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14 results for kitum
aṅk cl.1. (connected, with, añc-) A1. aṅkate-, ānaṅke-, aṅkiṣyate-, aṅkitum-, to move in a curve ; cl.10 P. aṅkayati-, to move in a curve ; to mark, stamp, brand. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ikh cl.1 P. ekhati-, iyekha-, ekhiṣyati-, ekhitum-, to go, move ; ([ confer, compare Greek , ?]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
īkh or ikh- cl.1 P. ekhati-, iyekha-, or īkhati-, īkhāṃ-cakāra-, ekhitum- or īkhitum-, to go, move View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
iṅkh cl.1 P. iṅkhati-, iṅkhāṃ-cakāra-, iṅkhiṣyati-, iṅkhitum-, to go, move ([ confer, compare Hibernian or Irish imchim,"I go on, proceed, march?"]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
īṅkh or iṅkh- cl.1 P. (iṅkhati-, iṅkhāṃ-cakāra-,or īṅkhati-, īṅkhāṃ-cakāra-, iṅkhitum-or īṅkhitum-) to go, move : Causal īṅkh/ayati-, to move backwards and forwards, move up and down, swing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
likh (confer, compare the earlier form rikh-) cl.6 P. () likh/ati- (rarely A1. te-; perfect tense lil/ekha- etc.; Aorist alekhīt- ; future lekhitā-, lekhiṣyati- grammar; likhiṣyati- ; infinitive mood lekhitum-,or likhitum- grammar; ind.p. lekhitvā- ; likhitvā- ; -l/ikhya- etc.) , to scratch, scrape, furrow, tear up (the ground) etc. ; to pick, peck (said of birds). ; to scarify, lance ; to produce by scratching etc., draw a line (with or scilicet lekhām-), engrave, inscribe, write, copy, trace, sketch, delineate, paint etc. ; to make smooth, polish ; to graze, touch ; to unite sexually with a female(?) () : Passive voice likhyate- (Aorist alekhi-), to be written : Causal lekhayati- (or likhāpayati-; Aorist alīlikhat-), to cause to scratch or write or copy or paint etc. ; to scratch, lance ; to write, paint : Desiderative lilikhiṣati- or lilekhiṣati- [ confer, compare Greek ; Lithuanian re14kti,"to cut."] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lok (connected with1. ruc-) cl.1 A1. (), lokate- (perfect tense luloke- ; infinitive mood -lokitum- ), to see, behold, perceive: Causal or cl.10. () lokayati- (Aorist alulokat-) idem or 'm. Name of a man ' ; to know, recognize [ confer, compare English look.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariśaṅkA1. -śaṅkate- (infinitive mood -śaṅkitum-), to suspect, doubt, distrust (accusative) etc. ; to believe, fancy to be (2 accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śak cl.5 P. () śaknoti- (perfect tense śaś/āka-, śek/uḥ- etc.; Aorist /aśakat- etc. [Ved. also Potential śakeyam-and śakyām-; imperative śagdhi-, śaktam-]; future śaktā-,or śakitā- grammar; śakṣyati-, te- etc.; śakiṣyate-, te- grammar; infinitive mood -śaktave- ; śaktum-or śakitum- grammar), to be strong or powerful, be able to or capable of or competent for (with accusative dative case or locative case,rarely accusative of a verbal noun, or with an infinitive mood in am-or tum-;or with pr. p. ; exempli gratia, 'for example' with grahaṇāya-or grahaṇe-,"to be able to seize"; vadha-nirṇekam- a-śaknuvan-,"unable to atone for slaughter"; śak/ema vāj/ino y/amam-,"may we be able to guide horses"; kṣitum- na- śaknoti-,"he is not able to see"; pūrayan na śaknoti-,"he is not able to fill") etc. etc. (in these meanings Epic also śakyati-, te-,with inf in tuṃ- confer, compare ) ; to be strong or exert one's self for another (dative case), aid, help, assist ; to help to (dative case of thing) : Passive voice śakyate- (Epic also ti-), to be overcome or subdued, succumb ; to yield, give way ; to be compelled or caused by any one (instrumental case) to (infinitive mood) ; to be able or capable or possible or practicable (with an infinitive mood in pass. sense exempli gratia, 'for example' tat kartuṃ śakyate-,"that can be done";sometimes with pass. p. exempli gratia, 'for example' na śakyate vāryamāṇaḥ-,"he cannot be restrained";or used impersonal or used impersonally,with or with out instrumental case exempli gratia, 'for example' yadi-[ tvayā-] śakyate-,"if it can be done by thee","if it is possible") : Causal śākayati- (Aorist aśīśakat-), grammar : Desiderative See śikṣ-. ([ confer, compare according to to some, Greek , German HagHeckehegen;behagen.])
śaṅk cl.1 A1. () ś/aṅkate- (Epic also P.; Aorist 2. sg. aśaṅkīs-, aśaṅkiṣṭa-, śaṅkiṣṭhās-, śaṅkithās- etc. infinitive mood śaṅkitum- ; ind.p.; -śaṅkya- ; grammar also perfect tense śaśaṅke- future śaṅkitā-, śaṅkiṣyate-), to be anxious or apprehensive, be afraid of (ablative), fear, dread, suspect, distrust (accusative) ; to be in doubt or uncertain about (accusative), hesitate etc. ; to think probable, assume, believe, regard is (with two accusative), suppose to be (śaṅke-,"l think","I suppose","it seems to me") ; (in argumentative works) to ponder over or propound a doubt or objection: Passive voice śaṅkyate- (Aorist aśaṅki-), to be feared or doubted etc.: Causal śaṅkayati-, to cause to fear or doubt, render anxious about (locative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śuṣkaNom. (only infinitive mood śuṣkitum-) to become dry View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tak cl.2. kti- (cl.1. kati-["to laugh"or"to bear" ] ; infinitive mood kitum- ) to rush along ; ([ confer, compare niṣ-ṭak-, pari-takana-, pra-takta-; Lithuanian teku4.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ukh cl.1 P. okhati-, uvokha-, okhitum-, to go, move View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vilok(only infinitive mood -lokitum-and ind.p. -lokya-), to look at or upon, regard, examine, test, study etc.: Causal -lokayati-, to look at, consider, observe, regard, examine, try, inspect etc. ; to be able to see, possess the faculty of seeing (varia lectio) ; to have regard to (accusative) ; to look over or beyond (accusative) : Passive voice -lokyate- (Aorist vy-aloki-), to be seen, be visible
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