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
sevakottama | m. (andf(ā-).) best of servants  |
siddhāntakaumudīkoṭipattra | n. Name of work  |
siddhāntakoṭi | f. the conclusive point in an argument  |
śīghrakopin | mfn. quickly angry, irritable  |
śilikākoṣṭha | Name of a village among mountains  |
siṃhakośa | m. Name of a king  |
śivakopamuni | m. Name of an author  |
śivakośa | m. Name of a dictionary of synonyms of trees and medicinal plants by śiva-datta-.  |
śivārkodaya | m. Name of work  |
skonagara | n. Name of a village of the bāhīka-s,  |
skoṭikā | prob. wrong reading for sphoṭikā-.  |
smṛtiratnakośa | m. Name of work  |
śokodbhava | mfn. arising from sorrow  |
śokonmathitacittātman | mfn. having the thoughts and mind agitated by sorrow  |
śokopahata | mfn. afflicted with sorrow  |
śokotpādana | mfn. causing sorrow  |
sparśasaṃkocin | m. "closing at the touches", Diascorea Globosa  |
sphāṭikopala | m. crystal  |
sṛgālakoli | m. a sort of jujube (according to to some = Zizyphus Cenoplia)  |
śrīguṇaratnakośa | m. Name of work  |
śrīkośahṛdaya | n. Name of work  |
śṛṅgakośa | m. a horn as a receptacle (of liquids)  |
śṛṅgārakośa | m. Name of a poem and of a drama (of the class called bhāṇa-).  |
śroṇakoṭikarṇa | m. Name of two men  |
śroṇakoṭiviṃśa | m. Name of two men  |
śrutaviṃśatikoṭi | wrong reading for śroṇa-koṭi-viṃśa- (q.v)  |
stabdhapūrṇakoṣṭha | mfn. one who has a swollen or full abdomen ( stabdhapūrṇakoṣṭhatā -tā- f.)  |
stabdhapūrṇakoṣṭhatā | f. stabdhapūrṇakoṣṭha |
stanakoraka | m. n. a budlike breast  |
stanakoṭi | f. the nipple of the breast  |
stokonmiṣat | mfn. feebly flickering  |
strīkośa | m. "women's treasure", a dagger  |
subhāṣitaratnakośa | m. Name of work  |
śuddhakoṭi | f. "upright side", one of the sides of a right-angled triangle  |
śuddhatākośa | m. "treasure of correctness", Name of a grammar by bhava-deva-.  |
śuddhivivekoddyota | m. Name of work  |
śukodara | n. a parrot's belly  |
śukodara | n. a kind of tree (equals tālīśa-pattra-)  |
śukoktijāla | n. Name of a kāvya-.  |
sukolī | f. a kind of bulbous plant  |
sukomala | mfn. very soft or tender  |
śukorvaśīsaṃvāda | m. Name of work  |
sukośā | f. a species of Luffa  |
sukośaka | m. Mangifera Sylvatica  |
sukosalā | f. Name of a town  |
śukotpatti | f. "birth of śuka-", Name of a section of the śānti-parvan- of the mahā-bhārata-.  |
śukranālikodāharaṇa | n. Name of work  |
sulabhakopa | mfn. easily irascible  |
śulkopajīvin | mfn. living by tolls or taxes or revenue  |
sūtikotthāna | n. a ceremony performed after the 10th day from delivery  |
sūtrakoṇa | m. a small drum shaped like an hour-glass and struck by a string and button (equals ḍamaru-)  |
sūtrakoṇaka | m. a small drum shaped like an hour-glass and struck by a string and button (equals ḍamaru-)  |
sūtrakośa | m. a skein of yarn  |
svararatnakośa | m. Name of work  |
śvetakola | m. the fish Cyprinus Sophore  |
śvetakolaka | m. the fish Cyprinus Sophore  |
syamantakopākhyāna | n. Name of work  |
śyetakolaka | m. the saphara- fish, Cyprinus Saphore (commonly called Punti)  |
taittirīyakopaniṣad | f. equals rīyop-  |
takkola | m. Pimenta acris  |
talakoṭa | Name of a plant (varia lectio)  |
tārakopaniṣad | f. "saving ", Name of an  |
tarukoṭara | n. the hollow of a tree  |
tathāgatakośaparipālitā | f. Name of a kiṃnara- virgin  |
tilakottara | m. Name of a vidyādhara-  |
timikośa | m. " timi--receptacle", the ocean  |
trikoṇa | mf(ā-)n. (fr.) triangular  |
trikoṇa | mf(ā-)n. forming a triangle  |
trikoṇa | n. a triangle  |
trikoṇa | n. equals ṇa-bhavana-  |
trikoṇā | f. Trapa bispinosa  |
trikoṇabhavana | n. the 5th and 9th mansion  |
trikoṇaka | n. a triangle  |
trikoṇaphala | n. idem or 'f. Trapa bispinosa '  |
tritrikoṇa | n. (equals tri-k-) the 9th mansion  |
tulākoṣa | m. weighing on a balance  |
tulākoṭī | f. tulākoṭi |
tulākoṭi | m. (f. ) the end of the beam (-yaṣṭi- )  |
tulākoṭi | m. a foot-ornament of women (also tulākoṭī ṭī- f. )  |
tulākoṭi | m. Name of a weight  |
tulākoṭi | m. ten millions  |
udakodañjana | n. a water-jar.  |
udakodara | n. "water-belly", dropsy.  |
udakodarin | mfn. dropsical  |
udakopasparśana | n. touching or sipping water  |
udakopasparśana | n. ablution  |
udakopasparśin | mfn. one who touches or sips water  |
udakoṣṭha | m. a water-jar  |
udakotsecana | n. a water-libation,  |
udbhavakośaka | m. the womb  |
uddhārakośa | m. Name of work  |
ūnakoṭiliṅga | n. Name of a liṅga-.  |
unnatakokilā | f. a kind of musical instrument.  |
upajātakopa | mfn. one whose anger is aroused, provoked, excited  |
upakoṇa | m. an intermediate point of the compass  |
upakośā | f. Name of a daughter of upa-varṣa- and wife of vara-ruci- |
upakosala | m. Name of a man  |
urupuṇyakośa | m. a great treasure of merit, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
utkārikopanāha | m. idem or 'f. a poultice '  |
utkoca | m. winding off  |
utkoca | m. unbinding commentator or commentary on  |
utkoca | m. bribery, corruption |
utkoca | etc. See ut-kuc-.  |
utkocaka | mfn. receiving a bribe  |
utkocaka | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
utkocin | mfn. corruptible, to be bribed  |
utkopa | mfn. enraged. angry,  |
utkoraka | mfn. having sprouting buds,  |
utkorakaya | Nom. P. utkorakayati-, to abound with opening buds  |
utkośaya | Nom. P. utkośayati-, to draw (a sword) out of its scabbard  |
utkoṭha | m. a kind of leprosy  |
utkoṭi | mfn. ending in a point or edge  |
uttarakośalā | f. the city ayodhyā- (the modern Oude)  |
vāgbhaṭakośa | m. Name of work  |
vahnikoṇa | m. the south-east quarter  |
vahnikopa | m. the raging of fire, a conflagration  |
vaiyākaraṇakoṭipattra | n. Name of work  |
vākkoka | m. Name of a poet  |
vākopavāka | etc. See .  |
vākopavāka | n. speech and reply, dialogue  |
vākovākya | n. idem or 'n. speech and reply, dialogue ' (also Name of particular Vedic texts) etc. (see )  |
vanagrahaṇakolāla | m. or n. the din of occupying a forest, hunting cries |
vanakodrava | m. a kind of inferior grain  |
vanakoli | f. the wild jujube  |
vandhyātvakārakopadravaharavidhi | m. Name of work  |
vararucikośa | m. Name of work  |
vārikośa | m. the consecrated water employed at ordeals  |
varṣakośa | m. (also written -koṣa-) a month  |
varṣakośa | m. an astrologer  |
vārṣikodaka | mf(ā-)n. having water only during the rainy season  |
vastikośa | m. a bladder, bag  |
vastrakośa | n. a clothes-bag  |
vastukośa | m. Name of a dictionary.  |
vastuvijñānaratnakośa | m. Name of a dictionary (equals ratna-kośa-).  |
vātakopana | mfn. exciting wind (in the body)  |
vātaprakopa | m. (in medicine) excess of wind  |
vāyukoṇa | m. "wind-corner", the north-west quarter  |
vedāntaratnakośa | m. Name of work  |
vībukośa | (?) m. equals cāmara-, a chowrie  |
vidvaccakora | m. (with bhaṭṭa-) Name of a lexicographer  |
vidyākośagṛha | n. a library  |
vidyākośasamāśraya | m. a library  |
vijayaprakoṣṭha | m. Name of an ancestor of kṣemīśvara-  |
vijñānamayakoṣa | m. the sheath consisting of intelligence, the intelligent sheath (of the soul according to to the vedānta-) or the sheath caused by the understanding being associated with the organs of perception  |
vikoka | m. Name of a son of the asura- vṛka- and younger brother of koka-  |
vikośa | mf(ā-)n. uncovered, denuded, unsheathed, drawn (as a sword) etc.  |
vikośa | mf(ā-)n. having no prepuce  |
vikośa | mf(ā-)n. containing no passage from a dictionary  |
vikośa | vi-kautuka- etc. See  |
vikramādityakośa | m. vikramāditya |
vilāsakodaṇḍa | m. Name of the god of love  |
vināyakotpatti | f. Name of part of work  |
vinikocana | n. ( kuc-) contraction (of the brows)  |
virūkṣakodrava | m. a kind of inferior grain  |
viṣamacatuṣkoṇa | m. an unequal four-sided figure, trapezium  |
viṣāṇakośa | m. the hollow of a horn  |
viṣṇukośala | m. Name of work  |
viśokakoṭa | m. Name of a mountain  |
viśvakośa | m. Name of various works.  |
vitkoṭikā | (?) f. a kind of game  |
vivekodaya | m. the rise of true knowledge or wisdom,  |
vratakośa | m. Name of work  |
vṛddhakola | m. an old boar  |
vṛddhakośa | m. possessing a rich treasure  |
vṛddhakoṭarapuṣpī | f. a kind of plant  |
vṛkodara | m. "wolf-bellied", Name of bhīma- (the second son of pāṇḍu-, so called from his enormous appetite see )  |
vṛkodara | m. of brahmā-  |
vṛkodara | m. plural a class of demons attendant on śiva-  |
vṛkodaramaya | mf(ī-)n. (danger) arising from bhīma-  |
vṛttamaṇikośa | m. Name of work  |
vyākoca | mfn. ( kuc-) fully expanded, blown (as a flower)  |
vyākopa | m. ( kup-) contradiction, opposition  |
vyākośa | mfn. (also written -ākoṣa-) fully expanded or blown, opened etc.  |
vyākośa | mfn. fully developed  |
vyākośakohanada | mfn. having expanded red lotuses ( vyākośakohanadatā -tā- f.)  |
vyākośakohanadatā | f. vyākośakohanada |
vyākośīkṛ | P. -karoti- to open (the hand)  |
yādavakośa | m. Name of a dictionary (equals vaijayantī-; see yādava-prakāśa-).  |
yajñakopa | m. Name of a rākṣasa-  |